#and that really i shouldn't be trying to hold it together myself. anyway i was and still am vastly comforted by the words in that hymn
sports-on-sundays · 17 hours
Hello! Could I request something with Marc Guiu where he is smitten by reader who is two years older than him. She also live abroad. And she doesn't stop saying no to Marc to get into a relationship but Marc is adamant and wants to prove her that they can work a relationship together.
Like reader is studying in uni, having her own problems and doesn't want to add a long-distance relationship on top of those things.
Thank you! And I want to say that I really appreciate reading whatever you write.
Giving you a lot of hugs and hoping that you get your inspiration back 🥰
ready when you are / Marc Guiu
Summary: Marc x female!reader - Marc can't get you off his mind. You wish you could get him out of your face.
Warnings: suggestion of depriving oneself of proper self care
Requested?: Yes!
Author's Note: You're literally a lifesaver; thanks so much! Also, I made this a little bit more romantic and emotional than your request suggested, but do you really expect any different from tumblr user sports-on-sundays?!
Sometimes you think that giving Marc Guiu your number was the biggest mistake of your life.
You know it sounds mean, and it's not that you don't like Marc. He's funny; you enjoy chatting with him.
The only thing you did not realise, though, when you gave him your number, was that the boy is smitten by you.
He's stuck on you.
You just thought it'd be kind of cool. You know, you have the opportunity to stay in touch with Marc Guiu. Not world class or anything, but you're a Barcelona girl. It was just a cool idea.
Now, just as you're slipping under your quilt to shut your eyes for some sleep, nearly halfway across from Marc Guiu, in the United States of America (it was a treat to spend a lot of time here), you suddenly, to your dismay, hear your phone vibrating on the end table.
You roll over to snatch it up in annoyance, and sigh even louder when you see it's Marc trying to face time you.
You blow air out through your lips before sitting up and answering, immediately saying, "Is it not, like, 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning there?"
"It's 6:00 A.M.!" the guy beams, his brown eyes sparkling. "You said you didn't want me calling at 9:00 A.M. anymore, since that's like 3:00 A.M. for you, and I'm waking you up in the middle of the night. So I woke up early so I could call you now!"
"Marc," you groan. "It's 12:00 A.M. here! I was just about to go to sleep! Let me make this clear- calling me in the morning for you is off-limits."
His smile very swiftly turns upside, and he almost looks hurt, which immediately fills you with a considerable amount of guilt. "Sorry," he murmurs. "I just wanted to talk to you."
You sigh. Yeah, because you're mad in love with me, you can't help thinking to yourself. You decide not to say it, and inside respond, "I know. It's fine. Don't worry about it."
"Why were you going to bed at 12:00 A.M. anyway? You should be getting more sleep than that... did you not say once you have to wake up at 5:00 A.M....?"
"Oh, Marc," you click your tongue. "With all I've got going on, the last thing I'm worried about is getting enough sleep. I'm holding up two jobs, and having to study, and everyday I give myself at least some time for exploring and travel."
"How do you do all it?" he suddenly asks.
You shrug. "I like living like this. But health isn't my concern like it is yours. We have different priorities. And yours shouldn't be ridding yourself of sleep by waking up early to talk to me, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sure..."
"Now, was there something you want to tell me?"
Through the screen, across the world, you can still see the tenderness in his eyes for you. His soft spot for you that's getting just a tad bit dangerous. "No, not really... Just wanted to... hear your voice, I guess."
"Oh... Oh."
"Yeah," he clears his throat. "I guess I just miss you..."
Despite everything, and the fact that you were determined to keep this to yourself, seeing Marc so open now about this still pushes the words out of your mouth as you say, "Well, Marc... My contract ends soon, which means I'll probably be coming home back to Barcelona for my next semester... After that, though, I've got plans for France... But at least that's closer, right? And you've got me for one semester."
You don't like how 'you've got me' sounds. And you know you shouldn't have said it.
Can't give this boy any more false hope than what he already has.
"Oh!" his eyes brighten, and his mouth tilts up once again. "Seriously! I'm so excited to see you again, then!"
You chuckle. "Y- Yeah, me too. Now, can I go to bed and get a few hours of sleep in?"
"Haha! Whoa, Marc, hold your horses, mate!" you laugh as he practically jumps into your arms for a hug, causing you to drop all your bags on the airport floor. "Just because I'm older than you doesn't mean you're not bigger and stronger!"
He grins, pulling away, and immediately scoops up all your bags for you. "I've already got a cab. Come on. I'll bring you to your flat and help you unpack!"
There's not much you can do to deter the Spanish boy, and once you're in your flat, all unpacked, you two plop on the couch. You sigh in relief as you say, "Feels good to be home!"
"Feels good to have you home, Y/n," Marc pipes in.
Even though you really don't want him to think you're interested, some of the little things he says never fail to make you smile, and feel warm inside.
Whether you want it or not, being loved feels good.
But then he slips his hand in yours. "So, the United States. That was the longest you've been away. Did you miss me as much as I missed you?"
"Probably not as much," you tease truthfully, "and we did face time pretty much every single moment you could. But, yeah, I missed seeing you in 3D."
He grins, and reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your hair, asking softer, "So... are you ready to date me yet?"
You lick your lips. You knew this would come, sooner rather than later. You sigh. "Marc, you know my answer." You begin to slip your hand away.
He grabs it back, and brings it to his chest. Now he's looking at you earnestly. "Please, Y/n..." His happy demeanor has quite suddenly turned almost desperate. "I know we can make this work..."
"Marc, I'm not going to be in a long-distance relationship like that."
He frowns, squeezing your hand tighter, looking you right in your eyes. "We already have a long-distance friendship. Why not a little more than that?"
"That requires more emotional involvement. My heart just can't take that. I can't be getting into relationships like that at this point in my life. Maybe someday, I can settle down and find someone. But you know I'm born to run, Marc..."
He looks down. Wraps your hand in both of his and rests it in his lap. "But we'll both be better off. I can make this work. Just give me a chance. Let me prove it."
"You're eighteen. You should be focused on your own things, like football, and your career, just like I'm focused on my own things, like travelling and studying for college. You shouldn't let yourself care so much about me, Marc," you speak gently, almost soothingly. "Please, please don't find your happiness in me. I'll fail you. You mustn't find perfection in imperfect people."
"But you're perfectly imperfect, just like me. Broken, like me, and I love you for these things..." he looks up again.
"Oh, Marc," you barely whisper, staring into those eyes. "Please don't ever say you love me. It's not good for either of us."
"But I do-"
"Marc," you say, sterner. "With everything else I have on my plate, and with everything else I'm chasing after, I can't give myself to you like that. Not right now. We're both so young, you even younger than me. I'd rather see you as a younger brother than anything else-"
"But Y/n-"
"Let's just be friends, okay?"
He sighs deeply. He doesn't nod, because he doesn't want it. But instead he leans in, resting his head against your shoulder, and wraps his arms around your body.
You sigh as his warmth is spread to you.
"Well, I'll enjoy you while you're here, and call often you when you're off to France. And you could run away and go wherever in the world you want, but please. Please always come back to Barcelona. Please always come back to me. Because I'll always be waiting here for you. And I'll be ready whenever you are. Ready for you whenever you're ready for me."
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
Have been flip-flopping between full-out sudden and heart-wrenching sadness (the Sadie Sink sobbing her heart out in All Too Well kind of sad. Alas) and general cloudy sadness hovering at the back of my mind (I feel rather like my own personal Groke in those moments) these past few weeks and today had many moments of light in it. Lots of sunshine, tea, reading with Muffin (we're reading 1 Psalm a night together and praying together before bed--it is the Best), listening to music that isn't sad/grumpy (Jess Ray, Arcadian Wild, Paul Zach, Sara Groves), laughing with Froglet... it was easier to see the light and receive it. Things are looking up :)
#SORRY THERE ARE SO MANY LONG TAG RANTS THESE DAYS ABOUT SADNESS there is just a big presence of sad in my head and heart at present#i am fighting Hard against it! i am going to get better! i am not going to dwell in it forever!#my goodness i didn't know any sort of heartbreak could be this dramatic but there are definitely things that need processing/#talking over when one finds oneself sobbing at church halfway through the service while everyone is singing Abide With Me#the takeaway here for me at least is that i keep holding onto this very tightly#and often forget that well i can and should let go of it and give it to God instead#WHY are the lessons that i learn lessons that i keep having to learn!! man!! one would THINK that after everything i'd know by now#that Sufferin on one's lonesome is unhelpful and damaging and also affects one's physical health#and that really i shouldn't be trying to hold it together myself. anyway i was and still am vastly comforted by the words in that hymn#and by the assurance that He walks through valleys with me as well as hills and nice sunny meadows#i hope that i come out of this a) not resenting mr knight the way i've been sorely tempted to (and have in some moments)#b) not Hopeless and Hard at Heart#c) understanding God and His character better having learned how to come close to Him in times of trouble#in any case. i am rambling again. BEDTIME :D#slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in year 21#thinking of julian of norwich again and reminding myself Constantly that the all-shall-be-wellness of it all is not insignificant
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project-sonadow · 5 months
My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this. 
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat. 
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again. 
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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i-like-media · 5 months
I imagine Donna to still eventually ask what the doctor has been up to. Maybe she does so while they're stuck doing a chore together like the laundry or dishes. And the doctor will try to avoid it like he always does, but caves under Donna's stare. He'd still keep it vague, speaking more about the companions the toymaker spoke of and cautiously daring to honour their memory like that while keeping himself away from the hurtful bits. He even jokes a bit about who he ended up becoming. He'd admit he had an obsession with bowties and had sonic sunglasses once, and Donna would laugh and say she'd LOVE to see that.
Then, after a pause, Donna asks if he's ever stumbled upon her with a different face, and with a hushed breath he admits he hasn't.
She grows a bit silent, grieving a thought she wished were reality. And then the doctor pipes up again.
"This isn't actually the first familiar face I've gotten...-WELL not another one of my OWN faces, but certainly something familiar."
Intrigued, Donna stops what she's doing and listens to him explain further.
"When I first got it I couldn't place where I'd gotten it from. I just, knew it was familiar...... -I didn't linger on it as long as I should've and I moved on rather quickly."
"Why?" Donna asked, a bit bewildered at the thought of it.
"I was careless and angry and sort of... Scottish.-ANYways one day me and Clara were dragged to this viking village that had gotten itself into trouble, and we helped them. But this village girl had, uhm... Well she didn't make it. I was so angry -I remember that anger really well. And Clara kept on asking if there was something I could do..."
"Well, was there?" By now both of them weren't doing their chores anymore and all they could hear was the singing of a couple of starlings outside.
"...Yes, but it would've broken some rules."
Donna already knew what exactly he meant by that. She would figure that's the end of it, yet the doctor kept on talking.
"But then as I was rotting in my defeat, I remembered this important day I shouldn't ever have forgotten. The day we were in Pompeii... And only then did I realise that face, MY face, was a reminder of something very important you told me. To just, save someone."
"...So you mean, your face..." The doctor nodded, and Donna couldn't help but finally release the breath she'd been holding with a smile.
"I did save her and she ended up living a long, long, longlonglonglonglong life... But even after hundreds of years, when I doubted myself and needed it most, Donna Noble... Your impact on the world and my life, persisted."
And I imagine the doctor to give her a big, proud smile, before Donna pulls him in for a big hug he wasn't expecting to receive. Because maybe, just maybe, that was exactly what she needed to hear that day.
Then once they return to their chores, I imagine Donna to think about it a bit longer and make a comment. "Well you better never take on my face!" And the doctor would dissolve into a pouty ramble about how he has no control over it while also being a bit disappointed she's said no.
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winkwonkwankwenk · 4 months
hiiii I have a MASSIVE crush on Toji so could you please write a hurt to comfort fic about him? 🥺
hope this is alright, thank you!
Toji has really been growing on me and I can't tell if it's because of the compression shirt or mitties. Anyways, enjoy!
Word count: 1.3k
Pairing: Toji x Pregnant!Reader
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He never lets you see him hurt.
Even when he’s been sliced up, he still fights your hand away as you try to nurse him. He’s stronger than you even when wounded, and you find yourself having to trick him to glance away so you can dab at the cut. He hisses, smacking your hand away with a loud grunt. You quickly patch him up, bandages sloppily stuck to the cuts. You stumble back up and onto him, his sweat sticking to your skin as you try to slide his shirt up a little more. You’re too far along to deal with his squirming, stomach weighing you down. 
“Toji, please-”
“Get off, Woman. I can fix it myself.” His hands are rough against your skin as he sits you beside him and stands, “Stay.”
“I’m not some mutt for you to order around!” You follow him to the bedroom, grabbing his arm but he yanks it away. “We need to talk to each other, if not for our sake then for the baby.”
His piercing gaze softens, and he lets out a weary sigh. Your swollen stomach is a reminder of his shortcomings. He drags his hand down his face, hiding it from you as his eyes water. He’s too old to cry, and it’s not like he has anything to cry about. He got into a fight, a petty fight at a bar where he was wasting the money the two of you were working hard to make. If he told you, you’d be pissed- as you should be. You had lectured him enough about his spending habits, and he was trying, really- he was doing his best. 
His best wasn’t enough. 
He had realized it when the two of you had gone for a walk the week prior. No matter what you did, you got attention. Men would scramble to try to help you even with him right there, men with deep pockets that he robbed when they were busy nagging you. You lectured him about it but didn’t stop him, too tired to do more than roll your eyes. He had always dreamed of being rich but it seemed like no matter how hard he worked he was never making enough. He wanted a bigger house, with bigger rooms, and a big kitchen for you. He wanted an acre of land for his baby to run around in, and a lake in the backyard to swim in during humid summers. 
He shouldn't have left the Zenin clan.
Or maybe he shouldn’t have married you.
“Toji.” Your fingers intertwine with his and he bites his lip, blinking until his eyes are clear. He has to hold it together, for the baby. “Talk to me…”
“Nothin’ to talk about. I’m tired, going to bed-”
“Like hell you are!” Your voice cracks and your hands tangle in his tight Tee. “Why do I have to beg you to communicate?! We’re too old for this, aren’t you tired-”
“I just told you I’m fucking tired! Go nag the birds outside, give a man some peace and quiet!” Here he goes, raising his voice again. Shit, he’s made you cry and he doesn’t know how to stop the tears from falling down to your chin. “Y/N, I didn’t mean it-”
“Fine! If you want silence then you’ll have it!” You flip around and stomp away, pulling on your shoes as quickly as you can. “Dinner’s on the stove, try to make it last a few weeks.”
“Y/N, you aren’t going anywhere and you know that.” He sits you down with a single hand, pulling your shoes right back off. “You’re seven months pregnant.”
“Since when do you care?” You sniffle, backing away when his hand strokes your cheek. “You just wanted me to go and now you’re making me stay. You’re so confusing, I don’t even know why you bother coming back!”
“You leave me for days and days and then have the nerve to come back all beat up!” You sob into his shoulder as he pulls you into his arms, they’re strong, firm around you. “A-And you get mad when I worry! I can’t even worry about my husband! You’re awful, horrible!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He never apologizes so the word feels foreign on his tongue but he repeats it until he calms down. “I’ll get you what you need, I swear.”
“Don’t you get it?” Your head is down, resting on his chest. “All I need is you.”
“Don’t you want more than this? Better than this?” He’s a fool, he doesn’t need you to tell him that. He wipes away your tears with gentle thumbs, heart swelling when you look up at him with those teary-eyes. 
“We have a baby on the way, a house, and food growing in our yard for when the food on ice goes bad. All I want is for my husband to be home with his family.”
Home. It’s another foreign word to him because he hasn’t used it in so long. He never thought of it much, at least that’s never what he called the house you two lived in. He was home when you were curled up in his lap or pressed against his chest, humming that sweet song you wanted the baby to know by heart at birth. His eyes well with tears and he buries his face in your neck, quietly bawling.You rub his back, playing with his dark strands until he’s quieted down. He won’t look up at you, cheeks flushed and puffy eyes squeezed closed. He’s too old to cry like this, how embarrassing. 
“I thought…”
“Thought what, Honey?” You cup his face and make him look at you. He’s cute when he’s crying, like a little boy who’s in trouble for fighting. You peck his pout, smiling softly when his face reddens. “You can say how you feel.”
“I thought you would get sick of me by now.” He mumbles, knowing how silly he sounds. Saying it out louds makes shame stir in his stomach, how did he even allow himself to think such things?
“Of course not.” You kiss the scar on his lips, “I love you. That’ll never change.”
“Never? What about when this brat comes out?” That grin is back, and now you know he’s being mischievous. “I doubt you’ll be saying that then.”
“You’re right, I’ll be cursing your name.” You giggle as he holds you in his arms, his hands on your stomach. You lay your hands on his and look up at him, “I think it will be worth it though. Don’t you?”
He’s glad he left the Zenin clan. 
“More than worth it.” He kisses your shoulder, then lays his head on it. You’re warm, you smell like the wild flowers outside. Had you been making flower crowns again? 
“If you’re done moping, dinner is ready.” You smirk when he perks up, “I’m sure you’re hungry after all of that crying.”
“Who’s been cryin’? I don’t cry.” He jerks his head away, ears burning. 
“Yes, yes, you’re very strong.” You muffle your laugh with your palms as he frowns. You slide out of his lap and stand, holding your hand out to him as your other hand rests on your baby bump. “Come on, let’s go eat."
You glowed before pregnancy, now you were radiant. Your hand is small in his and he gently kisses it before letting go. He pulls out your chair and your heart flutters. He hasn’t been this sweet since your wedding day. You’re even more surprised when he sets your plate down and kisses your forehead, waiting for you to start eating before he even makes his plate. Was that really all he needed- a good cry? You spent the rest of dinner thinking about it, but he knew the real answer.
All he needs is you.
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suuuupernovaaa · 11 months
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Requested by anon. Hobie Brown x f!Reader. 'Open Arms' by SZA, Travis Scott.
I know this is all bad, but please, put a leash on me. Who needs self-esteem anyway?
Rated M. 18+. Mostly fluff.
Samantha's elbow, unbelievably sharp and bony, grinds into my side. I let out a yelp, and yank myself away from my best friend. "What the fuck, Sam?"
She's grinning at me, and then her gaze slips away, following something over my shoulder. I follow her eyeline and see him - Hobie Brown, walking towards us across the grassy lawn of the park. His guitar is strapped over his back and his hands are in the pocket of his studded leather vest. He's walking towards us and as his gaze meets mine, the corners of his mouth turn up just a little bit - which is a beaming smile for Hobie.
We've only just started dating. It's been three... dates, if you can call them that. The second date was helping Hobie and his friends paint a mural. The third was dinner, which I burnt, on the floor of my apartment, because I'm waiting for my new kitchen table to be delivered. The first, Hobie told me on the third date, was the time we ran into each other at the grocery store and he asked me on what I thought was our first date, but then learned was apparently our second.
Though I've dated plenty before, there is something distinct about Hobie. When I first met him, I assumed he was the kind of guy who could not settle down, who could not commit, and who wouldn't be interested in sharing his feelings with anyone.
You could have nearly knocked me over with a feather when, as we sat on the floor eating burnt roast chicken over my coffee table, Hobie looked me right into my eyes and told me he was feeling nervous every time he saw me.
"Dunno," he'd told me, "I just think... that you're special, Y/N. This is somethin' special, and I don't want to mess it up."
I nearly choked on my dry chicken, and the tears that gathered in my eyes as I took a sip of water. The truth was, since the moment I'd been introduced to Hobie Brown, I'd known I was in trouble. Everything about him screamed for me. I was obsessed. I was trying to play it cool, but hearing him call me special, call the budding relationship between us special, nearly sent me into a fit.
"Jesus," Hobie said, hitting my back gently. "You alright?"
I wiped the tears from my eyes and set my water down. "Yes. Sorry. Shit. I really like you, Hobie."
We smiled at each other like two idiots who were bound to fall in love.
As he walks toward me in the park, I'm smiling like that again. I can feel Sam rolling her eyes next to me. "Oh, my god, are you going to fuck him in front of everyone here?"
I shrug, and elbow her back. "If he asks."
She shoves me. "I gotta run. See you tonight?"
"What's tonight?" Hobie asks as he reaches us, and Sam begins her departure.
"See you!" I holler. "Sam is going to help me put together my table and chairs. She's handy."
"I mean this in the most pro-feminist, anti-sexist way possible, but you've got a man now. I can put together your furniture," Hobie says with a teasing grin, and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. "Or, I can bring you a pizza after you work. Christen the new table."
I press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Perfect. Around 8? Shouldn't take us too long."
It's embarrassing, how I melt in this man's arms. When he mentions Christening the kitchen table, I don't think of eating food there. I think of myself, laid back, legs spread, Hobie between them...
But pizza with Hobie and my best friend is good, too. Jesus, I need to pull myself together, hold on to my dignity and self-respect as long as I can.
Hobie dips me backwards a little bit, and presses a firm kiss to my mouth, letting his lips linger on mine for a long time. My head is spinning when he finally sets me upright again. "Maybe once Sam leaves, we can Christen the table another way," he whispers, and a shiver runs up my spine.
I don't really need self-respect, do I?
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feluka · 3 months
Your cats are both very very cute. I volunteered at shelters so I know how hard it is for sick and/or disabled cats to find a forever home, bc of cost, 'looks' or even just the amount of work you have to put in. Even though most of the time, those are the cats that are the most rewarding and loving. Your cats are very lucky to have such a kind owner
Thank you for your kind words and for volunteering at shelters. I'm forever grateful to their rescuer for everything she did. She had a difficult time finding them a home because nobody was interested and yet she never gave up on them or surrendered them to a shelter. She also made sure that they are adopted together despite that making it even more difficult to find them a home. I'm grateful beyond words for everything that made it possible for me to find them at the time I found them. I truly believe they saved me more than I saved them. They're so special - and I know all cat owners see their cats in this light and I love all other cats I've ever taken care of, even the rowdy and "difficult" ones, but there's something about the way Shams and Noor never ever tire of love that is so special to me. I'm used to keeping myself in check around cats because they very easily get overstimulated and need some distance or to be left unbothered after some point, and I always want to respect that, but with Shams and Noor it seems that I can hold them all day long and they're still disappointed when I let go and they ask for more. Which is perfectly fine by me because I'll never have my fill of loving them. They're so sweet and gentle beyond compare and thinking about how nobody wanted them brings me to tears every time. Who can turn down such treasures and how many treasures like them are still waiting for a home?
I try be less cynical and not assume that people turn down blind cats because of "looks" and instead I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are concerned that they can't provide full-time care for them and so hesitate to adopt them - which is understandable, if you think you're not 100% up to supporting an animal's needs then it's best to leave them for someone else's care, but the thing is, blind cats don't require the amount of extra care that people assume they do! They're able to find their food and water and litterbox all on their own, and memorize your house and have zero problem navigating it. You just need to take a few precautions like making sure any openings with a considerable vertical drop (like windows) are covered so that they don't fall - and honestly? You should already do that anyway if you have any pets. Another thing is that you shouldn't move your furniture around too often unless you really have to, it really disorients them. Shams and Noor needed more care than usual when they were kittens because they had a few other health issues other than blindness, but once those cleared up, they were good to go and prance around as happily as any cat. Remember that cats that are born blind don't know that they're blind. There's nothing "unusual" to them about themselves! Don't let feeling sorry for them all the time get in the way of loving them and spoiling them to the fullest. ❤
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jennay · 6 months
Honey Bee
Jolly Master List
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You feel your throat tighten, a knot forming as you hold your phone to your ear. You feel your chest constrict, your breaths becoming shallow and ragged. You feel your eyes well up, your vision blurring. You feel your mind racing, your thoughts spinning out of control. The amount of anxiety you felt today was enough to make you leave.
Noah will know how to help you and make you feel better. He gives you honest and practical advice without judging or blaming you. He'll support you, tell you you're not alone, and always be there for you.
You hate that you feel this way, out of place. What a change from yesterday when you fully felt you were where you were supposed to be. You hoped for a different outcome, but now you knew how Jolly felt and were thankful for it, but you also felt shattered. Why couldn't life be kind for just once and let you have what you wanted?
You hear Noah's voice on the other end, but it's not the friendly greeting you hoped for. "It's only been three days, Y/n. Why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be focusing on lover boy?" He jokes. "You must be calling to thank me, right?"
You sigh and roll your eyes at his sarcasm. "Noah, please, this is serious. I need your help."
He laughs and says, "Oh, I see. You want to come back home to me, right, cause you feel bad for leaving me for so long? Well, too bad, honey. I'm taken."
You groan, "Stop it. I know you're not dating anyone, and when I come home, it won't be to YOU because we were never together, dumbass." You giggle, "You've hit full delusion without me there, huh?"
"I mean, I've had a lot of time to myself, and I've spent a lot of it in my room talking to George." He chuckles, "Anyway, what can I do for you, buttercup?"
As you walk through the tiny backyard, you admire the vibrant flowers and herbs that Jolly has grown in his garden. He's away at his mom's place, but you still feel nervous when you speak out loud. It's like you are afraid once the words come out, they will be true, and once you admit it to Noah, there is no turning back.
"I need to come home." You say, biting your lip. "I can't be here another day." You feel yourself choke over your words.
You hear him close the door on his side, and the phone crackles as he moves it closer to his mouth. "What do you mean?" He asks, sounding more concerned now. He clears his throat and lowers his voice, "Did something happen?"
"I can't talk about it at the moment. I already feel like I'm going to puke." You say, sniffing back your tears.
You can tell that Noah is getting anxious. "Did he hurt you?" He asks, his voice hard and furious. "Cause I'll come there, and I'll sort that shit out immediately."
You shake your head, even though he can't see you through the phone. "No, he didn't hurt me. Not physically, anyway." You pause, wondering how to ask him for a favor. You hate to impose on him, but you have no other option. You need to get away from this place as soon as possible. "I was just wondering if maybe you could help me out with the ticket." You whisper, hoping he won't get angry. You know you can't afford a last-minute flight back home.
Noah sighs, "Yeah, I'll see what I can find for today." The line goes silent for a moment, and when Noah speaks again, he's more gentle and kind, "I don't know what happened, but I want you to know it's going to be OK." He sounds sincere and caring, and you feel a sense of gratitude.
You feel your eyes water, but you quickly wipe them away. You don't want to cry in front of him, even if he can't see you. You want to be strong and brave like he always says you are. "I'll talk to you later." You say, trying to sound cheerful. You hang up the phone and take a deep breath. You hope he can find a ticket for you. You could really use a Noah hug about now.
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Jolly sank into the recliner, facing his mom on the couch. He couldn't look at her; he felt too embarrassed and conflicted. He kept replaying the events of last night in his head, wondering if you hated him. He knew you were hurt; you barely said a word to him for the rest of the night. He saw you lying on the couch, pretending to be asleep, but he could see your eyes flickering and your body tensing.
He wanted to tell you how much he wished things were different. He wanted to kiss you and make you feel loved and be your hero and protector, but he thought he had no right to do that. He felt like he was trespassing on something that belonged to Noah.
He thought he should back off and let you sort things out with your best friend. He couldn't shake the feeling that you had hidden feelings for Noah, even though you denied it.
You and Noah seemed perfect for each other. You had known each other for so long, had your own jokes and secrets, and shared many interests. You spent a lot of time together, and Jolly knew when you did stay the night at their place, you were always in Noah's room. He couldn't help but imagine what you did behind closed doors.
"Joakim," His mother says, breaking the silence. "Is this about that girl?" She asks, noticing his gloomy mood.
He doesn't look up, afraid of what he'll see in his mother's eyes. He knows she's worried about him, but he doesn't want to disappoint her. He continues staring at the floor and nods slightly, "I should have listened to her and kissed her. I think I ruined everything." He leans forward, resting his face in his hands, and sighs.
"Tell me what happened." She urges, moving closer to him on the couch. He sits up and crosses one leg over the other, finally meeting his mother's matching irises. "I messed it up." He groans. "We had this fun day, and at the end of the night, she leaned in for a kiss, and I turned her down."
She nods, listening, "Why, I thought you liked this one?"
He shrugs. "I do. I have, for a long time."
"What is the problem? Did you forget to tell me she was married or unavailable?" She asks, growing concerned that her son has fallen into a trap.
Jolly shakes his head, "I think she has feelings for Noah, and Noah has feelings for her, but they won't admit it." He tells her, feeling the pain crushing him all over again.
"Joakim Oskar Patrik Karlsson, I love you, but you're not very bright sometimes." She laughs, "She came all this way to see you. She wanted you to kiss her. Isn't that enough evidence?"
Jolly's eyes widen, "But Noah-"
"What about Noah? She said she doesn't have feelings for Noah. You need to believe her, and if this is what you want, why aren't you going after it?" She sighs, growing slightly frustrated, "Men." She mutters. "I raised you better than this." She stands up, walks to the front door, and opens it. "Get out."
Jolly looks at his mother with confusion, "What?" He stands up, "You're kicking me out?"
"Go talk to her. Tell her everything because if you don't, she will move on, and there will be others, and you will regret this forever." She was right; he needed to tell you before it was too late.
He kisses his mom on the cheek as he exits the cozy house. He feels nervousness and excitement; he'll do it. He needed to tell you everything: how he thought about you, dreamed of you, and wanted to be with you. He rehearses what he will say but knows words are not enough. He needs to show you how he feels.
Jolly clenches the steering wheel as he drives to his house, his heart pounding in his chest. He dials Noah's number, hoping to hear his voice and clear the air. He doesn't want to lose his best friend over this. He wants to explain himself, to apologize, to make things right. But when he calls, the phone rings once and goes straight to voicemail. He hangs up and tries again but gets the same result.
Anxiety washes over him. He wonders why Noah is ignoring him, and then a horrible thought crosses his mind. You must've called Noah first.
"Fuck." He curses under his breath.
This was going to be the worst drive home ever.
He pulls into his driveway and parks the car, but he doesn't get out right away. His chest tightens when he thinks about facing you. He doesn't know what to say to you, but he hopes his feelings will show through. Jolly finally gets out of the car and walks up the driveway. He takes a deep breath and reaches for the door handle, calling out your name as he opens the door. But he stops when he sees you walking toward him with your bags packed. He feels a jolt of shock and pain as he looks at you, his eyes wide and incredulous. He can't move, he can't speak, and he can't breathe. He stares at you as you approach him, dragging your luggage behind you.
The sound of your bag hitting the ground jolts him out of his trance. "What's going on? Where are you going?" He asks, his voice cracking with emotion. He tries to catch your eye, but you avoid his gaze.
You avert your eyes from him and clamp your mouth shut, suppressing the sob that wants to break free. You wish you had left before he came back.
"Something came up at work, and I need to go home." You lie, hoping he won't hear the quiver in your voice. He knows you too well; he knows you're lying.
"Oh," he says softly, knowing at this moment there was nothing he could do to make you stay. "Let me at least take you to the airport…"
You shake your head and adjust your backpack on your shoulder. You pull out your phone and glance at the screen, "My cab's here." You say, feeling guilt in your chest. You see the pain in his face, and it breaks your heart.
"You were going to leave without saying goodbye?" He asks, his voice barely audible.
You bite your lip and look around the room, trying to find something else to focus on—anything but him: anything but the memories you've made here. "I'm sorry, Jolly. I have to go." You say, walking past him.
He grabs your arm and hugs you tightly, holding you close.
He wants to tell you how he feels. He wants to beg you to stay. He wants to kiss you and make you forget everything else. But he can't. He loves you too much to be selfish and force you to stay. He has to let you go and hope that the two of you will reunite and things will be different.
"Be safe, Honey Bee." He whispers in your ear, then gently pulls back, looking into your eyes. He sees the tears that are about to fall. He wipes them away with his thumb. He tries to smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes.
You nod your head and pick up your bags, "OK." You whisper, leaving him in the doorway as you drag your bags to the cab. You look back at him one last time and see him standing there, watching you go. You feel a surge of emotion and want to run back to him, but you know you can't. You get in the cab and close the door, feeling the finality of your decision. You drive away, leaving him behind.
He lets out a soft sigh, feeling disappointed and empty. He enters his room and sits on the bed, his heart heavy with regret. He kicks off his shoes, hoping a nap will help him forget the pain. But as he looks around the room, his eyes fall on the bedside table, and he sees it: the ring he bought you, a black band with your favorite stone in the center, sitting there, mocking him. He grabs it, holds it in his hand, and tilts it back and forth, remembering how happy you were to receive it, the smile on your face, the joy in your eyes, and your sweet smile. He feels the cold metal against his skin and wonders if you were intentionally hurting him as a form of payback. He shakes his head, not sure of how he feels. He sets the ring back on the table and lays down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He feels so angry, knowing that this could've been prevented if he just would've kissed you. His heart aches with longing, and he wishes he could turn back time and make things right. But it's too late now, and all he can do is lie alone with his thoughts and regrets. He hears the clock ticking on the wall and counts the seconds, hoping they will pass faster. He closes his eyes, trying to block out the image of you walking away from him. He wonders if you'll ever forgive him, and he wonders if he'll have to watch you fall for someone else or if there is still hope for him when he returns home.
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When you arrive at the airport, Noah greets you warmly and offers to help you with your bags. "You doing OK?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. He sees the sadness and exhaustion on your face, and he knows you've been through a lot.
You nod, "Yeah, just wanna get home." You say, forcing a smile. You don't feel like talking; you just want to forget everything that happened. Noah nods in understanding and leads you out of the airport, where his car is waiting. As you walk, Noah glances over to see you staring at the ground. It's dark and cold, and you haven't yet asked him for his jacket, which surprised him. He knows you're always cold and usually lends you his jacket whenever you're together.
"Hey," he says, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. He tries to comfort you, to make you feel better. "You wanna talk about what happened?" He asks, hoping you'll open up to him. He wants to know what went wrong, what Jolly did or said to make you leave so suddenly. He wants to help you, to be there for you.
You feel a pit in your stomach as you think of the events of the last three days. You shrug your shoulders and nudge Noah's arm off you. You open the car door, still remaining silent. You're confused and angry.
Noah starts the engine, his lips pressed together as he watches you stare out the window. He feels like he's partly to blame for what happened. He was the one who encouraged you to go see Jolly, to confess your feelings, to take a chance.
"I'm sorry things didn't go how we thought they would," he says, his voice heavy with sorrow. He watches the road, purposefully missing the turn to keep you in the car a little longer. He wants to spend more time with you, to make you laugh and forget.
"Noah…" You groan. "I don't want to think about it anymore. Jolly made his choice, and now I need to move on." You lean your head on the window and watch as the rain droplets slide down the glass. You feel like they're a reflection of your tears and pain. You wish you could wash away everything that happened, everything that didn't happen and will never happen. "Please stop missing turns. I know it doesn't take this long to get home." You say, feeling impatient and restless. You want to get out of the car, out of this conversation, out of this mess.
Noah's grip tightens on the steering wheel, not out of frustration but worry. He sees the tears in your eyes and the pain on your face. "You wanna stay the night with me? We can watch a movie, and I'm sure George would love to snuggle you." He suggests, hoping you'll agree.
You shake your head again, closing your eyes and pressing your lips together. You don't want to stay with Noah, you don't want to watch a movie, you don't want to snuggle George. You just want to go home, to your own bed, to your own space, to your own misery. "I'll get him in the morning, Noah. I just really want to go home." You say, growing frustrated. You hate to sound ungrateful, but you can't stand being around anyone now. You just want to be alone.
The rest of the car ride is quiet, and it's not until you reach your apartment that you remember Noah has a key to your door.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and turn to face him. "Give me your key." You say, holding out your hand. You don't want him to have access to your place, check up on you, or bother you. You want to cut him off, at least for tonight.
Noah looks at you, shocked. "What?" He asks, "No." He says with wide eyes, "You said it's for an emergency, and right now, I'm worried you might have an emergency." He's afraid of what you might do. He cares about you more than you know, and he can't stand the idea of losing you, even if it's only mentally.
You stare at him with disbelief, "Noah, give me the fucking key. I just want to sleep peacefully without you annoying me because you're worried." You snap, losing your patience. You don't care about his feelings, and you don't care about his fears.
Noah can't believe you're pushing him away like this after everything you've been through together. He clenches his jaw and pulls his keys out of the ignition. He grabs the key and drops it in your hand. "Fine. Take it...just promise you'll come get George in the morning."
You force a smile and get out of the car. Noah pops the trunk, and you grab your bags, avoiding his gaze as you walk into your apartment.
You feel a twinge of guilt for how you treated Noah, but you can't help it. You're angry at him for making you believe that Jolly had feelings for you when he clearly didn't.
You drop your bags by your door and head to your bedroom, passing by one of the pictures you cherished of you and Jolly. You push your fingers under the frame and knock it off the wall, letting it fall to the floor. You hear the glass shatter and glance at the broken edge, feeling pain in your chest.
You stare at the photo of you and Jolly, your faces glowing with happiness. It was from the Fourth of July, the night you celebrated with fireworks and laughter. Noah was your photographer, capturing every moment with his phone. He teased you for being too scared to light anything but sparklers, but Jolly didn't mind. He thought you were adorable and joined you with his own sparkler. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your temple as the sparks flew around you. It was a perfect night, and you felt nothing could go wrong.
You shake the thoughts as you walk away, not bothering to clean it up.
Reaching your room, you strip out of your clothes and turn off the light. You crawl into bed and reach for your phone, squinting at the bright screen.
You see a text message from Jolly. Did you make it back safe?
You sigh and turn off your phone. You don't want to talk to him. You toss your phone aside and lie on your back, staring at the ceiling, feeling lost and confused. You can't believe you fell for Jolly after holding him at arm's length for so long; you should've trusted your instincts. How did you miss the clues that he was only being nice to you? Maybe you missed the friendly signals because of how he held you the other night in his bed, making you feel safe and serene, or was it how he would wrap his arms around your waist or rest his hands on your hips when he spoke to you? Or maybe it was the ring he gave you, telling you he wanted you to think of him whenever you glanced at it.
You roll on your side and pull the blanket over your head, muffling your sobs. You hate feeling this way. You wish you could erase him from your mind, but you know you can't. He's a part of you, and you can't let him go. You close your eyes and drift into a restless sleep, dreaming of what could have been.
Part four
Tags: @blackveilomens @xxrainstorm
@somewhere-diamond @cookiesupplier
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Okay it is Infinity Inc. propaganda time it is time to show off the niche kiddos
Infinity Inc. propoganda under the cut
The day is Christmas Eve, 1983, and the JSA are having their annual Christmas Eve meeting, and Hawkman (blissfully unaware that his family is about to come to him) suggests adjourning the meeting so that all of them can get back to their families, and Green Lantern (blissfully unaware that fate is about to kick him in the balls... TWICE.) retorts that he doesn't have a family, this is kind of dickish of Alan but like... it's ALAN lol. Suddenly, the old men are being tormented by waves of stupid children, all demanding to be allowed to join the team... and also one of their villains children doesn't actually ask to join the team but he does... for some reason go "when I am asking for help from my father's enemies, the thing to do is to illusion myself to look like my father, and then tear a hole in their wall, wait, why are they trying to arrest me?! RUDE!!! I am sulking now!"
Thank you for your input Henry.
Anyway, since the old men respond... somewhat reasonably to whatever the fuck that was, their kids decide to band together and make their own superhero team, where they get PAID! (less than minimum wage).
Infinity Inc. is an interesting team series that I mostly enjoy because of the characters, a lot of the time in team books the characters all feel the same, and are all at each other's throats constantly, Infinity Inc. presents the reader with characters who all have very defined personalities, even if most of them do share the character trait of "stupid", and by the end of the series you feel like you genuinely love all of the characters and want to spend more time with them.
DC notably decided that all Infinity Inc. characters should spend the next decade dying or going evil btw.
BUT THEN THEY GET BETTER. The Infinitors are kind of notable in that there are entire arcs of JSA 1999 where the old men try to rescue their kids, and all of them end up being considered JSA kids, including Hank who is being chased around the planet by Jay Garrick holding adoption papers (uncertain if this is continuing now that Jay has Judy tbh I do not trust Geoff Johns)
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(context, Wildcat hits Hank with the 'kid of a supervillain' stuff well after he thought the JSA was fine with his general existance, my favorite scene because all of the Infinitors are instantly protective, and all of them give vibes of being really close, even if DC refuses to allow a full team reunion)
Honestly in my years of getting people to read Infinity Inc. it's notable that every single time someone has come out with a different fave, and I think it's a testament to the characters being really good, ESPECIALLY HECTOR AND LYTA who are JSA characters and NOT Vertigo characters and Vertigo shouldn't be allowed to stop them appearing in JSA comics.
Also the boys do this in hallways for unknown reasons
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What was meant by this?:
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Read Infinity Inc. today so you too can be convinced that Hank King should be the next character DC makes gay, unless they decide to do Norda first...
Tbh if I'm being honest they should probably just pull a Young Avengers and make every Infinitor gay.
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aita for giving a guy a time limit on texting me?
I (mid 20s F) met a guy (late 20s M) at a friend's party (we dont have any direct mutual friends. Hes friends with my friend's roommate's boyfriend) and we didnt talk very much while there but he offered to drive me home and i ended up going to his place with him instead. We talked (and kissed, etc.) and i slept over and he drove me home in the morning (which was really only like 4 hours later. It was late when we left the party and he had a very early (volunteer) shift). When he dropped me off he said we should go out to dinner sometime soon and i agreed. It was all very nice and he's incredibly attractive and just the kind of person im looking for.
About 2 days later (having not heard from him) i sent him a text basically saying id still like to go out to dinner with him & left it open for him to suggest a day. I didnt get a response. So about 4-5 days later i sent him a text along the lines of "if you didn't want to go out you could've just said so but i dont appreciate being ignored" and he responded immediately apologizing because he's had a lot going on with job hunting and he basically needs to get a new job within a month (he was laid off recently and lives alone so he could easily lose his house) and then once he's settled with that new job he'll hit me up but that he wasnt trying to ignore me. Ive been strung along before (very recently in fact, it's still a little raw) so in this conversation i told him i would've appreciated if he'd just said that rather than just being silent and he apologized again and then i said something along the lines of "i value my time and if i dont hear from you within a month then you can just forget about it". Which i mainly said to draw a line in the sand for myself. I want to make sure im not just endlessly waiting for a text that never comes because he really seemed so great, i know id (consciously or unconsciously) pass up other people and then get all lonely and depressed because im holding out for him. And a month is already a long time to pine anyway.
He didnt respond to that message (its been a week) and im worried it came across too harsh/bitchy/entitled. I meant it in like a "please check in with me at some point rather than just not texting me at all for the next month or two" way but i didnt want to explicitly say that because i just met this guy, we spent maybe two waking hours together, and i dont want to, like, Demand he take time out of job hunting to talk to me. But also, i feel like a text only takes a couple minutes and shouldn't be that big of a deal to ask for (he also texted while driving (driving driving. not at a red light) that night soo.. seems like he usually cares about responding to texts. i guess.)
So, am i the asshole for telling a man i just met that has one month to text me or im done, even though he's going through a very stressful time and is very busy?
What are these acronyms?
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neongreenllama · 8 months
(Now that we are mutuals you are never getting rid of me MWAHAHAHA) Okay now tell me about Remus and Sirius's friendship ceremony from Harry's perspective.
I am starting to realize this and I'm getting a bit worried about what I've gotten myself into.
You did get me in a pickle there because I wrote that as a JOKE, but FINE just FOR YOU I have thought this further:
Okay so, we're imagining a scene after PoA or OotP where Harry went to live with them. Which means he doesn't just know they live together, they also share a room! Maybe the moved into the Lupin's cottage and it just doesn't have that many rooms, or maybe they need the third bedroom as a guest room. Either way, Harry doesn't really think twice about it because they shared a room in Hogwarts for years, so why shouldn't they now?
Anyway, when Sirius tells him about the friendship ceremony he says something like "I just want to do something for him. For us. We've been through so much and have come out the other end. It's been hard but we made it. And now that the war is over, I think we should celebrate that, you know?" And Harry is like "Yeah, sure! That makes sense! They were such good friends and then they weren't, and now they are again! And the war is over! That should be celebrated!" Sirius seems happy with that and so they set to planning and inviting people and when the invites spell "Sirius and Remus Lupin" he tells Sirius they made a mistake, but Sirius says it supposed to be like that because he's done with his family and this is a new beginning.
Everyone gathers around. McGonagall holds the ceremony. Harry does think the tears from McG, Hermione, Remus and a few others are a bit much, but he figures everyone is just so happy to celebrate again after the war. And then Sirius and Remus tell each other how much they love each other as friends, exchange friendship rings, and embrace like brothers. Everyone claps and Harry thinks he might do the same with Ron one day.
After the ceremony, everyone sets to eating and dancing and has a great time. McG brought Madame Pomfrey with her and they stick together all evening. They must also be really good friends! No one can find Sirius or Remus for a while towards the end of the evening, but then they do pop up again, looking just a bit dishevelled, saying they went for a walk. They do look a bit amused when they tell him that, Remus seemingly trying to hold back laughter, but Harry figures they must have pulled a prank on someone for old time's sake.
All in all Sirius and Remus seem really happy with the celebration of their friendship and Harry is happy for them!
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desultory-novice · 8 months
What are a few theories you have to say in regards to the Mirror World?
[Edit: Wow, this ask was well timed! Happy KatAM release!]
M-Mirror World... :shivers:  ... I mean, n-no! Why would I be scared talk about the mirror world?! That's r-ridiculous! :knows that everyone else already has much better mirror HC than me:
Err, in truth though, I do get a little nervous when asked about the mirror world because I really never paid that much attention to it at the time?! It just seemed like a cutesy gimmick for a game and I guess I didn't see the massive potential many other fans saw in it.
When it showed up again in TDX, I was like "Ohhhh! ...Huh." and when DMK returned for Star Allies, I was like "...I guess we're sticking with this now?!" (Speaking of, I was really ambivalent on DMK at the time but have since adopted the edgy boy as one of my blorbos mostly because everyone else seems to kind of hate him/have nothing interesting for him except to have him swear even more than MK -purportedly does? And well, Dess loves an underdog!)
Anyway, I've said it once and I'll say it again (and again and again until I finally finish drawing "Through a Mirror Darkly", the prequel to "Unspoken") I think Dark Meta Knight was a double agent...!
I think he was "working" for Dark Mind only to the degree necessary to overthrow him. Why else would he split Kirby into four equally powerful selves when Necrodeus proved it was indeed possible to simply weaken the powerful, pink, and puffy?! Because come on, he's Meta Knight's shadow given form! Why does that instantly mean he has to be significantly dumber than Meta Knight?! Why can't he be as clever and farsighted as the champion fighter?
Remember how Meta is very subtly implied to have trained Kirby to face off against Nightmare during Adventure? I hold that DMK was doing the same thing, having given up on training his verse's own Kirby. DMK being a secret dark hero would certainly make sense as to why Kirby handily invites him to join the hero party in Star Allies!
(As for why he attacks Dedede out of nowhere, well, I believe he probably has... complex feelings regarding his own Dedede(1))
Err, sorry, I know this wasn't specifically about DMK... Let's talk about the Mirror World in general! It's very... hmm. It's very...unknown?
Trying to piece together (haha...) the mirror world based on the information we have now feels like trying to count sands of grain in a jar from a distance. Or trying to correctly guess the Ancient's backstory as revealed in Star Allies using only what we know in RtDL.
I think, by the time Kumazaki and the team are ready to return to it, we're going to be pretty shocked by what we find out! But as long as we're not interested in correctly guessing something (...that HAL themselves probably don't know EVERYTHING about) but simply want to bandy ideas back and forth about what we know... 
I myself am most interested in a) it's timeline b) the logic behind Mirror World residents c) how/if does it stand on it's own?
If the Dimension Mirror is an Ancient Artifact, and it has all the signs of one, so I don't see any reason it shouldn't be (I even speculated once the mirror's wings could be based on Elfy) then it is OLD. Pre-fall of Halcandra old. In which case, the Mirror Dimension should be at least that old, right? But what even IS "the mirror dimension?"
Because Amaz(e)ing Mirror showed us a series of multiple interconnected worlds, linked by much smaller mirrors. And let's think about the name for a second: "The Dimension Mirror." Why would the Ancients create something that just makes ONE dimension? And the dimension in question is one where everything kinda sucks??? That... doesn't make any logical sense.
I think the original purpose behind the creation of the Dimension Mirror was to, quite simply, make a portal. The Mirror could have been the predecessor to the Lor Starcutter even! A kind of "stargate." Using it, you can see into MULTIPLE different dimensions, and potentially travel to the ones you wish to using smaller gate like mirrors scattered all over the place. (2)
But, like everything they built, the Dimension Mirror was a two-edged sword. And there came si~de effe~cts! We generally know that the Mirror Residents are like "worse" version of the people we've seen so far. So just imagine that everyone who traveled through the Dimension Mirror to get to some other dimension... left a copy of themselves behind? Similar to one of the more grisly theories on how matter transportation might be possible: that the best you could do would be to perfectly clone/replicate someone in a different position, all their memories intact, while quietly destroying the original as they :cough: teleport. BAM! "You" have now been transported!
With that in mind, the more it is used, the more copies are created, and thus... the birth of the Mirror World? It's certainly possible!
Why are they "evil" though? Well... that could be the "side effect" of wicked power developed off of the suffering of baby chinchillas or it could be that they aren't really all that "evil" to begin with.
Again, I argue that Dark Meta Knight is not really evil Meta Knight at all. (You can write the "corruption theory" for the purposes of fanfic or fan ideas or whatever but I WILL tear my hair out if you try to convince me/you believe it 100% based on evidence in game.) I think Dark Meta Knight is simply Meta Knight unleashed.
Shadow Kirby was considered worthy of being the "hero" of the Mirror Dimension. Bloody King Dedede is kind of a jerk but so was regular Dedede in the past. Plus, going by the stomach in the mouth thing, King Bloody seems to still be possessed by Dark Matter so we can't really know what he's like on a good day!
And then there are critters like King Golem, who is almost unmistakably Whispy Woods just built out of bricks and stone.
So, Mirror Residents simply misunderstood? I'd wager so.
But where is it and why does it persist? Those are all good questions that I don't have the answer to. I might have theories down the line... Are there mirror versions of the rest of the Star Allies? I suppose there could be, if any of them hopped through the mirror/got a really close look at it at any point! Do the people created by the Dimension Mirror truly "exist independently" at this point?
I... I don't know. To be honest, I think one really just has to work with the story that is the most interesting to them. Like... going by my theory above, the first Mirror Dream Lander would be DMK, the second would be Shadow Kirby, and the third would be Bloody Dedede, right? Or... is it?
In Dess's Unspoken-verse, Shadow Dedede has been around long before the days of Triple Deluxe and even before Amazing Mirror began. (Although that does make sense, given the Dark Matter thing would place his existence around at least Dream Land 2) So... Did King Dedede see the mirror BEFORE Triple Deluxe or are there Mirror versions of everyone already? Honestly, because the mirror seems positioned in the sky over Popstar, you could say that anyone who's taken a walk on a sunny day has a mirror duplicate out there!
But Magolor implied on Twitter he wouldn't have a mirror duplicate?! Is he just making a joke about his own wickedness/two-facedness? Did HE actually come from the mirror dimension originally or did he already kill (?!) his own mirror counterpart?!
TLDR, I have NO idea. But I think that until HAL comes back with more info N number of years down the line, it's fine to engage in writing whatever mirror HC suit you and continue to come up with fun and interesting mirror versions of the rest of the cast.
Speaking of, I still need to make my Mirror Marx + Magolor...
PS: Oh yeah, and are they all MADE of mirrors?! DMK sure seems to be but honestly, what does that even mean for them?! And how was he permanently scarred? Did the piece of mirror that got broken off when Meta Knight attacked him become lost sometime between that and the end of his fight with the Kirbys?!
(1) The way I ship Meta Knight x Dedede - when I ship it - is entirely under the table. No hugs, no kisses, no confessions, no ceremonies. They don't even admit to "loving" each other in that way. They are just "very important" (tm) to each other. Yadda-yadda-sworn-partners-yadda. But, because I'm me and I enthusiastically love tragedy, I like to imagine that Shadow Dedede and Dark Meta Knight were in love in exactly the way Meta Knight and Dedede weren't.
Keyword "were." Also "tragedy." You can figure out the rest I'm sure. ^_-
(2) So you notice how those portal mirror things kinda sorta vaguely resemble the goal doors? What are the chances that eventually, the Ancients DID figure out portal technology w/o evil twin side-effects and Popstar's goal doors are exactly that?!
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smolwritingchick · 3 months
Smol Brainstorm: Amity Reunion
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Author's Note: This reunion will happen. Not sure when but it will. Yes, Jen will still be with BTS. It'll be interesting to write how things come together as the years go by for them to have this reunion. I wonder if they'll ever get along again.
After stretching, Jennie discussed what would happen with their new song.
“Okay, Trinity, you will be starting the song," she announced.
“Starting?? As in like the first verse?” she asked, bewildered.
“That’s what starting the song means.” Jen let out a chuckle.
“But I…I never lead.”
“Well, you will today.”
“But we never did that.”
“Well, today we will. This isn’t the Pussycat dolls where one person gets to sing everything all the time.” Jen turned directly to Hailey as she spoke.
“I don’t like this idea.” Hailey crossed her arms. “What do you guys call it over there in Korea? A visual? I’m more suited to be in the middle and start the song because of my vocals.”
“No. We are not going to do this your way, anymore. Trinity’s voice fits the beginning of the song. It’s fresh.”
“So, are you calling my vocals dull?”
"No, you’re good but the way you’re acting was the main reason why this group fell apart in the first place. What you need to get through your head is that this is not a solo. This is a group. Teamwork makes the dream work, Hailey. You didn’t get this far by yourself. We all got this far together. It’s not all about you. You should’ve never been in the group anyway. You were better off as a soloist. Almost every song your voice overpowers us. Even our fans said so. You sing like you’re competing with us instead of harmonizing and finding a nice rhythm for the music.”
“Preach!” Angelina called out, earning an annoyed glance from Hailey.
“I have to agree,” Layla spoke up.
Trinity turned to Hailey and shrugged. “Sorry girl, you do sing a little too loudly and overpower us. It’s annoying as shit, to be honest. I couldn’t even hear myself sing in a few songs years ago. But if you take your vocals off the song, you can hear me and everyone else as clear as day.”
Hailey let out a sigh. Okay, they did have a point, she couldn’t deny that. Maybe she was too greedy for the spotlight and wanted everything about her. As much as she hated to admit it. After a while, reluctantly, she decided to swallow her pride and go along with what Jennie had proposed.
“Fine…” Hailey murmured.
That surprised Miss Bangtan. “What?”
“I said…fine…"
She stared at her old leader in surprise. No argument, no nothing. Just straight on in agreement with her? Hell froze over.
"You…you do have a point so…what do you want us to do?” Hailey asked her.
Jennie began to smile. "Thank you,"
"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome, JW. Now tell us what you want us to do," Hailey waved her away but Jennie peeped the small smile trying to come across her face.
After going over the majority of the first part of the song, Jennie finally came across the chorus and announced, “Now, for the chorus, I believe that Angelina should be in the front this time.”
Trinity snorted. “Angelina? You can’t be serious. Angelina can’t dance. She is the most awkward dancer-“
“Trinity, for Pete’s sake, shut up.” Angelina rolled her eyes.
“No, this is bullshit, Jen! You really want Angelina to be in the front? Ruining the entire performance with her two left feet? I don’t even know how she got into Songstress in the first place, her dancing isn’t any better with the music label she’s on now. Jennie, I strongly suggest she stays in the back for the ENTIRE performance.”
That struck a nerve in the rapper as she spat out angrily, “Bitch-“
“Enough.” Jen grabbed a hold of her and backed her away from Trinity. “What we are not going to do is bring each other down like this. We shouldn't attack each other's skills that we aren't the best in. We should be uplifting each other and helping. Trinity, you should help Angelina with her dancing, not belittle her for her skill. You disappoint me. Really. I thought you would be like Hobi and help the rest of us with our dancing to make sure we are doing things correctly,"
Trinity sighed and crossed her arms.
“Jennie…stop being the peacemaker.” Hailey shook her head. "It's not going to work,"
Jennie raised a brow and gestured for her to do something. “Okay, well, Miss Leader are you gonna stop them from fighting?”
“Just let them fight.”
“I don’t want us to fight, anymore. It's been years. I want us to get along and work together as a unit. You know, after all this time, I thought you would be a better leader and learn from Namjoon at least. Now, for this dance, I feel like everyone should have their time to shine and be in front to dance.”
“Angelina has no rhythm at all!” Trinity exclaimed.
“I can show you the rhythm of my fists,” Angelina suggested.
“Do it, I dare you!”
Layla watched back and forth, not knowing what to do while Jennie rubbed her temples at their bickering.
This was going to be a long day…
As the group practiced the dance with music, Trinity and Angelina bumped into each other.
“It’s the OTHER way.” Trinity snapped and rolled her eyes, getting sick of Angelina messing up.
“You were too close to me.” Angelina snapped back. As they continued to dance, Trinity decided to bump into her on purpose to get back at her for bumping into her first. “You know what…” she murmured before her hands started swinging.
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catt-leya · 2 years
Can you do f!readerxrick “Move an inch and you won’t be coming tonight.” Something about you going against his orders, or being possessive over you ….whatever you prefer……
Punishment (18+) || Rick Grimes
I just whipped up a little something this morning 👀
I would call it more a train of thought than a whole fic 🤭 But I wish you a lot of fun anyway 💗
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Trigger: slapping, dirty talk, degrading,...
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The moment I walk through the gate, I know Rick is mad at me.
I just have to catch a glimpse of him leaning against a car with his arms crossed and he's gritting his teeth.
He can be really intimidating when he's as angry as he is right now, but I jut my chin, which at my measly 5'6" gives me maybe 2 to 3 more inches, and walk toward my boyfriend.
I stop in front of him and he pushes off the car. 
Inwardly I curse the fact that he still towers over me and I have to put my head back in my neck to look at him.
Silently he stares at me and I swallow the small lump that has formed in my throat: "You don't tell me when I can leave Alexandria and with whom. I left because I wanted to and I'm not your prisoner to lock up."
This morning everything was fine between us until I told him that I wanted to have a look around in the forest. 
Actually, it shouldn't be a problem and as protective as Rick is of me, he has never ordered me to stay home without a valid reason.
Today it was the first time and he simply forbade me to go out of Alexandria, which of course was a reason for me to go into the forest.
Now I can see in his eyes HOW angry he is with me and I have to force myself not to duck my head because Rick is really intimidating in that state. 
He's never raised his hand to me before and I'd bet my life that he never would either, but when he raises his hand to take mine I flinch for a moment.
Something flashes in his eyes briefly and then he pulls me behind him without a word. 
I try to break free of his grip, but it's impossible as I stomp after him grumbling.
Once inside our house he lets go of me and I throw my arms in the air, "Are you just going to scowl at me or do you have something to say too?"
Dangerously slow, he turns to me and answers in a raspy voice, pressed, "What do you want me to say? I told you not to go outside and what do you do? You just walk out."
Again I nag at him, "That you're sorry maybe? I'm not your property. You can't order me to do whatever you want and then assume I'll do whatever you want."
His bright eyes bore into mine as he growls, "Are you sure about that?"
I can't help the way my body reacts to his words and presence, but I ignore it and tug my jacket off my shoulders, "Yes, Rick."
My breathing is heavy and Rick still seems tense to the extreme, even though his words are velvety smooth: "What if I ask you to bend over the kitchen counter?"
Immediately my eyes dart to our kitchen, "What?"
Rick takes a big step toward me and takes my chin between his fingers, turning my face toward him so I have to look at him as he hums, "Take off your pants and bend over the kitchen counter."
My first reflex is to do exactly as he says, but that would do anything but reinforce my point. That's why I say, "No." 
The tremor in my voice gives me away, but I stop.
Yeah, usually Rick never orders me around, except when it comes to sex. 
That's when he always has the upper hand, and I actually enjoy letting him take control, but this is about something other than sex.
His grip tightens and he hisses, "Do you really want me to force you?"
Still I don't move an inch, nor do I intend to, when he grabs my neck and forces me forward. I brace myself against him with all my weight and growl, "Let me."
But unfortunately Rick is clearly physically superior to me, which I actually think is pretty hot, but right now is just humiliating.
I struggle against him and try to break free, but he grabs my hands and holds them together with his other free hand on my back.
Unable to move, he pushes me down on the counter with my torso and I try to kick him with my foot and hiss, "Fucking hell, Rick! That's enough. Let go of me. You can't do this."
My body is flooded with a strange mixture of fear and arousal as he presses up against me from behind and I can feel his hard cock against my ass.
Slowly he releases his hand from my neck, but still keeps my hands locked on my back and tugs my underpants including panties off my legs, making me squirm again and I whine breathlessly, "Rick, stop."
I know he can see my wet panties and it weakens my words, but I don't want to let him subdue me like that and I'm about to kick him again when he puts the flat of his hand on my butt, lunges and slaps me. 
Yes, he actually slaps me on my rear and I can't put into words how ashamed I am that a moan slips from my lips.
My bottom is on fire and I don't fight back anymore because it's pointless.
He strokes the burning spot, lunges, and slaps me again.
God, this is turning me on.
Rick takes a third swing and I stick my butt out at him again. 
After the third blow, he whispers harshly, "You like that?"
Weakly, I nod and my resistance begins to crumble.
Determiningly, he pushes my legs apart and asks, "If I let go of you now, will you stay down?"
Again I nod and he releases my wrists so I can lay my palms flat beside me and he strokes my cheek, "Open your eyes and look in the mirror."
Blinking, I open my eyes, which I've been squinting the whole time, and look in the mirror, which hangs so that I can see myself bent over the counter, half naked, and Rick close behind me.
His eyes are greedily fixed on my nakedness and I can't take my eyes off him.
He briefly looks into my eyes through the mirror before looking to his hand, which he slides between my legs and demands, "Watch how submissive you can be. That you'll do anything I want after all. Watch it."
In fact, I can't take my eyes off the reflection and when he slides a finger into my heat much more gently than I expected, I push myself toward him, moaning. 
As angry as I still am at him, it completely fades into the background as I watch him fuck me from behind with his fingers and I give myself to him completely.
Again and again he penetrates me and I moan his name hoarsely as he withdraws his fingers from me and instead opens his pants and pulls them down just enough to free his cock and fills me again in one fluid motion.
Reflexively, I push up on my toes because he is way too deep inside me but he grabs me by the waist and forces me down to sink himself completely inside me and I whimper, "Don't. You're too big."
I can feel his tip all the way up my belly and he whispers, "Shhh, you can do it. We both know that."
Panting, I try to relax and bathe myself in his panting as my muscles tighten around him again and again as I get used to him.
Each time he takes me from behind, the experience is always intense and I stare at the vein on his neck that stands out clearly as he gives me a moment to get used to him.
Slowly he pulls back only to slide hard and deep inside me again and I slide back up onto my toes, causing his hands to tighten around my waist and he growls, "Move one more time and you won't cum today."
Surrendered, I let him thrust into me and with each movement on his part, my moans become more unbridled and desperate.
Never before has he subdued and used me in this way. 
But in a twisted way, I like it.
I can feel my wetness dripping down my legs and can barely catch my breath as he looks at me in the mirror and gasps, "Good girl. See how beautiful you are when I fuck you senseless?"
My mind goes blank and I can't bring myself to say anything other than his name.
I feel Rick twitch inside me and when he slides his hand between us, it's all over me and him.
Panting, my insides tighten and I feel his cum pumping uncontrollably into me.
With trembling legs I remain lying and it does not interest me that his liquid mixed with mine makes a way over my legs.
When I meet our gaze now in the mirror, his eyes are full of love he slowly helps me up, with me still so wobbly on my feet that he has to hold most of my weight.
My cheek is pressed against his chest as I listen to his rapid heartbeat and he can be heard murmuring softly, "I've been an ass and I'm sorry. I know I can't boss you around, but after Jack's wife just lost her arm recently because she was out alone, I'm afraid something might happen to you and I wouldn't be there to stand by you or intervene."
Blinking, I turn my head so I can look at him as he continues, "I couldn't bear it if something happened to you."
My heart grows big and soft in my chest and I place my hands on his cheeks so he's looking at me as I whisper, "Thank you for the apology and I understand your concern. I can't promise you that everything will always be okay. But I promise to give it my all to always come back to you. Always."
Gently I pull him down to me and kiss him tenderly on the lips because he is all I have and I am all he has left.
@positive-squid @hail-yourselves @mrsxreeves
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kaasiand · 11 days
I played through Color Splash for the first time this past week, the last paper mario I hadn't played yet (I had watched a full playthrough back when it came out but hadn't played it for myself so I thought now might be a good time right before TTYD remake comes out) and felt constantly frustrated and left thinking to myself "wtf Sticker Star did this better" over and over. Like there were some good moments in there but a lot of the time it felt like the game wasn't taking itself seriously and trying TOO hard to be funny, to the point where it felt like it was making its own world less believable. Most of all though.. it only really made me want to revisit Sticker Star again. So... I'm doing that right now and man I'm actually having such a great time?
Sticker Star is MADE to be replayed and fucked around with. It rewards exploration AND experimentation, and it actually somehow manages to make the most of its lack of a proper exp system thanks to its nonlinearity. In the final level of World 1, I grabbed the stuff I needed to access the rest of worlds 2 and 3 without actually fighting the boss (I just backtracked my way out of the level lol) and just continued in W2 and W3. I have now finished like, only half of those two worlds but have defeated the big cheep cheep anyway and moved on to world 5. It's really cool how the game LETS you do this without having you be underlevelled, since you're always as strong as the stickers you hold. And you DO permanently become stronger, but it's through exploration rather than battling/grinding, using those max HP hearts found in the overworld!! I found one of them in W5 today in a secluded spot I had never even found before, which kinda made my jaw drop lmfao. And I suppose the album pages make you stronger through letting you hold more powerful and bigger stickers too
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^ really funny stuff from the battles that I missed in Color Splash. Also in Color Splash's battles, the card list & steps to colour them in made everything so goddamn tedious; it was impossible to see a lot of your cards at once. Even the perfect action commands I'd often avoid because of the dramatic slow-mo effect (which got REALLY annoying real fast) which Sticker Star thankfully didn't have
Also in Sticker Star you get to upgrade your stickers which is fun!!!!!! Color Splash feels like a Sticker Star sequel that keeps all the wrong things and changes exactly the things that acted as like, Sticker Star's problems cancelling each other out. And don't get me started on Color Splash's one billion loading screens and extremely tedious gameovers compared to what's always basically instant in Sticker Star
I think the three things that would best improve Sticker Star are
Allow Fling-a-Thing from anywhere in the world, possibly as an upgrade of sorts (Things shouldn't turn into stickers immediately when you grab them like in Color Splash though! Otherwise it turns a currently infinite stash into a finite one)
The enemy summons from Color Splash!! This was the one thing I think was a straight improvement to Sticker Star's systems. But put Sticker Star's spin on it where they work together with the sticker upgrading system, with shiny enemy stickers and such. And add action commands on them, like how Sticker Star had those on the shell/shuriken/boomerang/etc attacks
Change Scuttlebugs to be based on their original Super Mario 64 design. I don't mind the other changed enemy designs in this game as much, I only really hate the modern Scuttlebug design
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vivitalks · 4 months
take in every moment (hold it close again)
hiii this is for the "movie night" prompt on my jasico bingo card!! short sweet and silly the three best things a fanfiction can be. and im posting it in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY seriously who am i title from netflix trip by ajr :) read it here on ao3
It stands to reason that a demigod legion modeled on the Ancient Romans wouldn't think much of technology. And it's true that demigods and modern tech don't tend to get along. It really shouldn't surprise Nico when nobody knows where to find a TV.
And yet.
“Seriously,” he finally complains to Jason, walking Via Principalis with coffee courtesy of Bombilo, “it's like you're all trying to become social outcasts.”
“I think the whole demigod thing covers that,” Jason says.
“My point exactly! Nobody is even trying. Plus, monsters can't get into camp anyway, so who cares if you're using technology?”
Jason shrugs a shoulder. “Yeah, but why risk it?” 
It's cool but sunny, the perfect weather for Jason. Not that Nico has any sort of bias. Jason looks great in all weather, in Nico's completely objective opinion, but gentle rays of sunlight make his hair as golden as his sword and give his skin an extra glow.
At least six times a day, Nico wonders how the most beautiful person in the world is his boyfriend. Some call it insecurity; Nico calls it a reality check.
He checks back into reality in time for Jason to be saying, “Besides, most of the people here spend their whole lives either in the legion or in New Rome. Nobody is missing out because nobody is on the Internet or watching movies or any of that. It's a pretty insular community.”
“Not anymore,” Nico says. “Now that there's the exchange program, Camp Jupiter is going to start getting Greeks, and most of them spend their years out in the real world, experiencing real-world things, like movies and music and all that fun stuff you Romans hate.”
“Don't ‘you Romans’ us,” Jason says, swatting playfully at Nico. Nico doesn't bother to dodge, but he does grin. “But you may have a point.”
“I do have a point. If you really want the Greeks and Romans to get along, there can't be this massive cultural gap. The Greeks will feel superior, the Romans will feel left out, and then we'll probably have another war and I'll have almost killed myself bringing the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood for nothing.”
Jason lifts an eyebrow. “Oh, is that all?”
“Shut up. I'm serious!”
“I didn't realize you felt so strongly about this,” Jason says, looking bemused. “Wait, why do you feel so strongly about this?”
“In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little behind on popular culture myself,” Nico says flatly.
“Really? Why is that?” Jason asks, with a straight face.
Bravely, Nico ignores him. “I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone here. Get some Vulcan kids to put together a TV. I'm sure they can work their magic and make it monster-repellent or whatever.”
“And do what with it?”
“Start a film class?” Nico suggests. “I would get a Greek demigod to help with the curriculum, though.”
“You can just say Will.”
“I don't think Will should come near the curriculum with a ten-foot pole. He'll just put every single Star Wars movie on there. I was actually thinking of Piper.”
“Piper?” Jason shakes his head. “Right. Duh. Movie star dad.”
“Yeah. She's probably our best bet.”
“We’re going to have to run this by the praetors before we get any further,” Jason says. He takes a long, considering sip of his coffee, which does not contain nearly enough sugar. Nico tried it earlier and almost choked.
“Yeah. I'm in favor. You're not wrong about the cultural deficit.”
Nico grins. He kisses the corner of Jason's mouth — just because he can. That sunny glow shines even brighter in Jason's eyes.
“Lucky for us,” he says cheerfully, “we have some sway with the praetors.”
The film class proposal is met with conditional approval from Frank and Reyna. “Culture in Film: From Classic to Contemporary” becomes the most popular course in the legion within days. Piper helps them build a curriculum, which in this case means just choosing fifteen classic movies — all of which she vehemently describes as “must-sees” — and expressing profound shock at the revelation that neither Jason nor Nico have seen any of them.
“But it’s Princess Bride,” she keeps saying. “How can you not have seen it? ‘My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die’? Is nothing sacred?”
If anything, at least her attitude proves how absolutely necessary this class is.
The conditions of the class are sternly outlined for them by Reyna: (1) do not screen anything rated higher than PG-13; (2) only select movies with some relevant message or theme that can be transmitted to the legionnaires; and (3) do not use the forthcoming anti-monster television for anything other than class use.
Rule one is easy. Nico and Jason break the second and third rules within two weeks of the first course.
“I can’t believe you even suggested this,” Nico whispers.
The classroom where “Culture In Film” takes place is silent after hours. At the front of the room towers an 80-inch, Imperial Gold television, the most eye-catching thing in the room. Just below it, there's a box Nico distantly recognizes. A DVD player — Demigod Video Discs, optimized for playback on magical TV screens. This, too, is constructed out of Imperial Gold. No doubt the TV and DVD player combined are imbued with some combination of enchantments designed to make them undetectable to monsters.
“I'm not a praetor anymore,” Jason replies, approaching the DVD player. “What can they do? Kick me out of the legion? Half the time I'm at Camp Half-Blood anyway.”
“Not sure that argument will hold up in front of the Senate,” Nico theorizes, but he's not really worried. In fact, he kind of loves that Jason was so committed to having a movie night with Nico that he was willing to break the rules for it.
“Then let's just not get caught,” Jason says. 
That works for Nico. Their emergency escape route is to shadow-travel out, but since Nico shadow-traveled them in, he's hoping it doesn't come to that. Even the short distance from barracks to classroom has his eyes drooping. If he tries it again, he's liable to pass out.
Jason kneels and examines the DVD player. “Do I just…put it in?”
“I guess?” Nico peers at the player and the TV. “We should probably turn on the TV.”
“That would be smart.”
Nico feels around for a button and finds it underneath the screen. When he presses it, the big black screen turns royal blue, and digital letters show a message onscreen: NO DISC DETECTED.
Nico and Jason exchange a look. 
“Is it weird that I'm more stressed right now than I was when we fought Gaea?” Jason whispers.
Nico laughs. “We're not going to get caught, Jason.”
“I'm not worried about that. I just have no idea how to work this thing. What if I break it?”
“I'll do it,” Nico says, snatching the DVD case from Jason's hands. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, another “must-see” from Piper that didn't make the curriculum cut. According to Jason, when he told her he'd never even heard of it, she got Leo to modify a disc for their benefit and demanded he find some way to watch it. Nico, having also never heard of it, got roped into the deal by some combination of Charmspeak and standard-issue Jason Grace-ness.
Nico removes the disc and takes a breath. “Here goes nothing.”
As soon as the disc is in the player, the machine whirs. The screen turns black again. Nico and Jason take a united step backwards.
“Isn't there supposed to be a remote?” Jason asks. At the word remote, a panel from the top of the DVD player opens up. Inside is a remote. “Oh, sweet.”
“Come on,” Nico says, throwing himself onto the nearest couch. Romans and their couches. They're an indulgent breed, these Romans, but in times like these Nico appreciates that.
“Is it playing?” Jason questions, and just then, a deafening blast of orchestral sound erupts from the TV. Jason yelps and staggers backwards, and Nico cracks himself up. “Okay! It's playing!”
“Sit down, Superman.”
Jason sits down. He takes the spot right next to the armest. Nico would never take the armrest seat. He likes to have an escape route. He's special like that.
(“Traumatized,” whatever. Tomato, to-mah-to.)
“So far so good,” Jason says, offering an arm, kind of gesturing at Nico to come closer. Nico obliges. Jason doesn't mind being trapped, which is his own prerogative. So Nico takes up every inch of space on Jason's free side. He's not so small anymore, but he fits right up under Jason's arm like the dark half of a yin and yang symbol.
“Nothing's happened yet,” he points out.
Jason just squeezes his shoulders. “I'm having a movie night with my boyfriend. Like a regular teenager. Everything is great from where I'm standing.”
“Let's not be hasty. The movie could still suck.”
“Wouldn't matter.”
“It'd matter to me,” Nico says haughtily. “I'm putting a lot of faith in Piper.”
“She seemed absolutely confident we would both like this movie.”
“So imagine how foolish she'll feel if we don't.”
“I'm starting to think your attitude is the problem.” Jason grins. “Open your mind, Nico.”
“I'm open-minded!”
“And shut up,” Jason adds. “‘Cause we've already missed the beginning and I don't know how to rewind this thing.”
“Not my fault,” Nico says. “I was just—”
Jason shuts him up by occupying his mouth with Jason's mouth, which is a proven top-five strategy for getting Nico to stop talking. 
“Okay,” he says. And kisses Jason again. It's never any less awesome. “Shutting up.”
The movie keeps playing. Nico settles into Jason with his whole body and thinks about how this is the first time he's ever watched a movie with a boyfriend, and how absolutely astonishing that is, by itself. Even if it does suck, he figures there are worse things in the world than watching a bad movie with your boyfriend.
In fact, there might not be many things better.
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