#and that is simply unsustainable
simcardiac-arrested · 7 months
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day 30 - videogame (undertale, fnaf, etc)
somebody get this man some chapstick
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blithesylph · 2 years
maybe I'm just not being deep right now but I have so little interest in space and those pictures... our world is so beautiful why should we care about others? we have water, and oxygen, and wind and rain and tiny little animals and great big ones and there is music and also each other.
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jakeperalta · 8 months
I get why people complain about the overexposure of celebrities..... I'M sick of hearing about taylor and I'm a fan :/
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gemkun · 1 month
if veritas ever participated in something utterly absurd with no logical standing as a love compatibility test , you are all getting a lovely 0%
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hella1975 · 11 months
im so easy when it comes to immoral characters like okay do you bear your pain terribly? get behind me
#fandom is looking at a traumatised guy and going 'they deserved better'#but let me fucking TELL you if that guy goes on to let their trauma absolutely mutilate them then im gonna be there#bad victims etc etc#bear it terribly. bear it ugly and mean. bear it with your teeth stained by innocents that had nothing to do with the slaughter#let it make you worse. lash out. kick down. become the terrible thing#im defending that guy until the end of time#touya todoroki#andrew minyard#touya is the closest anyone has come to andrew in a very long time for me when it comes to this#like andrew is THEE baseline of this ive never seen anything like the way he does it#he was treated terribly and it made him terrible. shamelessly. he took the bad thing and decided to be worse for it#and while it's unsustainable in a person it's so fucking cathartic for a reader to just see that happening despite the tragedy of it#it's touya stood over his abuser and ripping his world apart with his bare hands while laughing#because he spent 10 years in hell for this moment. this single moment. and the audience and the characters call him a monster#it's andrew threatening his own cousin at knifepoint to defend a stranger's integrity simply because that is one of andrew's lines#and you do not cross them. no one ever will again. and the audience and the characters call him a monster#it's watching people who were treated awfully refuse to swallow that pain. refuse to forgive. refuse to move on#it's watching them embrace the wreckage of it and self-destruct either in one glorious explosion or gradually over years#because they are willingly choosing to live this way instead of getting over it. they are rejecting healing with their eyes open#because they were hurt so badly that healing now seems like a denial of that pain#and then u get to read fanfiction where they heal and are acknowledged for what they suffered and u cry and cry and cry <3
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keungking · 10 months
me when i join a fandom and suddenly have to watch the new episode on the night of release for the first time in forever to not get it spoiled
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
whats even the point of being friends with someone if u can't mock them sometimes and do a little back and forth. i cant even say you chew kinda loud without you deteriorating about it.
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cornsobsessions · 6 months
the thought of calling off sick tomorrow for a mental health day is making me so anxious but god is it so ridiculously needed
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panvani · 1 year
Ig all coming of age fiction is like this bur it's like Catcher in the Rye without the irony
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worldend · 10 months
the defunctland video on the wiggles dark ride is so funny
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sweet-potatoo · 10 months
Nothing makes you loathe cars like driving from and to work fr
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giudittas · 11 months
support actors and wga stirike
Ofc i support the strike! The fact that ceo makes so much more than the working class (who is actually doing the work) is insane
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foundationsofdecay · 1 year
yknow this day started pretty terribly but the particularly bad meeting is kind of what i needed to kick my ass into gear and clear some of the backlog of work and non-work tasks that I've been having a hard time with, so......... lose-win? i guess??
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
How people in the USA loved nature and knew the ways of the plants in the past vs. nowadays
I have been in the stacks at the library, reading a lot of magazine and journal articles, selecting those that are from over fifty years ago.
I do this because I want to see how people thought and the tools they had to come up with their ideas, and see if I can get perspective on the thoughts and ideas of nowadays
I've been looking at the journals and magazines about nature, gardening, plants, and wildlife, focusing on those from 1950-1970 or thereabouts. These are some unstructured observations.
The discourse about spraying poisons on everything in your garden/lawn has been virtually unchanged for the past 70 years; the main thing that's changed is the specific chemicals used, which in the past were chemicals now known to be horribly dangerous and toxic. In many cases, just as today, the people who opposed the poisons were considered as whackos overreacting to something mostly safe with a few risks that could be easily minimized. In short, history is not on the pesticides' side.
Compared with 50-70 years ago, today the "wilderness" areas of the USA are doing much better nowadays, but it actually appears that the areas with lots of human habitation are doing much worse nowadays.
I am especially stricken by references to wildflowers. There has definitely been a MASSIVE disappearance of flowers in the Eastern United States. I can tell this because of what flowers the old magazines reference as common or familiar wildflowers. Many of them are flowers that seem rare to me, which I have only seen in designated preserves.
There are a lot more lepidopterans (butterflies and moths) presumed to be familiar to the reader. And birds.
Yes, land ownership in the USA originated with colonization, but it appears that the preoccupation with who owns every little piece of land on a very nitpicking level has emerged more recently? In the magazines there is a sense of natural places as an unacknowledged commons. It is assumed that a person has access to "The creek," "The woods," "The field," "The pond" for simple rambling or enjoyment without personally owning property or directly asking permission to go onto another person's property.
There is very little talk of hiking and backpacking. I don't think I saw anything in the magazines about hiking or going on hikes, which is strange because nowadays hiking is the main outdoor activity people think of. Nature lovers 50-70 years ago described many more activities that were not very physically active, simply watching the birds or tending to one's garden or going on a nice walk. I feel this HAS to do with the immediately above point.
Gardening seems like it was more common, like in general. The discussion is about gardening without poisons or unsustainable practices, instead of trying to convince people to garden at all.
Overall, the range of animals and plants culturally considered to be common or familiar "backyard" creatures has narrowed significantly, even as the overall conservation status of animals and plants has improved.
This, to me, suggests two things that each may be possible: first, that the soils and environments of our suburbs and houses have sustained such a high level of cumulative damage that the life forms they once supported are no longer able to live, or second, that our way of managing our yards and inhabited areas has become steadily more destructive. Perhaps it may be the case that the minimum "acceptable" standard of lawn management has become more fastidious.
In conclusion, I feel that our relationship with nature has become more distant, even as the number of people who abstractly support the preservation of "wilderness" has increased. In the past, these wilderness preservation initiatives were a harder sell, but somehow, more people were in more direct contact with the more mundane parts of nature like flowers and birds, and had a personal relationship with those things.
And somehow, even with all the DDT and arsenic, the everyday outdoor spaces surrounding people's homes were not as broadly hostile to life even though the people might have FELT more hostile towards life. In 1960, a person hates woodpeckers, snakes and moths and his yard is constantly plagued by them: in 2024, a person enjoys the concept of woodpeckers, snakes and moths but rarely sees them, and is more likely to think of parks and preserves as the place they live and need to be protected. Large animals are mostly doing better in 2024, but the littlest ones, the wildflowers and bugs and birds, have declined steeply. It's not because "wilderness" is less; it seems more because non-wilderness has declined in quality.
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radiofreederry · 2 years
I think it’s beyond obvious by now that a private rail industry is simply, fundamentally, unsustainable in the long term. You can either nationalize the lot or watch the problems get worse over time. No other options.
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Thousands of people did not just suddenly stop using headphones one day because they felt like it, or because they stopped caring about people with sensory sensitivities like me. No, people stopped using headphones because cell phone manufacturers stopped including headphone jacks in their products. 
My sensory-processing issues are a physical element of my disability that would absolutely still exist in a world without capitalism. Like my poor fine motor control and reduced muscle tone, my sensory processing issues debilitate me: there are tasks I simply cannot perform because of how my body is wired, and this makes me different from most other people in ways that are non-negotiable.  Still, my physical disabilities are worsened quite clearly by capitalism: Because large corporations have both a profit motive and a vested interest in reinvesting those profits into advertisements, and because the internet does not receive public financial support, my daily life is bombarded with bright, noisy, flashing, disruptive advertisements, which makes it far more difficult for me to process relevant information and can swiftly bring me to the verge of a meltdown.  If the internet were funded as a public utility and was therefore not sandblasted in ads, I would be less disabled. If my local streets were less plastered in billboards and littered with junk mail advertising chain restaurants, I would be less disabled. 
Because companies like Apple financially rely upon consumers replacing their phones on an annual basis (despite how unsustainable and murderously cruel continuing to mine cobalt in Sudan for the production of all these new phones is), I must replace my phone regularly. With an updated phone model I lose my headphone jack and have to adapt to a new operating system and layout, and so my sensory issues and executive functioning challenges are exacerbated.  In a world where phones were produced in order to help human beings function rather than to make money, I would be less disabled.  Thanks to capitalism, I cannot exist in public if I am not purchasing anything. I cannot simply be present in a store, coffee shop, or even public plaza, enjoying my surroundings and taking the sight of other people in. I must contribute to the economy in order to justify it. If the brickwork of a nearby building fascinates me and I crave to feel it against my palms, I have to pretend that I wish to buy it, and be prepared to tell anyone who asks that that’s what I intend to do. I can’t even stand on the corner and feel the sun on my face without worrying my neighbors might find it unusual and send the cops.  As an Autistic person, I often can’t fake being a perpetual consumer well enough. My desire to simply elope around my environment and take in new, interesting sensations registers as suspicious or concerningly mentally ill. And so I am further disabled and excluded from public life. 
The full essay is free to read or have narrated to you at drdevonprice.substack.com
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