#and that is as it should be. it is a feature not a bug
artdcnaldson · 1 day
Longing for more Art angst in the changeover AU like in Valentine’s Day. Could you possibly do a follow up? Or maybe another angsty, sad, want to rip my hair out and sob, standford!Art x reader?
Rating: T
Word Count: 910
Warnings: Angst, Language, situationship being a situationship
Summary: The week of formal, Art finally lets you know that he’s not going to make it.
A/N: I jumped to write this so fast. Nothing makes me happier than Art and angst in the same sentence :) hope u enjoy this! Set the week of Part 1 of Changeover :)
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Art was noticeably quiet as you modeled your formal dress for him. There was something to his expression that made you nervous— his smile seemed a little too sweet, his eyes a little too cold.
It had taken weeks for you to find one you’d liked, but you’d fallen in love at first sight with the one you were wearing. A pretty, Stanford red, just like he liked.
Well, maybe it wasn’t so much that you liked it than you knew he’d like it. And it just made it even more noticeable that he was being quiet.
“What?” You asked softly, brows furrowed.
“Nothing,” he said with a half-smile. He reached a hand out to grab yours and tugged you closer so you were slotted between his thighs. “You look really, really beautiful. You know that?”
His hand was warm on your lower back, which was exposed due to the revealing cut of the dress. His thumb rubbed soothing circles there.
It felt like there was another shoe, just out of sight, waiting to drop. Your pulse fluttered with anxiety as you looked at him.
“So you like it?” You asked, toying with the fabric. “I found a matching tie for you— it’s in my closet.”
There it was again. The flicker of guilt, or shame, or something. You pulled away. “Just unzip me.”
He sighed, but did as you said. The second the zipper was down, you walked away, putting as much space between the two of you as the small dorm could allow.
You pulled the dress down and tossed it over the chair of your desk. Kicked off your heels a little too aggressively. They slid beneath the risers of your bed. Didn’t matter, you wouldn’t need them.
“Don’t.” You said firmly, jaw set with frustration. “When were you going to tell me?”
He didn’t respond. You pulled a tee shirt over your head and crossed your arms. He looked small sitting there, like a bug pinned under a magnifying glass.
“Art. When were you going to tell me that you weren’t going to fucking come? It’s five days until formal. Were you planning on letting me show up alone and look like a total idiot?”
He sighed, standing and crossing the room so he could wrap you in his arms. You stiffened, hoping he would let you go, but he wouldn’t.
“I was going to tell you today,” he said softly. “I swear, but then you brought out the dress, and you looked so excited that I just—“
Hurt squeezed your chest, making it feel hard to breathe or think.
“Patrick’s coming in, and Tashi thought the three of us should go to dinner. After the Pepperdine match, there are going to be team parties, so the only time that works for us would be Saturday night.”
You pulled back, a frown tugging at your lips. “So it’s about Tashi?”
He swallowed, annoyance visible on his features. “It’s not about Tashi.”
You scoffed and shoved him away. You didn’t want to be touching him, or near him, or even close enough to hear him breathing. You were torn between laughing and crying and biting his head off.
“Do you realize just how much you’ve wasted my time?” You asked finally, staring at the blank white board above your roommates bed. You could see Art’s reflection, the way his arms crossed and his brows furrowed. It made you even angrier.
“Genuinely, Art,” you snapped, turning to face him. “You’ve spent this entire fucking semester goading me with the idea that you might grow up and stop pining after your friend’s girlfriend. It’s been a waste of my fucking time.”
Art rolled his eyes. “You’re always making this about Tashi.”
“That’s because for you everything is about Tashi,” you yelled. “You want to be her boyfriend, you want to be the one she talks to about her day, you want everything I’ve given you, but from her. But she doesn’t want you, Art. She wants Patrick, and she’s always going to want Patrick.”
He rolled his eyes, jaw set tight. When he looked at you again, his expression was icy. You felt like you understood the nickname, finally. “You might feel better blaming me for all of the time you think you’ve wasted, but you knew I never wanted a girlfriend. You knew exactly what you were to me.”
“Right.” You laughed, despite everything, despite the pain in your chest, the pit in your stomach. It was all so fucking ridiculous. “I may be an idiot, Art, but at least I’m not fucking cruel.”
Art slammed the door on his way out, making the frames on the wall rattle. Your dress was red like fresh blood, a blight on your vision. You shoved it into your closet, crumpled and messy. It was a good thing you’d left the tags on.
There was a tiny part of you that thought Art might crawl back. A part of you that wanted to laugh in his face if he did, and a part of you that would accept his affection eagerly, desperately.
On Friday, Tashi fell on the court. Art was there then, and at the hospital. That night you fuck his best friend, or ex-best friend, or Tashi’s ex-boyfriend. All of the above.
On Saturday, you take your dress back to the mall for a full-refund. Patrick splits a Mrs. Fields cookie with you. It almost makes you feel better.
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Two angst fics in a row? More likely than you think! Pls keep sending more changeover AU thoughts or prompts or questions! i love it :)🩵
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angeart · 2 days
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horseman of war
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plxnetn1ne · 2 days
since everyone in this fandom and their mum seem to be giving their piece about the ‘update’ coming to Hogwarts Legacy on the 6th, i figured id give my piece even if no one has asked
ive been seeing a lot of posts and replies about how “we should just take what we get and be grateful” and “the devs are working hard, do you know how hard game development is?”
im very aware of how difficult game development can be and how mentally taxing it is. i dont doubt that they’ve been through the mill.
the update is trash. its that simple. we’re allowed to feel upset about it, and for people saying that its not fair to be upset — it is fair. we shouldnt have to expect the bare minimum from a game that sold 22 million copies and reached nearly 2 billion dollars in revenue, a game that had 14 nominations for awards and 3 wins.
we were told we were getting a summer update alongside the Haunted Hogsmeade quest — the quest they promised to release to PC and Xbox in march when the game celebrated one year of release. they said, and i quote;
“As we near the one-year anniversary of Hogwarts Legacy, we wanted to let our community know that the Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation-exclusive content will be available on other platforms later this summer, along with additional updates and features for the game. Stay tuned in the coming months for more details on what’s coming to Hogwarts Legacy this year.” copy and pasted straight from Hogwarts Legacy’s official twitter page. along with additional updates and features to the game.
yes — i know, thats a very vague statement. it could have been taken in any way, but typically when additional updates and features — plural — is put into a sentence, you assume that there will be more than one new feature. it wasnt wrong for the community to assume that there was more than a few new additions coming to the game.
okay, we got photo mode — thats great for console players, but it isnt new for us PC players. im happy for my console buddies that finally get to bring their mc to life in the way ive been able to. im looking forward to seeing the uptick in photos upon the updates release. PC and Xbox got the new haunted hogsmeade quest, and thats great, considering the release of it was delayed by 3 months, but atleast we’re getting it. but basically. PS5 was fucked in the process, because everything minus photo mode is stuff they already had, and honestly, thats not fair. and double honest — thats not an update. thats the release of exclusive content plus a new addition.
for several months a summer update was hyped up, and the result was…. ps5 getting fucked, a photo mode that im going to bet my ass on will be buggy as all hell, and some cosmetics. so no — i wont be grateful. especially when we keep getting promised things and then getting fucked by a hot iron in the process. because i havent forgotten the documentary that was supposed to come out, and i still remember during September when they hyped up a digital surprise for Back to Hogwarts day and it ended up being 30 percent off on a game most of us already had, only for the game to go on sale for half off the following Nov/Dec for the holiday sales.
since the release of the game, modders have been basically picking up the slack by working their asses off to create bug fixes, better cosmetic options, enhanced schedules, companions, and so much more to keep the community somewhat entertained. this as well as the file miners that are constantly digging things up that we were robbed of, like the relationship list for companions, gaunt manor, other house specific quests, more quests concerning Isadora, on and on. on top of this, ive seen first hand how much of the outer parts of the map was developed only to be cut out. i spent a solid hour and a half today using free cam to fly around the outskirts of the map — buildings, caves, entire areas laid out for towns or poacher camps, all thrown out on top of all of the discarded quests and content.
and while im at it — ill be one of the few to say it, but Hogwarts Legacies storyline was not well thought out, or at the very least it wasnt very well portrayed. there were hundreds of questions we were left with upon beating the game. where did Anne go? what happened to the keepers after the final battle? why wasnt Isadora in her portrait? what were the keepers hiding? did inhaling the magic actually make a difference or was it just for shock value? how much of Isadora’s story did we miss? how was the undercroft tied in with Isadora when it was apparently a Gaunt secret? what even really was the undercroft?
yes, i know — “well arent they making a second one?” and yeah, im pretty sure they are, and maybe thats why we’ve gotten nothing more than a pile of bricks in the last year and a half. but, they should probably finish the first game before starting on a second.
this doesnt mean i dont love Hogwarts Legacy. i love the people ive met, the stories ive read, and i love capturing the screenshots i take from that game. the entire situation is just frustrating to no end.
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croakings · 2 years
what is bee and puppycat abt 🤔
*maniacal laughter* YOUVE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD
or not really but yeah hi. nothing. everything. friendship. bumming around in your twenties when you don't know what to do with your life. marginally more coherently, it's about a girl who is a robot on her weird island with her little gremlin alien friend who is running from the space cops (???), doing odd jobs on various micro planets to pay rent to an elementary schooler. sometimes they have shenanigans with her friends and neighbors. it's a very chill charming show. warning that there ARE quite a few body horror moments tho
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fumifooms · 3 months
another detail for bugliker shuro: in the chapter 60 cover, his succubus is falin with insect wings & legs! a little reminiscent of laios's tbh...
Oh my god you’re RIGHT…
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Even at the most mosquito-like we see them be in canon they only have wings and hair-like antennas, not this full fit with collar and extra legs… The wings don’t look the same… Oh my god Toshiro’s ideal is a bug wife
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collophora · 26 days
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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keian44 · 8 months
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Funnily enough, this was one of the last screenshots I took on my current playthrough:
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I thought it was hilarious and will be sad she won't make the face anymore in future games
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cordycepsbian · 2 months
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team snakemouth gijinka but more of a Fantasy™️ au than just regular humans. featuring our spin on the concepts of halflings and dwarves where they are creature animal. and leif is uh ??? the horrors
bonus doodle
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keroppidreams · 5 months
✨ alright!! to celebrate that I'm finally out of tumblr shadow ban jail and hopefully interact with people, I'm gonna do a lil game! RB this post with a selfship and I'll assign them a vocaloid song based on vibes✨
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1/8/24: Alright squad I'm gonna close the game! I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoyed your results ^^!!
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mycenaae · 10 months
thinking about crowley falling because he wanted to know answers that the almighty wasn't willing to provide, just for "asking questions", and about how he's the serpent in the garden of eden who tempts eve and adam to eat the apple which gives them knowledge of good and evil which leads them to fall from the paradise in eden. thinking about how so much of crowley's existence has been defined by questioning heaven and god, and by the suffering it brought.
thinking about crowley consistently not telling aziraphale any of the details of just how bad heaven is, no matter how much he wants aziraphale to be free from heaven's influence and cruelty.
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i’ve stayed up too late again but here’s some wips before i go to bed. getting back into my stained glass style. i have a total of 5 of these planned. stay tuned.
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aquilamage · 1 year
I haven’t been insane about Vi enough lately so time to pour out some random thoughts. free association thinking time:
been thinking about her “It's my savings. I wanna be rich, okay? So I can travel, eat well, buy cool stuff… So no one can say I can't do something!” And none of the following will really be insightful or revelatory because it’s just what she says here but. yeah! that’s vi! the main reason she’s so big on money is because she has to be to get what she wants out of life! it’s what lets her say no to people telling her what to do, and that’s important to her because she has no choice but to be independent and support herself. because no one else will. No one at the Hive had anything positive or supportive to say about her being an explorer until she went out and did it (to a ridiculously successful degree, too. I have to wonder if/how it might’ve differed if she was on a regular accomplishment level team. not the one leading them all to the mission to the Hive). she never had a choice not to be. I could also see that being a little part of why she starts out not really being a teamwork person. past experiences have taught her she can’t rely on anyone else for support. (does make me wonder about what if she’d met Chubee before leaving the Hive. obviously she still would’ve left, but how might even a bit of support have changed other things?)
I feel like we don’t talk about the fact that The Beemerang Is Also Knives enough
ok so at one point there was this post talking about people with money and how it affects their life like. if you can afford to get a nanny then you can only do the fun parts of childcare and when you stop feeling like taking care of the kid you can just hand them to someone else to take them away. and again likely not especially revelatory but I would guess that’s the kind of way queen bianca handled the bees as her daughters (she does care about them. absolutely. but not in the same hands-on attached way as we usually associate with parents) and thinking about how that kind of treatment would then apply to vi....hm
in universes where discussions of Gender and Pronouns etc happen I think she has moments where she gets frustrated with the everything of Being Referred To and Having Complicated Identity She Hasn’t Quite Figured Yet and is like. gender is cancelled how dare you refer to me. but especially anyone else calls me a girl ever i will be stabbing them
also I think a lot about what circumstances she finds out about gayness/Gender being things. and whether she’s thought about it in herself before and whether she’d been dismissed on it/told it wasn’t a thing etc. most circumstances she ends up angry about the finding out times because of (un)consicious internal conflict stuff
underground tavern stuff implies she was definitely doing quests and stuff for money with them precanon. would kill to know what specifically it was. but also the first talk with utter implies that she was doing stuff off that questboard as well which is even more intriguing. utter’s spy also implies you don’t have to be an explorer to do them but otherwise you would think you did I feel. so again very curious what was up there
#inspired by that girl blorbos post and also me trying to think about where in the game they drop facts and such about precanon stuff w her#the urge to try and fic about the stuff between her leaving the hive and showing up at the association....strong again#'the hive didn't do anything' my ass. vi might have also been a jerk but it's just that she was the more obvious#easily labeled incident version of it. she was active while her treatment was the subtle passive neglect type of bad treatment#complex situation and also. yeah#an aquila original#vi bug fables#bug fables#also featuring funky gender lesbian stuff because thats not even headcanon. to me#hopefully the reasoning out stuff doesn't just come out like a load of nonsense#vi's one of those characters where I definitely feel comfortable in writing her on a basic level but some parts I'm super insecure about#and the part with her is in really capturing the complexities of her backstory and family issues#and the thing is it's like. I have to remind myself that some parts of how canon did her on that are actually decent#and I should pay attention to those complexities. but then also canon definitely did some of their 'this hasn't really been earned'#resolution stuff on her. mostly thinking about the postcanon dialogue with Bianca. it's jsut too much of a jump for that for me#and it's not even that I necessarily think bianca's dialogue is out of character. it's that I'm contemplating whether it would've#made more sense for vi to get angry about it. like.#ok so. sometimes i think about what coming out to my family might be like. and I've come to the conclusion that if they were just accepting#despite the fact that it would be best case scenario I'd be angry about it. because they've said some shitty stuff in the past. in general#they've made me feel unsafe about myself. so no actually you don't get to just suddenly be chill about it now fuck you.#it doesn't change the past hurts#and I could see Vi being like that too. even if part of her is happy about getting what she wanted to start with she's pissed about#only getting it now. with a side helping of also wondering if the approval /now/ is only because she's been so successful about it#what if she hadn't been so specially favored by elizant? what if she hadn't been on the team that saved the world? why did she (maybe) have#to earn the approval she should've had from the start?#also not gonna get into this one right now but tweaking her story with jaune to acknowledge that theyre both at fault in different ways#(again). would be nice#but now I'm definitely veering into repeating myself type rambling territory so
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not-poignant · 6 months
Hi Pia!
I was just wondering why you made the Each Uisge Welsh when he’s a figure from Scottish folklore, particularly the Highlands and Islands. I’m from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and the loch near my home has it’s own each uisge myth attached to it. Even now, parents will tell kids not to go too close to the water or the each uisge might snatch them away. When I was a little kid, I wouldn’t go on the loch on my dad’s boat because my grandpa had terrified me with stories of the each uisge and I’d convinced myself it was real.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still thrilled to just have an each uisge in fiction, wherever he hails from, and Augus is such an icon.
Ooo it's been years since I've gotten an ask about this.
So yeah, the Each Uisge is Scottish and I actually talked about this a fair bit while I was still actively writing the canon and Augus as a main character (which was I think over 5 years ago now). But it was fully intentional, and ties into the fact that the Each Uisge and Glashtyn shouldn't be sharing a lake at all.
I used to talk about this all the time back when I was still writing the canon. You can see a response to an ask here from 2013 which explains it. And here's some of the relevant info:
Mafydd, like Gwyn, Augus and Ash (in this story - the Glashtyn is usually from Manx and the Each Uisge is usually Scottish, but to make Augus and Ash work as brothers, Augus got uprooted when the lake made a mistake, and now they’re both Welsh) are all Welsh and are all - at this time (at the time of The Drawn Bead) - living in Wales.
This was actually going to be explored in a lot more detail in the fourth installment to the Fae Tales canon, (working title Mirror Realms) where the Nightingale escapes and Gwyn, Augus, and Ash all go down into the underworlds to deal with that, and along the way Augus and Ash meet their mirror counterparts, i.e. the genesis of their fae-realm incarnations, and learn why they were both born into the wrong lake years apart.
But yeah, I think the Raven Prince alludes to this several times as well, that Augus is born in the 'wrong lake' and is an atypical waterhorse because of it.
I'm sure it's in some of the canon side stories but that's a lot of words to ctrl+F through so I'll just leave it as 'oh yeah there's a reason this Each Uisge is so sophisticated and different and has a brother when he shouldn't.' Like, the Glashtyn isn't inherently Welsh either!
It was wholly intentional. I mean if you look closely at all the folklore, it's all messed up - Gwyn's entire family lineage, for example. But Augus and Ash both being born on the fae side of Wales and then both of them being completely fucked up because of it was fully intentional. The Glashtyn doesn't look like that, anon. And the Each Uisge was never supposed to be Gentry Courtier, and yet here we are. :D
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majestic-salad · 6 months
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Silly little professor layton art study with my silly little oc <3
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cringefaecompilation · 10 months
not to sound too much like people that say "all the steven universe characters hate people who read killing/stalking" or "sonic the hedgehog supports decriminalizing sex work" or "twilight sparkle would be ashamed of you for being racist" but it is certainly something that orym's character revolves so much around the women in his life and how they affected him and how much he loves them and how deeply he respects his female friends, but half of his fans are so hostile and misogynist towards imogen, laudna and/or fearne to the point where his detractors are convinced he's a chauvinist bully and think he actively hates all of them.
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cinna-bunnie · 9 months
so like..
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is the idea that as a compromise to only having to toggle off tumblr live once a month, you now have this permanent tumblr live icon regardless of ur setting choice stuck to the bottom in the middle of everything in the hopes that i click on it accidentally anyways even though it's clear i don't want it or? where is the NO 100% STOP GIVING ME THIS SHIT I DON'T ACCEPT YOUR POLICIES AND LITERALLY COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT TUMBLR LIVE AND WILL NEVER BE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE OF FEATURE OR FORMAT.
@zingring @photomatt @humans idk how many feedback requests people have to cut tumblr for "no" to just be a valid response here. ppl aren't dumb and see u inching over the line trying to force this on them despite the snooze choice.
what, are there so many ppl snoozing and such a low adoption rate that you know you need to trick users into using it so you can "make number go up" or? 🙄
#snoozing tumblr live for a month but perpetually having a big centered button that will take you there immediately at all#times while also inherently meaning that you've accepted the privacy policies and TOS for using a third party service#tumblr is so fucking annoying is2g i should just pester my mutuals repeatedly about getting onto cohost and being active instead#of talking to a fucking brick wall because obviously NO ONE at tumblr gives a shit that NO ONE wants to use their shitty third#party live stream feature. for the millionth time leave me alooooone#my patience and grace for this site is almost entirely spent y'all ngl (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) tumblr is like one or two annoying updates away from#me bugging y'all to get on cohost. was hoping there'd be a few more good updates before we got back to the annoying enraging ones.#like.. seeing if ppl r mutuals or followers on mobile? 👍 snoozing going from 7 to 30 days? 👍 live being there despite snoozing? 👎🔫#I'm STILL not over this whole twitter UI too in the browser too. tumblr's trying sooo hard to be a blogging platform in a twitter trenchcoat#u ARE a blogging platform and are functionally different than a typical social media site in multiple key ways. why r u downgrading urself#it's bc matt thinks elon's sooooo cute and wants to kiss him so bad he'd do anything to get his attention#even crash the popularity of his site and burn his good grace he had w the platforms community.#y'all rich mf need some hobbies i swear to god (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) y'all get bored or divorced n start tryna fix shit that ain't broken. pests.#now it's everyone else's problem too 🙄
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