#and that if you seek it out you will get mentored for whatever role you're pursuing
kyojuuros · 1 year
got a job interview next wednesday for a completely new job wish me luck 🙏
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lavender-jukebox · 9 months
How about parental decepticon stuff? I like the episodes where Tarantulas and Starscream end up as mentor figures
I love this idea...I hope I did it right-
Characters are Starscream, Soundwave, Tarantulas, Shockwave, Breakdown
(Reader is human btw-)
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Will gladly answer any questions you have about himself or about the history of Cybertron
He's protective of you weither you're bot or human.
he'll take you for flights in his cockpit when you've had a bad day and let's you vent whatever you need to.
He tries his best to be a role model for you but thinks because he was a decepticon he isn't good at it
You two have deep talks about the past and listen to eachother
Seems like he doesn't care for platonic cuddles but actually loves them
Likes to praise you for things you've done
Gives headpats
If you ever do anything that could involve you getting hurt, get ready for a stern lecture and a shit tone of scolds when you explain your reasoning
He just wants you to be safe and happy :)
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Probably the most parental decepticon out of them all
NEVER let's you out of his sight and insists you either stay beside him or sit on his shoulder
Gets a little worried if you and Frenzy ever rough house (cause you is a fleshie)
If you wanted, he would teach you how to hack
Has unlimited patience and you test this. All the damn time.
He always knows when's somethings up, but won't force you to tell him if you don't want to
If you want any affection he'll give it to you
VERY PROTECTIVE and will kick someone's ass if they lay a atom on you
He can be stern in more serious situations but doesn't intend to make you upset
If you're ever hurt he goes into mom mode and patches your injuries no matter what size
Likes it when you sit on his shoulder and blabber nonsense. He's all ears to hear what you have to say, no matter how stupid it seems
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Questions himself how he "adopted" a human but goes with it
Always keeps you within a distance where he can pluck you up if he senses danger
If you're energetic he'll let you climb and swing from his extra limbs
Some days you can convince him to play hide and seek
If he sense someone coming, he has a tiny burrow hole your size and hides you in there
A little paranoid if you leave the lab that G.H.O.S.T might find you so you have a little living space
Likes to poke you with his extra legs to make you giggle
Will teach you new things and walk you through whatever inventions he's making
Is happy if you offer to help him
More than happy to comfort you in a situation and has many limbs to hug you better
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He's like the strict dad who has eyes on the back of his head
Ironic for someone with only one eye but-
When you try and sneak out the lab or go for a walk, he'll ask where you're going or what you're doing without even turning
If you give him sass, he'll sass you back and you guys have a lot of playful bickers
Basically "home schools" you but not really
Just teaches you something new every day
Seems like he hates affection but will hold you in his hand or let you fall asleep on him as he works in the lab
Listens to every word you say and gives suggestions to help
You stump him all the time with shower thoughts
He makes sure you're healthy and makes you drink 8 cups of water a day as well as eating meals
Does not take no for an answer
Doesn't matter if you're 10 or a grown ass adult, he'll put you in a corner for time out
Oh he knows you're too old he just does it cause he's petty like that
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Not the best influence but definitely one of the more fun ones
He'll take you on energon runs as he explains to you not to turn out like him
Takes you to an empty street or raceway to absolutely speed
He cracks dad jokes all the time.
If you have a bad day he'll try to make you laugh by jokes or something
He's protective of you to the point where when he knows the littlest thing of G.H.O.S.T in the area, yall are gone
Teaches you how to fight in case of an event where he cannot be there for you
Doesn't mind carrying you or letting you sit on his shoulder
He might be a douche sometimes and moves the shoulder you're on to catch you off guard
Laughs when you swear
I wouldn't say he's like a parent but more so a parent / big brother type of guy
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joyfuladorable · 11 months
do u have any peni hcs? 👀
also i love ur peni content where she plays a more prominent role :)
Aww, thanks! I can get Very Attached to characters who I feel needed More from the Narrative, lol.
Now, for headcanons:
Since Peni works for Oscorp, she Absolutely milks the fact that they Need her to pilot SP//dr to get Things like rare snacks and merchandise and music and trinkets for Spider's terrarium
She was already kind of an Oddball while going to boarding school when her dad was out being SP//dr. The typical parent-influenced child cruelty towards kids with absent parents
She was transferred to a school closer to Oscorp and her Aunt and Uncle upon getting Bit, and she’s kinda known as the “kid with her head in the clouds” and “kid who definitely brings a spider with her to school but as long as her grades are good and it doesn’t bite anyone then whatevers”
There’s a bit of contradictory info in the comics about how secret her identity as SP//dr is, but for the movie-verse I imagine Oscorp tries to keep that info contained since she’d be vulnerable while at school but also More Importantly to avoid a Media Uproar about them having a Child fight deadly foes on the regular
As I’ve said, I’d want Peni and Addy to be Besties before the VE#m Incident. Maybe instead of the ill-timed approach during school that the comics had, Uncle Ben would’ve introduced Addy to Peni as a potential support/partner during missions. Peni would be kinda resistant at first like the comics cuz What Is She without SP//dr and now there’s someone who could potentially Replace Her???? But then maybe they’d bond over music and that’d snowball into friendship as Peni showed Addy the ropes concerning mech piloting and “it’s different since you’ll be bonding with just the AI but I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
The “new” SP//dr design was based off schematics Peni unearthed after being in a bit of a Fugue State post-VE#m Incident. Maybe they were files her father had hidden away.
It's Awkward when Peni starts living with Ben and May. Peni was probably already a bit self-sufficient from living at boarding school, and Ben and May are scientists first, guardians second. That changes, softens, when time passes. I think by the time the VE#m Incident happened, maybe Peni was beginning to see them more like parents
It's kinda curious that Ben wasn't a genetic match for SP//dr. Maybe Peni's dad and him aren't blood-related??
In the comics, Daredevil is sorta like Peni's mentor? Would love to see him in the movie-verse, too, as like a mentor/dorky uncle who keeps giving her stickers with weird/funky imagery cuz he can't see them and thinks it's funny to surprise the both of them upon gifting like "here, kid." "...Uncle Matt, this is a sticker sheet of gold stars saying 'you tried.'" "Oh, huh, well, you're welcome." (She sticks one of these on him when he isn't paying attention)
And ohhhh MAN, I know we didn't see him in ATSV, but there's a Kamen Rider/Super Sentai-inspired Spidey who pilots a huge zord called Leopardon and he and all the other mech/robo Spideys are like a Squad in the comics. Would love to see him and Peni bonding over mechanics!!
Peni Definitely had a hand in building/improving the Go Home Machine with Margo
Something someone said to me on Twitter because of my Trust comic is that Spider probably hangs out with other Spideys while Peni is hyperfocused on her work. And I was like YES she Absolutely has to basically play hide n seek with Spider and go to all her friends to see which one has him
Spider likes being spun around like a yo-yo and has a Lot of fun hanging with Pavitr. Spider has a specific reason for liking each of the Squad, actually, and will go to them depending on his Mood
Spider is Highly Intelligent and can pilot SP//dr independently to help Peni with tasks (in the Spider-Verse Unlimited webcomic he helps Peni with her hardwiring homework)
Peni and Spider's psychic connection happens with feelings instead of words. In the suit, those feelings tend to synch so they're of one mind. With the other Spideys, Spider usually communicates with a Lot of gestures and hopping but will resort to Charlotte's Web and weave words if he needs to
Back to my mention of Spider with a Terrarium. He has multiple: one at Peni's house, one at Oscorp, and one at the Spider Society. None of them follow a specific aesthetic, just whatever Spider and Peni like at any given moment
Peni keeps a container of live insects on her person at all times for Spider. She has absolutely almost opened the container on multiple occasions forgetting it's not one of Her Snacks
In the spirit of Peni's heinous ability to chew bubblegum and eat chips at the same time, she Loves eating things with strong flavors and weird textures
One time she spent a Whole Week grinding levels for an MMO with her tech bud, Margo, and they celebrated their raid boss victory by turning the Go Home room into a massive blanket fort where they were found fast asleep in a pile of pillows surrounded by snacks (oh, shit, I should draw that hold on I'm adding it to my list, lol)
And to close on a somber note, Peni has a small shrine at home for her father, her aunt, and Addy. She always takes a moment with it before leaving the house.
And nooow, here’s some Actual Canon things in the Movie-verse I noticed after watching ITSV Everyday for a Week:
Her psychic link with Spider and SP//dr means she Feels when the mech gets Rough Up
Her eyes glowed red when Spider bit her and I imagine they just Do That whenever she focuses on their Bond
The SP//dr mech probably had its own sentience/AI since it emoted without either of its pilots inside. Remnant of her father, maybe?
Okay also speaking of her father, since he Built that suit that means he was probably a Huge Dork for designing the outer panel to emote like that (or Peni programmed it that way but it’s cuter to think her dad did it, lol)
Also, either her dad was a Small Guy or the pilot’s chair was adjusted to fit Peni after she took over, which MMM means it has to get adjusted every time Peni grows like that’s not a particularly efficient design choice??? Or maybe the hull can just adjust itself depending on the pilot, lol
SP//dr’s joints are Magnetized, which gives it a pretty broad range of movement
Peni was trained in some sort of martial arts, which makes sense if she ever needs to fight while outside the suit and gives SP//dr more versatility during combat if it’s in-built weapons aren’t viable
At the very least, Peni is Bilingual. Her New York probably has a majority mix of English and Japanese speakers
She embossed the Goober with a Spidey Insignia, which she either made on the side while working on the Goober or her universe just Has That, lol. Maybe it’s the insignia they use in Oscorp to label SP//dr-related things
She knew where Aunt May's house was in Miles' universe, so she canonically lives in Queens, too. I wonder if she tried going to Oscorp at all?
Heelies heelies she has Heelies which is so freaking Adorable!!
Wow, this is a lot more than I thought I'd write, lol! Hope you enjoyed! ^w^
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luuma-makes-games · 2 years
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For too long has this class occupied free permanent real estate inside my feeble brain. I wanted to make a new form of nonmagical class, based on the classic character trope of the sidekick, shamefully underrepresented in RPGs. The samwise to their frodo, the puppycat to their bee, the jeeves to their wooster. I've been meddling with this thing since like 2018 or something, and finally it's in a state that I really like!
The core of the class is that you trade your own attacks in to give your allies bursts of alacrity - dashing, disengaging, dodging, grappling, focusing, healing, or even making extra attacks themselves! Then, as long as you haven't attacked, you get to whack a foe once with your bonus action.
The other core of the class is that you're a reliable pal, and great to have around. You've got a knack for reliability, a free second background, and the ability to botch together any piece of adventuring gear from whatever doodads you've got lying around!
Links on the way, and a full text copy of the class below the break. Warning: 4500 words long!
The Companion
Hastily scrawling down notes, an apprentice mage hurries after her wizard compatriot, frantically trying to beckon her nonplussed friend away from the horrifying monstrosity bearing down on him. Wiping his hands off, a grinning dwarven cook joins in with the fireside discussion as his companions tuck into the delicious breakfast he has prepared. Patting her injured protégé on the shoulder, an ancient dragonborn sensei lifts her young charge to his feet, granting him the reassurance he needs to fight on. All of these characters are companions, happy to take a back seat from all the heroism and simply keep their compatriots in the best stead they possibly can. Their power lies in hard work, strong bonds, and tactical nouse.
A Helping Hand
The companion represents any kind soul that seeks to devote themselves wholeheartedly to elevating others - and sets their brilliant mind upon perfecting their dutiful care. Doting and maternal, their capabilities stem from a studied understanding of others. Though they choose to forego the brashness and burliness traditionally associated with heroism, their talent for kindness and tactical nouse makes them an indispensable addition to any team. They can rejuvenate, encourage, and rescue their allies with a few well-placed words and a dusting of spices.
Pulling the Strings
Companions are best able to exploit their prodigious capabilities from the back lines of combat, away from danger, where they can help others administer rapid aid to the fallen, or assist archers in pursuit of their marks. When they fight, they do so best with the simple farm tools of their trade: even though they lack the armaments bestowed upon their martial counterparts, the companion's rustic dedication to self-taught workmanship makes them incomparably consistent with their strikes - more reliable than even the burliest of warriors. Companion adventurers are dedicated and loyal tacticians, studying their friends closely enough to know when and how to aid and direct them. As they watch their party fumble, bluff and bluster, the companion prefers to smile knowingly, look on affectionately, and stay out of the limelight; aware that if their allies break out into combat, the odds will be squarely in their favor. The companion might seem a subdued, maternal figure to their fellows, but they are the brains of the operation.
Creating a Companion
As you create your companion character, think about why they chose to help out this specific group of adventurers, and who among the party they consider themselves closest to. The companion is a class of close personal bonds, and bonds should be your foci. Are they the mentor or the mentee? Do they resent their role in the group, and if so, why? What impact does their experience (or, perhaps, lack of it) have on their behavior?
Quick Build
You can make a companion quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your highest ability score, depending on whether you want to focus on melee weapons or on ranged combat (or finesse weapons). Your next highest score should be Intelligence. Second, choose the guild artisan background.
Versatile Score
At your DM's option, you can choose Charisma or Wisdom and use that ability score in place of Intelligence for your Companion features. If you choose Wisdom, your save proficiencies don't change.
########## Class Features ########## As a companion, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per companion level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per companion level above the 1st Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, war picks, whips
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Investigation, Nature and Medicine
Equipment You start off with the following equipment in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) any two simple melee weapons, (b) a shield, or (c) a war pick (perhaps a hammer, cane, or mattock).
(a) 5 darts, a sling, and 20 bullets, or (b) a whip
(a) leather armor or (b) hide armor
A healer's kit and an explorer's pack.
If you forego this starting equipment, as well as the items offered by your background, you start with 3d4 × 10 gp to buy your equipment.
Multiclassing If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the Player’s Handbook (p. 163), here’s what you need to know if you choose companion as one of your classes.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Dexterity score of 13 and a Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class.
Proficiencies Gained. If companion isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as an companion: light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons.
Storied Past
When you choose this class at 1st level, you hark back to the experiences that brought you here. Choose a second background from the Player's Handbook, in addition to your own. You gain the skill proficiencies, tool proficiencies and languages associated with that background, as well as its associated feature.
Beginning at 1st level, you can use your action to lend a helpful order to your allies - a team gambit. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, you can replace one or more of them with a team gambit.
Choose another creature within 60 feet of you that isn't incapacitated and that you can communicate with. You lend it a burst of alacrity, choosing one team gambit that you know and granting its benefits to the target. A creature can't be affected by the same gambit more than once per turn.
You know two team gambits at 1st level, which you choose from the Team Gambit List. You learn additional gambits as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Team Gambits Known column of the Companion table. Each time you gain a level in this class, you can replace one gambit you know with a different gambit of your choice from the Team Gambit List.
If a gambit has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. You can learn the gambit at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class. Gambits can be used outside combat.
Team Gambit List
Attack Gambit
If the target takes the Attack action on its next turn, it can make one additional attack as part of the same action.
Dodge Gambit (Prerequesite: 9th level) You call out incoming attacks against the target. Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against the target has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and the target makes Dexterity saving throws with advantage.
Focus Gambit (Prerequesite: 5th level) You provide instruction that helps the target focus its mind. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, and roll 1d4. Until the start of your next turn, the target adds the result to attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
Help Gambit
Once before the end of your next turn, if the target fails an ability check or misses with an attack roll, it can reroll one of the dice once.
Offense Gambit You bolster the target with a warcry. The next time the target rolls damage before the start of your next turn, it adds your Intelligence modifier to the result.
Reflex Gambit (Prerequesite: 5th level) The target focuses on disrupting its foes, and regains the use of its reaction. Until the start of your next turn, hostile creatures within the target's reach provoke opportunity attacks from it whenever they attack a creature other than the target.
Rejuvenating Gambit You offer a few calming words to the target. It can use its reaction to spend a hit die to heal itself. It rolls the die, adds its Constitution modifier, and regains a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1). Until the start of your next turn, whenever the target makes a Constitution saving throw, it treats a roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Scout Gambit The target can immediately use its reaction to move up to its movement without provoking opportunity attacks. If it doesn't move through a hostile creature's reach during this movement, it can take the Hide or Search action as part of the same reaction, gaining a bonus to its check equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Shove Gambit The target can immediately use its reaction to attempt to grapple or shove a creature within its reach. If it does so, it gains a bonus to its check equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Utility Gambit (Prerequesite: 5th level) The target can immediately use its reaction to use an object, draw a weapon, or drink a potion. You can hand the object to them as part of this gambit.
Alternately, you can use this gambit to administer a potion or healer's kit to a creature within 5 feet of you.
Companion's Attack
You follow up your helpful gambits with a swift blow. Beginning at 2nd level, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action.
You can't use this bonus action on a turn where you use an action to cast a spell, attack a creature, or force another creature to make a saving throw - nor can you use it when you ready such an action.
Practiced Hand
At 2nd level, choose one of your skill or tool proficiencies. When you roll an ability check with the chosen proficiency, you can replace the total with your Intelligence score.
Additionally, choose two types of weapons you are proficient with. When you miss with an attack with that type of weapon, you can replace the attack roll's total with your Intelligence score, potentially turning it into a hit.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it on the same proficiency again until you finish a long rest. You can change your choice of proficiencies or weapons whenever you gain a level in this class.
At 7th level, you choose one more of your proficiencies and two additional weapons you are proficient with to gain the benefits of this feature.
Line of Work
At 3rd level, you choose a line of work that grants you skill in a certain field, as well as a few helpful fighting techniques. Choose a line of work from the Apprentice, Squire, or Valet, all detailed at the end of the class description. The line of work you choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 9th, and 14th level.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Bodge Job
Once you reach 4th level in this class, you're never short of materials, and whenever someone seems to be in need of something you can botch it together from bits and bobs pulled out of nowhere.
As an action, you can piece together a functional imitation of a weapon or solid piece of adventuring gear. The object you craft is flimsy, and breaks 1 hour after you create it.
You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
From 18th level, objects you create last for 24 hours.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Helping Hand
Beginning at 8th level, whenever you help a creature with an ability check, the target can use your bonus to the check in place of its own.
Companion's Command
Beginning at 11th level, you gain great flashes of tactical brilliance that can help your partners to excel in combat. As an action, you choose another creature within 60 feet of you that you can communicate with. You give the target a rousing command - one it could achieve using its movement and action. For example, you could say "Kellen! Run here and cast wall of fire covering this area between these gnolls" or you could say "Naia! Attack!". The target can immediately use its reaction to take an extra turn, carrying out any movement or action you described. If something prevents the target from carrying out the command, you choose what it does instead. On this extra turn, the target can't take bonus actions, and it doesn't regain its reaction. You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Contingency Plans
At 13th level, you're completely prepared for any eventuality, no matter how bizarre or unlucky. If you have disadvantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you roll once instead of twice and take the result.
Saving Grace
Once you reach 15th level, you're seldom caught off guard. You can use a bonus action to galvanize a creature with resilience. Choose Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom. Until you use this feature again, the target adds 1d4 to its saving throws using the chosen ability score
The Bonds of Friendship
Once you reach 15th level you can offer yourself to the whims of fate to save those closest to you. When an effect reduces a creature within 60 feet of you to 0 hit points or kills them outright, you can call upon a dazzling burst of devotion that ends all conditions affecting both you and the target and instantly brings you into a location within 5 feet of the target. The effect is redirected to you, and doesn't affect the target. If you survive it, you fall unconscious at 0 hit points and can't be healed or stabilised by another creature. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again for 10 days.
Unfailing Companionship
Once you reach 17th level, when you roll initiative and have no uses of Companion's Command left, you regain one use. Additionally, when you instruct a creature with your Companion's Command, its first weapon attack on its extra turn deals an additional 2d12 damage.
Art of the Bodge
You become an almost supernally competent odd-jobber. You can spend 10 minutes botching together a functional imitation of armor, barding, any drawn vehicle, a rowboat, a keelboat, or any other nonmagical object no larger than a 10-foot cube. The object lasts for 24 hours. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you do so again.
At 20th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your proficiency bonus.
Lines of Work
Your line of work is a reflection of your particular skillset - the manner in which you go about supporting your allies.
The Apprentice
You're an ideal assistant to the bookish scholars or magic users. With a plethora of information-gathering tools, battle control spells, and handy familiars and rituals, you become a beloved magical assistant. Frantic Scribbling- 3rd-level Apprentice feature You begin noting down the escapades of your group, filling reams upon reams of parchment with scribblings and notes. You have an accurate physical recording of anything you have seen or heard within the past month, including in combat
Spellcasting-3rd-level Apprentice feature
When you choose this line of work, you learn to cast spells through devotion, education, and study. Most apprentices study wizardry, but your DM may allow you to use the Cleric Spell List for this subclass instead, choosing divination and transmutation spells.
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips from the wizard spell list. You learn an additional cantrip once you reach 10th level in this class.
Spell Slots. The Apprentice Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example. if you know the 1st level spell find familiar and have a 1st level and a 2nd level spell slot available, you can cast find familiar using either slot.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the conjuration and divination spells on the Wizard Spell List.
The Spells Known column of the Apprentice Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be conjuration or divination spells of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the spells you know with another spell of your choice from the Wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots. and it must be a divination or evocation spell, unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, or 20th level.
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for any spells you learn using this feature, since you employ memorization to learn your spells.
You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast with this feature, and when making a spell attack roll.
Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Ritual Casting. You can cast any wizard spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag. Apprentice Spellcasting Apprentice Level/Cantrips known/Spells Known/1st/2nd/3rd/4th 2nd 3 3 2 –– –– –– 3rd 3 3 2 –– –– –– 4th 3 4 3 –– –– –– 5th 3 4 3 –– –– –– 6th 3 4 3 –– –– –– 7th 3 5 4 2 –– –– 8th 3 6 4 2 –– –– 9th 3 6 4 2 –– –– 10th 4 7 4 3 –– –– 11th 4 8 4 3 –– –– 12th 4 8 4 3 –– –– 13th 4 9 4 3 2 –– 14th 4 10 4 3 2 –– 15th 4 10 4 3 2 –– 16th 4 11 4 3 3 –– 17th 4 11 4 3 3 –– 18th 4 11 4 3 3 –– 19th 4 12 4 3 3 1 20th 4 13 4 3 3 1 Battle Magic-6th-level Apprentice feature While you aren't wearing heavy armor or wielding a shield, you can use your Companion's Attack on any turn when you use your action to cast a spell.
Spell Swapping-6th-level Apprentice feature Once per day, at the end of a short or long rest, you can spend 1 minute helping an ally swap the spells they can cast. The creature you help may choose a new list of prepared spells as if it had just finished a long rest. Alternately, if it knows spells, it can choose one of the spells it knows of 1st level or higher and replace it with another spell from that class's spell list. The new spell must be of a level that they can learn.
Apprenticeship-9th-level Apprentice feature You can study spellcasters rapidly enough that you can roughly imitate their spells. Whenever you see a friendly creature within 60 feet of you cast a spell of a level for which you have spell slots, you can use your reaction to learn a copy of that spell. For the next minute, you can cast the spell using your spell slots.
Once you cast a spell with this feature, you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Magical Gambit-14th-level Apprentice feature As a masterful magician, you gain the following unique team gambit. It doesn't count against your number of gambits known. You may only use it once per turn.
Cast A Spell. The target can immediately use its reaction to cast a 1st-level spell with a casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus action using its spell slots.
The Squire Line Of Work
You are a gallant companion to one of the martial folk in your group, working to aid them and eager to acquire or share any fighting know-how you can. You might be training beneath them, or, on the contrary, they could be your protégé themselves.
Bonus Proficiencies-3rd-level Squire feature When you choose this line of work, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and martial weapons.
Call to Arms-3rd-level Squire feature You can rally your allies with an encouraging cry. As a bonus action on your turn, you may choose a friendly creature within 60 feet of you that you can communicate with. Until the start of your next turn, the target gains a bonus to AC equal to your Intelligence modifier, and it has advantage on attack rolls.
You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your Proficiency bonus, and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Fighting Style-6th-level Squire feature You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Interception. When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.
Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.
Warhorse Trainer-9th-level Squire feature By spending 8 hours tending to a beast with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower, and pampering and feeding it, you can train it to accept a rider and act as a controlled mount in combat. Your DM determines if a beast will accept this training, and whether they have appropriate anatomy to serve as a mount once trained.
Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can choose a beast trained as a mount within 60 feet of you, and give it a team gambit as part of the same action.
Banner Bearer-14th-level Squire feature
You craft a banner that has a crest you associate with yourself or your close friends. The banner has an AC of 18 and a number of hit points equal to thrice your Companion level. If the banner is destroyed or damaged, you can spend 10 minutes repairing it as part of a short or long rest to restore all its missing hit points.
Any creature can wield the banner in a free hand, mount it on their back, or plant it in the ground. The banner inspires creatures that are friendly to you within a 15-foot sphere centered on it. Such creatures can't be frightened, grappled, or knocked prone.
The Valet Line of Work Valets attach themselves to people that they consider worthy, and set about making those people's lives as sumptuous as possible. Behind your facade of agreeableness and deference, you live in the humble knowledge that you are absolutely indispensible to those you assist.
Backbone of The Party-3rd-level Valet feature You run a tight ship and keep your friends fully fed and catered for, gaining the following benefits.
1: Valet Expertise. Choose two more skill or tool proficiencies for your Practiced Hand.Additionally, when you use your Practiced Hand on a skill or tool proficiency, you instead replace the roll's result with your Intelligence score and add all the roll's bonuses onto that score.
2: Chef Du Jour. As part of a short rest, you can prepare a delicious meal that provides 1 day’s worth of nourishment for up to eight creatures. When you do so, each creature that consumes the meal restores a number of hit points equal to your Companion level + your Intelligence modifier. You must have access to fresh clean water and forage (or rations) to use this feature, and using it consumes 1 day’s worth of food. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you do so again.
3: The High Life. During downtime, you can support a comfortable lifestyle for yourself and up to eight other creatures. While you do so, you ignore all other costs associated with your own downtime activities.
4: Always On Hand. You can stow up to 100 pounds of objects safely about your person. To you, the stowed items weigh no more than 10 pounds, and take up no space. You can pick out any item from this storage as a free action.
5:An Ideal Valet Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose up to eight creatures you rested with. Their clothes are cleaned and dried, and smell sumptuous.
Mutual Allegiance-6th-level Valet feature As an action, you can mark yourself and another creature within 5 feet of you. The mark lasts until you use this feature again. While within 30 feet of the other marked creature, you each gain the following benefits:
Glad to Help. When either of you takes bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage, the other can use its reaction to reduce that damage by half.
After You. When you roll initiative, you can choose to switch places with each other.
Inimitable Assistance *9th-level Valet feature It seems you're always present at the right time - giving tailored assistance to your entire troupe. May you suggest one more thing?
When you take the Attack action and apply a different team gambit to two or more different creatures, you can apply another different team gambit to one additional creature as part of the same action.
Stately Arrangement-14th-level Valet feature Under your professional and businesslike guidance, you realise the beginnings of a monumental property empire. You gain the following benefits:
A number of hirelings up to half your Companion level are in your permanent employ, at no cost. You choose each hireling's role. They may be expert sages, mercenary guards, musicians, tinkers, or anything else you fancy. If one such hireling leaves your employ for any reason, it takes a year's work to find a replacement.
You ignore any upkeep costs associated with any properties you own.
Plant life flourishes within your properties.
The construction time and cost of any strongholds you build is halved.
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diaco1968 · 3 years
Altair x Reader
Warnings! Smut, lemon, unprotected, a bit of choking, bit of humiliation, sounds a little dub/non con in the end
Note: I just realized I've written nothing for my first and longest crush, none other than the arrogant grumpy assassin! Sorry for the slight ooc-ness, I get weird writing about him...
Also amazing art! It's thanks to this, I've been visually crushing over this man for the longest time! *^*
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"Wanna blow off some steam, Assassin?"
He could still feel your hands all over him, the feeling of your touch;
Your fingers running up his abs, tracing his chest, running over his shoulders, nails lightly scraping the back of his neck before they carded through his hair finally coming to a rest in a tight demanding grip on the back of his head.
It was unlike whatever he was used to.
The girls in the garden. They just did what they were assigned to do. Though they were obedient and submissive, they didn't claw at him like they desired him.
It was unusual.
It was exhilarating.
It was wrong.
It had been one of the rare occasions where there was a brief pause in the conflict between the assassins and the templars. A moment of peace that kept you all from jumping at each other's throats while their mentors and your commanders talked out their differences for a mutually beneficial truce. And of course they both had the option of having their choice of bodyguards accompanying them.
That was how he first met you. In person and eye to eye. With a distance of less than a rooftop, even less than a swords lenght, apart.
He couldn't get it off his mind now.
You had heard of him, seen the havoc he had caused in your ranks without even being seen. And he had seen you before as you barked orders at your little pawns and cut through his less experienced brethren with no mercy.
Always from afar.
Maybe that was the reason you colided hard the moment those roles were gone and out of the way. Attracted by the differences like day and night.
So when you cornered him alone with that very suggestion you were met with little to no resistance as you grabbed his collar and crashed your lips onto his. You demanded and you took as you pleased, making him bend to your will and despite his arrogant self, he liked that. He liked being wanted. The way you had him on his back in moments, straddling him so full of confidence. You were quite a skilled rider too.
Had him wondering if he had finally met his match?
Now as he stalked in the shadows waiting for you to make a wrong move, he wanted to take back. He wanted you. He had spent weeks being distracted time and again by the memories of your little encounter, now that he was so close to you again he couldn't help but drown deeper and deeper in his inner conflict. Thess were slightly different times, what if you rejected him? It would be so embarrassing... and he couldn't just kill you off if you did, that would harm the truce...
He shook his head as he caught himself thinking nonsense again.
Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent...
You were a templar though... did you count?-
He didn't have time to measure your innocence as your pawns left to do something you ordered them to and finally you were all alone. All his. Easy prey.
A hand wrapped around your arm, twisting it behind you as he pulled you into the alleyway and slammed you front first into the wall.
"You've become too dull."
"Have I really?"
That was when he noticed you didn't use your other hand to brace yourself on the wall. The little sharp pain in his side from the blade threateningly pressing into him was proof enough.
"You'd still die anyway. So, yes, you have."
He let go of your arm and you turned around to face him in the very little space provided by his arms caging you to the wall, teasingly grinding your ass back onto him. He of course suppressed the little hiss in response, not wanting to give you the satisfaction.
"You think I dismissed my men because I'm dull and not because I saw a certain assassin lurking around in the shadows?"
He narrowed his glinting golden eyes at you.
"You are bluffing."
You chuckled as you wiped at your scraped cheek to ease the stinging.
"What ever helps your ego."
You could see his scowl even from under the hood casting shadows over his face that complimented his features, as he loomed over you, completely silent. His sunkissed skin, sharp bones, haunting eyes, defined scar over his lips.
"You are in templar territory, what do you want, bird?"
His grimace at the nickname had you smirking triumphantly. Why did you have to know their language... it was annoying.
"Don't call me that!"
"But that's your name."
You looked smug and he didn't like that but you didn't have all day for the yarn of his ego to untangle on it's own. You reached up, slipping your hand inside the hood and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to you so you could whisper in his ear.
"Or do you prefer, Eagle? Am I your poor little prey this time?"
He could feel the goosebumps rise over his arms as he growled in annoyance, your voice rolled over his skin smoothly.
"If you were, you wouldn't live long enough to mock me."
Your smirk widened, nipping the side of his jaw and pushing him off a whole step before he could react.
"Come, boy."
"... tch..."
Clicking his tongue he wondered if this was all worth it any way as he watched your form striding down the alley, taking his time before he decided to follow you.
To an abandoned building, top floors almost burnt away, leading to a giant hole in the roof opening up to the skies. At the entrance you grabbed his hand cause he was hesitating to step in.
He would have preferred more hospitality... like your own quarters maybe...
He didn't have time to ponder as you pushed him back on one of the few surviving furniture, before straddling his lap.
... a long wooden bench... in a burnt building with cold stone wallls...
"We're in a church!-"
You were already half way through his robes, heavily dropping the weapon belt on the ground as you looked up at his anxious expression, scoffing.
"And? Are you a religious man, Assassin?"
He glared at you but you had a point. He just didn't expect such disrespect from you. Were you not fighting as part of Richard's army?...
"You're shameless."
"Shame is a weakness. You didn't seek me out beacuse I am a weakling now, did you?"
You plopped down on his now not dangerously armed crotch and his hands shot up to grab your hips and steady you.
"Who said I seeked you out? I was just in the area for a job."
"Ouch... you mean you killed off one of my men and came to add insult to the injury?"
He paused as you paused staring down at him. Well maybe he didn't choose his words right. He wasn't good at lying on the spot.
"That's hot."
At this point he had no idea if you meant the things you said or if you were being sarcastic. But he didnt care as you started grinding down over him.
Like last time.
Oh hell no.
He flipped you, so now you were lying on your back looking up at him surprised.
"Not this time. You are mine now."
"Oh? Fine then, show me what you've got."
You almost immediately regretted that as the pit in your stomach deepened not only from excitement but from fear as his fingers wrapped around your throat tightly, nudging your legs apart to settle between them. As you let him discard your clothes, it was probably the first time it downed on you. The danger you were in. He could actually kill you. And no one would know. Kill you and leave you there disgraced and dishonored with no one to know where to look for you.
You wheezed loudly, clutching the wrist of the hand he had wrapped around your neck, your train of thoughts derailed as he unceremoniously thrusted himself into you.
His fingers left your neck, to fist in your hair instead, arching your neck so he had more room as his lips met the delicate skin, his stubble scratching you pleasantly. You grabbed the back of his neck, pressing his face deeper into the crook of your neck and he didn't mind endulging you, sucking and nipping on the skin, combined with shallow slow thrusts had you arching and twisting under him, trying desperately to get more friction out of him. He gripped your hips tightly, pinning you down and restraining your movements.
"I said you'll be good and do as I tell you to."
"That is not what you said."
"Don't test me, (y/n)."
He growled in your ear, his voice rumbling from deep in his chest and you were not about to argue with that as you hummed in response and decided to oblige.
He briefly pulled out of you, only to pull you up and dropping you on your knees on the stoney ground. With a hand on the back of your neck he had you face down, arse up and he plunged himself back into you groaning at the way you twitched around him eagerly with a loud wanton moan.
His other hand grabbed your hip to keep you from jerking forward while he drilled into you, completely different from his earlier pace.
"This is what you want after all. To be fucked like a little bitch with an important audience."
Between your moans and scratching at the ground in pleasure mixed with pain you didnt have time to wonder who, until he grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled you back against him so you were facing  the old crushed cross behind the altar.
"...you fucking basta-geh!"
He shoved his fingers into your mouth, down your throat, deep enough to make you choke and gag around them.
"I'd watch my mouth, if I were you."
He resumed kissing your abused neck, fingers thrusting in your mouth, creating lewd wet noises and heavy moans.
You were close, he could tell. You were constricting around him so tight he almost released a few times if not for the way you bit his fingers angrily. But he wanted you to finish first. Wanted you to whimper and beg as you just couldn't anymore.
He sunk his teeth in your shoulder and that was it for you. A high pitched mewl and you were clamping down on him violently as your release shook you to your core, slumping over him as he slowed down ever so slightly.
Then he let you drop on your front and resumed his brutal pace, seeking his own release now, disregarding your half hearted protesting sobs.
It didn't take him long and he finished over your ass, panting heavily as he watched your shaky body, get used to the abuse way too quickly as you rolled over underneath him to shoot him a glare.
Awkward silence engulfed you both as he got on his feet and even helped you up with a hand and you both started fixing up your clothes and putting your weapons back in place.
This was not how it ended last time. The silenece made him wonder if he did something very wrong. If your little forbidden rendezvous had come to an end because of him. If it had, it was probably for the best but... he felt a pang of sadness thinking about it. Oh how he wished for you to open your smug mouth and say something. Anything.
"I think we can both agree, I am better off in charge."
"You wish, Templar."
"...well... yes, I do. That's the whole reason behind our ancient conflict, Assassin."
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tiredassmage · 2 years
A, S, T, O, R
My friend thinks she is funny.
And she is correct. Because I snorted when I got this.
Anyway, @fatewalker-phoenix 500 years later, its time to actually answer this aknsdlkadnfasdf. She also claims she didn't specify who these were for but she KNOWS I have too many pretty boys to do all of this is one post. I think someone would kill me. Probably tumblr with the load of how much words in one post that'd be.
ANYWAY, this was from like, a month+ ago?? I'm surprised I even found the original ask list with how great tumblr's tag search system is at times, but here it is for reference! And if y'all would like to see any more, lol.
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A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
Astor does his best to be there for friends, companions, etc. in... whatever capacity they require that he can fulfill - whether that be just someone to listen while they talk through things or that person you call at 2 am because you blew a tire and you need a ride.
I also consider him, in general, to be a somewhat cuddly person, so his modes of support often tend to be physical contact - from simple hand holding to hugs, if you're comfortable with them. I'm weaksauce for hugs and Astor gets to deal with a lot of what I give him, so that's another lil thing we share. Love hugs. He also tends to be pretty decent at pep talks - knowing what someone needs to hear and, more often than not, usually be able to speak from the heart on the matter.
Don't mistake that as he'll lie - because that's not it, but he spends a lot of time looking for and believing in the best of people, especially those he cares for or admires, so he remembers those qualities and can be good at bringing up what matters when its important as a little extra nudge of encouragement.
Being a Scion and Warrior of Light, I admittedly haven't spent a lot of time delving into what little things he might personally advocate for, since the WoL ends up in... quite a bit just as is, lol. But one cause that was close to home for him was peace following the Dragonsong War and Ishgard's reformation. He grew up in the Dravanian Hinterlands not too terribly far from Tailfeather, and Anyx Trine was always quite a sight over the trees. He really took to the dragons there, and, on the matter of Ishgard's changes, it was just good to see people make that choice and have hope and faith that they could manage that path. Particularly in his AU verse, of course, as one of Ysayle's closest followers - in that series of events, Astor actually remained with the dragons of Anyx Trine for a time after the close of Heavensward to better facilitate the budding relations before finally joining the Scions to, hopefully, seek out a new purpose and something of his own to believe in after losing Ysayle.
S - Seeker - How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept ideas on faith or do they need to test out information for themselves?
Astor tends to be pretty trusting - he's got faith in human decency, for the most part. If he doesn't know something, they've built a pretty good network around the Scions to find things out just by asking the right people. Unless he comes across something that implies maybe he should reconsider or there's more to the story than meets the eye, he's generally content to accept what he does learn.
Failing asking around, he isn't opposed to doing his own reading on the subject and, in more practical or hands-on things, try it out a few times to check his understanding.
T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice?
He does generally enjoy working with others and admittedly has a not-so-secret soft spot for taking on something of a mentor or fatherly role. He just kind of... does that. He's the character that spontaneously adopts the younger member of the party. "I'm adopting a child. It's you, sign here."
Astor tries to explain and show because I think its how he learns best, too. An explanation, maybe a showing of the how, and a chance to try himself and then practice. Also by making connections or comparisons. He is someone who tries to make sure he has a grasp of the basics of something before diving into something - asks questions before the leap kind of thing.
O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised?
Generally speaking, he's alright. I would not say he has everything labeled nor would I say his desk is completely neat and orderly, but he knows - most of the time - where things are when he leaves them. It's not exactly to my extent of just dropping things in place and knowing I left them there in my disorganized organized chaos, lmao, but.
He tries to be at least somewhat neat and kind of clean. Keep relevant things together. Put tools or utensils away when you're finished. Nothing that I'd say is unusual.
Stress, unsurprisingly, can make him a bit more careless. Or even when he gets really deep into researching something or just invested in reading into something or a certain subject. He can easily fill his desk with a lot of items and materials and that can look chaotic - and sometimes be a bit chaotic. While he may have everything he need, he can just kind of... bring it over and put it down and just... get to work. Which can leave some things scattered about in a less organized manner than a simple step by step process.
R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive?
I have absolutely made a few jokes about Astor being a goody-two-shoes in his time and, yes, for the most part, he's generally alright to stay within set parameters - so long as he believes in them and they're beneficial for most or all parties. That being said, Astor can also be incredibly, incredibly bullheaded. To both ends - both in following set rules or expectations, or in... bending them. Or just straight up telling them that they're wrong.
He could balk at something like trying to go around an established chain of command, for example, not wanting to get anyone in trouble. But he also won't settle for things that he considers unfair. For example, though practiced and rather gifted in White Magic, Astor does not exactly shy away from aiding those despite whatever archaic permission may or may not have been granted to him by the elementals. He is, in all sense of the words, a healer main through and through to the heart, and he will not sit by and let someone suffer when he has the power to aide or alleviate even a fraction of that suffering. That is never the right thing to do.
That being said, he's a lot more bold about it when its only him he's risking. He's a selfless bastard to a worrying fault and he doesn't like to wager with other peoples' lives or safety.
And... generally speaking, Astor has... a small distaste for the rebellious for the sake of rebellion type. While there are certainly some rules he may agree were made to be broken or bent, he'd have a hard time with anyone who acted in a selfish manner.
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asyeralovelies · 3 years
ICARUS - percy jackson x oc (chapter one)
word count: 3,909
trigger warnings: gory description (mrs dodds) , implied physical abuse
a/n: lmao i posted this on wattpad first (@/asyeralovely) so you guys can check it out there too. also on ao3, same user as my wattpad.
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"My, my..." Dittany celeste murmured as she looked around Yancy Academy, a private school in upstate new york. Her satyr friend, Grover Underwood, and her mentor at Camp Half-Blood, Chiron, or tío as she liked to call him, had asked for someone to help in picking up a demigod in the school. Apparently, it was so hard to get the half-blood that they needed another one from camp.
Well, Dittany wasn't really "just another one at camp."
The dark haired girl had been left at camp borders when she was a mere one year old, the only information of her mother she had was that the woman's last name was "Celeste."
Honestly, she didn't know what to feel about the woman. Did she leave her there to train early at camp to learn to protect herself? Did her mother simply not want a child and left her there to fend for herself? The daughter of Hephaestus had no clue.
The only other long-timers at a young age in camp was Annabeth Chase, another friend of hers. The daughter of Athena had been there since she was seven.
Dittany snapped her fingers, willing the mist, a veil that covers up the Greek Myths world in mortal eyes, to make her seem like another student in Yancy Academy. She had learned that trick when she was ten, after six years of pestering her tío.
As she walked casually around the halls of the private school, her mind went through notes about the new demigod. His name was Percy Jackson, a boy with black hair and green eyes. He was in sixth grade and seemed to have attracted a very dangerous monster, because Grover had been panicking when he Iris-Messaged her about the situation.
Finally, the girl caught sight of a certain curly haired satyr talking to who she assumed to be Percy Jackson and stalked towards them. She snapped her fingers again, willing the mist to make it seem she was already friends with the two. Well, to Percy. Grover already knew her, without the mist.
The green eyed boy met her own dark eyes and he grinned as if they really did know each other, as if the scars on her face were a natural sight, and Dittany grinned back, acting her role.
"Hey, Perce," she said enthusiastically, using the first nickname that came to mind. She sent a subtle nod to Grover, who gave her a quick thumbs up. "You two having fun without me? After all we've been through!"
Percy rolled his eyes and smiled fondly at her. "Shut up, An. Grover was just saying something about being worried for the field trip tomorrow." He looked at her with a raised eye brow, like he was saying, "can you believe him?"
Dittany was a great actress. "What? You afraid our teacher's gonna turn into a monster and slash us to bits?" she asked Grover, mirth in her eyes. The satyr narrowed his own eyes at her, clearly too worried to laugh in amusement.
"No," he said through gritted teeth. "I'm just.." he couldn't seem to find an excuse for his nerves.
"Just?" said Dittany amusedly.
"Whatever." he grumbled.
Dittany only smiled teasingly at him.
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"I'm going to kill her," Percy mumbled. Nancy Bobofit, a red haired girl with kleptomania and freckles that seemed spray painted with crushed Cheetos, had been throwing wads of her sandwich into Grover's curly brown hair.
Dittany knew Percy wouldn't do that, because according to Grover, the demigod was on probation and had been threatened by the headmaster himself with death by in-school suspension if anything remotely strange happened.
See, from what she had gathered with observations in one day, the boy had ADHD and dyslexia, like most demigods. Dittany didn't have dyslexia, meaning she could read perfectly fine, but she could still read Greek. In truth, she didn't know how that worked, but she didn't question it.
"It's okay. I like peanut butter." Grover said. Being thrown at your hair, Dittany mused. Hope you're not serious.
Grover dodged another piece of Nancy's lunch.
"That's it." Percy snapped, standing up, but Dittany pulled him down by his shirt.
"You're already on probation, Mr Jackson," the girl air quoted the last part. "Anything remotely shitty happens and you're out of here." then she smirked. "Wouldn't want to leave your two best friends in the whole world, would you?"
That shut him up.
When Dittany willed the mist, she made it so Percy thought she had been here since day one and only had Grover for a friend. The daughter of the forges had noticed that the only things keeping Percy from straight up leaving was because of his friends who would be all alone without him and his mom who would be disappointed that he just gave up.
Sally Jackson was a nice woman, from last night when Dittany had Iris-Messaged her. She informed the mother that she was also going to keep watch on Percy, since the situation was getting desperate with the really powerful monster. But Dittany had assured her things would be fine when Sally started panicking about the statement.
But today, Dittany's senses were on high alert.
She knew immediately that Mrs Dodds, the other chaperone for the field trip, was their monster. From the way her eyes had widened when she caught sight of Dittany, who had not been there before, and seeing the students just pass by her like she had been there all along. From the way the monster had glared at her, like she was silently asking, "how dare you interfere!?"
She had glared back at the woman. The students saw it as "what're you gonna do about it?" because in their mist memories, the dark haired girl liked to stir trouble. The "what're you gonna do about it?" glare really meant that she was challenging the monster.
Ever since Dittany had left for a quest with Luke Castellan, a son of Hermes and a mutual friend with Annabeth, about two years ago, the twelve years old wasn't so terrified of monsters. Well, she never was, really, but she got to see the real world. She knew what it was like to fight monsters in life or death situations and not just for practice.
She remembered the days very well.
Luke had been offered a quest by his father. Well, not personally, but according to tío, Hermes wanted Luke to go to the garden of the Hesperides and get a golden apple like Heracles had once done.
Luke immediately took it, consulting the oracle.
He had went back down the attic ladder looking confused. He had said the oracle required him to bring only one other person along with him.
The Hermes boy had asked Dittany because she was the most skilled person in combat at camp, partly because of staying the longest there and partly because she trained relentlessly to spite her unknown mother for leaving her at the borders by herself.
They had travelled to San Francisco together, stopping every once and a while for take out food or fighting monsters.
When they were outside the garden, just about to enter, Luke had told her the prophecy.
Unlike Luke, Dittany caught a meaning to it. Well, the first part, at least. The demigods were never allowed in San Francisco unless for a quest because, apparently, it's where they're most likely to get killed off. They were doing one of the labors of Heracles. They were about to enter the garden of the Hesperides.
She didn't understand anything from the second part except that Luke needed one companion or he'd die and Hermes apparently had a gamble going on.
When they entered the garden, at first, Dittany didn't understand why it was only "once beautiful." It was mesmerizing, reminding her of those religious bible stories about the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve used to live before their sin. But the longer they looked around, she felt like a part of the place was missing. Like a song cover with missing lyrics. It could still be beautiful, but it just wasn't right without those missing parts.
Then they approached the hundred headed dragon, Luke warning her to stay put before he called signal so they could both have a role. Luke would distract while Dittany would go for the apple.
The whole time with the ordeal, Dittany felt like she was being watched.
In the end, Luke ended up with a scar running from above his eyebrow down to his jaw. Dittany had to step in the distraction to save him from the dragon's other claws that were going for a second strike and got Dittany's face and shoulder instead. It looked like three knife slashes on her face going diagonally and a scar from her shoulder to the small of her back.
They failed to steal a golden apple, but Dittany felt like they were meant to fail.
They came back with heavy injuries because of going back to camp and facing more monsters while they were already scarred. From then on tío banned quests, not wanting anymore heavy injuries.
Luke had felt like he ruined chances for everyone, but Dittany assured him that he didn't. She told him she should have kept with the plan because Luke could protect himself, but then Luke told her that he would have died without her.
Luke told her he also felt like his father was making fun of him for thinking he could do it, and Dittany silently agreed. But she didn't voice out her thoughts. She just hugged him and told him that one day, someone would clear for the camp and quests would be allowed again. Someday, things would get better.
But both Luke Castellan and Dittany Celeste knew that things only ever get worse for demigods.
Annabeth had taken it to herself to cheer up both of them, saying corny jokes that were so bad they were funny and reading random facts about architecture to distract them.
In the present, Dittany found herself smiling sadly. Luke was better now, and so was she, but sometimes the girl would find the sandy haired boy looking grim and trying to stop the tears.
She knew the boy wanted to make his father proud, prove that he was a hero, but instead he had failed. Dittany would walk up to him, sit on the seat next to him and make his head fall to her lap so that he could cry. She would never ask, because she already knew. She didn't whisper comforting words, because someone's presence and knowing they're there for you was enough.
Sometimes Annabeth would join them and would just tell silly stories where she describes the places in the story.
They would pretend they were a normal mortal family where Luke was their father who was overwhelmed with work and needed comfort and Annabeth would be the one to tell him about her day while Dittany made snacks. A normal, happy mortal family.
Dittany found herself following Mr Brunner— aka Chiron or tío— as he led the museum tour. Tío already knew she was there, and he played his part of acting like she always had been.
He rode up front in his wheelchair, guiding the class through the big echoey galleries, past marble statues and glass cases full of really old black-and-orange pottery.
It blew Dittany's mind that this stuff had survived for two thousand to three thousand years. What, with the gods' tempers and tendencies to destroy things? Wow.
He gathered them around a thirteen-foot-tall stone column with a big sphinx on the top, and started telling them how it was a grave marker, a stele, for a girl about their age. He told them about the carvings on the sides.
Dittany noticed Percy was trying to listen to what he had to say— she didn't really need to now— because it was kind of interesting for him, but everybody around was talking, and every time he told them to shut up, the other teacher chaperone, Mrs Dodds, would give him the evil eye.
Dittany would back him up discreetly by smirking at Mrs Dodds and playing with her sword's hilt that stuck out of her sheath, right at her waist, and was disguised as some chain belt in the mist. But the monster saw right through that mist and only settled for keeping away from her while keeping eyes on her weapon and on Percy.
Tío kept talking about Greek funeral art.
Nancy Bobofit snickered something about the naked guy on the stele, and before Dittany or Grover could stop him, Percy whirled around to face the redhead and said, "Will you shut up?"
Dittany had a feeling he had said that louder than he meant to. She silently watched him in pity as his face reddened from his own realization.
The group of kids laughed, tío stopped his story.
"Mr Jackson," he said, effectively adding more attention to the embarrassed boy, and making Dittany want to face palm at the centaur. "did you have a comment?"
"No, sir." Percy said, looking down to hide his face.
"Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represents?"
Damn it, tío, Dittany thought, but her lips were pursed.
Percy looked up with a face of recognition. "That's Kronos eating his kids, right?" he said with uncertainty. Dittany looked away and curled her lip in disgust, remembering about reading the "myth."
"Yes," Chiron said, not sounding very impressed. The Celeste girl rolled her eyes. "And he did this because. . ."
"Well, Kronos was the king god and— " Dittany turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised, forgetting that he still didn't know he was a demigod yet and didn't think the Greek Myths were worth the read.
He caught her gaze and cleared his throat. "Titan. Titan.. Lord." he corrected himself.
Dittany nodded, looking away again.
He continued, "And... he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters—"
"Eww!" said one of the girls behind Percy and Dittany, making the latter roll her eyes and smirk. She, too, was disgusted when she first read the story, but then she joked around about it just to annoy campers.
"—and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," Percy continued, "and the gods won."
Some snickers from the group.
Behind them, Nancy Bobofit mumbled to a friend, "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"
"And why, Mr Jackson," tío said, "to paraphrase Miss Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?"
"Busted," Grover and Dittany snickered.
"Shut up," Nancy hissed, her face even brighter red than her hair. Grover only smirked and looked away and Dittany stuck her tongue out childishly.
At least Nancy got packed, too. Tío was the only one who ever caught her saying anything wrong. He had radar ears.
Percy thought about his question, and shrugged. "I don't know, sir."
"I see." Chiron looked disappointed. "Well, half credit, Mr Jackson. Zeus did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course, being immortal gods, had been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titan's stomach. The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld. On that happy note, it's time for lunch. Mrs Dodds, would you lead us back outside?"
The class drifted off, the girls holding their stomachs, the guys pushing each other around and acting like doofuses.
Grover, Dittany and Percy were about to follow when Chiron said, "Mr Jackson."
Dittany internally face palmed, having been used to her tío's dramatic tendencies.
Meanwhile, Percy knew that was coming.
Dittany turned to Chiron with an are-you-fucking-serious-right-now look before heading outside with Grover.
When they reached the fountain, they started talking.
"Ten drachmas that tío'll be ominous again and confuse Percy," Dittany immediately said. Grover replied, "Twelve that he actually gives him a clue."
The scarred girl rolled her eyes, muttering with a smirk, "Yeah, right."
They sat in silence after that, waiting for the boy in question to come outside.
Dittany zoned out, staring at the water. She realized she looked like a stereotypical skater girl with a grey sleeved shirt under a black tee. Her ripped denim jeans were just a quick in-the-moment choice that Silena Beauregard, a close friend and her older half-brother's crush, would have not approved of. The sapphire eyed teen would have chosen black jeans to match the "aesthetic" or whatever the hell it was. Dittany just wanted something to wear.
The she caught sight of Percy approaching her and Grover. He sat down between them with a brooding look.
"Detention?" Grover asked.
"Nah," Percy said, but he still looked grim. "Not from Brunner. I just wished he'd lay off me sometimes. I mean— I'm not a genius."
Grover didn't say anything for a while, and when he opened his mouth, Percy thought the boy was going to give some deep philosophical comment to make him feel better, but instead he said, "Can I have your apple?"
The raven haired boy didn't have much of an appetite, so he let him take it.
Dittany saw Percy look to the road with a longing expression, and she did, too. But her reason was the want to get hit by a car, feeling restless at just sitting. At least she'd have a reason to be still. She was hit by a moving vehicle! Of course she can't move right now!
As she mused the thought, Nancy Bobofit was suddenly in front of them, or maybe the Celeste girl just didn't notice the redhead approaching.
The bitch had the audacity to dump her lunch in Grover's lap, and Dittany felt her hands prick and warm up, like a flame about to ignite, but she quickly calmed herself. No one knew about that power. She wasn't going to let the secret out anytime soon.
Percy wasn't so calm.
Dittany swore the fountain's water had suddenly lurched forward, grabbed Nancy, and pulled her in the fountain.
Poseidon, Dittany thought immediately. You three gonna do this in order, she silently asked the three gods, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Thunder rumbled and the earth slightly shook beneath her feet. She rolled her eyes.
She was referring to Thalia Grace being the first child of a broken oath, and Percy now being the second. All she had to do was wait for a Hades child and it'd be a complete set. Thunder rumbled again, and the earth shook, but specifically only under her.
How terrifying, she thought sarcastically.
She was splashed by the fountain's water in the back, but her clothes were quickly made dry so Poseidon seemed innocent. She discreetly flipped off the god.
With her interactions with the three gods, she had missed Mrs Dodds taking Percy away and Grover looking at her with an exasperated look, like he knew exactly what she was doing.
When the brunette finally noticed that Percy Jackson, apparently the son of Poseidon, was gone, she looked to Grover with an eyebrow raised. He only shook his head worriedly.
She stood up and ran to her tío who was watching the museum doors worriedly. He took out a pen and looked ready to follow inside when he spotted Dittany.
Chiron handed her the pen and nodded, emphasizing she could get there quicker.
Dittany took it and ran up to the entrance, swinging the doors open and just in time as Mrs Dodds was ready to slash Percy to bits.
A fury!?, she thought furiously, hopefully sending her thoughts to the god of the underworld. How petty can you get, Hades?, she huffed.
"Percy, catch!" she yelled and tossed the pen in the air, the said boy whipping around to meet her dark eyes and catching the pen, watching it turn into a double edged celestial bronze sword.
Dittany would have taken out her own weapon to help, since a fury wasn't usually killed at first try, if Percy hadn't immediately sliced through the monster.
The girl's eyes widened but she didn't stay, immediately running out. She had a feeling Chiron would want Percy to think it was all just an illusion, so she immediately went back to the fountain with Grover, sending a quick thumbs up to her mentor.
She took the face towel Grover offered to dry her sweat, partly from running and partly from seeing the fury.
She sent a look to her tío, silently asking him if she should will the mist again to make up some new teacher, but he shook his head. He had it handled.
A few moments later, Percy came out of the museum looking dazed. It had already started raining, and Dittany was soaking while Grover hogged the only cover.
Percy said something to Nancy, and the girl looked at him like he was mad before scoffing and walking away. Then he walked over to Dittany and Grover.
"An," he immediately looked to Dittany. "Where's Mrs Dodds?" He wanted to know if this was a dream or not.
As was said earlier, Dittany was a great actress.
"Perce," she said slowly, emphasizing that she was trying to see signs if he was going insane. "Who the hell is that?"
Percy looked desperate.
"Mrs Dodds!" he exclaimed. "Our pre-algebra teacher!"
Dittany looked at him in concern. "Percy," she started. "We never had a teacher named Mrs Dodds."
Percy looked to Grover.
The raven haired boy would have believed it was all an illusion if Grover hadn't looked around nervously, like preparing to make an excuse, and said, "She's right, Perce. Are you okay?" in the most unconvincing voice ever.
Dittany mentally face palmed.
Percy looked to Dittany. "But.. You gave me the pen, only it wasn't a pen, it was a sword, and—" he raised his hand, which was holding a normal ball point pen. He looked at it with wide eyes suddenly, like it wasn't a pen the previous moment.
Dittany let her eyes widen, too, but to say, "Hey! That's mine!" in a playfully accusing tone. "Well, I only borrowed it from Mr Brunner.. But still!"
She snatched the pen from him, but the boy was still in shock.
The dark eyed girl ran to Chiron, quickly giving him the pen. She glanced back at Percy who looked to be in a crisis.
"What monster?" her tío silently asked.
"Kindly one." Dittany said simply.
Chiron heaved a breath and the demigod only shrugged.
"Could be worse, honestly."
And... she jinxed it.
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nealflitherland · 4 years
For some reason the whole first paragraph shows up in the preview... but anyway, you get the idea! If you like my take on Nightwing, go check him out!
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