#and stream abbey road!!!!
people on reddit saying half of revolver is fluff. ACTUALLY revolver is for INSANE people and you are not ON THE LIST!!!!!!
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stark-raving-romantic · 8 months
Since we all agree the Harry Potter is NOT it...here's a fun poll! These are just my picks but if you feel that I've neglected one, tell me and I'll make another poll, the winners can face off or something.
Please reblog to break containment!
Pride and Prejudice: It is a truth universally acknowledged , that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
Northanger Abbey: No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be a heroine.
Anne of Green Gables: Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods, with dark secrets of pool and cascade; but by the time it reached Lynde's Hollow it was a quiet, well-conducted little stream, for not even a brook could run past Mrs. Rachel Lynde's door without due regard for decency and decorum; it probably was conscious that Mrs. Rachel was sitting at her window, keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed, from brooks and children up, and that if she noticed anything odd or out of place she would never rest until she had ferreted out the whys and wherefores thereof.
The Graveyard Book: There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife.
Romeo and Juliet:
"Two households, both alike in dignity
 (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
 From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
 Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
Tuck Everlasting: The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning.
Fahrenheit 451: It was a pleasure to burn.
The Hobbit: In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
A Christmas Carol: MARLEY WAS DEAD, to begin with.
The Secret Garden: When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Far Out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
Percy Jackson/The Lightning Thief: Look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood
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bewareofdarkness · 21 days
Out of curiosity, wanted to see how much Tumblr agrees with Apple. I don't want your personal favourite, I want to know which one you think is the greatest. The list is the top 10 from Apple Music's recent list, the full list can be found here:
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I've Got You (Ghost Oneshot)
Summary: After being rejected time and time again. After being abandoned by so many other people in her life; Y/n fears getting close to someone but her heart is weak and when she grows attached to Swiss; one of Papa's ghouls, she's scared that she'll lose him too, and the thought nearly breaks her apart.
3. One falling asleep on the other's lap
2. "I'm not going to leave you."
Follow My Work!
Request Board!
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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a dim glow upon the desolate courtyard. In a quiet corner of the Abbey's gates, a young girl named Y/n stood alone, her heart heavy with sadness. With tears streaming down her face, she hugged her coat tightly around her shivering body. The bitter cold bit at her exposed skin on her legs from her dress, mirroring the icy emptiness she felt inside.
Y/n's once vibrant eyes, filled with hope and innocence, now reflected a profound sense of abandonment. Her parents, consumed by their own demons, had long since disappeared down the road and out of her life, leaving her to fend for herself and in the care of the Abbey that she had once enjoyed coming to visit. They had promised to be there for her, to protect and love her unconditionally. But their hollow words had turned to echoes, fading into the darkness along with their presence; just like everybody else in her life whether friends or family had. Was it her fault? Had she not done enough? Could she have done more?
She stood on the sidewalk, watching the world go by. In the pale light of the moon she felt invisible, a forgotten soul lost in the sea of despair and confusion. The weight of her solitude bore down on her fragile shoulders, threatening to break her spirit.
A gust of wind swept through the empty courtyard, rattling discarded leaves from the trees along the ground and sending a chilling breeze through Y/n's clothes. She hugged herself tighter, desperately seeking solace in her own embrace. As she looked up at the flickering lights that surrounded the Church, its feeble glow provided little comfort in the vastness of her loneliness.
A soft shuffle of footsteps came closer to her casting her gaze away from the building to find Papa standing there in his nightclothes with a robe on to fight off the chill. His unpainted face looked worn and sad; for her maybe as he extended his hand to her with a small smile.
"It's alright, mi cario. Come, come with me; let's get you out of the cold. There are some people who'd be happy to see you again."
But would they? Who would care? Memories of better days flooded her mind, teasing her with fleeting moments of joy. She recalled the laughter that once filled her home, the warmth of her parents' hugs, and the feeling of being loved by friends and family alike. But those memories had become distant whispers, fading remnants of a life she once knew.
A single tear fell from her cheek, freezing as it touched the ground. She gazed into the distance past Papa's figure to the entrance of the only place that truly stayed intact in her memories, searching for a beacon of hope, a sign that someone cared. A figure in the shadows moved into the light revealing the familiar face of her closest friend - at the sight of him her heart broke and she pushed past Papa; racing down the bricked pathway as if her very life depended on it and straight into Swiss' arms; her body slammed against his nearly knocking them to the ground but he stabilized himself and picked her up; holding her tightly against his chest as her body shook with loud unashamed sobs that echoed into the night.
With a nod to Papa across the yard the Multi-ghoul took his charge back to the ghoul's wing. Everyone else was sleeping in their rooms not yet awake as it was late so he took her to his bedroom and softly closed the door. He stretched out on his pillows; cradling Y/n to his chest as she shook from the sheer force of her crying. He knew her troubles with her family; knew that the damage that had been inflicted emotionally would leave a scar on her trust and her heart but she was not alone - he wouldn't let her be alone anymore. He had put hope in her parents to change their ways and they had failed, no more. No one else would hurt her as long as she had him.
"It's okay, starlight." he murmured pressing a kiss to her head as his strong hand, the hand that never in her time of knowing him had ever done her wrong, stroked soothingly along her back - easing the pain that her heart endured.
"I don't understand. What did I do wrong? What have I ever done wrong to anybody that warrants them leaving me? Am I that unlovable?" she whimpered shutting her aching eyes from the burn of her heartbreak.
"No, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong. You have done enough; more than enough. They did you wrong. They may leave you," his hand cupped her face, drawing it up to look down at her and gently wiping the wetness of her sadness from her cheeks.
"I swear to you, when everybody else leaves. I will never leave you Starlight. Never." he whispered staring down at her heartbroken expression.
"But what if you do? What if you find out I'm not good enough?" Y/n's whispered through trembling lips.
He gave her a sad smile of understanding as he pressed a kiss to her brow. "You, Y/n, are more than enough. You are perfect just the way you are; faults and all." he murmured pressing their forehead together.
"You promise?" Y/n whispered searching his face.
"I swear on everything I am worth, darling. You won't ever lose me. Through fire and hell itself. I will never leave you." Swiss promised seriously as he searched her tear-stained face and reddened eyes.
Without a word, Swiss bundled her arms against him; pulling the blanket up around them. The warmth of his embrace instantly melted away the chill in her heart that lay heavy in her chest. Y/n's head found a resting place on his shoulder, her tears trickling down her cheeks. But Swiss held her gently, his touch conveying both strength and tenderness.
The sound of winter's raindrops tapping against the window outside created a soothing backdrop as the two friends sat in silence. Swiss knew that sometimes, words weren't necessary, that the power of presence and touch could speak volumes. So he let Y/n take her time, allowing the emotions to flow freely and without judgment.
With every passing moment, as her tears slowly dried, Y/n felt a sense of release, as if the weight she had been carrying had been shared and lightened. Swiss' rhythmic breathing and the gentle strokes on her back provided a grounding presence, reminding her that she wasn't alone in her struggles.
With a lingering kiss to her head, Swiss whispered softly, "I'm here for you, starlight. You're not alone."
His voice was a comforting lullaby, soothing Y/n's restless mind. In that moment, their friendship transcended the bounds of mere companionship. They became pillars of support for one another, offering solace and understanding in a world that could sometimes feel cold and unforgiving.
Time seemed to suspend itself as Y/n surrendered to the embrace, feeling the warmth of their connection. The storm outside may have raged, but inside the haven of their friendship, there was tranquility. The simple act of being held provided a safe space for her to let go of her worries, to let the tears flow without restraint and without judgment.
As the rain began to subside and the room filled with a gentle calm, Y/n's sobs transformed into gentle sniffles. Swiss tightened his grip, silently communicating his unwavering support. In that shared moment, the love and trust between them grew deeper, forming a bond that could weather any storm.
Eventually, Y/n's tears dried, and she lifted her head from Swiss' shoulder. She looked into her best friend's eyes, a mixture of gratitude and understanding reflected in her gaze. With a soft smile, the ghoul wiped away the remnants of tears from Y/n's cheeks, and together they embraced even tighter, knowing that their friendship was a constant source of comfort and strength.
In that bedroom, with raindrops fading away, Swiss and Y/n basked in the warmth of their friendship, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, offering cuddles of comfort whenever needed and at that moment, Y/n made a silent promise to herself. She would gather the fragments of her shattered heart and build something new, something stronger. With each step she took, she vowed to rise above the pain, forge her own path and create her own destiny.
The world may have abandoned her, but she would never abandon herself. She would rise, a survivor of abandonment, and find her place in a world that had forgotten her, proving that she was more than the girl left behind. And at her side would be her best friend and the support of her other friends who slumbered nearby in the other rooms.
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billpottsismygf · 1 month
The Devil's Chord! This was my most highly anticipated episode of the series because of The Beatles - who I'm very nostalgic for, sue me - but they had a much smaller part than I expected. That may be for the best, as the actors don't look anything like the real deal, but they did an admirable job considering the circumstances.
I love the idea behind this one. I'm a musician myself and love things about music. Music being important, music being holy, I love it all. Everything from Maestro playing us into the theme tune, to the way it aligns with the characters' established personalities (the Doctor's jukebox and Ruby's band), made me very happy. The music battle was especially cool. Very The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Out there, but I liked it a lot.
Maestro was also a lot. I liked them, though. Great costumes, great performance. A campy villain in the best way. They're the Toymaker's child, which is interesting in itself, and I like that the rules around fair play seemed to extend to them as well.
There was a lot of series arc stuff here. So, Ruby has Carol of the Bells deeply ingrained within her. There was some important figure (another of the Pantheon, presumably) at her birth - is Ruby herself a child of the Pantheon? More snow, as well. There's also the One Who Waits coming up again. It all feels a little too self-conscious and crammed in - "remember, there's pay-off coming for these random mysteries that you have no context for!". I know we live in an era of heavily serialised media, in large part because of streaming and the binge model, and obviously Doctor Who has been semi-serialised since the revival, but it just seems like a lot. Maybe even too much, especially since the first episode was quite heavy with it too.
Although, I did wonder if this one was meant to be later in the series. First Ruby saying "you never hide" and then "you always know what to do" signaled a far longer association with the Doctor than she has had, but then it was especially jarring when she said it was hard to keep track of when her time is and it could be June or July... That sounds like someone who's been travelling with the Doctor for a while, not like someone who's on their second trip. And it was Christmas for her only last episode. Obviously there can be off-screen trips, but usually for the first couple of episodes we want to feel that this is the start of their journey as the audience gets to know them. Did this get plucked from later in the series and dropped into the episode 2 slot? Because it seems a bit of a shame, if so.
There was a lot of fourth wall breaking in this one as well. There was a wink to camera each from Maestro and the Doctor, as well as the Doctor's comment about thinking the music was non-diegetic (a nice little moment that probably a lot of people will miss). I do quite like a meta moment, and particularly loved the Twelfth Doctor's partaking in them, but I wonder if these serve a particular purpose, because we also had Mrs Flood talking to camera at the end of the Christmas special. Since RTD seems to be going with a theme that the rules of the universe have changed and become a bit more magical, I wouldn't be surprised if the meta elements tied in somehow.
Then, this is less meta and more fully surreal, but that whole ending musical number was... odd. I don't know what I think about it yet. The Doctor with his wink and "there's always a twist at the end" seemed to signal that we were leaving the normal reality of the show, but then... Did that musical number literally happen? How about the Abbey Road zebra crossing acting like a piano? It's part of my specific brand of autism that I struggle with surreal things when it's not clear how/whether they relate to the more realistic things going on, so maybe other people love it. It just made me feel confused, though, and slightly annoyed. I expected a musical number because the trailers showing this made that fairly clear, but I'd assumed it would be explicitly connected to the strange happenings of the episode. Instead it's just plonked at the end after everything has been fixed.
A lot of this latter stuff sounds quite negative, but overall I really liked this one! As I said before, the music stuff speaks to me personally very much, and I'll withhold final judgement about the serialisation stuff and even the meta/surreal stuff, as it may well pay off yet.
Small things
Love their outfits so much, and obviously we've known about them for a while, but it was funny they were worried about blending in when both of them (especially Ruby) were wearing pretty 60s adjacent outfits at the start. The Doctor was more 70s, but I don't think many people would have looked askance.
Ahhhh, Fifteen mentioning that One was in the junkyard made me exceedingly happy! The speculation about what happened to Susan also has me hoping beyond hope that this might be set-up for a Susan return.
I loved that extended instrumental scene where Ruby just played on the rooftop and people listened. It was quite moving!
Love hearing the word "lesbians" on Doctor Who <3 - I don't think even Bill explicitly got to use that word!
Just the general queerness is really nice. Ruby writing a song for her friend's gay break up. Maestro being they/them and it not really being a thing beyond their introduction. Ruby's mum having a "girlfriend" who was a Beatles fan that makes me wonder if that's in the platonic or gay sense.
I want to know the behind the scenes details of how they chose the music they did, especially when it comes to the chords that both summon and banish Maestro.
Henry the child is real and alive at the end! (Though it's during the musical number, so I guess real is dubious.) When he vanished into nothingness (and his music teacher didn't seem to care), I had thought he wasn't real. Does he have his own world-ending powers?
The Doctor referring to bigeneration as having had his soul "torn in half". Hmm, don't like that! I won't rehash my feelings on bigeneration here, but this implies that there is not continuity between the end of Fourteen and the start of Fifteen, which mucks up one of the only ways I could hold onto being just about okay with it.
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Ghoulette Appreciation Week 2
Week 2: Stealing clothes
Possibly, the Abbey was haunted. There had to be a phantom haunting the halls (no, not that one) or some sort of ghost (not that one either). Either way, there was some sort of spectre stealing clothes from all the resident ghoulettes. Mist never had any chance to experiment with fashion when she joined the Ghost project. Now that the new ghouls have freedoms and finances she never had, their closets are the best shop in town. And best of all, they're free!
I'm starting to think my initial goal of writing more that 1k words for each prompt might actually be achievable... let's not jinx it by talking too loud!
Rating: General Content: domestic fluff, more unnecessary worldbuilding, Mist is the first ghoulette, a tiny reference to trans ghouls and dysphoria Words: 1291
Read below or on AO3!
Possibly, the Abbey was haunted. There had to be a phantom haunting the halls (no, not that one) or some sort of ghost (not that one either). Either way, there was some sort of spectre stealing clothes from all the resident ghoulettes.
It flowed through the corridors at night, undetected, and with it flowed a steady stream of disappearing shirts, socks, shorts. Items seemed to evaporate from the ghoulettes’ closets, disappearing as if carried by a Mist…
The Ministry had been in serious need of changes when Mist was first summoned. Not just the Abbey’s leaking roof, or the rising damp in the walls, or the growing rat problem. No, the main problems were with how the organisation treated the ghouls they claimed to hold so dear. If He had ever got word the conditions above, He would surely never have let His beloved creations leave the pit!
The ghouls, for there were originally only ghouls, were provided the barest minimum to keep their vessels living. All their food was from a canteen, all their clothes were standard issue and limited, they had no more freedom than was required to play the instruments they had been summoned for. Part of the reason some of the ghouls liked touring so much was the change in routine, the slight flexibility that life on the road masquerading as humans gave them.
Mist had been seen as a complication when she first crawled out of the pit inhabiting a female vessel. Half the clergy had whispered about how they had thought all ghouls were male, the other half had muttered about how they didn’t have the funds for a separate dormitory, should they send her back? Mist hadn’t cared for either point of view. In the pit in their hellish forms they coexisted without issues, why did it need to be such a bit deal here? She was just glad she’d got a human vessel that resembled her physical expectations – there had been rumours that vessels could get switched during summoning, with ghoulettes’ ending up in ghouls’ vessels and vice versa. She already felt out of place in the Abbey, at least she didn’t feel out of place in her own skin.
Mist had been provided with the usual band ghoul performance uniform, as well as a daily uniform, identical to that of the other ghouls around her. Identical in size, as well as style. She had spent her time while in the band slumping around the Abbey drowning in itchy, black unisex t-shirts, waiting for things to get better.
They had, eventually. As the Ministry gained followers and therefore funding, they had fixed many of the problems at the Abbey, starting with the roof. The ghouls had of course been left until last, but with the change of figurehead of the band, their new leader had pushed for better treatment of, as he put it, the unholy instruments of His voice. The rat problem had also cleared up around this time.
Mist hadn’t been in the band at this time, but she was still able to reap some of the benefits of the new policies. As a retired band ghoul, she had a “pension” of sorts; a monthly allowance to purchase her own clothes for wearing outside of official duties and Mass, as well as any other creature comforts. It didn’t stretch very far, but it was something.
The newer band ghouls had it cushy, by comparison to Mist’s experience. They had a comparatively large monthly allowance for personal items, clothing and entertainment, and even a pack budget for stocking the new ghoul wing kitchenette. The current band ghouls had at this point accumulated far more in allowance than they actually needed – keeping a full glamour became tiring after a while and they did that enough on tour so they rarely went out to spend it. This resulted in their wardrobes becoming increasingly bloated over time.
In general, the ghouls had no real concept of spending money on luxury brands topside – why would they? Human capitalistic ways were an alien concept to them. And with disposable income, the new ghouls had developed an attitude of “see it, want it, buy it”. Some of them who had been topside a bit longer had worked out how to use their allowances responsibly, while the newest ghouls Phantom and Aurora were still in the stage of learning what your card had been declined meant. In Aurora’s defence, how was she to know that the butterfly dress she wanted was custom couture and beyond the budget of even the richest of humans?
The older ghouls had gained an understanding of what humans wore, and what was even comfortable for humanoids to wear, and only really bought what they needed. For many of the guys, this was just t-shirts of other bands they discovered and jeans. Rain had however taught himself to budget in order to buy fancier items and flamboyant blouses. Most of the ghoulettes fell somewhere in between, Cirrus being the best at budgeting and Cumulus the most impulsive spender.
Mist could still only afford mid-quality basics with her pension, even as a creature from hell she had developed some human morals and refused to succumb to fast fashion like some of her other retired brethren, cough Ifrit cough. Instead, her shop was the other ghoulettes’ closets. Usually when they weren’t there to call her out on her brazen theft.
Cumulus and Aurora had the best selection of feminine clothes, so they were usually Mist’s first choice. She had lacked any of these options when she was summoned, and she loved to get her hands on items that fitted her and her body the way she wanted them to, in colours other than boring, plain black. Cumulus also had the best selection of loungewear and on chilly days in the Abbey, Mist was never seen without one of Cumulus’ fluffy hoodies.
Sunshine had all of the skirts. Mist wasn’t a huge fan of them, she found them a bit impractical at times, but loved the feeling of swishing them around.
On the days when she didn’t feel like dressing quite so feminine, Cirrus had many pairs of trousers. From nicely tailored dress pants (that Mist rather ruined the effect of by having to roll the hems) to floaty culottes, she always had something Mist could “borrow”. The day Mist discovered Cirrus’ cargo pants however, was the day Cirrus mysteriously had to replace all of hers, which seemed to have gone missing overnight!
The ghoulettes were of course entirely aware of what was happening. It was quite difficult not to put two and two together when something went missing, and then the next day Mist was wearing it. They didn’t care though; they loved to see her in their clothes. Cirrus had even replaced her missing cargo pants in a smaller size to fit Mist better, and left them temptingly at the top of the pile.
Each one of them had offered to buy Mist clothes at some point, many times in fact, but she always refused. For her, clothes were far more special when taken from her ghoulettes anyway. Being able to pick and choose things she associated with them, the ghoulette pack who had adopted her as their own, was the real reason she liked their clothes. The comforting smell of the previous owner lingering in the fabric until it faded. Strangely enough, the items would then reappear in the closet Mist had pilfered it from in the first place…
None of the ghoulettes have anything to say about Mist’s light-fingeredness, really they just love to see her in their clothes. Their own little wisp drifting through the corridors, surrounding herself in the people she loved.
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pers-books · 2 months
Doctor Who 2024 series news
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New information about the eight episodes in the Doctor Who 2024 series is revealed in SFX magazine 378. We’ve included contextual information from what we know from other sources and filming reports.
Space Babies
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This episode picks up from the events that happen at the end of The Church on Ruby Road with Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) entering the TARDIS for the first time. The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and Ruby land on a spaceship occupied by babies who are very talkative for their age, a scary slimy monster called the Bogeyman (Robert Strange) — and no adults to be found. Space Babies introduces the series story arc of both the Doctor and Ruby’s foundling mystery.
The Devil's Chord
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Ncuti Gatwa describes Maestro (Jinkx Monsoon) as “Such a delicious villain.” The Doctor and Ruby meet and chat with The Beatles in this episode set in 1963. Both Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson will sing in the story. The large recording room at Abbey Road Studios was recreated as a set at Wolf Studios Wales.
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The Doctor and Ruby travel in the TARDIS to Ruby’s first alien planet — a war-torn world. The episode, written by Steven Moffat and described as “intense”, was filmed in chronological order with Ncuti Gatwa receiving praise for his performance from director Julie Anne Robinson.
73 Yards
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The TARDIS lands on the Welsh coast and Ruby must solve a mystery involving a Welsh horror folktale legend. The TARDIS scenes were genuinely filmed on the Welsh Cost in Pembrokeshire. Dame Siân Phillips co-stars with Aneurin Barnard and Jemma Redgrave. Filming reports reveal that Barnard plays a Welsh candidate named Roger Ap Gwilliam.
Dot and Bubble
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Gatwa and Gibson filmed their first Doctor Who scenes together on a pontoon inside entrance locks in Cardiff Bay Barrage for Dot and Bubble. The setting for Dot and Bubble is a colony with an out-of-control dangerous situation on an alien planet. Callie Cooke plays an influential person in the colony. The episode is described as very Black Mirror and touches on a real-world problem which will likely cause a good deal of discussion after the episode airs.
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This episode was co-written Kate Herron and Briony Redman. Set in the Regency Era in 1813, Rogue, described by Davies as “a proper Bridgerton episode with dances and waltzes”, was filmed in three different manor houses. Psychic earrings allow the Doctor and Ruby to period dance with skill. Jonathan Groff and Indira Varma co-star. Varma plays the villainous Duchess of Pemberton — who is not what she seems.
The Legend of Ruby Sunday and Empire of Death
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These episodes, set on Earth, feature UNIT headquarters populated by Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave), Mel Bush (Bonnie Langford), Rose Noble (Yasmin Finney), Morris (Lenny Rush) and Colonel Ibrahim (Alexander Devrient). Russell T Davies calls this episode “shocking” and “The Most Devastating Finale.”
Doctor Who, starring Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson returns on 11 May 2024 midnight, 00:00 BST (10 May 7:00pm ET) streaming on BBC iPlayer and Disney+ with Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord. Both episodes will broadcast on BBC One in the UK and Ireland on 11 May immediately before Eurovision. The remaining six episodes will stream at 00:00 BST on the six subsequent Saturdays.
-- So it looks like Jemma DID film with Ncuti, despite what she said in a recent interview. Which is as it should be - she can't be in New Who and NOT appear with the Doctor - that ain't right and proper! AND she's in three episodes this series (that we know of!). Huzzah!
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itbmojojoejo · 7 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Thank you for thinking of me @arcielee 💜 Pls note I am cringing.
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works, or as many as you are able, and see if there are any patterns!
Indelicate Tenderness - Straightening the muscles in his back, Sihtric effortlessly instructed his horse to ease from a trot to a slow walk as he, Finan, and the band of men they had been ordered to bring to a struggling estate owned by the ageing Lord Eadwold approached the large oak gates on the edge of the walled property. 
Bronze Onyx - The night sky was heavy with the heat of the day clinging to the air and the smell of a thunderstorm rolled in through the window of the dimly lit bedroom.
Crimes Of Passion (Part 9) - During the drive back from The Beamfleot, with the sun still bathing the roads in its heat, Runa had insisted on being in the driver's seat, probably with the intention of leaving the group as soon as possible.
Crimes Of Passion (Part 8) -Sunlight streaming through the living room window painted the walls with shadows of the netted curtains brocade pattern blotting out patches of lingering cigarette smoke.
Gold Obsidian - Underneath the scorching sun Arnora’s bound wrists ached with each pull on the tight rope keeping her in line with the other newly enslaved women.
A Good Man (Epilogue) - The end of summer was ushered in with cooler breezes and cloudier skies, you found yourself pacing the hall of Aeglesburgh palace every day awaiting news of both Lady Aethelflaed who planned to take Eoferwic, and your new husband who should have returned to take you to Coccham shortly after escorting the Lady Aelswith to Bedwyn.
Fall From Grace - As the years passed a story was whispered amongst the younger novice’s of Coccham Abbey talking of how one of their own fell from grace with the Abbess.
Don't Send Me Flowers - The very first time he sent you flowers was the day after your first date, you had blushed and beamed cutting the rose stems before placing them into the only vase you owned and displayed them proudly on the small coffee table in the centre of your living room.
Clearly the pattern here is, 1) I want you to know what the weather is doing, 2) I prefer to write about summer and uh 3) I don't know what the fuck a simple sentence is.
No pressure tags for funsies: @persephones-journey @deandoesthingstome @babyblue711 xo
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alphaman99 · 7 months
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Abbey Road Tribute
In 1981, just after John passed, Paul and Linda invited legendary rockabilly musician Carl Perkins to stay with them on the Island of Montserrat, where producer George Martin had a studio. Paul wanted Carl’s help in recording a song called “Get It” for his new “Tug of War” album.
It was literally just weeks after John’s murder, and both George and Ringo came to spend time with their former bandmate.
The night before Carl was scheduled to leave, a song came to him that summed up his warm feelings about the visit. The song was so clear in his mind that he didn’t even write it down, which was unusual for Carl.
The next morning he played the song, “My Old Friend”, for Paul and Linda, explaining that it was a gift for having him as a guest.
Halfway through the song when Carl sang the words “if we never meet again this side of life, in a little while, over yonder, where there’s peace and quiet, my old friend, won’t you think about me every now and then?”
Paul stood up and abruptly left the room with tears streaming down his face.
Not sure what had just happened, Carl stopped playing, and Linda hugged him. She thanked him for helping Paul grieve, explaining that he hadn’t been able to fully break down since John passed.
Paul later explained that the last words John spoke to him in the hallway of the Dakota building were “think about me now and then old friend”.
Thank you to Boris for this wonderful story and beautiful photo.
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bjsmall · 1 month
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DreamWorks How To Train Your Dragon Deluxe Edition soundtracks.
The 'How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World' Deluxe Edition soundtrack by John Powell was released on the 26th April.
It is the third and final deluxe album instalment that has been released since the first in 2020.
Each album was released by Varèse Sarabande and distributed by Back Lot Music and Universal Studios Music.
Varèse Sarabande web link:
They are available to stream digitally on major platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Amazon Music and YouTube.
The albums also come in CD format as well as a 'limited edition' Vinyl format. Each CD album contains 2 CD discs. They were released on physical formats first and then released digitally a month later.
The deluxe editions of each score features all of John Powell's music used in the movies, including extended versions of tracks and bonus unused track demos.
Each track is labelled with a time-stamp which shows when it is used in each film.
The original soundtracks came out with the movies when they were released in 2010, 2014 and 2019. All of the music was recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London.
Alternative artwork is used on the deluxe album covers for the second and third soundtracks.
Scroll down for information on each album, year released and number of songs.
How To Train Your Dragon:
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December 2020
Track list:
This is Berk (Alternate Film Version) [1m2alt]
This Is Berk (with Original Opening Version) [1m2]
Anybody See That? [1m6]
War Room [1m7a]
Training Out There [1m7b-c]
Hiccup Comes Homes [2m8]
Dragon Training [2m9]
Wounded [2m10]
The Dragon Book [2m11]
Hiccup Focus [2m12]
Offering [2m13]
Forbidden Friendship [2m14]
New Tail [2m15]
Teamwork [3m16]
Charming The Pziiffelback [3m17]
See You Tomorrow [3m18]
Test Drive [3m20]
Not So Fireproof [3m21]
This Time For Sure [3m22]
Astrid Finds Toothless [3m23]
Astrid Goes For A Spin [3m24]
Romantic Flight [3m25]
Dragon’s Den [3m26b]
Let’s Find Dad [3m26c]
Kill Ring/Stop The Fight [4m27-28]
Not A Viking [4m30]
Ready/Confront [4m31]
Relax/Stroke/Hell [4m33-34]
Over/Less Okay [4m35-37]
Wings [4m38]
Counter Attack [5m39]
Where’s Hiccup? [5m40]
Coming Back Around [5m41]
Sticks & Stones (Written and Performed by Jónsi)
The Vikings Have Their Tea [5m50]
Bonus Tracks:
The Vikings Have Their Tea (Alternate Version) [5m50alt]
This Is Berk (Demo) [1m2]
New Tail (Demo) [2m15]
See You Tomorrow (Demo) [3m18]
Test Drive (Demo) [3m20]
Romantic Flight (Demo) [3m25]
Coming Back Around (Demo) [5m41]
42 songs, total: 1 hr 47 mins (107 minutes)
How To Train Your Dragon 2:
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May 2022
Track list:
Dragon Racing (1m1-INS) [Alternate Film Version]
Dragon Racing (1m1) [Original Opening Version]
Where No One Goes (1m2s) (performed by Jónsi)
Together, We Map the World (1m3-4)
Hiccup’s Gonna Be Chief (1m5)
Eret Educates Hiccup (1m6)
Drago’s Coming (2m7)
Eret Has Visitors (2m8)
Me Likey (2m9)
War is What He Wants (2m10)
Hiccup and Toothless Attached (2m11)
Dragon’s Lair (2m12)
Should I Know You? (2m13)
Valka’s Dragon Sanctuary (2m14)
Hiccup & Valka Bond (2m15-16)
Valka’s Flash - Good Alpha (3m17-18)
I Grew Facial Hair For You (3m19)
Flying With Mother (3m20)
Can We Start Over? (3m21)
Meet Drago (3m22)
Stoick Finds Beauty (3m25-26)
Get’ Em You Son of Eret (3m27)
Courting Song (3m28s) (performed by Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson & Mary Jane Wells)
Courting Song Instrumental (4m29)
Battle of the Bewilderbeast (4m30)
Hiccup Confronts Drago (4m31)
Stoick Saves Hiccup (4m32)
Off to Valhalla (4m33)
Riding to Drago’s (4m35)
Alpha Comes to Berk (4m36-37)
Toothless Comes Back (5m38)
Challenging the Alpha (5m39a)
The Chief Has Come Home (5m39b)
Where No One Goes Reprise (5m40)
Bonus tracks:
Dragon Racing (1m1) [DEMO]
Together, We Map the World (1m3-4) [DEMO]
Valka’s Flash - Good Alpha (3m17-18) [DEMO]
Flying with Mother (3m20) [DEMO]
Off to Valhalla (4m33) [DEMO]
Toothless Comes Back (5m38) [DEMO]
40 songs, total: 1 hr 48 mins (108 minutes)
How To Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World:
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April 2024
Track list:
Rescue Mission-Busy Busy Berk (1M1-21-B)
Marry Her - Grimmel's Terms (1M26-3)
Legend Has It (1M4)
Mysterious Creature (2M5)
Toothless In Love (2M6)
Dart Trap (2M6B)
Grimmel Visit - First Fight (2M7A-B)
Town Hall Speech-Exodus (2M8A-B)
Setting Up Camp (2M9A)
Valka's Warning (2M9B)
Forbidden Courtship (3M10)
Toothless Flies Alone (3M11)
Near Miss Valka (3M12A)
Romance In The Clouds (3M12B)
New Berk Feast (3M13S)
Ambush - Cage Fight (3M14A-B)
Stronger Together (4M15A)
New Island (4M15B)
Into The Hole (4M16A)
The Hidden World (4M16B)
With Love Comes Loss (4M17)
Grimmel's Surprise (4M18)
The Hiccup I Know - Armada Battle (5M19-20)
Ultimate Sacrifice - Freedom (5M21-22)
Viking Wedding - Boat Epilogue (5M23-24)
Jónsi — Together From Afar (6M24S)
The Hidden World Suite (6M25)
Bonus Tracks:
Busy Busy Berk (1M2A-B) Demo
Legend Has It (1M4) Demo
Forbidden Courtship (3M10) Demo
Toothless Flies Alone (3M11) Demo
Romance In The Clouds (3M12B) Demo
Viking Wedding (5M23) Demo
33 songs, total: 1 hr 56 mins (116 minutes)
I really enjoyed listening to the third movie deluxe soundtrack.
I think it is a fantastic musical journey through 'The Hidden World' and a brilliant addition to the 'How To Train Your Dragon' extended soundtracks.
I have added it to my Spotify library along with the other two deluxe albums and music from various other animated movies I like!
Overall, each deluxe album completes the franchise and tells the stories in each one really well.
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aurastacia · 8 months
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For one of @/asterisks_png ‘s Art Jam streams we had to draw our OCs as a music album cover and a few of us decided to get together to draw ourselves as the Beatles’ famous Abbey Road cover! I thought it was so cool that I made a redraw of it :3
Top: Redraw
Bottom: Original
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bewareofdarkness · 8 months
When the new song comes out we need to band together as a fandom and make sure it gets to No.1
Abbey Road got there in 2019, and we got Here Comes The Sun to 1 billion streams a few months ago.
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krispyweiss · 2 years
“If These Walls Could Sing” Streams from Dec. 16
- Director Mary McCartney explores the history of Abbey Road Studios
Elton John says “it’s kind of sacred in a way.
“People want to come here. They want the sound of Abbey Road.”
John is speaking in the trailer for “If These Walls Could Sing,” the Mary McCartney-directed documentary exploring 90 years of Abbey Road Studios and named for a quip her father - a bloke called Paul - made about the place.
“So many massive records were made here,” Nile Rodgers says of the famous studio. “People don’t believe that it was just done by accident.”
In addition to the aforementioned, John Williams, David Gilmour and Roger Waters - separately to be sure - Jimmy Page, Celeste and Liam and Noel Gallagher (also assuredly separately) appear in the movie.
“A huge part of my record collection was made in this room,” Noel Gallagher says.
“If These Walls Could Sing” streams from Dec. 16 on Disney+.
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neilphen · 1 year
top 5 beatles and solo albums
in tears oomf how could u ask me this. Tears streaming down my face..
ok so if im intermixing them itd be:
Abbey Road
All Things Must Pass
The Beatles
But if were speaking simply beatles albums itd be:
Abbey Road
The Beatles
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Magical Mystery Tour
BUTTTT if were speaking only solo albums its gotta be:
All Things Must Pass
Band on the Run
Living in The Material World
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thestarsarecool · 2 years
If These Walls Could Sing: Streaming December 16th
Directed by Mary McCartney, the new documentary tells the story of Abbey Road Studio’s 91-year history through the eyes of the musical icons that helped establish it.
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petty-crush · 2 years
Watching this picture is like shooting up with a mystery needle. It gets the job done, odds and all.
It reminds me that a must see film doesn’t have to be great (or even good) all the way through, just that it contains elements that activate a reaction. A material that seeps into your skin.
Carol Reed’s direction is outstanding, and the film contains two of the best cast roles ever; Ron Moody as Fagin and especially Oliver Reed as Bill Sikes. These three stream-roll the film through the many pot holes it swerves into.
The opening is a well choreographed hell hole of an orphanage, where all the children are drained of their vigor. It also contains the best song “Food, Glorious Food”.
This is every British stereotype rolled into one ugly submarine sandwich. I laugh mercilessly as these stuffy twats puddle around.
Soon after Oliver gets dropped off at mortician’s, has a wild chase with a hammer, goes to London and his usefulness comes to an end (for the audience).
I love the way Fagin and Bill are introduced. Fagin comes from behind a curtain with a sausage on a poker. Bill’s dog turns a corner and then a long shadow follows it on the wall. From here on they own the story; it is theirs.
Of the films two hours plus running time, the songs occupy precisely 18 hours.
I wonder what it would be like to see a musical with 90 second songs. Think of of the blurry of them on at the end of the Beatles “Abbey Road”.
There is an amusing concurrent message at the song after the intermission; “who will buy my strawberries/roses/knives/skills” sing the morning workers. This is the gig economy, gutting the life of the poor.
I’m tickled by random wordplay; “My eyes, how could you be so green?”. Not god, or lord, or something else. Just..eyes. The only real thing we are slaves to.
Oliver gets back to his great uncle, although, when said uncle looks at a painting of a woman (we later found out to be his niece) then Oliver, was anyone else worried he was a horny bastard?
Fagin worrying about old age and being allowed to live in this version adds a melancholy not present when he is hanged in other editions.
More films need the villain to be shot and their corpses swung around on a rope.
Thoroughly enjoyable, like all in one chili.
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