#and she murdered a ship full of ppl
jq37 · 4 months
Oisin is the scariest rat grinder simply because Brennan is using his own voice for him I trust kippermilly cuttermetal more than him
I KNOW that it's that it's an adage on here that Brennan uses his own voice when he's going for a beloved traitor character (see [redacted] from [you know what season]) and I GET that the Bad Kids have a history with dragons and I CLOCKED that KVX turned their logo blue but counterpoint: Adaine deserves a cute nerd boyfriend if she wants one and we deserve to watch Fig and Co tease her as bad as she did when Fig was crushing on Ayda (not to mention whatever batshit insane sisterly advice she'd probably get from Aelwyn).
Anyway, narratively, it would be kinda unbalanced to have Adaine's first viable love interest be straight up evil when everyone else who's wanted one (shoutout to Riz "Why Are All of You Maniacs So Horny" Gukgak) has gotten a properly viable love interest (Tracker, Zelda, Ayda, and Mazey--though Fabian seems more into Ivy who I trust less lol). Not that things are fair IRL (or even in the game) but given Brennan's "I'm here to tell a satisfying story and have fun with my friends" approach to DM-ing, I would be a bit surprised if he was a total lost cause. Even if he is heavily in the mix of whatever shady stuff the Rat Grinders are probably doing I can see him defecting.
But of course I'm biased because I want this for Adaine, haha. We'll see what happens!
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aeirithgainsborough · 3 months
i'm curious, do you know why or have and theories on why they make cloti kiss but clerith only hug/hold hands? I was thinking that clerith is more pure and their love is slowly blossoming aka slowburn which I find cute and very fitting for them but the clerith shipper in me is angry bc I would have loved to see them kiss LOL what are your thoughts?
I’ll be real with you, I don’t think either ship should have had a kiss yet and im astonished CT did and how it happened, i think its spoiled all the build up having it there when they’ve been arguing a lot and that it would have been so much more poignant after the LS sequence but now the moment is gone on a poorly framed kiss they’re never going to talk about again bcus it has no relevance to the plot. Thats why they have them agree not to talk about it. I think it’s a shame for people who have waited for 27yrs for that moment. And then after it no matter what they all have to play as Cloud has many non optional romantic moments with Aerith in ch 13 + 14. Reviews have mentioned how off and disjoined it is. I think that’s why they made sure to emphasise before the game came out that the dates were meant to be fun but don’t impact the story. But id be pissed if id waited that long for a kiss and that’s how i got it. and especially that in one route cloud looks like a dick but in another he doesn’t; that should really tell them something about the story. Why they gave them one idk, but I kinda wonder if it was getting them on the hook for p3 cus the last 2 chapters made CT fans real mad (even if they’re pretending otherwise on main, ppl have seen their discord and they’re not happy).
I think CA don’t kiss for a few reasons:
Cloud has remembered Zack, albeit incorrectly, much earlier. Through the game he has instances of jealousy towards him and that becomes more uncomfortable and confusing once he’s remembered they were friends. This has just happed before the dates and why when they get on skywheel he’s a bit awkward and won’t sit beside her! Of course that doesn’t last long; it was either nojima or nomura but one of them said in remake that cloud tries to keep distance between him and Aerith but he can’t do it 🥰🥰 but Zack definitely makes him more reluctant and unsure. Even when he reaches to take her hand it’s slow and cautious bcus he doesn’t know if it’s okay. And of course it is!
Aerith is fully aware Cloud is not himself. On his GS date she tells him she’s trying so hard to find him but in case you missed that as you did a different date, she also says it again in the sleeping forest; that cloud should focus on the real him she’s been looking for and leave Sephiroth to her. She knows there’s something up and kissing him knowing that is not something I think Aerith would do.
CA are the love that could never be ship. In the trailer for the 97 game, that was what they were described as. Part of the tragedy of clerith is that they have these budding feelings but before they have a chance to go anywhere Aerith is murdered. In the original cloud realises the depth of his feelings too late: at the end he says ‘I think I understand now’ and then expresses his desire to meet Aerith in the promised land. And all crossover material he’s in emphasises that he’s always looking for her. They are a star crossed lovers ship. And cloud is also dense and emotionally a mess; yes he likes her clearly, he shows jealousy for Zack, he goes on dates with her, he holds her hand and looks so happy to do so, but he can’t put all those feelings he has and come up with the right answer. In the church she confesses and he doesn’t quite get it and she, linking to her resolution imo (don’t fall in love with me) drops it and apologises and hugs him instead. This is all in line with the OG, that he’ll be hit with the full force of his feelings and what she meant in p3. Remember he’s just said he wants to go on more dates to create more ‘our spots’ with her. She looks happy and then sad when he says this because yay he likes her he wants to do this again, but of course she knows what he doesn’t: that they are about to run out of time.
So that is why I think they don’t kiss. I think it makes sense they didn’t! But I do think they’ll kiss in p3 for sure.
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quidfree · 6 months
do you have a favorite character from TSH? if so, who and why? what about between papenathy?
i can’t believe this isn’t immediately apparent from my writing but my deathly serious tsh character ranking list goes like this
judy poovey
everyone else
bunny & julian
also re papenathy as a rule of thumb whatever my #1 ship is usually includes my top 2 characters from a medium. i would never pair a flop with one of my faves*
*in tartt universe all characters are on the flop-menace spectrum but that’s why the pairings work internally
i was about to hit post when i realised you also asked why. ive already made multiple posts analysing the tsh charas or their relationships which i feel gets into the meat of it anyway so please peruse those tags for longer explanations but as a quick breakdown of my takes:
judy: i just find her so funny and refreshing throughout the whole book; she serves a great meta purpose in breaking the illusion of richard’s trustworthiness as a narrator; she’s actually one of the nicer people we meet relative to all the other assholes in richard’s life; her scenes speak to both her commonalities and differences with richard and i enjoy them a lot. also i love that she’s based on a real person who then did costuming for succession.
francis: do i even need to explain this… hes an icon. i love all the layers to francis (which we only even get to see bc him & richard are so #real worsties)- how he’s so dramatic and emotive but can compose himself at will, how hes both confrontational and cowardly, his random kindnesses and mean quips, his completely fucked sense of priorities at all times…. also his insane childhood & his self-made tragedy in the epilogues. enfant terrible!
i do also love richard for all that he’s a nightmare. hes suuuuuch a mess wrapped within an I Am Normal package #tarttcore. love the way he teeters between reckless self-destruction and “umm you guys are weird” judgment. his self-censorship and revisionist tendencies as a narrator. his outsider role and his actual desperate liking of his murderous rich friends who do not particularly care about him. hes literally 19…. he should have been in the club….
henry & camilla are both interesting but henry is like The Statue and camilla is The Shadow in the sense that theyre both not fully realised ppl bc of richard’s pov/pedestal. henry is kind of the mvp of tsh of course, greattttt lines, compelling character, drives the action, but ultimately hard to crack as a complete person and full of hubris that annoys me. i respect that he gave us hot takes and drama the whole way through. camilla i enjoy the pieces of- beef with judy, french post murder fever, mysterious phone calls, entanglements- but lbr she is the least characterised individual in the book and thus hard to connect to outside of fanon. i still like her tho i esp enjoy how unbothered she is living her own side stories. and i just know she suffered incalculable martyrdom running amongst those men.
charles is more of a real person to richard than the above and he compels me also. such a jarring (if telegraphed) shift from part i to part ii. in a way his descent into darkness humanises him the most bc at least hes torn up about the whole murder business in the first place! but by god his relationships are fucked.
bunny is at best funny. but hes just like. a conservative asshole whos not even smart enough for the course he nepo-babied his way into. and then julian has fun literature class bits and is admittedly also funny (he is so not willing to get dragged into the drama it’s comical) but is just a nefarious elitist weirdo. they get nothing from me.
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yellowocaballero · 10 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on how twelve is wolfwood actually, if you'd like to talk about it.
I read this originally as "Wolfwood's the Doctor now?" Which honestly valid.
But yes! The show actually leaves it pretty ambiguous how old Wolfwood actually is chronologically (and if you're thinking 'he's definitely in his 30s, then you're implying Trigun is clear about anything lol). I'm inclined to lean much younger, for both thematic reasons and just because he didn't act very mature.
If you compare him with OG Wolfwood - who was also aged up, but much less drastically - it jumps out. He wrestles Meryl like an older brother, and he's pretty eager and hotheaded. He has a lot of very cynical thoughts about how terrible the world is, but they're actually pretty unnuanced and simple - WW and Sasuke, spot the difference. He doesn't come off as somebody with a lot of life experience. He pretty much outright Big Brother Complex's all over Vash. He swapped out Livio for Vash, and that's why he ended up turning around to save him. The parallels were pretty there.
I'd also say that Wolfwood's flat cynicism and hatred of the world is portrayed as an 'immature' viewpoint, while Vash's faith and hope in humanity is portrayed as the 'mature' one. Brad says this explicitly. Vash also never really debates WW like in 98/Trimax, and he tends to retreat instead of engage him on an equal level. They don't engage with each other as two adults. Wolfwood clearly has the mind of the adult, understands the world as an adult would, and is able to function as an adult in the world - but I'm not really sure he has the maturity or life experience to be able to be treated equivalent to a full adult. College student energy.
Vash's youth makes him act a lot older than in 98. He hasn't solidified his persona or who he is yet. Meryl is an absolute kiddo and this is her coming of age story as she gains life experience and loses a parental figure. Knives is stuck in a psychosexual arrested development. And Wolfwood is a child in an adult's body, who never at any point acts particularly like his adult self. Tesla and Monev are tortured and murdered children. Stamp is, in a lot of ways, about the suffering and abuse of children in a cruel system and how this suffering, literally, causes them to 'grow up too quickly'.
As I said, Trigun rejects any solid certainties. I lean closest to the interpretation of Wolfwood as an overgrown kid and functional college student, because I feel like it's the most thematically cohesive and meaningful. I see ppl basically scribble over his backstory and status to make him an adult with zero caveats, but I always think...like, he was given that backstory for a reason. The change was drastic and it was done very purposefully. Why was that change there? How do we see that reflected in the drastically different Wolfwood? "Hey, Wolfwood doesn't actually act like an adult" is a meaningful observation.
This is not mutually exclusive with him being an adult for 5+ years, and this is not some sort of "Vashwood is problematic" dunk. It's frustrating to me that any mention of the genuine ambiguity about Wolfwood's age and maturity is interpreted as an attack of Vashwood, and the pushback gives some very definite "Wolfwood is for sure 35 with a mortgage" answers. It's ignoring some really important stuff about Tristamp. And the very frequent ship dynamic interpretation as Vash as the naive one and Wolfwood as the world-weary one absolutely just drains Trigun out of what makes it meaningful at all.
Hm meant for that answer to be shorter. As usual, there's a lot to say. Thanks for the ask!
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makeyoumine69 · 5 months
Omg I wrote an ask but then my app crashed, I’m not sure if it sent ☠️ um. Okay if you got this ask already, please feel free to ignore this… lets see if I can remember what I wrote hahaha rip
Like the recent anon you got, I may also need some reassurance about something. What do you do if you really like a character, but then they do something highly triggering, and then it changes your entire perspective of them? And yet, you still want to be with them? I just watched AP a week ago and I was starting to hyperfixate on it. I really like Patrick a lot, probably the first time I’ve ever shipped with a villain who is THIS ruthless, and I’d see him murder ppl on screen and I’d think “oh teehee he wouldn’t hurt my OC though :)” sjfhkshdjg it also helps that I skipped almost all of the murder scenes except the Paul one (my friend who LOVES this movie watched it with me, told me to look away while they fast forwarded through the scary parts) I really cannot handle horror at all, but I wanted to try seeing this movie because I love Christian Bale. So I suppose you can say I technically only watched 30 minutes of this movie XD
I was having a real good time coming up with fluffy stories for my OC and Patrick for a full week now. But then I foolishly watched the deleted scenes yesterday without asking my friend to check the video to see if it had any triggering content… and I liked the scenes very much, except the one with Courtney. That scared the shit out of me. I have had a personal experience of being sexually assaulted and hit in the bedroom without consent, so seeing Patrick kind of yank Courtney around and yell at her, and roughly pull out, hurting her, it definitely triggered me and I was stress vomiting afterwards for a few hours. And today I woke up and I still cannot stop thinking about it. I felt really, really good with Patrick up until I watched that yesterday, and I am so shaky and nauseous just remembering it. It just keeps replaying in my head, despite me trying to stop thinking about it. I believe the director commented that they deleted that scene and replaced it instead with the scene where Patrick and Courtney are simply talking after they had slept together, where she’s just feeling depressed and saying “if you don’t call before Easter, have a nice one” or something like that, I am paraphrasing. But it didn’t imply any violence had occurred beforehand, at least I really hope not
I know Patrick is awful. I know he’s horrible. I know he is the worst, I did this to myself by liking him in the first place. I feel very stupid when I vent about this to my friends, they’re like “well… just don’t ship your OC with him if it bothers you. He’s literally a serial killer, it shouldn’t surprise you that he would also hurt women sexually. Just stop thinking about it.” but it doesn’t feel that simple, I can’t just… stop, you know? I spent an entire week *obsessing* over this character. I got serotonin out of this, it was a habit to think of him; my brain cannot simply just say “oh whatever I’ll drop him then, move on to something else”. I have absolutely tried distracting myself with other interests in the last 24 hours. I have watched other movies that aren’t scary, I have looked at different characters from romantic comedies that don’t involve murder, I have binged SpongeBob episodes lmao, but my brain is very much attached to Bateman. I want to feel comfortable with him, I like him. I wanted to ship my OC with him very badly, and I still do! I know he’s fictional, I shouldn’t be overthinking this, but I feel so shaky and unsafe when I think about him now. I feel heartbroken like I’m going through a breakup, as silly as that sounds, because I have been really looking forward to making this character someone fun to write about. I keep reminding myself it was just a deleted scene, he didn’t really hurt Courtney in bed, but god… it was jarring to see it happening regardless. I know he does these things in the book, I know he’s despicable, but I really wanted to hope that movie!patrick could be someone I could potentially try testing the waters with. Like the anon you answered recently, I have also had a poor experience shipping with villains and I am trying to reclaim that for myself. It feels scary knowing he has the potential to be physically or sexually abusive, when I am trying to practice the whole “I am the exception with villains” thing. I’m so sorry, I am writing so much omg I promise I’m almost done
So I guess I’m just asking for you to lie to me and say he’d be gentle with people in the bedroom, or that he wouldn’t bother hitting somebody or hurting them because it doesn’t bring him satisfaction...? Or even just… he didn’t hurt Courtney… *wouldn’t* hurt Courtney. Or Evelyn. Or Jean. Or whomever else. Like, if he’s ruthless, I’d rather he just murder people, not assault them, does that make sense? Oh my god I know that sounds completely out of character but I need somebody who knows him very well to try to reassure me, if you were okay with that of course. You’ve been writing him for a long time so I think you’d know him best and i know if anyone can convince me that Patrick has a gentle side to him, it would be you. And if anybody else wanted to write reassurances in the replies as well, by all means, I need all the help I can get lol. If you wanted to respond to this, of course. Please don’t feel pressured to respond if you don’t want to! Forgive me for sending such a lengthy ask. I feel very silly. Have a lovely day, I very much enjoy your blog btw you seem like a very kindhearted person :) sending you hugs. Again, please don’t worry about responding if you don’t wish to.
Hello dear!
Jesus, it's such an honor to hear people say that I know Patrick very well, it literally makes me cry! 😭
I would tell you this - when it comes to having crushes and just interacting with different characters, we all have our own visions of them. Speaking for myself, as much as I try to write Patrick canonically, I don't really write any gore or him committing murders because my psyche blocks those aspects of his personality, but I don't judge people who write him really violent and brutal - that's just not my cup of tea. I can't say that I tried to find some good traits in his personality, no, I just accepted the fact that I fell in love with a narcistic, arrogant man who has mental problems and loves to manipulate people. All those "I can fix him" things never worked for me and I never really tried to imagine him changing in a good way for me. Actually, I just let him live rent free in my head, and as for the way I write him - sometimes I feel like I want to write him being gentle and loving - I really have a thing for sweet and affectionate Patty, sometimes (most of the time lmao) I'm into some really angsty shit, so probably most people don't like my writing because in my stories Patrick appears to be a dickhead and a total bastard. But like I said, we all look at characters from our own perspective and we have the right to imagine our crushes the way we want them to be. After all, only Bret Ellis can present Patrick's character the way he is supposed to be, since Ellis created him.
Speaking of the deleted scene with Courtney, it was a little different in the book, but yeah, I wouldn't recommend reading the book because it's much more triggering and disturbing than the movie. Honestly, when I read the book for the first time, I had a big breakdown because I felt disgusted by the things Patrick did in the novel and Bret did a great job of making Bateman a real monster, so I can say that the movie version of Patrick is less off-putting. Even now I try to avoid reading the book too often because some chapters make me really depressed. But I can confess that I'm one of those people who believe in the theory that Bateman didn't commit all those murders and that they were all in his head. In Lunar Park, Bret Ellis' other book, he hinted that all the murders were actually not real. So I can recommend you to read this book because it has a lot of interesting facts about Patrick Bateman as a character from the novel.
I hope I made you feel a little bit better, and my DM is always open to talk! Thanks for sharing this with me! 💕💕💕
*sending my love and hugs!*
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technofinch · 2 months
i Gotta know the deal with mulligan and jameson, specifically the faked resume thing
akljhfalkjgd OKAY SO the original recap of that & related situations is available here but i can give you the deal with Specifically Jameson
EDIT: okay this ended up longer than i thought sowwy
so we stopped on this planet, right, to drop off some cargo or whatever bc we're space truckers. and there were some ppl protesting bc their governor Fucking Sucked. like, murdering people and replacing them with androids level bad. but Weyland-Yutani likes the governor, bc he's a shill, so they're willing to pay us to take him off the planet. they don't really care where he ends up, as long as it's Not Here (this should have been the first red flag).
We go to visit the governor. He's holed up in an old mansion with exactly one (1) guard, who is Some Guy with a shotgun. We'll call him Jameson, because that's his name. Mulligan tries awkwardly to bond with Jameson over sports as we convince him to let us into the house to talk to the governor.
Eventually we get in & talk to the governor, he's willing to pay us a bunch of cash to take him off planet. Excellent. While he leaves to get his stuff together the rest of us poke around in his old mansion. We find a secret basement full of human bones. This Should Have Been The Second Red Flag. Karina, our biologist, steals a pelvis.
We leave the planet and head towards wherever we were gonna go to drop off the governor. It doesn't matter, because we get interrupted by a distress signal. We go check out the distress signal, leaving Jameson and the governor alone on our ship with the first mate/engineer/boatswain, Jack.
While the rest of the crew is Dealing With the distress signal situation, our psychologist Miranda tries to check in with out ship and gets Silence. She is, understandably, distressed by this and takes the expeditionary vehicle we used to go planetside to Return To Our Ship. Leaving The Rest Of Us Stranded.
When she got back to our ship, it turned out that the governor was actually an android and had sabotaged it, cutting the power and such. Jack was trying desperately to get everything back in order, and Jameson was trying to kill the governor.
After that we very quickly dealt with the ship we were helping and got back on board the Ophelia. Mulligan & the marine, Reed, went down into the engineering sector to find the governor. Which we did. He was bleeding slightly and holding an unconscious Jameson, about to dump him out the trash chute. Into space. Apparently, the governor (and the distress beacon) were a Test from our lovely parent company weyland-yutani :) a test that were were currently failing. Partially because Reed was pointing a gun at the governor.
Mulligan ordered Reed to stand down (& let the android kill Jameson). Reed, understandably, didn't want Jameson to die & refused. We were still failing the test. Luckily Miranda was listening in on comms & saved the day by talking down the governor, telling it that we could just arrest & imprison Jameson the normal way instead of extra-judiciously killing him. This pleased all parties and we managed to fly away safely.
With the governor shut down in "cryosleep," Reese (our medic) took the liberty of faking Jameson's death and giving him a new identity. When we arrived at the next colony, Jameson used that fake identity (including work history) that Reese made for him to apply for a permanent position on our ship. Mulligan shut him down immediately and handed his resume off to whoever was in charge of the cargo/docking situation on the colony where we landed, getting him a job there and leaving him behind. (We may have also left behind a xenomorph egg. It's literally fine don't even worry about it)
After this we found ourselves in Various Other Situations that led to us attempting to wipe our memories, fake our deaths, steal our ship, and flee to the other side of the galaxy. Immediately after this it is revealed to Mulligan that Jameson is his biological child and that Reese, Jack, and Reed knew the whole time. Reed is also able to reveal that Jameson had a very bad childhood due to very obviously being a bastard child.
After that Miranda started campaigning to get Mulligan neutered. So far Jameson hasn't shown up again, and we haven't found any more of Mulligan's kids, but the gm confirmed that there are 12 in total so odds are there'll be more of them popping up :3
Anyway. That's the story of Mulligan, World's Shittiest Dad, and the Anti-Nepotism Hire.
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ineedhjalp · 8 months
I Made Good Omens A Straight Flick TV Show
It would be so funny if GO was an actual queerbaiting show.
The ships:
Beelzebub/Crowley and Beelzebub's pronouns are she/her
Aziraphale/Madame Tracy
Muriel/Eric (I know it's a thing and I semi-ship it but in Queerbait!GO it is the MAIN SHIP)
Maggie/Sergeant Shadwell
Aziraphale and Crowley have ZERO chemistry, they're toxic masculine and are CONSTANTLY FLIRTING WITH GIRLS (remember no trans ppl)
My favorite one of Crowley's flirts from Queerbait!GO:
Waitress: Hello Mr...
Crowley: Sexy man. Come home with me? I love you lets get married
(BTW I see all straight relationships this way)
And Aziraphale is a PLAYER. Like he has 7 girlfriends through the whole thing.
Twink Aziraphale
Twink Crowley
Twink Gabriel
Twink Madame Tracy
Twink Sergeant Shadwell
And instead of The Kiss we get:
Crowley: Aziraphale I just murdered a minority
Aziraphale: Oh, no! The women! My chicks! :(
Crowley *whispers*: No... it was the gays...
AND THEN we get a FULL CAST performance of WAP.
Tumblr media
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kicksnscribs · 1 year
Tried to get my mom interested in watching GDTs Pinocchio (she refuses bc she thinks its “creepy”) and when I tried to explain the plot to it and what happens in the movie all I got out of the deal was “maybe you should lay off of that sort of thing” and it’s taken me a full day to figure out why that fucking bothered me so much
Like these ppl watch movies and shows that have high levels of gore, violence, murder and whatnot without even batting an eye but heaven forbid they come face to face with a literal childrens movie whose main themes involve (among other things) life and the inevitability of death and how each of us should cherish that singular life that we have been given and to to do good whenever we can despite the pressures around us and to enjoy the things that life has to offer, but nooooooo suddenly that’s “too much?”
((Bonus: I found out the reason why she never let me finish the Golden Compass:
Me: why did you never let me read that crap?
Her: oh It was because they kill God in it. *this was said in a hushed whisper btw as though my delicate constitution would suddenly crumble away from the mere thought.*
Me:*stares blankly in JRPGS* mom…mom that ship sailed when I was like…ten…I literally haven’t stopped since!
(She was legit shocked when I started telling her about the God of War series lmao) ))
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c1x5 chill goes thru her veins
I feel bad for the stunt actor. Why are those lights turning on?
Beautiful intro <3 with her ring & gun & stuff. (but she just keeps it in a drawer...? No surely that drawer is locked... gun laws in the usa can't be THAT lax...) Beautiful red coat. We need more of that in later seasons. She should shave her head, but like in a sexy way. For the leabians.
JE: Why can't they find bodies between 9 and 5? KB: Well, early bird gets the collar. *castle running around before beckett can even drink her coffee* JE: He was here before I was.
Poor lanie, she's there just as early as anyone. XD cold case LP claims she's frozen solid, but let's just make a note of that. Captions say mid-40s & i'm assuming that means 40-50 f not negative 40? That's what like 12 degrees c? Nope, 40f is 4c. not quite cold enough to freeze, not solid, even with wind. Lol ruby slippers Ok but bodies float in concrete Maybe the killer is just really flaky like me. Or maybe they killed her & didn't know what to do so they froze her until they came up with a plan.
I'm watching s4 with my family rn & the technology is booming. Reminds me of s2 when the fbi came in. Legit made me laugh out loud when castle made that wilford warfstache face. This seems like a good time to remembe MMIWP; missing & murdered indigenous women/people. It is literally an ongoing genocide, idk much abt the USA but indigenous people are disproportionately represented in cases like this in canada. Indigenous men are actually more at-risk for murders than women, though women are more at-risk for disappearances & sexual abuse. They are even overturning things like ICWA, FNMI kids are already overrepresented in the foster care system, forced genocidal assimilation is happening under our noses Right Now. Everyone is an ally until it is time to do some ally shit.
KR: Sure they do. Quantum physics, alien abductions, Schrödinger's cat. One minute, you're getting a hot dog in the park, the next you're fighting off Sleestaks on the far side of a dimensional rift. BRUH??? Reminds me of the alien episode in s2 or s3. Oh woman I remember in Range class we had our turkeys out all weekend & they were still frozen
KB: Okay, I'm on my way KB: Lanie's got an ID. So u don't need to look thru missing persons anymore right? RC, to rysposito: You'll take care of these? *leaves* JE: Hey, Ryan, can you, uh… Thanks. *also leaves poor ryan to go through or put away the files* Poor Ryan, he's just staring at espt leave with such hurt, his eyes just moving all over the table & room, & his mouth slightly open. He's left to deal with this. They really are treating him like the new guy even tho he really is not he's been there long enough in canon.
Steals his coffee Ofc he's a speedreader. I like how later they use that skill again. ok but she disappears often, she's gone for weeks at a time occasionally, the guy probably wouldn't have called in until seven days after she's gone Flirting with her lol. He probably thought she ran away for the first six months then figured she was gone for good or passed away.
R u using a 5yo file? Oh. Yeah five years. So new york "idc that the previous tenant was murdered, it keeps the rent low"
JE: Well, four years between murders? One's a popsicle, one just got popped? I love castle's shirt texture, I just want to feel it. KR: I don't believe it. RC: Give me 250 pages, I bet I could make you. KR: *chuckles* But he's right. "250 pages is 125 000 words single-spaced or 62 500 words double-spaced. Typical documents that are 250 pages or more include full-length novels."
CASTLE I could call it, "A Chill Runs Through Her Veins." ESPOSITO Ooh. I like that. [Castle and Esposito five-five.] CASTLE "Bam" said the lady, another best-seller for me.
(https://scriptline.livejournal.com/18916.html for my quotes, it's so much faster than typing them out. sometimes.)
You know, ppl ship caskett (obv, & then it eventually eventually finally becomes canon) & ppl ship rysposito (I can see why, plus if caskett is together obv rysposito would be together) but tbh I like castito or casposito or castlesito or estle or espostle or espositle or javick rickvier or whatever their ship name it. Probably casposito.
Hmmm. Homeless, White Plains. Homeless, White Plains. JE: both kinda creepy
I love him with his kids (possibly spoilers) I think I know how it ends, I feel like the parents will end up having done this & the kids will end up parentless & then grandparentless. Or maybe the husband did it & then the grandparents killed the husband bc screw you for robbing my daughter of her life & my grandkids of their mom & I'm not letting my grandbabies be raised by a murderer (unless they become murderers in which case.... you lost your point)
drinkin coffee in a bar. I mean he's right ig but at the same time screw you & acab. Oh war vet? Yeah no hun cops feel more brotherhood with soldiers than they feel responsibility to their jobs. The entire system is crap. I want to say "than they feel responsible for the ppl they are meant to protect" but... they aren't really "meant" to protect them. They are meant to police them.
That's why u like castle. He spins crazy theories instead of making things fit into a box. (except he still says "that's not how I would write it") Castle sherlock holmes moments.
JE: A couple of bucks jogged his memory. Yeah man Already have their little handshake uwu Reminds me of ochoa/herve doing the big handshake. I feel like castle wrote a cool handshake (made it up) for roach & then they put it in the movie but castle didn't actually know how to do the handshake.
Oh gosh this poor man. Only this time, all I find is a freezer plugged into a light outlet -- which, by the way, is totally illegal. So valid bestie. (I love him so much.) One time I had to make a mini model of a house for math class but it was my best friend & me & we were both disabled so we handed in the simplest project we could & got in trouble for it. Then our parents helped us out, they put in the water heater. Paul said "lets use this little pill bottle, we can glue it to the wall here" but then my dad chips in 'That's a Code Violation, man!' as if code violations matter in our little model. Both dads cracked up. It was funnier when it happened... (& whenever we go to tour dream homes dad points out the code violations. & ofc count how many secret rooms we can make. Not that we'd ever live there.) Oh fun fact, if you make a double male extension cord you can power your neighbour's apartment if they forgot to pay their electrical bill, JUST so they can like, keep their fridge running so their food doesn't spoil. Some anarchosocialist cyberpunk for ya. I mean the man's right. I see why he did what he did. People are really good at not seeing homeless people.
Man kept the freezer? ofc it's cash. every six months, plus three months of grace. Two months after the man is dead! So valid bestie, keep the footage of the last two weeks, but who has space for more than that?
If not x, then y. if not her, then him. If not sam, then whoM? Him=whom, he=who. Who did it? He did it. It was whom? It was him.
Mmm leftovers. That's a heck of an empty freezer. Hey self cleaning oven, sort of like that episode in s3! Did you know you can jerry your oven open during self clean mode to make it into a pizza oven? Don't do it tho. AC: Did I stop, or did something stop me? I love her RC: It's family moments like these I will never forget. AC: With a good therapist, hopefully, I will. DSAFHDSJHADSKJH
I like beckett's coat. This Wyler fellow seems neat. I like him. Man remembers the bf's name?
This boy looks like someone I've seen before. Maybe that actor/directer, gary sinus I like his shirt. Seems like a nice prison uniform. This fellow seems neat. Oh. I love & respect this man. I love him sm. This is tragic.
Sometimes I'm very "guy" but other times I am so obviously raised female, but I was also raised catholic. Nice pride flag lol B'y I think it's a bad idea to tell these children what happened to their mom, at least in any detail. They're kids. Or at most tweens.
What if GARY killed sam? He wasn't dead for four years or so, you could have come forward. he WAS dead for the past year, you could have come forward w/o fear.
Ooh this is the coolest & sweetest thing. I love their laser tag gear. RC: Mom! We are totally doing battle on the field of honor. MR: How old are you? RC: Old enough to afford the top-of-the line laser tag. You know that's what they tell addicts. The only fun you had was drinking & now you don't have that hobby? All your friends do drugs so you're out a community? Do what you wanted to do when you were a kid, now that you are an adult with adult money. Buy yourself an easy bake oven, go play laser tag, take that gymnastics class you wanted to do all throughout elementary. RC: I'm dead! MoOm! 
I like how castle doesn't try to make himself look like a presentable adult, he opens the door & shoots his laser gun. Poor beckett. She knocks on his door & then gets laser shot by a novelist she was a fan of who is now shadowing her on crime cases, then his daughter comes out from behind him, also wearing all this laser gear (including the fact that she is a responsible adolescent), & then his mom comes in from the side with a towel on her head & a mask on her face. "Pehtikwe"
Is this the first time she has been in his house? Or did she arrest him here once? She is indeed a comic fan, remember the vampire episode? It's like a murder board. Lol jinx. I like castle's sweater here.
See? Most ppl don't own a car in a city like that. Point for the adhd castle headcanon. Goes on a tangent like that. Plus, he's very childish sometimes, very childlike /pos sometimes, he procrastinates a lot, then he hyperfocuses & bangs out a novel, he can think inside or outside the box but he threw the box away so he doesn't know if he's thinking in or out, he is not very good at following instructions lol (you know i was diagnosed with ODD & recently I found out & thought "that's just what they diagnose you with when you don't understand things & so you ask questions or refuse to do things or you don't like being a child treated like you are not a person; that's why so many ppl grow out of of" & I Was Right, BUT that's only the misdiagnoses, ODD is actually a mood disorder, which might be why I kind of got over it when I went on mood stabilizers. Fun fact for ya)
It's late at night they just went to his house? Or maybe it's the next day.
ROGER They told me he was shot in a mugging. And now you're telling me, he was killed here, in my apartment?
CASTLE Not him. His wife.
ROGER His wife? What kind of family was this?
CASTLE Alright. So, you and I are married.
BECKETT We are not married.
CASTLE Relax. It's just pretend.
BECKETT I don't want to pretend.
CASTLE Scared you'll like it?
BECKETT Okay. If we're married, I want a divorce.
ROGER Are you two like this all the time?
(usually they give opposing answers. JE: yes; KB: no; RC: I wish; KR: ...??? Ok!)
Castle puts down the pan but beckett still has the pot *closes door on roger* *hands the pot back to roger*
Need to go to the eco station? Call your buddy with a truck.
I still respect this guy to a degree. I love the way his voice is breaking. This poor fellow.
Cap's right. what goes around comes around.
I remember how it ends. Not five years ago. Plainclothes. Melanie's dad. He did his own detective work & I'm proud. I know what you mean castle but you kind of can't do that.
I feel really bad bc he's just trying to be a good grampa, he is raising his grandkids, he solved his daughter's murder & paid justice to sam. Tho he probs could have gone to the police. Also why do those kids look native? Melanie & her parents are white af. IG we've never seen sam's body/picture so maybe he was native or a poc.
Dad, they probs don't have the evidence to convict you. Don't confess & you can get away with it. Ah I see why he did it now. R u allowed to bring back a service weapon? Good on him, he said a father MIGHT be justified. Never said he did it.
Oh beckett sharing her story!
We were supposed to go to dinner together - my mom, my Dad, and I, and she was gonna meet us at the restaurant, but she never showed. Two hours later, we went home, and there was a detective waiting for us. Detective Raglin. They found her body. She had been stabbed. She still had her money and purse and jewelry. And it wasn't a sexual assault, either. They attributed it to gang violence. Random wayward event. So, just like in Melanie's case, they couldn't think outside the box. So, they just tries to package it up nicely. And the killer was never caught.
CASTLE Why do you wear the watch?
BECKETT My Dad took her death hard. He's sober now. Five years. So, this is for the life that I saved. And...
[She reaches in her shirt and pulls out the necklace with the ring on it.]
BECKETT (CONT'D) this is for the life that I lost.
Oof, so good. So good. I love them.
CASTLE Until tomorrow, Detective.
BECKETT You can't just say "night?"
CASTLE I'm a writer. "Night" is boring. "Until tomorrow" is more hopeful.
The second cree word of this post: Wapaki. It means "tomorrow" but cree words are long. It means more like "if the sun rises tomorrow" & it implies that we have FAITH that the sun will rise tomorrow, we can't actually tell the future. We are just doing what we can. If, if the sun rises tomorrow.
& she doesn't lock her gun in her drawer.
Esposito & castle & getting the file & how did he convince espt to do this.
[41:50, INT. PRECINCT, RECORDS ROOM - NIGHT] Esposito enters, followed by Castle.
[Esposito leads him past rack after rack of file boxes, until he comes to one and opens it. He pulls out a file and hands it to Castle.]
ESPOSITO Remember, this never happened. I was never here.
CASTLE You have my word. Thanks.
[Esposito clears his throat]
ESPOSITO If you tell her I did this, I'll make you bleed.
CASTLE Understood.
ESPOSITO Good luck.
[The name on the file: Johanna Beckett. Castle takes a seat at a table and turns on the desk light as Esposito leaves, dousing the overheads. Lit by the light of the lamp, Castle looks down at the case file. He takes a breath, and opens it.]
I should do some chores.
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beeapocalypse · 3 years
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OH i forgot abt this very sloppy gif. daz and sporley got a big revamp theyre no longer conjoined twins and those names were just childhood nicknames. theyre rlly daisy and spearmint (their mother RLLY into plants) and the whole thing is abt daz clinging to childhood and spearmint just wanting to Move On and theres a little bit of murder somewhere in there. also the gif is spearmint i didnt say that lol
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mejomonster · 2 years
I want majima and kiryu to fuck not even necessarily because I ship them (but I do) but because majima deserves a good time (just like hey the self indulgent fights and competitions make him and kiryu fairly happy so good for them) and there is (unfortunately for kiryu) no one closer to kiryu right now. If majimas getting intimate might as well give kiryu some emotional support in the event
I'm playing yakuza kiwami and like ;-; kiryus closest person was his pro nishiki, who he went to prison and took the blame of Murder for, who he left their like best friend yuki in charge of protecting but yuki got lost too, Rina liked nishiki too and she's heartbroken by thar distance Too so her and kiryu are both in similar boats of loss but not the type to connect but more like experience in parallel (like slightly distant friends), Date is a comrad but kiryu is not Super Close to the dude. Haruka he is getting attached to cause hes overall kind at core and relates to her as an orphan and knew her aunt and feels bad about her aunt and mom and her safety. So like long term? Yeah he's gonna get attached and see her like a daughter I'm betting. But in the short term that doesn't mean he opens his heart and its burdens on a kid, and kiryus also responsible so he's trying NOT to dump his issues on a kid when he's the one parenting/protecting. So like.... nishiki who's the only one he'd fathom seeing him dump his heart on (even just interpreting it as such since kiryu tends to Stay Stoic) is gone. The two girls you befriend at the cabaret are wonderful, but they're friends like Yuki at best but not even as close in some ways like his Actual Background/work since they don't have that shared history. So nishiki was IT, HIS Homeboy, his bro, his best friend, his person he protected who knew their life and wanted to protect kiryu too and kiryus loved ones too even tho nishiki struggled at it. And he's out as a close confidant now ;-; he's drawing a line and closing kiryu out.
So the closest contender to someone understanding kiryu emotionally and his Full scope of who he is, what he's going through, and being allowed to even fathom venting it? It's majima. Kiryu wouldn't even want to. It would reveal potential Real weakness. And majima knows that too, does this dance to keep them "rivals" so they're allowed to socialize (and Have fun and let off stress in a,way they both actually like whether it's fights or pocket circuit racing or bowling lol - but mainly fighting which majima clearly does to Not kill but keep kiryu prepared so he keeps Living and Succeeding and so they both get to socialize without getting in trouble). Majima can't just buddy up to him, He's Shimanos man and Shimano is against the family kiryu was in, OFTEN against whatever the fuck kiryus up to. Majima can spare kiryu by not killing him (which majima certainly was capable of early game shown by how he purposely throws fights when u get out of jail to help u practice). And can tip him off about Shimanos moves occasionally. But that's already way friendlier than his position generally wants him to be. But majima sees a kindred spirit in kiryu - someone who values their own freedom of choice and acts, sticks to their own morals and self (no matter how stubbornly stupid kiryu seems to ppl sometimes for it majimas gotta admire the sheer refusal to change lol). Majimas goal from his introduction in kiwami is to slyly push you to Shape the fuck up so you'll survive as a yakuza, cause he likes interacting with you and doesnr wanna see you dead from this life for being as Hard Headed as you are (so you better get tough enough to survive as thar stubborn). As far as I can tell gameplay wise that's his function in the game, to keep you leveled up and prepared. And in the story that function along with his behavior translates to secretly/silently caring if kiryu is okay, wanting kiryu to have at least Himself as an outlet he can let go with and be himself with to a degree. An outlet for both of them, and a physical series of pleas to kiryu to Please survive so I can keep having you around to socialize with.
The scene where majima kidnaps Haruka I am still reeling over trying to figure out what it means for majimas motives, and if the game knows what it meant lol. The game itself first presents it like crossing a line and dangerous (now he's a real villain like ALL the ppl after haruka), then things continue and kiryu isn't treating it as urgent or worried once he sees majima and hears Haruka (compared to how life and death he treats it when Haruka is taken to that bar and dates there and Haruka is grazed with a bullet and almost shot). So kiryu oddly doesn't see majima as the same level of threat.
But I personally did in the scene see majima as potentially one, and I think majima wanted to be viewed as fully capable of being a danger to kiryu. I think underneath the big act, majima was doing the following. I think he was trying to 1. Show kiryu that in this life even ur "friends" or allies may turn on you and kill people and kill you or harm you or cross YOUR lines, and you have to figure out how to handle it and survive/get ur goal done (which foreshadows nicely when Nishiki and his people will do this later - a much more deadly Real threat to haruka than majima was and another person kiryu doesn't see as his enemy but may NEED to be able to view as one). 2. Majima is working for the yakuza, and all of them are after Haruka, and why the fuck wouldn't he do it too? It makes him look useful, look like he's working, and it means Haruka in is his hands and kiryus life in is his hands - and he can ensure they don't die as easily necessarily. And if he's lucky stubborn kiryu learns his FUCKING BLIND SPOTS from this and then in the future prevents yet another kidnapping of Haruka and danger to himself (unfortunately kiryu fucks up and she's kidnapped again later... but majima certainly gave him a learning scenario to try and learn from experience). 3. He did want to come off personally as a threat to kiryu. So get the kid, so kiryu rakes it more serious than if it's just them. Because in this life they live, they may need to be real enemies at some point. And majima needs to cope with and practice that possibly as much as he'd like kiryu to Understand that and handle that burden too. The bitter fact majima wants to be close, be friends, even Gets kiryus motives in some regards and certainly gets his stubborn resolution to his own decisions. But majima knows he doesn't get to trust and open up and he can't promise Anyone he won't hurt them, not for sure. So it's a big moment for majima.
Then it all ends? With majima getting stabbed to protect kiryu, and saying he's the only one allowed to kill kiryu. I don't think he meant to get hurt on purpose- tho needing the hospital certainly means now he has a good excuse to not help the yakuza kidnap Haruka, not help the yakuza chasing kiryu. (And his nonstop smoke breaks so u don't fight him that for me happened to align with after that lol in my 0laythrpugh definitely added to other feeling he really doesn't wanna be told to get u around then). But getting hurt on purpose both unexpectedly communicates to kiryu and the player that in at least some fucked up way majima does want you to be okay. And it also communicates he Wants you to get thst he IS a potential threat to you, as friendly as he otherwise is (like pocket circuit racing ToT). And that again he needs you to Understand that. That when you bond he wants to be close and be allowed to be, with you wrll aware of how dangerous he may have to be later and letting him bond anyway. He needs you to know he might kill you, that betrayal might always happen and that you accepted that and knew that. It's a really bizarre show of intimacy and yet it says so much raw personal shit that's hard to describe, when he takes that knife for kiryu and says only he gets to kill him.
Anyway tldr if kiryu was gonna get intimate emotionally wirh anyone (we aren't even talking fucking anymore, even a quiet walk by a river or sit down to lean against each other or drink to lament what's going on) majima is The person he's emotionally most able to click with rn. And tbh their fights are the closest kiryu is getting to that ability to vent and get support in the game in a way at times.
Also. Love these characters.
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wistfulrat · 4 years
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a 4-part rec list of my fave drarry fics - the thrillers, dramas, soft bois, and wankbanks getting me through 2020′s shitstorm
[ for my fellow fledgling drarry stans! the drama list is here and, well. like i didn’t initially intend to go off in the mini-reviews beneath every rec but it’s just that you can't nOT yell about drarry as classic literary foils!! also it’s my dumb sideblog so i decided there are no rules and i get to be annoying about good writing.
but rly, the whole premise of the drarry pairing is shaped by this genre and if the ~serious world of serious published writers~ weren’t absolute cowards, they would admit that drama fic authors have contributed more to the genre than the average shit you can find at your local chain bookstore. so that's that on thAT. & if you love a fic here, don't forget to follow the authors, leave kudos & comments on their work, send them nice msgs bc they do all this shit for free xoxo ]
part 2: dramas
mood: for when I need emotional catharsis and maybe 7 hours to sob/brood about loneliness, the cost of love, & the perpetual fear of being truly known
includes: angst, hurt/comfort, reconciliation fics. it’s cruelty o’clock folks and someone is about to say/do something Fucked Up that they can’t take back. but don’t worry!! there will be a Reckoning feat. hamlet-worthy monologues, ugly truths, unbridled rage, trauma, insecurity, and just a fuck ton of tears!! but maybe even tender apologies and mended things.
(Un)wanted by @aibidil​ - 36k - E | Ginny's pregnant, then she's not and Harry's single. Harry, again with no family, doesn't know what to do with this turn of events, or how to find a new life—post-war, post-Ginny, post-abortion—in which he belongs. He doesn't expect that life to include dancing to the Backstreet Boys with Hermione and Draco Malfoy. A story of finding belonging in the unexpected. | --- can a fic be tender and unflinching at the same time? bc this story strikes that balance rly well and for a piece about unwantedness, it is incredibly humanizing. ginny holding her own, draco being gentle but not letting harry play victim, hermione calling harry “hazzah” and just the way this friendship insists on the validity of found families even when harry is spiraling?? and you’re forced to consider that no one has the monopoly on fucked-upness and that doesn’t absolve us of the ways we hurt each other but it means that everyone has the same potential to be better after being broken. goD JUST READ IT, OKAY.
Blood Magic, the series by @houseofhebrideanblacks and @thestralsofspinnersend 335k - E “Later that night. . .Draco wondered at the depths of magic, its breadth and scope. The ways in which life pervades and eludes death, the ways in which they endure all manners of small and large deaths within their lives.” -- if you don't read any other fic on this list, i hope you read this series bc holy shit it’s breathtaking. harry’s a recovering addict, draco’s recovering from abuse, and in a cottage within the forbidden forest begins an unlikely partnership as the boys take up the tedious work of healing. there are thestrals and everyone's in therapy. there are whole chapters of cottagecore drarry. it's a beautiful exploration of how we bare the immensity of loss against the miracles of birth and regrowth. 
Ship of Theseus by GallaPlacidia - 18k - T “A ship in a full sail, a ship in a state of decay, a ship that had been rebuilt, slightly different. A repeating cycle. “What makes the ship the same?” asked Harry. “I don’t know. There must be something in it that lasts across the changes.” -- DO YOU KNOW HOW THIS QUOTE LIVES RENT FREE IN MY SAD, SAD BRAIN. DO YOU KNOW HOW I LOSE SLEEP THINKING ABOUT THE FUCKING SHIP OF THESEUS. it’s a memory loss fic and everything is so unFAIR. you want to murder harry sometimes bc he’s such a shiT and you suffer through the ways he questions desire, penance, redemption, true love. and by the end, you want to believe in those golden slumber lyrics: “once, there was a way to get back home” 
Yours to Keep by @dracoismytrashson​ - 135k - E i love the university setting, i love getting to see harry and draco’s first forays into a real LGBTQ community, the class and race structures outside of the wizarding world. i love that this is the context in which they’re allowed to confront the shittiness of PTSD, anxiety, depression etc. as they come together and fall apart against each other’s traumas. it makes the ending feel earned af. “Baby, we’ve been easing into it for a decade.” -- my god this line
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered​ - 153k - T  this fic is devastating. like, completely forget whatever reticence you might have towards a de-aging fic and read this. the de-aging premise allows the author to cut through the ways harry and draco hold each other at a distance and you end up with these stunning moments of clarity where they’re truly seeing each other for the first time. and suddenly everything makes sense. i won't spoil it here but there’s a scene towards the end where harry is talking to hermione and ron about realizing the first time he felt what its like to be loved and I fucking SOBBED. an all-time fave fic about learning how to belong.
Had To Be You by @lettersbyelise​​ - 59k - E a genuinely excellent slow burn about absolute fucking morons who refuse to express their mutual love over the course of literal years?? HOW MANY TENDER MEET-CUTES DO 2 GAY IDIOTS EVEN NEED. a car ride a bookshop a street corner -- when harry met sally is my enemy. but you know what? this fic is masterfully written, it’s an epic tale of unexpected friendships and the inability to say the things we feel. also its very much also a soft boi fic if not for the Major Fuck Up that pushes it into drama territory for me. so worth the turmoil tbh.
Hurricane by phrynne - 120k - E auror partners terrified of love. it’s a fic about walls - where the emotional landscape of this fic is occluded by dishonest words so you feel the tension play out in hollow voices, shuttered looks, emptied eyes. it’s like watching two ppl get flayed alive in slow motion and everything is SHIT for a little. it’s mean, it’s ugly, it doesn’t let you give the characters an out when they’re being cruel - to each other and to themselves. but harry and draco are two violent forces hurling toward each other’s walls and the inevitable reckoning comes and it’s so very worth the ending. the hospital bed scene to rule all hospital bed scenes.
Returning Tides by @zigster-ao3​ - E  “Is my timing that flawed? Our respect run so dry? Yet there's still this appeal That we've kept through our lives” --those fuCKing ian curtis lyrics in the summary!! p a i n. why do i put myself through getting-back-together fics knowing full well i’m gonna be Sad As Hell during the not-together portion of the story?? we are all unfortunately hoes for heartache. anyway this fic is beautiful. draco’s a dad and recently widowed, harry has a thestral reserve, the settings here are stunning. a story about grief and love that lingers.
A Piercing Comfort by @talithan - 44k - T “There is no objective scorecard. There isn’t anything that a person does that tips the balance from ‘deserving’ to ‘undeserving’, or vice versa. A ‘deserving’ person will not run out of worthiness after a set time of happiness and have to then go about working to deserve it again. And an ‘undeserving’ person does not have to suffer at length before having the opportunity to be ‘deserving’.” -- the heart of this fic. harry’s in therapy, facing depression, and learning how to accept love he doesn’t think he deserves. (also draco is harry’s therapist but yes, that power dynamic is handled ethically-well imo and addressed in the author notes I promise!!).
Borrowing Courage by @xx-thedarklord-xx​ - 70k - E |After years of being a Magical Artist and painting for other people, Draco decides it’s time to paint for himself for once. The secrets pile up as he tries to unravel the mystery of his relatives but the only thing he didn’t count on was having to go to Potter of all people for approval.| --god i love this fic. the thing about drarry here is that they never mean to hurt each other but they do. they do and draco’s trying to do the right thing and he wants so badly for good family but harry’s never rly stopped grieving sirius and it’s this whole unintended mess of festering wounds forced to heal. everyone needs a hug. also ron/blaise pairing and ron+draco’s friendship here is everything!!
Reparations and the sequel, Foundations by Saras_Girl - 320k - E | Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.| -- incredible. harry and draco’s dynamic as healers, the cast of original characters, the boys learning what it means to trust each other, draco building a rehabilitation center, harry falling in love with him, and “meus fabula est mei ut dico: my story is mine to tell.”  i cry
The Ties that Bind by phoenix_writing (not on ao3) - 61k - T | Upon Andromeda’s death, Harry and Draco are given custody of Teddy. Their lives will never be the same.| -- harry’s got major abandonment issues and he’s just trying to be a good co-parent with draco but everyone is being the woRST and you want to murder them on behalf of harry. but then, the boys learn to listen to each other and god it all becomes so tender. also harry has a gay panic. things are awful but it all works out. -
[part 1: thrillers | part 2: dramas | part 3: soft bois | part 4: wankbanks]
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
your posts about legends of tomorrow are making me want to watch it, I was wondering if you know of a guide or anything? like the only dc shows I’ve seen any of are supergirl when I was like 14 lol and doom patrol so should I watch arrow first or at the same time or something? no pressure to answer, just thought I might as well ask :) I love your blog !
ohhhh i'm so glad my legendsposting is making ppl want to watch it hehe. the short answer is that you don't need to have watched the other shows, you can just start with season 1 episode 1 of legends of tomorrow and youll be able to follow along just fine.
the long answer is that several of the characters on legends of tomorrow debuted on either arrow or flash, and in some cases watching those episodes is helpful for understanding the characters on legends of tomorrow, and in other cases not so much. take ray palmer - though he technically was introduced in arrow season 3, his character is changed so much on legends (for the better, i might add) that it's really not necessary to watch his appearances on arrow. same goes for mick rory and leonard snart, although if you want the tragedy of snart to hit you with maximum force then you might want to watch his episodes of flash beforehand. jax and martin stein and kendra and carter all get introduced on flash/arrow but they get reintroduced at the beginning of legends so you really don't need to watch their episodes beforehand, and i would probably discourage you from doing so because they're not that interesting.
that leaves sara lance. although legends of tomorrow is an ensemble show, sara is the default protagonist on account of becoming the captain of the time ship and also being on the show for every season. she's also the character who is most fully established and developed before legends begins. sara is the younger sister of laurel lance, oliver (the arrow)'s ex-girlfriend. sara was believed to have drowned years ago, when she was on a fancy ship with oliver and was having an affair with him even though he was her sister's boyfriend at the time. however, after having been believed dead for years, she returns to starling city (where arrow takes place) and goes around wearing a costume and beating up criminals with the cool assassin skills she acquired in the past few years, but avoids her family because she doesn't want them to see what she's become.
early episodes of legends season 1 provide a good explanation of who sara is, where she's been, and where she is now. however, i do feel that watching some episodes of arrow is helpful to get a more full understanding of her character. it's tricky because she is in so many episodes of arrow, but i can try to narrow it down to just a few.
arrow 2x04: reveals that the mysterious female vigilante of starling city is sara, and that she is avoiding her family
arrow 2x05: reveals that sara gained her fighting skills through joining the league of assassins
arrow 2x13: establishes sara's bisexuality and also shows how sara wants to leave her dark past behind. insanely racist and homophobic/biphobic episode but worth watching for sara's sexy assassin ex-girlfriend nyssa
at the end of arrow 3x01 sara is murdered, and in 4x03 she is brought back to life (albeit with a new bloodlust due to having been resurrected by the lazarus pit, a detail which legends of tomorrow season 1 reckons with), but you don't actually need to watch those episodes. you could probably get by just reading the wiki summaries or watching select scenes. and then you can just start watching legends :)
ummmm i hope that's helpful lol. it really is up to you how much background arrowverse viewing you want to do before watching legends of tomorrow. like i said before, you can watch zero episodes of arrow or flash and still be able to follow what is happening on legends of tomorrow and understand the characters. but i do think sara's character arc on legends hits harder if you've seen where she's been before. i watched all of the arrow episodes featuring her because i'm ridiculous and a completionist and also because susanna thompson was in them playing oliver's mom and she's hot but you definitely do not need to do that. you can just watch the 3 that i've recommended and you should be good :)
if you have any more questions about starting legends of tomorrow, or about the characters' backgrounds or sara lance or anything please let me know and i will try to help as best i can! i love this show and these characters so much and i want people to enjoy them :D
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🔥 kori
dickkory sucks but not for any of the reasons dickkory haters say it sucks. most dickkory hate is literally just ppl hating on kori disguised as a 'personal opinion' on ships and usually those opinions make it extremely obvious that they never bothered to like, actually read The New Teen Titans lmao. 'dickkory was mostly sexual' is especially a terrible take because not only is it blatantly untrue, it's also based in the slut-shaming Kori has received over the years for being sexually open, and the mischaracterization she's received bc people saw an opportunity to reduce a female character to a sex object with a thin veil of plausible deniability in the form of 'characterization' and took it.
Most arguments against dickkory I've seen focus on the idea that Kori didn't offer Dick much, which is HILARIOUS because you have a MUCH better argument for the reverse, which is exactly what I will now proceed to argue.
got long, is under the cut, you know the drill. TL;DR Kori and Dick's relationship was badly built up, Kori provides more emotional support for Dick than Dick provides for Kori, Kori was more important to Dick's development than Dick was to Kori, and I don't think it's ever even been stated why Kori likes Dick.
Also donnakory was built up way better than dickkory and I'd argue Donna has had more of an influence on Kori than Dick ever did. That last one isn't explained in-depth it's just important to me that you know this.
Dick and Kori barely interacted prior to getting together, and yet we were supposed to believe this narrative that Dick was definitely in love with Kori and just couldn't admit it. I literally did a double take the first time Kori mused to herself about being confused Dick 'wouldn't admit to being in love with her' like I'm sorry WHEN did that get established??? I'm too aro for 'love at first sight' bullshit you have to actually make them interact or I won't buy it. This lack of build-up was my first problem with dickkory, but I was willing to ignore it if the actual relationship appealed to me.
It didn't. Dick and Kori's relationship is marked by a pattern of what, to me, is incompatibility. Dick is the type of person who, when stresses, lashes out at others and pushes them away. He's seen doing this multiple times to Kori in The New Teen Titans, most notably shortly after they got together when he was stressed due to having too much on his plate, and in the Return to Tamaran/Karras/Marriage arc. Kori consistently reacts to this behavior by blaming herself for it. The first time, she comes to Donna to ask her if she's done anything wrong, after which Donna reassures her that Dick's just Like That, and Kori resolves to be as supportive as she can.
The second time bothers me much more; on Tamaran, Dick is so mean to her she ends up having a full-on breakdown, which she first seeks support for from Joey, but later, she just stays depressed until she can return to Earth. While Dick's behaviour was influenced by his brainwashing, we never get confirmation of how much of it was influenced, and on top of that, the comic repeatedly and consistently frames Kori as having 'hurt Dick' during this arc afterwards, making her say this repeatedly, while never refuting it or addressing the ways Dick has harmed Kori during this arc.
While Dick did man up and apologize in both circumstances (I think the second apology was lacking, but the first was quite good), it still established a pattern that I find uncomfortable. Dick is rude to Kori, Kori takes it personally and wonders what she's done wrong, Kori tries to talk it out with Dick, Dick snaps at her and pushes her away, but eventually realizes he's been mean and apologizes. What bothers me the most in this pattern is the part where Kori consistently blames herself for Dick's behaviour, and assumes she's done something wrong to make him behave this way. Every time this came up in the comics, it made me deeply uncomfortable, because I've seen enough real-life relationships with a very similar dynamic to this that were deeply unhealthy to make this set off all my alarm bells.
I want to stress that I don't think dickkory is actually unhealthy in canon, but it reminds me of enough unhealthy relationships I've known for me to be personally uncomfortable with it.
That's not the only part that reminds me of those relationships: I feel like Dick is getting way more out of this relationship than Kori. Kori is consistently shown to support Dick when he goes through tough situations, even when Dick responds by trying to push her away or being rude to her. Similarly, Dick has stated that Kori was the one who helped him open up about his emotions, and has had a tremendous positive effect on his character development as a result; he even goes so far as to name her one of the elements of his Nightwing identity. Kori pushes Dick to explore new areas of himself, and supports him when he has problems.
Dick, by contrast.... doesn't really do this with Kori. When Kori needed support, Dick was consistently either absent or actually rude to her. Again, this is most prominent during the Karras arc; during a time when Kori desperately needed someone to support her, Dick was only concerned with his own hurt feelings. And again, yes, he was brainwashed during this, but again, we never actually got confirmation on how much of this behaviour was due to brainwashing, and much of the writing afterwards framed Kori was the one in the wrong here, so my point stands. This was the singular most important moment Kori needed support, and Dick blew it, and the narrative basically let him off the hook for it.
The only time I can think of when Dick supported Kori in non-battle related situations was right after the Wildebeest arc in New Titans, but that was also the start of Kori's character massacre for the break up arc, so I don't exactly have fond memories of that. I'm sure there's been more minor moments where he's supported her that I'm forgetting, but I shouldn't have to have this much trouble coming up with times Dick has emotionally supported Kori.
Furthermore, Dick hasn't had a similar effect on Kori's character development to Kori's effect on Dick. While Kori did develop while she was with Dick, this wasn't really due to Dick. Her short-lived change of heart about the morality of murder was due to her personal experiences, and while Dick probably aided in this decision, so did Donna and even the rest of the Titans. It was not something that was uniquely Dick, the way Dick opening up about his emotions was uniquely Kori. Her distancing herself from Tamaran and embracing Earth was also not uniquely Dick, and was in fact a realization that mostly took place in his absence. Other parts of her character development follow this pattern.
I'm not saying Dick has had no effect on Kori's character progression, but he wasn't instrumental in it the way Kori was instrumental in his. Kori's character would've likely progressed in an extremely similar fashion even without him, and I can't say the same for Dick. If anyone influenced Kori's development in a similar way Dick influenced Kori's, it was Donna, who was the one to introduce her to Earth culture, supported her through various tough times and insecurities, helped her find a job (albeit it on accident) and frequently worked with her later, etc. etc. And even then, I don't think Donna's effect on Kori was quite as dramatic as Kori's effect on Dick.
The final nail in the coffin for any interest I may have had in dickkory is the fact that I, honest to god, have no idea why Kori likes Dick. I don't. Dick has several internal monologues about how much he loves Kori for her passion, her drive, her openness, and the way she pushes him to explore new parts of himself and open up, but Kori... doesn't really do the same for Dick. I can make guesses as to why I think Kori likes Dick, even fairly educated ones (I think Kori likes Dick at least in part because his intellectual approach to life is new and interesting to her, for example), but they've never stated it explicitly the way they've stated what Kori likes about Dick. And for a series that'll state practically everything explicitly if it can, up to and including what's happening on the panel right now, this is very weird to me.
Any of these problems, isolated, I could've gotten past; even a two of these problems I could've probably ignored. Three would've been pushing it, but all of them? No chance. Any good will I had towards the relationship was buried with the Karras arc, and then shot in the head for good measure when they continuously talked about it as if Kori was the one at fault there.
All of these problems combined make it very clear to me that Kori was not the primary concern in this relationship. Kori was invented as a love interest for Dick, and it shows. This entire relationship is about what it does for Dick, how it helps Dick. The only thing Kori gets out of it, at least to me, is the happiness she gets from being in love, and frankly, she could get that with literally any other character.
The fact that people keep reducing her character to this relationship also infuriates me and makes me even less inclined to like it, especially when they can't even bother to remember Kori was the one who broke up with Dick and instead treat Kori as the one who was left heartbroken and has never gotten over it, while Dick gets to move on with his life and other love interests.
I think this relationship had potential; I think their contrasting personalities could've made for an interesting relationship, and I've enjoyed some isolated moments and fandom portrayals of them before. But after reading The New Teen Titans, I just do not understand why so many Kori fans like this relationship so much. I went into the series neutral on the relationship but hopeful about being won over, to straight-up hating it.
Also that one time they used a relationship between a man who was about to shoot his wife for cheating on him as a direct and obvious parallel to dickkory was SO GODDAMN AWFUL. why the hell did they think that was a good idea. why.
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mandareeboo · 4 years
Have you seen the new season of Carman Sandiego. Please tell me you're seen it. You gotta see the new season, it's everything we've wanted. Also, basically the whole season is Holloween themed. (Also also have a good day and good vibes)
Just finished it!!! Aaaa it was so good! I loved the themeage going on, and watching Chase start to realize he was wrong. 
Well, last season I gave a bullet point list, so this season I did the same! Here’s random shit I screamed about throughout the episodes. =)
The gentle hitch in Carmen’s voice as she says “I… have his eyes.” Aaaaaaaaa
Fucking Fire Lord Zuko’s voice as some twink named Spinkick. I’m SCREAMING.
Carmen snarking about codenames like she wasn’t raised as Black Sheep like GIRL.
Carmen being offended at breaking into her potential mom’s house. Idk why I just love that touch. She grew up with thieves for family, where stealing was just normal, but picking mommy’s lock is crazy.
Every time Brunt tries to pronounce a foreign word it is. Art. Por faYvor. Shadow SAAN.
“There’s nothing here to steal!” -GESTURES AT TROPHY WALL-
Carmen just. Getting adopted by a luchadora.
Everyone getting all dressed up for Halloween and then Brunt just. Being a cowboy.
The fact that V.I.L.E. Heads really have nothing better to do with their days than play dress-up and Halloween games is great.
Them casually confirming they seek out young orphans with no support system and groom them like DAMN was not expecting it laid out like that.
That art curator lady throwing that priceless taser artifact at Zack and Ivy only for it to break was just. So funny? I’m sure it wasn’t REAL or she wouldn’t risk it but the scowl as Ivy says, “hope that wasn’t worth a lot?” was amazing.
Once a season or so Carmen gets the absolute shit kicked out of her and it’s just. Really troubling to watch? They don’t mess around when she gets wounded goddamn.
For a second I legit thought that Sonia was gonna fly outta that plane and die and I was NOT prepared for that angst.
Ivy and Zack tryna hijack a plane is so weirdly pure. They really will do anything for Carmen.
Listen full disclosure I’d love if it turned out Cookie Booker was Carmen’s mom simply bc she’s voiced by the original Carmen Sandiego (and it’d make her stealing the V.I.L.E. intel even more ironic) but I know the chances that’ll happen are basically none.
The slooooow roll of the window before Carmen asks him where Julia is and HIM ANSWERING AKSMDOCLSODKCS I love the cop-criminal dynamics in this show
“YOU WISH TO MOCK MY DRIVING SKILLS NOW?” “Do we, Carm? He’s kinda rockin’ it.” Zack is. A fucking gift.
The fucking. The fucking candy bowl. V.I.L.E. has a goodie bowl. No I will never be over it.
I thought Shadowsan was a silly name but now we’ve got The Troll and honestly?? He won. He lost but he won.
Crawfish King out here making tickets 100,000 each but he using sheet ghosts and dollar store pumpkins. I know it’s for charity but bro c’mon, dig into your personal funds a bit.
Every single time they see red Ivy and Zack just HAVE to say it’s Carmen’s color like it’s Vantablack and she’s the douche who owns it and it’s. Amazing.
Paperstar continues to be That Bitch no one wants to work with
The put a DRONE in a SHEET alsmsclsodkcs
Forget all the zany ass supervillians the cleaners are the most terrifying ppl in V.I.L.E.
Look, I ship Julia and Carmen but Carmen and Tigress have ABSOLUTELY had hate sex at some point. Same with Carmen and Paperstar. There’s just. Way too much going on there.
I NEVER FUCKING REALIZED THAT PAPERSTAR WAS VOICED BY KIMIKO GLEN UNTIL JUST NOW??????????? Took me three seasons to hear the Lena in there rip.
Brunt being willing to buy snacks for “trick-or-treaters” is fucking hilarious. What if someone HAD come. What if they got an operative home early. Was she really willing to hand out candy to strangers.
The amount of effort they put into trying to keep each chase scene interesting is great. They have to do a LOT of running animations and they keep putting little touches in to keep it from getting absolutely dull.
Mime Bomb hating Neal the Eel is great
Zari making a bunch of banana puns to razz Chase is great
Hideo just. Casually knocking a police officer unconscious.
Chase FINALLY starting to realize that Carmen isn’t some super wicked supervillain is great. I love how it’s played out. I love how you can SEE it sink in as he remembers Julia’s words, his realization that she was RIGHT and he BRUSHED HIS PARTNER OFF.
Chase recognizing Neal’s escape with Crackle’s in season one was great, he’s finally putting shit together.
That shot of Player hovering over his computer while watching shit go down is really good? You can see the tension in him as he watches his closest friend commit serious high-stakes crime.
They just fucking???? Tasered her????? She didn’t attack anyone, she didn’t fight, she just looked at Roundabout right and they zapped her ass, holy fuck.
Shadowsan ABSOLUTELY volunteered to give Roundabout the talking down of a lifetime. He enjoyed every second of it.
If they even SQUINT at Graham wrong Carmen may actually commit real life murder.
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milk-addicc · 4 years
do you also ever feel like strangling capcom because they made miles opposed to marriage+gave phoenix a girlfriend in aa3 to tell narumitsu shippers to screw off?? but nothing against phoenix having a girlfriend because he can be bi (like me ayo), but it *was* a very conscious decision. it kind of backfired though lmao it's the most popular ship in the fandom (going based off of the number of search results on google)
well, to tell you the truth i don’t feel like strangling anyone really but its probably because i’m only 4 months old in this fandom, i understand how ppl who have waited for literal decades’d definitely feel irritated hhhh. 😅
the whole Miles opposed marriage thing, i don’t think he opposed to it, he kinda don’t (or can’t) see himself marrying anyone. its seen a bit odd in Japanese culture who expect ppl to marry before 25 and vaguely either signifies he’s “married to his work”, don’t have interest in marriage and/or asexual (valid headcanon of course), or as some fans (and i) come to terms with, “has slight interest, but highly doubt the person he wants to marry felt the same way”  or perhaps even, he didn’t have intention because same-sex marriage is still frowned upon in Japan.  🤔  (he asked about how Phoenix feels about marriage, and Phoenix’s response right after hearing how Edgeworth feels about it) :
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and about Iris and Dahlia thing, i don’t think thats their intention? to cockblock narumitsu? i mean, they literally fuel the game with narumitsu and (albeit, some very stereotypical but its the 2000′s in Japan, i’d give them the benefit of the doubt.) queer coded characters because they knew fangirls would like it, the dev (full of cis men and one woman) had to buy a box of BL manga to read for research and are aware of their BL loving crowd, heck even advertise AA to be a “game for young girls” in AA4 promo magazine AND commissioned a BL manga artist to draw Capcom Heroes calendar drawing of Miles and Phoenix.
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if anything, even when i first got irritated with their decision, looking back, i think its a pretty interesting way to tell us more about Phoenix Wright and make him more like his own person rather than an empty slot for the player to fill in. he has history and character development on his own.
while yes, when Iris confessed she still felt the same way as she was years ago. Phoenix on the other hand who was traumatized by the whole Dahlia thing, can finally let that past go after that trial and we never see Iris ever again after that game and i hope to stay that way. because this is one of those rare moments in media where the character infact MOVED ON from their previous ex and the action is encouraged. Phoenix didn’t want and never did get back together with Iris, he’s just glad he never doubted himself and he can now sleep peacefully at night, top it all off Phoenix has developed as a character, he grew past his Feenie phase and has more control of himself and situation around him, he’s a proper adult now. (plus Iris’s a nun, most likely in jail because she assisted in her twin sister’s murderous plans, and has lied to Phoenix for 6 month straight when they’re in relationship so thats a triple no lol).
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so in conclusion, i think this is all intended to be this way.
irritating as they may be, this is one of those things companies do. they lure us and then they don’t, and then they do, and the cycle repeats. thats why their relationship is always so vague, with hints that means little but we fill the gaps on our own and basically ask for more. a marketing strategy, albeit, a sneaky one. they knew their fanbase, they knew what we want but only give us bread crumbs and we pay for more. because they knew, if one were to become a thing that’d be the endgame and ppl would lose interest.
i hate to say it but this is how queerbaiting is on its top form. although i’m in too deep, i can never go back from hoping it will come true one day. :”)
sorry for the long post hhhh
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