#and over 1100 people like it enough to follow!!
maybe-itsforthebest · 5 months
a few months ago I got super insecure about my writing output and stopped posting (shocker!) because i felt like my stuff was (is) too amateur. but I am amateur? and there's nothing wrong with that. your creative output does not need to be revolutionary to be allowed to be expressed. no one needs or expects that from you. it is much harder to write and put things out there than it is to judge. give yourself (and others) more slack.
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labyrinth-runner · 5 months
On the Fence
So I decided to watch Pirates of the Caribbean and now Pirate Obi is living back in my head rent free. I'm using a starter from the cliched list here :
There's people chasing us and I pulled you into an alley and wow you're close.
Summary: This sorta is the prologue to all the other Pirate!Obi stuff. Or sorta the prologue. If I ever get around to turning this into a larger thing, I'll probably have all these pieces to string together.
Word count: ~1100
Pairing: Pirate!Obi x You
Warnings: None
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The urge to keep looking over your shoulder kept nagging at you. You kept your face trained carefully on the market place ahead of you, pretending to inspect the fruit in the stand to your right. Still, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched. It was making you regret sneaking out of your father's estate to come down to the bazaar, but the vendors were having a special sale and you couldn't wait until the new year for the traders from the north to come south again. Not when you were running low on supplies.
You'd read through all the books in your father's library. You were getting tired of the mundanity of the island, and this was the closest you'd get to freedom, your whole life planned out for you already. The Count's visit coinciding with your debut ball hardly seemed to be anything but planned. Your hand brushed along the cover of a brown leather novel sitting on the table. Treasure Island. You smiled wistfully at the idea of pirates. There hadn't been a pirate in port in years. Not since the navy built a fort. You pressed two gold coins into the palm of the seller and tucked the book into your basket. There weren't many gold coins left in your purse, so you'd have to be frugal about how you spent them. You pulled your hood further down your face and moved onto the next booth when you caught a grisly looking man staring a little too hard at your face.
This vendor was selling jewelry. Necklaces with glittering gems and bracelets made of precious metal. Your eye caught on a particular ring, the gem as blue as the deep sea. With a shake of your head, you moved on. You couldn't spend your money on trinkets. Not that you needed another one, that is. As you went to move on, a hand reached out and pulled you into an alley. Their hand clamped down on your mouth to stifle a scream. It smelled like salt.
"Shhhh, lass. I won't hurt you," he murmured. His voice had a lilt to it, and an accent that you hadn't heard in a while. He turned you so you could face him and you were met with the most handsome man you'd ever seen. His sandy brown hair fell into his eyes, and you could faintly make out a dimple under his short beard. A cutlass hung from his side.
His eyes widened, following your gaze. "I won't hurt you, lass," he repeated the words slowly and gently. "Now I'm going to remove my hand."
True to his word, he lifted his hand from your mouth.
"Why did you pull me in here?" you demanded, poking him hard in the chest.
He waved you closer to the edge of the alley and nodded towards that grisly figure you'd seen earlier. "You see him?"
"What's so special about him?" you asked.
"That's Hondo," he murmured. "And having his attention won't do you an ounce of good. Although, I don't know what he'd want with you, lass. He typically doesn't come on land often, and when he does, it isn't for women." He sounded puzzled.
You turned to look up at him, realizing just how close you were to him, close enough to feel his breath on your cheek, and took a step back, swallowing the lump in your throat. You averted your eyes from his lips, which for some reason the close proximity had given you a very good look at. "I didn't realize a pirate would fear another pirate."
"Who said I'm a pirate, lass?"
You raised your brow at him and gestured to his... everything.
He smirked. "I don't fear him. I just would rather not engage in the defense of a lady here if I can help it." He licked his lips. "I don't need to start a fight that could endanger civilians."
"Don't pirates attack civilian ships all the time?" you asked incredulously, confused at this man's morals.
"I don't," he said, thumb pointing at his chest. "Now, lass, I'll give you a boost over the fence at the end of the alley and I want you to go straight home. Can you do that?"
"Who are you to order me around?" you scoffed.
"I'm a Captain. I'm used to giving the orders."
"Well, you aren't on your ship now, Captain," you teased.
He groaned. "Lass, please. I'd feel a lot better going to sleep tonight if I knew that that ugly devil didn't have an innocent beauty in his clutches."
"So this is strictly to ease your conscience," you said with a sigh, not quite sure why you felt disappointed by that, walking towards the aforementioned fence. You knew it would lead to the back of the inn, and from there you could cut back through the Menningson's garden and be on the border of your estate within the hour with your father being none the wiser of your disappearance if all went according to plan. You reached a hand up to grab the top of the fence. His hands came up to your waist to help hoist you up. They were warm through the bodice of your dress. He looked up at you, perched on top of the fence. You couldn't tell if his cheeks were red from the sun or something else.
"Fairwell, lass." He said, a soft smile on his face. His eyes were so incredibly blue.
"Fair seas and kind skies, Captain," you replied before dropping down to the other side. You landed with a plop, dusting off your skirts as you stood. He was a strange pirate, you thought. Not that you'd have any pirate to really compare him to. You replayed your interaction in your head, marveling at how kind he had been.
And then you remembered that he'd called you a beauty and blushed, heat stinging your cheeks.
The forest lining your estate came into view and you picked up your pace, noting the position of the sun in the sky. You'd lost time talking to the pirate, and now you were sure you'd be caught and scolded by your mother coming to fetch you for tea if you didn't hurry. Your skirts swished around you as you ran, the hood flying off your head. Branches snapped under your feet, masking the sound of the others in the wood with you.
Your father's estate rose ahead of you, white marble and imposing as it gleamed in the sun. Your window was still open, giving you hope. Grabbing the trellis like a ladder, you climbed back into your room, hiding both your purchase and your leftover money in your window seat. Closing the window, you didn't see the men hiding in the forest below, their shadows blending into the trees.
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sanddef · 9 days
Interlude | May as Rebirth
1100 words
It was almost May in Camelot, the weather was warming and the ebbs of wind were just beginning to cease. Flowers were blooming by the creek, water lilies, and daffodillies, and Mordred sucked a drop of blood from his finger. He placed the roses he picked onto a nearby grave, and kept walking. It was bizarre, mourning those he knew would hate that attention. Mordred could almost see Gaheris’ grimace, Gareth’s wet eyes, Agravaine’s empty stare.
‘They said your name a million times at the wake.’ Mordred told him, ‘Isn’t that what you always wanted? To be celebrated? You should have seen how the king held you. You’d think you were his very own son.’
Of course, Agravain didn’t respond. He didn’t snark, didn’t even humor him. He never will again.
‘Well fuck you too.’
It was almost May in Camelot, and the staff usually would be making preparations in a few weeks. Between May Day and birthdays to celebrate (though never Mordred’s, admitting the date of his birth only ever got him sympathetic looks and hard-to-answer questions) it seemed May was one big celebration. Of course, to any common knight, any of these supposed holidays were just pretense. Who gave a shit about Gawain’s birthday other than people trying to curry favor? By the end, knights could hardly tell you the day of the week if they were even sober enough to speak. The staff would be exhausted.
Mordred stopped walking, shook his head, and continued. He quickly steered his thoughts away from Gareth. Gareth, who always got him something for his birthday, despite Mordred’s wishes. He was utterly gone by May 31st last year, somewhere between the busyness and the merriment he had forgotten, or just forgone, moderation. Mordred had simply put him to bed, leaving quickly and letting his gentlest brother forget that he had borne witness to his momentary degeneration.
‘I knew no one could be perfect.’ He told no one at all. ‘You’ve always told me that.’
It was always about Gawain, but still.
Almost May in Camelot and where were all the people? The hall seemed empty, only a few straggling knights and servants. Lucan didn’t meet his eyes when Mordred waved him over, his face neutral and steady, he poured him a cup of wine. Mordred considered dropping the chalice, let him not react then, as wine spilled across the floor and over them both, let him wash out some red stains of his own. At least he still had his brother with him.
Gawain would be coming back soon.
‘God dammit.’
Mordred took another long drink.
He didn't remember Lot's death, being much too young at the time, but his brothers spoke about him like he hung the moon and stars.
“Don't be like that, Mordred.” Gaheris had told him one night, his gaze tracing the scar on Mordred's forehead, “He went to war for you.”
Mordred was harsh, he knew he was harsh, and he didn’t need everyone telling him all the time. In his opinion, he couldn’t be the worst of his brothers, how could he? Yes, their deeds far surpassed his own, but so did many of the ones they swept under the rug, overlooked, or wore as a public confessional if they were clever enough. Besides, Gaheris had funny ideas about a parent's love. Mordred had to discount his opinion long ago. Mother's death was regrettable, but Mordred followed everyone's example and moved forward swiftly. Why waste time thinking about something so unpleasant?
“Why waste time indeed,” Mordred muttered, leaning back on his throne.
“Ah, my lord?” Sir Brunor was looking uncharacteristically nervous, “Mordred?”
“I didn't hear you enter.”
I didn't invite you in.
“I just want to offer my condolences.” Brunor sat beside him, again uninvited, “I know it's hard. Losing Sir Galahad and then your brothers and the king.”
Mordred grunted, gesturing for Lucan to refill his cup. Why even bring up Galahad? It felt like eons since he had last seen that poor doomed youth. He had died, apparently wondrously and prettily. Holy. They used much nicer words for it than ‘easily.’ Mordred had imagined it dozens of times, his final breath of earthly oxygen as his hands grasped for what he had chosen above all else. All that effort in blocking Galahad out of his mind, and Brunor had to remind him.
“My father is dead. My brother too.” Brunor took Mordred's hand in his, “I know how it feels.”
“These things happen.”
“Doesn't mean we can't avenge them.” There was that cold fire in his eyes that got Mordred's attention when Brunor had first arrived at Camelot, “You know that. It was murder.”
“Yes. Yes, if I learn anything you'll be the first to know.” Mordred tilted his head upwards, examining the higher stonework of the walls, stone put in place only decades ago yet never touched by human hands. He was starting to feel dizzy when he moved too fast. “For now I need your service, Brunor. We’re at war.”
And where would Mordred be without his supporters? If there was one thing he was glad to have learned at this farce of a court, it was how to perform.
“Yes of course.” Brunor straightened, “There’s a fleet coming from the south. Just say the word.”
“From France?”
“We think so.”
“You know so. We can’t afford to allow enemies any closer.” He especially can’t afford for it to be Arthur. Mordred was confident that even if he did return, there were enough people on the court on his side to end the battle early. He hadn’t done the exact math yet, but even a handful of kings had plenty of men at their disposal. Even so, it would be simpler if Arthur just didn’t come back.
“Shall I prepare an offensive?”
“A man after my own heart.” Mordred smiled, crooked two fingers, and beckoned him forward, “Come here, Brunor.”
He didn’t miss Brunor’s sigh of relief as he kneeled before the throne and accepted Mordred’s kiss gratefully. He really was such a good marshal, fearing him just enough. He was a good friend too, when Mordred still considered himself worthy of such privileges. At least the loyalty remained.
Keep him close in hand and he’ll never learn what happened to Dinadan.
‘I should really get married.’
Mordred knew just the person, but for now, Brunor was set to sail for battle tomorrow and Mordred might as well give him a few more hours of his time.
Hopefully, Gawain and Arthur were already dead. If they weren’t, Mordred prayed they’d die easily.
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literary-illuminati · 1 month
2024 Book Review #22 – Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse
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This was a bit of an odd read for me. I grabbed it because I have vague but generally quite positive memories of reading the first book in the trilogy a few years back, and having finished this I’m not really sure why. It’s not that it’s necessarily an awful read – it’s engaging, the moment-to-moment prose is fine, I finished it easily enough. Hell there’s a decent chance I read the sequel at some point. But my main feeling finishing it is that it’s an artistic failure, that I can see the things it was trying to do and generally speaking it just didn’t manage them. Which is a pity, really.
The book picks up right after Black Sun ended, with the crow god reborn massacring the Watchers and plunging the city of Tova into chaos, and world into permanent twilight as the crow and sun gods battle in the heavens. Inconveniently, the actual sun priest survived, having faked her death and fled to the undercity following a coup shortly before everyone involved died, leaving the ritual incomplete and Serpio (vessel and host of the Crow God) alive. The story basically follows the fallout from this, with the sun priest, crow prophet and three other POVs each showing the political trajectory of some different part of the world as things spiral inevitably toward war.
Which is the first problem, really. This is the middle book in a trilogy, and oh you can feel it. The entire book is spent moving pieces into place and just, table-setting for when the actual dramatic plot kicks off in book three. Now, personally I actually quite enjoy books full of intrigue and conversations on the road as people travel places, but it gets a bit excessive. It doesn’t help that half the POVs get barely any development and feel like they end the book in the same basic emotional/ideological place they started it with no progress at all to their arcs. The whole thing ends up feeling like a giant prologue to the actual story.
A feeling which is not helped at all by the book’s length. I’m not at all opposed to fantasy books being less than 400 pages. I am in fact incredibly in favour of it, the ideas of reading another 1100 page tome just makes me exhausted. But when you’re trying to do a George R. R. Martin-style continent spanning politics-heavy cast-of-thousands epic fantasy, you really need the extra wordcount. The result felt incredibly choppy and rushed, almost more like an outline or storyboard than a completed story. Each main character rushes from pivotal scene to pivotal scene with barely any time for establishing status quos or building relationships and connective tissue – instead things are basically introduced once and then the POV’s internal monologue just explains its importance to you, pivotal events in the plot explained either after the fact or not at all. Maybe one or two character dynamics in the entire book actually worked for me, the rest just felt like reading the ‘relationships’ section of a character sheet. It made getting invested in the whole thing remarkably difficult.
The feeling of reading an outline of a book wasn’t really helped by the lore. We got lots of interesting tidbits and implications, even some grand revelation – and essentially none of them are ever followed up on, or given the weight they really need to really land. The revelation of the Sun Priest having no shit miraculous magic powers after three hundred years of them violently suppressing any sorcery especially is, not exactly brushed over, but certainly no one seems to react to it have as violently as you would expect. Similarly, there’s a great book in here of just Tovan political intrigue and festering generational grudges and conspiracies colliding in the dark, but then that would require cutting out Xilla and Balam’s entire plotlines to make room for it. (I still kind of love the idea of the entire Golden Eagle hierarchy being pretty bitter that the coup they’d been carefully planning for years got derailed because a rival house pulled a messiah out of their ass and wiped out the entire governing elite of the city).
Then there’s things like the magic system – or honestly I feel like I should put that in scare quotes. There’s this idea brought up a few times that every form of magic fits into a neat schematic, associated with a particular god and specifically opposing and counteracting one other type of sorcery. Which I honestly kind of hate, for the same reason that I kind of hate the fact the crow god of shadows and death apparently really is exactly as vengeful and cruel as you might expect from that. Which might be building up to a big reveal in the third book! Who knows. But as is, the entire metaphysical setup just feels terribly like something out of a midbudget tabletop rpg setting, and not at all in a good way.
Which is a shame, because generally the setting is just a delight. No small part of that is just from the novelty of an epic fantasy stories that’s painted in the colours of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica instead of Medieval Europe. But even beyond that, the interplay of the different cities and factions within them is very fun, and it’s just a breath of fresh air to have no straightforward hereditary monarchies in one of these at all. I can’t say is felt really real (it is an agricultural society, plunging the world into permanent twilight as the winter ends isn’t dire and ominous, it’s an imminent famine of apocalyptic scale), but the aesthetics of everything were certainly entirely on point. I was left pretty sad this isn’t a series there’s more high quality fanart for, really.
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lilu-the-almighty · 4 months
So, this website is going to shit. not enough for me to fully leave and break my vow of "outliving this wretched beast and keeping my blog alive until this website is dead and gone" but enough for me to say "hey I should probably find a backup to hopefully stay in touch with the people I like and still post my insane ramblings."
So tried out cohost! Surprisingly? I actually like it lol. It's enough like tumblr that the old man in my brain who hates change and the modern internet is placated, but different enough from tumblr that I don't hate it in the same way that I hate tumblr.
So mutuals and anyone else who follows me cause i have, holy shit over 1100 followers what the fuck, please find me over here!
There is nothing there yet lol, I just made the account and am still in the waiting period, but there will be stuff soon! And again! Not leaving tumblr. This website will have to kill me or itself first, but this is a preemptive backup because Mr. CEO Transphobia is reeeeeeeeeaaaaaally pushing me to my limits
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So Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Now
Characters: Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: An accident (or an act of Munson) leads to Steve needing to raise his temperature. Lucky for him, you are there to help.
Word Count: 1100 words
Prompt: #3: Warming up in a bathtub big enough for two
A/N: This one officially marks the end of my Steven’s Greetings! If you have enjoyed what you’ve read, then please feel free to reblog and go check out my Masterlist. If you didn’t, that’s cool, you move on with your life and find yourself some fics that you love.
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It was an accident. Everybody swore blind that it had been an accident. It wasn’t like anyone would have ever done that on purpose, not with the temperatures as they were, not even though that had all found it hilariously funny. The fact that Dustin’s legs had given out on him, leaving him in a crumpled heap of hysterics on one of the pool chairs definitely didn’t mean that Eddie had orchestrated the situation. Well, not that Steve could prove anyway.
The cigarette that he’d been smoking was now limp between his lips, the beer he’d been holding sinking to the bottom of the pool as Steve very slowly ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his face. The unimpressed expression on his face only served to provide a second wave of laughter from those gathered. He looked like a drowned rat standing there in the pool, his usually voluminous hair flat and stringy.
“Come on, it’s not that funny.” You said, trying hard to hold back your own amusement. The two of you had been deep in conversation, Steve trying to impress you about something, when Eddie had ‘bumped’ into him, sending the poor boy sprawling into the freezing water.
Steve made his way to the poolside, his clothes dragging him with each step. He reached up to take the hand you had offered and then the world seemed to go into slow motion.
Now, it could have been another Munson move, or maybe Steve just gripped stronger than he had intended, either way there was a yelp of panic, followed by Nancy and Robin scrambling, and failing, to grab hold of you as you lost your balance and landed rather ungracefully on your boyfriend, taking him back beneath the waters surface.
When the two of you emerged, Steve noted that the laughter had died down and people looked genuinely concerned. Yeah, him being pushed into a pool was hilarious, but it turned out they didn’t think the same about you.
“Are you okay?” Robin asked as you spluttered a little, wiping the water from your eyes and leaving streaks of mascara, making you look more like a damp panda.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just cold.” You grinned as you shivered.
“Come on, let’s get you into something dry and warm.” Steve insisted, guiding you to the steps while shielding your body from everyone else. The last thing he wanted was everyone seeing the material clinging to you and making comments he himself would be very happy to make if it wasn’t for the risk of hypothermia right now.
As the two of you squelched inside, he grabbed a blanket off the back of a chair in the kitchen and wrapped it around your shoulders.
“We should take off as much as we can here, that way we don’t end up with a trail of water all the way to my room.” He frowned, knowing the grilling he would get if he ‘ruined the carpets’. Kicking off his shoes, he tugged his sweater over his head and dropped it into a pile on the tiled floor, his socks and jeans quickly joining them leaving him in just his underwear. That was something he didn’t think twice about until he saw you staring at him slack jawed, and then he became incredibly self-conscious. Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked like a lost child as his nerves were written across his face for all to see.
“Sorry.” You shook your head, suddenly realising you had been staring. “You just- it- that- I mean- “
“You wanna finish a sentence? A guy could get all kinds of worried over here.” He half joked, his cheeks beginning to flush despite how his body was shivering.
“You’re really freaking hot. I mean, I knew you were, well, are, but knowing it and seeing it, that’s two different things. Sorry. I was just appreciating the view.” You gave him a lopsided smile and he ducked his head, trying to hide his own smile.
“Yeah, well, stripping in my kitchen was not the way I thought this would go, but I’ll take it.” He shot you a wink and then offered to hold the blanket for you while you removed layers.
Ever the gentleman, Steve closed his eyes as you stripped down to your underwear, even though he really wanted to peek. It was only when he heard Eddie wander into the kitchen behind him that he quickly wrapped the blanket around you, partly to protect your modesty but also partly because he didn’t want anyone else seeing his girlfriend in her underwear. That was a view just for him, boyfriend’s privilege.
“Can you ask Nancy to throw this stuff in the dryer for me?”
“I can do that!” Eddie grinned, already reaching for the wet clothes.
“Nancy. I don’t want to get down here and find everything shrunk or some shit.” Steve said pointedly causing Eddie to give him his best kicked puppy look.
“Just trying to help.”
“Yeah, well, you can help by getting Nancy. NOT Robin. NOT Dustin. Nancy. Jonathan at a push.” Steve insisted as he guided you towards the staircase, rubbing his hands over your blanket encased form to create a little heat.  
Once upstairs, he grabbed the comforter from the end of his bed and wrapped it around him, his teeth chattering.
“Steve, baby, I’m not sure just a dry set of clothes is gonna be enough to warm you up. You’ve been cold for too long. How about I run you a bath, we can you’re your body temperature up, then we can get you all wrapped up in sweats.” You frowned, noting the paleness of his skin and the way he was shivering.
“You’re just as cold. You should have the bath, I’ll be fine.” He protested, not used to someone taking care of him, that wasn’t how this worked. “I’ve got some stuff you can wear once you get out and while you take a bath, I can go make some hot drinks.”
“Steve. You’re freezing.” You said softly, tenderly caressing his cheek. “Is there any way I can convince you to get that fine ass of yours in the bath?”
“I’ll be okay. You need to warm up.” He hummed, leaning into your touch.
“Hold up, Harrington. Your house is huge, I’m betting your bathtub is big enough for two. Want to test out my theory?” You gave him your best innocent look and he chuckled.
“Now that is definitely one way of getting me into that bath. Lead the way.”
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midnightshard06 · 8 months
Flufftober Day 3
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/127672393
A/N: Yep, doing flufftober. First time doing a writing challenge like this so hopefully all goes well! The first two days are up on AO3. I'm not sure if I'll post them standalone here but we'll see.
Summary: Shadow has had feelings for Sonic for a while. He decides to go to Rouge for some advice.
Pairing: Sonic the Hedgehog/Shadow the Hedgehog
Warnings: None, just some fluff and a confession
Word Count: 1100 Words
“Rouge I need some advice.” Shadow genuinely couldn’t believe he was actually doing this, but he trusted Rouge enough for this.
Rouge perked up, a somewhat mischievous glint in her eyes. Shadow fought down the urge to just leave then and there, but he really could use her advice. “Of course hun. What’s on your mind?”
“There is someone… I have feelings for. Beyond just friendship.” He grit his teeth, maybe he should just leave now. No. No. He needed to do this or it would keep bothering him.
“It’s Sonic right?” Rouge said, a knowing smile on her face.
Was it truly that obvious? Well there was no reason to deny it at this point. Sighing, Shadow nodded. “Yes.”
The bat came over to rest a hand on his shoulder. “You know I was beginning to wonder which one of you was going to figure it out first. I’m pretty sure anyone can see it the way you two interact. Everyone except you and Sonic apparently.”
Shadow crossed his arms. “I’ve known for a long time, though I was unsure about Sonic’s feelings on the matter.”
Rouge hummed. “How long?”
“Long enough.” Was all Shadow was going to give her.
It looked like she was going to push it, but thankfully she seemed to mentally drop it and nodded. “I suppose you want my help getting him to realize?”
“I didn’t know who else to ask, so yes.” Shadow slumped slightly. “I find myself rather inexperienced with this sort of thing.”
“Don’t you worry. With me on your side you’ll have that boy in no time.” Rouge looked confident, hopefully that confidence was warranted.
Things had not worked out like Shadow hoped they would. He was trying his best to follow Rouge’s advice but it all felt so awkward and ungenuine. Thankfully Sonic didn’t seem particularly put off by it, mostly just confused. The only nice thing had been spending more time with Sonic, but as far as Shadow knew the blue blur still didn’t understand the intention behind Shadow spending more time around him. Though his friends certainly did, if the knowing looks people like Tails and Amy had been giving him when he’d show up was any indication.
Honestly the whole thing was just getting Shadow frustrated, so frustrated apparently that Sonic actually pulled him aside after the two had raced and asked what was wrong. It took a lot of willpower to not just say it then and there, but Shadow wasn’t about to confess like some school girl confessing to her crush. No, it would be on his own terms. Throwing the advice Rouge had given him to the winds he decided to try things his own way. “Meet me at the local chao garden tomorrow. Noon. I’ll tell you what’s going on there.”
Sonic looked confused for a moment before nodding. “Alright Shads. I’ll see you there?” There was a tentative smile on his face, one that had Shadow’s heart beating a little faster than normal.
Shadow cleared his throat and nodded. “Yes, see you then.” It was only after getting back home that he realized it did sort of sound like some girl telling their crush to meet them somewhere for a cliche confession. His only solace at that realization was that Sonic probably didn’t see it that way. Didn’t stop Rouge from lightly teasing him about it though.
Shadow was tense as he waited for Sonic to arrive. Thankfully the chao were providing some distraction from his own thoughts. Idly he pet one that had decided his lap was a good place for a nap. This was it. He was just going to tell Sonic how he felt. No more being subtle as clearly Sonic wasn’t picking up on that. If the other hedgehog didn’t feel the same so be it; at least Shadow would finally have this off his chest.
The wind getting kicked up nearby and some happy chao noises alerted Shadow to Sonic’s arrival. “Yo Shadow!” Sonic waved as he walked over, before sitting down in front of Shadow. A small smile was on his face as he waited for Shadow to say something.
“Sonic.” Shadow nodded his head in a sort of greeting. He took a deep breath. There was no reason to be worried about this. Even if Sonic didn’t feel the same it wouldn’t ruin their friendship. Sonic’s friendship with Amy was proof enough of that. Best to just rip off the metaphorical bandaid. “I… care deeply about you. Far more than just a friend.” He didn’t quite have the courage to admit to loving him out loud. Not yet. Not until he knew how the other felt.
It was silent for a slightly uncomfortable amount of time. Shadow could practically see Sonic trying to work out what he said as he stared blankly ahead. Finally Sonic blinked, eyes coming back into focus. “Wait, you love me?”
Shadow looked away in mild embarrassment. “I always have.”
Sonic blinked again, before a light red started to spread over his muzzle. “Oh.” His eyes widened. “Oh. Oh my gosh I’m an idiot.” He put his face into his hands. “That’s why you’ve been hanging out more with me recently and why everyone has been giving me these weird looks.” It was muffled but Shadow could still understand what was being said.
“It’s about time you realized. I never should have listened to Rouge’s advice for so long, clearly you had no idea what was going on.” Shadow crossed his arms. He was partially relieved but he was still waiting to know how Sonic felt.
Finally Sonic pulled his head out of his hands and dared to look at Shadow again. He gave him a sheepish smile. “Heh, thanks for spelling it out for me Shads. Cause I think I like you too.”
Shadow let a small smile grace his face. “I’m… glad to hear that.”
“Sooo…” Sonic drew out the word. “How bout we take things slow? Just for now.”
Shadow rose a brow. “You talking about taking things slow?”
Sonic’s ears drooped slightly. “Hey this is new territory for me. I just wanna feel things out. Make sure we figure out what works for us.”
Shadow hummed; rather happy that Sonic was actually wanting to find out what worked for the two of them rather than rushing into things. “We’ll simply take things one day at a time.” Shadow nodded and Sonic smiled. While it was rather delayed he was glad Sonic finally knew how he felt. It was all the better that he felt the same.
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all-the-things-2020 · 7 months
No Better Place - Chapter 4
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Summary: Cassidy puts Javi to work.
Word Count: 1100
Cassidy was leaning on the rail of the pen when she heard the rumble of a truck coming up her drive. Taking one last glance at the bay gelding who was pacing nervously back and forth, she turned to see who it was. She was not surprised to see the shiny new Ford from the Pena ranch roll to a stop next to her old blue truck. Now she just had to decide if she was happy to see Javi or not.
“Hey,” she called out as he stepped down from the cab. He wasn’t wearing a hat today, and his dark hair fluttered a bit in the breeze. She couldn’t see his eyes behind the aviator sunglasses he wore, but he seemed a little nervous.
“Hey,” he replied, shutting the truck door carefully so as not to spook the horse, who had started trotting now, his nostrils flaring. “How’s he doing?” He lifted his chin in the direction of the corral.
“Not too bad,” Cassidy said. “Had a hell of a time getting him down so the vet could geld him. I think he’s afraid of men.” To prove her point, the gelding tossed his head and pressed himself against the far side of the corral. “He’s okay around me, but the vet and his assistant got him freaked out.”
“You name him yet?” Javi said. He had stopped a few feet from her, which she was thankful for. Not only did it keep him further from the already agitated horse, it kept him away from her. She was determined to resist her physical attraction to him, now that she knew a bit more about him, but damn, he was hot.
“Buster,” she said, waiting for him to scoff.
“Because he busted out the fence,” Javi said with a nod. “I like it.” He scuffed one boot toe through the dirt. “Um, my dad wanted to know if you need anything else. He thinks I don’t have enough to keep me busy.”
Cassidy resisted the urge to snort at that. “Oh, I’ve heard that you’re plenty busy,” she said, leaning back against the fence rail. Javi tilted his head at her and she forged ahead. “I ran into a couple of people in town who filled me in on you, Mr. Pena.”
“And what did they say?” Javi shifted his weight, placing his hands on his hips. His blue shirt gaped open at the chest, where he’d left several buttons undone. Could his pants be any tighter? Cassidy thought idly.
“That you left your fiancée at the altar,” she said. “That you hang out at the Lobo on Saturday nights and go home with a different woman every week. That you buy whiskey by the case and cigarettes by the carton. That any woman with a lick of sense would stay far, far away from you.”
Javi chuckled, but there was little amusement in it. “I admit it,” he said. “I’m a piece of shit.” He shrugged.
“And yet, here you are, offering to help me again,” Cassidy said. “And don’t tell me it’s just because your dad told you to.”
Javi sighed. “They forgot to tell you I used to be a federal agent,” he said bitterly. “I’m used to blindly following orders.”
“Oh, they told me that,” Cassidy said lightly. “I just didn’t think that part was very important.” She turned her back to him and laid her arms on the top rail of the fence. “You can help me with Buster, if you want. I can retrain him, no problem, but he needs to get over his fear of men if I’m going to have any chance to sell him.”
She heard Javi take a few steps closer. “What would I have to do?”
“Not much at first,” she said. “Just hang out with him. Let him realize you aren’t going to hurt him. Maybe give him carrots and horse cookies. Groom him once he’s used to you, so he associates you with good things. I’ll do the actual training.”
Javi stepped forward a bit more, resting his arms on the top rail a few feet away from her. Buster quivered and snorted at the far side of the pen. “I can do that,” Javi said quietly.
“Good,” Cassidy said. “You two stay here and get acquainted while I get some work done with the others.” She pushed away from the fence and headed for the barn.
Javi leaned on the rail, watching Buster, who watched him back. The bay horse was on full alert, ears flicking back and forth, eyes wary. Javi could see the horse’s skin twitch with anxiety.
“Yeah, I get it,” Javi said softly. “They screwed you up good, didn’t they, boy? But I’m not going to do anything to you. We’ll just hang out for a bit, two losers together, okay?”
Buster snorted but remained on the far side of the pen. Javi sighed. He spied the lawn chairs he and Cassidy had sat in the other day and brought one over to the corral fence. Might as well be comfortable while he kept the horse company. Buster watched his every move as he carried the chair and placed it where he got a sliver of shade from the scrawny palo verde tree that grew nearby.
From his seat, Javi could watch Buster, as well as see Cassidy out in the bigger arena on the other side of the barn. She was lunging a bay horse, making it walk, trot, and lope around her on the end of a long line. She stood calmly in the center of the circle, giving the horse subtle cues with a long whip and her body language. It was mesmerizing, and not just because she was wearing another tight tank top.
He was so lost in watching Cassidy work that he forgot all about Buster until the gelding stepped into his line of sight. Javi was about to shoo the horse out of the way when he realized Buster was only a few feet away from him.
“Well, well,” Javi crooned. “Curiosity isn’t just for cats, is it?” Buster snorted and shied a few steps, but otherwise stayed where he was. Javi sat still, relaxing even though every instinct he had told him to lean forward. He didn’t want to spook the horse and lose the tiny bit of progress they’d managed to make. So he sat, and Buster stood, In companionable silence while the sun beat down and the flies buzzed around their heads.
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Digging Through a Boy
Summary: Rosalie has an undue curiosity about Sebastian. Her findings are interesting, to say the least.
Rating: K - Intended for general audience 5 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes.
Words: 1100
Notes: Experimenting with a few ideas... Let’s see if any stick.
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Sebastian was, surprisingly and commonly, so shy. Timid, bashful, avoidant of attention and of social contact.
When Rosalie managed to piece it together and realise what was going on his head, she was taken by an intense feeling of surprise. For being so well-known throughout the castle, between good and bad circles, for being able to speak to random strangers a lot of the time, for charming the socks off most of the faculty and escape of more detentions than he should, and for having to cooperate with many people, it was a bit awkward for her to see her friend being so... Reserved, introverted even.
Of course, he was more than a friend to her. She admired him greatly, maybe even more than she should, and she knows that he is generally well-liked by most, and intensely loved by his most intimate circle. He is, after all, a talented wizard and a surprisingly loyal friend, if a little single-minded. He is rather boastful, and can goad a monk into a fight if he feels like it, but still…
He can rarely be seen throughout the castle in company of anyone else other than Ominis or herself. When it is, either of them are there with him, and it is usually a row or confrontation. He does not seem the sort to open up easily to friendships or even cordial acquaintances.
Sebastian is strong and intelligent. He would be entitled to take pride in his status at the school, to show everyone just who he is, and, in a sense, he does. If it was just about that, then she supposes it would be end of discussion. It is not unlike a teen boy to have the airs about himself, least of all amongst Slytherin House.
It all changes, however, whenever he is with Rosalie.
His palms would sweat slightly, sometimes, his words come out in a light stutter, and the distance between the two seemed to be gaping up with the thickest, awkward atmosphere. His voice would drop, as if he was embarrassed to speak in her presence and nothing seemed good enough of a topic. His freckles would stand out in contrast to the red in his cheeks and his eyes wander listless, rendering him unable to focus his gaze.
In this state, she finds it is easy to make him be candid. All questions are provided clear and prompt answers, even if mediated with a few stutters here and there, a little direction in her words. She found a clear, if disloyal, window to his thoughts and memories, and she is not so naïve not to take advantage of it.
A boy with a crush, her mother diagnosed at once when the girl described his behaviour on a letter at home. Rosalie has refused, even in private, to admit or refute the theory, as she expects him to just come out and say it when he feels comfortable, not to pressure or expect things of him that he might not be willing to give. Yet, whatever name she deems to give this behaviour, it is efficient for what she intends to learn.
He tells her about his parents, their dedication to their research, and she notes his glossing over the fact it brought them their demise, especially when he mentions that he wishes to follow their example. He talks about Anne, about how more capable she was than him and how he wishes to honour her absence through excellence. He expresses contempt towards most of his colleagues, on the matter of their mediocrity and comfort in the same-old of wizardkind, which gives way to a certain fear in their numbers, about how he feels more comfortable when they are away from him and his.
She finds herself so very interested in it all, wanting to decipher everything related to Sebastian. It is almost like an obsession, an intellectual itch that must be fed at any cost. She stops short of making notes, but she tries to memorise and parse every conversation, every movement, every cue she can gather, to form her own portrait of his.
From what she hears over the months, a figure starts to emerge. He is scared, nervous and frayed, taken to the last of his nerves, but as soon as she reveals this side of his, as she starts to address what takes him off his kilter, he reveals something else bubbling underneath that rage, that desperate attempt to appear intimidating and keep other people away. He can be surprisingly generous, he expresses his care through concern, lending his abilities to prepare her to whatever comes ahead. He is fair and does not forget a debt, and he is open to differing points of view, just as long as it is presented to him through a liberal lens, that does not impede the free flow of ideas.
Not everything is a grand reveal, though.
Today, Sebastian has asked if Rosalie would not like a walk. The air was still cold, Spring has not yet come to the valley, but it was sunny, and some air would do them both good. There was silence between them for once. The relic was temporarily forgotten, as was poachers, dragons, Ancient Magic and Anne.
Once on the shore, the wet wind blowing on their faces, their hands brush together ever so softly, like a bird aligning with soft waves of the lake. It seemed automatic, the way he would tense up at the sudden physical contact. He would turn to the girl, only to be greeted with a gentle, apologetic smile, and the two would act as if nothing would happen.
It was not long before his hand would brush up against hers, increasingly losing his shyness. Her head tilted over, about to speak up and apologize, but stopped when his large hand circled around her small one, clenching it in a benevolent fashion, one that screams caring and adoration.
"Oh, my apologies! I must…"
"Your hand is soft." He cut her off with a raspy voice, avoiding the gawk she was giving him, although he could see it from the corner of his eye.
She tries to take her hand away, keep it against her lower stomach, lest something like this happen again, but he reached and interlaced their little fingers together. It was such a tenuous hold, she could break at any time, but it felt strong and permanent.
They continued their quiet walking, and he spoke up. "So soft. I like it."
It was not a reveal, but it kept Rosalie hooked on Sebastian.
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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rethea-emberfall · 2 years
DWC Day 2: Orbit (Syya)
Word Count: 1100 Summary: Syya just wants to look out for the bosslady. (It’s not that she’s jealous.) Warnings: stalking
Syya watched from the window of her room in the inn the Last Cent Cavalry had been operating out of since bosslady had relocated them all to Dalaran. Everyone had been surprised by the decision, but when Rethea had stated simply that access to more factions outside of Kul Tiras meant more money, every last one of them had followed her. They’d been here a week, and business had yet to pick up, but Rethea had been leaving consistently every day, having meeting after meeting.
Her social calls left a bad taste in Syya’s mouth, but she had to admit that Rethreth was working hard to come through for everyone in her employ. For every day she spent drinking and fucking around, she spent three establishing new contacts. And in the gaps of time between those two things, she kept speaking to property owners.
Why? Was she looking for a physical headquarters for their group?
Rethea fell out of sight from Syya’s window, so she just opened it and vaulted out, letting her wings stretch just enough to coast her down to the street. A brief moment of staring through the walls showed her exactly where to go, because Reth had that accursed voidwalker with her, as usual. Tangnuz had realized long ago that she was following his mistress, and had been a tattletale thorn in Syya’s side ever since.
She’d learned from experience, however, that the two of them only focused on what was close around them. Sure, Rethea had the occasional tendency to look off into space and then turn and stare directly at her sometimes, but it’s not like Syya was a rogue. Illidari stood out in crowds, more often than not.
Syya followed Rethea into the nice part of the city, full of the tall buildings that more often than not housed mages with more money than sense. Her boss looked at a slip of paper in her gloved hand, verified an address, and then slipped through a nearby door.
Syya was just about to do her staring through walls trick again when a heavy hand settled on her shoulder. She spun around immediately, and came face-to-face with leather-clad, lavender-skinned tits. Syya would know that rack anywhere: it spent a lot of time crammed in her face when she needed healing after a contract job. Her neck craned, and she looked up into narrowed golden eyes instead.
“Warn a girl, Indraste.”
“That’s what I’m doing, Syya.” The smile the company’s healer gave her was unpleasant enough to match her own. “Rethea says you’ve been following her.”
Syya took a step back. “Just looking out for the bosslady.”
“She can look out for herself.” The druid’s voice was firm, and that unpleasant smile had settled into a deep, full-lipped frown that was one flash of teeth away from being a snarl.
“Can she? She got kidnapped at the Faire, of all places.”
Indraste crossed her arms. “And you’re looking more and more like the next person who’s going to try.”
“Are you kidding? You should see the people she’s been–”
The druid hissed, teeth baring, and Syya shut up. Indraste’s voice was cold when she replied, “Syya. When she went missing, we had to wash all of her clothes, because they had your stink all over them. You broke into her room. You used her things. And now, you’re following her, telling me the people she’s around are creepy? Look in a mirror.”
“…I just want what’s best for her.”
“No. You just want her.”
Syya’s eyes went wide, and she stared up at Indraste, fists clenching. “…What?”
“Everyone you work with knows. She knows. Even I know, and I’m barely ever here. I can smell it on you when you’re around her.”
That made Syya incredibly uncomfortable to hear. Druids and their fucking noses. She shifted from foot to foot, wings flexing, jaw clenching behind her mask. As genuine anger rather than annoyance began to course through her veins, she felt herself begin to salivate, wanting to give into the demon within, rip her mask off, and bite.
Syya was willing to bet Indraste would have a difficult time healing the wound if she gave in. But she couldn’t do that to a healer who worked for free, not if she wanted to keep her job.
(Was it so bad to be interested, even if she were willing to admit that she was? Syya knew Rethea had issues with impulse control, and she could understand that better than most people. She and Andennaris had bonded together over feeling like monsters and being afraid of losing control, and if it had worked for them why couldn’t Syya try–)
Her voice went sharp. “Why do you care? She’s just your brother’s–”
“She’s a friend.” The druid punctuated each word like a blow, staring down at her impassively.
Syya tried to process this for a moment. The fact that Indraste might like Rethea as herself rather than as her brother’s romantic interest had never crossed her mind.
“…She’s stupid. She puts herself at risk.”
“Everyone puts themselves at risk. It’s what people do. And do you really think she’d want you to swoop in and save her, if something did go wrong?”
Syya looked toward the building Rethea had disappeared into. “…No,” she admitted, both to the healer and to herself, voice going dull.
Indraste grabbed her by the jaw and tilted her head up to face her. Syya hissed, and the instinct to bite returned, so she clamped her teeth shut. She made eye contact with the other woman, eyes squinted and sullen.
“Stop this,” Indraste said, “She’s not interested.”
“Neither am I!”
Syya struck out at the druid, fist aimed for her bare stomach. The other woman took it in stride, grunting lightly before releasing her face. Once free, Syya took a few steps back. She was usually itching for a fight, but starting one with a druid over a foot taller than her with magically reinforced gloves? No thanks.
She felt herself wilt, and hated the feeling. “What, are you going to kick my ass now?”
“If you hit me again?” Indy nodded once, seriously, fists clenching at her sides. Syya did some brief math, and then decided to cut her losses.
“Fine.” Syya turned her back in Indraste, headed towards the inn, before adding, “But if you’d seen who she’s been spending time with, you’d be worried, too. I’d hate to have you as a friend if this is how you care.”
“I can worry about her and still not follow her,” was the cool reply. “If you want to help her, do your job.”
"Good talk." Syya snorted, and started walking.
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myupostsheadcanons · 2 years
Now may be a good time to pick (back) up One Piece.
I don’t really suggest everybody to go run out and read One Piece. I know some people just don’t “gel” with Shonen or had tried reading it before and didn’t like it (and yes it does have its problems... and sometimes you just want to give Oda a “you tried” sticker)
But after 25 years, One Piece is finally starting on the Final Arc of the series and some time within the next few years we will find out what the One Piece actually is.
So if you were one of those people that read/watched One Piece when you were younger and had stopped following a long with it, or one of those people that are just waiting for it to be finished to even consider reading/watching it... Now is perhaps the best time while we still don’t know what the One Piece is.  We all know as soon as it is confirmed what it is, it will be spoiled for everybody because this series is so popular... it will be memed to death (think “I see dead people.” and “I am your father.” levels if spoilers)  and all the mystery would be gone, anybody new looking into the series could just google it at that point and not even bother with the build up.
Oda projected 3 years left, most fans believe it’s closer to 5 (to coincide with the 30th anniversary, and Wano and Dressrosa took over 3 years each to complete).  It will be before 3 years when the OP is revealed. Juuust enough time to consume a 1100+ chapter manga/1000+ episode anime. 
(to note, the manga would be faster to consume, but sometimes the anime is better to watch for combat bc sometimes it looks like a mess on the page for having so much going on at once... also, the subs are the way to go... some of the VAs are well known from other works (IE: Luffy =  Krillin/Kirillin (Dragon Ball), Shanks = Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam), Chopper = Pikachu (Pokemon) .. etc) and in general their acting is way better than the Dub. Dub is fine if you have sensory problems, what ever floats your boat)
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cornbreadcreations · 3 months
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been having entirely too much fun with my Hazbin Hotel Sinnersona, Doodle! Doodles lore gets a little dark, so I'm gonna put it under a readmore. Trigger warnings for: Cave-related deaths, drowning, starvation.
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Theo Del'Arte was out hiking on his day off work, just enjoying some nice natural scenery, having a good time. And then a bear came along. Theo stayed calm, though, faced the bear, kept going slowly backwards to create distance; it was no grizzly by any means, so he figured it would lost interest shortly, but it didn't. It followed him until he hit a wall, and as it drew nearer, he noticed a crevice in the mountainside. It was just barely big enough for him to slip into, but the bear would not be able to fit, being what he at the time assumed was a large male black bear. The bear could get its arm in, pushing Theo deeper into the crevice, where he learned - it was deeper than it looked. He slipped, sliding swiftly and painfully along the rock before landing harshly in pitch blackness.
He screamed and screamed, his pack with his phone in it nowhere to be found, lost in the tumble. Hours he was trapped there, unable to climb out with two broken legs, until a monsoon came, and the cave filled rapidly with water.
At first he tried to use it to get out, but it had been so long already, and he was so exhausted, he couldn't keep up with the water, and ended up drowning.
Shortly after, he manifested in hell - and that's where he sort of splits into two storylines depending on how much of a power fantasy I feel like indulging in. :) Doodles powers as a sinner include:
Flight, by manifesting a third pair of wings on his back, or by transforming his four arms into wings.
Echo Location and Enhanced Hearing: Doodle is a leaf-nosed back, so his ears and the shape of his nose allow him to use specialized squeaks to 'see' with sound. He can even use this ability to pick bits of shrapnel and debris out of dirty wounds. He also totally tells Angel Dust he's actually blind and uses only echo location to see, to which AD starts trying to trick him, at some point holding some object up and saying 'what color is this' to which Doodle replies 'idk, smells purple.' Despite this, they are pals.
Decimating Decibels: At base level with no soul contracts or other power modifiers, Doodle can create sounds in a multitude of frequencies both hearable to humans and not, with a maximum base power output of 420 decibels. For context, 200 decibels would cause your internal organs to rupture, 210 would explode your skull, and 320 decibels to crack the earth open like an egg to make an omelet. 1100 would cause a supermassive black hole so powerful it would immediately swallow the universe and give everybody an instant game over, but Doodle can't reach that level. At the moment, anyway. :)
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Despite his power level, Doodle has very low ambition. He's not interested in becoming an overlord, and he has not desire to hurt, manipulate, fight, or otherwise fuck with people in a negative context. He's a friendly demon, who just wants to be content with his afterlife. He's not certain exactly what sins led him to hell, but Heaven would feel much too squeaky clean, he'd be too afraid to touch anything for fear of tainting it. As such, he's politely declined Charlies offers for redemption, but is quite happy to use his experiences on earth and his own knowledge of the human condition to help Charlie in her dreams by acting as sort of a pseudo-psychologist (he makes it very clear he is NOT a trained therapist or psychologist, it was just one of his special interests so he just knows a stupid amount about it) helping sinners work through their issues and helping Charlie better structure her system, since Charlie has no context of what its like to be a human. double bonus, how Doodle would have looked as a winner:
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kingsteves-world · 8 months
LEAN GAINS Man sheds HALF his body fat thanks to the keto diet and cutting out the booze
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Marc, AKA liqfitness, has been showing off his incredible 8.6st weight loss - which he claims only really kicked off once he went keto.
At his heaviest, he weighed in at 24st and had 56 per cent body fat. Men are classed as obese if they have over 25 per cent.
Having always struggled with his weight, he found himself ballooning after a series of serious injuries playing football in high school.
His weight piled on after a series of injuries
"I've always struggled with weight loss but that surgery and recovery made me gain a lot of weight," he said on his Instagram.
"I became so unhealthy that I couldn’t keep up with my football team’s workouts and I was very depressed."
He says that he started off just eating healthier last January.
“So I started off by just eating healthier around January 2018," he told followers in the "Progresspics" thread.
Eating healthier wasn't enough
“Cut out alcohol and focused on eating lean foods and veggies."
But he said that he "didn’t see much progress", because he wasn't keeping a track of how many calories he was consuming.
It was only when he started on a keto diet following a method devised by company Ideal Protein that things started to change.
"On Ideal Protein, I eat around 1100-1400 calories a day," he explained.
Cutting the calories and going keto was key
“It doesn’t seem like much, but once you get used to it, you realise how insane anything more than 3000 calories seems.”
The Ideal Protein Protocol is split into four phases: weight loss (followed until 100 per cent of your weight loss goal is achieved), a 14-day phase, a "pre-stabilisation" phase and a 12-month maintenance stage.
The company says that "chronologically, the body will first draw on its carbohydrate reserve before turning to protein and fat.
"During the weight loss phases of the Protocol, we limit carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to turn to its fat and muscle components for energy.
"By eating protein foods, the Protocol helps to support muscle mass and teaches you how to develop smarter eating habits and lifestyle choices, to help maintain your weight after weight loss is achieved."
Keto works by forcing the body to burn its own fat reserves for fuel, rather than carbs.
His doctor monitored him every week
While 1,400 might seem incredibly low for a man, Marc said that he was following a weight loss protocol as set out by his doctor who regularly checked in on him.
"He monitored me every week to make sure I stayed healthy and got the nutrients I needed. It was very hard to eat such little amounts, but it paid off,” he said.
“If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to cut that down to like 2,000 calories.
“My BMR (basal metabolic rate - how much you burn at rest) is 2,400 calories, so that’s how many calories I burn in a day without working out. It’s all a science.
"Eat fewer calories than you burn"
Despite getting down to a lean 20 per cent body fat, it's taking a little more time for all of Marc's body to change.
He says that he still has man boobs and had no idea that they'd still be there after so much fat loss.
"Fat loss is unique to everyone. That's why I always tell people not to compare themselves to others.
"You might lose weight in some areas faster than I lose it and vice versa. It's a process and one that I'm riding out!"
His weight loss journey hasn't just been about shedding body fat
"Overall, weight loss isn’t just about the weight. It’s a lifestyle change.
"You’d be surprised how many aspects of your life change when you make those sacrifices. I’ll never go back."
Lots of people swear by keto for fat burning but more and more research has suggested that carbs are actually essential from a health perspective.
While no one is suggesting you start mainlining chips, scientists are convinced that having a moderate amount of foods like potatoes, bread and pasta might extend your life by up to four years.
The key is to make sure that you're getting your fill of fresh veg every day and concentrating on avoiding processed grub.
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devoirat · 2 years
Devoir de Synthèse 1 Anglais Bac Lettres
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    - Meet Numali Rohngang! A tribal girl living in the Assam-Meghalaya border. An ordinary 14 year old with an extraordinary determination. Numali's daily schedule comprises of washing clothes, utensils, cleaning the house, cooking , and then walking 10 kilometres from her village, to get to school. People in her village have asked her to drop out of school in order to make things But for Numali that is not an option at all. - Numali's mother passed away when she was younger. Since then she is responsible for managing a household of four. Her life would have been simpler if she could go to the school But her father's meager income of 1100 rupees as a gardener is a limitation. For Numali going to school is something that she would never give up. She therefore walks 10 kilometres everyday to reach Smile Foundation's Mission Education center that has been established to provide free education and nutrition to children like Numali. - Smile Foundation's Mission Education programme has been encouraging people to donate child livelihood needs and also has been providing education and nutrition through charity donations to over 12,500 underprivileged children like Numali, across the country, every year since But this is just a small step forward. There are 44 million underprivileged children in India who are out of school. - Speaking about Smile Foundation Mr Santanu Misha, Co-Founder, said : “As a young and responsible organization, we think that the efforts put in only by government as well as development organizations will never suffice to build an educated, poverty free and liberated This will happen when members of the civil society come forward and take part in the development process. - To assume responsibility for a child can potentially play a vital role in the country's development as educated children are the key to a bright future. As you sponsor a charity, it shall help children of India change the course of their         SmileFoundation.org (Adapted)               - COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (15 marks) :   - Read the text and tick ( ) the most appropriate option (1 mark) : The text is mainly about : - Providing children with education and - Giving children a chance to have a decent - Helping children to enrol in primary   - Correct the following False statements with details from the text (3 marks) : - Numali is too unwilling to go to ……………………………………………………………………………………. - Numali was responsible for her family members including her sick ................................................................................................................................. - Smile Foundation succeeded in achieving its .................................................................................................................................   - Complete the following paragraph with words or group of words from the text (3 marks) : As an.............................. child, Numali opted for Smile Foundation’s Mission Education centre . Every day, she walks 10 kilometres in order to get both .............................. and ...............................   - Complete the table about Smile Foundation (3 marks) :   PARTICIPANTS ACHIEVEMENT a- ...................................................................... b- ...................................................................... c- ......................................................................   - Establishing a liberated and educated society.   - What do the underlined words refer to in the text (2 marks) : a- that  (pg 1)    refers to : …………………………….................. b- it      (pg 5)    refers to : ………………………………………..   - Find words in the text meaning nearly the same as (2 marks) : a- small in quantity (pg 2) : ................................................................ b- be enough  (pg 4) : .........................................................................   - Give a personal justified answer to the following question (1mark) : How , do you think, can children be the key to a bright future? I think ........................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................   - Language (10 marks) : - Fill in the blanks with 8 words to get a coherent paragraph (4 marks) :   When considering a vacation in places like the Bahamas and Hawaii, another tropical paradise to consider in the USA are the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys are a chain of a-.............................. spanning about 160 miles below Miami. They are between the Atlantic b.................................. and the Gulf of Mexico. Unlike other tropical paradises, the Florida Keys are only a short c.............................. from the city of Miami Florida. Accommodations come in full range from affordable all the way to luxurious. The Keys can be an d................................... vacation destination for everyone, e............................... your whole family a great vacation in the Florida Sun. The beaches of the Florida Keys have much to give, with many to choose f................................ With some of the most unspoiled waters of the world, you will find plenty of sun and fun. There is much to do in the Florida Keys. Each of the areas has their own culture and heritage. Continuous events are on the g    to keep your whole family happy while on your vacation. The Florida Keys are h.................................. for being full of the arts.   - Put the words in brackets in the right tense and /or form (3 marks) : Bullying is generally defined as an aggressive behaviour by an individual or group repeated over time that involves an imbalance of power. As the safety of U.S. schools has become an important public policy issue, interest in the problem of school bullying (increase) ………………. Researches indicate that this type of adolescent victimization (occur)............................... frequently, particularly in middle school grades, and can result in serious consequences for both bully and victim. In 2002, a report by the U.S. Secret Service (conclude)................................................................... that bullying played a significant role in many schools and that efforts (should / make)....................................... to eliminate bullying behaviour. As awareness of harassment, intimidation and bullying in the school setting have (grow) …………………….., state legislatures have been addressing this problem. Consequently, since 2001, a few states have enacted legislation of some form (fight) …………… bullying.     - Circle the correct alternative to obtain a meaningful paragraph (3 marks) : A cyber-school, also known as a virtual or online school, is considered a type of charter school. Through cyber-school instruction, you can receive your high school diploma (during - while - via) taking classes online. This type of school takes the classroom out of the equation and provides a student (with – by – at) self-discipline to obtain a quality education and flexibility not available in a traditional school system. Many parents are (interested – concerned – indifferent) about the costs of a cyber-school. Depending on whether you (choose – attend – leave) a public or private option will determine your cost. The public options are paid by dollars allocated by the state and district of residence for each child’s education . (Besides – Though – Therefore), students can attend a public cyber-school at no cost to the parents. Private schools have more control (in – about – over) pricing options.   - Writing (15 marks) : - Use the following information to write the biography of MARIA MONTESSORI (5 marks) : Birth :     August 31, 1870 Chiaravalle (Ancona), Education :        1890 / University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School. Occupation :        Physician and educator Achievement : 1906 / 1911 establishing the Montessori Method of education. Death :                May 6, 1952 Noordwijk, Netherlands.     ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………   - You have recently spent the holiday of your dreams. Write a letter thanking the travel agency, which was responsible for organizing your package tour, and stating the good services and facilities offered. (10 marks)           ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Read the full article
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mirclealignr · 3 years
the flutterby bush | n.l
neville longbottom x reader
requested by anon where neville helps the reader to find a gift they've been searching for
warnings; no pronouns used, fluff!
word count; 1100+
to be notified when I post, follow @mirclesjournal
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“You okay, Y/N? You look a bit down,” asked Neville as you sat down on the sofa with a sigh, all your winter attire still on.
“Yeah, I’m just fed up. I’ve been looking for a Flutterby Bush for days now and every shop has sold out! I have such a nice pot for it too,” you huffed, sinking further into the sofa.
“What’s it for?” Neville asked curiously.
“A gift. And we’re going home for Christmas soon, by then it will be too late!” you whined, stuffing your face into a cushion.
Neville was timid in nature, and he hated to see people upset or angry, it made him nervous. But he was determined to help, even if it was only to spend a little time with you before the holidays. He enjoyed your company so much, enough that his friends had started to tease him about it when you entered a room. He’d always turn a dark shade of crimson, begging them to keep quiet, but you never seemed to notice.
“I’ll help you!” he offered, closing his textbook.
“How? I’ve been to every shop I can get to, Neville,” you stated hopelessly.
“Not all the shops are on the high street, you know. There’s lots of people who’ve made their shop in their home. I know a few that sell plants, especially at this time of year,” he explained, smiling encouragingly.
“Oh, really?! Would you come with me?” you asked, perking up at the possibility of obtaining your plant after all.
“Of course,” he smiled, “Just let me get my coat.”
“Best bring a hat and gloves too! It’s freezing today,” you shouted after him, putting your gloves on again and tucking your scarf into your coat.
Neville was down in a few seconds, almost tripping down the stairs as he ran to you. He made a remark on his clumsiness, as he usually did when he nearly took a tumble or dropped something, and then headed to the door with you. He was almost drowning in the layers he’d piled on himself, and you worried he might actually be too hot with all that fabric hugging him.
As you neared Hogsmeade, your suspicions were cemented, for Neville took his scarf and earmuffs off with a laugh. They swung by his side while he continued to trudge through the snow with you and talk about the upcoming holidays.
“I’m going to miss you,” he blurted out, unaware of where the courage he’d found to say it had come from.
“Really? Never thought you noticed me much,” you admitted with a hint of disappointment.
“I do!” he cried, “I’m just- I get so nervous around you, more than I usually do anyway,” he laughed nervously.
“I’m not all that scary,” you smirked, “Maybe we could write to each other over Christmas?” you suggested, hoping he’d be open to the offer.
“Yeah, I’d really like that,” he smiled, losing his footing slightly.
You laughed as his cheeks burned more red than before and took his hand in yours, “I won’t let you fall,” you promised, “But if I do, at least I’ll fall with you,” you winked.
“Thanks. But it’s alright, I’ll have a bit of a break for a minute, first shop’s just there,” he nodded to an old house in front of you.
It felt strange not to knock on the door, but Neville assured you that you could walk straight in without alarming anyone. As the door was pushed open, a little bell rang above you, silencing your anxiety that this wasn’t just someone’s house you were breaking into. It was much warmer inside—they had a fire going at the back wall—and the woman at the desk greeted you kindly.
After a quick look around, it was evident that she did not have a Flutterby Bush in stock either, much to your dismay. But Neville assured you that the other shops must have what you were looking for. His optimism inspired yours, and you hoped it would pay off in the end.
“Why a Flutterby Bush?” Neville asked, “They’re awfully hard to maintain.”
“Well I wouldn’t get it if I didn’t think they could handle it. But they’re so beautiful, I thought it would make a pretty addition,” you replied, “I wish I could have such things, but I think it’d end up dead before too long if it was home with me. I’m hopeless with plants,” you laughed.
“Well I could help you, tell you which plants you could get first, the easy ones. And then you can work your way up to a Flutterby Bush!” Neville offered, eager to impress you with something he was actually good at.
“Would you? Would you really? That would be wonderful!” you beamed at Neville, who grew with pride.
“The next shop is just there,” he pointed, or at least tried to through his mittens.
Entering the next shop, you and Neville scanned the shelves and tables for any sign of the particular plant you’d set out to find, but to no avail. After bidding the shopkeeper goodbye without a purchase, Neville patted your back and reassured you that the next, and final shop would surely have it.
“It’s just next door,” he said softly, directing you to the next house, which stood tall over the street and was behind a large set of steps.
“Careful you don’t slip!” you warned him, noticing the steps full of ice.
Neville held onto the railing tightly and managed to make it to the top without slipping on the pesky ice. The door was already open to let customers know they were open, as they had another door further inside which was kept closed to keep the heat in. Neville walked in, and held the second door open for you. And then, right in front of you, on a small table in front of a full length mirror, were Flutterby Bushes ready for sale. You sighed a breath of relief and ran over to the table with glee.
“See, I told you they’d have them!” beamed Neville, catching up to you, “This one looks the best,” he said after a moment of examining them.
“You know best!” you grinned with excitement, and took the plant over to the front desk where you paid and thanked the owner heartily.
“Oh, I’m so glad we found one! Thank you so much, Neville,” you gushed, bringing him in to kiss his cheek.
“It- Well it was r-really no problem at all,” he stuttered, rubbing his cheek with the mitten that covered his hand.
“Come on! I don’t want it out in the cold for too long, we ought to get back,” you said, reaching your hand out for him to take, which, with a large grin, he accepted.
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userkhael · 3 years
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Summary: Makeup sex is a thing for you and your husband.
Pairing: Henry x Reader
Warning: 18+, SMUT, RPF, blowjob, choking, a bit of fluff
Word Count: 1100+
Taglist: @kebabgirl67 @liecastillo @lumiousmoon @violacavs520 @summersong69 @est1887 @myloveforhenrycavill
A/N: Another Henry fic because I cannot get enough of him. Also trying a new banner for all my stories! Not beta’d, I edit my own work and there might be errors. Still, enjoy!
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The sun strikes your skin at just the right amount, that satisfying amount, at the least. Finally going to the beach after a few weeks of pure work is like a breath of fresh air. Your husband's promise he always fulfilled. You bask in the sun, enjoying it while he dipped in the ocean. Probably will do that later but now, the sun is loving you.
You're on your back, eyes closed, enjoying the sun when a large shadow casted over you. Opening your eyes, you see your husband, his chest hair wet and dripping, and every muscle looked delicious and is waiting to be licked on. His face is in a frown. Your forehead creased, confused at what he's so angry about.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He says, huffing like a bull.
"I'm sunbathing?" I look down at my body, not seeing something wrong when I noticed one nipple is not covered and is just there for the world to see. I don't see anything wrong with it. Other people are even naked on this beach.
"Get dressed, we're leaving." He puts on his cap and wiped his body with his shirt. Henry can be extremely possessive at times and it annoys you.
"No! This is the time we relax and you're ruining it!"
He just looked at you, waiting for you to stand up.
"It's either you get up or I'm going to carry you to the villa. You choose."
You look at the people around you. For sure cameras are already pointed at your gorgeous husband and it will create a commotion if he did the latter part.
"Why do you have to be so annoying?" You huff, putting on your bikini cover and stomped your way to the staircase leading to your rented villa. Henry's left to carry all your things. If he hadn't been so overly possessive, you're still enjoying the gorgeous sun on your skin.
You went straight to the kitchen, fetching yourself a drink. Henry followed behind, dropping everything thing on the couch. You face him and there's just guilt in his eyes now. No more anger.
"I'm sorry, okay? Your nipple being plastered in a gossip website is not something I would like to see." He stood there, defensive.
Your heart softens for him. Always will. It's one of the things you love about your husband. His protectiveness that sometimes goes over and beyond. He's also someone who respects your body more than anything else and doesn't want people shaming you one way or another.
"Babe, everyone's naked on the beach. Have you seen the girl beside us? She has no top."
"I didn't look. Why would I look? I have you. Besides, that's not the point."
You totally get his point but sometimes you give him a hard time for it. You set down your drink and walked towards him. His chest muscles twitch when your hands are finally on them. His lips are pressed into a thin line and then he kissed your forehead.
"I don't care about other naked women on the beach. I only care about you."
"I know..." Whispering and holding his head in between your hands, you kiss his lips. Softly at first then roughly seeking for each other's tongue the next.
"You annoy me and make me horny at the same time..." He said, biting your lower lip. Moaning into his mouth, he grinds his erection on your stomach and you can feel how rigid it is. He peels off your clothing, not like you have much, and it pools at both of your feet.
Kissing his neck down his body, to his stomach and to that sinful V, you pull down his shorts, his cock springs free from the fabric, slightly slapping you on the face.
You pump him with your hands and he rolls his head back. Blowing hot breaths on its head, teasing little licks with your tongue. Every time your tongue hits his skin, he groans and his grip on your head tightens.
You put the head in your mouth, circling it with your tongue, very aware at how he looks down at you. So you look up and bat your eyelashes at him while your mouth is full of his cock.
"Baby, keep doing that and I'll cum in your mouth."
"Wouldn't you want that same thing?" You spoke, garbled because your mouth is still on him.
He wasn't able to answer because you took him in all the way, bobbing your head up and down, sucking him from within. Your hand instinctively goes to his balls, kneading and palming that sensitive, sweet spot.
"Your mouth is like heaven!" He exclaims and you smile, continuing your work. You feel him at the back of your throat and you stop yourself from gagging, expanding your throat to adjust to his size.
Both of you are making a big mess in the living room while the door is still open, knowing people can walk by anytime.
You choke on his cock once again and this time he pulls you up, kissing you hard. His hand went straight to your center, finding a wet spot there. Fighting and making up has always a huge turn on between the two of you. He drives you wild.
He wastes no time and flips you on your back, your upper body supported by the leather couch, bending at his mercy. He sinks in you unapologetically and you held on the couch as pain and pleasure coiled in your gut.
"Look at you, taking all of me..."
You moan, you scream against the leather because everything just feels a bit rough and intense. But that same euphoric feeling everytime he pounds into you, makes it all worthwhile.
You arch your back at him as he mercilessly pounds into you. You feel his body hot against yours, as his hands snakes at your front, pinching your nipples. Yelping at the contact, his cock slipped out and he hurried putting it back in.
Slamming against you, the orgasm is building up in your groin, waiting for it to burst. He tilts your head up, forcing you to look up at him.
"I'm almost there, baby..." He announces and that's one thing you find very hot. Him being vocal during sex.
You kissed him on the lips, bending your body even more as he thrusts in and out. You nod as he looked into your eyes and both of you groaned in pleasure as you mutually reached both of your climax. He took a deep breath, blowing hot breaths and sweat dripping on your back, he pulls out.
You wiggle your butt as you feel his cum coming out of you. Always something he loves to see and something you love to deliver.
He walks back at you, shirt in hand and he wipes his mess ever so carefully. You stand up and gave him a full kiss on the mouth.
"Can we have babies yet?"
"Why?" You ask, he's never asked for children before. Although it's one thing you always wanted to do for him.
"I want you barefoot and pregnant while I fuck you."
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