#and izuku sees all the memories of him standing up to katsuki and sludge villain and the river scene again
bakudekublogblog · 3 months
alright I’m bored so here’s my extremely optimistic crack theory: assuming katsuki seeing a vestige means we’ll see him in the vestige realm, when kudo sorted through izuku’s memories he put his forehead on the wall right??
what if izuku is having a crisis about being left quirkless again and vestige katsuki needs to touch foreheads with izuku to show him all his memories of izuku being heroic without a quirk and he tells him “you never needed a quirk. you were always a hero” or something like that because it’s what izuku always needed to hear
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bkdkology · 3 years
Part: 2/?
vol 1(ch1)
Disclaimer: these analysis pieces are all opinion based and in no way attempt to claim aspects of the canonverse.
The Sludge Incident
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This incident is one of many defining moments for bkdk because it has two main significances:
1 It sets the precedent for Katsuki’s spiraling development.
2. puts a painful wedge in his already egregious relationship with Izuku.
We can clearly see that as Katsuki desperately fights the sludge villain, he hardly has any regard for his surroundings, including people that may be in the way of his dangerous quirk. As he is now, his goals for becoming the best hero have little to do with maintaining the well being of people, but rather to beat the crap out of villains, and as for aiming to be in the highest tax bracket, it’s less about the money and more about proving his status as the greatest hero. Katsuki’s main vision in life can be summed up in one word: winning.
He’s unable to shake off the sludge villain even with a quirk as powerful as his, and that tears a rift in his ego that will follow him for more than half of the series.
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The exact opposite of Katsuki’s goals is true for Izuku. Izuku is naturally caring and extremely attentive to anyone he meets, especially for people that he holds in high regard. In one of the light novels that take place just before the war arc, during their internship at Endeavor’s Agency, Izuku mentions to Katsuki that he remembers in elementary school Katsuki loved to eat spicy food so much that curry became sweet to him.
Izuku’s nature is inclined to analyze and remember even the smallest of details about people. It’s something that comes as naturally to him as breathing, and why it’s so easy for him to empathize and understand peoples quirks no matter how complex they may be. ( huge points for such incredible neurodivergent representation!)
Izuku and Katsuki had the chance to become the best of friends growing up, because Izuku absolutely loved everything about him. But somewhere along their shared childhood memories, the difference in their visions of what it means to be a hero, and the constant praise from adults and kids for being born with a rare power caused Katsuki to violently tear their friendship apart.
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Izuku wants to become a hero that saves people with a smile, it’s what he values the most in All Might. And THAT is the single detail about him that Katsuki absolutely despises. The fact that little quirkless wonder Izuku Midoriya has not given up his dream to become a hero that saves people.
After all the incessant bullying, constantly reminding Izuku that he’s useless, and a final attempt by telling Izuku to take a swan dive off the roof. Even after everything Katsuki put him through, Izuku still jumped at the chance to save him. And it changes everything.
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The only thing Katsuki finds worth in at this point is quirk value and strength, and yet Izuku’s existence in his life was defiant of all his expectations from people. Izuku was like a thorn at his side, always talking excitedly about heroes, looking forward to a future where he could become one despite not having a quirk. It bothered Katsuki, why would Izuku continue to dream about something he can’t have with such a stupidly positive outlook? Why is he always helping people even though he’s useless?
Izuku’s heart is strong, his vision is clear, and everything about it threatens Katsuki to his core, because in the back of his mind, a part of him understands that Izuku’s motives have always been pure and focused on others, which goes against everything Katsuki built his life on. He spent 10 years being subjected to hundreds of kids with different quirks as he advanced through school, and most of them didn’t have half the power Katsuki did. Out of everyone, Izuku was the only one who dared to defy him time and time again, despite Katsuki beating him down, Izuku always stood up again and kept his eyes on him. No matter how hard Katsuki tried to snuff his dreams out, to stomp on the embers of Izuku’s fire, Izuku kept coming back.
The sludge incident was like throwing water into a grease fire, it exploded Katsuki’s superiority complex out of control, when HE became the person Izuku tried to save, when useless, quirkless Deku looked at him with those eyes, he couldn’t stand it. He’d lost twice in one day, he lost to the sludge villain, and he’d lost to Izuku even if he was outwardly denying it. He refuses to see any weaknesses within himself, and projects his insecurities onto Izuku. Katsuki chased after Izuku to remind him that he’s a quirkless failure, and to reaffirm his own need to feel superior.
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It’s startling to me just how sensitized Izuku is to Katsuki’s tone of voice and horrible facial expressions from years of bullying. At this point, I wasn’t really a BKDK supporter because it indeed seemed like Izuku was the type to let horrible shit slide. But later I found out Izuku definitely wouldn’t let it happen, he’s incredibly resilient and disciplined, his strong will made him never really take anything to heart. I’m sure there are a handful of things Katsuki did to him that will be difficult to forgive, but Izuku has an admiration for him and willingness to see beyond his negative aspects.
After this, Katsuki leaves Izuku alone for the most part, but more on that next time: U.A entrance exam
If you’re interested in the series (I’m doing all of Bnha from start to current) you’ll find my posts under the first hashtag. ty <3
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mesozoic-system · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki is not as bad as he seems.
Okay, fine. That's a lie. Bakugou is a loud and obnoxious asshole with little to no character development and will snap at anyone who breathes on him the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to why he's like that.
You all know what PTSD is, yeah? If not, it stands for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". It's something that causes panic attacks, unnecessary aggression, trust issues, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. People will develop it after a traumatic experience. It takes years of therapy to recover... actually, most people never recover from it.
Fun fact: Katsuki canonically has PTSD. It's confirmed, and you know what? After everything he's been through, it's not much of a surprise. He's been through one tragedy after another and never seems to get a break.
When we first met Bakugou Mitsuki (Katsuki's mother) in chapter #96, we instantly realized how aggressive she was. I mean come on! She talked smack right in front of him and his teachers- in front of All Might who she knew her son was very fond of. Katsuki may be irritable, but to have your own mother backhand you in front of your own role model is a little much.
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Later on in chapter #165 during the Provisual License Exams, we get a little more information that only points towards more abuse- and this time it's not so verbal.
Most people paid no real attention nor gave it a second thought in these panels, but remember when Katsuki suggested to use violence against the kids? Of course, you'd look at it and wave it off as "normal Bakugou behavior", but what he says next took me by surprise:
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That's right. He was raised that way.
Which means either Mitsuki or Masaru (or both) had struck him in some way multiple times as he was growing up, and I doubt it was Masaru.
"Spoiled" my ass. He might have a strong quirk, but people don't turn into little monsters just by being praised. It'll definely boost his confidence, but not dramatically. This could also explain his aggression toward Midoriya. He realized how helpless he was and had power over someone else for once. But that's just a theory.
Okay, let's fast forward a bit. He's finishing up his third year of Middle School and is preparing for the UA entrance exams. He's pushed away his childhood friend to follow his own dreams and tells him to jump off the roof.
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And then he walks out the door only to regret it much, much, muuuch later in the series- y'know. The "character development" I was talking about.
Next time we see him though, he gets what he deserves.
One panel he's tramping through an alley with his friends, and the next, he's being swallowed alive by the most perverted-looking slime monster I've ever laid my eyes on.
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While Izuku's dreams are being crushed by his own hero, Katsuki is fighting for his life in the middle of town. He's struggling, but all he could do was look back at all the dozens of fearful eyes...
Right there. Right now. Look at him:
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He's terrified. He's humiliated and afraid and hurt and despite all of the heroes that were there, none of them had even attempted to save him.
And this is where it really starts. This is where it all begins. Next thing we know, Izuku's running straight for him... The boy Katsuki's bullied almost all of his life is risking his own in order to save him.
You know the story from there; All Might trains Izuku to withhold his power, they get accepted into UA, and then comes the Sports Festival.
Katsuki's already made up his mind: he's gonna win. He's willing to give everything he has to show the country what he's made of, and this may be his only chance to make up for the mishap several months ago. And Monoma, being a professional at making things worse by opening his mouth, rubs salt in the wound.
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It was pretty easy to predict Katsuki's reaction: pissed off and more than ready to prove him wrong. He does, but it cost him his "first place" during the Calvary Battle. But that's okay 'cuz it's not over yet!
Welcome to the next and last stage of the festival: The Battle Tournament, where all the kids get to beat the shit out of each other until only one remains.
Turns out, Katsuki does win. It was a foolproof plan: get Todoroki to go all out on him so he can make a final impression before the end of the day. But it was obvious that Shouto was still unsure of himself, so Katsuki did what he did best:
He had to piss him off.
But instead of getting angry and bursting into flames like he had planned, Shouto threw away the battle at the last second, and everything Katsuki had worked for with it.
No shit he's gonna be upset! He worked his ass off to get where he was, and the whole point was to leave himself a footprint! His entire life had been dedicated to that moment, and it faded away right in front of him.
Midnight put him to sleep and he woke up and threw a temper tantrum.
Now this is was UA did wrong:
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Why would you do that?! They were all aware of what happened to him only a few months ago, he obviously hasn't properly recovered from it, and they restrain him in front of thousands of people. They cover his mouth and gag him, lock his hands in a tiny metal box and expect him not to go insane. Helloooo?! Wake up! He's just a kid!
Several months go by and now it's time for camp. Katsuki is tired. They all are. It's been a long day of training and training and training, and suddenly villains come out of nowhere, and nobody is prepared. And who shows up? The League of Villains, and they're after certain students...
Tokoyami escapes safely, but Katsuki isn't so lucky.
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Just think about that for a second. When we see Shigaraki holding a picture of him, it's the one where UA tied him up. He knows what this child has gone through and he pities him. To be honest, I think the LoV treated him much better than anyone ever has (except maybe Kirishima). They're hesitant, but they treat him with kindness. They didn't just want him for his quirk. They saw what the heroes did to him and wanted to help him get the revenge he deserved.
But when All Might showed up (more like "burst through the wall like the Cool Aid man"), Katsuki is instantly teleported in the strangest way possible... and the most traumatizing.
He chokes out this weird slime-like substance that devours him within seconds. Thankfully it only last that long, but then again, the Sludge Incident, remember?
Yeah, bet that brings back some memories.
But what must have hurt him the most was All Might's downfall and early retirement. He said it himself:
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After several chapters, he finally burst. He's been holding all the pain inside of him until it bubbled over and he couldn't take it anymore. So he went to the only person he could- the person he hated and yet trusted the most.
Maybe the Class 1A concert helped him in a way. It seemed like it brought him down and maybe even relaxed him a little. And something incredible happens. Something we haven't seen from him at all until now...
(From here, I'll try to keep it short to avoid as many manga spoilers as I can. That and I'm tired...)
He began to change; started to support Izuku... in his own twisted way, of course. As chapters went by, he started to open up little by little. He admitted what he had done to Izuku in middle school to All Might, which had brought him some peace of mind. It wasn't quite the apology we had hoped for, but I guess it'll do.
And during the war, he made the greatest sacrifice, finally unlocking his quirk's full potential. Despite being unable to move, he used his quirk to throw himself in front of Izuku without thinking, taking a blow to his stomach. To his stomach.
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He was impaled.
Holy shit.
Last time someone had been impaled was Nighteye, and he died from his wounds.
But Katsuki somehow managed to survive... And woke up ready to beat Izuku's ass if he didn't wake up.
Anyway, that's all I have to say (so far). However, I'm excited for Season 5 of the anime series! Can't wait to see our new story animated! I mean, I've been watching the episodes as they come out, but still.
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softer-ua · 3 years
I have no idea what Bakugou would have done if Izuku died in the sludge Villain accident. They had a lot of strong unresolved emotions, I just can't fully visualize it, the only thing I have clear is him trying to latch onto anger, but that would burn out fast because the Villian was trapped and the heroes did their thing (Winning, which at that point he believed everything was) so I don't know what would he do. Sooo...could you please give us your insight? Please :D
I’d love to give my insight! Thank you for asking!!!🥰
It would depend on which sludge incident, the one where Deku ran to save Katsuki or the one where Deku was on his own? 🤔 I’ve got ideas on both lol
Buckle up this is gonna be a long one, and it’s not a fun ride
For the first I think Katsuki would latch onto anger and be a self hating righteous little monster for the rest of eternity. Because obviously he’s never getting therapy.
If he can blame himself for AM’s retirement and his parents can blame him for getting kidnapped than I have zero doubt the Entire Bakugo family would blame Katsuki for Dekus death. That family loves to victim blame, and Mitsuki would have a field day with chart topping world’s lowest blows like
If Katsuki hadn’t been hanging out in an alley and had gone straight home the villain wouldn’t have got him
If Katsuki hadn’t just been randomly blasting the heros wouldn’t have had to divert their attention to the fire
If Katsuki hadn’t been so weak(what’s the point of that flashy quirk if you can’t even save yourself)
Going with him to make him apologize to Inko (trying to imagine this feels like my brains touching a hot stove, it would be a thousand times more horrible and scarring than being forced to apologize to his Idol and teach for being kidnapped)
If hs Katsuki didn’t have the tools to block out his mother and broke down over a 50 year old man retiring, then poor ms Katsuki doesn’t stand a chance against being forced to bare the blame in someone’s actual death, especially not Dekus. Plus whatever destructive aftermath Katsuki created.
Did you have to blow up the entire alley way??
Katsuki would also never stop blaming those heros, even if the villain was captured they lost what really mattered, Dekus life.
They should have stopped the villain before Deku ever showed up
They should have never let Deku cross the line
They should have saved him
I think his fear of being weak would have been magnified by 10000. And it wouldn’t be a stretch for me to believe that witnessing that kind of hero failure so personally would be his villain origin. But even if it wasn’t, I think 10 months of stewing in grief, rage and self hate at such a young age would leave some very permanent scars
He’d habitually train to the point of self harm(reminder to check in on your fitness bros)
He’d never ever let someone close to him again (he didn’t want Deku close to him in the first place and look at how bad it hurt anyway)
He wouldn’t give a shit about any heros opinion anymore, if it’s not about how he can get stronger than any would be mentor can fuck off
His ego would have taken a massive hit, he’s no longer trying to prove he’s the best
Instead he’s insuring it because he’s never losing anyone again
Even with that in mind I think the sports festival actually would have gone a lot calmer because he no longer gives a shit about showing off, he’s just fighting to test himself and Dekus the one who pushed Todoroki to the point anyone even knew he had a fire side(I always wonder how much longer Aizawa was gonna let that go on for) so he’d except his medal quietly so it’s possible the lov would never have tried to recruit him
I think he’d be a lot more proactive in helping his classmates get stronger
Just not in a cute tsundere way anymore, but in a “if you can’t keep up with me I will keep attempting to murder you until you drop out” way, because B List heros are not allowed to be a thing anymore
Eventually he would grow up to be the top hero and he revels in that victory by hating himself, his job, his coworkers, his family, and everyone and everything else. The best part of his days are the adrenaline highs and that’s not even a happy high, in a bad headspace it just makes you ansty and aggressive, still better than being a hallow husk of resentments
I wouldn’t be surprised if he eventually did kill a fellow pro for not meeting his standards. Depending on what the hero did to earn his ire would shape wether he went on to be the new hero killer or simply stopped being a hero himself in custody or more permanently
Now if the villain had instead been captured after being caught hiding in Dekus flesh suit things would have been very different than the above
Katsuki would definitely be traumatized at this news, so would most of their class and they’d probably do some kind of memorial deal, and over the course of a couple of days Katsuki would slowly descend into madness at watching his class act like they have ever given a single fuck about Deku
Then he would speedball into it, because how dare they grieve over him, non of them deserve to especially not him
He’d be angry for as long as he could, at himself and everyone else, but eventually that’d putter out without anyone stoking the fire, no one else blames his class for feeling sad and no one blames the heros for not existing on every single possible street corner
Maybe he makes it through UA. He’s not as hot head, not as naive, but teens hold grudges like no other, he can be mad at the world a little longer.
Throws himself into the work so he doesn’t have time to think. He’s going to be the best because Deku always believed he would be and if he’s not allowed to be sad than this will be his only way to honor the nerds memory.
But the thing about pain is that it demands to be felt.
Eventually his regrets and grief would come for him, in a year or in ten years doesn’t matter they will eventually claim the time and space they need with interest.
He’d probably meet his regrets first so that he can be mad at himself for a little longer
He should have let Deku be
If he hadn’t held Deku up after class maybe he’d have made it home
His last words play on loop growing distorted and more malicious as the years go on(fun fact about memory ! It’s easily manipulated because each time you remember something you’re actually just remembering the last time you remembered the thing! Basically your brain reconstructs the memory completely each time! Fuck it up once and it’s all down hill)
He regrets not ensuring that he’d have more than his flimsy memories to hold onto Deku with, he never realized he’d want to, never could fully conceive that he’d actually have to.
He should have been kinder
He should have been less of a coward and faced his own insecurities
He should have talked to Deku about so many things
He can’t just focus on what he did and didn’t do forever tho, eventually he’ll have to recognize the hole Deku left behind, his regrets will paint the picture of his grief
Maybe he forgets the exact date of Dekus birthday but he knows it was in the summer, he regrets not going to his last one and grieves never going to a next one.
He regrets not going to the funeral, of course he was sad, he’d been an idiot to think he couldn’t be
He regrets not visiting Dekus grave, and grieves over how long he’s been gone now
He regrets that he had to learn what the value of saving is by having lost, god how he grieves that loss
Without Deku Kaminari never hears that nickname, Kacchan died with Deku. He grieves over never hearing it again
He wonders if Dekus hanging out with Kacchan wherever he is, he wonders if this makes him crazy.
He grieves over Deku dying so young, so alone, so horribly. It gives him nightmares, he can’t imagine the pain of having all his organs crushed down from the inside, and yet he’s some how intimately aware of its possibility. He debates looking for the autopsy results, maybe if he confirms it was asphyxiation and not internal blunt trauma the nightmares will stop. But you don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.
He grieves over the dreams Deku never got to chase, and regrets ever playing a part in taking away the happiness a dream is supposed to have
He grieves over the Deku shaped hole in his life that seemed to grow with him despite only ever getting to know the knobby knees version, he can’t help but think with every achievement and milestone “you should be here”
He doesn’t hate his life, it just feels half lived.
Without Deku pushing his buttons and no god complex shaped alarm bells people were slower to reach out to him.
Without Deku to vouch for his good qualities people were a lot more hesitant to see them.
He still did make friends it’s just a shallower connection and he doesn’t make time for them
He becomes top hero but the victory feels hallow like there should have been more of a fight for it. Maybe he is crazy but it feels like it should have been Deku fighting him for it.
His saves are legendary and numerous, he’s never able to shake the feeling that there’s someone out there who needs him just around the corner
Between the nightmares and the anxiety clocking off gives him he probably gets less sleep than any hero before him, even Aizawa.
It was a short career
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katutsukushii · 4 years
📂📂📂 any bakugou headcanon if you have time?
Hmm, Bakugou changing his mind about UA after the whole incident with the Sludge Villain.
He sees the old decrepit man standing in the back of the crowd, not doing anything, and he thinks nothing of him, after all, no one is doing anything either. But then a few days later he’s having his morning jog earlier than normal after spending the whole night tossing and turning and he ends up near the beach, he just needed to run for longer and so he took this route; he sees All Might changing from his muscular form to the old skinny one and he realizes that All Might, the hero he’d always admired, didn’t bother trying to save him until Izuku got put into danger - his life wasn’t worth anything to the hero.
Then he finds out All Might will be a teacher at UA and to him, that’s a sign he shouldn’t attend it, it means the teachers at UA aren’t qualified, and he doesn’t really want to even look at All Might, it brings way too many bad memories. It only reminds him of the sludge and not being able to breathe and not being enough. Luckily, he was smart and applied to several other schools and so he had other options; it didn’t matter that UA was his dream, it didn’t matter that All Might himself went there, nothing mattered anymore. It’s not like he worshipped All Might after what happened, he’d destroyed all his posters and shoved all of his merch into a box and donated it the moment he got home from the beach. UA didn’t have the same meaning as it once did. And so he decided to go to Shiketsu. It would be good for him, he hoped, at least. Plus, Shiketsu is further away from home and if he gets a chance to spend as little time as possible with his parents and at the place where everything went to shit then that’s just a bonus.
So, he packs up his bags and decides to stay in one of the dorms designated for foreign students instead of travelling back and forth every single day. There aren’t that many students staying there but it’s comfortable, it’s quiet and he gets to use the facilities they have for training. That’s where he spends the majority of his time. But it turns out Shiketsu isn’t very lenient with the students who had gone through traumatic experiences. It said in his file who he was, who he’d been attacked by and how no one helped, it also said he didn’t attend any therapy sessions after the attack. After that Shiketsu, and his teacher, practically forced him into at least trying it out. It turned out it actually fucking helped. Talking to someone about the shit he’d been holding in for ages helped, and the therapist didn’t even judge him for the resentment he felt towards heroes for not helping him. It felt... Fucking good. He felt better than ever. So he kept going, working on himself and his issues.
As he mellowed out a little bit he started to allow people to approach him, mainly the two weirdoes who were staying in the dorms with him - Camie and Inasa.
They were weird; Camie talked like an idiot but she made him laugh harder than anyone had ever done before and Inasa was so kind to him and helped him all the time but anytime anyone dared to say anything bad to him or Camie he went off and it was fucking terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
Soon he realized that fuck... He actually had friends at the shitty school. He’d had friends before, him and Kariage still kept in touch and met up whenever Katsuki went home, but he didn’t think he’d have the time or energy to make new friends once he got to Shiketsu. He didn’t even think anyone would want to talk to him judging by the way they all avoided him at the start.
But not Camie and Inasa. Not them. They’d accepted him straight away and Katsuki couldn’t be happier that he’d chosen to go to Shiketsu instead. Especially after he hears about the USJ, what the fuck was that? 
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dorki-c · 3 years
My Guardian Demon| Chapter 1, Part 3: Inheritance
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Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X (Reader)
Rating: 16+
A/N: I thought writing this part would be really hard...Nope. Not at all. I’m surprised! I hope you all enjoy!
TW: Brief mention of Fire, Swearing 
[Masterlist] [<— Previous| Next —>]
(Song recommendation for this chapter: All the good girl’s go to hell By Billie Eilish)
“But I’m not giving up on my dream, if you aren’t going to give up on yours.”
Alas, the gloriously golden sun highlighted the features of the old dusk that was soon turning into their new dawn.
(And might I say, if society got in their way, they will pay their dues the hard way.)
The two of them knew they had to paint the sky a fresh light blue, to develop the painting of the environment with creative splatters of white to resemble the clouds.
With the sun almost sliding to horizon’s edge, a cloudy vermillion mist (that was his demon) slipped into the view of the sun, highlighting their features but not letting a shadow smudge the surface of the pretty earth that the star ruled over.
“I know you won’t give up on your dream.” Even from three footsteps away, Izuku could still make out the multitude of voices mixed together. 
“So, I won’t give up on my own dream.” Although, even if one voice is made up of many sounds, that doesn’t mean it can’t resonate with tenacity.
“Got it!”
From a roof top of an apartment building to the lonesome streets below, it was still unbelievable to the middle schooler that he…literally met All Might.
(And that he had learned of All Might’s weakness.)
Nonetheless, after every battle we grow stronger.
The days of our years always past through fingertips that have soaked in sin.
Yet, those who want to fight are the ones who shoulder said sins like an unlucky medal garnished in pure gold.
And how this medal got passed into Izuku’s somehow capable hand, who knows?
Where the demon stood at the back of the mass of people surrounding them, Izuku was at front of the crowd. A racing horse of many thoughts drowned his selfish needs and his demon’s hopeless demands.
How can he prove to society that he is capable to be a hero?  
How can he do it?
The scene of a filthy crime, the stage was set with a hostage and villain. One of them had manifested as a flaxen haired male, maybe around Izuku’s age? Though the moment the green-haired boy saw a familiar dandelion crackling outlining the big BOOM destroying the landscape around the hostage—he just started moving too fast for his demon’s claws to catch.
(T-That’s—that’s the same villain who attacked him!)
At first, a cold breeze of (what he believes might be) your hands about to catch him. Were you about to halter or allow him to write a new beginning?
(No, you weren’t stopping Izuku. Did you want to see this event play out?)
Sure, when the main act was about to end, maybe another new role can rush in and save the show.
Why were you staying behind? Did you approve of his actions? Izuku thought you hated it when he played the saviour role. Was he wrong?
(Izuku has never been a clairvoyant, however, he can be a saviour.)
Knocking and shoving past the innocently confused bystanders, visions of red scorching the surface of the road, the sight of that same gloopy villain cackling in satisfaction at the catch they managed to reel in.
“None of us have the right quirks to stop a villain like this!” The false heroes would always say.
“I’m not a real hero…” The Symbol of Peace may whisper to himself after saving many people.
“I want to be a hero!” Is the cry of a boy whose been doubted for his whole life.
Will he be successful in his attempt of grabbing “KACCHAN!” out of the sludge after throwing his yellow bag straight at the target?
(He ends up hitting the villain’s eye! Whoop! Whoop! Bullseye! )
If it wasn’t the summer sun of this fateful day.
Then it was the memories of childhood youth coming to ride the sailing riptide of the small green-haired boys kindness.
Where pebbles tumbled down the riverway above the stream of shallow river water travelling downwards was a large tree trunk pretending to be a safe bridge for the five children carelessly bumbling across it.
As the ringleader lost his footing and slipping down, down, down into the small riptide, if it wasn’t for the cicadas- clicking away with their summery sounds whilst they hide in the bushes- then a small splosh of water could’ve sounded like splashing into a large rain puddle.
(But it didn’t, instead the sound was nearly as silent as a dormouse sneaking into your fridge for cheese.)
Underneath Mother Nature’s bridge, casted a shadow blanketing the vermillion mist where the desolate being stood waiting for its owner to notice them, but the owner ignores the mist like he usually did and opts for helping the blonde-haired ringleader.
(He’s always helped people. (Y/n) can’t tell you when he hasn’t helped anybody.)
Extending his chubby baby hands, the green haired boy asked the blonde one “are you alright?” Though the demon knows that Izuku didn’t intend for that sentence to make the other child to narrow their crimson eyes.
However, whoever anybody is, Izuku will always extend a hand.
This does not exempt from his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki.
(This is what it means to be a saviour. Not a hero.)
The performance of a brave act had concluded with a boring aftermath.
(Like how can a demon say that watching All Might change the weather was exciting?)
Clobbered around Izuku’s tired form was a few (false) heroes who lectured him about how he should “be careful, because you could’ve easily died” to that villain.
(Though the demon had the audacity to scoff at the shitty remarks, if those heroes did their jobs properly and pulled Bakugo out of the villain’s grasps, then Izuku wouldn’t have had to.)
Let’s not forget, that Izuku was the one who had the guts to do what the heroes couldn’t do and that Bakugou was praised for his bravery.
What ‘bravery’ was there to show? If anything, those vermillion eyes showcased fifty shades of fear and that’s not tipping the iceberg of what those falsities had said about bravery.
(They were only boosting his ego.)
“Do you think I did the right thing, (y/n)?” Izuku muttered out loud, although his demon was occupied with ignoring the ‘demon therapy’ poster that hung desolate on a lamp post and instead had the goal of catching a freaking butterfly.
When their hand reached out to grab it. They halted, turned towards Izuku, then asked “were you talking” because they were highly busy trying to catch an insignificant insect to notice that Izuku said something out loud.
“N-no! Don’t worr—” A rough, maybe a tad bit too loud of a bark cut Izuku off when he heard the familiar insult of “DEKU!” from the distance.
“Oh god, what does Bakugo want?” Izuku simply shrugged. Nobody really knows what Bakugo wants anymore. Is it validation? Pride? A sense of superiority?
Nobody, not even Izuku’s demon, could make out what he wanted by his little prompt speech about not owing Izuku a dime of gratefulness. With his whole act of calling Izuku a “quirkless failure who wouldn’t cut out to be a shitty rent-a-cop, even if he tried.”
Furthermore, how dare the blonde-haired boy think that Izuku was looking down on him. He first calls Izuku a “weakling” after all he had done, then accuses him that “he did nothing to help,” and then decided to strut off like the moody teenager he is.
(But what if you were mistaken to think he was moody?)
When passing maybe two, perhaps three corners of rows with houses lined down the sides of the passageways, with boxed in backyards and the sun starting to lay its weary head down for a long desolate nap, Izuku was once again setting his mind straight and into autopilot.
“Hey Izuku?” You were asking the questions and he was answering back with his answers. Usually, you either stayed quiet or screamed at anybody (besides his mom) who dared to touch his precious face, so if he was guessing why you were asking him a question; it was because you were asking him an ‘important’ question (or so you labelled them to be important, because they seriously aren’t).
“Y-Yes (Y/n)?”
And of course, Izuku isn’t clairvoyant, so how would he know that your upcoming question was “what were the colours of the sky?” since your quite forgetful at times.
What? Why were you asking that question again? He’s told you a couple times before “there’s only one colour of the sky, its blue” but knowing you and your airheaded attitude, he has to stay patient. With your small nod to his answer, you seemed satisfied with the small talk until—
“I AM HERE!” Booms behind the green-haired boy (unexpectedly).
If it wasn’t for puberty, then Izuku could’ve lost his voice by the singlehanded scream of “ALL MIGHT! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!”
(And what’s the point of saying “I stand for justice!” when you can’t stand up in your hero form for five minutes before spewing blood from your mouth?)
All joking aside, when the pro-hero stood in front of Izuku in his rawest form, he had a statement to say for the green-haired boy.
“Young man, I came here to thank you and discuss your question.” What? All Might was giving up his time and energy to speak to him? A quirkless nobody?
Well…colour his demon’s pointed look at the worn-down man, in the richest colours of a rainbow. What does this pro-hero want with Izuku? .
“If you hadn’t told me about your life or had run into that fight, then I would have been a worthless bystander.” With the movement of his face allowing the thin-skinned cheek muscles to stretch his lips up to his onyx encircled blue eyes, All Might had presented the most sincerely painful smile he could muster in this small snippet of time.
Though, not surprisingly enough, this caught Izuku off guard. His expression paling as he frantically waved his hands about and only managing to utter the words of “N-no! No! It was my fault to begin with! If I hadn’t wasted your time and made you drop the villain t-then--!”
All Might cutting Izuku off mid-sentence was like a miracle out of the ninth circle of hell for (Y/n).
“I’m not done talking,” Hushing the 14 year old, All Might had continued his statement from earlier, “You told me you were powerless, so when I was standing in the crowd—watching this timid, quirkless kid rush into danger.”
The pro-hero paused in trying to find the right words.
“That inspired me to act as well.”
With a hand on his heart, the moment was truly overwhelming for Izuku.
All Might had poofed back into his hero form as soon as the sent his exclamation out to the world.
The revelation of what the hero had unveiled to both the green-haired boy and his red demon was very confusing to process.
(And when did heroes become so self-righteous? Like jeez, calm down on that ego of yours All Might!)
@glitterfreezed, @izukubabe​, @sweater-weather-seven, @nyanyabisjjj, @quietlegends, @dragonsdreamoffire​, @candybabey​, @honeylavender13​​
All content and art used within this story belongs to their respective owners. PLAGARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Art credits: Dorki-C and @glitterfreezed​
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writers-blogck · 4 years
BNHA Imagines - MAIN 01
                           Meeting for the First Time 
Izuku Midoriya:
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   How you met Izuku for the first time was not the first time you had seen him. He had never seen you before the day you stood in front of the entire class though. He had never seen you before but you had already memorized his face by then. Pictures of him and his classmates filled the screen when your brother would talk to you about your mission. The clip of the boy fighting the sludge monster would play over and over, his brave act immortalized in codes of ones and zeroes. 
       Study his movements, your brother would say, learn what you can. Your older brother was none other than Shigaraki, the self-proclaimed leader of the League of Villains. Shigaraki would make you watch those videos because he thought you would grow to hate him. You would never admit it but the videos did the opposite. He was such a hero, bravery running through his veins like blood. Dreams filled your mind of him saving you from the League and taking you far away. You weren't made to be a villain, you hated to see the fear in people's faces before you used your quirk on them.    Your older brother raised you to use your quirks on others your entire life. Like your brother, your five fingertips must be touching the person for it to work but you didn't disintegrate them. Instead, you rummaged through their brain and made them forget memories. On the rare occasion when you used your quirk at full power, you could manipulate memories instead of simply making the person forget. It wouldn't be as bad if that was it but your quirk came with a drawback. Any memories that you erased were instead placed in your mind. You had memories of a father who you had to take away the memories of his precious baby girl. You often erased memories so people forgot they ever saw the Leauge, giving you the memories of the torture they had endured. Your mind was filled with more memories of others than it was of your own.    As you stood at the front of class 1-A, your eyes couldn't help but drift to the green eyes you had only ever seen through a screen. The smile that he gave you made your heartbreak. He didn't know why you were here. He didn't know you were a spy for Shigaraki. If he did, he wouldn't be smiling at you like that. You wanted his smile to be real but you knew it would be gone if he knew the real you. He would only ever come to know this fake presented to him.
Bakugo Katsuki:
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   When the first assessment was done, you were not excited. You had been placed in U.A. by recommendation from Ms.Joke and you were sure she had pulled some strings to get you in 1-A. She knew how powerful your quirk actually was and how you could become a great pro-hero with some training. The issue was that your quirk didn't help with any test given to you. Your basic skills and dexterity allowed you to do well for someone who didn't wasn't using their quirk. You burned with shame at the mutterings of the boy who had gotten third, Bakugo Katsuki.    "She didn't even use her quirk at all," He spoke to the red-haired boy who you hadn't learned the name of yet, "How did she even make it into 1-A, to begin with? I bet her parents paid for her way in, she didn't make it through the exams. She couldn't have."    Anger bubbled within you, hands clenched by your side. How dare he say that? It wasn't true that you hadn't used your quirk during the tests but that meant nothing. He should just keep his dumb spikey hair out of everyone's business. Why did he think he had the right to judge everyone? You had heard him talking bad about Deku earlier and now he was messing with you? Deku may not stand up for himself but you sure as hell wouldn't let yourself be walked over.    Your eyes met with Aizawa's, a look was shared between the two of you. Ms.Joke had informed him about you and your quirk, which may be why he was going easy on you with the chiding during the assessment. He understood that all of these tests weren't made for a quirk like yours. The man looked over at Bakugo before looking back at you, giving you a slight nod. That was enough for you to march up to the boy who turned his fiery gaze on you.    "You really should just shut up about other people," You growled out, not flinching at the sneer on his lips.    "And why should I? I'm the best so I'm allowed to judge sidekicks and extras like you."    "The best? Well, I don't think the best would have gotten third."    The class slowly went silent as the tension built up between the two of you, but Aizawa stayed back. The boy took a threatening step towards you, standing up taller to try to tower over you. Yet you didn't move as you kept your gaze locked on his. You weren't going to back down from this, you had to make your point obvious.    "You better watch your mouth."    "Or what? Gonna blow me up with those sweaty hands of yours?"    The growl that came out of him signaled that you may not have done the best thing, but you weren't going to back down. You would just prove that he was right if you did. When your gaze didn't waver, he brought his hand up with a smug grin. This would surely make you realize how weak you were. A few loud explosions popped by your face though it wasn't close enough to hit. He wanted to scare you but you had other plans.    Your hand shot up and grabbed your wrist tightly. A burning pain shot down your arm as the explosions hit your skin but you didn't flinch. Pain had been a part of your life ever since you were born. It would be hard for it not to due to your quirk. With a simple use of your quirk, the boy backed away with a groan of pain. The hand that had done the exploding shot to grasp his other hand in pain. When his red eyes met yours again, you flexed your uninjured hand with a triumphant smirk.    "Wound transfer, it isn't just for healing you know."
Todoroki Shouto:
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   Neither of you remembered the first time the two of you met. You both believed that you had never seen each other before the first time in class 1-A, but Aizawa knew the truth. He could remember in the past when he had to take you to one of his meetings. He tried to keep you out of the hero's world but when your parents both died and left you with your uncle, he had no chose at some moments. He wasn't going to leave you alone.    This meeting just so happened to be where Endeavor had brought his youngest son, Shouto, as well. The little boy was polite, too polite. Aizawa could tell Endeavor didn't raise the boy correctly. When Aizawa chided the man, he was left with a threat to Endeavor that if he ever dared to try anything with you, he would be left a puddle of goo.    Out of the two of you, you were the most outgoing and confident one. Your parents had raised you to try to be the best and you planned on trying your best in everything that you did. This included making friends. Your chubby hand held onto Todoroki's as you led him to the playground while the adults kept talking. You had been here a lot but it was obvious even to your tiny brain that it wasn't normal for Todoroki.    The two of you played together, mainly consisting of you dragging Shouto to do something and teaching him about it. Even when you scraped your knee, you just got back up and went to playing. Such a simple action and yet he would hold onto it for years to come. You got hurt but that didn't make you stop. You kept going despite the pain. He would remember it subconsciously for the rest of his life.    When both of you were thoroughly tired, you hunkered down behind the rock climbing wall in the shade. Two children, so different yet so close for just that day. Shouto in proper clothes with the timidness of a mouse next to you in your dirty clothes who wanted to be friends with any stranger you saw. The two of you would end up being raised very differently and when you reached high school, the two of you would both be completely different from the kids that were on that playground that day.      "Do you think I can be a hero? Mommy doesn't like my fireside. She says it is too much like my dad," Shouto spoke quietly as he looked up at the blue sky.    "Anyone can be a hero! You will make a super cool hero!"    Ten years later, you would meet again and both be on the way to fulfilling that promise.
Kirishima Ejiro:
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   Your mother called you special and unique but you just thought you were broken. All the students at your school pushed you around with your quirks, knowing that you couldn't do anything to them. You were one of the rare quirkless people. A kid who would amount to nothing in their life. Why would someone hire you when someone with a quirk could do it so much better? On the worst days, they would tell you that you weren't worth living. Most of the time it didn't bother you but there were the few days where it hit hard.    "Maybe you could be professional bait!" One of the boys said, shoving you roughly.  All you did was keep walking, ignoring all of the tauntings that they tossed in your direction. It wasn't like you hadn't heard them all before. They may be mean but they weren't the sharpest in the toolshed. Not very creative either but man, did they know how to use their quirks.    Holding your notebook closer to your chest, you sped up your pace. All you needed to do was get home and then you would be safe from all of this. You tried to focus on the steps you were taking and just getting home but those thoughts were quickly shattered when the tallest boy grabbed you by your forearm. He roughly spun you around to face him, fire in his eyes.    "You should look at someone when they are talking to you." The hold on your upper arm began to vibrate, the boy threatening to use his quirk on you. It wouldn't be the first time. His quirk allowed him to speed up his movements and he had learned that if he did it while holding someone's arm, the victim would receive a rather harsh rug burn. It hurt like hell but you couldn't do anything to fight back or your father would get angry. He was the police chief and said that any fight you got into, whether defensive or not, would look bad on his part.    As you opened your mouth to speak, the boy instead was shoved away. A red-headed boy had marched over while you were lost in your thoughts, eyes narrowed and fists raised. What caught your eyes the most was his uniform. It was the unmistakable outfit of the U.A., this boy was training to be a hero! It seemed like your bullies had noticed the uniform as well due to the steps that they took back. You couldn't help but let your heart swell with the tall boy in front of you. This was the first time anyone had stepped in.    "Hey, it isn't a very manly thing to mess with a girl!" He said with a raised voice, giving you the first glance of his sharp teeth.    With a grumble and mumbling, the boys simply shot you a dirty look before walking off. That had been the first time they left you alone without there being injuries on your body. You thought they weren't scared of anything but they scurried off when the red-head scolded them. You wanted to thank him but the words got stuck in your throat when he turned to face you for the first time.    His head was ridiculously spiked up, shooting up as if trying to touch the sky. His eyes were the same color of his hair, red with hints of brown. You knew it had to be rare for the same color of his hair to be his eyes. Perhaps he dyed his hair...Yet your eyes couldn't leave his face. His grin put the sun to shame and his eyes sparkled with happiness that you didn't even know existed. Time stood still just like a movie. You could almost hear the romantic music starting as the camera began to zoom in. Your fantasies were interrupted when he began to speak.    "Want me to walk you home?"    This boy was going to be the death of you.
Kaminari Denki:
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   No one ever believed you when you told them what your quirk was. It didn't show up physically like many other quirks but you still managed to get into 1-A. Even when your quirk was in use, some people still wouldn't notice it until you explained it to them. You didn't blame them, luck never seemed like it could be a quirk. How could it be when it wasn't even an action? It was fate that decided that kind of stuff. A quirk couldn't change the actions of others, yet, yours did. How it happened, you weren't sure but you knew it was there.    In your life, you had been in many unlucky situations before. A car speeding past a red light, a man trying to push you onto the train's tracks, and dropping a pot of boiling water had all happened to you. Your quirk had saved you each time; the car missed you by an inch, your bag's straps stuck on one of the poles which kept you from falling, and the pot landed perfectly so none of the water spilled out. At first, you thought you were just a lucky person but when you went to the doctor's, they informed you that it was due to your quirk. It was a rare strand of quirk, one that had a single user before generation. You knew it was that rarity that got you into class 1-A.    Everything and everyone around you seemed so much stronger and deserved more than you. You hadn't even wanted to be here, the idea of being a hero didn't interest you. Yet, everyone had told you how selfish you were being if you didn't pursue a career as a hero. A waste of a quirk. That was the only reason you were here, so they would stop telling you that. Maybe you would learn to either accept it or perhaps even want to be a hero as time passed. But for now, you would simply be getting by. This was school, that was it.    You were walking into the lunchroom, a few minutes late due to Aizawa needing to ask you a few questions. You had not expected a fight to break out just as you were walking in. It was too hard to hear what they were yelling about but it soon devolved into physical violence, the main two attacking each other but the students around them were getting pulled into it as they were shoved around. One girl was shoved back, the tray she had her food on flying into the air. Instinctively, you pulled your hands up to cover your face. The food was thrown in your direction and many of the other students around you copied your actions.    Two hands gripped your shoulders and shoved you back just a few steps, though they kept their hold on you to keep you from falling. Your eyes fluttered open to be greeted with the most bright blonde hair you had ever seen. Slowly, your eyes moved down to see the dopiest grin but quickly your attention was drawn to the rice that was covering the boy.    "Man, this isn't how I thought today would go," A laugh flipped past his lips as casually as if there wasn't anything strange about this situation, "But at least I got to help a cute girl!"
Tenya Iida:
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   You and Iida had known each other for as long as you had lived. Your parents worked with his and since you both were born only months apart, the two of you often played together in the daycare set up at the building. Since most of the other heroes didn't have any children, it wasn't rare for it to simply be the two of you to be the only kids in that daycare. But neither of you cared since you always had each other. This type of mindset only continued until you reached the teenage years. Somehow both of you made it into U.A., as well as both being in 1-A. It seemed like a miracle!    The two of you were walking next to each other on the first day, each with very different reactions. Iida was rather anxious and overthinking everything like he always did while you had a simple smile on your face. Your personalities were complete opposites. He thought plans over too much while you simply jumped into things without having a plan. You both kept each other balanced perfectly.    "Iida, just calm down. We already are in the top class rank, everything should be easy, breezy, and beautiful from here on out." You spoke as you walked, hands clasped behind your back.    "That most definitely isn't the truth. Because we are in the top class, we need to try our hardest to be the best. We will be up against all of those others who did just as well as us. We need to make sure that we keep up with them. If we fall behind, people will look down on us." You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his words. Yet, you kept your mouth shut, you knew how he could get. Your mind just simply didn't work as his did,  you learned to try your best to understand and relate to his words.    "Well, we can work that hard together. We got here for a reason which means we are good enough to be here. We will be just as good when we are in class." You shoved his side gently, a kind smile on your face. The boy simply shook his head at your words, going off on another tangent. This was normal and you wouldn't want it any other way. His mind may move as fast as his legs but that was just how he was. He accepted how you were, which meant it was only fair for you to accept him as well.
Tokoyami Fumikage:
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   The first time you saw Tokoyami was at the Sport's Festival. His power was amazing! It was nothing like you had seen before and your mind swarmed with questions. His quirk was so different. It wasn't a power, it was more like another person! Would your own quirk work on it? Or would it work with just the boy himself? These questions pushed you to find him after his match. Sure, he lost but that didn't mean anything. Everyone but one person was going to lose so in your mind, he should just be proud that he made it so far!    When you found him, he was alone in one of the hallways with his head in his hands. He didn't look upset, no, that wasn't it. It looked more like he had a headache or something. Perhaps that was why he was here instead of back up in the bleachers. Either way, it didn't matter to you. While you didn't want to bother him if he wasn't feeling good, you knew that this was your one chance. Being in General Studies meant you didn't see the people of 1-A that much.    "Excuse me," You spoke softly which caused him to look up, red eyes slightly narrowed as he took in your appearance, "I'm sorry if I bothered you. I just wanted to congratulate you! You were so cool! I've never seen a quirk like yours! It is no surprise that you're in class 1-A!"    It took the boy a second to take everything in. The two of you must have looked strange next to each other due to him having a rather dark aesthetic while you were much more like Uraraka with your choice of fashion. You preferred lighter colors or just colors in general. You felt like you were bored or sad when you just wore black or white. You always tried to have some color in your outfits.    "Thank you..." His voice was deep and quiet, though that wasn't shocking. It fit his appearance so well.    "I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions...If you'd like, we can go up and watch the rest of the festival together!" Your smile made his heart skip, both in how uncomfortable he was and how flustered he was. He wasn't used to people like you speaking to him. Normally people left him alone, saying he looked too intimidating to approach.    He had planned to say no when Dark Shadow grumbled in his head. Of course, Dark Shadow didn't want to be near you. Perhaps that was why he ended up agreeing with your offer and following you back up to the bleachers. He had no idea that he would actually enjoy being around you. His dark heart seemed to crack a bit, allowing just enough light in for him to be able to deal with being around you.
Uraraka Ochaco:
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   The first time you met, your attention wasn't on her. The trio had been walking down the sidewalk when someone in a middle school uniform seemed to just appear out of nowhere. One moment there was no one in front of them and then a blur of a person appeared. Deku and Uraraka seemed to be taken aback but Iida stayed in his spot. His sharp eyebrows narrowed as he stared at the newcomer. If Uraraka had to guess, this person could only be a year or two under the rest of the group. Most likely a year, perhaps with some change. The girl was brought out of her thoughts as the person began to speak almost as fast as they seemed to appear.    "Tenya! How was your first day? Mine was good but I know it must be nothing when compared to yours. I mean, you are attending U.A! I can't believe it, well I can, but I still am super excited! I knew you would make it, you're really smart. Though sometimes you can be too strict and follow the rules too much...Anyway, how was your day? I want to know it all! Oh, who are these people?"    "(Y/N)..." Iida grumbled softly under his breath, obviously annoyed by your actions. He had gotten used to his    "We're his friends...We met him today," Deku offered as Iida seemed to collect himself. Who was this person? How did they know Iida? It shouldn't be hard to figure it out, yet Deku Uraraka's minds were spinning with the greeting.    "Friends?! Oh, that's awesome! I was really worried he wouldn't make friends just because he can be so strict and serious all the time. He really is cool once you get passed all his guidelines and boring rants. He's my big brother, by the way. I'm (Y/N), youngest of the Iida family. I tend to be kept out of most of the press stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if you never heard of me. Our eldest brother is the one most people know about."    "Strangely though, as the youngest, they seem to have the most extreme strand of our quirk." Iida explained, letting out a breath before looking back over to you, "Have you eaten yet? Since you got off school?"    The two were confused by his words. Since you had gotten off school? Almost all of the schools in the area only got off less than ten minutes ago. If he had said all day or since lunch, that would make more sense. Instead, he specified since leaving school. Uraraka's eyes scanned you, taking in your rather thin yet toned appearance. Did you have an illness? Anorexic? She would hate to assume and end up offending either you or Iida. She never wanted to unintentionally hurt someone.    "No...I was just planning on waiting until I got back home."    The duo watched as Iida rummaged in his school bag for a few moments before finding the object of his desire. A granola bar? Iida must be the overprotective type if he was that worried about getting you something to eat. Uraraka didn't understand why you couldn't wait until you got home to eat. She did that a lot and even then, she skipped some meals due to money issues. She knew personally people can go a while without eating. Still, Iida handed you the bar which you gratefully began to unwrap.    "Is she alright?" Deku asked softly, hoping the words only were heard by Iida.    "Yes, now she is. As I stated, they seem to have gotten an almost overabundance of whatever gene gives us our speed. They don't have the same leg formations as myself or my brother, instead, it seems that their engine, if you would like to use that word, resides somewhere inside of them. They are unable to stop moving without being in discomfort. Due to this, they lose a lot of energy and need to be refueling most of the day. Think of a Hummingbird and their wings. Any bird works. They need to eat more."    For the first time, Uraraka noticed that even as you were standing, your right leg was bouncing up and down at an extreme speed.    "Come now, let's get home. I'll see you two tomorrow." With a curt nod, Iida nudged you in the direction of home. Your eyes quickly went from him back to his friends, waving happily before turning back around and beginning a new conversation with your brother. The two left behind were still dazed from the strange encounter but both shared one thought. They would like to meet you again.  It didn't hurt that you were pretty cute too.
Mina Ashido:
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   Living with one of the top heroes wasn't as hard as some people would believe. Being related to one was an entirely different story. It wasn't hard to deduce who your brother was with the white wings extending from your back. You wished it wasn't so obvious. It was annoying how often you were stopped on the streets for someone to end up just asking who your brother was. No matter what you did, you lived in Hawks shadow. Sure you were younger but it would be nice for someone to try to get to know you for you and not just to get close to your brother. So many teen girls had tried that. Luckily, you learned how to sniff them out after the first two times.    What no one ever acknowledged was that you were an up and coming hero yourself. Even though you were still a teenager yourself going to highschool, you had made a name for yourself as a hero named Angel. The name hadn't been your idea, the media named the mysterious vigilante that without knowing who they were. Unlike your brother, your wings were able to retract into your back; the only hint they had been there in the first place was the two long scars on your shoulder blades. This allowed you to go to school as (Y/N) during the day and fight crime as Angel at night.    Walking back to the apartment you shared with your brother, your wings sagged. It had been a tough fight tonight and your left-wing had gotten torn up pretty badly. Nothing time and bandages wouldn't fix. Hawks wouldn't be home since he was on patrol tonight so you would be able to deal with the wounds without interruption. You kept on a tight schedule, only allowing yourself to go out at night when you knew Hawks wouldn't be home to notice you missing.    "Oh my God! It's the Angel!"    Your wings instinctively puffed out causing a sharp and hot pain to shoot down to the tips of your fingers. Hands gripping the two daggers you used, you turned to see who had just noticed you. Another villain? It didn't sound like it but one could never be sure these days. You had heard of a villain named Toga who looked like nothing more than a cute young girl. Looks deceived and you had learned that early on.    "What do you want?" You growled out, attempting to sound in power. You wanted villains to fear you but with the body of a teenager, it was hard. Instead of some street thug or villain, a girl with pink skin stood under a street light. Her eyes stood out to you with dots of yellow in a black sea. She definitely wouldn't be able to hide with an alter ego when she looked like that. Your eyes took in her uniform, a U.A. one. One to the school Hawks had made you apply to just a few weeks ago. He got a strong interest in your attendance, even giving a recommendation. He didn't care when the school year started so why now? You were beginning to wonder if you weren't keeping your night escapades as secret as you thought.    "Whoa, whoa! Sorry, I don't mean any harm or anything! I just was taken aback to see you, I mean, you seem like a myth with how the papers are telling the story." Her voice hinted to no violence, allowing you to sheath your weapons once again. Your wings pulled back and while one was able to return inside of you, the other was limp and extended.    "Are you hurt?" She asked softly, taking a few steps to get a closer look at you. With your mask on, you knew she wouldn't be able to know who you were and yet you couldn't help but flinch ever so slightly. She must have noticed this because she stopped when there was just a few feet in between the two of you, not coming any closer.    "Let me walk you home at least. I promise I won't tell anyone, hero's promise. Well, a hero in training at least." When you looked back at that moment, you knew the only reason you agreed was due to the flutter her smile brought to your stomach.
Tsuyu Asui:
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   How had Tsuyu gotten herself into this predicament? She was back in her dorm room with what looked like a squirrel person. They had a large bushy tail and cute ears but it wasn't only in the look that they resembled squirrels. When she had seen them initially, she had witnessed them climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch without any issues.    The girl had meant to go for a simple walk through the forest, that was all it was supposed to be. It was not supposed to end with her taking in some feral person because some villains were messing with them. She could have just helped and left it at that. Yet, with those eyes, she couldn't seem to leave them there. Something seemed wrong with them like they weren't used to how the world worked.    "So, can you speak Japanese? Or anything really?" Tsuyu asked, catching their attention from the ribbon they had been toying with. All she got back was a vacant stare and a tilt of the head. Of course, they couldn't speak or write, this just had to be even harder. What was she going to do? She couldn't just hide an entire person in her room forever. Yet, what were the other options? She couldn't just take them back to the forest, it was dangerous. That man could be out there still.    "Great..." She set her head in her hands, trying to keep the stress from getting to her too much.    "Great!" They repeated with a large smile. Tsuyu knew they didn't understand the language but at least it seemed like there would be the promise of teaching them it. Tsuyu had never been good at teaching but this couldn't be that hard, right? She just had to get some baby books to start with. They could go from there about other stuff. Maybe they knew more than they could let on.    "Oh...." She groaned as she leaned back, "I wonder how long until Aizawa figures out what I did."
Jiro Kyoka:
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   The first day of school, stressful as always. You hated trying to find your way around a new school and it was only increased when that school was U.A.! Upperclassmen were so much more threatening then they had been in any of your past school experience. They all were training to be heroes in one way or another. It was intimidating and a bit flustering at the same time. One boy had phased out of his clothes when he went through a wall halfway to talk to someone on the other side. You had no expected to see someone naked on your first day!    Lunch always was the worst. During class, you were placed in a seat and didn't have to pick anything. Luckily you had made friends with a boy in your class, 1-B. No one seemed to be that trustful of him due to his quirk which they labeled as dangerous and villainous. Shinso walked with you    "So, where are we going to sit?" His voice brought you out of your thoughts, the loud chattering on the cafeteria coming back to your ears. You nodded and began to walk, knowing the boy was following behind you. He was letting you pick...Why did he have to let you pick?! Your eyes scanned the large crowds, not sure where to sit. How could so many people go to one school and eat all at one time? This seemed to be a bad plan in case of an emergency.    Some of your classmates were sitting together but you noticed there were no seats left. There were a few tables with one spot left but you didn't want to separate from your purple friend. He was the only person you had talked to. If you lost him, then you truly would know no one that you sat with. Your hands tightened on your tray as panic set in. You hated having to choose...Just as your chest began to feel like it was being tightened in a vice, a voice like an angel rang out.    "Hey, need a place to sit?" It was a girl with short purple hair, darker than Shinso's. It bordered almost on black but next to the bird boy she was sitting by, it was easier to see the difference. It took you no less than three seconds to thank her and sit down. Shinso simply sat down next to you with that tired look on his face. You were surrounded by what you would call goth kids but you wouldn't ask for anything else. This was a miracle in your eyes, even if you didn't seem to fit into the group's aesthetic.
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petri808 · 4 years
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This fic was created for the MIDORIYA IZUKU: TROUBLE AT ANY AGE (BKDK Birthday Exchange 2020) as a gift to @kacchansass​ 7/15/20 
As Katsuki stands, leaning against the doorframe, he simply watches his boyfriend staring forward mindlessly while drinking his morning coffee.  He frowns, their adult years hadn’t been kind to Izuku, and it broke him to see how far the man had fallen.  Sure, they were both at the top ranks as far as hero work was concerned, but that’s where it ended.  For 20 years their only acknowledgments had been in passing on the job, and when he thought about those moments, it brought a sinking feeling in his soul.  
He blamed himself for Izuku’s fall.  Gone was the eternal optimist with a smile that could blind any in its wake.  The happy, bubbly man he’d grown up with, who’d weathered so much… had simply hit his breaking point.  
But he didn’t know!  
Sure, they’d had a rather nasty fight after graduation, but he genuinely thought Izuku happily moved on, getting married to gravity girl, and moving up the ranks like they’d dreamed of.  If anything, he thought he was the one who’d failed miserably.  Relationships never worked out in his favor, and eventually they were just sexual partners that satiated his libido…. But never his heart.
No.  No one could fill that void except the one person he was too afraid to admit held his heart in their hands.  Gah!  He’d been such an idiot in his youth!  Katsuki didn’t believe in such things as soulmates, but there was no question about it that Izuku was his, and always had been.  The one person who knew him, saw through him at every step of their lives… and he threw it all away with that fight.  Hell, he couldn’t even remember what it was about, such a stupid thing.  But it had broken the proverbial camel’s back.
He squeezes his eyes shut for a second as Izuku’s words haunt him.  ‘I’m done Katsuki!’  The use of his surname instead of his nickname was like a dagger driven straight through his chest.  The 20-year-old knew immediately he’d screwed up big time, but his pride wouldn’t let him admit it, rather screaming good riddance, that he’d never wanted to be friends in the first place….      
Till about 5 years ago when he’d learned of Izuku’s failed marriage.  That’s when he’d decided to make the plunge and reach out to his old friend.  Time and age had mellowed him or maybe beat him into toning down his anger issues.  His friend needed him, and for the first time, Katsuki gathered the strength to do something about it.  He’d braced himself to be turned away, who could blame the man if he did, but instead, Izuku let him back into his life.
“Good morning babe,” Katsuki kisses Izuku on the top of his head.  “You’re up early for a day off.”  
“Good morning Kacchan.”  He smiles with tired eyes, “it’s just a habit now.  Strange the agency told me to take a day off today.”
The blonde chuckles, “I still remember when you hated mornings.”
Izuku’s eyes widen slightly, “you remember that?”
Katsuki sets his own cup of coffee down and sits across from his boyfriend.  He takes the man’s hand in his own, rubbing his thumb against the webbing, “I remember a lot of things.”
That brings a slight flush to Izuku’s cheeks.  “What about you, you’re off today too?”
“Yeah,” Katsuki nods.  “I have a confession to make, I was the one who told the agency to give us the day off.”
His head tilts in confusion. “But why?”
“Get dressed casual, and you’ll see.”
For the first leg of the journey they travel by commuter train.  At first Izuku has no idea where they are going, but eventually the scenery grows familiar.  He questions Katsuki who merely smiles and says it’s a surprise.  Oh, that only makes the man more anxious.  What had gotten into his boyfriend today for all this rouse to be necessary?  The whole getting them out of work and now travelling to an unknown destination was out of character.  What was the blonde up to?
They exit the station and it’s evident that they’ve returned to their childhood neighborhood. “Are we visiting our parents?”
Katsuki shakes his head and points towards the nearby river where they would often play in their elementary days.  The area had changed some in the last 37 years, the brush looked a bit denser, and the trees taller than he remembered them.  Izuku looks up at his boyfriend confused, knowing it was a place that held a not so fond memory for the man.  
But without another word, the blonde kisses their conjoined hands and starts to pull them in that direction.  He searches for the now hidden path, and after a few moments finds it.  They walk along the dirt, pushing aside brush that falls in their way until they reach the riverbed below.  Did the area shrink?  Izuku muses.  Guess it looks different when you’re a child.  
“Do you remember this place?” Katsuki questions quietly.
“Yeah,” Izuku frowns, “but why are we here.” He’d spent the better part of his adult life trying unsuccessfully to stop thinking about the old days.
“That day in the river when I’d fallen…” the blonde looks up and away as if reliving the point in time.  “The day I got so angry at you for making me feel weak.  It was after that moment that I'd started to really treat you like shit and pushed you away.”
Izuku looks down.  Of course, he remembered everything.  All he’d wanted to do was help his friend. Because that’s what friends do and he thought that’s what they were... friends, at least before the quirk came in.  But even after Katsuki slapped his hand away, he still continued to try.  It wasn’t just because he believed in being a hero, but because Katsuki meant something to him.  He frowns, “Why do you bring this up again?”
“Because,” Katsuki pulls the man into a hug, cradling his face against his chest.  “No matter that I’ve apologized or that you’ve forgiven me…. I haven’t forgiven myself yet because I know this still hurts you,” he lifts Izuku’s chin to look into his eyes, “and it kills me that I could have prevented all the pain later on.”
“Kacchan, not this again,” he sighs.  How many times did they have to have this discussion?  All he wanted to do was think about the present and future.  Katsuki had made great strides in making up for the past and he just wanted the man to realize he’d forgiven him for it all.  They didn’t need to keep stirring it back up again.  “You’re not at fault for what happened after our fight.”
“Yes, I am.” He disregards Izuku’s words because despite being told differently, it didn’t feel like it was no longer an issue.  Katsuki sensed that Izuku was just trying to bury it away which wasn’t the right answer.  “I accept it, and all I can do is continue to make up for it.”  He places a kiss on Izuku's lips.  “Come on, there’s still a few more stops to make and the next one isn’t far.”
They walk to the next location which is near their old middle school campus.  Izuku’s confusion continues, it was just another street, one they would often use to get home after school.  Seeing the look on his boyfriends face, Katsuki chuckles and squeezes their conjoined hands, “this one stumps you?  I’m surprised considering it led to your biggest turning point as a hero.”  Katsuki stops them in front of an alleyway.  “Think about it nerd.  I know that brain of yours will remember.”
But just looking at the non-descript side road wasn’t immediately triggering any memories.  Izuku stares ahead, flipping through mental images in his mind of middle school.  His brows furrowed in concentration.  It does seem familiar somehow….  Turning point as a hero….  After several silent minutes.  “The sludge villain…” his voice wisps out.  
“Aye, the bravery that caught All Might’s attention and solidified my anger towards you.”  He sighs, “At first I was just angry because you were trying to help me again.  Then the hate kicked in when I found out All Might took you under his wing.”  Katsuki hangs his head, “Gah!  I was so jealous of you!  All my life working so hard to be like him and then here you come along with a similar power of that man out of thin air.  I waspissed trying to figure it out.  I even thought you’d been hiding your quirk from me all along, which made me even angrier….  At least that's what I told myself for years.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was jealous true, but I now realize I was angry because you may have been hiding it from me.  I treated you horribly and yet felt betrayed that would keep a quirk from me.  Deep down I also wanted you as my friend, maybe needed you as a friend but refused to admit it.  All those years of deluding myself…”
“But I do feel bad about that!  As soon as All Might made the offer, my first thoughts were I want to tell Kacchan, but he made me swear never to tell anyone.  All I ever really wanted was your approval and I thought if I finally had a quirk you would treat me better.” Izuku frowns, “but instead when you found out, you lashed out even more.”
Ouch.  A pang of spiritual pain shoots through Katsuki’s heart at the confession.  He knew it was true, but to be said aloud hurt.
“Even then I convinced myself, it wasn’t about the quirk.  Maybe I just needed to prove to you that I was worthy of your attention, so it drove me harder to train.”  
Katsuki’s eyes squeeze shut as the tears threaten to make an entrance.  “Which made me look at you even more as a rival.”  He pauses, then lets out an exhale.  “I was too blind to see that you were never a rival.”    
“Kacchan, please don’t be too hard on yourself.  It hurt, yes, but you helped me by pushing me to do better.  You’re the reason I got stronger.”  He almost wanted to snap about having such an emotional conversation in the middle of a public sidewalk.  They could have discussed all of this at home, what reason is it to go to the sites themselves if not to make the emotional toil more difficult.      
“But I shouldn’t have bullied you into it….”
Katsuki really seemed to want to drive these points home for him and frankly as much as he loved his boyfriend, he just wanted to move on.  But he knew getting angry wouldn’t help and so he bites back the frustration and lets out a long exhale to calm his adrenaline spike. “We can’t change the past.  We can only move forward.”
“I know, I know,” Katsuki sighs again, “and I’m trying.”
“I know you are…” Izuku pulls Katsuki’s face down to place a kiss.  “That’s all I ask for.”
“I really love you Deku.”
Izuku smiles, “I love you too, Kacchan.”
Katsuki looks at his watch.  “Oh! We need to get back to the train station.”
“Next is Nagano.”
Based on the trend of places they were visiting, there was only one reason Izuku could think of in Nagano, and that was the Beast’s Forest.  It was one of the worst moments in his life when he’d watched Katsuki being kidnapped and he was powerless to stop it.  ‘Because I’d been too weak…’ he groans in his head and leans back against the bench in the train.  He didn’t want Katsuki to see the turmoil brewing inside of him at revisiting this place, so he does his best to pretend to just look out the window.  
Seeing any of his friends hurt angered him, but when Katsuki disappeared into Mr. Compress’ marble, a part of him went with it.  They were like two sides of a coin and there just couldn’t be one without the other.  In fact, after their final fight, that’s why he just wasn’t the same Izuku anymore.  His partner was gone, and he was left alone… again.  Bless her heart but Uraraka tried her best to fill the void despite never knowing that’s what she was doing.  He cared about her and did his best to try and be a good husband, but it just wasn’t the same… it wasn’t love.
“We’re here.”
Izuku turns to look at Katsuki, then to the automated sign above the train doors.  Was he planning on taking them all the way into the forest, because that was still a distance away from the station?  It was already lunch time, but he followed along without questioning anything.  His boyfriend clearly had a plan of what he wanted to show him, and he knew none of this was easy on the man, so the least he could do was go along with it.  It surprises him when they end up at a café at the edge of town.
“Lunch,” the blonde answers as if reading his boyfriend's mind.
Oh good, because he was starving!  While Katsuki talks to the server to be seated, Izuku just takes in the area trying to put the negative thoughts aside.  It was a beautiful spot with an open-air patio.  For a sunny day like today, coupled with the light breeze funneling through, it was a pleasant place to be.  The server seats them near the railing where they would have the best view.  So, that’s what Katsuki was asking for.
Not only was the scenery nice, but the food at the café was delicious.  A spicy karaage chicken for Katsuki and a gyudon beef dish for Izuku.  They had apple manju for dessert, a local specialty according to the server and fresh matcha iced tea.  Just two guys in love on a date, it was wonderful.
“Do you recognize it?” Katsuki glances out over the landscape surrounding the town.  “It’s the edge of the Beast forest.”
“Oh…” there went the mood.
“I’m guessing you realize why I brought you here?”
“Yeah,” and he really didn’t want to go into it.
The blonde shifts from sitting across from his boyfriend to the chair next to the man and takes his hand.  “Did you ever wonder why I told you to stay back that day?”  Izuku shakes his hung head.  “You were already so banged up that when I saw you, it stopped my heart.  I couldn’t process those feelings, but it came out on instinct.  The league was there because of me.  Everyone, you, got hurt and the last thing I needed was any more pain inflicted on you because of me.”
Izuku continues to shake his head, “no, you're wrong!” he grits his teeth in a losing battle to hold back his anger.  “It wasn’t your fault!  None of that was your fault.  My injuries were because I couldn’t control my damn quirk back then.  If I’d been able to, the league wouldn’t have kidnapped you.  It’s my fault you got kidnapped, mine!”
Katsuki pulls his boyfriend into a bear hug.  “Stop it.  Idiot don’t take my failure onto yourself.  You always tried to protect me, but I’m the dumbass that never listened.  I resisted you time after time no matter how hard you tried, so that’s all on me.”
The smaller man goes silent for a time, processing everything being told to him, just allowing his boyfriend to hold him tight.  “You really meant…” he sniffles, “you did it to protect me?”
“I didn’t understand love back then, not even friendship.  I didn’t know that the weird feelings you would give me had a different meaning.  Now I do.” He runs his fingers through Izuku’s hair, soothing the man.  “My instincts to protect you always came from my heart Deku, even if I never showed it that way.”
Izuku hugs back, burying his face deeper into the taller man’s chest.  He’d always thought that the times Katsuki actually worked with him against a villain was purely for the sake of winning.  Even during the Nabu incident when they’d shared One for All, he didn’t think it was because he cared about him, just simply to beat the bad guy.  But now, after hearing all of this, maybe that had been the case after all.  “Thank you for telling me this, it makes me feel a lot better.”
“I’m sorry for bringing this all up,” Katsuki continues to soothe the man.  “And I know you keep saying you just want to move on, but I realized you needed to process your feelings once and for all to truly do so. Crazy, right, that I’m the one saying that?” He chuckles.  Izuku chuckles too.  “I’m gonna bring back your real smile Deku not this fake shit,” he lifts Izuku’s chin, “that’s a promise.  This is almost over, just one last stop and you’ll see it was all for a purpose.”
Izuku truly hoped so.  Katsuki may be right that he’s never let himself just process everything with a good crying session.  Ironic for the guy who would cry often while they were growing up.  But life had hardened him….  Guess that’s why his boyfriend was doing this now and he appreciated it.  It was nice to have that light bulb moment and know truly how much he was loved by Katsuki, that he would put himself back into these memories to help him heal.
By the time they arrived back in Shizuoka two hours later, Izuku was feeling a lot better.  “UA High School?” he questions.  It was a place they knew so well, with both good and bad memories.  Izuku even did a few stints as a guest teacher over the years, working with the up and coming students to foster the next generations of heroes.  It was a mission his younger self would have been happy to accomplish, but the fake smiles he’d have to sport always made him feel like a phony.
“Yup, it’s our last stop.”  It was mid-afternoon, but classes were still in session and the guards let them through without a problem.  As they walked through the campus, Izuku wondered what they were doing there?  Since it had barely changed in the last 20 years, it didn’t take him long to notice they were heading towards one of the training areas called Ground Beta.  Well, there was the answer.  The two men had fought twice here, once during training, and the second time when Katsuki had confronted him about One for All.
“You’re not looking for another match, are you?” Izuku jokingly teases his boyfriend.  “I’d rather not get detention again.”
Katsuki laughs, “stupid, of course not.  Bet I could still kick your ass though.”
“Maybe… or maybe not,” Izuku chuckles.  “But I’m always up for a sparring match, you know, out here, or in bed.”
“So, we can break the bed again?”  Katsuki wiggles his eyebrows.  “Cause that was fun.”
Damn it!  He could never win when it came to worded jabs.  Izuku’s ears burn and he feels the flush of his body at the memories of that night.  They’d both been tipsy to high heaven and lost control.  The repair bills for the singed walls and broken furniture were worth it though…  
“Hah!  You’re thinking about it!”
“Shut up,” Izuku turns away in embarrassment and changes the subject, “so what are we here for?”
“Twenty-five years ago, today we fought here the night I learned the truth about your quirk.”
“Wow, you remember the date?!”
He chuckles, “I had to do some digging and calculate it.”  But then Katsuki’s expression changes. “Do you remember what All Might tried to tell us after that fight?”  
Izuku shakes his head no.  Surprisingly he could remember a lot, but the moments after the fight he mainly remembers the pain Katsuki was in.  The blonde blamed himself for what happened to All Might and the symbol of peace assured him that wasn’t true.  He’d been surprised to see the blonde completely break down in tears, seeing it as such a rare event.    
“We each had what the other needed.  I thought the old man was crazy, but he was right.  We’re so different and yet every time we worked together; we were so much more capable than when apart.  I should have realized then that I needed you, and you needed me… well maybe more of I needed you.”
“That’s not true…” Izuku quietly interjects.  “We both needed each other, and you’re not the only one at fault for not realizing it sooner.  I’m just as guilty.”
Katsuki places his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders.  “No, I’m the only one to blame for wasting the last 20 years of our lives.  If I hadn’t been such a stubborn idiot, you would still have the bright smile you once wore, not this pained one.”  
“Kacchan, stop saying that you…”
He cuts him off.  “Let me finish, please.”  Izuku closes his mouth and Katsuki resumes.  “Did you know I hid in the back at your wedding to make sure you didn’t see me?  After our blowup, I refused to admit I’d been wrong, but deep down I knew it, and out of guilt I showed up to make sure you’d moved on and were happy.  When I saw you and bubble cheeks, I honestly thought you were cause you still smiled… not knowing you were just hiding the pain the whole time.”
As the memories flood back, Katsuki’s knees waver.  So many longing gazes and the sadness hidden behind a smile that didn’t shine like in their youth.  Izuku would sometimes wave and like a fool he’d turn his cheek to it.  He crouches down, sitting on his haunches, and holding his face in his hands.  “I should have seen it!  All the times we’d cross paths and you were still trying...  Ugh. I was such an idiot for not paying attention.”  He reaches up and takes Izuku’s hand, as one knee drops to the ground for balance.  “All that time you were waiting for me and I just didn’t see it.”
“Marry me, Izuku!”  He pulls out a ring from his pocket and holds it up.  “Marry me, so I can spend the rest of our lives making up for it.”
Izuku’s eyes mist over as the corners crinkle into a wide-brimmed smile, “Seriously?  Of course, yes!” He drops to his knees as Katsuki slides the ring onto his finger.  Tears trickle down his cheeks, “You make me so happy Kacchan.”    
“Now there’s that smile I’ve been waiting for,” the blonde smiles and caresses Izuku’s cheek wiping away the freshly falling tears.  He sweeps in for a kiss.  “I’m gonna do everything I can to keep it there.”
Izuku returns the kiss, then sighs sweetly as their lips part.  “I know it’ll only get better now that I have my partner back.”
“Life partners,” Katsuki chuckles and sweeps his fiancé up into his arms, “you are gonna take my last name, right?”
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Word Count: 3800+ (oneshot) 
Genre: Angst With A Hopeful Ending
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, All Might, Shigaraki Tomura, Midoriya Izuku (mentioned)
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki has always thought of himself as a force of nature: more than human, pure fire and fury, meant to burn stronger and brighter than anything else. He hadn't expected that the world would have so many ways to smother him instead.
Written for the @forceofnaturezine!
Warnings for panic attacks, suffocation, and self-hatred.
He is primal, explosive fire and thunderous sound, and he was never meant to be restrained. 
“You’ve been like that since the day you were born, you know that?” Katsuki had appreciated Mom’s gift of a punching bag for his room, but he could do without her strutting in unannounced while he was busy with it. “Kicking and fighting and being fuckin’ relentless.”
Sure, he knows. He hears the story all the time, usually around his birthday: about how he had given his mother hell right from in utero — no matter how much amusement Mom puts into the words, it’s still what’s being said — and then been born too early and had to struggle for weeks just to breathe on his own. 
Every year he gets older, the more details — the more memories of fear and preemptive grief — his parents let slip. He knows that it all adds up to one thing: if he weren’t the strongest, he wouldn’t be alive right now. 
Katsuki doesn’t think to so much as look over his shoulder at Mom in the doorway, just keeps dutifully pounding away at the bag. The sound of the tape on his fists against the thick fabric has even gotten into his dreams lately, and it doesn’t pause for an instant now. 
“You gotta take a break and cool down sooner or later. Look, it’s gotten dark, aren’t you even going to turn the light on?”
His fists are a blur in front of him. “Did you need something?”
“You need food, hero. Dinner’s ready, I made those fire noodles you like. Take a breath and come on.”
He grunts in response. Mom snickers, taking it as a yes, and he hears her footsteps going down the stairs. Right now he doesn’t feel he can stop his arms from moving any more than a normal human could stop a lava flow. And he doesn’t want them to stop moving; the burning in his muscles is pain and life and strength. But he knows that if he’s not down in five minutes it’ll mean a fight.
So with considerable effort, Katsuki does stop. There’s pins and needles from his fingertips to his shoulders. His heart still pounds like a racehorse’s, pulse in his ears. Sweat soaks his hair, his face, his workout shirt, and he can smell the traces of nitro in it. He closes his eyes — no darker there than in the room around him — and breathes it in, listening to the ringing in his ears. 
He guesses this is what peace feels like. Contented exhaustion, as his power is built and maintained. 
Katsuki takes a long, deep breath, and opens his eyes. 
He had never seen the Sludge Villain coming. It would take him several years to stop kicking himself for his lack of awareness. 
How dumb had he been, skating through elementary and middle school thinking he was stronger than anything? That he was enough? 
Katsuki has never known anything so disgusting in his life as the mass that engulfs him, not quite solid or liquid. It moves like viscera with a mind of its own, it feels hot and sticky like vomit, and it smells like he’s had his face shoved into raw sewage. 
This was the scenario he’d always fantasized about: having some villain pick a fight with him, underestimating him, and then absolutely blasting them away with a laugh and a wild grin. Impressing the heroes. Being a hero. 
But he can’t move, let alone use his Quirk. He can’t even breathe.
Oh, god, he can’t breathe. 
Katsuki tries. He’s struggling harder than he ever has in his life against the sludgy body forcing its way into his mouth and throat, his ears, and his nose. His blood is on fire, veins constricting and muscles fighting to spasm for lack of air. He’s sure that any second his heart will burst open. Muffled and distant, he can hear explosions, screams, and destruction in the villain’s wake.
Destruction. That’s what he and his Quirk are. Right now he wants to wield it more than anything, but to have it wrested from his hands and used like any common villain would...it makes him want to scream with sheer rage. 
(Terror as well, and helplessness — but those are the things he can never acknowledge himself capable of feeling, even in the grip of death.) 
His eyes feel like they’re about to burst like grapes from the pressure. His mind can no longer even race with thoughts of escape, it’s slowing, fogging up, as white tendrils snake in on the edges of his vision. He isn’t burning up anymore, he is simply sinking...fading, into death and into obscurity...
Even with his inner ears blocked up by sludge, that screeching voice manages to pierce straight through. 
His eyes slowly roll to the side, and he still can’t see very well. But he’d recognize that bug-eyed green blur scrambling towards him anywhere.
Someone like him should be running away from this monster, as far as those stupid red sneakers could carry him. Especially after everything Katsuki has done to him to push him away, to hurt him, Deku should not be the one charging full throttle to help him, heedless of the villain that could tear him apart from the inside out even faster than it was killing him —
Katsuki can’t even tell what he’s feeling when thick tendrils of sludge fire at Deku, or when they’re hit by a bellowing comet that breaks him free (it takes him a long, dazed few moments to recognize it as All Might, up close and personal). He’s crouched on the street, eyes wide and bloodshot, dripping in sweat and sludge. He isn’t not sure whether it’s disgust or horror or indignant fury that’s making him tremble, on the verge of throwing up.
He walks home by himself, keeping to shadows and back roads, thankful that he had kept enough of his wits about him to escape before the press descended on the scene. They’ll find out his name, of course they will, but he won’t willingly give them anything. The sun is setting by the time he makes it back to his house. 
Neither of his parents are home, in the one bit of good luck he’s had today. Katsuki still sneaks in through his bedroom window: no way does he want to track any smell or residue through the house for his mother to detect. 
He has his own bathroom, and he has always been comfortable with that. But for the first time, he flinches hard when the shower door shuts behind him. He can’t stand looking at his own body, bruised and dirty and weak, with the light on. If he turns the lights off, there’s a churning in his gut that he can’t stand.
He can’t put a name to it that feels correct. So he decides to just chalk it up to shame and humiliation at what had happened: things that he’s already resolved never to reveal of himself to anyone else, and that will pass from him if he just fights harder. For the rest of the night, he wills himself to ignore the tightness in his chest, the spinning in his head, and the shakes all over his body. 
This time, he can push the whole thing down, and pretend it never happened.
The next time, he doesn’t have a choice. He is put on full display.
Fuck this fucking festival, is the only coherent idea in his brain. The rest is a burning red river of indignant anger, drowning his thoughts and suffusing his body. All he wants to win, he wants to be on top. But he’s not some...cheating glory hound, willing to accept victory through a fluke. 
What fucking Half-and-Half had done with their fight was a mortal insult. He wants to indisputably earn what he has, on his own, and he won’t accept less.
What’s so wrong with that? Why did he have to be turned into a joke for it?
He knows he looks like a rabid dog, howling and foaming at the end of its tether — he feels it — but he can’t help it. He might have been able to, even with the chains restraining him to the first place podium by a pole, locking his limbs into place like so much heavy sludge...but for the muzzle. 
There’s air holes in the damn thing. Filters and shit. But half his mind and all of his body are convinced that he’s suffocating again. That his failure has meant death, as it has all along. No matter how much he bellows and thrashes, adrenaline flooding his veins, it doesn’t trick his system out of believing that.
The stadium around him is a blur, tinged in scarlet. Katsuki can’t properly make out the hundreds of faces surrounding him, but he knows in his gut that all of them are jeering and laughing at him. His heart pounded so hard it ached.
He should have expected All Might to be the only one to show mercy. (He refuses to think of pity directed at him, and he’s glad to see that the famous smile isn’t one bit strained.) 
“Oh, now...this is a little too much.”
He can’t even feel relief when his face is freed from the muzzle. His first reflex isn’t to gulp in air, but to protest his being cheated: “To win first place like this, it’s nothing! It’s not enough to make me number one!”
If All Might is at all perturbed by that, it doesn’t show. “Society will acknowledge you as number one, young Bakugou, whether you do or not. Even if you only think of it like a scar, take this medal, okay?”
It occurs to him that All Might could be too optimistic, he thinks bitterly, standing there like a fool with the gold medal hanging from his jaw. Society will not see him as an object of glory, only mockery. Nobody will take him seriously or let him forget it.
And as per the norm for times like this, he can’t tell whether his old lady is proud of him or disgusted by him.
“You know, your grandparents called while the end of the festival was airing.” Mom leans into the living room, holding the landline phone in one hand and wearing her usual wry grin. “They don’t usually watch ‘hero shows,’ they said, but they had a lot of fun watching you.”
Katsuki grips the arm of the couch tight as he lounges against it. “Yeah? They liked the end?”
“You bet, kid.” Mom sits down on the couch next to him, picks up the TV remote, and turns down the volume on the world news. “Grandma’s hoping you decided to keep the gold medal after all.”
His heart starts thumping again. “Bet she thought it looked cute.”
Her laugh goes straight through his head, like a flurry of needles. “Yeah! You should check out some of the videos going around online of the festival, people are really talking. You’re gonna be a popular guy, Katsuki!”
His palm slams so hard on the arm of the couch that something cracks beneath the upholstery, and he just barely bites back a snarl of red-hot anger as he jumps to his feet. “I don’t have to listen to this shit.”
“Hey!” Mom’s voice goes up a few octaves with indignation as he storms out. “Katsuki! What the hell’s the matter with you, come back here!”
Katsuki does not, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists all the way back up to his bedroom. Whether she’d meant to make fun of him or if she really was clueless, he doesn’t care. The darkness stifles him when he opens his door, and he can’t stand it; he turns the lights up so high they sting his eyes. 
His trusty punching bag waits in the corner of the room. Without bothering to tape his hands up, he drops into a grounded stance and pummels it mercilessly, picturing nobody in particular, but with mocking laughter in his head. He doesn’t know how long he’s at it, trying to lose himself in the exertion and pain, but when he’s done, both the leather and his knuckles are bloody.
Both his head and his chest feel like they’re being squeezed in a vice, his body slow and weak. Isn’t there anywhere he can turn that will let him breathe? Anyone who will acknowledge him as a powerful hero instead of something pathetic?
For once, nothing he tries can calm him, only stokes the fires stronger. He feels like he could burn the whole world down if he simply chose. He could. He could...
...But he wouldn’t. Of course he wouldn’t. His shame has caught up with him. There are things his fire can’t touch.
Like the rest of the world, he blames himself for everything that happened, every domino that fell as the result of his weakness. Everything because he hadn’t been fast enough, smart enough, strong enough. Because he lagged behind the others, in every way. He thinks fleetingly that if his last thought is that image of their backs, he’ll die ripping his throat in a scream of fury.
Hardening sludge? Chains and a muzzle? Nothing compared to the damn magician’s compression spell. It’s like having plastic wrapped tight around his face, like being trapped at the bottom of the ocean, like...nothing he could have imagined. He can’t think of words, only of how awful it is.
Even when he’s been released from it, that doesn’t mean he’d been freed. Dabi’s hand, still burning hot and smelling of smoking flesh, is gripping his neck. Thirst for heroes’ blood radiates from him like heat, and Katsuki has no doubt that if he makes a wrong move, that hand will crush his throat like a soda can. As it is, he can barely choke out his warning to Deku, let alone imbue it with the ferocity needed to repel that idiot, racing to reach him again without a thought for himself...
At the other end of the portal, Katsuki only has time to register gold light and the scent of whiskey, before strong hands from both sides are grabbing him, and his back slams into the solid steel back of a large chair. 
Before he can even protest, his hands are locked into another metal box, and he hears several small sounds of buckles clicking shut. By the time he gets his bearings enough to jerk forward — the insides of the box heating up fast as he tries and fails to use his Quirk — he’s strapped in tight. 
“There you go, kid.” That smoke-smelling hand is palming his head back, with a sharp smack of skin on skin. “You won’t mess around anymore, right?”
What he wants to do is get fired up, break free and unleash hell on every villain here. But he reflexively freezes instead, once it fully sinks in that he is alone and surrounded by the League of Villains. 
“Leave him alone, Dabi.” 
Shigaraki Tomura is leaning against the bar, sounding for all the world like this is a casual meetup between friends. Katsuki remembers how this guy had trapped Deku in place at the mall, four fingers around his throat in broad daylight, and knows that he could kill him just as casually. Just the thought makes him dizzy with fear.
Every villain in the room is staring at him, seeming to loom over him, and he feels suddenly very, very small. Between waxy white fingers, Shigaraki’s small red eyes are burning a hole into his own. 
“You can relax, Bakugou Katsuki. We’re not the torturing types.”
“Most of us, at least,” Toga Himiko cuts in, playing with a knife. “But if we wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already.”
He forces himself to speak: “So what d’you want, then?”
“Well...to create a scenario that would help us both out, honestly.” Shigaraki turns on the bar’s TV, flipping every couple minutes between news stations. “Listen to how they talk about heroes. About you.” 
As time drags on, anger bleeds through his fear. The way this asshole rambles on about society, justice, corruption, heroes, as if he has any right, as if he has a point...
And those eyes are still looking down on him, expecting him to jump on board with it all.
“We’re planning on winning. You like winning too, right?”
Outwardly, Katsuki is as still and quiet as a mouse before a fox. He can’t help but tense as his hands are freed, and he momentarily worries that they’ll sense his intentions. But he shouldn’t have: the bastard doesn’t see it coming at all when a nitro blast blows that dumb fake hand right off his face.
It’s a relief to feel the words spill freely from his mouth:
“Basically, you mean, we wanna hurt people, so please be our friend, right?” 
He’s no one’s fucking friend. He’s realized that, and he’s braced himself to fight on his own no matter what tried to hold him back. The fire is roiling deep in his gut. 
“Don’t bother.”
His smiles don’t come easily. But he can just barely remember a time when they did: when he had been small and newly powerful, and a mere glimpse of All Might smiling on TV filled him with the same fearless pride. 
It’s an imperfect imitation, he thinks as he bares his teeth and forces his lips to stretch wide, and it doesn’t convince him. But maybe it’s enough to convince the League that he's still that fearless, proud, and unyielding, despite how much like a trapped animal he feels.
“I’ve always admired All Might’s victories. No matter what anyone says, that will never change.” 
Shigaraki’s expression is blank. But the self-preserving part of Katsuki’s brain, small as it is, notices that the look in his eye is considerably more unhinged. Oh, well: he had been risking himself from the moment he blasted the stupid fuck. He’ll fight himself free with U.A.’s distant blessing, their belief in him and his ideal strength.
They went through all that trouble to mount a huge attack, and all they got was me. 
His smile pulls upward, turning lopsided and feral. Despite his spotless record, there’s plenty of people who think he’s nothing but trouble; the U.A. interview had proven that well enough. So he’ll put that to good use. All Might’s victories...weighing the odds, he doesn’t stand a good chance of pulling one of those off. But he’ll do it anyway. He will. He will —
He’s as shocked as any of them when the world suddenly stops for a moment, and then shatters when the man himself bursts through the brick wall, taking instant control of the situation by his very presence. Katsuki is swept away in the strength his idol exudes, without even trying. 
Since becoming his student, Katsuki has gotten used to looking All Might in the eyes. But this time feels different. “I’m sure you were scared, but you did well bearing it. It’s okay now, young man!”
All at once, his throat constricted. He feels the ridiculous expression his face is contorting into, and blusters something to save face — heroes do not get scared — but he can’t deny that right now, he’s admiring All Might more than ever. This is a true victory, it has to be.
Then the Nomu appear.
Everything is ruined as easily as it was relieved. Out of nowhere, he’s choking and panicking, cold and thick sludge filling his mouth, throat, and chest again. He blinks, and the golden bar is replaced by darkness and stone. No, not stone: wreckage. And this man...
He spends maybe thirty seconds in All For One’s direct vicinity before All Might charges back onto the scene. But they’re the most horrifying seconds of his life. The faceless man emanates just as much power and certainty of victory as his hero, that takes Katsuki’s breath away, that by all rights he should idolize. But where All Might exudes warmth and protectiveness, All For One exudes ice and venom, lust for the destruction of everything around him. 
And destroyed everything is. The scene that plays out before his eyes is more like a nightmare than reality. All Might fights and wins, of course, as he was supposed to do. But to see him battered and bleeding, all the vitality and strength sucked from him, is beyond anything he could have imagined. Even after it’s all over — while he’s being questioned by police, while Mom throws her arms around his neck, both crying with relief and loudly lambasting him for worrying her like that — every part of him is numb.
Katsuki had thought he understood. But he’s been entirely clueless...entirely powerless. 
It is all his fault. And the realization feels darker and colder than anything else.
He sits alone on his bed, letting darkness fall around him. 
In hindsight, he doesn’t know what the hell beating up Deku was supposed to have done for him. Prove his own power? Get answers? Free him somehow, from all of this?
Chains, hands, muzzles, filth, fear...so many things had trapped him, restrained him, smothered his fire, when all he wanted was to burn the brightest. That’s what he’s meant to do, isn’t it? What he’s been doing since he was born?
Being relentless is exhausting. And for the first time in his life, he wonders how long he’ll be able to keep it up. Forever? 
Of all the things that hold him prisoner, he doesn’t want himself to be one of them. That is a weakness he can’t fathom. But something has to change. If he can’t figure out what it is...then maybe it’s time to see if someone else can.
“Young Bakugou?” He still isn’t used to seeing All Might like this: shoulders hunched, body shriveled like a scarecrow, blue irises small and sharp like candlelight. “What’s the matter?”
He lingers in the doorway of his teacher’s office, not sure how to word it. “It’s...nothing really, it’s just...do you ever get, like, these feelings in your chest? Tight, and...squeezing? Like you’re trapped? Not all the time, I’m not sick or anything, but...sometimes?”
He half-expects All Might to laugh at him. But he listens intently, and speaks very seriously once Katsuki is done. “That sounds familiar, young Bakugou. Sit down, tell me more. When did you start having these feelings?”
Katsuki sits down on the couch, surprised to find that the words finally leaving his mouth make him feel...lighter. Warm in his chest, like sparks floating up from a fire. Like he’d felt when Kirishima had called to him, reached out his hand to free him from that nightmare scene. 
(Nobody’s friend? What bullshit that had been.)
Deku, damn him for understanding him so well after all, had known that that was the only way he could abide leaning on somebody else. It still feels strange...but it’s a start. And maybe it really is something he needs.
He’s only human, after all.
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mythical-song-wolf · 5 years
BNHA Angst Week
Day 7: Rose // Time
White day was fast approaching and normally, after being in a relationship for so long, Izuku would be excited for that day. Because he gets to pamper and get pampered by his Kacchan.
But he can’t do that.
Because he’s back a good decade or so before he even started dating Katsuki. He’s back in middle school, a good month before the sludge villain and meeting All Might. Over a good year before he and Kacchan finally clear up that misunderstanding that was— is simmering between them since they were kids.
But Deku just wants his Kacchan, even if only for a moment. He’s knows it’s selfish. He knows it’s wrong. He knows he shouldn’t be doing things. But... the heart wants what the heart wants and Deku doesn’t know if he’ll be okay if he doesn’t at least do this.
Izuku goes out to buy somethings. He’ll need to be careful when buying it. Hopefully Kacchan doesn’t see him, he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he sees those beautiful crimson eyes again.
Katsuki stops over to class, irritated and patience waning since he woke up.
First his mom had to shout him awake, saying that her and the old man will be out to get stuff for White day and all that shit.
Second, he was reminded fucking White day was coming up. The day he was planning on asking that nerd... Before that bastard... No. He shouldn’t think of it. There’s no use thinking about it when he’s been set back by literal years. Him and Deku aren’t a thing yet.
Deku is still the derogatory nickname he used for Izuku for years. It’s not the name of a hero just yet.
Deku, to Katsuki at this point in the timeline, is a useless, Quirkless, weak pebble on the side of the road that Katsuki should not pay mind to.
But Katsuki knows better. He’s a goddamn time traveller, of course he would know better. He knows Deku has a better heart than most Pro Heroes. He knows Deku would sacrifice himself again and again and again to save someone. He knows Deku is stronger than anyone he’s ever met. He knows Deku is the name of a hero, of a Symbol of Hope.
He knows that Deku is the name that brought— will bring hope in people’s hearts. Brought— bring hope in the hearts of Ochako, Tenya, Shouto, Eri, Sir Fucking Nighteye, and various other people.
But to him, Deku is the name of the guy that was always chasing after him. The guy he’s known since they were kids. And while they were never on friendly terms before U.A.. They always had a strange synergy with each other. When they didn’t think about it they moved seamlessly and in tandem with the other.
The first time it happen outside of training and life threatening situations is after they had long since started dating and moved into the same apartment. They were making dinner one night and they weaved and moved around perfectly with the other, passing things along and moving as easily as they would in a battle. The realization that they didn’t say a word to each other during the entire time they were cooking hit them when they were eating as one of them started talking.
They paused, before they broke out in a fit of giggles. A warm fluttering in their hearts as they smiled and laughed so hard that their cheeks started to hurt and they could both barely breathe.
After they calmed down, Izuku sighed, looking at Katsuki with his shining green eyes, “I love you...” He smiled at him with his eyes shining like emeralds reflecting the colour of the sea during sunset.
Katsuki smiled back, “I love you too, dork,” He chuckled, “Now, let’s eat?”
Izuku chuckled, before nodding, “Yeah.”
Katsuki’s heart flutters at the memory, before it painfully coils. He can’t have that now. He can’t have that for a long, long time. He won’t wake up to Izuku’s cute freckled mug in the morning. He won’t come home to cuddle with Izuku on the couch after a rough day. He won’t have the cheesy but nice walks down the park or beach during sunset. He won’t have Izuku looking at him like he’s... no, Izuku already looks up to him. He just won’t have Izuku looking at him the way he looks at Izuku right now.
Katsuki goes out. He doesn’t want to— shouldn’t be home alone right now. He might do something stupid like break a window or make a dent in the wall.
Izuku was pacing through the market, a checklist in hand and a hood over his head.
“Let’s see, I need some chocolate, cream... cocoa powder... caramel... food colouring...” Izuku mutters, as he walks into a grocery store and weaves through the aisles of the store. Briefly glancing up to check the shelves for the item’s he’s looking for and picking out what he needs.
Izuku hums once he’s done, “Perfect! Now I just need to do— Oof!” He bumps into another person while turning the corner.
“Sorry—” The voice sounds familiar... probably one of his classmates... great.
Izuku shakes his head, “No, it’s fin—” Izuku looks up see pale blonde hair and crimson red eyes. His heart stops. No.
“De- Deku...” Kacchan mutters, hesitant and unsure, sounding nothing like the boy Izuku remembers him to be at this time. But Izuku doesn’t notice over the own ache in his heart.
Izuku swallows down the fear in his system, “Ka- Kacchan...”
The two just stand there for a few moments, staring at each other. As if they’re trying to find something that they have already accepted it isn’t there.
He’s not yours yet.
I know.
“We- Well, Kacchan, I- I need to go,” Izuku stutters, hopefully Katsuki doesn’t notice the crack in his voice, taking a step back before walking around Katsuki.
Katsuki breaks out of his haze when Izuku leaves, he sighs and combs a hand through his hair.
Good job, shithead. You scared him.
Shut up... He... he isn’t the... he’s not my Izuku.
Not yet.
Katsuki shakes his head, ignoring the stupidly hopeful whispers in his brain telling him to woo Izuku now and not make the same mistakes as before. He wants to, too. Oh how he fucking wants to. How much he wants to change how he treated Izuku. How much he wants to change how terrible they both were at communicating properly. How... he so badly wants to change how Izuku looks at him, with his pretty eyes staring at him like a rabbit sensing a predator. How Izuku seems to freeze the moment they lock eyes, unmoving and scared. Scared of Katsuki.
Katsuki shakes his head, telling his brain to stop, before he continues buying stuff from the store with the occasional sight of Deku’s fluff green hair.
Katsuki sees the flower display and spots a suisen.
Maybe I should...
Izuku was currently sleeping the warmth of his bed, a warm figure pressed against his back holding him close.
Izuku instinctually snuggles up closer to them, “Kacchan...”
“Mhm,” Katsuki grumbles, nuzzling his face into Izuku’s hair.
A part of Izuku’s brain jolts into awareness, you were sent back. Kacchan shouldn’t be here.
Another part, the selfish, foolish, hopeful part of his brain hopes that it’s a lies and wants this to be real. To just have Katsuki with him, right now. Let him have this. Please.
A soft voice whispers in Izuku’s eat, the warmth of their breath making Izuku shiver, “Deku... I’m not there... wake up, Deku, wake up... I’m not there, bunny.”
“Mhm,” Izuku grumbles in protest, “But you’re right here.” Izuku grabs onto Katsuki’s hand that rests on his chest.
Katsuki sighs, and it’s heavy, tired, and wary, “I’m sorry... but... I’m not. He didn’t send me back... Only you... time for you to wake up, Deku... Izuku, wake up.”
Izuku feels himself trembling, clutching onto the hand holding him close, “Please, let me have this,” Izuku begs, as he feels tears roll down his cheeks, “Just let me have him back, just this one moment. Please.”
Katsuki doesn’t say anything, but the warmth from his form is long gone now that Izuku is aware.
“I’m sorry, bunny.” Izuku can feel Katsuki’s presence fading, he turns to see Katsuki actually fading away like an illusion or a dream.
“Please... no... Kacchan... Katsuki... don’t leave me...” Izuku tries to grab some part of the fading figure.
“Please, Izuku, love, don’t cry. Please.” Katsuki places his palm on Izuku’s cheek and wipes away a few tears. Izuku leans into his touch and places his own palm over Katsuki’s, as he fades away and Izuku is left all alone.
When White Day came, Izuku and Katsuki went by the day as normal. Izuku with his isolation and notes, and Katsuki with his showboating. Neither interacting unless provoked by one of their classmates.
Lunch rolls by and the moment everyone leaves, Izuku places something on Katsuki’s desk.
Katsuki returns with his lackeys near the end of lunch to spot a box of chocolate on his desk with flowers. A white rose, a primrose, a red camellia, and a gladiolus. Katsuki looks at the box and the small bouquet for a moment, before glancing around to try and find Deku.
It couldn’t have... no. It’s probably some other idiot... but did this happen in the first timeline? Maybe I’m going a bit insane... but it could’ve only have been him...
Katsuki gently places the box and flowers in his bag.
The school day has ended, and Izuku isn’t surprised he didn’t receive anything from anyone. But it still hurts. A foolish and selfish part of him had hoped that Katsuki was sent back with him and would give him something, but Izuku knows better than that.
Upon opening his locker, a small note falls out.
‘Happy White Day, bunny~ <3
Love, your’s truly’
Bunny... Only Katsuki has ever...
Izuku’s heart flutters at the possibility.
It... it’s never bad to hope... right?
Inside his locker he finds a few more things, a small arrangement of flowers and a box of chocolates. A daffodil, a white camellia, a yellow camellia, a yellow tulip, and a blue iris that stands out amongst the brighter colours.
Izuku walks home holding the flowers and the box of chocolates close to his heart.
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simkjrs · 7 years
submitted by “the op mamoru”
“ Come on Nii-chan, please! ” the young teen exclaimed as he tries his best to convince his older brother to join in a walk to class 1-A. The older just reluctantly follows his younger brother’s plea while thinking what happen before this point in time. A lot had happened since Izuku received his power. Mamoru had told him to keep his abilities a secret from everyone else except his mother as a trump card for the future but told him to use it if it is necessary. And he did except when saving Kacchan from a villain that is a living sludge with no human details except bubbling eyes and a big mouth.
Imagine Katsuki’s surprise when he finds out Izuku’s ability when the latter saved him from the sludge villain. He was shocked but moreover, angry. Angry over the fact that Izuku hasn’t told anyone about his prowess and kept it from everyone. Luckily though, Mamoru manage to sense his distress and teleported him home. His older brother was angry after he told what happened. Not because he saved the young Bakugou, no it’s because the older teen didn’t sense his distress as he was sleeping due to a fever. After that though, they argued should Mamoru upgrade his Izuku distress sense to the point it alerts him during sleep or not. He, of course, appreciate it but refuse it as he doesn’t his brother to always worry about him. Both of them reach a decision after a while, with Mamoru only able to sense Izuku’s distress when he is sleeping or awake if the latter truly can’t do anything as the green haired teen does want to stand up for himself on his own. His brother can only agree begrudgingly.  For the next ten month, the training was hell, even for Mamoru. Both of them had take their training up a notch to get stronger. For Izuku is so that he will pass the U.A entrance exam and Mamoru is so that he will not be left in the dust by Izuku. Saying about U.A, Izuku was shocked by Mamoru’s answer on not entering before. “ Well since I’m Lakizihir that’s why. If you ask me, I think it’s a bull*** to have a license to just help people, helping others is not a job that people can choose to do or not to do, it’s a responsibility that every person in this world carries, and plus I do the stuff, not for fame or money, but to save people and guide them to be better, to give the ones in trouble hope and happiness ” he answered, shocking his younger brother to the core. Lakizihir- or as Mamoru said, Magic Man, or Warlock in Malay after replacing the Z with S- is the world’s most mysterious vigilante as he displayed multiple abilities that people just seem to cannot explain. Some people sees him as a villain as what he is doing is illegal but a lot sees him as a hero due to the deeds he had done exceeds even the Pro Heroes. Well, that’s the second time they argued. And again Izuku won. Finally, after two years of doing Vigilante works, Mamoru agrees to go to U.A
As for school, he had been constantly avoiding Katsuki using his quirk. Katsuki and his gang had find out about his Tool Creation technique and soon words starts to spread across school and backed up with the news of the attack, everyone were bustling to know the truth. Mamoru was forced to use his power to erase it of everyone’s mind, even the teachers as well. But Katsuki’s memory was only sealed away as Mamoru stated he will know about it sooner or later. His abilities and Quirk definitely strengthens during the 10 month period. His weapons now able to negate Quirk that caused advance regeneration and his Vitaboost’s power ( the new name for his Quirk ) has increased as well. He can lift up to 2 medium size trucks, ran at the speed of 28 Kilometers per hour, has the durability of iron and also regenerates almost instantaneously from small to moderate size wounds. Hey, it may not be that impressive despite the fact that he has gone through 10 months of hellish training, but he can always develop it to a much higher level. In all, he is content where he is in strength now.
He along with Mamoru stood confidently in front of U.A High’s entrance ( Mamoru is a little nervous about getting in as he is a vigilante and also 2 years older than the participants ), confident about passing the exam and getting into U.A. Their confidence definitely stands on the right place. They aced through the practical exam with minor difficulties. He opted to use his enhance physical prowess while Mamoru chooses to deceive everyone he has a telekinetic Quirk. Izuku also saved a girl from the 0 point gimmick that was unleashed during the final minutes of the exam. The action unexpectedly gave him more points, putting him in fifth place, two steps above Mamoru.
The Young Midoriya definitely expected shock from all the people of Orudera Junior High especially from Kacchan of all people as he is the one that is convinced the most that he will fail. Izuku was definitely filled with determination to go on his path when he stands up for himself against Katsuki when the latter corners him into an alley of the school.
So now here they are, on their way to the class which they had earned the place in. The younger teen can feel the trepidation coming from the older. The older brother of the green haired teen is anxious as he is the only one in the class that is actually 16, nearing 17 even. He tried to apply for class 3-A from the principle but the principle had insisted that he starts from the bottom first. Luckily for Mamoru though, if he shows knowledge and strength comparable to the 3-A class students, Nedzu will consider it.
Both of them just look at the giant door standing in front of them, looking at it with anticipation. 
“ Well, here it goes, ” Mamoru said with a nervous smile donned on his face. He slid the ginormous door to reveal the class that would be housing the two of them for the next few month or probably years. His expression crestfallen when he saw the one person that he is annoyed the most. 
The famous bully of the one Izuku Midoriya. Katsuki Bakugou.
The older teen just stares with annoyance at the arrogant teen that is currently causing a very familiar blue haired teen to be angry, shouting over the fact that Katsuki is putting his feet on a table. The older brother of Izuku just sighs in frustration while Izuku is looking at both of them with cold feet. The blue haired teen just turns his head to look at the new arrival, eyes widening a bit from surprise to see the same boy that he had scolded in the entrance exam.
“Ah, it nice to see you again! I would like to apologize for my rudeness during the exams! ” the said teen exclaimed, charisma lance in his voice. The green haired teen just sheepishly rubs his neck while Mamoru just quirks an eyebrow at the teen’s antic. ’ Charismatic much ’ he noted in his head before turning to Katsuki. The latter just turns at him after looking away from the two talking teens to look at his archenemy. 
Mamoru Sato.
There he is standing beside the damn Deku who God knows how he passed that is talking to the damn glasses. He looked at him with the most smoldering glare he can muster while gritting his teeth at the teen who had an older brother complex in his eyes. The said person just returns the glare with his coldest look, going against Katsuki’s hot glare. The other two teen, Izuku, and the newly named Tenya just looked at the two, feeling the tension permeating through the air. Luckily though it was broken by the same girl that Izuku had saved before.
“ Hey, Izuku isn’t it?! It nice to see you again! ” the brunette said as the green haired teen just flinches in surprise. The others in the room turned to see the new girl that Izuku recognises.
“ H-hey, Ochako Uraraka, right? I-it’s nice to see you again, ” Deku said nervously as he had never spoken to a gril before. While he is conversing with the said girl, Mamoru just looks at them with mirth.
’ This two would be a perfect couple. I’ll make sure that Izuku will never hear the end of it ’
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