#and it’s the most beautiful sounds
frownyalfred · 1 month
“Bruce doesn’t make any noise when he comes” OR: Bruce makes sub-vocal noises when he comes that only Clark can hear with his Kryptonian senses.
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inkskinned · 8 months
i love when words fit right. seize was always supposed to be that word, and so was jester. tuesday isn't quite right but thursday should be thursday, that's a good word for it. daisy has the perfect shape to it, almost like you're laughing when you say it; and tulip is correct most of the time. while keynote is fun to say, it's super wrong - i think they have to change the label for that one. but fox is spot-on.
most words are just, like, good enough, even if what they are describing is lovely. the night sky is a fine term for it but it isn't perfect the way november is the correct term for that month.
it's not just in english because in spanish the phrase eso si que es is correct, it should be that. sometimes other languages are also better than the english words, like how blue is sloped too far downwards but azul is perfect and hangs in the air like glitter. while butterfly is sweet, i think probably papillion is more correct, although for some butterflies féileacán is much better. year is fine but bliain is better. sometimes multiple languages got it right though, like how jueves and Πέμπτη are also the right names for thursday. maybe we as a species are just really good at naming thursdays.
and if we were really bored and had a moment and a picnic to split we could all sit down for a moment and sort out all the words that exist and find all the perfect words in every language. i would show you that while i like the word tree (it makes you smile to say it), i think arbor is correct. you could teach me from your language what words fit the right way, and that would be very exciting (exciting is not correct, it's just fine).
i think probably this is what was happening at the tower of babel, before the languages all got shifted across the world and smudged by the hand of god. by the way, hand isn't quite right, but i do like that the word god is only 3 letters, and that it is shaped like it is reflecting into itself, and that it kind of makes your mouth move into an echoing chapel when you cluck it. but the word god could also fit really well with a coathanger, and i can't explain that. i think donut has (weirdly) the same shape as a toothbrush, but we really got bagel right and i am really grateful for that.
grateful is close, but not like thunder. hopefully one day i am going to figure out how to shape the way i love my friends into a little ceramic (ceramic is very good, almost perfect) pot and when they hold it they can feel the weight of my care for them. they can put a plant in there. maybe a daisy.
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super-nova5045 · 1 month
sylvia plath, todd anderson and virginia woolf (aka ACTUAL tortured poets) watching taylor “im breaking up with my boyfriend for his intense depression and blaming it on him, im dating a racist who enjoys watching woc being brutalized and harasses young woc artists, i sent my fans out on a hate train to attack a young woc actress for a line she had to say as part of her job to show how mentally ill her character was, im dating a maga supporter, i refuse to say anything about a current genocide despite being the most influential person in the world right now, i am a billionaire, i fly 13 minute flights and have the highest carbon emission of any celebrity, i am a known white feminist who only speaks about issues when it affects me and has constantly let my fans get away with extreme racism and even encouraged it by associating myself with known racists” swift call herself a tortured poet (her writing sounds like a bunch of thesaurus words slapped over gabba hanna and rupi kaur-esque poetry that was created purely as a trinket for an edgy pinterest board)
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hometownrockstar · 1 month
We very much need to become more aware of the cultural perception and criteria of fatness bc the latest online discussions of it are deeply embarrassing to read. Everyone has a different definition of fatness, and this is due to the way society dictates fatness in relation to others. A person could be called skinny or fat depending on the context, who or what theyre being compared to relative wise, clothing sizes, its all due to the stigma of fatness that makes any slight connection to it (being the slightest bit curvier compared to the stick thin standard, having a small stomach pouch, ect.) be seen as confirmation of fatness
But whats crucial to understand here is that bigger bodied fat people will never have the "privilege" of being considered skinny, and their existence is often treated as a way to make skinnier or mid-size people look thinner by comparison. Fatphobia is ALL about being afraid or uncomfortable with the biggest fat people, of being like them in any way. So while you are arguing about whether the latest "chubby rep" character is actually "average/normal sized" (i hate categorizing any body type as normal btw), maybe pause for a moment to consider if you or anyone else in this discussion has thought about fat people who could NOT be afforded the argument about whether theyre skinny, fat, or midsize. The ones who are unequivocally fat, with double or triple chins, fat rolls, large stomachs or double stomachs, ect. They are the ones being most left out of discussions and arguments about what constitutes as "really" fat/chubby, when they face the brunt of fatphobia and erasure the most
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miss-conjayniality · 3 months
heeseung's dusky complexion is the sexiest, most beautiful sight i have ever laid my eyes on. fuck ANYONE who dares whitewash his sunkissed skin!!!!!!! whoever dares to commit such a heinous crime to his ethereal, exotic complexion deserves INTENSE persecution!!!!!
heeseung’s skin is mesmerizing in every way possible. he is the epitome of eye candy. he’s the living personification of honey. I wanna lick his skin because i’m SURE it tastes like honey. pretty sure the sun kissed his skin a little too hard 😮‍💨 I’m actually quite jealous of the sun because it was able to even KISS heeseung’s skin in the first place!!!!!!
could you just IMAGINE kissing heeseung’s sunkissed, naked body? and seeing him get all flustered and holding back his whines because he’s so shy by all the praise you’re giving him about his beauty!???🥺
god. the way i view unwhitewashed idols is no different from a victorian in the 1800s freaking out at the sight of a woman’s ankles or wrists….
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luvrbunni · 1 year
fucking a guy with ur hand while he infodumps.. like actively listening to him telling you about whatever it is he likes most while you pleasure him and also ask him questions about what hes talking about...
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tiny-chubby-bird · 7 months
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some pictures i took during my astarion origin run to use as desktop backgrounds.
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cipherr · 2 months
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dandelionmischief · 1 year
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The moment I stopped breathing
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juniemunie · 1 year
I have so many thoughts about this entire sequence, from the way Hiccup and Toothless get along to the MUSIC- (the music analysis is going to my tags)
But im gonna talk about Toothless pov again
I always think of this is like, the forbidden friendship scene for Toothless the way the actual forbidden friendship was for Hiccup
If Hiccup's scene was Toothless connecting to Hiccup through human things (sharing food, smiling, art and all that)
Then this scene is Toothless' because Hiccup connects with Toothless through flying, something I've always headcanoned to be what dragons (the ones that fly anyway) need not just to survive, but to live and bond with others.
if Hiccup's FF is the beginning of the potential then Toothless' FF is the "end", the moment where the potential is found and fulfilled, the thing that really solidifies their friendship because both has now experienced and accepted the other's unique sides
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Just, yeah Toothless sees Hiccup just getting it, understanding why flying is so wonderful, hearing him cheer and whoop in joy like a fledgling's first time in the air, and seeing him at the end instinctively understand what to do-
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Like that sudden spin near the end of the sea pillars- and both of them looked surprised they even managed to do that together instinctively- when just a few minutes ago Hiccup couldnt even dodge the two very obvious sea pillars in the beginning
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He looks up at this human, this strange clever, brilliant little human who has somehow made this even possible, who has broken every preconception he has, who is now flying with him with a dragon's instinct but baring his teeth in that human way of expressing joy, screaming something he could not parse perfectly in his dragon tongue but understood the meaning all the same.
"We did it."
#they did it. they achieved what they thought was impossible but together they reached it#the line can apply to a lot of things so ill let you think about it#i totally didnt get that 'we' thing from a fanfic COUGH#httyd#httyd movies#junie art post#can u tell ive gone insane#this was supposed to be a short caption but ive gotten carried away#toothless the dragon#toothless#hiccup horrendous haddock lll#hiccup#NOW. FOR THE MUSIC.#most of the analysis is already talked well by sideways and phoebe-kate so ill talk about my headcanons and interpretations#toothless' theme always repeats over and over. not ever really having a satisfying conclusion which ive always thought of as a silent show#that toothless was never really happy or content with his life before since he lived a dangerous and monotonous life of serving the queen#sure in exchange for his servitude he was given shelter to a place no viking can reach but he would never call it home.#he most likely wanted out of that sitaution. wanted something new and he got that rather violently through hiccup#now lets talk about hiccups theme. his theme is beautiful and sounds complete. but in the beginning you barely if ever notice his theme#unless youre really looking for it. his theme plays quite subtly and softly. showing how hiccup wants to be seen but he never is#at the start his theme plays after berk's which makes it sound as if hes following them. he isnt the same as berk but he tries to be#FF comes and hiccup and toothless connect both on screen and music. see you tomorrow has hiccups theme play clearly & confidently for once#test drive comes and toothless takes the lead- hiccup following right after him. it sounds amazing but theyre still not quite there yet#then the sea pillars moment and toothless theme plays twice waiting for hiccup's theme to jump in- to let go#and when hiccup does let go his theme jumps right after toothless' fitting perfectly and toothless' lets hiccup theme take center stage#its loud & beautiful and you get to hear it so clearly it takes your breath away and it ends with toothless theme finally reaching an end#they completed each other both musically and in character#they broke the rules of the world and are neither berk's theme or the dragon's they are two parts creating something new and beautiful#they completed their theme bros thats their theme its not berks or the dragons its their very own#okay im done i dont know if i got this across right i hope yall at least get the gist of my insane rambling
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michyeosseo · 2 months
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You take a war so lightly. This only proves you have not experienced a real one.
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idunnoausersname · 24 days
You know what's really tragic about the character of Rudolf in Elisabeth das Musical? (Besides, y'know... Everything?)
That he's a LOT like Franz Joseph too, at least when he was his age.
They're both under the thumb of one parent, who doesn't allow them to express their own political view. They both feel like intrigue is ruining their lives, and wish they weren't in the restricting position they occupy. And most importantly: they both express a desire to be "soft", instead of the hard and emotionless leader they're drilled to be.
Why then, is there no song, not a single line, where either of them acknowledge that similarity? Elisabeth and Rudolf both sing about how similar they are, why can't Rudolf and FJ?
Because Rudolf doesn't know. How could he know that his own father went through the exact same pressure he is under.. when the pressure was successful in molding him? He never sees that softer side to him.
Franz Joseph might have chosen Elisabeth over his mother in the end, but he internalized her lessons and sees them as truth. He is hard, he is strict, and he doesn't know any other way to be. He doesn't see anything wrong with how he's treating his son. (And in his childhood, how Sophie raised him). He turned out fine, why should Rudolf be different?
So Rudolf had not one, but two parents who should have been able to relate to at least part of his despair. But both failed to be the parent they wished they had. And I don't know if it's better or worse that he never even knew how his father was similar to him, too.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Thinking about how much of a cinematic masterpiece Jason’s, Thalia’s, Leo’s, Hazel’s and Nico’s on-battlefield power displays can be.
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schnaf · 2 months
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〈Troubleshooting〉 Sneak Peek Film
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bonefall · 8 months
Would Midnight be patient with my fellow discalculia girlies... I love her but am So So Pathologically Bad at math
Midnight teaches advanced algebra to cats, you'll be fine. She'll conjure up a fractal for you, color each part of the equation, show how each part interacts and what it looks like when you change it
She'll take you out to the beach and explain the wind and the tide, compare them to each axis on the formula she showed you, and modify one factor. The wind dies down and the sea becomes as smooth as glass.
"Smoothness for the-waves you-see?" She waits for you to nod, never rushing you along, even the most casual questions are genuine, "Excellent! For this is example of maths I-teach. Nature it-will-happen. Simpleness it-being. You-will-understand."
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sciderman · 2 months
Funny how I present super macho but as soon I get all muscly I am going to be wearing so many dresses and heels. I love being a gender fluid trans masc
that's what all the trans mascs say... nobody wants to commit to the lumberjack lifestyle these days. or is that reserved for the lesbians
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