#and idk what my specific problems are classified as cuz no one talks about that part
lecliss · 1 year
How come when I do research on anxiety and paranoia everything just talks about being afraid of how strangers and society in general perceive you and judge you behind your back? Like yeah thats a major part of it, but wheres all the information about being terrified of dying every single second you're in a car or that the ceiling will suddenly for no reason at all just collapse on you killing you instantly or that The Killer is standing in the hall while you're on your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night???
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bythenineshards · 1 year
Omg what was up with that Feysand stan on ur post????? ITS JUST A THEORY. (Not to mention a MUCH better pairing) and lol if Feysand was always endgame why in the fck does Rhysie SA Feyre??? Did Sjm do that to build sexual tension (cause Feyre says in Acomaf she had "wanted him even then") AND THAT'S INFINITELY WORSE!!
Lmao they tried to fire up on one of my posts too and I immediately blocked them. Seen them one too many times fighting about posts that's none of their business. Like life is so empty u need to fight with strangers on the internet to feel something. I am literally so mad not them saying Tamlin Apologists deserve to be bullied?!?!? For liking a fictional character????!!
I took personal offence to that
Ha! See! I told you I would respond today. I totally didn't get sucked into Skyrim and my writing and nearly forgot.
Idk what their problem was. They blocked me like the first week I was on here so I didn't think much of them. I knew about them because there would be discourse on posts and an invisible opponent. So I guess they unblocked me to stir shit and idk, get more traffic to their blog? They rebranded with a name that is clearly meant to draw in Antis of Feysand. I think they're like 15 and so I guess they're in their "I'm edgy look at me phase" where they want to pick fights because they think they're always right and special. I'm so glad I didn't grow up with my cringe behavior on the internet.This is why we don't sell erotica or "dark romance" to children. They can't handle speculation or discussions. I bet they cry over Marvel's What If... series because it's not Canon. Like... the post that had them all fired up was speculation about something we have receipts for. And a lot of people liked the idea. All they do is make the books look worse.
And the way they talk about Feyre vs. Nesta is like they think they're written by two different people. This isn't Harry Potter (fuck you Rowling) vs. Twilight (fuck you Meyers). I don't think Feyre gets a free pass to transform into a person of another race just cuz Nesta and Gwyn modelled their stuff after the Valkyries. I think both are bad and icky because the same author wrote both and clearly doesn't see how offensive that could be. I do, however, think that there's a difference between what Feyre did and the Blood Rite. Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie were kidnapped and forced into the Blood Rite. They didn't actually choose to.
Side note though: Valkyries are from Norse mythology. It does chap me that she couldn't use a mythology or create something new for her Illyrians to flesh out their culture. She just used a primarily white culture for her non-white character's culture.
Sorry to rant about that. It just irked me.
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would ship Feysand the way it's written in Canon. I can with 100% confidence say I've never written a romance that involved anyone SAing anyone. Hell, I don't feature SA at all really. I don't want it in my fantasy. I want people to find peace and love in my books. Men have written enough SA in fantasy, it doesn't need any from me.
But like... if you look at their posts, the reason I don't like Feyre is because I wanted "my fav" to end up with Rhys. They can't fathom that I don't like Rhys at all. I don't like any of her men. They don't appeal to me at all. The only one I might’ve had any inkling of interest in is Kallias but I'm sure if we spent more than a handful of pages with him, I'd hate him too. I think she'd eventually change all of them regardless of appearance to something shallow and toxic.The Bat Boys specifically are boring to me. Their designs suck, their personalities suck and the way they treat their women sucks. Nothing I see in her books is what I would classify as love. Her books aren't about love. They're about sex with hot dudes. But you know what? Other books do romance, love and even just sex better.
I'm glad you blocked them. Just know, they still spy on us.
Thank you for your ask. I hope you're doing well.
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Someone just wrote a fic about Magnus abusing Alec and Magnus being a alcoholic and I don't know how to feel about it because Magnus being abusive doesn't sound right but I do think he is addicted to alcohol and I want your opinion on it
oh yikes on bikes, not that shit again
i mean personally i don’t consider him an alcoholic, not because oh no being alcoholic is so bad uwu but because like... alcoholism is specifically linked to the inability to stop or have temperance, and while magnus drinks frequently, we’ve only seen him drunk once. and he had just gone through one of the most dramatic experiences of his life, so like... i think classifying him as an alcoholic because of that is a little, idk, hasty?
and even then, he decided that he was going to quit drinking the next day basically and he didn’t seem to be distressed or think that would be particularly hard (and like one of the symptons of alcoholism is distress when not being drunk/drinking) so i don’t think he’s An Alcoholic. i do think that he has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, as he does have a tendency to turn to it when he’s in distress, and that that’s something he has to work with cuz that bitch is self medicating with a highly addictive and complicated substance lol and he knows that too, which is why i think he said he would take a break - he knew that he was toeing the edge then, going way over his limit and even being late for a date for like the first time ever, and turning to it when he couldn’t deal with his pain. so like unhealthy tendencies for sure, but idk if id call it addiction. reading the criteria for alcoholism, i don’t think that any that is something that we’ve seen with magnus except for literally one scene
but either way i don’t think it’s like A Problem or Invalid to hc him as an alcoholic, but i do wish people would stop thinking that being an alcoholic = being abusive. while there is a correlation between domestic abusers and drinking (drinking specifically, not necessarily Abusing Alcohol, at least not in the statistics i’ve found), alcoholism doesn’t turn someone into an abuser, means that someone is an abuser, or trigger abusive episodes (same source), because correlation does not equal causation. it’s important to take note that the studies on this are usually “is this domestic abuser an alcoholic?” and not, “is this alcoholic a domestic abuser?”. finding that domestic abusers usually drink doesn’t mean finding that people who drink or abuse alcohol are usually domestic abusers. also, finding that domestic abusers drink doesn’t..... mean a lot. most people drink, for starters. the one statistic i found regarding domestic violence and alcohol abuse actually shows that abuse victims are more likely to abuse alcohol
and i find that important to say because the stereotypes on alcoholism and drug abuse are fabricated by anti-drugs propaganda, which are historically directly related to the need for increasing police state and control over marginalized people, especially people of color (here’s Nixon’s very own aide admitting that they made up most of what are today’s stereotypes on heroin and weed use with the explicit intent of incarcerating black people and the anti-war movement, and here’s a review of a book on the war on alcohol that goes, among other things, into how the prohibition was strictly linked to lynchings and repression of black and immigrant communities). uncritically buying into stereotypes like this, especially when there is implied to be a direct causation between drug abuse and violence, is very dangerous and serves to further marginalize and stigmatize people with substance abuse, as well as justify mass incarceration and policing, which has been talked about plenty of times (if you know little about this and would like to start, i’d recommend watching the documentary The 13th Amendment. it’s on netflix. also, follow and read BLM activists, who have been saying this since forever. do read and watch Angela Davis, one of the most brilliant scholars on the subject and member of the Black Panther Party) 
that is my own personal opinion, but i find it way more likely that alcoholism and alcohol abuse are correlated not by causation, but because alcoholism is born out of a person’s frustrations/suffering, and that, paired with toxic masculinity in certain specific environments and a tendency for violence, also causes domestic violence. i don’t have any data to prove this so this is my own personal hypothesis born out of what i know about addiction (here’s a list of articles by an expert that talks about how addiction has biopsychosocial causes, with an emphasis on social) and also about abuse and domestic violence. i find it way more likely that they are correlated, not that alcoholism causes domestic violence. but i’m far from an expert and this is an ongoing debate among those who are
and either way, even if there is a possible causational relation, not every substance abuser is abusive and that’s just a fact. which i know because i have plenty of friends who struggle or struggled with substance abuse, including alcoholics and crack/coke addicts. obviously it’s a terrible situation that raises many issues, but it doesn’t mean that everyone who struggles with substance abuse or alcoholism is abusive. and magnus has never shown to be abusive, so even if you hc him as an alcoholic (which i honestly don’t necessarily see a problem with, even if i disagree) that doesn’t mean he would abuse alec. magnus has never been shown to be anything remotely close to abusive towards alec, or anyone else for that matter. on the contrary, he is extremely compassionate, kind, and caring, to the point of self sacrifice. so if you want to write about magnus struggling with his issues and with his unhealthy relationship with alcohol, i’m genuinely all for that. we deserve more in-depth analysis of magnus and his issues and its consequences. but don’t turn him into something that he’s not, and stop fucking thinking that everyone who struggles with substance abuse is an abuser, because that is, frankly, just a spit in the face of abuse victims who have turned to drugs to cope with that (the case of literally all of my friends who struggle or have struggled with substance abuse) and just people with addiction in general who are already villainized for something that hurts them first and foremost more than enough
so yeah, that’s my opinion. you can 100% headcanon magnus as an alcoholic and still don’t think he would abuse or be violent because of that - in fact, i encourage you to, because we need to start talking about addiction with more empathy and less villainizing, and that absolutely does include fiction
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Questions For Zodiac sings
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What’s up guys hello how are you? Welcome to your favorite podcast 
For today’s episode, we are gonna answer  the questions for the zodiac signs,
okay in TikTok there's a guy who asks questions his name is Brennan I really don't know if I'm pronouncing his name right I'm sorry, well the thing is you have to do a duet to answer them and I think it's really funny, okay he has a series of questions for all the signs of the zodiac, I don't really know if I believe in the zodiac or not but I think it's funny, plus most of the time they always have something good to throw you off, I really don't like to classify myself as an Aries, Leo, Gemini or any sign, I don't even know who or what I am, so today I'm going to answer all the questions.
So let's get started. 
Aries  March 21- April 20
Are you really a Control Freak? Kinda
Besides your self who is your favorite leader? Ellon Musk  Period 
When do you feel the most alive? okay four things car, night, cool music, friends yeah PERIODT 
Why are you jumping into relationships? This question is not for me. I've never been in a relationship
Best kissers? I don’t think I am, I’m on average 
Favorite color red? No
Lucky Number 9? I don’t have lucky number
How rich do you want to be? I really don’t want to be rich I just want to have a decent life, but I want to save the world so I think a lot.
Would you be a great president? No
What big secret are you keeping? I don’t have a big secret, sometimes the people are more boring that every one thing 
Okay, guys, this was the question for the Aries. I think I'm 50 percent, Aries.
Leo july 23- Agust 22
How stubborn are you? omg like a 100 percent I really am stubborn
The biggest heart? No 
Prefer to be around other people? yes
who are you most jealous of? nobody really
Favorite color purple? No
Like being treated as royalty? if who doesn't?
Most attracted to Aries? kinda 
Who’s your favorite comedian? i don’t have one 
How do you react when someone ignores you?
It depends on the form and the case but I guess I get angry because it's rude or if it's in the form of relationship I think I'm still trying
How loud i your roar?
okay I think I'm 60 percent Leo I don't know if this is good or bad because a lot of people say it's the most hated sign
Okay next 
Gamini may 21-June 20
Social butterfly?
I think it's when you go from place to place all the time and mix with all kinds of people so if I'm a social butterfly
Always changing your mind? cuz I have issues bro, I’m not stable, I don’t have emotional intelligence and I know cuz I made the test for know it
How well do you handle stress? I think I’m in the average 
two personalities? I have about a thousand, I think I'm going to name them, I think i have a problem 
Last important decision? make this episode and wake up 
Is your mind always racing with thoughts? yea but I’m trying to do yoga cuz maybe in the future that can be a problem 
favorite color yellow? No
slow to commit to relationships? no
What’s your IQ? I don’t know I think is low and I hate then 
How flirty are you? like a 9 I’m sorry mom 
 i think I’m a 70 percent Gemini 
so next
Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21
ask a lot of questions? sometimes
how energetic are you? i think a lot
good at giving advice? I'm the worst. I can give general advice like how to take care of yourself, drink water, but in specific problems I can't do it.
Too generous? no really
How optimist are you? 5 I'm very realistic but I think anything is possible
Can you make people laugh?On a scale of one to ten, I'd say an eight
Reaction when someone lies to you?I can't remember the last time I discovered a lie, but I guess I get angry
Fav color blue? omg yess i really love blue but in blue clothes I think I look great. I don't know. Blue is my color.
The most intelligent zodiac sing? idk 
Been mistaken as rude? no 
I'm just gonna say I love the color blue
aquarius jan 20- feb 19
Are you shy and quiet? No
Hard to trust other people?
no but i think that is a problem
The best listeners? i can listen but im not the best 
friends first? no 
hate being alone? i enjoy being alone
How do you help people?in any way possible
fav color black? no
Reaction when someone disagrees? I get stressed out
How many times have you broken a promise? I don't remember making a promise to anyone except myself, and I'm not going to break it.
How often do you just lose it? idk
Libra sep 23- oct 22
Are you a peacekeeper? kinda 
how charming are you? four of 10
What is your motto? You can do everything 
Admit when you’re wrong? its super hard for me
Talk someone out of something dumb?yeah
Make big plans? yeah because i really want a good life and for that i need big plans
Living your best life? im trying
fav color pink? no but its one of my favorites 
Why are you indecisive? I really don't think that I'm indecisive
What do you daydream about? collage, my crush, and be independent
 Cancer june 21- july 22
How persuasive are you? I'm not persuasive. I'd like to be.
How much do you like art? 100% i really love music, movies, films, paint but I'm not good at creating it, so I think it's better to catch it
Are you insecure? kinda but im trying to fix it
How emotional are you? a lot 
How big is your imagination? not a lot
Favorite place to go with friends? State fair 
Favorite family member? im 
Fav color white? no 
Favorite tv show? euphoria 
How moody are you? 4 of ten 
 Virgo Aug 23- Sep 22
How sensitive are you? 8-10
Afraid to speak in front of people? no 
Get mad when people don’t follow rules? sometimes
Why do you worry so much? because i have issues
What do you do to stay healthy? I exercise 30 minutes a day, try to sleep early and drink lots of water
Hate asking for help? I don't hate it but it scares me
Favorite animal? I think the chicken is the best animal in the world because you don't need to kill it to survive like cows or pigs, I love the egg and it can be your best friend forever having a give and take relationship for life, I think it's beautiful
Fav color gray? no
You talk to your self? Yes, and that's a problem, which is why I created this podcast
How clean is your room? 4- 10
scorpio oct 23- nov 22
Why are you so stubborn? because you have to fight for what you want to have 
Are you a “True friend”? yeah
How brave are you? 7- 10
What are you most passionate about? help people
How secretive are you? As a two, I hate secrets because they give me worries and I like to be in complete peace 
What pokemon would you be? pikachu
Need to be right all the time? people think that, but the truth is that I like to give my opinion and talk when I know about it, I don't like to talk about things I don't know because they can cause problems, so yeah i need it
Fav color red? no
Scale 1-10 how much of a joker are you? 6 Always tell the truth? no but I’m not a liar 
Taurus April 21 may 20
How patient are you? 2
Are you practical? yeah super and that’s why i don’t have a lot of patience 
Do you like drees up? sometimes
How responsible are you? 8
Scale 1-10 do you like to cook?  8 I love cooking, following recipes but I don't like how I cook, the taste of my dishes is horrible
Are you opposed to change? no im pro-change, change is always good and some ways
Good at minding your own business? I hate drama, getting into trouble that's not mine, I hate that kind of stress so I try to stay away from places where I'm not called, its for my mental health
Fav color green? no
Easy to make money? no really but i have some ideas 
Most reliable zodiac sign? idk
Capricorn dec 22 jan 19
How disciplined are you? like a 7
Are you a “know it all”? no, but that’s my goal 
Are you a family person? no 
Would you be a good manager? no but i can try it
Is tradition important to you? no really 
Do you expect the worst? sometimes 
Coke or pepsi products? coke but i like pepsi too
fav color brown? no
Fav music Genre? pop and rap
Do you learn from your mistakes? sometimes 
pices feb 20 march 20
are you a compassionate person? yeah
hate to be criticized? if it's not constructive to hate it
why are you always sad? im not sad always im neutral
what are you most fearful of? losing an arm or a leg, an eye, having one of those kinds of accidents, I think it's for brave people to be able to overcome that and I'm not that brave person I'd rather die Do you play any instruments? no i wish 
favorite season?fall I love it with all my being, it's cold and hot at the same time, hallowen, the sky is always beautiful, pumpkins, the color of the leaves I don't know if I could live in one season it would be fall
the wisest zodiac sing? idk
fav color purple? no
sleep all the time? no i hat sleep
do you trust everyone? no really
okay friends these were the questions for the zodiac signs, i really liked answering the questions, i'm going to post the profile of the person who created these tiktoks in case you want to make them, all the information is on my twitter, i really liked this episode i really don't like to classify myself and i think i have something from everyone, in the end we are all the same, we all have insecurities, good things and bad, so see you guys in the next episode hugs and kisses
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