#and i'm really looking forward to summer and our next season using everything i learned in a match
adore-gregor · 1 year
It's true sometimes others doubting you really is the best motivation :))
#you read this everywhere but i think it can be true#at least for me it was#last spring we had this tennis training camp with the team i play in#a week prior i played a match against this woman from my team which i won 6:2 6:3#during dinner in the camp she brought that up and said she was surprised she lost against me#and that she was anoyed because she shouldn't loose against me#i found that a bit funny tbh 😅 even back then because she lost quite clearly#at no point was she leading or my victory was in danger in the last set i was even up 5:0 and i just gave away points lightly#well i didn't say anything but the motivation it gave me 😄#so i thought to myself i will show you no one will underestimate me again :)#i just love playing tennis anyway and improving my game but this gave me a lot of extra motivation#then i had a good tennis season with my first singles wins and trained a lot during the summer until up today#many hours a week when i had no uni at times like 5× a week for 2 hours or sometimes even 4#i'm so looking forward to playing her again 😀 she will be so surprised with my tennis because it's levels above how i played back then#no but it's not so much about her it was more a i'll show you for myself proving myself how much is possible#now everyone can see it that i'm good and getting praise for my quick improvement and good play 😁#also it's amazing how much you can improve if you put in the time and effort#and i'm really looking forward to summer and our next season using everything i learned in a match#takeaway if someone doesn't think you're good at something that isn't necessarily true#it can mean nothing and you can still show them what you can do i think it can be amazing motivation#her words were just what i needed#that being said i have nothing against her she is a nice person and we always got along fine 😊#unfortunately she is injured now so it will be some time until i play her again i hope she gets well soon...#maybe i should thank her one day for the extra motivation 😂#using tumblr as my diary 😂 what else do i have to do in the train 😂#others opinion of you doesn't determine what you can do ☺️✌️
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machifuwa · 2 years
Summer Splash | Episode 4
A short time after changing trains
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Keito: ...Since the train was heading for the countryside, there seemed to be no other passengers on the train besides us... I think it's time for lunch.
Yuzuru: Understood. I will prepare it right away.
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This is for Hiiro-sama.
Hiiro: Thanks! It's amazing that you were able to make lunches for five people, I truly respect that!
Yuzuru: I'm glad. Shiratori-sama, here is your meal.
Aira: Uwaai~! Thank you so much ♪
Hm? Mine looks a bit different from Hiro-kun's...?
Hiiro: It looks like it's not just ours. Kagehira-senpai's bento is burnt all over.
Yuzuru: Do you remember when we asked you in advance what you liked to eat when we prepared your lunch?
We did not try to do everything separately. We tried to reflect your preferences as much as possible ♪
Keito: So, Kagehira's burnt bento is intentional?
Mika: I like the half-burnt ones that look like a beginner's mistake.
Mmh-hmm~ delicious! This exquisite bitterness is the best! ♪
I've never had such an ideal bento in my life. Yukkun, thank you~
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Yuzuru: I have to admit that when I heard about you, I was wondering what to do. I am honored that you are pleased.
How about the rest of you? I hope it suits your taste...
Keito: It's delicious, no complaints. Fushimi has always been talented, but I can't believe his cooking is perfect as well.
Yuzuru: I'm glad. But I only started cooking this kind of food very recently when I joined "Niki's Kitchen"...
Until then, I had been diligently making lunch boxes for the Young Master. But they were unpopular because they were tasteless.
The lack of taste was due to prioritising nutritious ingredients, and I don't regret my actions at the time.
If I had to weigh taste against intake standards, I'd take the latter for the sake of the Young Master.
But, I learned that I didn't have to weigh these things up when I joined "Niki's Kitchen". If you are creative, you can make delicious, nutritious food.
Thanks to Shiina-sama's guidance, the Young Master started smiling while he ate his meal.
But that's not all. I am now able to make dishes like this that will please people other than just the Young Master.
I will continue to be diligent in our efforts to avoid complacency.
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Aira: Mmh-hmm... I guess it's okay to be so presumptuous because it tastes so good, no?
I'd be so proud. I'd post it on social media with lots of hashtags.
Oh, shoot. Even though Fushimi-senpai made it with such care, I ended up eating the whole thing without taking a photo.
Hiiro: I haven't eaten all of it yet, so you can take my lunch.
Ah... no. I'm not a "lovely" so I refuse. This bento is only "for me".
Aira: To ease my mind, I'll take a picture of Hiro-kun eating his lunch. Oh, can I post it on social media?
Hiiro: Umu. Do I look "lovely" eating my lunch?
Aira: For Hiro-kun's fans, that is. Private snaps are great, an otaku's favorite...♪
Mika: Fufu~ Now that I've finished my lunch, I might as well take pictures too.
I think it's called "Rural Landscape"? I wonder if Oshi-san would be pleased if I sent it to him.
...? ...Ah... no... I can't get a good shot. I can't help it, it's all blurry...
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Keito: If you don't mind, why not use video mode? It's less blurry than a still picture, and it'll bring your voice along with it.
Mika: Yeah, I'll do that! Let's see... Change the mode and...
Oshi-san, can you hear me? It's me~♪
Hiiro: Thanks for the food. Now, I'll take some photos too. For Tatsumi-senpai and the oth-
Yuzuru: What's wrong, Hiiro-sama?
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Hiiro: Umu... I was so engrossed in the conversation and lunch that I didn't realise it, but it's a beautiful view.
I was surprised at how much things change when you get away from the city for a little while. It's completely different from my hometown, and I only realise how big Japan is.
I wonder what's it like where we're going to camp? I'm really looking forward to it.
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Written by Yuumasu
Season: Summer
Translated by machi
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spoonless-sunflower · 2 years
Summer is, as usual, my season and I am thriving 😌
I wanted to take a moment to document happy summer memories here:
🌻Started watching Sailor Moon and I'm finally feeling obsessed with something again! It's so long and vibey and aesthetic. I loved it as a kid but I never really watched the whole thing through. It's been such a ride!
🌻My gf surprised me and our friend Bear with a little day trip. It sounded like it was going to be to someplace scary but when we pulled up it was a Sunflower picking farm!!
🌻We finally unpacked our new apartment and made it cute!! We got a fancy gold bookshelf for super cheap and everything is all nerdy and ~aesthetic~
🌻We made a bunch of cosplays!! I havent cosplayed since I was a young teen and all of a sudden I was putting together 3 outfits. I'd never imagined I'd cosplay diff costumes to one con lol. I got lost in the hype!
🌻My besties came to visit us 😭💕🎉 All of them flew out here and stayed with us and we went around and ate fancy food and explored and went to a con and bought a bunch of cute clothes and I got to show them my favorite places!! And I got to hug them!! And Leo got to become closer to them all!! I got to have tender bonding moments with them all!! My precious family!! The people who are always there for me!! It has been exactly a year since the last time we saw each other. And that time it was when I had visited home and it ended poorly due to my parents. But this time no parents. No bad vibes. Just sunshine and unconditional love of my friends. I feel so rejuvenated 😭🥺🥰🥰🥰
🌻Even though we boohoo cried out of love and loneliness when our friends left, I am feeling improvement today. There are still things to look forward to! Leo and I are planning out our 3rd anniversary, our birthdays, our Plan to Finally Have a Cat and Give Them a Funny Name™️, and I think I may have picked up a new hobby! I think I'm gonna start learning to sew and make simple clothes modifications. Making cosplay was so fun and I always love clothes and want to make these little updated so I thought this would be fun! We'll see if I follow through lol. I'm looking forward to the wonderful things life brings my way next 🙏💕
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thesickpanda · 4 years
Honey, there's isolation and then there's isolation.
I've seen many chronically ill, neurodivergent, poor and disabled people discussing their bemusement at the cries of lament from the well-off able-bodied people who now have to self-isolate, cancel their plans, postpone holidays and miss out on fun events. It's quite something to behold. It’s fascinating (in a horrible way) to witness these people who are used to getting what they want now finding that they can't have it; that that instant gratification has been removed for them. Now they're staring down the prospect of being lonely for a few months, unable to see friends, sometimes even family, unable to go out to the movies or the festivals. And we're sitting here like, yo - welcome to our world.
 It's hard to put into words how frustrating it is to see governments putting in measures for tele-health services, working from home practices and teaching through Skype to students et cetera. For decades, disabled/sick/neurodivergent folks were told that these accommodations couldn’t be made for us, but now suddenly they can. Now suddenly there's money for it. Funny that.
 When we've talked about how lonely and isolated we feel as people with disabilities, we've been dismissed, victim-blamed or infantilized. But now the ableds are feeling it, a flood of “community compassion” initiatives and “mental health advice for dealing with isolation” is being made freely available to them.
 And yet previously, we used to hear things like: “You're so lucky you get to stay at home: I wish I could just be on Netflix all day!” Or, “You don't have to deal with people. That sounds like utopia to me!” 
Not so much fun in reality, is it?
The latest banger I heard was from my sibling. I told her that after a long winter, months of bushfires, unprecedented floods and now this virus, I had essentially been self-isolating for six months and another six months was going to make me lose my mind. Her response was, “well, at least you've had practice. This is all so new for the rest of us!”
 Yes, I have had practice. I have developed strategies for dealing with crippling loneliness. I have had to find ways to entertain myself whilst experiencing horrific symptoms of pain, nausea, digestive issues and more. I've had to learn not to take it too personally when friends cancel on seeing me or sensing their disappointment/bemusement when I cancel on seeing them. Yes, I have had lots of practice. It doesn't make it any less awful though.
 Australia has had a particularly bad run. The bushfires broke out in spring and for almost all of November and December we literally could not go outside because the air was toxic. The smoke blocked out the sun, rained apocalyptic ash and embers on us which sparked more fires. I have a compromised immune system and so I really felt the effects of the smoke. Red eyes, runny nose, sore throat - the works. That crushing, extended period of terror took a huge toll on me mentally, as well. Then, just as the smoke started to clear a little, the heat waves came. I'm talking about 48°C (113°F) days. You cannot go out in that. More people die from heat waves than most other natural disasters combined, and people were dying in Australia. People died from the smoke and the heat and that doesn't even include deaths from the fires themselves. Then the fires were put out not just by some heavy rain but by actual torrential flooding. So for a few weeks in February we were cooped up indoors unable to go out because the train lines had literally washed away and it was too dangerous to drive.
 And then the coronavirus hit Australia.
 Now everyone is being told to lock themselves in their homes. For many of us, particularly the chronically ill and most vulnerable, we've already had months and months of that. And bear in mind: I had to pretty much self-isolate all winter. Because such cretins like anti-vaxxers exist, it's really difficult for those with compromised immune systems to go out in winter and not get sick with the flu, which can be crippling or even deadly for us. Secondly, winter is extremely hard on my body. My pain gets infinitely worse in the cold weather. Last year I spent most of winter inside. I barely saw the sun. The only way I can get through those 3 to 5 months of cold is keeping in mind the prospect of spring and summer, when I can go out more often. But I couldn't go out in the spring and summer of 2019. My long stretch of being stuck indoors went on and on and on, and now I'm being told it could be another six months before I can go out again  - just in time for the start of the next bushfire season.
 After all the hardships we endured last year and after finally giving up running my not-for-profit due to worsening health, we really needed something to look forward to in 2020. I had no less than 14 medical appointments in the first eight weeks of this year. We spent thousands of dollars on seeing specialists and therapists to try to fix my broken body. The only time I would be out of the house was to see another medical professional. And then I broke up with my friend of 14 years (and his family), which led to me feeling more alone and more depressed. And then my elderly friend died at the end of February. Everything looked bleak.
 Strapped for cash, my partner tried to think of affordable ways we could still have fun this year. We finally had our own home, so maybe we could invite people over. Our social lives really suffered while running the non-profit, especially with all the drama of last year, so this year we pledged would be different.
We spent half a day in February in front of our wall planner and planned boardgame nights, our birthday parties, dinners with friends and excursions at local festivals and markets. I felt my spirits pick up a little and hope stir in my heart.
 All that has been cancelled now.
 For someone who is chronically ill and alone most of the time, we live for these outings. We live for the moments of socialization and human bonding that we are otherwise deprived of so much of the time. These things are the light at the end of the tunnel of pain and nausea and sickness. So to have that taken away from us? There are no words to describe how eviscerating that emotional pain is.
 To add insult to injury, we’re currently watching able-bodied people behaving even more despicably than usual. They descend like locusts on stores and rob the vulnerable, including our poorest regional communities (STILL RECOVERING FROM BUSHFIRES), of their food and resources. We’re witnessing them stepping over the disabled, sick and impoverished to panic buy all basic necessities. We hear them complaining about how hard it's going to be to give up seeing the football and to stay home with the kids these next few months. It's fucking galling. Now they are starting to taste what we have to experience, and yet there is still no consideration for what we’re going through.
 Instead, we hear shit like: "The self-isolation thing is so annoying. I mean, it's only the sick and elderly who will die from it so I don't see why I can't go out to a concert!"
 Only the sick and the elderly: this implies our lives have no inherent value. But I guess, under a capitalist system, that's how people see things.
  I am just so goddamn tired. I’m tired of trying to be positive all the time when things are just terrible right now. I’m tired of being dismissed, ignored, or made to feel like a whiny burden. I’m tired of the hypocrisy.  I am tired of the fear and selfishness and ugliness all around me. I’m tired of being sick and I’m tired of being punished for it.
This coronavirus has highlighted so many deep flaws with our culture and our economic system. It’s shown up humans for the self-centered, individualistic bigots we are. It’s illuminated how pathetic our treatment is of the world’s most vulnerable. It’s really underscored how incompetent our leaders are. Not that this will motivate anyone to change anything. Keep selfish, carry on.
And so it goes. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…
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honeyrose-tea · 3 years
this has been a strange start to the new year for sure. how are you doing? what did you think of the situation in the capitol? any thoughts or worries about the rest of the month? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on everything. -🌙
thank you so much for the ask💞 almost every day I check my inbox anticipating the next time I'll hear from you. just knowing that someone cares.... it really does a lot for my self-esteem. I don't have many friends right now and the few I do are very busy and have a lot of things they would rather do than talk to me. thank you for making time to listen to me and ask me how I'm doing. you wouldn't believe how many people don't. I haven't always been the most consistent presence for you and I'm sorry. I'm trying to do better and be less selfish because I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of that. thank you for always being kind to me, pen pal.
there is a lot I want to say regarding the capitol and the situation in the country in general. as a social science student (and hopefully one day a professor!) these situations are of great academic interest to me. as a bisexual woman and an informed US citizen who cares about my rights I am also very personally vested in American issues. but first I would like to tackle your question regarding how I'm doing:)
I'm doing pretty good. classes have started back up but most of mine are online. I'm thinking of switching to online exclusively because of how much emotional (and sometimes physical) labor in-person classes are, and also for the sake of my health and my parents'. it's funny how so many things we did with ease before the pandemic seem so burdensome now. even small interactions are anxiety-inducing now, and I find myself having a hard time socializing even casually. like a muscle that has atrophied without use, my social skills are awful now. on a happier note, my productivity and creativity are both at all-time highs since social interactions aren't using up all my energy anymore. I brought my record player to my dorm room and I've been listening to a bunch of music, I've also been writing and recording some music of my own. I have a couple of demos and if you or anyone else is interested, I'll post them on here. once I record and edit full band versions I'll put them up on my soundcloud. I've tried sharing some of my stuff with some friends but none of them really care and I don't want to annoy them. besides, it's more for myself anyway. I wang to prove to myself that I can make music and that I can say something worth saying. a lot of my struggle over the past 6 months has been that I feel as though nothing I do or say can change anything, that none of my actions matter. I struggle a lot with control and I've been working on it for years, but it's still really hard for me. anyway. I'm enjoying class and what I do outside of it. I've been in my element living alone again (in my dorm) and feeling free to wear/do/say what I want, when I want. I wash my dishes and sing to myself and manage my time and drink lots of artificially sweetened and heavily flavored coffee without anyone around to judge me. and I get to cry and masturbate when I want, both of which are helpful in regulating my moods. I don't know. it's not like I'm doing anything exciting, but I am doing each thing I do well and with a happy heart. I feel like this portion of my life is something of a hibernation- the winter seasons combined with the pandemic have me in a cozy little daydream, reading and self-reflecting and getting back in tune with myself and my passions. I have a feeling that the spring and summer will be very vibrant bustling months so I am trying to enjoy my rest and soak in as much knowledge about myself and the world around me as I can. it's hard for me to live in the present and not get antsy (connected to control issues, I think) but I'm getting better at it. on the subject of the future, I've also been using this time to look into grad school and prepare for the GRE (a standardized test required for most grad school applications, similar to the ACT/SAT). I'm learning a lot that I didn't know since neither of my parents went further than undergrad, and I'm getting excited. I'm really looking forward to doing research. I've already been collecting some thesis ideas for an undergraduate-level thesis that I have to complete next year for the honors college, and hopefully I can turn that into a masters and/or PHD thesis when the time comes. now, on to more important matters than my silly little life.
I have very complicated feelings about america. I do have some attachment to some of the original ideas that are at the foundation- "bring me your huddled masses...", "all men are created equal", the general spirit of democracy, etc.- all of these are valid and worth keeping (in some form) to me. I think a lot of good people and ideas exist around us and I believe that we must be as empathetic and kind as possible to one another in order to navigate the current climate and preserve the good that we do have. that said, america was also founded on some pretty terrible, bigoted principles and our history- as well as our present- is marred by injustices. our society has become highly individualistic because of capitalism, and it has resulted in considerable division on every level. the competition that fuels capitalism is like an invasive species of plant, it does not only exist within our economy but it slithers out into our social world and the way we relate to others. I think capitalism coupled with our post-enlightenment founding is the source of most all of our problems as a country. capitalism has taken root in america in a way more malicious and all-consuming than in any other culture, because it was there at the beginning of our country and all of our social norms have grown out of it. many other cultures have existed long before capitalism and though it has modified their culture, it has not altogether become it. because america was founded on capitalism, we have no cultural identity outside of it. america is, itself, capitalism. that is precisely why america is experiencing all of the best and worst parts of capitalism at their most extreme. it is why, as I mentioned previously, we are perhaps the most divisive and competitive society in the modern world, and probably in history. we are the richest and most powerful country but we have the largest wealth gap and incarceration rate, among many other extremes.
all of this is to say that the rise of Trump and fascism in this country has been a long time coming, and unmistakably inevitable. to defeat it we will have to break america down to its fundamentals, throw out everything that is unethical and unjust, and rebuild our entire society from there. this is radical and hard to imagine, it will also be very difficult to execute, but I strongly believe that much of our societal systems just cannot be reformed, they must be thrown out and replaced.
the capitol riots were inexcusable and sickening but decidedly inevitable. this has been steadily building for america's entire existence. I think it will get worse before it gets better, as there are already plans for bigger and more numerous protests across the country in the following weeks. that said, I feel hopeful as I see the anti-fascist movement grow in the wake of fascism, I am hopeful as I see many people being radicalized and awakened to the realities of this country's failings. I don't know how exactly we will even begin to rid ourselves of the biases, prejudices, and downright hatred that plagues our country. I don't know how we will relate on an individual level to those with such deeply-ingrained hate in their hearts. I don't know how we will change our systems of government and economy to reflect new cultural values that we begin to build together. I am not sure what the future will hold. I do believe, however, that we will triumph over this moment and that the future will be better. I think that the only way to radically change and unite so many vastly different people and remove the blinders from their eyes is through a terrible, historic awakening like the one we are having now. the situation itself is awful, but I am hopeful that out of this mess we become a nation more committed to justice and to some of the ideals which we have falsely claimed to be emulating for our entire history.
so yes, I am worried about the next few weeks, months, and even years. there is no end to the pursuit of a just society, and I think every informed citizen is always a bit apprehensive about certain aspects of their culture. there will always be problems to combat and injustices to rectify, but I think that we will soon be moving to a better place, that we will remember these moments and say, "never again". I am hopeful, despite seeing some of the worst of humanity in recent days, that these atrocities will bring positive change.
I know that was long and instead of discussing issues about the capitol, or even just current political issues, I expanded the scope considerably and dragged in a lot of things from history and grander sociopolitical theories. still, I think it is hard to talk about the insurrection attempt without talking about a lot more. thank you for reading my takes and caring about them. I spend a lot of time thinking about these things, and it feels nice to share them with someone other than my annoyed professors who want me to shut up so they can finish the lecture and stick to their semester schedule.
I hope you're well and that you're staying safe and healthy. are you in school now too? have you or your family had the virus? thank you for coming to talk to me, I always enjoy it. I'll talk to you again soon💞
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hopeymchope · 5 years
So, I'm trying to understand this, from a person who has next to no knowledge on the series. What exactly is going on with Attack on Titan? And I'm more than willing to read a long rant if it means I get an explanation.
If you’re wondering why the tag for the manga blew up in recent weeks, that’s one specific thing - a character “death” (or at least, character-serious-injury) that’s got fans freaking out.
If you’re wondering why everything has been sucking for like two straight years of manga and people like me keep making very salty posts about it, that’s a whole other topic.
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And that’s what I’m gonna cover in this rant: How Attack on Titan has been shitting its own bed for more than a year now.
Basic Setup: Attack on Titan takes place in a world where the remnants of humanity live in a walled city. The city’s walls protect them from gigantic, grotesque “Titans” who attempt to devour people on sight.
…but naturally, as the story went on, it got way more complicated.
Most of the problems with the manga began circa the time-skip (which is also where the Anime is going to catch up to once the current season 3 is finished). Rarely has there ever been a time-skip in fiction that’s been wonderfully received, but the four-year gap between “Return to Shanganshima” and the “Marley” arc has to be one of the worst.
But the whole crash-and-burn kind of starts right before the time-skip, when we first learn the name “Marley,” begin to learn the true origin of Titans, and uncover true enemy opposing our heroes via a forced flashback. For the purposes of this little essay, let’s just put all of the Marley-related information into one big collection - I’m not gonna separate the last couple chapters pre-timeskip from all the tons we’ve had afterwards. All things dealing with the aforementioned “enemy” will just go into one big fuckpile.
SO. The time-skip jumped forward fouryears into an arc that lasted almost a year without letting us see any of our established protagonists. Instead, we follow… the enemy I just mentioned.
And since Attack on Titan begins and goes for most of its duration without any clear enemies outside of “TEH TITANS” and “general assholes within the system,” this is where I have to put a spoiler cut.
A Rant on Titan
So the enemy of the characters we know so far is Marley, the actual source of the titans. The world isn’t destroyed at all, naturally. Our heroes just live in one isolated place on the planet, which is forced to be surrounded by Titans because Marley shoved them into that walled city and then created Titans on the regular.
Marley is a nation of………………
okay, look. I could try to call Marley  a “Nazi Germany allegory,” but the allegory is so thin that they’re basically just incredibly overt Nazis. They’re a military-focused nation of incredible genetic pride where purity is celebrated and where one particular race - a group of both different genetic descendancy than them AND of different religious beliefs - are treated as inferior garbage. The Marley government sees “Eldians” as disposable. They are forced to wear armbands with stars on their arms (YES, REALLY) to identify them in public, and they also make them lived in fenced-off, separate communities.
Marley’s science experiments on Eldians (yup, they tossed that in, too) resulted in the creation of the TITANS. It turns the Eldians into mindless prisoners of their own bodies who grow in size, deform, try to eat people instinctively, and long only for their own deaths.
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If they made a third AOT video game, it’d have to be something like this. …. So maybe we shouldn’t.
ANYWAY. During this Marley story arc, we mostly follow child soldiers. They’re of “low birth” because of their race. They chose to enter military service in exchange for having their families treated like regular human beings one day, if they earn their way to become titan-shifters. Nevermind that titan-shifters all die within seven years because of the power of turning into a titan - it’s worth it to raise their family’s status beyond just your regular Jews Eldians, right? Nevermind that they’d never really be seen as equals. Even those who have elevated their own rank by becoming shifters are shown to still be subject to some snark and disdain,but yknow - you were just born that way, so you’re shitty regardless, right?
Through this horrific scenario, we follow a few kids in particular - most notably Falco, who is gradually seeing reality and realizing how they don’t deserve to be treated like shit and that this is all a work - and Gabi, who is becoming increasingly militant and more zealous over time.
RELEVANT SIDE NOTE: Gabi’s character design is based upon a sketch Isayama once did of a gender-shfited Eren Jeager (Eren Jaeger is the main protagonist of the series). For that reason, you might be inclined ot think that Gabi is some kind of alternate/parallel Eren.
Except that’s fucking ridiculous, of course!
Gabi is shown to only care about her own rage against the people within the walls of “Paradis” (the sarcastic name for the walled city where all of our heroes come from) above ALL else. She doesn’t care about her family at all, never noticing her brother’s suicidal tendencies and pain even as Falco is acutely aware of it. The fact that her parents are pained by her following her brother’s dark path to becoming a shifter. She doesn’t notice or care. The more evidence that is put in front of her that the other side might not be as evil as she thinks? That just makes her want to commit murder MORE.
Oh, and she DOES murder people. And try to murder more. A lot. She even successfully murders a fan-favorite character - a character who shows her mercy by pointing a gun at her, seeing she’s only a child, and opting to let her live. Gabi repays this mercy by shooting that character in the back later and boasting excitedly about it to anyone who will listen for multiple chapters in a row.
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She then tries to top that by attempting to murder that character’s little adopted sister, who is like, maybe 10 years old, tops? Gabi is then protected from harm by Mikasa and now seems to be on the path towards some kind of “redemption arc” because… uh…………..
………………..because Isayama is shitty?
By contrast, Eren struggles throughout the ENTIRE NARRATIVE to bring harm to people who betray him/those he cares about or those who try to kill him/those he cares about, but often runs into incredible challenges when fighting these douchenozzles. The entire time we followed Eren up until now, he always prioritized his family and friends above EVERYTHING. He would risk ANYTHING to protect them and his comrades in the Paradis military… this was true from when he was a young boy at the start of the story up through him being a young man at this point. And he is ESPECIALLY intense about protecting his closest friends, Armin and Mikasa, who he’s known for nearly his entire life. They grew up together.
That’s set in fucking stone for like 90 chapters, so we’re good. Yeah?
Oh, sweet summer child. Perhaps you were so unprepared for Isayama’s Nazi mallet that you didn’t see his secondary weapon coming?
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See, the post-timeskip Eren treats his friends like shit. He lies to them, betrays their trust, runs off and starts a literal war on his OWN, and then tells them how much he hates them. Claims he always hated them.
So in the course of just a couple chapters, he goes from saying this:
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To swiftly saying THIS:
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Note that devastated look in her eyes. Wonderful.
And yes, he’s GOT to be lying, because I don’t think Isayama would juxtapose those two scenes so closely together in some unwitting fashion. But he’s doing so much damage to them by now that I honestly don’t even know if it matters?
Take Hange.
She’s the intelligent leader of the team, the one who always has a wild, unlikely plan. She’s a science whiz and comes up with longshot plans that always seem to weirdly… work out.
We’re told that, three years ago, she was presented a plan to overthrow Marley by Zeke - a fucking bastard who is clearly a member of the enemy, he’s lived with them his whole life, as a child he betrayed his parents to them and had them executed for being disloyal to Marley, and he’s killed COUNTLESS comrades of our heroes - and Hange decided Zeke’s plan was the only possible option and came up with no alternatives for four years. So she made them ally up with the least trustworthy person IMAGINABLE for a terrible plan,b because Hange’s… a stupid sucker now, I guess.
And why is it a terrible plan — aside from the fact that there is literally zero reason to ever believe anything Zeke says to you, since he’s the most evil fucker in the world? Oh, because it hinges HEAVILY around forcing another member of the team — Historia — into a pregnancy to churn out a baby they intend to use for the country’s gain.
Historia’s big character arc in “Attack on Titan” has been her coming to terms with her own identity and OWNING it. She’s been hiding under another identity or been controlled by other people much of her life. She finally comes out under her true name, declares that she’ll never leave in fear or be maniuplated ever again, and then—
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… oh wait.. she’s manipulated into being barefoot and pregnant against her own wishes, because their greatest enemy asked for it.
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There’s a lot to hate about the post-”Return to Shinganshima” Attack on Titan, in short. From characters becoming inversions of themselves to full fanatical Nazis being treated like redemption babies to complete destruction of self-actualization of other characters and the fact that, even if this is part of some larger plan being manipulated by multiple players (which seems likely), it still won’t really make up for much of the damage… and for that matter, how plausible would it even be?
But basically, there’s going to have to be quite an 11th-hour ass-pull to make this turn out decently in my eyes by now. And that’s not IMPOSSIBLE.
But it’s looking pretty unlikely.
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by Mennon Pot
(Conchita) Wurst: 'I'm sorry I'm a walking cliché'.
Above all we know Conchita Wurst as the bearded 'female 'singer who won the ESC in 2014. But we've moved on and are a bit wiser. It´s just Wurst now, but the beard is still there.
With light feathered steps, Thomas Neuwirth (31) enters the conference room of the hotel in Groningen where he is staying: black combat boots, black leather pants, tight black T-shirt, the black beard and the perfect short trimmed jet black hair..
He introduces himself as Tom. It's not difficult to recognise the bearded drag queen Conchita in him. (Kopenhagen, 2014, remember?) but the dress and wig are stowed away for a while. Conchita has a sort of sabbatical, so to speak.
Neuwirth is on tour as a man. Stage name: Wurst. Yesterday evening he performed in Groningen; the next concert will be 7 february at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. His new album 'Truth over Magnitude' also carries the artist´s name Wurst.
Let's get this straight: when the subject is Conchita Wurst, the word 'transgender' sometimes comes a long. Wrongly. Neuwirth is a man, ('but incredibly gay, of course'), who has a choice from now on: being on tour as a drag queen (Conchita) or as a man (Wurst) .
´a lot of fun, being a masculine stage persona', he says. Conchita will turn up again somewhere else.
Holland appreciated Conchita's 'Rise like a Phoenix' with the highest score, almost 6 years ago.
Neuwirth didn't forget: twelve points, douze points from Holland for the bearded diva from Austria.
Then hectic years followed. 'After the Song Contest I thought, I have to make the most of it now, build my fame and cash it in. So I surrounded myself with all kinds of experts, managers, stylists, make/up artists, the whole circus. After 3 years I was exhausted. I couldn´t do it anymore. I told my audience every nigh, be yourself, believe in yourself. But along the way, I forgot myself.´
He got rid of the experts’ circus and is having a relaxed tour now, with a small entourage. He feels good again, although in 2018 he had to announce he is infected with the HIV virus. His manager politely asks, almost in an humble manner, not to talk about that.
Tom doesn´t appear to be very worried about that. There has seldom been a star who starts an interview so cheerfully. ´A great photo shoot and after that talk about things I find beautiful and fun.
Terrific, I was already looking forward to it when I came out of bed.´
´Curriculum Vitae'
1988 – Born as Thomas Neuwirth in Gmunden, Austria
2007 – Candidate at the talentshow Starmania, and boyband Jetzt anders!
2011 – Debut as female persona Conchita Wurst, the debut single `I´ll be there´
2012 - Second place at the Austrian Songfestival
2014 – ESC winner with ´Rise like a Phoenix
2015 – First album ´Conchita´, co-presenter ESC
2018 – Second album ´From Vienna with Love´
2019 – Debut as male stage persona ´Wurst´, third album ´Truth over Magnitude´
2020 – Wurst ´Trust over Magnitude´ Sony Music
Wurst will be performing in the Melkweg in Amsterdam on February 7
Music from the Motion Picture Titanic ...1997
´My first CD. I was 9 years old when I bought it. `My heart will go on´’changed my life´. As it were, Céline Dion gave me permission to be utterly dramatic and to be over the top. When I came out of the closet, I heard that song in my head.
It was also a liberation for me as a singer. My mom always sang with a thin, high falsetto voice. I thought that was how it should be. Dion taught me, you may yell as hard as you can, with all the power you have in you. When you sing so loud, you can’t fake it. The sound you push out of your body, is the sound of your body, unique and by definition authentic. Céline Dion taught me that singing is something really physical.´
The Crown ..Netflix..., 2016 until 2019
´For me it´s getting difficult to watch a movie to the end. I guess that´s because of all the series on Netflix and HBO. My favorite is `The Crown´.. ´the intro alone is so beautiful, that liquid gold that forms a crown, such art. I used to watch it twice. Ít says something about the fact that I can´t choose between the two women who play Elizabeth and the two men who play prince Philip. All the actors are great. The costumes, the stories, the palaces, it´s so delightful. The history also intrigues me, after every episode I checked on Wikipedia if it was really what had happened.
´At Christmas I always come back to Vienna. I love the lights, glitters and decorations, my inner Mariah Carey is looking forward to it every year. Christmas 2019 was extra special because it had been a long time since the whole family came together at my grandmother´s house.´
I would love it to be like that every year... A couple of days being together in one home. Talking, getting to really know my family. Maybe now you think, days on and on with uncles and aunts, such horror! It is easy to say that I don´t really have much in common with these people. But I do, Really. They all have a story and similarities with your stories. Ask them about your life and tell them about yours.´
That´s what Christmas is all about to me. To me, the birth of Jesus has not that much to do with it.´
I have an agreement with my best friends to go on vacation at least once every two years. We have been to Mykonos a couple of times, THE especially gay island. I´m sorry I sound like a walking cliché.´
The sun, the sea, the beaches, the small streets, so cosy. We rent a house with a pool and for a week or two we live in our own little paradise, actually being a bit tipsy the whole time. Go shopping and cook.´
`What´s also very important, on Mykomos, the wind is always blowing the right way. I love to watch the women, because their dresses and their hair flutter so beautifully.´
Victoria Beckham
I was and still am a big Spice Girls fan and I especially admire Victoria Beckham, because she lives her life the way she wants. She appears in tabloids every day, but has survived a crisis in her relationship and has stayed happy with the love of her life and her family. I think that it´s really strong.´
In regard to her style, she can go from very classy to very trashy, I like that. One day she´s wearing a designer dress, the next she and David Beckham are walking in identical jogging suits. She couldn’t care less. I think that it´s inspiring.´
´I think she is utterly authentic, raging through the glamour. Although I have never met her, I´m sure that I could have a lot of fun with her. I´d love to drink some tequila with her for an afternoon or so.´
´I thought becoming 30 was really special, I lost my wild behaviour, came to be more restful. Some way or another I think a lot about some things my mother said: in my twenties, I ignored those lessons, but now I´m 30, I suddenly realised she was right for example how important family and friends are.
I´m 31 now, I have inner peace and my life in order, but I still feel young. I´m convinced that this the best period of my life´. My advise to everybody... be 30.´
Recomposed by Max Richter / The Four Seasons ..2012
I don´t play any instruments and until not too long ago, I didn´t really know much about music. I really found that a pity sometimes. Fortunately, my good friend Martin studies at the School of Musical Arts... !! He´s studying the history of music intensely and tells me about a lot of great composers. I learn a lot from that.´´I never understood classical music and didn´t really know anything about it, but thanks to the listening sessions with Martin I fell in love with Vivaldi..
The pop artist of the classical artists.
´Max Richter interpreted Vivaldi´s Four Seasons and composed it in a modern fashion. It´s a modern, post minimalistic piece, completely different from the original one, but you still recognise it. Greatly done, at the moment it´s my favorite album.´
Friedrich Schiller « Ueber die aesthetische Erziehung des Menschen ». About the aesthetic upbringing of the people..´
´A good friend advised me to read the philosophical letters from Friedrich Schiller ..Letters, 1794-1795)
That´s a hard job to do. Because of the old fashioned German I had to read some sentences 5 times. You always have to wrestle yourself through a thick layer of 18th century sexism.
´But further on you´ll find something beautiful. Schiller writes a lot about finding your inner beauty and your own truth. Dare to be yourself. Embrace your darker sides. Those are important as well.´
´At the same time he preaches self-perspective.. don´t take yourself too seriously, you´re not the center of the universe. That is very worthy to me. Namely because I DO think I´m the center of the universe, haha.
`Still it´s very wise of him, to send a message from 1795 to a 21st century queen with a Mariah Carey complex.´
Circus in Vienna
´The Arena is a huge complex in Vienna, a concert building with a mega discotheque. A couple of times a year they organize Circus, my favorite gay club night. I always go there with my group of closest friends, but it´s actually a bit of a rule that we lose each other and disappear into the crowd.´
´I roam around all night- Every room, every floor has its own musical theme and decoration. I love the types of people I meet there, their clothes, their fetishisms, everything.´
….Arena Vienna, Baumgasse 80, Vienna
´I live in Vienna, I love Vienna and I will always come back there, but the greatest city I´ve been to is Amsterdam – since then I traveled all over the world so I know what I´m talking about.
´Of all the cities I visited, Amsterdam is the only one where I would want to live a period of time. So that´s what I´m gonna do, this summer, for a few months to begin with.´
´I can see that Amsterdam also has the flagship stores from all known store chains. And a lot of tourists, like every special city. But I see all these small jewelry shops where they sell their self-made jewelry. Little bakeries. Cosy streets. And a lot of water. I love water. I love cities with lots of water.´
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callmequeenkate · 6 years
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The changing of the seasons is a time of mixed emotions for me - I love the fall, the grey rainy days, the colored leaves. But at the same time, I have to acknowledge the existence of the depression that worsens as the sun fades.
I never used to notice this. I was depressed all year long so autumn and winter were no different. If anything I welcomed them because I finally had the perfect excuse for staying holed up in my room. No one could question my need for darkness when there was darkness everywhere.
And then the everyday depression...it got better. It's still there, still a voice whispering to me, still manages to find new paths to my heart and mind. But with counseling, chiropractic care, and people who loved me through it, it got better. Slowly, I adjusted to the light and learned to be happy again.
It's a process, see. When you're depressed even things that typically make you happy or should make you feel something just leave you sad and numb. And I had spent so long numb. I had spent so many years feeling next to nothing. So I literally had to learn to feel. I had to take lessons in being happy. I had to teach my heart and my mind to feel joy.
As I learned those things, as the day to day depression faded for the most part, I found another problem: I now understood why some people weren't as in love with the fall and winter times as I was. The sun would fade and I'd dip back into darkness with it. The days grew shorter and my time in bed grew longer. The rain fell and I started crying out of an old familiar pain, and then I stopped as everything became numb again.
Christmas, my most favorite time of the year, came. And for a few years I wasn't even sure how to be joyous about that. It's an odd moment, to look at lights that made you laugh like a small child out of excitement, and just feel deep sadness.
Then the sun came with the spring and I had to learn happiness all over again. Summer showed up and I spent more time outside.
And so the cycle goes on. And on. And on.
I am starting now to learn to cope better as the seasons change. To give myself a break but recognize when I am too close to being too far gone. I am taking care of myself. I am remembering the lessons the light seasons taught me. I am trying to find hope in the dark.
This has been perhaps the hardest year yet. The world is dark in more ways than just the season. There is so much going on that I don't know how to deal with, or how to cope with. I find myself just wanting to hide, to feel nothing again.
Yet everyday, I come home to these four. I come home and I am reminded of love and laughter and how glorious feeling really is. I am reminded that I wouldn't trade them for anything. I am reminded that they deserve the full me, and I want to give them that rather than hiding and staying numb.
I come home to my wife - who knows when things are getting dark, who holds me and tells me she loves me, who shows me she loves me. My wonderful wife, who walks through this with me and never leaves, who is careful with my heart and loves me deeply.
I come home to my Killian - who saved me a few years ago, who was the reason I stayed alive, who curled up next to me and sounded the alarm when needed. My sweet puppy, who looks at me with so much love in his eyes.
I come home to our other two - Roxy and Sappho. The dog and the cat I am still getting to know, still learning. We are all still learning each other. And yet watching them play, petting them, looking at them still helps me walk through the darker days. My sweethearts, who love me even when I'm not yet sure how to show them love.
This is depression. This is anxiety. This is being autistic. This is being easily sensory overwhelmed. This is the depression and anxiety worsening on hard sensory days. This is feeling worse when I realize the world isn't always accepting of how I function, the world isn't always kind.
But this is also hope. This is beauty in the way my brain works a little differently. This is looking forward to the holidays with great excitement. This is love and joy and being at a certain level of peace with how I function. This is finding the kind people. This is learning to love who I am rather than apologizing for my brain and my heart.
And always, forever and for always, this is coming home to my family. Walking through the door and feeling loved. This is having safe arms to go to when I'm scared. This is having the unconditional love of animals. This is learning how to find beauty even in the darkness, this is seeking out happiness, this is remembering the past, looking forward to the future, and living in this moment.
This is learning to live in every season.
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Philly champ hosts Irishman on St Patrick’s weekend – Taylor-Volante in unification clash – Rosado meets Sulecki
Tevin Farmer will defend his IBF World Super-Featherweight title against Jono Carroll at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on Friday March 15, live on DAZN in the US and on Sky Sports in the UK.
Farmer (28-4-1 6KOs) makes the third defense of his crown in his first fight on home turf as a World champion, following a wide points win over Francisco Fonseca in New York in December, a win that followed a dominant fifth round stoppage over Northern Irishman James Tennyson in his first defense in Boston in October.
The 28 year old returns to the Temple University venue having boxed there in April 2017 against Arturo Reyes – the fight before his first World title showdown with Kenichi Ogawa in Las Vegas in December, where his controversial split decision loss was turned into a no-contest after the Japanese failed a drug test. Farmer would claim the vacant IBF title in August in Australia with a comprehensive points win over seasoned Aussie Billy Dib.
Unbeaten Dubliner Carroll (16-0-1 3KOs) fights for his first World title on St Patrick’s weekend against Farmer, with his shot at the title following a closely fought split draw in a final eliminator with Guillaume Frenois in Sheffield, England in December.
Farmer and Carroll have been involved in bitter social media spats and will finally come face-to-face for the first time at a press conference to launch the fight in Philly next Tuesday, and both fighters believe the fight will be as fiery as the build-up.
“He's got a World title shot on St Patrick's weekend, he should be thanking me,” said Farmer. “He's trying to get under my skin but it's impossible to get under my skin. He's making himself look bad and he's stepping up to a whole different level with me. I'm A-level and he's going to pay.
“He says we both come from tough backgrounds, the hood, that boy hasn't come from any struggle, no hood. I'm going to show him when he comes to Philly, he's going to eat his words. He's trying to get his buzz up but there's certain things that you don't say. He's made this personal and you don't want to get personal with a Philly guy like me.
“This is big for me, fighting as a World champion in Philly. When does Philly hold big World championship shows? This is big – it's a boxing town but this is as big a show as there's been here for a long time. I have to thank Eddie, Lou and DAZN for making this a reality, because often World champions don't always get the chance to fight in their home city. It doesn't happen, but it's happening for me and that shows the level of respect that Eddie, Lou and I have for each other. It's going to be a great night.
“I don't care about these other champions. You never know what is going to happen with politics and people making excuses, but I'm here, I defended the title twice in three months last year and I'm headlining at home. If people really want to fight, it's simple to do - sign the contract and turn up and fight.
“The only thing I care about is my career, keep lining them up and I'm going to keep smoking them and keep getting paid. With or without them, my career will be the best of all those guys. I'm on a high right now. Everything is good right now, I'm doing everything I've dreamed of.”
“It is only fitting that Tevin Farmer's remarkable journey in boxing and in life comes back to his home city, Philadelphia,” said DiBella. “In 2018, from Australia to Madison Square Garden, Tevin established himself as one of the brightest and most active stars in boxing.
“This is the homecoming Tevin deserves, and if Jono Carroll fights with the same fervor that he talks, it will also be a fight befitting of a city that has long been synonymous with all action wars.”
“I'll do what I want with Tevin, he's a tiny little child and I'm not afraid of him,” said Carroll. “When we meet, if he's respectful of me, I'll be respectful back as that's how I've been brought up - but if comes talking rubbish then I'll put him in his place.
“I see a fakeness in him when I see him interviewed, I see a fake person. My thoughts on him are that he wants to be liked, but he's not. I reckon he's arrogant, that's the man I think he is and I know he's that sort of flashy person saying stupid things on Twitter.
“Tevin is a man that wants to be liked but he plays like he's Floyd Mayweather, but he's not half as good as him. He has serious holes in his armory, and I am going to poke every single one of them, I’ll break him up and stop him.
“He's never met a man like me in his life. He came from a rough background yes, but so did I. We're both from crazy places but we're in the limelight now, so we have to be grown-up and responsible as we're going to have cameras around us.”
Irish sensation Katie Taylor can take a giant step towards her goal of becoming the undisputed World Lightweight champion when she aims to unify her WBA and IBF titles against WBO ruler Rose Volante.
Taylor (12-0 5KOs) added the IBF strap to her WBA title in April against Victoria Bustos in Brooklyn, New York, and has since defended the titles three times, stopping Kimberly Connor in three rounds in London in July before shutouts against Cindy Serrano in Boston in October and ending a stunning 2018 by beating Eva Wahlstrom in New York in December.
Volante (14-0 8KOs) has defended her WBO crown twice since winning the vacant title in December 2017 and the Argentine won both her defenses in Brazil 2018 by the halfway point, with Lourdes Borbua retiring after five rounds in April and Yolis Marrugo Franco stopped in three in September.
The champions put titles and unbeaten records on the line in Philadelphia, and the winner will target Belgian WBC ruler Delfine Persoon for all the belts later in the year.
“Ever since I won my first World title as a pro my goal has been to unify the Lightweight titles so this is obviously a massive step towards that,” said Taylor. “Volante is unbeaten so I'm expecting a tough fight but that's exactly the kind of challenge I want. I think the better the opponent and the bigger the challenge the better I will perform.
“It's a great card to be on especially with so many Irish fighters on the bill on St. Patrick's weekend in Philadelphia so I'm sure it will be a special occasion.
“For now my focus is on Volante but of course after that fight I would love to have all the belts as soon as possible. Hopefully the Persoon fight can finally be made for the summer and then there are some other huge fights out there as well for the rest of the year.”
A stacked card in support of the two World title blockbusters is led by a crunch Middleweight clash between Philadelphia’s Gabriel Rosado and Pole Maciej Sulecki and an all-Philadelphia Lightweight clash between Hank Lundy and Avery Sparrow.
Rosado (24-11-1 14KOs) is back in action after a controversial all-action fight in Kansas with Luis Arias in November, the former World title challenger drawing with the Milwaukee man. The 33 year old will be desperate to get his name back into contention for major honors with the 160lbs division red hot right now, but Sulecki (27-1 11KOs) will have the same designs on those title shots having bounced back from a loss against Daniel Jacobs in April with a second round KO win in Poland in November.
“I'm excited to start the year back home in Philly,” said Rosado. “This is the second half of my career and the goal is to win a World title. It's only right that it starts here in Philly.”
Prospect Sparrow (9-1 3KOs) will be gunning to add a major scalp to his CV in the shape of former World title challenger Lundy (29-7-1 14KOs). Sparrow faces the second ten round clash of his career as he looks to step up his progress early in 2019.
“It's been a long time since I last fought but that's on me and I've learned from it,” said Sparrow. “Fighting someone like Hank Lundy is the kind of challenge I look forward to. It's a big fight on a big stage.”
“Once again we have a great Philly vs. Philly fight and that is always good for boxing in Philly,” said Lundy. “It's a hard fight but we're both looking down the road because we know what winning this fight will do for our careers.”
Kazakhstan’s Olympic gold medal star Daniyar Yeleussinov (5-0 3KOs) fights for the sixth time in the paid ranks ahead of what promises to be a break out year for the 27 year old, the same of which can be said for two-time Olympian and 2012 silver medalist John Joe Nevin (11-0 4KOs) who joins fellow Irish fighters on the St. Patrick’s weekend bill.
“I can’t wait for March 15 at the Liacouras Center,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “It’s our first ever event in Philadelphia and it’s an honor to promote in this great city on St Patrick’s weekend.
“Tevin Farmer is one of the great boxing underdog stories of our generation and I’m so happy he is getting the chance to bring that World championship home against a feisty and talented Jono Carroll.
“The biggest star in World boxing, Ireland’s Katie Taylor, looks to unify the division against WBO champ Rose Volante. Philly favorite Gabe Rosado takes on Poland’s Maciej Sulecki in a thrilling Middleweight match up and #Olympic stars Daniyar Yeleussinov and John Joe Nevin. It’s stacked from top to bottom and it’s going to be an electric night of boxing in #Philadelphia.”
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