#and i really felt like i needed to practice some jake :]
junislqve · 1 day
⟡ stay in my memories
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when you had finally started to accept your past, it comes back to haunt you
pairs ex!jake + reader content angst kissing jake being toxic wordcount 1404 — find my other works
note ending is highkey rushed and was supposed to be happy, but this is self indulgent, so! i also listened to memories an ungodly amount while writing this
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YOU HUFFED AS YOUR DOORBELL RANG FOR THE SECOND TIME. it was 11pm. a few minutes ago, your friend had just left after picking up her cat from the week-long vacation she had with her boyfriend. you had sensed she’d forgotten something.
when it rang once more, you begrudgingly stood up dragging your legs to the front door. the lights to your small living room was already off save for one that was only enough to illuminate the front door.
you sigh as the door click open, “you really need to stop forget-” 
“hi, babyy” 
your heart dropped. not because of how the man in front of you accidentally stumbled and now practically has his boy weight supported by you, and also somehow not because of how his hands circle your body and rest on your waist like how it used to.
it was his voice that did. 
his voice that you swore on everything you would never want to hear again. hating how it sounded so much you’d bail on any man that sounded similar to him or had his accent.
how could you not when only a few simple words uttered with that voice had your mind reeling? repeating the same heart wrenching sentence in your head over and over again, it engraved itself.
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it was pouring outside. you’ve been very stuffed with schoolwork and your finals coming up. papers spread out everywhere on your table and books scattered on your bedsides and floor. 
you felt a tickle on your ankle and watched as your dog rubbed its side on your body, begging for attention. you chuckle, dropping your pen and bending down to pick her up. sitting her on your lap as you rubbed its back. 
“i’m sorry, i just need to finish this paper and i’ll promise i’ll give you some attention, okay?” you coo at her, it hung her head low but complied, laying her head on your lap. 
a moment later, your phone lit up. you stared at the caller and with no hesitation immediately picked it up, a smile growing on your face, “hi, babe-”
“let’s break up”
you stopped. the pouring rain seemed to have hushed in a matter of seconds, the air around you felt constricted. your dog stayed silent, looking up at you in confusion.
“it’s just going to be hard keeping up our relationship in the long run. i’m graduating and you still have two years” 
“so i don’t want to hold each other back” he sounded frustrated. 
“so that’s it?” you ask, voice heavy. “you’re going to leave me because you don’t want to wait two years for me?”
“you’re twisting my words”
“that’s exactly what you said, jake” 
“i’m sorry”
no he’s not. 
“no, you’re not” you say, you wait for a second too long before hanging up. you damn well know he’s not, because if he was you wouldn’t be crying as hard as you are right now. your chest wouldn’t have felt as painful as it does.
there was nothing but confusion that clouded your mind the following days. you were trying to reason with yourself why he’d ever break up with you. 
your boyfriend is the sweetest yet most comforting guy you’ve ever known. or at least, was. you thought there must be something wrong with you.
everything reminded you of him. back then, you thought you hit the lottery when he landed as your first love as well as your first boyfriend. you never doubted your relationship, he was always there for you whenever you needed him and you never turned him down if he needed a shoulder. 
every waking moment after the breakup felt plain to you. habits and hobbies turned more of a chore, some of the things you did were picked up from his habits.
you were quiet about your breakup. it took a total of 13 days until anyone found out. your friends having to fish it out of you when they felt how quiet and more zoned out you’ve become.
for three months, jake’s name was not allowed to be uttered. it was a rule your friend made. she knew anything correlated to him could tip you off, but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. 
she didn’t know that you’d still visit his old album from time to time just to feel something. to remember all the ways he loved you and all the ways he wasn’t there to, anymore.
you can’t let go the feeling of how he would hug you, all the times he would kiss you giggles filling out every corner of the room. the moments he’d lay on the bed with you, whispering sweet nothings lulling you to sleep.
you still can feel all of that, a ghost of the past you were never willing to let go.
you wished time could heal all of you completely. because now when you swore you have finally started to move on, he has his body slumped on yours, breath fanning your neck.
“jake?” you curse yourself from how quiet it came out. your voice wavering, your breath shallow before you slowly walk in, his body still slumped on yours.
he hummed, “i missed you” he dug his head deeper into your neck, making you physically sick.
you tug him off, stabling him by his shoulders and you wished you didn’t. you could see his state now. his hair was all messed up, face tinted red from drinking and he had that pout. his eyes attempting to blink itself awake as he looks at you through sleepy eyes.
“jake” you say again, finding your voice. that pout of his grew at your tone.
“don’t you miss me?” he asks, voice so soft you almost gave in. his hands still hover on your waist and you’d lie if you said you weren’t fully aware of it. 
“i’ll grab you some water” you say, walking out of his reach. the heat from his body slowly seeping away as you walk to grab a glass of water.
you turn back to see him sat on the couch, his head laying on the arm rest, legs sprawled sideways. tapping him on the shoulder, his eyes crease open along with that smile of his. your heart clenched.
he grabs the cup and downs it in one gulp, “thank you” he says quietly.
when you were about to grab it and walk back to the kitchen, jake had tugged your shirt causing you to topple on top of him on the couch. 
“you haven’t said you missed me back” he said, head buried in your hair, breathing you in. 
you gathered all of you to push against him and stand up, “jake, stop”
“i know you’re sober”
it barely showed, but you could see the slight waver of his smile.
“i miss you” he says for the third time tonight, eyes open but still slightly glazed.
“you’re being selfish” tears start to well up. it’s overwhelming to say the least. how could he just show up at your doorstep months later giving you false hope? after everything he’s made you go through.
“i know” he starts, sitting up slightly, “and i know i have no right to come back here begging for you to come back. but i miss you”
“you should leave” you look away.
“i’m sorry” he says, “but i’ll do better this time”
maybe it was those eyes that convinced you, or the sliver of sincerity you pretended to see in his eyes or maybe once again it was that voice that allured you. but you gave in. 
he brought you in for a kiss. one that you’ve undoubtedly miss all these months of being apart. jake just knew how to bring you back into his arms. he held you all night long and between the kiss and the cuddling, you dozed into a sleep you haven’t felt for months.
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you shifted, you peek at the light hitting your eyes from the slip of the curtains. 
you rolled over, the space beside you, cold. 
you sat up, the blanket falling off your body as you looked around the living room. trying to grasp at the hazy memory of last night.
the table in front of the couch is neat. when your eyes focused there was a scrap of paper placed on it.
‘i don’t deserve you, i’m sorry
-love, j’
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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brookekiszkaa · 2 days
Viva Las Vegas
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🎲About: When invited to see your childhood best friends perform at the International Hotel and Casino, things take a turn of events and reveal suppressed feelings for your once lover and now enemy.
♦️Jake Kiszka x reader
♠️Word count: 6k
♣️Warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, angst, crying, cheating, ldk what else 🙌🏻
🃏Authors note: enjoy this is my first story so I hope it’s good and if the format is messed up sorryyy😛
If you were to be told that your childhood best friends were performing at the International Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, you would die laughing. Growing up in the small town of Frankenmuth Michigan, you were always told you needed to live a big life and make the town proud, and that is exactly what you did. After finishing high school, you dropped the idea of college and found yourself working at the well-known store of Bronners, making a little less than minimum wage, but it worked. You saved up for 2 years straight, just to be able to rent out a small studio apartment in Nashville Tennessee, the music city. You landed yourself a job at a small bar that frequently hosted small and upcoming bands, one of them being the Orange Blossoms: the band you now market for full-time while working for RCA Record Labels. Life was good, really good; well until you got a very interesting call two weeks back from a very drunk childhood best friend, Josh Kiszka.
“Hello?” You asked rubbing your eyes. It had to be at least 3 am and you were woken out of a dead sleep to answer a call you should’ve just let go to voicemail.
“Y/N MY FAVORITE PERSON,” you could practically smell the alcohol reeking off the man you called your other half through the phone “HOW ARE YOU!”
“Josh,” you pulled the phone away from your ear and to no surprise the time read
3:05 am “It’s 3 am I was asleep just like you should be. Is there something you need?”
“Mama, do I ever need a reason to call the girl I love the most?” He asked almost slurring every other word
“No Josh but it’s a Thursday and I have work soon and need to sleep. Goodnight Joshua”.
“NO, NO WAIT. I had something to tell you but it slipped my mind.. Jake, what was I going to tell y/n again?” That name. The name of the man who had destroyed you. Josh’s twin brother, Jacob. Thomas. Kiszka. Silence hit the air and you could hear the long-haired man laugh and mumble something to his brother.
Jake and you had dated back in high school. It wasn’t a quick thing, it was a three-year-long commitment. Jake was your first and you his. He was there for the first time you got black-out drunk, greened out, ran away from home, lost your childhood pet, everything. Jake was not only your boyfriend but your best friend and you were beyond happy, you couldn’t ask for anything more. Well, all that joy and happiness, left in the blink of an eye on the night of your senior prom. It took no time at all for you to see the photo. There, in his jet black tuxedo and pink tye to match your flowing dress was an 18-year-old Jake pushed up against the wall with some dumb blonde. The dumb blonde in question? your best friend. Life had changed completely. All the sorries in the world couldnt make up for what he had done to you. You could care less about the skanky bitch you called your best friend but Jake? Your Jake? You have never felt more alone in your entire life. You broke contact with him for 6 years. Six years of your life you spent tip-toeing around him. You would exchange glances at parties Josh or Sam would host but not a single word would leave your lips. Josh had tried his best to break up the tension but you were stubborn, you always have been and that was partially the reason Jake had stopped trying so hard to apologize to you, because he knew you wouldn’t forgive and forget.
You broke the no contact on the twin's 24th birthday. You were invited to the party and you didn’t think twice about going, not for Jake but for Josh. Only for Josh. However, to lie and say Jake had looked nothing far from gorgeous would be wrong. He looked.. perfect. You found yourself drinking one too many martinis made by the fluffy-haired twin and ended up letting the alcohol take its course and finally speaking to the man who broke your heart. As you moved your body through the sea of people invited to the house located just out of Nashville, you found your glossy eyes looking upon a somber Jake.
“Hi.” you said quietly as you took a seat next to him outside by the small fire that had been growing rather dim as the night went on.
“Hi, Angel.” He said as his eyes met yours, using the same nickname he gave you all those years back in high school.
“ I uh, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and wish you a year full of good memories or whatever you have in your life you want to be good.” God your mouth had never felt so dry as you were at such a loss for words. Why you were even speaking to him was beyond you.
“Thank you. How have you been? It's been what? Five-ish years?”
“Ive been good, I could be better but work is good and I got a dog of my own, yea lifes been, been going good.” Been going good and we should keep it that way, you thought to yourself.
“I'm glad. Ive missed you, Angel. Ive missed what we had.” His hand found its way to yours. Just as soon as it happened it was over as a girl was soon calling his name. A girl whose voice you’ve heard more than once before. As you turned your head, to no surprise you were met with the girl he cheated on you with all that while back. You sobered right up and stood quickly.
“It shows Jake. Happy birthday again.” and with that, you continued with your life, not speaking to the ghost of the man you once knew.
As you came back from your thoughts you were brought back to a drunk Josh rambling on about god knows what.
“So what do you say?” Jesus you must have been zoned out, I mean it was 3 am and this call was more than unnecessary in your eyes.
“Sorry, repeat what you just said, but make it short.”
“ I SAID, we're going on another leg for the US and were going to this fancy place in Vegas where Elvis played and I want you to come.” You had already seen the infamous Greta Van Fleet perform far more than once but a trip to Vegas didn’t sound too terrible.
“The International Casino?” you asked confusingly
“Yeah, that's the one! It's in a few weeks Angel so you have time to think but it would mean the world to all of us if you would delight us with your amazing presence.” You let out a small laugh, ignoring the fact that the nickname has made its way to stick with you for so long.
“Send me over the details in the morning Josh and I’ll look into it. Im going to bed now and I think you should too, love you lots Josh.” The short man let out a sigh wished you a good night and hung up.
Now, you sit in your hotel room, a suite not to mention, putting on the lash finishing details to your makeup, similar to that of which Josh does, and preparing for the night ahead. As you added the last rhinestone to your cheek, you moved to grab your favorite red lipstick, carefully applying it only to be interrupted by a phone call from no other than the man himself.
“Hello, mamas.”
“Hi Josh, to what do I owe the pleasure”
“I’m sending someone up to your room right now to grab you and bring you to the dressing rooms, then we're gonna bring you to your spot. Sound good?” You laughed knowing that by going on this trip Josh was going to do whatever he needed to make sure that you had lived it to the best extent, even if that meant reserving a special spot in the pit when you were more than happy to be in a seat, out of the way.
“Yes that’s fine Josh,” you said with a laugh “I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you continued applying your lipstick, sprayed your favorite perfume, and were met with a soft knock at the door to your luxurious suite. You opened the door to see one of the many men you'd seen running around with the band before and allowed him to escort you to a room that was titled “Greta Van Fleet-Josh Dressing” and let you inside.
You were immediately met with showers of welcomes, seeing that not only Josh sat in this room but Sam and Danny too, Jake nowhere to be found.
“Angel! We’ve missed you come in!” exclaimed Josh and he sat up from his spot in a chair and left the woman doing his makeup dumbfounded at the sudden change in focus. As he came up to hug you it felt as if any worry you had about the night had left you completely. His hug was soon followed by Sam and Danny which led you all into a deep conversation of how life had been. Well, as deep as it could go seeing as they had to perform in just short of 30 minutes. As Sam rambled on about Rose and his love life your mind drifted to the fact that the other, more serious, twin wasn’t present. It must have shown on your face for Sam cleared his throat and said
“Jake in his dressing room, “practicing” is what he calls it but im pretty sure he's in there taking shots to pregame.” You let out a soft “ah” to show your understanding. It didn’t come as a surprise to you that Jacob Kiszka was pregaming, you felt like you always saw him drinking before a show, even when he was back in Frankenmuth whether it be a beer or a shot of vodka. Soon you found yourself taking a shot with the boys as if to say good luck on the stage tonight, knowing they wouldn’t need that; I mean they were amazing, to say the least. You saw the effect these men had on some of the people in the crowd, not just from their undeniable beauty but from the fact that their music meant something, it changed people and you couldn’t be more proud of them. While you never imagined them this big, you felt like they had this written in the stars for them. After exchanging conversation they got the five-minute call and the next thing you knew you were being brought out of the room and down to the pit. As you walked down the small hallway leading you to the stage, you heard the voice of a man talking to another, but not just talking, he was mad, really mad. The security guard tried to hurry you along past the scene but as you passed him, you could see that black suit, shining in the light due to the amazing detailing from the rhinestones and diamonds, and you knew that was Jake. Your Jake. Why he was mad? You wish you knew. Maybe something happened with his guitar, or maybe he had just gotten bad news from someone, but whatever it was, you weren’t even allowed a moment to process it before you were pushed along to your “special spot”. You found yourself being lifted over the railing of the pit and put smack dab in the middle of the barricade. You almost felt bad, this could’ve been someone else’s spot so before he could walk away, you grabbed the arm of the security guard and pulled him close to the railing.
“Is there anywhere else I can sit? Maybe up there?” you yelled out as you pointed to the seats sitting at an angle to the side of the stage.
The guard just looked at you and sighed, “They told me they wanted you here specifically, so they could see you. Don’t worry we had someone hold this spot for you. Enjoy the show Ms.Y/L/N.” And with that, he was gone and the lights started to dim, followed by a beautiful violin cover of the songs off Starcatcher.
The curtain fell and the boys made their way down from their spots, going on with the show as normal, until it came to the point of what would normally be their switch to the second stage, except this venue, in particular, did not have one, so they stayed put and gathered around into a half circle, facing the crowd in front of them. Sam had started to play a melody on his keys you knew all too well and once Josh started singing, tears filled your eyes. It was always a joke growing up about how much you and Mrs.Kiszka adored John Denver, Jake, and Josh egging it onto you how much you were like their mom. You had always seen on social media postings of them playing bits from The Music Is You, to honor their mom when playing back in your home state, but it never once crossed your mind that they may do the same for you. Josh had sang beautifully as always and made it a point to look right at you and reach his hand out to you when he finished the little snippet of the song you adored oh so much. You wiped your eyes and mouthed a quick thank you to Josh. While it may have seemed silly to the girls around you, you hadn’t seen the boys in truly so long, and just to hear them sing, knowing it was for you, made you appreciate how much they have changed you and your life, good or bad.
As the concert continued you found yourself in a sea of screaming girls once the familiar tune of The Archer, began playing. Josh had told you over the phone about the many interactions he had with fans, going down to the pit, hugging, kissing, grabbing them, and showing his love during Jake's extended solo and you expected nothing different for tonight. Just as you expected, Josh made his way down to the pit, hugging as many as he could but your attention drifted elsewhere. Your eyes found taking in the image of the man you once called your true love as he shook back and forth with his guitar, dramatizing the solo more than it needed to be. You found yourself taking in his features; his long, wet hair, the way it stuck to his face due to the sweat running down his body to his torso, the way his hips shook back and forth as he damn near abused his guitar on the stage. You couldn’t draw your eyes away but were broken out of your trance as soon his met yours. The tension you felt was unreal and hard to differentiate between sexual or pure rage for what had happened all that time back. It wasn’t just the cheating that had you mad though and you knew that. Jake was a slut, a genuine slut. You felt like he was sleeping around with a new girl after every show and he made no point of hiding it as photos circulated on the internet of him leaving venues with different girls every other week. You watched as he would watch himself play, in awe with his state of himself, what a self-centered asshole you thought. Soon, you brought your eyes away from his but couldn’t help but feel them staring down at you throughout the remainder of the show, almost as if he tried his best not to look before but now couldn’t control it. As Josh reached the last note of the last song, they bid their farewells and wished their love to all in the crowd and soon exited the stage.
As the pit fully cleared out, you made your way from the front of the pit despite the security trying to escort you to the boys backstage, you broke out of their hold telling them you needed to go to the restroom and would find your way back there on your own. You felt like you were being babied and honestly needed a drink or two after whatever the hell that show was. You moved through the sea of people and found yourself standing at a bar waving down a bartender, ordering your usual Jack and Coke. As the cold drink met your lips, you could feel yourself loosen up in an instant. Three drinks later you found yourself too far from tipsy but not yet fully drunk, you would give yourself a drink more before you were completely dazed out. You closed out your tab and picked up your phone, being met with text after text from Josh asking where you went. You called him and asked where he was, telling you he was at some restaurant located in the hotel and would send Sam to come and get you. As you sat impatiently, you decided it wouldn’t hurt to get another drink; the boys were probably near drunk by now as well who cares you thought as you ordered another drink, asking for it to be stronger than the last one, asking for this drink just to be put on the room, to which Josh was paying for. As you finished the last drops of your drink it was only a matter of time before the alcohol worked its course and you felt ready to dance and let loose.
Soon, Sam's body found yours as you laughed to him about just how good the show truly was, showering him with compliments on the band's skill. He only laughed alongside you, letting the alcohol drift from his breath to your face, letting you know it indeed was ok to order that last drink. As he guided you back to the restaurant, you were met with surprise seeing as the restaurant was not only a restaurant but a dance club. The seats consisted of a few big, dimly lit booths, and many high tops and scattered lounge chairs. Sam led you to one of the booths and you slid your body right in, to Josh, except the booth was now only being filled by you and Josh, the other three boys out dancing or getting drinks by the bar. You leaned into Josh and shouted as loud as you could over the music.
“The show was amazing Josh,” you said partially slurring your words “thank you for playing my song for me; ‘meant a lot y’know.” You smiled at him, eyes glossy.
“Anything for my favorite girl.” He said, pulling you into his arms and hugging you tightly.
You found yourself being pulled in all sorts of directions as Josh danced the night away with you until your phone read about 2 am. You pulled Josh to the side and told him it was time for you to make your way back to your room and sadness filled his eyes.
“I don’t want the night to end either Josh but I’m tired and drunk and need to sleep.” you laughed lightly.
“Yeah, I know mama. When is your flight back to Nash? Maybe we can spend the day on the strip tomorrow before we gotta go?” You looked at the man like he had six eyes. You were in no state to think of such difficult things, or at least that's how they seemed to you. You lazily gave him an estimate knowing it was some time in the afternoon, but it was late enough for you to spend time with him and the rest of the boys. As you wished him goodnight you stumbled out of the restaurant-themed club and made your way toward the elevators.
As you pressed the elevator buttons and entered in, you pressed the button leading you to the twelfth floor where your room resided. Just as the doors were about to close, a hand wedged itself in between the two doors, opening them back up and bringing you to face a, at least you would think, equally as drunk Jake. You didn’t want to talk to him let alone look at him but god did he look good. As he walked in he let out a small sigh, almost disappointed on who was in the small box with him. Before you could even open your mouth to ask him what floor he was headed to, he leaned in front of you, almost far too close for comfort, and pressed the number directly above the one you lit up and returned to his place on the opposite side, not exchanging a single word. You were praying the floor would stop somewhere else and someone would get into the elevator with the two of you, breaking the awkward silence but no one did. As the elevator made its way up you cleared your throat and as soberly as possible said
“You guys put on quite the show tonight.” You couldn’t tell if it came off as rude or a compliment.
“Glad you enjoyed it, Angel.” He said, his eyes lifting from the floor to look at you, take in your outfit, tailored specifically for this evening. You were dressed in a shorter-than-short silver skirt to show off your height as Jake himself always joked how you should be flaunting your “long legs” whatever the fuck that meant, followed by a black corset that had detailing that was similar to that of what was embroidered on the twins suits. Your skin was covered in glitter, from your chest to your arms and you supported a few dainty necklaces gifted from the boys themselves as well as a bracelet you bought for yourself just for this event. You put on your cleanest pair of go-go boots and do your makeup to resemble Josh, followed by a red lip and your hair in loose curls. How it all stayed on to this moment was a surprise to even you but it did, and maybe this time it genuinely was the alcohol, but you felt hot, really hot. Jake had managed to find time to change so he sported a simple linen set you've seen him wear one too many times before, leaving all but the last two buttons undone to show off his toned chest against the silver of his plethora of silver coins.
“It's not polite to stare.” you stated flatly at the man before you, toying with the bracelet on your wrist to keep you occupied. God this elevator was taking forever.
“You seemed to have no issue earlier towards the end of the show.” He let out slightly with a smug smile almost as if to insinuate something more than what was there.
“I’m sorry? Am I supposed to stare at the floor during a concert?” You snapped back only to be met with a smile forming wider on his lips.
“Like I said, glad you enjoyed Angel.” He said, cooly.
Finally, the elevator reached your floor and you couldn’t help but sit for a minute, debating everything that’s happened between you and Jake, realizing that even after all the years, you find yourself feeling the same way you did for him all that time back. You looked up at the man in front of you in confusion about the way you felt, wondering if he felt the same.
“Goodnight Jake.” you said softly before exiting the small box and beginning the walk down the hallway. As you approached your room you felt like your legs were ready to give out. You pulled your room key out and entered the room, sleep taking over your body. As you walked in you immediately made your way to the bed, needing a minute to regain some energy before getting up again and taking off your ensemble. After a minute, you sat up, taking off your boots, followed by your corset and skirt, taking off your socks and undergarments, and moving to get a a baggy t-shirt and different underwear. Once changed, you made your way toward the bathroom to begin removing your pounds of jewelry. The weight being taken off your neck led you to focus on taking off your bracelet however to your surprise, it wasn’t there. Fuck you thought to yourself. If it was anywhere, it was back in that elevator where you stood fidgeting with it while talking to Jake. You would’ve just let it go had it not been as expensive as it was. You were at a loss of thought. Do you call Jake and ask if he saw it in the elevator? No Jesus no. You tried to collect your thoughts in your drunken state and decided to just go back onto the elevator and look for it there. It was almost 3 am so you would think no one would be out in the hall so you slipped on some ankle socks and crept out of the comforts of your room, making your way to the elevator. Just as you went to press the button to go back down, the doors opened, and before you stood the same man you had just seen minutes before, holding your bracelet. He scanned over your body before stepping out of the elevator, taking in your “pajamas” and smirking slightly.
“You look comfortable.”
“Just give me my bracelet Jake. I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” You snapped at him, almost too loudly.
“Yeesh someone's angry.” He said with a chuckle, reaching his hand out to you.
You snatched it out of his and turned making your way back to the room, not giving him a second longer of your time.
Once you got to the door, the harsh reality hit you. You missed him. He looked so good on that damn stage tonight, it made you realize that you did miss him. You missed the nights when you would spend laughing your asses off at the stupidest tv shows, or the way you would make fun of each other for the way they looked when they woke up in the morning. What you missed most of all? The feeling of his body against yours. The way he made you feel complete. You felt tears build up in your eyes. You had loved him, even from the day he cheated on you, you have always loved him. You never loved another. You missed your Jake. As you entered the room, tears streamed from your eyes, not just out of sadness but anger. Angry that even after he did do this, you still wanted to crawl back into his arms, and be told it was all going to be ok. You moved to grab your phone and opened up your messages. You knew you shouldn’t have but you opened a new conversation and sat, staring at what you would even say. Before you could even type the first letter, a knock at your door filled the silence.
You opened up the door to be met with the eyes of the same boy you had never stopped loving. You locked eyes before the sudden movement of him brought his lips toward yours. It was like he had been thinking the same thing, as his hands met your waist and yours locked around the back of his neck. Quickly, he backed you into the room, kicking the door closed behind him and guiding you towards your bed. Your hands wrapped up into his tangled curls, pulling at them as he deepened the kiss. His hands began to slip under your shirt, searching every inch of your body, stopping just before your chest. As he backed you through your room, you turned, leading him towards the bed instead, moving your hands down to his face. As you approached the bed, you pushed him back and stepped back, moving to lift your shirt off of your body as he worked on his own. Once both were removed, your lips met his again, this time holding more force, as your hands roamed his body, leading you down to his waist, running them over his legs, slowly working their way up to his member, painfully hard already through his linens. A groan hit your lips, letting you know that he wanted this just as badly as you did. All those thoughts of doubt and anger towards him left your mind as he started to work kisses down your chin while you worked on getting his pants off. Once off, you lowered yourself onto your knees, palming him through his underwear as he stared at you with lust-filled eyes as you moved painstakingly slow.
You looked up at him, eyes glossed as you were just as desperate with him and slowly pulled down his underwear, pressing soft kisses to the insides of his thighs. Moving your way up, you could feel his body shudder, struggling to keep the little composure he had left. Finally, you took him into your mouth, pushing him down until he hit the back of your throat and slowly started to move up and down.
“Fuck Y/N.” he whispered, collecting the hair draping around your face, making a ponytail in his fist but using no force and letting you have free reign.
As you got comfortable with the feeling, you began to pick up your pace, settling him at the back of your throat after a little and choking back a gag, tears filling your eyes but this time for all the different reasons. A string of praises and curses left his lips as he started to force your head back up, almost as an instinct. As you let him, he kept up with the pace until he felt it was too much and switched to holding you in place as he began to thrust up into your mouth, quickly, bringing him to let out a loud moan.
He continued to hit the back of your throat and the gag you tried so hard to suppress released itself, causing him to lean his head back in pure ecstasy.
“F-fuck Angel, you're taking me so well” he managed to say with eyes squeezed shut.
The words leaving his lips made the pool forming between your legs ten times worse as you squeezed your legs together for some sort of relief. As you looked up at Jake, his eyes met yours as he reached his hand down to play with your breasts, releasing a moan from your lips. Just as fast as it was happening, it stopped and Jake pulled himself out of your mouth and you up from the floor, pressing kisses along your torso and breasts, hooking his fingers into the sides of your laced underwear. As he pulled them down, he stood, switching positions with you as you slid yourself back towards the head of the bed, laying comfortably as he worked to situate himself between your legs. Following your same movements minutes ago, he began to press kisses into the sides of your thighs, moaning as he did so as if it was pleasure enough to be touching you. Your hand trailed down to the bundle of nerves as the ache growing between your legs began to fog your thoughts. Just as you began to touch yourself, Jake grabbed your wrist stopping you whilst continuing to kiss his way up to that very spot.
He moved your hand out of the way and his lips found your clit, rubbing slow circles with his tongue around the nerves, a quiet moan escaping your lips.
“I wanna hear your pretty little sounds, Angel, don’t get shy on me now.” he said, releasing his mouth from you and slowly moving it back.
As he did so, your breath quickened as he flattened his tongue along your core, taking you in. He refocused his tongue on your clit as his fingers slowly danced along your legs, making their way up to slowly find their way inside of you. Starting with one at a slow pace, your hips jolted forward as you begged for more, allowing him to add a second digit inside of you, picking up the pace. Moans streamed from your lips as he set a steady, fast, pace, whilst continuing to work his tongue over your clit. Your hands found his hair again, pushing his face forward, grinding forward against his lips.
“Holy shit Jake” you moaned out as you began to slowly feel a knot forming in your stomach. Just when you thought it was impossible, he picked up the pace even faster, slipping his hands under your legs pulling you closer, and anchoring you in place as your back arched with pleasure. Your head dug back into the pillows as you let out a close-to-pornographic moan release from your lips. His tongue worked quick circles around your clit, making your head spin with pure pleasure. You had missed the feeling of him on you, in you, and you never wanted to let go of the feeling you gained back.
“J-Jake I’m s’close,” you said a little too loudly “don’t stop, please.” you said with a moan as you could feel you losing yourself with pleasure.
As he continued to work quickly, he involuntarily thrust his hips forward into the mattress and you wanted nothing more than for him to be in you.
“Jake stop fuck stop.” you said almost defeatedly knowing you were close to pure bliss. Immediately without thought, he lifted his face from between your legs, keeping his fingers inserted, moving at a far slower pace.
“What's wrong?” he said breathily, still trying to get his bearings about him.
“Nothing I just,” you said fighting back another moan as his fingers still worked inside of you, “I want you in me, I can’t wait any longer.” you said quickly. He met your words with a smirk and finished by curling his fingers in you and pulling them out, leaving you wishing he didn’t stop. He brought his fingers to his mouth, wrapping his tongue around them and having you watch as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“Jesus you taste so good Angel” he said raspily, moving his way up to be over you, lining himself up. Rubbing his hands up and down his shaft a few times you took the opportunity to switch positions, straddling him. You leaned forward to press kisses to his lips and slowly down to his chin, then neck, sucking harshly assuring you would leave a proud mark for the morning, down to his chest and torso. Slowly, you reached for his member, giving it a few pumps before slowly lowering yourself down onto him, releasing a mouth from your lips due to the stretch his size brought to you. God how I missed him was all you could think to yourself. Slowly, you began to move, setting a slow back-and-forth movement before working yourself to move more intensely. He brought one hand to your hip as if to anchor you there and another to your breast, leaning forward to put one in his mouth and leave one in his hand, eliciting another moan. As his mouth worked over your sensitive breasts, you began to pick up your pace and slowly pick yourself up off him before quickly lowering you wereslef back down, setting a speed for him to adjust to. Eventually, his head flew back to the pillows out of pure bliss, continuing to move his hand over your breast.
You leaned forward towards his neck as he began to thrust into you, letting you leave more small bruises for the morning. His hands now switched from your legs to your ass, having a firm grip you were scared would leave you with bigger bruises to form.
“ I missed you,” he whispered into your ear “fuck I missed you so much.” God, he sounded needy, desperate, as if you could get closer and you just didn’t know it.
“Tell me, what’d you miss jakey.” you said weakly. As much joy as this brought you, you wanted this to last, to be able to do this with him whenever be able to be his again, and you wanted him to confirm your hopes that he felt the same.
“I missed it all Y/N, I-” he cut himself off with a moan as you tightened around him as you tried to hold back a moan, despite his command to be vocal “ I missed your laugh, and your beautiful smile, fuck, I missed every aspect of you.” Good enough you thought to yourself given that he was fucking you fast.
You brought yourself up from his neck, taking control once more, picking up where his pace left off.
“Shit m’close baby.” he said quickly, with eyes squeezed shut, similar to how he looked while you rubbed your tongue down his shaft. The sweat forming on his face caused his hair to stick to his face, similar to on stage, making you want him even more than you already had him. With that, he flipped you over, taking over once more, and quickened the pace ever so slightly, clearly impatient. One leg found its way around his waist as the opposite hand reached for his back, clawing, trying to stabilize yourself.
“M’close too,” you said with tears forming in your eyes out of pure desperation, “Jake, faster and don’t stop.” you said gravelly.
Following your command, he drilled into you as the knot that had been building up for so long finally came undone and euphoria took over your body, your heading stretching back, moans streaming from your lips followed by his name. Just as you had begun to start to come down, his high began as his movements began to falter, letting you know he was there. He began to move back, trying to put out. You wrapped your other leg around him and pulled him closer, stopping his action.
“Inside me.. I want it inside me.” you said quickly, whilst looking up at him.
Without a second thought, he fully pushed back in and released himself into you, continuing to fuck the release into you, slowly and painfully. Once he was done, he pulled out, plopping down beside you, both of you breathing incredibly fast. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed kisses onto the side of your face and chin. With the moment of calm, your mind began to race again, but his voice pulled you out of thought.
“I love you Y/N. I love you, only you, I’ve only ever loved you, ever since the minute I layed eyes on you, I knew that I wanted to be with you for every minute of every day. I’m sorry for what I did but I will never stop loving you till the day I die.” He said sweetly, a tone you’ve not heard in years. You turned to look at him, your face serious but eyes filled with shock. You couldn’t find the words so you pressed your lips to his. The kiss was not like before. It was slow, passionate, everlasting. You pulled away and pushed your forehead against his.
“I love you forever Jacob Thomas Kiszka.” you said with a smile forming on your lips. All that time you had spent angry with him, upset with him, you had just wished he was different and he was. Maybe it took years, but he changed. He was your Jake and he always would be. The smile that formed on his lips matched yours.
“I do have to say miss Y/L/N,” your eyes furrowed with confusion, “I think you outdid the rest of the girls in the pit with your outfit tonight,” he said as you began to laugh about how unserious he was.
“You’re an idiot”
“But you love me so it works out”
“But I love you so it does work out I guesss” you said dragging out your s’s.
He simply wrapped you up to the side of him pressing a kiss to the side of your head as sleep took over both of your bodies, allowing you to feel content once again with your life knowing you were complete once again.
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hugs-and-stabbies · 8 months
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woof woof woof🐶🐶♥♥
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gubsbuubs · 2 months
I hate it when you're right
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Pairing: Jake Peralta x Female!Reader
Warnings: Friends to lovers; LOTS of teasing, slow burn?, Smut; Creampie; Dirty talk.
Request:Could you do a Jake Peralta x Reader work partners to hookup? Like they’ve been work partners forever, until one night way too late at the bar they hook up? And realize “oh fuck maybe i do like him like that?”
A/N: Hi, my loves! I´m not dead I swear. Here's the first Peralta smut, hope everyone enjoys. 🍒
English is not my first language - My requests are open!
"How much longer is this going to take?" Peralta's agitated voice echoed through the dark alley as he paced back and forth, his restless energy practically bouncing off the walls.
I understood his frustration; we'd been waiting for what felt like hours, when in reality, it had only been about forty minutes. Compared to the nearby street, this alley was dark and dank; graffiti adorned the walls, and the air smelled faintly of waste. At the end of it stood an abandoned store, rumored to be a hotspot for illegal drug deals. After receiving a tip earlier this nigth, we had been staking out the area in hopes of catching distributors. Slowly, I watched as Peralta's impatience grew, and I couldn't help but wonder if our tip had just been a false lead.
Amidst the distant sounds of traffic and the faint hum of the city, Jake's distressed movements seemed amplified; every passing car and distant footstep only seemed to fuel his uneasiness. Honestly, I couldn't blame him; this place gave off major creepy vibes, but we had a job to do, and that meant keeping our cool and waiting for the right person to arrive.
"Hey, take a breather," I suggested, attempting to soothe his nervous demeanor. "You're coming off a bit suspicious."
He halted in his tracks, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that. I just can't stand waiting, you know?"
"I understand, but we really need to keep it together," I stressed, aiming to ease his tension. "Can you just stand there and act normal?"
"I'm tryiiiiiiing," his voice tinged with a hint of whining as he continued pacing.
"Well, try harder," I urged, "You look like a total cop right now."
His pacing halted abruptly, and he turned to me with wide eyes, a look of realization dawning on his face. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," he muttered frantically. "We look like cops, and we´re getting shot in the face."
"Relax, Peralta," I chuckled, trying to inject some levity into the situation.
"Y/n" He sighed deeply, standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets,"I don't want to get shot; my face is my prized possession." His brow furrowed as he confessed dramatically.
I tilted my head, "Come on, Peralta," I quipped, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my lips. "If you get shot, I think your face would be the least of our concerns. I mean, you'd be dead!"
"Man, I should've prepared a character for a cover-up," Jake exclaimed, shaking his head ruefully. "We can't just stand here looking like this... like cops."
"Well, it's a little late for that now,"
He let out an exaggerated sigh, crossing his arms in frustration. "Let me think of something," he declared, his hand moving to his chin and rubbing it thoughtfully as he pondered our predicament.
I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I glanced around at the dimly lit street nearby, feeling the tension slowly dissipate as Jake's panicked expression softened into one of contemplation.
But then, with a sudden clarity, Jake snapped his fingers, "I've got it!" he exclaimed.
His words were accompanied by his familiar, stupid, and playful smirk. It was a look that spelled trouble, and to be honest, although I knew nothing good would come out of his mouth, I couldn't help but feel intrigued.
"Spill it, Peralta," I said, my hands tucked into my jean pockets, adopting a casual stance as I awaited his response. With Jake, you never quite knew what you were going to get, but you could always count on it being entertaining, if nothing else.
"You see, Y/n," he approached slowly, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as his left hand found its place against the wall behind me, anchoring me as he leaned in. "I was thinking..." he trailed off, his tone dripping with exaggerated suspense.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully at his teasing manner. "Oh, here we go again," I retorted gently, halting his advances with a hand on his chest. "Another one of Jake's brilliant ideas, right?"
"Come on, Y/N, don't be like that," he said, his tone a mix of amusement and pleading. "You know you love my brilliant ideas."
"Oh, absolutely," I replied with a touch of sarcasm. "They're right up there with 'let's infiltrate this wedding' and 'let's dress up as clowns for the undercover operation.'"
"Hey, those are classic moments in my detective history," he protested, a grin spreading across his face. "One day they'll make a movie about me."
I couldn't resist lightly patting his chest. "Sure, buddy, for sure."
As Jake leaned in closer, I couldn't deny the surge of warmth that spread through me. Despite my attempts to conceal it, his proximity was starting to affect me.
Jake and I had a playful dynamic, often flirting with each other, and he wasn't shy about expressing his interest; he even told me countless times how I was "missing out" on a chance to be with him.
And don´t get me wrong, while I did find him undeniably attractive, I was hesitant to entertain the idea of taking things beyond friendship. Our coworker-turned-friend relationship was something I cherished, and I didn't want to risk complicating it with romantic entanglements.
So, no, nothing ever happened apart from the casual, harmless flirting. Our banter kept things light and enjoyable, never crossing the line into anything more serious. Despite the occasional temptation, we both understood the importance of maintaining boundaries in our friendship.
"Seriously, hear me out on this one," he continued, "What if we… I don't know… pretend to make out? It's the perfect cover-up!" His suggestion hung in the air, and for a moment, there was silence as we both processed the absurdity of his idea. His head fell to the side, awaiting my response with a playful smirk dancing on his lips.
"You wish, Peralta." I laughed and shook my head. "I mean, I know you'd do anything to steal a kiss from me, but making out in a dark alley? That's a bit too romantic even for you, don't you think?"
"Hey, it was worth a shot, right?" As he moved to step away from the wall, I caught movement at the beginning of the street behind him. Acting quickly, I grabbed him by the tie, the one he always refused to wear, and shot him a warning look. Understanding my silent cue, he lowered his head to mine, trying to appear inconspicuous as he whispered in my ear. "Is it them?"
"Maybe," I quietly answered, my heart pounding as I realized we were being watched. The figures stood at the beginning of the street, whispering to each other; they wore on to us for sure.
"Oh my god, they know, don't they?" he whispered, his voice tinged with worry. "What do we do, Y/L/N? I don't want to get shot in the face," he pleaded, his panic palpable.
Fuck I hate when he's right...
"Screw it," I whispered, my voice filled with determination. Pulling him closer, I crashed my lips into his. He immediately reacted, his arms encircling my waist as he pinned me against the wall. His lips were softer than I imagined, but his hands were rough as they traveled up my sides to rest on the back of my neck, pulling me even closer. Although the kiss was a desperate attempt to obfuscate the approaching perps, it was evident that Jake was definitely enjoying it more than it was intended. I couldn't help but give in to the moment as our kiss intensified as his tongue traced over my lower lip, kindly begging for more.
The footsteps grew louder, signaling the approach of whoever was out there. Without a second thought, his hand found its place on the back of my thigh, pulling me in closer. With my leg lifted around him, our bodies pressed together, and his fingers lightly held me in place.
Abruptly, the footsteps ceased and a voice cut through the moment. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" one of the men asked, his tone cautious.
Jake broke the kiss. "Do you mind?" He retorted sharply, giving the guy a pointed look, before catching my lips again. I eagerly responded, letting my hands tangle up in his hair as he leaned closer to me.
The two guys just chuckled and exchanged knowing glances before sauntering off to the end of the alley. It worked; the stupid plan actually worked.
I waited until the footsteps were barely audible before breaking the kiss. I raised my head to get a better look, and Jake let his lips travel, leaving warm, open-mouthed kisses down my chin and into my neck. I bit my lip as I suppressed a moan I knew I was holding, glancing to see the two figures waiting by the door. "Jake, they're just standing there." I breathed out.
"Keep your eyes on them," he ordered, as he pressed himself against me.
I fought to keep my focus, torn between the intoxicating sensation of Jake's lips on me and the need to maintain our cover. Despite the overwhelming desire to lose myself in the moment, I stole quick glances towards where the perps stood, ensuring we weren't drawing any unwanted attention.
Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a new figure emerged, a brown bag in hand, joining the other two with a casual greeting. My heart pounded in my chest; it was going down, and we were going to get these guys. "Jake... Jake," I whispered urgently, breaking our embrace. His eyes met mine, and he immediately understood. Without hesitation, we sprang into action, charging towards the unsuspecting trio.
"NYPD!" Jake's voice boomed, cutting through the tense silence with commanding authority as he brandished his gun. I followed suit, drawing my own weapon, the weight of it familiar and reassuring in my hand. The perps froze, their faces registering shock as they realized they had been caught red-handed.
It had been a few days since that night in the alley. With the intel we extracted from the three guys Jake and I caught, we successfully dismantled one of the biggest drug operations in Brooklyn. And to top it off, we managed to nab the ringleader himself. It was a major win for the team and definitely a cause for celebration. So naturally, we found ourselves at Shaw's, ready to toast to our victory.
"To the Nine-Nine," Captain Holt's voice resounded with strength as he lifted his glass high in the center of our circle. "To the Nine-Nine," we all echoed, raising ours in unison. With cheers and the clinking of half-empty glasses, we celebrated our hard work.
"Now disperse," he announced, his tone carrying a hint of warmth. "I want you all to have fun tonight; you deserve it." and with a wave of his hand, he indicated for us to move from our celebratory circle, encouraging us to enjoy the rest of the evening.
With that, I abruptly turned to face the bar, my attention drawn to the array of bottles lining the shelves. Caught off guard by a sudden collision, I stumbled backward, my balance momentarily disrupted. As I blinked in surprise, I found myself locking eyes with Jake, his hands reaching out to steady me by the waist. A rush of warmth flooded through me at the contact, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as our gazes lingered.
"Whoa, sorry about that," I mumbled, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as embarrassment washed over me.
His expression turned sheepish as he offered a tentative smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine warmth. After a brief moment of silence, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hey, no worries," he said lightly, a hint of amusement lacing his tone. Raising a hand, he scratched the back of his neck in a self-conscious gesture. "Guess I should've watched where I was going, huh?"
Our eyes remained locked, neither of us willing to be the first to look or moove away. "Well, at least we're not in an alley this time," I blurted out, trying to break the awkwardness with a touch of humor. He chuckled softly, the tension between us easing slightly as we both shared a small laugh.
"Dark alley or not, this was a great case," he said, his tone softening as he spoke. "I loved working with you, and I think we did a great job." His sincerity warmed my heart, and his light squeeze on my side felt like a silent reassurance.
Taking a step back, I broke away from his hold, trying to compose myself. My heart raced with the sudden rush of emotions. "Well... um..." I stammered nervously, my mind scrambling for something coherent to say. "I think we should celebrate. I'll be with Rosa at the bar," I continued, my voice wavering slightly as I awkwardly backed away from where we stood. "I'll see you around, Peralta."
As I approached the bar, Rosa's amused expression was already evident. Her playful tone cut through the air as I settled onto the bar stool beside her.
"What the hell was that?" she quipped.
I offered a weak shrug, attempting to play it cool. "What was what?" my voice slightly shaking as I avoided her knowing gaze.
"Oh, come on," she teased, gesturing toward the table behind her where Peralta and Charles were now seated. "That little dance back there, the eyefucking," she continued.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, no eyes were fucking back there!" I held my finger up in protest, trying to suppress a nervous laugh.
She sighed and took a sip of her drink, her gaze thoughtful. "Man, what the hell happened on the stakeout? You guys have been so weird…the glances, the lingering touches..."
"Hey, we have been doing none of that," I lied, attempting to deflect Rosa's probing with a forced casualness. Deep down, I knew she wasn't the only one who noticed. Despite being preoccupied with the bust operation for the past few days, I couldn't ignore the subtle shifts in Jake's behavior around me. He looked at me more often than usual, sat closer, and his touches lingered longer. I understood it all too well. I wasn't oblivious. We shared a kiss, and it wasn't just any kiss. There was something there—something I couldn't shake off.
"Bullshit," she retorted, "I mean, I understand tuning Boyle out when he talks, but Jake is literally not listening to a single word."
I glanced from my drink to the booth where Jake sat, slumped against the leather cushions with his legs spread out. He appeared relaxed, toying with his whisley glass that sat on his thigh. His gaze was already on me, peeking through his lowered eyebrows.
Our eyes met, and in that moment, I found myself unable to look away from him, captivated by the intensity of his gaze. What the hell was this man doing to me? It was as if every fiber of my being was drawn to him, despite my best efforts to resist.
"See, you're doing it again!" Rosa exclaimed loudly, her voice cutting through the chatter of the bar.
I immediately shook my head, laughing nervously. "Oh my god! Doing what, Diaz?" I turned toward the bar, signaling for another round of drinks, hoping to distract both of us from the uncomfortable topic.
She raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening as she leaned in closer. "The. Eye. Fucking," she punctuated each word.
"Rosa! No!" I exclaimed, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "No eyefucking going on," I added quickly, hoping to put an end to the teasing before it went any further.
"I know you kissed him," she said casually, her tone soft but firm, leaving no room for denial.
"What? No, that's not true!" My voice probably went up an octave, betraying my attempt at denial.
Rosa didn't waver, analyzing my reaction with a knowing look that seemed to cut straight through me.
"Fuck," I shook my head, looking to the side in resignation. "Okay, fine, I did, but it was only for the mission," I admitted reluctantly.
She chuckled, shaking her head. "Sure, sure, just for the mission."
"Oh, shut up," I lightly smacked her arm, playfully annoyed. "Who told you anyway?"
"Let's just say I have my sources,", a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"Diaz!" I threatened, pointing my finger at her. "Spill it now or else!" My tone was half-joking, but there was a hint of determination in my eyes.
"Okay, okay," she conceded, raising her hands in defense. "It was Boyle."
"Boyle knows?" My eyes widened with shock. If Boyle knew, then everyone knew.
"Yeah, apparently Jake was glowing," she confirmed, "All smiles, couldn't stop grinning like a kid in a candy store." She took another sip of her drink, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "So Boyle insisted, and eventually, he spilled the beans."
"Man, that's so embarrassing," I groaned, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks as I buried my face in my hands.
"Why?" Rosa regarded me with a serious expression.
"Well, because, you know... it's Jake," I mumbled, struggling to find the right words. "I don't want to... to..."
She held knowing look in her eyes, like she could read my thoughts, "To what?"
"Well, you know... be with him... I don't want that," Despite my attempt at denial, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I wasn't convincing anyone, not even myself, that I didn't want Jake.
"Man, it's obvious you guys want to be with each other; just go for it," she said with a shrug, her tone matter-of-fact. "I mean, he's still eyefucking you across the room," she added, gesturing once again in Jake's direction, her point crystal clear.
"He is, isn't he?" I lightly smacked my forehead, as if to hide my face, letting out a chuckle. I felt a sense of relief wash over me; deep down, I knew she had a point.
Glancing over to Jake, it seemed like he hadn't moved an inch since I last looked at him.
"He's not the most subtle," she said, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
I pondered for a moment as I swirled my drink. Well, if Jake was willing to put himself out there to show his interest so openly, then maybe I should do the same. Maybe it was time to stop dancing around each other and just go for it.
"I have to fuck him, don't I?" I quipped with a smile, my voice low and filled with a hint of mischief.
Rosa burst into laughter at my bold declaration, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Well, you don't have to, you know?" she replied between giggles, shaking her head at my blunt honesty.
I finished my drink and set the glass down with a determined nod. "I think I do," I admitted, my voice firm and resolute.
Rosa grinned approvingly. "That's my girl," she said with a proud nod.
"See you tomorrow, Diaz!" I said, giving her shoulder a friendly pat as I left the stool and made my way towards his table.
As I approached, Jake supported a knowing smile, his gaze unwavering from mine, completely focused on me, completely tuning out the random story Boyle was spewing about.
"Hey guys," I announced as I reached the table, "I'm not feeling really well," I admitted, but my tone lacked any hint of tiredness or distress making Jake's eyebrows perk up at my unconvincing excuse. "So I'll just head home, I think I can still catch the last train." It was a statement crafted with a specific purpose in mind—a subtle cue for Jake to follow me. So, I waited for the response I knew was coming, and Jake didn't disappoint.
Quickly drowning his drink, he stood up from his seat. 'No, no, train, come on!' His fingers motioned in an approaching gesture. 'I'll take you home.'"
"Oh…But!" Boyle exclaimed, "But you said you'd take me home…"
We stood in silence for a moment and watched as Boyle's expression shifted from confusion to realization in an instant. Standing up from his seat, he enveloped Jake in a bear hug, practically lifting him off the ground in his excitement. "You know what? It´s a great night! I guess I'll take a stroll along the river," he exclaimed cheerfully, patting Jake on the back before waving us goodbye.
The car ride had been silent so far, the only sounds filling the air were the gentle hum of the engine and the soft background music playing from the radio. Despite the lack of conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling of Jake's eyes on me, his scrutiny palpable, and I was keenly aware of the warmth creeping up my neck. Glancing over, I found Jake stealing glances in my direction, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Eyes on the road, Detective," I said, my finger lightly pushing his chin in the direction of the road, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
His grin widened, but he quickly turned his attention back to the task at hand, his fingers tapping lightly on the weel. "So, you weren't feeling well, huh?" Jake quipped, "Must be that sudden wave of 'I-can't-resist-Jake syndrome,' huh?"
Raising an eyebrow, I turned in my seat to face him slightly. "Oh, you think you're so funny, don't you?"
"It's a burden, really," he added with an exaggerated sigh. "Having to be this funny all the time,"
"Sometimes I wonder if you're compensating for something with all that humor."
"Oh, please, like you're not secretly enjoying every moment of it." He let his head fall back sligthy as he let out a troathy chuckle. "I couldn't help but notice how your eyes kept wandering over to me tonight. Got a little crush, Y/n?"
"Please, Peralta, don't flatter yourself. I was just admiring the artwork on the walls" I remarked with a sly smile as I leaned closer, my arm resting behind his seat and my breath brushing against his cheek. "You, on the other hand, were really pushing it out there. I mean, could you have been more obvious?"
"Oh, come on," he glanced over at me. "You can't fool me with that excuse. I know you were totally checking me out."
"Maybe…" I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper, a playful glint in my eyes.
"Of course you were," he replied, his hand moving from the steering wheel to rest lightly on my thigh. "And can you blame yourself? Of course not. I mean, look at me."
"Please, Peralta, you're not that irresistible." I scoffed while looking down at his hand, trying to maintain my composure despite the growing warmth between my legs.
"Oh, I beg to differ," he murmured as his fingers now traced gentle circles on my thigh, "Admit it, Y/N. You've been dying for me to touch you like this."
My breath caught in my throat, and I simply let out a chuckle as I slumped back against my seat. "You're trouble, you know that?" I shook my head, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in my tone, as I let my gaze drift out the window.The familiar facade of my building stood tall against the city skyline as the car gently came to a stop.
"Yeah, guilty as charged," he murmured as we stepped out onto the sidewalk.
With a coy smile, I glanced back over my shoulder. "You know that if you're guilty of something, you shouldn't be confessing your crimes to a cop."
"Well, lucky for me, Detective, you've been off the clock for..." He glanced at his watch as he trailed closely behind me, "...3 hours and 38 minutes now.
"I might be off the clock, but I can still cuff you, Peralta," I said, tapping the handcuffs at my waist.
As I turned the key and my fingers fumbled with the locks I heard him inching closer. I could feel the warmth of his body as he pressed against my back, with gentle precision, he lowered his head, and I felt his breath grazing the nape of my neck.
"Me, in cuffs, at your mercy?" His lips brushed against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Oh, but wouldn't that be the highlight of your night?" His voice was low and filled with playful suggestion.
With a soft laugh, I finally managed to open the door, turning to face him, my heart pounding with anticipation. "Are you projecting, Peralta?" I countered as I met his gaze, slowly backing away, inviting him in as he approached me at the entryway.
He quickly stepped in, closing the door behind him with a soft click. The room felt suddenly smaller, warmer, with just the two of us. As he reached me, he circled his arms around my waist, pulling me closer "Mehh, maybe just a little,". His fingers deftly undid the zipper of my leather jacket, and his eyes didn't tear away from my chest.
"Like what you see, Peralta?" I quipped, letting my hands meet his own on his chest.
"Yeah," he chuckled as he leaned in to press a kiss on my collarbone. "You changed your curtains, didn't you?" He added playfully, his breath warm against my skin.
"Oh yeah?" I slowly started undoing the buttons on his shirt. "I can't believe you´d noticed that."
As we reached the sofa, his hands guided my jacket off, the leather slipping down my arms with a subtle force. Our eyes remained locked as the leather pooled at my feet.
I gestured with a tilt of my head for him to take a seat, and with grin he complied, his fingers skillfully undoing the remaining buttons of his shirt. I couldn't help but admire the way his muscles flexed under the fabric as he discarded it to the side. Then he eased onto the sofa, spreading his legs and letting his arms rest casually on the back of it, lightly tilting his head back.
As I removed my pants, he drew in a deep breath, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on me. Straddling him, I rested my hands on his shoulders, sensing his firm grip on the back of my thighs for stability. With my knees on either side of him, I gradually eased myself onto his lap, the heat of his chest pressing against mine, still covered by the random top I threw on this morning.
"No perps today?" he joked, his hands settling on my ass while his nose lightly brushed against my chest, inhaling my scent. "I kind of enjoyed the audience."
I shook my head as I leaned down to grab his chin, urging him to meet my gaze. "Just you and me, Jake," I murmured against his lips. "What do you think?"
"Well, Y/n," he whispered, "I think you should really kiss me."
"Yeah, I should," I nodded, but just as our lips were about to meet, I pulled back slightly. "Or maybe I'll just leave you hanging," I teased as I leaned back, keeping him at arm's length.
Jake's eyes widened in surprise. "You're playing dirty now, huh?" His hands cupped my flesh forcefully as he pulled me forward, spreading my cheeks slightly and pressing me against him. The sudden movement elicited a gasp from my lips, feeling the subtle grind of his crotch against mine. A soft moan escaped me as I surrendered to the satisfying friction rocking my hips against his bulge.
"Maybe," I teased once again, leaning in close before pulling back again. I intensified the grind of my hips as his hands moved to my shoulders, sliding the straps of my top down, the fabric gathering around my stomach, exposing more of my skin to his hungry gaze.
"You're killing me here," he protested as his fingers traced the delicate lacy edges of my bra.
"Oh, but where's the fun in making it easy for you?"
As his head fell back against the sofa, a deep exhale escaped him, a mix of frustration and pleasure. Seizing the opportunity, I pressed my lips against his neck, relishing the shudder that ran through him, accompanied by a low sigh of pleasure. My hand lightly closed against his throat, keeping him in place as I continued to kiss upward, tracing the line of his jaw with eager lips.
"You're driving me insane," he growled, his voice thick with need. Grabbing me by the nape of my neck, he pulled me into a kiss.
As our bodies pressed together, he skillfully unclasped my bra, freeing my breasts to his eager touch. His mouth descended upon my right nipple, and as he sucked and nibbled, I couldn't help but grind against him with more force.
I tugged on the hairs at the back of his head, urging him closer, craving more of his touch. His fingers trailed down my abdomen, teasing the hem of my panties before boldly slipping beneath them.
I gasped as his cold fingers met my warm skin. "Fuck, Jake," I breathed out, my voice trembling with desire.
"Oh, my name sounds so good when you say it like that," he confessed, his fingers moving slowly against my clit. My head rested on his shoulder, and his fingers continued to explore my soaked folds, "Yeah, just like that, doing so well," he praised as he lightly brushed my entrance, slowly dipping his middle finger inside of me.
With a desperate urgency, I moved my hands to his sides, tugging at the belt loops of his jeans. "Off, off," I managed to say.
He nudged his hips forward, lowering his jeans and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. I immediately took him in my hand, stroking him lightly as a pornographic moan escaped his lips.
His hand then moved my panties to the side, allowing me to guide him against my clit before lining him with my entrance. Slowly, I lowered myself on to him, feeling every inch of him stretching me as he filled me completely.
His right hand met the back of my neck once again, pulling me into a kiss, as his left cupped my ass with force, aiding me with the up and down movement of my hips.
God, you feel incredible," he groaned against my lips, his voice husky with desire.
With a breathless laugh, I whispered back, "You're not so bad yourself."
A playful chuckle escaped him "Always got something to say, don't you?" He teased, his hips rising to meet mine with eager intensity.
My head fell back, overcome with pleasure, as the familiar coil of ecstasy began to build in the depths of my stomach. "Fuck, don´t stop.". His movements remained steady, his hand reaching out to play with my clit, intensifying the pleasure coursing through my body. "God, Jake... it's... it's too much," I gasped, desperation evident in my voice as my hands clung to his shoulders and arms for support.
"Oh, I can't fucking last with you sounding like that," he admitted, letting his forehead rest against mine.
"Then don't," I whispered, my voice barely audible amidst the sounds of our heavy breathing and the pounding of flesh. His pace quickened, pushing me closer as I arched my back. "I´m cumming.. Oh.. Fuck"
A moan escaped his lips as he watched me with intensity, his eyes tracing every contortion of my face as pleasure surged through me. I felt the wave of bliss crash over me, my body trembling with the force of my release.
In that moment, I could tell he couldn't hold back any longer. "Do it," I urged, locking my gaze with his and giving him a reassuring look.
"You sure?" His eyes searched mine, seeking reassurance.
I nI nodded eagerly, feeling my body tremble as I sensed him pulsating inside of me. The sensation of him nearing his climax, his moans reverberating through the room, was intoxicating and overwhelming in the most delicious way imaginable. As he released into me, I let out a satisfied sigh, capturing his lips once again.
We remained intertwined, his arms wrapped around me protectively, as his cock still throbbed gently inside me. His fingers traced soothing patterns on the small of my back, and I nestled closer to him as his lips found their way to my forehead, planting a tender kiss.
"You know? I hate when you´re right," I whispered, my voice soft against his skin.
"About what in particular?" He chuckled.
I smiled against his neck, feeling a warmth spread through me. "About... this," I confessed, lifting my head slightly to meet his gaze. "That I'd been missing out."
"Well, lucky for you, Y/n, we still have plenty of time to catch up,"
Tagg: Hi my loves, I took the liberty to tagg everyone who liked my post about writing smut for peralta - Hope you enjoy <3
@haikyuuhoee @1dilflover @Airu_wu @gingersnap126126 @Gingersnap @her5 @bellaabee @bestnottoask @Taylorswiftsboatinglicense @tortelliniturtle7 @sabage101 @izzyyyyy777 @dilflover-3 @yomamacrusty @Outsiderslover @vintagevickyy @spencerreidmyst3ry @ikea2-0 @jj170623 @icybluefox @sxphiarz @syrk @raven-kroe @longlostishmael22 @joonbum @angrygirlloudvoice-blog @mandarinmoons @apple-dilf-shake @readingblogsstuff @m1keyj @luciferdelivery @hunter-ameliaredstone @laciruelaa @iloveslashers @bellaaggg @reiderrambles @strapsforyoonie @spencerreidmyst3ry
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ctrlchar · 5 months
sub jake overstimulation w/ perhaps a bit of crying ‼️
gimme more
a/n: I would like to say that there is infact a safe word it just isn’t mentioned in the story
your hand had been moving up and down your boyfriends cock pulling orgasm after orgasm out of him. his pants filled the room as he begged and begged for you to slow down
“b-baby pleaseeee” he whimpers out his back arching off the bed. his hair sticking to his forehead and his hands gripping the headboard behind him
“aww my pretty baby,we’ll stop whenever I tell you okay?” you say,a hint of sarcasm lacing your voice
tears well up in his eyes partly due to frustration but mostly from the insane amount of pleasure he was receiving.
his back arched higher and higher off the bed with each thrust of your hand until he felt another orgasm creeping up on him making him practically beg you for mercy
“com-come on babe I-i’m not gonna last much- longer”he pleas hardly able to form sentences as he tries not to focus on the knot building in his stomach
“i don’t know” you pout feigning sympathy “you don’t really want me to stop hm? you just need to sit there and look pretty for me okay?” you say sweetly almost mocking him in a way
your words bring him closer to the edge,as the closer he gets the more tears well up in his eyes until he eventually lets them fall while you drag him through orgasm number 4?5? you’ve lost count at this point
“mm-fuck!” is all you could hear as jake sobbed out from how good yet painful his completely dry orgasm felt.
his head turned into the pillow beside him as tears began to slide down his face while he mumbled senseless begs of “please” not even knowing what he wanted
he attempted to push your hand off of you while you continued to play with his red angry cock hardly letting up.
his hips moved upward as he couldn’t take it anymore until you finally decided he had enough.
your cum soaked hand left his cock making Jake whine from the lack of feeling despite crying over too much feeling minutes prior
a few tears made their way down his face from the aftershocks of his orgasm.
you ran a hand through his hair before wiping away his tears with your thumb “are you okay baby?”
his chest rose up and down while he breathed heavily. since he was still not completely down from his high,all he can do is nod and mumble about how he wants to lay with you to which you tell him to drink some water from how much fluid he had lost and then the two of you can lay down
after you get him a cup of water and a towel to clean him with he’s back in his regular headspace as he looks up at you before saying “that was fuckin’ sick” making you giggle “i’m glad you enjoyed it jakey,you did so good for me” before the two of you rest on his bed enjoying the company of each other
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boydepartment · 5 months
hiii can you do enha finding out you have a crush on them from one of the members
“R U FR?” - enhypen reaction to finding out you’re in love with them
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a/n: i am so sorry this took a million years BUT HERE IT IS :3 I ALSO DIDNT KNOW HOW TO TITLE THIS SO I HOPE PPL READ THE ASK LMAO
warnings- nothing- fluff, reader uses she/her
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🥯jungwon… he was working on some lyrics for a song that he wanted to write. he never really took part in something like this directly so it was new to him. and he was struggling.
“jay… i don’t know what to write, it’s a love song! i’m struggling.” he leaned his head on the desk and watched as jay messed with the different knobs on his guitar.
“ask y/n she’s like in love with you.” jay mumbled without thinking, he shot his head up and looked at jungwon who also shot up.
jungwon slowly turned to jay, “are you… being honest with me?”
his older brother sat awkwardly, “ummm if i said yes?”
almost immediately jungwon got up and called you asking your location, if he had to run to you he would. and he was going to.
🥨heeseung… he sat on his back in the practice room singing to himself. he took up extra practices for the next upcoming comeback and you had left a couple hours ago after dropping him off lunch. he was so thankful for you and it made him smile to himself. around 4am riki walked in and sat down next to heeseung.
“dude it smells like body odor and noodles in here what the fuck did you do?” riki asked between laughs
heeseung sat up and rolled his eyes, “it smells like noodles because y/n dropped me off food.”
riki scoffed, “when did she drop off the food? i didn’t see her.”
heeseung leaned back again, “couple hours ago, around 1am.”
“1AM???? damn she really is in love with you hah!” riki froze right after the words came out of his mouth. god he spoils everything.
“wh-what??” heeseung looked at him wide eyed, ears pink.
riki immediately got up and ran out, leaving heeseung to sit in the practice room alone blushing.
🥐jay… you had a rough couple weeks due to family stuff and jay felt bad. you were a really close friend of his and he hated seeing you so upset. to make you feel better jay started cooking you your favorite meal. he was in the kitchen cooking and planning out his day so he can drop it off to you while it’s still warm. he was mumbling to himself when jake walked in.
“is this dinner?” jake asked, sitting on the counter. jay looked at him.
“1 get your ass off the counter, and 2 no, it’s for y/n, it’s her favorite.”
jake looked at the food, “this is a lot to give her.”
jay nodded, “i’m hoping it’ll last her a few days, it’s been rough for her lately.”
“i’m sure her just seeing you will make her feel better, she talks about you all the time yaknow?” jake said mindlessly, ass still sat on the counter.
jay nodded and hummed without thinking. jake thought he was ignoring him so he wanted to test it, “she’s in love with you.”
jay’s eyes widened and he almost dropped the wooden spoon, he looked over at jake and smacked him with it, “that’s not funny and i told you get your ass off the counter!”
🧇jake… he was waiting for you to come over to the dorm. you needed help on an essay and jake had free time so he offered to help you. he also loved to keep his skills sharp so he lived vicariously through your university work. he was frantically cleaning his room when sunoo walked in.
“oh you’re finally cleaning your room?” sunoo spoke leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed.
jake looked up at him, “yeah y/n is coming over, it needs to be clean i don’t want her to be grossed out by me.”
sunoo scoffed, “she’s seen you laugh so hard snot comes out of your nose and she’s still in love with you.”
jake stopped mid throw, his paper ball not landing in the trash, “wait what?”
sunoo laughed, throwing his head back, “oh nothing!” before walking to his own room. jake was suddenly hyper aware of his messy room and the time. you were going to arrive any minute and he was sweating nervously.
🥞sunghoon… he was getting dressed up to meet you for coffee. you were actually in town for the week so he wanted to see you again. you had been busy with classes and work and just life in general. so sunghoon wanted to take you out for froyo, he was buttoning up his coverup and putting on cologne when heeseung entered the bathroom.
“do you have a date today or something?” heeseung looked at him, eyebrows rising.
sunghoon shook his head no, “just taking y/n out for ice cream.”
heeseung now looked at him funny, “are you sure it’s not a date? she likes you a lot yaknow, like love love.”
“what? what do you mean!?” sunghoon flipped around to look at him, “do i look okay? is it too much? should i change? wait she’s in love with me?!”
heeseung left the bathroom after tapping him on the shoulder and a small good luck.
🍞sunoo… you and sunoo were having your monthly movie nights. it used to be weekly but since he became an idol he gets busy a lot. but you were willing to wait the once a month for these movie nights and for him. you were knocked out on the couch in the dorm and sunoo walked to the hall closet to get you an extra blanket. jay walked past him but stopped, jay knew you were going to confess to sunoo today. he was the one who told you to
“did y/n talk to you yet?”
sunoo smiled to himself, “we always talk, why?”
“so are you guys together now or?”
sunoo looked at him a little confused. jay yawned and stretched a bit, he was half asleep as he started walking again, “she was supposed to confess how she’s been in love with you for years. guess she forgot to.”
sunoo walked back quickly to you practically shaking you awake after that. he loved you just as much as you loved him, and sleep was not going to get in the way of that.
🍰riki… you were in the shower in the dorm. on the way home from a cafe it started pouring which led to you getting soaked. riki knew you were bad with the cold so he immediately shoved you in the bathroom with a change of warm clothes. not wanting you to get sick, then he walked to his room to make sure it was tidy and had enough blankets for you both.
jake was already in his room though, “what’re you doing in here?”
jake looked up, “looking for the ipad, where is it?”
riki blinked, “i need it you can’t have it right now.” he started rearranging the blankets on his bed. jake looked at him, jaw agape.
“what the hell for what?! give it!”
riki looked back at him, “you’re acting like you’re the child.” jake started searching riki’s desk.
“hey! cut it out! me and y/n are watching a movie after she gets out of the shower!” riki said and smacked him with a pillow.
jake stopped and his grin widened, “ohhhhhhhhhhh okay then never mind, if you and your girlfriend wanna watch a movie then i’m good i’ll just use heeseung’s pc.”
riki’s ears turned pink, “she’s not my girlfriend…” never in his life was he going to tell you his feelings for you.
“what really? i heard her talking on the phone the other day about how much she was in love with you? huh… maybe i heard wrong.” at that jake got up and left and almost immediately you entered the room. you looked at riki who was pink all over.
“ummm are you okay? do you have a fever?”
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filmbyjy · 2 months
husband ff Jake??
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a/n: ahhh i’m trying to finish past requests and i’m sorry this took too long 😭 i didn't want to write a too long of a story so this is just a small one. it is also crack bc i was not in my right state of mind to focus 😭
WARNING: mentions of pregnancy, talking about sex and stuff. no smut bc i can't write it anyways.
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“come on noona! it will be fun! travelling around the world with us and of course jake hyung.” sunoo excitedly exclaims.
you could see the excitement that the other boys had. especially, the boy who had his hands placed on your thighs. “please, baby? take it like another honeymoon until we actually have time for one.” jake pouts.
“oh, yeah. we could walk around and show noona some of the places we’ve been too!” jungwon says.
“I don’t know guys…I feel like I would be intruding. after all, I’m not part of enhypen.”
“but you are part of ‘our family’. besides, you and jake hyung are married!” ni-ki says.
you looked at the other boys for reassurance and they seemed okay with it but you still felt bad. they’d have to get an extra ticket if you came along with them and ENGENEs probably didn’t want to see you in their content.
ever since you and jake got married, there had been quite a lot of death threats sent to you. it was so bad to the point that enhypen’s legal team had to step in on behalf of you. despite having a legal team to help you with any threats, it still didn’t stop. you couldn’t even really leave the house without being recognised in the streets and some ‘engene’ yelling at you for stealing their idol from them.
it definitely didn’t help now that you’re pregnant. which was a surprise for jake (and the boys). this is also why you wanted to stay in Seoul. you couldn’t travel around, not when you’re at your early stages of pregnancy. actually, the obstetrician had already explain to you that you could travel around but you didn't want to take the risk.
“I don’t know, boys…” you say. ni-ki pouts. jake grabs your hand and squeezes.
“something wrong, baby? you usually don’t hesitate on hanging out with us. in fact, don’t you love travelling with us?” jake asks in the softest tone possible.
“I’m fine. I just feel scared…what if the ENGENEs find me annoying? I mean, I always somehow appear in your content and like they are forced to see my face. you know some of them don’t even like me.”
“well, first off. those aren't ENGENEs." jungwon says. "no ENGENE would hate on someone who is close to us or is family to us. besides, even if they are 'ENGENEs', they need to learn that jake hyung is happily married to you."
jake hums at jungwon's words. "you're my wife and they should respect that. i still show as much love to ENGENEs despite being married to you." jake tilts his head. "so, baby. you don't have to worry about a thing. i'll protect you and put you first over ENGENEs if they talk bad about you."
"thanks, babe."
"so why can't you travel with us? there must be another reason right?"
you sighed, "i'll tell you and the boys in a few days. don't worry, it's a really good explanation. i promise i'm not lying or trying to avoid it. i just haven't done something."
"now that's just making me more worried, princess." jake pouts.
"it's nothing bad, i promise. give me like 3 days."
"okay, fine. hmm, but in 3 days we'll be at practice the whole day."
"i know, i'll swing by your break as per usual."
the other boys were just as confused as jake but they just kept quiet.
3 days later
you had gone to HYBE to visit the boys like you usually did. you had brought some food, snacks and box with a balloon tied to it. a little extra thing for jake since you were going to reveal to him about your pregnancy. you had placed the food at the pantry so they could eat there.
you had knocked on their practice room door and popped your head in after you heard a 'come in'.
"i brought some food and snacks! come out before the food becomes cold."
the boys wiped their sweat and went out of the practice room. the coffee table was filled with food and snacks. their jaws dropped.
"did you plan this with the staff or something?"
"a little. it's a little reward for working hard for your tour." you say. jake goes over to peck your lips.
"baby, this is amazing! i married and dated the right woman!" jake exclaims. you laughed.
"what's that?" ni-ki points out the box with a balloon tied to it.
"dessert, eat the food first. it's going to be cold."
and so the boys dig into the food. with schedules being packed and having practices for the whole day lately, they were unable to eat such good food. they were thankful you were there to look after them and feed them well like a mom.
"okay, we're done with the food. i want to open the cake!" ni-ki pouts.
"mmm, how about we have jake open the cake and also cut it in the honour of the start of fate tour!" you say. the boys and jake didn't think much of it so they allowed jake to open and cut the cake.
when jake opens the cake box, he was met with the words "i'm going to be a dad!" and the ultrasound picture stuck to the roof of the box. his jaw drops as he slowly looks up at you. the boys looked over his shoulder as they noticed jake's shocked expression. their jaws dropped quickly after processing the words written on the cake.
"surprise." you shyly say.
"you're- holy shit." jake stands up and hugs you tightly. "i'm going to be a dad!!"
"wait wait. this is a lot to process." jay says. "you two have been fucking while we're all at the dorms..."
"no, that's not the main thing. they didn't use a condom! oh my god, you two are freaky!" sunghoon's face scrunches in disgust.
"we don't do it all the time! it was one time and that was to celebrate the day i proposed to her. i booked a hotel for me and (name) because i respected you guys."
"jake's little swimmers are working hard. just do it once and she gets pregnant?" heeseung says.
"why do you have to say it in the most graphic way in front of the younger ones." you hid your face on jake's chest, clearly embarrassed. not a single words were coming out of the younger members' mouths.
"okay, but can we eat the cake..." ni-ki voices out.
"yes, we can." jake says.
and so after the shock, everyone goes to enjoy the cake that you had brought. they cheered for jake and happily congratulated him. since they were going on tour, jake promised to always call and check up on you whenever he could.
and just before he left, both you and him announced to both of your parents that you were expecting. they all had thrilled faces when they realised that they would be grandparents. throughout the whole tour period, you had stayed with your parents as an advise from jake so that in case something happened, your mom would be around.
you were glad to have someone as caring as jake and you couldn't have asked for a better husband than him.
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jjunberry · 5 months
wrong address
pairing! park sunghoon x reader
genre! angst with a happy ending
synopsis! part two to return to sender. just as y/n seems to move on sunghoon manages to steal her heart…again.
wc! 2.8k
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the last few months of school were painfully embarrassing for you. not that anyone brought up the letters but you did share classes with a few of the boys who got one. jake, taehyun.. you never really got to properly talk about the letters with them but they understood. it was just a silly crush, nothing serious. you never met for those letters to see the light of day. the one person who’s letter actually did mean something wanted nothing to do with you. sunghoon, he ignored you at all costs even moved his seat. he truly met what he said to you.
when school finally let out for summer, you couldn’t wait to get away. away from the letters, away from sunghoon. or so you thought. that was until you got a summer job at the local ice cream shop. your first day on the job he walked in. park sunghoon walked in. his eyes landed on yours. before he could say anything to you the owner came from the back smiling widely. “oh sunghoon my dear i’m so happy to see you again.” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
‘’oh y/nie this is my nephew sunghoon he’s spent the last three summers here, he’ll be the one to train you!” you swear your heart dropped to your feet. he faked a smile for his aunt and as soon as she left the smile was replaced with a scowl. he quietly placed his apron on and started preparing cones. “look sunghoon i know i’m the last person you want to be working with, but i’d appreciate it if you’d try to work with me.” he let out a long sigh. his back muscles clenched. you could practically feel the tension in his shoulders.
“y/n you’re the last person i wanted to see here.” he spit. your heart ached just like the day he rejected you. “well i’m sorry to intrude on your summer job, but i need to save money for college so i’m not going anywhere.” he rolled his eyes. the two of you worked in awkward silence. this was how you spent most of your days.working together in silence.
after a few weeks you swear you felt him warming up to you. even after his rejection you still yearned to just be his friend. the shop was busy today. sunghoon and yourself was busy giving out cones and sundaes. You wasn’t aware of the ice cream on the floor until you slipped on it. a strong pair of arms grabbed your waist. your eyes met sunghoon’s and you swear your heart was beating out of your chest. you couldn’t tell if it was from his closeness or the fear of almost falling.
‘’you need to be more careful.” he said before returning to his task. you swore your heart beat never slowed down. when closing time finally rolled around you were more than ready to leave. you were putting away the washed ice cream scoopers when you felt him behind you. “here you forgot these.” he handed you two more scoopers. “oh thanks.” you mumbled. he nodded and put away the rest of the dishes.
the both of you hung up your aprons before leaving. he locked the door. “it’s late, do you need a ride home?” he asked, turning to you.smiling you nodded. “yeah that would be nice.” he nodded and you followed him to his car. you would have given him your address but he seemed to have known already. then it hit you, he remembered because of your letter. he pulled up to your house in silence and watched as you got out. “thank you.” you said.
“no problem i’ll see you tomorrow.” he said. you watched him pull away and you turned to your house. you grabbed the forgotten mail and shifted through it. bills, spam mail, but one envelope stood out to you. it was addressed to you. from your old middle school crush, jay park. he was your last crush before sunghoon. you traced the handwriting on the front. kicking off your shoes you took off to your room.
you used a paper cutter to open the letter. inside it was written on some plain notebook paper. the handwriting was sort of messy but eligible.
dearest, y/n
i have to say i was surprised to get your letter. i wanted to say of course i remember the time at the park whenever you fell off the swing and i patched up your scraped knees. you were crying and i gave you a band-aid. your smile that day was one i couldn’t forget. i remember thinking how i only ever wanted to see you smile. of course that was then. i’m glad you sent this letter out. i’m not too sure i was supposed to ever read the words you wrote, but i’m thankful.
i hope this letter finds you well. i hope that someday soon our paths will cross again, and if needed i’ll always have a band-aid in my pocket.
yours, jay
holding the letter to your chest you fell backwards onto your bed. your eyes closed the memories of that day in the park flooded your head. then your eyes snapped open. you have to write him back. but what would you say? a million different things to say raced through your mind all at once.
when your alarm for work went off you were already up piles of crumpled paper next to you. letting out a sigh you got dressed and did a light make up. when she arrived sunghoon was already inside setting up for the day. “hey y/n.” he greeted with a smile. it made your heart flutter. “hi.” you grabbed your apron and joined him behind the counter.
“so i was wondering something.” he said. his voice was distant because he was in the back room. “yeah?” you asked. he came from the back holding pints of ice cream. you grabbed one placing it on the counter. “there’s this small bonfire tonight, i was wondering if you’d want to come?” he asked. you smiled. “i’d love too!” he nodded. “yeah uh cool, i’ll pick you up later.”
the shop was having a slow day so you worked the register and sunghoon handled the ice cream. you were writing a reply to jay on a napkin from the store.
dear jay,
i was so delighted to receive your letter. i was surprised you wrote back but i’m glad you reached out. it was nice to hear from you after all this time. i also wish that our paths cross again as it would be nice to see you. i have to say i miss seeing you everyday at school but i hope life is treating you well. until i see you again.
yours, y/n
sunghoon stood behind you glaring at your words on the napkin. his chest felt tight. some other guy had the courage to say what he couldn’t and you were replying. he clenched his fist and slammed down an ice cream container, causing you to jump and turn to him. you could practically feel his anger radiating off of him. you didn’t understand because he was just fine moments ago.
“sunghoon are you okay?” you asked. his jaw was clenched. “i’m fine.” came his short reply. you didn’t push the subject but the rest of the day was full of short replies and the cold shoulder. you hoped that whatever was bothering him stopped before later or it would be one awkward night. when you got home you showered and dressed casually. you didn’t want to over dress but you also wanted to put in some effort, since he’d be there. you really felt that his feelings toward you were improving, and well you still had a small crush on the boy.
once you were dressed and ready you waited, and waited and waited. after an hour it became clear that he wasn’t coming. you sat on your porch stairs trying to keep in tears. you should have known, but with how nice he’s been you were hoping he would show up anyway. with a heavy heart you went inside and locked the door. you cried yourself to sleep that night.
the next day you made it to work before sunghoon which was rare. he must of been out late. you sighed and began the prep to open the store. sunghoon came in about twenty minutes later. he looked tired and he didn’t say anything at first.”how was the bonfire?” you asked. he was quiet. “i wouldn’t know, i didn’t go.” he said. you faced him. “you could have said something.” he rolled his eyes. “it doesn’t matter y/n. let’s just get to work.”
during your break you sealed your reply to jay and addressed the envelope. you planned to mail it after work. you left the letter in your locker and returned to your spot behind the counter, relieving sunghoon for his break. sunghoon opened your locker by mistake and noticed the envelope. a frown took over his face and he grabbed the letter. he couldn’t help himself.
he changed the address so the letter would never reach the boy. sunghoon couldn’t stand the idea of you with someone that wasn’t him. if tampering your letter meant getting another chance with you then that’s what he’d do, and he did. sunghoon placed the letter back in your locker before joining you behind the counter.
after work you dropped the letter off at the post office before heading home. you were excited for jay to receive the letter. it was nice to talk to him again.
it had been a week since you mailed the letter, you had gotten nothing back from jay. at first you were a little upset but soon you forgot about even mailing it in the first place. it was a busy day at the shop but you and sunghoon had gotten used to it. you were cleaning up the counter when the bell above the door rang. you looked up and your jaw dropped. there he stood, jay park. your old middle school crush. his eyes scanned the room before they landed on you. he smiled and made his way over to you. “y/n.” he said. you stared at him. “jay, hi.” the name caught sunghoon’s attention. he stood back watching you.
“what, what are you doing here?” you asked. he smiled. “well when you never replied to my letter i decided to come see you, i went to your house and your mom said you’d be here.” you stared at him. never replied? impossible you spent so long thinking of what to say. “i did send you a letter back.” he shrugged. “must of been the wrong address, that’s okay i’m here now.” he smiled. you smiled back.
sunghoon cleared his throat effectively catching your attention. he had an unreadable look on his face. it was a cross between anger and some other emotion you couldn’t put your finger on. “uh jay this is sunghoon, sunghoon this is jay.” you said. “Hey.” jay said. all sunghoon did was nod his head. the bell rang with more customers. “look man we are busy if you could order something that would be nice if not then leave.” sunghoon said with venom in his tone.
jay stared back before putting his hands up. “i’m good man, just wanted to see an old friend.” he backed away. “well you’ve seen them now you can leave.” you’re eyes went wide. who did he think he was? “right, anyway see you y/n.” jay waved before leaving. sunghoon ignored your stare as he tended to the customers that walked in. he proceeded to act like nothing happened for the rest of the day.
when it was finally time to close, you decided it was time to confront him. “sunghoon what the hell was that earlier?” you asked. “he was holding up the line.” he replied. you let out a bitter laugh. “no that's not what i mean and you know it.” he sighed. “he was trying to get you back, i had to do something.” he said his eyes glued to his feet. “sunghoon what the hell are you talking about, i haven’t seen him since middle school.” he scoffed. “save it i seen the letter, i mean seriously?” he was pacing now.
“so what if i was sending letters to jay, you have no right to be angry right now.” you were getting angry now. how dare he after all he’s said. “i am angry, i’m jealous.” you furrowed your eyebrows. “jealous?” you asked. he tugged at his hair. “yes! i’m jealous because he had the courage to do what i couldn’t.” he snapped. you felt the tears well in your eyes. “and what was that?” you asked with a shaky voice. “to tell you how i feel about you. god y/n i like you so much.” you swear your heart was going to beat out of your chest.
“well you sure have a funny way of showing it.” you spat. “remember you said you don’t want to date me, you never will.” you threw his words back at him. the ones that played in the back of your mind each time you looked at him and felt your heart flutter. it was a painful reminder of that day he threw your letter and heart on the ground and crushed it. “y/n.” he started but you put your hand up.
“don’t sunghoon.” you couldn’t hear anything else. you gathered your bag and walked towards the door. his hand wrapped around your wrist. “y/n please let me explain.” his voice is now shaky. you stared at where he held you. “i was scared when i read your letter, no one has ever felt that way about me before, and my friend were laughing at me. i didn’t mean to hurt you but so many emotions were happening it once, so i took the cheap way out.”
you scoffed and shook off his hold. “now that’s pathetic.” you spit his words back at him once again before leaving. sunghoon tugged at his hair. he hated watching you walk away from him again crying. he hated hurting you, but that’s all he ever seemed to do. there was only one thing he could do. he grabbed a pen and paper.
my dearest, y/n
i’ve never really done this before. i didn’t really know how else to say this. everytime i open my mouth i always seem to hurt you. so i figured i’d give this a try. y/n i like you. i like whenever our fingers brushed against each other in class passing papers. i like when you always greet me with a smile even though i’ve been shitty to you. i like that you make me smile with your cute laugh. i like the way you dress, the way you are always you.
i hate what i said to you that day. truthfully your words scared me because no one has ever cared for me that way before. i hope that i didn’t ruin everything between us, and that it’s not to late, because if you’d let me i’d really like to take you on a date, and make you mine.
always yours, sunghoon
your tears fell onto the paper, your neighbor had dropped it off after it ended up in her mail. the mailman had the wrong address.it had been a few days since you been to the ice cream shop. you slipped on your shoes and ran there. the letter still in your grasp. sunghoon was locking the door when you ran up. he turned to see you out of breath with teary eyes. his eyes drifted to the letter in your hand. he was starting to think you got it but threw it out.
“y/n..” he began but you cut him off by placing your lips on his. sunghoon’s eyes were wide before they closed and he kissed you back. his arms gripped your hips and your arms wrapped around his neck. when you pulled away he chased your lips causing you to giggle and placed your forehead against his.
“does this mean i get to take you on that date?” he whispered. you smiled and nodded. “i’d like that more than anything.” he smiled and pulled you closer by your waist. he titled your chin up and placed his lips on yours. “p.s i still like you.” he smiled. “good, it would be one awkward date if you didn’t.” you laughed and followed him to his car. you weren’t expecting your summer to go this way but one thing was for sure, you were glad to get that letter, it gave you sunghoon.
author’s note! the long awaited second part. i hope you all enjoyed it :)
tag list! @jjunieworld @304files
© jjunberry
411 notes · View notes
fidogo · 2 years
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And the truth of the matter is (I'll never let you go) - J.S
Synopsis: Jake Seresin hates you. Or is given no choice but to hate you after you decide to hate him first. Which sucks, because he dreams of dating you, marrying you, fucking you, the whole nine yards.
Tags: NSFT, miscommunication, enemies to lovers (kinda), F!Reader, mentions of gender and sexism, infactual Naval Control Room (sorry babes I have no clue what goes on in there and did not fact check), alcohol, sappy emotions, unprotected sex (Don’t do this!), penetrative sex, sub!reader, Dom!Jake, squirting, creampie, overstimulation, spanking, brief cockwarming
Word Count: 4.3K
AN: pretty silly in concept as in I know nothing about Naval control rooms and instead of learning or changing things just barreled on ahead because I felt compelled lmao I also tend to not like miscommunication tropes but once again…something compelled me
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Jake Seresin fucking hates you.
Well not really. To be quite honest, he thinks you may be the prettiest thing he’s seen in years. He has dreams where he wakes up next to you, fantasies of taking you to Texas, making sure you never had to lift another finger unless you wanted to.
So no.
He doesn’t hate you. But dear God he seems to be doing everything wrong. 
And he never does anything wrong. 
But anytime he flirts with you, dropping the ole’ Seresin charm, your lips curl up at him, unimpressed. (He wants to bite them. Or kiss them). You always roll your eyes, pat his arm and leave him hanging.
He hates it.
So he ups the ante, deviating from your carefully calculated flight instructions. He easily sails through the air, gliding between clouds and aces through the training and exercises. 
By the time Jake lands his plane, he’s elated, adrenaline pumping, muscles tense, and craving something hot, something more. 
Except it’s worse when he sees you that night. He practically turns red when you completely ignore him. Turning on your pretty little heels, not even giving him the time of day. 
He grabs your forearm on your way out, brows pinched in frustration at your lack of attention. At least before, when you talked to him, you were friends of some sort. 
But now you rip your arm out of his grasp, anger evident. 
“You’re a fucking asshole, Hangman,” you mutter before disappearing into the night. You never call him Hangman outside of work.
So yes, Jake Seresin hates you now. 
Any conversation between the two of you changed after that day. It’s always tinged in anger, some sort of bitterness. He can’t figure out what he did wrong, and you won’t tell him, and it just further cements the fact that he has to put those dreams of you to rest. He continues to defy you when he’s up in the air, but he’s no longer trying to impress you, no, it’s petty and cruel now.
He lets the wound fester, lets it grow and spread, turn vile enough that the others eventually take notice. 
Phoenix hangs by you when you’re all together, a loyal shadow, talons out whenever he gets too close. Rooster's loud and annoying as ever, picking up on the tension and doubling down on his clown routine to dissipate the heaviness. 
Jake finds himself embarrassed when Bob looks at him with sympathetic eyes. If you didn’t want to talk to him fine. He doesn’t need you or your goodwill (God he wants you so bad though). 
Coyote finds him at a barbecue one night. He hands him a beer wordlessly and just stays with him. It’s quiet and nice, making the ache he’s been feeling recently disappear a little. 
“You should talk to her.” Coyote's usually calming voice sounds abrasive to Jake; his hackles go up. 
“Jake.” Javy’s tone stops him from pouncing. “I’m serious. Just talk to her. You’ll both feel better.” He slaps his back, wandering over to Fanboy and Payback as the sun dips into the sea, the sky painted in orange and pinks. 
You’re sitting by yourself on top of a picnic table, a little away from the group, gaze glued to the sunset. 
You look like a fucking angel right now. Something straight out of his dreams. 
Fuck it. 
Shock finds its way onto your face as you see him walking towards you, his muscled body moving with purpose. Wide eyes watch him before they narrow turning towards the sand. 
“Go away, Hangman,” you spit. “Do I need to get Natasha over-“
“What did I do wrong? Tell me what I did.” He cuts you off abruptly, and there’s a twinge of guilt and desperation that colors his words. It’s different than any of your previous conversations. No cocky charm, no anger, just a solemness that leaves your jaw hanging as you gape at him.
He barrels through your silence, sitting on the table next to you. “I can’t fix this,” gesturing between the two of you, “unless you tell me what I did to make you hate me so much.”
Jake briefly notes the way you look at him like a deer in headlights, it’s a look he hasn’t seen on your face before. He wonders what other faces you could make for him. 
“You really don’t know?” Your voice softly cuts through the air, anxiety underlining your words. He shakes his head, watching the way you chew on the inside of your cheek as you stare at the darkening sky. 
A silence settles between the two of you, nothing to listen to but the laughter of your friends, and the repetitive crash of the waves.
“You embarrassed me.”
It’s so quiet, Jake almost doesn’t hear it. 
“You embarrassed me in front of everyone. You didn’t listen to me at work. And I fought so hard to get into that control room.” You pause, tugging your jacket tighter around you. It sounds stupid now. Certainly nothing to cry over, and yet here you are, furiously rubbing your eyes. 
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry but I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about,” Jake carefully pushes, unsure of how to make this better. 
You make a pained sound, before nodding, a humorless smile on your face. Of course, he has no clue. You press a palm to your chest, looking straight through his eyes into his soul.
“I do the calculations for your exercises and training.” You pat your chest, voice cracking. “I do it.” He tilts his head at you, silently urging you on. “And when you don’t listen to me and are still so successful, everyone looks at me.” 
“But I do that all time…” he trails off, hand hovering over your shoulder before pulling it away. 
“When you train with Mav or the other pilots, that’s different. But just- certain exercises, where it’s mainly for the plane and just you. That’s on me.” 
He takes a sip of his beer, nodding slowly.
“Why do they look at you?” You let out a small groan, brows pinched in annoyance. 
“Because when what I calculate doesn’t happen, they think I should be doing better. Well, everyone but Hondo. And in case you haven’t noticed, there aren’t a lot of women here.” Jake’s stomach drops a little as you continue. Shit. 
“If I had been a man, I don’t think they would’ve raised an eyebrow. Hell, no one says anything when Johnson fucks up on Rooster’s calculations. And it is on me. I should’ve considered the fact that you’re the perfect pilot who will always beat the odds, but you had never pulled this shit with me before.” He snorts at that, before finally letting his palm rest on your thigh. 
In a comforting, apologetic manner. 
Nothing else.
“And it certainly didn’t help that after the first time, I did everything in my power to do the opposite of what you said.” You laugh at that, a twinkle returning to your eyes that he hasn’t seen in a while.
“No that didn’t help at all. One day my favorite pilot stopped listening to me, the next day I was a joke in the control room.” Your fingers curl into your jacket, and you keep still as Jake slides closer to you. He puts his beer down, gently caressing your jaw so you look at him.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry that happened to you. I wish you had told me,” he whispers, watching as your eyes dart around, unused to this type of closeness from him.
“I’m sorry. I just was-“ you meet his eyes again, tears beginning to well. “I was embarrassed. I thought I was going to get demoted or transferred. Which didn’t happen. But I thought you didn’t need me and….” your voice fades off, embarrassment all over your face, as you try to squirm out of his grasp. 
Jake drops his hand from your jaw, giving you space, but he squeezes the flesh of your thigh.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like that. That’s the last thing I ever wanted, believe me.” He swipes at a stray tear with his free thumb, watching you blink in surprise. He steals himself, deciding the truth may be the best route.
“When I didn’t listen to you the first time, I was trying to impress you.” Your eyes widen and your upper body pulls away from him.
“What?” You sound like you can’t believe him, and your eyes narrow at him. “This isn’t funny Seresin.” There’s an edge in your voice again, one that he’s come to respect and hate over the past weeks. 
“I’m not being funny,” he throws back, matching your glare. “I was trying to get you to notice me. Hell, nothing else was working.”
“Now what the fuck do you mean?” He looks at you like your stupid, and he almost feels guilty about it except for the fact that he had been flirting with you for so long, it’s a miracle he didn’t give up. And when he tells you that, you look at him mouth gaping. 
“You were serious?” Jake almost rolls his fucking eyes, but he’s watching you relive months of memories, as your shoulders sag. “Oh my god. I thought you were making fun of me.” 
His heart aches a little at the thought of you thinking he was being cruel to you when he wanted to do nothing more but give you the moon and every star in the sky. 
“Sweetheart. Not only do I want you more than anything, I need you. Always.”
“Oh.” He feels you squeeze your thighs together, feels the heat radiating from you. 
Oh. Oh indeed. 
Jake’s careful with you. More careful than he wants to be right now, but everything’s so fragile right now, so tender, he doesn’t want to do anything that’ll scare you off. 
His hands are gentle when he peels your shirt and bra off of you; he’s hesitant as he kisses down your neck. His thumb swipes over the, now swollen, lips that have haunted his dreams. They open ever so slightly, letting him push in. He groans into your neck, pushing his free hand into your shorts, sliding over your damp panties. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, eyes glazed over as he trails his fingers up and down your clothed slit. Your hips buck slightly at his ministrations, lips curling around his thumb as you suck gently at it. 
Jake’s cock throbs painfully in his boxers as he watches your body react to him so beautifully, and he hasn’t even really done anything yet. You’re so wound up, so tense in multiple ways, and it’s his fault. He owes it to you to make you cum before he gets his dick wet. It’s what you deserve. 
He pulls his thumb from your mouth, caressing your face ever so slightly before trailing it down your breasts to tweak at your nipples.
“Such perfect tits,” he mutters, watching you bloom so beautifully under his attention. “Now let's get you out of these shorts.” You lift your hips as he situates himself between your thighs, pulling your shorts and underwear off in one go. And then he just fucking stares. 
You squirm under his eyes, thighs beginning to close as anxiety plucks at your nerves. But he’s faster than you.
“Don’t you go hiding from me now, sweet thing.” He licks his lips before looking at you with blown-out eyes. “I think you doubt how long I’ve been dreaming about you and this perfect pussy. Let me enjoy this.” Your heartbeat picks up at his words, cunt involuntarily clenching around nothing. And he fucking watches it happen. 
He smirks up at you in a way that makes you want to pull your hair out, presses a kiss to your thigh, and remains silent. As if not wanting to push your annoyance too far. 
Jake settles on his stomach between your thighs, continuing to leave a trail of soft kisses up your thighs until he’s right at the apex, thumbs pulling your lower lips apart. He sighs appreciatively as your thighs tense.
“You’re just staring,” you complain, beginning to squirm again. He tsks at you, dragging his thumb up the cleft of your cunt.
“Hold your horses. I’m just getting started.” He swaps his thumb for his index, circling around the bud of your clit, delighting in the way you shiver, and he continues to trace your pussy as it leaks for him. “So pretty…” he murmurs mostly to himself.
Jake’s mainly teasing you at this point. A bit cruel considering how battered you both are emotionally, but he wants the first time you cum for him to be big. Memorable. Nothing less from Hangman. And for you. Of course. 
And so he continues to tease, to drag his digits around your clit, your entrance, teasing the opening but not quite entering. He’s enchanted by the little noises you make, the gossamer strands he pulls from your body. They just look so…sweet. 
With his eyes fixed on yours, he leans his mouth forward. 
When his tongue swipes along you, your groan of relief goes straight to his dick. Fuck. He could listen to you all day. 
Jake laps away at your cunt, chasing after your nectar and the sounds you make, relishing in the way your thighs tense around his head. He draws his tongue up, passing over your clit, and you buck into his mouth. Your fingers are in his hair in a flash, tugging as he repeats the motion. His eyes roll into the back of his head at the feeling, and he grinds his dick into the bed.
“Fuck,” you whimper, eyes sealed shut as you continue to hump against his face. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
He expertly flicks at your clit, fingers digging almost painfully into your thighs. It feels so good, the pleasure radiating from your pussy making your brain foggy. Much like he can’t think of being anywhere but between your thighs, you can’t think of anything but Jake and his perfect mouth.
The two of you stay in this, wet, messy rhythm of tugging and licking and teasing until your wound so tight, muscles so tense you can’t help but beg. Jake, Jake, baby, please. I need to cum so bad.
He groans against you, vibrations making you shiver. One of your thighs is released, fingers gently trailing over the shallow nail marks left on your skin. You shiver again. Those same fingers find their way to your sopping, twitching cunt, and they trail in-between the lips of your pussy while his tongue remains focused on your clit. 
You pant tugging hard at his hair again, you can feel it coming, feel the wave begin to crash- and then he pushes 2 fingers inside you, stretching, searching, begging you to cum around them. And obedient as ever, you do.
You jolt forward, fingers still tangled in his hair as your thighs snap shut around his head, cunt pulsing around his fingers and into his awaiting mouth. Your blood feels white hot, pleasure overwhelming as your hips continue to twitch and buck. 
Jake continues to thrust his fingers into you, helping you ride your high as his own hips grind into the bed, reluctantly chasing the same. 
When your body starts to relax, fingers no longer clinging to his hair almost painfully, he pulls his mouth and fingers away slowly, watching you carefully, gauging where you are. 
You blink at him blearily, licking your lips before noticing how wet the lower half of his face looks. Wet because of you. 
You let out a small moan. “Fuck, Jake.” 
You look so fucked out, so lovesick- Something snaps in him and he doesn’t know why but he needs you to cum again as fast as possible. 
And so he dives back in. 
Fingers thrusting, tongue skillfully teasing. And you wail, hips rocking. To escape or seek more, you don’t know. 
“Jake,” you cry out, pulling his hair, trying to get his tortuous mouth off of you. “Jake it’s too much!” But a single arm keeps you glued to his mouth. His eyes meet yours, blown out and desperate, and your fucking shaking. 
And then his lips form a seal around your clit. 
And he sucks. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, hips writhing against him as you’re taken under by another massive wave of pleasure. Your thighs squeeze and squeeze and squeeze, feet flailing against the bed. You repeat nothing but his name, as if it’s the only word you remember how to say, voice tense and whiny. 
He moans into you, fingers pulling more of your cum into his mouth, and he grinds his boxer-covered cock into the mattress watching your body crest and crash until you begin to still. 
Carefully, as if you might break, Jake pulls away again. The deep ache in his gut was finally satisfied at seeing you fucked out and exhausted. 
But you prop yourself up to look at him, chewing your lip thoughtfully. “Dontcha wanna fuck me?” You whisper, something desperate and needy kicking to life inside of you again. 
Jake inhales deeply, something twinging in his abs, and he grimaces. 
And you flail in panic at his face, turning over to your hands and knees, cunt rising above him, as you turn back to look at him, begging again. Jake please, please I need you in me. I want you so bad. 
And he groans, reaching a hand up to squeeze your ass. 
“Sweetheart, there’s nothing more I want than to fuck this cunt until you pass out. But I need to wait. I’m a little spent…” 
You freeze at that, turning more to watch as he peels off his boxers, noticing the shine of the fabric. Holy shit. 
Your eyes widen, and you collapse in front of the pillow in front of you. 
“That’s so hot, Jake. Fuck.” Your hips wiggle as if to sell your point, and he chuckles. 
“Bad timing though, huh?” 
You peak out from the pillow, turning back again. “I don’t mind waiting.” 
“I know.” And he smirks at you again, and it’s so annoying and cocky in the ways you hate but you’re too horny to care. 
Especially when he starts massaging the globes of your ass. You settle down, eyelids drooping as his fingers dig into the flesh there. It feels so nice, relaxing while still keeping you turned on. 
Jakes's fingers drift lower towards the entrance of your cunt, fingers gliding over the wetness that lingers around the entrance, pushing it back into you. 
A shudder runs through your body as you clench tightly around his fingers. He coos at you, beginning to thrust them in and out, other hand still squeezing away. You gently rock back against him, mind glazed over from all the sensations and the fact that it was Jake Seresin who was doing it to you. 
He pushes another finger in, smiling to himself at how you flutter around him, wanting more. Your darlin’ cunt was really a gift, wasn’t it?
He thrusts in and out, glued to the way you drip around his hand. 
“Jake?” you sound so quiet, so soft. He could eat you live right now. You’re pouting now, lip jutting out at him. 
“What is it darlin’?” 
“Can you fuck me now?”
There’s a mean edge to your voice again, one that almost has him rolling his eyes. You’re a fucking piece of work sometimes. But he just pulls his fingers from you, stroking his cock with the wetness of you. 
“You know what? I think I can take care of that for you.” You grin back at him, propping yourself up and shaking your ass again, and he slaps the jiggling flesh, making you laugh. 
He fists himself mindlessly, guiding himself forward, closer to where he wants to be more than anything. 
You inhale, fingers digging into the sheets at how he barely nudges toward, stretching you ever so slightly. 
Jake lets out a hiss as he pushes forward. You’re fluttering and tensing like crazy around him, and his nails dig into your ass harshly. 
“You gotta relax for me. Let me in.” You shiver and nod taking deep breaths as finally slides deep into your slick cunt.
“Oh shit Jake,” you say, already moving back against him, lost in the way he feels spectacular inside of you. Whatever daze you’re in is reciprocated, as he shallowly thrusts into you ever so slightly as you both adjust. You’re just so hot and wet already. It makes the small of his back tingle; lights something up deep inside of him. 
Jake pulls out slowly, watching the way your walls cling to him, listening to the way you mewl. Fuck.
“Yea you like this dick?” He pumps back into you, watching the way you react, feeling you. 
“You’re so- fuck- annoying,” you moan, glaring at him from over your shoulder, but your pussy squeezes him anyways.
“You were the one begging for it.” His palm slaps the fat of your ass, and you bounce back against him. 
“And what’s wrong with that?” He glares at you, at the twinge of fight and mischief in your eyes. 
“Nothing you little brat.”
And then he fucks you. Hard. Hips slamming into your ass, skin against skin. It’s loud, filling the air with wet, lewd noises that makes your toes curl and eyes roll back. You can feel the ridges of his dick as he stretches your cunt.
He fucks you steady, hypnotized by every little thing about you. You just feel so fucking good, surrounding his cock as you drip into the sheets. Jake briefly wonders if you’d let him do this again, let him see you like this, tease you apart until you’re just as gooey and babbley. 
He splays his hand out on your upper back, pushing you in the bed. Your breathing’s shaky, fingers curled into the sheets. There’s a deep ache inside you. You need him so much it hurts. 
“Jake,” you manage to pant out, cunt squeezing him deliciously. He hisses before stroking the length of your back. 
“I know. You’re being so good for me. Such a good girl,” he coos, hands landing on your waist. You nod in agreement, the praise going straight to your overworked cunt. 
“Used to be so mouthy with me. Just needed my cock in ya, huh?” His question is punctuated by a particularly well-aimed thrust that makes your knees feel wobbly. It’s degrading, but the way he’s making you see stars right now has you whimpering in agreement. You need it. You need him.
“Jake,” you whine hoarsely. “I’m close.” He coos at you again, squeezing the flesh of your waist before sliding his hands to grip your ass, pulling you further against him, letting him take you more and more and more.
“Can you touch yourself for me, sweetheart?” You blink dumbly at his request, before slowly inching a hand in-between your sweaty thighs. Your fingers split into a V, surrounding where he fills you, and you shake your head, dropping your hand. It’s too much, too sensitive. “That’s okay,” he drawls, making your heart skip a beat. “I’ll take care of you.”
He drops forward, sweaty chest pressing against your back, and his hips continue to pummel into yours, cock pressing into your so sweetly. Jake snakes an arm beneath you, blunt finger rubbing quick little circles into your clit. 
You cry out, squirming away as he relentlessly attacked your poor, tired nub. It’s overwhelming, face pressed into his sheets, the scent of sex filling the air, the way your cunt’s being shown more attention than it has in a while, and most importantly, Jake Seresin's lips reaching anywhere they can- your jaw, shoulder, back. He’s everywhere. And you can’t hold off the inevitable any longer. 
Your pussy clamps down on him like a vice, pulsing around him as you shake under him. You gush around him, an extra burst of wetness almost forcing Jake out of your cunt. He grunts, doing his best to keep his rhythm consistent, keep it nice to help you ride it out.
“There you go there you go. Just like that.” 
You throw an arm back, nails clawing into whatever part of him they land on. 
“Cum in me Jake, please, please.” Your voice doesn’t sound like your own, but you don’t care. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. Whatever you want.” His hand drops from your throbbing clit, granting you relief as his pace falters. When he finishes, he’s loud right in your ear, spurts of cum filling your soaking pussy. 
The stillness that follows is thick, hanging heavy in the air. You accept the weight of him inside and out, taking deep breaths as you try to calm down. 
Jake stays inside of you, and he curls around you ever so slightly, desire and need to be close to you outweighing the discomfort of his softening cock. 
It’s nice, being stuffed full like this. But eventually, you squirm, tapping his arm that rests near your head. 
A chaste kiss is pressed to your sweaty shoulder. 
“I know, honey. I know.” Jake pulls out of you slowly, and you wince at the feeling. He hops off the bed, leaving you to curl up on his bed, trying to ignore the sticky cum that’s spread along you. 
The next moments pass in a blur; you vaguely feel a damp cloth clean your pussy, a sweatshirt slid over your shoulders, and a glass of water gently pressed into your hands as you sit up. 
You blink up at Jake, sipping your water as you take in his appearance. Hair messy, chest flushed, sweatpants hanging low on his hips. 
“How ya feeling?” he asks gently, sitting next to you. 
“Like I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.” Jake smirks at you, a sick sense of pride filling him before he rubs your thigh.  
“I’ll take care of ya then too.” And that makes you smile so sweetly at him, he feels the breath get knocked out of him. You stretch your arms above your head, twisting as you get comfortable in his bed. 
“And I’m feeling stupid because we could’ve been doing this for months.” Jake laughs at that, before humming in agreement. 
“We’ll we’ve got a lot of time to make up for… later of course. I need my beauty sleep.” You roll your eyes at that, and he kisses your shoulder, before curling around you, a smile on his face as he reluctantly drifts to sleep. After all, his dream was finally a reality.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 15 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: A perfect day isn't enough to solve all your problems, but a Bradley who shows you how much he wants you and Everett might just do the trick. 
Warnings: Fluff and swearing
Length: 3200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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As Bradley pulled into the lot at Petco Park, he flashed a VIP parking pass at the guard. You still weren't sure why you needed to get to the game so early, but honestly, you didn't mind spending some extra time around Bradley today. He made Everett happy, and you were really considering giving him a second chance. Because he made you happy, too. 
Bradley and Everett were singing a song about the Phillie Phanatic, and now you were singing along too. He held your hand tight while he parked the Bronco next to the ballpark, and when he grinned and pulled you out through his door with him, you couldn't help but smile. 
"I'm so happy you came," he whispered, looking down at you with a crooked smile that had your heart melting. "I planned a lot of stuff to surprise Ev, but if you and he aren't having fun, then we can always just get some food or leave early."
You shook your head at him, amazed that he didn't get it yet. "There's nothing that kid wants more than to spend the day with you, watching the Phillies."
"That's what I want, too," he replied, opening the back door and lifting Everett down. "Ready, kiddo? I have something cool to show you."
You walked a few steps behind them as they made their way to the turnstile hand in hand. "What's faster, a slider or a changeup? And how does the catcher know when to get the pitcher to throw a curveball?" Everett rambled. They looked adorable in their matching backwards caps.
"They practice together a lot. Just the two of them. And they get really good at knowing how to communicate."
"That's cool. I wanna be a pitcher and a power hitter."
"Kid, if you can manage to combine those two, you'll hit the majors for sure," Bradley told him, glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were there. With a smile, he handed three tickets to the guy in the booth, and next thing you knew, you were all being ushered through an underground tunnel. 
"Where are we going exactly?" you asked Bradley, losing the battle to slip your hand into his free one. The three of you were being led down a long ramp by a tour guide named John who had given each of you VIP badges to wear. 
"On a locker room tour," he replied, and then Everett really got excited. 
"I get to go in the locker room?" he asked, skipping ahead and making John chuckle. 
"I told them you wanted to see the visitors' locker room," Bradley told Everett. "Maybe some of the Phillies uniforms will be hanging up."
And they were. You stood in the middle of the visitor's suite that looked more like a luxury hotel than a men's locker room while Everett ran around with your phone taking pictures. "Mom! Take a picture of us in front of the bats!" 
You snapped a few photos of Bradley and Everett standing near the equipment, and then you tucked your phone away. "This is so cool," you whispered to Bradley while the tour guide showed Everett the snack bar that was reserved for the players. "Thank you."
Bradley sighed. "Jake hooked it up. He begged the groundskeeper. I think he felt bad for what he said to you at the bar."
You nodded and met his eyes. "He told me he likes moms." You watched his eyes narrow just a fraction as he licked his lips. 
"Yeah, well I love moms, actually. I was just overcompensating for my insecurities before. You and Ev are intimidating."
You scoffed. "Intimidating?"
Bradley nodded, his brown eyes sincere. "I told you, Kitten, you two are perfect. And I got in my own head."
"I'm eating the snacks that the players eat!" Everett announced, holding up a bag of peanuts. The tour guide let him take a few as he led all three of you into one of the press boxes. 
Your hand ended up in Bradley's and he kept pulling you closer, but once he saw who was in the press box, his grip on your hand tightened until it was almost painful. 
"Ev, you asked who the starting pitchers were?" Bradley said in awe. "Well, here they are."
"Hey, are you Everett?" asked the Phillies starting pitcher, and you were afraid your son and Bradley were both going to faint. 
"Yeah?" your son asked, and John led him closer to the table where two men were sitting. 
"Wait, are you really a Phillies fan? I heard you're from San Diego!" said the Padres pitcher with a laugh. 
"I like you, too!" Everett said hurriedly. "The Padres are my second favorite team, I swear!" You laughed and both pitchers smiled at you. 
"How about we both sign a shirt for you?" asked the Phillies pitcher. "I don't think anyone else has a shirt signed by rival pitchers."
"Holy shit," Bradley muttered as he watched them each sign an MLB all-stars shirt and hand it to Everett. 
"Why don't you get in there with him for a photo, Coach?" you asked. Bradley let go of your hand so fast to scramble behind the table with Everett, and you snapped a few pictures of the four of them. Then the pitchers stood and shook hands with Bradley, and it amazed you to see that he was built exactly like the professionals were. Tall, broad and strong. 
"Have fun with your parents, Everett," the Padres pitcher told him, knocking his Phillies cap crooked and smiling. "Enjoy the game."
"We will!" Everett and Bradley said in unison, and you stood frozen in place. Maybe they had been too excited to process the word parents, but you'd heard it loud and clear. 
They both looked dazed as John led them back through the tunnel. "Are you both okay?" you asked with a laugh as Bradley's hand found yours again. 
"That was awesome," Bradley said, tossing Ev's new shirt over his shoulder as they emptied out of the tunnel and onto the ballfield. It was a perfect, clear day, and you heard John tell Everett he could run around anywhere except on the outfield. You watched your son take off like a rocket and run around the bases while you cheered for him. He looked so small out on a real infield. 
"Oh, fuck it," Bradley said, and he took off running the bases too while you laughed and cheerer for both of them. Bradley caught up to Everett near home plate where you were standing, and after they both crossed the bag, he scooped Everett up into his arms. 
They were both out of breath as Bradley said, "You'll have to get used to running that far if you're a power hitter."
"I can do it," Everett told him, and they had gigantic, matching smiles on their faces. 
You snapped a few more photos, and then John asked, "Want to throw some pitches?" He handed Bradley a few pristine baseballs, and he and Everett took off toward the pitcher's mound. You stood off to the side as Bradley got Everett set up and in position with one of the balls. Then your son threw a pitch that didn't quite have enough force behind it to make it all the way to home plate, but it was thrown so accurately, you watched it roll to where the batters normally stood. 
"Wow! Great job, Ev! Very accurate!" you shouted, thoroughly impressed. He threw a second pitch, and it was just as good as the first one. Then you watched Bradley trade places with him and wind up to throw what you thought was a slider. It sailed beautifully past home plate and bounced off the advertisement signs. He threw a second one that looked like a fastball. 
"Hey! You're good!" said John as Bradley and Everett ran from the mound to home plate. "Did you play?"
"Just in college," Bradley replied, collecting the balls so John didn't have to. "A long time ago."
"He's a tee ball coach!" Everett announced. "He coaches my team!"
You didn't know if you could remember a time Everett looked this happy, and you felt like you were going to cry. This wasn't a one off. You needed this kind of day to happen again. Maybe not on the grand scale of gallivanting around Petco Park like VIPs, but you needed more days in the park getting ice cream. You needed more pizza nights. You need to have Bradley touching you at the batting cages and making love in his Bronco. 
"Come here, Kitten," he called, waving you over. "I want a picture of the three of us on home plate."
You closed the distance to them, and Bradley tucked you against his side with Everett in front of both of you. John took some pictures with Bradley's phone, and you let your head rest on his shoulder. "Thank you for doing this," you whispered, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "He's in heaven."
"So am I," Bradley replied softly before kissing your lips. "I didn't do anything though. All I did was mess up, Kitten." He was being sincere, and you knew it. You thought you'd have to be an idiot to not forgive him. When John handed his phone back to him, you wrapped your arms around Bradley's waist. 
"Cute family photos," John remarked, and Everett turned to see you in Bradley's arms. 
"Thanks," Bradley replied as he rubbed your back. "Hey, Ev, why don't you run the bases one last time, kiddo?"
"I'll time you," John told him, setting the stopwatch on his phone and telling Ev when to start.
You looked up at Bradley and whispered, "I forgive you." He squeezed you tighter and let out a deep sigh of relief that made you smile. "And not just because today is perfect, but also because Everett and I are both attached to you, so you better not mess this up."
His lips were on yours in the sweetest kiss that had you reaching for more as he pulled away. He kissed you a little harder and whispered, "I'll be so good to you. Both of you," against your lips. You knew he was telling the truth.
Bradley was trying to stay calm, but it was nearly impossible. You were sitting two seats away from him, eating some nachos and smiling at Everett. Whenever your eyes met his, Bradley sighed in relief. He would ask you to be his girlfriend later tonight after the game. He was completely ready for that. Ready to be around for you and Everett. 
"Thanks, Bradley," Ev told him, and Bradley managed to get a napkin under Everett's hot dog before it could drip ketchup on his jersey. "This is probably the best day I've ever had."
It was only the bottom of the first inning, but the Phillies were already leading by one run. The day had been perfect up to this point, but Bradley desperately wanted them to win for Everett. "Probably the best day I've ever had, too, kiddo."
The smile that touched your lips before you bit into a chip had Bradley grinning too. And as the innings wore on and the sun started to set, the stadium lights glowed to life. Everett was sitting on the edge of the seat when the Padres had the bases loaded, and it was all up to the pitcher that had autographed his shirt to save it for the Phillies. Without a word, Everett scrambled onto Bradley's lap to get a better view, and they both held their breath as the pitch count reached three balls and two strikes. 
"Come on," Bradley muttered, wrapping his arm around Everett's middle. When the pitcher struck out the batter, Bradley jumped to his feet with Everett, and they cheered with the few other Phillies fans sitting in the section. "Still have the lead!"
You were sitting in Everett's vacant seat when Bradley settled down with Ev on his lap again, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "You boys having fun?" you asked.
"Yep!" Everett said, clapping as the Phillies shortstop walked up to bat. 
Bradley leaned in and kissed your cheek, his mustache tickling your ear. "We should do this all the time. At least until he gets to see every team play the Padres."
"And what if he decides he likes a different team better than the Phillies after he sees them all?" you asked, and Bradley scoffed.
"Do we look like fair weather fans?" he asked, gesturing to himself and Everett. "No. That's not going to happen, Kitten."
You laughed and leaned in to kiss him. "You're right. What was I thinking?"
"If the Phillies make it to the playoffs, we'll go to Philadelphia and watch them play and eat cheesesteaks and meet the Phanatic in person," he told you with conviction. 
"Yeah, mom," Everett agreed, never taking his eyes off the game. "Because the Phanatic only goes to home games."
"Yeah, Kitten," Bradley echoed. "The Phanatic only goes to home games."
"You're both ridiculous," you said, but your smile was wide as you let your head rest on his shoulder. 
You felt a tinge of disappointment as the Padres managed to tie the game in the eight inning. Everett was squirming a bit on Bradley's lap in anticipation, and Bradley had his fingers laced with yours. 
"Do you want to switch laps, Ev?" you asked, and both Bradley and Everett replied with a firm No.
But Everett hopped off of Bradley's lap when the inning ended, and it didn't escape your attention that his gaze settled on your joined hands on the armrest. "I'll only be a little bit sad if the Phillies lose, okay? Because I'm having a lot of fun." Then he climbed back on Bradley's lap as you chuckled. 
"Me too, kiddo, but wouldn't it be great if the Phillies hit a homerun to win the game?" he asked, straightening out Everett's cap.
"That would be so cool," Everett agreed as a new batter came up to the plate for the Phillies. 
You pulled Bradley closer, and he gave you his undivided attention. You kissed his lips softly and said, "I think you're right. I want to do this all the time, too." Bradley's lips curled into a smile as he nodded, so you continued with a smile of your own. "The Padres play the Pirates here on Ev's birthday next month. So maybe we can do this again? I know it would be a late game, since it's during the week, but we could see if Molly and Bob want to come too. It could be really fun. What do you think?"
Bradley let go of your hand and wrapped his warm fingers around your neck, pulling you closer until your hand found his cheek while he kissed you. You moaned softly against his lips, you'd missed him this way so much. Then his nose bumped yours as he released your lips but kept you close to him. "Kitten, I think I love you."
"Look!" Everett shouted, and both you and Bradley turned to see what was going on. The echo of the solidly hit ball was still in the air as Bradley dumped Everett onto your lap and stood. You managed to stumble to your feet with Everett as Bradley jumped and caught the Phillies home run ball with his bare hand while the player rounded the bases to the sound of everyone in your section cheering. Then you watched as Bradley toppled over the armrest and into the aisle with a look of elation mixed with terror on his face.
"He caught it!" Everett cheered, launching himself onto Bradley who was trying to sit up awkwardly on the stairs. But he smiled and hugged Everett, handing him the ball while he clenched and unclenched his hand. 
"Are you okay?" you asked, laughing as Bradley stood with Everett hanging onto him.
"Yeah, Kitten," he grunted, kissing your lips while everyone cheered. "Just gonna be a little sore. Damn, my hand hurts," he said, shaking it out again. The three of you were being featured on the big screen as they showed a replay of Bradley jumping up over and over again. 
"Dad of the year!" the guy across the aisle shouted to Bradley, and you couldn't stop smiling.
"Thanks, man," Bradley replied with a laugh as he sat down. Everett had Bradley in a headlock as he examined his souvenir baseball with wide eyes. 
"Wow," Everett said over and over again. "You're good at catching too, Coach."
"I'll teach you everything I know, kiddo." 
"That was insane," you whispered, and Bradley laughed. 
"I had to catch it. That was a once in a lifetime ball."
Everett was distracted by the end of the game as you leaned in close and pressed your lips to Bradley's. "I think I love you too, Coach."
Bradley hadn't stopped touching you for a single moment. He was a little sore from landing on his ass in the aisle, but he honestly couldn't remember a better day in recent memory. When the game ended in a victory for the Phillies, Everett hugged him tight, but Bradley kept his hand wrapped around yours. 
When Everett scrambled onto your lap for a hug, you asked him, "Do you want to come back for your birthday? We haven't seen the Pirates play yet."
"Yeah!" Everett cheered, clearly running on a Phillies high. But by the time the three of you were exiting the ballpark, Bradley scopped Everett up and carried him. All of the excitement of the day seemed to have the kid running on empty all of a sudden. When the three of you finally empied out into the parking lot with the rest of the crowd, Everett was mostly asleep in his arms. 
"He's wiped out," Bradley told you with a laugh. You had your hand wrapped around his waist, your fingers rubbing his side, and Bradley couldn't stop grinning. 
"All the excitement caught up to him." You took the keys from Bradley's pocket and went ahead to unlock the Bronco and open the back door. Bradley carefully deposited Everett into the booster seat and buckled him in as his eyes opened briefly. 
"I'm tired," Everett mumbled, and Bradley laughed as he kissed his forehead. "I know, kiddo. Love you." Then he closed the door and you were reaching for him in the shadows of the parking lot, pressing your body to his and kissing him just like he had become accustomed to. He had missed you so much.
He pushed you up against the back door of the Bronco, and you gasped as he sucked on your neck. Your body felt warm against the chill of the night air, and Bradley's hands found their way up inside your shirt. "Kitten," he moaned below your ear. You had one hand wrapped around his neck, and the other was pressing against the fly of his jeans. You could make him go insane. "Kitten, baby, I can't get enough of you."
"Take us home," you demanded. "And stay with me."
"God, yes," he agreed, and then you were climbing in the driver's door and crawling across the seat.
Best day ever! Good job, Coach! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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adawngswife · 5 months
sean diaz fluff alphabet (rq)
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(A) attractive - what do they find attractive about u? how do they show this?
sean is attracted to anyone or anything that deviates the norm. dyed hair, unique background/perspective, and unconventional features. literally anything u think is unattractive and not up to the beauty standard about u, he probably rlly digs it. hell draw it in his journal always! but not in a way that comes across performative—he just draws u authentically. he doesnt feel the need to modify how u look in his art bc he thinks ure perfect as is (booo corny).
he shows his attraction through flesh-blazing, skull-burning staring. he analyzes his muses thoroughly after all... he knows where all ur freckles/moles are and can draw ur smile from sheer memory. in the months that he crushed on u, u couldn’t help but feel this pestering feeling of being watched in class constantly.
hes still a dorky teenage boy so if u share the same music taste as him or have the same hobbies hell geek out!! “no way she can skate AND listens to my favorite songs…” lyla will just roll his eyes at him in response. he acts like tom from 500 days of summer 😭
(B) baby - how do they act around kids?
sean definitely says he hates kids. hell talk about how annoying they are and use daniel as an example ALWAYS. that however does not hide the fact that he is REALLY good with kids. i wouldnt say its in a fatherly way but kids tend to look up to him as a cool older brother (even when he doesnt try to be one).
sean also secretly loves it when ur good with kids, despite him allegedly hating them. he cant help but grin ear-to-ear when he sees how happy u make daniel. once he becomes self-aware he tries to wipe his smile off asap. when u, sean, and daniel go out u guys are practically his parents. both of u know how to shut down daniels whining fast. albeit sean does more of the hushed, frustrated demands and u just try to defuse daniel.
(if u guys have ever seen the video of jake and tara with that baby thats how i imagine u guys with kids 😈 except ur both a mix of tara n jake)
(C) cuddle - how do they like to cuddle?
honestly the two of u can never decide who’s big spooning and who’s little spooning. to solve this issue the two of u just kind of… stack on top of each other.
esteban will do his routine dad check up on the two of u (preventing teen pregnancy) and walk into u guys jenga-ed on top of each other. ur legs are a tangled mess and u look like two corpses laid on top of each other. scrolling through ur phones while stacked is the go-to. ull be muffled chuckling into sean’s stomach at random videos for an hour…
while cuddling sean always traces little drawings/words on ur body. when u ask him whats hes drawing hell probably say its a dick LMFAO. so romantic 🙄
at the beginning of ur relationship, sean always felt the need to be the “man” and cradle u like some big infant. overtime he got more comfortable and whenever u guys watch movies on the couch hell be sprawled out on top of ur lap. one arm up supporting his head and a leg propped up like a princess xoxo
(D) dates - what are dates with them like? what do they like to do?
concerts, fairs!!! and MOVIES for sure
sean casually drops half his check on good seats for one of ur guys favorite band. the two of u have a tradition of replaying their music for weeks until the concerts about to start. it literally does not matter how many times uve gone to concerts with sean—u guys stay excited every single time. the after concert high is so good and u guys always kiss in the car afterwards. the two of u mess up each other’s hair and shuffle back in ur seats with swollen lips. sean backs out the parking lot while awkwardly clearing his throat 😭
SEAN IS SUCH A BIG FAIR GUY. he gives less than two shits if the pop-up fairs are shady and will probably collapse at the slightest gust of wind. he WILL take u on all the janky rides and tease u for being freaked out. he holds ur hand while giggling like a lil boy on the ferris wheel bc the creaking starts to freak the both of u out. he also tries to win fair prizes for u and say its a “bullshit scam” when he loses.
u beg him to go into the photobooth and take cute little couple-esque photos. he says “fineee” after some convincing with a smile and he avoids ur gaze after too. he definitely secretly wanted to the whole time though!! when they print out, they come out with those face-adjusting filters. u guys are WHEEZING laughing in front of the slot where they regurgitate out those abominations. sean puts it on the back of his phone case bc he thinks its so hilarious 😭
sean is a film nerd considering he had goodlands on his laptop. hes definitely up to date on any movie releases and will want to watch anything new with u. u guys always dissect the movie aggressively afterwards. the both of u will forever and always argue about which characters u liked and didnt over some takeout.
(E) equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
sean on the regular is passive. he never was the “dominant” type to like… back u into corners. in fact he was really awkward when u first met him. hes lowkey scared of women 😭
it took him a while to get comfortable/assertive. by “comfortable” i mean gaining the ability to tease u back LMAO. when he first gave u a snarky remark ur jaw kind of hung open and u guys HAVENT STOPPED SINCE. overall, sean usually was the one to wait for u to initiate something. he never wanted to put u in a situation ud be uncomfortable with.
(F) fight - would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
u guys fight like an old married couple. playful arguments always happen but once it becomes serious/personal things go south. one thing leads to another and the two of u just get agitated with each other
when u guys do seriously fight sean eventually lets u have ur way ALWAYS. he always prioritizes what u need/feel in the end and is really good at saying sorry. a part of him feels like big fights indicate ull leave him so hell always choke out things like “i just dont wanna lose you” after arguments. it sounds really dramatic but he has DEEP-rooted abandonment issues. hell hold u—whether it be an embrace or ur hand just to feel comforted afterwards.
(G) gentle - how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
GAWWWWWWWWWDAUH sean is so incredibly very gentle. sure, he teases u sometimes but in the end, again, he always makes sure ur comfortable! he asks u if ur okay when u look clearly overstimulated/out of it.
physically, sean doesnt mess around. he will constantly playfully shove u, mess with ur hair, etc. obviously its never to the point where it hurts but this is the only way he can get his daily dose of pda, so!
(H) hugs - do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?
sean is crazy on back hugs. he will always surprise u with one and he WILL trap u in it. ull be walking around his house and chatting with his leech-self wrapped around u. he likes nuzzling his nose in and u can feel his lips curl into a smile on the nape of ur neck when u make a joke (😢)
sean takes the opportunity to embrace u at any moment of privacy hes given. when daniel or esteban catches him he immediately flings off u and starts stuttering LMAO. hes kind of lanky so if anything his clothes are what cushion u. BUT he is very warm and is a personal heater #tbh. who needs a coat when u have sean???
(I) i love you - how fast did they say the l-word?
i feel sean is VERY quick to fall in love but takes forever to actually utter the words out. he will have a love at first sight moment with u and only have the feelings grow bigger and bigger as time goes on. sean is overall a reserved person and wouldnt go out of his way to tell u, no matter how much lyla encouraged him.
he would only say it once it becomes overbearing for him. like, to the point where the extent he loves u has become pervasive and PERSISTENT. it will just explode out of him at some pivotal moment. u guys will be laughing hysterically at something only u guys would laugh at. then, boom, it slips out like its something he had to swallow back down a hundred times before. because its so sudden, it will definitely catch u off guard.
he would repeat it because he didnt think u heard it the first time like a dork. his stomach acid is doing fucking somersaults at this point. u will visibly see this guy’s face drop and his hands start to fiddle anxiously. his eyes will kind of dart all over ur shocked face in fear. he’ll choke a lil “sorry i have no clue why i even said that-“
u lean in and the rest is history 🤓
(J) jealousy - how jealous do they get? when do they get jealous?
sean is always a bit wary of specific guy friends or potential suitors u have in ur life. again, sean picks up on LOTS that most people brush over. he knows when people flirt with u and he always bites his tongue before he says anything.
whenever u talk about other people too much, he gets a little… sassy. ull be thanking some guy in ur class for giving u the answers and hell be grumbling “i wouldve gave them to u…” under his breath. u shoot a look at him and he just defensively puts his arms up LMAO. he never seems to stop either. the amount of times u caught him rolling his eyes… criminal.
(K) kisses - what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss u? where do they like to be kissed?
sean is so shy when it comes to kisses. when u first began dating, sean never kissed u without a shy “can i?” before. he never knew when was appropriate or if u wanted to kiss him at all. his ears would flare up in red and his eyebrows would furrow in concentration each time.
overtime, as he got more comfortable, sean began finding the “right times” himself. whenever u leave his house he always gives u a quick peck. daniel never misses his opportunity to scream “EWW” as loud as he can. sean will be like “one more” and smooch ur cheek and then say “wait another one” and just KEEP GOING. if he wore lipstick u would look like u were dunked in a pig’s blood.
smiling into the kiss happens without fail—every single time. sean cant help himself, hes a lover boy!! he will always slowly open his eyes and pray u wont catch him sneaking a look. once he pulls away, he laughs while covering his mouth with his wrist. he gets butterflies still, no matter how many times u kiss 😭 im sick.
(L) love language - what is his love language?
sean’s family is big on quality time so he definitely prioritizes it. impromptu hangouts are his absolute favorite and if he could, hed spend every hour he could with u. sean never fails to randomly invite u over and hold u at gunpoint to do family time with him, daniel, and esteban.
also sean is a big gift giver! he will always give u doodles of ur favorite characters and little things that remind him of u. u guys have matching pins, keychains, bracelets, etc. not only does he go all out, but he also knows EXACTLY what u like. again, sean is the most attentive bf ever. hes the kind of man who would spend hours making coraline dolls of u two.
(M) mornings - how are mornings spent with him?
sean is not a morning person. he is almost always running late to first period, so oftentimes u cover for him. he will come to class with messy hair and will lizard-blink at literally anything u say. when u tell him that u gave the teacher an excuse, hell let out a croak-ey "thanks" and he will on a 99% chance knock out right after. he'll probably dazily open his eyes at u every so often and go back to sleep LMAO.
on weekends, sean will... barely be awake for mornings. ull be up and ready, watching hawt dawg man on the couch with daniel while eating cereal. sean shortly comes out of his mancave, stretching and yawning. hell come to lean on ur shoulder and stare blankly at the screen. its never particularly productive but sean couldnt care less honestly.
(N) nicknames -what does he call u?
sean has a disdain for nicknames. uttering any of them out loud just seemed so embarrassing to him… unless he’s making fun of them. he does however love “girlfriend.” its not exactly a nickname but he loves saying ur his girlfriend or “my girlfriends coming over” to people.
at a certain point he started using it in sentences that wouldn’t make sense. he’d go “hi girlfriend” every time he sees u. he’s so stew peed… 😢
(O) on cloud nine what is he like when he’s in love? is it obvious for others?
lyla never hears the end of u. shell be talking about something entirely unrelated and sean will be disassociating with his mouth open. when he finally snaps back into reality the first thing that comes out of his mouth is “do u think she would find it a turn off that u drive me everywhere?…“
“yeah obviously— were u even listening sean?”
“mm okay…” he just goes back to tuning her out again LMAO.
esteban will be asking for his tools from sean and he’d be totally zoned out just thinking about u. esteban will pull himself out from under the car and groan “augh… lover boy…” without sean even saying anything to him… so yes hes obvious.
(P) pda - is he upfront about your relationship? does he brag about you with others? or he rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
i already wrote on this but sean would rather keep intimate contact privately. that is, unless hes really in the heat of the moment. for example, at a concert hed just get so riled up. the lyrics of the song perfectly aligning with the way he feels about u MIGHTTT just make him collide lips with u, who knows! at special moments he won’t hesitate to kiss u but he’s just usually not a show-ey person.
too many times have the two of u attempted to sneak away to be romantic alone and gotten caught. whether it be lyla, esteban, daniel, or any of sean’s guy friends—they always tease u guys. lyla is so dramatic and she’d probably do the most, screaming and squawking when all she sees is sean hugging u 😭
(Q) quizzes - how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?
just like i mentioned earlier, sean remembers every little thing. he knows which side of ur smile leans more toward, the distinctive mole on ur arm, etc etc etc. he loves u like how a husband with a camcorder loves his late wife <3
sean has pulled multiple joe goldbergs before u started dating. he will give u some small knick knack of ur favorite video game/show/band and ull thank him, visibly confused on when u mentioned it. hell notice and just go “i heard u talk about it like three months ago.” he only realizes HOURS LATER how creepy he sounded and his ass will start sliding down a wall dramatically in his room.
(R) rosy - what makes them blush?
sean is quick to blush. honestly, any time u guys are intimate in any sort of way his ears are probably burning up. he’ll try to hide that he’s nervous by giving u quick one-liners back but inside his heart is RACING.
(S) security - how protective are they? how would they protect you?
sean goes to great lengths to protect people he loves, like u. in relation to actual life is strange 2 lore, sean definitely does anything in his power to not involve u in the incident. if u try to contact him or find him, he’ll probably be EXTREMELY upset. at first, all he can think about is how much he wants u away from all this mess. he just wants u to live a normal life—and if that meant being far away from him he’d be okay with it. u would beg him to let u back in his life and eventually, with much hesitation, he’d oblige. keeping u alongside daniel on the road allowed u to see another side to sean. he had been hit and came back up so many times just for u. all he wants in his life is to keep u safe.
exempt from life is strange 2 lore, sean always does little things to keep u safe. there are many times where he treats u like daniel—aka a big baby LMAO. he’s big on acts of service as well so he’ll always make u walk on the inside of the sidewalk, hold ur hair away from ur face when it’s windy, help u jump off of places too high up, etc.
(T) try - how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
he’s so bf coded of course he puts maximum effort at all times! he gets crafty for you every anniversary—a collection of drawings of u and a curated playlist/burnt cd is the MINIMUM he’s capable of. he’s the kind of boyfriend that can actually pick up on subtleties. something u mentioned liking once? it’s now in his cart.
when sean feels like switching it up he’ll try to do things he’s not used to like pottery and completely fail 😭. he has some place in the back of his closet for all the clunky diy gifts he’s tried to make for u in the past. despite this, he’ll give u a perfect trinket dish and u’ll wonder how he’s so good at everything… well, one day in his room he’ll ask u to go get something from his closet. u go inside and see a cardboard box with 15 versions of that very same trinket dish he made.
(U) understanding - how well do they know their partner?
sean does his best at understanding you as a person. when u talk about complicated emotions and unique experiences he doesn’t quite share, he’ll have this really pensive expression. he nods along and tries to understand ur perspective to the best of his ability. because of this, its really easy to open up to sean.
sean has you down to a T. hes so so so perceptive and knows when u feel uncomfortable. a small falter in ur smile, the glossy glint in ur eyes, ur lip quivering, he sees it ALL. he will immediately try to get u out of whatever situation ure in.
(V) vanity - how concerned are they with looks?
he could give less than two farts tbh. he loves when u look like a mess, more drawing opportunities for him. he however will make a big deal about looking good in front of u. he will be styling his hair for an hour in front of the mirror before going on a date with u, hogging the bathroom. he also practices the way he approaches u and lays out his outfits to impress u LMAO.
(X) xtra headcanon
sean loves cats so much. if u have a cat, he will spend the whole time at ur house trying to befriend them. bro will be crawling all over ur house on all fours... it gets to the point where u guys can never pass by a petsmart without sean making an impromptu visit to see the cats. plus, u guys have matching cat profile pictures!!!
(Y) yearning - how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
sean coops up and calls and texts u as much as u can. its to the extent where he will send u nonsensical texts just so he can open ur guys' chat. ur phone will be vibrating so much and out of curiosity ull open it to just see random symbols and letters strung together. he'll send u random photos throughout the day that remind him of u and make unplanned video calls. u guys do mundane tasks together in silence for HOURS. they never fail to end with him just falling asleep on call.
(Z) zzz - what are their sleep habits?
sean is NOT a morning person. because daniel’s usually the one that wakes him up, he will slam a pillow into ur face when ur just trying to wake him up. he will open his eyes to see u and mumble a “shit sorry…” and snake his hand around u back into bed. he will hold u PRISONER under those sheets. if u try to shuffle out he will snake another arm around u. u're essentially held hostage until sean decides he wants to set u free... cruel world.
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unfortunately i feel like this is very lackluster and COULDVE BEEN BETTER idk. also not proofread so sorry if this was... inchuresting to read... it also sucked me dry so i think i may have to start writing ACTUAL fanfics instead of hcs😢😢😢 thank u if u did enjoy though...
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rivatar · 5 months
First ever post!! 🫶🏼
Hey y’all!! I’m wanting to start writing Avatar fics, mainly smut (lol). Please don’t be too harsh but I’m open for suggestions and tell me what you think!! I don’t really know what I’m doing haha. And also I wanna start doing requests so lmk!
Pairing: Dilf¡Jake Sully x omatikaya reader (22)
Warnings: MDNI 🛑, SMUT, age gap, getting caught in the act, p in v, cursing, dirty talk, virgin reader, i think that’s it?
Synopsis: you’re urged to ask your best friend Neteyam to be your mate since the pairing seems beneficial, he denies you and his dad shows you what you deserve ;). Porn with plot.
Word count: 2.6k
Next part!
You were Neteyam’s best friend ever since childhood. For as long as you can remember, you and him were attached at the hip practically. Born on the same year and the first child to your families, you two had a lot in common that resulted in a very close bond. You could tell him anything and he could tell you anything. It was nice having someone to relate to who also happened to be funny, smart, talented, and charming. You’ve always loved Neteyam and he loved you, as friends.
However, as time went on and the two of you grew up, expectations became harsher and duties were falling in line. You’re now both 22 and things have changed now that you’re adults. Taking responsibility in the Omatikaya clan is a right of passage, it’s about showing that you now agree to give your all to the people around you just like all Na’vi are expected to do once they reach a certain age.
Neteyam is going to be the next Olo’eyktan, the most important duty of all along with the Tsahik. You were decently good at hunting and could hold your own, but you were also best friends with Kiri and spent many hours with her and Moat, learning healing skills.
You always knew Neteyam would have to chose a mate once the time came, but you never thought much about it and you were both platonic and never looked at him in a romantic way. You know he didn’t look at you that way either. But once you both turned 21, you had to admit to yourself that he was quite breathtaking in his fully grown adult form. He’s now grown into a strong and healthy man, with broad, muscular shoulders and is as tall as his dad, the present Olo’eyktan.
Today, as you were chopping some food in your hut, you heard a knock by the entrance. “Come in!”, and with that Jake, Neytiri, and Moat approach you with smiling faces. You didn’t expect to see them so you stop what you’re doing and bow your head, signaling “I see you” to them. They return the gesture and Moat speaks up, “My child, we have a very important proposition to bring you.” You nod as in saying to continue, then Neytiri joins in, “Y/n, we know you are a very responsible and nice girl. We also know that you have been steadily learning Tsahik duties with Moat and Kiri over the past few years. We have come here to say we think it would be best for you and Neteyam to be mates and the next leaders for the clan.” she beams.
You don’t know what you were expecting them to say but it wasn’t this. You chuckle nervously and shift in your place. “But Neteyam is my best friend. And anyways I don’t know if he would agree to this, have you brought it up with him?” Jake steps up and says “No, he doesn’t know yet because we were hoping you could tell him and it could be more natural. So it doesn’t seem like we’re forcing you guys or arranging it. It we try to force it, he might rebel. You think you could talk to him? He needs to pick a mate as soon as possible and we know you two get along great.”
You began to feel a bit dizzy and held onto the table beside you. You didn’t want to tell them no, how could you tell them no? So you meekly nodded and said “I will talk to Neteyam later when he gets back from hunting.” Neytiri hugged you and said “I would be honored to have you as my daughter-in-law!” You returned the hug and gave her a weak smile. You felt sick. They said they’re goodbyes and left you with your thoughts.
After 2 hours in your hut thinking on this, you decided you were actually really lucky to be chosen to mate with Neteyam. He was handsome and of course you loved him, so why not? All the girls in the village talk about how much they’d love to mate with him, but only one can be chosen. You had butterflies in your stomach and a newfound confidence as you left your hut, setting out to find Neteyam.
After a few minutes, you rounded a corner and seen the man himself. He looked tired and worn out, but you knew this had to be discussed now. You walk up to him and put your hand on his arm and say “can we talk for a minute? In private?” He lifts an eyebrow but nods his head, slightly concerned something was wrong. You two walk over to the forest, where the chatter of the village can only be heard in the distance. You take a deep breath and just say it, “Neteyam, it’s time for you to chose a mate. I don’t know how you feel about the other girls in the clan but I’ve been practicing Tsahik duties and we already have a bond…” you look at him like he should be able to get your meaning but he just gives you a confused look. So you spit it out, “Neteyam, I think we should be mates.”
His eyes widen and mouth drops a little. Your heart is pounding but you understand the initial shock. He nervously lets out a chuckle and says “But y/n, we are just friends… did you think we were something more?” Your heart drops and mouth dries up. Hot anger boils up in your blood at the embarrassment and denial. “N-no, I know we’re friends now but our duties are changing. We have to do what’s best for the clan’s future.” He looks around and says “but I can’t mate with you, I don’t see you in that way”, he gives you a look of pity and now you are livid. “Why not? Am I not pretty enough for you??” “No, I mean you could make yourself prettier but that’s not the only reason why…” he trails off and your mouth hangs all the way down. Tears flood your eyes and you bolt off. In the background you hear him yell, “Y/n, don’t do this!”
You run through the village, covering your face while crying. You felt so much shame and hurt. You burst into your hut and fling yourself onto the bed, wetting it with your tears. You couldn’t believe he outright denied you. You weren’t the prettiest girl, sure, but you most certainly weren’t the ugliest either! You should’ve never agreed to this or even dreamed it could happen. He could get any girl he wants, why would he pick you?
Night was closing in and you shivered under your covers. You dried up your tears but still felt the sting in your heart at the betrayal. Suddenly, you hear a knock at your door. You’re facing the wall and muster out “who is it?” with no enthusiasm. Much to your surprise, it’s Jake. You scramble out of the sheets and sit on the edge of the bed to then stand up and bow your head and gesture your hand, “ma Olo’eyktan”.
He throws his hand up as if brushing that gesture away, “no need for all the formalities, sweetie.” You nod and slightly smile to be polite. You loved his fatherly way of speaking. You then remember everything that happened earlier and that he probably found out about you being rejected. “I heard what happened and I just want to apologize on behalf of my son. He’s a dumbass” he says bluntly. The human curse catches your attention.
He sits down on the bed next to you. You choke out “I’m so sorry. I thought it could work but I guess I’m not good enough for him. He is probably so used to me by now that he sees nothing special.” A single year rolls down your cheek. Jake slowly shook his head and touched your thigh and your eyes meet his. His eyes are filled with pity for you but also something else, something like hunger. You tingle under his touch.
“You’re a special girl, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, the stupid skawng. If it were me and I were your age, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you…” he purrs.
The atmosphere changes and you heat up all over. You’ve always thought Jake was a hot dad but you assumed he wouldn’t even bat an eye at you, especially since he has Neytiri.
He slowly rides his hand up your thigh to your most sensitive area. You gasp at the sudden intrusion but don’t stop him. You couldn’t believe this was happening.
“Let me make you feel better, honey. I can make you feel real good”, he smirks. You look up at him with doe eyes and can only manage to nod. “I’ll make you forget about Neteyam, that dumb bastard. You’ll only be thinking about my name now, how’s that sound?”
You feel his voice vibrate down to your very core. And quickly you feel needy, with no shame. It had been a terrible day and you wanted nothing more than to just feel better. “Yes please”
That’s all he needs to hear to start going at you. His calloused hands feel heavenly against your soft skin. He rubs you all over in desperate need like he doesn’t know where to even start. Then he crashes his lips on yours. You greedily open your mouth to let him come in and explore. You’ve never felt anyone’s touch before but he was guiding you though it. You started whimpering and whining and he groans to this.
“Have you ever done this before?”, he asks. You slowly shake your head no and feel a bit ashamed that you have no experience. His eyes get wide and he searches your eyes for answers, “you’re telling me no one has loved this pussy before?” and you simply shake your head again, blushing.
“My God.” He’s painfully hard and can’t believe the sweet prize he has in front of him. He reaches his hand down your loincloth and feels your sopping cunt. His eyes dilate and he realizes how pent up you must be. “Baby girl, you should’ve asked for my help a longgg time ago, you need a good dickin down”, he lowly growls.
You bite your lip and clearly look in distress from needing some relief. He kissed your neck and grazes it with his fangs, while kneading on your breasts under your top. Then he finally takes off your top and reveals the precious sight. He just stares, practically drooling. “Look at these perfect tits, all for me.” You whimper in response.
He starts kissing and sucking on your nipples, greedily tasting them as fast as he can. “Jake!”, you whine.
“Yeahhh, that’s right. My name on your pretty lips.”
He then rips off your loincloth. He marvels at your pretty pussy, wanting to open it like a Christmas present. Then he starts lapping on it. He sounded like a starved man, moaning and groaning on your heat like it’s the best meal he’s ever had. “Ohhh my Eywa!”, you moan out.
He sticks one finger in your needy hole and you throw your head back. “Holy fuckkk”, he groans, “such a tight little pussy for me, gonna have to stretch you out, girl.”
You’re a whimpering mess and he adds another finger in. You cry out in ecstasy and move your hips against him to get more pleasure. “Yeahhh baby, that’s it, fuck yourself on my fingers, use me for what you need.”
His words only edge you on as you start to feel the coil at the bottom of your stomach. You’re seeing stars and his pace is relentless, he coos at you, “gonna cum for me? I know you want to. Let it out, all over me baby.” And that pushes you over the edge as you spill out moans and a slew of Na’vi curses, to which his ears perk up to.
“Didn’t know you had a dirty mouth? I thought you were a good girl?”, he teases. “Won’t you be a good girl, and take my cock, hm?”
You’re still coming down from your high but you get a burst of energy once he takes his loincloth off and his massive, swollen cock springs up to slap his stomach. You can’t believe how big it is, lengthy and girthy. He just grins at your expression and how you can’t take your eyes off it.
“You like it, huh? You wanna get fucked silly?”, he degrades.
“Mhmmm” is all you can manage to get out.
He towers over you and flips you on all fours. You feel his dick at your entrance and close your eyes, anticipating sharp pain. He slowly goes in and let’s out a long groan, “Shittttttt, feels so fucking good”. You only feel the pain for a minute and feel so full. He bottoms out and slowly slides back out and you moan at the sensation. Then, he starts to pick up a steady pace.
“OHHHH, Jake!!! I can’t take it!”
“Yes you can and you are”, he pants. “Taking it so well for me. Keep being a good girl”.
He is absolutely rattling your shit, the sounds of skin slapping and your combined moans and pants filling the small room.
“Such a needy little slut, ain’t that right? Look at you, taking it like a champ. That’s right”, he praises.
He then grabs your braid and pulls you up against him, both still on your knees. He puts one hand on your clit and starts rubbing relentlessly, and the other hand around your mouth because you’re getting loud.
“As much as I love you screaming because of my cock, you don’t want Neteyam or someone to find us like this, hm?” he grunts, still fucking the daylights out of you. To be honest, it gives you a thrill to think of Neteyam seeing his dad fucking you after he rejected you.
You only whimper and bite his hand, as tears are falling out of your eyes now from the overwhelming pleasure. You feel the same coil from earlier rising up, as if you’re about to burst.
“Can feel you squeezing on me, shit you’re gonna make me cum” he pants throwing his head back in pure bliss.
Suddenly you hear shuffling steps at the door like someone just snuck up. You both snap your heads in it’s direction and are faced with Neteyam.
“Dad?!? Y/n?!?”, he shouts.
You freeze a little but are so close to your high you can’t be bothered enough by him. His dad just laughs and says “you see son, this is what you’re missing out on. And boy, does she feel gooddd.”
Neteyam looks horrified but can’t take his eyes off the scene, as if he’s frozen in shock. The blood drains from his face and he just stands there dumbfounded.
“Now watch your old man make a pretty girl cum on his cock. Look at her, she’s cock drunk and just needs that final push.”
He speeds up on your clit and pounds your cervix HARD. “OHHHHH!!!” you moan out.
Jake whispers in your ear, “come on sweet girl, cum on your first ever cock, it’ll feel real nice”, he coos.
And just like that the coil snaps and you feel a hot white rush all over your body. “I’m cumming, cumming, fucking cumminggg” you whine out.
“Yeahhh, that’s it. Making such a pretty mess everywhere”
He lets you ride out your climax and he finishes inside you, “fuckkkk” he moans. You’re both panting trying to regain your breath and strength.
Neteyam still stands at the entryway in shock, unable to get a word out. So much just happened that he can barely process. Seeing you naked and needy under his dad was not what he had planned for today.
“Well son, I can honestly say you fucked up, good luck finding someone better than her.”
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lenacosse · 3 months
hiii !!! could you please write about jake peralta, preferably smut with a dominant reader?:)
pairing: jake peralta x fem reader
cw: smut, dominant reader
wc: 1,541
a/n: hope you enjoy this, for anyone who’s left requests please bare with me. im writing here and there, ive been preoccupied and struggle to find motivation, ive rosa diaz, amy santiago, another jake fic and a james potter fic to come plus any other requests i have coming soon i hope :)
‘i just got some real good news from work boy
you can’t imagine what i’m bout to say
it’s so hard to hold back, baby
i’m so excited i can hardly wait’
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You nervously fix your skirt for the fifth time, smoothing it over obsessively trying to perfect your appearance. You knew it wasn’t going to change the outcome of your meeting but nevertheless here you were, panicking over the subtle crease of your skirt.
“(Y/L/N)?” Called out the friendly face of the sectary, “Mr Jones will see you now.”
You nod and stand up, you take a shaky breath and continue down the familiar path to your bosses office. Usually you were so confident, so sure of yourself yet this was no average meeting. This meeting would determine your future. You reach his office and frantically wipe your sweaty palms on your jacket in attempt to dry them, once semi satisfied you knock and open the door.
“(Y/N) please have a seat,” Mr Jones smiles, motioning to the seat. You sit down. “Im going to cut to the chase here, you are an excellent contributor to our team.”
“Thank you.”
“These last four years I’ve seen a real shift in our overall work environment, clientele, partners, work ethic and most importantly inner work relationships.” He smiles and gets out a piece of paper. “I’m not offering you the standard promotion. I’m appointing you head of department, this will be a rather enormous change but I see potential in you. You are the heart of my company and it’s about time you get praised.”
You heart has practically stopped at this point, never did you ever see yourself in such a role. It took all your willpower not to crack into an obnoxious smile that broke all professional expectations, instead you politely thanked him and signed your new contract. Getting to your car was a blur, but here you now sit in the parking lot grinning like an idiot. Of course the only reasonable thing to do was call your boyfriend.
“Hey baby, hope I’m not interrupting.” Your voice sounds.
“Nah, perfect timing just done a huge drug bust now we’re on our way back to the precinct.”
“Well done, who you with?”
“Hey,” a third voice said, you instantly recognised it as Rosa.
“Hi Rosa,”
“You had your interview right?” Jake asked, diverting the conversation.
“I did,”
“Well? Tell me.”
“I got some real good new. However it’s a surprise.”
“Oh come on! Tell me I want to know already,”
“You really wanna know? You’ll have to wait.”
“Fine. When are you telling me?”
“Tonight. Come straight from work,”
“Cool cool cool. See you then.”
You end the call and drive back to home, you felt out of this world. Being so young and successful never felt so good, you were undoubtedly a baller.
By the time Jake got off work you cleaned your apartment and got real dressed up. After all tonight was no ordinary night, you finish the last of your glass of wine as your buzzer goes. In an instant you buzz Jake in and wait by the door. The door opens and there he stands, wine and flowers in hand. You couldn’t control the shit eating smile that spread across your face.
“Hey you,” you stepped aside to let him in.
Jake handed you the flowers and placed a kiss to your cheek. “So… tell me. I’m dying to know.”
“Is that so?” You wink and make your way to the kitchen, placing your flowers into a vase.
“Yes.” Jake’s arms wrap around your waist pulling you into him, his warm breath on your neck makes you shudder.
“How badly do you want to know?”
“So badly baby, need to spoil you.”
You smirk and turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands naturally falling to your hips.
“You’re looking at the head of department.”
“Head of department?! That’s great. I’m so proud of you.” Jake gushed, the act making your cheeks flush.
“I get to boss people around.” You grin, biting your lip.
“Bet you’ll love that.” Jake teases.
“I will, but it’s just that.” You dramatically frown. “I need more practice.”
“Really?” He pulls you closer.
You kiss at his neck, sucking softly on the skin before licking a stripe to his jawline and moving to his ear.
“I think I lead you into my bedroom.” You whisper.
“I think that’s a good idea.” His voice soft and gentle.
You take his hand and lead him into your bedroom. In an instant you push him against the wall and begin to undo his shirt, after removing it you go back to his neck peppering kisses all over.
“Get onto the bed Peralta,” you order, your voice dripping with demand. Of course he obliges and sits on your bed.
You smirk and make your way to him, you straddle him and run your hand through his tousled hair. You slowly rock your hips, grinding up against him. A soft whimper comes from him.
“You’ve been so supportive, and so good to me. I’m going to treat you so well.” You whisper.
Jake looks at you, his expression was one you’ve never seen before. So utterly love stricken and submissive for you, the expression itself was enough to get you going but you had to regulate yourself. You press your lips to his, kissing him passionately as your tongues danced together. Slowly you pulled back and stroked his cheek before getting off his lap, you took a second to look at his lap, you bit your lip at the sight of his hard-on. You undone the zipper on your dress and dropped it to the floor revealing your lacy underwear and matching bralet.
“You’re so perfect,” Jake said as his hand reached out to bring you back.
You straddled him again and pushed him flat against the bed. You moved with him and groaned as he caressed your ass and thighs, the heat building between your thighs. You attached your lips to his collarbone, not holding back from marking him. This solidified your presence, the idea of him being yours was enough to cure your problems. You got off Jake’s lap and kneeled beside him, you undone his belt and he kicked off his trousers. You bit your lip at the sight before you, through his boxers you could see his very hard dick begging to be released. You palmed him through the fabric watching as his face contoured in pleasure.
“Please baby..”
“Please what? Need to talk Peralta.”
“Please use your mouth,”
You smirked in response and pulled off his boxers, his needy cock aggressively swinging out. Slowly you put your lips to his tip, you took half of him in your mouth and very slowly moved your head. You swirled your tongue gently over his tip then pulled back.
“Tell me how much you need me.” You teased as you slowly stroked his base, gentle moans falling from his mouth in response.
“I need you so bad, I’ve been thinking about you all day. Thinking about how much- mmm, I want your mouth on me, or how much I need to feel you around me.”
“Is that right?” You taunt, your voice thick with a tone of seduction. Your hand got faster around Jake, pleasuring him more and more by the second.
“Yes- fuck. That’s right- need you so bad.” His voice was a straight moan, a moan which you couldn’t help but be desperate for.
You lowered your head again and wrapped your lips around him, you hollowed your cheeks and moved your head. Doing exactly what he likes, his hands held your hair- only encouraging you further. His moans got more desperate and breathless indicating he’s close. You pulled back and sat up right. You took your remaining clothes off and straddled him again. Your lips went to his as your hand went into his hand. The other guided his cock to your entrance. You slid down on him and immediately started moving, you gripped his hair letting curses of pleasure escape your lips as you gripped onto the headboard. You looked down to Jake who’s eyes were full of pure pleasure and bliss, his desperate moans filled the room as did the sound of your bed hitting the wall.
“You feel so good,” you moaned, sending a chain of praises to your sex-drunk boyfriend. You rocked your hips faster the pleasure building increasingly as you chased that feeling.
You gripped the headboard with both hands as your whole body shook in pleasure. Your vision was spotting and your mind was foggy, the only thing registering was the ecstasy you were feeling. The coil tightened even further until you came with a deafening moan, Jake was right after you gripping your hips as his breath shuddered. Slowly you climbed off him and lay beside him. You looked at him, taking in his beauty, his eyes were glassy and his lips were swollen.
He turned to you with a bashful smile, “get promoted more often.”
You rolled you eye not fighting off the grin that was cracking through, you moved into him resting your head on his chest as your hands stroked his hair. Nothing but contentment overcame you, Jake was home to you and on days like this where there’s happiness there’s no one you’d rather share it with.
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chiaraanatra · 2 months
Life as We Know It | Part 2
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Summary: You and Seresin unexpectedly become the caretakers of Bradley and Natasha's baby girl, Nicole. Can you two put your disdain for one another aside for Nic's sake? Based on the movie "Life as We Know It"
Warnings: Parental/character death, mentions of cops, CPS, & social work, angst, arguments, and swearing. This chapter is a sad one. no use of Y/N. Later chapters will contain mentions of parental death! Always check chapter warnings!
Word Count: 2.7k
AN: Here is part two! Thank you for all the support on part one! I hope you all enjoy!
《 part 1 || part 3 》 《 m.list || ao3 》
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You vividly remember that God-forsaken phone call.
The day itself had been good, productive even. When you picked up the phone there was a chipper tone in your voice "Hello?"
The man on the other line had a very no-nonsense tone when he said your name.
Your brow furrowed, "Speaking."
The next words that came out of his mouth caused you to drop the phone. Before you knew it, you were in your car on the way to the police station.
The trek to the station was a blur, it was as if you closed your eyes and once they opened, you were there, walking up to the desk hoping to find some answers. Or, even better, that this was some sick joke. "I'm looking for Officer Kerner."
An older man in a uniform walked up to you, a sorrowful look on his face that told you everything you needed to know. "We found your name and number in her phone under emergency contacts. Now, I know this must be a lot to take in, but we need information about the nearest next of kin. Can you supply those?" His voice held a serious tone, he had a job to do.
"Umm... Both of their parents are gone, but I- I think there are some cousins..." God, this isn't actually happening.
Officer Kerner’s tone softened, "Would you like to sit down, ma'am?"
"No..." that’s when it hit you, "Oh God! They have a baby girl, Nicole Bradshaw... she wasn't... was she- was she in-" You couldn't bring yourself to ask the question.
"No. She was in the care of a babysitter. She's okay. We've placed her with CPS for the night."
"CPS...? Child Protective Services?" There was unmistakable confusion in your voice.
"They handle cases like these." When that didn't seem to ease your confusion, he continued. "Orphaned children."
Your hand covered your mouth as tears streamed down your face. Your best friend and her husband were gone, and their daughter was God knows where with some family probably scared out of her wits...
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the doors opening behind you. When you turned you were met with the sight of Seresin. You could tell by the look on his face that he knew little about what had happened.
"Seresin..." You walked over to him with open arms, tears streaming down your cheeks. You couldn't help but bury your face in his chest. Something was calming about the way he gently stroked your hair.
Seresin was at a loss but felt he needed to be strong for you. He wasn't sure where this feeling was coming from, but he continued to supply your comfort while the officer gave him a similar explanation as to what had occurred.
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 After meeting at the police station, the two of you went back to your apartment to make some phone calls to try and figure out what to do next. You had been on the phone for what felt like hours.
Jake walked around your apartment becoming acquainted with your space and making little observations about your life. In the three years since you met, he realizes he's only seen you in the context of gatherings, never really on your own. The more he thought about it, he really didn't know you at all.
You were pacing, practically yelling at the phone, unnerved as to why you couldn't just pick Nic up tonight. When you got off the phone you fell onto the couch, "They know nothing and won't know anything until morning..." You let out a heavy sigh, "Outside of that, their lawyer wants to meet with us at their house to go over their will..."
He walked closer to you, finding himself seated on the arm of the couch next to you. "It's gonna be okay. She’s safe and we’ll know more in the morning." He gave your arm a little squeeze.
A small smile made its way to your face, and you pushed him a little. “You’re being too nice... It's weird…”
Seresin couldn’t help but chuckle a little at your statement. You two were usually bickering and teasing one another constantly but he knew this wasn’t the time. You two had been through too much in the last few hours.
He looked at his watch and then back at you. “You gonna be all right if I head home? I’ll meet you at their house in the morning for the meeting with the lawyer. Hopefully, we can figure out what’s gonna happen.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” You watched as he walked towards your apartment door. Before making his exit, you called out to him, “Thank you Seresin.”
He gave you a nod before making his way out the door.
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The next day, neither you nor Seresin had heard anything about Nic. Rather you were both sitting at Nat and Bradley's dining room table talking to their lawyer.
You couldn’t help but note how stereotypical the man looked. Navy suit, round glasses, slicked back salt and pepper hair. Even his voice held a certain air that screamed ‘lawyer.’ If you were being honest, you couldn't even remember the man's name.
He crossed his arms on the table looking at you both. “This is... obviously a rough time for you both and I'm sure you must have questions."
"Yes," you interrupted without a second thought. "What about Nic, what will happen to her?"
"Yes, Nicole. We have already made arrangements for her transfer. The foster family will bring her to CPS. The social worker feels like she will do best adjusting in her own environment. So, she needs to be picked up and brought here." The man shuffled through some of the papers that were strewn across the dining room table.
"Okay." Seresin nodded his head, "Who does that?"
The lawyer looked at you both in surprise, "I'm sorry. Did they not talk to you about their guardianship arrangements...?"
"No." You and Seresin said in unison before looking at each other.
The man rubbed his temples and shook his head a little. "Alright, well. When preparing their will we discussed, in the unlikely event that they should both pass, whom they would like to appoint as Nicole's guardians. They named you. Both of you.
"What?" Your voices once again rang in unison.
"They picked us? Both of us together?" Seresin’s voice was filled with disbelief.
"I know this is probably not how you wanted to start a family."
"There's been a misunderstanding. We are not together or anything.” You tried to wrap your head around what was being said but the pieces weren’t coming together.
“Yeah! They tried to set us up on a blind date years ago and we never even made it to the restaurant," Seresin let out a breathy, nervous laugh.
You rolled your eyes at the reminder of your first encounter with Seresin, “I don't even know if you'd call it a date. He was an absolute dick; he made a booty call right in front of me before we even left for the restaurant.”
"Look," the lawyer interrupted. "I know this is overwhelming. Believe me, I tried to convince them not to go through with it, but they chose you. Now, there are options. Firstly, you can say no. Keep in mind this is a child, not some puppy you got for Christmas that you can take back to the shelter if things don't work out. This is a big commitment."
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." Seresin was spiraling.
You took a deep breath and cleared your throat. "Options. What kind of options?"
"Yes, well there are some cousins. It's possible that one of them would be willing to take guardianship."
Your mind spun with ideas and before you could fully flesh any of them out, you spoke "What if one of us, on our own, chose to honor Nat and Bradley's wishes? Or both of us, hypothetically?"
The lawyer gave you a look that said he hoped your hypothetical was not one you were actually considering based on how he saw the two of you interact. "They named you so it's just a matter of setting up a court hearing to grant you custody, that's about it."
Your mind was spinning, and you couldn't hear a word the man in front of you was saying. Something about finances? Maybe this was a dream and at any moment you would wake up. You closed your eyes, squeezing them shut as hard as you could, but when you opened them, the same sight sat before you.
The lawyer continued, "But Iet's not get ahead of ourselves. Okay? Let's just focus on Nicole."
"Yes." You nodded.
"Right." Seresin's voice cracked ever so slightly.
"I suggest the two of you move in here in the interim. Again, the social worker thinks Nicole will do best in her own environment.
"You want us to live together?" Disbelief rang through the voice of the man sitting next to you.
The lawyer shook his head a little, "Yes, just for now. Again for Nicole. Until you both decide what you wanna do.
Nat what have you gotten me into...?
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You felt like you were going to pass out or throw up. At the rate you were going, both seemed likely.
The two of you walked up to the desk of CPS. Seresin stood next to you. He looked stoic but you could see something in his eyes. Apprehension? Fear? You weren't sure what it was, but it was slowly breaking his strong facade.
You swallowed thickly before speaking. "Hello, we're here to pick up Nicole Carole Bradshaw?"
The woman at the desk nodded before getting up and rifling through some paperwork. You took a shaky breath and Seresin placed a soft hand on the small of your back. You weren't sure what to make of this softer side of Seresin, but your mind didn't allow you to deviate further into those thoughts. You were here for Nic, for Nat, for Bradley...
The woman placed some papers on the counter. "I need both of you to sign here, here, and here." Once signed she directed you to sit in a small waiting area, "She'll be out shortly."
'Shortly' felt like a lifetime, but, in actuality, it was no more the 5 minutes or so. Seresin was the first to lay eyes on her, patting your shoulder, "There she is."
You both practically ran to meet the social worker who carried an exhausted-looking Nic in her arms, "Hi. sweet girl." Nic was placed in your arms. The little girl yawned, tears coming to her eyes. "Oh, honey... " When Nic started to cry, your heart broke. “I know. I know…" you placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Hey pretty girl, look what I got.” Seresin waved her favorite bunny plush in front of her, but it did little to quell the girl's cries.
She reached out for Seresin, small, grabby hands trying to find comfort in the tall man. You quickly took notice, "You want Uncle Sese? Here..." You passed the little girl over and her wails were quelled. He did have a way of calming her quickly. You looked at the sleepy, teary-eyed girl in his arms. She looked so much like Nat and Bradley. You couldn't help the tears that gathered in your own eyes, "Okay. Umm, we should get her home."
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By the time you got back to the house, it was after 9. You had tried to put Nic to bed, but once you set her down, she would start crying. So, there you were, sitting on the living room couch bouncing Nic on your leg as she chewed the ears of her stuffed bunny.
Seresin was pacing about the room. At the rate he was going, you thought he might pace a trench into the rug, “They definitely didn't think this through."
Your mind was in another place, "We need to establish a sleep schedule... That's very important." Nat had always talked about sleep schedules when she was pregnant, but you weren't sure if those ever panned out.
"What?" Seresin looked at you in disbelief. How could you be talking about sleep schedules at a time like this?
His tone brought you out of your thoughts, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
He rolled his eyes, "I said they didn't think this through. Did Nat say anything to you? Or Brad?"
"They didn't tell me anything..." You let out a sigh looking down at a still fussy Nic bouncing on your leg.
"I'm sorry, this is not the kind of thing you forget to mention. 'Hey, man! Work’s really been crazy. You see the new Top Gun movie? Oh! And by the way, if I die, I'm gonna leave you with my kid!' Common that's just messed up!"
You couldn’t deny the oddness of them telling you nothing, but you felt a need to defend your friends, "I-I mean Nat was a planner. She always needed to have a plan and I guess we are part of that plan."
"You wanna walk me through this plan? Are we supposed to Iive in this house together, both sleep-deprived and taking care of a child? Sounds like a compelling psych experiment. Assuming you and I can even afford to pay for this place."
"The lawyer said the mortgage is covered..."
Seresin took no time interrupting you, "Yeah, the mortgage is the least of our worries. What about the upkeep? The utilities, the taxes? You have any idea the monthly on a place like this? Brad was a junior partner. I don't make that kind of cash! And what do you do? Listen to people bitch for a living.
You couldn’t help be offended at his assumption of your work, "I'm a partner psychologist at a private practice. I do pretty well...  And I don't listen to people bitch, I help people with real problems."
"Yeah? WeII, raising a child is not the same as listening to adults bitch about their feelings."
"I didn't say it was!"
Seresin threw his arms in the air, "Kids are messy, they bite, they pee on everything. They're basically dogs, except I don't have to worry about a dog Iicking a goddamn electrical socket." Seresin’s hands moved dramatically as he explained himself. "Oh, and pray tell, how does Nic fit in with you meeting a guy, getting married, and having a kid of your own? Have you thought about that? I mean you're cute but a woman with a baby is gonna have a hard time competing for the few guys who don't suck."
You looked up in disbelief, "And what do you know about dating? I'm sure the closest you get to a ‘date’ is your bedroom after picking some girl up at the bar!"
"I know that in the dating world, you wouldn't be considered single. You would be considered complicated, beyond complicated."
"You don't know anything about me."
Seresin didn't skip a beat, "I know that you can't open a childproof drawer."
You were taken aback slightly, "They can be tricky- that's beside the point! Why are you trying so hard to convince me not to help her?"
"I'm thinking about what's best for her."
"No, don't get it twisted. You're thinking about what's best for you!"
"I promise you; she is at the forefront of my mind right now. I'm trying to do what's best for her. And let me tell you, sweetheart, we're not it!"
"They loved Nic more than anything in the entire world. Out of everyone, Seresin, they picked us…" you paused when you noticed Nic starting to squirm in your arms. Her tummy began to make noises and as you pulled her away to get a better look at her, she spit up all over your chest. You tried to take a calming breath looking down at the little girl smiling up at you.
As much as Seresin wanted to laugh, this was the reality of the situation. "Do you honestly think we're what's best for her?" He handed you a towel and grabbed Nic, holding her close to his chest.
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《 part 3 》
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As always, feedback, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
Top Gun Taglist: @callsign-viper @luckyladycreator2 @saturnsbabe69 @desert-fern @pono-pura-vida @dempy @t-rexs-world @averyhotchner @drxgxnslxyer @daisydark
Series Taglist: @djs8891 @multiverseprincess @littlestatesman @sunshineandbradbrad @hockeybabestars @buckysteveloki-me @lovebittenandlanguishing @cassadilasworld @my-mind-isnt-intact
𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑏𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑? 𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 💜
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ctrlchar · 4 months
thinking about high sex with johnnie😮‍💨 i love your fics btw🙏
lit up
a/n:YESSSS it would be so intimate and shit,also i wrote this high so if it’s a little off yk why😭
you and johnnie were sitting outside at his and Jake’s shared house. his lighter lied flat on the table as he took a large hit from the joint he had just lit before passing it to you.
bringing it to your lips you take in a smaller breath before breathing out the smoke, johnnie exhaling by the time you inhaled
“have you ever shotgunned before” he asks as he takes a hit from the joint between his fingers.
you shook your head no at his question sure you had seen it be done but you hadn’t tried it yourself.
he nods as he breathes the smoke out before handing the roll between his fingers to you. he tells you to take a hit and then blow the smoke into his mouth,soon after you bring the joint to your lips.
you took a hit and did as Johnnie said,you slowly exhaled into his mouth your lips barely touching.once you had pulled apart he inhaled before exhaling once again.
the two of you repeated this several times,giggling at ‘how close your lips were yet so far away’
by now the there was about quarter left and you and johnnie were already pretty fucked up and therefore decided to ash it before putting it back in a swishers bag
“m’ hungry” you say to johnnie as you stumble through the patio door that lead to the kitchen.
he follows you into the kitchen wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you while you searched the kitchen for food.
it’s not until then you feel his hard cock poking against your back side making you turn around with a giggle.
with his hands on your waist you placed your around his neck before pulling him into a passionate kiss.
the kiss grew more intense as the effects of the weed had now fully kicked in. after a couple more moments he pulled away,his lips were slightly swollen and he had a dazed look in his eyes
you had been pressed against the counter as johnnie tapped the sides of your thighs signaling for you to sit up on the counter.
you sat atop the counter before pulling johnnie into yet another kiss,this one more sensual and needy.
his lips trailed from your mouth to your neck as he began to suck gently on your sweet spot,leaving a hickey as he then slid his hands up your shirt resting them on your waist
“can i take this off baby?” he asks looking up at you to which you nod. he slides the shirt over your head,your breasts now visible to him. He groped your tits before placing small kisses down them.
you moaned softly before you softly spoken “johnnie please” you whined “i need you”
your words were enough for him to quickly rid himself of his pants as you did the same. he pulled your panties to the side,sliding his cock between your folds. coating his cock with your slick.
you let out a moan as he slowly slid into you,one of your hands holding onto the counter while the other held onto johnnie’s hair.
“feels so good” he practically whimpers into your ear as he burries his head in the crook of your neck.
the weed coursing through your veins heightened every feeling. you almost felt like you were floating as your boyfriend continued to ram his cock in and out of you.
your body began to grow limp as you told Johnnie you were close,which he could tell judging by the way you clenched around him.
it was so sloppy and you loved every second of it,you couldn’t tell if you loved him so much or if you were just really really high but johnnie looked ethereal,his hair sticking to his forehead as he kept rutting his hips in and out of you, the kitchen light behind him shadowing some of his features
within seconds you came all over Johnnie’s cock a loud moan eliciting as he came deep inside you,his cum dripping out of you and onto the surface below.
he pulled out despite you still clenching around him,his hands at your puffy cunt as he let the cum pool on his fingers before sliding it back inside of you
he then begins to pepper kisses along your thighs until he gets into his knees, his chin resting in between your legs as he looks up at you with needy eyes practically begging for you to give him just one more orgasm
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ngayawneluoer · 1 year
eye on you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ neteyam x reader
requested! - you’re being picked on by ao’nung and his friends, and neteyam comes to the rescue
word count: 2095
a/n: just as a side note, the two other boys ao’nung and rotxo were with are unnamed as far as i’m aware, so i gave them names - Yel'tam and Teyxll.
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It was rare to find a peaceful moment since your arrival in Awa'atlu. Your daily life was painstakingly packed with learning the ways of the Metkayina, but you supposed you couldn't complain.
When the Sully family declared they would leave the Omatikayan people, you begged and pleaded with them to let you come along. You and Neteyam were inseparable; Jake saw a lot of himself and his mate in you and Neteyam, and he didn't have the heart to separate you. So with the approval of your carers, you packed your things and joined the Sullys. You were more than lucky that Jake and Neytiri had allowed you to come, and you weren't about to waste their kindness. They practically signed up to have another unruly kid they needed to care for and you were more than grateful. You would do everything you could to adapt to the ways of the sea.
But at this particular time, you found that everything had already been done for the day, and you could relax on the beach for the first time in what felt like forever. You lay back on the wet sand where the beach met the sea, letting the gentle waves roll over your legs. Kiri was a few meters away from you, her head under the water. She had blabbered something about seeing a crab before dunking her head in the water, but truth be told, you really couldn't care less. You were taking these few tranquil minutes for yourself and yourself only.
Of course, your relaxation couldn't last more than 5 minutes. Not on this island and not with Ao'nung and his friends around. You looked up and saw Ao'nung, Roxto and two other boys you knew as Yel'tam and Teyxll approach, grins on their faces that indicated they were looking to stir up trouble.
"What are you up to?" you said defensively, eyes squinted in a glare.
"Don't you worry your little tail," Ao'nung snickered. They continued their journey towards Kiri, who was still entranced with the underwater creature she had seen. You sat up, guardedly eyeing them with a dubious look on your face.
"What is she doing?" "She's just looking at sand." You heard the group belittle.
You scowled, raising your voice angrily, "Leave her alone, skxawngs," You turned towards them and splashed water at them to get their attention.
Despite your effort, the cruel boys disregarded you and continued chortling amongst themselves.
Now aware of the commotion, Kiri rose from the water, confused, "Huh? What d'you say?"
"Are you some sort of... freak?" Ao'nung taunted.
"He asked if you are a freak," Roxto ridiculed with a condescending smirk, leaning forward towards Kiri as if talking to a child.
Kiri's expression twisted into one of confusion and hurt, and she let out a deflated, "No…."
Having had enough, you angrily got up from the water and stalked over to the four troublemakers. You pulled Kiri behind you protectively before shooting the boys a hateful glare, "Leave her alone."
This only caused them to burst into ridiculing laughter, and Ao'nung grinned tauntingly, "Little forest girl coming to the rescue?" You bared your teeth in irritation, but he continued, "Why bother defending her? I mean, she's not even Na'vi. Look at those hands."
Ao'nung stepped forward and grabbed Kiri's hand before you could stop him, but she instantaneously snatched it back, offended. Heart beating fast, you hissed at him, your hands trembling with rage.
With a threatening glint in his eye, Ao'nung stepped closer to you. All went quiet as he stood above you, his tall frame sizing you up as if trying to intimidate you. Unafraid, you stared back into his eyes with a cold, challenging gaze, a deep-set snarl on your face.
Before either of you could do anything, the sound of Lo'ak's voice as he made his way down the beach stopped you.  
"Hey! Back off, fish lips!" Lo'ak shouted, face contorted with rage.
Upon seeing Lo'ak, Ao'nung sniggered like a cat who was given another mouse to toy with, "Aw look, another four-fingered freak!"
"Stop it!" You hissed, which only caused Rotxo to pull your tail, making you yelp and jump away from him, "Look at her little baby tail!"
Lo'ak growled furiously, turning around and slapping Rotxo's hands away from you, "Don't touch her."
"Baby tail!"
"Leave us alone!" Kiri abruptly exclaimed, her eyes widened in anxiety.
The Metkayinan boys remained unbothered. Instead, they shifted to pulling at Lo'ak's tail, and he slapped their hands away to the best of his ability. As stubborn as stone, the boys continued tugging his tail, hollering and cackling about his "baby tail".
With a sneer on your face, you approached Yel'tam, who was pulling Lo'aks tail, "Leave!" You commanded, fiercely shoving Yel'tam away. He budged slightly, vainly chuckling at your attempt before pushing you back twice as hard, causing you to stumble to the sand.
You didn't even register Neteyam arriving, but he was with you in an instant, standing protectively in front of you. He pushed Ao'nang to the side and hissed at his lackeys, making them all step back. "You heard what she said. Leave them alone."
"Oh, big brother coming to the-" Yel'tam started mocking but stopped when Ao'nang raised his hand to signal him to shut up.
You stood up with a huff and brushed yourself off, standing behind Neteyam. He held a menacing finger up to Ao'nang, his voice tense and threatening like you'd never heard it before, "Back off. Now."
Ao'nung, with that stupid look on his face, looked at you, Kiri, then Lo'ak, and finally, his stare fell on Neteyam again. Ultimately, his hands went up in defence as if to admit defeat, even if his face said otherwise.
Tense muscles relaxing, Neteyam seemed satisfied and moved back, "Smart move."
He gently pushed Lo'ak to walk away before turning to make eye contact with you, a silent conversation between the two of you. When you nodded to indicate that you were okay, he took your hand, and the two of you treaded away to join Kiri and Lo'ak.
"Bye-bye!" "They're all freaks. Their whole family."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Lo'ak stop, and you instantly knew you would not leave this beach unscathed. You looked back towards your headstrong friend with a glare, and Neteyam followed your gaze, "Lo'ak." He warned.
"I got this, bro," Lo'ak said, walking back up to the boys, "I know this hand is funny. Look, I'm a freak, alien." They all cracked up, but you rolled your eyes, knowing Lo'ak was stirring the pot. He wouldn't be entertaining their stupid narrative if he wasn't about to do something stupid himself.
"Watch. First, you ball it up real tight like this. Okay?" Ao'nung watched curiously, "And then-"
Lo'ak punched Ao'nung. There it is. You thought.
Ao'nung, stunned, stumbled backwards into the sand, and Lo'ak was left standing with a scornful grin, "It's called a punch bitch. Don't ever touch my sister again."
Lips curled with fury, Ao'nung immediately got up and tackled him to the ground, but Lo'ak got the upper hand by rolling him over and punching him again. Rotxo and Yel'tam pulled Lo'ak away by his tail, and Teyxll twirled to whip his tail in his face.
Neteyam met your eyes for a second, a grimace on his face. In his mind he was weighing his options, wondering if this was worth the lecture he would get later. He scratched his head awkwardly before letting go of your hand with a quick "fuck it" and running over to join the fight. You watched as he punched Teyxll before driving a knee into Rotxo's stomach.
"Stop it," Kiri said with minimal effort, knowing she was unlikely to succeed in stopping the brawl.
You sighed, rubbing your temple as you watched the scuffle, "Honestly..."
Yel'tam tackled Neteyam to the ground, throwing punches as Neteyam grappled with him. Not that you didn't love Lo'ak, but he deserved to get scuffed up once in a while. Neteyam, on the other hand did not, and you would not stand back and watch your boyfriend get his ass beat just because of his blockheaded brother. You groaned and gave in, rushing over to help your idiots. Within moments you jumped onto the Metkayinan boy's back to pull him off Neteyam.
"This is stupid!" You faintly heard Kiri yell.
You threw a powerful punch at Yel'tam's face but quickly got ripped off him by Teyxll. Neteyam took your place on top of Yel'tam, gaining the upper hand. You struggled as Teyxll pulled you by your hair, making you shriek with pain.
Upon hearing your shriek Lo'ak pulled Teyxll by his ear, but it didn't help much as the boy in question refused to release his tight grip on your hair. Amongst the commotion, Ao'nang and Rotxo started pulling at Lo'ak's tail, dragging all three of you through the sand.
"Ow! My tail!"
"My ear!"
"Let go of my hair!"
You quietly followed Jake behind Neteyam and Lo'ak, mentally preparing yourself for a scolding. Your hair was a complete bird's nest, and you had blood on your lip and sand in places sand should not be. You really hoped Jake would keep this lecture short so you could fix yourself up as quickly as possible.
"What is the one thing I asked you not to do?" Jake scolded as you arrived inside the Marui pod, the three of you looking down in shame.
"Cause trouble," Lo'ak and Neteyam all replied in unison.
Jake looked at you expectedly, and you grimaced, answering to not provoke his wrath, "cause trouble…."
"And what did you do?"
Lo'ak spoke up, "But dad, he was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak."
Jake sighed, looking conflicted for a second, but ultimately shook his head, "Ao'nung is the chief's son. Go apologise."
Lo'ak looked at him in disbelief, "But dad-"
"I don't care how you do it. Just go make peace."
Lo'ak walked out of the Marui, and Jake's attention turned to you, "And you should know better than to join these two knuckleheads."
You nodded, ushering a genuine "Sorry, sir."
Jake sighed, looking between the two of you as if examining your bruises.
"So what'd the other guys look like?" He asked.
Neteyam smiled softly, meeting his father's eyes, "Worse. A lot worse."
Jake beamed tenderly. He was strict, but you could tell he was proud of his sons for protecting their sister, "Good. Dismissed."
You and Neteyam walked out of the Marui hand in hand.
"I really need to fix my hair," you groaned, shaking a hand through your hair, a sandstorm falling from amongst your locks.
"Or we could go for a swim," Neteyam suggested, a grin on his face as he walked in front of you to face you.
"I really don't feel like swimming Nete," You groaned, "I just got my ass kicked; I really don't feel high energy right now."
Neteyam pouted playfully, grabbing both of your hands, "Please. Just a quick dip to get ourselves clean of this sand."
You couldn't help but give in when he gave you those eyes. He had a little blood on his bottom lip, so you reached up to cup his face, thumb rubbing the blood off his lip. You met his gaze with gentle eyes, "Fine. But I swear if anything else happens today, it will end me."
Neteyam chuckled softly, "I wouldn't say things like that with Lo'ak around."
You giggled, "You're not wrong," You paused for a second, thinking over the earlier events, "That was nice of you. To help that idiot when he threw himself into that fight. You are a good brother, Nete."
He smiled fondly, then leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead, his hand cradling your cheek, "Thank you, my love. And thank you for helping earlier," he finished, amused, "My little warrior."
"Little? I'm almost as tall as you," You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you started walking towards the dock where the ilu gear was kept.
"Almost!" Neteyam emphasised as he followed you, cheekily pulling your tail, earning him a slap on the hand and a glare.
"I will pluck your eyes out, Neteyam."
He came up behind you, momentarily embracing you and giving you a quick peck, "You love me."
You rolled your eyes comically, "Unfortunately."
Unfettered, he called his ilu and jumped in the water. You smiled softly and followed suit, looking forward to whatever Neteyam had planned.
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