#and how I was so upset bc on paper it made sense
piscesmoonfeels · 8 months
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dizzyjelly · 7 months
Help Me Out?
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Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: You're popular and you ask the smartest girl in class to help you out with your math work, and how could she say no? She was confused as you start to actually become friends. Because she didn't understand why someone like you would take an interest in someone like her.
Cw: reader cries bc of a mean teacher, kinda loser!ellie, reader fights with her fake ass friend.
A/n: this is actually based off a real life experience, I was sadly the loser in this situation 😔 also I obviously dramatized it for the story but yeahh, anyways enjoy! There will be a part 2.
You had to be the most confusing girl Ellie has ever met. She wondered why on earth you spent your time talking to her, when you were so popular. It wasn't unknown that Ellie was a lesbian, actually it was pretty much what she was known for. But you didn't seem to care.
Math was never your strong suit, in fact you'd always struggle with it. Ellie, however, was amazingly good at it. She had her heart set on becoming an astronaut one day, and so she figured that she'd have to understand math. Joel helped her to do just that, but he also made sure she excelled.
Anytime your math teacher spoke, it sounded like complete gibberish to you. You'd even cry some nights, you know on the days she would yell at the entire class about how stupid they were. It just felt like she was singling you out. And not to mention all the passive aggressive notes she'd leave on your assignments or tests. One day, you figured why not ask Ellie for help?
She was utterly confused. Why would someone like you talk to someone like her? And out of your own free will.
"Ellie? I'm really sorry to bother you, but can you help me out..?" Your voice was quiet and you sounded timid almost.
At first, she was silent. She kind of just stared at you. But eventually, she came to her senses.
"Yeah of course! What's up?" You smiled, she spoke so kindly to you.
"Here, let me just-" you got up and stood at her desk, "number 6, and basically everything after it. I just don't get it.." You sigh softly.
"Okay, this is what I wrote." She said, merely handing you her paper.
"No, I don't want to copy yours. Can you explain it to me?" You ask, looking over at her now with pleading eyes.
Ellie nodded, giving you a thin-lipped smile before she began to talk and point things out. You wrote what she told you to and hummed every now in then with understanding. Eventually she'd helped you complete the whole thing, and you were beyond thankful.
This kind of interaction would continue to happen between the two of you for the next couple weeks. Your teacher had grown.. annoyed with this behavior. For some unknown reason she just had it out for you, because when you walked into class today, she announced a seat change.
Ellie was already in class, so she got up from her former seat and stod at the front of the room along with everyone else. You made your way to stand beside her, crossing your arms out of frustration.
As your teacher began assigning new seats, you sighed. Ellie looked over at you, but said nothing. So you decided to start the conversation.
"God I hate her. She's probably doing this just so I'll fail." You whisper.
"Whay do you mean?" Ellie whispers in return.
"You've been.. helping me out lately. I guess she just can't stand to see me succeed." You frown softly.
Ellie turns to face you once again, noticing how upset you really were. She didn't know what to say, or do. So she kept quiet and waited for her new seat assignment. After a few more minutes everyone was settled in their new seats.
You and Ellie were sat just about as far away as possible. This was definitely personal. Throughout class, you struggled tremendously. God this was just what your stupid math teacher wanted.
That day, you took it upon yourself to find Ellie at lunch. If she was shocked that you'd even speak to her, just imagine how insane she found it when you sat at her lunch table. Usually she sat alone, not because she didn't have friends, but they all had different lunch hours.
She felt so entranced by you, every word you said felt like it was burned into her brain. She admired you, truly. Even if she thought she had no chance with you. Ellie figured you were straight. Everyone knew you had a boyfriend last year, until you didn't. That was beside the point. Falling for a "straight" girl wasn't the first thing on her list, but that's what was happening.
"I literally hate her!" You complained.
"I know," Ellie nodded. "She is pretty annoying."
While Ellie wasn't fond of your math teacher either, she'd lie if she was. She'd agree with anything you said. God she felt pathetic.
"Fucking tell me about it.." You scoffed.
Ellie was confused when you say with her everyday for the rest of the week, but she wasn't complaining. She'd gotten to know you better. And she was quite impressed with who you really turned out to be.
She always thought high school girls like you were mean, but you were so sweet to her. Ellie had enjoyed spending more time with you, and she had no problem helping you out with your math work too. You were starting to get the hang of it, but it still didn't make complete sense to you.
Friday was your breaking point, you were just beyond frustrated by your work. Your teacher was busy on thr phone, so you figured why not. And you stood and walked over to Ellies desk. She blushed deeply as you'd gotten very close to her and whispered in her ear.
But you couldn't have been trying to flirt, you were just trying to be discreet, right? She began to explain the problem to you, perfectly ad always. And you were ready to thank her and start working, but before you could, your teacher called out your name angrily.
"What are you doing out of your seat. You have got to be one of the worst students I've ever had. Get back to your seat, now!" This time, her words genuinely hurt you.
Ellie watched you nervously, noticing how you'd gone silent and the way your bottom lip quivered. Her eyes widened and she felt so terrible when you began to cry. Your face ran red hot as you could feel everyone staring at you.
Ellie sighed softly and stood up, unsure what she should do. But she didn't have to guess because you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around her, resting your head on her shoulder. Ellie felt so awkward, and, she felt dizzy almost. Holding her arms around you felt so unreal, but god did it feel good.
Your teacher ended up sending the both of you to the hallway. Where you'd sit against some lockers, your knees pulled to your chest and your head resting in your arms. Ellie sat beside you, crisscross applesauce as she looked over at you and waited. She was waiting for you to say something, anything.
"Sorry.. I'm just overreacting.." You'd finally whisper.
"But you're not," Ellie was quick to reassure, and she placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, "she's been so mean to you for so long. Your completely valid to be upset by her.." her voice was quiet and soft.
"Thank you.." You smiled as you whispered, resting your head against Ellie's shoulder and wrapping your hands gently around her forearm.
She'd just nod in response then try and breathe regularly, which felt impossible when you were all over her like this. God, what did you do to her? After some time passed the bell rang and you two made your way to lunch. As you walked your interlocked your arm with Ellie's, which earned you a few glares.
You were relieved to just be able to sit down and have lunch, and relax. But that peace didn't last long when one of the girls you used to sit with decided to approach you and Ellie. She sat beside you and stared at Ellie as if she were some kind of alien.
"So, this is what you're busy doing? Hanging out with.. her?" Olivia spoke with disgust.
Your brows furrowed with confusion, what was her issue? You scoffed softly before answering.
"Yeah." You begin, your tone was anything but kind, "she's way better company than any of you ever were. You guys are mean and.. fake. Ellie is nice and she actually makes me feel good about myself." Ellie watched with amazement as you talked about her so highly.
"Whatever, you're a loser now anyways. We heard you cried in class.." She started to laugh at you.
"Jesus, who cares!" Ellie finally interjects, you watch her nervously, "look I know you think the most important thing in life is whether people think you're cool or not, which believe me, you're not, because you're just like every other basic bitch you hang out with. One day you're going to realize that wow, you peaked in high school, and it all goes downhill from here. Now would you please leave us alone?" Her words came off confident and snarky.
But you saw how her hands shook in her lap. She was so nervous. You smiled at her, she did that for you. Nobody ever did that kind of stuff for you. She really was.. good company.
While Ellie had fallen for you first so clearly, you fell a lot harder. Some part of you always knew you wanted to be more than just her friend, but it wasn't until now that it really hit you. As Olivia got up and walked away, Ellie could tell how you looked at her differently.
"Ellie.." You whisper, and she nods, "you're the best." You settle on a friendly compliment, because oh my God!
You liked Ellie, you'd never expect that. Not because she was a girl, but just because she was Ellie. And it's not that she was unattractive or anything. But you two were just so different. It didn't make total sense, if any.
"Oh, thank you.." She blushed.
"Hey, let's hang out after school." You spoke with excitement, "I could sleep over!" Ellies eyes widened at that.
Immediately she thought about the two of you.. in the same bed. God what would she do. She'd have to figure it out, because of course, she agreed. You couldn't wait for the school day to end.
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justaaveragereader · 5 months
happy new year love!! hope everything is going well 🖤🖤
my dear fellow 2ho lover, could I possibly request like a mean dom jongho pretty please? I've seen dom jongho but always like a pleasure dom or just a little more dominant than the reader. I want like a super possessive, bossy dom. maybe like the reader is just being super bratty and teasing and jongho teases back until he reaches his limit and just snaps (all consensually of course)? pretty please?
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Happy New Year to you ass well my love🖤🖤!! Let me tell you how down bad for this request I was, I almost yelled so loud my roof almost caved in. Nothing I love more than a mean dom, especially meandom!Jongho?!? I got so carried away with this bc I just couldn’t contain the excitement bursting out of me, thank you for requesting this😭🖤 we need more meandom!Jongho👏🏼! I feel like I need a straight jacket after this💀. So hopefully I was able to do him justice🫡. Hope you enjoy babes🖤, okayyyythankyouuuloveeeyoutooobye😚.
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Pairing: MeanDom!Jongho x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: MeanDom!Jongho, Sub!Reader, Degradtion, Spit, Spanking, Choking, Humiliation, Possessive Jongho, Orgasm Denial, Name Calling (Brat..Whore..), Rough Sex, Mirror Sex, Fingers In Mouth, Unprotected Sex (Wrap It Up PLEASE), If I Missed Anything..Lemme Know👀
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You loved to play games with Jongho. Mostly the one where you tested his last nerve, and he’d completely fuck you into next week. He was a very gentle man, but beneath the surface there was always that hidden side that seemed to excite you. So here you were batting your eyelashes, with your hands placed upon Seonghwas upper arm, laughing at a joke that was shared amongst everyone. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jongho, gripping his glass tightly, as some girl at the bar made heart eyes at him.
Did this make you upset? Yes. Did it make you so upset you’d quit poking the bear and upsetting Jongho? No.
The girl lays her hand on Jonghos upper arm, he catches you side eyeing his current situation. Letting a small smirk grace his face, he shrugs the woman off softly. Shooting the rest of his drink down he makes his way dangerously slow towards you. A couple times you lose him in the crowd, turning your head fully trying to gage where he has gone when a warm hand is placed on your lower back. Startling you slightly, but his scent evades your senses, you automatically know who it is, your hand falls off of Seonghwas arm.
“What’s everyone laughing about over here?” Jongho says with his signature smirk on his face, before you even have time to get a sentence out, Wooyoung beats you to the punch, retelling the joke Seonghwa told the group. As his warm hand continues to rub slowly over your lower back, his thumb pokes out, rubbing small deep circles into your back. Letting out a smack of your lips you try to shimmy away, attempting to get closer to Seonghwa. Jonghos grip is so strong, you barely move an inch. Letting a wide smile grace his face, he kisses the side of your head, giving the impression that he’s not completely seething on the inside.
“You better watch your attitude, pretty girl.” He whispers so quietly only you hear. Letting your smile drop slightly, you can feel your body flush with heat.
“Everything okay Y/n?” Seonghwa asks, causing everyone’s eyes to float to you. Nodding your head, you let out a small squeak as you feel his thumb dig deeper into your back. A wave of arousal instantly flushes your panties, trying your best to put on a good performance. You nod, telling everyone you need something to drink from the bar, and how you and Jongho might wrap it up early due to the sudden wave of not feeling well.
Waving to everyone that you would step away to the restroom for a second, you look up and smile at Jongho. His hand drops from your waist, patting you lightly. You briskly make way to the restroom, immediately flinging yourself in the empty space. Grabbing paper towels, trying to pat down as much sweat from your neck that you can reach. You know this time you're in for a rude awakening with Jongho. Little did you know while you made way towards the restroom he was hot on your heels behind you.
“The only person who better be having you sweat like that is me, not Seonghwa hyung.”
Your body does a small shiver, refusing to move your eyes from looking straight in front of you, continuing to pat down your body to dry your skin, you smirk.
“Why? You worried I’m falling for hi-.” Before you can finish your sentence you are face down into the counter, paper towels flying towards the ground. He practically teleported to where you were. His hard cock digging into your clothed ass, his strong hand gripping your neck, keeping you in place. He moved so quick you barely had time to process what exactly just happened.
“What did I tell you about that attitude, hmm? Didn’t I tell you to watch it?”
Prying your mouth open with his thumb, you try your best to keep your mouth shut only to fail, due to his strength in the end. As soon as your mouth is open his thumb is pushing down on your tongue.
“You really want to act up tonight.” He wasn’t asking you, oh no, not at all. He was simply telling you that you were acting up tonight. Gathering a wad of spit in his mouth, your eyes twinkle with desire, with need, with lust. Letting the spit slowly drip out his mouth, just as it's about to come in contact with the side of your mouth, he swiftly moves back, letting the wad of spit land on the cold countertop in front of your eyes. Letting out a muffled whine, he adds more pressure to your tongue with his thumb.
“You're not even worth my spit.” He says through a chuckle, towering his large body over your backside, you can feel his heart thump quickly against your shoulders, you know he’s had enough of the show you put on tonight, and he’s anxious to completely destroy you.
“Maybe you should spit on that girl at the bar, she was practically begging for it.” You say through a breathy moan, an undertone of amusement. You weren’t done riling Jongho up yet. Hearing a low snarl rip from his throat, his hands swiftly hike up your dress, peeling your practically limp body off of the counter, and shoving you against the restroom door. He wanted everyone to hear what he was about to do to you. Shoving your panties down your leg, he stuffs them in your bra. One hand comes to grip the back of your neck once more, while he undoes his belt, letting his heavy cock fall from his slacks. You can feel his pre cum smear across your ass cheeks. Biting your lip you try your best to keep in a moan.
“Oh no, no. You are going to let everyone in this restaurant know just who you belong to.” He growls out, voice laced with anger. He had a point to prove to you, to Seonghwa, to everyone in the party. You were his and his only.
“I shouldn’t even be fucking you in here. I should bend you over a table and fuck you in front of everyone.”
A muffled moan leaves your throat, you can feel your folds get slick with arousal. If this was any other man you would’ve slapped them across the face, but this was Jongho. Your Jongho, and the thought of him having his way with you, showing everyone who you belonged to constantly only made you starve to be claimed by him in every way possible.
“Or maybe I should stuff your mouth full of my cock, leave your bratty mouth stuffed so all everyone can hear is how you suck me off. Show them that your bratty ass mouth can do more than give out slick remarks and flirtatious comments.”
He grits in your ear, tapping his hard cock against your entrance before he stuffs you full of him. Your eyes immediately roll to the back of your head. You feel the tip of his cock kiss your cervix deliciously. He just stands still, hips flushed against your ass, hand coming to swat the fat of your backside that jiggles with each slight movement he does. You can feel his cock throb hard in your cunt. Sliding a hand down his face, he looks up at the ceiling trying not to get too engulfed in the way your warm cunt flutters around him. Moving his hips slowly, he starts with a teasing small thrust, pulling out to where the tip is sitting in your entrance before slamming right back into you.
“You are lucky I’m obsessed with your bratty ass.” He hisses in your ear, hiking his hips up to make sure he’s deep in your cunt, his pelvis flush against your ass. His hand around your throat chokes you, leaving you breathless. Slow and deep thrusts knock the air out of your body with each thrust up.
“Because if I wasn’t, I’d treat you just like the trash you act like.” He spits harshly into your ear, your toes curl hearing him practically spit fire.
“Do you understand me? Or do you still want to put on a whore show for everyone?” Licking his lips, the thoughts of you prancing around, and entertaining another man that’s not him makes his stomach turn in knots. Halting his slow thrusts, he pulls out, grabbing your weak frame off of the door. You look like 8 days of rain, makeup smudged any, and everywhere, dress hiked up to your belly button, panties hanging out of your bra, your eyes are blown like heated glass. It was going to be a long night…
Manhandling your frame he’s getting ready to push you down on the counter, letting out a tisk he snatches your dress down so your breasts pop out, the cool air immediately nipping at the warm skin, you let out a whimper. Smacking your bare ass cheeks, he pushes you chest first on the counter. As your warm skin comes in contact with the cool countertop you let out a loud hiss. Smacking your ass roughly again, he jiggles the meat off your ass in his hands before bending his broad body over your barely clothes back.
“You do realize you are mine right?” He grits out, lining his tip up with your warm, dripping core.
“I practically own you.” In one smooth thrust he re-enters your dripping core. You bump your forehead against the cool tiles, letting out a loud moan that echoes in the empty bathroom.
“You are mine, and mine only.” He grits out, lifting his body off of your back, he lets one hand grip the back of your neck, your body easily melts against his. His hips that are pinned against your ass is what’s aiding you in being able to be kept upright. His hips start pounding into you ferociously. The impact is so strong it’s hiking your body up and down against the counter. Your nipples harden due to the coolness under you, enhancing the feeling you are having. Letting out a loud cry as his hand grips the back of your neck tighter. You can see in the reflection the sinister grin that is plastered across Jonghos face. Causing your cunt to clench on his heavy cock. His hips stutter at the sudden feeling, tossing his head back with the remaining smile on his face, his other hand comes up and grips your hip, pulling you down on his cock with each thrust up so he can get even deeper than he already is.
The sound of your loud, lewd moans fill the empty bathroom, along with the sound of wet skin slapping one another. Your arousal is so slick you feel it run down your inner thighs. You feel the slick covering your ass cheeks as you feel the contact of his skin against you with each thrust. His hand still tight on the back of your neck, he’s got you caged like a hungry tiger that refuses to let go. His hand moves from the back of your neck to the front of your throat. Lifting your body up so your flush against his clothed chest. You catch a glimpse of yourself, and you look like hell. Dried drool on the side of your face, your eyes are blown just as wide as Jonghos, and you know everyone knows, oh everyone knows that he’s in there fucking you into tomorrow.
“Look at yourself.” He says through a chuckle before continuing.
“You look like a whore. Go on, say it.” He says through that signature smirk, his eyes low with greed. He looks like a predator on the hunt, just waiting for you to satisfy his hunger. With one sharp thrust you scream out…
“I am a whore!”
As his hips speed up faster your body practically flops with each harsh thrust, gripping the bottom of his shirt, you feel your body heat up at the feeling of your orgasm beginning to crash through.
“Whose whore are you?”
“A little louder I don’t think I heard you?”
“I’m yours! Yours Jongho!” Just as you were right at the tipping point, he halts his hips, bending you back over the counter. Grabbing the front of your throat again so you are looking directly at him through the mirror. He wraps one hand around his cock, stroking himself to completion, warm cum shoots all over your ass cheeks. His grip on the front of your throat makes you remain forward so you have no choice but to look at him as he cums. Bitten lip between his teeth, his hips stutter in his hold. You let out a small whine, your lips part slightly, and droop with a frown.
Grabbing your discarded panties from the floor, he wipes his cock off, stuffing himself back into his pants. He wipes his cum off of your ass making sure to get his cum right where your pussy lips come in contact with the fabric. Stepping back, he holds your panties in his hands.
“Stand up, now.”
Gathering all the strength you can muster up, you stand, legs wobbly, you turn around. Adjusting your dress, making sure to cover your bare breast, and hiking it down to cover your ass.
“Put these back on.” Tossing you your panties, you bite your lip. Knowing to not disobey Jongho as you were already walking on thin ice with him. Just as you slide the wet material on you can hear the squish of his cum against your cunt, your body shutters. Trying to adjust yourself the best way you can. As he steps closer to you, your eyes never leave his own. Letting his warm fingers dance over your lower stomach he hikes the dress up once more, grabbing the soiled material, stuffing it between your pussy lips. You let out a quiet moan.
“Keep it there all night.” He places a light kiss on your temple before adjusting himself once more. As you turn to adjust your makeup, he halts your motion.
“Keep your makeup just like that. Since you wanna act like a brat, I’m going to make an example out of you.”
Nodding your head you bite your lip as he steps closer to you, spreading his legs so you are standing in between them even though you are the one leaning against the counter. His lips come dangerously close to your ear.
“We are going to go back to the party, and have a good time. I’m going to assume you’ve learned your place. Now put on that pretty smile, and head back out there.”
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xximperioxx · 2 years
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Dewdrop/Sodo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW (18+ ONLY), blood (only a little), vaginal fingering, handjob, Sodo being a whore on stage
Notes: this took so long and I’m so sorry. Work has been crazy and it’s currently midterm week for me at school. Also I wasn’t sure what to call him (Sodo or Dewdrop) bc obviously the fandom has different views on it. So I just called him Dewdrop but if it really bugs people I can change it. Also this is my first time writing something spicy/smutty so pls be gentle on me I beg. Enjoy!
You were standing on the sideline of the stage, watching Papa and the ghouls put on the ritual for the fans. You were a sister of sin and somehow found yourself helping with production on tour. You were a bit surprised when Sister Imperator had asked you to join Papa and the ghouls on tour since you had often helped with events around the abbey, nonetheless you immediately accepted. The chance to get to know the ghouls excited you. You had only seen them during mass or when Papa played rituals at the abbey.
You had liked the fire ghoul since you had met him after quite physically bumping into him and you falling on your ass. He was angry. Stomping and mumbling something about Aether when you happened to have been too busy walking with your nose stuck in notes for the ritual of the night. You had suddenly felt a force and before you could let out a squeak, you had found yourself on the floor. You looked up with a glare before you got on your knees and grabbed the papers that had fallen out of your hands, “Watch it, Stompy.”
Your eyes had widened, almost not believing the words that had left your mouth. The ghoul had scoffed as he looked down at you, “Maybe you should watch it,” A smirk quickly appeared on his face, “You look good on your knees, Sister.” his smirk only grew when he saw you turn red.
That turned into the ghoul making you blush by teasing you at every moment he could and he loved it. He loved how flustered you got. You wouldn’t dare tell anyone but you enjoyed the moments between the two of you. Unfortunately for you, the ghoulettes figured it out within the first week of the tour while Swiss was upset because they knew something he didn’t and bugged them until the secret was told. The girls tried to get you to talk to him and have an actual conversation but you claimed to be too busy. Swiss makes it blatantly obvious by just staring back and forth at you and Dew or forcing conversation between the two of you.
Then before the show today, you had been been stressing to the technicians about the lighting and timing before the group was to go on stage. Papa spoke up, “Sister Y/N, please understand I mean with the utmost respect,” you had turned to him confused and slightly concerned, “but, you need to get laid.”
The ghouls snickered as you stood there shocked, “Copia!”
He put his hands up in defense and mumbled something about it showing. Swiss went to open his mouth and he swears it’s like you have a sixth sense of when he’s going to say something stupid. You had pointed your finger at him without looking, “Now isn’t the time, Swiss.”
That caught the ears of the fire ghoul. As he stood there stoically, his eyes behind the mask glaring at the tall ghoul and you. His mind runs through thoughts of you and Swiss, involuntary letting out a low growl.
Dew tried to hide the small jolt he made when Papa put his hand on his shoulder, almost sensing something was going to happen.
Checking the time, you shoo the group out on stage wishing them luck. Before leaving, Dew’s hand brushes against yours causing you to look down at them. You look back up to see him staring at you already, silence engulfing the two of you for a few moments. “No good luck kiss?”
You let out a small laugh, your cheeks turning pink yet again. Suddenly, you feel his warm hand against your cheek as he tilts your head up. You feel your face get hotter, not just from the fire ghoul but embarrassment. It had been some time since someone was this close and intimate with you.
Dew held back a groan as he felt his pants tighten at the sight of you staring up at him with your doe eyes.
You swallow your nerves before speaking up quietly, “You should really join the others out there.”
Swiss rounds the corner, “hey (Y/N), have you seen my-..” his eyes widened at the sight, “oh satan, I’m sorry.”
Dewdrop immediately dropped his hand when he heard the multi ghoul’s voice. He lets out another low growl, annoyed about the interruption. You pointed at the tambourine on the couch and watched as Swiss ran and grabbed before he squeaked out a ‘thanks’ as he rushed out of the room. Before you had a chance to say something or even look at Dew, you saw him following Swiss out onto the stage.
They were playing Year Zero and you couldn’t help but stare at Dew. Hell, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You watched him saunter over to Rain but not before stealing a glance at you. Knowing he had your attention, he places his hand on Rain’s chest before sliding his hand up to the water ghoul’s throat. Maintaining eye contact with you, Sodo grips the ghoul's throat. Without realizing, you suddenly feel yourself clench your thighs together. You begin to feel breathless like you had just run a marathon but instead you had just watched possibly the hottest thing you’ve seen.
Throughout the rest of the song, Dew continues to make eye contact with you while making innuendos with his guitar. The ghoul was extremely thankful for his guitar hiding the bulge in his pants because he would never hear the end of it from Aether. He could smell your arousal. This was dangerous. The ghoul decided to stay away from your side of the stage before he got too carried away. When it was time to play Mummy Dust, Dewdrop was preparing for when the confetti shot out. He can’t help but glance your way again before he runs his hand against his mouth and slowly drags it down his chest to the best of the song before he begins the motion of jerking off in front of the crowd.
With a racing heart, you didn't notice you were biting your lip so hard until you tasted the metallic. Bringing a finger to your lip, you touch it gently and wince at the pain. You pull back to see blood on your finger.
The smell of metallic reaches the nose of the fire ghoul and he stops for a second. He physically moans at the sight of you with a bloody lip. You could feel his eyes on you again but decide not to look up before you turn around to go clean up your lip. Also to get a hold of yourself but you didn’t want to admit it. The ghoul begs Satan that these last two songs would go by quickly as his cock was beginning to ache in his pants.
When you had reached the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and groaned. You looked like a horny virgin. Rosy cheeks and a glow, pupils dilated, and now a bloody lip. Your skin felt so hot. Ignoring the ache in your core, you bend down to the sink and splash water onto your face to calm and cool you down.
Suddenly you feel a hand cover your mouth, your eyes widen as a muffled scream attempts to leave your mouth. The person pushes themselves into you causing you to squirm. Your eyes move up and you see the mask of the fire ghoul staring back at you. What you expected to be a sigh of relief came out as a moan. It slipped from your mouth as you felt his bulge against you. You hear the ghoul let out a chuckle and you turn even more red from embarrassment.
You rip his hand off your mouth and turn around to face him. You immediately slap his chest, “you scared the shit out of me,” You began to whisper yell, “wait-how did you even get in here I locked the door-…”
He pulls you in by your waist and kisses you hungrily. You wince at the pressure on your lip but ignore it and kiss him back harder. After a few seconds, you both slightly pull away breathless. “I picked the lock, duh,” Dew mumbles against your lips. You can’t help but let out a small laugh.
Smiling, you look up at him and notice his lips, “You got a little blood…” you trail off before you wipe it away with your thumb. He hasn’t stopped staring at your lips and quite frankly, you found it a bit concerning, “Dew?”
In a spur, he pulls your bottom lip with his teeth and begins to suck the blood out of your lip bite. He groans at the metallic taste and can’t help but begin to rut against you. You hear the sound of his zipper and it snaps you out of your euphoric daze.
You pull away, whining against his lips, “please touch me. Please.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” He hurriedly unzips your pants and brushes his fingers past your panties and against your core. You let out a gasp and the ghoul immediately puts his mouth back on yours. Inserting a finger in you, you grab his hand that was leaving against the sink. You guide it to your throat. He gives you an unsure look before you nod.
“Aren’t you naughty, Sister.” You attempt to nod again but Dew squeezes your throat. You whimper. “Did you like that? That little show I did with Rain? It was just for you.”
You slide your hand down to his trousers and pull his leaking cock out. He grits teeth at you causing his fangs to show. “Of course you liked it, I smelt your arousal the whole time.” He adds another finger in you and removes his hand from your throat and replaces it with his mouth. “It was so hard not to bring you out onto that stage and fuck you in front of everyone. To mark, to have you scream my name.”
You feel yourself tighten at the words that leave his mouth which causes him to groan against your neck. You feel his thumb brush against your clit and you begin to feel your orgasm approaching. You beg him for more.
Pleas and the ghoul’s name were the only thing leaving your mouth like it was a prayer before your death. Dew bites down onto your neck. “Come on, pretty girl,” you grip his biceps as ecstasy fades over you, a drawn out moan leaving your mouth.
You lean into him, exhaustion hitting you. After a minute you catch your breath, you catch sight of his aching member. It was begging to be touched. You look up at him with doe eyes.
Slowly you run your hand down his chest just as he did on stage. You run your thumb over his tip, “Oh, Satan,” he groans into your neck. With his hands on either side of you, you lean up and kiss the exposed skin of his neck. He watches you lick your hand as he did as you wrap you hand around his cock. You slowly begin to pump and the ghoul becomes a moaning mess. Feeling him rut into your hand causes you to speed up. “I’m close-“ he tries to warn but you abruptly stop and fall to your knees. Not even trying to conceal it at this point, he lets out a loud, breathy moan at the sight of you on your knees. This was something he has been dreaming about for weeks. You stare up at him as you place gentle kisses on his cock before you take him into your mouth. You try not to gag as you can’t fit him entirely. The feeling of your warm mouth was too much for him. You barely get the chance to suck him off before he releases into your mouth as swears and grunts leave his mouth. You moan just at the sight of him and you swear you could cum again.
Sunshine’s gentle voice comes through the door, “I’m really sorry to interrupt but I really need to use the bathroom.”
“Fuck off!”
“Dew! Don’t talk to Sunshine like that.” He looks down at you and mumbles a ‘sorry’ to you before yelling an apology to the ghoulette.
Still enjoying your embrace, he places a gentle kiss on your forehead. The action brings a smile to your face and again a light blush brightens your face. The ghoul pulls away slowly as a smirk forms on his face, “I knew you’d look good on your knees.”
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yesimwriting · 9 months
Hi! I'm so exited that you asked for request for tasm Peter Parker, the second I saw it all I could think of is him being like, assertive..does that make sense? I don't know he's just so sassy and lovely, and I believe whole heartedly that when it comes to people he cares about he can be very pushy with them.
So like I don't just like a scenario for you to build off of, like domestic assertiveness like making his s/o take breaks when they're over working themselves like gently but firmly "suggesting" they eat something or take a nap or go out side, get fresh air you know anything. This is just something for you to go off but I'd love anything you'd make. I hope you have a lovely day :)
a/n omg i hope i captured the vibe that you described bc it's just SO GOOD like so in character and cute,, he's just meant to be a bf
It's so much like clockwork that you don't even need to look up from your notebook to undo the latch of your fire escape. Which is a good thing, because the day has somehow managed to crawl by at a snail's pace and still slip through your fingers too quickly.
All of your homework has piled up through no fault of your own. At first, only two classes decided to share a deadline, but then another teacher assigned you an essay and another added a test on the math chapter you've understood the least. At first you thought you'd be able to push through and finish off most of your work today, giving you a decent amount of time to try to decode your calc. But now it's been hours and your eyelids are feeling heavy and you've just started a pre-test worksheet that you had forgotten about.
The now familiar groan of the fire escape being pulled open barely registers. Despite how hard you're trying to keep all your focus on the study guide, a warmth you've gotten much too used to roots itself in your stomach.
"Always unlocked." Peter's already pulled himself into your bedroom, the shift from the outside world to your room a transition he could complete with his eyes shut. "As Spider-Man, I should tell you not to for safety reasons, but it does make it easier when I'm tired."
Your eyes tear away from the page long enough to look at him. Peter's mask is already pulled up his face.
"I don't--you're tired?" You blink hard, trying to focus. "Was it..." The whole Spider-Man thing being so open is still relatively new to you. Peter's never made it feel like a particularly sore or easily triggering issue, but you know how much trust he's giving you by being this casual about it. And you're prone to worrying, to pushing and doting and wanting to wrap Peter in bubblewrap. "...Eventful?"
Peter frowns, leaning forward on the window sill. "That gets a reaction?"
You retrace your words, wondering if you've said something wrong or overly sappy. You can't find any mistakes. "What?"
He relaxes at the genuine confusion in your voice. He gives himself a second to really look at you, at the notebook on your lap. "Are you still doing homework?"
"Uh..." It's almost like the papers surrounding you are embarrassing. "Yeah, a lot of stuff's coming up." You let out a breath that doesn't exactly work as a laugh. "And I wanted to finish it early so I'd have time to ask Gwen to go over some calc stuff with me."
Peter stands slowly He's not used to this, to feeling unsure in your room or around you in general. Maybe you're trying to be passive aggressive. Did he forget something? Or stand you up or do something to upset you? He can't remember anything negative about any of your interactions, but that could just be his side of things. Maybe he's been taking advantage of you knowing his secret. It's easy to become less attentive when he can just fall back on blaming everything on Spider-Man.
"I know about calc." It feels small, almost shy.
"I know." You swallow, hoping to hide any insecurity in your voice. Peter's the most important person in your life and on days like this you don't feel like you deserve to even run in the same circles. All of the stuff you're struggling with comes naturally to him and on top of that he's a freaking superhero. Complaining about not getting math and school stress has to sound stupid and unimportant to someone who literally fights crime. "But I was going to see her tomorrow morning anyway, and it's just some basic stuff I want to make sure I get before the test on Friday."
You don't want his help. He tries not to take your reaction personally. Gwen's your friend just as much as he is and there a lot of reasons you could be waiting. Maybe you're frustrated and over trying to understand it today. Or maybe the way Gwen summarizes things makes more sense to you.
Peter stands, consciously telling himself to let it go. It's been awhile since the two of you have just gotten to peacefully co-exist. Okay, only awhile by your usual standards considering that he had hung out for awhile after school before his usual patrol. But that was mostly studying, and he misses you more than he can justify.
He picks up a notebook and a few papers scattered next to you, shuffling them neatly before sitting next to you.
The amount of innocence pushed into the word forces you to look up. "I'm--" He's closer than you thought he'd be, staring at you with a partial pout. "I'm trying to do homework."
His hand shifts, pinky touching the side of your hand. "Take a break." Your head snaps up. "You've been doing it for way too long."
Your chin comes up a fraction of an inch. "Because I need to."
"You're going to burn yourself out." You want to listen, to at least pretend to be considering his opinion, but your tired and his tone is so contradicting. A touch of actual annoyance is in there, but it's undercut by an exasperated softness. Equal parts stress and a concern that'd better fit a parent correcting a child for their own good. It's too genuine and oddly nice. You smile. "I'm serious."
You recover quickly, forcing yourself to frown, "I know, but I'm seriously okay." You wish there was a way to physically prove it. "I just..." You wipe your eyes with the back of your palm, "I have to do this sometimes." Something about the way your voice softens tells him that you're not talking about just homework. "It's not always natural."
Peter turns too quickly, his knee bumping into yours. "Hey." He doesn't know where he's going with this. Doesn't know how to talk to you about these kinds of things without melting and fully exposing himself.
"You are so smart and-and good at so many things." The praise hits you straight in the chest, making warmth rush to your face. "But taking care of yourself isn't one of them."
You roll your eyes, finally finding it in yourself to look at him. "Which one of us messed up their hip two weeks ago and wouldn't go to the doctor?"
Peter sighs, "It was not messed up."
"It so was." You crane your neck to better glare at him. "You could barely walk."
He presses his lips together, fighting down a smile. "It was not that bad."
"I had to help you get to my bathroom." You keep your tone light, partially teasing, but it still doesn't feel that casual. That was the first time you had seen him that injured. It had turned your stomach so much you couldn't even overthink about how close the two of you were physically as you helped him.
That was almost your breaking point. You wanted to get him to a hospital. The two of you could have come up with some kind of story to justify the injuries that wouldn't have outed him as Spider-Man. But Peter practically begged you to let it go, to just patch him up like usual and let him crash in your room for the night. You wanted to push, but he had been so insistent and nice as he tried to comfort you. You caved. You always cave.
"I was--a little sore." The admission is reluctant. You tilt your head, eyebrows raising as if to say that you've made your point. "Not the same." He says it like that should take away from your feeling of victory, but it really doesn't. "I'm serious, you can't work yourself sick."
You let out a small sigh. If it was coming from anyone else, you'd be annoyed enough to tell them off. But this isn't anyone, it's Peter who's trying to mother hen you to death for no other reason than worry.
You reach for his arm, fingers gently squeezing just above his wrist. "I'm not sick." He turns his hand over. "It just--it's not always natural to me...and I have to make up the difference."
"Don't do that." Your pointer finger drags down the face of his palm. "You're too smart not to see it." Peter 's hand shifts into a fist, trapping your pointer finger. "And you're too smart to burn yourself out."
There's no way for you to get any response out, so you just stare at where your fingers tangle together. "I'm okay, I just need to keep my calc grade up."
He's close enough now that when he lets out a tired breath you can feel it against the side of your head. You can't remember moving closer. "And if you fall asleep in class or can't focus because you're exhausted."
"That doesn't--" You don't know what to say. That that doesn't count, that that kind of thing doesn't happen to you. You know that Peter's just trying to help, but you're not in the mood for reason and understanding. You just want to feel like you have it together the way everyone else seems to. "You get less sleep than me."
You push yourself further onto your bed, creating some needed space. The closer you are to Peter, the easier it is for you to melt. One inch too far and before you know it you're holding hands or his head is on your shoulder and your fingers are gently combing through his hair.
A part of it feels petulant and a little silly. He's your best friend, you don't know why you're starting a competition over whose worse at self care.
"Yeah," he admits easily, leaning back so that he can better look at you, "That's how I know it's hard." Peter shifts again, the movement has your notebook almost falling forward. "And I don't--" He sighs, eyes dropping down to the mess of papers between you. "I don't want that for you." The words are mumbled quietly, his attention focusing on organizing your notebooks and paper.
It's enough to get you to visibly soften. He's just looking out for you the way you want to look out for him. "I know, it's just--" You watch Peter tap his pile of your notes against his leg, straightening them out. "It all has to get done and I--I see everyone just getting it and doing all these other things and I'm barely holding on to the bare minimum."
Peter stops. "What?" He immediately sets down your notes in favor of reaching for your hand. "You can't--" He squeezes your fingers, more for his own sake than more. "Getting the grades you do isn't the bare minimum and you're--" Peter stops himself from gushing over how smart he thinks you are. "Is that why you don't want me to help you with calc?"
Spider-Man has made his life harder in a lot of ways, but he never thought it'd hurt his relationship with you. It's been a conscious choice. You're a priority.
Maybe he's been talking about it too much...coming off like he thinks he's that in important when in reality he just wants to impress you. Is that it? Have his attempts to seem cool and brave and like a guy worth your attention come off as ego?
"Is..." He isn't sure where to start. "Is this because of..." Peter can't bring himself to say it, so all he does is lift the hand still holding onto the mask.
"No," you blurt out a little too quickly, "I-I mean I don't think so, at least not fully." You sigh, embarrassed that this even needs to be a conversation. "It's that you're balancing that and your grades perfectly and Gwen's got her internship and one week of extra assignments is all it takes to throw me off. And it feels like I always need help with this stuff." You briefly squeeze your eyes shut, unsure how you even admitted that. "And now I'm officially terrible friend. I suck."
Peter pulls your intertwined hands forward, settling your fist on his knee. "No, you're not." You give him a look that says you don't buy a word of it. "You do so much, even if you don't see it." He drags his thumb across your knuckles. "You help me a lot."
You don't feel like you do. Peter's the one going out and taking the hits every night. The most you do is research certain local crimes and patch him up the best you can. That's nothing compared to everything he does for everyone. It's not a competition, but you definitely don't feel okay adding to his work load. "Peter--"
"I'm serious, do you think I could do everything I do without knowing that you're here?" Peter's expression blanks. Too much. Way too much. "And that--that you're ready to help clean me up and-and research all that--" He cuts himself off again. There is no good way to comfort you without accidentally admitting how much he cares. "Crime stuff."
Despite yourself, you smile, "Crime stuff?"
Instead of taking the bait and falling for your slight teasing, he holds onto his point. "You get what I mean." He lets go of his mask in order to squeeze your hand between both of his. "You're important and so smart, even if you're not always smart enough to see it."
Heat rushes to your face. "Okay." A reluctant retreat. Peter secretly indulges in his victory. "Help me with calc?"
"Okay," Peter agrees easily, "Tomorrow, though, because you need sleep."
You roll your eyes, "You are such a mom sometimes."
"You're the one that wants to get Spider-Man a jacket."
You let out a mock gasp. That suggestion had been a joke. Kind of. "First off, I was kidding." Eh. "And second, it gets cold in the winter and your suit's so thin."
Peter grins before taking his hands back. You frown a little at the loss of contact, but try to recover quickly. "Can I stay over?" He wraps his arms around himself, exaggerating the chill in the air by moving his hands up and down his arms. "Because it's so...cold?"
You fight down a laugh, reaching over for a pillow to hit him in the shoulder. Honestly, Peter's found some lame excuses to sleep over, but recently it's like he's not even trying. Which is perfectly okay with you--if he's tired, he's tired. And also, it's always kind of nice when Peter stays over. Nicer than it should be. "I should lock you out and let you freeze."
"Mhm," he hums, pushing himself to his feet, "Do I have any--"
You pick up your homework so that by the time he gets back from changing, Peter will have space to lay down. "Top drawer, I threw your sweatpants and some of your shirts in the laundry the other day, so they're good to go."
Peter lets himself smile once his back is into you. He can't remember ever giving the whole domestic thing much thought before he started crashing here kind of regularly. Your parents are rarely an issue, both of them have long commutes to work which means they're usually asleep by the time Peter can swing in and they leave for work in such a rush that if they do check on you before leaving, Peter only has to worry about hiding for a second, and his extra sense always warns him in time. They're a lot less likely to catch him bruised and injured than his aunt.
"You're perfect." The honestly of his words leaves his face hot. It's a good thing he's still not facing you.
You're still too busy organizing your school stuff for tomorrow morning to notice the way that sentimentality swells in his throat. "Mhm."
"I mean it," he pulls open the drawer, taking out what he needs to sleep, "You need to give yourself more credit or I'm going to do it for you."
Warmth begins to crawl up your chest. Why is your best friend the kindest, most understanding, overwhelmingly pretty person you've ever met? "That's the worst threat I've ever heard."
Peter shuts the drawer and turns towards your bedroom door. Your bathroom is just down a short hall, and as long as he's quiet, he won't get caught. "That's because it's not a threat."
You move to sit at the edge of your bed, "Oh, are you--" Asking if he needs any kind of patching up still feels awkward. You're not sure why...there's nothing even remotely feely about it even though it's overly touchy, even by your standards. "Did you get hurt at all, or--?"
"Oh," he shakes his head once, "No, I'm--" Peter knew you'd ask, you always do because he doesn't always love showing you the more tolerable bruises and cuts until you give him those soft, worried eyes. But he's actually fine tonight, which means that he didn't really have an excuse to stop by and sleepover. "I'm good tonight, just a little tired."
You nod, expression so casual Peter can't read much from it. Maybe you're so used to him crashing by now that you don't even need to think through the reasons. "Good. I like when you're safe."
Fondness tugs at Peter's chest. "I'm always safe."
You roll your eyes as he slips out the door. A few minutes later, Peter comes back. You're already laying in bed, beneath the covers, face only illuminated by your small, bedside lamp and cell phone screen.
"I know I said you need sleep..." You push yourself to sit up a little straighter. "But if you wanted to watch something for a little bit..."
He trails off, trying to push against the slight guilt of selfishness. Most nights when he stays over, Peter tries to time his arrival to give you two enough time to watch something on TV. The two of you usually fall asleep too quickly to care what's on, but it does make it easier to get close to you. If you guys watch TV first, he can find a window to hold your hand or pull an arm around your shoulder.
But you really do need sleep tonight.
"Yeah," you grin, "Sounds nice." You push yourself a little more to your side of the bed. "Just for a little." Both of you know that the TV will be on until whoever falls asleep first has drifted off. The one that's still awake will have to search the bed for a remote.
"Cool," Peter agrees, walking around your bed to turn the bedside lamp off, "Wanna watch the show from last time?"
You nod lazily before finding the remote. Peter gets into bed as you adjust the volume before opening the right streaming service. With a few clicks, your show is on. As the intro roles onto the screen, you drop your head onto Peter's shoulder.
"Hey," he whispers, knowing you're half asleep, "You can't let yourself get stressed out like that and not--" He trusts you so much, and he wants you to be able to feel the same way for him. "Not tell me about it, okay?" He finds your arm in the dark, fingers instinctually drawing patterns against the inside of your wrist. "Please?"
You try to sit up a little straighter, but all you actually do is just read your head more fully on him. "Okay." It's a fair request considering the way you bully him into admitting to every new cut and bruise, no matter how small. "I promise." He trails his nails down your arm, "I'd pinky promise, but I'm too tired."
Peter lets out a partial breath, amusement trying to disguise itself as annoyance. He moves his hand, taking his time to find your pinky. He bends his around yours. "Do you only keep me around to do things for you?"
Even though the joke is the complete opposite of everything he's just said, you still smile as you let out a mock gasp. "No, I keep you around 'cause you're pretty."
The teasing comment is worse than the kind of response you'd throw at him if you were more awake. He's suddenly glad he turned off your bedside lamp before laying down. "I'm pretty?"
A second passes and no response. Not even a hum of acknowledgement. Carefully, Peter leans forward and sees that your eyes are shut and your breathing has evened out.
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luveline · 2 years
shy reader who starts working with rockstar!remus and thinks he’s super grumpy and mean, but eventually he reveals that he’s a huge softie and is really sweet to her. maybe she gets the impression bc she sees him arguing with someone or gets told something. thanks so much for all your amazing writing!
tw implied slut shaming ♡ rockstar!remus x shy!fem!reader | 1k words
Remus is technically your boss. You don't expect him to treat you any differently than that – a boss employee relationship suits you fine. It actually suits you perfectly. If he'd been chatty like James or overly flirtatious like Sirius you may not have survived this long on tour, but you have.  
Sirius' assistant Mabel had told you on your first day that Remus can be quite short with others. And over time you've found she's right. He doesn't say more than he needs to, he doesn't adopt any beguiling tones. Short, though, might be the wrong word for it. He's quiet. 
You try not to label him too harshly. After all, you barely talk. If people were calling you grumpy because of that alone you'd feel a great sense of injustice.
You wipe your damp cheeks. Maybe being called grumpy might be kinder. Grumpy you can own. Grumpy is something you can actively change. 
"Are you okay?" Remus asks, shocking you out of your thoughts. 
You sniff and stand as quickly as you can, stiff from sitting outside in the cold for so long. You don't look at him as you say, "I'm okay." 
"Are you sure?" 
You chance a glance at his face, unreadable as always. "Yeah." 
"What's upset you?" he asks seriously. 
The wind whips at your clothes and bites at your fingers. You tense them up into balls. With no jacket to hide them in they might as well be made of ice. 
Remus is similarly underdressed for the weather. Different cities, different climates. You miss the South American half of the tour dearly. 
"We should go inside," he says into the silence. 
You don't want to go in yet. "I'm gonna stay out here." 
"It's too cold." 
You nibble the inside of your bottom lip and try to fight another embarrassing wave of tears. "I don't want to go back to my bus, yet." 
He nods, eyes very obviously on the tear dribbling weakly down your cheek. "Okay. Okay, but we can't stay out here. Come on."
He nods his head towards the right where the band's bus, bigger and shinier than anyone else's, sits parked. You follow him up the steps and into the small front where there's a sort of L-shaped sofa around a square table covered in laptops and paper and drinks. You've been in here before, though usually there's another Marauder causing havoc. Remus opens his arm toward the table and you take it as a cue to sit as he disappears into the bedroom area down the way. He returns with a thin quilt and passes it over. Obviously his, it smells exactly like him, woodsmoke and sandalwood and that hint of fruity jasmine. 
You try not to breathe it in too deeply as you pull it over your lap, frigid hands hiding beneath it. "Thank you." 
"If somebody's done something to you, you can tell me." 
"Maybe I'm homesick," you try. 
"Are you homesick?" 
He sits beside you. Not close but closer than you thought he would've. If he wanted to, he could wrap his arm around your shoulder. 
"Are you feeling warmer?" he asks after a minute. 
"Yeah. Thank you. You didn't have to-" 
"Of course I did. You're my favourite assistant." 
You laugh, startled. "I bet you say that to all of your assistants." And he must have a few. You only handle his on tour expenses and comfort. He barely ever needs you.
"Only the very pretty ones." He tilts his head to the side. "Are you okay?" 
His caring tone is sobering. You nod slowly and then with more enthusiasm. "Yeah, I-" You shock yourself when you realise how much you want to just tell him what had happened, and when he smiles at you to keep going, you do. "One of the, uh, one of the tech guys. I got in the way and he- he asked me why I couldn't be more useful. 'N obviously uh, I'm your- I'm usually with you, and it looks… well, they think we're sleeping together. And one of the girls said I have plenty use." Your voice wobbles.
"One of the girls on your bus, you mean?" he asks gently. 
"Yeah. That's why I didn't want to go in." 
"You don't have to go in. I can't get them to put you on a different bus, if you like." 
You shake your head. It's a silly thing to be upset about. So what if everyone things you're having sex with a rockstar, right? And you don't really care about that. Sex is sex. But, the animosity that she'd said it with. 
"I guess- I mean, I thought she liked me," you say weakly. 
"More fool her if she doesn't. You're lovely." 
You laugh wetly. "What?" 
"I said you're lovely. You're sweet. You've never heard that?" he asks. 
You turn your face to him and smile shyly. "No, I've never heard that." 
He raises his eyebrows and rolls his eyes before huffing a breath out of the corner of his mouth. "Well, that's a crime." 
You don't know what to say. You think maybe he's knocked himself unsteady as well, because he reaches over your lap to grab a heavy looking laptop and pull it open in front of you. "I got that movie you like. The one about the aliens." 
"A Dark Line?" 
"I didn't know you liked-" 
"I don't. Or, I mean, I didn't. But you were so excited to see it when we were in Brazil, I thought it must be worth watching." 
The DVD he got is dubbed in Portuguese. You have to sit very close to read the subtitles, and his arm is a heat against yours. When he laughs you can feel it in your chest. 
You sneak a glance at him out of the corner of your eye. His smile is the farthest thing from grumpy, at least in your opinion. 
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muertawrites · 2 years
Bandanna anon back again, different thought this time. Ok so Eddie lives (obviously, why wouldn’t he?) but he has to go to the hospital where they shave his head in order to give him stitches and just Eddie with a buzz cut 😌 convincing Eddie you still love him without his hair 😊 Eddie growing it out and having these little ringlets that you fight him to not tease out 😍 Eddie’s hair growing back as a reminder of him healing 🥰
bandana anon i love youuuu *mluah* 😛
as a traumatized and healing bitch i love this. i 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 this 👏🏻
eddie x hopper!reader bc parallels 🥺
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Your father is up before anyone else in the house, as always. You roll out of bed to find him at the kitchen table, reading the day's newspaper and nursing his second cup of coffee. Instead of saying good morning, he just grunts at you.
"How's he doing?" he asks as you help yourself to what's left in the pot.
It's an odd question, coming from him.
Jim Hopper had always hated the "him" he was referring to - the scruffy miscreant who he'd busted multiple times for vandalism, petty theft, public intoxication, possession...
He hated him even more when he found out his eldest child had fallen hard for him.
Even more when the way he found out was walking into your room one evening after he'd snuck in, finding the boy in a precarious position between your legs.
But since the earthquake, he'd softened. He saw the way Eddie looked at you, the way he risked his life to protect you, and suddenly a criminal history didn't matter as much.
He was troubled, sure. But he was good to you. He made you happy. And that was enough for Jim.
"He's okay," you reply. "Nightmares again last night. Couldn't sleep."
Your dad hums, sympathetic.
"Those'll stick around for a while."
As if on cue, the man in question emerges from your bedroom, looking as ragged and sleep deprived as he feels. He wears a gray beanie over his newly shaven head, hiding the ugly gash that lies beneath. He doesn't meet your eye, popping a cigarette into his mouth and slipping onto the back porch. You sigh.
"Still upset over his hair, huh?" Jim comments.
"Yeah," you confirm. "It, um... It reminds him of his dad, I think. How he used to make him shave it."
Your father is also familiar with the elder Munson, the crime that got him thrown into prison with a life sentence. More so with the abuse he used to inflict upon his son, since he was the one who answered many of those calls.
"Munson was a scumbag," Jim grumbles. "Hard to believe a kid as good as Eddie came from him."
You smile at the compliment, which your dad shares over the edge of his paper, pursing his lips together to try and hide it. Coffee in hand, you open the back door and join Eddie, sinking down beside him on the porch steps.
"Mornin', angel," he greets you.
You lay your head on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around you, keeping you warm against the spring chill. In the distance, what remains of downtown Hawkins smolders, sending ribbons of black smoke into the clear blue sky.
"How's your head doing today?" you ask.
He doesn't answer, opting instead to take a long drag of his cigarette.
"... You've gotta show me at some point."
Eddie huffs, flicking ash into the tray your father keeps on the back porch.
"You don't wanna see it," he mumbles. " 's pretty bad."
"So are the ones on your neck," you remind him. "But you let me kiss those."
He side eyes you, and you can tell he's trying to argue the sense you somehow manage to talk into him. You were the one who dragged him back through the portal when he tried to be a hero, after all.
"... You're not gonna like it," he finally admits. "I'm not... I'm not me anymore."
"You still eat Froot Loops for dinner," you contest. "That's pretty you."
He tries to fight the laugh that bubbles in his chest, the resulting smile warming your heart with just how genuine it is. You haven't seen him smile like that in far too long.
"I'm just worried you're not... You're like, serially into guys with long hair," he continues. "My hair was what got you to notice me in the first place. What if... What if you're not... What if I'm not attractive to you anymore?"
You sit up, taking his face in your hands; almost a little too aggressively, because he flinches the slightest bit in surprise.
"Eddie," you say. "Do you know what the sexiest thing about you is?"
He stares at you blankly.
"That stupid demon voice you do when you're playing a villain in a campaign," you tell him. "The over the top, snarly, borderline feral voice that comes out of you when you get really into it. It's ridiculous. And I'd be lying to you if I told you I didn't cum so hard the couple times it's come out during sex."
Eddie's eyes pop, mortified.
"I've used it during sex?"
You laugh, nodding as you lean forward to peck his lips.
"Yes. But my point is that you're goofy, and dramatic, and clever, and sweet, and so shamelessly you that this-" you pat the beanie covering his head "- doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you're safe. That you're still with me."
Eddie raises a hand to your cheek, gently running his thumb over the high point of the bone. He gazes lovingly, dreamily down at you, a bemused smile curling his lips.
"I don't deserve you," he murmurs.
"You deserve me more than anyone."
You lift the comb out of Eddie's hand, kissing him on the cheek as you do.
"They're cute. Leave them."
He tsks, snatching the comb back up when you set it on the bathroom counter, resuming the process of teasing out the ringlets his hair has started to grow into.
"It looks better longer," he growls, frustrated. "I hate my fuckin' hair."
"Can I have help?"
El appears in the doorway, holding her own set of styling tools. Her hair has also grown out quite a bit, now at the awkward length where it has to be styled every day or else look totally unpresentable. You gesture her inside, perching on the closed lid of the toilet as she sits on the floor in front of you, letting you work your older sibling magic. In a matter of minutes, her locks have been tamed; she bounds up to the mirror beside Eddie to inspect your work.
"It's coming back," she notices, looking up at him. "Your scar is almost gone."
He hums, running a contemplative finger over the raised, darkened bit of flesh peeking from his hairline. The scar runs all the way around his skull, down the back of his neck, but it's disappeared under the nest of dark brown curls that have grown in since his stint in the hospital.
He grins at her in the mirror, pointing to her wrist.
"So's yours," he notes, indicating her tattoo. "Ink's fading."
El smiles back, positively beaming. Her hand lifts to trace the bats etched above his elbow, a habit she's picked up in the months since Eddie moved in. She loves him like a brother. It makes your heart want to explode.
"I like your hair like this," she admits. "You look better than before. You're healing."
Eddie pauses, his face crumpling like he's about to start sobbing. You hide your smile behind your hand as he takes a deep breath, regaining his composure, then takes one of El's own curls between two fingers, pulling and releasing so it bounces like a spring. She giggles at him, playfully smacking his hand away.
"You're lookin' better too, short stack," he says. "Guess we're both gonna be okay."
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zedortoo · 1 year
Pizza Autism: the novella
Pizza Tower autism and/or ADHD headcanons go go go!!!!
warning there is. So much under the cut. I go off about everyone's tism
-Middle aged man autism. Ohh my god this guy is so autism we're starting off strong
-Most of his stims are physical and are probably. Not the most healthy (biting, banging wrists together, hair pulling etc)
-He has arfid frfr! Despite being a chef he's very careful about what he eats, however most italian foods are safe foods for him.
-Struggle showing empathy, even if he feels it. Yall saw how he reacted to Gerome mourning John he was out of his depth 😭
-gnome autism.
-poor dude can't understand sarcasm to save his life. Also really bad at comprehending deeper meanings and stuff... Honestly me too Gustavo. Me too.
-actually gets overstimulated really easily. he grew up in a place similar to the gnome forest in the tower, where the air was always somewhat humid. If there's a dehumidifier running anywhere he can practically sense it and will immediately get upset bc he is too dry 💔
-His stims are mainly vocal (i.e. "I'm going to kill you") but he also likes to bounce on the balls of his feet and rock back and forth!
Mr Stick:
-French autism
-Hes not actually a huge asshole all the time, SURE he can be blunt and come off as rude but most of the time the mean persona is a mask. His really close friends know he's just a weird dude
-(stole this idea from Olympe) He is a routine lover!! Has his entire day planned out as soon as he wakes up. If you get in the way of his routine you will be turned into an ambiguous ball of meat. He was SOOOO pissed off when he got stuck in the tower bc it's wasn't in his routine so he robbed the whole damn place out of malice
-Innapropriate reactions to sensetive situations. If he had to comfort someone it would be Joever for him.
-Represses most stims because he thinks he's embarrassing. When in private though he'll spend ages examining textures and smelling paper (I do this all the time it's so fun). Occasionally when he's tired or comfortable he'll let out a high pitched squeak that noone can believe came from that middle aged man.
-I could go on with more. I love talking about this cunt.
-Capsicum autism.
-Also has inappropriate reactions to things. Has no vocal control either half of the time he doesn't realize he's yelling
-Has a habit of chewing on/wanting to taste everything. Ate several wardrobes worth of Polly pocket clothes as a kid probs. Has to physically stop himself from giving his art supplies a taste. Occasionally eats an eraser still.
-If someone reorganizes his shit they WILL be killed this dude knows exactly where everything he needs is he has his own fucked up system
-Mainly uses stim toys. Has a collection of high end custom made ones but is too afraid of wearing them out so he chews on a toy dog bone instead and it's mangled to BITS
-Cheese autism.
-This dude has know idea what autism actually is. He knows he's different compared to a lot of people, but he's never had the right word for it.
-Strong sense of justice. If something is wrong he WILL set it right. He got super upset when he realized Peppino wasn't actually an outlaw and he had tried to kill an innocent dude
-HATES HATES HATES processed foods. says he can taste the chemicals.
-Doesnt really stim in public. He'll tap his boot or spin the barrel of his gun if he gets really overstimulated but he much prefers to just pet some of his farm animals until he feels better
-Rat autism!!
-This dude constantly needs to be overstimulated he loves it. If things are too quiet he gets super upset and starts bouncing off the walls and shit
-HATES the texture of carbonated drinks but forces himself to drink them because the flavour is worth it.
-Hes has like, three masks on at all times. There's the feral showbiz fella we all know and love, then beneath that is a more controlled businessman type, and beneath THAT is another, slightly less feral rat man.
-goes semi verbal sometimes. Everything just gets tangled up in his mind and he can't spit out the words he wants. He hates it when this happens during a show.
-Bunny autism!!!
-classic weirdgirl type. Would totally read warrior cats and roleplay as a cat on the playground as a kid.
-Also really bad with understanding emotions. You have to tell her specifically if she's upset you or something otherwise she just will not realize.
-makes a lot of vocal stims. Mainly just little beeps and stuff (I like to think she'd make that one jerma substitute teacher noise. Does anyone know what I'm talking about) Also loves to rock back and forth!!
-Has texture issues. She personally disposed of all the Sherpa fleece in the tower.
Fake peppino:
-autism supreme.
-like fr this dude is just the embodiment of autism. it eats vaccines to get more autistic/j
-cant understand when it's making someone upset. Actually, similar to Noisette, is bad at perceiving negative emotions overall.
-mirrors a lot. I mean that's like an integral part of their character. They mainly take after Peppino but will start acting like someone if he's around them long enough.
-melts into a puddle when overstimulated. Honestly? I wish I could do that too.
-Mainly mirrors stims from friends. It freaked everyone out when they started repeating Gustavo's catchphrase.
-horrible moral compass this dude will do anything she wants and genuinely won't see what's wrong with it. Case in point the whole of pizza tower
-used to mask her true silly self a lot to be considered more 'normal' but decided normal ppl were boring as hell and dropped the charade
-arfid haver!! Loves pastries and breads and stuff, basically refuses to eat anything else. Has a personal vendetta against cantaloupe and has vowed to destroy it all bc he hates it soooo much
-taps his foot as a stim!! Also likes to jump around and the like, will rapidly shake their fists if incredibly excited
-Rock autism
-This guy loves his own company. Sure, he'll happily be social, but drops the mask as soon as he's alone. Just likes to be alone!
-Also not big on touch. The only person who's allowed to lay a finger on him is John, if anyone else just like. pats him on the back he will freeze up.
-loves being a janitor because the job is mostly repetitive. He cleans each floor in his own order, he has it all sorted out!
-loves bath bombs and stuff. Really likes the smells and just the fizz and the way they crumble in his fingers. Sometimes he'll just throw one in the sink and watch it for ages
-makes this weird clicking noise in the back of his throat as a stim. It's a rather unsettling noise but it's really the only way he stims in public. When alone he likes to feel textures of different things
-hivemind autism!
-I feel bad for this dude man imagine having your being spread out through several different pocket dimensions and all of them have different textures and shot this poor bugger must've been overstimulated for years
-very blunt. Says what he wants with no remorse. Also doesn't have any volume control so often doesn't realize he's yelling
-I imagine when he was resurrected and was no longer a hivemind he had to take a long time alone just being himself. Duuuude imagine having to mask for YEARS because you were never ever alone I would lose my fucking marbles
-opposite of his brother, he doesn't understand personal space. Will often accidentally get I'm ppls faces because he doesn't realize how close he is to them. This also makes him somewhat clumsy and he has a habit of running into things
-Mainly has facial/expression stims. Will pull a big ol' grimace if something goes wrong and grin like an idiot when happy (see: when he got revived)
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the-painted-siren · 6 months
Anything At All
Summary: Lloyd is an adult who’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself—or so he wants Zane to believe. Good thing Zane doesn’t believe. Notes: A little thing I wrote for Round 1 of Who Wrote That in the Ninjago fic server I’m part of. Decided to polish it off and post it bc I had a good time writing it.
“You’re upset.”
It’s a statement, not a question. 
Lloyd glances up, his expression one that Zane knows all too well: brows creased, face pinched, eyes gleaming with a sheen of exhaustion. Lloyd leans back in his chair, an irritated grumble rumbling in his throat. 
“I am not.” Lloyd throws his pencil onto the stack of scrolls before him. The names of each of his students lay across the pages, accompanied by notes, diagrams, and schedules. Eraser shavings and crumpled-up papers overflow on his desk. 
“It's normal to be upset,” Zane says. “You're stressed from a long day.” 
Lloyd waves him off, yawning. “I’ve seen worse days,” he mutters. “I can get through this one.” 
“Have you eaten today?” 
Lloyd combs his fingers through his hair, a heavy sigh rolling out of him as he sinks down into his chair. He doesn’t look at Zane for the longest time, but the corners of his mouth turn to a pout like a child that’s been caught stealing sweets before dinner. 
“No,” he finally admits. “But it’s fine. I’ll find something to snack on later.” 
“You should eat,” Zane comments. “I can make something—”
“That’s nice.” Lloyd rises to his feet, a scowl flitting across his features as he pushes Zane toward the door. “But I’m a grown-up. I can feed myself.” 
“But I—”
Lloyd gives Zane a proper shove out into the hallway. 
“I appreciate it, buddy, really, but you can’t help this time.” 
Zane doesn’t believe that. 
He plays many roles within the team—medic, builder, analyst. He was built to protect and repair. And while he can’t traditionally repair Lloyd’s struggles, he figures he may be able to lighten them. He can take some of the weight off of Lloyd’s shoulders. 
Because Lloyd works—he works and he trains and he fights. Mostly because he loves doing it. He loves protecting Ninjago with every ounce of his bleeding, golden heart, even if he never says it. 
Deep down, though, Zane suspects it’s also because Lloyd doesn’t know how to do anything else. 
Zane figures he’s approximately 25% responsible for that. Less, if he takes Nya and Master Wu into account. More, if he considers the many times he’s recklessly thrown himself into battle, almost died protecting those he cares about, and never opened those vulnerable parts of himself for others to repair. 
Terrible examples that Zane knows Lloyd has internalized. 
Though, FSM forbid he ever point that out—Lloyd would have a fit.  
That leaves Zane the only option of supporting Lloyd through less direct means, which he remembers how to do with his favorite pastime. 
Cooking tethers Zane to his sense of self. It goes beyond a set of calculations that his superhuman brain can produce in seconds. He considers it an art and one of the few things that call for his opinion and not cold, hard facts—it’s something he knows he can always use to comfort his family.  
For Lloyd, Zane brings out a recipe of deep nostalgia and laughter. 
A noodle soup with a rich, golden broth flavored by an assortment of spices, ginger, lime, and cilantro. Traditionally made with beef or chicken, Zane has since changed the recipe to favor shrimp instead, as Lloyd proved to have a taste for it as a child. 
A few hours later, Zane sweeps into Lloyd’s room and sets the piping hot bowl of soup down on his desk. Lloyd looks up and immediately scowls. 
“Zane, I told you to leave me alone,” Lloyd snaps. “Can’t you see I’m busy?” 
Zane doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he scans the contents of Lloyd’s desk.  
“You are working on customized training programs for your students?” Zane asks. 
“You teach them because you care about them?”
“ Yes, ” Lloyd hisses. 
“If teaching is your way of expressing love, then cooking is mine,” Zane asserts, “and you are not the only one who is allowed to express their love here.” 
Lloyd looks gobsmacked that Zane would dare speak to him that way. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, spluttering for words that simply won’t come. Eventually, he scoffs, picks up a fork, and stabs at the food. 
Despite Lloyd’s agonizing display, Zane reckons that everything will turn out fine. He followed the recipe he wrote to the letter, the same as always. It’s never failed before; it shouldn’t now. 
Still, he finds himself watching with anticipation rushing to his head.
Lloyd shoves a forkful of noodles and shrimp into his mouth and chews—quickly first, then slowly, before he stops altogether. 
A shot of icy panic spears through Zane’s mind. Surely, he hadn’t made a mistake? Unless Lloyd had grown out of enjoying his food? Did Lloyd not like it—
A soft rumbling sound touches the air, familiar in every way. 
It takes Zane a moment to process what it is, but when he does, all of his doubt melts away. 
Purring. Lloyd is purring.
His pointed ears—from his supernatural heritage—flick once, ever so slightly. Then again, and again, until they flutter like the wings of a butterfly. Lloyd leans over the bowl, a content smile pulling at his lips as he swallows and dives for the next bite, slurping up noodles with reckless abandon. 
A cool sense of relief floods through Zane’s body at the sight. 
Ever since the Merge, Lloyd rarely seemed joyful. It was as though the years of loneliness had left him struggling to reconnect with even his closest friends and all the more desperate to assert his independence. Especially since his responsibilities had grown to include two—no, three, Zane recounts—kids and a busier monastery to maintain. 
To see Lloyd smile again soothed Zane more than words could explain. 
“Be sure to bring your bowl back to the kitchen once you’ve finished,” Zane says as he takes his leave. “I can serve up seconds for you too, if you wish.”
Lloyd suddenly spins around in his chair, eyes wide. 
“Uh, wait, Zane!”
Zane pauses in the doorway.
“Um… I know this might be a lot to ask…” Lloyd stumbles over his words, eyes darting away. “But… you know those spring rolls you make sometimes? The ones that have shrimp and pork and all that—” Lloyd makes a vague gesture with his hand. “ —green stuff you put in it. Could you…?”
“Of course,” Zane answers swiftly. “I’d be happy to make some for you.” 
Lloyd beams—soft and relaxed against the golden light of dusk pouring into the room. 
“Thanks, Zane,” Lloyd says. 
Zane merely smiles, happy to be of assistance. 
Anything at all to make his little brother smile again.
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woesunf · 26 days
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I know I keep posting abt cards but I literally can’t stop thinking about it or else I’m going to trip out 😭
I love this set a lot, it’s probably one of my fav niigo perms.
Ok so I can’t stop thinking about this analysis I saw on twitter right after samsa event came out (that I cannot find for the life of me)
And idk if it common knowledge so I just want to info dump :b
So basically this set is how Mafumom views niigo.
Kanade as someone who is trying to “keep her daughter away from her”
This one particularly makes sense since she actually met Kanade, and they’re whole convo (you can just read immiscible discord if you want to know I’m not debriefing 😭)
Mizuki and Ena are a bit more different since she’s never actually met either of them, she’s spoken with Ena on the phone, but she doesn’t know Ena is her “music friend” (since she lied to her)
Ena is shown to be sitting on a school desk with messy books and papers everywhere.
This is saying pretty much mafumom views niigo as a waste of time, or juvenile behavior, a distraction pretty much.
Ok so mizukis card relates to their identity as a transfem, their sleeves are rainbow on the inside, and they’re luring what we can assume is mafuyu, into a candy store, which candy is a commonly used for luring and kidnapping young children (at least in concept)
Basically mafumom is homophobic and thinks niigo will make her daughter a homosexual (😭)
Considering how, honestly I believe transparent, sekai is with mizukis identity as transfem, and how transphobia is commonly shown in the story, I think it’s very easy to imagine that’s what this card is referencing.
I mean come on the sleeves are rainbow 😭 that’s the only rainbow in this whole set
I love how sinister the cards make the niigo members look, I wish they made kanade a bit more sinister, but what can we do ig.
I just now had a thought about kaitos card hold up.
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Ok so Kaito.
I actually don’t have a reference point for this it just popped into my brain.
Kaito is the embodiment of Mafuyu’s anger and frustration toward her situation and possibly herself.
In this card he’s shown holding his face and death staring at the pov of the viewer, which I will say is mafumom bc I can 🤷‍♀️
However you can see he is upset, he’s not doing anything.
He’s sitting there.
(Also dam his body tea fr 😭)
So what I thought was perhaps mafumom was able to see her daughter suffering (obviously) but she knows she won’t do anything to her or about it.
Anyway yeah that’s all I got.
This set (next to bug set) changed my brain chemistry.
On the topic, I looked at Mafuyu’s bug card and it transported me back to that summer so insanely.
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cielwritings · 1 month
do you have any claude x ciel x sebastian head canons? he should get 2 butlers that are obsessed with him. it's up to you if/how alois is included if he is. thank you in advance.
! Ciel x Sebastian x Claude Hcs !
Of course, I have to put my favorite gif here :) (had to make the gif myself bc i wanted sebastians reaction in it!!)
ive been brainrotting on claude and ciel CONSTANTLY as of late so this will be fun to write.
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Despite the two butlers loving Ciel, they... don't love each other so much. Though, Ciel will sometimes hang out with Alois (unwillingly) and Alois will make Claude dote on Sebastian for fun.
"I don't think Sebastian really wants that. Frankly it revolts me too." Ciel would say. "Well, if you don't let me, I'll tell the queen about your relationship with them!"
So they suck it up.
Claude will occasionally see Ciel, sometimes they'll exchange letters. Though, Ciel would be very confused when Claude gets upset.
"Why haven't you sent any letters?" "Huh? I did. Did they not arrive?"
They'll look at Sebastian, who has a very small remnant of shredded paper in his breast pocket.
Alois used to read Ciel's letters before he saw something.. inappropriate. He cringed up, handed the letter back, and continued to take a shower.
Sebastian and Claude would get over their conflict. Kind of. If the other sees Ciel hug the other, they'd get snappy and mark Ciel somewhere on his body.
It's easy to tell whose marks are whose. Sebastian rarely leaves any, for Ciel's title to stay. They'd be in his inner thighs, on his legs, or his hips.
Claude, however, goes straight for the collarbones. He's much more gentle with him though, thinking the soft skin should be treasured as much as possible. Though admittedly, he absolutely adores whenever Ciel bleeds from it.
"I apologize." he'd say, then continue to drag his tongue across the wound slowly. God, does he love the taste of Ciel. It's the closest he'll get to tasting his soul.
Ever since Ciel started to date both of the men, he'd gained and lost a significant amount of weight. Claude delivers him food every now and then, in extreme portions. Specifically, sweets. Ciel will sneak off with the package and eat it all.
"While I do find your love for sweets adorable..." Sebastian starts. "You'll surely be looked down upon for your pudge. That's not to say I don't like it. I quite adore it."
Unfortunately, he'd have to lose that weight. They already got in trouble once when a button on his shirt broke. To be fair, they're very tight fitting!
Which, with all the exercise, he'd be very tired after. Having had fattening food (which already made him sleepy) and getting straight to work the next day to lose the weight...
The first time Ciel passed out from the work, Claude was first to hear about it. Now, he's always on the scene whenever Ciel exercises after his treats. Demons can sense when someone's getting weak, but Sebastian doesn't allow Ciel to stop at just a small sense. However, Claude...
"Let him take a break." Claude spits, not impressed with how Ciel was panting softly after a mile run. "He's going to fall apart."
Sebastian furrows his brow. "Do you think of him as a lesser?"
"I think my tolerance for you is becoming less, Michaelis."
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you mentioned that stan would want to make a sex tape?? think about him finding your only fans and going crazy bc he thinks it’s so hot but doesn’t know how to bring it up to you/ask to be in it
also i love ur account so much 🙏🙏
aw thank you honey🍯♥! i can imagine you and stan are colleagues at your office job that you mostly do for community service but you get money from it so.. i have two ideas for this but i think this one makes more sense so i hope you like it my lovely.
The two of you manage to get somewhat close for the amount of differences you share; you didn't have much in common.
One night when Stan was really horny and couldn't get off. He'd been masturbating for a good half hour so he decided to try watching porn. Deciding to go on to only fans he started to browse and noticed there was an account that was live and had someone who looked oddly familiar on the cover.
He clicks on it to see your face, your naked body, and your voice that's talking to these pervs. But he couldn't help but drool over you. Watching your face as you play with yourself using a vibrator; how wet you were late at night.
No one would've taken you to be a slut like that, at least not Stan.
He'd watch you and masturbate to your image, feeling closer and closer to his release because "Oh you're so hot, fuck.." .
Once he'd finished, he'd send you 100 dollars and go to sleep.
The next day you'd wonder to yourself why Stan was avoiding even looking at you.
"Stan?" You're in the door frame, knocking on it since his door was already open.
"Uh.. yeah?" Stan doesn't look at you, in face he looks at anything else but you.
"I have these papers for you.." You hand them to him and he takes them. "Are you okay? Did I do something to make you, I don't know, mad at me maybe?"
And it was then that he looked at you and immediately felt his cock twitch in his jeans, all the blood flowing to it.
"No." He nods up at you before standing up. "No, I'm not mad at you, sweetheart."
You smirk, "Then why wouldn't you look at me until now?" You take his hand into yours, "I'd hope I wouldn't have upset you and not made up for it, Stan.."
"Yeah? Well, you already did make up for the nothing you did in the first place." Stan shrugs and walks off with the papers towards the copy room.
"What do you mean?" You ask, following him there and watching as he rolls up his button up's sleeves to reveal his slightly hairy and tan forearms.
He looks at you to see you watching him and smirks, looking back down to what he was doing. "I mean.. you never did anything to make me mad at you, but you helped me last night."
"With what?" You try to think to when you were with Stan last night but you weren't.
Stan chuckles, "34 minutes.. took me two when I found your face on that dirty old site." He whispers in a hoarse, though attractive voice and your face instantly grows red.
You giggle and make eye contact with him, "Dis you like it?"
"Uhuh." Stan nods. "Gotta question for you though, sweetheart."
"Mind if I join you sometime in your little shows?"
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
I know we also that video of pedri taking the note from the fan…I feel like he couldn’t say no so can you do an imagine where his y/n is there & sees it happen & gets upset but she doesn’t want to tell pedri bc it’s silly so he finally notices something is up when she doesn’t want to sleep in the same bed as him so he reassures her & talks to her about how saying no wouldn’t of been a good look. I feel like pedri as bf is very reassuring we love that
A/N: aaah this one is so cute. We love reassuring bf Pedri. I feel like he’s so soft and caters to his gf and is just 🤌🏼
Pedri had just finished giving his speech after winning the award for best Barça player. He walked towards the end of the stage and as soon as he stepped down a swarm of fans surrounded him for pictures and autographs. You smiled as he looked over at you and offered you a half smile. You scrunched up your nose at him and laughed. He loved his fans but you knew sometimes he became overwhelmed. You stood in the background waiting for security to signal it was time to escort you guys out. You walked a little closer to the crowd and saw as Pedri posed for a picture and a girl handed him a paper which he quickly put in his pocket.
You bit the inside of your lip as you saw the girl turn around with a smile on her face. She didn’t see you looking and for what it was worth she probably didn’t even know you were with him. He wanted to protect you and hadn’t made your relationship public without realizing that in doing so it was hurting you more than whatever comments the fans made would.
You saw as the girl smiled at the person she was with and looked back at your boyfriend. Pedri didn’t look at her. He continued to take pictures and eventually you were all escorted out through a side door.
As soon as Pedri walked in he looked for you. He grabbed your hand and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. You smiled back at him. -I’m so proud of you.-
Despite not wanting to make a big deal out of the girl and the paper you couldn’t help it. After the award ceremony you and Pedri went to have lunch at one of your favorite restaurants. You saw as Pedri put his hand in his hand pocket and then brought it out to grab his fork and begin eating.
You sat there thinking he was checking if the paper was still there. He had told you Gavi would get papers with numbers and Instagram handles all of the time and throw them out but it wasn’t the same when it was your boyfriend. You trusted him but part of you still wondered if he would call or follow the girl.
-Y/N … Y/N!- You heard Pedri trying to grab your attention. You looked up at him.
-Sorry what did you say?-
-I asked if I made sense when I answered the questions at the ceremony.-
You giggled. -Oh yeah, I was impressed you understood most of what she said.- You joked since Pedri was trying his best to learn Catalan. He rolled his eyes. -I’m trying my best.-
-T’estimo molt.- You said which caused him to smile. -That means you love me … a lot.-
Pedri suggested you take a walk by the beach after lunch. The two of you began to walk towards the pathway when you noticed Pedri walking with his hands in his pants pockets. You couldn’t help but feel annoyed. As you walked by Pedri’s car you turned around and looked at him. -Actually, can we just go home?-
-Is everything okay?- He asked as he walked closer to you.
-I’m getting tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.- You lied. He looked at you slightly confused since the two of you had planned to stay out all afternoon. He leaned in closer to you pushing you against his car. He gave you a kiss as his arms wrapped around you.
-Te amo.-
You spent the afternoon avoiding Pedri. You told him you were going to take a nap in the bedroom while he played video games with Gavi in another room. You scrolled through your phone only to become more annoyed when videos began to pop up of Pedri grabbing the paper the girl gave him.
You were just finishing putting on your pajamas when you heard Pedri telling Gavi he was going to get off. Pedri walked into the bedroom looking at his phone. You could see him typing. He locked his phone and put it in his pocket.
-Do you want to watch a movie? You can chose.- He said looking at you from head to toe. You grabbed a hoodie from the closet and began to put it on.
-I have some work to do.- He frowned.
-I can keep you company.- He tried hugging you but you pushed him away. -I need to concentrate.- You walked out of the room.
You sat in the living room with your laptop open pretending to work. The truth was as the day had progressed you had become more and more upset about the paper and you were trying your best to not lash out on your boyfriend. About thirty minutes later you heard footsteps and felt as Pedri hugged you from behind placing his chin on your shoulder.
-Are you done?- He began to kiss your neck causing you to shove him away with your shoulder. -No.- You said coldly as he looked at your blank screen.
-You haven’t written anything.- He said.
-Can you just leave me alone please?-
He stared at you and furrowed his brows. -Are you mad at me?-
-No.- You turned back to your computer screen and heard as he walked back to the bedroom.
A few minutes later you hear his footsteps again. You roll your eyes and hear his voice behind you. -Can we please talk?-
-About?- you didn’t turn around to look at him.
-Something is clearly bothering you and I can’t do anything about it if I don’t know what it is.-
You turned around. -Who were you messaging with?- He looked confused.
You shook your head. -You had just finished playing with him, good try Pedri.-
He unlocked his phone and handed it over to you. -Check if you want to. Is this about that girl from the ceremony?-
You stared at him slightly embarrassed knowing it was silly to get like this but you couldn’t help it.
-Maybe.- You said.
He laughed. -I saw the videos and that’s exactly why I took it. First, she wouldn’t leave my side until I grabbed the paper. Second, do you know how awkward it would be not to take it? And third, she said something about Gavi so it was probably for him.-
-Didn’t you open it?- You asked.
He shrugged his shoulders. -I could have if I hadn’t thrown it out once we went into the back room.-
He walked closer to you and grabbed your hands. -Is this why we didn’t go take a walk on the beach? Why you’ve been staring at a blank screen for the last hour?-
-I know it’s stupid but I can’t help but feel jealous.- You try to explain. He smiles and grabs your chin.
-It’s not stupid. You feel what you feel, but you have nothing to worry about. T’estimo a tu, a ningú més.- I love you, nobody else.
He leaned in and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss.
-You’re the only one that matters, mi Niña.-
TAG LIST: @cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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oars · 6 months
hiii I want to know more about appindex 👉👈
what is his relationship like with the other party members?
How easily does she trust other people?
If they are stressed or upset is there a thing/place/action that is comforting to him?
also anything else you want to share?
(I LOVE her design by the way, their appearance immediately caught my attention. Love your use of color too)
sorry this took me so long i swear when i saw this ask i started squealinf abd looking like this
Tumblr media
gonna put it under a read more since um im gonna assume this will get really long lol
disclaimer im gonna straight spill my thoughts sorry if things stop making sense
i made a small comic just for the first question but tumblr doesnt like it for some reason and it prevents it from showing up unless you go directly to my blog :<
anyways i think overall appindex is like a mother of at least 6. companions come to them in the middle of the night like "i frew up :(" that typa thing
since family/clan n loyalty is very important to dragonborn and appindex just lost theirs before being abducted they are very quick to attach to these losers
i think while appin is not under the control of any god, lord, devil, etc they've created a personal hell of his own bc he tries to bear all responsibilities and burdens of those around him bc he's scared of failing and losing too much again. or all he has left really. that can make them kind of overbearing and it would be annoying if like the main companions didn't have issues and lowkey liked the attention.
what does get annoying is that it comes off as appindex not trusting their companions to do any heavy lifting but that improves in like act 2-3 especially since that's around the part the tav is expected to save baldurs gate. and the world like that's way too much weight for appin to carry on their own without breaking so atp they don't really have a choice but to let their companions share some of that albeit verrrry reluctantly
slightly more specific relations ---
shadowheart: shart is the first appin gets close to even if shes older i like to think she's like a little sister to appindex anyways <3 i should just show screenshots of the epilogue conversation bc it feels so fitting. probably one of the only companions to recognize appin's exhaustion and nag her
karlach: close in a years long tumblr mutual type intimacy way. "i'd let my mutuals come inside idc" type relationship. they occasionally sleep and cuddle naked. as good friends do. it's nice having someone they could rely on for literal heavy lifting and hitting bc in appin's eyes the rest of his companions are made of sticks and paper, save for lae'zel. girls who rip off heads with their bare hands and paint their nails in the blood :3
astarion: i do not know how to explain their relationship early on bc it fluctuates in my head. obviously irritated by how appin stops to help anyone and everyone especially since most of those people in act 1 are parents and children. appindex definitely laughs at his lame ass "seduction" bc it's pretty see through; it becomes less about seducing and just aiming making them laugh. appin probably said "im proud of you" at some point and it got to his head now he's vying for their attention and validation (get in line). my white hollow boned elf i'd probably give my organs to if he asked - appin
i think appindex is the more mature one, mentally and emotionally, especially since dragonborn develop and mature much earlier than elves do and i feel like dying young and being under cazador's control stunted astarions own maturity a bit. the result is appindex treating him like a child sometimes; not trusting him to do a number of things, scolding him,"dont treating me like a child" "dont act like one" etc etc. i think at some point he just does it and wears on appindex's extensive patience on purpose because he's a little freak like that :/. appin does not think its cute
ok no more of them next question
i think appindex is pretty trusting in a way. if they feel like they have no reason to feel threatened by someone they'll have their trust but that doesn't mean it can't be lost ofc. which is why they trust laezel and astarion so easily. why would they be scared of a tiny white elf who can't even get them to knife point (he failed that).
he does struggle to trust others to do things for them though, if he were ever to be out of commission or on the verge of it it would be like pulling teeth to try and get him to let someone else lead temporarily.
appin holds onto a piece of kednyr's old blanket bc it still smells like her :thumbs_up: karlach gives her a teddy bear with that piece attached to it as a gift. astarion may have helped but he will not confirm
extra notes ermm appin lived in the upper city, not a patriar or a servant, they just co-run an expensive smithy there.
as a passionate blacksmith (and someone who wants to become an artificer) appin is really intrigued by karlach's engine and wishes they could collaborate with dammon on how to fix it or make her a new one entirely
to add onto that he's extremely fascinated by the grymforge in the underdark its like a theme park to him. it is their nerdiest point in the storyline
they can stay underwater for a good period of time; an hour is their highest time
andd she has a prosthetic leg around age 40-45 sorry this got so long . this things in my head 24/7 rn i tried to omit some things to make it shorter but oh well
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bella-rose29 · 6 days
episode 5 commentary - Death Is Coming
the usual warnings of swearing and lack of context, as well as a lot of comments on hands and arms and obviously spoilers for both the series and the books
girl has stare down with a skull in a jar
omg it's been so long since I watched and I forgot how pretty lockwood is
lolllll George is shipping already and the episode only just started
Georgie needs more sleep
lockwood takes the Mum Stance
I always think that the DEPRAC van is a lego van bc it's yellow
ohhh you can really see how big the coat is on lockwood :(((
ooo nice detail with the lavender pin that he has
'wILL yOu cAN iT pAm'
ugh Lockwood's so pretty
Georgie noo
'bobby Vernon will have been at it since dawn'
'alarming how quickly you got into character' (code for: I am completely in love with you')
careful Georgie that's a lot of blood
ew dead body
ohhh lockwood is trying so hard to not be upset and it breaks my heart :((( poor boy
I want an epic breakfast
'I hardly knew him' BOY DON'T-
wow she's a bitch let my boy do research
get away from Georgie you bitch
'when am I not nice' Luce I hate to break it to you
Lucy that is very clearly a ghost and not a real baby
silly goose behaviour
'I did' QUEEN
'who's the latest slapper?' ICONIC
'oh wow, a female serial killer? aspirational, why don't you stick it on a t-shirt'
I love lockwood bc he makes sure the remains go to a good home AND Flo gets her money
ohhhh I just had a Thought! what if one of the reasons they made Joplin a woman was to draw parallels between her and Mary dulac??? one of the headlines on the papers is 'mystery madwoman: Bickerstaff connection?' so maybe they wanted to repeat the past but this time make the crazy one go too far and die? idk if that even makes sense but oh well
Georgie noooo
no leave him alone
let him go clean the oven and I'll be there to make him a tea
he can't even slice toast without being Extra
'a suicide note' Lucy honey have you noticed that your bf has a tendency for suicidal things
I really wish the bisto was in the background bc that would be hilarious
'I thought you'd be dead by now' NO LETS TAKE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT THIS
give that boy some therapy for free
aw two nerds talking about mythology (I wish I was the other one)
also George has the city lights behind him and Joplin just has the beige walls and I love that for some reason, maybe to show that George's life is bright and he's got life left in him whereas Joplin can only gain brightness from George bc she needs him for the mirror? idk if I'm explaining that right but oh well! also Joplin's mirror reflects the light behind George which is funky
just you wait for my next analysis of the show which is almost certainly gonna be on the use of mirrors lol
'how did you meet Flo?' 'can't remember. ages ago' LOL HE'S HIDING THE FACT HE GOT HIS ASS BEATEN
ohhh the green lighting
'I'm not worried. are you?' well not when you say it like that
while I do love this show I am very sad we didn't see more of lockwood using disguises
of course he knows how to pick locks
I don't like it either Lucy dw
I love how jarringly innocent the stuffed bear is compared to the fact that they're in the warehouse of a family with a significantly traumatised boy
lockwood and kids <3
sack of potatoes
I cannot stop thinking about the fact that she must be dragging the Actual Cameron Chapman out by his feet
Georgie noooooo
idk why he's looking around bc he doesn't have his glasses on so he can't see shit
I shouldn't feel the way I do about lockwood regaining consciousness but the expressions- I just- hmm
'I'm a burglar, you should call the police' honey not one of your better lies
no bc why when I first watched this did I think that winkman was the same actor as Pekka Rollins
winkman: 'shall I draw some pretty pictures on your pretty little face'
lockwood: 'omg you think I'm pretty?? ���🥰'
ohhh I'm getting inspiration for a fic I started planning 👀
I can't imagine having to pretend you're being electrocuted like how do you know how to act that
I feel like something can be said about Leopold wearing red and mrs winkman (I forgot her first name WAIT ADELAIDE) also wearing red but idk what
omg hedgehogwood
winkman is actually so funny *points at lockwood* *puts hand over heart* 'ohhh' he's literally us
aw lockwood pls don't say that she's got more to live for than you :(((
omg Lucy tells Leopold to get out the way <333 she'll regret that :D
this couple loves setting fires
Georgie seriously how are you without your glasses rn
green light green light green light
funny looking bird you got there george
'total psychos' dude-
'I prefer to call it a noble sacrifice' NO I COULD WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT IT
greeeeeeen lightssssss
'what is going on with you' Cameron Chapman Acts his Fucking Face Off
omg lockwood saw the knife and then looked out the door to see what was there
that's such an awful angle to be lying down
omg poor lockwood
the way he's sat in that final frame breaks my heart bc he's literally just had someone else die in his home :(((
wow what a depressing note to end on
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symptoms-syndrome · 23 hours
Hi! I’m curious to hear (in a vague way) what the process was like uncovering the DID if you’re comfortable answering. Like how long did it take? Did your therapist(s)/treatment team first consider other diagnoses? And anything else you feel comfortable sharing.
Hihi! This is sort of a hard question to answer for me, but I can try!
What constitutes my "treatment team" is sort of hard to define in this sense, because IDK if you mean "the ppl over the course of my life" or like "the one who wrote it on paper."
I've been seeing a therapist since I was 6 years old. I started going to outpatient programs like when I was in my early teens for Behavioral Problems. In those I was diagnosed with everything in the book so like. In that sense other diagnoses were considered? I think by the time I was 18 and kicked out of the house/able to see a professional of my own volition not connected to my parents/disciplinary programs, I was mostly labeled as BPD, PTSD, depression + anxiety, OCD, maybe NPD or ODD. I don't really give a single shit about any of those because I don't define myself by diagnoses anymore, or try not to, and my therapists as an adult told me it was majorly fucked that I was diagnosed with all that as a teenager. Most of them weren't even legit they were just labels to try and pin down why I was a Bad Kid. Spoiler for that, the answer was that generally teenagers act out when they're subject to intense trauma basically all the time and aren't listened to and are institutionalized. Tends to fuck your brain up real bad. I'm a lot better now not bc I got over the laundry list of diagnoses, but because I'm in like. A stable and supportive and independent environment.
I was officially diagnosed as an adult, exact ages escape me but probably like 19? It came as a surprise to me but fit like a glove re: my experiences with memory loss, not remembering where I am, meeting people who have met me before but I didn't remember, people telling me I did things I don't think I would, etc. It was really upsetting to hear because it's such a. Permanent and perception-of-life altering disorder. I was definitely hoping it was something that could be like. Cured more easily. It was also definitely hard to come to terms with the fact my childhood was That Bad, when I didn't really think it was before.
My therapist at the time said it was almost stupidly obvious that was what I had, even tho I wasn't like. Aware of it.
So like. How long did it take is hard to answer. Overall, if you count all the time I was being seen by psychiatric "professionals?" Over 10 years. If you count just that therapist? Like one year.
I'm a lil scatterbrained RN, so I might add more detail later or if u send another ask. I guess the question is so open and vague it's hard to answer without a full autobiography LMAO.
But I guess it would be useful to know why you wanna know. Then I could probably give a better answer. Are you considering the diagnosis for yourself? Are you trying to see if ur experience is shared w others? But also keep in mind I'm a weird little anti-psych dog who in general rejects the idea of seeking diagnosis for treatment. RN in therapy I mostly talk about my day to day struggles with whatever (like "damn, I've been really fixated on [specific trauma] this week" or "I made a friend" or "I'm really stressed about this argument I had" or "later this week im going on a date and i don't wanna fuck it up") and occasionally parts stuff comes up. Therapy hasn't majorly changed I don't think. Then again I'm real shit brain right now and my memory sucks ass. Maybe I can answer better later I just know if I didn't answer at all I'd forget.
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