#and fat mood tbh
rosetta222 · 1 year
My Narrator is up against yours in the new poll so I just wanted to say hi :) I’m sure you’ll win! I absolutely love your design they are very endearing!! (Also people will likely vote for the Narrator they’re attracted to the most and let’s just say yours is closer to people’s fantasies. From what I’ve seen, I actually really struggle to understand what people are attracted to)
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verysmallcyborg · 1 month
Tiny question for my curiosities does Fornax show their irritations in body language like tail flicking or growling or the like?
their tail is the most expressive part of them!! if they're irritated/angry then their tail definitely twitches and flicks, and it does so more aggressively depending on how intense those feelings are, and the scales are raised up (similarly to how cats kinda poof up when upset or startled)
she also shows and bares her teeth more, while their claws are absently scratching at some part of their own skin or whatever the closest surface may be.....all that paired with having the most cold, soul-piercing glare
they're all silent ways to try and repel most people away while she's irritated, fornax definitely does give warning hisses/growls if anyone tries to approach them while in a sour mood (ryss is one of the biggest execptions tho)
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femmefeedist · 1 year
there's something scary about noticing the feeder herself is getting kinda pudgy
like that muffin top kinda sends a certain message
if even the feeder is getting fat, the person who is supposed to be fit and dominant and give all the food to her victim, then just how big is she going to make her submissive eater?
There's nothing scary about me at first. I'm into soft feedism, after all. I'll slip your favorite treats into your mouth and keep you comfy, rubbing your stuffed tummy and bringing you whatever you need. Letting you eat as much as you want and encouraging you to have seconds and desserts. Always keeping snacks nearby. Keeping you in cute stretchy clothes, telling you how cute you are when you eat for me and fill out the waistbands surprisingly fast.
But at a certain point that won't be enough for you. You'll want more, so much more. Being passive and just eating what you're in the mood for won't be enough. Your tummy will grow into a gut. Your cute little hungry cravings turn into a ravenous desire to get stuffed. A bit of excess turns into full on gluttony. Being soft and cute is nice but it isn't cutting it anymore.
Now you're begging me to go harder. To stuff you with the most fattening things around. Going from eating small cups of ice cream to drinking pints of heavy cream. You not only *want* me to make you softer, you *need* me to make you huge. Overfed, overweight, obese, as big as possible. Filling out your clothes isn't enough, you need to outgrow your clothes until your bloated gut pops a button and the seams rip from all the heavy fat I'm putting on you. Rather than enjoying every little bite I feed you, you just consume as much as I can stuff into your fattened up tubby gut.
And now that you've gotten yourself to this point, you're desperate to be teased for it. Mercilessly teased for what a fatty I've turned you into. How you no longer have an ounce of self control. How you've let me turn your plush middle into a huge gut. How you can't stop because you've become addicted to greed, gluttony, sloth. All of the things that seemed so extreme are now your reality. I made you this way, and maybe things went from soft to scary. But the funny thing is, you love it.
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Fat npd culture is wanting to go to your apartments gym to work out for the first time but being absolutely mortified by the idea of working out in front of people because you are terrified of people judging you and just. Seeing you, even despite everyone being like ‘no one cares, they won’t notice you’ but my stupid npd just ruins that bc of me thinking everyone is constantly paying attention to me and judging me
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puppycharmz · 2 years
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hi im fat!!! fuck yeah!!! yes im more to hold but im also BETTER AT BARRELLING AT YOU AT FULL SPEED!!!! GET BOWLING BALLED!!!!
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charonte-simi · 8 days
I decided to go of T for a bit as an experiment and so far my acne has cleared up but at the cost of my emotional state shifting. The longing has become so fucking strong, it's making me melancholic af
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loverboybreakdowns · 9 months
boys will literally sit in a 50 degree bedroom with nothing to do rather than go into the living room and risk encountering their sister
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zefforuins · 1 year
#made myself mad thinking abt characters and things that don’t matter yet again#going to type my thoughts out here and then distract myself so I get over it LMAO#anyway. a heem heem#at the end of the day it does not matter. how people draw fictional characters. I can always find artists who draw them how I like and I do#but. because I am in a bad mood today. I just think that people who. draw Jason Todd like. really skinny. drives me insane#not necessarily just like the existence of it cause I am used to it but like when it’s him with other characters who are also skinny#I’m like hey why is he the same body type as his 17 year old brother?#and listen. Gotham knights Jason is not my favorite Jason#they fucked up his hair real bad. he looks older than he should according to when the game takes place. but whenever I see someone comment#on his build in the game?? I’m baffled. it’s pissing me off at this point tbh. like I’m sorry 1. not everyone is a size 0 just because you#find it hot. and 2. do you seriously expect. the character who’s whole think is being very strong. and beating people up nightly.#who’s fighting style is much heavier than his acrobat brothers style. to…be skinnier than said brother?#genuinely I think that gk Jason is generally how Jason SHOULD be built 99% of the time. like AK Jason and GK Jason. that’s peak#and it’s always ppl who like. when you look thru their art that body type is the ONLY body type they draw. and I’m like 🤨🤨🤨 is this like#bleeding into fatphobia territory now? not that gk Jason is fat because he VERY much isn’t. but they just draw character sooooooo skinny#as if their whole deal isn’t being physically strong!!!#atp I would rather every character look like 90s xtrme comics drawn by 40 yr old men where their arms are bigger than their heads and you#can see every muscle cause at least it makes somewhat more sense given their jobs ・_・ even tho it is ridiculous in its own way#my post#and it is my least fav comic art style LMAO#but anyways#nothing matters and I surround myself with love and light and I and the smartest person in the world who knows more about my favs than them#<3
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killa-trav · 1 year
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same dennis same
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doughyduo · 2 years
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If anyone does an RP with me ever with Honkai characters I will love you forever.
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digitalgirls · 2 years
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wildheartsalwaysburn · 7 months
OP men taking care of their SO
Gn!Reader (I tried)
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Corazon
CW: mentions of ED (starving, vomiting, overexercising), bad body image/body dysmorphia, cursing, SH, slight nsfw for Kid
Notes: I'm in a terrible mental state rn, kinda relapsing. OP hyperfixation fixes stuff so I decided to write some HC how they would act when noticing their SO is struggling with an ED.
Trafalgar Law
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he had a bad feeling about your eating habits a while ago
noticing you rush to the bathroom after every meal and "showering" excessively
but didn't mention cuz he knows to leave people alone (he's the same tbh)
it hit him during the monthly physical examination
he listens to your heartbeat and notice it being really low
"y/n, would you step on the scale?" he asks in a cold but also concerned tone
as he notices you getting anxious when standing in front of that thing, he sighs and puts a hand reassuring on your shoulder
"it's ok. I'm here. Just step on it, please." his voice still concerned but warm and soft
he looks at the low numbers in shock and takes you carefully from the scale before you can see the numbers
"y/n-ya. What's wrong?" he'll take your cold hands and sits right in front of you
if you break out in tears, he'll just sit there and hug you tightly, til you calm down by yourself
if you stay cold and stubborn, he'll get annoyed but also takes care of you
either way, you talk a lot and will make a rehab plan, he'll watch over you as much as he can
he won't miss a moment to show you how much he loves and cares for you
"you're the most beautiful soul I know, y/n-ya."
"I know it hurts, but I cannot lose someone I love dearly, again."
"We get through this, ok?"
all in all, he's a doctor and acts like one, but he'll support you whenever needed
Eustass Kid
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he notice during working out together
the last times you'd been skipping meals and even alcohol, working out without him even in the middle of the night
first he thought you'd simply want to get stronger than him and teases you daily
but on that day you've overdone yourself, your body can't take it anymore and you get dizzy and weak all of a sudden, letting the weights fall down with a thud
"y/n?! Fucking seriously?" he first yells at you (rule: never let weights fall down)
you sink on your knees, mumbling sth like you'd be fine
"Fine my ass!" he swears and lifts you up to carry you to his room
"what the hell are you thinking?!" he's clearly pissed
he'll put on his too big warm clothes and coat, still staring at you angrily
forces you to drink water and hot tea, he still stares at you
"so what the fuck is wrong with you, y/n?" angry, annoyed tone
when you start to cry, he's overwhelmed and feels bad not being able to help, so he just sits there and pets your head
when you glance back and pout/get angry you'll get into a fight and storms out throwing the door
just to come back and hug you tightly after finally understanding
his soft side comes out when you tell him you feel weak and ugly and fat
he laughs: "stupid girl/boy! you're the strongest pirate I know! and the sexiest! besides me"
if you don't or don't smile enough (which will be most likely the case), he'll just tower over you and wrap you up in his arms, roaming with his hands over your body and repeat how amazing you are
he'll get overprotective, remind you to eat enough through the day (sometimes forces you to)
He makes you different playlists to lift up your mood
also he'll seek help from Killer from time to time (but won't tell you)
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He’ll notice when you stop joining to cook in the kitchen
Notices your rapid weight loss really quickly
Sits down next to you, lights up a ciggy and asks worried what’s wrong
Poor boy thinks it’s his fault
Eventually he’ll tear up and just hug you, telling you how much he loves you
“You can tell me everything, ma chère!”
You instantly felt understood and tell him
He’ll look at you in shock, not understanding how such a beautiful person can think of themselves like that
“But you are the most beautiful woman/man, I know, y/n-swan”
He cups your face and gazes into your eyes before kissing you softly
“We get through this, together. I promise.”
And he’ll make it true. He’s the most supportive boyfriend
Forehead kisses, reassuring soft hugs and touches, always keeping an eye on you
Spa Days, telling you every second how much he loves and adores you, would never force you but beg you to try his food at least
Makes the most delicious looking meals
Reads all about EDs so he won’t accidentally hurt you even more
Will hold you in his arms when you’re freezing or crying
Hides the scale
All in all the perfect man
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He’ll notice when following you to the bathroom after dinner
Already had a bad gut feeling about your bruised up and red hands
He holds them all the time so he knows their appearance by heart
“Y/n-chan? Are you ok? I’m here for you! Are you sick?”
Music plays from inside and the tab runs
When you came out after minutes, eyes swollen and red, hands wet and even redder than before you’ll earn a concerned look
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, y/n-chan.”
Weirdly sniffs and notices the smell of vomit
Eyes in shock and starts crying
“No no no no my dearest y/n-chan!! Please don’t tell me it’s true!”
Wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, crying his eyes out
Overdramatic as fuck
Eventually taking your weak body to a quiet room, cleans your face and gives you something to drink
Will listen to each of your words really carefully to understand
Always pleasing you, always bring you water and tea, will not force but desperately beg to you eat something
Will accompany you to the bathroom any time, watching that you don’t hurt yourself anymore
Around you 24/7, will provoke and beat up everyone just trying to say something bad about you
Literally overprotective l, like a guard dog
Will try to lift your mood by telling stupid jokes and stories, tattle about Law and other “not cool non strawhats”, showing off his collection
Proud as hell every time he’ll make you laugh and forget that illness for a second
Corazon/ Rosinante Donquixote
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He’ll notice when picking you up as usual
“Y/n, you’re so tiny?!”
Shocked at first and lifts you even higher
Can’t believe you’re that light, you’ve always been to him, but now it’s different
Immediately throws you over his shoulder, covering you with his warm feather coat
“We’re going to a doctor, no back talk.”
His tone is stern but also warm and caring
Carries you to different doctors and hospitals, always holding your hand or thigh to show you he’s there
Will yell at anyone who says that can’t treat you
Throws literal tantrums at some doctors for being “incapable”
Will end up trying to fix and heal you himself
Showers you in love and care, eg bringing you water, tea, let’s you borrow his lighter to fidget with (even lend you his cigarettes if you smoke)
Will always smile at you and be more clumsy on purpose to make you laugh again
Will cook for you, whatever you want, burns it a few times by accident
Let’s you wear his clothes, when you feel bad about your body
Or wraps you up in them to get you warm
Will be extremely careful when touching, hugging or lifting you up
Afraid he’ll break you
Will inform himself about EDs to make the best of it
Never leaves your side, towering above or behind you, so no one can hurt you
Even lends you hit hat from time to time if he can’t be around for a moment, so you won’t feel alone
Gets sentimental when you sleep and he drinks, petting your head, sits right next to you talking about how beautiful and amazing you are
"I love you so much! You deserve everything in this world, my heart!"
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wolfiesmoon · 6 months
But... there's only one bed!
i missed writing cliche fanfiction tropes so here we are (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
i am in a very bad mood tonight but it's fine, if i cheer others up with my fics then i'll definitely feel better also silly writing style makes a return
characters featured: bachira, nagi, chigiri, rin
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Bachira Meguru
instead of freaking out like you, he just gets excited in true bachira fashion
you're like a new exciting pillow to try out 🤭
and wouldn't you know it, he is feeling a bit tired right now so that means you're getting dragged to bed by him
he gets very comfortable on your chest straight away, falling asleep almost instantly
you cannot push him off, it is physically impossible
be honest tho, you want to resign to a sleeping Bachira😌maybe being under him isn't so bad
it's like relaxing under a living (and also cute) weighted blanket, if you will
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Nagi Seishiro
he's like... okay with it
as long as you don't bother him he doesn't mind sleeping in the same bed as you
that night he gets enlightened.... about how nice it is to share a bed with you🙏
normally he would be bothered by someone telling him stories when he's trying to catch Z's but he likes your stories
so when you passively mention asking the higher-ups for your own room the next morning he immediately shoots you down
how dare you like actually, leaving him now is unforgivable
"You're really warm." is the only reason he gives you as to why you shouldn't switch rooms... wow🥴
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Chigiri Hyoma
he does not look like he is holding up too well when he sees that the bed is singular but neither are you tbh
you have to ask him "are you really okay with this?" like 10 times because you're so worried he might be uncomfy with this
after the initial shock he feels oddly excited and doesn't really get why he feels so worked up right now
sleeping is like... the opposite of a football match 🤧
(he is in denial about having a big fat crush on you, fyi)
when he wakes up the next morning you're leaning on him and he just kinda... malfunctions for a moment
yikes that cannot be good for his heart
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Itoshi Rin
this dude really just turns around and walks out when he sees that there's only one bed 💀
but the puppy eyes always work and he is sitting down on the bed within 10 minutes
he is oddly smitten for you, and that is bothersome
so bothersome that he instinctively wraps his arms around you as you sleep
"...Rin?" you question the next morning only to get a total of ZERO responses
He did not hug you in his sleep, what on earth do you mean?
also, your sleeping face might or might not be distracting him from football practice a little bit
how troubling😔
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xhdream · 6 months
do u write reactions ?? i’m thinking so hard about cumming from just xdz’ tip n how they’d react and you’re the first writer i thought of :3
xdinary heroes - #just the tip
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smut | xdh x fem!reader | mdni
cw: sub!reader, dirty talk, oral sex, masturb., pet names
a/n: here you go, anon! this is the first time i write something like this, and i’m so sorry if it’s not what you expected. i included for each member a little scenario i thought of, i hope you enjoy them ~ i apologise for the wait <3
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♡ gunil
he will find it adorable tbh
gunil wouldn’t mind this at all. in fact, this would be just another way for you to boost his confidence. he would take pride in the simple ways he can make you finish
you have the whole weekend just for yourselves, so gunil takes you out to a romantic dinner. he compliments you throughout the whole night, sweet words and whispers making the pit of your stomach tingle, your face flush. he’s trying so hard to contain himself from grabbing you right then and there, watching you melt in your seat from his attention. and you know that, because he’s not ashamed to share this with you. he leans on the table, and tells you in a low deep voice how he cannot wait to have you in his arms when you get home
after your date is over he doesn’t wait for you to even take your shoes off - he throws you gently onto the bed, kissing you everywhere, including wet traces along your legs from his tongue while you still have your heels on. he’s been turning you on for hours now, and when he speaks up that he wants to fuck you in your outfit, because of how beautiful you look tonight, you feel how your panties stick to your heat. until they’re pushed aside, making room for his fat tip to spread the wetness all over. you’re whimpering towards the ceiling, not able to resist the temptation to cum just from that - his warm leaking tip, gliding through your slickness, teasing your needy hole, kissing your gummy walls with miniature pumps. not even half of his cock is inside you, yet, you feel how the knot in your lower region crumbles
“did my princess just cum?” gunil smiles, running fingers up your thighs. “just from the tip, really baby?” he finds you so cute in this moment - so needy, vulnerable and sensitive to his touch. “don’t worry about it, darling… all i want is for you to feel good,” he leaves a kiss on your knee. “that’s why i’ll keep going, okay?” his hips move forward, letting you now to take all of him
♡ jiseok/gaon
he will use it as a tool to punish or tease you
he would definitely slam his dick all the way to your sweet spot after you cum from his tip. after all, this is one of the hottest things you’ve ever done, and you deserve another orgasm, except…
when jiseok is in a good mood he teases you by not giving you his cock right away, when he’s in a bad mood cause he’s annoyed with you - he punishes you by not giving you his cock at all
you’re trying to get your boyfriend’s attention, while he’s playing a video game on the computer after a fight. he’s been trying to avoid you in another room, while his nerves calm down, but you cannot wait any further, so you sit on top of his desk and talk. he doesn’t give signals that he’s comprehending or even listening to your words, until he suddenly takes off his headset, and strikes you with a cold stare. you rub your thighs together nervously, cause you know what this gaze means - he’s told you multiple times before to not sit like this on his work desk, and you forgot once again. you’re just about to move when he stands up, positioning himself between your legs. “if you want to get your cunt fucked just say so, no need to try so hard,” he eyes your little shorts and freshly done pedicure
everything after this is a blur - you’re kissing furiously with lewd sounds and lots of spit dripping from your chin. you’re still on the desk, but with no underwear, meanwhile jiseok is stroking his cock, watching you drool impatiently at the sight. your fingertips squeeze eagerly your own thighs, because the waiting to feel him inside you drags on a little too much. “what’s up with the sad face? not having fun?” he grins, as his fist moves up and down his length. you mewl how you need him to feel you up, lowering your hand to your clit, which he immediately shoves away. “bad girls don’t get filled up, sweetheart, they only get to watch” he throws his head back, jerking faster. “but here, i’ll let you have a little bit” he slides his flushed tip through your wet entrance, holding back a moan when your walls immediately attempt to suck him in
and that’s exactly what you do. with his tip, warming up your desperate hole, you watch him jacking off, and groaning against your sweating face. you chew your mouth, resisting the need to make noise, as a burning knot forms in your tummy. you don’t want to amuse him even more, but the quicker he fists the rest of his cock, the harder his tip bumps your walls making it difficult to stay quiet. he leans with one hand on the wall behind you, meanwhile you give in to the feeling. you arch your back, as euphoria flows through your veins. jiseok cusses under his breath, as he realises what’s happening, “are you fucking cummin’ right now? seriously, you’re driving me crazy,” he shakes his head in disbelief. he’s so conflicted right now - frustrated that his plan completely failed, but also feeling butterflies in his stomach. he waits for your orgasm to wind down, so he can pull out, and paint your stomach
he finds it unbelievably hot that you managed to reach your high just from his tip, but he really wanted to tease you some more. he was in the mood to have you beg
♡ seungmin/o.de
he will not let you forget about it
cumming from the tip for some may be not big of a deal, but for seungmin is, and he’ll find a way to make this unforgettable for you. he’d mess with you at first, making you pay for finishing so soon, by sucking his cock, and letting him fuck you over the cold counter, but the truth is - he’s obsessed with what just happened. multiple orgasms is one of his kinks, and he loves getting them in different ways from you, especially when he’s least expecting it
it feels longer, but it’s actually been minutes since seungmin came home and you begged him to fuck you. he didn’t even get around to taking his jeans off
he puts you on top of the kitchen counter, eyeing you with his cocky smirk, that’s completely enough to make you wet. while he slides his erection between your slick lips, you unbutton half of his shirt to gaze at his pretty chest. the feeling of his tip moving up and down makes your tummy swirl, and your jaw suddenly drops when he inserts it in your hole without a warning. he grins at the quick way your expression changes from one to another. “surprised? thought you wanted me to fuck you, baby.. have you changed your mind?” he pulls the tip out so quickly, just when you started squeezing around it nicely. he’s having such a fun time listening to your whines, that only get better with every small pump he makes with his tip. he notices everything - from the way your eyelids drop heavily from how horny you are, to the way you’re wetting the counter, but he loves seeing you lose your mind from silly little things like just the tip of his cock and he doesn’t feel guilty about it
“so needy today, my god…” he groans, as you fill the apartment with desperate sounds. “just got home and you’re already dripping, fuck, look at you…” you throw your head back from the thrill. “so dirty for me..” he stuffs your mouth with his fingers. you love how warm his tip is, you love how it makes the hottest liquid sounds with every slight movement. you love all of this too much…
seungmin couldn’t believe it, until you opened your eyes, looking at him in a way, that lets him know you’re just as surprised from yourself as he is. “tsk, what do you think you’re doing, huh? beggin’ for my cock like a slut, but not even letting me fuck you properly? is this a trick?”
♡ hyeongjun/junhan
he will remember this forever
his mind would go completely blank. junhan wouldn’t expect something like this to happen, but when it does he would find it so fascinating, wishing one day it would happen again. the second he realises what’s happening he would probably get the urge to cum right then and there too
you wake up from junhan sliding his hand into your pajama shorts. his eyes are half shut, because he’s still pretty sleepy, but he’s also very horny. his morning boner is poking at your ass, meanwhile his hips are looking for ways to gain some friction against his throbbing crotch, as he whispers in a low raspy voice. “baby, you awake?” he pulls your hair away from your face, and you immediately get goosebumps from his warm breath brushing your ear. “i need you…” you cannot help, but chuckle half asleep at the fact how needy he is already. you tell him you want to sleep a little bit longer, and press your back to his chest so he can continue spooning you, however, this only adds more stress to his erection. “mhmm, please, baby… i’ll be quick i promise,” he speaks, placing kisses on your shoulder, as his hand has already slipped under your panties too, and is now cupping your pussy, nicely rubbing against your clit. you’re so sleepy you don’t even realise when you’ve moved your left leg up, allowing his arm to move freely
“here, just the tip…” he lowers your shorts around your knees, spreads your cheeks with one hand, and begins massaging his hard cock between your lips. with his face half hidden in your hair, he cannot stop whimpering from the pleasure of having his dick out and finally releasing some of the tension. “just the tip, baby, i promise” he pleads “p-please…”
you mumble something softly, covering your pillowcase with spots of saliva, as your pussy clenches hard around his warm tip, making your whole body buzz from how good it feels. you cannot manage even to swallow properly, so you just keep drooling. before you have the time to do anything, you’re groaning into your pillow, taking junhan’s breath away. he stays still, squeezing his eyes from the feeling of your walls sucking his tip in, pulsing intensely around it, until it settles down. “i did not expect that,” he chuckles when you face each other, “did it feel good?” you tell him it did, before wrapping a hand around his cock
♡ jungsu
he falls in love even more
fucking you with just the tip definitely has crossed jungsu’s mind at least once. he’d find it very arousing - edging you for awhile with his mouth until the only thing you need is just one pump of his head
sundays are for movie nights, till jungsu doesn’t decide to pull you in his lap and leave the movie as a background noise
he unties the strings of your sweats and shoves his hands in them, searching for your sweet ass. your palms are resting gently around his neck, meanwhile every part of him becomes rougher, causing you to moan between your kisses. as the movie reaches its end, his hungry tongue is working its way up to your clit, spitting on it before making out with your entire pussy
however, just when he gets rid of his underwear you both find out that you’re out of condoms. you tell him that it’s fine, you’ll just finish each other off with your mouths. he stares at you sinisterly, as he drops down on the ground where you’re laying half naked on a soft blanket. “i can finish you off with just the tip. what do you say?” he taps your wet clit with the head of his cock. you tell him it’s still risky, but he reassures you it’s not, already letting you feel its yummy shape. “doesn’t it feel nice?” you nod quickly, as you keep your eyes on him. his tip slips in, and out, in and out, gradually speeding up the pace. “mmhm… play with your tits for me, baby,” he asks, and you pull up your shirt to cup your breasts, as you’re seconds away from your peak
you let out a soft cry when your sensitive walls hold on his tip tightly. jungsu watches your fingertips pulling on your nipple, as your body squirms from the intense pleasure. “good girl,” he says, caressing your exposed tummy, satisfied with the results of his fantasy finally coming to life
♡ jooyeon
he would eat that up!
just like with gunil, it would boost his confidence, but in a cocky way. he would not shut up about this, so be prepared. the minute you cum he’d be so drunk on the experience, his head would be empty, but the next day… he’d be bragging about how he’s the only one that can get you off like this for a week straight
make out sessions with jooyeon are long and heated, especially if you haven’t seen each other with days, which unfortunately happens often due to his packed schedule. so when you finally hang out he immediately grabs you from the door, not wanting to take his hands off you
he always ends up gripping your hips and moving them back and forth a little more intensely, erecting both his bulge and your pussy. you swallow each other’s moanings, as he picks up the pace, basically making you ride him through your clothes. you whine, tugging on the roots of his hair, cause it feels so good to finally have something stimulating your clit that’s not your own fingers
after you finally speak up, that you need him bad, he doesn’t hesitate to strip you from your clothes, and guide you on his cock. your whole body is shaking from excitement, as you lower yourself towards his throbbing length. you press down, feeling his swollen tip on the entrance of your pussy, gathering from the sticky wetness. he sighs deeply from pleasure, relaxing his body on the couch - watching you fuck yourself on him is his favorite thing in the world
you begin pushing his tip in and out, while holding the rest of his length with your fingertips. “mmm, you like that, baby? fuckin’ yourself with just the tip… i like that too.” jooyeon throws his head back, as you slowly bounce, wrapping yourself around the head of his cock. you literally feel yourself dripping down your own fingers. your cheeks flush from pleasure and embarrassment at the same time, as you realise you’re going to cum… so soon, but so hard, it makes the room around you spin
jooyeon grins with raised eyebrows, not able to hold his surprised giggles, when you drop your weak body onto his. “fuck, baby, that was soo hot,” he says in your ear, as you hide your red face in the crook of his neck. he did not miss a single flinch of your orgasm face, and he loved every bit of it. “you have no idea how hot you are…” he cups your ass, squeezing it lightly. “you’ll take my cock now, right, baby? please…”
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Aita for assuming my coworker is a toxic partner?
I, 22M, work in a big chain restaurant with a bunch of people my age. Recently, one of the bussers who’s been at this branch since it opened two years ago (I’m a relatively newer higher but not by much, just not og staff) turned 19 and revealed that he has started dating one of the other servers that he’s been friends with for a while, let’s call the two of them Busboy (19 ftm), and Server (21 MtNB)
I’ve got nothing wrong with Busboy. He’s a hard worker, a little odd sometimes, and he’s been with our location for a long time. He and Server are both original staff members and the two have done a lot together, especially after Busboy turned 18 in December of 2022. Server set up Busboy’s first tattoo appointment, they go to the movies all the time, and at work they keep things friendly but professional. Honestly, we all kinda thought they were already dating before Busboy told everyone
Recently, Server got fired because of a stupid management rule about tables that walk out without paying. It sucked, but Server wasn’t really the best waiter anyways and there wasn’t really any lost love. Another waiter, let’s call him Closer (24M), and his wife (23F) have started hosting game nights at their apartment with Closer’s sister and some of her friends. As far as I know, Busboy and Server have been frequent attendants and tbh it looks like a lot of fun. Closer sent a general invite to the work group chat and me and some other coworkers decided to head over tonight
When we got there, it was fine at first. We were mixing drinks (no drinks for Closer’s wife since she’s pregnant or Busboy since he’s underaged) and playing games when I see Busboy take Server’s drink from them and tell them to stop drinking. Server sort of nodded real small like and I don’t know, it set off an alarm bell in my head. To paint a picture, Busboy is a fit young white guy even if he doesn’t pass that well while Server is a fat Mexican person with a lot of acne and stuff like that. Busboy’s also been known to cite his alleged disabilities to get out of work from time to time and he’s picky when ordering around the other bussers at work. Regardless of him being a Trainer, it’s just off putting yk?
I keep watching them before I asked Server if they wanted to be on my team for a card game we all wanted to play. Server looked to Busboy for permission and Busboy gave me a strange look before slowly agreeing. When Server and I were off by ourselves, I asked them if everything was okay. They didn’t really give me an answer, just sort of shrugged and said that it wasn’t anything I can do. Can you see where I’m going with this?
While we played the game, Busboy got very loud and obnoxious, saying inside jokes that only he, Closer and Server would know from when they opened our restaurant location, frequently interrupted my team and chastised me for offering Server some of my lemondrop drink, saying: “can’t you see that they clearly don’t want any?”
And here’s where I may be the asshole, I said: “How about you shut up and ask him what he wants?”
I know, I misgendered Server on accident, and I corrected myself in the moment, but the room went silent and Busboy got really confused and said: “But i did?”
I asked him: “When? They’ve spent all night stuck to your side, it looks like you’ve got them on a leash.”
Closer made an inappropriate joke to lighten the mood, but Busboy looked really confused and kept asking everyone if that’s what it looked like. I said: “yeah, it does. [Server], what do you want to do?”
Server said; “I don’t know, man, what are we upset about?”
But when I tried to explain that Busboy was acting really suspicious all night, everyone started telling me that I was wrong and that this wasn’t true, that Busboy’s always like this. It didn’t make any sense to me! I asked if Busboy always micromanages how Server drinks and Closer said; “no, but it’s [Server]’s turn to drive the two of them home. Usually [Busboy] drives and it’s a long drive, but today they’re in [Server]’s car.”
I ended up leaving pretty soon after and I feel really silly about the whole thing. So, tumblr, Aita?
What are these acronyms?
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luvhaos · 2 years
the language of flowers | lsm
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pairing: lee seokmin x f! reader genre: flower shop! au (seventeen), tattoo shop! au (nct), rivalry (slightly subverted), fluff, angst, comedy word count: 10.0k summary: you have a big, fat crush on the owner of the flower shop across the street but there are two pretty big problems: you’re pretty certain he has a girlfriend and both of your staff hate each other’s guts. warning(s): cursing, very suggestive content (tipsy almost-sex, sexual references and allusions, etc.), reader has some tattoos, insults and slander between both shops (everyone kind of acts like a jerk to one another), seokmin lifts reader off the ground, unedited   author’s note: wow, this was a doozy! i didn’t expect it to get this long tbh and i definitely should have been working on a paper instead of writing this but seokmin has really been hitting different to me recently, so this was born out of that!  playlist: fallin’ flower by seventeen • call out my name by the weeknd • take a chance on me by niki • tattoos together by lauv • la vie en rose by édith piaf
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You weren’t sure when the whole Neo Tattoos and Piercings versus Fallin’ Flower rivalry happened but what you were a hundred percent sure about was that it started with Donghyuck. You loved him like a little brother but you knew it had something to do with one of the flower shop employees spilling something on Donghyuck one day when he was in a foul mood. And Donghyuck in a bad mood was something none really wanted to deal with.
Or maybe it started when Doyoung made some off-handed comment about how little effort it took to create wedding bouquets versus tattooing and piercing.
Or maybe it was because Yuta and Mark laughed very loudly when one of the flower shop workers, you were pretty sure his name was Hansol, pulled on their push door.
Okay, maybe you weren’t a hundred percent sure how this mess all started.
You did think the owner, Lee Seokmin, was pretty cute though. He had been extremely friendly the first day he had opened his store, coming across the street to introduce himself and you welcomed him to the neighborhood. You even invited him to grab some lunch the next day and that meal together had you smitten, embarrassingly so.
So this supposed ‘rivalry’ between your store really threw a wrench in your plan to ask him out.
“Do you see this shit?” growled Donghyuck as he practically flung the door to your shop open. “They’re opening a cafe in that flower shop!”
“Seriously?” Mark asked, rushing to your storefront to peer out. “Oh, shit, they are!”
“Did you think I was lying?”
“I don’t know, Hyuck, you kind of have a track record for that.”
“Fuck you, Mark Lee, this is why you get no bitches.”
“Fuck you, I do get bitches!”
“Children, children, calm down,” Johnny cooed mockingly. You caught Taeil’s eye and you both rolled your eyes.
“Doyoung, what’s on schedule for today?” you asked and your staff quieted down to listen to Doyoung, one of your receptionists and schedulers along with Jungwoo and Taeil.
“Johnny, Chanyeol’s coming in today to finish his tattoo at ten-thirty. Taeyong, you’ve got two new clients at eleven and at three today; the first one’s not sure what she wants so you’ll have to help her with that. Jaehyun’s got a helix piercing at one, and Yuta has a septum piercing a two, another one twenty minutes later, and then a belly button piercing at four. Mark, you’re shadowing Yuta—”
Yuta cheered a little, lunging at Mark and squeezing him in a hug. You all snickered at the way Mark flailed a little before wrapping his arms around Yuta to return the embrace. “—and Donghyuck, you’re with Johnny today.” Doyoung pointed at you and said, “Soojin’s coming into get a tattoo at eleven today too.”
You grinned at Taeyong and Johnny. “Guess we’ll be working side-by-side today.” They smiled back at you, Johnny opening his mouth to say something but there was a knock at your door and everyone looked up, faces immediately darkening.
Seokmin stood outside, unperturbed by the glares coming his way, and you rolled your eyes at your staff members as you walked over to the door and stepped out. “Hey!”
“Hi!” Seokmin chirped. He jabbed his thumb back at Fallin’ Flower. “We just opened a coffee shop inside so I wanted to bring you something to try. You like an iced latte, right?”
“I can’t believe you remembered,” you said as he handed you an iced latte and a slice of cinnamon coffee cake wrapped in wax paper. “Thanks so much, this was so sweet.” He slipped a single flower in with his gifts.
“What’s this?” you asked, wiggling the flower in your hand.
“A white gardenia,” Seokmin said. “We just got some in today.”
“It’s beautiful, thank you. You’re really too sweet,” you said, feeling your face warm.
He chuckled and you could have sworn his ears were pink. “You deserve it all,” he said.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you peeked over your shoulder to see Jaehyun leaning against the closed door. Even with his arms crossed, it was clear he was trying to make himself look larger and more intimidating, which was a pretty simple feat for Jaehyun given that he was already both of those things to a lot of people. He frowned and said, “We should get ready for opening.”
Seokmin chuckled, taking a step back from you. “I got it,” he said. “We should get ready to open too.”
“I’ll see you around,” you said. Seokmin nodded and smiled brightly, which had your heart thumping.
Jaehyun snorted and you glared at him. “What is your problem?”
“What’s my problem?” he asked. “You’re fraternizing with the enemy.”
“How is the flower shop an enemy? We don’t even have the same clients.”
Jaehyun huffed and didn’t respond, electing to open the door and let you duck under his arm to go back inside. Yuta scoffed, “Who does he think he is?”
“Right?” Jungwoo grumbled.
“Okay, everyone’s got to lay off them,” you said.
“We’ll back off when they do,” hissed Donghyuck. “That Chan fucker said our shop always looked dirty yesterday.”
“And what’s-his-face… Soonyoung said tattoo artists—”
“I couldn’t care less about what they said,” you said. “I told Jae this outside already — we don’t share the same clients, so there’s no loss of revenue. I know that there have been incidents in the past that have bred some weird hatred but I need you all to be professionals like I know you all are. No more of this today, do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. We’re opening in five, so everyone should get to their stations and get ready.”
Everyone scuttled off to where they needed to go and you sighed, sitting at your station and setting your coffee and the flower aside. You practically inhaled the coffee cake Seokmin gave you. It was perfect, just the right amount of sweetness without it being overpowering. You took another bite and sipped a bit of your coffee and you finally understood why coffee cake was called coffee cake. The pairing was heavenly.
“You sure he didn’t poison that?” Johnny asked. You gave him an exasperated look and he said, “I’m kidding… mostly.”
He said, “We’re not doing it to cause trouble. We’re just protective of one another and of the shop.”
You ran a hand down your face. “I know, I know. And I’m sure the guys across the street are the same.”
Johnny shrugged and you said, “I just need you guys to tone it down. We can’t have this petty feud hurt business.”
“We’ll be on the best behavior we can be.”
You said, “You realize that that’s not a high bar, right?”
Johnny laughed and Taeil led Chanyeol inside for the first appointment of the day.
Before you knew it, you were sitting on your stool, bent over Soojin’s arm as you did the linework for her new tattoo — the moon with some stars dotted around it. She was talking with you as well as Chanyeol and Johnny at the station beside you. You half-listened to her and Chanyeol talk about a concert they were both at the night before but didn’t know the other was there while you listened to Taeyong patiently talk through the steps of getting a tattoo to his new client.
You rolled your chair over to take a sip of your coffee quickly before resuming Soojin’s tattoo. She asked, “Is that from the new cafe in the flower shop?”
“I was thinking of going over there after my tattoo. Do you like their stuff?”
The shop went eerily quiet with only the buzzing of yours, Taeyong, and Johnny’s tattoo guns making any noise. Yuta and Jaehyun had stopped chatting, and Donghyuck and Mark stopped bickering. You felt your eye twitch. Were they all fucking serious?
“Yeah, I really like it,” you said and you heard a sharp inhale of breath a few feet behind you. “And the owner is lovely.”
Something like a snort came from the corner. You focused only on Soojin and said, “I definitely think you should check it out.”
“I think I will,” she said, “because I’m really jealous of your coffee.”
“You can take a sip if you want?”
“Really? Can I?”
“I’ve injected ink into your skin for hours, Soojin, I’d say we’re good enough friends for you to share a drink.”
She giggled and reached over with the arm that wasn’t getting tattooed to take a sip. “Shit, this is good.”
You hummed in agreement and looked over your shoulder, pointedly glaring at your staff. They immediately went back to what they were doing but the energy in your store definitely dropped. If you had any free hand, you would be massaging your temples in frustration right now.
Soojin’s tattoo took about an hour and she gleefully told you how much she loved it and loved you. You gave her whatever she needed for aftercare and watched as she crossed the street to Fallin’ Flower. Doyoung said, “Still think they’re not competition?”
“No, I don’t because they’re not curbing revenue from us.”
“Maybe we should open a cafe,” said Jungwoo.
You snorted, “Who would run it? Mark can’t even cook an egg, much less make a tulip out of crema and steamed milk.”
“Hey!” Mark shouted from the back. “You promised not to bring that up again!”
You heard Johnny ask, “Didn’t Gordon Ramsey respond to the tweet Donghyuck posted about that?”
“You all suck.”
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It was around four in the evening and you were busy shoving chicken lo mein into your mouth with Jaehyun, Johnny, Taeyong, and Donghyuck in the break room when you thought you heard the entrance bell jingle. You had had a bunch of walk-ins throughout the day; seven people looking to get pierced and five wanting tattoos. And one was a hookup from a few nights ago that Jaehyun didn’t call back, which had you all either laughing at Jaehyun or giving him looks while he ushered her outside, his ears bright red.
Taeil opened the break room door and said, “There’s a woman here asking for you.”
“Me?” you asked, putting your takeout container down on a side table.
Johnny snickered, “Is it a hookup you didn’t call back?” Jaehyun threw a wrapped fortune cookie at Johnny’s head with a “Fuck you” accompanying it.
“I don’t think so,” you chuckled, following Taeil to the front of the shop.
The woman was making small talk with Doyoung and Jungwoo, and she brightened up when she saw you. “Hi,” she said, “I’m Yuna and I was wondering if you had time to tattoo me today.”
“We do,” you said. “It’s nice to meet you, Yuna. Do you know what you’re looking for?”
She nodded and pulled out her phone, showing you a photo of the word ‘first’ in elegant script. “A friend of mine recommended you specifically to do it.”
“I’m flattered,” you said. “Is this your first time getting a tattoo?”
She nodded and you said, “I’ll walk you through the process and then we’ll get started.”
You wrote out the stencil, showing it to Yuna, who clapped her hands and said, “It’s perfect!” She chose to place the tattoo on the back of her arm, right above the bone of her elbow. You had her fill out the paperwork and settle up payment, cleaned the area on the back of her left arm, and reaffirmed that it was exactly where she wanted it placed.
The tattoo didn’t take long given that it was just black lettering, no shading or coloring necessary. As you dressed the tattoo and gave her instructions on how to take care of it, you asked, “Can I ask who recommended me to you for tattooing?”
She replied, “Dokyeom did.”
You raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think I know a Dokyeom.”
“Oh!” She said, “Sorry, you probably know him as Seokmin. Dokyeom was his nickname back in high school.”
Something ugly twisted in your gut. “Got it,” you said. “That was very kind of him.”
Yuna nodded and said, “He’s the sweetest.”
“He is.” For some reason, the words felt bitter on your tongue.
“Thanks so much again,” Yuna chirped, giving you a bright smile. You did your best to return it despite the pit in your stomach. You wanted to ask her more about Seokmin and how they knew each other and what they were to one another but were scared, frankly, scared of the answer.
The day flew by with a couple of more walk-ins asking for various piercings and tattoos. When the clock hit eight, Jungwoo flipped the sign on the door from ‘open’ to ‘close.’ Taeyong stood up and stretched his arms above his head, sighing in satisfaction when he heard cracks and pops. Doyoung commented, “That’s how you know you’re getting old.”
Taeyong shot him a glare. “Sleep with one eye open, Doyoung, I know where you live.”
“Oh, I’m so scared.”
“What’s he doing here?” Yuta hissed and you all followed his gaze to the door, where Seokmin stood outside with a vase of flowers. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Johnny move to get the door so you hurried over quickly, opening it first.
“You need anything?”
Seokmin shook his head and held out the vase of flowers to you. “No, but I wanted to thank you for taking good care of Yuna today. She was kind of nervous to get her first tattoo and she told me just how amazing you were with her and how you made her feel so comfortable.”
That ugly feeling reared it head again as you accepted the vase. “Just doing my job.” You glanced at the flowers and asked, “What are these?”
“Yellow lilies,” he replied.
You nodded. “Thanks.” The word came out much more curt than you intended it to be and you caught the flash of surprise go across Seokmin’s face before it melted back into his warm smile.
“Just doing my job,” he parroted back at you. You wanted to give him a nicer smile but the question about just who Yuna was to him and who he was to her were still plaguing your mind. The two of you stood there in an awkward silence — a rare occurrence for someone like Seokmin — before he piped up quietly, “I’ll see you Monday, then.”
“Yeah, see you.” You retreated back into your store and watched as he made his way across the street, back to his. It was only then when you noticed his employees peering out the window and into your store, where you absolutely knew all your guys were glaring from.
You didn’t even have the energy to tell them to knock it off. The vase felt heavy in your hands as you placed it on a side table. You remembered the gardenia Seokmin had given you in the morning and you grabbed it from your station, placing it among the yellow lily bouquet.
Jaehyun nudged you and asked, “Are you going to Jungkook’s on tonight?”
“I honestly totally forgot about that,” you said. Jungkook was a friend of yours and Jaehyun’s from college. He took over his father’s company right after you all graduated so you rarely saw him since he was always so busy. Recently, though, he successfully completed a merger with a different company, and he finally was able to justify a break for himself, which included throwing a party in his uptown penthouse.
You weren’t really sure you were in much of a partying mood right now, though.
Jaehyun said, “I think you should go, we haven’t seen him in a while.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I can pick you up at around ten,” Jaehyun said, “and we can go over together.”
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It turned out that every one of your college friends going to Jungkook’s party remembered it but you. You got a FaceTime call from Jihyo, who asked what you were wearing and then gasped when you said a t-shirt and jeans. “You cannot do that.”
“Why not? What’s wrong with it?” you asked her, taking a few steps away to show her the full outfit as if it would change her mind.
“How often do you get to be all dressed up?”
You crumbled under her stern gaze and sighed, “Fine, fine. I’ll look in my closet.” You opened it up, rifling through it until you came upon a periwinkle blue halter top and the matching skirt. You couldn’t remember the last time you wore it, maybe to some club in your senior year?
You showed the set to Jihyo, who squealed and nodded emphatically. “I remember that one! You always looked so sexy in it! Plus, it’ll show off your tattoos and I know lots of guys who’ll love that.”
“I’m not trying to get laid at Jungkook’s.”
“You may not be trying but that doesn’t mean you can’t.”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“Wait, wait! Are you coming alone or are you going in with someone?”
“Jaehyun’s coming with me.”
Jihyo wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and you said, “You and I both know it’s not like that.”
“I’m not sure why it isn’t, though, that man is fine.”
You made a face. “I’ve seen Jaehyun take soy sauce shots and drink milk straight from the carton then put it back.”
Jihyo waved you off. “Semantics.”
“I’m hanging up.”
You met Jaehyun in your lobby about fifteen minutes later and he gave you a once over and a whistle. You punched him in the shoulder and he just chuckled, “I haven’t seen you like this since college.”
“Yeah, I know.”
He glanced at you again and said, “Jungkook should throw parties more often.”
“Jeong Jaehyun, do you want to die?”
He just smirked back at you and the two of you got in a cab to Jungkook’s high-rise. You rang the buzzer for Jungkook’s apartment and you weren’t sure who replied and buzzed you up but you had a feeling it was a very, very drunk BamBam.
“Yo!” Jungkook answered the door, dressed in a tight dress shirt and slacks. “You two look great! Thanks for coming!” He dapped Jaehyun up and gave you a tight hug. Then, he gently poked the tattoo on your shoulder — a small abstract representation of the moon and the ocean that Taeyong did for a you a couple of months back. “This one new?”
“Not really,” you said. “Got it about six months ago.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “Shit, has it really been that long since we’ve seen each other.”
“Time flies,” you said. Jungkook nodded and stepped aside, letting you and Jaehyun cross into his apartment. He was lucky that owned the entire floor because if you were his neighbor and the music was this loud, you’d be issuing a noise complaint right now.
Jungkook showed the two of you to the bar, manned by two shirtless bartenders. Jungkook introduced them as Jimin and Jin, who both agreed to work the party as a favor to Jungkook. Jaehyun ordered a screwdriver while you said you’d take some of Jin’s specialty sangria.
“My favorite friends!” You and Jaehyun watched Dongmin stumble toward you, draping his arms around your shoulders in a hug. You and Jaehyun smiled as you steadied Dongmin; he had never been particularly great at holding his liquor, which meant that Dongmin didn’t often get drunk. It would be endearing to see your normally cool and collected friend red-faced and staggering if you weren’t worried that he was just going to tip over at any moment.
You patted Dongmin on the back and asked, “Are you going to be okay standing up on your own?”
“Totally fine,” he said, giving you a drunken grin. He reached up to squish Jaehyun’s cheeks. “I missed this face.”
Jaehyun gave you a look that screamed “Help me!” but you just smirked at him and said, “You’re doing great, Jae.”
You ignored his protests as you slipped away to find some more of your friends. You located Jihyo and Mina, who were doing rum shots with Taeyang and Hyunjae. “You look even sexier in real life,” Jihyo said. She pointed at you and asked the other three, “Doesn’t Y/n look hot?”
“Definitely,” Hyunjae said. Mina and Taeyang nodded in agreement. Distantly, you heard the buzzer go off again and, again, BamBam took up the task of answering it with a garbled yell. You glanced around the penthouse; you thought everyone was here.
“Who else could be coming?” you asked Jihyo.
“I think Jungkook invited some friends from high school.”
You hummed and took the shot Mina poured for you, setting your cup of sangria down and tilting your head back, gulping the shot down just as Jungkook opened his front door. You choked on your drink as you saw Seokmin walk in with two other Fallin’ Flower workers — Mingyu and Minghao — and Yuna.
Oh, you have got to be kidding. Not only were the two people you really didn’t want to think about here together, but you weren’t in the mood for Jaehyun to get into some altercation with Minghao and Mingyu.
“Give me another shot,” you demanded, turning back to your friends. Taeyang and Hyunjae shared a glance but Hyunjae still poured you some more Bacardi. You relished in the burn of the coconut rum, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Excuse me.” You left without another explanation, searching for Jaehyun. You needed to get to him before he saw Seokmin, Mingyu, and Minghao on his own, and you also just wanted to avoid seeing Seokmin and Yuna together.
“Thanks for your help,” Jaehyun deadpanned when you found him near one of the floor to ceiling windows, free of Dongmin.
“Sorry,” you muttered, swiping Jaehyun’s drink from him and taking a sip.
He snatched it back from you and said, “You seem kind of tense right now.”
“Okay, I’m going to tell you something and I need you to not freak the fuck out.”
“Minghao, Seokmin, and Mingyu are here.”
Jaehyun immediately straightened up and his jaw clenched. His eyes scanned the crowd and it was clear when he found them. You grabbed his shoulder to bring his attention back to you. “This is the first time Jungkook’s been able to relax in a while. Please don’t start some inane argument tonight.”
Jaehyun exhaled through his nose and said, “I won’t.”
You nodded but there was still an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You couldn’t tell if it was from the possibility of some blowup between the guys or if it was because of Seokmin and Yuna, who you spotted in a corner together, their heads bent close to one another.
You took in Seokmin’s profile, all the sharp points of his face that were contrary to his gentle personality. He was handsome, undoubtedly so, and it made your heart hurt just a little.
Whatever he and Yuna were talking about, it was intense and passionate and you wondered if it would end in some equally intense kiss. You didn’t want to watch and find out.
“I’m getting another drink,” you announced to Jaehyun. You made your way to the bar station again when you bumped into someone, who just barely avoided spilling their drink on you. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re all good,” the man said. He smiled at you, the corner of his mouth dimpling. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Chan.”
“Y/n.” You shook his hand and asked, “How do you know Jungkook?”
“We studied abroad together,” he explained. “What about you?”
“College too,” you replied. “I’m sorry, I feel like he definitely mentioned you before but I can’t remember.”
Chan shook his head good-naturedly. “It’s okay. He’s clearly got a lot of friends to remember.” He motioned with his drink to the apartment and you laughed a little.
“Clearly.” You pointed at his drink. “What do you have?”
He peered inside and swirled his cup a little, both of you watching as the liquid sloshed around inside. “I think it’s a Long Island iced tea but Jungkook just shoved it in my hand when I arrived. I really haven’t drank any.”
“Can I try?”
“Sure.” He handed you the cup and you took a long pull from it, feeling the delicious rush of alcohol to your head.
You pushed it back into Chan’s hand. “It’s good, try some.”
He took a drink and said, “Wow, that is good.” He handed the cup back to you and you took turns drinking from it, the booze making your head feel light and airy.
The music picked up into a slow, seductive song and you grabbed Chan’s arm, setting the drink down on some random surface. “Do you want to dance?”
“Yeah, let’s do it!” You giggled at his enthusiasm and dragged him closer to the middle of the room, where people had started pairing off to grind against one another. You drew Chan closer to you, guiding his hands to your hips. He pressed your back to his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder as you swayed to the beat together. Some hazy voice at the back of your mind told you to look around to see if Seokmin was dancing with Yuna but it quickly disappeared when Chan nuzzled your neck, his hot breath against your skin making you shiver. Your hands slid to rest atop his on your hips and you pressed yourself closer to him.
You whined when you felt his lips finally make contact with the nape of your neck, sending electricity pulsing through you. You flipped in his arms, draping your arms around his shoulders as he wrapped around your waist. You tipped your head up and kissed him, running your hands through his hair as you still moved to the rhythm of the music.
“This is a little forward,” Chan murmured in your ear, low and slow, “and I don’t usually do this and I’m a little buzzed but do you want to get out of here?”
“Yes, please,” you answered breathlessly and you peeled yourself away from him, grabbing his hand and leading him to the door. You shot Jaehyun and Jihyo separate texts to let them know you were leaving with Chan. Jihyo was the first to reply, requesting that you share your location with her. Your fingers fumbled but you eventually sent your location to her. You didn’t read Jaehyun’s reply, too occupied with peppering kisses along Chan’s neck as he ordered an Uber for the two of you.
You stumbled up the stairs of his walk-up, eventually coming to his front door. He unlocked it as quickly as he could and as soon as it closed behind the two of you, he pressed you against it and kissed you again.
As you two made your way languidly down the hall to his bedroom, Seokmin’s face flashed bright in your mind and you started wondering what it would be like kissing him, grating your hips against his, pressing pecks along his elegant neck.
You fell back against Chan’s bed and he hovered of you, hands hot on the bare skin of your waist. You slipped your hands underneath his shirt, feeling the rows of lean muscle. He kissed along your shoulder, pressing a particularly reverent kiss to your tattoo, before continuing a path along your collarbone. He began trailing closer to the chest when you pushed your hand against his shoulder, gently urging him away from you. Chan immediately backed away and asked, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said. You took a deep breath. Seokmin’s smiling face appeared in your mind again and there was a knot in your stomach. You said softly, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can sleep with you.”
Chan said, “No need to apologize for anything.”
You smiled weakly at him. “You’re much nicer than most of the guys I’ve turned down for sex.”
“Well, being nice about that is, like, the bare minimum of being a decent person.” Chan glanced at the clock at his bedside and said, “I’m not totally comfortable letting you go off into the night on your own so you can sleep here and I can sleep on the couch.”
“I’m not kicking you out of your bed, Chan,” you said.
“I’m seriously okay with sleeping on the couch.”
“Chan, it’s your bed. If anything, I can sleep on the couch.”
You said, “We can share your bed.”
Chan raised an eyebrow. “Are you comfortable with that?”
“You just had your tongue in my mouth and we almost had sex,” you said. “I think I can handle sharing a bed.”
Chan barked out a laugh and said, “Got it. Let me get something more comfortable for you.”
Chan climbed out of his bed, staggering a little drunkenly. He righted himself quickly and reached into his drawers, pulling out a t-shirt and basketball shorts for you. He turned around when you changed and clambered into bed next to you when you laid down.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked.
You hummed in assent and he said, “Do you have any more tattoos? Other than the moon and ocean on your shoulder?”
You nodded, sitting up and reaching over to turn his dim bedside lamp on. “Yeah.” You showed Chan your underarm, where your birthday was written out in Roman numerals. You also lifted your (his) t-shirt and pulled the band of the shorts down slightly to show him your hip, where you had a sprig of lavender.
Chan said, “I’ve always thought about getting one but I keep chickening out.”
“You could drop by my shop some time and we could have a consultation.”
Chan’s eyes widened. “You’re a tattoo artist?”
“Yeah, I even did some of Jungkook’s.”
“That’s wickedly cool.”
You grinned at him. “Thanks.” Your eyelids drooped, either from the alcohol or your own tiredness but it was enough for Chan to reach over you and turn the light off.
“We can talk in the morning if you’re still here,” Chan said. “Let’s go to sleep now, though.”
“Okay. Good night, Chan.”
“Night, Y/n.”
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Your head was throbbing and your mouth was as dry as the desert when you woke up. You heard Chan groan behind you and you guessed he was feeling just as shitty as you were. “I’m never drinking again,” Chan grumbled.
“Never say never,” you replied. “But I’m inclined to agree.”
Chan huffed a laugh and said, “Do you have to get to work this morning?”
“No, the shop’s closed on Sundays.”
He said, “Do you want to go to this new cafe? My friends told me they have good hangover baked goods.”
“Sounds perfect.”
You both struggled to get out of bed and Chan let you use his shower first. He also let you keep his t-shirt and shorts, which you wore over your party set, since wearing it by itself at eleven in the morning was not the vibe. You, unfortunately, did have to wear the party heels you stuffed your feet into because there was simply no way you’d fit into Chan’s shoes.
You insisted on paying for the cab to wherever Chan was taking you, finally getting Chan to agree to let you do so as long as he paid for the food and drinks. When you stepped out of the car, you felt fucking stupid that you didn’t realize where he was taking you.
Fallin’ Flower.
You pursed your lips as he held the door open for you. You didn’t go over to Seokmin’s flower shop as much as he came over to Neo Tattoos and Piercings so you weren’t sure what his staff’s reaction would be to you, their persona non grata, strolling in.
Immediately, your mood soured when you spotted Yuna. Logically, you knew you shouldn’t feel this negatively towards her. If she and Seokmin had a thing, if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, that was none of your business, but you couldn’t help the way your heart sank at the thought.
You wondered if you were doing a bad job of hiding that you didn’t like her because, when you walked in, she looked almost appalled and angry. Mingyu was at the counter and you mentally cursed as Chan and you walked up to it. Mingyu looked up with a broad smile but it swiftly slipped off when he spotted you and Chan. “What are you doing here?” he asked brusquely.
Chan frowned, taken aback. “Excuse me?”
Mingyu’s eyes narrowed at you and he spoke past Chan to you, “You have some fucking nerve.”
You almost rolled your eyes. This fucking feud really was the most obnoxious thing you’ve ever experienced. But you had to set an example for the rest of your staff and friends at the shop and, honestly, your hangover didn’t put you in any mood for this bullshit so you tried your best to ignore Mingyu’s attitude. Chan, however, did not. “Don’t talk to her that way.”
Mingyu’s head snapped towards him. “Are you her boyfriend or something?”
“Mingyu! Do you have—” One of the other workers, Jihoon, came out of the florist part of Fallin’ Flower, freezing when he saw you. His expression immediately became colder and he said, “You’re here.”
Chan scowled. “Is this really how you treat customers? Because if it is—”
“Chan,” you said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll explain later but don’t get worked up over this. I’m fine.”
He looked at you incredulously. “Are you serious?”
“Just stay out of this,” you muttered to him. You turned back to Mingyu and squared your shoulders. Despite Mingyu’s larger frame, you’ve seen how he acted like a golden retriever with Seokmin, so whatever intimidation he was trying to carry out failed miserably. “I’ll take a—”
“You’re still going to order here?”
“I have a right to be here as a paying customer,” you replied tersely. “If you walked into the shop and asked for a piercing or tattoo, we wouldn’t turn you away.”
Mingyu sneered at you and from next to him, Jihoon opened his mouth to say something but they were cut off by two sharp calls of their names. Seokmin rushed out of the flower shop and into the cafe, and you were a little startled by how he looked. His eyes were a little bloodshot and puffy and his shoulders were slumped. Still, he said sternly, “This is not how we treat people here.”
“But—” Mingyu began to protest but Seokmin gave him a warning glare. Seokmin mad was much scarier than you ever envisioned. You couldn’t even fathom what he would look like mad before now.
“Go to the back and cool off. Both of you.” Jihoon and Mingyu left and Seokmin took over the register. “I’m sorry about that, Y/n. What can I get you today?” He gave you a polite smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.
You frowned but gave him your order with Chan giving his own after. Seokmin rang you up and, though you tried to pull out your card first, Chan beat you by tapping his own on the chip reader. “Nice try,” he said, nudging your shoulder. Out of the corner of your eye, it almost looked like Seokmin was queasy. Maybe he was just as hungover as you were.
You shuffled to the pick up area and watched as Joshua and Minghao made your drinks and handed you your food. Minghao’s glare sent an unpleasant shiver down your spine but he didn’t say anything to you.
You didn’t want to stay in Fallin’ Flower any longer than you needed to, so once you got your orders, you suggested that you sit in the small park a few blocks over. As you left, you swore you heard Yuna mutter, “Heartless,” as you passed her but you couldn’t be sure.
You were almost down the street when one of the flower shop workers, Hansol, came running after you. He held out a small bundle of flowers and said breathlessly, “On the house.” He sprinted back into the shop and slammed the door.
You and Chan exchanged equally perplexed looks as you stared at the flowers. You two still continued on your way to the park. You were lucky it was a cloudy day because the sun would have been way too bright for the state you were in. The fresh air helped soothe your raging headache a little and as you settled onto a bench, Chan said, “You said you’d explain what the hell was up with the way they treated you back there.”
You sighed heavily and told Chan all about the rivalry between your stores across the street from one another. He made a face. “That just seems stupid.”
“It is. Seokmin — he was the one who took our orders — and I have tried to get them to cool off but it seems like they just keep inciting one another.”
Chan frowned and said, “They seemed pretty sharp with you even though you’re not the one carrying out this feud business.”
“They’re just hostile to anyone at Neo.”
“I have half a mind to write a bad review about customer service.”
“If you did that, you’d have to write one about my shop too since that’s how my guys act when Fallin’ Flower guys come around.”
Chan gave you a small smile as he sipped his coffee. “Then I won’t.” He looked at the flowers next to you on the bench and said, “Is this part of the feud too?”
“I’m not sure; this is new.”
Chan eyed the flowers and said, “I think those are yellow carnations.”
“You’re a flower expert?”
He blushed a little. “No but my mother’s an avid gardener.”
“Why would they give these to me for free when they obviously don’t like me?” you wondered aloud.
“Maybe they mean something,” Chan suggested. “Flowers all symbolize something.”
You nodded slowly and said, “Maybe. I’ll look this up later, I don’t think I can stomach looking at a screen right now.”
“Same here.”
You and Chan finished your coffee and food and parted ways after exchanging numbers, promising to hang out another time without a) tipsily making out or b) being hungover.
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“I still feel like walking death,” you said to Jaehyun as you started to prepare for the work day. Monday came around much sooner than you wanted, especially given that you were still recovering from Jungkook’s party. “How are you so chirpy?”
Jaehyun shrugged with a smirk. “Better alcohol tolerance?”
“Screw you and your genetics.” You massaged your temples and asked Jungwoo, “What’s on schedule for today?”
You zoned out while Jungwoo read what appointments were made for the day. Blessedly, you only had one appointment on tap and it was much later in the evening, which meant you had a fairly relaxing day even if there were walk-ins.
As everyone dispersed to their stations, you remembered something. The yellow carnations. You were about to whip out your phone when you recalled that Johnny was pretty well-versed in flower symbolism given that he specialized in realistic tattoos, specifically flowers and plants. He was the one who tattooed the lavender sprig on your hip, after all.
“Do you know what yellow carnations symbolize?”
He thought for a second and said, “I can’t remember; I know there was a client who almost got them tattooed but their friend stopped them before she could for some reason. Why?”
You contemplated telling him about the flowers from Hansol but decided against it. It seemed like the flowers couldn’t have any positive connotation to them, which you had already figured, and you didn’t want to fan the flame anymore so you responded, “I’m coming for your brand, Suh.”
He glared playfully at you. “I’ll kill you before you can even try.”
You chuckled and shoved him lightly, earning a laugh from him as well before you both went back to getting ready. You pulled out your phone this time and plugged the flowers into the search bar.
Your stomach dropped when you read the first result.
Yellow carnations: rejection, disdain, and disappointment with someone.
Well, that was certainly a very clear message. And you weren’t super surprised. That doesn’t mean that it didn’t stump you. You understood the disdain part — it was very clear how much Fallin’ Flower employees didn’t like you or the rest of the Neo Tattoos and Piercings crew, but what was up with rejection and disappointment in someone. As far as you knew, you didn’t reject anyone they would care about recently.
What a bunch of weird guys. Still, the flowers were pretty so you put them in a vase with some water and set them up in the window.
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Not that you were keeping track or anything, but you’ve spotted Yuna going into Fallin’ Flower a lot more in the past few days. You tried to push down the ache in your chest when you’d see her enter the shop.
You were fortunate that things had been hectic recently. It seemed like there were a lot of birthdays going on, thus a lot of people coming in for celebratory tattoos and piercings. You didn’t have a lot of time to think about Seokmin and the way he looked when you last saw him nor about the rest of the Fallin’ Flower workers and Yuna in those moments, but it was safe to say that in your free time, you were pretty in your head about all that stuff.
You knew the guys saw your change in demeanor and you appreciated the way they tried to cheer you up. Yuta and Mark began calling each other increasingly ridiculous pet names; your favorite one was Yuta’s ‘my sugar plum spice cake.’ Johnny and Taeyong dragged you into random dance parties in your down time. Doyoung and Jaehyun bought you your favorite treats. Jungwoo and Taeil belted the lyrics to your favorite songs. It made you smile and it warmed your heart just how much your friends wanted to make you happy, but you knew your sadness wouldn’t just go away.
Chan dropped by your store one day with a bouquet of chrysanthemums, telling you that he had looked up what the yellow carnation meant and that he hoped these would be a kinder replacement for them since they represented joy and optimism. You ignored the curious looks from Taeil, Doyoung, and Jungwoo as you placed the chrysanthemums in a vase on their desk.
For some reason, you didn’t want to take the carnation down. It almost felt like giving into the defeat by getting rid of them. You wanted the guys at Fallin’ Flower to look at the bouquet and know that they didn’t scare you one bit.
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It was the end of the day and you just finished tattooing your last client, Chaeyoung, resting up in the break room with Yuta and Jaehyun, when the bell in your shop sounded very loudly, which meant the door was opened with a lot of force. You heard shouting from Taeil, Jungwoo, and Doyoung, catching only a bit of what they were saying. “You’re not allowed back there!” cried Jungwoo.
“Hey!” Doyoung huffed.
Seokmin burst into the room, looking a little panicked. Yuta and Jaehyun immediately stood up and you followed them quickly, placing your hands on both of their chests before they could do anything further. You leveled Seokmin with a firm look and said, “Only employees are allowed back here, Seokmin.”
“I know, I know, I just need to ask you about something.”
“Okay, let’s do it outside then.”
You brushed past Jaehyun and Yuta and followed Seokmin outside, pulling him around the corner so that you were away from prying eyes. “What is it?” you asked.
“The yellow carnations in your window display. Who gave them to you?”
“Hansol from your shop.”
Seokmin’s frown deepened and he sighed, “I was afraid of that.”
“I know what they mean, Seokmin.”
“You do?”
You nodded, staring down at your shoes. He said, “I swear I didn’t ask them to do that.”
“I know,” you mumbled quietly. “I know you wouldn’t do that.”
A tense silence fell over the two of you. You weren’t sure what else to say to him and then Seokmin, almost inaudibly, said, “Those chrysanthemums are nice.”
“Pardon me?”
A little louder. “The chrysanthemums are nice.”
Seokmin crossed his arms and leaned against the outer wall of your shop. “Did your boyfriend give them to you?”
“My what?”
“Your boyfriend,” Seokmin said. “The one you left Jungkook’s party with.”
You stilled. You didn’t even think that Seokmin saw you at Jungkook’s, much less that he saw you leave with Chan. You said slowly, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“You seemed awfully cozy with him.” Your eyebrows raised at Seokmin’s flippant tone and even he seemed shocked by what came out of his mouth.
Something white hot burned in your chest. Who was he to judge you about anything? “What’s it to you?”
“I didn’t mean to—”
“Save it.” You scowled. “And tell your boys at the shop that they need to do a lot more to scare me off.”
You turned on your heel but Seokmin grabbed your elbow, spinning you around to face him again. “Wait!” he said. “I came here to apologize on behalf of Fallin’ Flower about the yellow carnations.”
“Okay. Is that all?”
“Hey!” Johnny rounded the corner. “What the hell are you doing?” Before you could react, Johnny’s pulling Seokmin away from you and shoving him back.
Seokmin stumbled back a little and put his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t—”
Johnny pulled himself up to his full height as you saw Mingyu storming across the street.
Oh, great, just what you needed today.
Yuta, Jaehyun, and Donghyuck came around the corner, which seemed to prompt Jeonghan, Soonyoung, and Chan (also known as Dino and not be confused with the Chan you met at Jungkook’s party) to cross the street and join whatever argument Johnny and Mingyu were in.
There were so many voices and so much noise and so much chaos and all you wanted was some fucking peace and quiet to gather your thoughts and calm yourself down. You wanted to run but you knew you were responsible for your staff. Plus, the last thing any of you needed was police being called in for disturbance.
As the voices got louder and louder, you took a deep breath and yelled, “Everyone, shut up!”
All involved parties seemed shocked by your shout. They all turned to you and you dragged a hand over your face, feeling the pent up anger and frustration, not just for the past few days, but from when this ridiculous feud began, start to bubble to the surface. “For once,” you said quietly and steadily, “for once, I just want a day where nobody antagonizes someone else across the street. Clearly, that’s too much to ask from any of you grown men to do. I can’t believe that this fight has been going on for this fucking long over some minor fucking thing that just snowballed into this mess. I’m so sick of listening to everyone bitch and moan about the shop across the street and of being antagonized just for going over to the other side. I’m sure Seokmin is sick of it too.”
You turned towards your employees and said, “We’re closing early today. I’m going to take a long walk and I want you all to stay in the break room and reflect long and hard today. Do I make myself clear?”
Donghyuck weakly protested, “But what about the Fallin’—”
“Seokmin can do whatever he wants with them, I don’t really care.” You tried your best to not think about the way Seokmin flinched at your words. “But as long as you work at Neo Tattoos and Piercings, you’ll do as I say. I’ll ask again: do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You didn’t look at any of them as you brushed past and started off down the street on your long, long walk.
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You walked down to the pier on the other side of the city. You used to come here a lot when you first started Neo Tattoos and Piercings, but you haven’t had a chance to do it in a while. You leaned against one of the guardrails, staring out at the bay. The breeze felt nice on your skin and you breathed in the salty air of the brackish water.
You felt someone stop a few feet away from you and you didn’t even need to look to know it was Seokmin. You side-eyed him and he said, “I swear I didn’t follow you.”
“I know.”
“I’m having my staff members reflect on their actions as well.”
“I’m glad for you.”
“I wasn’t judging you about leaving with someone from Jungkook’s party.”
You rubbed a hand across your face. “I— I know you weren’t. I’m sorry, I think I was just— these past few days have been emotionally draining for me so I guess I lashed out and I apologize for that.”
Seokmin shuffled a little closer to you. You didn’t move away. He said, “I’m sorry as well. About the yellow carnations Hansol gave you. I gave him an earful about it; he’s a good kid, but he was egged on by some of the older guys.”
You snorted. “He looked scared shitless when he handed them to me.”
Seokmin laughed a little. “I can only imagine.”
Seokmin asked, “Do you know what the other flowers meant?”
“What other flowers?”
“The other ones I’ve given you?”
You wracked your brain. “The, uh…”
“The gardenia and the yellow lilies.”
“Right. No, I don’t know what they mean.”
Seokmin replied, “Yellow lilies symbolize thankfulness.” Thank you flowers for tattooing Yuna.
“What does the gardenia mean, then?”
Seokmin was looking anywhere but you. He muttered something but you couldn’t hear it over the churning of the bay water. “Sorry, what did you say?”
Seokmin glanced at you. “Secret love,” he said finally. “It means secret love.”
Secret love.
Your heart stopped.
There was no way Seokmin was confessing feelings for you. You whirled on him, furious. “Are you fucking for real right now?”
Seokmin’s eyes grew giant. “What?”
“You’re seriously confessing a secret love for me while you have a girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend!”
“Yuna!” you practically shouted. “You’re dating Yuna!”
Seokmin blinked at you three times before saying, “I’m not dating Yuna.”
It was your turn to blink at him. “What?”
Seokmin said, “Yuna’s a good friend of mine but she would never date me.”
“How’s that possible? You’re handsome and kind and generous and—” You stopped yourself, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Seokmin grinned at you, relaxing as he shuffled close enough that your shoulders brushed against one another. “She has a girlfriend, Y/n. She’d sooner date you than me.”
You didn’t expect that. “Oh.” You fiddled with the rings around your fingers. “Then why was she giving me such nasty looks the last time I was in Fallin’ Flower?”
“That… that’s my fault.”
Your eyes narrowed and you shifted away from him. Seokmin quickly added, “I didn’t ask her to do it! I… I just…” He sighed, “When we were at Jungkook’s party, I was supposed to confess to you there and ask you on a date and while I was talking through the plan with Yuna, we saw you and that guy... you know…”
You were pretty sure you were very up-close-and-personal with Chan by then. “Yeah…”
Seokmin flushed a little as he continued, “I… I was so hurt by that that I just started crying and Yuna, Mingyu, Minghao, and I actually left pretty soon after that because I was so upset.”
Your heart cracked. “I’m sorry, Seokmin.”
His face was pink as he waved you off. “You didn’t know. I was just being a baby about it.”
“No, I get it. I was… the past few days have been so hard because I thought you and Yuna were dating.”
Seokmin’s head whipped toward you so fast you were scared he got whiplash. “Really?”
“Does that mean that you like me too.”
You felt a shy smile creep across your face. “Yes, Seokmin, that means I like you too.” You chanced a look at him.
His grin was as bright as the sun and before you knew it, he was wrapping you in his arms and picking you up, spinning. You yelped and gripped his shoulders tight, whining, “Seokmin, put me down! I’m getting dizzy!”
“Sorry, sorry!” He set you down but didn’t let go of you, arms wound around your waist. “I’m just so happy.”
“Me too.” You paused. “So all those times you brought me flowers for the shop, they had some hidden love confession?”
“Well, not all of them.”
“The red tulips?”
“Yeah, those meant ‘true love.’”
“What about the peonies?”
“‘You’re the most beautiful.’”
“The sunflowers?”
“Adoration and pure love.”
Seokmin cut you off, “Can I kiss you?”
“Hell yeah.”
Seokmin pulled you closer and pecked you chastely on the lips. You scoffed playfully at him, “You call that a kiss?”
“Guess I need you to show me how it’s done—”
You dragged him into a passionate kiss and Seokmin’s hands grabbed tightly at your hips. You slid your tongue into his mouth and you swore you heard him whimper when you tugged on his hair. You filed that away for later usage.
You parted with him, delighting in his half-lidded, glazed eyes and his still slightly-parted mouth. “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together,” you purred, planting a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah,” he said absent-mindedly. He brought your knuckles to his lips, pressing reverent kisses on each one.
“Can’t wait to break the news to everyone.”
Seokmin groaned, “Don’t remind me. I don’t want to think about them right now.” He buried his face in your neck.
“Don’t worry. Right now, it’s just us.”
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You and Seokmin thought it would be better to actually deal with the rivalry between your shops before revealing that you were dating to them. You stopped about a block away from your respective stores — you pulled him in some alley for another quick make-out session — and you went ahead of him to Neo Tattoos and Piercings.
When you opened the break room door, Donghyuck instantly threw himself at you, wrapping his arms around your legs. “We’re sorry!” he wailed.
“Donghyuck, get off her,” Doyoung scolded.
“We really are sorry though, Y/n,” Mark said, trying to pry Donghyuck off of you.
“We thought we were protecting you and each other,” Johnny said with a sigh. “But we know that it wasn’t the right way to go about it.” He helped Mark peel Donghyuck from you.
“Please accept our humble apology cake,” Taeyong said, motioning to the break room table, where a cute, circular, pastel blue and white cake sat with green lettering: We’re sorry for being immature assholes.
You approached the cake, glancing down at it. “How did you guys even get this done on such short notice?”
“We called Sicheng and his friend, Kun, is a baker and he had this cake available and we just asked him to write that,” explained Yuta.
“Do you like it?” Jungwoo asked.
“What flavor is it?”
“Chocolate with vanilla frosting layers,” Taeil said.
You turned to your staff and said, “You know I hate chocolate with vanilla layers, right?”
Donghyuck cried out, “We’re sorry, Y/n!”
Doyoung grumbled, “I knew we should have gotten a different flavor. Taeyong, this is all your fault.”
“My fault? Jaehyun ordered the cake!”
“Wow, way to just throw me under the bus there.”
“Guys, guys!” You said before they could erupt into further hysteria. “I’m kidding, I actually love chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.”
“You’re evil, you know that?” Johnny said.
“Call it payback,” you said with a small shrug. “Now, let’s dig in.”
As you ate the cake on paper plates and with plastic forks and knives, you said to them, “You know you still have to apologize to the Fallin’ Flower staff, right?”
You felt the wave of dissatisfaction but Taeyong replied before anyone could say anything stupid. “We understand and we will. We also hope that they’ll apologize to us.”
You nodded. “I’m sure Seokmin is seeing to that.”
“Speaking of him,” Yuta said, swallowing his piece of cake, “are you going to tell him how you feel?”
You choked on your cake. “You knew?”
Taeil hummed, “It was kind of obvious,” just as Mark yelped, “What?”
“Did you seriously not know?” Jaehyun asked.
“Mark, I swear you’re so dense,” Johnny said.
“I am not!”
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Your staffs did, begrudgingly, go over to each respective shop and apologize to the other staff. Both you and Seokmin knew the ice wouldn’t thaw overnight so, as a way of trying to quicken the process, you both begged Jungkook to let you use his penthouse to throw a party for your staff under the guise of it being the anniversary of both of your shops. Jungkook, being the good friend that he was, let you on the condition that nothing gets broken.
The party started out a little tense at first, given the long history between your shops and that neither you nor Seokmin told your staffs that the other would be there.
The ice thawed a lot quicker than you expected though. Joshua and Johnny bonded over growing up in America; Hansol, Wonwoo, and Mark traded rap lyrics and favorite musicians; Donghyuck took shots with Soonyoung, Doyoung, Dino, and Taeil; it turned out that Jaehyun and Seungcheol went to the same gym; Jihoon and Taeyong both had a passion for music production; Jeonghan and Yuta had a kindred fondness for pulling pranks on their friends; Jungwoo and Seungkwan became fast friends; and it turned out that you all shared a mutual friend with Jun and Minghao in Sicheng.
As you all sat around at Jungkook’s enormous table, exchanging stories and eating the food you ordered in, Seokmin held your hand under the table. You still hadn’t told your staffs that you were dating yet, even after your conversation with the guys. You wanted to wait until the dust finally settled, which it seemed it had, but before you could say anything, Soonyoung poked Seokmin’s neck. “Dude, is that a hickey?”
Seokmin dropped his fork and his hand flew up to his neck to cover the spot Soonyoung touched. He let go of your hand and grabbed his phone, flipping the camera and tilting his head. Sure enough, there was a small bruise just under his jaw.
Yuta pointed accusingly at you. “That was you, wasn’t it, Y/n?”
“Yeah, that was me.” You leaned your head on Seokmin’s shoulder. “Can you blame me though? I’m just so happy to have my boyfriend with me.”
And like that, the room descended into chaos with people cheering and shouting and whining, “Why didn’t you tell us!”
Seokmin put his phone down and rested his head on top of yours, muttering just loud enough for you to hear, “Who would have thought that we’d ever get here?”
“If you told me we’d all be eating together and that we’d be dating, I would have told you to pinch me.”
“By the way,” Seokmin said, his voice cutting through the din and quelling it, “I have something for you.” He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out one long-stemmed red rose. “For you.” He handed it to you.
Well, you didn’t need the internet to know what a rose meant.
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