#and a safe journey home
pingo1387 · 2 years
i can’t really articulate why atm but it sometimes bothers me that every positive and/or mentoring relationship btwn two fictional characters, unrelated by blood, where there is at least a few years age gap, is labeled by this site as a parent-child relationship
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steelycunt · 2 years
r/s do fuck all for valentines btw. actually no remus buys sirius the fancy biscuits at the supermarket instead of store-brand and they get out of bed at one p.m. to make pasta. if they happen to walk past the valentines aisle they'll buy each other cards and then sit across from each other on the sofa while they write in them. when they're little baby guys at school sirius might throw a paper aeroplane at the back of remus' head during class but he'll also throw one at james and peter as a cover-up. whatever
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christiandomme · 2 years
Internalized gaslighting
I have a young adult that lives in my household. We’ll call her C. She is getting ready to leave for graduate school. She lives with my spouse and I because her family of origin is not a sustainable environment for her to live in. 
When she shares stories of what it was like to have emotionally immature parents with mental struggles that they refused to seek help for, I can clearly see the connection between her current struggles with thriving and the environment that they created. 
But her parents never beat her and they provided food and shelter and they didn’t even scream at her. And we live in a society that has a very narrow definition of what constitutes child maltreatment. 
She frequently struggles with self-recrimination and doubt of whether it was “really all in her head” or if she is “just sensitive” and is she really is allowed to feel so terrible because what if what they did “wasn’t that bad?”
And we had a minor break through conversation recently that I want to share with you. 
For background, I come from a functional family with two involved parents that acknowledged my needs and frequently expressed their care for me in both my love languages and their own and they advocated for me in a world that didn’t fit me easily. 
No parents are perfect but they did pretty well with their challenging (aka undiagnosed neurodivergent) kid. 
Here is what I asked C: If you had a time machine and ended up as an adult in your own childhood- would you rescue younger you? Did baby you or teen you need a rescuer? Would you just smack your parents upside the head with a parenting book or would you kidnap yourself and raise them away from your family? 
Put aside the needs of your siblings or if time traveling you could get a job - how tempted are you to remove yourself from your environment?
Cause here’s the thing: I would be zero percent tempted to remove myself. I’d give my parents notes from their own future selves about things they want to do better and I would help them be more trauma informed to be better foster parents for my younger sister then I would hop back in my time machine and go have adventures.
That is real. There are families that kids don’t need to be saved from. 
Some of you reading this are cycle breakers and you are providing that kind of home for your kids.
But if you would look at little you and know that they deserved better and would want to rescue yourself, you are not wrong or weak to be hurt or to still be struggling with those emotional wounds years later. 
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tenspontaneite · 3 years
Is there really any better feeling than the sheer relief of the end of a big social engagement when you can slam the door on the rest of the world and shed your hideously uncomfortable clothes and attack your face with hygiene to get the beautification gunk off and stand in the shower feeling the beneficent will of the universe in the warm water that washes the hairspray sins away
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angelguk · 3 years
jockjk angst prompt..... jk and oc are out somewhere and run into one of his old flings and oc feels some type of way because jk and old fling seem to have a good relationship still.... hehe jealous oc and jk trying to make her understand that HES ALL ABOUT HER NOW 🤬🤬... maybe this happened like early in their relationship so it starts a petty fight
oh this is almost what i just pretty much wrote but from jks perspective. in fact honestly i think this would be one of the main things they both feel :/ about but nobody says anything for a long tie until one drunken night where they argue in the middle of the road and oc goes home crying
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
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ah. yeah no that's big sad about rangers time
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thoughts-of-alaina · 3 years
Marvel Pride Day 15.
[I've been a bit busy for the past few day and unable to get to this so there's a bit]
10: Were any of the Marvel characters your sexual awakening? Who?
Since I'm an asexual I never had a sexual awakening more so a lack thereof.
11: What is a queer headcanon you don't actually headcanon but would be funny?
Howard Stark as Bi merely for a crack ship idea I had a few days ago. Which I posted here.
12: Do you have any fun ways of celebrating pride that relate to Marvel? What are they?
Sadly not, I live in a rather homophobic home so it's best to keep under the radar.
13: What storylines/arcs do you relate to because of your queerness?
In recent years Loki story arc in Thor 1. I've always related to this story arc since I first saw it when I was a little girl. It took on a whole new meaning since I rewatch the movie a year or two ago.
It begins with when Loki is first touched by a Jotun.
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When I finally recognize I was queer I was in pure shock, disbelief, and denial. I whisper a panic, "no" to myself.
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Loki: Am I cursed?
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I asked myself these same questions. Am I cursed? Am I an abomination?
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Than I asked these questions to God.
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Follow by my religous beliefs shattering.
Covid happened around this time and I was able to leave my church.
My religous belief is still a mess. I don't know what I believe in anymore. You could say I'm having own identity crisis ;)
14: Do you ever feel like you project your sexuality on a character and question if you actually headcanon it or are just desperate for representation? If so, who?
I almost always never try to project myself onto a character in question. Still there's always an exceptions to a rule. I may have projected myself onto Wanda and Vision a bit with my asexuality.
15: Has there ever been a character(s) that you adored for a long time, and then you realized you were queer, and you realized that was why you liked that character so much? If so, which character(s)?
She is so easy to interpret as an aroace. That it's more difficult to prove that she isn't.
Her arc is about overcoming the trauma she suffers/ed from by her adopted abusive "father" Thanos and becoming her own person. Who loves her sister and doesn't need anybody else. Who needs romance and sex when you have your sister?
I also relate to having a rocky relationship with my sibling because of my [abusive?] father. Yes our fall out was caused by an actual fight than insulting each other as well. We held grudges. Tried to get the other in trouble. It was a mess.
We eventually talked about it. We gotten over the past, and we love each other. I would to kill my past self for my past brother. Yeah I see my brother and I a lot in Gamora and Nebula.
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arthurflecc · 4 years
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♡ artily moodboard ♡
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” 
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peacesmovingcabaret · 4 years
I’m bored send me some anons! Pretty please!!!!!
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pyrrhicmessiah · 4 years
@lunelios​​ said :    ⛸️  from ben    //    winter & holiday starters.
well,    that dinner had been an...   experience.   his family is an interesting mix of personalities;   although interesting is putting it nicely.   observing their dynamic is sort of like being unable to tear one’s eyes from a car wreck on the side of the road.   the tension between his divorced parents would have been enough to make anyone uncomfortable,   but his hippie uncle was actually more grating on her nerves.   thankfully,   as a third party,   she was only minimally involved in most of the conversations.   most of the time she’d just tried to provide ben with some emotional support,   even if she was just his fake girlfriend.   apparently they’d been pestering him about bringing someone home for a while now,   and after meeting them all,   she couldn’t blame him for finally caving and just doing something to alleviate the pressure.   but when the tension had reached a boiling point during supper and his uncle had suggested they try some deep breathing exercises,   she’d had to temper her urge to throw something at him.   instead,   she’d simply informed everyone they were foregoing dessert because they had reservations at the local ice rink.   there was some protest,   but she didn’t really care if they thought she was rude or not,   ben clearly needed a break.   and if his uncle really did try to make her do some deep breathing exercises,   she could not be held responsible for her outburst.
so here they are at the ice rink,   which thankfully did have an open group skate.   ben had offered to just drive her home,   but she’d insisted that they actually go out to the rink.   we should at least get some pictures to show we were actually ice skating,   she’d said.   she really just didn’t want to leave him to stew in his own thoughts after that tense episode,   what kind of fake girlfriend would she be if she didn’t at least try to lift his spirits a bit?   “   fair warning,   i might have to hold your hand out there because i’ve only ever done this once and it didn’t end well then,   so i doubt i’ve improved much.   ”   maybe her falling on her ass could at least prompt a smile from him.   she finishes lacing up her rented skates and slowly pushes herself into a standing position,   wobbling slightly as she balances on the sharp edge of the blades.   her approach to the actual ice is laughably slow as she tries not to snap one of her ankles,   and she hesitates at the entrance,   waiting for him to go out first before she makes a total fool of herself and wipes out in the first two seconds.
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Are ya ready for pride month baby?! Also here in Mexico were making cute little flags :3
I am. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I support the LGBTQAI+ community.
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Urf is a place where you’re meant to be free. You’re free to be the person that you are destined to be in Green Hills. This is a safe home. People hear do not care if you’re black or white, gay or straight, trans or cis, you are you.
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You get to be you here. That is something that is never taken away here. Express your true colors. You’ve earned them. It’s okay to be your true self here.
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thefuturelawyer · 4 years
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29th March 2020
Day 1
Hello everyone! I know I haven't been posting for a while but this year has been crazy, even before Covid-19. I participated in 4 different moot court competitions and had to deal with 10 different lectures. But as you can guess and as most of you are I am under quarentine right now. This means I am no longer in Istanbul but at my hometown, in my parents' house. Unfortunately most of my things, including my passport, are in my dorm in Istanbul which gives me anxiety because travel between cities is banned right now. And god only know when will I be able to go and get them.
But, during this time at home I decided to do a productivity challange. I am not going to put a time limit on it but I will try to be productive every single day. There is a possibility my internships will be cancelled this summer therefore I have to strengthen my CV as much as I can from home. This means a lot of online classes, MOOCs and anything I can do.
If you guys are in the same situation or just bored or anxious just let me know. We gan get through this horrible times together.
And remember stay at home, stay healthy and try not to let negative thoughts and anxiety win!
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wyverwithy · 5 years
Journey is one of those games where the moment I hear the soundtrack I immediately want to burst into tears
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mysterychasing · 5 years
today  consisted  of  me  surprisingly  holding  myself  back  from  telling  this  middle  aged  white  lady  off  bc  she  approached  the  día  de  los  muertos  section @ michaels  calling  them  decorations  and  she’ll  use  them  for  christmas ...  and  like  i  practice  this  holiday  for  my  grandmother  its  just  so  ignorant  and  sad  for  others  to  not  acknowledge  the  culture  behind  it ??? 
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