#and a little storybuilding for reader
plush-rabbit · 11 months
Next Time
Part 4 to A Bad Date and A Late Night Drive
Word Count: 7.5K
A/N: It's a night out for them!!
Despite Johnathan claiming that it was no trouble to him to pick you up from your apartment, you declined the offer. You needed a moment- several if you were being honest- to compose yourself before your date. 
If it can even be called that.
You aren’t entirely sure if that’s what it is. You want it to be, but you also don’t want to get ahead of yourself and expect something.
For now, you get yourself ready, donning the best of your attire and making sure your shoes have no scuff marks on them. You grab at a bag, making sure your keys, wallet, and anything else you consider important is thrown inside. While he mentioned that he would pay, you still need to pay a ride fee and you weren’t going to feel entirely comfortable without at least offering to pay half.
Spritzing yourself in perfume and letting it float in the air, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You smooth out any wrinkles and clear your throat. There’s a nervous bubbling in your stomach, and acid creeps in your throat, and you worry about whether he’ll think you’ll look nice.
You hope he tells you that you look nice. 
Your phone buzzes against your desk, a loud noise that makes your bones rattle and nerves worsen. You reach for it, half-hoping that the date was canceled, and the other half, hoping that he’s near the restaurant. 
It’s the latter.
Your grin stretches, and you tap your heels against the floor, energy burning in you. The phone buzzes again and you check it eagerly, your spirit dampened slightly when it’s the ride share application letting you know that your driver is already here. Gasping, you look into your purse, doing one quick lookover. Your hands slam against the wall, turning off the light switches as you rush out of your home, racing down and wrinkling your outfit all over again.
The window of a car lowers and you ask the driver for their name, and with a smile, you nod to yourself, slipping into the backseat. It doesn’t take long until a conversation is formed about the status of whether this is a date or not.
“It sounds like a date,” they tell you, their jewelry shining under the passing streetlights. 
“Well he didn’t call it that,” you add, playing with the zipper on your bag. 
“He invited you out to dinner and if offering to pay,” their smile is heard through their words. “It kind of hits most of the bases for a date.” Their eyes flicker against the rearview mirror, and you smile nervously. “Is this your first time out with him?”
You open your bag and pull out your wallet. “I went on a tour at his work once- he uh, works in a lab-” you hurriedly explain, not wanting to be labeled as a stalker by a stranger- “and afterwards he gave me a lift to a coffee shop and we went for dinner after.” The driver hums and makes a turn. “And before he asked me on-” you meet their gaze in the mirror and you clear your throat- “you know, I had a bad date and he picked me up and took me to a drive-in.” Your finger traces along the spine of the wallet. 
“So it’s your third date with him,” they say with certainty. 
“No, no,” you laugh awkwardly. “I don’t think it is. I mean, I would like for it to be, but I don’t- I don’t know. What if I think it is and I treat it like it is a date, but it isn’t one for him, you know? I think I’d never speak to him again.”
“You like him.”
While why state it like a fact, you still answer. “Yes,” you sigh. “I tried not to- hence the date that I went on- but, it didn’t do anything. I think it only furthered my attraction to him. “He’s nerdy and cute. And when he talks about his work, there’s like this energy in him.”
“How tall is he?”
You don’t hold back your smile. “Tall. Like real tall.”
They nod to themselves. “And you can’t ask if it’s a date?”
You shake your head. “I know I should, but what if I am misreading everything and he just wants a friend. What if I’m supposed to be that friend and I just make it uncomfortable.”
“Do you want there to be miscommunication between the two of you?” You shake your head, and voice your answer when you remember that their attention is directed to the road. “Then ask the man.”
“I need a way to ask that isn’t so… obvious. I can’t just outright ask if it's a date or not.”
“Yes, you can.”
“I know,” you whine, “but I don’t wanna. I can’t handle rejection, you know.” You tap your wallet against your knee. 
“Okay, well you have about five minutes before we arrive, so start brainstorming.” You peek over and see the icon of the car approaching closer to the destination. 
“Right,” you breathe out. Clearing your throat, you nod to yourself. “So, Johnathan-”
They make a wrong buzzing sound that bounces in the confines of the car. “Too nervous and stiff. Relax, you know the guy.”
You roll your eyes. “Johnathan!”
“Too eager.” They throw a hand in the air. “You’re being difficult on purpose. And time is running out.” You put your wallet back into the bag.
“Hey Johnathan, I was hoping I could ask you something.” You pause and when no critics are said, you continue. “I just wanted to-” you elongate the vowel, shifting your eyes around- “I wanted to make sure that we’re on the same level. Are we, you know, on a date?” You stop and there’s no words offered. “I feel like that’s still too forward.”
“It’s the best you’re going to get.” The car slows and you see the restaurant outside, and you see Johnathan standing outside in a striped blazer, and he plays with his hands, searching around the establishment. “We’re here.”
You nod. “I think he likes me,” you say out loud.
“I think so too,” the driver replies.
“Payment,” you mumble. “I gotta pay you.” You pull open your app and add a generous tip. You grab at the door handle and turn to the driver. “Thanks for hearing me out,” you tell them.
“It’s part of the job,” they say nonchalantly. “Have fun on your date.”
Your mouth is dry, and you can’t stop looking at Johnathan. You nod eagerly, whispering out a breathless word of agreement, before stepping outside.
Jonathan spots you almost immediately, his hand going up in a wave and you smile, chest swelling with delight. You rush over, holding tightly onto the strap of your bag. You stand in front of him, and he smiles down at you, hands fisting as they fall to his side.
“Hi Johnathan,” you smile. 
“Hello,” he says your name so sweetly, and you can only tighten your hands around the strap of your bag. It feels like you’re some lovesick teenager again. 
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long.” You kick at the ground, and take a look towards the street. “New York and its traffic,” you joke.
“Oh no, I wasn’t waiting for very long.” He shakes his head. His eyes dance down your view, and when he meets your gaze again, he has this soft look in his eyes. “You look very nice.”
“You think so?” You ask, your heart fluttering inside of your chest. He hums in response, nodding his head. “Thanks! I’m um, I’m glad that you think so. You look nice too. I like your blazer. It suits you.” Your hand reaches forward, grabbing at the lapel and smoothing it out. Your fingers pinch over a piece of white fuzz. It snows down on the ground and is lost on the concrete, and when you look up at him, his hand clasps around your wrist. “Ah, sorry,” you mumble. “It- I thought it would’ve-”
“It’s okay,” he whispers, saving you from a poor excuse. “I didn’t mind.” His hand lets go of your wrists, and it falls back to his side, and with it, he takes a step back. “We should go in. Our reservation was for seven o’clock and it’s-” he lifts his wrist to look at his watch- “seven past five. I uh- I don’t want you to eat somewhere else when you look so nice.”
“Lead the way,” you tell him, stepping away from him. 
He holds the door open for you, and he hollows you in, walking forward where the host makes eye contact with him and then you. Their smile is practiced and wide as they greet you. You smile in return and take your place beside Johnathan. 
“I have a reservation under Ohnn. Johnathan Ohnn,” he says with a steady voice. You wonder if he practiced the line before arriving. 
You’re too distracted by the atmosphere of the restaurant to hold any attention to the conversation happening near you. The lights are warm, a soft yellow, candles are lit at the tables. You can hear snippets of conversations, but it all turns muddled, mixed into noise that you can’t bother to decipher. When he starts to walk, you take hold of his hand, and he returns the gesture, leading you along. Glass clinks together in a sound that is backed by the sound of metal against porcelain, a soft tune that is muted under the noise of people and their joy. 
The two are you are sat at a table with a view to the outside. You can see the faint press of fingertips along the glass. Utensils are placed down at the table and menus are given, and you hold it in your hand, skimming over the bolded fonts and your eyes settle on the prices of the meals and appetizers. The candle on the tables fillers, the white wax a milky puddle that stains the glass. 
You sit at your table, letting your bag strap across your chair, and pull the menu open. If you were to be honest with him, you had already taken a peek of what was served here in an effort to prepare yourself and not be caught off guard. However, you were not prepared for the cocktail section that was adorned with pictures of what the drinks would look like.
Trying to stifle a gasp, your feet tap against the floor. “Would you think less of me if I wanted to order drinks based on the glass that they come in?” You take a glance over the menu to find him smiling.
He laughs. “Of course not. I had no idea you were one for presentations.”
You shrug. “Not necessarily. But when it comes in glasses as cute as these, I can’t help but be tempted, you know? Oh! Like look-” you turn your menu over to him- “this one is shaped like a little bird! And it has little flowers as its tail! And- And, look there’s a little bathtub with a duck! Oh Johnathan-” you turn the menu back to yourself- “they’re so cute.”
“Feel free to get what you’d like.” You look back down at the menu, and worry at your lip. “Don’t worry about the price tag, I invited you after all.”
Swallowing nervously, you look at the other page of the menu. “I can always pay for my half,” you offer. “I don’t want to take advantage or anything.”
“Really, it’s fine.” He fixes at the sleeve of his blazer, but when he lets go, it falls back into place. You’re here and I was the one to invite you and I’m fine- more than fine with paying for both of our meals. And drinks,” he quickly adds.
Your tongue peeks out to wet your lips. “What are you planning on getting?”
“I was thinking of getting- Oh, I see the waiter!” He says in a startled voice. “Do you know what you want? We can still have some more time, I just-”
“I know what I want, Johnathan,” you reassure, giving a quick scan at the menu and nodding to yourself. “I think I will get the drink.”
“Good. You should. I want you to enjoy your time here.”
“With you?”
He nods. “With me.” The flame flickers, and you hope that you get to see more of him.
As he said, the waiter stops at your table. “Hi everyone! I’ll be your waiter for tonight. So what can I get you started with?” Their tone is cheery and you nod towards Johnathan’s direction, allowing him to go first. With a roll of his eyes directed towards you, he tells the waiter what he’d like to drink. “And for you?” The attention is now towards you, and you nervously tell the waiter what drink you’d like, pointing at the picture where the decorative glass has only enticed you further. “Great choice, that’s my favorite,” they tell you with a smile. Feeling validated at the words, you nod, holding the menu together. “And are you all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?” Johnathan nods at your direction and you stick your tongue out at him. 
“We’re ready,” you tell the waiter, pointing at your order as you tell them what you would like. You nod towards the other end of the small table and Johnathan adjusts his glasses before saying his own order.
“Great!” The waiter writes down the order and clicks the pen. “I’ll go put these in for you and I’ll be right back.”
Left alone with Jonathan and a flickering flame, you tap at the table. “So,” you wince at the fiddly tone, “how did you hear about this place?”
“One of my coworkers said that they brought their husband here. They mentioned how nice the food was.” You perk up at the word “husband” with nerves coursing through your body and running a chill up your spine.
Maybe it is a date, you think to yourself. 
“I thought that it would be nice to eat here and I-” he clears his throat and toys with the edge of the napkin that covers the utensils- “I thought that you might also enjoy it here.”
“Thanks for thinking of me,” you say, grabbing your own covered utensils and tracing along the bottom edge of the handle to one of the utensils. “Do you usually eat out at these fancy places?” You try to resist the urge to scratch at your neck. 
“No, not usually. I’m a much more reserved type of individual. I only really go to these types of places because of my coworkers or those company dinners.”
“I didn’t know that Alechmax had company dinners.”
“They’re not uncommon,” he explains. Pulling away at the paper that holds the cloth napkin together. “I don’t really like to go, but there’s free food.” He ends the sentence with a shrug.
“I don’t really get company dinners. Some of us go out for drinks, but I think I’d prefer a meal.”
Pulling at the end of his hair, he opens his mouth, only to get cut off by the waiter returning. They move the platter, and set the drinks down first. You pull the drink near the edge, leaving room for the plate. “There you go,” they say, their gaze focused on the food that sits on the platter. “For you, sir,” they say cautiously, placing the plate down in front of Johnathan. “And for you,” they continue, placing your plate in front of you. “Enjoy your dinner and let me know if you need anything else.”
“You know,” you start, tapping your finger against the glass of your drink, “I severely underestimated how much drink I was actually going to get.” The drink is now no more than a few tentative sips from disappearing. Alongside the glass remains a few drops of where the drink stains.
“Oh? Did you think it was going to be bottomless?” He asks, a sharp smile pulling on his features.
You scoff and take much more than a tentative sip that now only lets a small puddle pool at the belly of the bird. “I was distracted by the craftsmanship of the glass,” you snip at him, your voice light and twisted with dally. “I saw a cute design and decided that I needed to have the glass.”
With a fork of food near his mouth, he reminds you of an important fact. “You do know that you don’t get to keep the glass, right?”
Your smile falls and strains into a thin line. “I honestly hate that you told me that,” you whine to him, tapping your index against the stem. 
“I apologize for crushing your dreams,” he says without genuinity. 
“You know,” you muse, licking at your lips, the drink still heavy on your tongue, “I don’t think you actually mean that.”
He hums, and takes a sip of his still half-full drink. “And what can I do to make it up to you?”
With a hand resting over your heavy heart, you shake your head. “I’m afraid the damage has already been done,” you sigh. He tries to muffle a laugh behind the palm of his hand, but you still catch at it and gasp in mock-offense. “You’re laughing over my pain? That’s awful.” You can’t stop the smile that stretches across your own face, and you shake your head as you take another bite of your food. 
“I’ll get you another drink if you’d like. Maybe you can try a different one this time?” He offers, stabbing at his food with the fork. Your napkin dabs at the corner of your mouth, and you can still taste the faint traces of your drink on your tongue. “Would that make it up for you?”
Your head tilts, and you shake your head. “Mm, no.” When you meet his eyes, his own are wide and his shoulders are raised. “You’re gonna have to do more than that,” you tell him. As if on cue, the waiter stops at your table asking if everything is okay, and you can feel Johnathan’s eyes on you. “I’d uh, I’d like a glass of water, please.” You say, your voice lifting towards the end as you feel uncomfortable about asking for more. 
“Of course, and anything else?” The waiter turns to Johnathan and with a shake of his head, the waiter nods. “Okay, I’ll be right back with your glass of water.”
With the waiter of sight, Johnathan bites at his food. You look at the thinning drink in your sculpted glass, the flowers dried at the table. “You could have gotten another drink,” he tells you, and you look back at him, warmth in the shell of your ears. “You could have tried the other drink.”
You smile at him, and you hand pinches over a stem. “I’m okay.” You lift the flower and a petal falls to the table. “I like water anyways.” You tap your foot against the floor and smile at him with an impish grin. “Plus, I wouldn’t want you to think that that would make it up after all your snark.” 
“No, of course not,” he says kindly. 
A glass taps at your table, and you turn. “Your water,” the waiter tells you with a smile. You return it. “Anything else I can get for the two of you?”
“I’m okay,” you say out loud, pulling the glass towards you.
“I’m okay,” Johnathan parrots back.. 
With a clap of their hands, the waiter tells you to call if either of you need anything else, and walks away to another section. Left alone, you take a sip of your water, the ice spinning around the glass as you stir with the straw. You sit with him, and poke around at your food, taking small bites as he does the same. Silence has fallen between the two of you and you don’t think you’ll get another chance like this to confirm your worries.
“Johnathan?” You ask, setting the fork down. It clinks sweetly against the plate, and his own fork stops halfway as he looks at you. “Can I- I wanna ask you something.” His mouth covers over the fork, and you cross your ankles over the other. “It’s kinda important.” He nods his head, chewing slowly. “You invited me out and offered to pay, and I just- I wanted to know why.”
The napkin dabs against his mouth, and he takes a sip of his drink. You take a bite of your food. In a crumpled state, the napkin sits on the table and he grabs at the fork, pinching the metal between his fingers. “I wanted to spend more time with you,” he says quietly. The food goes down heavy.
Your stomach twists. That isn’t enough for you. Not now. You want him to say that this is a date, but you also realize that you have to ask for it. You chew on your lip, the mint chapstick faint on your tongue. “I want to make sure that we’re on the same page-” your fingers tap against the table- “so I have to ask, and I want you to be honest. Okay?” He nods rapidly. “Is this-” you point to both you and him- “a date?”
“Would you like it to be a date?”
You nod. “I do,” you say in a tense whisper. “Do you want it to be a date?”
“I was hoping it was. I’m sorry that I didn’t make it clear enough.”
Shaking your head, you cross your ankle over the other. “I didn’t want to assume.”
“I-” he turns his head, and looks out the window, and you follow his gaze- “I’ve dated before, but it gets harder to date and most people aren’t necessarily into scientists.” You look at him through the reflection, and you find that he’s already looking at you. “It’s nice having you as company, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and ruin that.” 
“What made you think I wouldn’t have been interested?”
He turns his head and looks at his nearly finished plate. The fork is pinched between his fingers. “You’re pretty. And interesting to talk to. I- The most I can offer is an informative conversation about quantum mechanics and multidimensional traveling- in theories,” he adds. “I would have assumed you were searching for something more than just me.”
“I have to admit that I didn’t think you’d be my type. You got the tall, dark, and handsome all figured out, but, I dunno know. You always struck me as the type to sneer and be less than sweet. But talking to you, like actually talking to you, is nice. You’re nice. And I like that you give me rides, and I like that you’re smart.” You stare at your drink, the ice bobbing lightly. 
“I like that you listen.” You smile, and look at him. “I like you. And I would have wanted the two other times that we met to be a date, but I also like the idea of this being our first date.”
Your nail runs over the side of your finger. “I have to remind you that I’m writing an article that goes against your company and could put you in a negative light.”
“I know.”
“I don’t want you to think that I’m here with you right now because of that.”
“You’re here because you like me?”
You nod. “I’m here because I like you,” you confirm. “But I also want you to remember that. That if we date, I’m- I might still write the article.”
He stays silent. “I can’t change your mind on that?”
“I don’t know Johnathan. I want to have strong convictions, but I also want to-” you falter. You want him to be happy with you. You don’t want him to regret taking this chance on you. “I want you to still like me even if I continue to write the article.”
“I’d still like you.”
You shake your head. “You can’t be sure of that.”
He takes your hand. “I can be.”
“Would you be disappointed in me if I still wrote it? You wouldn’t regret taking a chance on me?” You lean to him, your nails dragging against his skin. “You’d still like me as much as you’d like me right now?”
“I don’t think I would ever stop feeling the way I feel for you.”
“You can’t promise that.” You run your thumb over his knuckles. “There has to be a line drawn somewhere. I shouldn’t get such a pass from you.”
“Do you- Is there something that would stop you from liking me as much as you like me right now? If I did something bad would you still be interested in me?”
“Mm, if you were actively destroying the environment, then I think that would be a red flag,” you reason. “I kinda like Earth, despite you know-” you wave a hand in the air- “everything. So I guess if you were like polluting the ocean or something, I’d consider that a point against you.”
His smile falters and takes a look around the restaurant, eyes restless and unable to look back at you. “Any- Anything else?”
“Oh goodness, you’re polluting the ocean,” you say with a breathless laugh. You dip your head down, and he coughs awkwardly. “Okay,” you breathe out, holding his hand just a bit tighter, “it’s a red flag if you…” you falter, looking around for an answer intertwined with the flowers outside. You perk up, looking back at him. “It’s a red flag if you throw bottles out of your window when you’re driving.”
“Who on Earth would do that?”
“I’ve seen it. Multiple times.” Warmth bubbles in your chest, flaming your skin, and knots twist themselves into pretty bows. “So is that something you’re doing? Or will do?”
“Never,” he says, shaking his head. 
“Okay then.” You nod to yourself, and then to him, relief escaping in a breath. “You don’t throw bottles out of your car. So, what about me? I gave you a thing, you gotta return it.”
“I’d at least want you to talk to me before you write something about Alchemax.” You lift your hand from his, standing the tips of your fingers against his wrist, tapping along his veins. “I don’t want to police your work, I just- I know how important it is for you but I need to know.”
“Can I ask why?” You can feel the bone when you circle over the wrist. 
He swallows. “I want to be prepared for it.” You look at him, a frown tugging at the corners of your lips. “I don’t want to be caught by surprise if my name is mentioned,” he says weakly. 
“Lucky for you,” you trace along a vein until you can’t reach any further down his arm, “I never intended to write your name. It was always supposed to be about Alchemax and all the weird things that have been popping up. Never about a single person.” You pull a face. “Except maybe Fisk, considering it all.”
“Then why are you here with me?”
“I liked drinking coffee with you.”
“Really?” He questions with wonder.
You nod. “Surprisingly, yes,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “I-” you pause- “Being with you is nice.”
“Being with you is nice,” he quotes back. “I- It’s difficult to date when so much of your free time is spent in a lab or reading through notes.”
“It’s difficult to date when you’re busy chasing a story or locked in a room.” There’s a cluster of freckles around the back of his hands, fading down his arm in soft hues of brown that get lost in the tufts of hair on his arm. “I get lost trying to find the perfect words for only a few clicks.”
“I click,” he adds. You nod without saying a word. “Do you want to go home? I can take you home already?”
You turn his arm over, letting his veins be lit by the lighting. You can feel his pulse quietly beating under his touch. You settle your gaze against him, the reflection of his glasses stare at you. “You won’t even get me dessert?” You say with a hurt tone.
He stiffens, and you can feel his pulse quicken, thumping against your fingertip. “Oh! What would you like?” He turns his head looking at the table- for a menu perhaps- until realizing that the answers aren’t there. Jonathan lifts his gaze towards you again. “I can get the waiter.” He starts to lift his hand, and you snort a laugh. His hand is paused mid-lift.
“You can get me dessert next time,” you tell him, your canines pull at your lip, trying to quell the anxiety that you feel.
“Next time?” He asks in a surprised voice. “I get to have a next time?” 
You nod. “Only if you’d like there to be next time.”
“I want there to be a next time.”
A jolt runs through your body and you tighten your hold over the fork. It drops against the plate in sharp notes, and the water cools you as it rushes down your throat. Nodding, you can only speak in a breathless, that he doesn’t comment on. “Good. That’s good.” Looking at your nearly finished plate, you decide to yourself that you’re full, that eating anymore would only cause the twisting in your stomach to reveal itself.
“Would you mind if I paid already?” He asks, his own food only being pushed around.
“No, no. Go ahead,” you tell him.
He scans around the room, his hand partially raised, until he finds who he was looking for. Nodding, he lowers his hand and looks at yours and his plate. “You’re full, right?” You nod with your cheeks warm. “You can get it to go if you’d like.”
“No, I’m good. I’m- This was good,” you say, twisting your napkin at the corners. 
The waiter stops at your table, and as you sip on your water, condensation creating a ring around the table, you choose to ignore the words that are said, focusing on the pedestrians outside who pay you no mind. 
“The uh- the tip?” You say weakly, and you have his attention. Your fingertips flutter over the clasp of your bag, and you pull out your wallet, grabbing at cash.
He smiles and his eyes are warm. “I already added it to the bill. Don’t worry about it.” Your heart aches and squeezes upon itself as you nod. You want to hold his hand again.
The waiter returns, a clasped book in their hand as they hand Johnathan back their card. “Thank you guys, and have a great evening,” they say with poise and practiced lines. They are thanked, and as they walk away, 
Johnathan rises, his card returning to his wallet and settling it back into his pocket. He waits for you to stand, and stands beside you as you grab at your bag, clutching it in your hands, the strap bunched and pierced by your nails. Johnathan walks in front of you, and you hold onto the bag, hoping that the feeling of wanting to hold his hand goes away.
It doesn’t.
Doors are opened for you, and when you sit nestled inside of his car, the seatbelt taught across your chest, you watch him when he enters the car. Music plays quietly, words whispered out against the speakers, and the soft drumming of the instruments are only quiet vibrations.
You watch him for a few more moments, his jaw tight and teeth worrying at his lip. His hands are stiff around the steering wheel, and you cross and uncross your ankle over the other. You wonder what it is that he has to say to you. You hope that it’s something good. You hope that he tells you he wants to hold your hand just as badly as you want to. 
“You can talk to me, you know,” you say quietly, rivaling the music that can be heard. “We’re still on our date.”
“Am I that obvious?” You nod. “I thought I was hiding it well.” When you don’t offer any sort of answer, he clears his throat. “It’s about your job. Is that okay?”
Not what you expected, and with partial disappointment, you fist your hand. “Go ahead,” you tell him.
“Why are you so focused on Alchemax?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard him sound so upset and bothered. 
“You know better than me that something is going on,” you reply hesitantly. “I know that it’s dumb of me to focus on a company under Fisk, but-” you groan and lower your head, raising it back up with a breath. "I just know that something bad is going on, and it shouldn’t be going on. I mean, come on- none of what he’s doing can be legal.”
“Just leave it alone.” he sounds so defeated, and you don’t answer. “Fisk isn’t someone to mess with. He has connections to bad people. He’ll hurt you.”
“Aw,” you say in a lilt, “ you do care about me.” You tease, but when he doesn’t answer, you lean forward, catching a glimpse of how his face flushes in a dark hue at your words. Your eyes widen and you pull back. “Oh.”
His face scrunches up and he sucks in a breath through his teeth. “It’s not- I don't- I mean, I do-” he groans and bites at his bottom lip. You watch him, waiting for him to figure out his words, your attention completely on him, never wavering to the streets, and the people. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to someone I know,” he states.
“What,” you hesitate, trying to find the proper words, “what do you think will happen?”
He sucks in his bottom lip. The air in the car has changed, and you're gripping your bag, scratching your nails along the canvas. “Something that shouldn’t,” he says. “You’re a good person. I don’t- You should let someone else take over the story.”
“So that they can get hurt?” You aren’t sure how to feel about that. You’re sure you’re supposed to feel disgusted, but a part of you feels warm at the thought that he cares for you.
He raises his shoulders, shrinking in on himself. He doesn’t speak again.
The car slows at a yellow light, and a hue of red washes over the two of you. You scratch at your bicep, and keep your gaze on him. “I like spending time with you, Jonathan,” you admit. He whips his head towards you and you avoid his gaze, focused on the handle of the glove compartment. “You’re smart and eloquent with your words. You have this dry sense of humor that gives you a certain charm. You’re dorky in a cute way and I know that we’ve only started to figure out whatever we are right now, but-” you shrug your shoulders and look back at him- “I don’t know. I like you.” He stares at you, and you aren’t entirely sure that he’s processed what you just said. “But you can’t tell me what I can or cannot write. Especially if we aren’t anything exclusive. I mean, I still would take offense if we were exclusive but that’s another conversation.” You wave a hand in the air. “I want to be taken seriously. I don’t want to do another fluff piece. I want to write something hard hitting and something that the public needs to hear even if only one person reads it.”
Green washes over the two of you, and the sound of a car honking has him looking away from you.
“Why?” His fists tighten over the steering wheel. 
You shrug. “I dunno,” you murmur. “Dignity, I guess?” You say a bit louder. “I like my job and fluff pieces are easy and whatever; but for at least once in my life, I want to write something great. I want someone to read my article and think to themselves, “‘Wow, this is a great reporter-’” you wave your hands in the air and lower them down shyly- “or something like that.” 
“I think you’re a great reporter.” You look at him, and part your mouth open. He continues before you have a chance to speak. “I read some of your older pieces. I thought they were well written.” He glances at you before returning his attention to the road. “I would read it and think to myself that you cared about what you wrote.”
“You read my work?” You ask softly, a ray of warmth flooding to your cheeks.
Jonathan nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.” The car turns, and you stay silent. “Fisk isn’t a good man. I need you to understand that. He’s- What I’m working on is important to him. If you expose what he’s trying to do, he won’t hesitate to put a stop to your actions.” The car slows to a roll at a stop sign. He looks both ways before continuing. “I don’t know why you’ve attached myself to me- if you think that maybe I was easy to sway or weak-minded-”
“No, Jonathan, of course not!” You turn your body and reach out a hand, before pulling it back. “I never thought that. I- I knew you were a top scientist. I was- I thought that if anyone was important in the project, it was you. It is you,” you correct yourself. “I thought- I think highly of you, I swear.”
He gives a curt nod. The car drives slowly, and his eyes scan the road. The GPS signals that he has arrived at his destination. He slows the car even more so, and pulls into an empty space conveniently located in front of your apartment complex.
Parking the car, he turns to you. “I am asking you to stop. Write about corrupt politicians or homelessness. Write about Spider-man and his adventures. Anything, but this. Please.”
You straighten your back and cross a leg underneath you. “I know why I attached myself to you,” you start, pulling at the strap from your bag, “but why did you attach yourself to me.”
A small smile pulls at his lips. He stays silent, and the music from his playlist plays softly, filling the air. You reach over and grab at his forearm, and he stretches it towards you, his gaze moving away to watch as your hand slides down his arm and down to hold his hand. You call his name and he looks back up at you. 
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I wish I had an answer to give you, but I don’t know.” With his free hand, he scratches at the back of his head. “You found my work interesting. You listened to me talk about multidimensional travel without treating it as some joke. You were intrigued. Not many people usually are.” His hand squeezes at yours. “You’re kind. Pretty.” You smile at the compliment. “I find it cute that you pout when you’re jealous.”
You purse your lips. “I do not pout. I have never been jealous when I’m around you.” An obvious lie, but you want to preserve your dignity. 
He smiles. “If I told you that Dr. Owens asked me out to dinner, how would you react?”
Thinning your lips to prevent a pout, you turn your head to watch a streetlamp. You can feel a pout begin to happen and rather than give him the satisfaction of being right, you cover your mouth with your hand. Shrugging, you click your tongue. “I’d say that-” your words falter, and you refuse to look at him- “you should go for it. They seem nice.”
"You're forcing yourself not to pout. Does that mean I'm right?" You can hear the smugness in his voice and it only makes you retreat further into yourself.
“You’re like the worst, you know that?” You tighten your grip on his hand.
"Would you really be okay if I went out with them?" You stay silent. "If you say no, I'll deny them. But you have to tell me that."
"Honestly? I think they'd be a better match for you." A bitter smile twists your lips, and you regret saying the words.
He deflates. “No, they wouldn't,” he disagrees. “I don't like them.”
“You should. At least they'd be able to keep up with you in conversations.” You tap at the rubber mats on the floor of the car. “I can't do that.”
“I don't need someone to keep up with me. I want someone to be with me.” He squeezes your hand, and you hold onto it, hoping that he won’t pull away despite you trying to push him. “I don’t want you near Alchemax. I want you to stay far away from it. I need you to understand that. I can’t- I wish I could tell you about it, but I can’t.”
“My work is important to me,” you say in a whisper.
“I know.” He takes in a deep breath, and you watch people walk past the car. You follow a stranger in the rearview mirror, and you look back at Jonathan once the stranger has turned a corner.
“Are you going to go have dinner with Dr. Owens?”
Shifting in his seat, he runs a finger along the edge of the pocket of his blazer. “They aren’t my type.”
You wet your lips. “Am- Am I your type?”
Nodding, he holds your hand tighter. “Unfortunately, yes.” You don’t attempt to hide the grin that brightens your face. He smiles in return, and inches closer to you in his seat. “Is it safe to assume that I’m your type?”
“Sadly, you are,” you whisper out.
“I respect your work-” he pulls your hand closer to him, and you lean yourself closer to him- “aren’t I enough?”
"That isn't a fair question."
"None of this fair."
"None of it?"
He shakes his head. "No. I should have met you before I became a scientist. Or maybe you shouldn't have been such a persistent reporter.” Turning away, he looks out at the street, yellow and white illuminating him.
“I think you'd have made a great postman,” you smile. “I think you’d look good in blue.” He smiles sadly. “I’ll give it some thought, okay?” You rub at the tip of your nose. “You know what’s going on then, right? Like what’s being on?”
His hand slips out of yours. Your fingers stretch out,and curl into a fist, settling over the middle console of the car. “Something that you don’t have to worry about. Please,” he says in a distressed tone. “Just let someone else take the article. Anyone but you. I’ll tell you about other projects that we have planned, anything,” he emphasizes with a plea, turning back to you with sad eyes, “but the one that you’re researching on.”
The seatbelt unclicks, and you see his chest swell, and stay still as he holds his breath. When you reach over with your arm wrapping around him, do you feel him slake in your hold. His arms wrap around you, and you hide yourself in the small of his neck, his hair tickling at your nose. His hands fist over the cloth on your back, and you can feel him shift, bringing you closer to him. 
When you pull away, you stay only a few inches away from his face, with your hands still clinging to him. Under the spotty lighting of the speeding cars and the streetlamps that barely illuminate where the two of you sit, you start to count at his freckles. Your hand lifts, your thumb arching over his cheek. His beard pricks under your print, and he leans into your touch.
“You have a lot of spots,” you mumble, “Johnny.”
“Please,” he murmurs, eyes glancing down momentarily before lifting back to meet yours, “anyone else.”
You swallow. “Can I think about it?” His lips pull into a thin line. “I wanna end our date on a good note.” His shoulders fall. “Wanna walk me to the door?”
“Okay.” You pull away, and you can still feel the coarse hair and the soft skin. The car dings as he opens the door, and the lights still shine on the dashboard. You watch as he walks around, and opens your door. The car sings with a rhythmic note as it’s left on. He holds his hand in front of you, and you take it, finding comfort in the way that his hand wraps around yours.
Hand in hand, you walk a few feet to the front door. You stand there, with his car still on and your hands still holding onto each other. “Next time you’ll get me dessert?” You ask in a small voice, not ready to go inside yet.
“I’ll get you whatever you want next time.” he stills, and with a shaky breath exhaled, he leans down. A hand cups over the side of your face, and you're tilted up, and his lips press against the corner of your mouth. You look at him, and he smiles. “Next time.”
You nod. “Next time.”
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bigassmoonchild · 9 months
The Hearing
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
The first four parts give context, but may not be required for this read.
Summary: Being stuck in hearing sucked. Especially when Price revealed things about yourself you hadn't even known, and now Ghost was unsure of the choices he'd been making.
Content Tags: Separation, Mentions of Violence, Mild Storybuilding, Scenting, Mentions of Possible Pregnancy, Ghost Walking Out, Ghost being Unsure, No Use of Y/N, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha! Ghost
A/N: This took me half of The Wolverine, 16 minutes of Hamilton and 12 episodes of Bluey to get through. No sex yet, but if y'all don't want the pregnancy ark do let me know. This series may be coming to an end soon, but that doesn't mean Doc is going away forever. As always, content under the cut and requests are open <3
P.S: I was going to adjust part of this, but I've figured out a way to extend this story a little further, so I'm removing it from being privately posted. My apologies!
Part 1 | Previous, Next | Headcannons, Masterlist
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This keeps fucking happening. It took four months before you and Ghost got in trouble again. Instead of having each other, now you were stuck without the other. The rest of the 141 was busy smuggling items between yourself and Ghost, it finally having gotten out that the two of you were mated.
That you were an Omega.
You were removed from training your squad for the time being, currently being investigating for the incident that had happened. Too many times you had seen the same people for hearings. Too many times you were stuck sitting in the same room and looking among the same people.
"Can you explain to us how no one knew that Michael wasn't taking his suppressants?" Was the question posed to you.
You adjusted in your seat, smoothing down the pair of nice pants you'd thrown on and smelling the thick perfume you'd put on to block the distressed scent you'd been throwing off. "No one in the compound is capable of scenting other people, those abilities are blocked with the military grade suppressants we are given. Scents are also dulled with the suppressants, so no one would've been able to tell," you explained. Short and simple, not nearly as scientific as it should've been.
"And you couldn't tell? Being mated means off of suppressants, which means you should've been able to scent him."
"It takes a minimum of two days off suppressants for a scent to begin coming back and another week before the androstenone in an Alphas body to increase dangerously high. I was on leave for three weeks prior to the incident, so I had to have returned back to base at nearly the two week mark," you wanted to see Simon.
You each had a babysitter, swapping out in shifts so neither of you were unattended for more than five minutes. You'd began self-soothing, rubbing the gland on your wrist aggressively against your neck gland, the clothes you were receiving weekly from Price wasn't doing enough.
No matter what, you were still stuck in this god damn hearing. Until you could smell Simon. You spun in your seat, searching the general room for him, watching as he was led forward, taking a seat across the aisle from you.
"Now, Mr. Riley, what caused you to attack Michael?" You were still watching him, only his balaclava to protect his face from those around you. You could just barely see his side-profile, his hardly blinking eyes as he stared down the person questioning him.
He glanced briefly at you. "My Omega was being attacked, I could smell her distress from a few halls down so I was going to find out what was happening. I heard him screaming at her and threatening her life, so I did what I had to to protect her," he answered, no hesitation. They hummed and nodded, glancing at you before looking back to Simon.
God, he smelled so much better than his clothes.
"Doctor, please try and pay attention," you looked down into your lap, giving a small sorry before the hearing proceeded. "What caused Michael to attack you?" At this you had to pause. It all happened so fast and you'd shoved the memory to the back of your head.
"He wanted to get out of the squad, he didn't want a Doctor ordering him around. I assume Mr. Riley said something to him, as he was causing problems with the soldiers covering my squad while I was on leave. He tried to press for information regarding my relationship with the Lieutenant, but I wasn't going to allow him insight he didn't need to know," they were writing everything down, clacking of keyboards and scraping of pens and pencils against paper.
"Do tell us what happened next,"
Looking away, you had to take a deep breath. You could feel the panic setting back in. "I told him that he wouldn't be able to remain in the military or find a new branch if he left. He had too many infractions and I pulled his file to show him, and he lunged for it. Michael was trying to take his file from me, and he could smell I was an Omega. That's when I realized he was going feral," you picked at your fingers, not looking at the group of people as you tried to remember what happened.
They glanced back at their notes, speaking with each other for a moment. "How would you know he was going feral?"
"I have medical documents of my squad. I know when their last heat or rut was, and I decide when they go on leave to ensure they aren't on suppressants for too long that it becomes dangerous, such as what occurred between myself and my Alpha. The androstenone inside an Alpha increases, albeit being dormant, the longer suppressants are taken without a natural rut occurring," you explained. This was the easy part, the things you knew exactly the ins and outs of.
They nodded along with you, fingers still clacking on keyboards as you explained.
"Once someone stops taking suppressants, the androstenone becomes active again. The longer they go without the rut, the more that become active. If they don't rid themselves of the androstenone, it'll force them into ferality to keep the increasing hormones from severely hurting them," they interrupted you for a moment.
"What does ferality do for the Alpha?"
"It ensures that they mate with the nearest Omega in or out of heat to naturally expel the androstenone. If they don't, their rut gets worse and they begin to have different areas of the brain shut down until they are no more than an animal, looking for the next thing to breed," you explained. "Most cases are euthanized, to ensure they don't suffer for long," you added, ensuring they would understand why it was so dangerous.
You had zoned out once they began talking with Simon again. His scent was washing over you every now and again as the AC unit blew cooler air into the room. This room had no windows and was in the middle of the building so they installed AC's for the stifling summer, which meant scents were wafting around with each other and mixing.
But Simons? It was amazing, being able to get it damn near straight from the source. You were waiting for all of this to be over so you could crawl into your nest with Simon. Your heat had been due a week ago, but with the proceedings dragging on you had been far to stressed for your body to allow it to happen.
And you could feel it building within you. You were exhausted all the time, eating more and building a larger nest, moving things in your room around. Now that you had your Alpha near you, you could feel your mind slowly slipping away from you.
You had to think harder, trying to remember how long ago your heat was and when you had to expect it. To be honest, you didn't really want to think that hard right now. You were still exhausted, you didn't get much sleep, considering you'd been without your Alpha for weeks now.
"That should wrap today up, we'll reconvene tomorrow. Same time and location, we'll review what we have learned from you two and Michael and give you our final decision in one week. For now, you two will stay separated and we'll have people watching to ensure you don't meet up," you wanted to argue. So badly, you wanted to tell them that he was your Alpha and he was supposed to be with you.
Even then, you knew that they wouldn't rescind their decision. You watched as Simon was led out, giving you one more look before leaving.
"Listen, kid, I'm really sorry," Price leaned in next to you, whispering as you waited for Simon to get far enough away that you could leave as well without possibly getting in trouble. "I know another week is going to be hard on you," he looked away.
You sighed, leaning back. "It's no harder than the first few weeks mated to him. The only problem is my heat isn't coming and I'm past due," he gave you a weird look before nodding with you.
Standing up, he gestured for you to follow him. You stood and followed him out, allowing him to lead you back to your room. It stayed quiet between the two of you, you figured he was deep in thought and you were just thinking about the nap you were gonna take in your nest.
Quite the exciting life you held now, being stuck back in hearings. You could only do paperwork and most of the work for the week you'd finish right away. It was so boring, the task force only being able to come by every now and again.
When you walked in, he handed you a bag. You looked down and back up at him, brows furrowed. Price gave you a smile and walked back out, the door shutting behind him. You sat on your bed, running your hands down your face and sighing deeply.
You reached into the bag, pulling out another of Simons hoodies. The amount you had at this point made you wonder if he had any left, just about the entirety of your nest was made out of his shirts and hoodies. The scents on some of them were fading, but you didn't remove them just yet.
Without him to be in the nest with you, the scents were fading quicker and quicker. You hated it. You had grown accustomed to having him scenting you at night and before he had to leave in the morning, him remarking your gland every now and again when you were able to.
Moving to throw the bag in the bag of bags, you felt something move inside it with your movements. Setting it back down, you opened it to look inside.
A pregnancy test.
"Price!" You shouted, his office door slamming open. You were heaving, having run straight to his office after finding his last little gift. "What the hell?"
He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was talking to my own Omega and they mentioned giving you one. A lot of the symptoms you'd been mentioning had lined up with their own pregnancy. You don't have to use it, obviously, I just figured you'd want it," you stopped to think.
How had you been exhibiting all the signs of a pregnant Omega and yet you'd been unable to recognize it? You were a bloody biologist, so you'd already known exactly what the signs were. Intense nesting urges, increased eating, increased amounts of sleep.
Jesus, were you pregnant? Maybe you should take the test, just to be sure. Price opened his mouth to say something before shaking his head and going back to his paperwork. You were going to pester him about what he was going to say, but you didn't.
"You could get this hearing pushed off if you're pregnant. They'll consider it an Alpha protecting his pup. You didn't hear this from me,"
The next day Simon was back where he'd been sitting, in the back of the hearing room waiting for them to call him forward. He could see you, some rows ahead of him. Your scent had become more delectable to him over the last few weeks, even if he hadn't been able to smell you directly.
The rest of the task force was playing a dangerous game, smuggling items between the two of you. He knew that, if caught, they could be put on a probationary leave and investigated to figure out if it was more than just items.
Simon watched as you stood from your seat, hands folded in front of you. He could smell you better than when you'd been sitting, the scent sweetening to something he couldn't explain.
All he wanted to do was scent mark you and hold you in your nest, maybe find you some food and feed you. What the hell was up with him? He'd been stalking as close to your room as he could get, snarling at every Alpha who walked near.
"I haven't made you aware yet, but I have been in for a pregnancy test," everyone went silent and Simons eyes widened. "The results should be coming in another day or two, depending on who will be finalizing them. I'd like to request that the current predicament be pushed back so my mate and I can speak about possibilities," he watched as the group leading the hearing leaned together to speak and his eyes never left you.
He could smell your distress from where he was, and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Pregnant? He thought you'd been on birth control, even if it you'd still gone through your heats.
To be honest, Simon was terrified. A father? Him? All he could do was walk out, even if he heard his name come from you and your scent changing sharply. Winding through the halls, he found himself walking outside with a cigarette lit, the slight burn as he inhaled the smoke.
Neither of you had talked about this. You'd been mated for a few months, not even hitting a year yet and prior to that you'd only spoken professionally. He knew you, but you hadn't even shared a room yet.
Was he wrong? For biting you, when neither of you had agreed upon being mated. For getting the two of you in that situation in the first place, he should've been the one who had gone and swept the building to make sure everyone was safe.
Simon knew exactly where his life would be had the two of you not been stuck in that situation. He'd never imagined his life moving this way and it terrified him. He was almost... regretting the choices he'd made.
Regretting mating with you.
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astralnymphh · 3 months
no because i need those looooong series and fics yall used to write with shit like how did these characters meet and how did they get to where they are now ykwim??? most of the shit i see now literally just starts with them fucking with little to no backstory and if there is one its usually about pissing whatever character it is off which obviously leads to them having sex and yeah if thats what you like reading and writing then go for it but im here to literally BE in that world and be able to actually feel like its an actual READER x (character) fic. i hope this makes sense and im sorry its so long 😭
dw i understand! and i'm all for it! my next series that's coming out literally like march 3rd is ALL ABOUT storybuilding!! it's silly it's sweet it's dorky it's corny like UGHHHH IM JIZZING EXCITEDLY im already starting chapter two cause I had the time! sometimes I'm afraid I'm yapping tm, though, like.. i go deep into the metaphors and feelings. and that alone can take around 1k words. please guys!! try writing a story you're passionate about!! breathe into it!! give it life!! bestow your passions!!
but also, people writing only smut might stem from the fear of 'flopping' cause smut can get clout, no matter what. it may seem shallow to claim that notes matter— but they can. getting popular can literally be a big motivator, and there's nothing wrong with that. I experienced it, too.
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It's 'some semblance of order' anon from when i told y'all about the ambassador corps and how embassies work, and I have an important crumb of information that could add ~*dramatic flair*~ to various and sundry transformers fics where liaisons be present. I have discovered there is a difference between liaisons and people on the staff of an ambassador who are called attachés. I think it would be very interesting in the future to have perhaps some conflict or history behind a liaison -be it a reader insert or otherwise. Like the liaison was chosen over others for promotion out of other attachés and they keep bugging our liaison about it. That sort of thing! have a good day!Still love your blooog!!~~
I love little details like this, it's not only interesting to learn new things but also helps with storybuilding! Thanks for the info!
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garbagevanfleet · 2 years
i truly mean this in the best way possible and as the highest form of compliment, but i miss Paimon/Paimon!Josh as if they were a close friend/love that is no longer a part if my life. like, there’s an actual ache in my chest as if i’ve lost something near and dear. lol i’ve since binge read Abaddon all over again twice since the final chapter just to quell the ache but it is r e l e n t l e s s. i cannot applaud you enough on your storybuilding abilities and the way you write your characters so beautifully in the way that your readers become so completely enraptured by the story. i just. asdfghjkl ugh you’re amazing. i hope youre having a beautiful day 🖤
I am having a beautiful day and this just made it so much nicer. Thank you so much for this unbelievable compliment. In truth, I miss him too. Like crazy. Luckily he’ll be back in some one shots or maybe even a little mini fic
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buc-eebarnes · 1 year
Hey! i really REALLY like your writings, i was wondering if you have any tips on how to improve writing ?
Hi there anon! This is about three or four months late. I know, I know, but I started writing it around November and then I had to step away and...I just ended up forgetting about it in my drafts. I just wanted to say thank you for reading my works and for enjoying them!
I've thought about this ask for a little bit (it's been a hot minute), because I was trying to think back on how I tried to improve my writing.
To be quite frank, a lot of it was reading other fics and books! My writing style is influenced by a lot of wonderful fic writers (I am unfortunately blanking out on them at the moment), but it's also from the books that I've read over the past years. It's helped cultivate my own narrative voice, and I tried to pay attention to a lot of grammatical conventions, especially since I was writing primarily for an English-speaking audience.
A bit of a tip, though, for grammar—those are just conventions! You can go crazy go stupid on how you format your writing because it's up to you. I would say that so long as you know how those grammar conventions work in the first place, you're good to mess around with them.
In terms of improving writing...
I just spent a lot of time doing it. Going back on a lot of my past works, I can see the growth and the change in style over time. I'd just put down whatever blurbs came to mind, and I had to fight myself a lot in order to not edit it right then and there.
The best thing you can do sometimes is to just let the story take you wherever it goes—don't try to edit it or force it to be immediately perfect. No work is ever like that, and I think you run the risk of overthinking and never finishing the thought you wanted to put down in the first place.
As a fellow writer once said, "Write stupid." Get all of your thoughts down and clean it up later. You'll be lost trying to edit right as you're in the drafting process because you won't be able to get down the brunt of the plotline. Or the plot points. Make tiny comments along the margins or within the text itself on what you need to elaborate on further.
Another really good thing that helped throughout the process was having a beta reader! If not a beta reader, then a friend who's willing to read your fics and give you constructive criticism. The writing that you've been looking at for the past few days may seem really, really good and you think find no mistakes whatsoever, but a beta reader is a fresh pair of eyes that can immediately spot where a couple of things went wrong.
And that's okay! You want your work to go through multiple drafts/edits so that the best version comes out!
But sometimes...sometimes we like to just put pieces out there. And that's okay, too! I do it all the time. I had just gotten comfortable enough with my own writing to be able to self-beta it and make sure everything is ready to publish. But I am guilty of going back and editing a few things after I've posted it. It's fine lol.
One thing that I also recommend is rereading your work and looking for places that you can flesh out. How can you best immerse your reader into the story? Little details, such as a character's mannerisms, go a long way. However, looking around the environment and giving information that is pertinent to a character's story/development; the setting; and/or the atmosphere--those are all essential to storybuilding.
I hoped this helped somewhat, anon! This is a bit of my writing process, too. I've still got a long way to go when it comes to fic writing, and I learn something new from fellow writers every day.
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humansun · 2 years
informal BOOK REVIEW: kira-kira
Written Wednesday, July 27th, 2022 at 12:45PM
Kira-Kira was so good, wow. What the hell. I feel like I needed to read that story even if I didn’t want to. I knew it was sad and I like books that are a bit more challenging (even though all books are challenging for me). It was a great reminder of how powerful a story can be no matter how simple!
Favorite Quotes and My Reactions to Them: “I saw the sun again, a quarter of it, and then a slice, and then it disappeared, the last time ever that the sun would set on a day my sister had lived.” - Katie, p206
Wow. Ow. How. This one struck me like a knife. Like, to connect the life of a person you love to your day, to the sun, to the world...that is so deeply moving in a way I can’t even fathom or process or describe in words. 
“Lynn could take a simple, everyday object like a box of Kleenex and use it to prove how amazing the world is.” - Katie, p224
Wow. This line and just the last chunk of pages towards the end of the book taught me a powerful lesson that I have not really pondered on my own. A person's life contains value no matter what they achieved in their life. I always think that I would be useless if I don't do anything or produce anything, but I'm not. It is a person's impact on those around them that allows their legacy and life to live on. This is so painfully beautiful. Wow. 
Miscellaneous Thoughts: Katie’s character development as a whole is so relatable as a little sister, but also powerful and moving. It was like I went through the whole grief process with her, goddammit! One of my favorite aspects of the story is the small notes of nostalgia that I recognize in my own life (i.e. Katie deeply admiring Lynn’s penmanship - that is ME. Me with Julie.)
God, wow, jeez. I normally don’t like sad stories or sad content in general, but this was very much needed. I feel like I built character myself. Wow. God. Wow.
What I've Learned About Storybuilding: It was hard getting through the beginning part of the book (this is me with every book I read), but I understand how crucial and necessary it is to set the scene, set the character’s dynamics on their own and with other characters, and also develop the story for readers to swallow how important everyone is to each other and how their world is in the ordinary moments. This book could have described a story that happened between split seconds, and it still would have done an incredible job at pacing every moment where it needed to be.
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
Hey I'm like super super pumped for this fic already my god,,,, thank you thank you thank you
yeah it's gonna be super fun hopefully !!!! i have most of it plotted out, i have some of it plotted out. the overarching story yes i know exactly what happens but then within that, probably at least?? a third of the scenes are largely written or at least big snippets & then another third are scene cards. all in all it's shaping up to be about 6 real chapters & five interlude chapters that have little worldbuilding/storybuilding fun things like evidence that the investigators have compiled like letters between imogen & other people or like laudna's death inquest n such (fun!!) (i actually DID do research for that lmao). i wanna do some more reading - i would LIKE to finish dorian gray & frankenstein before i start posting chapters but i dont think its necessary, it's just something that would make me feel even more delighted in the story im writing.
i dont think i'll start posting anything until the story is finished or very close to it just because im SICK of having unfinished stories on my ao3. enough!! im finishing something ok!! anyway who knows how far off that means this story is? i am a very fast reader but im chronically extraordinarily lazy. so. my apologies
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your-world-with-nct · 3 years
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— 2020 has been a wild year for all of us and let me start this off by saying well done to us all for simply making it through this crazy ride - if surviving this year was your biggest achievement, that’s completely okay, and i am so proud of you for being here today !! despite the many, let’s say, mishaps, that have occurred this year, both nct and nctzens have been key in my 2020 and i couldn’t be more grateful for them, so i decided to make a little appreciation post of my own before the year ends 🥰
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— to my followers ;
my petals !! i can’t believe i started off this year with around 300 followers and i’m now nearing 600 🙈 this account has grown so much this year and it’s all thanks to you. if you’ve ever come across my blog, liked or reblogged a piece of mine, sent me an ask, or pressed that follow button, i want you to know that i am so grateful for you and thank you for enjoying my works 🥺 hopefully 2021 will carry the same positive energy here on your-world-with-nct as it has this year and i’m hoping that you’ll be seeing a lot more fics in the near future 👀 once again, i love you petals <3
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— to my dearest mutuals ;
em bubs !!! i know i could easily do this on any other app or even irl but i just wanted to thank you for making my year 🥺 my lockdown wouldn’t have been the same without us constantly texting and fangirling and our ty track/bfc reunion on my birthday was elite. and obviously this new school year has been an adventure and a half so far, with all the lunch time shenanigans, revision sessions, and exam stress, but i can’t wait for the rest of it 🙈 i am so grateful that i had you by my side during 2020 and i am eternally thankful that i’ll be able to go into the new year with you by my side once again 🧡💚💜
bella - my first mutual, my tumblr mum - it feels like just yesterday that you wrote a beomgyu blurb for me after seeing my pink theme; now you’ve finished college and i’m applying to colleges 🙈i know we haven’t been able to talk as much recently but that doesn’t mean i appreciate your presence any less - i’m so proud of you for getting into med school and pursuing your dream 🥺🥺 i hope that this year treated you well, and that 2021 treats you even better 💞
loml, almost birthday-twin, fellow leo and xiaojaem stan, fave writer - what do these things have in common? they all apply to v, or, yeet anon, if you remember the days where i ranted to you about my crush and you were a baby stay 😪 not only have you delivered such amazing content on ur writing and gif blogs, but you have provided so much comfort and joy to me whenever we message with dilay 🤧 i look forward to checking your blog every day for new posts and my twt and insta notifs in case you’ve sent me something or you’ve seen what i sent you 🙈 the fact that you think of me when you see certain things just warms my heart and you’re just such a caring person in general, thank you for being a part of my 2020 v, all the best wishes for your 2021 🖤
dilay !!! my resident yangqi and the person i think of straight away whenever i see yangyang 😚 i remember when you first requested that e2l chenle blurb back in 2019 and now the only chenle stan between us is v 😁 finding you on this app again after i forgot what ur skz blog’s url was, was just amazing and i don’t know what my tumblr experience would be like without me being able to reconnect with you 🥺 thank you for being able to make me laugh effortlessly with our lack of geography knowledge and our random antics, i will always look forward to seeing the username @cloudy_____ on my dash and screaming over renhyuckyang (+ sungchan 👀) with you for years to come 🤍
andi bb, my fellow dad!johnny stan 🥺 seeing you post a jaemin birthday blurb for me after your return to tumblr was so sweet and i can’t believe your first post after coming back was dedicated to me 🤧 i remember the day i first messaged you and you were gushing over how you were a big fan of mine and i said the same about you - we were just going back and forth about how much we love each other’s work 😌 you are such a talented writer and you are so full of love - wishing all the best for you in the coming new year babie 🥰
coming across leyna’s blog after reading that jsmr fic was the best decision, because not only have i befriended a brilliant writer, but also a jensung enthusiast who is just the kindest 🥺🥺 i think now would be a good time to tell you that despite jeno’s bias wrecking antics back in august, i actually bias jisung now 😃 i know we haven’t talked in a while, because of our busy schedules, but i hope you’re resting well and i hope that 2021 won’t be as hectic for you 💟
joyce, i know we only started talking recently but the serotonin boost both you and your works have given me this year is just incredible and i am so thankful for your warm personality on your blog and for your amazing fics 🤧 i started off as a silent reader who gushed about your writing in the tags but now i’m friends with such a talented writer and we just casually ramble about doie and jaems biases and writing struggles,,, wow 🤯 (btw took some of ur tips on editing headers 🙈) i hope that next year we can expand our friendship and that i can continue to give you the feedback you deserve 🥺💕
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— favourite reads of the year ;
i have reblogged all of these to my main @/lovelycharm05 before, but i just wanted these masterpieces on here with everyone since these fics are so memorable and enjoyable to me <3 (beware there is lots of me gushing over how f&%#ing good all these writing techniques and plot devices are - can you tell i’m an eng lit nerd)
@nsheetee - moonlight café
obviously v released so many iconic pieces this year but this series was just *chef’s kiss* coffee shop au’s are the cutest to me because you can do so many different things with them, and you truly showcased that through each members’ part. although i am nahyuck biased (out of all the 00 liners), i have a soft spot for jeno’s part 🥺🤧 but that doesn’t mean i’m not obsessed with jealous jaems and cocky hyuck 🙈
@notnctu - to all the j’s i loved before
the very first work i ever read of yours, joyce 🥺🥺 i remember seeing an nct network reblog this and after reading through the summary of the series, i was enticed by the plot and i read most of your masterlist whilst waiting for the next parts 🤧 the main character’s relationship with each ‘j’ was unique to them and their interactions were just so sweet to read (except jaemin’s >:( why did my ult’s part have to be the angsty one 😤 jk jk i loved it anyways) special mention to ‘cupid’s arrow’, because that fic was an emotional rollercoaster and i loved that almost as much as i love bestfriend!jungwoo in the last part 😌
@misfitneo - lee haechan’s pride
it would be a sin if i didn’t include this in my top reads this year, pun intended 😌, especially since i have a weakness for mafia aus. i haven’t had the time to read mark or renjun’s parts yet, but from what i read in this fic, i’m sure theirs are just as good, if not better. the storybuilding and the development of the plot are so detailed and intricate and that is what i love in a fic. i already reviewed this on my main with a lengthy description of my favourite parts so i’m gonna keep this short and sweet - if you love haechan, mafia au’s, and enemies to lovers, you need to read this !!
@jensungf - passing clouds + only forever
these fics hit different now that i bias jisung 😭 ‘passing clouds’ was pure angst and as much as it hurt, it was written so beautifully and i loved it so much. ‘only forever’ healed the jisung shaped hole in my heart and made me fall in love with him all over again. the first love vibes he gives off is unbelievable and that innocence was presented perfectly in this 🤧 side note: never let jisung bake for you even if it’s as a peace offering 😖
@hyucksie - in the long run + second first kiss
although ‘sweet talk’ and ‘silent treatment’ are also contenders for some of my favourite fics of the year, these two have taken the cake 😌 the concept itself of time travel and mark and y/n seeing their future child was so creative and the mixed emotions that the characters experienced seeing their future were executed so well and the ending when their actual future selves remembered the day they time travelled 🥺🥺 not to mention the sequel doesn’t feel forced at all, the story flows well, and jealous mark is a cutie 🥰
@luvdsc - not clickbait
i’ve been following cat after i first read ‘i turned my best friend into an e-boy!! (and kissed him)’ and ever since then every piece of hers that i’ve read is simply breathtaking and so engaging. her style of writing is so unique and whenever i read anything of hers i feel so immersed in the fic. the dreamies as youtubers and tiktokers was such a cute concept to me and the little comment section at the end of each fic is probably my favourite part 😳 the way each member’s fic connects to the plot of another is perfect and their cameos in one another’s fic >>> (jisung telling y/n about the tiktok challenge in mark’s fic + cameraman jisung in chenle’s) i could keep talking abt this series for a lot longer but i’ll end it here, also i can’t wait for norensung’s parts 💞💞
@pwarkhans - the neo academy
i’ve probably mentioned my love for ‘the umbrella academy’ before but THIS !!! this series just made me love it even more 🙈 despite yangyang’s part being the only one that’s out, that and the prologue are interesting enough and seeing the 00 liners in this alternate universe is honestly amazing jxjwjxkw jaemin as three and hyuck as two is everything. the brothers’ relationship, especially in yangyang’s part, is so complicated yet so cute and i can’t wait for the rest of the members’ parts 💘
@yongtxt - vintage
when i first stumbled across this series, i was immediately intrigued by the plot, and not just because it was about rapper!mark and singer!y/n🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 the side characters (dreamies + doie and jisoo) were so funny and well-written and the plot >>>> i was so invested in the twists and turns of the story, the relief i felt when the conflict was finally resolved and we got our fav musician couple !!
@byunbaekby - apartment b23
i only found this series recently but wow am i invested in the plot already 😭😭 the conflict in the story is realistic and feels like something you could actually relate to. norenmin’s friendship/bond is so strong and evident through the story and the side characters are my babies (heejin, shuhua, lia - ily 🤧) i can’t wait for the rest of this series since i am a sucker for the perfect balance of angst, fluff, and crack in this 🥰
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— favourite works of the year ;
unfortunately i haven’t had enough time to release any fics this year, and i’m hoping that that won’t be the case next year, but here are my top 5 favourite blurbs that i enjoyed writing and reading <3
1:48pm -> dad!johnny
one of the most popular blurbs on my blog to this day 🥺 honestly i get why, who doesn’t love dad!johnny? hyejoo is literally so adorable here and the family dynamics make me soft all over again whenever i reread this piece. also everyone’s reactions and replies to this are so heartwarming because everyone’s just whipped for the suh family 🙈
1:05pm -> soulmate!taeyong
i love soulmate au’s but something always irked me with the permanence of your soulmate like ,,, what if you end up falling out of love with them? then what? that inspired me to write my own take on soulmates, where they aren’t found, but made. taeyong’s character here is just so full of love and you know how much i love lovable boys 🤧 (ever wondered why i ult na jaemin...?)
12:13pm -> boyfriend!mark
7dream!!!! i don’t usually write domestic fluff even though it’s one of the genres i indulge in the most 😔 but when i do, i go all out because everyone needs to know how soft i am for my boys >:( mark’s love for the dreamies is so unique and i love their friendship so much, i had to write about it when i first heard about the 7dream announcement which i definitely did not cry at
11:40pm -> boyfriend!jeno
this was one of the first requests i ever got and i was just so touched than someone personally requested something from me AND it was jeno 🥺🥺 everytime i read the tags under this, everyone is just gushing over jeno and like,,, same 🙈 this type of fluff >>>
waking up with wayv -> wayv reaction
when em first requested this, i didn’t exactly know how to write something for each member without being too repetitive, but in the end, i loved the mini plots i wrote for them and it’s just one of my underappreciated faves 🥰
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— favourite releases of the year ;
just a few of my favourite albums that got me through online school and revision sessions for offline school 🥲 ft. lots of nct + october albums bc that month was PACKED
nct 2020 - resonance pt1 + pt2
nct 127 - neozone: the final round
nct dream - ridin’
wayv - awaken the world
superm - super one
enhypen - border: day one
twice - eyes wide open
txt - minisode1: blue hour
seventeen - semicolon
stray kids - go live + in life
itzy - not shy
conan gray - kid krow
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if you’ve managed to read all the way to the end, congrats for putting up with my lengthy and very sappy sentiment and sorry that you had to go through all of that 😭😭 thank you for being a part of my 2020, i hope that the new year allows us all to have a fresh start and brings us the opportunities we didn’t have this year. happiest new year to you all 🥳 (even tho it’s not 2021 yet when i’m posting this :))
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catboymingi · 4 years
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the dragon’s appearance - veninder chap. 4
story masterlist
pairing: mingi x reader
genre: somewhat crack, a little angst, fluff (FLUFF in caps); eventual best friends to lovers
word count: 7.1k
warnings: slight language
a/n: i’m back on my bullshit and also making y/n’s background way more specific than it has to be but it's about the ~storybuilding~. also i am running out of lyrics to summarise the chapters with :(( recycling?
hun er gal, hun er syg, den pige - that girl’s crazy, she’s sick
mingi didn’t even need to ask who this was, the way she spoke up telling him all he needed to know. and if there had been any doubt, feeling you tense up next to him immediately after hearing her voice was confirmation that it was one of the girls that had dared to call themselves your friends despite how they treated you. he was, in all honesty, fuming at her audacity, but this wasn’t about him, it was about you and resolving the situation as quickly and easily as possible. so instead of giving in to his emotions he replied, voice raised just enough to guarantee the professor would hear him: “oh i’m so sorry, i didn’t know there was fixed seating! i just don’t know anyone but y/n, so i thought it’d be okay, sorry again!”
now it was the girl’s turn to fume, and even though you still refused to look up from your papers you could imagine how the steam was shooting out of her ears when the professor told him that it was okay, that seating was free and that he could stay right where he was. she left, sending him a look that could kill, but he didn’t care. this wasn’t his issue - he’d be able to deal with whatever she’d have planned for him. he was just worried about you, because even though she’d left to sit at the other end of the class by now you were still tense, staring at your desk as if you weren’t even really there. the redhead placed a hand on your knee, squeezing gently to comfort you and let you know he was there, that you’d be okay as long as he was there, but before he could say some reassuring words the professor started speaking, and he knew he had to be on his best behaviour because he wasn’t actually enrolled in this class. so he just squeezed again before listening intently to whatever was going on right now. he didn’t actually understand much, but when he saw that you still seemed so taken aback that you didn’t even seem to have realised that class already started he began writing down every single word the professor said, sometimes having to guess just what exactly the word was when it was some scientific term, but trying his best.
it took you a little while to snap out of the state of shock your ex-friend had caused you, and when you did you realised you had no idea what was even going on. your eyes turned to mingi, who was taking notes as if his life depended on it, and who, when he noticed you’d returned to the here and now, moved his arm slightly so you could see what he’d written down and hopefully catch up enough with the topic to participate from now on. your eyes widened when you realised he’d taken your notes for you and was still doing so right now until he could be sure you’d actually be able to decently concentrate, and now it was you who squeezed his knee, an act of thankfulness, before you shuffled a little closer to get at least a rough overview of the topic of this class.
his notes were taken meticulously; you were certain he’d written down every single word the professor said simply because he couldn’t tell whether or not something was important or not. and these notes managed to get you back on track after maybe a minute or two of reading through them and listening to what was going on right now, and another minute later you were able to be your usual, question-filled self. mingi still didn’t exactly understand much of what you were discussing, but he felt like you had a much more straightforward way to talk about concepts, which didn’t make your points any less valid, though. you weren’t dumbing down anything, you just left out the unnecessarily elitist terms that he knew were so common in academia, so even he felt like he got a rough grasp of what was going on. it didn’t take much to see that you were a teacher’s favourite, and rightfully so - you brought up a lot of concerns, different points of view on what had just been talked about, and even to him, someone that had no idea about the topic, it was clear that you had a very diverse way of looking at the problem or topic and actually thought a lot about what you learned rather than just learning it by heart to pass the course. you seemed excited, interested, fully immersed in the topic, and it was through these discussions that he found out that you spoke at least three languages well enough to offer a different perspective on sociolinguistics based on their cultures and how the cultural norms found realisation in the respective language. he wasn’t sure if this was the average for this course, though, and he was the only odd one out, or if you were actually extraordinarily skilled in the language department. though it didn’t matter much to him, because either way he felt like you were a genius and he was a mere peasant watching two experts talk. not that he minded - this wasn’t his major, so of course he wouldn’t be able to engage in the same kinds of discussions as students who’d studied this for roughly a year already. he was just very impressed.
before you knew it (and before he knew it, which was maybe more surprising) class was over, and the redhead gave you the notes he’d taken for you earlier since he wouldn’t need them anyway.
“thank you so much for that”, you told him, smiling shyly because you were still kind of embarrassed that he’d had to take notes for you.
“i just hope they help” was all he replied, because it wasn’t a big deal to him at all. when you packed your things he noticed that the girl from earlier was staring at you, and to prevent you from looking around to see if she was he put his arm around you, guiding you out of the classroom like that while distracting you by asking just how many languages you even spoke.
“depends on how you see it?” not the reply he’d expected - you could speak a language but not speak it by matter of definition? it was probably a language major thing.
“give me the biggest number you can with a definition that makes you happy”, he told you, because he wanted to be impressed. not that three languages wasn’t already impressive, but you’d made it sound like there was more, and he was curious to find out more about that.
“if we count just being conversational, and we also count classical languages… like, eight? though my parents are immigrants so that doesn’t really count, because two of those eight i didn’t really have to learn, we speak them at home. three, actually, now that i think about it. i was the only kid in first grade that barely even spoke korean.” you laughed at the memory, but mingi looked at you wide-eyed.
“which ones do you speak?”
“finnish and swedish from home - my father is finnish, we moved here because he got a job at the embassy. and my mother is finnish as well, but with swedish as her first language, and she made it a hobby to annoy my father by speaking swedish with me when she was plotting something. then english, korean, i took japanese in high school but i think everyone did? some classical chinese because there was no way i’d be able to figure out hanja without that, latin from my mother because she thought it was important for whatever reason, and german just for fun. how about you?” and even though he was a little embarrassed about his in comparison depressingly low amount of languages spoken he told you, because you seemed excited to know, because he could tell languages were a big passion of yours.
“korean, obviously, and english, and i took some chinese in high school but wasn’t the best, so i’m pretty sure i forgot most of it.”
“is there any you’d really like to learn?”
he furrowed his brows at that question. was there? it wasn’t something he’d thought about, and now he was desperately searching his brain for any language he’d ever been interested in even when it wasn’t mandatory. you noticed his expression, though, and chuckled a little.
“it’s fine if there isn’t, you don’t have to make one up.”
“sorry. how about you?”
“there’s too many”, you laughed, “i’d learn all of them if i could, and i’m trying my best to actually at least start with that. but if i have to pick just one… maybe russian? or arabic? i’ve been interested in french, too. and spanish. this is too hard!” you were whining, unable to pick just one, and mingi thought it was adorable. he was grinning like some kind of idiot because he’d managed to distract you, to seemingly entirely remove the fear from your mind at least for now. you were either smiling or pouting, your eyes wide and excited, and he felt like he’d gotten to know you a lot better just through this conversation already.
when you arrived at the table the other boys were already sitting at for lunch you were still talking about languages, rambling on about your childhood and how weird it was to realise that on top of the three languages you were already frequently speaking with your parents there was a whole other language that everyone else spoke and that, while you could understand it, you had no idea how to speak. he was just listening, sometimes humming in acknowledgment, sometimes commenting or asking about a story, but mainly happy to hear about your experiences, and you were so immersed in the conversation that you didn’t want to stop, because he actually seemed to care about what you were saying.
“hey!” was the only acknowledgment anyone that wasn’t mingi got before you resumed your story.
“when they taught us about hanja, i thought i was going to die. hangeul was already so hard to write because everything is so small and then the new characters were even smaller!” the boy nodded in either acknowledgment or agreement, you weren’t sure, but it didn’t matter all too much to you, anyway.
“how is hangeul small?”, jongho asked; your comment had apparently piqued his interest.
“you put so many sounds into where a single letter goes in latin script!” you sounded so exasperated, but the others didn’t have the context of you not having grown up with korean as your first language yet, so they didn’t understand where the problem was. to them, hangeul was the regular character size and it seemed like it didn’t even occur to them that it might have caused problems for you.
“she speaks eight languages!”, the giant next to you offered as an explanation, and while it didn’t exactly clear up your distress about the korean script it did make it a little more understandable, considering how most languages (that they knew of) did offer a little more space for their sounds or letters.
“my mother read to me in swedish, and my parents taught me how to read and write swedish and finnish before i ever even realised that there’s more than one alphabet”, you clarified further, and now it seemed like a lightbulb had been lit above the boys’ heads.
“you’re not korean?”
“technically i am? i have dual citizenship. but my parents aren’t born here, if that’s what you meant.” the faces around you all bore the same expression of surprise at the information they just got, six ‘o’ shaped mouths and six pairs of wide eyes looking at you.
“say something funny!”
“jokin hassu. or något roligt, in swedish.” their eyes got even wider and san asked you what you’d just said.
“something funny?”
“yeah, but what does it mean?” it seemed like he was impatient, not realising that ‘something funny’ was in fact the translation of what you’d said.
“it means ‘something funny’. that’s the translation”, you grinned. “i didn’t know what else to say, so i just translated it.”
now oohs and aahs could be heard from around you, and they soon gave you sentence after sentence to translate, watching you as if you were an interactive tv programme.
seonghwa put an end to the fun when he reminded them that you hadn’t even started eating yet, and everyone started apologising immediately, but you just waved it off. it was nice to get to speak the languages you grew up with again, because you certainly didn’t do so with your parents, with whom you barely had any contact anymore at all. but now you should probably eat, if the growl in your stomach was a sign to go by - you could always do this again later.
“how was class?”, hongjoong asked with a slight hint of worry in his voice while you were eating, but he was surprised when you smiled at him without even the slightest hint of any negative emotion.
“it was good! though mingi really saved my butt.” you sounded a little embarrassed, and reasonably so - everyone was once more looking at you wide-eyed.
“you went to class with her?” it seemed like it was impossible for wooyoung to control his volume when he was excited or surprised, so he was near yelling the question at mingi, who by now seemed equally embarrassed as you.
“yeah. it was kinda fun, actually.” now the number of surprised eyes staring at him increased by another pair, because you hadn’t expected him to actually like your class when he didn’t even understand the topic.
“she’s a teachers’ favourite”, he then informed the others teasingly, and you playfully hit his arm.
“i’m not!” you genuinely didn’t think you were. you just asked questions when you wanted an elaboration, and participated in discussions when the professor started them. but you weren’t trying to make the teacher like you by acting a certain way; you were just genuinely interested in the topic, and it was hard for you to shut up when you got so invested in something.
“she is”, the redhead said in an exaggeratedly conspiratorial way, “and she’s a genius, too.”
now you yelped out his name - you didn’t like it when people praised you like this, because you didn’t feel like you deserved it and because it made you a little uncomfortable, made you feel like you were now expected to live up to the impression others had of you even when you couldn’t. but those feelings quickly subsided at his next words, being replaced with a mixture of shock and disbelief.
“do you think you could teach me the basics so i could take that class as extra credits?”
“you’re joking.” you absolutely would not believe that he meant it, no way. he had no reason to mean it. sitting in a class where he didn’t have any idea about what’s going on while you all but ignored him in order to talk with the professor couldn’t possibly have been nice enough for him to want to do that weekly.
“it’s your choice, obviously, but i think it’d be fun.” a smile accompanied his words, a smile that wiped out any doubt you’d had.
“i can try? no promises that i’m a good teacher, though.” and while you appreciated the bright grin you got in response the boy appreciated his friends’ reactions a lot less.
he felt his phone buzz and saw it was a message in their private group chat, from yunho.
[saint bernard]: someones WHIPPED
and everyone was quick to agree, which awakened the carnal urge to commit a crime in mingi, a crime that would reduce the amount of people in ‘hyung hate club’ to him and you only. he stopped himself before any blood was flowing, though, both because crimes are illegal and because he didn’t want you to witness that. but no promises could be made for when they were home alone, no one there to witness and frame him.
“put your phones away, it’s rude”, he ordered in a desperate attempt to get them to stop grinning at each other the way they were now before you’d notice anything, and because his attempt was a success he considered maybe leaving them alive. maybe.
the rest of lunch break was spent joking around and teasing each other, and ended with mingi asking you to text him the room where you’d have your last class so he could pick you up. and even though you were still anxious about being in class by yourself, with the people that obviously wanted to ruin your life, the fact that your first class had gone so well reassured you a little, making you feel like maybe it’d be okay for the rest of the day as well.
and it was, surprisingly. you were shot angry glares and had insults whispered at you in passing, but nothing bigger than that happened, maybe owed to mingi’s obvious protective attitude earlier. while they knew they’d easily be able to take on you, the giant was a whole other question. he hadn’t seemed intimidated at all, calm and collected, so they couldn’t even turn his reaction around on him. and the new situation required a new approach, which meant that they’d have to cut you some slack until that new approach had been developed. you knew this, too, knew that the current somewhat peaceful situation was a mere side effect of them having to adjust to the change in circumstances, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy it while it lasted. you were very aware of the fact that this could all too soon be over again.
still, you managed to enjoy the rest of your classes as well, and when you left the room after the last one had ended and saw a certain redhead waiting for you, as he’d promised, you smiled at him, and first when you saw his shoulders drop a little did you notice that he’d been nervous as well. but at least for now there was no need to, you were okay and nothing had happened. you still wanted to get away from the girls as soon as possible, though, so as soon as you’d said hi to him you took off, him following you quietly until you’d left the building.
“you’re okay?” it had seemed like you were when you came out of class, but your quick exit had sparked some worry in him again.
“a little anxious”, you let him know, “but nothing happened. it’s more being scared that something will happen.”
he nodded in understanding, wrapping his arm around you without thinking much about it and once more somewhat embarrassed when he noticed what he’d just done, but you just moved a step closer to him so it’d be more comfortable for him. then, you sighed, but he decided to ignore it, not sure if you wanted to talk about whatever had caused that sigh. when you sighed a second and a third time, however, each time louder than the last, he decided to ask.
“what’s up?” the way it sounded like the worry had sneaked its way back into his voice had you feeling a little guilty, seeing how there wasn’t actually anything up. you just wanted to tease him.
“you’re just so unfairly tall, i feel like i’m your arm rest.”
since this wasn’t at all the reply he’d expected it took him a moment to fully realise what you’d said, but when he did he started laughing before walking on with his knees somewhat bent, reducing not only his height but also his speed. now you were laughing as well, enjoying his awkward crouching walk more than you maybe should.
“i really hope you appreciate this”, he interrupted your laughter, “because this does kind of hurt my thighs.” you didn’t stop laughing at this, but you crouched down a little as well now, readjusting his arm on your shoulders before pulling him up with you when you stood up straight again.
“maybe i’ll just have to start wearing platforms again instead”, you thought out loud, your laughing faded into a grin now. then, changing the topic entirely, you asked: "do you actually want to join my class? you'd have to catch up with a lot."
“if you’re willing to waste all your time helping me try to catch up?”
“if you’re ready for me to never shut up ever?” this wasn’t an exaggeration; you’d annoyed the girls more than once by studying with them and being way more immersed in the topic than them, even though you all shared similar majors and the class was relevant to all of you. so you couldn’t help being scared that he’d get annoyed with you as well, seeing how this class wasn’t even relevant to him, and you tried to test the waters by joking like this. but he grinned at you, saying that worst case he’d just feed you fruit loops to buy him a few seconds of silence.
“no but the more you talk the more i learn, that’s how it works, right?”
“mm, maybe? i haven’t tried teaching anyone yet, so we’ll have to see”, you admitted a little anxiously. you’d be happy if you managed to help him catch up enough to join the class, but you weren’t exactly confident in your teaching abilities.
“wanna start today?” mingi’d noticed that you were almost at the train station now, so if he wanted to spend the evening studying with you he’d have to ask before you got in your trains going opposite directions.
“i can’t offer you any decent dinner, though. i forgot to get groceries this week so the options are limited to toast, fruit loops, and instant ramen. in case that makes you change your mind.” you wanted to tell him now before he got disappointed by how little you had to offer even as a host, and because if you told him now it’d be less embarrassing to reveal your pathetically empty cupboards when you were at your place.
and he could tell that you were a little embarrassed about the apparent lack of food choices, so he tried to cheer you up.
“is it even a study session without instant ramen?” he genuinely meant it, too - studying and instant food kind of belonged together, the instant food being an important part of what made a study session feel like a real study session. it was about the vibes, not the nutrition.
“okay”, you laughed, then added: “next time we can go somewhere else, too, i just obviously don’t have all my materials with me right now.”
“your place is fine”, he was quick to reassure you. if anything, he was worried that you might feel awkward about having him there again. it wasn’t exactly like you were close, though it sometimes felt that way to him and he had to remind himself that you’d only met half a week ago.
you were once more being prevented from paying for your own ticket by mingi, who’d already paid when you just got your wallet out, and you scoffed at him playfully.
“you know i can pay for myself, right?”
“but i’m being a gentleman.” and with that, he considered this discussion done.
severe buzzing from your phone startled you when you were sitting next to the redhead on the train, because you’d forgotten you’d just muted the girl chat for 24 hours rather than fully leaving it, and your 24 hours were up now. it was as active as ever, and though it seemed like the current topic was unrelated to you just the thought of still being in this kind of space with them made you feel sick with anxiety. but you were too scared to leave the chat, so instead you just stared at your screen.
“it’s them again?” of course he noticed. you just nodded, leaning against him in exhaustion with him gently rubbing your arm.
“we have a group chat and i want to leave, but i can’t.” it was absolutely stupid to feel this way, you knew it was, because what was scaring you wasn’t no longer being in the group chat, it was the act of pressing the little ‘leave group’ button with your own finger.
“you can’t leave or you can’t not be in it?” he surprised you with how he actually seemed to understand your struggle, the very important distinction between the conscious act of leaving and the passive state of not being in the chat.
“i can’t leave. this is our stop.”
he didn’t reply when you left the train, but once you’d started walking towards your dorm he asked you: “do you think i could leave for you? would that work?” you told him you didn’t know, because you really didn’t and you also didn’t really want to think about this at all right now. you wanted to be home, in your bed, with instant ramen and focusing on nothing but how to make mingi understand, remember and internalise the basics of sociolinguistics. it was an act of escapism, definitely, but sometimes you just needed to pretend your problems didn’t exist until you were ready to deal with them.
the rest of the walk was spent in silence, though not uncomfortably so. you both seemed to be in your own thoughts, arms brushing against each other every now and then as if to remind each other that you were still there, even when you weren’t talking. it was nice to know that you didn’t have to talk when you were spending time with mingi, that just being near each other was already enough sometimes.
and just this being silent with each other was what managed to in a way comfort you enough for you to be able to fully concentrate on your materials once you’d reached your place, asking him whether he wanted to eat first or study first as you unlocked the door.
“let’s start with studying, and when i feel like my head’s exploding we’ll eat?”
“deal. make yourself comfortable, i’ll hunt for all my notes.” and with that said you proceeded to ignore the giant that had now settled on your bed in favour of groaning and sighing while you tried to gather all the relevant material from the last year, a task made more difficult because he most likely didn’t have any linguistic background, so you also went through your notes from other courses to find those that had the basic linguistic terms explained on them, because there was no use telling him about phoneme variations if he didn’t know what a phoneme was, and you wanted to be sure to give a 100% right definition.
once you’d found everything you needed you sat down next to him, now trying to divide the notes by topic so you’d have a better overview over what you had to teach him and how much it’d be. he whined quietly next to you at the sheer amount of paper you’d spread on the bed - how was he going to learn all of that?
“we’ll start easy”, you laughed out at his desperate expression. “you can pick the topic that seems most interesting to you, and we’ll start with that.”
then you listed the topics available, along with a short summary or explanation of just what was hidden behind a term like chronolect, which he decided to go with because he thought that might be easiest to a total beginner, because he obviously knew how people of different ages talked, right?
not right. he soon found everything to be much more complicated than it sounded, but he was determined to learn, and you really appreciated how hard he was trying. you knew it had to be hard for him, but he didn’t seem to want to even take a break until he understood, and it was actually you who told him it was time to eat.
“i didn’t think it would be so hard when we’ve barely even started yet”, he groaned while you were waiting for the food to be done, and before you could stop yourself a ‘that’s what she said’ escaped your lips, which made mingi look at you in shock before he burst out laughing.
“i didn’t know that’s what you were thinking about while i was trying to learn!”, he said in feigned indignation, and you hit his arm playfully as you pretended to be equally as scandalised by his implication as he was by yours.
“i don’t know if my memory is giving up on me here, but wasn’t it you who asked me to spend the night together? twice?”
you heard him gasp loudly in reply and grinned at his expression.
“i didn’t know you’d use that against me!” there was a mixture of shock and hurt in his voice, though very obviously playful, and you immediately started apologising in an exaggerated manner, pleading him to please forgive you for your careless words. and even though he tried to stay serious the pout on your face and the fact that you looked like the pleading face emoji made that impossible, stern expression turning into a small smile turning into a grin turning into laughing with his mouth wide open and head thrown back in a matter of seconds. and then you were lost, too, joining in and laughing until your stomach hurt and the instant ramen demanded your attention.
when you found him looking through the notes you’d used for studying by himself it surprised you, though in a positive way. you were glad to see that he at least seemed to have caught a genuine interest for the subject now, glad to see that he was eager to learn. still, you asked him to please move the notes away so you could eat without the risk of them getting dirty and, consequently, unusable. he did as requested and you sat down next to him as soon as you’d handed him his plate - past experience had taught you that shuffling to comfortably sit on the bed when you had an open container in both hands was a very bad idea.
the two of you ate in silence and went back to studying right after, and it was first when you heard thundering outside that you realised how much time had passed. it was fully dark now, heavy rain hitting the window and lightning lighting up the sky every now and then. neither of you looked pleased at the weather, though mingi a lot less so, considering he was the one that somehow had to get home. and it really didn’t seem like the rain would stop anytime soon.
“i’m gonna be so soaked when i get home”, he whined out, making you feel sorry for him because he was right, not even a minute outside in this weather would have him drenched to the bones.
“you can stay over if it’s still like this in an hour”, you offered, not thinking much about it, your main thought being less about him staying with you specifically and more about him not having to go out when it would most likely result in him getting sick. you came to regret your offer when he looked at you with a teasing glint in his eyes, though.
“so now you’re asking me to stay the night? when you called me out for having improper thoughts earlier because i’d offered you the same?”
you rolled your eyes in reply, grabbing his wrist and attempting to drag him out of your bed.
“you know what, forget it, if you get pneumonia that’s not my problem.” at your threat the redhead did a 180 on his behaviour, now begging you the way a little child begged for an extension on their bedtime, except he was begging you to not send him out into the cruel, unrelenting, cold harsh wind. and even though you pretended to be considering doing so you knew that if he actually wanted to he could most definitely spend the night. it was just fun to tease him back.
“fine”, you finally gave in, “you can stay. but behave!”
he sighed in relief (as if there’d ever been any doubt about that), promising you he’d be on his best behaviour, and, as if to prove it, went to do the dishes for you. you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop him because he was at least half a head taller than you and without a doubt much stronger, but it was still worth a try. you should have known it’d barely even bother him, though, pulling on his shirt and trying to drag him back towards the bed, to no avail. he walked on as if he couldn’t even tell that you were trying to move him with every ounce of strength you had in your body, but the grin on his face told you that he knew, and that he was enjoying this too much for your liking. you decided to let him get away with it either way, this once, because truth be told you hated doing the dishes, hated the sensory hell it proved itself to be, time and time again.
you watched him ‘be on his best behaviour’, trying to come up with a way to prevent the situation from turning awkward should the weather not magically turn around, but the only thing your brain could come up with was watching a movie; that’d have to do then. he didn’t seem displeased with the suggestion, finishing washing up quickly and once again sprinkling some water onto your face.
“‘best behaviour’ my ass”, you huffed under your breath, but of course mingi heard you, sending you a smile that with a lot of benevolence could be interpreted as apologetic, but if you were feeling unrelenting might also be a teasing one. he was on your bed and patting the space next to him as is this were his place, though, before you had a chance to threaten him with kicking him out again, and, even though you would deny it if anyone were to claim it, the way he looked so comfortable and somewhat domestic made you a little soft. not very, but just enough to let his teasing slip as you settled next to him.
that position was soon neglected in favour of you sitting between his legs as you found that that was more comfortable for watching a movie. one of you had been complaining no matter where you’d placed the laptop before, because it always gave the one that wasn’t currently complaining a better view. but when you were sitting like this you could just place it right in front of you, and because your friend was so tall he could easily rest his chin on your shoulder without it being uncomfortable at all, and now you both were able to decently see.
you hadn’t decided on a movie yet, though, scrolling the ‘popular right now’ section to get any kind of idea. there was one that seemed interesting enough, kind of dramatic (which was needed because you were not about to watch a romcom with the unfairly attractive redhead pressed against your back like that), and you clicked on it to see the preview since it had sparked your curiosity. as soon as you saw the description you noticed it was a horror movie, though, trying to exit out before anything scary would actually appear on screen.
you succeeded, but your frantic clicking had confused the boy behind you - your netflix was set to finnish, so he didn’t actually understand the caption, but when you told him you’d accidentally chosen a horror movie’s preview rather than a regular dramatic movie he sighed out in relief.
“thank fuck you closed that.”
“not a fan of horror movies either, hm?” you weren’t trying to tease him, and the question sounded like more of an observation. you absolutely hated horror movies, with every fibre of your being, hated the jumpscares and the gore and how you wouldn’t be able to sleep without light for at least a week after. so you found yourself relieved when he told you that he’d have to have his eyes pried open forcefully if someone wanted him to watch one, because at least this way you could be sure he’d never suggest watching one, nor would he make fun of you for being scared.
your thoughts were momentarily guided in a whole other direction though when your partner in being a coward leaned forward, chest pressed even closer to your back and also forcing you to basically fold yourself in the middle underneath his weight as he pointed towards a section title he would in no way be able to pronounce.
“choose from that one.” it was the kids’ movies section, but you had no objections. it was neither a romcom nor a horror movie, the only two genres that were a hard no for you right now. still, you found it hard to do as asked because the way he was leaning forward had your chest almost pressed against your legs and greatly limited your arms’ moving range.
“it’d be easier if you weren’t crushing me”, you whined out, trying to get him to lean back by pressing against him with your back, and with a surprised ‘oh!’ he did lean back, finally giving you room to move again.
“let’s see”, you hummed out, now scrolling the kids’ movies section. you didn’t really know which one to pick, though - kids’ movies weren’t really your usual kind of movie, so it wasn’t like you had a go-to favourite. it seemed like mingi noticed, because he decided to interrupt your aimless scrolling by speaking up, surprising you with his question.
“is there anything you watched as a child? something that’s not korean.”
you didn’t need to think long about this - the moomins immediately shot to your mind, something you’d watched up and down as a child.
“i’m not sure if they’ve ever been dubbed to korean, though”, you informed him, “but i can see?” and without waiting for his reply you abandoned netflix in favour of google, where you hoped that your phonetic interpretation of how moomin would be spelled using hangeul was at least close enough for the search engine to do the rest for you.
you were both glad and somewhat astonished when you did actually get results for your search, clicking on the first video that seemed about as long as you remembered the movie to be and leaning back against the taller one’s chest as you felt nostalgia wash over you. and it was the actual movie, though not dubbed - someone had added korean subtitles, and the finnish speech only made your nostalgia stronger. you were comfortable, head leaning against mingi and his arms around your waist because that was the least awkward place for them to be, underneath your blanket in the dim light coming from your laptop, warm and cosy and, before you knew it, lulled to sleep by the comfortingly familiar sounds of your childhood.
the red-haired male didn’t even notice that you’d fallen asleep, thinking that you were simply just as immersed in the movie as he was, until he tried to tell you that he needed the bathroom and you didn’t reply. peeking over to your face he saw that your eyes were closed and your mouth slightly ajar, and a fond smile made its way onto his face. still, his bladder wouldn’t let him not wake you up, and he felt incredibly guilty when he had to disturb your slumber.
“sorry, but i got big girl business to do”, he told you quietly, and even though you were slightly annoyed at being woken up you laughed at the memory of how that was the first thing you’d heard from him, that his business was big girl business. you paused the movie and shuffled to let him get up, but before he went to the bathroom he asked: “do you want to go to sleep now or finish the movie?”
your heart said movie but your other heart, the one that regularly had you give in to your body’s wicked desires (such as an entire bag of crisps in a single second) said sleep, and once more that heart won. you mumbled out a sleep and he smiled at you, telling you to get ready while he was in the bathroom, then.
getting into your pyjamas was an act in and of itself, because you absolutely did not want to move at all. you did it, though, forcing yourself into the admittedly much softer fabric before plopping right back onto your bed.
when the boy returned (once more shirtless, and you weren’t sure if that was to your dismay or your delight) he would’ve guessed you hadn’t even moved, had it not been for the fact you were wearing something else than when he’d left you. the laptop was closed now, though, placed in the empty space underneath your bed so stepping on it would be avoided even if someone had to get up during the night in a half-awake state.
you shuffled to make room for him as he made his way towards the bed slowly, room lit only by the street lamps outside now. he laid down next to you, looking at you for a moment before the drowsiness-induced desire for cuddles and warmth won over the embarrassment that would have securely prevented a less tired mingi from saying what he said next.
“can i hug you?”
and because you were at least equally sleepy and in need of a warm embrace you just ‘mhm’ed in confirmation, resulting in both a long arm and an even longer leg wrapped around you immediately after. you turned to your back because it was slightly uncomfortable like this, laying on your side facing him, and he didn’t waste a single second before he placed his head on your shoulder, the arm on that side holding on to him now, too. you felt warm and cosy (and soft at the thought of the giant cuddled up to your much smaller frame like this) and it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep again, once more unnoticed by mingi, who had almost immediately fallen asleep as well.
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dr-nero-is-god · 3 years
6, 9, 15, 44?
6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
The books? I guess? I like finding gaps in the narrative and then just sitting in there for a little while. I feel like most of my fics are not very plot-heavy (when compared to the structure of the H.I.V.E. books themselves then they are exclusively comprised of subplots tbh), so I often concentrate more on moments I want to resonate rather than really interesting storybuilding. idk
9. Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)?
My bedroom, often in my bed or on the floor in front of a chair. It would be nice to sit in a chair and write but they’re filled with half-finished crochet projects.
15. “OCs” or “Reader” inserts?
IDK if this is asking me if I like reading them or writing them but the answer to both is a hard nope! Which is not to say I never invent my own characters to suit my fanfics, but I wouldn’t write a universe around them. Been there, done that, don’t want it. It’s just no fun to write! 
As a reader, I’m just at complete cross-purposes with inserts. We write fan fiction for ourselves, for the things we need (more often than not, at least), and so OCs are hard at work filling the gaps in someone else’s soul and I have a chronic disinterest in other people’s problems. It’s just not my thing on my end, and I’m sure that folks who enjoy this style of writing deserve better readers than I. 
44. Have you ever done a collab with another writer?
Yeah. Not recently, but yeah. In general I don’t think I’m well-suited to collabs—when I was in roleplays I was a huge godmodder and I am generally kind of bossy. The last collab I tried was actually for H.I.V.E. and it lasted all of two chapters before we kind of gave up. And, what do you know, it was OC-based and I didn’t find it interesting. So! IDK. I totally don’t mind if people want to riff off my ideas or draw something based on what I wrote, and I have written stuff inspired by things other people wrote before, but that’s about as close as I come to true collaboration. 
Thanks so much for the questions, Vul! And sorry for the late response lol
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hoodedmiho · 4 years
For the fanfic meme: P, R, X!!!!!
P: Where did you find the most inspiration for your story ?I think you were supposed to give me a specific fic title here XDDD
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?I used to write shit since I was little but the moment where I think it all shifted into something that could be considered good for my age was secondary school/high school and at that time I was heavily influenced by writing style of Andrzej Sapkowski and Chuck Palahniuk. Like, I am aware I was copying them in my writing at that time and today I can still recall that :’) I loved how Sapkowski described characters and gave them little quirks (how Geralt had a whole range of smiles he would give to people depending on whom he interacted with). From Palahniuk I was trying to mimic his pacing and dialogues and… how bold he was with gore. Some of that have stayed with my writing until now. Later on, when I moved to writing in English, the process shifted a little. I already had somewhat of a style of storybuilding but now I also had to apply it to a language that wasn't my native. That process was mostly taking all the little things I loved linguistically in what I read in English and trying to use them myself so it's hard to pinpoint specific people. This part is mostly a linguistic osmosis of all the novels and fics I've read in English for the past 8 years XDDD
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?I noticed I have two moods – sometimes I shift into novel mode and inhale books that have been piling up and listen to lots of audiobooks and barely touch any fics; then out of nowhere I'm jumping into a full fic mode, books are gathering dust and I have 50+ ao3 tabs open on my phone and I'm inhaling this shit like there's no tomorrow. In that latter mood, I am a voracious fic reader indeed. When it comes to being picky, I admit there are some tags I won't touch unless it's from an author I trust. But generally, as I am someone traumatized by rareshipping, I often take what I can get and I do read all the way through a lot of fics that by the end of it were so subpar that I have to think it through if even a kudos is deserved. (Sometimes it's a also a training in actually seeing with my own two eyes what doesn't work so that I don't even try to do it in my writing.) If by chance I am currently obsessed with a more popular ship with more content, I become a little more picky and sometimes just close the fic after a couple of paragraphs because I know there are a lot more to go through >>> here are the questions if anyone else feels like asking me :3
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nympsycho-ao3 · 4 years
Hey!! Oprah anon here :-) what’s your favorite work that you’ve written? And your top 5 of your works? I’d love to know why too!
Wow oprah anon im... flattered again fhjfjjff frothing hold on...
My favorite fics to write arent necessarily my fav fics content wise. Surprisingly enough my fav fic to write so far (on a pure pride level like, I made this look at it) has been Tender Lover, the melone pregnancy fic. I dont have a pregnancy kink by far, I dont like melone, and it was those reasons that made it so exciting to write. Uncharted territory. I have enjoyed writing Flourish and Tebori a lot of course because these stories just tumble around my head until I puke them out onto AO3. Fav commission wise has probably been my cioccolata fics, particularly Out of the Blue, because I enjoy creating content for such a cool little niche of the fandom. Cioccolata fans have been nothing but good to me in that special, feral way. Of course I love all others as well, especially my kindred jotaro stans. My jotakak fics were fun to write but didnt come out great. I plan on writing more short canon jotakak fics soon.
I am aware some of my fics come out better than others. In terms of final product I think my best completed works are as follows. With 1 being the best.
1. Tebori. I spent lots of time on the actual diction and storytelling through words with Tebori. I discovered a few nuances to my writing that I've come to enjoy even if they are cheesy and overused because I experimented with Tebori. I am very spoiled by the fandom, lots of comments and fanart especially from Schadenfiend but many others as well. This fic is a really pleasant experience for me to write because it hits a lot of my kinks that arise from past trauma so it's kinda cathartic. The last chapter particularly is very hard but pleasant to write so far.
2. Nurturant. Nurturant was really uncharted territory for me as I havent really ever consumed sh/ta content, and especially never produced content. I was very nervous about posting it but I've received nothing but positivity from the fandom. It's a cool little commission that was a challenge but I believe it came out well, even as plot-driven as it is.
3. La Punizione. For my first time writing noncon I realized I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's not perfect and I would change a lot about it but in general I like how it came out. I may be biased because writing Cioccolata and Secco running a train on the reader is like my kink right now.
4. To Seize and To Hold. A really brutal fic that I had to take my time writing because it was hard to convey the sheer emotional caustic nature of it. My first attempt really at playing with words. And I liked writing jotaro beaten and bloody with dio's cum on his face after he stole his girl I mean--
5. Flourish. Really my first foray into putting my chaotic storybuilding into words since my old Mad Max fics. Didnt turn out super great I admit. But it's a story I'm glad I got out there because it got me hooked to creating more content. I still remember the day that I got my first piece of fan art and it has impacted me so profoundly and validated me beyond belief. Not my fav story in the end because the writing is pretty meh and the plot is thin with lots of holes and is pretty cliche.
Thanks Oprah anon. Idk what motivation you have for stroking my ego but thanks again.
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platypanthewriter · 4 years
The problem with Harry, Ginny, and Cho Chang, and storybuilding theory
Realized I was ranting @horson and could probably stop doing that.  @waterhobbit?  @susiecarter?  Anybody have a burning desire to hear my Harry Potter rant?  XD
I think of stories as something you're building to support your imaginary journey, in a way?  Like you have to supply the reader with the framework before they'll keep taking the mental steps you want.  I felt like the HP series did a LOT wrong there, like for one, why introduce a new character we'd barely heard of for Harry to mack on in book four?  Why couldn’t Cho have been somebody Hermione knew in Ravenclaw this whole time?  Why spend all that time building and building this mutual obsession with Draco that goes nowhere?  (Because the world opens out, and Draco becomes less important, but bear with me.)
Why not spend that time building a relationship with GINNY in every book?  Book two (Chamber of Secrets, Voldie’s diary) would have been the perfect time to induct Ginny into the gang as somebody kinda cool, somebody who fights and can solve crimes and isn't just Ron's little sister. Then build on that in book three (Prisoner of Azkaban, Marauders plot)--she knows Scabbers, she could be involved, maybe the rat did something odd she casually mentions.  Then in book four, Hermione and Ron fighting is the PERFECT time for Harry to talk to a friend outside of the three of them, and Ginny could be a Friend by then.   
Then, during book four (the Goblet of Fire, y’know, with dragon riding), have her have a reaction of some kind to Harry having a crush, and he realizes she still has Feelings, and it’s weird.  They’re awkward together, but they’re also worried about this weird thing with Ron and Lavender, and they get laws changed about the use of love potions.  (Creepy, Rowling!  Kids making roofies that last for an indefinite time?!  CREEPY)  They have an ADVENTURE!
(Side note:  Couldn’t he have had a crush on somebody more entertainingly ill-fated in book four? Cho always struck me as Rowling going “And I guess he’d be hitting puberty *sigh* How dull *groan* Let’s get puberty out of the way I GUESS *sigh* and then I can get back to story”  Like if we’d KNOWN Cho it would have been fine, but she was just there to compare him to Cedric?  We know nearly nothing about her, she hardly has any lines that aren’t her worrying about somebody else.
What if Harry’d had a crush on Angelina Johnson, and we saw some real feeling from George Weasley, foreshadowing them ending up together.  What if Harry’d clumsily kissed CEDRIC, or Neville, when they helped him with the challenges, and part of our love for Cedric was how cool and kind he was about it, or Neville being surprised and flattered and awkward and also actually talking about that girl he eventually marries. 
What if Rowling had intentionally mirrored and foreshadowed Dumbledore/Grindlewald by having Harry have some sexually charged scuffle-heading-to-allyhood with Draco, and then Harry finds out in book five (Order of the Phoenix, the Harry Yells book), they fight worse than ever, with Draco turning further toward the dark side with the added bitterness of failed friendship. 
What if Harry made out with Ginny, and it was super weird, and they both thought it’d never go anywhere and were awkwardly Definitely Friends until things started to feel romantic again in later books because she was ACTUALLY AROUND, ROWLING, or what if he kissed Luna, because she understood the stakes of actual death more than anyone else?  Even if they didn’t end up together, they could have found a spot to look out over the moors, and kicked their feet over the edge, and leaned against each other and talked through their feelings about how their friends might die. 
Or what if he DID kiss Cho--I’m loath to cut a role from a female PoC in a Rowling book, dear god--but she was more active earlier, OR she could have been a year older, and played Cedric’s role, that would have been more interesting.  She’d have been more active as somebody Harry knew, and been more important to the story, even though she’d have died. 
Just saying, there were more interesting ill-fated smooches around, character-wise)
(Also a side note:  Hermione needed more friends than her boyfriend and their BFF.  Introduce Cho and Parvati as interesting rounded people way sooner, ROWLING, and then it won’t seem so weird when Harry’s mooning over her.  Also, who are Ginny’s friends?  Doesn’t she know anyone her own age?  She should have been friends with Cho and Ginny, at least, and spent some time with them, so that the reader got to know them.)
Anyway, in book five, OotP, Ginny and Harry are living in the same house and barely talk?  Come on, Rowling, he’s gonna marry this girl! 
He has more interactions with Draco Malfoy, and we know more about Draco and his goals and feelings, than we do about the person our lead marries.  Now, I’ve met fanon Draco and sometimes he’s great, but assuming Rowling, for once, was trying to take the classy road and not absolve bullies, or make the lead spend goodness points to redeem one, what if instead of having Draco be a lead character and then drop out of Harry’s consciousness, he was part of a group of bullies?  Everybody at Hogwarts is very willing to dump on Harry as soon as Draco stirs them up, there have to be some other bullying characters there, making rude magic buttons, and so on. 
If Harry’s obsessed with the sons of Death Eaters, instead of Draco’s person, it’d feel less like it’s building to something between them.  She built and built on this “Harry and Draco: Eternal Rivals” bridge, and it’s no wonder some people walked across thinking they were following the plot to redemption, and were annoyed it was a dead end.  Have a couple of the Draco plots be a group of jerks in opposition to the main characters (not just Draco and Lackeys), and then when Harry leaves his schoolyard bullies behind to fight the Dark Lord, it’ll feel less like a dangling plot thread.
Basically, if Harry was DESTINED to end up with Ginny, build it up the way Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s friendship was!  Give us adventures, conversations, in-jokes, and fights, and have them build trust!  See, there’s that word again:  BUILD.
In conclusion, if you want your story to go a certain way and feel emotionally satisfying, build your readers the bridge to join you.  Don’t leave them back scratching their heads wondering which is the way forward, or feeling like they got hit on the head and missed some important developments along the line! 
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manufactureddreams · 2 years
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Introducing: Nikkie! (Rheas)                                                                                  A little background info: Born as Rheas Nikkie Thesas, known as just Nikkie by her friends. She was born on the planet Galvan as one of the shortest members of the Galvanite race, dealing with the bullying that was caused by this height difference was one of her hardest obstacles to deal with in her early life. She still occasionally runs into problems as an adult regarding this disposition.
Nikkie is Baylor’s lifelong bestfriend and has been there for him through thick and thin. She works under Aunt Gem at the GIB and has always been blatantly and defensively vague about her earlier life, leading Baylor and the reader to draw their own conclusions about what her life must have been like, but as you can probably guess, it was rough for her.
Author’s note: Galvanites are a humanoid species with few differences in genetic makeup to our own. They have no worldwide unified religions on the planet Galvan and have placed focus on other things instead, leading to massive technological advancements. Finally; Galvan will be explored heavily before any of the main cast of characters leave the planet as the make full use of the initial setting, so no need to worry, there will be THOROUGH storybuilding.
“Alea Iacta Est” -Nate
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anyawritesthings · 3 years
A Guide to Storybuilding
Hello lovelies! Today’s post is a quick guide to storybuilding and the questions you as a writer need to be asking yourself. It's a little different from worldbuilding in that it doesn't only cover setting and scenery, but also your plot and story as a whole. Here are the basics!
What does space look like in your world? What’s the scenery? Trees, animals, mountains, etc. Something that I really like to do is make a map for my world. I am by no means an artist, but getting it out on paper gives me a clearer image of what I want my world to look like, and I can always add to it later.
How does time work in your world? If you’re writing fantasy, your world’s history probably isn’t going to include BCs and ADs. Create your own measurements of time that go with you world's timeline. How old is your world? How long are the days? Months? Years? Is your book a prequel? A sequel? It’s also important to note that time can be an abstract thing. Your entire novel could take place within a single second, a single moment in time, or your book could be told through flashbacks. Be as creative as you like. It’s your book, you can do whatever you want with it!
What sounds can be heard in this world? This can also depend on what your setting is. If your book takes place near the ocean, your characters will probably be hearing the sound of waves, and if it takes place in the mountains, they might be hearing a lot of wind. Sound in your world could also include the absence of sound. If your book takes place in a dystopian society, absence of sound could add to the suspense.
People are one of the most important elements of worldbuilding. People are vessels for conflict. Some things to keep in mind when worldbuilding are: Who exactly are your characters? Are they human? Aliens? If they aren’t human, describe what makes them inhuman. Do they have magical powers? Another thing to keep in mind is how your characters talk. What language are they speaking? Do they have accents? If you do want to include accents, something to consider is if there is one person who speaks a different language, then you can describe them as having an accent, but if everyone in your world speaks the same language, you probably don’t have to add accents into your descriptions.
Chang is a very important part of literature. Change creates conflict, it creates a plot. It doesn’t have to be something huge, change could be something as simple as the natural passage of time. As far as character development goes, describe how not only your characters have changed, but also how their relationships have changed, or how their circumstances have changed. Another important thing to consider is what hasn’t changed? Have a change and a constant. A constant can also be a person, or a person’s ideals that don’t change despite outside influences. Just remember that change is natural and organic, and sometimes things just happen. It might be something that your characters can’t control, but how does it affect them anyway?
The final part of worldbuilding is how you want your world and your story to affect your audience. If it doesn’t have an impact on the reader, it’s probably not a very good book. Always consider how your audience has changed, and how you want your audience to change. How will your book affect people? Are you trying to drive them to action? Do you want to bring awareness to a certain issue? It also doesn’t have to be a huge thing. The purpose of your book could be as simple as making someone laugh, or brightening their day. Just make sure you consider what exactly your reader is getting out of reading.
That's all I have for y'all today! Remember, you don't have to follow these steps to the letter. Everyone is different, and my process might not be the same as yours. Either way, I hope this was helpful!
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