#and I think he gets a bad rep
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
… The relationship between Nate and Eliot from Leverage is, despite being very strongly written and generally equally balanced out with the focus of the rest of the inter team relationships, one of the most underrated relationships on television. Eliot is almost exclusively viewed through the lens of his relationship with Hardison and Parker which, although definitely a massive factor and an extremely strong and interesting relationship, is often over-credited as the nigh exclusive reason behind his character development to the point he is occasionally portrayed as prioritising them above all else, or them being the only people who care about him/treat him as a person. While semi accurate, as a result his other relationships are often pushed by the wayside, with the one with Nate suffering the most due to a view of Nate that exacerbates his flaws and neglects the good parts of his character, especially in regards to his interactions with other characters. Nate is often viewed as an overly controlling, callous, alcoholic manipulator who uses Eliot as a weapon and is reckless and arrogant, but this is a gross misrepresentation of their relationship and its nuances. Eliot’s loyalty to Nate is integral to his loyalty to the rest of the team, as both the cause and the result, and the beginnings of it are well displayed at the start of the series, and it’s for this reason that it is the focus of the third episode, with the following episodes driving it home. The difference between Eliot’s loyalty to Nate and the rest of the people he’s worked for is that Eliot chooses to follow Nate’s orders rather than ever feeling under pressure or forced to; Eliot can openly argue with him without ever having to worry about assassins being sent after him later or something like that. Nate may huff and puff and talk shit—hell, he might give as good as he gets, but that’s all he’ll do, and when he’s not on a bent, he may even listen. It may not look it, but that’s a display of trust, the emotional honesty of arguing. The actual point is that Nate does not use him as a weapon—rather, he proves to Eliot that he can have a noble purpose again, something Eliot thought he’d never be able to have back, and gives him something good, pure, innocent, and beautiful to protect again. Nate is the first person Eliot has honestly chosen to follow in years, and his absolute loyalty to the former is apparent in a whole slew of different ways over the course of the series, from following even unexpected orders to standing up to Nate when he disagrees with something to being willing to kill for him (and knowing Nate would never truly ask that of him) to be willing to kill to keep him from killing to the seamless way he manages and corrals the team on jobs to working in concert with Sophie to manage Nate’s self destructive behaviour. Eliot is a lynchpin of the team, and his relationship with Nate is just as important to his development as his relationships with the rest of the team, and besides Sophie, he is Nate’s most trusted confidant. In this essay I will thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
#Leverage#I have Feelings#bc honestly I really care about Nate#and I think he gets a bad rep#and that man does have his flaws absolutely#listen I am tired and I have a headache#but I was cruising around and I have Opinions#like I said it's not that Hardison and Parker aren't a massive part of his development#they are his new thing to protect#but I disagree w/ the claim that they are the ones who exclusively help him get away from his past#and I strongly disagree w/ any idea that Nate uses him or treats him like a weapon#or that Eliot otherwise corralling the team is exclusively due to failure on Nate's part#like I said you see the seeds early on#bc I think Eliot sees them too#he is most often seen falling in at Nate or Sophie's shoulder#when he looks to Nate for confirmation before getting violent or when Nate pulls him back#Nate is the first person Eliot chooses to give his complete loyalty too#aside from when he decided to join the army#and it's real loyalty which you can tell bc it goes beyond following orders it's calling Nate out it's plotting w/ Sophie#Eliot is the lieutenant#I  read this really good fic that described him as the left hand an it's completely accurate#I think I've made posts about how they're genuinely like a mob family#Nate and Sophie are the power couple she's not so much a second in command as the straight up queen#Eliot meanwhile is the loyal eldest son the enforcer the lieutenant#they all work in tandem to make things run smoothly it's not just picking up Nate's slack#it's covering the things Nate genuinely can't cover bc he's doing something else#you see it as early as the first ep w/ Eliot alerting him that Parker's off the book and following his orders to clear the zone#the Two Horse job goes on to give them a better sense of each other and from there it solidifies completely#Nate can do the things he does bc he trusts Eliot to be there to support#Eliot chooses to follow Nate's orders bc he trusts him not just to do good but also to listen when told he's wrong
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feline-evil · 4 months
Dethvanity is really funny to me conceptually as an episode because you can see how little they had to make the characters insecure about for the bit. They swing for obvious lowblow choices with Pickle' baldness and Nathan's weight and even those require some suspension of disbelief because ok. Sure. Nathan '(said extremely proudly) never skipped a meal in my life!' Explosion is insecure about being a big man now. Nathan *guy who everyone thinks is smoking hot 99% of the time* Explosion is a tiny bit larger than usual and is insecure about it now. Lol. Lmao even.
But anyway then we hit Skwisgaar and Toki and there's like NOTHING to swing for, you can see them going uhhh ok Skwis doesn't sleep he probably drinks a lot of coffee, and Toki? Shit, what does Toki have to be insecure about with his looks. He's perfect, he's adorable, he's ripped. Um. FUCK IT, HE'S DOING NOTHING BUT EATING LEMONS. WE GOT NOTHING, WE GOT NOTHING, JUST GIVE THE BOY CITRUS FRUITS.
I'm sure i could make some smarter points about the attempts at applying vanity in this ep and how outside of this and a few other moments i do actually like that the show rarely takes pot shots at things like Nathan's weight, but you see Nathan has shirtless scenes in this one and so my intelligence is impeded when all the blood rushes out of my head and into my-
#metalocalypse#jay talkin#I LOVE TOKI'S LEMON EATING CHALLENGE HES ON IN THIS EP. BABY YR STRANGE AND PECULIAR#pickles being insecure abt balding is funny too. my man has chosen a hairstyle that is actively making that worse for himself#buddy if u didnt have whiteguy dreads impromise yr hair wld be healthier. but we love u for yr octopus swag anyway <3#also hi nathan dont listen to the tv listen to me you look great. hi hello. im unsheathing my sword to cut down anyone who makes u feel bad#EVERYBODY IN UNIVERSE IS A COWARD. ITS BIG BOY SEASON. COME GET U ONE#dethvanity isnt in my list of favs i think most its humour is rlly easy lowballs but i find it funny for reasons outside of that#which is namely the show trying to make charavters insecure abt things when they absolutely are not any other time lmao#trying to find things to make skwis and toki insecure abt but theres NOTHING. ITS RLLY FUNNY#listen. putting my hand on everyones shoulder. lets not ignore the elephant in the room this show is uh#OFTEN VERY FATPHOBIC. so its no bastion of rep just cuz it doesnt take all the pot shots it cld at nathans body#it still does take some and theres plently of fatphobia outside of nathans character#but i do like that nathan is a bigger guy and outside of a few eps thats just treated as smth fine! its not remarked on outside of those!#and i think his body is drawn really well and i like that hes permitted to be sexy and to be like. seen with his body out just as much#as like anyone else in the band. like yeah duh nathan explosion is sexy in universe ppl are rocking with this. AS THEY SHOULD BE#idk like i say. not denying the show its fatphobia just saying i like how nathan is treated and portrayed a lot of the time :]
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yellowocaballero · 4 months
man, reading ch3 was a ride, it's like all fun and jokes and then all of sudden, Nope! It's time to be sad now! but it's so good with it? like, I really enjoyed how seriously you took it, and that moment in the classroom was really like 'oh shit this is legit' in a way that had my heart just sinking in my chest and with the tone whiplash from the rest of the fic so far, it was just literally so good to read. also, seeing byleth and the rest of the class just kinda grapple with wth to do with dimitri while he's deep in this episode is just very interesting, especially when they all have their own hangups and issues with everything. 👍
YESSSSS. I'm always so excited to post the moment the story actually kicks into gear, and this chapter was it for Weekenders. A lot of fun.
I wrote a post a while back about people's discomfort with writing severe mental illness,
and while I wouldn't say Weekenders is a spite fic, it was influenced by how difficult it was to find non-modern AU fic that wrote Dimitri specifically as somebody on the schizophrenia spectrum/bipolar.
It was so hit-me-over-the-head obvious while I was playing! His entire personality and behavior flipped on a DIME in Part 1, and it flipped 'back' in Part 2. He couldn't switch topics, he was ranting incoherently, he was having headaches, he was doing nothing but training, he obviously wasn't sleeping or grooming, he was convinced a 12yo had orchestrated an assasination - that's not depression/anxiety/PTSD, and it's not even just a psychotic episode (mania does have elements of psychosis, hence the paranoid delusions). And, obviously, the actual hallucinations, delusions, antisocialness, lack of grooming, impulsivity, etc, of Part 2 that rang very loudly of a schizophrenic/schizoaffective psychotic break.
But equally important is the fact that Dimitri's illness did not make him hateful and homicidal. Dimitri was always a hateful person. I don't think he's naturally hateful nearly to the degree that he shows while having an episode, but one of the most important lines in the BL route is when Dedue just says that Dimitri was always angry and hateful, and that he just hid it. His behavior in late Part 1/part 2 is him losing all capability to hide it. I don't think he's a pathological liar, and I don't think the Dimitri we see throughout Part 1 is 'fake' - I just think he withholds a lot. Dimitri's cruelty is just as important as his generosity. His hatred is as important as his empathy. The horrible sides of his illness are just as important as the comfortable sides. Do you see what I mean?
That is what interests me about Dimitri so much. Dimitri wants to be Marth. Dimitri tries to be Chrom. Dimitri dresses up like Roy. He is not. He is an angry, paranoid, brutal murderer. Any depiction of Dimitri that forgets that - that unironically only protrays the Dimitri that he shows the world and never the sides of him that he's ashamed of - is kinda buying what he's selling, and it both demonstrates a deep disinterest in who he is and a discomfort with the sides of his illness that aren't palatable.
Dimitri's psychosis did not make him hateful (I think his PTSD had a lot more to do with his anger problems). It made him scared. Mania and psychosis are a very, very scary experience. His mind is constantly telling him that he's in danger, that Byleth's in danger, that everybody and everything around him wants to hurt and kill him, that he is a sinner if he doesn't avenge his dead family. And Dimitri is a good child soldier, and he knows that we destroy our enemies with prejudice. He's a good leader, and he knows that the BL are never safe and that their enemies are everywhere. He's a good son, and he knows that you have to avenge them. Violence solves problems and Dimitri is scared and angry and if he doesn't solve the problem he can't protect the woman and people he loves.
This is serious to me! I'm trying not to make this THAT long but I could go ooooon lol. I understanding wanting to either make him realistically/explicitly schizophrenic OR make him violent, because violent schizophrenics are a bad and harmful stereotype. But I think both sides of him are important, because I don't want to whitewash Dimitri's illness or his experiences. It's scary for the people around you. It very frequenty is triggered from trauma and hardship and it is informed by your life. Like many characters in FE3H, Dimitri is the product of the evils of his world.
Byleth's arc in this story is about her growing into a human being. It is shown as a beautiful thing. It is wonderful to be a person. It would contradict the message of the story to show Dimitri as anything else but a human being - flaws, traumas, SMI and all. He was Marth to her. That's the point.
I went on for soooo long lol but thanks for the ask!
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Primarch Adrien Victus, Dalatrass Linron, and Urdnot Wrex With: Comm. Specialist Samantha Traynor Commander, you need to keep Cerberus at bay- I can't overstate what a victory a treaty between the Turians and the Krogan would be for the Alliance. We need all the help we can get... Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#urdnot wrex#samantha traynor#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#finally got around to gif'ing the sur'kesh footage and i ended up splitting it in half bc the summit just had too many good wrex moments#by best of: the normandy summit i really just mean best of: wrex bc this is literally just every wrex moment from the summit LMAO#i was gonna stuff this in with the priority sur'kesh set but literally when i had like 10 gifs of just the summit i was like#sur'kesh is getting the mars split bc wrex has too many good moments to just start cutting half of them out tbh#also victus in his fancy primarch robes with THAT VOICE??? i'm not down bad for most turians but DAMN victus#maybe we talk about how fucking real he was for hearing wrex say that the krogan were the ones who spilled their blood to stop the rachni#and immediately looked at the dalatrass and said that wrex was fucking right#and then said that the dalatrass was helping wrex or she'd never see another friendly turian again?? like he's a fucking ICON for that tbh#and soph in the dress blues????? HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT (mass effect women in uniforms and armor 😍)#her angy face coming back at the dalatrass to defend wrex is everything to me#and wrex's expressions during the summit are so fucking good#there's so much raw emotion on his face that you can see and you can tell how like angry and frustrated he is with the dalatrass and victus#and how much he's holding back!! especially when linron insults him!! when she basically calls his people useless!!#like there's just a thousand+ years of pent up krogan rage about the genophage just boiling behind wrex's eyes#and he somehow manages to keep somewhat cool during the summit? like obvi wrex isn't a thousand+ years old but he's his people's rep#he's such a fucking interesting character especially during this scene when you think about a thousand+ years of the genophage#bc you get to watch him balance keeping his cool in a political situation he's a leader in#vs. remembering he's a krogan in the presence of the leadership of the people who literally created a sterility plague for his people??#and the raw emotions of that for him???#wrex my love you deserve the world for dealing with the summit in the cool-headed way that you did bc it was 100% bullshit for you#canon soph would have thrown the dalatrass off the normandy so fucking fast for insulting wrex and his people and you cannot change my mind
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noscomnias · 9 months
and if i said mikoto t2 innocent. then what
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sonknuxadow · 11 days
i love sonic character designs so so much i think that character design is one of the things the sonic franchise is best at and a big part of its appeal but also. would it kill them to have more body type diversity
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mechahero · 15 days
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//Let's also not forget the discourse that would be "hurr durr trans character existing bad".
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skylilac · 3 months
this book is acruakly soooo disappointing
#i was thinking like oh religion and queer angels and culty stuff that sounds fun but its actually SO BORING#every fifteen pages he started talking abt his ex like i still love him and also hes ENGAGED???? but he keeps saying betrothed like a weirdo#and like hes literally still in love w his ex but i KNOW thats not the real li but hes talked to the real li like six times maybe#like why put a love triangle if everythings lame and boring#and like the workd building fucking sucks its so bad all i know is global warming made it rlly rlly hot#and ok i get this kinda dystopian setting is hard to pull off but why is it SO fucking jarring i keep forgetting its dystopia#and like listen i get queer rep being important but this is SO BAD.#its like modern queerness + future dystopian apocalypse and it fucking sucks#like nothing abt queerness evolved over the last few decades?? are you fr?? we’re still having the exact same queer discourse??#if youre gonna write a love letter to queer survival at least be fucking CREATIVE#im not buying that human culture stayed totally static except for global warming and a religious apocalypse#what abt race what abt sports what abt food what abt jewelry and clothes and ughhhh this is so boring#ok and the li also has no personality traits bc every time hes there alk the mc says is#wow! he has floppy hair! that he pushes back w bobby pins!#oh my i dont know how to use the bobby pins he gave me so im gonna dramatically throw them on the floor when we have our only fight!#ALL I KNOW IS. he has floppy hair it might be black#this book fucking sucksssss im so upset i hate gr reviews#avery rambles
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vaugarde · 2 months
what do you mean that rgu, the show everyone claims is so much more feminist than torture porn male gazey pmmm, which is bad bc it was directed by a man which means its for men apparently so none of its messages abt misogyny are worth taking seriously…….. was also written by a man.
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presdestigatto · 3 months
atop of all of this i still hold a grudge over him insinuating that chinese people eat cats. btw. and he still gets to race in china and singapore 🥰 what a man.
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silbeni · 3 months
QYICK POST EXPLAINING SOME THINGS. ryoma's stupidly tragic backstory... HEED the tws
Actually I exceeded the tag limit crap I'll rb w a continuation after I shower
#speeding thru this cos i gotta shower#tw physical abuse#tw suicide#i think those cover everything?#tw abuse#okay#so ryoma was sent away when she was 14 to live with her uncle living in Japan#Ryoma is originally from Puertorico (giving myself rep ay) but her parents didnt like handling w her compulsion with things being backwards#her fascination is something psychological but I dont want to give her a official diagnosis since Ryoma's case is so specific#it mostly harmless (like physically) but it gets in the way of her daily life and its really hard for her to make friendships.#but she can live just fine with some extra help and therapy#enter. The worst man ever#Ryomas uncle used to be pretty good to her when she first arrived but it slowly got worse and worse until it went into abuse territory#his life just went downhill and he took it out on Ryoma#Ryoma was very dependent on him so they just. dealt with it#it got so bad for Ryoma that she attempted to end her life by jumping off a tall building. she survived#but the injuries from that healed poorly and now she has permanent damage from that#besides the uncle being violent towards her he was also very controlling. shutting down her hobbies and dreams#he didnt like that Ryoma was friends with josuke and the gang but at that point Ryoma didnt care and went out anyways#dealt with the consequences#anddd then Ryoma was sent to a 'mental health retreat in the mountains' which was a actually. supernatural horror thing. ill talk abt that#one day#the place caught fire and Ryoma went back to discover all of her things are gone bc her uncle thought she would never come back#And then proceeded to make her life hell until THE incident#where Josuke and Da Gang witnessed ryomas uncle beating her up and ! the cops were called#he was taken away and Ryoma went to the hospital... everyone was so shocked#they had no idea something like this was going on and Ryoma always acted so cheerful#timeskip to the trial. since Ryoma is able to turn her memories into film she has Loads of evidence#ryoma is living w rohan. very nice of him#methinks joseph provided Ryoma w top lawyers too... everyones looking out for her
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
loved that when we saw other people lose their souls they didnt turn into violent killing machines. inadvertantly implying that sam naturally has no/low empathy and is naturally inclined to solve problems in a violent ruthless way, but he holds back and figures out how to solve them with mercy and kindness and patience instead.
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attaboy-art · 2 years
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return to form
(alfendi design inspired by @/teenytinyapprentice !)
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fischlcatgirl · 2 months
Board certified abyss 12 HATER
#‘oh youre just bad at it’ i am bad at it because its bad game design. i rest my case#im not even bad at it. i could definitely clear and 36 star if i wanted to. however i should not have to take 40 shots at thr same content#trying to random luck my way into mashing the right set of buttons and miaculously not getting hit because the hp pools are too high to lose#a single percent of your dps bringing a healer or. for that matter. actually healing.#this is i think why Neuvillette has such a good rep. hes basically invincible at c1 which means you#dont have to retry the same chambers over and over because he keeps getting one-shot. because lets all look into our hearts at this moment#his damage is not that much higher than any other dps character’s damage. he just also heals and fits into the current meta#people used to say the same shit theyre saying about neuvillette about nahida#and once natlan comes out the meta will change once again. hp builds will once again become unnecessary in abyss. bennet will make a#reemergence. overload meta will become real. there will be one character who is good to use in burgeon teams theyll be burgeon nilou. this#is my natlan prediction#part of it anyway#and then we will get shneznaya and there will be a character who does damage based on how high you can get their crit over 100% but they#wont be that meta theyll be like cursed with low modifiers. but nonetheless the meta will change again.#im in a love hate relationship with the genshin meta because it is in a love-hate relationship with itself#board certified my post#board certified metaposting
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felikatze · 2 years
was playing star allies again (i have 70+ hours in star allies) doing guest star as dmk and
so dmk's mask has a lot of scratches, right? there's the big slash across the eye, obviously, but his star allies model also has a ton of tiny scratches on it, which means the mask is well worn
mk in star allies on the other hand doesn't have any scratches on his mask
because he has to replace it every game he's in
dmk is better at keeping his mask intact than mk is
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reploidbuddy · 9 months
Me: So I got this multi-chapter fic right
Brain: Uh-huh
Me: Focuses around Silver and Espio starting as complete strangers with flaws and issues they gotta work on.
Brain: yeye
Me: Like I’m trying to be casual in the writing so I don’t want big world-saving high stakes objectives or like big adventures.
Brain: .....mhm....
Me: So like the fic is gonna have a lot of focus on them talking and bonding and trying to help each other grow
Brain: .......MMMHMMMMMM
Me: But it also feels weird because of the lack of Big Adventure™ and other things I had in other fics, like even if the story grew clear enough to start writing, it feels I don’t even have a genre I can name?? Like even even "adventure" doesn't feel right.
Brain: .
Brain: Romance. Your genre is romance.
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