#american shrew mole
uncharismatic-fauna · 9 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
It might be easy to overlook the least shrew mole-- they're the smallest species of mole in the world! Also known as the American shrew mole, these tiny critters are 10 cm (3.9 in) in length including the tail and weigh only 10 g (0.35 oz). That's lighter than a handful of jelly beans!
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(Image: An American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) by Bob Brett)
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bowelfly · 10 months
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american shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) with a pickle
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zodarii-dae · 4 months
i keep forgetting to post this. anyways, secret life symbolism! masterpost is here.
jimmy is a golden labrador. of course he had to be a dog. i was thinking maybe golden retriever, but that was already taken by dl bigb.
mumbo is a hairy-tailed mole. all the mounders had to be moles. i was thinking hairy tail like hairy mustache? i’m not sure.
tango is a pink spotted lady beetle. ladybugs symbolize luck, which fits with the heart lottery. they especially mean luck in love, which is perfect for the heart foundation. also why i chose pink.
skizz is a luzon bleeding-heart. ofc i’m keeping him as a dove, and this one is perfect. mainly for the name. very heart foundation coded.
etho is a short-tailed chinchilla. chinchillas bathe in dust. gravel house. hair often drawn fluffy, like a chinchilla. need i say more?
martyn is a shiba inu. again, dogs. i thought this one just fit him.
bigb is a snow coral corn snake. pink like cherry blossoms! snake, because they tend to represent betrayal, but in reality can be very sweet. just like bigb!
cleo is a secretary bird. i had a LOT of trouble with this one. i eventually settled with this. they symbolize protection and growth, which i think works for her.
grian is a common cactus finch. ok this one i’m super proud of. this season is the one most associated with the watchers- and where did the watchers originate? evo, of course. cactus finches are one of the species included in darwin’s finches. evolution. why i chose the cactus finch- desert duo stuff from the beginning of the season.
impulse is a rosy maple moth. this one is just vibes. pink like the cherry blossoms, yellow like impulse. plus he matches with scott.
bdubs is an american shrew mole. i had to break some of my usual rules for this one. i usually make him a mouse, but i couldn’t do that and also make him a mole. i compromised and made him a mole that looks a little like a mouse.
joel is a star-nosed mole. hey now, you’re an all star!
scott is an orchid mantis. not much to say on this one. pink flower bug, pink flower biome. also scott has preying mantis vibes.
and that’s all! we’re done (until next series, that is).
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canmom · 4 months
Wait is ratfic not fiction about rats???
I can talk about fiction about rats too! Let's talk about some British childrens' book series! And one American comic book.
The four relevant works for our discussion would be the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, the Welkin Weasels series by Garry Kilworth, the Deptford Mice series by Robin Jarvis, and the Mouse Guard series by David Petersen. All these works portray a world inhabited by semi-anthropomorphic animals that are at the scale of real world animals. And indeed all of them include rats, albeit mostly as antagonists.
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Redwall is perhaps the one that has most penetrated internet pop culture, thanks to articles like this one on SomethingAwful which mocked some of the series's recurring elements while painting Brian Jacques as a bit of a nazi. I ate those books up as a kid, but in retrospect I truthfully can remember only snatches: the shrews' battle cry of 'logalogalogalog!', the pages of elaborate descriptions of feasts.
Redwall is a big sufferer from the 'evil races' problem. A certain arbitrary set of species (e.g. rats, stoats, weasels, ferrets) are ontologically evil, and various other species are standins for various stereotypical British social classes (e.g. iirc moles are always working class). As unfortunately tends to be the case, it even makes the strange decision to double down on this - I believe in one of the books, a member of one of the evil species is raised in the Abbey, but inevitably his evil nature comes out when the good rodents and mustelids are once again threatened by an army of bad rodents and mustelids.
Nevertheless, as repetitive and ethically dubious as these books are, they do conjour a very specific flavour which makes them memorable. The author's enthusiasm for food as child of the Blitz shines through, as does his evident love for the idyllic Redwall Abbey. There's a lot of really charming elements like the 'logalogalog' thing. Having these read out to me as kid was great, it had a bit of a panto feel, where I could join in with the expected beats.
The first Redwall book implies that humans exist in this world, but this is subsequently quietly retconned to an only-animals fantasy world.
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The Welkin Weasels series is a lot shorter at six books, and you may well bounce off the author's enthusiasm to insert puns and references all over the place (I recall one book managing to set up "badgers? we don't need no stinkin' badgers"), but from what I remember of them they benefit from having more explicit horror elements which makes the stakes much more engaging. I recall the weasels trying to weasel their way into a crypt full of horrible pitfalls and finding it very tense as a kid.
There is once again a sympathetic-unsympathetic species divide - weasels are our plucky heroes, while stoats tend to be aristocratic and cruel. However, it does play out a little differently: the first three books are in a medieval fantasy setting with explicit magic, but over the course of the novels, the mustelids manage to rediscover humans, leading to a timeskip forward into a more steampunk setting where the animals and humans have built a joint society together.
Honestly, I would quite like to reread these books! They may well not hold up today, but it would be fun to revisit them.
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The Deptford Mice series by Robin Jarvis - author of Deathscent, a highly memorable novel in which Elizabethans have been transported by aliens into a space archipelago where all the animals are robots which run on the four humours - is a pretty fun one, although my memory is very foggy. It's set in our world, in London, and as I recall the first book involves an evil cat wizard attempting to resurrect the Bubonic Plague from the plague pits. I recall a scene in which rats dig up the plague pit and have their paws melted by the lime coating it. Beyond that I can recall very little but I definitely think it merits inclusion in this list of rat fic.
Once again we have the good rodent/evil rodent problem. Mice and rats are almost identical creatures, so it's weird that the sympathetic/unsympathetic divide falls so consistently.
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Mouse Guard is an American comic series about mice with little cloaks and swords. Making it be a comic is kind of a great idea because you get to see how cute they are at every turn. The mouse guard are responsible for defending the other mice from threats such as snakes. They have a pretty high mortality rate.
I'm... actually not super familiar with the comics, but they inspired a roleplaying game by the creators of Burning Wheel, using similar mechanics - e.g. its beliefs system, the simultaneous-resolution combat system. That got a lot of buzz around the late 2010s. So if you want a game to play as an rat at the tabletop, it's probably a good one to check out!
We might also at this juncture mention the wildly popular novel Watership Down, which imagines an elaborate rabbit society complete with a substantially fleshed out rabbit religion. I wrote about the animated film for Animation Night a couple years back - it's quite a memorable one.
Sadly, this is mostly mousefic (with a bit of weaselfic). I don't know of any true ratfic - centred on rats as protagonists. Perhaps this is an opportunity for someone out there to write ratfic ratfic to correct this imbalance.
edit: omfg i forgot the rats of NIMH. thanks to both the people who reminded me of that one
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letthebookbegin · 9 months
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star-nosed mole
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european mole
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blind mole
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eastern mole
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american shrew mole
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de winton's golden mole
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hairy-tailed mole
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froody · 7 months
might be a weird question, but what kind of animal bone would make a good pendant on a necklace? I'm thinking half a pelvis from a small mammal, but I don't know much about bones tbh. the setting I'm writing in has rather different fauna from real life, but I'm just gonna find the closest thing to what you recommend lol
My personal pick for a necklace would be a shrew skull. Perfect necklace size. They rock. They’re so cool to look at. Tiny predators. They have fantastic tiny sharp teeth. Did you know some species of shrew are venomous? They’re not rodents! How cool!
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If you’re really into pelvises, maybe a stoat pelvis, something like that?
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Other small mammals include moles, voles, rats, mice, hedgehogs and minks. There are other small mammals but I have American brain.
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magiccarpetman · 9 months
Miraculous Characters As Moles
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Star-nosed moles are semi-aquatic, making them an obvious choice for Luka.
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The American Shrew Mole is the smallest species of mole. Perfect for Adrien, because he’s baby.
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Eastern moles are excellent diggers, able to dig massive burrows in just one night. With Marinette’s affinity for hiding in the sewers, they’re the perfect fit for her.
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ask-spidermom · 1 year
why can't there be a villain based off an american shrew mole.
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flutternozzle · 2 years
GREAT NEWS MUSIC FANS! - a previously unheard one direction song has been discovered, on a minidisc clutched in the arms of a deceased american shrew mole in it’s burrow, almost as if it died still protecting it
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encyclopika · 1 year
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #228
Brought to you by a marine biologist and our last mammals...
It's time we covered Chip and CJ, two beavers who hold the Fishing Tournaments in the AC franchise. Let's get into it!
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From https://nookipedia.com/
Chip there on the right is an older beaver who has held the Fishing Tournaments in the AC series since the very beginning all the way until ACNH when his son, CJ, took over. Chip and CJ both host the Fishing Tourneys in Pocket Camp off and on. These special events allow players to fish and win great items they can't get any other way.
Beavers are in Class Mammalia - they have hair, are warm-blooded, and most importantly, feed their babies milk produced by an adult's mammary glands. Within this Class is the Order Rodentia, the order of rodents, which make up about 40% of all mammal species. However, I find that a lot of people confuse what is and isn't a rodent quite often - it feels like people classify something as a rodent as long as it's really small and furry (which is a mistake and we'll get back to that). Rodents are characterized by a single pair of continuously growing incisors on the upper and the lower jaw. If a rodent doesn't have anything to gnaw on, those incisor teeth can actually grow in dangerous ways and kill the animal if not treated. That being said, here is a short list of animals I hear people call "rodents" when they're not:
Bats - are NOT rodents. They are not "flying rats"; they are more closely related - and have almost the same dentition - as your dog. As primates, us humans are way more closely related to rats.
Moles, hedgehogs, and shrews - are NOT rodents. They belong to a separate Order between us and bats called Eulipotyphla.
Oppossums and possums - are NOT rodents - they are marsupials.
Rabbits and hares - are NOT rodents (they're Lagomorphs) but at least you were close, as they're sister groups.
Who is a rodent? Beavers, capybara, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, squirrels, marmots, chinchillas, etc etc etc. Many of these animals listed are common pets with relatively short lives. Despite their size and lifespan, they are a lot of work and are a commitment, so don't get one if you're looking for an "easy pet". No such thing.
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So, yeah, "small and fuzzy" isn't a trait all rodents share. Beavers are some of the largest rodents in the world, with large individuals growing to about 70 lbs. (32 kg). They are not small.
Despite the way Chip looks at fish and alludes to the fact that he'll eat your fish when you aren't looking, beavers irl don't actually eat fish at all. Beavers are strictly herbivorous and feed on a wide variety of woody and aquatic plants. Despite the diversity of rodents, there are only 2 species of beaver in the world - the North American (Castor canadensis) and Eurasion (Castor fiber) beavers. Both species look very alike, so it's anyone's guess which exactly Chip and CJ are. Nevertheless, beavers boast one of the thickest and softest fur of any mammal, which wasn't great for them, as many populations were hunted extensively for the fur trade. Luckily, beavers are still considered Least Concern, with the both species having wide ranges across their home continents.
Beavers, like quite a few of their rodent cousins, like the capybara and muskrat, are semi-aquatic and are great swimmers. They have webbed back feet and can stay underwater for 15 minutes. They use this skill to their advantage by using water as a place to hide from their predators.
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Look at him go!
The most incredible thing about beavers, though, is their engineering skills. Although not every beaver will build a dam, they have the skills and the tools (their teeth) to do so. And once they do, they create new wetland habitats I spoke about in this Museum Tour entry. Misconceptions about beaver dams are common, no thanks to the media image of the beaver. As I said before, not every beaver will build a dam - if they find a spot that provides quality swimming area and food, they're just as happy in a burrow on the water's edge. Beavers also don't live in the dam - that structure is actually to dam up a river and create the pond they use for protection. A beaver lodge is another structure all its own where the beavers live, have their babies, and hang out during winter (they don't hibernate). One structure can exist without the other. The lodge often has its entrance underwater so only the beaver family can get into the lodge. Beavers, though happy to munch on a great variety of plants, are actually picky about which plants are used for building and which ones are for eating. And last but not least, and certainly not exhaustive, beavers don't use their tails to build - the tail is for swimming, storing fat, and communicating with their family and other beavers. So, no, they don't use their tails to deliver or spread mud while building their dams, I'm sorry to say. Woulda been cute, though.
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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razgrizgirl · 9 months
North American moles include seven distinct species:
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The Eastern Mole (Scalopus Aquaticus)
The Hairy-Tailed Mole (Parascalops Breweri)
The Star-Nosed Mole (Condylura Cristata)
The Broad-Footed Mole (Scapanus Latimanus)
The Towsend’s Mole (Scapanus Townsendii)
The Coast Mole (Scapanus Orarius)
American Shrew Mole (Neurotrichus Gibbsii)
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uncharismatic-fauna · 9 months
tag the american shrew mole with #mole interest, that's apparently a meme on tumblr now. moles are big
I do actually know about the meme, which is why I decided to do a fact about moles! However, the tags I add to my posts are more for organization on the blog- so if someone wants to look up moles, for example, they can search either by the tag "moles" or by the order "Talpidae".
Thanks for the suggestion though, and other people are certainly welcome to tag that post (or any of my other mole posts) as "mole interest"!
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bowelfly · 1 year
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the two were inseparable and incorrigible. the moment you took your eyes off them they'd sneak away from their monastic duties and into the cask cellar and by the time you found them they'd be so deep in their cups you'd just have to let them dance it out and reprimand them in the morning.
American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) and Northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda)
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zodarii-dae · 5 months
traffic symbolism masterpost
i’ve had a little side project about giving everyone in the life series symbols. the rules are as follows: first place are celestial bodies (planets, moons, or occasionally constellations), second place are plants, and third place are rocks/minerals. last place are fungi, and everyone in between is an animal.
this post will have the full lists of all the symbols, but check out the original posts for the explanations.
first place (last life)
first place (secret life)
second and third place (third life-limited life)
second and third place (secret life)
13th-4th place (third life)
16th-4th place (last life)
13th-4th place (double life)
13th-4th place (limited life)
16th-4th place (secret life)
last place (third life-limited life)
last place (secret life)
third life
grian, as the sun
scar, as a purple hyacinth
bdubs, as blue sandstone
bigb, as a white-tailed jackrabbit
impulse, as a coast mole
martyn, as an arctic fox
ren, as an arctic wolf
tango, as a danish red cattle
etho, as an awassi sheep
scott, as an adonis blue butterfly
joel, as a eurasian wolf
skizz, as a mourning dove
cleo, as an african lion
jimmy, as a sickener mushroom
last life
scott, as orion
ren, as red ivy
martyn, as amethyst
joel, as a brown hyena
etho, as a canada lynx
grian, as a eurasian sparrowhawk
pearl, as a luna moth
cleo, as a tarantula hawk wasp
scar, as a mangrove pit viper
bigb, as a monarch butterfly
tango, as a bengal tiger
bdubs, as a black rat
lizzie, as a pipevine swallowtail
impulse, as a golden-ringed dragonfly
skizz, as a white winged dove
mumbo, as a whiskered screech owl
jimmy, as a lilac bonnet
double life
pearl, as the moon
scott, as a laurel tree
martyn, as rubellite
cleo, as a brown widow spider
impulse, as a plains pocket mouse
bdubs, as a meadow jumping mouse
joel, as a green moray
etho, as a sand tiger shark
scar, as a giant panda
grian, as a hoatzin
bigb, as a golden retriever
ren, as a german shepherd
tango, as a tauernscheck goat
jimmy, as chicken of the woods
limited life
martyn, as neptune
impulse, as a forget-me-not
scott, as serpentine
pearl, as a rosy footman moth
etho, as a greater sooty owl
grian, as a black-billed magpie
bigb, as a golden mantella frog
cleo, as a grizzly bear
scar, as a spotted hyena
tango, as a sooty falcon
bdubs, as a house mouse
joel, as a rüppell's vulture
skizz, as a red collared dove
jimmy, as a destroying angel
secret life
scar, as cepheus
pearl, as a purple iris
gem, as carnelian
scott, as an orchid mantis
joel, as a star-nosed mole
bdubs, as an american shrew mole
impulse, as a rosy maple moth
grian, as a common cactus finch
cleo, as a secretary bird
bigb, as a snow coral corn snake
martyn, as a shiba inu
etho, as a short-tailed chinchilla
skizz, as a luzon bleeding heart
tango, as a pink spotted lady beetle
mumbo, as a hairy-tailed mole
jimmy, as a golden labrador
lizzie, as a jack-o’-lantern mushroom
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bite-sizedttrpg · 1 year
Bite-Sized! Monday Update 1
I have found all beasts that will fill the bestiary for the game.
Lizards in this world are called Drakes and there are quite a few to find, such as:
Broad-Headed Skinks
Coal Skinks
Common Five-Lined Skinks
Eastern Glass Lizards
Little Brown Skinks
Six-Lined Racerunner
Slender Glass Lizard
There is a single feline beast available to fight which is a bobcat.
Fish are another section in the bestiary. Consisting of:
Black Crappies
Common Carp
Red Swamp Crayfish
Different birds, which are referred to as Raptors, are some of the most difficult enemies. These birds are:
American Kestrels
Butcher Birds
Carolina Wrens
House Sparrows
Northern Cardinals
Red-winged Blackbirds
Song Sparrows
Rodents can also be found across the region. These rodents consist of:
Common Muskrats
House Mice
Pocket Gophers
Water Drakes, also known as amphibians, are there to defeat in combat. There are many to encounter, such as:
American Bullfrogs
American Green Treefrogs
Eastern Newts
Fowler’s Toads
Gray Treefrogs
Green Frogs
Marbled Salamanders
Spotted Salamanders
Spring Peepers
Woodhouse’s Toads
Snakes, also known as Wyrms, prowl the area. These deadly ambush predators are:
Dekay’s Brownsnakes
Eastern Garter Snakes
Eastern Hog-nosed Snakes
Glossy Swampsnakes
North American Racers
Plain Bellied Water Snakes
Red-bellied Snakes
Rough Greensnakes
Western Ribbon Snakes
Ending off the list of beasts are the Wyverns, which is the name for bats. These Wyverns include:
Big Brown Bats
Eastern Red Bats
Evening Bats
Hoary Bats
Mexican Free-tailed Bats
Silver-haired Bats
Southeastern Myotis
Tricolored Bats
There will also be insectoid enemies that you will be able to fight. Can you guess what area in the Americas this game's first setting takes place in?
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fandom-sheep · 1 year
MCC Pink Parrots
Wilbur POV 23 JUL 22 Part 1/1
My streamer was so late someone help him
I also forgot to type my thoughts
Anyway now he’s stuck in a hot air balloon
Dogs!!! My favorite thing! At least when watching Wilbur stream.
I want to pet the dogs. My little statistics loving brain wants to devise the most efficient method of petting the dogs in relation to click speed and several other factors.
Oh the people who broke the elevator swapped skins.
Wilbur and Shubble staying in the same skins because they prioritized dogs, as they should.
ACE RACE!!! Time for new AceRaceXWilbur Lore.
Ace Race got a facelift.
Turtle Run? Tortles?
I want to make cosplays of the different MCC games. But only closet cosplays with stuff I already got in my closet and cosplay hoard.
Aimsey comforting Wilbur after a new girl moves into his high school crushes house after their family moves away.
Only reason I don’t like turtle run, it’s keeping us from listening to Wilbur do the little music dude thing.
“How do you lose a girl?” “You forget to cherish her.” Y’all remember that quote? Seems fitting.
Oh Wilbur is falling for Sands of Time now. Can’t wait to hear this saga.
Summary of Ace Race Lore: Wilbur doesn’t like turtle run, misses ace race, gets over ace race slowly, now likes “dogging” and sands of time.
Hey! Not Last!
Also the streamer is quietly singing and is huffing a kazoo (?)
Oh he’s puffing aerosol. Aerosol something.
Not Noxcrew approved. Language “Dogging”
We’re in 6th not that bad. 9th. 9th. 10th. 10th. 9th. 10th. 9th. 9th and Not Last!!!
Oh Wilbur’s flying off the map again. He’s going to find something he shouldn’t find again.
It’s interesting seeing all the scores pop up there.
Wilbur knows one thing and it’s zoom through gaps.
Doggy! Doggy! Pet! Pet!
Now the high heck did we do that? I was distracted trying to get everything set up for school.
Yes we are noble shrews.
Oh poor Aimsey. Burrow away lil mole.
Well that was a round.
Go little burrowers! You’ve got this!
It’s hard to hide when you are bright pink.
Ranboo was dropped.
Bridge. Boarder! Run for it! You know what sure split up. Harder to kill the whole team at once.
Sapnaps there! Go Wilbur! Nooo. Good try.
Wilbur eating a cucumber didn’t even register in my brain. Streamer just does random stuff like that.
Dog time! Or you know potty break.
Now dogs!
Oh look there’s tumblr’s favorite Goodtimewithscar
Audience vote! I didn’t vote I watched my streamer pet dogs.
Oh I swapped the quality of my stream and I was so behind.
Them just saying hey to random people. Glad I just lurk and don’t really speak in chat.
The Sneeg got the Ranboo! The Sneeg got the Blushi! The Sneeg got the Wilbur! We got the nobody.
Ranboo singing random ditties while he hunts.
The Ranboo spin? Oh Hamster Dance!
10 seconds. Good try Wilbur.
Go Wilbur! You’ve got this! Come on Will you’ve got it! Hooray!
We won that round!?! Good job Ranboo! Mans just entered Gamer Mode.
Wilbur feeling stubby towards Phil.
Good job Will! I love watching hunter POV because it’s so cool seeing them in the zone.
Ranboo! 10/10 hunter!
8th! We’ll take it!
Dogs! Oh yeah I can check the MCC live website!
We’re 10th overall but we’re making our way to not last.
It’s nice seeing my streamer on my main leaderboard on the site for his animal petting accomplishments.
MELTDOWN! I haven’t gotten to see it played yet.
Or you know Rocket Spleef.
Ok I’m back now that rocket spleen is done. I’m never invested in that one.
Dog pets!!!
Wack a mole!
Now for Phil to beat everyone this round of the game.
Ooo not a bad round. And the background noise of them talking about… whatever this is… is perfect.
Ranboo “Mom!”
Aww. Wil and his mama trying to stay aware of where each other are.
Wilbur how have you not hit one! How did you miss all of those!
My poor streamer. The treadmill hamster is sleepy.
Streamer has escaped.
Is Ranboo alone? Did we all abandon him?
Wilbur returns with the American Anthem just before game time.
My streamer is laying on his mic.
Wilbur don’t you hate buildmart? Why are you pouting over meltdown?
No sands for you sad boy.
Really Wilbur switched from Ace Race to Sands that quick.
Oh we’re struggling. We did really good.
Wilbur flying through random gaps.
Go team go! Don’t get frozen this early.
Well we did significantly not as good that time but you know it wasn’t horrible.
Now to fly through gaps and cause problems.
Go Fox!
You guys got this! Get your coins!
Wilbur Hmming while frozen and wishing he could place the ice. Understandable.
Doggies! And getting 11 channel points back on the 10 I bet. Woo 1 more point.
Go Tommy!!!
Hello Philza
Oh yeah red did have someone sub in.
Come on Red. I believe in you!
Oh no red isn’t going to make it.
Oh well maybe not! One on One!
Go Red!
I love Eret and would love for her to win. But go Tommy!
Please Red. Please. Shubble.
I’ll be happy no,after which team wins but.
Good job orange! I’ll have to go back and find a clip of Eret realizing their team won!
Ah the Brothers.
Pet the dogs? Dog rank?
That was a horrible to get to the other side round. He should have been able to win that one.
Wilbur with his dogging rank. Good for him.
Bye Bye Wilbur!
Ooo Raiding Dream. Let’s get those raid points.
Oh dream left. Alright off to Ranboo.
Did Ranboo f-ing end at that exact same time?
Fine off to Eret.
Anyway see y’all! Have a good rest of your MCC.
I’m going to see HannahKate’s day 500.
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