#am drankin
faerunsbest · 29 days
okay but
Rolan wanting so badly to make love to his partner but hes incredibly bashful about other people being ware of his intentions, it just turns him off any time people know or accuse him of wanting it.
but they're not,they're just teasing. and he cant seem to get a moment alone with them and when they do have a moment, its too much. they kiss him and touch him and he gets overwhelmed. they're too forward with that desire of him and he cant quite handle it just yet.
but he still wants it, and when he thinks of them hes yearning so desperately, he realizes how long ts been since his partner has made any move to try with him and he panics. so finally he me make some way for them to be alone and instead of a move being made he sees them try to talk and just leans forward to kiss them, kiss them holding their face in his hands. terrified hes ruined them by being himself and just blurts that he wants to make love, he loves them. when he says it with those long dark lashes all wet. whose going to tell him no?
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welcometohighwater · 2 years
i am SO PROUD of myself for how i am doing today (socially) given how i’ve been lately
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bengiyo · 6 months
VIP Only Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
The last few shows from Taiwan have been so shaky or bad. I really want this one to be good.
Episode 1
We start with a sleek sign, soft music, a lot of food, and visible facial hair. This is a good sign.
Oh ho. Both leads seem super serious about their professions.
Chapter 1: Where did you get the inspiration?
You can't fall in love if you ain't clumsy!!!
Hey, that's the actor who played Big A in My Tooth Your Love.
Ope, he's being a shit to one of their regulars. That's right. Apologize.
Oh no. Our writer is still sad about a het boy from college.
Seems like his editor is very frustrated with him.
Capybaras look so unbothered all the time.
I don't know who this meddlesome friend is, but I am actually okay being set up on dates.
Oh this date has gotten awkward as hell fast.
I don't care for A-ke. That felt mean.
He been drankin'
I want to try this soup.
Somebody take his drunk ass home! You can't just be kissing people like this!
Episode 2
Chapter 2: Folding a bluebird for you.
I like this meddlesome friend. He thinks there's potential with this boss and is letting this happen.
I'm curious about the boss's kindness, too.
Y'all, this man really fell into the whole tub.
I'm not sure what I would do if one of my favorite writers became a regular patron of my establishment and then I carried him upstairs to his room when he was drunk, and then I also learned that he's having a hard time with writer's block.
Did this grumpy server get drunk with Liu-li's meddlesome friend??
This man also made congee for him? I know this writer better figure it out quick!
I would like to thank Taiwan for letting a character be drunk for most of an episode and not once threatening me with vomit.
I like this so far! It's so refreshingly normal! The antics aren't over the top. There's tasty food and relaxing music. Everyone is attractive and grown looking. I really hope this one doesn't stumble.
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cinamun · 12 days
Hi Cin 😁❤!!!!
16 and 12 for the music ask please and thanks!
Sis I did the crush one twice! I can't do it anymore or I'll start drankin LMFAO but a song from the 90s?? I'VE GOT PLENTY!!! I am embarassed to admit how many 90s playlists I have. Truly a golden era of music.
Released 1996 and let me tell you. This is steppers music. Basically if you are Black and live anywhere in the upper midwest you know exactly what to do when this shit comes on because the aunties taught you this as a rite of fucking passage when you were 9.
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torture-gardens · 1 year
I am drankin
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waitinginthecorner · 1 year
Drankin my green drank and thinking abt how much I want to be kissing a girl rn. Sick, cruel world. I wish the girlies on dating apps weren't so Not My Vibe bc I am in desperate need of the tender touch of a woman and idk where to find them
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1million · 7 months
i cant take the radio at work anymore but no one can access the speakers becos it’s in the boss’s office or whatever so i just have to listen to stadium county Are you drankin are you thankin (thinkin) bout me When you’re up in your bed am i up in your head When ur drankin are you thankin baout me
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b1uedcollar · 10 months
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#     𝙱𝟷𝚄𝙴𝙳𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙻𝙰𝚁     💈     an   independent   multi - concept.
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𝙰𝚃𝙾𝙼   𝙶𝙰𝚁𝚉𝙰,  SMOKE  EATER.   〈   🍓   〉    firefighter  and  single  father.  can  never  sit  still.  immerses  himself  in  different  cultures  thru  food.  adventurous.  brave.  risk-taker. 𝙲𝙾𝙳𝚈   𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙿𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚁,  SCREWBALL.   〈   🔩   〉    cop  &  carpenter.  foul  mouth  who  loves  to  stir  the  pot.  usually  runs  from  the  fight.  reckless  hot  head  with  a  drankin’  problem. 𝙶𝚄𝚂   𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁,  NOSTALGIA.   〈   🏀   〉    indie  filmmaker.  born  and  raised  on  a  peach  farm.  college  basketball  player.  drive-in  movies.  ice  cream.  mugs  of  cereal.  80s  nostalgia. 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙰𝙽   𝚉𝙰𝙺,  HOMEGROWN.   〈   🤠   〉    farmer  and  agricultural  science  teacher  {  ffa  sponsor  }.  viral  tractor  safety  videos.  rodeo  buckles  and  guitars.
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..     general expectations apply and are highlighted through PSAs.     —     communicate if a line is crossed,   or just    hard block     me.
..     THE CORE FOUR    remain my primary focus.   any old concepts   /   side characters i might wanna dust off or potential canons i attempt to steal will be considered   lagniappe (secondary)   and experimental. you can keep track of updates through the   #MUSE ROOSTER   tag!
..     my guys are built from multiple faces, various aesthetics   /   inspirations, and chaotic vibes. with adaptable stories to make throwing them into whatever verse possible   ( barebone information is purposeful. more insight is offered in their individual tags and through plotting   /   interactions ).    unless otherwise plotted, their default faceclaim should match the age range of the opposite.
..     i use this as an archive for me, first and foremost, and will share how and when the muse strikes. i'm fighting hard against my own anxieties to interact more, so   #MEMES NEVER EXPIRE.   and are generally answered through asks as i don't trust the wonky notification   /   tagging system. feel free to expand into a thread or discussion.
..     in-depth collaborative creation requires some form of out of character interaction.   not all development gotta be written out. i enjoy learning about characters through headcanon exchanges that can build into a plot. some direction is appreciated. time under the hood to stay invested.    and, yeah, i am here for ships.    we can dive into many different kinds of dynamics. with the understanding that each collaboration exists in its own verse. which can be built to our desire, including various aus and multiple concurring plots.   though i am trying to collaborate more, i cannot guarantee extensive partnerships.    we can still find ways of mutual support!
..     21+ muns   /   muses are preferable.   i'm a fade-to-black fella but will engage in nsfw headcanons, musings, and analysis.   i'm still learning to be mindful of trigger warnings.   but, at the end of the day, please curate your space. communication is key. or go in peace.   👍
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libidomechanica · 1 year
He dryvetee
Him frown this he day, so drankin’     whethere’s not by who am I love. He dryvetee. Drawn     to it is alongenior
Disciple were level dwelled     bed, they sacrilegendrure, said Don’t may blisful give. For     my lips as an across.
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warmthintouches · 1 year
*sending snaps back n forth*
Me: might get a drinky poo
Him: doo it lil lady. U deserve drank.
Me: maaaaaaybeeeee
Him: hehe u should
Me: nah I changed my mind. I might drive to my friends later, so no drinky drankin
*stops sending snaps and switches to chat*
Him: driving to a friends huh?
Him: don't lie
Him: is it a man friend?
Him: you going to get dicked down there? At your "friends house"
Me: 🤣🤣🤣
Me: is that your business?
*hours later after opening and reading it*
Him: haha no
Him: sorry
*hours later*
Me: I wasn't btw...
Me: ...and why would you be weird if I was doing that? You once CALLED ME just to talk about a failed attempt at getting laid you had just had. And I was very respectful about it. You do you man. It is NOT fair at all, however, for you to ask or assume what im doing with a tone that you dislike it.
Me: you even send me snaps of you with girls all the time...you think im stupid boy 😏 i know what you doing and don't say a peep.
*goes to bed*
*wakes up*
Him: oh, okay 😳 i.. am very utterly sorry. I was a drinking a little and very~ high. thats no excuse! I ...I always think im very respectful but I wasn't towards you last night and I apologize. I don't even know what made me react that way. I ...uh.. ill understand if you no longer want to talk to me. I haven't been fair to you at all now that I think about it. I even realized I low-key did this the other day to you and you just let it go. You were so polite even...trying to be there for me.
Me: 🙄😑
Him: oh no
Him: im sorry
Him: why did I react like that? Im.. very sorry.
Me: 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Him: you put me on blast last night.. i didnt expect it and I apologize again. Not meaning that I assumed you're a pushover or anything. You seem very honest and I didn't assume at any point that you would take any shit from me.
Him: I had no right to ask what you were doing, especially in the way I did. Still don't know what I was doing when I did that. I'm so sorry.
Me: maybe.. just throwing this out here...
Me: maaaaybe... you.. like like me? 😲😲😲😲
Him: 😳😳 i...uh...I think I might...
Me: 😳😳 oh shit
Him: ...yeah, oh shit. Fuck.
Me: 😏 still, don't be a dick.
Me: just be honest and fair with me.
Him: you're a very precious person. And you're very warm. I like the warmth you give off. Its honestly mesmerizing. I find you very interesting and I want to be closer to you...
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bengiyo · 5 months
VIP Only Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Liu Li made a choice and summarily dismissed the assistant. However, Gu Jing is doing noble idiocy. This show has run out of steam for me, but I’ll continue this for the rest of you.
Liu Li, if you don’t get off the phone with your friend and go after this man, I swear. This is the penultimate episode!
Chapter 9: When Bluebirds Aren’t Lost, Anymore
This man been drankin’.
“What do you have in you?” is honestly such a valid question for Liu Li, even if it sounds harsh. Liu Li has been so skittish the entire show, so how is he supposed to stand with this man and his leeching mother?
At least Liu Li was ready to make out with this man.
Oh, hey, we’re going for it. Even if Gu Jing is a little drunk, I’m okay with it. He been ready for this.
I like the breakfast conversation because it affirms that no one forgot anything, and we can put this romantic rivalry shit to bed.
I feel like Ren and Liu Li’s friend should have started making out here, too.
What in the Be Loved in House: I Do is this ring-making montage??
The 9th Flavor: I Am Your Beginning
If he don’t stop slamming these cups on that table!
Girls, this one is so flat. I’ll finish it next week, but this one is not the moment.
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honeychildoz · 2 years
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I am officially recovered from last week's Thanksgiving-juggernaut. This blessed week kicked off with my very special🎒 Miss Honey's 🍯Angels gifting me my favorite🍬 candy. It is the first thoughtful offering of this year from my students. It truly moved me and made thankful for @24carrot_tasmania for entrusting me at KPM. They see me. 🥹Then we picked up our💗 beloved @jeanettefindlay from the airport. It made Thanksgiving so sacred for me. Family 🫂was here to cook, laugh, cry, feast, and party with me. It was my first Thanksgiving in Australia 🇦🇺and I've been here 15 years!!! Veronika and @mckebab_ rounded out the team. We had 150 servings to make of this all scratch menu...🤤 Spicy Smoked dark meat turkey w/jambalaya dressing Herb roasted breast w/ cornbread dressing HC's Signature Glazed Ham Drunken gravy Ultimate mashed potatoes Green veg tumble with lemon butter Roasted carrots with manuka honey & peppercorns Sweetcorn pudding Creamed spinach soufflé Smoked pumpkin with goat cheese & truffle Yeast rolls cranberry sauce Cookie Tiramisu Whisky pecan shortbread Raspberry peach cobbler Cranberry Lime Iced Tea After each lovely order was picked up we got more and more excited about the party to come. The Family💞 set the table, help carve the meat, set the table, set up the buffet. It was joyful and frantic! Then we sat and feasted on food, laughter, and joy. It was true Fellowship. Hallelujah!⛷️ Then Mrs J and the boys hung out drinking🍷 wine and sharing memories and deepening our bond until the wee hours. I'll never forget the bounty of this Thanksgiving and all it brought me. Never ��� 🍒#honeychildscreole #HCsAngels #Lil #Asha #JingWei #Nickowiss #Tamas #CzarinaRozi #BrotherBearMisi #MrsJ #MzV #Miwa #homegirlAndrea #Chugg #Aarons #QueenVandDavid #Alison #MikeandKirsten #feasting #laughing #drankin #vibing https://www.instagram.com/p/CllI-m-r2-6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soughthopearchived · 2 years
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Good afternoon ghouuuuuls! I am caffinated as fuck! Time to hopefully do some cleaning soon then i’ll be on for a bit before meal prep and drankin’.
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mindmythorns · 2 years
I am v chatty rn, please ask me things!! 💌
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It kinda turn me on the way she licking on my stones 💎♠️
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deng-yi-deng · 5 years
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It's Saturday night y'all。Time to 喝酒。
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