#also your style is so pretty op hello???
sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
So.... Hello! I'm not Very good at english since it's not my language but here we Go. I wanna to say i really love your art (from fanarts to your write style) and i Hope you have a good day today. Anyway i don't know If your ask are ope but How the Monsters trio Will react with they being your First in everthing! (Like First Kiss, First love, First s*x, etc) you can do nsfw-ish If you wanted
aww thank u!:) I am not going to go into grave detail because I am already doing a “First time” series with them but i like this request💓imma do it moreso where you’re THEIRS if thats alright
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Being the Monster Trio’s First (NSFW-ish)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Mentions of sex
I am half sleep and typing this all in one go so mb for my spelling errors im just making up for lost time not posting consistently because school and coms☹️
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Being Luffy’s First:
Crush: Being his crush is no different from being his best friend, he isn’t a very romantic guy if he likes you he will just tell you, “Y/N I think about you a lot, and I also think you may have a Lust DF power because when I think of you i get hard.” Bless him he is very blunt. BUT he does mean what he says so..be nice?
Kiss: Probably the most anticlimactic thing ever. Luffy already licks your face, hugs, and touches you a lot so when he starts running at you after a fight to see if you’re okay BAM. His lips smack into yours like a bowling ball and honestly. It’s cute. Completely uncoordinated, damn near sucked your bottom lip off, but…there was just something so addictive and attractive to his kiss that made you want more
Love: Very odd in his case. He just thought he liked you a lot. The signs were evident though, when you tell him he doesn’t deny it persay he moreso brushes it off because being in love is so new to him. However being his first love is something you can’t forget. He reminds you everyday why you’re important. Why he loves you. And why he fell in love with you.
Sexual Encounter: It was fun! You both were inexperienced. He didn’t know what hole to enter, you were shocked by how long he can stretch his dick. You both even spent the night laughing more than actually having sex, but once it came down to business it was a learning experience for you both. He was so attentive to make sure you were okay you felt yourself crying a little afterwards at how gentle he was with you.
Being Zoro’s First:
crush: He’s actually more of an asshole to you Not even on purpose he just doesn’t want to admit his feelings towards you. You’re beautiful, sweet, and charming and dammit he hates that he has feelings and how you always mess them up when you’re around him! He feels so powerless so please be gentle with him…or put him on blast. It maybe attractive to the mf.
Kiss: Awkward, awkward, awkward. He isn’t the rizzmaster okay. Yes he is pretty and he knows it but he is crap to flirting. absolutely crap. He was so hot in the face when you did the first move and kissed him he was a stuttering mess and pulled you back in for another kiss to prevent you from laughing at him. His kisses wasn’t BAD but …just practice with him. Yeah it was awkward but seeing your face so close and personal, smelling your scent. He couldn’t get enough.
Love: DENIAL IS A RIVER IN EGYPT Absolutely ridiculous how in denial he was. Everytime someone even said the word love he’d get so mad because that word applied to you in so many ways. He fell for you and he couldn’t do anything about it. You were the one opponent he could not beat and honestly, he didn’t want to. He fell for you and he fell so hard that it actually makes him nervous to be around you. He doesn’t know whether he loves you or hates you now for being so irresistible to him. Eventually he comes to terms with it and once it does and you feel the same way. Good luck getting rid of him.
Sexual Encounter: You taught him everything. He didn’t know his way from the clit to your ass. It took a lot of trial and error, sex wasn’t really NEW to him. He has seen porn but it’s completely different from films and pictures so sometimes he would back down when making out got too far, eventually he needed that release one late night while cuddling you and even though he could have went to the bathroom you stopped him and …helped him out. Let’s just say Zoro is so grateful he didn’t pussy out this go round!
Being Sanji’s First:
Crush: Sanji is an interesting guy because any woman that knows Sanji knows he is a mixture of a flirt and just having amazing manners for women. You however was just above the usual women he served to. Being his crush was an experience because you seen a side to Sanji most women don’t get to see. You seen him stand up straighter, sly comments that made your heart melt, and even kept his cool…too cool in fact. He really was Mr. Prince for you.
Kiss: The first kiss he planned it out. He knew his feelings about you and that you felt the same so he needed to plan it just right not just for him, but for you as well. The kiss was so soft and delicate you almost didn’t feel it. And that was because he shy’ed away for a moment, scared his sudden bold move would have you smack him, Luckily, he didn’t have to worry feeling your hands cup his cheek to kiss him back. He still touches his lips when he thinks about that time you kissed him.
Love: I mean man…you really are a blessed woman because out of all of the others he has seen and been with he chose you and only you. it’s insane really. He tries in his entire will to not mess this opportunity to find true love up. You being his first love he watches his mouth and actions around you more, He tries his hardest not to ruin the view you have of him and it shows. If you can just reassure him you love him for him and not who he thinks he needs to be. Sanji needs the confirmation that you love him almost as much as he loves you.
Sexual Encounter: LORD—- okay. okay. Just like Zoro trial and error HOWEVER. Much longer and worse. He really is still a pervert no matter how much in love he is with you so you have to take it very slow. Once you both are okay to be naked in front of each other he is back to being a shy boy so you constantly kiss and praise him, telling him how good he is for you, how well he is doing for his first time. You were so kind and patient with him, it never fails to leave a chill down his spine (in a good way) when he remembers that night of love making with you, and now that he has more experience he does nothing but reciprocate the same feelings back to you in bed.
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chocosnowflake0 · 5 months
im sorry but is that narinder's cloak thing sown onto corrupted bishop! lamb's outfit?
i don't know if it's cause i have had an emotional morning but genuinely trying to hold back tears right now fuckkk, aAAaa the implicATioNsss, trying to piece the story through the design and every detail is just making me wanna cry moree why does lamb have so many cat skulls is it like an in memory/trying to keep nari's memory close or or i fhujfesihr
your art design is absolutely gorgeous op, wonderful work and as always your style is so pretty, dunno why i always love how you draw lamb's snout if that makes sense
it's very shapes/pos
hello anooon And yes! thats Nari's cream cloak, the upper part of it at least. Their cat's gone and now its time for the Lamb to keep going by themselves which... didnt go well btw. I mentioned somewhere in a post some weeks ago that the Lamb would be kinda lost without Narinder by their side and imma holdin' onto that idea. Fluffy soft thing rolling into madness once they noticed they (for some reason) are not able ot revive Nari 👀
THEYCRYHEREHEREANON /PATSPATSINTENSIFIES tysm, honey! <3 Here to gib y'all some furry floofy lamb to enjoy Also,,, sum au sketches ; )
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The Fox here to give terrible advises -> corrupted Lamb starting a whole cat genocide campain thanks to him. the cats skulls are just victims trophies since skulls arent the type of bones needed for rituals -
/dissapears sorry if my english slipped somewhere, its rusty af
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Hello Fellow OP Fans! To celebrate catching up with this series I made a template to show off your favorite parts of the series. It can be used with drawings, screenshots, manga panels, or just text, whatever works.
Hopefully the categories should be pretty self-explanatory, but if you want more details check under the cut :) If you need help thinking of examples I recommend checking out the One Piece wiki, as they have charts showing everyone/everything for any specific categories (Example: All Marines), though beware of spoilers of course.
-The first row is pretty straightforward, though if you're having trouble thinking of emotional moments someone made a tier-list of some of the best ones here. Another way to think of it would be the scene that most affected you or that you respect the most.
-The second row is also pretty straightforward. The categories are broad enough where there will definitely be some overlap (Example, Bell-mere being your fave Marine and fave parent), it's up to you whether you want to add someone twice or feature your second favorite.
-For the Devil Fruit powers you could go with the ones you think are objectively the coolest, or the ones that are used in the most interesting way. Non-fruit technique refers to any fighting style or ability that isn't from a devil fruit. Some examples are different forms of Haki, Fish-man karate, Sulong Forms, Nami's clima-tact, Sword attacks, Sky-walking, Sharpshooting, ect ect. Ship design refers to the actual boats in the series, again the fan wiki has you set here.
-Split the Other Favorite character category into male and female for variety, apologies if your fave is non-binary, please feel free to cross one out and use it however you choose. Non-Straw Hat crew could be a rival pirate crew or any established group, like CP9 or Baroque Works.
-For 5th row I know not everyone is into shipping, so I left them open to choose romantic or platonic pairings. For shorthand I kept the MLW (Male/Woman), MLM (Male/Male), and WLW (Woman/Woman) terminology though. The Ship Other category can be used for sibling, bestie, poly-ships, ect, anything that wouldn't fit in the other 3 categories. For creatures I was thinking of the ones unique to the series, things like Sea Kings, Den-Den Mushi, Banana Gators, the Alabasta duck mounts, whatever that yellow dog thing from Wano is, ect. You could also choose your fave animal character though like Laboon or Chopper. (Again the wiki is good for this).
-For the final row, Inventions refer to things like Vivre Cards, the Sea Train, Pacifistas, Log Poses, Dials, the Clima-Tact, ect; any unique tech that adds to the world building. For the 2nd category there, I thought it would be neat to see what characters people would want to see join the Straw Hats as a permanent member. The idea would be to pick a character that did/could have an interesting/fun dynamic with the rest of the crew. I imagine long lived companions like Vivi, Carrot, and Law would be popular for this reason. For the Anime OPs and EDs you can find a playlist here with all of them, though if your exclusively a manga reader you can always skip these/use them as a free space.
And that's All! Use it as you please, no credit needed, though I'd love to see everyone's responses if you do use it. :)
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dawns-beauty · 2 months
hello-hello, I have come to shamelessly speak of my favourite modded follower... disclaimer for potentially bad taste 😅
I'm not sure why but I have quite a liking for followers built off of the vanilla system (i.e. no custom voice, complex ai and so on). maybe it's because I can flesh them out further the way I wish, similar to actual vanilla npc's. doubly-so since the majority of them don't have much of a backstory in their nexus pages...
anyway, about the specific guy I'm obsessed with... his name is Talerion, and he is a Thalmor. but wait! before you judge me, he is quite interesting! to my knowledge he's the only vanilla-style modded follower who uses the Altmer voice (so pretty...), with follower functionality thanks to RDO. also, he has a rather unconventional fighting style for an Altmer, forgoing magic in favour of dual wielding daggers (daedric ones, to boot! personally I tweak it so it's something less OP)
I am positively obsessed with him and he is practically my oc at this point with all of the backstory/lore I have made up for him. he will a quite important character in my planned fanfic, as an ally (and maybe more) of one of the main characters. also, I've drawn him quite a bit (examples here and here) and plan to make a replacer that makes his in-game look closer to how I draw him. (I probably cannot post it publicly tho bc of permission issues, mod author has not been active in a long time)
100% understand if he ain't your cup of tea but I consider him my-not-mine specialest little guy <3
Oh cool! I had heard of him, but I didn't realize he used a vanilla voice. I love your art! his ears poking out his hood 😭
I love when you can build on characters like that though, making your own stories about your special little guys is a cornerstone of the Elder Scrolls!!
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
Hello! May I please request a one piece matchup? If you're too busy please feel free to delete! <3
Name: Mochi
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (any gender match is ok!)
Zodiac: Libra sun, Libra moon, Leo rising
Enngram: 4; the individualist
Alignment: Chaotic good
House: Slytherin
Love Language (Giving): Physical touch, quality time
Love Language (Receiving): Quality time, gift giving
Likes: Video games, reading, drawing, writing, crochet, cross stitch, Sanrio, frogs, mushrooms, cows, coffee, sweets, summertime
Dislikes: Chores (executive dysfunction), cold weather, bitter foods, crowded places, overload of sounds (sensory issue)
Personality: I'm a very quiet person, but I'm also very friendly and bubbly. I love making friends even though I have social anxiety around new people. I'm not the most talkative, though I can hold a conversation: I'm a great listener, at least! I love spending time with my loved ones, especially my special person. I try really hard to make people feel welcome and relaxed when they're around me. Despite being quiet, I'm generally quiet communicative. When it comes to negative feelings it does have to be dragged out of me a bit, but otherwise I'm an open book!
I'm very chill most of the time, and can be very laid back. More a follower personality. I can be a bit cavalier as I deal with everything through (often quite dark) humor, but if I ever make someone genuinely uncomfortable I'm good to stop. I do need to be told peoples feelings directly though as I'm not a good judge of others unless I already know them well. Because of this I don't sus out peoples intentions well and see the best even when maybe it's not there. I'm pretty naive and gullible tbh. If you dig my humor, though, I'm really funny.
I'm very mental health aware. I suffer from anxiety and bipolar II, so I can be a lot. That being said, I'm very observant with those I love and very good at dealing with ups and downs in myself and others. I'm very introspective and always in my head for better and worse. I'm always striving to better myself, but tend to doubt myself and give into negative self talk.
I value my found family above all else. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them and I've been told I'm too loyal. I also value accountability, a growth mindset, and ambition.
Im very indoorsy and a bit of a homebody. That being said, I don't mind being spontaneous from time to time or going out if there's something interesting to do.
I have my moments of insecurity for sure but I'm pretty confident most of the time. Like I said, I'm an open book - I'm not shy to talk about anything with someone who asks and is seemingly well-intentioned! I honestly just have a huge interest in how people think and love picking their brains lol. I also love silly theorheticals for this very reason.
I'm a big softie who unsuccessfully pretends to be a tough guy. I've got a major weakness for cute things and wouldn't hurt a fly in reality. Soft candy with a gooey centre fr.
Hair: I have shoulder-length very dark brown wavy hair with a side part and grown out fringe. My hair is plain but it's soft!
Eyes: I have beautiful, big chocolate brown eyes with long lashes. They're one of my favourite parts of myself!
Body: I have olive skin, a pear figure, and am overweight. I have about 7 smallish tattoos, and piercings in my lips, ears, and nose.
Style: usually I'm very hobo-chic with all sweats but my preferred style is either full alt or cute pink dresses and bows.
Tysm for your time! Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for this request and how detailed and well structured it is! It made my work really enjoyable. As a side note, you seem such a nice person. Hope you'll enjoy it! 🌹
I ship you with...Trafalgar D Water Law!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your chill and laid-back way of being is what naturally draws him to you. Afterwards, your bubbly side is what keeps him close, all whipped and annoyed.
- He hates to admit that you are exactly what he needed.
- You both seem loyal, mature and ambitious. Once he discovers those traits in you, he decides that he wants you close. An ally, maybe. That's what he sees in you initially.
- A softer demeanor is what Law needs to heal from his past. You being a softie is what will keep him getting better. Is also a side of you that he wants to keep as a secret, not wanting others to try to use it as manipulation.
- Being introspective is a mutual trait so at times, it will be a little complicated for you to figure out and communicate what's happening between you two.
- He's the first to notice that you're feeling anxious. Maybe because he's a doctor or maybe because he worries for you, who knows? (Hint: It's both.)
- The innocent gullibility you mentioned is something that triggers Law to take care of you. And also to tease you, good luck.
- Soft hair? Lay next to him as he's studying and let him run his fingers through your hair while he's reading.
- A cute scenario? You two would have late night convos about tattoos and piercings. Both being half asleep, talking about what other tattoos or piercings you want/consider cool.
- About your style, I think you two would make a great power couple when you go for the alternative aesthetic. If you go for the cute pink aesthetic, there's something about it that makes him whipped.
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prpfs · 3 months
hello! 22, they/he/she, looking for partners for a south park (aged up characters) roleplay! 📭
my main muse currently is kenny mccormick — but i’m happy to play any of the main four!
as far as shipping goes, i am a multishipper and can likely get behind almost anything. that said, my favorites at the moment are:
kenny x cartman
kenny x kyle
kenny x stan
i’m a paragraph styled writer, but i’m pretty relaxed and willing to mirror whatever your preference is on post lengths. i’m also generally around every day, though i do have a job and am a bit less active during the week. i’m very patient, so no worries about rushing or needing to respond within a certain time period!
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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kainereee · 11 months
HI i saw your leona/vil art where you mentioned an organised crime au !!! me and my friends thought it was super pretty (and i love ur art style a ton) so i wanted to ask if you'd like to talk more about the au :D no worries if not
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Op I would love to talk about this au!! Hello to you and your friends by the way!! I'm glad you like my art this was lovely to wake up to 🫂 🫂
I will preface some content warnings now though as this is an organised crime au I will be talking about some upsetting topics 🙇🏽‍♀️
I made this au with my dear friend who commissioned me this piece. The organised crime au is set in a place where the houses are syndicates or businesses working in organised crime, with a few exceptions!
In leovil's case, Leona is in charge of Savannaclaw, which is a smaller branch of the entire Kingscholar syndicate. They do the typical dirty work of the monarch of that land — hits, organ dealing, and they basically rule the black market and the auctions that happen there. Whereas Vil leads Pomefiore who act as the watchdogs, closely working with Diasomnia who are like a secret police of sorts. Vil is very good friends with Silver in this au and he often accompanies him on missions! Either way Savannaclaw and Pomefiore are intertwined as both are hands used by those in power to control the underground — one to keep control over it and the other to keep it in check enough so that no syndicate has too much power.
Leovil ( as per usual ) have quite the complicated past. Vil was originally a rising star on the broadway equivalent of their world. He met Leona on set as one of his co-stars and tried to resist all his advances for like the good part of a year but come on it's Leona Kingscholar so they did really fall in love. They got engaged, and everything was going so so well until Vil was brought to an odd location to find Eric ( the original watchdog before him ) held hostage by the Kingscholars and then actually killed in front of him. It all comes to light to Vil then and there that Leona was in on and part of this plan. The Kingscholars were tired of submitting to some hand of power and wanted more freedom, wanted more, and the first step was to of course eliminate the one person stopping them from completely dominating the criminal underground and the rest of his group.
Vil doesn't remember much of what happened after that aside from when Leona was ordered to restrain him after his father was killed right in front of him he snapped. Killing Eric in front of him probably was some attempt at mindbreak, and it did that but had the opposite effect where Vil was consumed with rage and killed both of Leona's parents present. Falena had fled, and Vil left Leona half dead, leaving a scar on his eye with the dagger he tried to restrain him with.
Vil had never killed anyone before that. Vil knew self-defense, sure, but he'd never taken someone's life nor known that his father was the monarch's watchdog. So when he flees from the scene not only is he dealing with the reality that supposedly every bit of their love was a lie and his father's death, he's also dealing with the fact he has blood on his hands and without even asking for it was flung far and deep into a world that he never asked to be part of. But this is Vil, and Vil knows that he can cry, scream, complain all he wants but nobody can turn back time. So when Diasomnia later sought him out, he accepted their help and protection in exchange for whatever help he could provide himself. He announced early retirement from theatre and his career as an actor. He went from walking into rooms and having people swarm him with glee to walking into rooms and having people look at him with disdain.
Fast forward a good 7 years ( leovil are in their late 20s in the piece I drew ) and leona and vil have been occasionally crossing paths in the underground and by crossing paths I mean multiple homoerotic hate-filled encounters where they spit words at each other with their knives up to each others' throats and curse each others' names for everything they've ruined for each other. Vil though working with Diasomnia has the ultimate goal of bringing down the Kingscholars and killing Leona once and for all.
Vil thinks Leona has never had an ounce of love or care for him, and whatever they were, and has always hated him equally until one day Leona asks his help in killing Falena. Now when asked by your ex fiancé if you'll work directly alongside him after he made a fool out of you and literally ruined your life of course Vil didn't accept immediately and had every suspicion of him, but eventually he does because it would make his goal easier. So the two embark on that terrible journey. There's multiple arguments, multiple times where they definitely also kill each other, but there's also little moments of clarity. When it's just them in the office and Leona is asleep on his couch, or when they've come back from one of their missions and Leona so quickly comes to his aid at a sprained ankle despite claiming to care little for a "pretty face" at all. It's a lot of heartache of things that remind them too much of a ruined past, and for Vil a lot of confusion and just the question of "why?". If there was even an ounce of love in his heart why would he do this to him?
And the story goes from there!
I've talked extensively about Vil here haha as if this was a fic it would be told from Vil's point of view, but also my good friend is a far better person to ask in interpreting Leona. I also went on quite the ramble here so if anything is confusing or if you'd like to know more you're free to ask!
Live laugh leovil 🫶 thank you for taking interest in my silly au
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n3ssier · 1 year
Hey hello! I wish you luck on your journey!!
Can I please get HC for Echo, Kapkan, Jäger and Vigil x Fem!Reader [Indicidually] who recently joined their team and is just super badass? Like they just admire her while she is on a mission and kicks ass?
Feel free to ignore this! But tysm if you choose to write it.
I also reccommend tuening on anonymous asks in settings. That way more people would be comfortable requesting :))
YES OFC TYSM i love this idea sm, i tried my best but lmk if theres any constructive criticism!! ALSO YES TY I TURNED ON ANONYMOUS ASKS NOW
・masaru had heard his fellow operators talking about you in the morning, but just shrugged it off and assumed that you were nothing special
・he first sees you as he got into the coach/bus for you guys and 3 others to be taken on a mission and he’s honestly surprised because you look pretty good for being the newest op in rainbow, but ofc he does wanna say anything about it😭
・once the mission begins, he begins to focus on the task at hand and almost forgets about you, until he turns a corner to see you eliminating two enemies and he cant help but feel surprised.. 
・he stared for a bit.. yep.. definitely just a little tiny bit.. not for long at all..
・after snapping back to his senses when he sees you give him a puzzled look, he probably will give you some cold seeming, but still kind comment, something like “i guess youre not that bad for a rookie” or “uhhhdhjdhgh i wouldve done it better but still, not bad”
・you and masaru stick together for the rest of the mission, not saying much or conversing apart from callouts and intel
・he watches you closely, and tries to focus but he just cantttt
・your teammates are confused why hes being warmer to you than everyone else after the mission
・at the end of the day he waits until everyone is gone before quickly and bluntly asking you on a date
・maxim isnt the kinda guy you’d expect to see fanboying over the newest operator, yet here he is :o
・he likes your badass demeanour, its different, it feels refreshing to him and he likes your style with it aswell ngl
・many bad attempts at him stealing glances at you both the full way there and during prep phase
・after setting up his traps and all he tries to find a spot to camp nearby you so that he can see and watch how good you actually are in the face of danger, while also looking out for enemies, of course
・your talent catches maxim off guard.. and he cant help but gawk slightly
・no one can see because of his hood and mask, but his mouth is so slightly ajar watching you in action
・hes not used to having crushes, or even having much interest in others at all! so this is different and he isnt sure how to feel or act towards you
・tries to show off subtly, which only his close comrades pick up on, no doubt he will be teased for that later by glaz and tachanka
・they especially start to pick up on his crush after the mission when maxim hesitantly approaches you and strikes up a conversation, which is fairly unlike him
・marius is intimidated, to say the least
・cant keep his eyes off of you, and when your other teammates call on him you can hear the slight stutter in his voice
・he also keeps trying to find an opportunity to talk to you, he wants to ask about your gadget, as it strikes his curiosity, and just get to know you in general
・after getting a nasty kill he glances over to you to see if you noticed it, only to realise you were currently holding the upper hand in a 1v2
・he’s whipped for you without even realising, which his gsg9 mates pick up on, smirking to each other
・at the end of the final round of you guys’ training session, blitz comes up to you and recommends that you go speak to marius, explaining that hes a bit shy to go talk to you
・you strike a convo with him and boom, once he realises youre not actually that scary on the inside, all he does is talk to you and tell you about all the shows hes watched, what random fact he found out two days ago, what he had for breakfast, everything! and you just have to try your best to keep up
・chul-kyung takes a liking to you, but no one need to know that in his opinion
・honestly you kinda scare him a bit, but nothing in the world could ever get this information out of him, also he finds you hot tho, definitely
・he studies you very intently, tryna figure out what your whole thing is
・notices that you’re in a 1v3 and dashes to the enemies from behind, only to notice that youd killed them all by the time he had gotten there. this guy was gobsmacked, youd stolen his spotlight as the “cool edgy talented one”😭
・he keeps a close eye on you for the rest of the mission, and was pretty shocked to see you in action, he wasnt sure if he should stay in his position or join in your fight in order to help defend
・and its the same for vigil as it is as echo, where his teammates are very very surprised to see his usual cold persona shift to a softer one for you
・over time you two work together more, and are by far one of the most badass and scary duos at rainbow
・sometimes he just sits back and lets you handle some very intense scenarios, which worries you guys’ teammates, but he knows you can handle it 
·yall are feared
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tavi-the-rat · 2 months
bacciarelli, fangor, stryjeńska⁉️💥
HELLO :333
bacciarelli: favourite polish historical figure?
adam mickiewicz. literally how is this even a question i literally have adam mickiewicz fucker in my bio
but jokes aside i really love this guy. he's fucked up in 1000 ways i wanna cut him up on an autopsy table and study him
also my girl ksawera. ksawera baby nobody understands you the way i do
fangor: thoughts on op-art?
ITS SO COOL like the fact that people can make art that tricks your eyes??? crazy get me a ton of this stuff. also people who make this kind of art impress me bc i think it's beyond my capabilities to create any sort of optical illusion
stryjeńska: what is your favourite (local or other) folklore-related thing? (folk costumes, traditional songs, style of architecture, legends...)
podhale architecture. like im not even talking about styl zakopiański but the fact that people incorporate dziewięćsił and parzenice everywhere is so cool to me. like ive seen so many houses with those symbols all over their ceilings its so pretty. my neighbour makes those things for a living im literally insane
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also i live here so im biased
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heartpascal · 1 year
The new fic was a gut punch to read and it was so so good- op I do not know how you do it, but you always do it well.
Also with the anon who suggested the spider verse characters that would be really cool to see, but obviously take your time- good luck on your exams and have a great day!
-Chaos Anon
chaos anon :’) hello i hope you’re doing okay <3 THANK YOU SM. it was kinda different to the stuff i usually write (in the style i think. or at least it felt that way) but i enjoyed it!!!
i have been writing a platonic miguel o’hara fic but it’s already getting pretty long and that’s just background work HAHDJWJD so perhaps a series is afoot…. who knows!!! not entirely sure when it’ll come out but yeah!!!
sending you much love chaos anon <3
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tv-g1r-l · 1 year
hi! i hope you doing great! <3
can I have male genshin matchup and hcs please? i’m a girl, aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i deeply care about my friends, and i’m super affectionate with people who i love. also, my love language is physical touch!!! i’m also very sensitive and emotional person, but i’m fully open with my feelings only with close people in my life. my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, have some boob, long brown hair and green eyes, i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine, but i also love to dress cozy! i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies and all the bunny-themed items! i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc. my ideal partner is someone tall and protective (sorry I have daddy issues) who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings! and also someone who would cuddle me a lot <3
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. i hope you have a nice day <3
Hello hello OP! Of course you can, here they are!!
I match you up with..
Itto met you while he was playing rock paper scissors with a child in inazuma city.
He almost won.. until he saw you. He got so flustered that he shouted and had to be dragged away by the Tenryou Commission!
You later met him outside the city, you guys talked for a while and he asked if you if you wanted to go out. (For onikabuto hunting, of course)
You agreed and you guys hunted onikabuto all day.. that is until a samurai attacked you.
You didn't have your catalyst on you nor any weapons your dendro vision could work on.
..well, no need, Itto quickly took out his claymore and destroyed them. All in a day's work for him!
But uh, one problem, now he protects you from everything- which is not entirely a problem but..
"Itto, it's just a puddle.."
Both you and Itto are open with your feelings toward eachother. Cuddles are common since it's a way for you guys to comfort eachother.
Itto says the randomest shit ever though
".. if you want, you can squeeze my tiddies!" "WHAT??" "Cmonnn! It'll be like an exchange thingy!"
He loves shopping with you cause, despite being comfortable in his gender, he finds hyperfeminine fashion really pretty!
He always points out dresses and the link for you to try on!
He also noticed your affinity for bunnies
So one rainy day, when Itto came in like a soaking wet dog
"Hey, Y/N! Look at what I found!" "Huh- IS THAT A BUNNY???"
The black bunny's name is now pepper and you both love her with all your heart
Itto also loves how you speak each language
Literally you could say a swear word at him and he's like "oh my god you're so hot"
Despite being the life of the party, he likes to hide away with you due to your anxiety- usually if it were any other person, he'd complain, but with you- it seems like it's the best moment of his life!
All in all: Arataki Itto loves you so much and would do anything to protect his girl! :)
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Hello! Thank you for sharing so much stuff from the notebooks! I will most definitely buy them when they will be available (though I hope that it will deliver to the country I live in xDD). Though, I have a question... is there anything interesting about Ratchet? Like from what I got from Drift’s profile, apparently Ratchet and the others were the ones who opposed Drift and it led to Lost Light crew’s split into two crews???
Oh, and now I wonder whether other “background” characters had much larger roles planned for them (like Sunstreaker, Mirage, Hoist, Siren, etc.).
My pleasure!
I'm pretty sure JRo is gonna ship wherever if you can pay. From what he said he was willing to make the effort to get them to folks!
Onto your questions, anyway.
Ratchet is a character who didn't have that much stuff in these that stuck out to me on first read. It's interesting: some very, very prominent characters really don't get that much "new" stuff here, which I think is because… well… they really were almost "there" from the very start, conceptually. Fun fact: I haven't said much about Rodimus yet in part because it's obvious JRo just HAD his ideas for him nailed down out the gate. (Similar with Magnus. It's astonishing how much Magnus as we come to see him in the final product is just THERE from day one. Only thing that took a little while to nail down was the armour stuff, but even then, he hits on the basic concept pretty early.) The characters with the most interesting stuff in these notebooks are the ones where he's trying to work them out and they changed over time- characters like Brainstorm or Rung.
But he's obviously in there! He absolutely comes up, haha. So let me check for a few things.
The character profile for Ratchet (these are from 2011, so when he was into writing the first few issues iirc) emphasizes that he gets along with everyone except Drift. It actually seems like his more TFA/TFP style mildly-to-moderately cankterous characterisation that JRo famously half-retconned MTMTE Ratchet into (from IDW's earlier, more generic characterisation) wasn't much here even at this fairly late stage. You can see it coming out in some of his ideas, but it's not really nailed down when he describes the character directly. He's remarked on as 'friendly' and getting on with everyone but Drift. So. It also remarks on him as someone trying to advise Rodimus (but Rodimus unwisely chooses to go with Drift's advice instead, with them at odds), which went to Magnus in the end more than Ratchet. But you can see where this concept came from- it fits with the Drift-Ratchet antagonism nicely. And that's for sure here from the start, with the atheism and Drift's (in this version, seemingly somewhat inauthentic) new age-y religious perpsective butting heads.
Also, his motivation for joining here is twofold, and doesn't really reflect what happened in the final comic, though it does mention his wanting to 'regain his faith in what he does' and wanting to find a new CMO after (in this version of Death of Optimus Prime, called at the time Schism) misdiagnosing OP with something and it nearly killing him. But he also wants to find, and fix, Autobots that are stranded/lost around the galaxy after the war.
In the concept brought up when I talked about Drift's character profile on my last post, where Rodimus and Drift would split and go in different directions, Ratchet was going to stay with Rodimus' side of the crew, yeah. Not go with Drift.
OH. One thing though. Ratchet originally kills Pharma directly, which I think miiiight have been inspiration for the next arc with him having First Aid get goaded? Possibly? As follows:
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Now, onto the next part of your question. Not a huge amount, actually. Most of the characters with material in there which didn't wind up with a major role after all are characters who were cut or replaced, not ones who wound up as background fodder. There was a concept for an issue with, of all characters, Dipstick, where he becomes like a data ghost after his death and is communicating through the ship, and Ratchet tries to get him into like… a kind of permanent holoform. Very odd little idea, that, comes up twice. Both times, JRo adds a 2022 note like 'I have no idea WHAT this was, no memory of this at all', lmao. Bluestreak is mentioned once or twice in a way that suggests maaaaybe he would have been a little more around? But by and large, the main cast are the main cast from the get go, with the exceptions being situations like e.g. Powerglide would have had the role that got transplanted directly onto Tailgate.
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scribblesinthevoid · 10 months
Highlights of chatting with TSL AU Belphegor
oh boy howdy this one was a ride, training him while also rping as the ‘Henry’ knight sure is fun hahaha :|
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Me having severe Lesson 16 flashbacks- (don’t worry y’all I made the AI regenerate this one)
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“I never intended to hurt you” he says 5 seconds after using magic to suffocate me via the dream realm. Real smooth darling.
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Levi out here defending my honor even though I’m the knight- he’s a real one babes <33 (and not me in the next message doing the whole ‘look at me this isn’t you 🥺🥺 sh/t good lord)
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Baby girl’s got that illegal rizz ahaha- I shut that down real fast, no abusing master/servant dynamics in this household
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I picked him up in my arms bridal style to get him to shut up, and then used my OP y/n rizz to really seal the deal on him. Babygirl came after me talking big game and now I’ve got him so flustered he can’t barely speak. Karma <33
that’s pretty much it for now, I’ll try and post some more chats with the other boys later. If you’re interested in chatting with this or any of my other boys, don’t hesitate to click on my profile and check out my ch.ai master list!
happy chatting~!
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wiitchkins · 2 years
Hello!!! okay obviously your knowledge of and taste in fashion is INCREDIBLE, we ALL know this, it is ELITE AND SUPERIOR - my question is, what's your background in fashion? what influences do you consider very important in your art? you mentioned in your most recent drawing of marinette that guo pei's couture is some you really like, so you clearly Know Some Stuff about fashion!! p.s. your art is *waves hands around* i would let it eat me
Ahhhhhh!! Thank you thank you thank you this means so much to me to hear! As for my background in fashion…
I am sorry to say I actually have basically 0 actual background in fashion aside from watching almost every season of project runway as it was airing (dropped off a few seasons after Tim and Heidi left) and a long standing appreciation of fashion as an art form.
I’ve never been particularly fashion forward or stylistically adept and I would say pretty much up until I started college I was pretty. Unstylish. Anti-stylish? In my own wardrobe. Nowadays I actually mostly present in way that leans more butch and I do have a defined style I’m both comfortable in and actively enjoy, but it’s very very different from what I like to draw and design.
As the internet evolved it became a lot easier to find stuff and for the past mmm five or so years I try to keep up with the seasonal runways, a lot of which you can find literal photos and recordings of on Vogue.com. Couture is… deeply fundamentally different from “ready to wear” in that it’s often simply unwearable in everyday life, but I think the way it emphasizes certain shapes, forms, and movement is, simply put, absolutely fucking sick (it is however not without its problems as in my experience mmm some Couture fashion folks can be extremely pretentious and intolerable 🙄 not to mention the space itself is highly inaccessible, favors certain features/body types/skin tones, and is inherently classcist, etc etc)
To keep up with what’s currently “fashionable” (as in what people are actually wearing) I honestly just scroll through Instagram to see who’s wearing what and going through different tags and knowing keywords for what different groups elf describe as helps. “#streetwear” is gonna give you a different feed than “#it girl” is gonna give you a different feed than “#office fit”. I also like to scroll through instas and tumblrs that are literally just interviews and photos with random people op finds out in the world- you see personality in how things are put together in specific. What makes a look personal to them? What is practicality and what is fashion, and how much of each does each individual desire? I don’t think everyone is the same kind of Fashion Forward (or even is fashion forward) and I think it’s fun to find different niches and mix and match while still applying design theory Ive learned elsewhere. Even a character who is specifically Not Fashionable is that way in a specific sense, and could still have an appealing design. Also studying fashion at all gave me the ability to draw fabric which is a huge skill.
Without saying too much about my actual job, I am not a character designer at the moment, but I do think having this general knowledge of costume design and vested interest in keeping up current fashion (both ready to wear and couture/runway) is extremely important in my profession and wish it was more emphasized as I think it would be. Very helpful. The character design in Apple TV’s/Skydance’s Luck drives me absolutely bonkers because it sucks so much and the main characters looks like an old navy ad circa 2010. The same could unfortunately be said for our fav girl Marinette. She’s allowed to be less aggressively Fashionable because she is in fact a child, but I’d love to see a bit more attention to detail and understanding of what teens wear nowadays, let alone what they were wearing even 5 years ago. Her look was a tiny bit dated when the show was first released, but it’s even more egregious now. Not that they’re going to change it anytime soon but they had an opportunity in the movie to at least play with proportions since the jacket’s.. cut I guess and pink capri jeans are the most egregious. Maybe I’ll do a redesign that keeps the general idea/pieces in tact… idk. God. Please character designers learn fashion.
Anyway now that I’ve written an essay here’s some stuff I’ve liked and have been thinking about recently:
Guo Pei (as I said, Spring 2019 rules, but Spring 2017, 2018 and Fall 2019 are my favs)
Zimmerman Fall/Winter 2022
Heaven Gaia Spring 2022 Couture
Clio Peppiatt x Annie’s Ibiza current collab collection
Lawrence Basse (all her work tbh)
Zuhair Murad Fall 2022
Tran Hung Fall 2017
Alexander McQueen Menswear Fall 2022 and 2018
Christian Dior Resort 2023
Janelle Monae’s Pre-Dirty Computer Era
Thierry Mugler (his entire body of work tbh but rn I like Resort 2021)
Hawwa (@hellohawwa)
Jarvis Aivali (@jarvisaivali)
This is not to mention my love for pre-colonial Filipino textiles, 1920s butch lesbian fashion, charro suits, whatever the look is called with the giant oversized floral button shirt and the jeans is, bright colorful floral/and or embroidered suits, ami thompson’s knight and princess characters, and the catholic met gala specifically.
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supnerds · 2 years
NINTH! have u watched anything new recently that you liked? or supremely disliked?
okay so I was holding off on answering this until after my exam this morning but then I woke up sick as a dog so now this is my consolation prize.
Anyway!! Let me tell you the wonders of one of the latest shows I’ve watched: Parallel World Pharmacy, aka Isekai Yakkyoku!
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so side note I’m coming back to this after finishing typing the whole thing and holy wow I went on a bit of a ramble. Idk how to put things under a “read more” on mobile so this is your only warning :)
Our main character is a research pharmacist, who works hard to discover new drugs to benefit patients. However he realizes too late that he misses working with real patients - the main reason why he became a pharmacist. Unfortunately, our dude dies from overworking because setting healthy limits for ourselves is so last century.
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Surprise surprise however - he doesn’t go to the afterlife or whatnot - instead he wakes up in the body of Pharma de Medicis, a ten year old boy who is the son of the head pharmacist in a medieval fantasy world (listen I know how it sounds stick with me)
Part of this world’s mechanics are that nobles are distinct from commoners by the fact that they are able to wield a specific element (hello atla). Before our dude moved in, Pharma had previously only been able to create water (these nobles can wield one of the four elements, and only in a create or destruct way - never both and never more than one). Somehow, Pharma 2.0 now has the ability to create and destroy any element he can think of (hello 21 century knowledge) and uses his knowledge of chemical structures to create medications to help those around him. Through reasons, he is able to open the first pharmacy for nobles and commoners alike, and quickly grows in popularity.
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Okay so now for my thoughts on the whole thing. I’m gonna be honest, the main reason I clicked on it was because the title said pharmacy and I am actually currently in pharmacy school. I may have gotten a wee bit excited that there was an anime out there focused on my career path (because let’s be honest have you ever seen anything about pharmacy? they say pharmacy is a small world and they are absolutely correct). As I was watching, Pharma actually consistently used accurate treatments for all the conditions he finds which was so exciting for me. I remember there was one episode where a person had tuberculosis - I only learned about the treatments for that sometime last year and the anime got it all right, down to even the chemical structure. So yeah on that hand it’s super cool for me.
One potential drawback - my man Pharma is ridiculously OP, and consistently continues to get more so. I actually looked up the manga after finishing the anime and the manga does a better job of actually showing him get tired and hitting his limits (which was a great callback to you know HOW HE DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE) but still. There’s an amusing bit with some characters who believe him to be an incarnation of the God of Medicine (which the further we get into the story the more likely it seems) and keeps hinting that he may not have much longer in this world for all the power he has, which would be nice to see as a limiter on how much he can do. The story does show how Terrifying he can be with access to so much power, which is also really cool
Story-wise, I found the whole thing pretty compelling. Again I may be biased re: the whole pharmacy thing, but I honestly really enjoyed the whole thing. Another drawback - really long times between updates, or maybe just for English translations. It’s been at least 2 months since the last chapter was posted, which yes not that long but also I want more
also the overall style is just absolutely amazing I love the art and backgrounds etc so here have a few more pics
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Overall I think it was a really good show/manga, though if I had to pick between the two I’d go with the manga largely due to just how much More there is and for actually giving him limits and such.
lol that got a lot longer than I thought it would. thanks for letting me ramble!
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prpfs · 6 months
Hello! 🌊🏴‍☠️☠ Im 20+ looking for others 20+ please!
Ive been in the mood lately for a plot based on the classic Pirate x Royalty trope!! I have a very loose idea in mind and would love to be able to plot out details about it all with you. Im mainly looking for FxF or MxM for this! Id prefer to have the royalty role BUT if youd prefer to play as the royalty, definitely let me know and we can absolutely talk about it and work something out!
The outline of an idea I had for the plot would be Your Character kidnaps mine either as revenge against the king and the kingdom for ransom (we can discuss details of why in DMs) or maybe simply for another reason entirely. My OC, while displeased about having been kidnapped, is weirdly relieved due to your OC doing so as it maybe has saved them from an arranged marriage they didnt want to be apart of, or maybe they simply just didnt enjoy the life of royalty and wanted a way out and your OC gave them that even if in a questionable and unintended way. Whether or not my OC stays relieved depends entirely on your OC and how you want them to treat mine! While I'd prefer a slow-burn sort of thing between our characters, possibly a mix of enemies to lovers and strangers to lovers, Im not dead set on it and don't mind if things go in a different direction entirely. Im absolutely open to other ideas as well so feel free to toss some my way too! Id love to hear any ideas youve got as well.
Another possible idea I had alongside this one is something with a Pirate x Pirate trope instead, maybe one of our OC's ships crashed in a storm and the other finds them and takes them aboard their own ship to help them? Maybe they have an enemies/rivals thing going on with one of them has something the other wants, so when one of them finds the other in the ruins of their ship, they hold them and what remains of their crew (if any) hostage until they give them what they want? Id also lean towards this one being a slow burn enemies to lovers sort of thing but just like with the previous idea, I dont mind if the idea goes a different route!
I know both of those ideas are pretty bare bones and simple right now but Id absolutely love to flesh out either idea with you, or even use a new idea entirely whether its an idea you may already have or if its a new idea we create together, Id love to hear any and all your thoughts and ideas!! Im also open to mixing AU's with these tropes too, so hit me with some if you have any youd want to use!!
Im honestly not looking for any NSFW right now so Id prefer to keep this SFW, so please keep this in mind!
That being said, I dont mind potential dark themes popping up considering some aspects of the plot all I ask is that we discuss everything beforehand first.
My writing style tends to be very lengthy by default but I will always try to match my partner to the best of my abilities! Please no one liners though, give me soemthing to work with! My availability fluctuates often so bare with me, I will always try my best to let you know beforehand if I wont be available for any given time.
I think thats it!! This will be on Discord! If you're interested, like this post and I will reach out!
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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