#also thank you :) ilyt anon /p
total-aroace-island · 3 months
OOO this blog idea is so fun... ily /p
gonna list a few off, bare in mind a lot of these are kinda just projecting onto my faves lololol
okay so
1. dawn, quite a popular aroace hc!
2. cameron, also quite popular
3. dakota!!!!!!!!!!DAKOTA!!!! i looove samkota Do Not get me wrong. but i feel like she'd be arospec in some way, whether thats fully aro and samkota is a qpr or a relationship that doesnt fit the norms or whether thats something like demiromantic and her n sam actually got to know eachother really deeply off camera ^^
4. DJ OH MY GOD. i am SUCH a big aroace dj truther that i cannot stand to look at dj ships. dont get me wrong! if u like dj ships/ship them, thats super cool and ive seen some great artists for them but i personally cannot engage with them (besides djuncan??for some reason?? i actually really love djuncan)
5. BOTH of the adversity twins. like pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 (projecting like a lot)
6. taylor (projecting but also i feel like she'd love herself too much to love anyone else in that way. even after she starts to appreciate others more i think she'd put herself first and start her own business. she does not give a fuck about men yall!! aroallo lesbian trust me)
7. blainely, don, josh. putting them together cause theyre all hosts but idk they just. give me them vibes
ANYWAYS ill probably end up having more so i will be back!!
- 🪐
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hiraethhh-h · 2 years
i’ve never sent in for a matchup or anything similar so let’s give this a shot (babe i’m low-key terrified, i’m not sure why - hence the anonymous)
i wouldn’t say i’m shy, but still more of an introvert as i much prefer more time with myself - kind of a wallflower by nature, but if i can be quite with outgoing people i click with.
i think most people would describe me as creative, caring ,and quite soft by nature, although i’ve had a couple people say that i’m intimidating to to due to my appearance, although i’m not too sure what they mean by that.
i am. also affectionate with friends, many hugs, hold my hand or i’ll grab theirs when i see something interesting, i’ll split my food if i can make them smile- and babe, big secret- i’ve never been in a relationship so i have never held a romantic interests hand which, honestly? just mean. i’ve spoken to a few people, and i. just cannot string sentences together and get dummy flustered
appearance wise? i have stretched ears (6mm), wear big ass, chunky heels a lot. i really do not know how to describe my style, a lot of midi dresses, cardigans, floral net-y tights- quite 80s inspired if i’m honest, also meaning baggy jumpers and band tees. a lot of dark colours in my wardrobe, but not entirely! neutrals and greens are also a big thing in that department!
i’m roughly 5’2 (the HEELS, man i feel so tiny without them- normally they add around 4-5 inches). also. i feel naked without my red nail which is ridiculous ik
i’m quite pale, dark blue eyes, and darkish brown hair with shaggy layers-kinda wolf cutty, around collarbone length. people semi-regularly tell me i’m pretty, but we don’t believe them because i use to get bullied for my looks and being the weird quite kid, so that’s ace.
i grew up listening to my parents music and damn me if i don’t still- so a damn lot of pink floyd, portishead, nine inch nails, - the pixies and satans rats being my favourites at the moment!
hobby wise, okay.
practically everything artsy, currently studying graphic design and the arts - so it takes up a lot of my time and i love it! the art i do produce is weird, creeps some people out- not gory per say but it does border the line of disturbing to some!
i’d a massive literature nerd, i spend a lot of my time reading - mainly fantasy fiction, a lot of classics- i grew up on shakespeare and tom hardy, a lot of the stuff you read in school and hate? i love. more modern stuff tend to be thriller/murder mystery/obscure- if we were villains being my all time favourite for the past four years
a pretty evident one would probably be music, i love vinyls, something i got from my dad as well as his taste - he’s a massive metallica fan so i have every one of their albums up to 88, but honestly i don’t really listen to their stuff often enough to call myself a fan
eek okay, i’m so sorry that was really long, i’m not too great at putting myself in words so i tried my best :,)
a scenario/head canons would be great, but don’t worry if you’re too busy! i do have a preference for men, but honestly just have fun and do whoever you’d rather write for!
—ps, you’re writing is beautiful i’ve been following for quite a while and man. heart flutters ilyily, keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing it RIGHT
i know some people sign off with an emoji so i think i’ll do that if it could make anything easier :)
- 🍂
god. i was. going to mention that slashers. man your write them really well and were part of the starting issue for my crush on them so damn you and i love you keep it up babe! -🍂
i match you with...
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chrissy cunningham!
AHHHESLJKDF- thank you much autumn anon ilyt (/p) <333 i literally started kicking my feet and squealing because i'm glad to hear you enjoy my work! and i'm glad i could spread my love of slashers onto you hehe >:3
also, chrissy lives in this bc she deserves better and i love her <333
cw for mentions of familial abuse.
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after her near-death encounter with eddie, she realizes that his ‘forced conformity’ spiel in the cafeteria was true.
she realizes that there’s so much more to life than parties, gossip, and jocks.
you and chrissy are complete opposites. that’s what drew her to you.
she’s chrissy cunningham, head cheerleader, and ‘the queen of hawkins high.’
you? you’re… just you. you have the freedom to be yourself
that’s something chrissy craves.
chrissy doesn’t want to be ‘the queen of hawkins high,’ she’s tired of her mom forcing all these things on her, she doesn’t want to always worry about who she hangs out with because she could ruin her reputation.
 chrissy’s just tired of upholding the mantle of overwhelming expectations.
if there’s one thing chrissy’s learned about being popular, it’s to keep your eyes and ears open at all times.
whenever she passes you in the halls, she often sees you walking with your friends and chatting away with them. 
chrissy doesn’t miss how the two of you are holding hands, absentmindedly swinging them in tandem while walking
during lunch, she notices how you usually share your food with your friends, even if they don’t ask
chrissy is afraid to approach you at first because she’s not sure how you’d handle someone like her walking up to you and talking to you out of the blue, but she bites the bullet anyways
she finds that she can let loose with you and be herself, she doesn’t have to uphold any expectations around you because you don’t expect anything from her
chrissy loves your style because it’s so… different in a good way
she herself is a neutral-color clothing person because she doesn’t think dark colors look good on her
but she sometimes does steal try on your band shirts for fun
surprise surprise! chrissy’s found a new style :)
chrissy does ask questions about your ear gauges because she’s genuinely curious
she proposes the idea about getting matching ear cuffs because she has considered getting more piercings other than her belly button
she’s around the same height as you (5’3), so when you wear your heels, chrissy sometimes jokes about you ‘cheating’ to get taller
chrissy loves painting your nails and she’ll happily do them if you ask
sometimes she’ll ask you to do her nails after she does yours
i imagine chrissy mostly listens to mainstream music, but that doesn’t mean she’s opposed to hearing your type of music
chrissy is quite literally entranced by your artistic skills.
she doesn’t care if it’s morbid, creepy, or gory, she finds your art alluring.
more often times than not, chrissy will continuously glance at you as your work
she does her best not to stare, as she knows some people get uncomfortable when people stare while they’re working
you're a literature nerd! her too! she's just pushed that part of her to the back of her mind because it wouldn't be very 'queen of hawkins high' of her if she was into books
if you offer to read any shakespeare/tom hardy books to her, chrissy will drop everything she's doing just to listen to you
sometimes when she's in the mood, chrissy'll recite some of her favorite lines
i like to hc that if she wasn't a cheerleader, chrissy would def be into theater :)
“okay, now just close your eyes…”
“okay…” you murmur, doing as told. things were quiet around you, save for the idle sounds of the forest and chrissy rummaging through her bag. there were a few sounds of zippers opening before they completely stopped. “hold out your hands.” you did just that, a brow raised in silent question.
something smooth and cool slid into your hands, causing you to curl your fingers around the item. “now you can open your eyes.” chrissy stepped back with a smile, looking down at you. you cracked your eyes open, gasping upon seeing the familiar white line leading to the triangle that spit out a rainbow in the back. “chrissy! thank you, thank you!” you squealed with a growing grin, briefly hugging the vinyl close to your chest before turning to safely tuck it away in your bag.
“i’ll just say now that what i got you isn’t much,” you began, moving to hide the small box and paper behind your back. “so… sorry if it’s not what you expected.” chrissy shook her head, “that’s fine. a grad gift doesn’t have to be something big.” she reassured you. you gave a soft hum, flashing her a quick smile. “now it’s your time to close your eyes, i’ll let you know when you can open ‘em.”
chrissy nodded, doing as you instructed. “er… do i have permission to touch you?” the blonde stiffened at your words, her cheeks flushing before she softly cleared her throat. “yeah, go for it.” she confirmed. you stood from your spot on the bench after removing the cover from the box, placing the items on the tabletop and grabbing the gold necklace from inside. you turned to chrissy’s back, leaning down to get better access. gently brushing her hair from her neck, you got a good whiff of her sweet strawberry shampoo, causing the back of your neck to burn.
you gently unhooked the chain of her other necklace, setting it in the discarded box. you crossed your other hand in front of her face, bringing it to the back of her neck to properly hook the necklace together. chrissy’s hand drifted to the sun charm that rested on her chest, a faint smile on her lips. “okay, now you can open your eyes.” you told her, moving to grab the drawing you made. she did just that, looking down at the sun charm between her fingers. “um… i got you one that matches my moon necklace,” you began, “the charms, they… they fit inside each other.” 
chrissy chuckled, “it’s beautiful. thank you.” she smiled, lifting her head to look at the drawing you held out to her. she gently took it from your hands, bringing the paper close to her face. “this is amazing too.” chrissy breathed out, her eyes scanning over the contents of your artwork. “thanks. i’m… really glad you like it.” you rubbed the back of your neck, slowly seating yourself next to her.
chrissy now turned to face you, the cheerleader lowering the drawing into her lap. “i… actually have one more thing for you.” chrissy said now, causing you to raise a brow. “what’s that-” the feeling of her lips against your cheeks practically made your eyes bulge out of your skull, your cheeks lighting ablaze at the feeling. chrissy slowly pulled away, her head ducked and obscuring your vision of her face.
“thanks chrissy,” you murmured after recomposing yourself, “i really loved that…” she lifted her head, her lips upturned in a smile. 
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loverboybreakdowns · 6 months
I love you <3
aw thank you anon ilyt <3 (also /p)
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💚: one million dollars. for you.
🩵: you are amazing and i love you /p
🩷: lets go kill someone together <3
ooooooooooo thanks for the money and the murder!!!!! you are also amazing anon!!!! ilyt /p ^-^
we can use the body for reanimation experiments >:)
thanks for the ask!! <3333
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im-a-chunky-potato · 8 months
u give off shy vibes but like aesthetically shy. very atsushi coded, u also remind me of gin :)
overall literally the sweetest person ever ily /p
Aw thank you anon! You'd definitely be right on the shy part. Atsushi I can see too... but Gin? That's actually really cool to hear. I would kill to be her tbh.
Hsgsg you're too kind! I'm glad I come off like that. Ilyt<3!
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astrxealis · 2 years
hi apollo!!!! how are you doing today? once you're done with your response (which i hope is positive! <3) i would request you to open this & open the box slowly and slowly.
hope you enjoy! mwah <3
HI HI HELLO!! i am doing AMAZING HEHE EIWHIDJSOSJSO I AM REALLY HAPPY RN >_< i'm also really excited to play even more ffxiv, write, and be productive with hw and other stuff <333 i hope you're doing well too HEHE <33 okay and :OO HMM ... okay under the cut bcs y not KFHEKD !! ^^
ahehrheihwdok thank you so much anon, i honestly was not expecting this as all today (esp to be greeted with g'raha too KDHSKDJ) T___T <3 ilyt /p !! i'll try my best to do so ... i've realized it's a bit hard for me to do so but aaa <33 :"((
i don't think i'll still be a fully ffxiv blog bcs there's a lot of other stuff i like too, but since i def do want to be more obvious abt it ... !! yes yes ^^ djshdihs it's hard for me to comprehend that al but tyvm fr :"D <3
wishing you all the best too !! have a great day and night too okay >_< <333
i wrote this all a bit ago but now since . smth happened and jm really happy and proud and rather emotional IDHSKDJSKB here is another paragraph!!! SRSLY this day has made me very happy even though it's not necessarily perfect ?? i don't want to. say too much but seriosily my heart is so :")) <33333
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islandofsages · 2 years
thank you for feeding us the good platonic stuff 🤧 there's not enough platonic genshin works so ily for that /p
aww yw anon!! ive always disliked the lack of platonic works for genshin too and yknow, be the change you wanna see, right? i also kinda made this blog to spite people bc im sick of romance and s*x LOL
ilyt anon /p thank you for sticking around <3 rest assured i will pump out more (queer)platonic content soon!!
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viperiti · 2 years
requests are open, right? can I request ningguang, yae miko, and xinyan getting stuck out in the rain with you to the point that you both get drenched. :) thanks! I luv you!
coming out of my cave to write something for the day then disappear again till tommorow
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synopsis: what anon said part 2, gn reader.
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cw: no majors apply. "dear" being used as a petname.
note for anon: ilyt anon <3 /p
a/n: currently going through writer's block so other requests might take a while! please be patient <\3
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unamused. but she'll go through with it for your sake, she promised afterall.
"dear do you plan on staying out there any longer? you'll get sick." "and? we both know you'll find the best medic in liyue the moment it starts kicking in, 'gguang!"
the lady sighed realising there was nothing she could do to stop you and there was no point in denying that claim.
you caught her off gaurd after a minute or so, pulling her out onto the terrace of the jade chamber and into the rain.
sure, didnt look like it, but that was the most fun she had in a while. even if you both caught colds afterward.
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bold of you to assume she would agree to that
you know something is off limits when even someone such as guuji yae describes something as "positively dreadful"
but of course, somethings are also worth the sacrifice, like you for example. who cares if her ears get wet? she can just wear a raincoat! some random townsfolk comments on it? she can make their life a living hell later! point is she's going out there with you!
"i've always enjoyed the view of chinju forest, but of course nothing compares to your pouting face my dear~"
is what she would say after playfully shoving you right next to a rock.
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estatic! she's been doing this every rainy day since she was 5! and now she gets to share it with her favorite person? even better!
"hey hey c'mon! we're just getting started!"
i have a feeling you'll have a hard time keeping up with her...
expect people staring at you from their windows, not that you'll mind though.
you gave her inspiration for a new song! it was a hit!!
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iceslushii · 3 years
slushii I am fully aware that you are asleep right now but I want you to know that you're pog and I very much do love you /p and that's it that's the anon.
hdjsn thank you very much somegut
you are also pog
and ilyt /p
and thats it thats the response
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awstenknyght · 3 years
hey everything's gonna be okay, alright? maybe not right away, but someday this is all gonna seem like a bad dream. and if it doesn't go away, you have me and a bunch of other people who love and support you (platonically or otherwise). i'm not quite sure what's going on, but i want you to take some deep breaths for me, please? also, if you could name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch/feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste? you don't have to tell anyone what those things are, just take some deep breaths and try to name those things. i love you /platonic
okay,, thank you so so much anon- ilyt /p
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
I'm sending virtual cuddles and twords because you deserve them🥺 I tried to get a gift to send but it uh didn't work cause I don't know how to send images while staying on anon so uh I sowwy i tried
Anyways I hope you're doing well, I just did a whole art project in like 3 hours and its like 11 st night so I'm gonna sleep now
PS the Punz and Sap fic, grade a for adorable. I love them and I swear you always make it so cute
Okay night night or good morning or good afternoon or good evening depending on when you see this ily -🌻 anon
🧡🧡🧡 it’s truly the thought that counts my dude (I use dude gender neutrally hdhxhx but if you’re not good with being called dude I apologize!)
and ahhhh thank you so much I’m really glad you liked it 🥺 I’m so used to writing creator x reader romantic or platonic that it’s still odd to do creator x creator platonic jxhxhx
I’m proud of you for working on your project and getting it finished!
Good morning/night/ afternoon to you as well!
ilyt! /p
Also sorry if I respond to these late! I don’t have tumblr notifs on so that people hopefully can’t find out about this blog as easy so-....
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loverboybreakdowns · 11 months
AHHHH thank you that's so nice!!!
But seriously
You're like one of my fav moots
ILY and your posts /p
-prev anon (also known as 🧩 anon or dagger)
aaaa anon thank you!! 🥺 ilyt <3 /p
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twisted-lies · 3 years
hi mod ko!!!!!!!!! could i get some trans/bi kaito momota manga icons :O ? thank u !!! have a good day ily <3 /p
Hey hey Anon! Of course you can it was no problem at all! Also trans/bi Kaito yesss I hope you have a good day too ilyt/p anyways you'll be able to find your request right {here!}
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