#also please guys dont ever take me seriously
pirateswhore · 10 months
not all older fans have a christian mom view of cs and see killian as a macho man, ur over generalizing and being a bit ageist.
hi !! I never said that all older fans hold that view, it's just the vibe I've picked up on since *checks calendar* mid 2019. I also never stated it was a negative thing, just a fun little observation I've made of how differently some people engage with the ship relative to my own headcanons of them !! <3 you definitely have older fans that align more with the younger headcanons and vice versa !
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
I love tfa it's my favorite transformers show but also it sucks and I hate it
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rooksilver · 1 year
probably gonna delete this later but holy shit i fucking hate dreamwastaken so much especially his stupid new server. fucking listen to me right now. taking into consideration that dream is not copying off qsmp and has been working on this server for some time, its still bullshit.
first off everyone trying to say that theres a difference between bi-lingual and multilingual — quackity has said on stream that hes planning to make qsmp multilingual as well, with ccs that speak other languages being able to join. so shush about that.
secondly, all that aside, announcing united smp so close to qsmp’s start is in incredibly poor taste regardless, without even an acknowledgement of qsmp in the official announcement tweet, especially since dream and quackity are supposed to be friends. if he’d bothered at all to hire a PR team, it could have been done much more tactfully, but as usual, dream has opted to wing it, leading to just being a shitty person (see also: his tantrums during mcc, his inability to ignore cheating accusations).
furthermore, the difference between qsmp and usmp is that qsmp is a passion project — quackity is trying to introduce his culture and language to a wider audience, and create a space where he can play with all his friends, spanish-speaking and english-speaking. dream, on the other hand, is a monolingual white man who is clearly trying to take advantage of the passion people have for language and culture to earn him more clout, and hopefully erase people’s memories of every terrible thing he’s ever done. I understand the concept of a multilingual server is exciting — but seriously, watch qsmp instead. theres more love in it.
finally, all of this aside — dream is still a groomer. its pretty insane how you guys ignored that. in fact, one of his motivations behind united smp is probably to expand to a less english-speaking audience who is less likely to be aware of the accusations. please don’t let this fool you — united smp is not a sign of redemption, its a distraction. dont support it.
tl;dr: watch QSMP, not USMP.
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falloutjuli · 8 months
Thanks to my beloved fellow unhinged Chuuya simps, I wrote this monster. Please do let me know if youre interested in more domestic malewife Chuuya, because woo boy was this fun to write. <3
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader - Domestic Adventures Wordcount: 4,7k Short summary: Chuuya, being the kind man he is, gives you an empty room after moving together to do with whatever you like. While he is gone over the weekend, you get to know his subordinates and take him up on that offer. Warnings: NONE - Reader is an socially awkward mess, Chuuya being a cutie, author is too dumb to propperly proofread, author is unsure at this point what sap means, but also doesnt get a clear answer from google, so she will let it stand the way it is.
"Chuuya... I eh.. that's really kind, but seriously I dont-'' Rudely you were interrupted by a chaste kiss that your favorite ginger pressed into your lips.
"No back-talking. I insist you take it and make it yours. I never used it for anything anyway. Was planning to turn it into a wine room perhaps but it serves a way better purpose as your room." You looked at him, annoyed, a sigh escaping your lips.
"But you like wine." You mused, trying to convince him again, but he was a stubborn man after all. "Yeah, but I like you more, doll. And you moved into my apartment, so I think it's fair you get a room where you can destress and take a break from me if you ever need one." 
Leaving your side he picked up his hat from the kitchen island, before coming up behind you, pressing a few kisses to your neck.
"I'm leaving my credit card with you, the pin if you need it is our anniversary. And since I unfortunately have work to do, I have two of my subordinates waiting outside if you want to go anywhere. They will also gladly help you with anything regarding the room, just ask yeah?"
You looked at the room one last time, before turning around to hug him. "Okay. I'll see what I do with this room. Be careful okay?"
He nodded, kissing you one last time before leaving out the door. His heart ached each time he had to leave for a while, especially over the weekends but it also gave you time to fully focus on this project and he was more than excited to see what you'd do. 
Back inside the apartment that now was your home too, you really were unsure what to do. Being given a rather spacious room to do whatever you want with it... that was a new thing.
But it wasn't like you had no Pinterest boards filled with room inspos. Scrolling through them while drinking tea helped you to get a better idea of what you wanted to do.
So a little paint would be needed, some furniture, and loads of tiny decorations. But how would you even manage to paint, the last time was when you moved into your old apartment, and that sucked majorly.
Remembering that your trusty boyfriend had left his subordinates with you, you could ask them perhaps. After getting ready to go out you went out into the spacious hallway that lead to the apartment, where two men dressed in black suits were already standing.
"Um, hey." You said awkwardly. Could you even ask hardened mafia members to please help you paint a room? Well, you'd find out now. The burly guys nodded, signaling you to continue, no emotion readable on their faces.
"Well, I was planning to paint a room and I wondered if it was alright to ask for your help?"
"We'll do anything you ask of us, that was Nakahara-san's instruction." The blond one said, adjusting his sunglasses.
"I figured, but still, I want to ask, if you don't want to, you won't have to." 
The ensuing silence felt awkward as you shifted from one foot to the other.
"Is the paint already inside or do you need an escort to the city first?" The brown-haired one asked and you responded with a weird ramble of all the things you would need and places you planned on going to. 
"Well, we better get going then right?" The blond one said and guided you over to the elevators. 
It wasn't long before you sat in the backseat of one of the Port Mafia's Standart black cars, with your new companions sitting in the front. The ride was silent and you kept accidentally meeting their gazes whenever they went to look in the rear mirror to check in on you. 
"(L/N)-san?" The brunette spoke up, making you cringe a little being addressed so formally.
"Just Y/N is fine!" You said.
"Right, Y/N, you can always call a friend if you want to have someone more familiar with you. We can pick them up on the way." You shook your head.
"No, it's alright." 
You'd rather not subject your friends to suddenly seeing you with an entourage since most didn't even know you're dating a Mafioso. You had lied and told them he was working a government job and therefore needed his privacy.
So far no one had ever questioned you further about your elusive boyfriend and you preferred it to stay that way. 
The first stop at Ikea made you grateful Chuuya had left these guys with you, since it was really helpful having four strong extra hands who lifted heavy packages and drove the carts around for you.
You still wanted to disappear in a hole whenever customers or workers turned their head, watching you with confused expressions but yeah, you'd need to get used to that now.
Chuuya was overprotective and now that it was more apparent that you belonged to him, there was no chance you'd have much alone time while out and about. Somehow the Mafia would always have an eye on you, even if it's just to calm Chuuyas mind. 
"We scanned everything in, you can now pay." The blond said and you nudged past the many cartons to hold Chuuyas card to the card reader that happily asked you for the pin.
Typing in your anniversary date made the window close and a long paper came rushing out. You quickly collected it, stuffing it in your purse before you and your companions went back outside. Just outside the building, you noticed there was no way in hell all the new stuff would fit.
"Hey eh, guys, how are we gonna get this to Chuuyas?" You asked and the guys exchanged looks, obviously not having considered that either.
"I'll stay here, make a call and deliver them in a while, you go and pick up the rest." The brown-haired one offered, making you immediately feel bad.
"But won't that be... boring or rude?" You asked but he shook his head. "It won't take long, don't worry." You nodded and waved goodbye, following the blond to the car. 
Once back on the road you finally asked what had been on your mind. 
"Mind if I ask your name? It feels weird not knowing who's driving me around and all." You said and you spotted a smile from the rear mirror. "Sato and the other guy is Hiro."
You nodded, the awkwardness still barely fleeting.
While picking up the paint and anything else needed to mount the furniture later you and Sato fell into some Smalltalk. Nothing deep or noteworthy, just anything to ensure no awkward silence could take place again as it drove you up the walls.
The ever so slim fear that these guys could tell Chuuya how much of an awkward mess you were had a chokehold on you. 
After being sure you had everything needed for the start, you two drove back, only stopping by a bakery you spotted near your new home.
When you were finally back in the familiar four walls of your home, you saw that Hiro had been a busy bee, by having gotten all the new furniture already up and inside.
"Oh wow, thank you so much." You said and placed the bakery goods on the kitchen island. Meanwhile, your new Mafia friends, if they could be considered that even, sorted things away and then quickly grabbed everything to start painting Soon.
"So what's the plan?" Hiro asked you eventually and had you pull up the references you picked out.
"You guys think you can manage that?"
"Don't doubt our capability." They humored you and got to work, while you began putting together the little nick-nacks that would soon find home in the room. 
Around the early evening, you made tea and coffee for the two men and served some of the cake you got earlier, which the two thanked you wholeheartedly for.
Even later again, they called it quits, the room now colored just how you wanted it. "Wow, that's perfect! Thank you two so much." You beamed at them and though they would never admit it, they felt glad you enjoyed it.
"Well, it'll need to dry overnight before we put in the furniture tomorrow, so we will leave you to it for tonight, alright?" Hiro stated and you bid your goodbyes, now once more alone in the spacious apartment that currently was inhabited by Swedish packages, and loads of decorations, only waiting to find their place soon. 
Yeah, this was all coming together.
The next morning started slow, the bed always felt the worst if Chuuya wasn't in it with you, but you managed to pull it together once you were munching on your breakfast. Especially when a quick message pops up on your phone. 
Chuu Chuu: Thinking about you
He was a sap, even if he'd never admit it. It was tiny gestures like these that had you know how much he loved you. Even when he was away on missions or errands, he tried to find the time to let you know his heart was with you. 
Same here. Can't wait to see you again.
You replied and put it down to walk to your front door which had just been knocked on, opening it to be met with the two guys from yesterday.
"Morning." You said and they replied the same, as you let them in. "Coffee, tea, anything I can offer you guys?" You asked, still feeling guilty for taking advantage of the fact that Chuuya had ordered them to fulfill your every wish. 
"Am fine for now, what about you?" Hiro asked Sato, who agreed to not need anything.
You shrugged and watched as the two inspected the now-dried walls in your room, then making plans on the next steps.
"Need any help?" You chimed in, but again, the two declined.
"No need. Enjoy your morning Y/N." You nodded slowly and sat back down on the red, expensive couch with your tea, while scrolling through your phone. 
Ever so often you'd look up, watching the two Mafiosi rip open packages, bicker about what they'd do first, and carry things around. 
Soon little to no big packages were left, Sato and Hiro currently working on a bookshelf, when your scrolling was interrupted by a phone call from Chuu Chuu. Surprised you picked up immediately. 
"Hey, didn't think I'd hear from you so soon." You said, getting up to satisfy the odd urge to walk around while talking.
"I currently have a little downtime before I'm probably am right back in the middle of annoying shit, so I called my doll. How is the room progress coming along? Are the guys helping you?" 
You slyly took a peak in said room, watching the almost finished bookshelf and replied; "Yeah, going great. At this rate you won't even see any trace of package material." You laughed and he chuckled along too.
"I cannot wait to see you again. I miss you." He sighed, his longing clearly audible.
"Chuu, it's been barely twenty-four hours."
"And? Even a minute without you inflicts me more pain than any other wound I have received over the years." You bit your lip, trying to not laugh. If anyone knew the scary gravity manipulator and Mafia executive was one of the most domestic and sappy guys you knew, no one would believe you.
"You're exaggerating."
"Perhaps a little. But my point still stands. I'll treat you to dinner on Monday when I'm back alright?" You leaned on the kitchen island, a dreamy smile plastered across your face and you could only imagine that Chuuya must look similar.
"Alright. See you Monday yeah? I don't wanna keep you from work. Watch out for yourself." You said.
It felt unnecessary to tell him to be careful, he was the strongest man you knew, but you still said it. And while you did it, Chuuya appreciated it each time.
"Of course. The same goes for you. I love you Doll."
"Love ya too Chuuya." And then there was silence, except for the hammering coming from the room. A sigh escaped your lips.
Fuck, him calling you only made you miss him like crazy. How cruel of him. 
It only took another hour after Chuuya had checked in with you, for Sato and Hiro to have finished building and placing all the furniture. They watched you inspect the room and felt relieved when you gave them a thumbs-up. 
They were kind enough even to help you sort in all your stuff, the new plants, lights, books, figures, even when you had said multiple times that it wouldn't be necessary.
As you poked a fork into your takeout you finally asked the two, "Don't you like... I dunno, get bored of hanging around me..?" 
Looking up from their portions, they immediately shook their head. 
"Not really. Even if, we couldn't complain since Nakahara-san gave us this order, and the order is to "keep his most priced possession safe"." The three of you finished the sentence, imitating Chuuya.
Yeah, he really was obsessed with your safety ever since he knew he wanted you by his side. Well, being in Chuuyas Highranking Mafia position, he of course had enemies and while you knew you could be targeted just to get to him, you always found him to get a little too paranoid.
Sure, he had lost so much already and was afraid of losing again, but you weren't a child. Though you still appreciated his concern and knew he'd never trap you, make you depend on him or anything, he simply wanted your safety assured so his mind was calmer. 
You knew him too well by now. 
"Well, thanks anyways for all the help! Don't think I could have gotten the whole thing done this quick without you." The two guys smiled at you, nodding their heads. 
The evening soon came to an end as you declared you'd take a bath and then go to bed, feeling exhausted even if you barely did much today.
Sato and Hiro bid their goodbyes, telling you they will check in tomorrow around noon for your well-being and then left to keep guard around the block.
Once more, an evening alone. It was spent with some snacks in front of the TV, catching up on some series that Chuuya wasn't interested in.
It was a nice distraction from the now lonely feeling in the apartment. When you could barely keep your eyes open, you decided it was time for bed.
Sinking into the luxurious and spacious bed, you fell asleep right in the middle, hugging Chuuyas pillow close to you, his scent slowly lulling you into a well-rested sleep. 
Well, the well-rested was a lie. You had woken up, groggy and exhausted, despite having slept rather long. Thanks bunch weird nightmares that don't even make sense. 
With a hot mug in hand, you took pictures of the room, sending it to your friends to flex a little. 
Youre kidding? Holy shit that looks so cool?
Does your bf have a brother or something?
A whole ass room to yourself? Wow you really finally got lucky. When are we finally gonna meet him?
You hated that question. Chuuya had told you countless times since moving together that you were more than welcome to invite people, but you always felt uncomfortable in a weird way.
First off, you didn't wanna come across as a sugar baby. This whole apartment screamed money and luxury and then there was you, a regular person from Yokohama, that'd beg questions.
Second, you liked to keep Chuuya away from your relationships with other people. He wasn't the only worrywart in your relationship. You simply felt uncomfortable, possibly spilling what Chuuyas occupation actually was.
Sure, it sucked having to always plan meet-ups elsewhere, but you liked it better that way. 
Soon perhaps. He's currently out working over the weekend
You replied and watched as your friends flooded your phone, jealous that you seemingly found the perfect guy™. 
Chuckling you sat down on the new couch in your room, putting on the LED lights.
Yeah, you could get used to this.
Maybe it was good that Chuuya didn't relent. 
It was already pitch back outside when Chuuya parked his motorcycle in the garage of his apartment complex. He was spent. But back a whole day earlier.
He could still have a nice relaxing Sunday evening with you, and that was all he currently wanted. He checked his phone for the report from Hiro, which had him chuckling as he rode the elevator up. 
They are truly a sweetheart. You made a good catch Nakahara-san. 
He had expected nothing else. Your kindness and irresistible smile was what had him at his knees all the way back then and he had suspected that even his subordinates would like you. 
Sighing contently, he unlocked the apartment door and when you didn't immediately rush to him, he figured you must be occupied or aren't hearing the rustling of him taking his coat, shoes and hat off.
The dinner he had picked up on the way was placed in the open kitchen and spotting colorful lights coming from the room he left to you, he knew where to find you.
But first he got rid of his second jacket, vest and leather accessories, remaining in only his white dress shirt and black dress pants. Creeping up to the open door, he knocked before entering, finding you playing video games on a new couch.
The shocked expression as you pulled your earbuds out warmed his heart, especially when you broke into a huge grin.
"But it's not Monday." You said and got up to embrace him. Hugging you tightly and enjoying just having you in his arms he finally replied; "Worked extra hard to get back quicker. Can't leave my doll all alone for so long, now can I?"
His hands found your face, holding it still, while he pressed kisses all over it, until he eventually, finally, kissed your lips. 
After enjoying the sweet sweet bliss you stepped away a little presenting the new room.
"So what you say?" You asked, gauging his reaction. It was your room, but you still wanted him to like it.
"Looks lovely. I really like what you have done with the place. Better than a wine room for sure." He hugged you from behind as he looked around, taking in all the details.
Your favorite books, merch from shows and games you enjoyed, lots of LEDs and fairy lights, plants, a comfortable carpet.
Yeah, it was truly pretty, just like you.
"You know I won't enter unless you give me permission right?"
 "You're in here right now and I don't remember giving you permission." you teased him, humming as you swayed from left to right. "You know what I mean."
"I do. And I appreciate it Chuu." 
He pressed a kiss to your neck as you pulled him with you to the couch. Quickly spinning around to face him, your hands hooked around his neck, pulling him with you as you let yourself fall down onto the soft material, with Chuuya obviously having used his ability by the way you very softly landed. 
Reuniting your lips again and again was now the agenda, the smiles never fading from either of your faces.
When Chuuya then lifted his upper body up, you looked at him puzzled.
"I brought food." Pulling him back down, you kissed him again, your tongue softly swiping over his and he gladly opened his own mouth to let your tongues meet.
Your hands moved from lovingly brushing your thumbs over his cheeks to his soft hair, playing with some strands, which had him groan into your mouth.
He was a mess in your hands when you played with the ginger locks. It took minutes until you pulled away, and when you looked at your boyfriend his pupils were blown wide. You loved having this effect on him.
"Want to eat now?" He asked and you contemplated. On the one hand... making out with him ... on the other... food. 
"What did you have for lunch even?" He asked and you looked to the side.
"Nothing." You whispered but he heard you well and got up immediately, pulling you to the kitchen.
"Nothing? Yeah, no, you're gonna eat now." Rolling your eyes you still helped getting cutlery, glasses, and drinks to then finally sit down and eat. 
It was a quiet dinner, like always, the only extra thing was Chuuya seeking out your hand to fold while he continued eating.
How could a man become so touch-starved after having been away for barely 48 hours? You couldn't imagine how bad it'd be once he'd be needed to get out of the country. 
"What's got your mind running?" He asked, having noticed that you only poked your food with a smile on your lips.
"Oh just this really cute guy I know." "Oh." He mused, feeling up for the game. "He must be a pretty great catch if he's got you smiling like that." 
Digging around in his pockets, he found his phone and started playing music over the stereo. You chuckled when he got up, inviting you to dance with him.
"Oh he is..." you murmured as Chuuya pulled you close, swaying with you softly to the music.
"Respects me, makes me smile, always puts my comfort first, insists even that I get a to have a personal room in his luxury apartment."
"Well, that does sound nice. Hope he's good-looking." You laughed as he dipped you, your head tilting all the way back as you couldn't meet his gaze. You know he was smirking waiting for an answer.
"Well..." You started as pulled you back up, straight into his chest. "He's got reeeal pretty eyes. Like I can get lost in them for ages. Nice and smooth skin, which he better should have, since he spends ages in the bath."
Chuuya laughed about your backhanded comment as he twirled you so your back was pressed against his chest, his hands roaming you still swaying body.
"His hair is also so nice too. I have never seen a haircut like that, but he absolutely rocks it. And the color... reminds me of the most beautiful sunsets."
Having heard enough, you were twirled once more, so Chuuya could lean his forehead against yours.
"What a guy. Do I know him?" You leaned closer to his lips, your breath ghosting over them as you spoke.
"Yeah, it's you, you fool." He broke the last piece of distance kissing you once more. As the song came to an end, he pulled away, only giving your forehead a quick kiss, and then quickly began cleaning up the kitchen.
You sighed as you watched him quickly clean.
"Are you tired?" You asked, knowing that since he came back a whole day earlier he must have been working hard.
"Yeah a little. Been on observation the whole night."
"Then let's get to bed soon, you need some rest." Not wanting to admit to needing that, the ginger waved his hand.
"Soon. Oh yeah, I haven't asked, but you have been alright with my subordinates, right? Like they didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything?"
You chuckled, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Not at all. They were very sweet. Did they complain about me?"
"Of course not." Chuuya would genuinely like to see someone try and badmouth his partner to him. A laugh escaped him.
"It really seems that I wrap the Mafia about my finger. Are we sure I don't have an ability? The ability to make any mafiosi putty in my hands." 
"To test that theory I should get Akutagawa to meet you. If he likes you, then I'll call it an ability." Chuuya immediately shuddered as he imagined the strange situation.
"Never mind that, I prefer you in one piece."
You laughed as he kindly pulled you along into the bedroom, flicking on the light so you both could change into more comfortable clothes.
"In one piece? Is he the eh..." You rummaged through your brain. It was rare that Chuuya was ranting and raving about his higher-ranking colleagues, so you desperately tried to find any information your brain had anchored to "Akutagawa".
"He's the dog guy right?" Chuuya started laughing his ass off, doubling over, he pulled his shirt off. "The silent rabid dog of the Port Mafia. That's what you mean right?"
You felt your face warm up. Wow, you kinda missed the mark.
"Yeah. But don't laugh so much, you kept confusing my best friend with that annoying customer from work!" You said and remember how shocked you had felt when Chuuya had casually offered to order a hit on your best friend, only to find you he had meant the annoying customer that had been bothering you for weeks. 
"To be fair, they had really similar names!"
"They really aren't similar." Chuuya pouted and pulled out some jogging pants and a loose t-shirt and changed into them, still chuckling to himself that you called Akutagawa the dog guy. 
"I'd prefer if my colleagues don't know much about you." He stated content when his ginger head pushed through his t-shirts opening.
"Why's that?" Instead of answering directly, he pulled you into bed with him, snuggling up to you, relinquishing in everything you had to offer.
"Well, you're mine. Don't want you to see what the Mafia has to offer." You snorted. As if that really was his reasoning, but it gave you another opportunity to stroke his ego.
"Pft, as if anything better than you is walking around there. You're already the Port Mafia finest." 
Chuuya pressed a kiss on your hair, his warm hands already stroking your body in a gentle, soothing way. 
Comfortable silence ensued, where you two only enjoyed the presence of the other.
This is home.
Chuuya is home. The feeling of being content, comfortable, and warm, Chuuyas simple presence gave all of this to you and he felt very much the same. 
Before you, he had little to come home to. He didn't mind working longer, didn't mind doing more work, but ever since he knew you'd be waiting for him, he had cut back, less overtime, less spending the night in a bar and then power napping at the headquarters. 
His life was just perfect right now.
And then you speaking about a dog came into his head again. 
"Hey, doll... what would you say about getting a dog?" 
"Huh?" Confused you looked at him, checking if he was joking.
"I have wanted one for ages but my duties leave me with so little time to properly care. But with you now here... I think we could manage."
"Are you forgetting I'm Working too?" He shook his head, his red locks of hair, bobbing around.
"Of course not. But your work times are actually normal and don't require you to fly out of the country in case of emergency."
"True true..." you mumbled. "And you'd be less alone! When I'm gone you'd at least have a companion." 
He was really convincing and the way his eyes sparkled, you could only guess how long and deeply he has longed for a dog.
"That does sound enticing. I'll think about it." A bright smile stretched across Chuuyas face and he immediately peppered you in kisses. 
"You're the best." He whispered in-between them, hugging you tighter. 
This was your life. If someone had told you that you'd end up dating a Mafia Executive who controlled Gravity and was also the vessel for a god... you'd have laughed. That was simply absurd, but here you were, in bed with that exact guy.
You meeting him had been so long ago. It felt like ages.
And as the time went by, your love for Chuuya deepened, and the two of you faced life's challenges hand in hand. You knew that life with a Mafia Executive was far from ordinary, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
Despite the odds, you had found your place by Chuuya's side, and he had found his home in your arms.
---------------------- Tag list!; (Im finally one of the cool kidz and have one of these too!) @pillow-princess-diaries <3
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Hey I just want to say your last chapter … made me cry it was sooooo ✨good✨ but very sad.
I also love how in the HCs that the kids have basically stolen Reader from Jake and Neytiri 🤣
My Heart Never Knows
y/n, jake, and neytiri have date night. chaos ensues
a/n: thank you so much anon 🥹🫶
and bc i have too many thoughts abt these series here’s more headcannons!!
ok so jake, you and neytiri getting ready to go out for date night
yk you put on your nicest outfit made sure your hair looks nice the usual
and then lo’ak is like “you look really pretty tonight. are we going somewhere?”
“well i am, it’s date night”
HAHAH ok here’s each of their reactions this is so funny to me
“damn i didn’t even know those existed anymore”
he’s mostly chill with it
prays that his siblings won’t be too crazy, since he’s the one who has to watch them
starts freaking out when he realizes WHO IS GOING TO MAKE DINNER????
“you’ll be fine for ONE night”
absolutely distraught
he’s going through a lot rn ☹️💔
tuk is not allowed near fire, neteyam will probably burn it, kiri would rather die than eat something lo’ak made
she can probably make something but it’s not the same ☹️
*fake crying* “so you just hate your children? you want us to die?”
“kiri what”
is totally going to cling to your leg
begs you to stay
neteyam has to pry her off
meanwhile jake and neytiri are just standing outside listening to the screaming
tapping their feet and looking at their non existent watches yk
when you FINALLY escape they grab you so fast and just BOOK it
like the furthest possible date spot
it’s probably like a cute picnic or something in the forest
probably the place that you mated too
it’s so cute they love you so much 😪
what happens:
the house isn’t actually that much of a mess
kiri made dinner and cleaned up after herself bc she’s just amazing like that
tuk kept trying to escape
neteyam was seriously thinking about putting a leash on her like tying her up or something
then she just sits on your guys’ hammock and refuses to move
forgets about it and ends up falling asleep
lo’ak is wallowing in the corner
like what is he supposed to do without you?
getting home:
kiri hugs you as soon as you come home and says
“yeah like my dinner was amazing bc i am amazing but please don’t ever leave us like this again”
neteyam is just like hi
tuk is fast asleep and then the commotion wakes her up and she is JUMPING over to you to hug all of her parents
lo’ak is like “you left me” ☹️💔
you’re like “for 3 hours?”
“2 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds too long”
basically you’ve been stolen but you love your babies so 🤗
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issdisgrace · 9 months
I love your works!! Can I please request a fluff fic of poly ghost soap and ftm reader?
A/N: The reader being ftm takes a little bit of a back seat but i still think you will like anon and sorry if you dont
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It had been a long, tiring day, and all I wanted to do was to curl up in between Johnny and Simon and sleep. I sigh as I open the apartment door. Finally, in the comfort of home. I shut and lock the door behind me before taking my shoes off, setting them in their spot on the shoe rack. 
“I’m home.” I call out as I head into the kitchen to get a snack. Looking in the fridge, there’s nothing my stomach is deeming appetizing, so I close the fridge only to get jumped scared by Simon.
“Goddamnit Simon, what the fuck have I told you about jump scaring me?”
“Sigh, it’s ok. Where’s Johnny?”
“He’s in the bedroom under way too many blankets. He’s also been forcing me to watch The Golden Girls.”
“Sounds nice.”
“I guess.” Simon says, wrapping his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest as he gently moves my hair off my forehead to give me a kiss there. 
“You had a rough day at work, didn’t you?” He asks. 
“Yeah, the manger been of her bullshit and kept dead naming me today. I’m gonna report her tomorrow to the boss. I don’t think he’ll be too happy with her, considering he has a trans son.” 
“Hmm, maybe he’ll finally fire her.”
“I can only hope.”
“Wheres my love.” Johnny says as he walks toward us. I smile at Johnny and open my arms for him. He hugs me tightly, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. Simon wraps his arms around the both of us, a small smile on his face.
“I love you guys.” I say.
“Love you too, Y/n.” Simon says out.
“Ew that’s gay.” Soap jokes.
“Yep, and if you're not careful, we’ll spread it to you.” I joke back. Simon lets out a little laugh. 
“But in all seriousness, I would like to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable.” I say.
“Ooo then we can watch golden girls together.” Johnny says excitedly.
“Ughh please no more.” Simon groans.
“We both know you like golden girls.” Johnny says.
“He’s right Simon. Now both of you please unhand me please.” They both groan as they let go of me.
“Thank you.” I say as I start towards the bedroom. Walking into the bedroom I head to closet I pick out one of Simon’s sweatshirts and nab a pair of Johnnys shorts. Stripping, I quickly change, throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper. Walking out of the closet, Johnny and Simon are already in bed waiting for me, enough space in between them for me. Crawling over Johnny, I plop myself in the middle of them.
“You’re so handsome.” Johnny says he cuddles into my side.
“You’re very handsome too, Johnny.”
“No, you’re the most handsome-est man I have ever met in my whole life.” I laugh at Johnny, shaking my head a little.
“I’m not so sure about that Johnny, Simon’s pretty handsome.” 
“He’s pretty, you’re handsome.” 
“You hear that Simon, you’re pretty.”
“Hmm, I heard,” Simon says, more focused on looking for a show that wasn’t the golden girls. Truly not wanting to spend another couple hours watching it. 
“Its true Simon is pretty and you're handsome, very handsome and your voice has been dropping and your growing facial hair, so how couldn’t I think you're the handsome-est man I have ever met?”
“I’m flattered, Johnny.”
“He’s right, you know,” Simon says, giving me a kiss on my head.
“Thank you both. I appreciate it.”
“It’s no big deal and besides, we love you and we are so proud of you.” Johnny says.
“Very proud you’ve come a long way in your transition so far.” Simon adds.
“Thank you, the both if you. I fucking love the both of you so much.” I say before giving both of them a kiss. 
“We love you two,” Johnny and Simon say in a weird synchronicity. 
“Well, because you both love me so much, can I get some more kisses?”
“We can do that.” Johnny says as he gives me a kiss.
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averyhotchner · 1 year
Avery's TopGun:Maverick recs pt.2
alrighty, almost 3 months later, here is my list of favourite TopGun: Maverick fics that no one asked for. like last time, it's mostly hangman, rooster and a bit of bobby boy. but i am slowly starting to fall for mickey and coyote.
please make sure to follow the age limit set by the writers!
jake "hangman" seresin
Fuck: The Universe (mini-series) by @roosterbruiser
okay maybe this is recency bias, because i did read this whole mini series yesterday and today, but still. it checks all the boxes, and of course i love the trope of jake is an ass to everyone but his girl, who also happens to be way better than him. also part 7 cracked me up.
real friends (series) by @starlightstories
i read real friends then found fuck: the universe, and i realized i really really really like the loverboy jake grumpy reader trope. i have no shame.
hey stupid, i love you (one shot) by @callsignseagull
okay this fic is very personal to me. i genuinely felt like the reader in this fic because i'm going through a very similar thing right now, and it tamed so many of my insecurities. i can't wait to reread soon!
loving you is... (series) by @demxters
guys frat hangman. that's all.
sleepy baby (series) by @discount-shades
the lengths at which this man goes just to find his princess, goals.
Where I'm From (one-shot) by @sometimes-i-write-good
sweet man jake, back at it again stealing hearts
Minimal Losses (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series and the rooster prequel NCIS ARE SO GOOD. im a sucker for this shit.
Sweet Nothings (series) by @sweetlittlegingy
yup! yup! yup! make sure you get your blood sugar checked before reading this because it's so damn sweeeeeet
Seeing Red (series) by @call-sign-jinx
picture this: its 2015, you're on wattpad and every single fic is a social media fic. but THIS? this is everything. the amount of work that goes into making a single text screenshot, not to mention the plot! its truly incredible and had be crying, laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat. i can't praise this series, and the other fics in this universe, enough.
yours (one-shot) by @theharddeck
this one... yeah its cute. but its down right sinful as well
bradley "rooster" bradshaw
I Will Always Love You (one-shot) by @amysteryspot
this one is short and sweet and honestly made me cry while eating my blt quarter pounder.
Pamper Night (on-shot) by @dagger-wren
okay this fic started as a cute little date night/self care night fic. BUT THEN, the ending had me falling in love with this dysfunctional squad. of course rooster and his girl are mom and dad, like who else.
Eat It, Twilight (one-shot) by @fandomxpreferences
okay i know this is a hangman fic, but i dont care. the rooster bff part was what i loved the most. also the plot is highlarious, and its probably because i was high when i read it, but still. chefs kiss.
Terms of Endearment (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series will be the death of me. each time a new chapter gets released im holding my breath on whether its gonna be all angst or all fluff. but either way i know its beautifully written.
And They Were Roommates (series) by @starryeyedstories
this. its hilarious and i cannot wait for more!
robert "bob" floyd
Christmas Gift (on-shot) by @call-sign-jinx
one of the most common bob fics i see is him with a teacher, and honestly i love it. who else would be as sweet and as patient as this man. i have the utmost respect for anyone who works in education, ESPECIALLY those who work with kids under 13. anyways, love this fic.
King of My Heart (one-shot) by @croimilis
dunk bob is the sweetest person ever!
Apple pie (mini-series) by @andorskenobi
the warning is very real, pls take it seriously <3
honorable mentions:
@sunlightmurdock @callsignvalley @toms-gf @make-me-imagine @callsignsaturn @madsnowstorm @jupitercomet @katsu28 @sehnsuchts-trunken @roosterforme (literally anything emily writes will be on a rec list i make)
i just wanna send my love to all the writers on this platform. whether you're just posting your first fic, or just finishing your 5th series, i appreciate you so much. i don't always have the time to comment and i'm dumb and don't understand how to reblog efficiently (working on it), but please know that all the effort and time you put in to making these works is truly admirable and i wish i was as talented as any of you.
okay thats all for now. i need to start making these more often cause theres so many i left out, i was just too lazy to scroll and find them.
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thefanboyhub · 3 months
Bronte headcanons?!??!
(Sorry if I've already asked you that)
Do you want to give Bronte a kiss on the forehead and cuddles???
He started the whole vampire shit with humans. He was so emo and brooding and all that silly stuff when humans were around and it made the myth/legend of vampires.
He actually loves his curly hair but refuses to be taken as a joke so he keeps his hair buzzed. (Too many people said he looked soft with his curly hair long)
If he were to step down from the council it would be to adopt a child. DONT ASK ME WHY I JUST HAVE A FEELING HE WOULD OK.
Use to be reckless and wild until he accident hurt people he cares about which set him down the path to becoming what he is today.
Is more up to date with the times than any other ancient elf. He is actually surprisingly patient and loves to learn the new stuff no matter how hard he tries to bullshit it and say he doesn't care and all that emo bs.
If he cares about you he's very attentive and does a lot of silent acts of service; like making food and having it sent to you and all that jazz. But it's hard for anyone to get in his heart, mostly because he takes his job seriously.
Definitely not straight. His sassy ass is most definitely bisexual but also not really into anyone. He just thinks everyone is hot and doesn't think much farther than that.
The OG emo/goth but when he was younger he was the OG punk/scene kid. Don't ask, I just know it ok.
When not sober he's literally the softest and silliest guy ever: one time he flirted with Emery while drunk (he made an excuse the next day saying he thought Emery was a women while drunk. It was a lie. He knew.)
Switches from the parent of the council to the bratty child who doesn't like complying with the group.
Very close with Oralie, even before Sophie. He was one of the few people to support her and actively gossips with her. They are besties your honor.
He used to be much sillier and laid back when he first joined the council but after the thousands of years and all that he's seen he learned to become cold and do what has to do.
Out of all the council he would be the least likely to have his mind shatter from guilt: especially if the guilt would be murder of any kind. He's seen a lot and he's desensitized to it in a sense. He wouldn't feel an ounce of guilt if it was to protect the helpless.
He is very against hurting helpless people in any kind. He was only aggressive with Sophie because he knew she wasn't helpless and that she was probably dangerous; He never wished her to be harmed in the way she was. Even when inflicting he went easy on her.
I also think he only basically bullied Sophie to push her to be better to prove him wrong. He did not want her to be evil, so he was the bad that pushed her to do good ifykwim.
Likes to nap any chance he gets. He just likes how comfy his bed is tbh.
Not fond of land animals unless they're fluffy as all hell and adores sea creatures.
Use to hate change when he was younger and now he's so used to change that he handles it the best out of anyone on the council.
Mourns his old friends as if they were dead because he cannot connect with anyone due to his job. Secretly thinks of Oralie and Emery as his friends but never tell him. (They know and they also don't say anything.)
Emery and Him have kissed. I just know it.
Disassociates a lot. Dawg is traumatized, like he's been alive for how long? Ain't no way he ain't traumatized.
That's all <3
(I could make this man smile I swear I could. Like I could make him happy. Once chance Bronte PLEASE. AGE IS JUST A NUMBER 😭/J)
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breeistired · 4 months
(if you are not single and sad, this post is not for you. RUN ALONG NOW SWEETIE)
Regulus kinnies.
I’m a Regulus kinnie myself, and all im doing to do is read books and pine after a person who only sees me as their friend. So im going to assume you’re doing the same.
You are also probably listening to Mistki while you look back at when you felt alive and young.
We need therapy.
James Potter kinnies.
You’re probably making notes and cute little drawings for your friends, but you know deep down they’ll forget about you and get you some lousy lollipop or maybe even a heart drawing!
You cannot settle for the bare minimum.
You’re also probably falling for the slightest attention someone gives you, then you get heart broken in the end because you put too much of yourself in your relationship.
Sirius Black kinnies.
You and your best friend are the only ones who take this siriusly.
But the only reason you take it seriously is because you know how it feels to feel like a joke.
You’re looking at all these videos of these couples doing cute stuff while you’re sitting on the floor of your room wondering, why couldn’t i be like that? Then you’ll come to the conclusion that your parents made you like this.
Remus Lupin kinnies.
You most definitely forgot it was Valentine’s Day and you slept in. Thankfully you set up your future in your head so you already know what you’re going to for your friends.
Please stop planning your future all in one night. Your brain cannot take this.
You’ll chug some caffeine and tell yourself, it’s just another day. Until you look around and see all these people in love. You go home and binge eat chocolate because you’re sad.
Then you fall asleep again as a coping mechanism.
Pandora Roiser kinnies
You guys are the sweetest people alive.
Too bad everyone takes that as a weakness.
You buy every one of your friends a cute little card and maybe some candy or flowers. All they do is utter a “thanks.” But you don’t mind right? ( you do) it’s tiring feeling like everyone looks down on you. So you’ll try your hardest, but will it ever be enough?
Evan Roiser kinnies.
You guys are either toxic or chill.
Either way, you’re still not over that one person who ruined your life. Your friends are happy, so why aren’t you? Nothing is fair. You pretend to be happy on this day, eating chocolate, writing little hearts, laughing. But deep down, the lingering question is just, “why? Why would they do this? Why did i deserve that?” Maybe you’ll get your answer, maybe you won’t.
Barty Crouch Jr kinnies
You guys probably are stalking your crush right now. You feel like you have to match personalities or stand out from the crowd for someone you like. So on valentines, you’ll find out specifically what your friends like and make a special card or gift for them. Then you play it off, saying “it’s nothing really.” We know damn well it’s not nothing. So when they say thank you, or give you the slightest praise, you get giddy inside.
These are just assumptions, so if I get these wrong, DO NOT COME AT ME MAN. THIS IS ME TRYING.
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boneywones · 23 days
did you like.... seriously not learn anything from the events of a few hours ago? making a public callouts account is irresponsible and will only put people in danger again.
in regard to the doxxer last night; seriously what did you guys think would happen? your friend posted a public "hitlist" and treated stalking kia's friends as a joke, and publicly made fun of them and the people saying that posting a public list is an awful idea (thus going against his own "don't harrass anyone!" disclaimer) and encouraged others to mock them too—and then you get surprised when someone takes it too far despite steadily building a hostile environment that would encourage someone to do so?
no matter how much you deny it—your friend, by treating the idea of finding out who kia's friends are (even if theyre not proshippers AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS) as a joke and making a list where they were all publicly mocked, created an environment that encouraged putting real people in danger.
you're children who don't understand the ramifications of your own actions. by creating yet another list you are once again only going to put people in danger. if people didn't follow the "don't harrass anyone!!!" warning (that your friend didn't even follow himself) the first time, there is no guarantee they will follow it this time. And there is no guarantee the doxxer or some other malicious person will use the list you're planning to post as a list of targets and yet again put real people (including children—one of the people on that list was a child) in danger.
making a public list in any capacity is irresponsible and dangerous and NO amount of "dont harrass anyone guyz!!!" is going to erase the legitimate danger you are putting people in. there's a reason proshippers don't make public blocklists of antis and why the anons in your friend's inbox were so fucking panicked about the fact that your friend posted a list of people—because people knew this would happen.
warn people about proshippers in private if you must. that's completely fine and okay. the issue isn't that you're warning against people, its that you made a public list. a public list that anyone can access will only ever put people in danger, regardless of whether or not it includes a "don't harrass anyone" warning. I am begging of you, for everyone's safety take the list and the account down.
first of all, i would’ve said “im not reading allat” but i did. also, im 99 percent sure you know jack shit that the “hitlist” was made by a freak, and not me or killz. please get that in your head.
“the list” wasnt made by us. so dont think that it is 🤦‍♀️
also, killz had no idea of the anons intentions behind the list of people. hell, killz didnt even fucking know that they would tag the people in it!!!
“your friend posted a list of people” ..
“treated stalking kias friends as a joke”.. first of all, they had no idea about the blog beforehand, only that the freak was an anon that said that they knew some of kias friends. if you have half a brain, you would know that killz thought that the anon didnt have ill intentions and would instead send a blocklist without actually tagging the people.
how about instead of yapping in my ask box you realise that all killz did was answer that persons ask. killz clearly had no ill intentions and they werent THE FUCKING PERSON THAT MADE THAT LIST!!!!!!!!!!
holy shit
and the post has already been long gone deleted, and the freak that made that seperate blog has deleted it. no, we were not that blog, read through my shit for once oh my god
dont just say a whole lot of nothing and use your two eyes to read
and we literally havent even posted anything yet so please get off your high horse. why is the first thing you expect us is to post about minor proshippers (which is not what were doing!!!! i feel really fucking bad about minor proshippers because they have most likely been groomed into it!!!!)
also the “warn people about proshippers”, we have been doing that. i just want people to KNOW, because i see a lot of minors that shouldn’t be interacting with other people.
im sorry if you’re mad that theres a blog dedicated to making a blocklist that talks about freaks to block?? and im sorry that you fully think that this’ll lead to more harassment? like,, huh, whatever.
also considering the fact that killz is still being harassed in their ask box says a lot.
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fallingforel · 11 months
Prompt 59 “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?” as louis fluff please!
if it’s possible, where louis comforts y/n after finding her arguing with her now ex-bf? maybe admits his feelings to her as well?
a/n how are all of you my lovelies I actually love these types of asks as it gives me a background as to what you sort of want to go in it rather than give me free reign so I'd be more than happy to do it :) anywhooo on with the show also wanted to do a crossover between my fandoms so matty's the ex bf (because he's the best fit for the way the ex is I love him 75 fans pls dont come for me 🙏🙏)
PROMPT 59: "Don't you think you've done enough?"
words: 887 (sorry its kinda short)
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"DONT YOU DARE SPEAK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT! HE'S MY BEST-" I'm interrupted by my hotel door swinging open the one I share with Louis my best mate, who just so happened to be the cause of the argument I'm in with my boyfriend right now who surprised me because his band was in the same city mine was in so he popped by only to find out I was sharing a room with him which sparked the jealousy in him to rise.
"yo. Y/n you coming to bar 21 tonight supposed to be so lively on a friday night." "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE HERE HE GOES AGAIN TRYING TO GET WITH MY GIRLFRIEND." "WOAH! mate I'm sorry if I ever gave you that impression. But she is just my bestfriend, always was always will be int that right y/n"
"see exactly! I said this Matty why can't you just see the truth?" "Don't you think you've done enough, Louis. You know what forget it, you and I" Matty remarks back gesturing between me and him "WERE DONE!" Is all he says before storming out and slamming the door shut. And I'm dropping to my knees against the wall which I was leaning against while the argument was taking place. Which makes Louis run over to catch me before gently placing me down on the floor and crouching down and pulling me into a hug while sobbing into his shoulder.
"Oh! y/n sweetheart. He doesn't deserve you he never has knew from the minute you two met at the meeting of him trying to sell the sound to us that he was a pretentious self absorbed prick. George was nice though" "You know what we need to do now." I quipped back after laughing and putting my head on his shoulder where he was now next to me on the wall "what?" "Put change your ticket on the album to piss him off it's not out yet." "Yeah he deserves it, specially after what he just did to you self righteous prick"
"haha! I love you lou" I say "HAHAH! bit too early for that y/n love don't ya think?" he jokes "I'm being dead serious, I don't know if matty helped me see it or what, but I think I have always loved you specially after bootcamp. but you got with eleanor before I could even admit my feelings to you and then you guys broke up, I know it's not out to the media and what not yet but Louis I seriously seriously love you."
"Oh what the fuck!" is all he says before he's doing a quick 180 turn and pulling me in for a long kiss hands cupped on my face, and pulling back sighing before pulling me in again but this time peppering kisses all over my face.
1 month later
"Lou! Babe!" I shout out where he appears toothbrush in mouth popping his head round the bathroom door "what is it sweetheart is everything okay?" "yeah yeah just have you seen this" "what is it? two secs just brushing my teeth" he says speech muffled by the plastic object occupying his mouth
he soons pops back out the bathroom and I hand him my ipad which has the article loaded on the screen.
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"what did I tell you, I knew it would piss him off"
"yeah you told me alright, here you are Matty texted you"
"alright pass it back"
Matty: low blow don't ya think?
Y/n: maybe but I knew it would piss ya off so you're welcome ;)
Matty: FUCK YOU Y/N and your boyfriend
Y/n: how'd ya know about that only close family and friends know
Matty: **attached image**
open attached image?
[YES] [NO]
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liked by: bedfordanes75 and 1,067,569 others
louist91: @trumanblack stole your girl lol
fan1: eleanor and louis broke up??? DID HE CHEAT?? surely Y/n must know he cheated
fan2: @fan1 fuck eleanor and louis. what about y/n and matty did he know?
eleanorj92: @fan1 dont worry, he didn't cheat. we've been broken up for quite some time now I'm happy if he's happy :) congrats @y/n and @louist91
view 3,600 other comments
Y/n: Lol at least its out now. wasn't even aware he did this. Bye matty enjoy the rest of your life and stop worrying about mine ;)
"You're a menace you"
"Why? whatever have I done?" Louis quips back in a pretending not to know tone
"You know exactly what. Thought we were waiting until the break up articles were out?"
"we were but I thought I'd piss off mr self righteous even more than he already is"
"You're gonna get shit from management hope you know that"
"Anything if it means I get to parade my love for you around"
"I hate you, and your big romantic gestures"
"No. You love me and my big romantic gestures."
"You're right I do" I say leaning in to kiss him.
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ayoharuko · 1 year
How about how the yyh guys work deal/react to you being hurt
Yay first request for yyh! Tysm Anon-chan :)
This is gonna be headcanons only, because it’ll get too long if I do it in scenarios that it’ll pass the character limit T-T 
I hope you all (and anon-chan) enjoy this! Reader here is Gender Neutral (they/them)
REMINDER: These characters dont belong to me to Yoshihiro Togashi. This is also fictional work so please try not to take this too seriously :)
~Yusuke Urameshi~
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- First of all, this man is protective, but not too much that his babysitting you.
- He hates seeing you get hurt tho...your one of the most precious people to him so if he sees you getting hurt...he’ll actually go berserk. Especially if you're human and have no abilities whatsoever.
- Since he has a lot of enemies, they will use you against him, and when they do, trust me they’ll get spirit gun-ed outside of existence lol
- If your injury is a minor one, then he isn’t really all that worried! He just lets you deal with it since he knows you can take care of it yourself.
- But if its a serious one...expect him to get really mad, he’ll start asking you questions like ‘Who did this to you?’ or ‘Give me their name!’ basically like an angry Bakugo.
- Once you give him a name, he’ll go and teach that person or demon a lesson. Don’t worry about him, his not the one getting hurt after all :)
- When his done, he’ll ask Genkai (Because you were brought to her) how your doing, and ones he knows your gonna be fine. He’ll rest easy and go to you and scold you.
- In reality, he really is worried about you...I mean you've stuck yourself to him this far, and he knows how insufferable he is sometimes.
- So don’t leave him early...alright?
‘’Dumbass...I told you not to involve yourself and now look at you...thanks for sticking with me I guess...’’
~Kazuma Kuwabara~
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- His an absolute sweetheart, the first thing he’ll do when your hurt is to make you smile<3
- For him if your happy his happy, but it doesn't mean that he isn't mad at whoever hurt you. He will stick his spirit sword up their ass you bet yea he will.
- If its a minor injury, he’ll just kiss the pain away! he saids, which earned him a bonk from Shizuru lol
- He also lets you pet and cuddle his cat. Eikichi, yea he’ll get jealous because he wants to cuddle with you but he’ll tolerate it, because you both are so cute :3
- If its serious...you best believe he’ll start panicking, he’ll calm down once your fine but...his still worried and also sad that he couldn't protect you...
- Like his supposed to be your knight in shining amor! The best boyfriend to you! So his actually really sad. Once you noticed that his upset, please comfort him :(
- But all in all, he’ll try and make you smile and happy because to him, he doesn't wanna see you sad or hurting. No....thats not what a man does!
‘’Do you need anything more honey!? Ah you want Eikichi? Alright I'll get her right away! Don’t worry you're knight in shining amor is here to serve you!’’
~Yoko Kurama~ (Shuichi Minamino)
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- Lets just say the person who hurt you won’t be alive for that long. No, their not gonna get a beating, oh no, their actually gonna face the wrath of Yoko Kurama. No one touches what's his.
- Now since we have Yoko and Shuichi, Shuichi would most likely have a chat with that person first and then see what he wants to do, but Yoko on the other hand, would want to kill that said person.
- But the thing is, he can’t do that, or otherwise the spirit world will be on his ass about it...so a little torturing wouldn't hurt....right?
- Also if this was a demon obviously that said demon who hurt you is gonna die a slow death, like Elder Toguro for example :)
- If its a human...well I guess scaring that human to death is more then appropriate~
- If its a minor injury that was caused by you, his fine with that! He’ll just ask you to be careful next time :)
- But if someone causes it...well their getting a way to calm smile from him :>
- After his dealt with everything, he goes back to check up on you, if your fine then he’ll smile lovingly at you, only you get to see that smile by the way ;3
- He’ll whisper sweet words to you, cuddle you, comfort you, words of promises, and basically be the best (fox) boyfriend you can ask for!
‘’My love, are you sure your alright? Would you like some cuddles? My love...please do know that no matter what, I’ll protect you..’’
~Hiei Jaganshi~
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- Looks like he doesn't care but actually cares, when his informed of you getting  hurt minor or serious, he isn't exactly gonna be by your side in an instant. More like just watching you from afar.
- His a silent protector by all means, his like Xiao (from genshin) a protector who would rather follow you and look after you from afar (isn't that stalking?)
- If its a human then he can’t really kill that human...because of that damn spirit world so he’ll...just give them a warning.
- If its a demon, then that demon is gonna be burned to a crisp aka ashes. Thats all.
- When he finally decided to visit you, he’ll call you an idiot for putting yourself in danger like that, but on the inside (he just won't admit it) he does care. He just doesn't know how to show it.
- If you ask him to stay by your side while you rest, he’ll complain yet he’ll actually stay by your side until you're healed.
- Hiei will show that he cares through small actions, such as, carrying you wherever you wanna go (With a complain) and actually cuddling you :0
- Hiei loves you, he just doesn't know how to show it but he does, and trust me. Anyone who hurts you, will be burned to ashes.
‘’Hmph..your an idiot if you thought that you could take on a demon like that, what? now you want me to carry you around? Hmph.....your lucky...’’
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DONE! thank you so much for that request Anon-chan! I enjoyed writing it as my first ever Yu Yu Hakusho post :)
Sorry for all the references btw lol
Now since I love this idea a lot, maybe I'll make a part 2 with other guys from yyh! Hehehehe this is gonna be fun~
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciate! :3
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spidergutz-writes · 1 year
What are some fluff hcs that you have for any and all of your handsome boys?? How would you spend a day with them? What are dates each of them would take you on?
meadow! Your spoiling me with all these delicious and amazing ideas!!
I’ll actually probably make this in 2 or 3 parts just so I can fit all mah bois :) (if requested, I will also add in some of my favorite gals!)
Hand holding to the max!!
could be watching the most horrific thing unfold infront of him, and his hand would still be slotted in with yours
making dinner? He’s holding your hand.
watching tv? He’s holding your hand.
sleeping? Yup, he’s holding your hand!
he's a very shameless person when it comes to the softer things in your relationship
will not hesitate to pull you into his lap for cuddles.
also won’t hesitate to cling to you on every part of the day.
your cooking? Well so is he, now.
he loves cooking with you. It’s just so…normal.
normality is not something he experiences a lot, so even when you two are doing simple and mundane things, he enjoys it to the fullest :)
bro's sense of humor is so bad, but it gets to the point where it’s so ungodly terrible, that it becomes funny.
“Hey...what do you call a prisoner walking downstairs?”
“i dunno..What do ya call 'em?”
he thinks he’s funny, so please laugh :((
dates include him and you cooking a dessert of some sort.
his favorite is making apple cobbler pie with you :3
often you’ll end up with flour hand prints on your ass and some whipped cream on your nose.
he's just a silly guy doing silly things with his ooohh sooo silly partner!!
JIN BUBAIGAWARA: (what? He dies? No. No he doesn’t. Not here. He lives. That’s the reality we have here. Deal with it. Go argue with the wall idc.)
my sweet sweet baby boy. Where should I start?
okay, before he overcomes his trauma:
Took his mask off infront of you once, and now he can’t stop.
hes addicted to how you kiss his scar
how you coo at him and tell him he’s so handsome 🥺
Will fight for you if it’s serious. He’s still scared he’s a clone :((
will stand up for you tho
anyone says anything bad about you? He’s cursing them out while his alter ego is making weirdly terrifying threats.
”YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY, HUH?” “I hope you sleepwalk into oncoming traffic...” “DONT YOU FUCKIN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY PARTNER” “I hope everyone you love leaves you.…”
Dates consist of you two sitting on top of rooftops while having a picnic. Talking shit, cuddling, and eating.
you two end up falling asleep in each others arm a lot, admiring the sunset or the moon.
he is a human heating pad. Like seriously. You don’t need a blanket when he’s around
Loves lying on his back with you laying on his chest :)
is a little shy :(
Thinks you don’t want others to know you two are a thing :(((
but when you hold his hand in public or in front of the league? He melts.
When you first kissed his lips over the mask in public? He cried a little
tears of joy :)
can’t cook for shit. That man burns water.
don’t ask me how, but you tasked him to make breakfast one morning, and a fire broke out.
there was also mayonnaise on your ceiling. Again, don’t ask, not even he knows.
Simon Riley "Ghost" (this motherfucker doesn't die either. if anyone tells me otherwise, meet me at the Arby's parking lot at 6, BECAUSE I WILL FIGHT YOU)
oh my lawdy lawd. he is just SO FINE, WHERE DO I EVEN START??
this man has issues. he's really touch starved, but doesn't know how to accept any light touches.
he might shy away from your light advancements, because he's so used to any physical bringing harm or ill intent towards him.
but when you kiss his cheek, and hug his (slutty) little waist, he folds like a lawn chair on a hot summer day.
will scream, cry, throw up, roll on the ground, and promptly die if you ever serve him tea in a bowl (the French do this.)
likes to go to the gym with you. he loves to see you work out iykwim.
Ghost has never been a man for soft things, but he Isn't Ghost with you. With you, he's Simon Riley, a man who longs to have a sense of normalcy, a man who wants to take you out to nice restaurants, and a man who wants to bend down on one knee for you, and ask that burning question that lays in the back of his mind 24/7
he wants to do all of those things, but its going to take time. his insecurities tell him you deserve a man who can do more for you, but as always, you wash those thoughts away for him.
for now, his dates consist of concealed places, like the safety of either his, or your home, where he can take off his mask, safely. sitting, watching movies, drinking wine or scotch, and cuddling.
He's a big advocate on "actions speak louder than words" so he doesn't say "I love you" too often, but when he does say it? you better get the tissues. because he only says it during a really vulnerable moment of his, like when he's calming down from a PTSD induced flashback, or a panic attack, or when its late, in the middle of the night, when he knows its just him and his demons awake, with you sleeping soundly in his arms.
believe it or not, THIS MAN CAN COOK-
listen, i know he's British, and i know he's in the military, but that man just radiates "I'll make you a five star meal before i snap your neck"
he is a god when it comes to making steak. give him a basic ass steak, some spices, and a few other side ingredients and he'll give you a true taste of heaven. A taste of heaven from a man from hell.
we love him all the same though <3
holy fucking hell this took WAY too long, and I took some extra time on Ghosts.
as always, any type of constructive criticism is appreciated, no matter how harsh or small it is <3
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kkolg · 1 year
Basic Rundown of my BATIM au
Ok so I’ve only been here for a little so I thought I’d give my basics for my lil au I made. Please keep in mind I’m still sorta working on it so it might change- also I’m not the best writer so sorry if this sorta sucks lol. Also also- IK LIL BENDY ISNT HENRY BUT HERE HE IS, THIS WAS MADE BEFORE BATDR AND HIS APPEARANCE IS PRETTY IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT SO DONT COME FOR ME PLEASE IM SORRYYYY- 
Tags: vigilante batim au - well-   you could guess it’s for the au
          vigilante au comic - important/lore comics that are decently drawn
          vigilante au comic # - that REALLY important stuff/in order of timeline/main story
          batim au lore - I think I’m the only person who uses this so this will be for usually written lore stuff about the au and sometimes drawn stuff, depending usually
So this au takes place in the early to mid 1920s somewhere around Brooklyn, New York I think, not sure when and where exactly yet- It’s been 6 years since some past events, (which I’ll write about later) and this is also when the Prohibition Era started, so speakeasy’s and small bootlegging joints are starting to pick up.
Characters and other stuff
In this au Bendy is one of the top bootleggers for “The Vigilante” speakeasy, a pretty successful and popular speakeasy at that, located on the edge of a forest and under the ownership of Mr. Allen. Bendy’s best friend and main partner is Alice (just because why not) and usually go together when doing pickups, robberies, etc… Their getaway driver, William Click, is also good buddies with the both of them and is the one who takes the booze back to “The Vigilante”. William is also the bartender at “The Vigilante”. There are other partners that Bendy and Alice work with but it’s usually for bigger jobs. Phill or Philip is the “Vigilante’s” personal nurse, he lives over in the forest in a decent sized house and that is where anyone seriously injured is sent over. He’s very reserved so he’s usually not in the speakeasy. Margret is Mr. Allen’s personal assistant and maid, she’s very kind and loves company and reading.
There’s a rival speakeasy called “The Chokeberry” whom’s run by Betty Francis. The two speakeasies are equally popular, but they don’t usually ever cross paths. 
Now to the good guys ig, Detective Stein (yes he’s a private detective here) with fake first name Martin, his two partners Tom “Boris”, and Allison usually are the accompany him to crime scenes and other things of the sort. He’s not usually supposed to be let in since he’s a private detective- but he’s been able to work his way around that a few times. Detective Stein is pretty well known in the area as a very kind man and extraordinary when it comes to solving cases. Tom is the brute force of the trio while Allison is usually the gunner.
Detective May is a detective in the local police department and usually rivals Stein when solving any case. She usually gets very upset whenever she see’s Stein at a crime scene. Linda Howell is her personal assistant (yep she’s here too), she usually files the paperwork that May doesn’t want to handle, although she does wish to be on the scene investigating instead of lying around in an office.
Det. Stein and Linda also work together in secret to get more information on the “Ink Demon” case specifically because the both of them take quite an interest to it. The reason it’s secret is because if May found out she would definitely not be happy-
That’s basically it, again expect changes and little edits here and there because i might change or add smth to the story later :)
Edit: If you wanna see the characters and character profiles just go to my account and some will be there! I’m still doing them so it might be a little while but thx anyway :D
Another thing to note is that Bendy doesn’t know Det. Stein is Henry since he’s a cartoon now and yk changed his name
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——————————————————————————————————— I love dubs btw! Just credit and link me to it cause I’d love to hear it! This applies to all comics I make for any fandom :)
The newest comic look (NEW PAGE) here | For all the ask info pls look here | For character refs pls look here | Character Sexuality’s look here | Discord look here | Voice Claims here and here| The Vigilante speakeasy here
OTHER LINKS TO FIND ME: YouTube, BlueSky, Insta
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melodrangea · 7 months
hi! Thank you so much for this oppurtonity to request! I am so glad the soul eater fandom is still alive after all these years!
Anyways can i request medusa x s/o who is her soul mate? (S/o is also a witch)
But in the end they didn't work out (for obvious reasons). And they are missed each other despite everything. I am not sure if you do angst but if you dont then thats ok just SFW headcanons pls. :) once again thank you very much.
of course anon! I actually started this blog because my favorite soul eater blog was deleted
figured someone had to keep it going, I'm so glad you're enjoying so far!
Medusa x Witch! Soulmate
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-let me get this out of the way
-you guys AREN'T healthy; at all
-but that's what made you so drawn to her
-you were being attacked by a meister/weapon pair and losing
-as you were close to being killed you felt blood splatter on your face, you looked up and saw an arrow protruding through the meister's chest, their weapon (not headless) next to them
-you looked up and saw with Medusa, her menacing aura was terrifying, yet you still managed to notice the small mark on your wrist disappear; a sign that your soulmate had been found
-Medusa looked at you with cold eyes and you just sat staring in fear
"my this is interesting, seems you're to be mine"
-and she took the word mine very seriously, you never had a choice really, waking up one morning in a locked room, you were now her lover; her prisoner, there was no say in it other than it happened
-your magic was far weaker than hers so you couldn't fight back, and you wouldn't die young like human, you were stuck
-you were only let out when she felt like it, often to clear her victim's blood off of her by taking a shower with her
-or for her to test new spells on you, seeing if you had the strength to fight back
-Medusa wasn't very talkative, but when she was, it was very condescending, reminding you that you were made for her and her alone
-the day she turned herself into the DWMA was the first day in a long time you had seen actual sunlight
-it scared you, burning your skin to even think about going beyond the confines of your prisoner; your home
-you had the chance to run away but you couldn't, so when Medusa found you weeks later, you didn't protest. following through on her orders without protest
-Eruka tried to convince you to leave but you just couldn't, after all you and Medusa were written in the stars, how could a fate like that be wrong?
-when you saw Medusa even in her child body she was terrifying as ever, all she did was give you orders, find Crona and make him fall in line
-she didn't love you, she never did, she didn't even like you in particular
-when Medusa's soul was obliterated, witches made a treaty with the DWMA
-you were free, to do whatever you please, where ever and whoever
-so why did you find yourself sitting in the same dark padded white room, waiting for her to open in and pull you to her, to feel her snakes wrap around you?
-an unshackled prisoner after so long finds himself longing for his confines after all
just a reminder my dears situations like this are not love, if you have to be isolated to feel love for someone, it isn't real
I hope you enjoyed anon and continue to enjoy and request!
-Melodrangea <3
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exist4me · 1 year
Hiii!🥰💜 Can I please request an Adrian Chase x fem!shy!nurse!reader where she’s a part of the team, but as a nurse. She doesn’t have any experience with weapons or fighting or anything, so the team are super protective of her.🥺 When Adrian inserts himself onto the team (I love him for that😂), he immediately takes a liking to her and makes it VERY clear/obvious to her and the whole team, in a very Vigilante way LOL, and Y/n is very obvious that she she likes him as well, but in a more shy, getting flustered and scurrying away type of thing 😂 They get together when he comes back to base days after he was expected back, she pretty much jumps in his arms crying and he kisses her, and she sits in his lap while treating his wounds🥺🥺
Author's Note: Hi this is my first request 🥳 I sincerely hope this is to your liking and that I did your request right. Let me know what you think. I love feedback❤️.
word count: 1.2k
You were a part of the 11th Street Kids on Project Butterfly, not as a fighter but as the team's nurse. The team was filled with big personalities and highly skilled badasses in weaponry and combat. You were more shy and reserved, you were skilled in medicine but not so much in fighting. Before you met everyone the idea of this small group against an alien invasion was a terrifying thought but as dysfunctional as the Task Force family was, you guys had each other's backs. 
Most times you'd be taken on missions as a precaution in case someone gets seriously injured. The first time you noticed how protective the group was of you, was during the assassination of U.S. senator Royland Goff. You were never left alone, you were guarded and had hourly checkups from the team during the stakeout. This is where you first had an interest in Vigilante. You were listening to him and the others interact via the comms. You thought he was a bit weird and sadistic but he didn't rub you the wrong way. You believed he was a good guy but just seems to enjoy killing which should be a red flag but you ignored it because he only killed bad people. You thought it was cute how much he idolizes and loves Peacemaker even though he claims to not have normal emotions.
After the Goff mission, you had a lot of injuries that needed to be treated, Vigilante's included. He was brutally tortured by Goff leaving him with half a pinky toe that needed to be looked at. 
He was holding his foot, groaning in pain, " I'm not sure I'm ever gonna walk again."
Economos turns around slightly in the front seat to ask why.
"Motherfucker cut half my pinky toe off. It's the most important toe there is," he whined.
"Vigilante I assure you that's not true." You said softly
" Yea that’s not true." Adebayo and Harcourt agree with you.
"Yea, it is! You can't walk without it!" Vigilante cried out. 
"You can walk just fine without a pinky toe. Dont' worry" you said trying to calm him down.
Vigilante continues to believe he can't walk anymore, " You'll fall over all the time, look stupid, everyone will laugh at you."
"Who's gonna laugh at you?" Harcourt ask. Peacemaker starts laughing at the idea of Vigilante falling over. You whisper "stop" to him.
"You can't walk if you lose your metatarsal. That's like the knuckle of the pinky toe. But if you just lose your pinky, it's fine. I'll treat you and you'll be all good before you know it." You send him a small smile.
Back at HQ when you were treating Vigilante, he started gaining interest in you. He liked how soft-spoken you were, he liked the way you asked to touch him before treating him, and he liked how tender and delicate your touch was. He also liked you a bit more because of how Peacemaker would listen to you. He instantly trusted you. The reveal of who Vigilante was is when you realized your interest turned into a crush. You were the one who picked him up from jail, you thought he was absolutely beautiful, his gorgeous green eyes and curly hair you wanna run your hands through. You couldn't stop looking at him. He says he doesn't feel normal emotions but in the car, he was close to crying believing he messed everything up. You wanted to hug him but you were too shy so you gently patted his shoulders.
"It's going to be okay, Adrian"
After saying his name he looked at you in an emotion you weren't too sure of. But it felt warm and safe.
After that day, Adrian was positive he liked you and wanted you as his. He always found a way to be near you or work with you in HQ, the team slowly started putting the dots together. However, Adrian wanted it to be known to the group and to you he liked you. The next time the entire team was together for Economos' PowerPoint presentation he decided to do something.When everyone was getting up to leave and prepare for the upcoming mission Adrian decided to make an announcement. 
"So guys, I just wanna say that I call dibs on y/n. I think we'll be amazing together you know, her being kinda soft and sweet and I, her badass crime-fighting boyfriend. Right? The whole opposites attract things. Anyway, y/n I like you and I think it'll be amazing if we get together after this mission because aliens wanna kill us so yea. What do you say?" He said in a rambly speech to everyone. All the attention is on you waiting for your response.
"um...uh, I-" You stutter trying to get words. You feel flustered as your face heats up, so you turn around and run back into the office you claimed as your own. You're excited that Adrian feels the same way as you but now you can't even be in the same room as him. You don't go on the next mission. Everyone returns safe and sound, although covered in blood (not theirs). Any time Adrian looks your way, you scurry off in the other direction holding your heated cheeks, hiding your small smile. This goes on for a while. The 11th Street Kids were given a big mission the team needed to be broken up into two. Peacemaker and Vigilante as one group and Harcourt and Adebayo as another. They split up to check out two potential sites that are used for the butterfly food source. You and Economos however stayed as tech backup. It should have taken 4 days max for everyone to come back. However, only Harcourt and Adebayo returned from their site visit. You weren't too worried on the 5th day, you know how Adrian and Peacemaker can get distracted but when the 8th day came you were on the verge of a breakdown.
"Should we go after them? I don't like this. What if they are getting tortured again or worse dead? You guys have been doing this longer than me, is this normal?" You paced around the main room of HQ talking to the rest of the gang about this. You were biting your nails with tears in your eyes. 
Harcourt was about to respond when you heard the door open. You turn around to see Adrian limbing inside injured with his suit ripped up with Peacemaker covered in blood behind him.
"Honey, we're home" Adrian yelled.
You run towards him, leaping into his arms as tears run down your face. He groans slightly from the impact on his wounds.
"Missed me?" He said, smirking. You nod letting out a small giggle. Adrian wipes your tears with his thumb before gently kissing you. You pour all your feelings and emotions into your kiss with Adrian, telling him the things you wished you had the courage to say. You wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss when he groans in pain. You pull away immediately.
"I'm sorry, let's go fix you up." You lead him into your office.
"Yes nurse," He said, smiling brightly.
You sit on his lap as you treat the injuries on his upper body.
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