#also maybe to actually continuing About The Future because i love my babies and i have so many ideas for them
funkylittlebidiot · 2 months
Anyone remember About Him? yeah i'm re-editing lmao
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nathaslosthershit · 2 months
Long Distance (LN4)
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Summary: Long distance relationships are hard, especially when they both have very time consuming careers
Warnings; Angst (a whole lot), no happy ending in this part (will happen in pt 2)
Request: hi!! requesting a lando norris x female uni!reader if possible reader being a medical student or a one of the engineers on the paddock 🧍🏻‍♀️
Lando wasn’t known for being the smartest on the grid. He, like many other drivers, had only a few years of school to his name. But that still hadn’t stopped him from being able to somehow ‘woo’ a woman quite the opposite. 
His girlfriend was currently in her last year of medical school. While he was unbelievably proud of how far she had come, the difficulties of long distance have gotten to both of them, and there wasn’t much hope once she graduated and was off to a medical training program. With her studying for finals and Lando being off to a new country every two weeks for Grand Prixs, their relationship has been rocky to say the least.
Constant lack of communication and missing each other's calls had led them to have tons of unspoken dialogue. Each unanswered call created the smallest bit of resentment that just continued to grow and grow. 
No more sweet ‘goodmorning’ or ‘goodnight’ texts, no more wishing her well before a big test, no more sending ‘good luck baby!’ before qualifying. Just a few ‘how are you doing?’ and other bland messages you’d send to a coworker, not your significant other. 
After weeks of little communication, they had finally scheduled a ‘zoom date’. Not particularly the most romantic date they had been on, but it's the best they could do with their schedules. Lando called in late at night for him while his girlfriend had a lunch break in between labs. Time zones be damned.
Lando was 25 minutes late leaving only 35 minutes to actually talk to one another.
Her wifi was spotty so it kept freezing.
Finally, with only 5 minutes left, Lando decided to make a joke that there is no reason for her to continue going to labs, as he would be happy to be her ‘sugar daddy’. This was not very well received by his girlfriend, who responded with a quick “fuck you” and hung up early.
Lando was joking, a bit. He loved his girlfriend and saw a future with her, he just couldn’t stand long distance and any job in the medical field was bound to take up most of your time. He wanted her, but he also wanted someone who could be by his side on race day. That just wasn’t something that was possibly currently. 
He supported her. He loved to brag about how smart she was and how she was so dedicated to helping people. But that came with setbacks.
After a quick message from Lando (‘I was kidding darling. You know how proud I am of you. Lighten up a little, yeah?’), which she ignored, she was off to her labs in a worse mood than before. Things couldn’t go on like this. 
He hadn’t heard from her in three days. His “how are you, love?” and “Miss you lots. Hope your class is going better than my neck training :(“ went unanswered. She knew she was being petty, but maybe a relationship was just too hard for her life currently. 
After three long and stressful days of silence, she called him. With no message asking what she needed to speak about, Lando feared he already knew.
“We can’t keep doing this” She said after they quickly exchanged a ‘hi, how are you?’ ‘I'm good, how are you?’. 
“Baby, I told you it was just a-”
“I know that Lando! It's just that this isn’t the first time you have mentioned me quitting my career to be your housewife or whatever unrealistic idea you have stuck in your head.”
“I don’t need you to be a housewife! I don’t want that for you. I just try to let you know that you don’t need to worry about your future as much because I will always be there to help you.”
“But I want a career! I want to work hard so I can have a good future. You need to get it into your head that your career isn’t the only important one.”
“I don’t think that! Me wanting to let you know that I support you no matter what isn't diminishing your career plans! It would be nice if you started to show a little more support. I am so sick and tired of all our conversations revolving around you and how your day was. If classes are rough, or you are stressed, you don’t respond to me. I never know where I land with you. But god forbid I try to mention how hard my day was. I am just as sick of it.”
She didn’t know how to respond. It seems that all the times she has been more focused on how she was feeling she completely forgot to check on how he was doing. Before she can even muster out an apology, Lando jumps back in.
“Maybe you are right. I don’t think I can do this either. Not anymore.” He feels his stomach dropping as he says the words, not fully meaning them.
There is a long silence, moments where she wants to apologize, to try and reconcile. In that moment all of the good memories of their relationship come flashing back to her, as if her mind is begging her to do something. But she doesn’t. 
“Then I guess this is it.” She finally says. 
“I guess so.”
Part 2 out now!
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tangledinink · 6 months
Hi, I really love your AUs, can't wait to see more!
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eEEEE THANK YOU ; w ; this all so sweet and makes me so happy aaaAAAAAA
ask dump below~
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he was 5'3" previously, he's now more like five feet maybe a little bit less. if you were to measure him and mikey back to back, mikey would be a tiny bit taller. you can't really tell yet, though, since donnie currently can't stand, and up until now he was constantly on tip-toes. he's also just very underweight right now, which makes him seem even smaller. as he recovers and gains some weight back, he'll seem a bit less itty-bitty.
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thank you! ; w ; also while i don't think he's ever, like, straight up wiggled his fingers at a boy, i do think he occasionally gets a little fidgety/twitchy with his hands and fingers when he has a crush. maybe also tends to do little arm/shoulder touches with his outstretched fingers as well when he's flirting. u w u
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It's completely gone! his tummy and hips are now just like the other exposed parts of his body, like his arms and legs-- just skin and scales. I don't think it ever actually came up in the main part of the comic, but is illustrated in his reference image in the masterpost! Also don't worry, no ill-effects from being crop-topped. It'll just take a bit of getting used to. (If anything, it's a bit of a boon at the moment for the rest of the fam. A lot of medical care is a lot easier without plastron blocking the patient's entire torso.)
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HEHEHE, thank you <3 i love making them wag their tails I think it's so cute and silly... <3 I think Raph (across all AU's, lol) has definitely accidentally hurt himself wagging his tail in excitement on at least one occasion.
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Oh gosh. It's hard to say because it's such a spectrum... It would have to be a pretty nasty injury for the witchdoctors to not be able to do something about it. But assuming they can't... Big Mama would never outright ask the Gems to perform on a serious injury, but the twins would definitely feel pressure to continue performing for as long as they possibly could, and to keep recovery time as short as possible. If they had to take time off to heal, they would, (and have in the past,) but they'd definitely be impatient to get back on the field. If the injury is truly so bad that one or both of them can no longer perform, they'd probably both retire, (though extremely reluctantly, and doing so would be incredibly heartbreaking for them and cause them a lot of grief and guilt,) because neither would want to go on without the other. There might be some pushback from Big Mama, though, and the uninjured party could potentially be convinced, with enough time and enough conversations, to make a comeback...
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Poorly. It'd probably go about the same way it did for Donnie, except worse the second time around. They'd probably both be in trouble for it-- Leo for keeping things for her, and Donnie because she (correctly) assumes that he's 'influenced' Leo somehow, since he did the same thing first.
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he is being SOOOO brave right now... but he can't NOT. not when his kids are on the line :< though I will say, you're being quite optimistic about how his conversation with Big Mama is gonna go... 👀
lmao april is maybe in a TEENSY bit over her head, bless her. splinter definitely struggled over whether or not to bring her with him to see big mama. he tried to convince her to let him escort her back home once he realized where he had to go, but of course she wouldn't hear of it. thought about having her wait outside, but... is so reluctant to leave her alone in the hidden city... knew she would probably pushback anyway, too, so...
the twins will definitely have a ton of therapy and healing to tackle in the future <3 my poor sweet baby boys....
THANK YOU <3 <3 <3
@11bountyhunters @oh-my-muffins @oneshortlove @khlegacynexus @animal-lover-forever @wings-of-sapphire @devious-little-creature @riseleon
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jackoshadows · 6 months
What I don't understand is why Sansa stans, who want to get rid of Arya in Winterfell, go for the laziest fanon of Arya being a tourist - a theory that's borrowed from ultimate hacks D&D and the garbage TV show and which ending GRRM has repeatedly disavowed.
Arya becoming some kind of world explorer at the end pretty much ignores her book story, narrative arc, characterization and throws away the material in her so far written 32 pov chapters for an ending they came up with because of a made up headcanon. An headcanon which is far removed from the book character.
If one wants to get rid of Arya in Winterfell to make way for Sansa, the least they could do is actually read Arya's chapters and attempt to come up with an ending that makes more sense for the character.
Arya is a character who wants to help. From Mycah to Weasel to Samwell Tarly, Arya is someone who stands up against injustice even at great risk to herself. She's selfless and would sacrifice her personal happiness for the greater good. She wants things to be better, for herself, for her friends, for the smallfolk.
One ending could be Arya Stark as a leader of the Riverlands, helping rebuild from the ravages of war, helping the people who survived. Arya, who has the empathy and the skillsets to help them, who has listened and learned from her father on how to govern. We see Willow Heddle take care of orphans and managing an inn with a quiet efficiency that mirrors Arya's and Gendry hanging around helping her. I could see Arya and Gendry continue their relationship, fall in love, marry and settle down in the Riverlands while Arya either rules the Riverlands as the Tully heir/Cat's daughter or as Lady of Harrenhal helps Edmure Tully rebuild the Riverlands.
Or, if Jon Snow leaves for beyond the Wall as the leader of the new territories and lands there, maybe Arya goes with him. Considering their close bond and love for each other and the fact that home is where each other is - something else that is again established in the books - if she had no choice but to leave Winterfell, going with Jon Snow to help him lead the freefolk beyond the Wall could be another option.
Or if Bran does end up becoming King on the Iron Throne, then she could stay in KL to help her much loved baby brother. She wouldn't like leaving Winterfell, but Arya is a character who sacrifices and does what's right, no matter how hard it is for her to do personally. Plus, she wanted to be a king's councillor and build things. Her training and skillsets with the FM would also make her alert to any future LF/Varys types trying to plot against Bran - not that someone who can see into the past and present needs a master spy...
Or Arya and Brienne start a school for young girls who are interested in learning different things and have teachers who actually develop their talents based on what they are good at instead of being hateful for what they cannot be.
In my opinion, any of these endings is better than 'Arya, world explorer' an empty, nonsensical ending that has no connection to the character's book story and is actually contemptuous of the suffering and trauma this child has been through over several books. Meet new people and learn new languages? What do these folks think Arya has been doing so far? The girl's been traveling from her second AGoT chapter, meeting countless people. sailed the narrow seas, engaged with new cultures, learned new languages. She's been there, done that.
What's even more ridiculous is that it's Sansa stans who often engage in the oppression olympics of Sansa having suffered the worst, that Sansa 'deserves' Winterfell because she suffered the most abuse, that the only ending that makes sense for Sansa is being back in Winterfell because she suffered so much etc. And yet according to these very same folks, Sansa is going to roll up her sleeves and tirelessly work to lead the people of the North, while Arya is going on a cruise ship vacation and vlog about the new cuisine she is trying out...Hey, maybe after having suffered the most of ALL characters in the series, maybe it's Sansa who deserves the cruise ship vacation, you know?
We have the author himself saying that Arya's harrowing experiences and journey through Westeros and Essos has aged her up so much that he considers the character older than some of the 40 year olds in the books! And yet there are still people harping on and on about tourist Arya ffs.
I personally think Arya will be in Winterfell at the end of the books, either helping her younger brothers Bran/Rickon lead the North or more probably as a leader in her own right.
Arya is a central character in the series, the female character with the most POV chapters. There's no way GRRM has one of his lead female characters end up playing a supporting role in her brothers or sister's story. No way.
The author has given her the character development in the books to lead the North. She has a hulking huge grey direwolf at her side - the sigil of house Stark. She is the lone Stark who has the Stark look. Her direwolf is named after the first Dornish princess who changed female inheritance in Dorne - a big clue for a character who has chafed against patriarchal restrictions on what women can and cannot do. I mean this is how we are introduced to Arya Stark in her very first AGoT chapter:
“The Lannisters are proud,” Jon observed. “You’d think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no. He makes his mother’s House equal in honor to the king’s.”
“The woman is important too!” Arya protested. - Arya, AGoT
It's clear to me that her arc is heading towards her being the first Lady of Winterfell/Wardeness of the North, nicely bookending her arc which started with her wanting the woman to be as important as the man, arguing for equality when it comes to their house. That's how organic story telling and building a narrative actually works.
I am aware of the principal Internet forums about A Song of Ice and Fire and I really used to look at the American and English groups. Nowadays, the most important site is Westeros, but I started to feel uncomfortable and I thought it would be a better idea not to get to these sides. The fans use to come up with theories; lots of them are just speculative but some of them are in the right way. Before the Internet, one reader could guess the ending you wanna do for your novel, but the other 10.000 wouldn’t know anything and they would be surprised. However, now, those 10.000 people use the Internet and read the right theories. They say: “Oh God, the butler did it!”, to use an example of a mystery novel. Then, you think: “I have to change the ending! The maiden would be the criminal!” To my mind that way is a disaster because if you are doing well you work, the books are full of clues that point to the butler doing it and help you to figure up the butler did it, but if you change the ending to point the maiden, the clues make no sense anymore; they are wrong or are lies, and I am not a liar. - GRRM
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brucewaynehater101 · 8 days
That Waltz's World ask about how much Tim would be kidnapped opened my eyes to how there is too much you can do with its personalized appearances
Just the angst of Batman and Oracle and Dick looking at Robin and calling it Little Wing or Jason again and again
((I have come to the realization that if Tim is repeatedly mistaken for Jason, it's gonna get misgender loads during that time as well, fuck))
Just imagine Red Hood looking at Robin and seeing the features of Damian under it's costume, not just her baby brother, but even all those street kids and women they give their all to protect
Hell maybe Red Hood sees herself back when she was Little Wing, back when they were magicless Jason
If Red Hood still goes through with beating the everloving shit out of her successor, maybe right before Nightwing gets to the scene—
—Red Hood sees what their body felt like it did in the warehouse, and when she looks down at her own hands, her body on top of Little Wing's . . .
. . . She sees The Joker instead of Red Hood, a crowbar instead of blades
((because Tim's magic is going into overdrive trying to keep it alive and now the illusions are extending to more people than just Tim here))
Now let's throw a bone for Tim and say that once it itself has become someone another truly cares for, that person stop seeing the illusion and starts seeing what Tim actually looks like in Waltz form
And since the illusion's implied to apply to Tim itself, maybe once Tim has accepted itself at long last, it sees what it truly looks like in Waltz form
Maybe instead Tim's acceptance of itself is the final piece required for the illusion to cease for those that care and are invested in Tim and (Red) Robin's wellbeing already or do in the future, plus itself
Oh yeah, what do rogues think of Red Robin? I bet Mr. Freeze sees Nora in it, that'll throw him off his a-game
Freeze won't like that Red Robin just looks like somebody you deem most precious of all will he?
Oh God what do general Gothamites think of the fact Red Robin's illusions are tailormade to make people think "I have to protect & treasure you" ???
Imagine it gets called an honorary mind-controller for shits and giggles and it's funny until outsiders take the joke to seriously and now they're hunting down Red Robin 💀💀💀💀
And no outsiders takes the Gothamite's or other bats word that it was only a joke and Red can't mind controll seriously, especially since the illusions convince the outsiders of their delusions further 💀
Maybe Scarecrow accidentally huffs some of his own fear toxin and seeing Red Robin afterwards he goes ballistic; kidnaps the vigilante and defends it with his life during his drug trip
I don't have any other ideas rip
Too much fun you can do with Tim being the most kidnappable vigilantr that people want to kidnap because they wanna protect it
The Waltz's World AU is so very dear to me. Gods, I love it so much.
As far as your additions, I agree. The amount of angst you could squeeze out of Tim's form is tremendous (between continuously being treated as a replacement/stand-in for someone else [and not being precious because of itself], and the misgendering. Poor fucking Tim).
I also really like the addition you added of Tim's magic trying to protect it so there's the added illusion on top of Red Hood. I wonder what repercussions Tim faced due to that last spurt of desperation from its magic.
Red Robin is trying to mind its own business and then out of towners keep trying to capture/kill it due to "brainwashing." Damn. Can it catch a break?
Also, I'm curious if Tim would feel most comfortable around Solomon Grundy. At the very least, he wouldn't try to use Tim as a stand-in (depending on Grundy's characterization).
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kiddbegins · 6 months
Did you really love me? - Connor Rhodes
Requested: yes
Word count: 1,318
Warnings: angst, no happy ending
A/n: if someone said ‘they brought me back to life’ over someone they left me for that’d be it for me
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“Did you ever really love me?”
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Breakups suck. Like, really suck. Seriously, who the hell wants to be sat in their room, watching disney movies in the hopes of cheering themselves up with ice cream in one hand and left over pizza in front of them? 
It didn’t help that you saw a future with him. Connor Rhodes, found his way into your heart then decided to rip it out with his bare hands. He said he found someone else, someone that brought him back to life. Some great feelings that stirred up. (That was pure sarcasm by the way.)
No, in reality it felt like he’d taken both your heart and your soul and crumbled it to pieces. Years down the drain. That first year of pining over the slightly older surgeon that you worked closely with followed by the next two years. 
Sure you should have seen it coming. Less time spent together and half the time you were together, there were fights speckled in. Over stupid shit. Leaving things around, forgetting to do something, missing a date. It was already being written in stone that you two weren’t going to last but you couldn’t take the signs at face value.
You just loved him so much. Every argument you thought maybe it was just a step to things working out. But it wasn’t. Now you’d spent the week in your apartment, using paid time off to wallow in your own pity.
And tomorrow was going to be your first day back at work. Your first day seeing him since everything happened. You had no idea what the hell you were going to do. Natalie and Will sort of had a plan in place, one they could only do so much about.
“We see him coming and we’ll make sure he asks one of us for help, or if you need a consult we’ll take over when he’s there, easy.” Natalie was proud of her plan, her boyfriend just nodding along knowing that was not how any of that was going to work.
You guys were doctors. It wasn’t like they’d always have time to be a personal block between you and the surgeon. Which was proven true the literal first patient you had. Will and Natalie were actually treated the sibling of the boy you had under your care who needed surgery.
And of course the surgeon in question was none other than Dr. Rhodes. Sure you could be professional but that was also when you completely avoided looking in the dark haired man’s direction. Something that was picked up by and brought up by the boy’s mother.
“Do the two of you have an issue with one another? Because I’d like for my doctors to be able to communicate so that I know my baby is getting the best care there is.” Her arms folded tightly across her chest as your mouth gaped.
Were you supposed to lie? Tell her that you and the man next to you were fine? You could handle him. But as much as you believed that, you couldn’t stop the tears pricking at your eyes when you so much as glanced at the back of his head.
Slightly you cleared your throat. “We’re okay, but uh, if it’ll make you feel better, I can have Dr. Halstead, who’s with your other son, take over here.” You spoke with a faint smile, the mother nodding tightly.
It was obvious she didn’t believe you just as much as you didn’t believe yourself and you didn’t want to make this day any worse for her. “Will, uh, could we switch? Mom’s asking for a different doctor.” She bit at her cheek, the look on her face giving away that that wasn’t the entire story but there was no time to question it.
“Yeah sure, we’re just finishing up his labs here.” Natalie gave you a soft smile as the rest of the shift continued, this time without any hiccups. And crossovers were smoother than that one. And once it was over, you were right back where you were that morning.
Crying on your couch.
Except, about halfway through your rewatch of Dirty Dancing, there was a knock on the front door. You weren’t expecting anybody and when you pulled open the front door, you were staring back at the last person you ever expected to grace your entrance way again.
He gave a tight smile, sucking in a breath, “Can I come in?” You had to fight to hold back the scoff that nearly came out, raising your eyebrows. Who did he think he was just showing up, a week after you two broke up.
Annoyed, you went to shut the door with a roll of the eye, only stopping when the man grabbed the edge of it. “Y/n, please. Look, I just want to talk okay? We work together for god sakes, you have to learn to at least look me in the eye. Especially if we’re taking care of the same patient.”
As much as you wanted to pretend he was wrong, he wasn’t. Begrudgingly, you stepped aside, letting him come in. It was silent for a couple moments, the man taking in the mess that had fallen upon your apartment. 
In all honesty, he wasn’t that aware that the breakup had affected you this much. Obviously he knew you were upset, the lack of your appearance at work was enough proof of that. But seeing the messed up couch, the take out containers and half empty tissue box just put things into perspective. 
“Alright, are you going to say something or just judge the state of my house? Because I seriously-”
“Just tell me whatever you’ve been dying to tell me, y/n.” He cut you off, turning his attention back to you fully. “I can tell from the look on your face that you want to say something but you’re not letting yourself, and I know how much stuff like that eats at you.”
You nostrils flared as you looked up at him, “You don’t get to say that you know anything about me anymore Connor. You don’t. Not with all the shit that’s happened.” Your words came out harsher than you meant to and for a second you realized that maybe you did have some choice words for him.
“I’m sorry. I just, I want you to be able to get on with things. Move on, not have to worry about me when you’re at work.”
“I’m always going to Connor! I love you.” Your voice cracked along with the dam that was keeping your tears at bay. “With my entire heart, and you left. So I’m sorry if I can’t just get past that in seven days.” You tightly crossed your arms over your chest, sniffling.
If anything was embarrassing it was crying in front of someone that was the source of the tears streaming down your face. And you hated it. You absolutely despised how he was capable of all these emotions spilling from you and that you couldn’t even keep yourself from showing it.
“You know what. I do have something.” You cleared your throat, the anger fading and bringing back the heaviness in your chest. Connor nodded, gesturing for you to continue, his gaze on you entirely. “Did you ever even love me?” 
The softness of the question made Connor’s heart drop, his eyes flicking over your face. The lack of response made you scoff, nodding tightly. “Alright. That’s enough of an answer for me. You can go now.”
“Wait no, I did-”
“Go.” You practically yelled, squeezing your eyes shut and pointing at the door to your left. “And don’t try to talk to me again unless it’s work related.” The sound of the door opening and shutting was all you heard before you let yourself crumple onto the couch, crying until you couldn’t cry anymore.
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Tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @thebejeweledwatercat @mrspeacem1nusone @wnbweasley @alexxavicry @halsteadbrasil, @natashamea18 @katieemazz @firetruckstuckley
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dreamerrgirl · 1 year
Chenford + pregnancy scare post canon!
Hi lovely anon!
First, I would like to thank you for being the first person to request a prompt from me; I'm honored! I hope this gives you everything you wanted and more! 😊
Lucy wasn't entirely sure how long she'd been sitting there, perched on the edge of her tub, the solid pink line of the pregnancy test staring back at her.
Not pregnant.
As soon as Lucy had finally gathered the courage to look, a myriad of emotions had run through her so fast she could barely keep up. First came the predictable relief, her breath rushing out of her lungs in one solid exhale. When she had made her New Years resolutions a few months ago, an unexpected pregnancy had definitely not been one of her goals for the coming year.
Next, came the feeling of freedom; knowing her body was still entirely her own, and nothing was going to interfere with her trajectory at work for the foreseeable future. Watching Harper, then Nolan, and finally Tim moving up in the department over the last year had motivated her to start thinking hard about her own next steps in her career, and a baby would only complicate that by tenfold.
But then, much to Lucy's surprise, a third emotion had floated to the surface, one that stayed with her long after she'd thrown the test away and drove over to Tim's for dinner.
Disappointment, with a hint of sadness mixed in.
As she sat at Tim's kitchen island watching him cook them dinner, she couldn't stop picturing what he would look like with a baby, their baby, cradled in his arms. He would be an amazing father, and the idea of him being the father of her children made Lucy's heart ache so bad it hurt.
While they had only been dating for six months, Lucy had known from the moment he kissed her in the food truck parking lot that she was head over heels in love with him. Honestly, this was Tim Bradford she was talking about, how could she not be?
Their relationship was moving faster than any relationship Lucy had ever been in, but every time she thought she would be freaked out by their speedy progression, it actually ended up being the exact opposite. Everything with Tim just felt so right, like it had always been meant to be.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Blinking, Lucy was startled out of her reverie, the corners of her mouth curving into a smile as she regarded the shiny penny that was being held in front of her face, Tim's curious gaze blurry behind it.
Gently taking the coin from his grasp, Lucy turned it over in her hand, debating with herself on whether or not she should tell him. If it had been anyone else, Lucy wouldn't think twice to lie about it, but she and Tim had promised each other from the start that they'd always be honest with each other, even when it was hard or scary.
Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Lucy admitted, "I was just thinking about some, news, I got today."
"Is everything okay?" Tim immediately asked, brows furrowed.
"Yeah, everything's fine," Lucy quickly reassured him, reaching out to cover his hand with her own. "It's just- I thought I might be pregnant; I'm a few days late, and my stomachs been a mess, but I wasn't sure if that's because I was a few days late, you know? So I decided to take a test before I came over, just to check."
Tim stopped breathing, his gaze locked on hers.
"It was negative," she continued gently, watching his face intently as he processed the news.
She swore she saw something like disappointment flash across his face before he schooled his features back into place, his hand squeezing hers.
"Well that's good news, right?"
Her heart rate starting to rise, Lucy said, "Yeah, it is, this wasn't something we were planning for."
"But?" he asked softly, picking up on her hesitation.
"But, I also feel a little sad about it, which I wasn't expecting."
Tim was quiet for a few moments, Lucy's anxiety continuing to rise. Maybe she had shared too much; been too honest.
But then Tim was giving her a small smile, his thumb gently rubbing over the top of her hand.
"I know what you mean," he said, his gaze soft.
"Really?" Lucy breathed, hope starting to weave its way into her heart.
"Really," he said, letting go of her hand to walk around to her side of the island, his strong arms wrapping around her as he hugged her to his chest, his chin resting on the top of her head.
"You don't think we're going too fast?" Lucy murmured quietly, leaning back into his embrace.
Tim shrugged, his shoulders brushing the bottom of her ears. "I don't if you don't."
Craning her neck around, Lucy looked into his eyes, finding the love she was feeling reflected in his gaze.
"I don't," she answered softly, her eyes fluttering closed as he kissed her forehead.
"There's a few things I'd like to happen first before we throw a kid into the mix, but I also won't be mad if it happens before then."
"I don't think I will either," Lucy admitted, resting her head against his chest.
"Well, while we're being honest with each other, I've had something I've been meaning to ask you."
Lucy spun around, his arms falling away from her body as she twisted the barstool to face him.
"Not that," he said with a chuckle, Lucy feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She wasn't sure she was ready to hear that question, at least not yet.
"I uh, I heard you grumbling the other week about how your lease is almost up, and how rent is going up for your building next year. And I was thinking, seeing as how we've barely spent a night apart since we started dating, I was thinking maybe you and Tamara might wanna come stay here, with me."
"Like, move in with you?" Lucy asked, her eyes searching his face.
"Yeah, I know it seems fast, but-"
"Yes," Lucy interjected immediately, a smile breaking out over her face.
"Really?" he asked, the surprise and vulnerability in his voice making Lucy reach out and kiss him.
"Really," she mumbled against his lips, cupping his face in her hands. "I mean, I'll have to talk about it with Tamara, see how she feels, but for me, I've been getting tired of all the running back and forth between your place and mine; it'd be nice to have a place that's ours."
Tim pulled back slightly to stare at her, his expression happier than she'd ever seen it.
"I love you," he breathed, leaning in to give her a soft, slow kiss.
The moment their lips parted, Lucy couldn't wait to tell him, "I love you, too."
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itaehynz · 1 year
txt member of your choice + picnic date <3 hehe im really excited that you’re back to writing !!
‘ in the mood for love ♡ — c.bg ,
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☼ pairing: choi beomgyu x gn!reader.
☼ genre: fluff, idol!gyu, non-idol!reader
☼ warnings: established relationship, talks of gyu being a sweetheart, lowercase intended, pet names (baby, love, etc.)
☼ wc: 1.1k!
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you’ve always wanted to surprise beomgyu at least once in your relationship. he’s always done all the preparations for every date you’ve gone on so when you told him to meet you at the park after his last schedule, he was definitely confused.
you decided that you would go to the park that’s right behind the hybe building considering that he told you he’d have to practice 45 minutes after his recent schedule. just as you’re thinking, you see a tall figure running up to you, it’s been so long since you’ve last had actual time to spend with beomgyu.
you quickly get up and start running to him as well so you both can meet up in the middle. you jump on him as if your life depends on it, because if we’re being serious here… it does. beomgyu hugs you tightly while nuzzling his nose into the side of your neck, “i’ve missed you so much baby,” you grin widely but he can’t see it which is good because he probably would’ve teased you for it.
“i’ve missed you so much more gyu, but let’s sit down before we run out of time okay?” you say before letting go of him. he puts you down and sits on the picnic blanket you’ve laid carefully, “wowww, you got my favorites… you’re an angel,” he says with a light smile on his face. “i tried to remember before you came but then i had to text yeonjun while you were taking a bathroom break” you say before grinning at him. “mm okay. let’s start eating, shall we?” he says before both of you begin to dive into your food.
as beomgyu puts a slice of chicken in his mouth he begins to say, “how has your day been, love?” “it’s been okay, it would’ve been a lot better if you were actually there but you know…” beomgyu sighs & continues eating, “i know, i’m free tomorrow but i don’t know if you have work… do you?” “nope! i’m free the rest of the week, besides doing my online courses of course,” “okay then that’s good! we can stay at home and watch a few movies while cuddling if you’d like?” “i’d love that beom” you say before leaning over to him and giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. you pull away & see that beomgyu now has a small grin on his face, you chuckle slightly at that, but you find it very cute.
you both go back to eating and once you’ve finished, you both just begin to start talking about what you both have planned for the future while lovingly cuddling into each other. “i don’t know, i think i’d still be good as a barista, my current position. i feel like the job is quite fitting for a person like me, but i haven’t really thought about it yet?” “i feel like it might still be fitting for you, yeah. but what about a bartender? since you already know how to make drinks and stuff… i heard you’ll get more tips if you have a great personality and make conversation with the customers!” he says before looking down at you in his lap. “that does sound good, i’ll consider looking into it! what do you wanna be if you guys don’t renew your contract?”
you notice that his eyes soften a little at that question, he looks throws his head back slightly and starts talking, “i still want to be a singer you know so… maybe a soloist? but i’ve also thought about working in a restaurant… remember when i was on ‘bistro shigor’? it was really fun for me to serve all the customers & work with professional cooks! i think being a server at a restaurant or a cook might be the best for me, but i still want to continue renewing our contract… i really do love my group.”
you smile at him fondly & hum lightly. “gyu,” you say while staring off somewhere, he looks down at you with his doe eyes, “you’re really the sweetest person i’ve ever met, truly. you love helping people even if it means you don’t get to help yourself in any form or shape, you just do it without thinking twice and i love you for that. on top of that, you’ve always been so dear to me. never holding your emotions back with me or hiding things from me… you’re truly the same person i fell in love with and i’m so thankful that we’re together now,” you say before staring into his eyes noticing that there’s slight tears in them.
he sniffles and smiles fondly at you, “thank you so much for that. i love everything you do for me, even when i’m barely there to see it. i know you think about me when you’re cooking which is why you always leave the food out before i come back home, you’re also very dear to me babe… you’re always honest with me, you always tell me your feelings straightforwardly and if i do something that hurts you, you don’t hold grudges. thank you for that. i’ve been in love with you since i met you and i still am. i will forever love you and i’m so thankful that we’re together now. i love you so much y/n,” he says while inching closer to your face. “i love you so much more beom.” you say before you both entwine your lips with each other’s.
there’s always been so much love between the two and the fact that you’re both getting it off your chests now just shows how long you’ve both been waiting for the right time. after what has felt like an hour long kiss, you both finally pull away from each other and smile at each other fondly. you reach over to grab your phone and check the time, “it’s almost time for you to go back let’s clean everything up okay?” you say as beomgyu nods.
once you’ve both cleaned up, you both begin to walk back over to the hybe building. reaching it, you look at beomgyu with fond eyes. he does the same back. you kiss each other once more before saying your ‘goodbyes’ and ‘i’ll see you at home’ speeches. as soon as you get close to your home, you receive a message from beomgyu.
beom 🐻: they said hi & they miss you!
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you start cheesing at the very cute picture of all the members & begin typing back.
you: tell them i said hi & i miss them too! :((((((((
beom 🐻: what about me…. :/
you roll your eyes playfully at that message & reply,
you: i miss YOU especially beom <3
beom 🐻: i love u, i have to go practice now though. i’ll call you when i’m coming home bye baby!
you: bye beom! i love u & okay.
you are absolutely in love with this man.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
This post gives an overview of all my writing. All my fics are below the cut, and you can find my shorter ficlets & drabbles that I only posted on tumblr here :)
Normal things, baby! universe:
‘86, baby! (words: 58k) After they all survive Vecna (death? i don’t know her. and eddie definitely doesn’t either), everyone struggles with getting back to whatever “normal” is supposed to mean and new friendships are forged along the way, possibly even developing into something more eventually.
‘93, baby! (words: 2k) From Wayne’s POV, taking place 7 years after ‘86, baby! and reflecting on some of the moments from that fic, but also readable independently from ‘86, baby!
It’s Christmas, baby! (words: 5.5k) Four Christmas-themed oneshots that give some insight in the future after the events of ‘86, baby!
&Currently working on a Ronance-focused one taking place in the same universe :D
Fruity four fics:
Maybe if I was straight (words: 44k) AU based on the movie But I’m a Cheerleader, in which the fruity four meet each other because they end up in the same gay conversion therapy camp. Also, prepare for MANY supporting characters making appearances. And basically everyone is gay so that’s a bonus I guess.
The time of the year that you really need love (words: 14k) Christmas-themed fake-dating AU in which Steve and Robin, and Nancy and Eddie, pretend to be a couple.
Bee mine? (words: 5k) In which Steve and Robin are beekeepers, Eddie is a baker and Nancy a local journalist. The first chapter is all about Steddie and the second one about Ronance.
Steddie fics (mostly one-shots):
Friends don’t leave (words: 20k) In which Eddie leaves Hawkins, goes off the rails for a bit, and Steve continuously refuses to give up on him. (This was originally a one-shot so you can also only read the 1st chapter (words: 8k) if you prefer shorter fics)
It’s buzzcut season anyway (words: 2k) In which Steve finds out that Eddie’s hair is actually a wig.
The gayest chicken in Hawkins (words: 7k) In which a game of gay chicken between Steve and Eddie gets completely out of hand.
Beyond the yellow sweater (words: 3k) In which Eddie goes absolutely feral when he sees Mr. Harrington beating the shit out of Steve.
Basketball night (words: 1.5k) In which Steve is desperate to get Eddie's uncle to like him, and Eddie is just as desperate to get his uncle to like his boyfriend.
All I needed was the love you gave (words: 3,5k) In which Steve introduces Eddie to his parents.
Roses & Sunshine (words: 8k) In which Steve and Eddie meet at Hawkins’ community center. Eddie is there for guitar lessons, Steve for the daycare center. Misunderstandings ensue.
Not my type (words: 7k) In which Wayne meets Steve at a baseball match and wants to set him up with Eddie. Eddie is very much not into it.
Say you, say me (words: 3k) In which Steve and Eddie don’t quite have the same opinion about what Valentine’s Day is about.
The difference between a poem and a love letter (words: 5k) In which Eddie is a songwriter who likes to read poetry to find inspiration for new songs, and Steve a poet who finds his inspiration in music.
I will love your shadow (words: 3k) In which the bat-attack has left Eddie beyond repair and he has to come to terms with living with a stoma.
I’ll bring you flowers (in the pouring rain) (words: 7k) In which Eddie dates Steve without really believing he changed.
Until you face the rope (words: 5k) In which Eddie faces a trial for the crimes he didn’t commit.
Soul Mate (words: 1k) In which Steve and Eddie ponder what it means to get married and whether or not soulmates exist.
Ronance fics:
I’d kiss you if it wouldn’t kill me (words: 19k; inspired by Pushing Daisies but you don’t need to know anything about the show to read this) In which Nancy possesses the power to bring people back to life with a single touch. When Robin dies at the hands of Vecna, Nancy is there to save her. But there are some repercussions. The most important of them? If they ever touch again, Robin will die – and there will be no way back. After Vecna is defeated and Hawkins seems safe again, the two girls have to navigate what exactly this means for the bond they share.
Chamomile Christmas (words: 3k) In which Robin meets Nancy in a coffee shop on Christmas Eve.
The perfect girl for you (words: 9k) In which Wayne sets up Robin with Nancy, but things aren’t going as smoothly as Robin had hoped.
And suddenly we’re Thelma and Louise (words: 9k) In which Robin and Nancy make a roadtrip from Boston to Mexico, guided by a list of things Nancy feels like she missed out on during her college years.
The art of kissing a girl (That’s what friends are for, right?) (words: 4k) In which Nancy helps Robin prepare for a date with Vickie by giving her some kissing lessons.
I owe you nothing, I owe you my life (WIP) In which Eddie finds out that Karen Wheeler is his mother.
My life in the lines of your hand (words: 17k) In which the soft romance of my most beloved rarepair Wayne Munson and Scott Clarke gets explored through a series of defining moments for them.
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ursafootprints · 9 months
In the course of finally finishing my chapter commentaries for chapters 13 and 14 of you're not yet done, I rediscovered a deleted scene from chapter 10 and thought I would share it! A version of this did make it into chapter 10, but I ultimately decided that while this version is super cute, Tony wasn't actually at a point where he could admit the things he does here just yet.
But I didn't want Tony and Peter quasi-roleplaying their hypothetical friends-to-enemies-to-lovers AU to go to waste, so:
"Tony," Peter called softly, and he smiled and gestured teasingly to the forkful of eggs that Tony had been holding about an inch above his plate for the last minute, lost in thought. "Are they that bad?"
"Of course not, baby," Tony said, snapping to attention. "You know how eggs just get me all philosophical. 'Which came first,' et cetera."
Peter grinned and said, "Soft sciences, huh? Are you feeling okay?"
It was a real question, even though he'd couched it as a joke. Peter had a way of-- sensing, somehow, whether Tony had gone quiet because he was thinking about how to troubleshoot the latest snag in one of his projects or whether he was thinking about… more personal things, and he was never frustrated by Tony's lapses in attention either way, which was a novel experience.
"Soft sciences can be enriching in moderation," Tony said, and the subject change was on the tip of his tongue before he caught himself, because-- he was supposed to be honest, with Peter. Or so Iris said, anyway, and he was trying to do this right.
He poked at his breakfast, and didn't look at the way Peter's soft laugh brightened up his whole face, and he said, "I was thinking about you."
"While you were staring at your eggs?" Peter teased gently, but there was a little pinch of concern between his eyebrows, like he didn't know whether to be flattered or worried.
"I told you, eggs are inherently existential," Tony said, and he cleared his throat. "But no, uh. Just. How we fit together. And-- all the different ways we could have fit together."
Peter's expression softened, touched, and he repeated, "The different ways?"
It was too much, to say all of it. It was too early, too ridiculous that Tony was thinking like this so soon into things. That now that Tony had accepted it, he could hardly imagine a future where he wouldn't have fallen at least a little bit in love with Peter despite himself-- where he wouldn't have felt a wistful tug over watching Peter grow into the best version of himself as a hero and scientist and husband and father from afar, even if he never would have examined what that meant.
"Imagine," Tony said, pointing with his fork for emphasis. "You graduate with your PhD from MIT and start your own company. Parker Innovations? I don't know. Now we're business rivals, and we had a falling out five years earlier over-- probably me doing something stupid-- and you're outsmarting me at every turn."
"Tony," Peter protested, rolling his eyes, but he was grinning.
"You acquire SI, and I go to confront you dramatically in the rain," Tony continued, and Peter shook his head.
"Ms. Potts would keep SI running even if I somehow had a better R&D department," he pointed out, and Tony waved a hand as if to bat the thought away.
"I pissed her off too and now I'm back to being a terrible CEO. Anyway, I confront you and tell you, 'I'll never forgive you,' and you say, 'Why is that, Mr. Stark, I've won fair and square,'" Tony said, and Peter just smiled, waiting out the inevitable conclusion.
Tony clutched his chest dramatically and said, "'Because you may have stolen my company, but you've also stolen my heart,' I say--"
Peter blurted a laugh, and said, "What kind of movie are we in? Okay, so I say, 'That's all I ever wanted, Mr. Stark,’ because apparently I call you that again here--"
"And then we kiss, roll credits," Tony concluded.
He tried to ignore the beating of his heart when he ventured, "Or, y'know. Maybe you just… somehow make it to twenty-six without finding a different guy or gal to shack up with. And somehow still want to make a move to ask me out for-- well, not a drink, but dinner maybe-- and I somehow get my head out of my ass long enough to say yes. Maybe that."
And-- there it was. The absolute, fond vulnerability in Peter's expression that made it worth it for Tony to find a way to share his honest thoughts, that made it worth it to dig through all his humiliating baggage in therapy, that made it worth it to try, because--
Maybe sometimes talking about his feelings for Peter felt like he was shaving off one of the slimiest bits of his soul, all 'and here's the part of me that's in love with a teenager,' but Peter didn't look at him like that. Peter looked at him like his words were the most precious things in the whole world, and that made it worth it.
"You think you would have?" Peter asked quietly, touched.
"How could I not?" Tony answered, and he didn't play it as glib at all.
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flaapdoodledoo · 1 day
My Flying House Headcanons!!
(I hope you like it because I tried to make them as accurate as possible)
-Actually I have no idea what Justin could be descent of yet
-Angie and Corky are both of Scottish descent
- They all live in the USA lol
- Angie and Justin are around 12/14 years old. Corky is 4 or 5. Prof. Bumble is around his 40s. SIR has no age, but is adult coded - probably around his 30s then
- Justin, Angie and Corky go out a LOT and basically the whole town they live in knows them
- Justin and Angie both really like sports (mostly basketball) and they play together almost every day. They don't really let Corky join them anymore though because, the last time they did, that goddamn baby was able to break the neighbor's window = D
- Even after they were able to get back to the 20st century, the kids still visit Prof. Bumble pretty often. Maybe they even end up traveling somewhere else... next stop: ANCIENT GREECE!
- Ok this has something to do with their travel to the New Testament — I REALLY like to think that Jesus was very well aware that the children were from the future because, y'know, He is Jesus
- SIR really likes listening to jazz, blues, bossa nova... all that stuff!!! he is a man of culture <3
- Prof. Bumble loves anything that is astronomy related. Planets. Stars. Blah blah.
- Whenever SIR gets extremely angry or nervous he begins to glitch. A lot
- Justin and Angie are not dating, BUT they do have feelings for each other and absolutely hate admitting to it lol. I'd say it's more of a childhood crush thing, nothing serious - they mostly love each other as friends
- Continuing the previous topic, all best friends have their ups and downs I guess... that's why Justin and Angie occasionally fight over the stupidest motives ever (sometimes Corky joins in somehow).
- Ironically enough, Professor Bumble is really really good at cooking (this is canon actually but-); man even owns a recipe book. Sure he burns some stuff now and then but who cares? Also he hates admitting to knowing how to cook because he does not want to look too "casual" since he's, well, a scientist.
- SIR's writing looks all cursive and fancy I think that's comedic sorry
- Since SIR works on solar energy, he may feel more tired at night — Although, there are times where he is able to stay up until morning.
- SIR just- shouts random proverbs from the Bible out of nowhere. Okay most of the time it's because he feels like giving a lecture to Prof. Bumble for whatever reason (and Bumble does not care at ALL)
- Professor Bumble likes using his... intelligence to build some really random stuff that are basically useless. For example a machine that peels bananas =^D
- Justin owns a cereal toy collection. It's still kind of small, but he's proud of himself B)
- While they were in the New Testament, I like to think that SIR would tell bedtime stories to the children so they could fall asleep :^]
- There were times when Angie, Justin and Corky stayed up until morning sun playing and doing random stuff... like a slumber party! And doodling/writing random things on SIR's face while he is asleep! YAY!
- Angie and Justin are like super best friends. Listen let me insert the Spongebob and Patrick dynamic into my favorite characters
(Will update if needed)
(some of the) Headcanons that include my OC — B-888 — !
- Both SIR and Bea act like parents to the children while they're still stuck in the New Testament.
- Bea often gets super mad at Prof. Bumble because he is really irresponsible with the children lol. She knows that he cares about them though but oh well
- Bea probably had to knit some clothes for the children me thinks. LIKE shirts with their names and cool patterns that stuff lol--
- Also also Bumble, SIR and Bea would kind of work like a trio...?? THAT WOULD BE COOL me thinks part 2
- YES Bea and SIR are dating but they mostly act like best friends. SIR likes calling Bea his "wife" tho
I'm too embarrassed to continue this one I'm sorry for making you cringe let me be happy 💥
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pancake-nikkitty · 11 months
Thoughts I’ve had about Hyrule while playing TotK
Warning these are a little unhinged bear with me. Also possible spoilers? I don’t think there are but like. Read at your own risk.
So Zelda is definitely a descendant of Rauru&Sonia. So they definitely had at least one baby before they died. Who raised it? Sonia’s family? Did the living sages co-parent the child? Did they just entrust the child to castle staff? Do Zonai walk out the womb able to take care of themselves?
In the same vein, have royal Hylian’s lifespans been slowly getting shorter as they’ve married non-royal Hylians? I’m assuming Zonai had long lifespans if they were considered so godly, so a half-Hylian half-Zonai probably lived a long ass time, but as you keep adding Hylains with no genetic connection to Zonai I’d think it’d shorten it over time? I’m no geneticist so idk.
Do you think the rest of Hyrule was super racist toward Gerudos for awhile? Maybe its because I grew up in America and I’m used to people being racist towards a whole race for things a small group did but idk if that’s how people in Hyrule would be, especially since they had Gerudo on their side.
Did people want the next Gerudo male to be executed in fear of him turning out like Ganon? And do you think the Gerudo considered it? With how long some lifespans are (like the Zora, possibly royal Hylians? Sheikah live a long time too it looks like) people affected by Ganon might still be alive when the next male was born.
Continuing with Gerudo but less…heavy? Can they reproduce with other races besides Hylians? Like if a Gerudo fell in love with like a Rito would they be able to conceive and potentially have a child? Or does it have to be a Hylian?
Do Gerudo only produce other Gerudo??? Like will she always spawn a Gerudo no matter what? Can they have pregnancies that result in boys or non-gerudo women?
On the subject of producing children. Can Zora have children with Hylians? Because like. King Dorephan did not give a fuck about an heir when Mipha was in love with Link. Is it because they could reproduce? Did it have to do with the vast different in lifespans, so he figured she could have an heir with a Zora later in life? Did he just assume Sidon wouldn’t fall for a Hylian himself and create an heir with his future spouse?
HOW DO GORON REPRODUCE??? I have no other thoughts around this. Just. How. My brain is like. Fucky magic shit. Like a couple decides they want a child and find a suitable rock, then pray to Hylia and eventually the rock is imbued with life.
Zora pregnancies. How do they work? Is it like shark pregnancies? Or like other fish pregnancies? (i don’t know anything about shark pregnancies tbh. Or fish pregnancies in general) Because I think Yona is like a manta ray, yeah? Like Muzu? Because looking at Mipha&Sidon you’d think a pregnancy results in one baby? But is that normal?
Okay also like. The Zora sleep in those communal pools. Do they…do they have sex in there? In front of the children? Do they have separate like mating pools? Or are Zora children just like. Desensitized to it like some sort of Brave New World type shit. Or is mating just like. “I want babies!” “Me too!” Implants female with eggs. And that’s it??? Am I thinking too human with this??? Idfk.
I really just want a whole ass lesson on everything revolving around reproduction with all the different races in Hyrule and the possibilities of having mixed children.
Back to Gerudo. On the subject of thinking about things too long. Gerudo anatomy. What if they’re like hyenas? Like. I don’t know much about hyena anatomy besides the fact that the females have bigger dicks than the males. And like. Gerudo’s have Big Dick Energy so like. What if they actually have dicks?
On a more serious note. I’d also like a whole ass lesson on the life cycles of the individual races and average life expectancy.
That’s it for now. Why am I like this.
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aleksa-sims · 9 months
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👩‍🎓... 🌿📸🐝🐜..... 📝❤️
RL Simself Story
I went to university. 🤓..... Not really! 🫤 I visited my sister and my cuz M. there, to...... take pics of bugs.🤷‍♀️
Ana and Mario didn't go to exactly the same university. Ana studied something different from our Cuousin. She continued with that dull business thing and he studied cine technology and something else. I'm not sure? 😬 (Idk the exact technical name for it.) But their universities were on the same campus & they also lived in the same dorm.
Yesterday Ana and I arrived there, at her dorm (I got 2 weeks off) and this morning, I accompanied her and M. to their campus. Because, I also had a job. I worked on a university project with my cuz.😁 But back to yesterday. Last night I couldn’t sleep. I kept dreaming about Daniel and I also had withdrawal symptoms.🤦‍♀️So I walked like a ghost through the halls of that student housing, to get tired and distract myself. Well....
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a.... crazy student who also lived there wanted to get off with me. 🤨... "Just fuck off, man!", I thought. But instead of saying that to him, I did something extremely stupid.🤦‍♀️ I was so desperate and my pain so strong.... I asked him for drugs. And as if all this wasn't already embarrassing enough, my cousin M. came out of his room. We were standing right in front of his door in that hallway.
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He recorded something for college and the background noises that this guy & I made, were on his recording/tape, so he couldn’t continue working. He asked us to.... shut the fuck up! He was a bit pissed, you know? 😬... However, that weirdo left. About that drug & my conditon, I'm not going to talk about it today.... M. asked me what was going on? He didn’t know what happend to D. & me. .... So I told him....
He couldn’t believe Daniel just left. He was there at our wedding and saw how happy Daniel was... M. asked me a ton of questions... But... yea. I didn't really wanna talk... So my cousin had an idea for me. He asked me to help him with his college project. That way, he tried to bring me to other thoughts. 💚
He remembered that I used to like taking pictures, when we were "little", which was a pretty nice hobby of mine for a while. He needed some close-ups of different things, actually it didn’t matter what, but it had to be in nature/ out doors. Somehow I liked this idea and also felt pretty good helping my baby cuz. The next day I made my way for some nice shoots, as you can see above.
However, that was not all I did that day. The nice stranger I met online at the Sims 4 Gallery, also had a little task/job for me. He wanted me, to write him a love letter, handwritten!! 🤣 (He's so crazy!) When he wanted this from me, I had the strong suspicion that it's Nico, who texted me. And this was also his intention! He wanted me to think of him. Cos those... love letters, I have actually written to him in the past., when he & I were just on the phone.
Nico wanted me to get him back in my mind, he wanted me to think about him and not Daniel. I asked him if he was Nico, the stranger who texted me?? But he never really gave me a clear answer. He just said, I’ll find out who he really is and no matter who he is. Nico or not, I won’t be disappointed. The person who is texting me, is definitely not as he once was, he said. .. WTF? Ha?.... That's so confusing! But I was pretty sure, it's Nico. He knew that I love Sims and play regularly. So suddenly everything he told me weeks before, made sense now. But I'm gonna tell next time more about that, when I see Philip.
Oh, and in case you wonder where Ana was? She had a date with Adam. They had a fight a day before we went to her dorm. It was about me. And drugs. Ugh yea, but Adam's gonna talk to me too about that and well, I think he didn't do anything to me that one night in my apartment. (😞🤦‍♀️Not yet.)
Something else:
This post today was kind of a test for me. Maybe I will post in the future without captions? I'm not sure yet? Pics with captions are... Idk? I’m having a hard time with that tbh. Cos.. you can hardly see anything that's going on in the pic, with so much text on it. And sometimes it’s hard to read anyway. But yea, if you don't like it that way, just let me know! Idk yet what I'm going to do? Maybe a Mix? Agh, let's see...
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superblycaffeinated · 5 months
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So, first of all, ummm thank you?? I teared up when I first read this, and definitely did while responding too. Also, thanks for your patience in literally a whole year for this? AND, I’m sorry, I didn’t quite write a fic for it, just some more general musings on the subject? I’m gonna dive quite a bit more into Rachel/Zach and all of the adults with Zach in my little baby Zach series, so I hope that answers more of this, when the time comes but for now...
So, I think I share the same sentiments as many that by the end of UWS, Rachel has grown to love Zach quite a bit. He’s one of her ducklings, one of the many people she cares deeply and strongly for. 
However, I think she absolutely had similar thoughts as Abby for quite awhile - she just approached them in a sort of way only Mom Rachel Morgan could. And maybe she didn’t trust Zach because of his mom, or his school, or a long list of reasons, but I honestly think it comes down to one very simple thing:
He was a teenage boy. 
And like, I don’t think Rachel was gonna be head over heels about her daughter seeing Zach, or any boy for that matter - BUT she’s Rachel and knows that it’s pointless to tell her daughter (or any of those girls) no about something like seeing a boy. I mean, basically the first rule of teenage girlhood is to absolutely date the bad boy your parents tell you you’re forbidden to see. And maybe her and Abby discussed this - maybe they discussed it all. The mom, the school, the badboy of it all. Maybe Abby saw Rachel taking her little more lax approach (see why, below) and Abby said "nah, I'm the aunt who's had my fair share of leather jacket wearing smirking green eyed cuties at her age and I smell trouble and I'm going to say something about it."
Also, it’s not like Rachel has paperwork to do, or a whole giant school to run, or you know, this guy from her past who’s comparable to Indiana Jones all up in her business (who has his own secrets she wants to know BTW), but no, that’s not enough - she just had to spend an entire semester pretending like her daughter wasn’t sneaking out to see a boy, falling in love, and getting heartbroken. 
Which leads me to - Rachel just watched her daughter fall in love for the first time and then get her heart hurt. Why? Because she wanted to do this job more, than have a normal life with a boy. So, who is she to stand in the way of a boy Cammie could be with, if that’s what she wanted? A boy who knows her school and this life and dances a pretty mean waltz and hold on, did he just make her laugh actually? 
I think Zach being inside those walls, under her nose, with The Joe Solomon stamp of approval (I mean, who all have truly, really gotten this stamp? Matthew Morgan and....? Yeah. that's what I thought.) was all it really took to be honest. Did she jump for joy and open her arms immediately? No. She's Rachel. I think she had to do what Rachel does - learn more, observe, and most importantly, trust her gut. 
I think that when she looks at Zach, she gets a little sliver of open doorway into a part of Joe she doesn’t get to see often. I think she’s reminded that you are not your family if you don’t want to be, that your past doesn’t dictate your future, that first impressions can be misleading. I think Zach surprises Rachel, just like Joe did, and continues to surprise her, and surprising Rachel Morgan is impressive, and no easy feat. 
But, the most important thing that I think of in terms of Rachel approving of Zach?
She watched that kid fall head over heels in love with her daughter - protect her, defend her, risk everything to save her and be with her, breakdown because of her - but still get up and fight for her...
Rachel loves Zach because Zach loves Cammie, and it's as simple as that at the end of the day 💙
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sweetbillwriting · 1 year
Love Just Happens
A New Chapter - Part 3
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Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters.
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on.
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, ageism, all kinds of talk about pregnancy, serious fluff, jealousy, violence, mention about weight, bullying, gossiping.
Notes: This chapter can be triggering!
Bill sat on the bed, watching Aurora by the vanity table braiding her long hair before going to bed. The clock was just 9 PM so he wouldn't go to bed yet but Aurora had been more tired the last week probably because of hormones but it could also be from annoyance. They were home in Sweden again with his daughters, his youngest sleeping in her room while the older ones were playing Playstation in the game room in the basement. Everything would have been cozy and calm if it wasn't for Aurora's bad mood. He wasn't really used to this dragged out bad mood and attitude and how she ignored him. They haven't even kissed for a week and Bill missed her even if she was so close.
"The clock is just 9 PM…" said Bill with a sigh while dragging his palms over his sweatpants. Aurora gave him a quick look in the mirror but then continued to braid her hair without giving him an answer.
"I get that you're tired… Is it because of the baby? Can I help in any way?" said he with a low voice so if one of his children would be close they wouldn't hear the "B word". He could see on Aurora's reflection that his question just made her more irritated and she twisted a hair tie around the end of the braid aggressively.
"Sure you can…" she said sarcastically and shook her head.
"What do you mean by that?" Bill asked but sounded more offended than he wanted to. Aurora turned around and gave him a pointed look.
"Oh, because you were sooo nice to Derwin."
Bill looked away and poked his cheek with his tongue.
"Derwin…" he said and laughed unamused. Now it was he who was annoyed.
"He will be here tomorrow and I am actually worried you will not be able to act like a grown up! I don't know what you're capable of doing!" She said with a louder voice and Bill hushed her softly, afraid his kids would hear. Aurora rolled her eyes. They were quiet and Aurora got into bed annoyed while Bill tried to come up with something to say.
"He's such a wimp…" said he with a low voice and rolled his eyes. As soon as he had said it he knew it wasn't the right thing to say. Aurora gave him a look.
"God, you're unbelievable! I never thought you would be like this! You said when we started to date you weren't the jealous type but Bill…" she gave him a pointed look. "You're extreme. I don't recognize you!"
Bill didn't want to give her the right, even if she was, but the whole thing with Derwin was freaky. She had paid him to come to Sweden and he had been there twice that week to do some weird tantric pregnancy yoga with her and he had seen him drag his dry hands over her bare waist and stood behind her while she stood on all four. Bill wasn't the shallow person but his whole look made it creep inside of him. That ragged beard and sly smirk.
"It's not every day you see Rasputin pressing his hard on against your wife…"
"Who the fuck is Rasputin?" Aurora furrowed her brows and could just hear some Boney M song in her head. Bill rolled his eyes. In reality he was annoyed at himself and the situation but now he got irritated she didn't know who Rasputin was instead.
"I just don't want to hear you moaning by that gross dude's hands when I come home."
"I've actually asked you to be a part of it. But maybe you will hit him too just like you did on Halloween!"
He had hit his friend. He had no idea where the action came from; it was just something about someone sexualizing his wife's pregnancy. His Lou. But he was also irritated that the dude seemed to believe he would tolerate him talking like that. It was enough when he said a more or less sexual comment about her breastfeeding. Bill wasn't at all the violent type but that was just too much. It had just been a punch over his brow, it didn't become more than that but it had made a scene at the party and Aurora went from being proud over him to needing to excuse his behavior. She wasn't pleased at all but relieved it hadn't leaked out to the press. Some of their fans just searched for a reason to spread out how awful they were as a couple.
"Can you just stop with those… I don't know what you call it, with Derwin?" He said with annoyance but also desperation. Aurora looked at his desperate eyes and sighed.
"Fine, but I do it for our baby, you know."
Bill nodded but it got slower and slower while he took in what she said.
"Do you… Want it?"
Aurora smiled irritated but amused at him. He was so stupid sometimes.
"If it's father stops acting like an asshole."
Bill lit up like he hadn't heard the comment about him being an asshole.
He kissed her hard even if she still was annoyed at him. She sighed with a smile and let his hands crawl down under the cover to feel the bump. Bill forgot about his friend and Derwin while crawling down next to Aurora under the cover. Maybe he believed the worst was over now but a pregnancy with Aurora wouldn't be easy, even if he believed he had the experience to handle it calmly.
Bill had been out running in the snow believing it would be fine but he had slipped on some ice. He succeeded in catching himself but instead hurt his wrist and was now pissed. He thought he would be able to come home with new energy and in a sunny winter mood and wake up Aurora with kisses on her neck. The kids were probably still sleeping so he would have Aurora all to himself but now he just felt sorry for himself and hoped he could find something comforting in the fridge.
When he walked in he heard Aurora moan from the living room and his first thought was that he would surprise her just when she pleasured herself and he felt a stir in his running pants.
"Thaaaat's right Lou… That's right… Looou… Good girl…" he heard a familiar voice saying with low voice. Derwin. That fucking perv. Bill, who already was in a bad mood stomped into the living room with his wet sneakers on. Lou sat almost in a split, leaning forward while Derwin stood behind her pressing her back. It wasn't really anything intimate and Bill felt a bit stupid for coming in with such force. Aurora moaned again when Derwin succeeded to push her even further down, closer to the floor.
"Hey?" Said Derwin with that slimy smile towards Bill and released Aurora from his grip. She looked up at Bill but continued to breathe loudly. Breathing exercises for labor. Bill sighed. He really was an asshole. No one said anything so Derwin sat down behind Aurora, with one leg on each side of her and started to massage her back and hips. Bill looked at them for a while then he walked to the bathroom with heavy steps. He hated the guy even if he helped Aurora with her pregnancy. Even if she had actually asked him at first to help her. If it had been normal pregnancy yoga he would have done it but the thing with Derwin was that he practiced yoga by some cult-like group. Bodya Closer Tantric pregnancy yoga or whatever they called it. He was surprised Aurora had fallen for it. Just like himself she had been really skeptical to all such things but after the contact with Derwin online she had been hooked. Hollywood shit, he thought to himself while standing in the shower. A new trendy concept for people with too much money.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door while Bill was deep in his annoyance and self pity over his wrist. He turned the water off and listened for a few seconds.
"Aa?" He said in Swedish, a sound of questioning. His oldest opened the door a bit without looking at her dad in the shower.
"Who is the creepy dude in the kitchen?"
Bill sighed loudly.
"Aurora's yoga guru or something. Keep away from him."
His oldest looked towards the kitchen where Aurora stood in shorts and a tight sports bra. It seemed like she had gotten a boob job but she didn't dare asking either her or her father. The creepy guy leaned against the counter while Aurora made tea for them. For Bill's daughter it was obvious the dude watched Aurora a bit too closely but Aurora just continued to talk and even swayed her back and threw around her hair. She stretched but it looked more as if she was showing off her ass.
"Dad… You should really come out. I don't like this…" said his daughter and Bill didn't hesitate to listen to her. He put on a robe and walked out of the bathroom and saw Aurora holding on to the counter with her back curved while the man held a hand on the small of her back. The man smirked to himself and was pleased that Aurora's size made it possible for him to shift between looking at her bouncing tits and her ass.
"The work out session is over. My wife needs to rest," said Bill, determined as he walked up to them. Aurora stood up from her position and gave Bill an annoyed look.
"Oh, okay. It would be awesome if you could give her thighs a loving touch, we haven't done…"
"Loving touch?" Bill said angrily. His daughter stood in the door opening and also wondered who this creep actually was and why Aurora even wanted him close.
"It's just a name for the exercise."
The guy smirked at Bill but gave Aurora's thighs a look while she continued with the tea in embarrassment. Once again Bill was rude and jealous and Aurora couldn't see why. Bill looked at the guy pissed. He was so annoyed that Aurora couldn't see what the guy was actually doing. She just believed he was some sort of harmless hippie but he acted like a predator.
"Time to go," said Bill just to him and Aurora turned around. Her ponytail and breasts moved with the motion and both the men looked at her with heavy eyes.
When Bill realized that there was an audience to Aurora's too small top he pulled her close to his side, covering her with his long arms. He gave Derwin a challenging look who smirked back. He probably didn't know he would be fired soon.
"Namaste," he said as a goodbye with a deep bow and gave Bill a final smug look.
Aurora pushed Bill away when Derwin had left and gave his daughter a look. She knew what it meant and she walked up the stairs. She had learned now that her father actually could do some stupid things, the same things she had seen her own boyfriend do.
Aurora crossed her arms and looked up at Bill pissed. Even if she was much smaller than him in every way he always got nervous when she looked at him like that. He didn't want to disappoint her, he wanted to be the perfect husband but it was hard when people like Derwin were close to Aurora.
"You said you would stop… The yoga thing with him," muttered Bill as he messed with the coffee machine to have something to do.
"Yes, but it felt really rude to do it the same day as our booking," said Aurora and looked at Bill's broad back in the dark gray robe. He didn't say anything but when Aurora continued to fix her tea he turned to her.
"He actually looked at you really… Scary."
Aurora looked up at Bill with a serious expression but then looked at him with sympathy.
"Just because you think I'm… Attractive doesn't mean everyone thinks the same. You must stop believing every guy looks at me 'inappropriately'."
Bill didn't like how she spoke to him. Like he was just paranoid. There were too many men that looked at her, especially now with the boobs but he didn't want to comment on her chest because it would just make her insecure.
"You aren't just attractive Lou…" he said defiantly and leaned his head back with a sigh.
"Neither are you! But I don't treat all the women close to you badly because of it."
Bill sighed. He knew they wouldn't get anywhere with this, instead he leaned down so much he could put his chin on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, okay?"
Aurora looked at his big eyes and dragged her finger along the crease under one of them.
"Yeah, yeah. But you must stop being so jealous. It's not good for any of us. Not this girly either." She laid his hand on her lower stomach and it made Bill smile. He moved so he could stand behind her and drag both his hands over her belly.
"Girly?" He said with amusement. He hoped for a son for obvious reasons.
"You can only make girls. All your sperm are girls, that's why you're such a kind, soft man."
Bill made a sound, a mixed sound between a laugh and a grunt but then started to kiss Aurora's neck and dragged his hands up to her chest. They hadn't slept with each other for so long so even if they knew his daughter was up they took the risk and moved to the laundry room to connect.
Aurora was in a bad mood again. This time because of hormones. To make herself calm and happy she watched the most girly comedies she could find but instead of laughing she cried during every cute scene, every happy ending. Bill's daughters looked at her strangely while she ate peanut butter from the jar and drank the awful tea she had gotten from Derwin. Bill tried to occupy his girls with baking and Christmas card making but all of them were a bit too interested in Aurora. She had never acted like that before.
"Is she sick?" Asked his youngest. They made bread for Christmas and she stood on a chair next to him by the counter. His middle daughter stood on the side mixing the dough and his oldest sat by the table making Christmas candy. Bill didn't know how to answer his youngest so he stood for a long time looking out the window.
"It's the operation, right? Tuva's sister got all weird after," said his oldest without looking up from her work.
"Operation?" Bill looked at his oldest daughter confused.
"Mm? The boobs?"
"The boobs?" Asked his youngest and looked down at her own flat chest like the answer would be written there.
"What are you talking about?" Bill said with feigned confusion. He knew what she believed but felt it was best to act like he didn't understand.
"The boob job? Her tits are much bigger! Like, on her it's so obvious because of how petite she is but also because of all her tight clothes. And the video? Her tits were the only thing you're looking at!"
He dragged his hands over his face and could feel his younger daughters' worried eyes on him.
"Aurora has just put on some weight. And her weight was placed at her chest. Okay? And don't ask her about it. It's… sensitive." He said at first annoyed but it turned to pedagogic. He knew it was a better way to reach them than annoyance. His oldest looked at him with a smirk, like she didn't believe him but continued with the candy in silence. His youngest continued to look at her chest.
"When will I get boobs?" She asked her dad. Hopefully never, thought Bill to himself.
"When you're older. Much older," he just said and turned to his middle daughter's baking. He really needed a guy in his family.
While the bread was in the oven, Bill walked out to Aurora who sat and watched the movie Never Been Kissed and had moved the piano keyboard to stand in front of her. Her cheeks were wet with tears and her braids were all messy. The sport bra sat tight over her chest and Bill looked at her chest discreetly before saying hello to her. It actually looked like she had gotten a boob job. By a really great surgeon.
"Hey…" said Aurora and moved the piano keyboard away to make room for him.
"Are you okay?" He sat down next to her and let her put her feet in his lap.
"Yeah, it was just that scene where they're throwing eggs at her… In that awful dress you know?"
Bill smiled a little. He would never have known a few years ago but thanks to Aurora he knew the plot for many high school movies.
"It made you sad?" He asked carefully. He knew he shouldn't make fun of her, then she would be even more hormonal. Aurora nodded and scooted closer to him.
"You know… I really want this baby. Because it's yours. Because obviously it's made with love and not like planned and unromantic. This is a love child."
She dragged her hand over the bump and Bill looked at her with love and hugged her closer.
"So maybe we should do a reveal? I am invited to a late show, maybe I could wear a crop top set and just show off my belly? Like just a bustier kind of thing and a little skirt?"
It was not what Bill expected to hear. This was their pregnancy, no one else's.
"Pink, of course. I think Versace had something in their spring collection…" continued Aurora and took her phone to show him. Bill sat quietly and looked out over the room. Everyone would sexualize her pregnancy. Their pregnancy.
"Look! This is cute, right!" She showed him a pink two piece set with the stomach bare from under the breasts down to the hips. Glittery pink with bare shoulders and long sleeves. White silver sandals with chunky heels. It was a Barbie look, as usual.
"It's not meant for someone pregnant," said Bill with a bored tone.
"They can fix that! I can just call Donatella!" She said more happy than she had sounded all week. Bill didn't want to destroy that so he continued to look at catwalk pictures with her. His ex had started to look at the interior of a baby room at this time in the pregnancy, Aurora was looking at glitter mini skirts and sky high heels. He really tried to not compare because they had just decided to keep the baby but it was hard when he had done this three times before. He dragged his hand over the bump and it made Aurora giggle.
"It tickles!" She said and pushed his hand away while giggling. Bill smirked. He should really not compare because Aurora was Aurora. The sunshine girl, pregnant with their love child. They were just like how she sang in her new song "just as perfect for each other like two cherries on the same stem." It was about them, everyone could listen to how much she loved him but he didn't want everyone to also be a part of them having a baby.
"Can't we just….Try to have it private?" He said softly when Aurora had calmed down from the tickling and sat pressed against his side. Aurora continued to look at the Versace outfit then smiled a little sadly.
"You know we can't…"
"It's easier than you think. We kept the wedding private."
"Yes but that was a day, this is months. And I have press, talk shows and public attendances."
Bill sighed and leaned forward. This was a thing they would always have problems with. Aurora feeling the pressure to be so public. She didn't post much on social media but she just jumped into the press bubble as soon as someone asked. After their wedding she had talked about them and even mentioned his kids on a radio interview. He knew she had more nosy fans and sometimes she needed to say something to just calm the rumors down but it was hard for him, he had decided early in his career to try to keep the spotlight on his performances.
"You know I must. I haven't released any new material for a long time. And I want to. I miss it."
Bill himself wasn't a fan of any of the things she had mentioned but he wasn't as trained as her. She was natural and sweet in the spotlight. Funny and sexy in the talk show chair. He still could get nervous. He actually became more nervous after getting together with a young woman that did everything so graciously. His ex wasn't better than him with press and also got nervous and uptight while Aurora walked into the talk shows with the highest heels and played silly games with the host. Of course she missed it.
"You know, the girls think you have gotten a boob job," said he with fake amusement. He knew it was low. He didn't know why he said it, or he did know, he knew he said it to maybe make her feel put off from the spotlight but he felt bad at once. Fuck, he really needed to work at this pocessiveness.
"But it's probably just them. They're kids," he said, trying to smooth it over. Aurora was quiet and Bill hugged her to his side again, afraid he had hurt her.
"No. I put up a silly video of my yoga yesterday and like a million people asked if I've gotten a boob job. But that's what I mean! I can't hide this!" She motioned to her chest and belly. "I should just be open with it." She turned her gaze down to her phone again and continued to look at more pictures of the Versace look. It wasn't what Bill had expected to hear at all but she was right. They would never be able to do this privately even if he wanted to. Maybe if she was on a break but she was releasing a new song on Friday. A new song, pictures and the concept for her new album. In four weeks she would go to L.A. and do press for it. Everyone would see how her body had changed.
Two weeks later they sat opposite Bill's ex in her kitchen. Her and Bill's old kitchen. Aurora didn't like being there because even if she was Bill's wife it felt like walking into something that wasn't completely ended. His ex has pictures of all five of them together and also a collage their oldest daughter made when she was younger of a picture of her and Bill embracing. His ex had given her a tour once, showing her their daughters' room but also pointing out nostalgic stuff in the apartment. Aurora had looked at the bed and wondered if it was the same as when Bill lived there. It had been six years ago now since they separated so she hoped, for his ex's sake, she had bought a new one.
Now they were here in secret while the kids were at school. Bill still tried to be less intimate with Aurora when they met with his ex, just out of respect so he didn't even have his hand on her thigh. Aurora had been annoyed in the beginning that he couldn't just touch her, hold her but she could now see how it would be a bit much. There was no reason for them to shove their happiness in her face, especially not now when she was single again and they were married with a baby on the way.
"We must tell the kids before they hear it from another source. But of course, we want to have your opinion on this," said Bill to his ex. Aurora sat quiet and looked at his ex with big brown eyes. Bill's ex had accepted her but there were many things that annoyed her; the giggle, the fame, everyone's interested in her, the cute outfits, her height, the perfect manicured nails but maybe mostly the doe eyed look. She shook her head of annoyance when Aurora looked at Bill and he gave her a calming, loving look.
"Fine but… I heard about Halloween. Bill, I don't know what's affecting you so negatively but you can't be in fights. The kids don't need that."
"They don't know any…"
"What do you mean by that? 'What's affecting him negatively'? If you mean that I affect him negatively you can say it!" Aurora was upset. Bill looked at her shocked. She wasn't a confrontational person at all but maybe the person inside of her was. His ex looked just as shocked at Aurora and laughed nervously.
"It was a stupid jealous thing. Bill is the same as he has always been, just protective," continued Aurora with an attitude and leaned back in the chair with crossed arms like a teenager. Bill smiled a bit uncomfortably and looked between his wife and his ex-girlfriend who looked at Aurora with raised brows and at Bill like she expected him to react the same.
"It's just that. Bill isn't jealous. Right? You are not jealous?" Said his ex.
Bill sat quietly because he knew the answer to the question but didn't know how to say it.
"I'm not the jealous type but it's… Different with Aurora…" he heard himself, how it sounded but looked at his wife who he couldn't see a flaw on and knew he couldn't say it another way.
"It's not just me that thinks she's perfect…" he said with a low voice, his thoughts running out his mouth like liquid. Aurora turned her eyes towards Bill and smiled at him with love. Her eyes were shiny and he understood it was more difficult than he had understood to control her hormones while together with his ex. His ex looked at them with disgust but in reality it was hurt feelings. He had never fought for her, never seen other men as a threat but with Aurora he acted like a knight in shining armor.
"So when will you tell them?" She asked so Bill and Aurora would stop looking at each other with sugar sweet lovey dovey eyes. Bill turned to her but took Aurora's hand in his so she would calm down.
"I guess tomorrow night, at dinner. We have a doctor's appointment today we want to go to before. You know, ultra sound and such things," said he and tried to hide the smile that wanted to burst in his face. His ex knew how much he loved that part but wondered how much he would love it with Aurora then. She sighed but smiled. She had accepted Aurora. Even if she was just a kid compared to Bill but she was good with their kids and was sweet and kind. Except now.
"Okay, okay… But, no more fights. And remember that they can't keep a secret," She said about the kids, she believed Bill would smile knowingly at her, an inside joke, instead he just sat and watched his wife like she was made of gold and diamonds.
Bill and Aurora walked hand in hand directly from his ex to the woman’s clinic. Bill smirked to himself and rubbed his eye over and over and Aurora looked at him with a questioning smile. Bill thought about something, something that made him smirk but also looked a bit embarrassed.
"What is it?" Aurora asked with a silly whiny voice and played with his hand between both of hers. Bill exhaled deeply with a smile and then looked down at Aurora. He rubbed his eye again and with his thumb and forefinger he wiped the corners of his mouth.
"It's just… It's silly really," said Bill but stopped talking to watch the blue sky. "How in love I am with you. I didn't believe I could be like this. No one believed that, probably. And…" He shifted between smiling and furrowed his brows in confusion. "And, fuck. I should really check myself so it doesn't spill out in front of others."
Aurora gave him a warm smile but with a hint of disappointment.
"I want you to be messingly in love with me in front of others too. I know you have been all private and collected with your love life before… " she thought back to his ex's face while she watched Bill be dopy in love. "But we have more than that. Our love is too big to be that sort of love. I know your love for me spills over just like my love for you spills over. My love for you is my fuel. I can't hide it."
They had stopped outside the women's clinic and Aurora pressed her body against Bill's. Everything she said was true, for her it was so easy to always let love guide her and Bill felt he might have started to do the same. He bent down and took a passionate grip of her face with both hands and gave her a knee weakening kiss. It was silly, all of it, for him still confusing and overwhelming. And now they had a baby on its way.
Aurora sat in the examination chair with her shirt pulled up and her high waisted pants unbuttoned. Bill sat next to her and together they waited on the doctor. Bill dragged his hand over the little bump on Aurora's belly, that was bigger and rounder, while they waited.
"It's nice to see you again," said the same doctor they had met when they thought about having an abortion. Aurora smiled a little but felt shame when she thought back at that moment. Now it felt so natural to keep the baby even if she had never been able to see herself as a mother before.
"So week 19, the time goes fast. I understand it has been a lot for you these past weeks but it's good you're here for a check up now," said the doctor as they fixed the monitor.
"Yeah, hopefully in a few weeks the both of us can go into a slower pace," said Bill and took Aurora's hand instead of having it on her belly.
"That sounds good," said the doctor with a broad smile. Aurora smiled too but it didn't seem completely genuine and it wasn't. She didn't want to go at a slower pace. She wanted to meet people, dance and have passionate hard sex. She didn't want to lean back and be a baby machine, she wanted to show off her belly but also make use of her last moments childless well.
The doctor dragged the ultrasound wand over Aurora's stomach and Aurora looked at her husband instead of the screen. His eyes were big and round while watching the movement on the screen. She smiled a little because of his excitement. She couldn't really see what was so special with an ultrasound but it was special to see him like that. He was so childlike even as he tried to see his fourth child on the screen.
"And there… There it is…" said the doctor. Aurora continued to look at Bill. She could see his pupils move fast but focused on the screen and how the white of his eyes got shiny. He smiled with an open mouth in wonder and moved closer to the screen while playing with her hand in his. Aurora smiled amused at him but didn't look at the screen, she wasn't that interested. All ultrasounds look the same, while her husband's face changed every day and had hundreds of different expressions. Bill turned towards his wife and met her eyes. She giggled a little and shook her head.
"What?" He said and smiled but his eyes were still glossy.
"You're so sensitive," she joked and continued to giggle. Bill smiled amused but turned his eyes towards the screen again. He was mesmerized and just wanted to see the baby's movement. He heard Aurora giggle and after a while he turned to her. She still watched him.
"Are you looking at the screen?" He said with a confused smile. Aurora shrugged her shoulders and gave the screen just a quick glance.
"Isn't it amazing?" Said Bill and smiled carefully. He felt the worry in his belly because of her behavior. Didn't she want this?
Aurora looked at the screen and shrugged her shoulders. She looked at the screen uninterested until she saw the baby actually move and a foot looked like it came kicking towards the screen. Aurora got goosebumps and shook her head with a smile. Tears had started to run down her cheeks and now Bill looked at her in fascination instead. He got it now. She still believed she wasn't like other women, like she wouldn't be as emotional. She wasn't a baby person but now she realized that she was a person that had a fascination for her own baby.
"That's…" She cried so much she couldn't talk now and Bill moved closer to her.
"That's our baby…" she cried and continued to look at the screen. That was really a baby. Their child. Maybe she hadn't wanted children before but now she doesn't want anything else than this baby. She wished she could have it in her arms right then and there.
Bill and Aurora stood backstage on the talk show. A makeup artist made her perfectly glowing while her hair laid in long blown out curls and held back with a thick hair band in the same shade as her dress. Bill smiled at her, because she was so gorgeous but also because she had skipped that two piece Versace outfit. Instead she had a short silky dress in baby pink that showed off her bump. Every person backstage had graduated them, Bill was more comfortable with it then Aurora. She didn't really like that people examined her body up close but smiled like it wasn't a problem. Aurora smiled back at Bill who sat on a high chair next to the make up mirror. They had asked if he also wanted to be a part of the interview but he felt it was a little too private to welcome questions to them both, like they were a part of a reality show. Aurora looked Bill up and down. She had a horny period and watched his biceps in his black button up, his big hands on his thick thighs. She had seen how the stylists looked at him, his height, the hypnotic eyes. She understood people hadn't realized how handsome he actually was until he stood in front of them.
"Aurora?" He said with a smirk when he saw her look at him that way. He knew she was in a horny period, it was obvious because she pushed her ass against his crotch as soon as they were alone.
"Hm?" She said distantly.
"Simone is talking to you." He nodded towards the make-up artist who smiled amused. It wasn't often she met a couple that so obviously thought filth about each other with her in the room.
"I asked how Christmas and New Years were."
"Oh," Aurora smiled and dragged a hand over her belly. "Great. Great." She looked at Bill who smiled warmly at her. It had been special because of her big birthday party in London and then Christmas where his daughters had got the best gift ever. A sibling. Because of her pregnancy his two youngest wanted to be close to her all the time and if they couldn't they got angry, while Aurora's mother stressed about the nursing room, baby clothes and girl names. They did New Years without kids and celebrated it with her friends in New York. Rappers and pop girlies. Bill felt a bit uncomfortable in the beginning of their relationship in the crowd but had found his place now, even if he became a bit of a wise dad with the young guys. He didn't mind it, he was older. Aurora talked with Simone about Christmas and New Years while people dragged her from all directions. When Bill did TV performances it never was such a big thing. With Aurora there were several stylists, PR people and a voice coach surrounding her. Bill himself became annoyed at all the people but Aurora just stood in the middle and let stylists preen her hair and body parts, PR people reading the script and her voice coach helping her do voice exercises. Bill just sat on his high chair and hoped it would be over soon.
He got a bit nervous when he sat in front of a screen backstage. The leather couch he sat on was uncomfortable and the coffee he had gotten was more or less just water. He looked at the screen, seeing the host talk about his girl and knew she stood behind the door listening to the audience's cheers. He was rarely nervous like this but he knew what questions Aurora would get. About her pregnancy, about their marriage and then about the new record. He knew what Aurora would say and it was nothing weird at all. The only thing he was nervous for really was the lift. They would talk about her and Bill's height difference and then talk about how she climbed him like a tree and then she would show the host.
Bill looked at Aurora in her cute little outfit, took off her high heels and stood up by the host that said a funny comment about her height then they moved away to the open floor next to the host's desk. She explained how she used to put her feet on Bill's thigh and how he would bend it and then straighten it out so she came up and could put her other leg on his hip. Aurora and the host had practice on it, Bill had even been there to show how easily she climbs him and how he is there at once to catch her.
Aurora and the host stood in profile so it wouldn't be as easy for the crowd to look under Aurora's dress and stiffly they made the lift. Aurora just giggled at it all and Bill smiled to himself. She was a natural. He was proud of her, oh so proud but he was afraid of what would happen now, when everyone knew they were having a baby.
"No… It was not too much. It was fun. And you looked amazing," said Bill with a big smile. They sat close together in the limo, back home to their suite at the luxury hotel. Aurora had taken off her heels and laid up her legs in Bill's lap and he dragged his hand between her waist and the bump. He didn't remember his ex having such a big bump already in week 22 but he guessed it was because of Aurora's size. Sometimes he was nervous that the baby's coming from him would be too big for her body. Maybe it wasn't logical but he still got a little nervous when he saw how fast Aurora's body changed.
Aurora smiled at his words and kissed him. He kissed her right after and just like that they made out passionately. Aurora could hear Bill's heavy breathing and how he started to grow in his slacks. It was all a real turn on and she could feel herself get really wet by his kisses and sounds. She felt a stab in her belly, probably pre period cramps so she didn't think about it. Sex would always solve that. She had felt it a bit before and during filming too but she could get a belly ache when she was excited. She felt how the pain grew and was forced to take a break. Did you really get period cramps when you were pregnant? And did this even feel like period cramps?
Bill looked at Aurora's pained face and tried to catch her eyes.
"Hey hey… What is it?" He asked softly and dragged his hands over her shoulders.
Right then the pain went from something she could handle to something that took over. She made a loud sound of pain and leaned her head back. Bill watched her face in worry and took a fast look down to her belly and then he saw it. On the front of Aurora's baby pink dress was a red stain that grew while he was looking at it.
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Does Deadpool Collect Kids?
Here I am in Spideypool Hell, which results in me looking at the closest people to both of them. I sort of grew up with Spider-Man (video games, cartoons, and movies long before I ever touched a comic) so of course I’m looking at Deadpool first. Who doesn’t love new information? Treading old ground is boring!
(Also Spiderverse shit is confusing. So. Many. Spiders.)
And I came to the realization that Wade’s kind of...surrounded by kids.
Of course he has a kid (multiversely he has a few) but he’s close with more than just that kid.
So here is what I think of as Wade Wilson’s Pseudo-Family aka Kids Who Put Up With His Shit. Be prepared for way too many pictures.
Eleanor Camacho
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This adorable baby is Ellie. She’s eight-ish years old (maybe nine or ten now? comic book time is weird) and currently Wade’s only canon child in main continuity. Her whole situation is a bit complicated, but Wade loves her more than anything in the world. And actually, she was a lowkey fan of Deadpool before she knew he was her dad. She loves her dad and she even goes behind her foster mom’s back to try to get him to visit, said foster mom being SHIELD Agent Emily Preston. Wade has forgotten she exists (again) to protect her (AGAIN) but she watches news reports about him and actually interfered with a killing mission he had in a theme park her class happened to have a field trip to.
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She’s a baby Spideypool shipper too.
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Ellie is Wade’s weak spot, and he only tells people about her if he trusts them. The ones that come to mind are people he likes, namely Shiklah, Spidey, and Rogue, as well as two kids further down on this list. Wolverine and Captain America know too, but because they were part of the mission where he found out about her. Super Soldier team-up.
Also, here’s her in the future. She’s a badass.
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I love her so much.
Warda Wilson
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(Full disclosure, I did minor editing on this panel because this is the one image of her full body without her mask and they gave her pupils that she has in no other panels and it bothered me so I fixed it)
Wade’s daughter in the 2099 future with his ex-wife, succubus and monster queen Shiklah, and she goes by Deadpool. She had a vendetta against Wade at first for supposedly betraying Shiklah and held him captive. But Ellie rescued him, they cleared things up, and they work together as a family, all three of them, plus brain-ghost Preston.
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Exclusive to the video game Marvel Strike Force, but she’s so neat I had to include her. Literally born from “the power of love” between Deadpool and Death, she takes over her mom’s job but is a total daddy’s girl; he trained her to wield weapons and be a quippy little shit, and until he was snapped by Thanos because he’s got issues, she’d visit him on occasion.
(She doesn’t have a canon “normal” name, but I like the name Evita Wilson. It rearranges the letter of the word “vitae” which is Latin for “life” and y’know irony. Plus Evita is the name of both a musical and a Madonna album and you cannot tell me Wade wouldn’t love that)
Itsy Bitsy
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Not a friendly, but biologically his daughter (and Spidey’s) from Evil Science Shenanigans. Formerly Susan Mary, a play on “Mary Sue”. She calls both of them “daddy” and even wears a Spiderpool emblem shirt. She’s pretty extreme. Bloodthirsty. Wade actually had to stop Spidey from killing her because Peter was so scared of her and someone was messing with his head. He cut Wade’s head off to try to keep him from interfering. It was kinda nuts. Wade ended up doing what he thought was killing her to keep Spidey’s hands clean. She’s not gone though...
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Master Matrix
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Another Spideypool kid, no shit. A good one too! And a rare boy on this list! A robot of some type discovered by Richard and Mary Parker, so already hitting home for Peter. After a short villainous confusion after waking from stasis, he was basically taken under Spider-Man’s and Deadpool’s wings and called them both “Father”. The arc is literally officially titled “My Two Dads”. They act like his parent and it’s just *chefs kiss* It’s a whole thing. MM gives off weird vibes, but all in all, he just wants to help. He’s a good boy!
He even gets them to hug!
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He then proceeds to send them on a bonding road trip with just...so much Spideypool. That’s where the “Why are you holding my hand?” “It helps me focus.” comes from. And so much fourth-wall breaking and writer interference. Spidey even plays along with Wade’s fourth-wall-breaking shenanigans even though he doesn’t believe it. It’s the best.
Now we move to ones who aren’t his kids!
Gwendolyne Poole
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Gwenpool and Deadpool weren’t chummy at first; she didn’t read his book and thought he was too “lol memes”. But they actually got to be pretty friendly. They’re buddies now.
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He helped Gwen when she was having an existential crisis and is currently the caretaker of her pet Jeff the Land Shark who is the cutest thing and I love him. He even dresses as Gwen once to make Jeff happy it’s adorable.
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I also think he rocks Gwen’s look. He looks great.
Ellie Phimister
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Everyone knows about Negasonic Teenage Warhead from the movies where they have that affectionate deadpan snark between them. When they first met, Wade’s group had been contracted to kidnap her. She evaded everyone else, but when met with Deadpool who literally tried to talk her into being kidnapped, she had a vision where he said he wouldn’t leave her behind, and she literally just surrenders.
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When Wade finds out what is happening to his targets, he goes in to save her. She has a particular loyalty to Wade and sticks by him pretty much no matter what, but she gradually settles into that deadpan sarcasm.
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She takes his nonsense with a straight face and doesn’t tolerate his bullshit. Or at least snarks right back at him.
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She’s also one of the few who for sure know about the other Ellie, Eleanor, and looks out for her.
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Gabrielle Kinney
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A little unexpected, but adorable! Gabby Kinney, also known as Scout or Honey Badger, which is amazing. She don’t give a FUCK. She’s a clone of Laura Kinney, aka X-23 and Wolverine, who is another clone daughter of Logan/James/OG Wolverine. She and Wade bonded over their scars and they’re besties now.
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There aren’t a whole lot of instances of Wade and Gabby together, but every SINGLE one is absolute gold. They’re so fucking CUTE. Prepare for so many panels.
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Have you seen anything more precious? Best friends.
Evan Sabahnur
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Formerly Kid Apocalypse, also known as Genesis. Long story, but pretty much explained in the above page. Wade in particular was determined to save him, as killing him didn’t sit right for some reason, and he was certain that despite everything, Evan was a good kid. When shit went down and Evan didn’t think he could return to the Academy, Wade took him in. Like, brought him to the home he bought across the street from Eleanor and the Prestons.
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Wade even says he’ll never have a son, (this is before MM, but it’s funny cuz biologically and multiversely, he does only have daughters) but if he did he’d like him to be like Evan, which is hilarious to me. But that kinda makes what Wade says super sweet.
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He also saves Ellie.
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Haruka Hida
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From Deadpool Samurai, she goes by Sakura-Spider and is a blatant Peter Parker rip-off. Literally she lives with her Aunt Mei and her Uncle Tsutomu which the kanji can also be read as Ben. No shit. The only real difference is the spider bit her on her face and it scarred, hence the spots under her eye. BUT she’s Deadpool’s partner in Japan and she’s super cute. Typical manga protag girl but what can you expect?
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(Legit buy them they’re super fun and it’s worth it especially if you like manga it’s so dumb and I love it please buy it)
Neiro Aratabi
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Another Deadpool: Samurai character. As said above, she’s an idol in Japan. She’s bonded to an amnesiac symbiote she calls Kage (in case you aren’t up on Japanese, it’s pronounce like “kah-gay” and it means shadow). They like chocolate. She doesn’t get a lot of screen time, but she’s happy being part of the team. She’s content as long as people think she’s cute, for, of course, over-dramatic very anime reasons.
That is ELEVEN CHILDREN. And I’m a newb, this might not even be all of the kids he’s close to!
For comparison, Bruce Wayne has SIX kids (Dick, Jason, Cass, Tim, Duke, and Damian). He has a few other pseudo-kids, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, and maybe Helena Bertinelli and Maps Mizoguchi, but like...dude.
I need everyone to know that Deadpool is good with kids.
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