#also just beautiful art in general
bluehairperson · 2 months
Sometimes I see posts about how "I, Strahd" Tatyana has the personality of a cardboard but I don't think I agree honestly.
We only see her in very few scenes (all from Strahd's POV) and she's always very gentle and soft spoken.
Which makes completely sense since she was a lowborn orphan trying to make a good impression on her future brother in law, who is not only the ruler of the valley but also a feared war criminal. Of course she would try to be as nice as possible in front of him.
I also think that Strahd was extremely genuine in thinking he was in love with Tatyana, it's just that he never really knew her the way Sergei did. He only knew a facet.
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novartwoast · 10 months
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radio host Chase Brody au?!?? (w transparent bg)
inspired by sean's playthrough of killer frequency (which we definitely forgot that there was a character w a similar name in it lol)
bonus under the cut ;)
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skunkes · 9 months
Your post about loving to study the beauty of the human body as well as wanting to love someone male while also be them is something I've been feeling for the past few years tbh but I've never heard someone put it in the exact words I use before. I think it's also because when it comes to topics like that I also feel embarrassed trying to explain a melded and complicated but beautiful emotion that doesn't have a word for it other than imagery in my mind
Sorry for the random soul post in your inbox but I get you! And that makes me happy
Also you're art is very cool and holds the very idea of human warmth and love within keep it up
responding to the compliment first, thank you!!!
as for the rest, yes! In the past I've definitely understood "love someone so much you want to crawl into them because hugging and physical intimacy isn't enough" as well as the usual "do i wanna fuck them or be them 🤪" sentiment floating around,
but it's not until very recently that I pieced together the, "well, what would I do if I literally got my hands on another [human being]. I'm not sure it would be enough to just Behold a [beautiful human being], I also want to be a beautiful [human being], but in the way this [person] is, which is. Unlike the way I am. Different from how I am. (In the many ways that can be interpreted)."
Which is adjacent to the "crawling into them", and adjacent to wishing I could be desired in the same way that I desire, and then directly connected to the way I am being genuine and casual when I say I love looking at and am in awe of the human form, but it's so very easy for that genuine love to slip into that intense and strange enthusiasm to map out, touch, explore, examine, open, crawl, meld, Be. Be!
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acaesic · 5 months
now that im in salt lake city its time to blast dallons SLC/UT OR GTFO playlist. fuck yeah🔥
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albaricomics · 4 months
Hello my friend, I'm here to show you my (first) fanart of Warren Afton and my baby for you 'cause I FINALLY COULD FINISH IT ok so here it goes
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((guess the song they are singing hehe) and I think she looks soooo cute on your style 💖💖💖💖 (I hope your lamp version has fluffy hair 'cause I'm not gonna change it))
btw, you inspired me to create an alternative version of your fnaf au where Star sort of plays the role of Elizabeth but not as his adopted child or something (her parents are alive XD), but every au with my little Sunshine looks like she spends half her life with her parents and a half with my Oc and Warren (it looks like she just spends weekends with us) mainly because my Oc and Warren can't have children (but we are all a very cute family anyway XD) so in my version of fnaf au Star is one of the most important people in Warren's life and he loves her as if she was his own child and basically she's the only child he really cares about (for example, I like to imagine a situation in which he sees that some child is teasing her or being rude to her and then they end up in a costume XDDDD)
And now the most important thing - especially for her, he created a version of Baby from this au and then everything happens like in a game (I know, sad but true)
(I'm going to make more fanarts of it💖💖💖💖)
HOLYYYYY 💘💓💗💘💖💘💖💕💕💖
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teeth-draws · 2 years
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Couldn’t sleep so sketched formal/ball!trouble from @shepherds-of-haven || view full size bc I don’t care to check ratios before I upload aaaa
#shepherds of haven#trouble alder#cog games#clochus is the demon I hate most of all because due to my stats I have to miss the ball and go with chase to avoid using a WOP#i would much rather be dancing n looking fine n you know maybe knocking over expensive things on purpose…!#this picture exists in a fantasy timeline where mc is not passed tf out and they find trouble somewhere after the party#he’s processing what just happened but also trying to figure out if his distaste for the grandeur of the party is something he can get over#we see how much party food we can ‘confiscate’ and have it distributed to the masses#thanks prihine!!!#so generous!#i know I don’t have any consistent art style right now like this was just a sudden sleep deprived need#and the hair…? teeth vs trouble’s hair vol. 39#this party is the catalyst to shaving it into a mullet#torn between wanting to look hot and resenting conforming to the beauty standards of nobility#can you imagine him saving a bunch of nobles from a rabid demon and they look up towards their newfound hero and he’s sporting a mullet#look in his eyes like ‘I just saved your life I dare you to say something lol’#love u trouble ur a g#+ honestly thinking about how he’s not just dense and gos with the most romance flags in the game#his low self-worth actually saves him from a lot of heartbreak considering more often than not mc DOESNT like him back in ‘that way’#in favour of (often) his 2 best friends#BABES DW YOU HAVE FANS I PROMISE YOU#also do you think trouble weaponises puppy dog eyes or is he unaware of his most powerful weapon…
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howlinghound11 · 1 year
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It's the boy!!!
He's just so funny to me, i love him <3 the silly little guy who's taken over everybody's heart @:)
Character belongs to the wonderful @/partycoffin ofc
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doodlingbot · 2 years
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Had another small aggie session with @chillisreal :) here are some tsp doodles from it featuring both mine and Chill's Stanley's.
(For a bit more context: in our last session, Chill drew our Stanley's about to fight. We both agreed mine would probably win, and so she then drew her Stanley hiding under a desk from mine.)
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tanihanya · 19 days
"I wish I could draw"
Ok...? Do it.
I draw terribly but I still like to draw
The idea that expressing creativity is only okay if it's palatable to other people is bullshit used to gatekeep art
If you put thought and creativity into it, it's art.
If it ends up like a stick figure, but you still enjoyed the process of creating it. It's art.
Just. Draw.
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kat-rambles · 28 days
Kat. KAT!! Grabs you. Please, share how to love art and writing and making OC's again after nothing coming out the way you want. Or anything that helps at least not hate it. 😭 Any time I try to do something, I want to perish. Maybe even tutorials too, if possible?
I'd love to! I'll think about discussing on being creative more in-depth in the future, but for now... this is what I can say.
Art, whether it's writing or drawing, is all about being human. Your experiences, the people you spend time with, the lessons you learn, the things that fascinate you... they contribute to how you create stories and OCs.
My professor once told me that learning is like having the right items for certain situations. That has become my philosophy ever since whenever I create anything! If there's a concept or idea that I want to achieve but I don't know how to do it, it becomes an opportunity to learn. Be curious, be accepting of learning & challenging what you already know. The things I learned because I wanted it for my OCs or stories often gave me an advantage in my classes HAHAHA
Also, the characters and stories you see now weren't built within a month or two, it took me years to get them this in-depth. I try different ideas with them and it becomes a process of trial & error. If it sticks, then it sticks! Your gut feeling is often never wrong.
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Like, would you believe me if I tell you that THE Camellia De Castro used to be a white girl who was sweet, naive & had ladylike manners?
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Or how Lily used to be some snobby, wealthy demonic brat but she's now a down-to-earth, pragmatic girl who (sorry) dresses boring-- lol
I created them back around 2016-2017 and they evolved alongside me. They evolved and seem like they have a life of their own because I, their creator, also evolved and reflected my life through them.
But if you feel frustrated because it's not working out, step away from it for awhile. The time you spend away from it gives you the opportunity to see it differently when you're ready to return.
This is the more general answer I can give (sorry its so long lol), but if there's anything more specific you want me to get into, just send an ask! It would help me think about how to explain the creative process more if it's more specific. Like... which OC or story are you more interested on? etc etc hehe
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neverendingford · 4 months
hardwood comb project
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I forgor to buy a lighter colored wood for the spine/core so I can't keep working on it tonight cause all I've got is the walnut.
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mildcicada · 2 months
Recently looked through some of the oldest art I made as a child and it was all SOO GOOD like it was just wow it was amazing. Art rules didn't exist I just was
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amehlee · 2 years
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be happy
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sheliesshattered · 4 months
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starlit-mansion · 5 months
corollary to the post i reblogged about actual porn having a million more examples of body diversity than hollywood, this is why i don't read smutty fanfic anymore. outside of queerness, it just replicates the diversity problems of mainstream media 98.5% of the time. don't get me wrong... i understand the subculture and all the stuff that goes into the hobby, and i know that there are people out there who put effort into it, but it's not really worth it to me
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
One of my favourite fic things: someone who's into Justus thinking he's literally the hottest, most beautiful person on earth.
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