#also i’m absolutely answering the obscure oc thing about him
k3uuu · 8 months
Since it will take me until I’m home to answer your novel (: ,,, entertain me, plz. For LS!Tom and canon!Tom where you have an opinion.
1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 23, 27, 33.
Sorry, some of these are boring answers 😭
1. Canon I outright reject
Alright, this is for canon TMR: anything to do with cursed child’s existence. As much as I love our Delphini, I just can’t accept anything that came out of it… the thought of Voldemort having sex with Bellatrix? It’s repulses me. I just can’t see him wanting a child, either. It’s all weird.
If I was a fagette in LS, I would reject trueship and be obsessed with godfag/peepfag. You KNOW, I’d be so obsessed with that ship, and would be so miserable with the “canon” ship.
3. Obscure headcanon
Tom was a bed wetter, which would lead to issues with the matrons. This is also one of the things we talked about when we first became friends which makes it extra special to me.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Oh man… I’m not gonna lie, I read HP for the first time in high school and it’s been a loooong time since then. I think the entire plot with Diary Tom had me so on edge. Finding out Tom Riddle was VOLDEMORT? Insane. Shocking. Life changing. I didn’t really ship anything yet so it was purely this feeling of oh my goddddddd.
11. Faceclaim for the role
I don’t have face claims. My minds eye doesn’t work properly, so I just default with Christian Coulson. I don’t like the actors for HBP, so fuck that. For LS Tom…. I don’t even know. Tall, dark hair, skinny twink.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Lemon boy by Cavetown for Lover’s Spit Tom Riddle, thanks to our girl whisker!
I don’t really connect songs or quotes or anything to characters (beyond our ocs), I’m just bad at it 😂. I do usually relate playlists you make to the characters, so anything you’ve made. When I listen to music, I can always somehow make it about characters even if it makes absolutely no sense - which makes me horrible for this question!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I’m really not sure 😆. I’m not good with smells either. TMR doesn’t inspire a smell for me. He’s just … I don’t know. He makes me think of a hospital room, sterile. Off putting but it fits him.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Hahahah. Stalking and creeping on Harry. This can fit for either LS TMR or canon TMR, I’d say. I also think canon TMR still has sticky fingers and steals sometimes, even after leaving the orphanage.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
I just. can’t picture canon TMR crying. It’s so abnormal to me and doesn’t look right. I feel like you gotta attack him as a kid, low blow him to get the tears.
LS TMR, I think anything related to his mum when he’s younger could bring some tears. Not publicly, but around daddy.
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lov3nerdstuff · 3 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.30}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 4.7k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
"Yet. Right." Robin repeated in a sigh, then removed her wand from her hair when the bun started hurting her head. It did little to lessen the headache that was starting to drum through her skull, but shaking her hair out of the restraint at least took some of the tension away. Little victories like that were important too.
"Actually, we do have a few answers now." Snape said after a moment, after again watching gravity at work on untangling the mess of waves cascading down Robin's back. "Morgan did come in here, and he most likely was talking about the portrait today indeed. We still have to see about the earrings, in due time. Other than that, we now have an answer to a question that goes all the way back to the start of this term."
"What do you mean?"
"The night of the welcoming feast. Morgan brought it up himself today, which quite honestly is what made me draw the connection in the first place."
"Right… You mean the entire ordeal in the hallway which McGonagall brought to an end."
"Yes. During your encounter back then, Morgan wanted to hold on to your locket as a keepsake. That line of behavior would certainly make more sense if at that point he already was in the possession of the portrait, seeing as the locket is perhaps not the most obvious, but indeed the most palpable connection between you and the woman portrayed. He hardly would have known about the locket otherwise, seeing as it isn't the most noticeable piece of jewelry."
"You're absolutely right… I should've thought of that connection way earlier!" Robin groaned in annoyance at herself, astonishment at the fact, and concern at the implications. How Snape even remembered little details like that was incredible in its own right, but the fact that Morgan might have been after the locket because of the portrait was a revelation she hadn't thought would clear the picture of the past events in her mind quite so much. Things at last started making a little more sense. "My locket and the portrait are connected somehow, that much we already could tell years ago. But it makes me uneasy to think that Morgan has something to do with it."
"Likewise. Perhaps you should take it off for the time being, until the issue is solved."
"Yeah… The bracelet too, probably, sad as that makes me. It was the first thing you gave to me that I didn't have to return by the end of the week like the books I borrowed." She smiled up at him, a sad half smile that showed defeat more than humour. "But you were the first person who ever gave me anything for my birthday at all, who ever thought of me in the first place, and that's all that matters to me. I can live without a piece of jewelry."
"I really was the first to give you a gift for your birthday? In all of eighteen years?"
"Yes. The very best gift even, when you got Jorien and Cas to make me see the day as a real celebration worth having. But I have to admit, you asking Dumbledore to take the bracelet out of this room was also-..." Robin cut herself off in the middle of her sentence, then stopped in her track and stood glued to the spot. The nagging in her mind turned into a sledgehammer that tore down the brick wall that had obscured her sight before, but now that it was gone, she could finally see. Or rather, she could wonder.
"What is it?" Snape asked as he came to stand right in front of her, both concerned and curious as ever. That really was a good way to sum up both of their sentiments currently, concerned and curious. "Robin?"
"Wait a second…" She replied on autopilot, while her mind pondered a question that she finally decided to voice when she couldn't answer it herself. "When you wanted to give me the bracelet, did you ask Dumbledore before or after removing it from this room?"
"Before, obviously, because-…" Now it was him who stopped in the middle of the sentence, when he caught on to Robin's line of thought. "Because one cannot remove from this place what was left for storage here without the current headmaster's permission."
"That's what I thought." Robin replied with a long breath, then jumped into action to look around herself in a sudden spark of adrenaline, upon which she finally picked up a random book from a pile to her right. "Let's test that theory, shall we?"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, it-..." He didn't get any further, for Robin had crossed the remaining few steps towards the door, then opened it and tossed the book through the opening and out into the hallway beyond. She tried to, at least, for the book got caught in the air in the middle of the door frame, floating there for but a broken second, before it was catapulted right back into the room of hidden things at a speed that turned the harmless piece of literature into a lethal projectile. Robin was just lucky that Snape pulled her out of the way in an instant, otherwise the flying book would have taken quite a bit of work off Morgan's hands. They didn't have time for her timely end right now!
"You really are remarkable at putting yourself in harm's way." Snape huffed in concern-turned-annoyance when the loud clattering of the book's distant landing had subsided, and it was just then that Robin realized how desperately he was clawing onto her right now. She felt bad for repeatedly scaring him in an instant; first the thing with Morgan –which hadn't technically been her fault, but it still counted to worry him– and now this thoughtlessness on her end. Or rather the result of too much thinking, and too little care for the real world results in contrast to the intellectual gain of the endeavour. Why was she only ever truly scared of getting hurt by people, not by something she did to herself? It was one more thing to work on at some point.
"You're remarkable at keeping me out of harm's way in return. And to be fair, I didn't think it would do that out of all the things it could've done." She finally replied with a weak half smile as she looked up at him. No. Humour wouldn't do now, that much was clearly written on his face. She sighed in resignation. "I'm sorry. That was stupid of me, I should've known better. This whole day, the thing with Morgan… it has thrown me into an odd ambivalence myself. I'm absolutely terrified and at the same time all the adrenaline makes me act like I'm bloody invincible. But that's no excuse, it really was just stupid of me and I'm sorry."
"Coming that close to death doesn't pass by anyone without consequences. Neither does torture." He said after a few seconds of silence, with an expression almost as guilty as Robin's own. "It is only too reasonable that your behaviour is rather erratic, and even if I cannot say I appreciate it, I do very well understand it. If anything, I am surprised by how well you seem to cope with the situation."
"It's not the first time I've come closer to death than anyone should. Only the first time I know who the person is that wants to see me dead." She shrugged in return, but after taking one glance at the expression of prevailing concern on Snape's face, she rested her forehead against his shoulder and gave in to the urge to lean into him once more with a sigh. She knew that he didn't mind in the least… and the work that kept her on her feet might as well wait for a minute. "To be honest, it's currently less coping and more of simply repressing and pushing through. Just wait until tonight when I actually have the time to come down from the adrenaline… It'll be a nightmare."
"I will be there." He replied quietly, holding her closer against himself than his calm demeanour would suggest, then remained silent for a moment longer before speaking on. "Stay with me tonight."
"That must be a first." Robin chuckled quietly, but kept her eyes closed to enjoy at least this short moment of calm for now. "Usually I have to pretend to be asleep for you to let me stay over in your rooms."
"You are terrible at pretending, I can always tell when you do."
"Only because I want you to."
"I know…" He replied in as close to a sigh as his composure allowed. "And I know that I will not be able to close my eyes for even a minute tonight if you are not with me."
"Not without seeing all that could have been if things had ended differently. Without the shadows and ghosts and darkness. I know, all too well." She said, then smiled into the cloud of fabric around her. "And in addition to that, it's been way too long since I stayed over last, even though I always love to. Whenever it's possible. You know that."
"I do indeed."
"And I love you. Beyond what's possible."
"I know." His tone let on a hint of a smile, then he placed a fleeting kiss on the top of her head while his arms around her tightened their hold so much that Robin had to smile. He never said he loved her with words in return. He didn't need to.
"We should get back to work… It's almost time for dinner, and I want to check Morgan's office before then." She said after taking a deep breath to savour the comforting scent of him, of home. "I really have no wish to run into him again today. Especially not after just discovering that we are the underdogs in this entire issue."
"What makes you think that we are?"
"Isn't it obvious?" She asked as she pulled back at last, and fully snapped back into work mode as they left the room of hidden things behind to walk through the dark corridors of the castle again. "If Morgan had to ask for Dumbledore's permission to take the painting, then the old man must know why Morgan wanted it in the first place. He wouldn't have given him the permission if he hadn't seen through his reasons entirely."
"I agree."
"So Dumbledore knows why this is happening, he knows Morgan's reasons. He knows what Morgan is doing to me. He gave Morgan the permission to keep the painting, and he has let him proceed in what he has been doing to me for years now."
"Indeed. But we have been aware of that problem for a while now."
"Dumbledore never does anything that isn't to his own advantage. And if he lets Morgan do all that to me…" Robin sighed gravely, and looked up at Snape with the most serious expression. "I think Dumbledore wants Morgan to kill me."
"That is-..." Snape cut himself and his automatic response off in an instant, but he returned Robin's dark expression nonetheless for a moment while her words seemed to run circles in his mind. Finally, he seemed to find his own line of thought again. "While I do have to agree with your reasoning, there is still a lot speaking against the conclusion you came to. I am not saying you aren't right, but I believe there is more to it than that. You are leaving certain matters out of the equation."
"And what would that be?"
"Me, for example."
"You?" Robin frowned at him in confusion. "You'll have to elaborate on that."
"If Dumbledore wanted you dead, why would he have been in favour of the connection between you and me right from the start, and at every point since?" Snape quirked an eyebrow at Robin in return. "He is a brilliant man, I have no doubt he knew that we would end up where we are now long before we did. Thus he must have known that we would always stand two against one in the end. My involvement makes it infinitely more difficult to have you killed, which in return would make it unreasonable for him to encourage our relations. "
"You're right… That doesn't add up." Robin mused with a lingering frown. "Neither does the book he gave me, now that I think about it. Ensuring that I know more about the unforgivables than the person he wants to see killing me would be an odd way to prepare me for slaughter."
"What a fucking mess…" Robin groaned under her breath, then rolled her eyes to herself and at the ceiling before taking a deep breath to regain some composure. "So if Dumbledore doesn't want me dead, then why would he let Morgan proceed in trying to kill me? It's not like he couldn't put an immediate end to those efforts if he actually wanted to…"
"That we will find out. Morgan's reasons as well as Dumbledore's."
"With my luck, I probably have to die to prevent the world's impending demise or something likely unlikely… The most exaggeratedly dramatic thing we could ever think of, that will probably be my fate. Just for irony's sake."
"I will gladly see the world in ashes before I let you die."
"I know." She had to smile yet again, and couldn't resist to take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze even though they were in public. If one wanted to call a secret passageway from the seventh floor down to the fourth 'public', that is. "But whether it's the world we're saving or just me, I refuse to die before I graduate. I've put far too much effort into my essays and homework recently to let that all go to waste!"
Snape let out something that sounded like a snort and a scoff at once, and quietly shook his head to himself as they finally reached the fourth floor and crossed over into another corridor to continue their path towards Morgan's classroom. Robin was content with the reaction, and focused back on the matter at hand.
"How do we go on from here?" She asked in a whisper only, for who knew which prying ears might be nearby in a public hallway like this. "I mean… If we find it here, how do we go on?"
"We could confront the headmaster, for example. With a piece of evidence like that, not even he could deny his involvement in the issue. He might not give us the truth, but perhaps more leads to follow nonetheless."
"That sounds as close to a plan as we will probably get." Robin nodded, more to herself than to him. "In any case, McGonagall seems to know something about this entire thing as well, and I'm not convinced she's too happy about any of this either. She wanted to tell me, but the headmaster obviously asked her not to, and I at least can respect her loyalty. Too bad it is Dumbledore who is at the receiving end of it… She would make a good ally."
"Curious that you have taken a liking to Minerva after all."
"Oh, you know… If McGonagall can work with Jorien, who really isn't the easiest person to deal with from my own experience, she deserves some credit at least, if not my sincere respect."
"Funny." Snape replied with a not-smirk. "A while ago, she said much the same thing about you, for working with me."
Robin had to bite her lip quite hard to keep from snorting. They were in close proximity to the defense classroom, and loud noises like that were a no-go at this point if they wanted to successfully break and enter without drawing attention. So she settled for a soundless laugh, and a small smirk to follow it up.
"I'm glad someone recognizes the troubles of working with you at last." She whispered back softly, glancing up at Snape for but a second, which in return sufficed to take notice of the feigned glare and the not-smirk. Good… humour might do them good at this point.
"If anything, you brought the trouble into my life." He protested with a huff, while checking the corridor for anyone or anything that could observe them. Then he opened the door to the classroom with the same spell that sealed his own down in the dungeons. Robin was surprised, but very much pleased that he seemed to be doing all the breaking for now, and she only had to enter.
"I didn't bring trouble into your life!" She replied nonetheless as they walked into the room, after she'd closed the door behind them and locked it back up. It was no secret that Morgan never came to his classroom nor his office on weekends… Thus the risk of getting caught in here on this late afternoon really was minimal. "As far as I remember, you have far more trouble with people who are not me."
"That, for once, is true." He mused, but kept his eyes on the door to the office they were now approaching. "But you made me realize that I have trouble with everyone who isn't you. Before I met you, I simply thought the world was supposed to be cold and cruel like that, but then you had to saunter into my life and make me question every single thing I believed to know. You just had to show me happiness and thereby make everything that isn't you straight up unbearable, didn't you?" His sigh was dripping with so much feigned annoyance and the utmost irony that Robin couldn't help snorting at last.
"I won't apologise for bringing trouble into your life in that case." She smiled as she watched him working on the sturdy wooden door with spells she doubted were even suitable for the occasion. But she let him proceed anyway. "Seeing as the trouble only extends to people who aren't me."
"I did not say that, nor would I ever dare to." He returned a half-smirk, which made Robin roll her eyes with an even wider smile.
"Why is that?" She finally asked in an attempt not to laugh. They were breaking in somewhere… This wasn't the time for teasing and jokes, and yet they had chosen precisely this time to humour each other indeed. Oh well, why start being ordinary now, after all.
"I might have been surprised for a second, that you didn't consider breaking into my colleague's office as trouble, but then I remembered your liberal approach to breaking into places, which you displayed on multiple occasions last summer. Now, I am led to believe that perhaps you are trouble after all."
"And what if I am?" She raised her eyebrows at him with a small smirk. "Seeing as you've been causing trouble together with me all this time, I could say you're no better."
"You certainly are better at breaking into places than I am." He stated with a scowl at the still closed door, then quirked an eyebrow at Robin. "Would you be so kind to open the door now or is watching me fail too amusing for that?"
"It is quite amusing, but I'll open the door nonetheless." Robin chuckled at his feigned annoyance, then went to make quick work of Morgan's more than poor wards and locks. Thirty seconds later, the door was open, and a smug expression painted on her face as she looked up at Snape at last. "There you go. Anything else I can assist you with?"
"Do shut up, will you?" He grumbled, but Robin only had to snicker as they went to search the office. She knew that he was impressed with her knowledge of legal spells, and even more so by her knowledge of what was (in her opinion unrightfully) considered dark magic. That area didn't only extend to curses after all, and more often than not some of those unseemly spells served them better in their work than the school taught ones did. Either way, right now she knew that his entire dismissive demeanour was merely meant to humour her, and it really did serve that purpose wonderfully well.
After a good ten minutes of searching with as well as without magic, they had to realize though that the portrait wasn't here, nor was anything else that could've given them a clue about the current mysteries. Disappointed but not yet defeated, they locked the office door back up the way they had found it and made their way back out into the hallway. Unseen as ever. By now, it was about dinnertime, and thus they redirected their destination to the great hall instead of the dungeons.
"His private rooms will be a lot more difficult to search." Robin sighed as they reached the staircase that luckily was yet -or already- void of students. "He spends most of his time working from there, especially in the evenings. Or at least that's what I've heard. My information about him doesn't stretch beyond the gossip that makes rounds these days."
"We have to be certain he won't interrupt our search, or it would pose an ideal opportunity for him to justify another attempt on your life. Removing him from the castle shouldn't be a problem though, I believe I can arrange that without drawing too much attention to our goals."
"Wait, what? You can?"
"Years of knowing each other, and you still doubt me. Unbelievable."
"I wouldn't dare to."
He returned a small glare upon her sarcastic tone, but beneath the public facade of stony indifference, there was a layer of humour as almost always these days. Robin doubted that anyone but her had ever seen it though.
"In all seriousness, how soon can you get him away from the castle?" She asked after a moment, as they came to a stop in the hallway that led to the main entrance of the great hall on one end, and to the backdoor on the other. They usually went separate ways from here on, always careful not to arrive together at the wrong times and make the wrong impressions on the wrong people.
"An hour after dinner, perhaps a bit later. But in return he will be gone for a few hours at the least." He replied in certainty, and Robin wondered just how he was going to do that. Especially so quickly, after a day like this that hadn't been easy on Morgan either. She'd have to pay attention during the meal or simply ask about it later. After a few seconds, Snape added, "That should suffice to search his quarters, I believe."
Robin let out a breath in relief upon the prospect of a timely solution, then offered him a smile. "Great. I'll set up the dunderhead gang in the entrance hall to check when he leaves. That way we can be absolutely certain he's gone and not coming back. They can hold watch at least until curfew."
"I could always write them a note to have them stay out later than that, you know… At least I can for the girls. The Ravenclaws are out of my influence."
"I'm aware." She smiled at the memory of her own permission note to break curfew. Gods, that was long ago. "Perhaps we can send them up to the astronomy tower, from up there one can see the very foot of the hill. That would allow for a warning in time to make an escape. I'll ask Cas and Melissa; Jorien's got work with McGonagall, if I'm not mistaken."
Snape scoffed, then rolled his eyes in that lovely exaggerated manner. "Does Minerva ever give the girl a break?"
"Says the man who used to make me work every single night until four o'clock in the morning!" Robin laughed, then shook her head both at him and to herself. "Even on bloody school days!"
"You never seemed to mind." Snape protested with an almost sullen look, and if that was even in the realm of possibility, Robin believed he would start pouting if they'd been alone. Gods, that man was a mystery above all others.
"I didn't just not mind; I absolutely loved it even." Robin replied almost reassuringly, but with more humour than she could tone down. "But so does Jorien. She enjoys working with McGonagall, even if by far more normal hours than we do. No longer than midnight on Fridays and Saturdays and no longer than ten on school nights."
Now, Snape actually did snort for once, even out here in public. "We weren't even done with coffee at that time of night for the majority of the last years."
"We really are a terrible example though!"
"Are we, now? We usually are done working by midnight these days, aren't we?" He raised an eyebrow at her again, more teasing than serious, and Robin was sure they would miss dinner if they kept going like this. It had happened on more than one occasion.
"Well yes, we are, but for entirely different reasons!" She gave him a look, then a smile, then shook her head to herself as her cheeks tinted pink no matter how much she tried to prevent it. They really were done with work earlier than ever these days, as that left them with way more time for private matters afterwards. Not that those private matters didn't occasionally sneak into the lab or the office as well… they did get distracted quite regularly, even. But still, they tried to somehow keep school business and private matters separate now more than ever. That however did not apply for private studies, experiments or research, which they were more than happy to do in their very own kind of way, as they always had. Anyhow, Robin took a deep breath, then tried focusing on the matter at hand. "So, you get Morgan out of the castle as soon as possible, I bargain with Cas and Melissa, and you write them a note later for whoever has patrol duties tonight. Right?"
"Indeed. What reason for your request will you be telling the girls? And what are you willing to offer them in return?"
Robin scoffed, then smirked up at him in both humour and a certain smugness she didn't bother to hide. "What makes you think that they are going to do me the favour? The better question would be what they are willing to do for me if I set up a past curfew visit to the astronomy tower for them. Because they have always wanted to sit there and freeze their little butts off all night. They just don't know it yet."
"Clever." The not-smirk was back in an instant, as was the subtlest expression of pride. "As always."
"I'm trying my best." She replied with a softer smile. "As always."
"I know. I wouldn't be so confident in our plan under any different circumstances. Neither would I break into places for that matter, if it wasn't for you."
"Really?" She quirked an eyebrow at him in utmost doubt of what he was saying, and the smirk on her lips made him roll his eyes with a hidden one of his own.
"Dinner. Now. You can harass me later."
"Is that an invitation or are you trying to flirt with me?"
"Get out of my sight already."
With quiet laughter that resonated off the stones around them as a feather light echo, Robin gave him another look that said more than a million words could, then finally made her way down the remainder of the hallway and towards the main entrance with quick steps and a smile on her face. It felt good to laugh and joke again… but she had also learned her lesson today, knew perfectly well what was at stake, and that's precisely why she kept an ever careful eye on her surroundings now more than ever. They still were on a mission after all. A mission they were going to set into action now.
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kaibutsushidousha · 4 years
What eight Servants you want to see added to the series (one of each class counting all the extras as one)?
Sorry for the delay. I had answers ready for quite a few of the classes but the ones I didn’t were real tough picks.
Saber: Momotarou
Momotarou is up there with Kintarou and Urashima Tarou as Japan’s most popular children’s folklore character. Kintarou is already present in FGO as Sakata Kintoki and Urashima is at least referenced with Ryuugu being an area in Agartha, but there’s no mention of Momotarou yet. And how would he mesh with Nasuverse lore? Momotarou is a super powerful boy born from a peach. A fruit person from Japan.
[Lostbelt 3 spoilers] Yu Meiren is a tianxian, an immortal being functionally identical to a True Ancestor. And she often references the fact she was born from the Fusang Tree in Japan. Implying tianxian, and maybe even actual True Ancenstors are also fruit people from Japan. I want Momotarou as a True Ancestor. 
I actually already wrote a sheet for this one.
Archer: Lampião
Fate/ currently has a grand total of 0 Brazilian heroes in its Servant roster and that’s definitely a thing I want changed (Lostbelt 7, please...). At this point I think I’d be ok with absolutely any Brazilian hero, but if you asked which I want the most, my answer would easily be Lampião. Though my biggest fear is that they design him without his glasses. 
I still haven’t written my own sheet for Lampião yet, but I have it complete in my head for maybe over an year. The glasses are a Noble Phantasm and he gushes about each others glasses with Sigurd.
Lancer: Odin
I’ll admit I picked this one only to fill all Classes and don’t actually have any real ideas for a Lancer. Sorry. At least we have a lot of implications for a canon Odin taking a super important role in FGO soon.
(Grand) Rider: Santa Claus
Grand Servants are designed to counter Beasts. I is a magic formula, so Grand Caster is the mage who can fix it. II is life, so Grand Assassin is death. Both versions of III use overpowered mental attacks that affect any rational being, so Grand Berserker is not rational. V is a fox, so Grand Archer is a hunter. VI is being hunted by Arthur, who is fine candidate for Grand Saber. VII erased everything on Earth, so Grand Lancer is the builder of civilization.
By process of elimination, Grand Rider should be someone who can handle IV, Fou. Fou is the Beast of Comparision, a being who thrives and grows from competition. He gets agitated when challenged by others, but I can only remember 3 instances of him getting aggressive with someone completely unprovoked. Against Merlin, against Napoleon, and against Jinako (once). That’s the kingmaker, a dude literally made of hopes and dreams, and the remover of obstacles, respectively. Three huge facilitators for mankind. Beings who exist to let humanity dream for no real cost. 
Jinako’s case is the most interesting because Fou immediately stops being violent once he sees Jinako’s lazy, unhelpful personality. It’s like Fou can tell she won’t be an obstacle to strife and fair competition. That’s the bit that makes me feel really confident about my read on Fou.
Anyways, we established that Fou’s natural enemies are the facilitators, and who is the biggest facilitator of them all? Yes, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas himself. The Rider grand enough to run his sled through the entire world on a single night, distributing free dreams for the good children of humanity. I want him to tag along with all the meme Santa Servants from the Christmas events to dunk on Fou if he turns evil. 
Caster: Toriyama Sekien
Toriyama Sekien is a Japanese artist famous for publishing a series of artbooks titled Gazu Hyakki Yagyou. Youkais used to formless monsters, vaguely described, with their true appearance being defined by the listener’s fears. This changed when Sekien published his Gazu Hyakki Yagyou, which was sort of a Pokédex where he published his illustrations of an youkai, along with its legends and description. All images you know of youkais are based on the designs Sekien created for his Pokédex.
The first volume of his series contained all the famous and popular youkais. The second volume also contained many famous, but a few very obscure ones. And then the third and fourth are filled with very few verifiably obscure youkais and most of them so obscure that they had no known sources aside from GHY itself. Because of this, Toriyama is rumored to have given up on researching obscure youkai by his 3rd artbook and started making his own youkai up for money.
Now let’s talk Type-Moon lore. In Shimousa there’s an explanation for the different types of oni and one of the categories there is onis from stories. Demonic beings who only came to exist because humanity believe they existed. This ties in very nicely to the idea that Sekien was making youkai up to fill all the slots in his Pokédex. By the way, in Osakabehime’s mats, her source is not listed as “Japanese mythology”, but as the second volume of Gazu Hyakki Yagyou, which implies Higashide also subscribes to the idea Sekien is creating youkais in-universe and Osakabehime was potentially Sekien’s first OC. 
Assassin: Agatha Christie
I just think writer Servants outside of the Caster class are neat, and want Fate/ to turn the topic of my research paper into my next waifu. I have cool ideas for her Noble Phantasms, but I won’t comment on them here because I want to get her Servant sheet posted soon.
Berserker: Gilgamesh
Another pack filler like Odin, sorry. We already Gilgamesh before his journey to the netherworld as Archer and after it as Caster, so I just think a nice new take on Gil would be making him Mad Enhanced into believing he’s still stuck in the netherworld. It’s the one point of his life where he completely cast away his pride, and struggled to the point of crawling and eating dirt to survive. A constantly panicky and pragmatic Gilgamesh would be a nice new side of Gilgamesh to see, with an amazing contrast with his three other forms.
Extra Class (Avenger): Kohaku
It’s no secret that Kohaku is my favorite fictional character ever and I wouldn’t hesitate to whale for her ifwhen we get a Tsukihime event. She could work as an Assassin, but I picked Avenger instead because I’m an emotional masochist, and love her for how she makes me suffer. Kohaku is a tortured empath who operated a revenge plan, but through all of that she could never bring herself to truly hate her abusers because she understand better than anyone that Tsukihime is a tragedy where absolutely everyone is a victim. So her Oblivion Correction would just make her relive the worst moments of her life, trying to force upon her a hatred that doesn’t fit anywhere in her empathic heart. Avenger Kohaku is not even made a character yet, and she’s already on the verge of making me cry.
On alternate take, Kohaku technically participated in a Grail War with Okita on Koha-Ace, so she theoretically should qualify as a vessel for a Pseudo-Servant. I’d place her as a good vessel for Prometheus. They both remembered mostly as tricksters, and accepted to be subjects of scheduled torture to protect someone they cared for and allow them to grow up free and healthily. 
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jawnjendes · 4 years
it’s always been you | shawn mendes
shawn x goth oc
forevermore 1/?
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist
masterlist | playlist (song added with every chapter)
One would be surprised to know the extent Annalise Flores would go to remain anonymous. She had a wig she wore specifically for work, and it wasn’t just to look professional. All of her social media is private, not that she surfs the web for leisure these days. Her own family doesn’t even know what she’s been up to these last few weeks. This is the life Annalise chose. Always reserved, always a mystery. She preferred it this way.
So when she got back together with her ex, it wasn’t exactly devastating to discover that she was not allowed to be seen with him in the public eye. Her ex-turned-current boyfriend is the world famous musician Shawn Mendes. They dated back in college prior to the fame, but that’s a different story. This is now.
Annalise was in between sessions at her Los Angeles counseling office, reviewing notes and waiting for the next client to arrive. It was a normal work day, she was at the halfway point, but not quite. It wasn’t lunchtime yet.
The phone rang, causing her to jump at the sound. She picked up and answered, hearing her assistant/secretary Mateo on the other line.
“Señora, tiene una entrega,” he said in a singsong voice.
“What did we say about señora?” she replied. “I feel old.”
He giggled. “So are you coming, or do I drink this coffee myself?”
Annalise perked up at the sound of coffee. “I’ll be right there.”
It’s not that it was a hot beverage. She never Postmated something she could simply go out and get herself. She smoothed out her black dress and went down the hallway, gazing at the waiting room on the way to the front desk, just in case anyone showed up early. That was a rare occurrence, what with the type of clientele she dealt with.
The delivery was exactly what Mateo had said, a cup of coffee from some obscure shop. The assistant was grinning excitedly, for this wasn’t the first time his employer had gotten a mystery drink with a note attached. Annalise knew he never read the notes she got, otherwise he would have flipped his shit long ago. Mateo wasn’t one to hide things like shock or excitement. He would learn though; He was still an intern.
Annalise took the cup and read the strip on the side of it. Decaf. Hvy cream. Sweetener. Yup, that’s the one. Then she opened the folded note that was tape to the cup.
See you tonight -Mr. M.
She hummed and slipped the note into her dress pocket. Looks like she has plans tonight.
“There’s also a man outside who wants to talk to you,” Mateo added. “He’s the one who brought the coffee.”
Annalise figured there would be more than just that silly little note. She went out the door and into the warm spring day, finding a familiar bald man sat on a nearby bench.
“Jake,” she greeted.
The man stood and smiled. “How you doing, Ann?”
“Good. Apparently I’m seeing him tonight? Has he lost his mind or something?”
“He says it’s important.”
“He and I have different definitions of the word important. But yeah, I’ll go. I assume you’ll be taking me again?” There was a bit of reluctance in her tone.
“That’s right. As soon as you’re done here.”
Anytime Annalise wanted to see her boyfriend, she couldn’t simply drive herself to his house whenever she pleased. The last time she saw Shawn was two months ago on Valentine’s Day, a day that he decided was important. Most days, they saw each other through FaceTime, Snapchat, text, even the coffee and notes became a regular form of communication.
It’s not like Annalise frequently keeps up with celebrity gossip, but she knew why it had to be this way, and honestly, she wasn’t mad about it. She had to sneak around with Shawn behind the scenes of his great big love story stunt, despite the fact that he wasn’t doing anything careerwise at the moment. It was more for the other person in this love story stunt than it was for him. Again, Annalise wasn’t mad about it.
Staying away from Shawn in public was fine, and that’s the truth. The world believed Shawn Mendes was dating Camila Cabello for the umpteenth time in his career. Well, some of the world believed that, and some was all that was needed. As long as Annalise didn’t get under that terrifying microscope, she was good.
Shawn was nervous for a multitude of reasons. The doorbell rang, and even though he checked the camera at the front door, he still felt knots in his stomach. He hasn’t seen this girl in a while. He was still surprised that she agreed to come all the way to sunny LA. This wasn’t her level of expertise, but she was experienced in law, so that was better than nothing. On top of that, Shawn didn’t trust anyone that was connected to Andrew, and most lawyers in this town seemed to know him. Shawn couldn’t risk any of this getting back to his team.
He answered the door to a petite woman with a jet black pixie cut. She had on dark sunglasses, and carried an umbrella. Ripped skinny jeans, a band t-shirt, and converse were her go-to. It was like she hadn’t changed clothes since the last time Shawn saw her. Dark as this girl looked, her greeting was like sunshine.
“Helloooo!” She dramatically threw her umbrella aside and opened her arms for a hug.
“Isabella,” Shawn greeted as he accepted her hug, minding the permanent chill of her body. “Thank you so much for coming.”
Oh, that’s okay,” she replied. She stepped inside the house and looked around the spacious area. “Damn, this ain’t no Canada. Also, how convenient that you live here and not your supposed home country.” She poked his chest with a grin.
Shawn chuckled. This girl genuinely did not believe Canada was a real place. “Tell you what, get me out of this contract, and I’ll send you on a vacation to Vancouver.”
Isabella took off her sunglasses, revealing red eyes. However she blinked a few times and they went back to brown.
“Who else is here?” she asked, placing her shoulder bag on the kitchen island. “I’m detecting Chanel Number Whatever.”
“Oh, that’s probably Camila,” Shawn replied, still thrown by how intuitive Isabella was. “She’s in the bathroom. And uh, Ann will be here soon.”
“Okay, so Camila’s the fake girlfriend, right?”
“Worse. They want us engaged.”
Isabella’s eyes widened. “We have a lot of work to do.”
Then, another voice sounded from the stairs. “Who’s here? I heard the doorbell ring.”
Shawn shared a look with Isabella. While she still looked human, there was that tiny shred of doubt. What if she had the words ‘vampire-witch’ tattooed on her forehead?
Finally, Camila entered the dining room/kitchen. She immediately spotted Isabella and went to introduce herself. Both girls were bubbly and enthusiastic, despite the serious circumstances. Shawn couldn’t help but feel a bit weird. He carried many secrets, but the biggest one had to be that he knew an actual vampire. That secret was just above the one about his relationship with Camila being a business arrangement. Could he really consider it a secret if his team was absolutely horrible at making that seem natural, and that the whole world figured it out years ago? Shawn and Camila were simply bound by contract.
That’s why Isabella Jayn Montgomery was hired.
Shawn checked the time on his phone. It was half past eight, Ann and Jake should be on their way. He shouldn’t have been so nervous about this. It’s not like Ann wouldn’t like the idea of not having to hide anymore… right?
“So you just decided that we were going to go public and not tell me?”
He didn’t really know what he was expecting. Not even five minutes had passed since Isabella, Camila, and Jake left, and Ann got right to it. She was polite through the whole discussion, listening to everything Isabella had to say, and asking questions every so often. But as it turns out, she had her own bone to pick.
Shawn was putting the empty water glasses in the kitchen sink, surprised by his girlfriend’s serious tone. “I thought that was something we wanted?”
“You wanted that,” Ann corrected, sitting at the island. “Look, if you want to stop fake dating Camila, that’s fine, I support that. If you wanna go back to making music for your fans and go back on tour, I support that too. Whatever you wanna do with your career is your decision. But when it comes to our relationship, I get a say too. And I don’t want my privacy taken away.”
“Well…” he trailed off, leaning against the counter. “Just because I get out of my contract doesn’t mean you and I have to go and make out in the middle of the street. It would just be more believable if we were seen out in public together. It would show mine and Camila’s teams that we’re not taking their shit anymore.”
Ann chuckled. “Yeah, I’m not here to be a pawn in a game of publicity chess.”
Shawn sighed and walked around the counter, holding his hands out to her. “They want me and Camila to be engaged, and then have a huge wedding covered by all the major media outlets. I don’t want my life playing out this way anymore.”
She kept her arms folded. “A fake wedding is where you draw the line? Really?”
“If I’m gonna have a wedding, it’s gonna be with you,” he told her.
That particular topic wasn’t new information. Shawn and Ann had talked about marriage in the past and when would be the right time. How their cultures and subcultures were going to come into play. How they would go about it with all this Shawmila nonsense. That’s why Ann remained serious.
“Weddings are clearly not a big deal if these business people are willing to just throw a fake one together. I’m sure your fake girlfriend will look beautiful in a stupid white gown.” She rolled her eyes.
“I wanna see my real girlfriend in a stupid black gown,” Shawn corrected.
 Ann cracked a small grin, but it faded quickly. She sucked in a breath as her face contorted.
“What? What is it?” Shawn asked, concern quickly replacing the building frustration.
She breathed out. “Nothing, just cramps.”
“Stomach cramps? Nausea? What did you eat?”
“Period cramps. I don’t get any of that often but when I do…”
You’re moody as hell and question everything I do, Shawn thought. Only a second later, guilt formed in his chest.
goth gf taglist @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @strangerliaa @kitykatnumber @mendesromano @iloveshawnieboi @goldenmndes @parkeraul @someoneunimportantxx @shawnvvmendes @calyumthomas @softmendesss @wronglanemendes @theprivatewritings @peruvian-bae
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tanoraqui · 4 years
I just wanted you to know that I just read all your hellmurder castle 'verse posts and I LOVE THAT AU SO MUCH
what you have to understand about my Hellmurder Castle AU (Homestuck set in the world of Girl Genius, if you haven’t read it) is that it was born specifically from my spite exasperation with all the long, epic AUs about either only the trolls or the trolls + beta kids, with alpha kids appearing as background characters at best and often not at all. Many of these fics are great, and many of them were written or at least planned before the alpha kids even appeared in canon, in which case it’s not the authors’ faults at all. But I LOVE my alpha kids, and Roxy may be my favorite and Dirk is a delight, but I was ALSO tired to tears of how even in fics featuring the alpha kids, it was almost always Derse-heavy.
So I basically said “fuck it”, yeeted them all into the world of Girl Genius (which was inevitable), figured out the torrid backstory of the beta kids and ancestors and how the dancestors and trolls fit in, and set about focussing the plot and character development exclusively on the alpha kids, particularly Jake and Jane. Particularly particularly Jake, because a) I thought him more underappreciated than Jane, and b) the idea of a Heroic Adventurer who constantly has to resist his own reflex to be a minion is fucking funny.
Let’s elaborate, shall we? Because I’m okay again, after the epilogue. I have forgiven. So, the hypothetical pfennig novels/fics in a series:
Jake English: Escape from Castle Lalonde
In which Jake leaves home, and meets a number of interesting people.
covers from basically that scene of Roxy capturing him through Jake escaping with Jane, and them agreeing to be adventuring partners. A lot of the middle consists of Jake helping Roxy and Dirk win back Roxy’s ancestral home of Castle Lalonde, defeating whatever villainous spark - probably an OC - had taken up residence.
Jake means to leave, but Roxy and Dirk need help cleaning up, and getting their labs running, and with interesting projects…and possibly they put a shock collar on him so he can’t leave the grounds…or at least tell him that’s what the collar does, and prove it, like, twice, and then turn it off because they don’t actually want him crippled in an emergency; mostly he’s just a great minion and Roxy is pretty sure he’s destined to be part of their team for defeating the Batterwitch, as laid out in the obscure and highly metaphorical prophecy her mother left her in a wizard book.
this is not at all good ground for either friendship or a healthy minion/master relationship, which is why Jake is pretty damn game to help Jane escape and then run away with her.
Jake English and the Red Miles
in which…I actually have barely any memory of wtf is supposed to happen in this one. Presumably, they have to survive the Red Miles at some point, with some ridiculous series of revivificationsthe trolls show up at Jake and Jane’s camp (okay fine, I love them, too), and after some alarmed mutual weapon-pointing, explain that Jake’s grandmother, Lady English, made them after Jake left, except now she’s died so they’ve come to find Jake and either bring him home or, at least, join his adventuring team and keep him safe
(yeah, Jade instilled some loyalty, which is Sketch. In fairness, when she lost control of the original generation of trolls, all her best friends were killed and/or disappeared, presumed dead. she has reasons)
I wonder if there was supposed to be a timeskip between this and the previous book, or if Escape from Castle Lalonde happened later into Jake going out adventuring than I think, or if Jade just got bored and made 12 new people like…3 hours after Jake left home
for pacing, the trolls should probably show up pretty early in this story, so they have a long time to be around before shit hits the fan
a lot of this book, aside from whatever shenanigans they’re dealing with re: Red Miles, would be Jake dealing with the fact that he is suddenly responsible for 12 people who keep looking to him for orders, and somewhere in the distance is an entire town (Hellmurder Village) that’s likewise.
they do not go back to the Castle at the end of this book, even though they arguably should bc Jake has responsibilities. But he also has adventuring to do, by golly, and…hm, it’s one of the Rings that causes the Red Miles, isn’t it? So maybe they get it at the end of this book, and now they have to track down the other one. Which brings us to…
Jake English and the Rings of Skaia
In which Jake and Jane (and Roxy and Dirk, and 12 young trolls) explore a castle, learn a little history, and generally level up their friendshipsI split up the aspects of Castle Heterodyne in this au: Jake has the recently inherited Castle with the terrifying, nigh-magical power source buried in its depths, and Jane has the abandoned derelict that is fully sentient, most automated, and even more malicious than it is trapped. This is the story of that castle, and the Ring of Life hidden somewhere in it
Jack Noir. The castle’s sentience is Jack Noir. Or perhaps more accurately Spades Slick? Who cares.
I had a very elaborate mythology/history thought up at some point about the twin spark queens of Derse and Prospit and their great enmity, and the saga of betrayal and heroism that marked their reigns and left behind this castle and two super magical scientific rings of power, and I do not remember ANY of it now.
This is the bit where that scene of Dirk ripping out Vriska’s soul comes from. He and Roxy are here for the fabled treasure as well - possibly the castle only appears/is accessible at certain specific times? And they don’t know the trolls are with Jake, so…clusterfuck, there.
Jake English and the Troll Queen
in which the big bad is reveeled
there’s trouble brewing in the countryside, idk, monsters or pirates or something that can be traced, after some investigative heroing, to the self-styled Her Imperial Condescension, still unfortunately at large
mostly this fic is Jake growing into leadering a little more but also addressing the question of that inbuilt loyalty Jade gave this generation of trolls, because really, that was Sketch - and in general, who are we as people defined by who we follow, what groups we ally ourselves with; is it birth or genetics or who raised us or the family we choose or…
i kinda think Dirk and Roxy are conducting concurrent but generally not overlapping investigations to Jake&Jane’s(+the trolls) (dirk and roxy having pretty neatly answered all the above questions years ago by choosing each other, but still being kind of insular about it, and need to relax just enough to trust other people)
in the end there’s some confrontation with the Condesce and she convinces ½-2/3 the trolls to join her bc, honestly, why shouldn’t they
Jake English and the Castle in the Lake
in which…okay, in this one bit of fic I implied her base was in the ocean but I totally had this title written somewhere, so what is the truth??
in the above linked scene, the trolls who stayed with Jake and Jane were Karkat, Terezi, Kanaya, Gamzee, and Feferi, but idk about that. If Feferi’s there, why isn’t Sollux? And, like, Aradia would probably have just fucked off in her own direction completely, given the chance…
our heroes are trying to sneak into HIC’s base and disable it, okay. that is the plot of this one. probably they have to find it first, which is tricky, and basically a D&D dungeon crawl, and that’s before Jane gets tiara’d. Which definitely happens climactically. and then everyone else gets captured, with the possible exception of Dirk, who probably gets beheaded instead. things do not look good for our heroes…
Jake English and the Lost Hero
in which we find out exactly what happened in the previous generation
maybe even alternating chapters, past/present? 
what happened basically is that the first generation of trolls, the Ancestors, went absolutely batshit roughly as per homestuck canon. The Condesce, being OP, started just conquering land. She was stopped, eventually, mostly by the epic sacrifice of Rose and Dave. And John…except Rose and Dave’s bodies were found, and in a clusterfuck of inventions warping time and space and reality itself, John’s never was
Jade survived, of course. obviously.
John did, too, it is revealed. He was just disconnected from the time-space continuum, stuck popping up in random times and places, sometimes close to those he loved and sometimes not, mostly uncontrollable…
he’s appeared here and there throughout the stories, probably, a mysterious figure in blue who nearly has time to say something before dissolving into fizzing wind. Now he appears more frequently, and for longer periods as the story goes on, including just enough to help break Roxy and Jake out of prison. And whichever trolls were stubbornly sticking with them - if the Condesce wasn’t just mind-controlling all the reluctant ones…let’s be real, she was…lotta “I know you’re in there somewhere” fights here, probably
also, Vriska reveals herself to still be trying to help our heroes, because it is SO Vriska to try to double-cross Her fucking Imperious Condescension
this double-cross is revealed partly from her using Jake’s minioning safeword that he developed with Grandma Jade, way back when; meaning roughly “I don’t want to do this but I’m not sure I can stop”. It’s pumpkin, of course.
they revivify Dirk on the way out, and either stop in the Condesce’s lab to get sparkily distracted trying to pin John into reality or they make it back to Hellmurder Castle before doing that?
What am I saying. The Condesce is probably working on some spacetime-warping tech of her own, and Roxy, Dirk, and Jake use it to fully anchor John for the first time in…who knows, subjectively? It’s possible he stays behind to buy them time to run
Jake English and the Battle for the Green Sun
in which things come to a head
aka the Battle for Hellmurder Castle, and it’s mysterious and terrible power source
Jane and half or so of the trolls start out on the Condesce’s side, but if you thought there were good “I know you’re in there” fights before, just WAIT until Jake saves Jane with the power of friendship
ultimately, it’s alpha kids + Alternian trolls + dancestor-clanks VS Her Imperial Condescension
it’s close
it’s very close
I would have krilled for an H–EIR—ESS CHALLENGE X3 COMBO, ie, Jane, Feferi, and Meenah vs. the Condesce, so that happens
John maybe appears one last time-displaced time, for him before the events of Lost Hero, to deliver a well-timed hammer swing
I love Jake, but I’ll give Homestuck this one: Roxy getting the final blow with an ancestral Strider sword? Perfect.
in the denoument Jake awkwardly invites everyone to live in Hellmurder Castle, because he feels vaguely like he should stay and look after it, and of course he wants his chums around. Jane, Roxy, and Dirk are all like, “well, a real lab or seven would be amazing…but also…adventuring. Why don’t YOU come with US?” Jake is like, “oh JEEPERS yes!” The trolls and dancestors meanwhile talk out among themselves who genuinely wants to stay and who wants to go out adventuring, either with these idiots or just to make their own way
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falloutglow · 4 years
Random/Obscure OC Questions
tagged by: @ihopethismakessense thank!
Tagging: @glitchvault74, @roachvalentine, @gobs-saloon, @potatocrab, @falloutdovah, @memailikesnukacola, @nuclear-darling, @diredigression@wastelandersparadise @stopraidingmyhearttwo AND THE PERSON READING THIS! YOU WANNA DO IT! HAVE AT IT!
What modern-world candy would they love the most?
Nova would be the candy queen! Her fav kinds would be like Sour Patch Kids, Warheads, Pixy Stix, cinnamon or cherry flavored candy, and those lollipops with like insects inside (she’d scream and shove folks out of the way for a scorpion one tbh)
Echo loves Recess Pieces, mint chocolate, blue raspberry flavored candy (jolly ranchers, gummies, etc), and lemon drops
Whisper definitely a fan of black licorice (why else would she name her cat that), dark chocolate, lemon drops (Echo shares), honey sticks/candy, coffee jelly beans.
Barclay is a fan of peppermints, jelly beans (popcorn and rootbeer are his favs to find lol), Mr. Good Bars, lbr fan of chocolate and peanuts, gummy worms, those wax bottle candies, butterscotch hard candy.
Danny would probably like...red vines, skittles, white chocolate, sour candy, soda flavored candy.
Chocolate? Vanilla? Other?
Chocolate squad - Nova, Whisper, Echo (but depends on the type of chocolate)
Vanilla Beans - Echo, Nova, Barclay
ngl i think I’ve done this one before but I forget WHO likes what askdfhfd
What was their first kiss like, if it has happened?
Honestly? Nova was probably everyone of the Vault Crew’s first kiss. She gotta spread the love and also thinks the whole “First kiss is sacred and must be saved for the right one” Is hella dumb thing to worry about. One of few things she and Danny agree on.
Her first kiss was Echo. Echo made her happy so, as a thank you, she placed her hands on Echo’s cheeks and just pulled her in. It was short and sweet and very damn messy. And then Nova got up and went to go kiss everyone else cause heck! That felt amazing and fun and SHE GOTTA SPREAD THE JOY!!! Meanwhile, Echo was reeling from wtf just happened lol (they’re not interested in each other romantically after a bit of time...in any case their ship name would be “Ballroom Blitz” just saying lol)
The one who held most resistance was Danny, but as they say, when an unstoppable force meets and unmovable object, Nova picked him up, kissed him, and then put him to sleep. Dumbass had stayed up too long.
Barclay was like “Yeah sure!” and felt loads better that the weight of worrying about his first kiss “needing to be perfect” was over. Now he could easily sweet talk any guy without worrying about how good it’d be to kiss them.
Whisper read Nova’s mind and swept Nova off her feet before kissing her. Nova motherfuckin loved it and then ran off to try that on somebody.
Are their parents alive?
Echo & Barclay’s parents (reminder they siblings) are alive and living in Maine. They don’t know it aaaand they don’t know where they are...but they’re out there.
The rest of the vault crew doesn’t know who their parents are and are content with that. What no its not a cop out for me cause I didn’t think about making parents nah nooooo.
What’s their guilty pleasure?
Nova? feeling guilty of anything? PSH
Echo - listening to Silver Shroud, reading uh...certain books, and this girl is motherfuckin touch starved SO
Barclay - music with really good harmonies.
Whisper - listening in telepathically on the drama going on in other people’s lives...beating the shit out of dough 
Danny - ...staying awake longer than he’s supposed to
What’s their favorite ingame location?
I actually haaaave answered this! [here]
What would their World of Warcraft/DnD class be?
I’ve never played WoW so D&D!
Echo - Warlock. I mean come oooon. Dogmeat is totally her eldritch patron god familiar. He thinks she’s neat. This is the spooky class. It her.
Barclay - Bard. He’s 1000% a bard. Dude’s highly charismatic and his powers are vocal/voice based. He’s such a fuckin bard it hurts.
Nova - Barbarian. She fights with her fists and her heart! She MUST be able to deadlift her friends just for the heck of it.
Whisper - Druid. She’d love the FUCK out of being able to shapeshift and also loves animals way more than people but pretends that that is not the case. She’d talk shit about folks with her black cat Licorice.
Danny - Wizard. Absolutely 100% high int, low wis. Thinks he’s better than everyone and is a total asshole. Very easy to defeat lbr. All you gotta do is fuckin put him in a sleeper hold and dumbass is out like a light. Fully believes the whole “Knowledge is power and I’m smarter than you so I’m a god” type of deal.
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foolish-gold · 4 years
Ok so a week or two back I drew a couple of ocs inspired by @crimson-chains Bois series and I decided to write a short piece about how my two got together!
Shirley Temple and Blueberry Cheesecake have been borrowed from the lovely @punkpillywiggin!
It takes all of two seconds for Chocolate Marquise to spot Champagne, once she's safely sequestered herself in one of the quieter corners of the ballroom and started looking at anything other than the walls. She's not dancing, but is surrounded by a small crowd and, with the help of her friend...Shirley Temple? (Marquise really needs to pay more attention to things other than Champagne at these things) is dazzling the crowd. 
Both girls are gorgeous, of course, dark skinned and bright eyed and charming in a way that Marquise has never been able to imitate (not that she's ever really tried, but the point still stands.) But Marquise has been hopelessly gone on Champagne for...god, over a decade at this point. 
The first time they met was gratingly awkward. Champagne was already comfortably settled into her sparkling socialite role, even at sixteen, and her and Shirley Temple had insisted on introductions to everyone at the first few balls they attended. Unfortunately one of these happened to also be Marquise's introduction to high society, having just been allowed into the family business after repeated begging and a handful of tests proving that she'd take it seriously. The problem being that Marquise had wanted in on the business not the parties, no matter how many times her parents insisted that networking is absolutely crucial. Years down the line, she'd realise they were right, but sixteen-year-old-Marquise just knew that she hated dresses and heels and was pretty sure she'd never be able to remember people's names (or at least act like she remembered.) 
Which is when Champagne and Shirley Temple appeared, flanking an older gentleman who was presumably related to one of them, who was introducing them to anyone they pointed him at. Marquise's own father had had to introduce her because she'd frozen. After everyone but Marquise making pleasant small talk for a while (and several pointed attempts to drag Marquise into the conversation,) she'd managed to escape out into the garden which, while cold, was at least only populated by the very few others also trying to avoid conversations.
It was quiet, and something about being surrounded by nothing but plants made Marquise never want to return to the actual party. The plants wouldn't expect her to make small talk or dance well or pretend that stilettos are comfortable. She'd found an intricately carved stone bench lurking in a flowerbed filled with tall grasses and flowers. Her father could come and find her when he wanted to leave.
But then, an hour or so later, Champagne had been sent to find and retrieve her. And instead she'd sat on the other end of the bench and, after a few silent moments, began quietly rambling about the foxgloves in the flowerbed opposite. She was quiet enough that Marquise could have tuned her out, and she didn't press for a response, just sat and rambled until Marquise gathered herself enough to take her hand and lead her back to the ballroom.
Marquise didn't exactly fall then and there, but it was a close thing.
Marquise had quickly learnt she preferred suits to dresses, how to stop herself from freezing anytime someone talked to her, and a decent selection of ballroom dances. It had helped with the anxiety of formal events, but it didn't stop Champagne seeking her out any time she retreated to whatever gardens the various venues had and rambling quietly about plants.
But currently it's far too soon to attempt any sort of retreat. And Marquise does actually have to find the head of an electricity company her father wants to do some business deal (that he never bothered to brief Marquise on) with. So she's got to make contact, network a bit, leave the lady with a good impression, and hope that she'll get a seat at the table when the actual negotiations happen. She probably will.
Marquise successfully finds the woman and makes pleasant small talk with her until an internal timer goes off and she excuses herself. A long enough conversation to stick in the memory, not long enough to bore. Or to make Marquise want to stab herself with a fork. But it's over now. 
Marquise makes her way back around the edge of the ballroom, carefully avoiding eye contact with about five people she vaguely recognises from similar events and a couple she's pretty sure are business partners with her father. On her way, she picks up a couple of wine glasses and spends the rest of the journey trying to not look like she's carrying two. She hovers somewhat near the crowd around Shirley Temple and Champagne until Blueberry Cheesecake spots her and extracts herself. Marquise brightens significantly.
She's been pining after Champagne for years, sure, and the moments they spend together are wonderful soft things that she wouldn't trade for the world, but Blueberry is a good friend. Shirley Temple's girlfriend, an excellent dancer, and most importantly, just about as awkward at these events as Marquise is. It's a friendship built on shared discomfort and not one of these events goes by that Marquise doesn't thank any listening deity that Blueberry is there to make standing in an obscure corner of the room look like socialisation rather than avoidance. 
Blueberry also doesn't tease her mercilessly about her pining. Which is always a plus. She does give Marquise a very knowing look in place of a greeting which is honestly fair. Marquise hands her one of the glasses. She waits until Blueberry has taken a sip before speaking.
"So if I were, perhaps, maybe, considering actually asking Champagne out, do you think tonight would be a good choice? You know. Hypothetically, based on anything you've noticed about her mood, of course."
Marquise is barely through the "maybe" before Blueberry's turned to her with a look of barely suppressed shock and glee. She's known about Marquise's pining basically since they met and has been gently pushing her to act on it pretty much the entire time. Marquise has, in turn, been deflecting the entire time.
"Yes. Do it. If you don't I'll...uh," she fishes for an appropriate threat for a second, "I'll get Shirley to follow you around all evening."
Blueberry grins and Marquise gasps, only a bit hyperbolically. 
"You wouldn't!"
She only gets a grin in response.
"Well I was planning on asking her out anyway, so. Rude for assuming that I'd chicken out."
"Am I wrong though?"
Marquise thinks about the many, many previous opportunities she'd had to actually ask Champagne out.
"I don't have to answer that."
She takes a sip.
"Anyway. Tell me about your latest performance, I hear you charmed another critic?"
Blueberry's smile softens as she launches into a description of a performance from a couple of weeks ago. Marquise had been planning on watching, but had got stuck on a business trip on the other side of the country at just the wrong time. Still, now she gets to chat to Blueberry about something that isn't her love life, so. You win some you lose some.
About an hour later, Shirley appears, all bright smiles and pink & gold hair. She whisks her girlfriend onto the dance floor with a wink to her companion and oh. That's Champagne. Marquise shouldn't be surprised given they were clearly together earlier and, to be fair, it's not really Champagne's presence that surprises her, rather it's that Shirley has clearly deliberately left Champagne with Marquise. 
Marquise isn't sure whether to thank or curse her for it.
Champagne smiles at her.
"May I have this dance?"
Marquise stares at the offered hand for just long enough that Champagne visibly hesitates.
Champagne laughs at that, bubbly and light and clearly tinged with relief, before Marquise takes her hand and is led onto the dance floor.
Champagne leads her in some dance style that Marquise learnt but never learnt the name for. She's grateful because with the way Champagne is looking at her, she's pretty sure she'd just freeze if she was expected to lead. It's slow and simple, the steps come easily despite it being...too long since she last danced.
"I hear you managed to pull off…" Champagne hesitates slightly, "some sort of important business deal?"
Champagne visibly stifles the wince that Marquise gives her for that question.
"Trust me, you do not want to talk about that. It was. Pretty boring even for me, and I actually cared about the outcome. However, you said something about lavender being a good starter plant and now I need you to tell me what I should plant with it because I have no idea what I'm doing."
Champagne laughs at that and launches into an explanation of various options.
It's surprisingly easy to keep the conversation going, though perhaps it shouldn't be surprising given how many times Champagne has followed her into gardens or winding corridors. The dancing itself becomes incidental until Marquise, in a fit of confidence, dips Champagne. She goes willingly and easily and that startles Marquise almost more than her own actions.
She holds Champagne in the dip too long. Enough that their eyes lock and her breath hitches in her throat and she almost drops her. Instead, Champagne subtly adjusts her own feet so she's less at risk of falling and glances almost pointedly at Marquise's lips. Marquise is suddenly awfully aware of every point of contact between them. 
Before she can start overthinking absolutely everything, Champagne leans up and kisses her.
It takes a moment before she can even think to reciprocate. But she manages it and straightens up, dragging Champagne with her. Champagne is still kissing her. It's...perfect. Sweet and soft and a little desperate and for the first time it occurs to Marquise that maybe all the pining had been a bit mutual.
Eventually Marquise comes back to herself enough to hear someone wolf-whistle and. Ah. Right. That's Shirley Temple. Marquise and Champagne are still in the middle of the ballroom. Champagne breaks the kiss and smiles at Marquise and fuck she still looks perfect.
"Shall we take this to the garden?" Champagne's voice is very slightly breathless and it takes an incredible amount of self control for Marquise to nod instead of kissing her again.
It's honestly probably a miracle that she doesn't stumble on the way out of the ballroom, hand in hand with the love of her life, but she manages it. She leads Champagne to a bench surrounded by foxgloves and kisses her under the stars.
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umbralich · 4 years
Never ending survey
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RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs!
Tagged by: @lareine-kira and @paleshadeofrose
Tagging: @hangedemperor , @istolin , @maximiloix , @trahja-tia , @eorzeasfrozenknight , @charm-in-spades , @thorcatte , @haila-wetyios , @a-sharlayan-abroad
FULL NAME: Varg Blacksoul, formerly Timur Oronir NICKNAME: Varg-Varg (given by Lareine), Stiffy and Grumpy (given by Silke) AGE:  54 BIRTHDAY:  9th sun of the 1st astral moon ETHNIC GROUP: Xaela Au Ra NATIONALITY: Othard, Ishgard LANGUAGE/S: Common, xaelic, ishgardian SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single and not looking for company. HOME TOWN / AREA:  Dawn Throne, Azim Steppe CURRENT HOME:  Pillars, Ishgard PROFESSION: Paladin, medic/healer at Ishgard’s service.
HAIR: Long and silvery grey. EYES: Black with white limbal rings, small irises. FACE: Angular features, long nose, high cheekbones. LIPS: Narrow, often cracked, slightly darker than his usual skin color. COMPLEXION: Grayish purple BLEMISHES: Dark circles SCARS: Lots of scars which he keeps hidden at all times. Two thick, long ones are visible and almost go across his right eye. TATTOOS: No tattoos. HEIGHT:  210cm WEIGHT: Slightly underweight BUILD: Slender but masculine, somewhat toned. FEATURES: Black markings around eyes, and naturally thick, black claws. ALLERGIES: None USUAL HAIR STYLE: At work or formal meetings it’s combed back either completely or with some locks on his temples left loose. In more casual situations he mostly just lets it be. USUAL FACE LOOK: Calm, focused, narrowed eyes. USUAL CLOTHING:  Full, dignified heavy armor or parts of it combined with a long coat, formal robes, jodhpurs, vests, blouses and high-heeled boots.
FEAR/S: Imprisonment, being held or tied down, physical pain, betrayal. ASPIRATION/S: To be successful, self-sufficient and powerful until the end, to bring as many as possible wrongdoers to justice, to find an heir, and catch people still on the loose who managed to escape his revenge long ago.
POSITIVE TRAITS: He keeps his word, doesn’t leave things unfinished, is a good motivator for slackers, aims for high-quality results in everything, is reasonable and logical.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Insensible towards most of people, logic always comes before his own or other people’s feelings, very straightforward, capable of cruelty if necessary.
VICE HABIT/S: Smoking. He hates it, but it’s the least harmful thing that calms his nerves down, and he’s addicted. He tries to limit it though, and use it only in worst occasions, since he doesn’t want the side effects affecting his health or work. If things get especially grim, he also has full stashes of potent liquor and intravenous sedatives.
FAITH: Science usually comes first, but he’s also spiritual in some way. It’s one of those topics he doesn’t discuss with anyone. Some of his duties include working as a cleric, so it may have something to do with Halone. Or then it doesn’t, and it’s just another job.
GHOSTS?: Has seen them with his own eyes so can’t deny their existence. AFTERLIFE?: He hopes it exists, for reasons. REINCARNATION?: It’s a possibility.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Generally neutral, but on demand would choose the side of underdogs: ignoble, the poor and the sick, minors etc. Wouldn’t show his alignment publicly if it was a threat to himself. Would also pretend to be supporting the oppressor, only trying to sabotage their work at every opportunity. Even I’m not sure would he actually die for anyone else or some common cause. He has fled once to save his own hide and he could do it again. Knows main points of what’s going on and where around the world for the sake of common knowledge, but is only interested in topics that concern himself. Has been a target for racists since arriving to Ishgard as a teenager, so he despises them from the bottom of his heart.
FATHER : Not relevant MOTHER :  Not relevant SIBLINGS : None that he knows of EXTENDED FAMILY: Iris Ymir (patient and protege) and Arsene Dreadeois (butler)
Timur is a Turkic and Mongolic name which literally means iron. In Indonesian, timur translates to east and symbolizes hope by the rising sun.
All members of the Oronir tribe believe themselves to be direct descendants of Azim, the tribe's god of the sun.
Varg is wolf in swedish. Varg was also originally a nickname given by his friends at the Steppe. It was the only thing he kept after starting his new life in Ishgard and severing his ties with his homeland.
Blacksoul was given by his comrades in the army for being so ruthless towards enemies - both the ones on the battlefield and the ones captured.
BOOK:  Science, mythology, swordplay, alchemy, etc. Everything that has something to do with his work or hobbies. DEITY: Halone seems to share most of his values. HOLIDAY: Doesn’t celebrate any. MONTH: September and October. There isn’t many little things in life he gets pleasure from, but fall colors is one of them. SEASON: Fall and winter. PLACE: His estate, cathedrals, libraries and forges. WEATHER: Thick fog, rain and sunshine at the same time. SOUND/S: Fire, rain and musical instruments when someone who actually knows what they’re doing plays them. SCENT/S: Herbs, iron, parchment. TASTE/S:  Whisky, tea, whatever Arsene makes. FEEL/S:  Clean clothes, heat radiating from a fireplace. ANIMAL/S:  Doesn’t like animals except for his chocobo, Mori. NUMBER: Doesn’t care about numbers. COLORS: White, black, blood red, gold, silver.
TALENTS: Accuracy of a chirurgeon, skillful with swords, managing to define a goal fast in any kind of surprising situation and being very patient and stubborn at achieving it.  BAD AT: Admitting he has weaknesses, comforting people, having fun, small talk, relaxing. HOBBIES: Reading, studying, weapon maintenance, alchemy. TROPES: Antihero, tragic hero and mad scientist. Definitely could also be a villain. Depends on whom you ask.
“Since you seem to be so worried of my… customers, perhaps I should take you along the next time I interrogate them. You would see with your own eyes what kind of delicate, exquisite and misunderstood individuals they are, when they spit on you, mock their victims and brag about the amount of people they have raped or murdered.”
“Today it happens. Make sure she is out of here before I return tonight. I am no longer even sure which one of them is the worse one.”
“It was a mere procedure. If procedures were considered intimate, I would be close friends with half of Ishgard by now.”
“Do tell me... If you work as much as you claim, how come you are always broke when we meet?”
“Very well. Play something for me. Let us see are you a man of your word.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  He’s been busy sticking his spoon into so many soups during his life that you could probably make a trilogy of his fooleries feats. The first part would tell about his early life in Azim Steppe and how he was forced to leave from there, the second part about how he found his soulmate and adapted to his new life in Ishgard, and how it all eventually ended up into a shitstorm, and the third one would be the current storyline. No clue about the name, though. The Soulforge would be perfect but too bad it’s taken.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Amnesia the Dark Descent OSTs are absolutely the closest ones you could get to Varg. Orchestral, choir, bowed string instruments, both epic and monstrous. Even if there were more peaceful pieces here and there, while listening to them you’d still have that same feeling of dread you used to have while playing the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill games and finding a safe room: you just barely escaped death but can’t stay in the safe haven forever.
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : He’s quite different compared to my Forsaken shadow priestess in WoW, whom I used to RP for... two or three years? Long story short: I wanted something else for a change. I also used to have an old Forsaken death knight, who was a lot more similar to Varg, but he was more evil. He existed pretty much only for occasions when someone needed a true villain for some plot. He was funny however and I always thought it was a pity I didn’t get chances to RP him more often.
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 : He’s a mixture of four different OCs of mine, with a bit of his original spice ofc. One of them came into being in, uh, somewhat obscure conditions. Kept seeing him in my dreams when I was a kid, and he became one of my imaginary friends I used to have back then. And not just one of the many, but the closest one. Also generally in entertainment I couldn’t care less about Lukes and Frodos. Villains, tragic heroes and the like are my thing. They’re usually the most multilayered and interesting characters.
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : Perfectionism. I’m similar and it sometimes drives me nuts to watch him neglecting himself while trying to achieve perfection. If I could physically talk to him I would go and slap him and be like “EAT. SLEEP. YES THE THING IS GOOD ENOUGH ALREADY. LEAVE IT.”
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  Well, already kind of answered this one, but wait, there’s more: insomnia, nightmares, PTSD, misanthropy and cynicism come to mind first. And booze. How could I almost forget booze? I believe I know what misery is so I’m good at RPing miserable characters and make them look as authentic as possible. *lols like Alcyone from Magic Knight Rayearth* We both also have a strong sense of justice and nonexistent sympathy for those who use others as stepping stones. Aye I know, sounds a lot like a self-insert character, but it’s not like that. It’s more like... before meeting him/the OCs he’s based on, I used to be quite a scentless and tasteless kid. Similarities and peer support attract. And I’ve also learned from him.
It’s also a lot like me and Lareine. We became friends because we had 95% of the same interests and problems but perhaps that’s why we get along so well and understand each other.
Q7 :  How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :  He would probably hate and like me at the same time. Or couldn’t decide. We both like peace and quiet, doing our job well is fundamental and our basic values are pretty much the same. We would get along well if we worked in the same place. However, unlike him, I have some horrid procrastination seasons, crippling self-esteem issues, tend to put other people’s needs and opinions above my own and keep stressing about things for 7 billion souls instead of just myself. I’m suspicious of pretty much everything else except Lareine and our plushie crow Agatha, except that Agatha creeps me out sometimes as well when she takes out a knife and sits next to my bed at night, staring at me, can’t watch Hachiko without bawling my eyes out during the entire movie, love puppies and kittens and danger noodles and I’m addicted to video games. Very likely he’d kick me out as well.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : Varg would never admit it to himself, but I think he gets best along with people who are a bit silly in some way, and who get on his nerves by being too carefree and doing stupid things. Lareine and Iris, when they’re behaving. Arsene, who’s kind at everyone. Currently Shaura is my favorite. Varg himself is so uptight people like them help breaking his gray routines. Also a bonus: he doesn’t see them as a threat, so that’s probably the closest he’s able to get to relaxing among other people.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : I’m a fan of my own characters. It doesn’t feel like I would’ve created them. I saw them with my third eye or something and I’ve just written for others to read what I’ve seen. I don’t plan RPs beforehand. I just let the hound loose and let him do whatever he wants. So far I haven’t got tired of my characters’ antics and could just write more. The only obstacles are limited hours per day, necessary evils like eating and sleeping, procrastination, trying to sort out my life, and the damn FFXIV. SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE IT OUT OF MY HANDS.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : Ehh, maybe 4-5 hours.
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theangriestpea · 5 years
New Heights
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Summary: Sweet Pea has the fastest time on the rock climbing wall housed inside of his work at a fitness shop. What happens when he challenges a coworker to a race? An obscure AU based on a dream I had.
Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC (Lavender Rhodes)
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warnings: none!
“So, what do you say, Rhodes?” Sweet Pea asked as he looked over at the shorter girl. “You in?”
He watched her assess the rock climbing wall that was situated behind him. Her eyes ran from the old fashioned bell on top all the way to the bottom. It was a decent size for the indoor facility. It was also well-known that Sweet Pea held the fastest time.
She focused on his face boldly, “you have the advantage. You’re a foot taller than me.” Of course she felt that Pea simply used his size to win each time. Certainly his bulging biceps that peaked out under his uniform shirt didn’t have anything to do with it.
Sweet Pea quirked a brow at her. “Alright, you can have a head start.” He reasoned. “I will start a minute after you.”
She wasn’t sure why he was even betting her to begin with. Since she had started working at Sports Plus, Sweet Pea had generally avoided her after giving her a minimal amount of training. It wasn’t necessarily a cold shoulder, but rather he seemed to go out of his way to not speak with her unless he absolutely had to. Now here he was asking to race her on the rock wall.
Lavender was giving him a skeptical look, “and if you win, I have to work your Saturday shift? But if I win?”
His gaze stayed on her face, though they wanted to venture downward. He was always sure to keep things professional while at work, even going so far as to keep his tattoos covered despite his boss telling him it wasn’t necessary. Luckily Toni had matched him with a good covering foundation he could just slap on and not have to worry about wearing an awful turtleneck.
“What do you want?” He questioned, not really knowing what would be a good exchange since he didn’t know her all that well. Admittedly that was mostly his fault.
She tapped her chin with her pointer finger as she thought about what she wanted. A sly smiled spread across her lips, “a date.”
Sweet Pea worked hard to keep a look of shock from overcoming his face. He kept his cool, having no idea that she was even remotely interested in him. “You want me to take you out on a date?” He asked, just to make sure that he was hearing her correctly.
Lavender shrugged nonchalantly, as if it weren’t a big deal though her heart was thumping loudly in her chest. She mostly just wanted to get to know him. His attractiveness and somewhat cocky personality was just a plus. Normally she wouldn’t have the courage to just ask him out, but she decided to go for it. He did ask her what she wanted and this was something that she definitely wanted. “Yea, why not?”
Pea chose not to answer that. Instead he looked at the watch, “alright, I’ll close up. You might want to change into something else.” He said as he glanced over her khaki pants and T-shirt.
Lav rolled her eyes at him, “why don’t I check on the facing instead? Then we can both change.” She said, pointing out his similar attire. Sweet Pea simply shrugged before going to check the store for any lingering customers.
They successfully closed the store together and changed in the locker rooms. Sweet Pea put on a pair of loose basketball shorts and a tank top. Lavender was in a tight, short part of workout shorts as well as a fitted tee that was somewhat too short thanks to her breasts. Slivers of skin around her hips and stomach were peeking out.
Sweet Pea tried not to linger on those flashes of flesh. He licked his lips as he handed her the safety harness. Lav slipped it on as Sweet Pea put his on as well. They hooked their harnesses to the carabiners.  
“One minute.” He reminded her, “then I’ll start. You can start whenever you’re ready.”
Lavender nodded her head, getting into position against the wall. She took a moment to take a deep breath and concentrate. Sweet Pea was an enigma to her. She wanted to know him better. She wanted to put something more in depth to his name besides his pretty face. In order to do this she needed to spend more time with him.
Normally she didn’t think he’d agree to go on a date with her. This seemed to be her only chance. To win this she needed to be focused. She needed to not look at him and simply hope that he wouldn’t outdo her even with the head start.
Her hands moved to cup the grips on the wall. After another second of hesitation she hoisted herself up, scaling the wall with a surprising amount of expertise. What Pea didn’t know is that Lavender climbed the wall fairly often to blow off steam. She usually did this on days he wasn’t working so he never actually witnessed her climb. This was probably her advantage over him.
Sweet Pea couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she ascended. He noticed for the first time how lean her arms and legs were, how her biceps flexed when she pulled herself upwards. He had never seen her bare legs before, usually clad in long pants as per their dress code. They looked so smooth and toned as they worked just as hard as her arms to quickly scale the wall.
Finally his eyes rested on her rear, how perfect it looked in the harness and tight shorts she was wearing. He bit his lip and his watch beeped, letting him know his minute was up.
Sweet Pea started up the wall quickly, wanting to win so he didn’t have to work on Saturday. His eyes kept wandering to her ass and he could have sworn she was slightly arching her back just to tease him. The skin of her lower back giving him almost a preview of what she might look like naked.
He swallowed hard, trying to concentrate as he moved up so that he was almost parallel to her. Lavender seemed to get a second wind, her speed increasing so that her backside was only a foot from his face. He could smell her perfume, the light floral scent almost intoxicating.
His thoughts were lost once more before he heard the bell ring. Pea’s eyes snapped up to see Lavender smirking proudly down at him. Had she noticed his stare? He wasn’t sure but she looked very pleased with herself at this very moment.
She repelled down before he could say anything. Pea was still in a state of shock before following down after her. “You cheated.” Sweet Pea said, unhooking himself from the carabiner. He wasn’t mad per se, just annoyed that he wouldn’t be getting the day off now.
“I didn’t cheat. I hustled.” Lavender corrected, unhooking herself as well. “You never asked how experienced I was in rock climbing. You just assumed I wasn’t very good at it. I get it, I don’t look like the athletic type. Most customers wonder what I’m even doing here. But looks are deceiving, Pea. That’s not who I am at all.”
Guilt struck him as he realized that she was right. He had just assumed she was out of place here at Sports Plus. He figured she just got a job here because they were hiring and the pay wasn’t half bad. He had been completely wrong and the thought of that had him feeling almost sick. Growing up he hated when people judged him and now here he had done the exact same thing.
He didn’t know what to say. He decided to change the subject, “so I guess I owe you a date.”
A smile broke across her face, “that was the deal. But hey, Peaches owes me a favor. I’ll have her cover your Saturday shift, okay? You can still get off to do whatever you need to do.”
Sweet Pea tried not to smile back at her, thinking that if he did he might somehow appear weak. “Thanks, Shanna.”
Lavender let out a small laugh, delighted that he called her by something other than her last name. She nudged him with her shoulder playfully, “no problem. Just show me a good time.”
He smirked down at her, a hint of mischief glittering in his eye, “I think I can do that.”
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messymagician · 4 years
The Devil’s due
Sarah (Arcana OC) X Julian (Arcana) Follows the main plot story, with changes. Just shy of 4k words. ________________________________________________________________
Chapter 5 : Salty and bitter.
A gentle touch to the shoulder made the rather scruffy-looking magician grumble and gripe from her sleep. Scrunching up her little round nose as quiet chuckles roused her awake. "Mrrrrrmmmm…. What year is it?" She sighed sarcastically while lifting both palms to her face to squish the sleepiness from her eyes. Yikes she felt awful. Not mentally, just physically. Her knees were stiff and it felt as though both of her eyes had been left dry all night.
"I'm going to be heading out, I wanted to give you something before I leave." Asra soothed quietly, enjoying the sight of Sarah's almost childlike waking grumpiness. 
It had been longer than he could remember since he'd had such a sudden connection to someone. But something about her… it was familiar. In the best possible way. Like being wrapped in a warm blanket that reminded oneself of home; watching her little mannerisms felt like a long lost pass-time.
Her drowsiness setting aside eased him back into the present, taking her hand to deposit something small but sturdy into her palm. Standing up and throwing a long shawl over his shoulder. "For the shop. You're welcome to stay whenever you need to."
She didn't have much time to both process his words, investigate the item, and thank him so the latter fell to the wayside temporarily. Flipping the chunk of metal over in her hand before the light morning blindness set aside and she could clearly see what it was. A key. Chunky and unpolished.
Oh wait, this is a key to here?! Her mouth opens to object but the front door clicks downstairs and as she quickly scans the room for Asra it seems he's already outside. Leaving her sitting with her legs dangling off of the spare bed for a moment. A key to the shop. Wow. Her meltdown yesterday must've really had some kind of impression huh. She huffed through her nose, struggling out from under the covers.
It looked like it was just past dawn. Not quite midday yet, the sun still hanging low in the morning position. A few flocks of pigeons sat softly cooing to one another on the opposing roofs outside. She stretches out, feeling her shoulders pop, before getting up and immediately going to explore the shop. There are so many cool things to look at, most of which totally blew over her head last night. She fumbled down the steep staircase and dropped the last two steps in one jump, feeling the last of her dopey waking-up brain finally turn its lights on.
The sweet smell of tea and cinnamon from last night has faded. Leaving a colder, but much fresher, air in the room. Her stomach rumbled hungrily but it was eclipsed by eager out-loud reading of ingredient bottles stored behind the front desk. "Ground amethyst, acorn tops, charmed writing quill ink, powdered pearls… Asra must have collected these himself." She mumbled to nobody in particular while turning a vial of melted lavender buds over in her hands. 
An indeterminate amount of time had passed. Sarah, totally lost to the exploration of the shop's inventory, was startled by a loud knocking at the front door that made her jolt upright directly into the shelf above. Smoothing down her hair shortly after with a grumble. A customer? But she's not the store owner. Should she let-
"Sarah? Are you here? It's Portia- milady said that the other magician had you here last night-" a wave of relief made her eyes almost roll at Portia's little voice coming from behind the door. Briskly jogging over to pull it open, seemingly to the curvy woman's only brief surprise. "So you are here, I owe that new guy some money." She sweetly sings with a bright look to her rosy face. Portia was a lovely little hard worker, around Sarah's height but with just an absolute mountain of messy constantly curly hair tied back behind her head. If she didn't know her and Julian were siblings she probably could've guessed based on their hair alone. "We need to talk…"
"God, don't remind me. Julian was saying that all day yesterday." She cringed, stepping aside to let them in. Her words seemingly slipping Portia's mind as her little eyes got temporarily distracted by the sights inside.
"Wow, this is what the shop looks like? He wasn't lying huh, it really is a place for magical doo-hickeys." Her hands brushed along a crystal ball before she shook her head quickly and moved onto a long cabinet of herbs.
"...You said we needed to talk?"
"Oh! Sorry, Sarah. You're right." She swallows, placing a hand at her hip and cocking her head. "Milady wanted me to come check up on you. Um, see how you were doing on the investigation. You know with Ily- ...Julian." her cheery demeanour seems to diminish. Melting at the heavy weight of her love for her brother and her duty to Countess Nadia.
Sarah felt a sting of guilt and pity. This poor girl has Julian of all people as a brother. Being hunted down must be rough on her just as much as him. "Do you want me to catch him?" She asks gently, watching Portia's expression widen after being caught off guard.
"Me? Why would that matter?"
"He's your brother. And if Nadia catches him she'll…" The words struggle to come out. The both of them feeling sickly at what they already know is coming. "...He'll be hanged. Portia, are you really ok with that?"
"I-.... No. Are you?" She asks back innocently. As of trying to gauge Sarah's affinity toward her brother and her job. 
But the answer was clear even to a blind man. Her brows pinching and turning up in mild worry. "No." 
The previous unease in Portia's shoulders evaporates along with a long low breath. Like the concern never existed, a bright smile pierces her freckled cheeks. "Great! So we're partners then." She winks mischievously. Putting a smile back on Sarah's face too.
"Partners?" She echoes back as Portia's hair flops to one side over her shoulder 
"Well, we both want the same thing. Right? You don't want my brother to die. I don't want my brother to die." Hmm. That is certainly a way of putting it. Though Portia quickly rolls her eyes and looks fed up. "Now we just have to make sure my brother doesn't want my brother to die."
"We need to get him out of the city." The little Devorak starts, placing both hands comfortably in front of her in a streamlined way. "As long as he's in Vesuvia, he's in danger." And as much as the plan sounded good something gnawed irritably at Sarah's ankles.
"Is he really going to let us help?" She asked uncertainty, watching Portia pout enough to give her an answer without words. If last night was any clue, Julian wasn't easy to just 'help' without getting some fussy kickback.
"Sounds like you're talking from experience." She griped, watching Sarah's chest heave in a long sigh. 
"I am… last night-"
"Last night?" Portia quickly interjects, shushing her own surprise with pursed lips. It seems both siblings have a knack for trying to carry the conversation. It made Sarah smile a little despite the topic's contents.
"Yes. He… kept distancing himself. Trying to get me to go away, saying he needed to do things alone…"
Portia nodded firmly, rolling her eyes and flipping a small curl of fiery hair out of her face. "That sounds like Ilya, alright. Let me guess, he said it was to keep you safe?" Was he like this to everyone? Both his sister and the mysterious wizard, Asra, seemed to already know what would have transpired during last night's outing. It only made her more irritated that she fell for it and didn't fight harder. 
A soft look of recognition passes Portia's blue eyes. "He used to do that to me all the time when we were younger. Never let me handle anything… Always shouldering someone else's burdens, while lamenting how heavy the load is." A short pause let Sarah giggle at Portia's dramatic body language when pretending to be 'faint' from dragging the world's problems around. "I mean, it's nice to hear he's still my same brother. And now that I'm older, maybe I can finally help carry that weight. Ilya needs people he can rely on…" 
A spark intertwined between the two as they locked eyes. Some form of eager anticipation almost palpable in the fabric-scented air as Sarah pulled up the key to the shop and Portia grinned firmly. "He might need you. So let's go find him."
"Do you know where he went?" The obvious tone of both quiet challenge and mild intrigue made Portia head for the door. Already knowing that seeking out this Magician was a very good idea… for everyone's sake. 
"I think I might know where he is. Follow me."
A heavy scent of booze and old wood filled Sarah's lungs as the tavern door swung open with little resistance. Inside was well lit with candles that hung in old bird cages from greying ropes. Several very plain and very old looking metal tankards clapped against grainy wooden tables. The atmosphere seemingly inviting them in, a little prepared for trouble.
Low-grumbling murmurs and hushed conversations made the air feel alive. A big, almost stereotypically, burly man behind the bar stood cleaning his mugs. Only stopping for a moment to nod their way before going back to his work. Oh yeah. This is absolutely the place.
Portia also seemed sure Julian would be hiding out here. A firm and unshakable look of certainty to her blue eyes. "Trust me. I know my brother. He'd definitely hang at a place called The Rowdy Raven."  Her round elbow jabs playfully into Sarah's side, which she returns with a small nudge while their eyes scan the room in opposing directions. A semi-hidden spark of auburn forcing Sarah to double-take in it's seat. Sighing as she puts a hand on Portia's shoulder to get her attention.
Julian. Slumped drearily over a table with his face obscured by a thick tangle of indescribably frazzled hair. A tall glass mug in one hand and several more littering the table. All but the one he's loosely holding onto are empty. "Oh boy." Grumbles Portia from behind Sarah's arm. "There he is. Listen, when he gets like this, what he really needs is a good boot to the ass. You want to deliver it or should I?"
"A boot to the ass." Sarah repeats, with an almost cute scrunched up expression. As if she was trying her damnedest to look angry. Oh boy did she have the boot, she just had to stop feeling sorry for him first. He did this to himself and now they were going to drag his sorry boney butt out of it! 
"Alright, you're up then." With a final pat to the back Portia let Sarah approach first. Clearing her throat as loudly as she could manage while crossing her arms to look bigger.
The semi-wasted man seems to jump a tad at the sound of his name being addressed so clearly. Almost dropping the slightly swaying cup in his hand while hauling his forehead away from the table. Looking up with an obviously not quite focused eye. Dazed for a moment before it shot wide open. "Sarah!" His speech was a little fumbled. But then again…. When wasn't it? "You uhhh- you're here. In the Raven. In front of me." There was a note of unprepared disbelief before he could straighten a little more. The collar of his white flowing shirt crooked on one side. "What, uh. What are you doing here?"
"What are YOU doing here. It's the middle of the day!" Portia barks from behind her now taking point to Sarah's right.
"It's never too early for a glass of Salty Bitters. Bartholomew makes a grand one. Barth! Hey, Barth!" Julian yells over the barely talking crowd, making Sarah's cheeks go red with embarrassment. "Two more bitters, would you?"
"Julian!" She whines, quickly re-centring his attention on her. "This is stupid, you're liable to be caught, acting like this."
He sneers cockily, only making her frown. "Caught? Me, caught?" Though within a matter of seconds it dissolves. Leaving only a sad mope. "Mmmm. Good. I deserve it." Just as fast as his mood changed before, it swiftly changed again. Clearly influenced heavily by the bitters. Throwing his arms out in a dramatic fashion. Backhanding a chair on accident that wobbles precariously before settling back down. "You must be relieved. Even if you weren't last night, well. Just look at me now, hmm? I'm all…. I'm all washed up. You'd better get out of here, before I drag you both down too."
Armed with the hindsight of last time, and both Portia and Asra's unsurprised reaction to the story, Sarah feels her crossed arms tighten. Not this time you sad sack of fermented leech juice, she's not going anywhere. Sarah wasn't about to walk out on him drowning himself in drink and dramatic sorrows while he gets arrested. "No."
"I- er, what?" He spluttered, having almost put the mug back in his mouth to drink. Staring at her in disbelief.
"We aren't leaving." She reiterated firmly, glancing over to Portia who gave a small hidden thumbs up to relieve her tension.
Julian looked positively stunned. Sitting in confused silence for a while before groaning and flopping his head noisily back down onto the table. Pressing his cheek into the wood grooves while his eye closed. His voice now partially muffled and very quiet. A reluctant retry at the same shtick. "I don't want either of you two tangled up in this mess. I can't be the reason you get hurt."
"Oh drop it already." Sarah lowered her crossed arms, knocking Portia's shoulder as a signal to chime in. 
"We get to decide that, Ilya, not you! Stop trying to push us away."
"I-" His cheeks flushed red beneath the mop of hair where his face was. Lifting back up to look at them both in a dry-mouthed stupor. "Well, you both came all this way…" turning the charming less serious act back on with a mild smile. "Why don't you pull up a seat? Take a load off. Have a Salty Bitters. They're disgusting……….  I've had five."
His admission of guilty drinking was almost funny. Given any other situation, Sarah would have likely found that statement hilarious and joined him. This, however, was not the time to sit and wait. "Well… we have two options. We can either spend all day here, crying into our drinks-" She gestures down at his mug with her head, raising her brows a little despite the half-lidded glare underneath them. A quiet 'you should they're delicious-' mumbling from Julian as she continued. "Or we can find out the truth, and discover what really happened."
Before any answer could be made Portia jumped in with her own. "Or, third option, we get Julian out of town and figure the rest out later!" She squeaked in mild distress. Obviously not trusting either of them to keep Julian out of trouble enough to make sure he's not caught.
He sighs, running a glove up through his mess of hair. "I can't just run away, Pasha. I tried it before, didn't turn out so well. It's time to face the music.  
Looking exasperated, Portia rolls up her sleeves. "Fine, fine. So, if you didn't kill the count. Someone else must have, right?"
Julian's already red face seems to only get redder before he settles down. Trying to think through the hazy fog of one too many Salty Bitters. "I'm, I… didn't actually think about that. Either I did, or there's another killer on the loose." His charmed smile comes back after a moment. Considering the two little dumpling women in front of him with a silent hum. "Which is…. Bad. It's bad, if there's another murderer out there who isn't me." Catching his slowly rising concern with a side of sarcasm. "Though let's, uh. Let's be clear here. All signs point to me."
"If you mean signs as in; the fact you confessed, then yes. But other than that…. There …. Isn't really much evidence at all when you think about it." Sarah's hands lower from their crossed guard, landing squarely at her hips. The candle lanterns above, and quiet Rowdy Raven style music coming from a small band in the corner, threatening to unravel her seriousness with it's bubbly attitude. 
Portia jumping back in as she leans over the table. "We still don't know that, Ilya! Shouldn't we find out for sure?"
He sits in relative silence for a moment. Eyeing the two troublesome pains in his ass. "I suppose we should. But …" finally the tenderness in his shoulders. A sparkle of victory lighting up his verbal assailants eyes. "...I don't think I can do this on my own."
Yes! Finally! If only she'd tried this last night.  Though, Portia was a huge help too in getting him to back down. Both of their satisfied blue eyes met for a minute before they were grinning from ear to ear. "It's a good thing you don't have to, then! We can all figure it out together." Sarah's voice was restrained from being a shout, but she was clearly very excited. 
Portia interrupts once more, a hand to her lips in thought. "So, if we can't get Julian out of the city yet, what's the next step?" She asked with a little shrug. The loose shirt she wore slipping off of one of her shoulders.
Oh. Yeah. The plan was to get him out of town. They'd discussed it on the way here… but it seems that plan has quickly changed course. Sarah mulled over their options in silence, running through a few scenarios before nodding firmly. Julian's life and freedom was now hanging from a rope, like before, only now there were steps underneath to get him out safely. But how to reach them… what would be the first action to take in proving his innocence. A frustration settled in the pit of her stomach, realising that every which way this happened they would need both Julian's lost memories as well as him being in the palace. A place not easy to get into if you're well known for murdering the count.
With a reluctant wave of her dainty hand Sarah curled the nearby lantern smoke into a quick visualisation of the palace. Much to Portia's poorly hidden delight at the sight of magic but underlying worry on realising where it was. "We should start at the scene of the crime." She roughly pointed to the palace's smoky form. Her ocean eyes narrowing on where she knew Lucio's wing to be. "It might help jog Julian's memory."
Julian opened his mouth ready to point out the glaring flaw in that plan but Portia beat him to it. "It won't be a problem for us, but how will Ilya get into the palace undetected?" She whines, thinking Sarah hadn't planned that far ahead yet. "If someone sees him it's all over."
Admittedly the how of this goal was still slipping her mind. She tried to look reassuring while searching the wood train a in the table for clues before a little candle lit up in her head. If they saw Julian he's as good as toast. But what if…. They didn't see him specifically? What if he… didn't look like himself. Her brow creased with uncertainty. It was a risky spell to perform but she knew she could do it. She had used the spell a few times before… but couldn't quite remember when. "I know some magic…. That might help with that." She squinted, mulling it over before feeling a front confidence pickle at her sides. "A spell to disguise him, make it so that we can walk in without him being recognised."
"What, you mean I'd become another person?" Julian's hair bobbed with his dramatic head movement. Looking up at Sarah and finally letting go of his mug of leftover bitters. "But who would I become?" The question was a dreaded one. She needed someone relatively unknown but in her memory strong enough to look right. Not only that, but they needed to have a logical reason to be travelling with Portia and herself.
A single person came to mind. As much as she didn't want to betray the kind strangers trust so soon after meeting them it's the only conclusion that made sense after several mental retakes. She bites her lip uncomfortably, looking discreetly at Julian's sleeve while debating whether she should tell him who she had in mind. They seemed to know each other, he had guessed Julian's entire talk with her last night… "I can only think of one person but… let's change you outside. Out of sight." Sarah cringed, already feeling her fingertips tingle.
Moving the off-kilter doctor proved to be a hassle as he tried quite valiantly to stay upright. Swaying this way and that, occasionally tripping over his own long boots as they all went outside. The crisp air was clean and cold compared to in the Rowdy Raven but it was a very welcome breath of fresh air. The sky was nice and blue now that it had hit midday. The tumbling trio scuttled away to a damp corner. Dark and out of sight, exactly as they had been looking for.
Sarah felt her nerves knot and twist as the disguise spell came to mind. Taking a deep breath to centre herself and closing her eyes. She just needed to see him… the cloud like fluffy white hair. His shining purple gaze. The ever so slight golden tint to his skin. She could almost smell the shop again, hanging from his shawl. Not wanting the vision to fade she quickly fumbled into her pocket for a handful of indescribable powder. Grey and unassuming. Before blowing it directly at Julian.
The powder shifted in the before shimmering like glitter and fading. Settling onto his scrunched up face as he avoided inhaling for a second. It…. Worked. He didn't look like himself any more. No blood red hair, no silver moon eye…
Portia seemed staggered by the sudden change for a second, staring with vague familiarity. "Ohh, who's that? He's handsome!" She gasps, watching her tall brother twist and turn to try to see himself. Though it seemed to him nothing looked different. Only to them… "What, what? What do I look like?" After fruitlessly trying to spot the change he scuttled deer-legged over to a nearby puddle. Dropping to his knees and peering in with wide eyes. "Oh my god." He stares, stiff, at the image reflected back at him. Asra. Looking exactly as Sarah had seen him this morning. "I'm definitely too drunk for this."
Sarah had to hold her face on seeing his wide and very unwittingly dumb grin on Asra's pretty face. Only managing one surprised snort before shutting herself up to prevent giggles.
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diningpageantry · 5 years
tag game(s)
anï (i’m too exhausted to do three separate posts but i was tagged in three tag games over the past few days and i’d forgotten to do the last few games i was tagged in and i feel super guilty so here they are in one go)
i don’t know who to tag to do these rn because my brain is dead i am emotionally exhausted and i’m writing a fic that’s about halfway done so i’m gonna say tag anyone who wants to be tagged for any of these. i’m so sorry that i’m dead, i will be back alive again after may 10th, which is my AP exam day
six questions challenge
tagged by @simon--speaks
rules: answer the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Q1: Relationship status?
single bby
Q2: Favorite color?
maroon !
Q3: Top 3 ships?
snowbaz (wow) and uh. wow. idk who else. i wanna say my own ocs matchstick and summer (is that allowed? i’m making it allowed)
Q4: Lipstick or chapstick?
whenever i get to this question in any ask i freeze up because i use a tinted chapstick so i don’t look dead but like. it can also be seen as a lipstick because it has pigment. but. chapstick.
Q5: Last song I listened to?
Run by Hozier
Q6: Last movie I watched?
uhhh i watched like. 5 minutes of the emperor’s new groove a few days ago, and watched a documentary about obscure houses like 10 minutes before that. so. i’m gonna say the house documentary.
21 questions
i was tagged by @simon--speaks, @angelsfalling16, @wo2ash, @alixanderthequeer, @sharkmartini and @bazypitchandsimonsnow
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
nickname: anï, munchkin, menina, and my hebrew name is elisheva
height: the doctor says i’m 5′3.5″, but they can’t put fractions on IDs so according to the state i’m 5′4″ and i cling to that
last movie i saw: see above (so like. funky houses)
last thing i googled: (next town over) movie tavern. i’m not saying where it is exactly bc hah i don’t wanna be stalked but. i was looking at movie times because they have $5 movies every tuesday
favorite musician: frank iero. love that funky rat man and his funky music too (i’m gonna see him for the second time next month because i made the executive adult decision to say fuck it to my seizures and go see him anyway)
song stuck in my head: i don’t have one rn but usually it’s a song by the killers (when you were young is a usual one)
other blogs: none, actually! i didn’t delete my old tumblr purely bc i’m a nostalgic dumbass, but it’s a completely different login and it’s inactive so i don’t count it.
followers: 1,666 (originally i wasn’t gonna share the number but it hit this last night and i was like heh. nice)
following: 231
amount of sleep: 8ish hours! (spring break bby)
lucky numbers: 7, multiples of 3 (only in cases of knocking), and multiples of 2 (only in cases like volume)
dream job: writing and illustrating books! i have a variety of dream jobs within art, and even within the subcategory of books, but my top dream job is creating inclusive/diverse children’s books that represent a variety different ethnicities/races, religions, abilities, and identities so that children can see themselves represented in media
what i’m wearing: a black turtleneck, a bra, and marvel boxers. that’s it.
favorite food: soup in general. i make a kick ass matzo ball soup
language: english, conversational portuguese, i know a small small bit of japanese (i should know more given i was raised being taught it but i always struggled with it), and i know some spanish. i also plan on teaching myself ASL.
can i play an instrument: yes! i’ve been playing violin since i was 2. i wanna play guitar and i know some chords but i have small hands so it’s hard to find one that’s the right size that isn’t a shitty children’s guitar, and i sing! i’m an alto
favorite song: hnnghg please don’t make me pick................ i’d have to say choke on one another by death spells
random fact: so like. if you didn’t know already, i’m an LGBTQ+ youth activist on a national scale. i disappear on occasion because i’m doing something or another, and sometimes i post about it on my blog (speaking of i have exciting news that i heard, but at the same time, i’m pretty much booked every weekend from middle of next month until middle of july), but........ i hate networking. i loathe it. if i never had to network again, i’d be thrilled. networking is my absolute least favorite thing because i struggle at everyday conversation, much less networking with people at least 10-20 years my senior. sure it’s usually free publicity and i get great connections, but god. at what cost? and like.... it’s always after a really emotionally taxing event, so i’m already drained and then wow here’s a room full of adults who want my 18 year old input. please. just let me steal a cupcake then leave.
describe yourself in aesthetic things: dye stained fingernails and necks. cranked open windows during a spring shower. dried tears and breaking laughs. coffee stains and milky tea splashes. trembling fingers, writing instead of speaking because you’re too afraid, and finally breaking free--running through the rain. scabbing blood, fresh piercings. knowing you’re loved and not saying it because it doesn’t need to be spoken. the smell of a new canvas, paint splattered jeans, and art school sweaters. black skirts with docs, then fairy lights and soft blankets hidden behind sharp profanities and harsh disgust. the unexpected. the unknown. the ever-changing, unstoppable force of the shifting tides. 
carry on questions
tagged by @goodbyedandelion, @isthisisagoodkiss @wo2ash, 
1- favorite type of scone? 
cranberry orange! one of the farms a county over has a market and they sell them there and they’re to die for (altho, i found a sour cherry scone recipe that i’ve perfected and my family loves them so they’re a close second now)
2- london or la?
i’ve never been to london, but i’m gonna have to go with london. i went to la last october to present in an awards show for my organization and i lowkey was underwhelmed. i’m very much a gloom and rain kinda person, and it was too dry and sunny there. although, i did think the huge succulents were sick as fuck. but yeah definitely london. i’m planning to spend a semester abroad there in a few years for an illustration program
3- kissing in a forest or holding hands under the stars?
i’m afraid of forests because we have a lot of wildlife and i don’t want to get mauled by a bear don’t mind me holding hands under the stars :)
4- jeans or suit?
suit suit suIT SUIT suit. i love wearing suits. my chest doesn’t cooperate and my hips always hate them but god i do love suits.
5- loose hair or pulled back hair?
mine looks better loose, and my sides/back are shaved but the top reaches my ears, so it gets annoying sometimes and i pull it up to keep it out of my face
6- vampires or dragons?
i wanna say both. i used to say “yknow a dragon but in human form would be hot” then i got called dragon fucker for like two years so out of pure spite i’m going with vampires.
7- what saying do you wish could be a spell?
(this one’s a very specific reference so hear me out) “i’ve got to go pee on her”  used to disorient and confuse the speech of the person casted upon. it’s one of my favorite quotes from scott pilgrim vs. the world (my favorite movie ngl) when scott’s brain can’t figure out two different sentences and he just says that. it’s so good and just fuckin weird that i love it.
8- which carry on character would you go on a coffee date with if you could?
depends tbh! if we’re talking date date, then penny because i would wife penny in 0.5 seconds, but if we’re talking friends getting coffee then 10000000% baz because i’d talk activism and identities with him
9- favorite carry on quote?
“he told me we would be stars” (i don’t have my book on me so i could be getting the line wrong), but it hit so hard for me. like it’s clear how davy manipulated lucy so much that she fell into it and couldn’t crawl out. it’s such a powerful message of control from those who are charismatic enough to hold it, and how sometimes we aren’t weak enough to let go.
10- how excited are you for wayward son?
lemme paint this picture: i started hyperventilating in the hallway when i found out, and then cried an hour or two later when my friend texted me that he preordered me a signed copy. like. i’ve been pre-planning how to get home from college to come and pick it up (okok the 24th is also my dad’s birthday so i’m. um. “coming home to visit him”, of course) because i’m just SO EXCITED to read them again in a canon way :’)
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softly-mossy · 5 years
4, 5, 16, 22, 30, 35, 47, 60?
4. Answer this with a lyric from the first song that comes to your mind
“but i like to think ‘at least things can’t get any worse’“
5. Does blood make you uncomfortable?
absolutely not. my sister. however, will legit feel like she’ll pass out if she sees it [she also has 4 young kids] so guess who plays doctor at family outings
16. any unsual habits?
uh. i’ll just chatter to myself if i’m alone. like a full conversation, or at least like i’m explaining what i’m doing to someone that’s next to me, i guess.
22. Make an obscure reference
30. How many questions are currently in your inbox?
legit questions? 3. other asks included? 7
35. One little thing that makes you smile?
zurg likes going under the paper towel i put in his tank at night so when i go check on him in the morning it’s all tented from where he’s nosed at it enough to scooch under
47. Do you collect anything?
books, model horses, little transformers dudes, cool rocks
60. Any questions you want people to ask you?
ask me about my ocs i am always on the verge of just screaming out how much i love them
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Oops, this is longer than I intended...
The tree branches snarled and gnashed as a sharp breeze cut through the night. The wind gutted cashes of leaves in varying states of decay, tossing them up into dust devils. It was as if the wind triumphed in its ability to trespass where it wasn’t wanted. A stretch of bare, clawing branches outlined a road like a gaping rib cage. Between them, a beast stalked the road. It dragged a lifeless body with short, violent tugs, leaving a stark trail of blood gleaming in the moonlight like a single, corrugated artery. It walked like a man, moved like a predator. Silver streaks of moonlight flashed through the leaves, revealing that the beast was dressed like a vagrant, covered in tattered brown, grey and black rags. A ragged hood hid wisps of white hair that obscured a set of menacing red eyes. The moonlight cast a long, ominous shadow that stretched off into the distance, making the creature’s form appear bigger than it was. The beast moved with purpose, walking to a massive, ornate, pillared structure barred by massive gates. With a touch, the gates swung open, and the doorway allowed him entrance. The sadistic grin that peeked out from the beast’s hood was complemented by a gruel glint in his eyes. The traveller bared a set of perfect, pointed, ivory teeth, hinting at insanity. – Chapter 1; In which Death awaits, and a plot is hatched. Did the above introduction catch your interest? I sincerely hope so. I also hope that, from there, your eyes continue on, trifling through this post, absorbing the information I offer and nurturing a growing interest that will lead you to my door. Writing is not just a pass-time. It’s an adventure, an extravagant and deeply fulfilling world created for our very own enjoyment - this is the reason I am now here in search of partners. Optimistically thinking, I have not scared too many of you away with my mutterings and lavish vocabulary - I apologise, I’m a Law Student, we speak as such to confuse you! Moving matters on, online I go by Nefarious, or Nefi (or, if you are feeling particularly confident, any variation of such). As previously noted, I am a student, and a part-time worker, thus while I definitely have time to spare, it may not be as much as some people on these forums. If you’re looking for multiple posts a day, I’m likely not your girl.  18+, I’m both comfortable and confident with mature themes (ranging from smut to touchy subjects of abuse and psychological difficulties). Post-wise, they’re mostly going to be on the longer side, but you can always expect a minimum of 3 decently sized paragraphs - length generally tends to sit on two main factors; time, and inspiration. If I’m short for time, the post is going to be shorter, as I’d much prefer to send off a smaller but interesting post than leave my partner waiting and bored. On the other hand, some days inspiration is hard to find, or perhaps we reach a slow point in the RP and there’s not much to say - thereby, once again, post lengths will differ. As previously commented upon, I have a fairly busy schedule, and thus posting times vary. A general rule to live by when in contact with me would be - the longer the posts I’m able to produce, the less I’ll be able to send them. I will always attempt to reply at least once a day - and will more likely be able to produce up to 2 a day - but I will always let you know if I am going to be unavailable. Sometimes in a roleplay, however, moments for rapid-fire posts - such as in scenes of long dialogue between the two primary characters, or more intimate/fast-paced scenes - will occur, and in those situations, you can expect shorter but quicker responses to support the situation. Have I rambled enough? If I’ve missed any important details, which I no doubt have, feel free to merely ask. I like to think I’m a happy and open person, so don’t worry about overstepping that ‘invisible’ boundary (if it ever did come to that, I would let you know kindly, no grudges held). Now, the information you’ve all been waiting for! What I’m interested in: Unfortunately, I’m going to be that annoying person that says ‘I’m open to pretty much anything’. It is true, however. There are certain things that do not interest me at all, as few as they are, while there also things that I crave more than others. When you contact me, I’m going to be much more friendly and interested if you come with an idea in mind, either a fully/partly formed plotline, a specific pairing or a general fandom, and are equally happy to discuss the aspects with me. While I’m more than happy to develop a plot-line almost single handedly, we need a starting point - something you should have considered before contacting me, preferably. Absolutely not (These are subjects that offer me no interest, and thus are non-negotiable).
-> Slice of Life; this subject, on its own, is boring. Why would I want to write about day-to-day, normal lives that I experience on my own? The answer - I don’t. When slice of life occurs in the middle of a roleplay, i.e. the home life of the detective’s we’re playing, or the family problems that occur as a result of our characters actions, so on and so forth, that’s fine. It’s an addition. But if you ask for a roommate, college life style roleplay (common example), I’m going to turn you down non-too-harshly.
-> Smut-Centric; I’m not here to write porn, it’s as simple as that. Smut with the development of the story, of the relationships is more than acceptable, even preferable as it adds a new dynamic. Smut on its own, however, known as Porn-Without-Plot, is not something I will be participating in.
-> Jane/John-Doe; A character becomes a character when you are introduced to their experiences, their good side and their bad. If you’re writing a character that has done no wrong, the interaction are going to become very bland, very quickly. A troubled character is an interesting character, in my mind. (Also note that overpowered characters are not part of this section - as long as a discussion is made, and preparations are introduced to keep things interesting, OP characters are not out of the question, but make sure to ask if this is what you’re interested in).
Original Plotlines (If there is something you’re interested in that’s not listed here, ask. I’m not going to list every possible scenario). Each “ * ” present amount to the level of interest displayed towards each suggestion.
-> Fantasy ** -> Sci-Fi ** -> Medieval -> Modern -> Dystopia / Utopia * -> Apocalyptic -> Steam / Cyberpunk ** -> Supernatural *** -> Mythological *** -> M/M **** -> M/F *** -> F/F **** -> Horror ** -> Blackmail / Torture / Psychological Horror *** -> Mental Illness / Abuse *** -> Darkerside / Side effects of Powers *****
Fandom Plotlines (Again, if you do not see your fandom here, let me know. Even if I’m not familiar, often I will make the effort so we can explore the idea). I am more interested in OC/OC pairings here, but am both open to OC/Canon and Canon/Canon in certain situations - ask. Movies/TV; -> MCU *** -> Avengers ** -> X-Men *** -> DCU *** -> Legion **** -> American Horror Story ** -> Harry Potter ***** -> Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them **** -> IT *** -> Sherlock ** -> Doctor Who *** -> Supernatural ** -> Heroes *** -> Lost Girl *** -> Criminal Minds ***
Books; -> Dark Hunter *** -> Vampire Academy ** -> Red Queen Series ***
Games; -> Persona 5 ***** -> Dragon Age ***** -> Borderlands ** -> Bioshock ** -> Assassins Creed Odyssey ** -> Vampyr **
Disclaimer: As you can see, I am very much craving Harry Potter, Dragon Age or Persona 5 based Roleplays. If any of these interest you, you will be given my full interest!
Since I’ve likely taken up a good chunk of your time, I’m going to end it here and leave you my contact details. I prefer to roleplay over Email, Google Docs or Discord (in that order). A combination of them is also great (considering Discord is the easiest form of contact while Email/Google Docs have no word limits).
Discord: Nefarious#1494
When you message me, please introduce yourself! A single “hi” is not going to fill me with much confidence, nor is “I want to RP with you”. 
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stevensgrnts · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful, @wereallie and @kisaageckos to answer a few questions about my ocs so thank you for that bbs<3 I’m not sure who’s been tagged so feel free to disregard if you’ve already done this but I tag: @feralcherry, @papermoon262. @god-dammit-barb, @angelsanarchy, @bellamysgirl
WHICH OC MOST REFLECTS YOU? I would say it’s a toss up between Delilah or Nina. 
WHICH OC HAS A STORYLINE SO DARK IT MAKES YOU FEEL GUILTY? ohh boy. it’s not a secret I like to make my ocs super sad but I think Sage wins that contest.
HOW DO YOU NAME YOUR OC’S? It depends. I have a mental list of names like I like and will try to use if I can but a lot of the time I’ll look for names that align with the characters ethnicity.  
WHICH OC DO YOU WRITE MOST FOR? It’s hard for me to stick to one project for very long. I like to hop between them when inspiration strikes. Its also why I don’t have any completed projects.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE MAKING MOST: POSTERS, AESTHETICS, GIFS, PLAYLISTS, MANIPS, ETC? I know making things for your fics is the best way to advertise your work but man I absolutely hate making things. so all of you that crank out edits, yer a wizard
DO YOU HAVE AN OC THAT’S FOR A SUPER OBSCURE FANDOM? I guess ACOTAR? OCs aren’t common in the fandom so I guess that’s an obscure fandom to want to write for. She doesn’t have a name or anything but it’s an idea I’ve been toying with it for a while.
WHAT ARE SOME FUN FACTS ABOUT YOUR OC’S? I’m convinced 95% of the people that express interest in Adrian do so only bc of Matthew Daddario (listen i get it lmao) but I can’t even take credit for his fc. @tinkerrbrii gave me the idea to use him when I asked who looked like they could be related to Allison. So thanks boo.
I DARE YOU TO SPOIL A HUGE PLOT POINT IN YOUR CURRENT STORY (ONLY IF YOU WANT, I’M SERIOUS ONLY IF YOU WANT) I want to give a spoiler but nah that’s a slippery slope my dude.
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE FANDOM TO WRITE OC’S FOR? The only OC I have anything published for is Kingsman
DID SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE INSPIRE A CERTAIN OC? The dynamic between me and my sisters really influenced Nina and her sister Rosa.
HOW DO YOU CHOOSE A FACECLAIMS FOR YOUR OC’S? honestly if you just look through my ‘wanted fc’ tag its people i just have a lil crush on lmao.
IS THERE A SPECIFIC SONG THAT FITS ONE OF YOUR OC’S SO WELL IT’S INSANE? That’s Amore by Dean Martin is my top song for Ivy and Eggsy and it makes me fucking emo.
DO YOU HAVE ANY QUEER OC’S? Yeah! Ben is gay, Ivy, Adrian, and Rowan are bi, Delilah is ace.
DO YOU HAVE AN POC OC’S? I need to do better at including more tbh and I’m changing fcs for a lot of characters 
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A DREAM WHERE ONE OF YOUR OC’S WAS IN IT? OMFG YES. my favorite one included Adrian. It was a class trip and we went ice skating. If you know anything about me skates gives me hella anxiety so i had no idea how to skate so Adrian was helping me out and being the sweet bean that he is kept me from falling on my ass. I was a major bitch to him and was being sassy. I also kept calling him Matt instead of Adrian lmao.
WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU’VE BEEN DYING TO TELL SOMEONE ABOUT CONCERNING A FIC OR AN OC? Nina Santiago is an OC for a Spiderman fic but I’m debating on keeping it a spiderman/avengers crosserover with Andrew’s spidey like I’d planned or make it a sm:h fic bc it’s half of my idea just...peter is way younger lol. so if you have an Opinion I'm willing to hear it 
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