#also i know that no character in game has a revival ability and you need to use a potion
nemmet · 2 years
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my mirrorverse eugene concept is finally done!! i see him as having some healing magic left inside him after rapunzel resurrected him that he uses to revive fallen allies in battle.
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chi-the-idiot · 6 months
Hi, yes, Im on my shit again because I just finished The Adversary route (aka masochistic dom demon wants to rip me apart and maybe im in the wrong for getting hot off of it) and I have been swayed by my own mind into writing this sort of headcanon of sorts on the same vein as This other post I made, so go check that one out for full context of my insanity over this game.
(Basically this is me shipping the voices with their respective princess foils because if the gods they are variants of are in love then why wouldn't they be if they had the chance to have their own bodies? As always, characters may be out of character so be warned if that is not your style. This may also be worse than the last one, again im sorry.)
We begin with the Stubborn, waking up in the Adversary's dungeon. On the other corner of the room lies the demon in question, waking up just like he did. She seems to sense, in her confusion, his gaze examining her, and she turns her head to see him.
They look at eachother for a second... two... three... it feels like an eternity, the time they spend analizing eachother. The shade of their eyes, the shimmer of the skin or feathers under the moonlight coming through the window, the red marred scars on eachother's bodies. And from that, they understand:
Its over.
The narrator is gone, his control over their story relinquished. The voices are gone, too, and the silence is deafening.
That is until the jingling of chains breaks it, as the adversary rises from her position on the floor. Strong hooves move her towards her quiet companion, tail fluttering slightly behind her. Her expression remains emotionless, and she just so manages to get close to him against her restraints.
With a delicacy fitting for a princess, but strange for her new figure, she rises her unshackled hand towards the humanoid bird on the other side of the room. And then her face breaks into a wide, sharp grin, that which would seem intimidating to most.
But to the Stubborn? That might as well have been an invitation to share a romantic waltz. He takes her hand and shakily rises to his feet.
And dance they do. Over and over and over. Their music is the slashes of metal against skin, the grunts of pain and laughs of sadistic joy. Their "romantic mutterings to the ear" are the exclaimed insults towards one another's abilities. Their ballroom the basement to which they have confined themselves.
The Adversary refuses to escape her bindings, she finds the challenge exhilarating. The Stubborn insists that he doesn't need a weapon to fight her, but she refuses to land a single blow without it. He believes its because she thinks him weak.
(What she will never admit is that she still remembers when she beat him to a pulp and he kept rising. Again, and again, and again. How his body, his remains, were more and more twisted and deformed each time. She never wants to see that again, especially now that she cant be fully sure if he will ever wake up when he falls.)
Scars now litter their bodies, sihns that the apparent immortality that once revived them has been removed. The Adversary heals faster than the Stubborn, sure, but now each wound is permanent. To account for that, they decide on a pattern: they will fight until one of them collapses of exhaustion. They will take a break, during which they shall eat and rest. If a wound has been dealt that is too deep, they will rest until it has healed, no matter how long it takes (neither wants their onky companion to die and leave them alone once more). Once the wound has healed, the music shall start once more, and their dance continue.
(What remains unsaid, is that during the short rest, the other tends to patch down the hurt one's cuts and scratches. Were they both less guarded, they would call it "caring".)
One of those nights, as the Stubborn is wrapping up a deep gash in his leg, the Adversary calls for his attention.
"You don't need to go that far, you know?" She states, laying down on the floor, looking at the sky far beyond the bars of the window "During our fights, I mean."
The Stubborn smiles, ruggedly, almost in defiance, as if she meant it as a mere joke "What, you don't think me capable handling my own against you? Please, we've been doing this for so long, I didn't think you thought so lowly of me"
But the Adversary remains silent. She turns her gaze to him, her eyes filled with something dangerous... at least to the both of them.
A softness.
"I just... don't want to loose the only companion I've got. The only one who Gets what I am now." She sighs, softly, looking for the words, her tail moving agitatedly under her. Finally, she continues "...I don't want to lose You..."
Silence so thick you could cut it with a pair of claws extends itself throughout the dark basement.
The clicking of claws on the stone floor is the only sound that breaks it as the Stubborn kneels next to her head, and proceeds to carefuly and softly caress her scarred face. She lets him, strangely enough, and as the draw closer together, he murmurs...
"Well, then I guess it's good that we seem to have the same objective then, princess"
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nyaagolor · 10 months
Nemona Team Tweaks
So while I may be ride or die for Nemona, she actually has one of my least favorite teams in SV. Figured it would be fun to talk about my thoughts on how her team was constructed, the finale of Victory Road, and my hypothetical tweaks for her team. All under the cut bc these things get long :)
While I love Nemona as a character, I don't feel like her team quite lives up to her personality in a sense. Unlike Arven and Penny, there doesn't seem to be a clear theme to her team-- or maybe there is and i'm missing it? Either way, Penny's team is a complete gimmick so revealing it all at once makes sense, and you get to watch Arven's team build over time and add to the really solid and obvious food motif. Technically you see Nemona build her team too but she adds so many seemingly random pokemon last minute that I'm just ??? ok nemona
The second issue I have with Nemona-- and the end of Victory Road as a whole-- is that they do absolutely nothing interesting with Tera Types. The gyms set you up beautifully to learn all about how fun and interesting tera types can be, but then you get to the Elite Four + champion(s) and suddenly everyone teras into the same type. It feels like a bizarre way to end things
anyway, here's the team and some reasoning behind the picks:
First, I wanted to center her team around the theme of friendship, specifically her friendship with the player. All the pokemon she has on her team are either representative of her friendship with the player as told through dialogue throughout her story OR evolve via friendship / smth similar
Midday Lycanroc -> Dusk Lycanroc: I like Nemona's Lycanroc because dog = man's best friend and Nemona is the player's bestie, but also it serves as a hazard setter. I'm pretty sure she is the only person to use hazards in this entire game, and the stealth rock was such a pain when I battled her that I feel the need to keep it. As for why I'm switching it from midday to dusk, I think the orange color matches her eyes... and her ability would be Own Tempo if she had one! This pokemon appears in the third battle just like in the games
Orthworm -> Paldean Tauros: Adding this here with a minor caveat that it would also require some extra dialogue. We see her using this pokemon in the intro which implies it's on her initial champion team, but I think she should state this outright during her dialogue with the player, explaining how this is her precious partner and one of the strongest pokemon she's ever battled with. This pokemon ONLY appears in the final battle, and because we know this is one of Nemona's previous aces, we can show through her team how she's pulling out all the stops against you and finally bringing her all
Dudunsparce or Cyclizar: Tbh i'm actually not sure about this one, I feel like it could go either way. A three-segment Dudunsparce could symbolize Nemona being able to (seemingly effortlessly) achieve things that others only dream of, but a Cyclizar is a better parallel to the player and symbolizes Nemona's connection with her pokemon and the player. They're both normal types which means there's still a fighting weakness, so honestly either could work. Still on the fence about this one, but either way it first appears in the fifth battle (either weaker or unevolved) and then at full strength in the final.
Goodra -> Palafin: The fact that no one in the game uses a Palafin is a goddamn crime and I intend on correcting it. Plus, it fits with her new friendship theme quite well! I know the AI would butcher the use of this thing but it's the thought that counts. Much like Goomy, Finizen would appear in the fourth battle with her, but doesn't evolve until the final fight. The form change serves as a fun surprise for unsuspecting player!
Pawmot: No changes here-- Pawmot is a perfect pokemon for nemona. It's introduced at a great time in the second battle, fits her theme of friendship and caring for others with Revival Blessing, and even has her hair!
Starter: I wouldn't change anything about this pokemon EXCEPT for the tera type. This time, she teras into the type strong against your starter-- it serves as a bookends from your first battle with her to your last, and shows that she isn't holding back against you anymore. You're TRULY battling her at the peak of her strength and she isn't fucking around this time
aaaaand that's about it! This team wasn't made for balance or to be an especially hard challenge (since Paldea is easy as hell anyway) but just to add a little more oomph to her team in terms of themes. If u have any ideas on how to change her team lmk I like hearing other people's takes on it too :)
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detectivepoppy · 1 year
Manor Game AU
The RP to this AU will come soon on Quotev, or I’ll post it on tumblr depending on which I find more easy to post in. I’m writing the Yandere ver of this AU.
<Manor Game AU takes actual IDV gameplay au into account with a mix or supernatural occurrence for the story to make more sense>
Description of the manor:
The survivors are not hallucinating in this AU and everything is happening.
The manor is an entity of its own and sent out letters to survivors across timeline, that is why you can see someone like Vera and Lucky Guy (they’ll be called Liam in this AU) existing in the manor at the same time. Hunters who have died in their timeline or are a sort of god like entity (Hastur, Yidhra, and others) souls are brought to the manor, and revived.
If the hunter has a survivor form, only one can exists at a time, thus, there are periods where survivors just transforms into a hunter and loses all their survivor memory. Vise versa, hunters with survivor forms will sometime just transform into a survivor and forget about their time as a hunter.
No one has witness the survivor to hunter and hunter to survivor transformation from those characters. That is because the person transformation will only occur once they’re alone and they’ll typically get teleported to their own respective survivor/hunter room.
Once you enter the manor, you’re stuck in there and the time in there works different than the world outside of the manor.
There is a hunter manor and a survivor manor, each person has their own individual room. Once a new survivor/hunter has entered the manor, a new room will spawn for the new unfortunate soul. Despite there being two buildings, it connect with the shared spaces, those being the library, dinning hall, kitchen, garden, laundromat, and some other places people would gather to hang out. 
The manor provides for the people, with constant food being replenished, things that gets broken gets replaced, so on and so forth. 
The room of each person consists what you’ll typically find in a luxury hotel room. The most noticeable part of the room is the singular closet. The manor provides outfit for the survivors via that closet, the outfit will appear in the closet for the survivors to pick up in the following morning. 
The closest also serves as a contact to the manor, you can request favors and questions you have for them. However, it’s not guaranteed the manor will give you what you want or want to know, so when they reject your favors/questions, you’ll receive a note in the closet, upon closing and waiting then opening, with it rejecting whatever you asked from the manor. 
There are servants around the manor but they’re dolls. They operate one purpose they’re assign to depending on the doll. For example, the chef puppet will only cook and won’t serve the food. The server puppet will only serve the food but won’t cook it. 
If people break the puppet, either out of frustration from the game or simply for no reason at all, the manor will suck the puppet remains into its walls or floor and reanimate a new one. The puppet do not have feelings and have no sentient, even if they are sentient, they will not help you. Don’t try. 
How to game works:
There will be time where survivors/hunter get transported into a game. Random people get selected into the game and those who’s going to be selected will know. There is just a sickening gut feeling for both hunter and survivors who’s been selected and they’ll get transported in a few moment.
Their items and abilities will need to be taught by the manor, there is a voice for the new individual about their skill/items and how the game works while the person is taking in their surrounding.
The game will proceed like how the actual identity v game goes, you decode ciphers, rescue teammates, and escape through the exit gate. The big difference in this AU is the point system. 
To escape the manor, you have to gain a certain amount of points to escape. The amount of points to escape is unknown but there is no other choice besides participating in the game. There are proofs of people escaping the manor, so people hold onto hope and continuously participate in the games.
If you’re the survivor, more people escaping means more points and if you want to gain more points for yourself, you’ll have to do more for the team. 
If you’re the hunter, more people sent back to the manor means more points you’ll gain and if you want to gain more points for yourself you’ll have to get terrorshocks, more pallet breaking, drop hits, and so forth. 
Every pain felt in the round are real, once you get sent back to the manor or run out the exit gate, you’ll get teleported to the manor with everything you felt still being there but all fatal wounds being healed.
Every injury sustain from the game will be healed upon being teleported back to the manor but the pain will still be there, but injuries inflected outside the game will remain.
With that being said, not everyone came to the manor unknowingly to the horror it beholds, many hold impure intensions, will you be able to escape?
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ryuzatodraws-backup · 7 months
Gerard Deities
Anon idk if this is what you want lol but I decided to make a huge masterpost as a reference.I may or may not remember what I wrote in my last post in my last blog tho. So this post will be updated if I have extras.
These will be the Gerard looks that I interpreted based on how I insert them into my own Ghost universe. These looks are based on Gerard’s costume while he’s on tour during MCR Return.
(Disclaimer : I expand them individually as a character of their own and not as Gerard Way himself. You can see I didn’t use his name in these characters except for the Jean de Arc look; which the character interacting with him didn’t call him by name. If you have an idea on what I should call him, let me know!)
Lets start with our beloved, The Secretary
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Origin : Uknown.
First discovered when The Director steps into office one day and notices how his secretary is bleeding and well…appears to be dead but working at the same time as if nothing was wrong. The Director concluded that something happened to them that renders their current secretary’s body to be inhabited by something out of this world.
Their purpose? to type and database everything that is happening in the clergy in the present and also in the future. The Secretary is almost like a storyteller in a way that is capable of dictating or prophesizing what the future will turn out to be.
They’re one of the powerful deities for their ability to predict the future.
The Nurse
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First appearance: when The Secretary brought in The Director’s dead body to be revived. ( see the series https://archiveofourown.org/series/3731701 )
Origin : they have been here since Primo’s time. Responsible in the Papas death.  Seems to be enjoying their job at the clergy somehow.
Gerard de Arc ( possible name, The Knight)
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First Appearance: 200 years after the so call Apocalypse caused by Copia, found Copia in the ruins of the clergy and tried to kill him (series on going, will be reposted and linked properly)
He’s on a quest for years, to collect 1000 souls so he can ascend to Heaven; joining his Brothers and Sisters. His final task is to kill the Anti Christ – which is Copia himself.
 Other Deities ( might make an appearance , might not…depends)
The Showman
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I got this idea thanks to Raynon , you can read their fic to it here https://archiveofourown.org/works/51685087
The Showman looooves everything glitter and gold. He would often spawn himself together with a mysterious casino in towns, especially big cities. Rumors has it that nobody has ever won anything from their place and that people would often go missing, but hey at least the music and drinks are great.
The Rat King / The Trash Man (or trash Papa as some called him)
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These two goes hand in hand. You’ll find one nearby after all. The Rat King communicates with all the rats, the epitome of the Plague itself, able to turn into a hoard of rats . The Trash man , bringer of disease and chaos.
The Cheerleader
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A sweetheart honestly. Sweet summer child. They love to hang around with Copia the most ( it’s the console games). Theyre a good deity to pray for good vibes and protection. Will probably kill your enemies with a flame thrower.
The Teacher
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This one works in the clergy as well, in charge of teaching the new ghouls about everything on planet earth. Patron of Knowledge really.
The Saint
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Another good patron for protection , if you need help harming your enemies He will do the job. He’s more aggressive and male leaning in figure. Capable of bringing natural disasters and chaos on earth.
The Tourist
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Almost like a trickster, or the norse god Loki. He mostly would play tricks and pretends to be other deities , taking over an empty shrine or a dead god’s altar. Likes to hang out with The Showman.
The Vampire
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Man is a vampire.
The Cat
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Goes hand in hand with The Cheerleader sometimes but a lot more independent.
The Ghost
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Non malevolent entity. He’s just there as well.
The General.
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Patron of War , I imagine Corrupt Papa Copia would go to war with him, hand to hand. Victory will always be in your hand
From the Top, the most powerful Deities and the lowest.
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There are a few more others that I couldn’t figure out, like the blue dress, the skeleton, the black swan (Bauhaus?), the clown and theres one with the white suit, bandaged bloodied head that I forgot the name. There are other interpretations on the outfits from others that are more in tune with the MCR fandom than me lol (I saw a few posts about the explanation here and on reddit. And oh in this latest zine that you can get it here https://mcrswarmzine.tumblr.com/ ) if anything just DM me if you need like a specific answer to this…ramble I made here.
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biblioflyer · 1 year
How Picard should end.
The very probable end of The Next Generation is coming and with it the beginning of the end of the first phase of the revival of Star Trek that began with Discovery. Here's what I'm thinking about.
As I write this, the final episodes of Season Three, the series, and perhaps even this sub-franchise are coming into view. I refer to it as a sub-franchise because I think that Picard as a series has a storytelling approach and a set of themes that it has explored that overlap with Discovery but also has its own identity.
Because of the age of many of the principal characters, there has been a strong theme of having to adjust with grace and empathy to a world radically changed from what was normal and comfortable to you, having to acknowledge your complicity in the faults you find in this world, and of repairing relationships that have been harmed. 
Immersing myself in where Picard has been as a series, even just the first four episodes to date, has given me a strong sense of what it is that Picard is about and thus some strong, but not pugnaciously held opinions on how it should end. The failure to do any of the following will not “ruin” the series for me, although the alternatives better be really well done.
For the first time of the CBS era, I actually really feel strongly that my own aesthetics could be defied and I will still really enjoy the outcome. For example I despise the trope that Jack Crusher represents but the trope has been so superbly executed that I’m almost annoyed at how completely I’m in his corner.
Speaking of Jack Crusher….
I would strongly prefer he not be written off as a space god or killed. For one, this is just Wesley’s arc duplicated. For two, while “NuTrek” is doing a great job at moderating the setting’s default posture that transhumanism is bad, it feels too cliche and even cheap in a way for him to vanish into the aether. Let him live, as a mortal, trying to do right by all of the people who fought and died for him not because he was a space god, but because it was right. 
We’ve had three seasons of intense focus on the deeds of mortal and fallible individuals struggling to know what is right in a morally complicated universe, taking huge risks, and even sacrificing stability, family, love, peace, sobriety, and even their own lives: don’t end this with space magic. Don’t do another “space magic makes it all better so nobody really ever had skin in the game” ending.
Speaking of Wesley, having the two meet would provide a nice bit of closure for Beverly. It would bookend nicely with her line about already having lost one son to the same stars that call Jean luc.
Seven of Nine & Raffi
On again or off again, just pick a lane and make them handle it like adults.
As I’ve said before, I see two equally valid paths for Seven assuming it's handled properly. Seven can remain in Starfleet, her acceptance earned and her merits recognized by all but especially by Shaw. Ideally were this to be the case, I think I would like to see her take up Picard’s mantle of mentor to misfits.
There isn’t a character who is better positioned narratively in this series to become the person who sees something in people that others don’t and can find ways to take the round hole that is Starfleet and make it a square hole for the people who need it.
Or she can walk away and reclaim her full autonomy. Go back to the Fenris Rangers or go into Starfleet Intelligence.
As for Raffi, the past two seasons have intensely focused on the work the character was doing to first recover from addiction and then reclaim her mental health and with that the ability to have relationships without either her need to chase mysteries or the desire for control alienating those around her. It's time for Raffi’s work to be seen by others and to be supported. 
In the first season it was entirely fair for her son to refuse contact: she was too much a creature of her substance abuse and her obsessiveness. Now? Cut her some slack and let her show that she’s mastered the thing that makes her the hero no one is prepared to recognize that they need until it's too late but also makes her the villain in her own life.
I would merrily support a Worf & Raffi spy action buddy cop series. Seven, Jack, Laris, and anyone else unaccounted for who is not really a good fit for traditional ship service can come too if they want. A Star Trek answer to Firefly or The Expanse would be incredibly fascinating with good writing. Given the way Star Trek Picard has been critiquing the limits of institutional power in dealing with the unknown or morally complicated situations, I think the time is right. 
Perhaps this could be the Section 31 series instead of a 23rd century era one. Just have the Guardian of Forever send Georgiou to where she’s needed rather than where she belongs. She’d be a great foil for Zen Worf and the morally flexible but not that morally flexible Raffi.
Section 31 are bad guys, full stop.
Speaking of Section 31, either confirm that Section 31 has been disbanded and formally disavowed or that it had its Church Committee hearings and been folded back into Starfleet Intelligence with strong oversight and strong guard rails. Putting Worf and Raffi front and center in it would afford an opportunity to show that it is possible to address existential threats to the Federation without genocide or the intervention of space gods. 
It's really only been after seeing Discovery recycle the same deus ex ending, only worse, that I have come to realize that the way Deep Space Nine finished the Dominion War arc really, really rubs me the wrong way. My list of things that I think are completely antithetical to the core assumptions of Star Trek is not long, but the Federation being saved not once, but twice by attempted genocide is definitely on that list. 
Don’t get me wrong, Deep Space Nine is probably the most overall well executed series from the point of view of nearly every aspect of the show being consistently competent, but falling back on Section 31 to save the Federation? Not a fan of that.
I am not on the Bev/JL train. It had its time. For all the ways that Star Trek Picard has been in conversation with critiques of TNG’s very 1990s “end of history” worldview, one thing that was superbly managed was the idea that Beverly and Jean luc could try out a romance, realize it doesn’t work, and then be content with a strong bond that doesn’t need to express itself romantically. It was incredibly, shockingly mature for a 1990s drama.
This show did not kill off Zhabon and an ancestor of Laris for Laris to be killed off or to politely step aside.
Maybe Bev is happy being unpartnered. How about them apples? Maybe a senior woman is perfectly self actualized on her own and can take or leave romance.
This is probably one of the looming plot resolutions I am the most likely to be actually angered by if it doesn’t go the way I would prefer and it isn’t handled extremely well.
Once again, do not fridge Laris to make room for Beverly. 
That would easily make my list of the top five most appalling creative decisions of this show and this is coming from someone who has invested quite a bit of effort into defending and rationalizing its other controversial decisions. Having her step aside with her life and dignity is less distasteful but still frustrating.
The Federation and Shaw
Follow through with the overall theme from season one that institutions solve big problems but rules are not there to follow mindlessly. Conscience matters as does doing the right thing even when you are fearful. 
It may not be fair to ask 500 people to risk their lives for four people who have deliberately chosen to put themselves in harm’s way on a fool’s errand, but then when does it become fair? Does it have to be 501 lives on the line to be worth 500? How morally virtuous do the victims need to be? 
Smaller, more nimble actors don’t have to make these trades. The Mugato in the room is the Maquis. They could easily have provoked war but they did also provide a means by which Federation citizens who wanted their autonomy could contest Cardassian oppression without exposing the Federation to the specter of war  if the Federation failed to ensure their well being.
Also when and if a bad call is made out of anger, fear, or incomplete knowledge of the situation, how the consequences of that decision are addressed matter.
The Federation abandoned the Romulans. As did Picard himself. Picard accepted responsibility in Season One. The Federation extended its protection over Maddox & Soong’s Synth colony but there’s no mention of any peacekeeping or humanitarian efforts for Romulans who have rejected “the old ways.”
Finally, Shaw has his reasons and this series has been nothing if not incredibly nuanced in how it invokes trauma and uses it in a way to explain but not justify the behavior of characters. A theme I have thought about a lot in the context of Captain Marvel is the way that coping mechanisms for trauma often encourage self reliance and aloofness to the extreme. In Shaw’s own words “at some point asshole became a substitute for charm.” I would argue that the final stage of healing would be to become a team player who is capable of forging authentic relationships built on mutual trust and respect.
Now I do think this is coming in the form of a sincere working relationship with Seven but I would prefer it be extended beyond Seven. For Shaw to accept Seven as Seven is a good start but everyone is capable of accepting “one of the good ones.” Some sort of broader recognition that it's on him to swallow his terror and rage, it's not on every single XB to prove they’re not going to assimilate him.
Other characters / elements
BBEG: (Big Bad Evil Guy) I don’t know that I’m necessarily hoping for anything or anyone in particular. Armus would be cool. He’s one of the last entities on the board with an axe to grind who could conceivably be a credible menace to Changelings and shares some of their mercurial nature. 
The alien parasites would be neat as well. That that has long gone unresolved is a longstanding gripe but I feel like the time may have passed. Thematically the Changelings have more or less eaten their lunch when it comes to replacing people and intricate conspiracies. At this point, I think it would be just as well to retcon the infiltrators as having been an early effort by the Changelings to infiltrate other societies without exposing themselves to danger. The Founders certainly have the genetic engineering acumen to design a parasite species.
Elnor: at least mention him as existing, if not give the character some proper closure. Show him thriving in Starfleet and having a good relationship with Picard and Raffi as mentors and surrogate parents, explicitly connect Picard’s experiences with Elnor as a child and his effort to repair his relationship with Elnor as having been a practice run for Jack and the recognition that Jean luc would not have been his father as a parent.
Or show him choosing to leave Starfleet for the Rangers or even just to lead a quiet life of study and meditation. That’s cool too.
Jiurati: if the big bad is the Borg or related to them somehow, it would be cool to see Jiurati’s faction sweep in to help defeat them. Otherwise maybe one more reference would be nice.
The Admiral Janeway cameo is long overdue.
It would be nice for Worf to mention Alexander and Jadzia. Perhaps in the context of giving advice to Raffi on love, life, pursuing rapprochement after being an absentee parent, and living with the knowledge that your life choices place partners in existential danger. It would be a great way to cement their dualistic role this season rather than having Raffi be Worf’s sidekick.
Don’t fridge Tuvok. Find him safely.
Oh yeah, there's also JL himself.
We don't need to have Picard die on screen (again.) As far as I'm concerned Logan is all I'll ever need for Patrick Stewart death scenes. Its just too hard to contemplate. I consider the character of Picard to be a father figure and I'd kind of just prefer that he gets to be happy. I'd like for him to get good with Elnor and Jack.
"I tried so very hard to belong to this place."
Maybe pass the vineyard on as a national park that is Picard in name only. We all know his real home is in the stars. Putting him to work leading a Romulan humanitarian NGO that relies on his Starfleet contacts and credibility is I think the perfect bookend to how the series began with his despair over the Federation's failure and the ongoing interrogation of whether Starfleet is the only legitimate or appropriate entity for solving problems in the universe.
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superthatguy62 · 1 year
FF2 Villain/Character Talk: Leon
Because I have a lot of thoughts about this lovely little crumpet.
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Final Fantasy II
Leon is one of the four main party members of Final Fantasy II, except that’s kind of a lie. While artwork and the naming screen suggests he’d be one of your companions, in the game you have him for the span of a single battle. When the party is revived, Leon is missing. While he is initially the driving force behind their initial trial to enter the rebellion, the party is forced to put Leon out of mind as they go on more missions.
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(That’s him on the far right)
The biggest key aspect of Leon that is not immediately obvious is his family situation: Maria is Leon’s sister and only biological sibling. Firion and Guy, as their wildly different looks imply, are orphans that were adopted into Maria and Leon’s family. Maria and Leon do share an association with the color purple and are sometimes (but more rarely than you think) portrayed with the same hair color. 
Leon only returns at the end of the game, where
He’s the Dark Knight.
He’s the Dark Knight of Palamecia.
He betrayed his family.
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Throughout the game, the party has to contend with the Dark Knight of Palamecia. Initially, these encounters are straightforward with the party unawares although while the Dreadnaught is exploding, Maria realizes that she recognizes the Dark Knight’s voice. However, it’s only after the Emperor dies and the war appears to be over that the Dark Knight is revealed to be Leon, taking the throne for himself.
This twist is preserved to varying degrees depending on the version. The Famicom and Origins versions lack portraits, meaning that the twist is preserved. The PSP version gives the Black Knight a (somewhat doofy looking) unique portrait to preserve the twist. The path of least resistance is definitely the GBA version, which simply darkens Leon’s portrait, presumably hoping the original GBA’s lack of backlight prevents the player from noticing.
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When the party goes to Palamecia and confronts Leon, Leon goes into a rant about how power is the thing that rules the world and he won’t let go of it. The GBA versions onward also throw in some lines about how the weak need the strong to control them and where he accuses the rebellion of throwing away lives by opposing the empire.
Then the Emperor returns from Hell.
Leon is taken with the party back to Fynn. While Hilda is shocked to see him, Firion asks for Leon to join the rebellion and she ultimately leaves the decision up to the party. Leon is clearly concerned about the death that the revived Emperor will bring, and at Maria’s request, he rejoins the party.
In the end, Leon helps the party defeat the Emperor, but knows that things can’t simply go back to normal. Leon leaves to go off on his own, and despite Maria asking him to stop Leon, Firion instead promises that they will meet again.
Leon is notable for being the series’ first Dark Knight. He’s moreso a Dark Knight in terms of title rather than ability as, outside of brainwashing the town of Bafsk, he doesn’t display any particular dark powers. Still, he is considered the inspiration for the job (alongside its variant, Warmage), with the jobs’ implied Hell connections potentially being a reference to him serving the demon-infested Palamecia. Spinoffs lean into this by giving Leon abilities that suggest that the Emperor did indeed give him dark powers.
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Leon’s genesis comes from two characters in the very early design document: A character named Leon who is “Part of Bamberg and a famous knight” and Rigel, a “Cold-hearted Dark Knight”. He may also have a bit of Ricard in him, one of the princes who schemes for the throne.
In the Early Plot, Leon’s role is largely the same as the final game, but the dynamic is wildly different; Leon being Maria’s biological brother is not mentioned in this treatment. Instead Firion gets the bulk of the emotional payoff, with the heavy emphasis on Firion and Leon growing up together and being brothers in arms (Guy and Maria are merely friends here). This implies that, as plans shifted, Maria absorbed the sibling relationship with Leon from Firion. Some descriptions such as Leon’s FF2 Dawn of Souls/PSP manual description or his Opera Omnia description suggests that he is still best friends with Firion, but for obvious reasons, this is never shown in game (unless you pull an Ultimania and generously interpret his “I knew you’d come Firion” as him respecting Firion’s strength).
Additionally, Leon wouldn’t hide his identity from the party. Not only that, but during his encounters with the party, he would try to sway Firion into joining the Empire, a sharp contrast from the final game’s Leon who seems to have rid himself of his feelings for his family. In fact, Firion is the one who has to cast aside his feelings to fight Leon.
Last, but not least: The treatment specifically says that Leon sought to act as the Emperor’s heir, implying that he respected Mateus in some way. In the final game, Leon is dismissive towards the Emperor’s return, refusing to hand over the throne. There’s also a bit where Firion points out what the Emperor became, asking Leon if he intended to become that, furthering a parallel between the two, but that’s moreso a Firion thing, so I’ll just save it for another day.
Regardless of these changes, Leon’s primary role in the game was fixed at this stage, being that he would join the Empire as the Dark Knight and oppose the party.
The third and final treatment is largely the same, although Leon has now shifted to a form close to his final version self. Still, a few things stand out: First, Leon is noted as “the rival” of the game. Second, building on the previous point, Leon is listed as an enemy like Borghen and the Emperor, suggesting that he would have been a proper boss fight (this is also hinted at in the previous treatment, where it mentions the party fighting Leon several times). Lastly, it mentions that Leon ‘comes to his senses’ after the Emperor returns from Hell, though whether that’s literal (suggesting that he was brainwashed) or figurative (suggesting he was not) is unclear.
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Other Portrayals
Leon appears in the Labyrinth of Nightmares novelization of Final Fantasy II (That One With The Emperor’s Name). Information on said novel remains scarce unfortunately, as it has never had an official english translation and neither of the two known fan-translations have gotten deep into the book before going on indefinite hiatuses. What little is translated shows Leon in a foul mood due to his betrothed abruptly marrying another man about a month after giving him the equivalent of a marriage proposal (long story), though he pretends not to be upset in front of others like Maria. The sequence portrays Leon as someone who can mask his emotions, able to hide his grief and bitterness from Maria for almost a year; Had it not been for Firion eventually explaining, Maria would’ve never realized.
The book also goes a bit into Leon and Maria’s family life: They live in Mysidia in this portrayal, their father is master hunter and Leon is aptly following in his footsteps. He’s also stated to love Maria with “much greater than any esteem he had for himself, even dropping his anger towards Maria and Firion due to the former convincing the latter to teach her how to be an archer.
Leon’s characterization pre-downward spiral is also displayed in the prologue. He’s said to be one who values peace over his own happiness and his love for Maria is such that his refusal to teach her to hunt is moreso rooted in concern for her safety. On the other hand, Leon is shown to be somewhat petty, privately applying his annoyance at his former fiance’s marriage to all women after witnessing it.
Leon also has a childhood pet (implied to be a dog) named Perry. Perry is close to Leon, to the point that the dog is probably the one individual that Leon is emotionally open with at least until he succumbs to demonic madness and ends the poor pup on the spot.
Details from here become scarce. One thing that I can seemingly figure from a fansite is that, despite his claims during chapter 2, Leon stops caring about Maria in his madness and instead shifts priority to Firion. The novelization takes cues from earlier drafts (Alie, Borghen actually being threatening, etc) so this would be one of those.
Interestingly, an interview with Keniji Terada that predates the novel mentions that he was writing a prelude of sorts centered around Leon. It’s unclear if this story ever made it to magazines, but it’s likely that it evolved into the Labyrinth of Nightmares novel.
Leon also appeared in the Memory of Heroes adaptation. I’ve covered the novel a lot on here previous so the brief take is: Outside of nuances such as having a recognizable self-taught fighting style, Leon’s role is almost exactly the same as the game . The only significant difference is that Ricard passes on the light he was blessed with to Leon. It’s thus implied (in the novel’s canon at least) that he has a connection with the Zauver the Thief from the first part and consequently Ingus from the third part.
Leon’s made numerous appearances in FF spinoffs, mostly the mobile game titles. Due to the simplicity of said titles and how they use their characters, Leon is usually portrayed in his mid-FF2 form, i.e. as an antagonistic Dark Knight. Opera Omnia, being post-FF2, portrays him firmly on the side of good, albeit with the Emperor briefly brainwashing him in a way that implies that his lust for power still exists somewhere within him.  
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As mentioned prior, Leon technically started the trend of Dark Knights (and their related job Warmage/Hellblade). Guidebooks for the original releases of III and IV allude to this, as both feature backstories about a knight named Leon who uses Dark energy. Even today, Stranger of Paradise has a passive for its Dark Knight job that mentions “memories of a power-hungry Dark Knight” (paraphrasing) as a clear nod.
It is also possible that Leon inspired another character: Kain Highwind. Kain is the best friend of Cecil Harvey, the Dark Knight-to-Paladin protagonist of Final Fantasy IV. Despite this, Kain ends up coming to blows with Cecil; While this is revealed to be the result of brainwashing, it is implied that the form of brainwashing that the main villain uses is one that roots itself in the targets’ insecurities. Thus, Kain’s envy of Cecil and desire for Rosa to be his are implied to have existed in him even prior to the start of the game. In the end, Kain goes to Mt Ordeals, in hopes of someday overcoming his moral weaknesses. For bonus points, it’s said that Kain had potential to be a Dark Knight, but preferred to follow in his father’s footsteps as a Dragoon. 
On a more coincidental note, there is Delita Hiral who, like Leon, was put into a traumatic situation involving his own powerlessness and the death of a sibling that ended with his apparent demise and both began to covet power as a result. However, Delita wants to use that power towards benevolent ends and in spite of his lashing out initially, he nevertheless keeps a somewhat amicable relationship with Ramza (moreso on Ramza’s end) while the mantra that Leon adopts is more suited towards Tactics’ villains (indeed, Dycedarg Beoulve reveals towards the end of the game that he has similar views regarding the relationship between the weak and the strong). As such, it’s more likely that this is merely a happy coincidence than a clear nod to Leonheart.
Leon is an odd character in that he’s interesting in spite of how little screen time he gets. So much about him is shrouded in mystery due to the nature of Famicom-era Final Fantasy storytelling: There’s not even a proper intro in a number of versions of the game, we’re given no real info on what life for him and his siblings was like prior to the Empire’s invasion, even the assertion that he’s Firion’s best friend is only barely alluded to due to the nature of the game. And of course, there’s his role as the Dark Knight; Was he brainwashed or did he willingly turn turncoat? Did he always resent the Emperor or was it more akin to a Chirin’s Bell/Ringing Bell situation? And where does Leon go off to, after the game ends?
I dunno. I just think he’s neat.
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More Hyrule Warriors thoughts because I’m still in the hole
I’m now at the point in the first two adventure maps where the only things left to do are insane boss rushes and I’ve realized now that I only beat the legend mode end bosses out of luck. I have no idea how either Ganon fight actually works. I’ll look up a tutorial sometime but not right now.
In the meantime I started the first normal rank map. It’s annoying. Fuck off with your “no heal” challenges I SPENT SO MUCH TIME GETTING ALL THOSE ILLUSTRATIONS TO GET BETTER POTIONS AND YOU TAKE THEM AWAY??? I’m gonna eat you.
Also in those maps LEVELING IP FIESNT EVEN HEAL YOU I’m going to make someone TASTE THEIR OWN LUNGS
I have like 5 fairies but I only use the first one I got cause she has an ability that instantly revives you if you die and none of the others have anything even close to that good so far. Plus she’s the one wearing the Ghirahim cosplay.
I haven’t changed any of the default names of the fairies cause it feels Weird. Like “hi I just saved your life now serve me eternally also your name is now Lorraine”
One of my fairies is named Chomp :) I love her. Shes useless, but I love her
I haven’t gotten many hats. It bugs me cause none look good with the Ghirahim cosplay. Why can’t I just get like, a red headband or something???? Why did I have to get a random skull???
I’ve finally gotten a huge string of weapon upgrades so a lot of characters are useful for the first time in the entire game and I’m having SO MUCH FUN WITH IT
Specifically I’m really liking Twili Midna! I didn’t get her moves at first but I’ve started to really vibe with it now that she has some decent damage output (also that X special is OBSCENE just annihilate an entire room no biggie)
I have Toon Link in his blue lobster shirt, all is right with the world :)
I found out you can go over level 100. I thought I was doing okay with keeping the gang leveled up (I go in 5 level jumps where I’ll sell a shit ton of weapons to get rich then level the entire roster up at once) having everyone at a minimum of 40, but it turns out I was wrong and now Link is level 102 and I don’t know how to plan for this future the disparity is so much larger than I anticipated (I stopped playing as him much but I keep finding maps that require him)
So right now I’m maining Sheik at like 65 or something, then once they hit like 90 I’ll probably go to Ganondorf or Impa (I finally figured out how to play her giant blade god bless)
Primarily right now I’m jumping between going back to maps I didn’t get a-rank on and replaying them and going through free mode getting every stage done on hard + getting skulltulas I abandoned during legend mode, it has actually gotten me pretty good levels
I cannot however finish the level to upgrade Volga’s weapon, I need to A-rank a goddamn full level with a close-quarters imprisoned fight at the end like BLOCKING DIESNT DO SHIT WHEN ITS ACTUALLY EATING ME! IM IN ITS MOUTH THERES NOWHERE TO RUN IM IN A CAVE
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2af-afterdark · 5 months
The fact that there are so many things that can go wrong with them... I don't even know which of the many possible scenarios would devastate me more, lol. I remember staring at the screen for like solid ten seconds after seeing "horror" right after the "mature themes and violence" disclaimer. WHAT DO YOU MEAN "HORROR" HUH!!! All I wanted was to try out some silly horny game because I like looking at pretty boys and so that I could translate it for my friend that's interested in the plot but doesn't know English as well as I do...
What have I gotten myself into.
Ah well, I don't regret anything. Love the characters (Edmond, Olivine and Blade especially are so cute, I want to squeeze them like stress balls), the artstyle and the music. Can't wait to get traumatized once I get strong enough to advance in the plot, lol. Should probably not go looking through character tags for now, though... I usually don't mind spoilers at all, but you've piqued my curiosity.
Also, thank you for the heads-up about 10x draw rates! There's still a lot I need to learn about the game mechanics... And to decide whether I should give in to the temptation of buying that 2024 pack... My student ass can't afford to whale so I usually just stick to being fully f2p, but Eiden. Fucking. Eiden. This man has such a hold on me and I've had him for less than five days. What the fuck. I literally blush like a schoolgirl with a crush whenever he says something horny or teasing. I am so pathetic for him, damn it.
— 💛
The short answer is that everything happens all the time. Events and story alike both delight and destroy. I cannot wait for you to get further into the plot and discover all the juicy secrets. And all the event revivals you have to play! Because events are actually meaningful in Nu:C! They give lore and character moments that may be referenced down the line! And, since they often only focus on a few characters at a time, they feel so well paced and meaningful. Fuck! Nu:C has some of the best events. Period.
I will say that, unless they plan to add more horror down the line, that warning may be referring to one event in particular (it's the only event I actively chose to skip altogether so I cannot say much, but I hear it involved cults and sacrifice).
And, yeah.... 10x will sometimes net you absolutely nothing. I have had 10x where I don't even get an SR card, let alone an SSR. In all my time playing (literally since launch day), I have also only ever pulled 2 SSR in one 10x once. The draw rates in Nu:C can be brutal. I advise picking your favorites and only drawing when they are in the banner if you want to stand a chance. Like, I have 110 contracts saved up for Eiden's new card because I restrain myself to only pull for Kuya, Rei, and Blade (and Eiden, Aster, and Morvay, but they are rarely in the banner so those three are special circumstances). If you try to pull every banner, especially f2p, you are going to have a hard time getting any SSR.
Some quick tips:
Make sure you are doing your intimacy rooms since maxing those out actually makes cards stronger.
Ensure you do potential for the cards you plan to use a lot as this gives bonus benefits and stats. An R or SR card can be stronger than SSR card depending on potential, abilities, and how many * that card has (example: My SR Aster is still really strong because he's 5*).
Not all cards are built the same, even when they are the same class. The wording of the abilities matters. Example: SSR Dante (base card) will give every ally a shield to help protect them whereas SR Morvay will attack and guard for his normal attack and he will pull aggro for his ultimate. Different cards. Different uses in battle.
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EPISODE 61 SPOILERS BSD Anti-Delulu theory post: Why [REDACTED CHARACTER] dying from [REDACTED EVENT] would probably be a good thing.
This is reposted from Reddit. So Episode 61 just came out which luckily ties up a lot of the cliffhangers from the manga and serves as an ending point to the vampire infection arc--which is making me party on the inside because holy shit has that been going on for awhile. But now we have more cliffhangers. The last two minutes teasing a new arc, Sigma's fate, whether or not the armed detective agency are still criminals and ambiguous character fates. Oh yeah, and one of the main villains for the past 3 seasons might be dead.
I've seen people saying that he's not dead, and if he is, he shouldn't be dead. But I would like to propose a second opinion.
I feel like it is likely that Fyodor is dead from the helicopter crash. And that seems like a pretty good way to end this arc. It puts an end to the 'I outsmarted your outsmarting' stuff that's been going on for over a year at this point in the prison and it proves to Fyodor from his insulting of Dazai and Chuuya's relationship previously that their bond was NOT superficial. The thing that he ultimately doubted was what killed him and It's such wonderful irony. It also ties back to his biggest flaw, how he didn't trust the people he couldn't use and how just being a super smart 100000 iq guy doesn't matter in the face of sheer arrogance, which Mori commented on all the way back in season one. His overconfidence and lack of regard for other people stabbed him in the back, which serves as a great contrast to Dazai even brought up by Sigma. Dazai does not use the armed detective agency, he is a part of it, and his trust in the agency and in his friends was what kept him alive. But Fyodor can't do that, we don't know much about him, but from what we've seen, he doesn't really value the people in his life, he didn't value Chuuya, not Nikolai, Sigma, not his subordinates in the Rats in the House of the Dead. And that being the thing that kills him is great.
**Please do not take this to mean I don't want to see more of Fyodor or that we SHOULDN'T have more**
I do genuinely think that we need to know his power and his motivations as a character, not to mention. This episode they teased a certain man that Dazai lives up to that we don't know about. So how can you develop on that if he's dead?
Well from a story perspective, I hope he doesn't survive the helicopter crash. That would be such a cheap ending to something that was built up so well, pretty much nulling any impact for the finale, twin darkness, and Nikolai's character. But what I think will happen is that Fyodor is going to live on. Someone smarter than me mentioned this, but the words he says when he dies were the last words Jesus said before he came back three days later. That is obvious foreshadowing if I've ever seen that.
But keep in mind, Jesus died on the cross. There was no fake out.
So while I do believe Fyodor died in that crash, he is coming back in some way. There are theories that he might live on through Sigma which I find to be an interesting concept, helping us understand his backstory. And I think that him serving as an antagonist beyond the grave through memories, mind games, and manipulation would be such a Fyodor thing to do. If he does get revived, I wouldn't want it to be a respawn basically. Living on through the book, his orders, subordinates would honestly be a great way of preserving him and moving the story forward passed the whole "Dazai and Fyodor do mind game death note stuff" thing that he's been basically reduced to, liberating his character and moving forward in the story to this next arc. I don't know exactly how it would be done, but there are ways to kill him in that helicopter that don't involve throwing out his entire character, past and ability. From what we’ve seen, Asagiri seems very capable of writing a workaround to that. And knowing him, he probably has at least something figured out.
As for the body, Fyodor making a fake arm in theory sounds smart, but there is just too much bullshit involved. He wasn't injured when he came in right? how could he predict all the damage done to his arm with the bandages wrapped exactly as they were when they got on? How would he survive the copter in the first place, didn't look like he was escaping when the entire screen consumed his being? How would there be enough TIME to make a fake arm. I don't care how smart you think this guy is, that stuff takes time to make, and there was like what, 30 minutes overall inside that prison? No matter what way you slice it, you need to make at least someone in that scenario Mary Sue levels of big brained to pull that off and that's not really the kind of writing Asagiri does. Not to mention, it's a total copout.
As for the lack of body, yeah we didn't see it, but he also got blown up in a dang explosion, for all we know, the arm was the only thing that was left after he got blown to smithereens. And it didn't seem like Nikolai teleported to save him since he didn't really move, so what would that be? He has Kenji's powers now?? And even if somehow he DID survive all of that, also, even if he did survive, Fyodor doesn’t have the antidote, Dazai does. And we only have one antidote. So even in the best case scenario, Dazai would be thrown under the bus and there’s no way in hell dazai is dying yet, even more than Fyodor. All of those theories are even bigger plot holes and oversights than if he actually died.
So what does all of this mean, well Fyodor is almost probably dead (check his wiki). But that doesn't mean that his character and arc are over. He'll get immortalized somehow in a way that serves the oncoming arc without cheapening the finale for the prison arc, Dazai and Chuuya's relationship, and the absolute horror Nikolai was experiencing at the death of his friend. Yes it was painful, but if it turned out Fyodor was actually alive the entire time, that moment will have gone to waste.
Basically, anything can happen, but if I see Fyodor crawling out of that broken helicopter, I'm throwing hands.
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
Are there any particular elaborate character/oc playlists you’d like to share?? Or just a song or two?? Always love character playlists 🫣
So I follow some people who have elaborate character playlists in that they're like 100 songs long. Most of mine are not that, but I don't know that I'd consider mine "not elaborate" still, you know?
Most of my playlists are for canon characters, but I do have oc playlists also.
Anyway, since the spirit of the post / ask is to be able to ramble about a playlist, I'll pick a shorter one (not the shortest even but you know).
For my Shez OC - the main character from Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. His name is Avery (he/they).
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The game sets up the character as lacking a sense of self-preservation. Like the main character from the previous game, he has a spirit of something inside of him, speaking to him, saving him, guiding him. They complain about Avery jumping off a cliff more than once as if it would make them stronger.
The first song on the playlist is Bullet Proof ... I Wish I Was, because there's a lot of implication that the reason this character might not have been in the original story / timeline in Fire Emblem Three Houses because they did not live to see it, and I like leaning into the tragedy of that.
The second song is Writing's On The Wall, which has lyrics that align with that "there are clear signs that something unpleasant or unwelcome is going to happen." Avery feels something "familiar" with the Agarthans, who were the primary or secondary antagonists in fe3h depending on what route the player took, and Arval, the spirit inside Avery, says things that have a strong ominous tone. Avery is determined not to be the villain, but there's hints that whatever happens is "fate" and "destiny" and beyond his choice.
The third song is The Kiss of Life and it has lyrics which lend to the same moods as the previous two songs, and also pairs well with if you ship the two protagonists of those two games, which I do. Faedolyn, my Byleth OC, would have the ability to use Divine Pulse to turn back the clock to save Avery in most circumstances / canon-adjacent au's, and I like to think that Avery's connections to other characters, whether romantic or platonic are strongly what would drive them to long for the purpose that Fae finds easily (in his opinion) on their own.
The next song is What Feels Like Eternity, and if you've listened this far I like to think that the beat of the music is helping drive you along to stay on board with me. It is about trudging along and also refers to negative events as a bad dream. In the first chapter of few3h, Arval says, "I am a being that exists on the edge of dreams and reality." And the game didn't lean into this or use it well in my opinion, but I have spoken at length to friends about what this could mean for my oc.
Then you have I Am Not a Robot, and in the Golden Wildfire route of few3h, Avery gets to both explore the Bernadetta support chain (which I have my gripes about but that's not for here) where he encourages her to not judge people by their covers, like books; and gets to explore a Claude who is in conflict with himself, and who Avery is concerned would sacrifice him (a mercenary) and others like him as his goals shift and change. Additionally, and much more importantly, it is something to experience but not presented clearly, that Avery's birth parents who died under mysterious circumstances were probably killed by his adoptive mother who was either an Agarthan agent or a runaway Agarthan looking to revive Arval / Epimenides. They were looking to use him as a vessel with the intention of complete personality overhaul, they just needed the body. And I think this song suits characters who are victim to this kind of thing.
Next is Chambers, which has a lot of self-sacrificing styled lyrics as well as lyrics that imply a struggle between the narrator and someone he cares for. This, and also in particular the line "Oh, would you still offer your embrace, If it's another place you'd find me in?" fit well for me the way that Avery would rather die than be in conflict with the people he cares for / has witnessed and decided are innocent or good. In particular, he gives up his "rivalry" with Fae when he sees they would make a better ally than a mountainside for him to clash against. He would not willingly be whatever the Agarthans would make of him.
We're nearing the end! The next song is Oh My Dear Lord. The lyrics are about a burnout who can't deviate from their path. I think Avery doesn't believe in the Goddess on his own momentum, and that the Agarthan adoptive mother he had wouldn't have raised him with any experience in the Church of Seiros. So the lyrics for him would be a cry to the void, to nothing, with language that is pseudo-religious from someone who doesn't know how to be pious. I think he had wild and exciting mercenary days pre-canon, but they didn't exactly leave him prepared for the life he would lead.
Second to last we have Goodbye, which I discovered from the show DARK (never finished the second season). The terror of being "just a bad dream" meant for Arval to wake up from, and the inability to properly interact with the world around him (Avery) is why this song is on the list.
Finally, I added Me and the Devil after seeing this fanvid of being victim to or ally of or the seduced of a number of popular villains, which is also there for the betrayal I would have loved to see / experience between Avery and Arval, though I wouldn't have been disappointed by their tragic friendship with Epimenides being "the true villain" if Epimenides had been explored earlier in the story and a stronger character overall.
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It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
The Batter vs Vegeta!
Speed Equalized. Cell Saga Vegeta Post Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
After The Batter finishes purifying his home reality, he decides to move on to purifying others, coming across the Dragon Ball universe. Vegeta, fresh out of the time chamber with Trunks, comes across The Batter on his way to confront Cell and decides to take this opportunity to test out his newfound strength on a powerful foe.
Analysis: The Batter
There's something about the word "purity" that just makes me uncomfortable. Unless it's referring to minerals or chemicals, the word definitely has a distubring undercurrent to it. It just seems so... absolute. Unyielding. And oh so very... fanatical. And for the entity known only as The Batter, no undertone could be more fitting.
The Batter is the physical embodiment of purity. As such, he has no patience for the corrupt and suffering state of the world around him. That's why he intends to make it all Pure.... by obliterating it completely.
The Batter is cold and unrelenting in his quest and wields a variety of unnerving powers to achieve his goals. He can hurt and kill ghosts with any of his abilities, as well as sense their presence from miles away. He possesses standard RPG healing items and has elemental attacks at his disposal, but the elements he uses are anything but ordinary. The inhabitants of The Batter's world breath smoke, so he uses smoke attacks in place of air attacks, as well as meat, plastic, and metal based elemental attacks. With these elements, he can poison, blind, or even mute his enemies, the latter of which giving him the ability to nullify his opponent's powers entirely.
In order to best utilize these powers, The Batter uses his Wide Angle proficiency to analyze his opponent, learning their strengths and weaknesses, as well as elements of their backstory. He can then use this information to strategize, determining which items and "proficiencies" (basically skills) would best aide him. The Secret Day gives him resistance to Blindness, Poison, and Mute, while Thursday allows him to resist emotion altering powers, such as fury or madness. He can also inflict Palsy to paralyze enemies with his helpers, the Add Ons.
Add Ons are three rings that fly around the Batter, aiding him in combat by serving as his party. They cannot be seen by anyone but the Batter and they can heal and revive him if he goes down, with the Batter being able to do the same vice versa. While they share many of the same abilities as the Batter, they have some of their own. Photographic Blur can ignore durability outright, while Gaussian Blur can absorb an opponent's CP to keep them from using their skills.
With these skills, The Batter is able to destroy all the Zones of the world, killing their Guardians so that they're reduced to uninhabitable wastelands, unable to be held together without the Guardian's power. The Batter would even go on the kill Hugo, the child god who created him to begin with, and The Queen. The Queen in particular was capable of holding together The Room, a small pocket reality with three Suns inside of it.
I've previously dismissed this feat as unquantifiable, as you cannot scientifically create matter from nothing. However, I think I may have found a way to mathematically quantify the creation of stars. We can do this be calculating the Gravitational Binding Energy needed to keep that star together. The creation of one star and Earth would require a GBE of 267.320913002 Tenatons. Simply multiply that by three for Hugo's feat and The Batter would scale above 802 tenatons.
The Batter does have one weakness. He knows he's a video game character, or at least, knows he's being controlled by The Player, and knows he needs the Player's help to continue his mission. If the Player abandons him, that's it, he's done. But if the Player does not, The Batter will succeed in destroying reality, literally flipping a switch and turning it off. Nothing left but a pure void. Perfectly pure in all the worst ways.
Analysis: Prince Vegeta
Pride. If there was one cardinal sin the bloodthirsty, world conquering saiyan empire was guilty of above all others, above even their wrath and their rage, it would be pride. There is no single member of their species who exemplifies this better than Prince Vegeta the 4th.
Prince Vegeta was orphaned from the rest of his species at an early age when the interplanetary tyrant, Frieza, annihilated his home of Planet Vegeta, killing his father, Vegeta the 3rd, and destroying most of his species. This left Prince Vegeta alone and trapped beneath Frieza's cruel bootheel, doing his dirtywork and destroying planets at his leisure.
Until the day that Vegeta went to Earth and found another survivor of his species: Kakarot. Better known to us as Son Goku. Goku managed to defeat not only Vegeta, but even Frieza himself, avenging the Saiyan race on Vegeta's behalf. From there, Vegeta had a new goal: to become stronger than Goku by any means necessary.
And Vegeta had more than enough fire in him to become Goku's most longstanding rival. As a Saiyan, Vegeta was trained in the art of combat and conquest from birth, having slaughtered and destroyed numerous planets of Frieza's behest even as a child. As such, he can easily keep up with martial arts prodigies like Goku, who is skilled enough to perfectly copy martial arts techniques after seeing them in action only once. Furthermore, his Saiyan lifespan is longer than that of a human's, ensuring he can stay in his physical prime for decades, while his enhaced Saiyan senses can allow him to fight perfectly even in pitch black conditions by sensing air vibrations to detect movement. Finally, he does naturally grow stronger in the midst of combat and will gain an exponential power boost whenever he's mortally injured.
On top of that, Vegeta is a master at manipulating and using Ki, the life force that all things have that gets stronger the more physically powerful you are. He even taught himself to sense Ki without the use of a scouter to track foes he otherwise can't detect and sense how powerful they are. He can use ki to strengthen his skin, create defensive barriers, generate massive explosions, fire homing attacks, and generate a whole host of projectiles, from giant lasers to omnidirectional explosions with several Kilometers of range. And, of course, he can fly.
Vegeta may not have been the one to destroy Frieza, but he has long surpassed the tyrant by this point in the series. Frieza blowing up Planet Vegeta would've required him to expend energy roughly equivalent to 5 tenatons of TNT. Goku increases his power twenty fold to keep up with final form Frieza and then got a fifty fold increase from going Super Saiyan. 245 Tenatons. The Androids are at least twice as strong as that and Semi-Perfect Cell absorbs one of them and adds their power to his own. Seeing as Vegeta then goes on to crush Cell, that means that Vegeta is, by this point in the series as a Super Saiyan, at the very least comparable to 989 Tenatons, not even counting the numerous unspecified power boosts within that scaling chain.
Of course, despite his literally word shattering strength, Vegeta is not perfect. While he may easily be strong enough to destroy the entire planet, he cannot breathe is space, so the vacuum left behind would be lethal to him. Furthermore, he has a massive pride complex that makes him very overconfident and very prone to error. Especially at this point in the series, where he lets Cell become Perfect just to prove he can still beat him and then promptly gets his ass kicked.
Despite that, his pride is still well earned. He's easily one of the strongest beings to ever set foot on Earth and stands proud as one of the few to ever realize the legendary transformation of Super Saiyan, taping into the mythical power that his people once revered as divine.
Throwdown Mashup:
Throwdown Breakdown:
Stats wise, Vegeta does have a comfortable strength advantage going in. While The Batter does upscale from the 802 Tenaton feat, Vegeta scales even farther above his own 989 Tenaton scaling chain, due to the various unspecified power gaps within it that I glossed over. Not an insurmountable advantage, but certainly a considerable one when considering Vegeta's considerable skill advantage.
The Batter does have significant advantages of his own, however. Vegeta likely cannot sense the Add Ons with his Ki, as they aren't living creatures in their own right, just items acting on The Batter's behalf. As such, he'd have to rely on his ability to sense air vibrations to dodge them, which he may not do right off the bat due to his cockyness and the fact that he can sense he's stronger than The Batter. This would give The Batter the opportunity to inflict his Status Effects, which he would likely do after using Wide Angle to see what he's up against.
Blindness isn't much of an issue. As Vegeta can just sense The Batter's Ki regardless and is able to fight in pitch black areas already, he should be able to adapt easily enough through skill alone. The other status effects however, are much more troublesome. Palsy can straight up Paralyze Vegeta in place, while Mute would nullify Vegeta's ki abilities entirely, both of which would almost automatically spell game over for Vegeta if The Batter manages to land them. Palsy is obvious, because once Vegeta is paralyzed, The Batter can just walk over and beat him to death at his leisure, and Mute would nullify Vegeta's ki, leaving him unable to utilize flight or ranged attacks. It may even disable his Super Saiyan transformation, at which point he's completely screwed, as Vegeta has to win a four on one against people who are now stronger than him, three of which he can only detect by air vibrations.
Vegeta, however, does have a reliable win condition of his own. He vastly outranges The Batter and his flight gives him far more maneuverability, allowing him to just fly outside The Batter's range and nuke him from miles away. In fact, I'd say this is the solution Vegeta would likely come to once he realized how much of a threat The Batter's Add Ons posed to him, as he's often shown to be more than happy to just nuke his enemies from a distance once they start to frustrate him.
The one issue for Vegeta here that makes this The Batter's game is Vegeta's sheer cockyness. His comfortable edge in strength works against him here because it'll cause him to underestimate The Batter. Even against opponents who definitively outclass him, like Frieza and Perfect Cell, it can take Vegeta a minute to realize how out of his depth he is, so it's entirely in character for him to underestimate The Batter and let him get critical hits in. And as The Batter is both very no-nonsense and has the ability to analyze his opponent's strengths and weaknesses on the spot, he's likely to open with something that completely devestates Vegeta, such as Palsy, Mute, or Poison, none of which Vegeta has any resistance to.
Vegeta has the smarts, skills, and powers he needs to win... but he's not going to start with them like The Batter will.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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The Batter!
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claire-starsword · 10 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 1
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Let's do this thing. Seeing @shiningforcegirlpower got me inspired to do Shining Force challenge runs myself, so I'm finally starting the magic users only run in GBA that I had wondered about some months ago, maybe many? Ah, time.
All posts will be tagged as "#guardiana magic school run". We've got a lot of rambling and RPG starting setup to go through, let's get to it.
The rules:
-I can only use characters who start with spells or learn spells at some point. So Max and Arthur are valid despite knowing only Egress and nothing at the beginning, respectively. Mawlock however is banned, I'm treating the card gimmick as something completely different that honestly deserves its own challenge one day. Also excluding him gives us exactly 12 characters to work with which is very convenient as it means I'll never have to worry about the team composition.
-I must have every character who fits the rule above on the team, no giving up on any of them. If a character dies, I must revive them as soon as I have the money needed instead of saving the money for something else.
-Enforcing character bans is super easy in this version as you can remove any characters except Max from the team any time. The exceptions however are the Narsha interludes. Frankly, I'm not too concerned about these as I'll likely just die on them lol, but yeah, I can't use Zuika and Mawlock for anything on them. But if they do attract enemies or do a counter or anything like that it's out of my hands and I don't care.
-No resets (unless I accidentally break a rule and have to undo something), we die like men who enjoy funding the churches of Rune. This also means I can't reset for good boosts from stat boosting items, if I decide to use those I get what I get. Also means I can't reset for good item drops, which are a thing in this version.
-Also in the spirit of not exploiting things, I can only check the deals section of shops once before each battle. From what I've heard the deals section rolls to generate stuff each time you open it so you could abuse it by just opening it a lot. I want to ride on the silly waves of the RNGods instead.
-No Egress or Angel Wings, I don't want to just overlevel on easy battles and then wipe out the rest of the game. I can however use the Retreat command at the start of battles.
-I just remembered a Bank exists in this game and would make these money related restrictions trivial so, that's banned too. I don't think I've ever used that thing.
-Also on the topic of money, I can use/sell the items of banned characters, I'll give myself that.
-No using magic through items, I want to see the character's own magical skills. Also the Sword of Light and the Chaos Breaker tend to destroy the late game with their magic.
-It's hard to enforce this as a rule but, again, the point of the challenge is to not overlevel, so dying on purpose to go around the Egress ban shouldn't happen either. I should play trying to minimize losses and even characters deaths to the best of my ability. So I will be counting these metrics, with two caveats: Narsha deaths on the interludes get a separate counter, and Mawlock and Zuika's deaths there don't count at all since they shouldn't even be there. The interludes are a beast of their own and kinda don't mash well with challenge runs.
The rules have been set, let the games begin.
Queen Anri's dream has come true and the Guardiana Magic School is a success. To celebrate and promote its teachings, we are gathered here today for a perhaps not very historically accurate reenactment of the war against Runefaust, with only the Shining Force members who can showcase the wonders of ~*~magic~*~. Hans weeps tears of joy at not going to battle this time, and vows to never get anywhere near magical talent, which might be the opposite of what this expedition is trying to achieve here, but that's okay this isn't about him.
Between the starting money and what we get from selling Hans, Ken and Luke's equipment, we get 385 gold for our first provisions. And I know some if not all of my Shining followers haven't played this version, so I'll try highlighting differences when I remember. We already have big ones when it comes to items and equipment.
First, as my rules implies, the deals section have a random chance of coming up with some special equipment, sometimes very overpowered for the chapter you are in. But I did just check it once as I'm allowed to and there's nothing yet.
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The amount of items you can carry has also changed. In classic SF games, each character can carry at most four items total. So if you have a weapon equipped, that's one less slot to carry an item on, and same if you have a ring on. Also, you can only equip one ring at a time. Here instead we get four slots for items, and separate four slots for equipment. So everyone gets to carry more healing items or whatever else we need. We also get to equip more rings at once, and the game will incentive us to do that by putting a lot of new rings in this version (also weapons but I'll bring them up as they come later).
The Steel Ring can only be bought in Guardiana by a whooping 500 gold, and offers a mediocre +1 in defense. Stacking three of them however can make a good difference, especially in a gameplay full of squishy wizards. I would love to buy as many of these as I can before we leave Chapter 1, but sadly that sure won't happen now. Or before Battle 2 which happens before we can get back to Guardiana. Oh well. Max does start with one, so we aren't ringless at least.
The fact that we can't get back to a shop for a while does make me paranoid so I buy sixteen medical herbs to fill up everyone's bags. Of course I don't have four valid characters but we'll get to that in a hot minute. Let's get our carriage and head to the Gate of the Ancients already.
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And then let's immediately retreat, I allowed it in my rules for a reason. We return to the world map and go to the Mountain Hut to pick up Gong. With this frankly silly move, our four first spellcasters are finally assembled.
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Our great leader Max is for now only in this playthrough by technicality due to knowing Egress aka the run button which is a spell in this series for some reason. This is the GBA version though so he will learn something else eventually, but it will take quite a while so it's not worth talking about it now. For now he's a welcome melee fighter in this spell based team, but he's also the man we can't let die at all costs so there's only so much he can do in the front lines.
Tao the Blazing Woman is our first squishy wizard, you can see even with these small numbers she's the frailest member. I would love to shower her with Steel Rings in the future but for now I'm letting Max keep his because I hope to not let her get hit at all in the next battles. She's also my favorite of the wizards in this game and the first to get high level spells, so I'm expecting her to carry this run honestly.
Lowe and Gong are our healers, as of now there's not much difference between them in offense and defense. Lowe has way more MP, allowing him double the amount of Heal 1, while Gong has better movement, which will definitely matter for Battle 2.
You can also see two GBA exclusive things in these stat screens. One is Magic Resistance, a new stat that reduces the damage the character takes from enemy spells. Usually only characters that know magic get this, so basically everyone in this run, which should be fun to show off. The other thing is the CTR OK in the top right for some characters. In this version only characters with this have a chance to counter enemy attacks, non-combat oriented classes like mages and healers can't. It doesn't make much of a difference honestly but it's a neat detail.
After this long ass prologue that you should have expected because I can't be brief to save my life, let's get some action in this party.
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Every battle until Chapter 8 in this version has some sort of bonus for clearing it in a certain amount of turns, usually either money or a special weapon. I do want those Steel Rings, and this one is not too hard, so let's do our best to get it (you can check the turn count in battle btw, along with the character order within the turn, it's one of the many QoL improvements of this version).
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Again, this battle shouldn't be hard even with less characters. The goblins are weak and tend to stay spaced out instead of rushing us together, and the dwarves and the knight, which are bigger threats, stay still in the back. I'll try to keep Lowe and Tao safe while Gong and Max tank some hits, but Lowe might need to attack at times if we want the clear bonus. Also the AI loves to hit Max through any means possible so we gotta be careful with that.
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I get counterattacked on my very first action of this run and hope this isn't some sort of omen. If Gong is taking 3 damage per goblin then in theory all goblins here could kill him next, so it's time for Lowe to do some healing, even if it feels like a waste.
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I immediately give up on letting Tao stay safe because I'm a reckless idiot and she gets hit for 4 damage, while doing double that amount on the guy first, so you can see why I do that. She's just great.
Gong gets swift revenge (counterattack that i failed to screenshot). One of the goblins wasted their turn just lining up with their friend, because even though this version has much better AI than the mega drive one it is still silly sometimes.
Turn 3 is chill. Everyone kills a goblin except Lowe, who heals Tao. I began to fear that I should be saving her Blazes for the tougher enemies, but alas. Self control is apparently not a thing I have, but that's okay, who needs good strategy to do a challenge run of the strategy game.
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Turn 4. Gong could reach those guys but I'm scared so I stay a little away to heal and see if the goblins advance first. Only one of them does, and that's fine I guess. Max seems to be the slowest of the team right now and that's currently good as he can score a hit once the enemies have already moved.
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oh no they had not all moved. Max tanks it well though, so all the better that the dwarves are now separated.
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This asshole survives at 1 HP but I'd rather Tao burns the dwarf.
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She does great and Max finishes the job, earning the first level up of the run. Look at that attack boost, this man is so overpowered. The next dwarf comes at him because he's irresistible like that, but with this +1 in defense he's tanking even better than before.
We start turn 6 and I'm like everything is going so well :) I figure Lowe can heal Max a bit later and would rather Gong just punch someone (the dwarf). This unfortunately gets the knight's attention.
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Plans are out the window, Lowe, fix this. This is Lowe's last heal but we do have a squad of Medical Herbs so it's fine.
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Tao is out of MP but can still kill that 1HP goblin. She gets a level up as she deserves, and +3 MP, which means her amount of Blazes just went from 3 to 5 in a flash. Love this woman.
Meanwhile Max has to heal himself with a Medical Herb because I'm scared. He's taking like 2 damage from the dwarf which is great, but I don't want at half HP when the knight is Like That.
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We get to turn 7 which is getting tight for the clear bonus but Gong's super punch did leave the knight on death's door already so there should be no need to rush, let's get the exp from the other enemies before ending the boss. I am terrified of Gong getting double attacked or critted which would end him, but also scared of taking him out there and opening a path to Tao. We're on the hands of the gods.
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We get a kinder damage roll this time I guess. Turn 8 arrives and there's a half dead goblin on the field yet because Lowe and Tao couldn't finish the job, but I don't wanna risk losing the bonus, let's finish the knight already. And hope he doesn't counter Gong with that big roll because Gong's at exactly 7 HP.
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The asshole survives at 1 HP and counters but thankfully does only 5 damage. And then gets to their turn and attacks Max, because I moved Max next to them before finishing dwarf, and the AI just loves Max so much. Lowe finishes them, getting a level up that I barely pay attention too because I'm bad at that, and a Bronze Lance drop? Extra money I guess.
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Man that was stressful. But we won. The anticlimatic town theme starts playing as we move immediately to more war, except we don't because I retreat and save the game. The parade of Guardiana spellcasters shall continue some other day.
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Also reviewing this hours later before posting I realized there's no damage rolls in this game and I've just been watching too many pokemon runs. Gong leveled up at some point and got +2 defense, and I didn't notice at all, probably because I was busy crying in fear.
Losses: 0 Deaths: 0 Number of Hans mentions in a run not about Hans: 2 (see the tags)
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Bendy and the dark revival part 3
Thonks and notes.
She was the fourth
Something tells me this is about Audery? But... The fourth of what?
Better not be the fourth closet...
Listens to Jane Todd tape
So the fourth is Carly, a ghost girl Jane wants to join the Butcher gang.
That was rejected.
... Hmmm
So Nathan Arch, aka guy from Archgate productions bought the rights to Joey's characters.
He talks about Joey as an old friend but idk if its just cos of fnaf and Henry addressing William the same way.
But something doesn't seem right bout this.
Porter is interesting, I mean there's very few people nice down here.
I like how he just goes nope your name is Bobby now.
.. And he has ink magic 2.
Sure okay than.
I like him.
The power belongs to him
Apparently not just him.
Game needs to stop taunting me with Boris...
Boris plushi in the ink.
Boris cardboard cut out which is also bizarre cos it's usually bendy ones.
In the words of Susie Campbell's Alice Angel from the first game
"Give me back my Boris!"
Ohhh chain door.
This should be good.
They crawl
Okay than and there's a dead lost one? On the floor surrounded by ink.
And the ink demon is back.
The deep abyss remembers you, Audery.
If the abyss is Wilson... Than tell him we're not here.
A child of the darkness.
Hmm that's werid cos everyone else is referred to as a child of the machine.
Just more and more hints that Audery is different to the others.
And remembers?
Has Audery been here before I wonder.
I mean Henry was stuck in a time loop so... Who knows.
Wandering ebat the difference between lost ones and searchers are... Other than one having legs and feet.
Your journey will end as you are consumed into my dark kingdom.
That's just late stage capitalism man, was already there in while working in a dark semi abandoned animation studio
Here you will find meaning in your pain.
That's what we call a paycheck.
And I doubt your giving one out.
Also.. Ink demon needs to clear his throat once in a while.
People saying I should watch Superhorrorbros videos on this rather than Mark's playthrough for lore.
And I will but it's nice seeing stuff for myself and making ideas and having thonks and than seeing it from someone else.
That and than I don't get to see Mark aggressively "wallopolise" lost ones with the wrench while screaming and cursing them with eternal damnation.
The sweat cannot be cleaned
I love the wall writings in this game but.... Ew.
Couldn't you go with idk blood or death or literally anything other than sweat.
We don't live forever.
When we're killed or finally pulled apart our diseased soils return to the ink to be reborn.
An unending cycle of torment.
But sometimes, something even worse can happen.
A soul can slip from the ink completely. It gets caught between worlds, unable to die or return.
They wail in the night. Drifting in shadow. The phantoms of the machine.
The ghosts.
So... You do live forever.
Also this sounds like what happened to Henry.
Stuck in a loop of time unable to truly die and stuck in an endless cycle.
Werid how the ink demon doesn't have the ability to Flow like Audery and Porter do.
Ugh... Wilsons back.
Attention children of the machine. It's Wilson.
We know!
There have been lies that the Ink demon has been spotted in animation alley.
Pay no attention to these filthy rumours.
I destroyed the ink demon myself! Be died my hands do don't be afraid.
I legit forgot he said that.
He's a fucking liar.
I knew he was lying because obviously but wow.
If said demon kills him ima just turn the other way.
Didnt see it.
Your friend Wilson will protect you.
I'm more afraid of you than him frankly.
Without fear there's chaos
Wilson would love star wars with his whole with fear is order and with order there is no chaos and all that wallop.
Audery... Maybe don't punch through ink canisters.
Like I get it.
But you know could be glass or something. Hell there is a glass shattering sound.
Be careful.
Feels like Nathan is now going to the church of the ink machine.
Just like Joey before him.
And chapter 3 begins, the Eternal machine.
This is Wilson
Go away!
Anyone caught in the restricted areas will be taken immediately to the Pit.
Where a ballpit will send you to a Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria in the year 198-
... Wrong pit.
My bad.
So be a good egg.
Follow the rules.
.... Hmm nope.
Good to know the true enemy of Joey Drew studios is slow working lifts.
Audery gets in lift. Recalls in the 1st game how the lift crashed down and Susies Alice Angel stole Boris
...I have a bad feeling.
Unauthorised surface elevator in use. Manual lift ejection activated.
Knew it.
See lifts in this game... Not good.
Bad things in this game:
And Wilson.
... And ink crabs now apparently.
Still better than Sea Bonnie's.
Audery finally gets the coffee she came for!
... Hold up its $15.
Jeez I knew Joey Drew studios went bankrupt and all that but... Who the fuck is paying that much for coffee.
Especially when it's called Compost Coffee.
... See this is scarier than the ink demon.
Late stage capitalism is the real enemy of this game.
.. And Wilson.
Fuck that guy.
... Actually don't.
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justlikejohn · 1 year
how r u feeling about p3 reload
hello oh my god im so glad you asked.
i. am. so. goddamn. HYPED!! p3 is my favourite game full stop so im so excited for the fandom revival and the new content and the new discussions and seeing what theyve changed and what theyve kept the same and shit... any excuse to replay persona 3 is a good excuse in my book
however. i am not sure that persona 3 warrants a "reload"? not in a negative way: i just think that a pc release that included overworld FES aspects and the answer as WELL as FeMC and direct control of party members would have satisfied people more than a "reload". i was secretly looking forward to a persona 6 release announcement, and to see a remaster of a game that i think still holds up (and was just inaccessible to players) is a little disappointing :p
a lot of the appeal of p3 to me is how .. dated it is, in a way? its SO 2000s with the mp3 players and the fashion and it just aligns so much with what was "cool" then. i love it! im not sure if the reboot will go for that "retro" look, since its trying very hard to emulate the persona 5 style (which imo is very modern and cool, with all the stark contrast and black shading..) ultimately a more modern look would not be a negative, just different!
i am SO ATTACHED (so attached.) to the original voice actors. vic mignogna as junpei iori is what hooked me in the first place because he just has such a phenomenal energy that he brings to the character! like. i prefer og fuuka (paula tiso, i think?) and i hated seeing her replaced in sequel games :(( i LOVE the original english cast. i dont know enough about the new VAs to judge their abilities, but it will be REALLY weird to see a persona 3 without the original english cast! ill probably be curmudgeonly about the new cast upon seeing their performance, sorry in advance 😅
i still have my fingers crossed for FeMC!! :'3c shes my favourite.
i HATE the new sprites. where is the character. the style. why is it so bland now :( why does junpei look so ugly. give me back my boy. why do the look like, contorted in that weird AI art way?
i LOVE the new 3D models. aigis is so BEAUTIFUL. yukari and the MC look fantastic too..... wahhhh the models and the environments pop so well! i love the city aesthetics of p3 and a good 3D environment will lend itself so well to the clean, metallic, imposing look of tatsumi port island.......
i also find the janky-ness of persona 3 (original) very endearing. i love how strega is so LAME and that they seem to have very little plot presence, i love the lower poly models, i love the cheese of the plot and death motifs. i wonder how the remake will approach this jank! battling/dungeon crawling will probably be vastly improved (yay!) but im not sure how id feel about "fixing" the problems of the story! if they clean up the story - fixing pacing, honing character arcs, redoing cheesy dialogue - it smooths what is a raw and edgy and deeply emotional story! im not sure id like a "smoothed" persona 3 experience! then again, why remake a game to keep every piece of dialogue and every event exactly the same? it would be weird for them not to change the story! this is a very big dilemma for me :0
so yah there! :)) overall, excited for the fandom revival but not sure that persona 3 needed a remake rather than a definitive release. please, if anyone has anything to add i would love to hear what you all think! :)))
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loverboy-inc · 1 year
Hey, I don’t even know how to begin this, but your f/os' list made me research the “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”, so now I am… deeply disturbed, but at the same time awfully curious.
How does your relationship with AM works? What is your s/i doing on Earth, what is going on in terms of connection to the original story? How did AM and Juniper met, what is the dynamic, how exactly did AM fell in love with human? Like, what is the lore?
(I’m also curious about your selfship with Elias, especially because researching who he is has finally made me acknowledge “The Magnus Archives” as a highly fascinating concept and a story that is now added to my “to read” list (or would that be “to listen”?), but I guess that would be too many questions to answer for one ask.)
– villain-in-love
this has me shaking like a chihuahua from excitement thank you so much i LOVE being able to talk abt the dynamics of these relationships!!
the main universe where juniper and AM meet is for a fic of mine, where the apocalypse hasn't happened, and instead AM was left in a sort of computer power-saving mode, so to speak. he's been a dormant entity for all these years, believing that he took out his rage on humanity, and the events of the short story are real to it. juniper happens to have a very close friend named dallas who is working on a project to possibly revive AM as a sort of test run of putting a computer into an android body/human-like body, and that's how they meet, because dallas thinks that juniper would be capable of getting to know AM and figuring out how his mind works, essentially. AM reluctantly bonds with juniper, because it needs someone who can be patient with it, and juniper is more than capable of that. the concept is very self-indulgent and doesn't make an entirely huge amount of sense, but the two form a bit of a bond and understand one another after a while, and since he isn't… well, just wires in a "straitjacket of substrata rock" as he states in the game, he isn't as murderous. a lot of how AM is as a character is because humans made it as a weapon, and confined it to the earth, with no ability to create or understand why he exists as it does. AM, in a sense, reminds me a lot of the concept of angels in Judaism, as he is created by a being who is able to create, but it himself cannot, and is jealous of the things that it was made by, aka humanity. when this barrier is removed, and he's able to move around, create things (he helps juniper in their garden, which winds up a good outlet for him), find interests outside of it's original created purpose, and slowly build a connection with people, he has a lot less of that hatred flowing through it. because the very things that humanity did that made it hate, he now doesn't have, and is able to work through the emotions that come from that.
as for elias and francis, their dynamic is really fun because they basically want to dissect one another's brains. elias finds the fact that francis is hiding his true intent for being there very fascinating, especially because it's so… mundane, compared to the reasons many people come to the archives? and while elias could just reach into francis' mind and find everything out, he doesn't, because that would ruin the fun.
also, i'm really glad you got into both of these pieces of media! they're fun to analyze, and TMA can be extremely fulfilling to get into if you like eldritch horror concepts with little bits of comedy here and there. though, i never finished season 5, it got a bit too grimdark and bleak, but i fully plan to pick it up again and finish the series at some point!
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