#also i had an arm bracelet full of coins too that i would wear pretty often. so i guess little 10/11 yo me was a secret belly dancer lmao
moonchild-in-blue · 29 days
vessel sleep token the first belly dancer
*runs away*
Come back 🥺 You're cooking 🥺
I wanna give him those cute belly dancer waist scarfs with the clinking coins 🥺✨
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
traitor. (sokka x f!reader) pt 13
part 1 | part 12 | part 14
A/N: Here’s a cute little part. Occurs in ‘the headband’ episode, but doesn’t encompass the whole episode, just the important parts :)
Y/N sat there in silence after Aang told her what he had learned in just one day at a Fire Nation school. What did that mean for her education of five years at one? She tugged one of their blankets around her shoulders because even next to the fire she was shivering. She felt like she had been punched hard in the stomach and all the wind was knocked out of her. 
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“I don’t know about this,” Aang whispered. “It feels wrong to steal someone else’s clothes.”
Katara and Y/N exchanged a look. “I call the silk robe!” Katara shouted as she jumped over the rocks they had hidden behind. 
“But I guess if it’s for the good of humanity… I call the suit!” Aang followed her. 
The rest of them joined and ran between the lines of clothes looking for anything that might fit. Y/N was reaching for a pair of pants when Katara stopped her. “Pick something else.”
“People are used to seeing you wear Fire Nation clothes. You’ll be more recognizable if you pick something you always wear.”
“Fine.” Y/N wrinkled her nose and pulled a deep red skirt from the clothesline. 
“This too.” She whipped a shirt at Y/N’s face. When she caught a look at it she shook her head wildly. “No way!” Y/N worked to keep her voice low so the man they were stealing from couldn’t hear her. “It’ll be hard enough to fight in a skirt, Katara. I’m not wearing it.”
Y/N poked at the bare skin of her midriff. “I mean seriously, Katara. I have to shrug this shirt on like it’s a robe and it ties in the back. If a bad guy gets ahold of that I’ll be half-naked.”
Katara pulled her hair out of its braids and hair loopies and didn’t spare a glance at the other girl. “You complain almost as much as Sokka.”
Y/N huffed and crossed her arms. “I don’t.” She unwound the leather tie around her braid and let her hair hang loose down her back, tying a similar top knot to Katara’s. “Let’s just go find the others.”
“How do we look?” Katara asked the other three. Y/N gave a very unenthusiastic twirl. Y/N turned back to notice how Aang’s eyes widened and he blushed as he looked at Katara. Y/N raised an eyebrow and glanced at Katara’s face, who was looking back at Aang with soft eyes. What is going on here? Y/N hummed in thought.
“You look like a girl,” Sokka said as his eyes bounced from Y/N’s skirt to her face. 
“Thank you for that astute observation. I am a girl,” Y/N replied drily. 
Sokka was blushing furiously. “No, I mean–”
“Oh, Katara. Your necklace,” Aang interrupted. 
Katara rubbed the carved bone. “I guess it’s pretty obviously from the Water Tribe.”
“Don’t worry,” she patted Katara’s shoulder. “We’ll get you something else in town so it doesn’t feel like you lost it.”
Y/N slid the new bracelet she had bought around her upper arm while she listened to Aang talk. All of them bought something to make their disguises more authentic, while also being able to feel more like themselves; a new Fire Nation necklace for Katara, a flame pin to hold together Sokka’s top knot, a headband for Toph and the bracelet to help hide the burn scar on Y/N’s bicep. 
“I used to visit my friend Kuzon here a hundred years ago. Just follow my lead.” Aang confidently turned the corner of the building they were behind and winked at a guy on the street. “Greetings, my good hotman!”
Toph pulled on Y/N’s elbow. “Is this really how they talk in the Fire Nation?”
“Uhh.. you know, I didn’t go into the city much but I’m almost one hundred percent positive that no they don’t,” Y/N whispered.
“Spirits, do not stop him. This is hilarious,” Toph laughed as Aang tipped his head to another man walking by, calling him ‘hotman’.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. I wish you could see the looks people are giving him.” 
The five of them stopped in front of a restaurant. “Oh, I didn’t know we were going to a meat place,” Aang said a little dejectedly
“Everyone here eats meat!” Sokka exclaimed. “Even the meat!” He pointed over to a cow-hippo who was eating meat off the ground. Y/N’s stomach turned at the sight. Maybe she didn’t want to eat meat today either. 
Aang left, promising to meet them in the same spot outside after he found something vegetarian. Ten minutes had passed and there was still no sign of him. Katara was beginning to pace with worry. 
“He could have gotten lost looking for something to eat, right?” She asked the rest of them.
“We could go look around for him?” Y/N offered. When she noticed the hint of fear in Katara’s eyes, she added, “Nothing happened to him of course. He probably just got lost! Or he’s looking at some shop. How about you and Toph stay here, wait for him to see if he comes back. Sokka and I can wander the town looking for him.”
“We can?” Sokka asked. 
Y/N nudged his ribs. 
“We can,” he confirmed. He popped the last bit of his elk-caribou kebab in his mouth and threw the stick away. “Aang will come back and we’ll feel silly for being worried about him.”
“I hope you’re right, Sokka.” Katara said. 
“Ooh, let’s look in this shop,” Sokka marveled, pulling Y/N along with him. It was only a shop full of little trinkets and bags but everything Sokka saw excited him. 
“What do you think of this bag?” Sokka tossed the strap over his shoulder and posed. 
“You have an Earth Kingdom bag back at camp that looks the same,” she retorted.
Sokka rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but now that we’re here, I need a Fire Nation one.” 
Y/N shrugged and Sokka took that as her statement on what she thought of the bag. He placed it back on the table and picked up a ceramic box. “What about this box?” he asked.
She took it from his outstretched hands and inspected it. It was a black box with a golden Fire Nation flame on top. “What are you going to put in the box?” she asked as she handed it back to him.
“I–um, cool rocks that I find?”
Y/N hummed, amused. “And what are you going to do with the box full of cool rocks?”
“Put it in my bag,” Sokka muttered. “Fine! I won’t get it!” 
“You’re not very fun to shop with.” Sokka said when they left. 
Y/N looked up at the sun to check the time. “We’re supposed to be looking for Aang, not shopping.”
Sokka waved his hands. “Aang is fine. He’s the Avatar, he can take care of himself.” 
“I’m assuming by the way Katara reacted that he doesn’t necessarily go off by himself a lot.”
“Katara–” he paused to think of the right word, “–she mother-hens us.” He held up his hands defensively. “Not that I’m saying we don’t need it, because sometimes it’s nice, but she worries entirely too much.”
Y/N stopped a fruit stand and picked up a ripe peach. “I don’t know, it’s kind of nice.” She passed along a few coins to the merchant and handed a second one to Sokka. 
“How is it nice?” Sokka asked, then bit into the flesh of the peach.
“I don’t know. The way I grew up there was never anyone worried about when I would come home, you know? I just came and went as I pleased and then when I moved to the palace it was the same way.”
“You lived at the palace?” Sokka blurted out.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” Y/N watched as Sokka cut the pit of the peach out with a small knife and tossed it into the road. He nodded at her to continue. “I moved to the capital to go to school and about a year after, I moved into the palace.” She bit into the peach and wiped the juice off her chin with the back of her hand. 
“Why though? Why not live with your parents?” He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“Do you always ask this many questions?”
“I’m just trying to figure you out,” Sokka stuttered. 
“Why?” Y/N giggled. She abruptly stopped when Sokka blushed and gave her a look she couldn’t decipher. 
“I just want to,” he finally said. “We don’t know anything about you.”
“Well, if you must know–it’s embarrassing–but my parents encouraged it actually. They were ecstatic that I was able to get close to the Royal Family and even though we weren’t nobility they had this absurd fantasy that I could marry Zuko.” Y/N covered her face in humiliation. 
Sokka shared a look of disgust. “Fire Prince Ponytail, huh?”
She smiled at the joke, but it faded quickly; the hurt of Zuko’s betrayal still heavy on her heart. “He wasn’t always like that.” Y/N ran quickly to his defense. “I knew him when he was still good.”
Sokka collapsed on the ground and leaned up against a wall. “So tell me about it.”
Y/N sat next to him and bumped his arm with her shoulder. “About what?”
“Your palace life, Princess.”
The sun was setting when her and Sokka headed back to the cave. The streets were lined with paper lanterns and Y/N could hear lively music being played somewhere. It was busier than it was during the heat of the day and Sokka and Y/N were frequently bumped into from all sides, right into one another. Finally, after losing him twice in the crowd she looped her arm through his. She felt him tense up under her touch, but immediately relaxed. 
“Oh, hey, what’s that?” She pointed off in the distance to a wooden board that looked like it had pictures posted all over it. She weaved them around the crowd to stand in front of it. It was a bulletin board full of advertisements, lost items, found items, and wanted posters. Her eyes ran across the assortment of them–The Blue Spirit, an Admiral named Jeong-Jeong–until her eyes landed on one in particular. 
“Yeah, they put these out when we first started traveling with Aang.” Sokka poked at a yellowing poster of Aang in his airbender clothes. “Luckily they won’t be hunting for him anymore.”
“Yeah. They aren’t hunting you,” Y/N pointed at the only poster that drew her attention. The one with a similar likeness to her face. “But I think they’re hunting me now.” 
Sokka peered around them to see if anyone was watching and ripped the poster down and shoved it in his pocket. “We need to tell the others.”
They only stopped running when they reached the mouth of the cave, the sun low in the sky. 
“Where were you two?!” Katara scolded. “We waited for you to come back but you never did!” 
“We looked around for Aang but–” Sokka started. He unfolded the poster from his pocket. 
“Well did you find him?” She asked.
Sokka and Y/N shared a look. “You mean you didn’t?” Y/N fretted. 
“No and Toph and I came back here when we couldn’t find anyone–”
The four of them jumped a noise outside. Y/N reached back instinctively to grab the hilt of her sword just when Aang strode in with Momo perched on his shoulder. His clothes were muddy and there was dirt on his face like he’d been chased through the woods but he was smiling. “Hey guys!” 
“Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick!” Katara raced to pull him into a hug. 
Aang sheepishly pulled off his headband. “I got invited to play with some kids after school.” 
Sokka’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “After what?!”
“I enrolled in a Fire Nation school and I’m going back tomorrow.” 
“Enrolled in what?!” Y/N thought Sokka was going to pass out. 
“Let’s just sit down and talk about it,” Y/N suggested. 
“I’m learning about all the propaganda they teach–”
Behind her, Y/N knew that Sokka was still talking, still flailing his arms around but she couldn’t hear the words he was saying because–
Everyone froze, unsure of what to do next. Y/N could hear Toph behind her by the fire. “Oh no.”
Y/N wasn’t sure what to think. “No, don't even think about not telling me! What do you mean they teach propaganda at Fire Nation schools?”
Y/N sat there in silence after Aang told her what he had learned in just one day at a Fire Nation school. What did that mean for her education of five years at one? She tugged one of their blankets around her shoulders because even next to the fire she was shivering. She felt like she had been punched hard in the stomach and all the wind was knocked out of her. 
What did Sokka, Katara, Aang and Toph think of her as they realized that these were the things that she grew up learning? That she had foolishly believed that the Air Nomads–known pacifists–had created an army big enough to destroy the Fire Nation so they had to be taken out first. That the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes, after hearing of the destruction of all the Air Temples and supposedly the Avatar, had joined together and invaded the Fire Nation. That she had believed in and supported the idea that the Fire Nation was doing the right thing, that cleansing the world of troublemakers and creating obedience and peace in the villages was ‘the only way’. 
In the back of her mind, Y/N was trying to reason with herself, You knew the whole time. That’s why you left, that’s why you're trying to do good with the Avatar; to right the wrongs of your Nation. But it didn’t matter. She’d believed long enough for it to be harmful.
“Not to take away from the frankly alarming things we just learned but–” Sokka handed Aang the poster. “–we also found this when Y/N and I were in town.”
“What is it?” Toph asked. 
“It’s a wanted poster for Y/N,” Aang muttered. 
Katara jumped up to join him in reading it. Y/N didn’t need to see it again. She’d memorized it the first time she laid eyes on it. 
And suddenly, her day was ruined. She couldn’t remember the taste of the peach she had eaten that afternoon or the feeling of the sun on her face. She couldn’t remember what the music sounded like as her and Sokka wandered out of town or what it felt like to spill her life story to someone who wanted to listen. 
“Maybe I should go,” Y/N said numbly. 
“What?” Katara said looking up from the poster. 
“I’m putting you all in danger by being around you. Without me you’d be free to roam without the fear of being caught in the back of your minds all the time. It would be better for all of you like that!” Y/N was starting to get mad. Why couldn’t they see it? Why couldn’t they understand that this is the best option for everyone? That she was trying to save them?
“Why would you say something like that? How is that better?” Toph argued. 
“Because you don’t need me here anyways? How could you want me around after hearing what Aang learned at school. Mind you, up until ten minutes ago, I believed every one of those things to be true!” Y/N stood up and paced around the cave, no longer able to be sitting still. Their campfire threw wild shadows of her form on the walls. 
Y/N was beginning to feel like her outburst was due to more than just learning about Fire Nation propaganda but she couldn’t stop her mouth from moving. She stopped in front of them all for a second. “Tell me exactly what purpose do I serve on this mission?” 
She took their silence for an answer. “Exactly,” Y/N growled. 
Sokka stood up with her. “Not everything needs an exact purpose! You just fit with us!”
“But I don’t!” Y/N shouted. Her eyes and nose were stinging with unshed tears. Y/N rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands to keep the tears at bay for just a second longer. “I need a reason. I need a purpose. I have to have one! I don’t know how to describe this feeling. I’m just... lost. And–and I don’t even know how to explain it to you. How do I try and explain that my life has no meaning when I have no one to serve? I sit here with you guys and I’m wondering how you even wanted me to come when there was no reason for me to be here? I can’t even be your Fire Nation guide because I’ve never even seen most of the cities and apparently, I don’t even know my own history!”
Y/N looked at Katara. She blinked and twin tears traced down her cheeks. “I told you. I’m weak. I care about someone who wants me dead so badly she made me a wanted person. And all I want is to make her better so I can go home and I just can’t get past it all.”
Y/N put her head in her hands and sobbed. She felt two arms wrap around her waist and a head lay on her shoulder. Two more arms wrapped around the both of them. And pretty soon all five of them stood huddled in the cave in a group hug. 
Y/N sniffled. “Why are you all comforting me like you’re my friends?”
“You are our friend,” Katara murmured into Y/N’s shoulder. “Don’t you want to be friends with us?”
Y/N whimpered. “I really do. I guess I just needed to hear you say it.”
“If it makes you feel better. I have no problem bossing you around.” Toph’s voice was muffled from the pile they were in. 
Y/N smiled through her tears. “Thanks, Toph.”
A/N: listen, I don’t care if I made you cry, because I cried while writing that scene more than once and that’s all that matters. 
Taglist: @myexgirlfriendisthemoon​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @astroninaaa​ @aangsupremacy​ @beifongsss​ @crownofcryptids @welovediaaxx​ @littlefluu​ @lozzybowe​ @thebluelcdy​ @ohjustlookalive @sugarmoongey​ @fanficdepot​ @teenbiology​ @13-09-01​ @riespage​ @davnwillcome​ @naanlianid​ @creation-magician​ @lunariasilver​ @vintagerose1014516 @bcifcng​ @rockinearthbending-marauders​ @francesciak​ @thia-aep​ @aphrcditeee​ @milk-n-cheese​ @solarsuki​ @sendnuwudes @humbleseame​ @my--shitty--art​ @lovingcupcake51002​ @loganrwebb​ @celia-not-cecilia​ @treestarrrrrrrr​ @p--e--a--c--h--e--s​@velveteencurls @izzieserra​ @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak​
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deliasbabe · 4 years
Cordelia x Elliott Ask Game
Based on questions that have been submitted/ ones I made up. I used their realtionship in “The Thing About Timing”.
If you have any more questions send them my way!!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Cordelia all the way. For the most part it’s subtle, especially when they are in front of the other students. She’ll brush a lock of hair behind Elliott’s ear or casually touch her arm or back, just something to let Elliott know she’s there.
When they’re just around the council or by themselves she’s CONSTANTLY touching her tho, especially if she’s slightly tipsy. She loves holding her and kissing her head and hugging her. She’s always the first to say I love you and to give compliments. Grade A mom.
That’s not to say Elliott isn’t affectionate, because she is, she just isn’t used to affection of any kind. She’s not as touchy, more the words of affirmation type. She rarely gets scared, but when she does she shifts a little closer to her mother and slips her hand into Cordelia’s. It’s subtle, but it’s enough. And on her particularly rough days she has no issues crawling into Cordelia’s arms.
2. Most common argument?
Ok, they rarely actually argue, it’s mostly bickering/banter, but when they do argue it’s about trust. Always, without a doubt. THEY BOTH HAVE TRUST ISSUES OK? It’s usually a pointless argument, and 99% of the time neither of them have actually done anything wrong.
3. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Ok, so hear me out, it was really difficult for Elliott to commit to calling Cordelia “mama”. Like, really hard, because everyone she’s ever cared about (except for David) has died on her, and she thinks she’s cursed (lol). But she had been referring to Cordelia as “mama” in her head (despite her trying to not get attached) since before Cordelia even asked to adopt her, and it started to slip out. But she firmly decided to just say fuck it and stick with it when she was in the hospital because she knew she was screwed either way.
Now, Cordelia has always been a big fan of pet names. She often calls the girls “sweetheart” or “honey” but that’s usually the extent of it. But it just felt so natural with Elliott. At first she was careful with the nicknames because she didn’t know how Elliott would respond, because in the beginning Elliott revolted against any kind of affection. But once they got comfortable she started referring to her as “baby” and “love”, and when Elliott is particularly upset or anxious it’s always “babygirl”.
4. Who worries the most?
The easy answer is both. In the beginning, Elliott was always worried about being sent away or things falling apart, and Cordelia was worried that she was being a bad mother. Now, Elliott is more comfortable and less worried, but Cordelia’s fears are still the same, and Elliott now has taken on worrying about her mother worrying too much.
5. Who needs more assurance?
Cordelia. She’s overly anxious and terrified that she’s going to end up like Fiona, and Elliott seems to be the only one that can set her straight. I will say that Elliott definitely needs more assurance than she gets, but the only reason she doesn’t get it is because she likes to internalize a lot and refuses to talk about her own emotions.
6. Do they have inside jokes?
Elliott is a big jokester, so of course they do. She thinks it’s hilarious when she swears and Cordelia goes “Language, missy”. It’s become a thing, and Elliott now has learned to do it on purpose when things are particularly tense just because it will make them both laugh. Cordelia is fully aware of this and plays along, mostly because she knows not every battle can be won.
7. When did each person realize they loved the other?
Cordelia realized it when she started going out of her way to make Elliott more comfortable and happy. She got Elliott to smile once and from then on it was her mission to make Elliott smile as much as possible. She still was in denial about it for a while tho, mostly because she thought Elliott would never be hers.
Elliott was also in denial, for a much longer period of time. But truthfully she realized it after she ran away the first time, when her and Cordelia were in the burger joint and it all seemed so easy. She felt like she could tell Cordelia anything, and that scared her.
8. Is there any habit or thing in Elliot that makes the rest think 'oh shit she really is Delia's daughter'?
The facial expressions, hands down. They both bite their lip when they are nervous and crinkle their noses when they are hyper focused on something.
9. What do they love most about each other?
Cordelia loves how loyal Elliott is and brave. As much as it makes her worry, she admires how Elliott would willingly take a bullet for those she loves. She also is in awe of how Elliott has this way of making everyone feel like their pain is valid, even though she’s definitely been through much worse.
Elliott loves just how caring and vulnerable Cordelia is. She loves how she sacrifices endlessly for her girls. She loves how she gives and gives and doesn’t expect anything in return, and she especially loves how Cordelia believes that everyone is good, not matter what they may have done, and she constantly believes in them, even when they don’t believe in themselves.
10. Something silly they keep from each other?
Elliott HATES having her picture taken, so Cordelia has to sneak pictures of her whenever possible, and the rest of the girls do as well. She’s got an entire locked drawer in her desk full of pictures she’s planning on putting in a scrapbook. Elliott’s adoptive parents also let her keep the girls hospital bracelet from when she was born.
Now Elliott stumbled on an old Polaroid of Cordelia from college, and she looks almost exactly like Elliott. So Elliott may have snagged it and keeps it in her drawer with all her special things from her childhood. Oh, also, when Cordelia leaves for extended periods of time and leaves Elliott at the coven, Elliott sneaks one of her shirts to wear to sleep because it smells like her and she misses her.
11. Who’s the first to notice when something is off with the other?
Elliott. She’s been conditioned to notice even the slightest of changes in people’s behaviors and attitudes, and Cordelia has a shitty poker face. She’s good at telling when something is off, but because of the way she’s grown up she usually can’t figure out exactly what, and she always assumes she herself has done something wrong.
Cordelia is pretty good at recognizing it too, but she’s still learning. Elliott is complicated and a pro at hiding her feelings, so Cordelia has to focus more on her body language. A big tell is if she pinches the bridge of her nose, because that always means she’s either exhausted or totally stressed out.
12. What do they do when the other is upset?
When Cordelia is upset, Elliott likes to make Cordelia talk about her feelings, make her feel better, then distract her with a joke. It works like a charm.
Now Cordelia knows Elliott isn’t one to talk about what’s making her upset, so if she can’t pry it out of her, she settles for some quality time just to let Elliott know she’s there and that the girl is so so so so loved.
13. Do they have more of a “mother-daughter” or “best friend” type of relationship?
Both. Like I said, there’s very little they argue about, and Elliott is at the age where she’s developed her own sense of right and wrong. She doesn’t need “parenting” in that sense. But emotionally it’s more of a mother-daughter bond, because Elliott was missing the emotional connection for most of her life. But Elliott tends to be impulsive, and she doesn’t really have a good sense of her own personal safety, so sometimes Cordelia needs to set her straight. So they tend to do everything together like best friends, but when Elliott needs a mother, Cordelia doesn’t hesistate to step in.
14. Who gives better advice?
I’m going to say both, but in different ways. They are two sides of the same coin. Cordelia is better at reflecting on things, and Elliott is better at dealing with in the moment things. Hence why Elliott helps Cordelia deal with her feelings about Misty, and Cordelia helps Elliott heal from her past.
15. Do they have a typical parental relationship?
No. They sort of parent each other? Elliott tends to be the more rational one, the one who is better in a crisis, whereas Cordelia tends to deal better with the emotional stuff. Cordelia helps Elliott figure out her feelings, and Elliott helps Cordelia when she can’t think straight.
16. Is anything about their relationship toxic/unhealthy?
Yes and no. Their realtionship is complicated and intense, and they kind of are codependent. They’re stronger together, for sure, but they aren’t sure how to function without each other, which can be dangerous.
17. Who’s more protective?
Elliott. She sees Cordelia as vulnerable because she cares so much, so she does her best to protect her.
Cordelia does her best to protect Elliott from the evil of the world, but Elliott doesn’t really need protecting, and the things she does need protecting from, Cordelia really can’t do much about.
18. Who has the worst temper?
Surprisingly, Cordelia. Elliott is able to rationalize pretty much anything, so she doesn’t get angry very often, if at all. Cordelia is more emotional, and while she still doesn’t get angry much, she’s more likely to fly off the handle.
19. Who’s more likely to start a fight?
Always Cordelia. Elliott will do absolutely anything to avoid an argument, considering how she grew up. She tends to burry everything and just move along to not cause trouble. Only issue is Cordelia knows this, and she tends to push until Elliott explodes.
20. Who’s more likely to apologize after a fight?
It’s usually 50/50. It depends on what the fight is about. If Cordelia starts a fight because Elliott is upset and not saying anything, Cordelia is the one to apologize. If Cordelia is upset, Elliott apologizes.
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scaplivingtogether · 5 years
~A Evillious Christmas Carol~ Act 4
By: TomboyJessie13
Act 4
Act 4
Marlon was wondering the empty streets trying to find the Spirit that was with him, but he was nowhere to be found, and to make things worse it's started to get really cold, even more so than usual. The streets actually started to look more darker than it needs to be, along with a sea of fog. Marlon was shivering, he pulled his bath robe up to his face to warm both the face and neck up. Looking at his surroundings, he noticed that the sky was a dark blue while the snow was a light blue, and feels cold and completely alone.
As he was spacing out..."OOF!" He bumped into something solid. "Wha-?..." He looked at whatever he bumped into and instantly became pale as a sheet...he fell over onto his rear while not breaking contact with the object...no...a woman wearing a long, ragged, black hooded cape with golden lining, a long black color slit dress with golden belts, black thigh high boots, fish nets for leggings, and golden chokers. The most notable trait found among her appearance is her short green hair with bangs and a white mask with one eye and red markings. Despite being only a foot or two shorter than him, he was scared out of his mind by her sudden appearance.
"...Who...A-a-are you...the G-G-Ghost of Christmas yet to come?" Marlon asked fearfully, the woman in front of him didn't say a thing, but she had nodded in response. Though he fears the woman, Marlon must know what she wants him to see, he stood up. "...Tell me Spirit...what do you want me to see?" He asks, again the no response, but instead she motioned her hand to follow her, he noticed that she's wearing fish nets for detached sleeves, black finger-less gloves, and golden bracelets, she also has long red nails. She walks down the cold and dark streets with him close behind, while following her, he noticed that the sun has started to rise over head. As they walked, Marlon could've sworn he heard voices of the people, they turned the corner to find a busy street, people were trading things and so on. Marlon hears talking nearby, he looks overhead and sees a group of men talking and laughing.
"So that's what happened?" One man asks.
"Oh yes, that poor fool, one of our own men, has died in his own home." Another man speaks. "I must say the way he runs things, funeral's bound to be cheap."
"Of course." The third one speaks. "But I'm only planning on going there if lunch is provided." They only laugh at the response. Marlon was quite confused by this, he looked at the Spirit who only silently observes, she started to move to another group, Marlon looked over to a few more men, his eyes widen when he realizes something about them.
"Those men...their one of my collaborators."
"So I heard those men talking about our partner." He started.
"Who?" Another one asked.
"I don't know."
"No I mean our partner."
"Oh...honestly I don't remember."
"Me either." They both laugh about that as well, they don't really seem to care who died.
"Hmmmm, these people seemed to be talking about someone." Marlon stated. "But who?" He asks the Spirit, no reply once again. "Well then." He sits down on a barrel. "I saw myself in the past, I'm pretty sure I'll see myself here as well...I usually meet them here from the corner of that drug store so I should be showing up soon." So he watched that one corner to see if his future self arrives...and so he waited...and waited...and waited...but he never came, instead coming out of the corner was someone else he doesn't recognize, and Marlon's partners went to greet him. "Huh...I guess I must've changed himself, huh?" He says to the Spirit, but a another wave a terror has taken him, as the Spirit was looking at him...this time with a sneer. She then took him by his shoulder and drags him off. "HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!" He exclaimed in surprise. They walked into a very run down and disgusting looking neighborhood, full of miserable looking people.
"Hey...I know this area, this place is full of criminals and harlots, but why did you bring me?" Marlon asks, still met with silence. She stopped in front of a old dirty house and let go of Marlon's arm, she gestures him to go inside. Not wanting to be pushed or pulled, he stuck his hand on the door and it went through like it wasn't there. He enters the place alongside the Spirit only to find an old man there in front of a fireplace trying to get warm.
"Oi! Joe!" A old woman who was followed by two more of her crones called out, to which got the old man's attention, that must be Joe. "I brought in more bundles!"
"Let me guess: You stole something from that old greedy and cruel wanker's house?" The old man who is revealed to be Joe asks.
"Oh come off it, there's nothing wrong with taking things without permission." The old woman bragged. "Besides, no one's even gonna miss him or his belongings anyways." Joe thought about what she said, before shrugging.
"Ah you're right, bring it over lass, bring it over!" Joe told her enthusiastically as they went to a table, they seem to have no respect for anyone who they steal from, even those who are dead. "So what's what did you bring in this time?"
"I found a few small nick knacks in his room." The old woman took out a couple of pens and clocks. Joe looks through them before shaking his head.
"Too bad, these aren't really worth much." He gives him only one coin, much to her displeasure. "NEXT!" Another woman came up.
"I got some silver and a couple of fine fabrics." She said, but was then pushed aside by the third woman.
"I got some bed curtains and blankets, I unwrapped it from his corpse." The Third woman said, surprising Marlon and even the old ladies and Joe. "What? It would have been wasted by wrapping him in it." Marlon was appalled by what he heard.
"This is disgusting, get me out of here." Marlon said squeamishly, the Spirit then claps her hands twice, changing the atmosphere. He's now in a empty room dimly lit by candle, and in front of both Marlon and the Spirit was a bed with white sheets, but there was also a lump underneath the sheets that seems to shape like a man, it was a corpse, Marlon jumped in surprise when he saw the body. The Spirit points at his head, motioning him to remove the sheets. "You want me to...?" He asks quietly, the Spirit only nods. Marlon raised his hand to grab it...but quickly pulled it back, the Spirit only looked at him. "I can't do it, Spirit." He said in a sad tone. "After all the horrible things I did that leads me to be rich, the last thing I want is to disrespect someone's corpse upon dying alone...even if this person was cruel." The Spirit only stood there silently, this made Marlon feel a little awkward. "I can see what kind of lesson you're trying to teach me...so...we should leave." The Spirit only stared at him, this is getting really uncomfortable...perhaps they weren't done yet.
"Ok...how about this then, take me to one person who is sadden by the death of this man." Marlon proclaimed, trying to put on a brave face. The Spirit nodded and clapped her hands twice, they we're transported into a unknown home. "Hm? Where are we?" His attention was turned to the sound of the door opening, it was a depressed looking man, but Marlon quickly recognizes him. "Hey, that's one of my clients." He said as the man sat down at the kitchen table, his wife arrives.
"What's wrong dear? Did something happen?" The wife asks, sitting down next to him.
"...I just received news that the man we were in-debt to has passed away." He said. "But there is some hope."
"I see...well I don't wish to sound cruel but thank goodness, this man was a greedy miser."
"True, and we don't know who will take over our debt, but it's very unlikely that he should be such an incredible miser as the last." The man said, starting to become brighter, Marlon can only watch in surprised by how they behaved.
"...This is not what I had in mind." Marlon said, "How about something more tender, something to make me forget the horrible image of that man who died alone in that house." The Spirit nodded and clapped her hands twice again, they were taken to another home that Marlon can quickly recognize. "Say...this is Keel's home." He looks around to find the family in the living area...except something about them is...off. They were silent and depressed. Shaw was sitting by himself by the dining table while Yukina was sitting by the window, Mikina was sewing something, but had to stop because her eyes were getting tired.
"Excuse me Spirit, but I don't see Keel or Tiny Aile." Marlon said. "Where is one of them?" Hearing that question, the Spirit pointed at one corner of the room near the oven. He looked over and saw something that looked familiar...it was Aile's crutch. "...Her...crutch?...Wait...she's not dead, is she?" Upon seeing that, Marlon's stomach dropped when he began to realized what happen. "...Oh my god...she's dead!...Aile's dead!" Marlon covered his face. "It's all my fault! I didn't want this to happen!" He cried out in a desperate matter, but she was still silent, as Marlon was becoming hysterical from this horrific discovery, one of the children asked:
"Father's been coming home more later than usual." It was Yukina. "I mean he's been walking more slower each day."
"I think that because Aile's no longer around." Shaw said, looking back. "He used to run quicker because she was on his shoulders." At that moment, Keel enters, wrapped in his blanket. He looked very depressed...even more so that usual.
"Welcome home dear." Mikina said as she stood up to hug her husband, he hugs her back. Yukina and Shaw followed the same suit.
"Thank you so much, everyone." Keel started, sounding shaky. "I've visited the place where Aile's going to be buried...it was a beautiful site, so green and pure. I promised her I would walk there...every...Sunday." Just as he finished, he began to break down, he placed his face on Mikina's lap and began to cry into it. Mikina, holding back her sobs, comforts her mourning husband. Shaw only hangs his head in sorrow and wiping his tears as Yukina was covering her mouth, preventing her from breaking down as well. As for Marlon, he fell onto knees in grief, he indirectly harmed his own employee by taking away one of his loved ones. The Spirit can only watch in silence as Marlon sits their in complete guilt. The Spirit watches Keel as he goes upstairs to the room where Aile has been laid down on a bed, surrounded by flowers, even holding a bouquet in her cold hands, she looked like she can still be asleep. He composes himself, kisses her little face, then goes downstairs again.
"That reminds me." Keel said, wiping his face with a handkerchief. "I actually ran into Ayn earlier, y'know Marlon's Nephew? He wanted to give his sincere condolences, and gave us his love to us and gave me his address so we came be in touch...in case we needed anything." He sat next to Mikina on the couch. "I think I might also get Shaw a job as well."
"Shaw will soon leave us and set up with a family of his own." Yukina said, the boy nodded.
"That this may be so, but we will never forget this time together, and their first loss, of Tiny Aile, and how very good she was."
The Spirit began to move Marlon's shoulder, Marlon looked up and saw that she was motioning him that's time to leave, he complies and follows her out. Outside of the Cratchit home, the broken miser was sitting on a old carriage, overcome with guilt and sorrow. The Spirit, surprisingly enough hands him a handkerchief, probably to calm him down, he uses it to blow his nose before handing it back, she get's rid of it.
"Spirit..." He said quietly, getting her attention. "...Please...take me to that dead man's grave...I want to know who he is." The Spirit silently nods and begins to walk back into the city. They both walked through the streets in silence until they reached his counting house, but they seem to be passing through it. "Spirit...am I in there?...Can I see myself inside my counting house?". She shook her head, and points in another direction. "...I understand." He continues to walk with the Spirit quietly. Soon enough, they reached the iron gate of a churchyard, a wretched, lifeless place. The Spirit opens the gates, once they're wide open, she gestures him inside, now it is clear that she is directing Marlon to one grave in particular.
"Please Spirit...the places that you showed me...the grave robbing and tiny Aile...tell me these events can yet be changed?" He asked her with desperation in his voice. "Or will they still happen no matter what I do?" Still met with silence, but the way she's walking seems to be more determined, it's as if she wanted to show him the man's grave since the beginning. Soon she stopped, Marlon bumped into her by accident. "Sorry." He looked over, and in front of them was a lonely, neglected grave covered in vines and grass. He took two steps before stopping, he looked back at the Spirit, she quietly nods, egging him to go on. Marlon walked to the grave before kneeling down. When he pulled the vines and pulled the grass, he let out a huge gasp in shock and terror when he saw the name most familiar to him:
~Ebenezer Marlon~
The man who has died, lying under the sheets on a bed, and was robbed and mocked was him, he was that man.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Marlon, taking hold of his own head, let out a scream of horror from this revelation, knowing that he was that man, and that he will die alone and unloved...doomed to spend eternity in hell suffering for his Greed like his late partner. Once he stopped, he sat there in horror, panting. The Spirit stood behind him, Marlon turned around and grabbed her dress. "Please Spirit! I don't want to end up like this! I don't wanna die alone! I learned my lessons! I want to live life to the fullest! I want to treat others with kindness! I want to enjoy and honor Christmas with my relatives! I want to save Cratchit's daughter! I want to change myself! I'll change! I'll change! I'll change! I'll change! I'll change! I'll change! I'll change! I'll change!-" As he was repeating that phrase, the Spirit calmly grabs his hands and begins to float down to the ground with him still holding onto her.
"I'll chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang!"
End of Act 4
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✧ Apprentice asks ✧
 So I’ve found this a m a z i n g Arcana Apprentice Ask Meme created by @gooddoctorjules and ofc i had to fill it because i like to talk about my OCs and omg this questions were so GOOD!  Answers under cut cause some of them were pretty long
 1. What is their full name? What does it mean? Do they go by any nicknames/aliases?
His name is Morpheus Rhiannon. “Morpheus” is the Greek God of Dreams and “Rhiannon” is one of the Celtic Goddesses of the Moon (I have a thing for naming characters after mythological figures). When he was younger people used to call him “stormy” due to his spitfire personality and impulsive behavior. He didn’t change his ways, but he lost touch with the people who nicknamed him that. During some years he ran his exoteric shop under a pseudonym, “Felis” (named after the cat constellation). But nowadays everyone just call him Morpheus.
2. Do they have a familiar? What is it?
Morpheus has a small Egyptian Fruit Bat called Boo. She is tiny and scared of everything and everyone. Boo likes to hide in Morpheus scarf sometimes. Also, not a familiar but Morpheus has a lot of cactuses. All named George. All. Of. Them. Don’t question it.
3. What type/s of magic do they specialize in?
I’m not really sure how magic works in The Arcana. Besides from fortune-telling (he used to read runes before Asra taught him his tarot skills) and a very strong sixth sense, I believe Morpheus would be an Oneiromancer (a mage who interprets dreams) and have a few lightning-related attack spells.
4. Which of the major arcana best represents them?
I guess all the apprentices are meant to be The Fool card, at least in the beginning of the story, since it means, among other things, “Set forth on a new journey, one that is completely unknown and will take you to uncharted territories”, pretty fitting. But I think Morpheus can also be represented by a Reversed Moon card: It means he’s living in a moment of unhappiness and discomfort but he doesn’t know what he can do about it. Past experiences made him doubt himself, doubt if he is able to move forward. The Reversed Moon also means he is in a more intuitive phase than a reasoned one, though his intuition feels confusing which leads to possible misinterpretation.
Also, if I had to pick a future card for Morpheus, it’d be The Judgement: “With its theme of awakening to new life, the Judgement card suggests that you have reviewed and evaluated your past experiences and have learned from them. All the pieces of the puzzle of your life are finally coming together to form one, integrated picture of your life story. This integration has healed any deep wounds and you are now in a position to put the past behind you.”  
And since I’m super into runes, I’d like to add that Morpheus runes are Perthro (Secrets, mystery, occult abilities. Determining your path in the future.) and Algiz (Awakening, connection with higher powers. Follow your intuition. A desire to protect yourself or others.)  
 5. What animal best represents them?
Either a raccoon or a peacock. Raccoon because he is small (kinda, he is 5’7/171cm), has dark circles under his eyes, looks cute but will fight you and peacock because he’s super flamboyant. As for his spirit animal, I think the one that fits him best is the bat (maybe that’s why he has a pet bat). The bat represents people that are aware and sensitive of their surroundings, that can have high psychic levels, have high chances of have prophetic dreams and are not easily fooled by illusions.
6. Describe their grimoire profile.
The spitfire apprentice who’s trying to find meaning to his life. ♐
✧Favorite food: Plum Pie ✧Favorite drink: Iced Tea
✧Favorite flower: Night-blooming jasmine
 7. What is their Myers-Briggs type?
INTP – (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
8. What is their natural alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic good/neutral/evil)?
Chaotic Neutral leaning towards Chaotic Good.
9. Which Hogwarts house would they be in?
Probably Slytherin. Morpheus personality is loosely based on mine, and I’m a slytherin, so…
10. Of the nine intelligences (logical-mathematical, existential, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist, musical, linguistic), which is their greatest strength? Their greatest weakness?
In order of the greatest strength to the weakness: Linguistic, Spatial, Existential, Musical, Naturalist, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Logical-Mathematical, Intrapersonal.
Basically he is great at writing, loves books and sucks at understanding his own feelings.
11. What did they think of Asra leaving? Of his gift? 
Morpheus relationship with Asra is… complicated, as the baker said. Morpheus likes Asra, he really enjoys his company. But every time he feels they are getting closer, Asra leaves. In the beginning, he didn’t mind the secrecy around Asra’s travels but as the time passed, it started to bother Morpheus. A lot. He doesn’t understand why his master doesn’t trust him after all this time. So when Asra said he was leaving again, Morpheus got really pissed. About the gift, well… It’s not like Morpheus wasn’t marveled by the tarot deck but his sixth sense tells him that cards are trouble. He didn’t really want to accept the deck, he doesn’t need it, he can very well use his runes for guidance. Plus, the fact that it’s the first time Asra leaves that bloody cards behind is suspicious.
12. What do they think of Nadia’s request that they go to the palace?
First of all, Morpheus doesn’t like Countess Nadia at all. He thinks she is tyrant who doesn’t care about her people. So when she shows up in the middle of the night demanding that he goes to the palace his first thoughts are “Who does she think she is? I mean she is the Countess and all but still??”. He was planning in ignoring her request, but after the card telling him she has a plan in motion he got curious about it and decided to give it a chance. When he actually went to the palace and heard what Nadia had in mind he was like “Nope. I don’t want to be a part of it. Nonononono NO”. However, even though Morpheus made it very clear he wouldn’t cooperate with the Countess, she didn’t really care, so… yeah. Let’s just say “curiosity killed the cat” is a very fitting proverb.  
13. What do they think of the various animals they encounter at the palace?
MUST. PET. THEM. ALL. Yes, even the vampire eels. Seriously now, Morpheus really like animals, but knows how to respect them. He has plenty conscience that some creatures are only to be admired from a distance, which seems to be the case with most of the animals he encountered in the palace, unfortunately.
14. What is their day-to-day outfit? What do they wear when the dress up (such as for the masquerade)?
In his day-to-day Morpheus likes to wear comfortable clothes, usually tapered harem pants and a tunic or a gypsy shirt, with flats on his shoes. His clothes are mostly in shades of purple and black, with some sea-green accessory. In a fancier meeting, he’ll go more flamboyant. The pants would be less baggy, the shirt would be more open with the classic Arcana Tiddy Window™ and he’d probably wear a shawl around his waist. He would wear lace-up boots with a short heel. The color palette would be the same but more sparkly. In his head he’ll use a silver circlet, and some bracelets with fake coins.   As for the masquerade, I picture him with a very open dark red shirt, which pretty much just covers his shoulders and arms, matching colors with an asymmetrical sarong skirt, over the shirt and skirt he wears a purple corset with some jades decorating it. Bellow the shirt he wears a light brownish flare pants. As for shoes, he wears bright red ankle strap high heels. And last, but not least, he wears a bright red choker on his neck, to match the shoes.
15. What is their favorite type of weather/environment?
Morpheus likes cold and rainy weather. He hates when it gets too hot, it makes him grumpy and even lazier than he usually is. Also the earthy smell after the rain reminds him of home.
16. Do they have any prized possessions?
Even though Morpheus is not the type to get attached to things, he has two very prized possessions. One is a small and rusty green dream-catcher with a single agate stone stuck in the middle. When Morpheus was younger he had terrible nightmares every night, he’d wake up screaming and crying and had a really hard time going back to sleep. So his mother made that dream-catcher to help him out. He never find out if it was actually enchanted at that time or it just helped ease Morpheus mind. The second thing is his set of runes. His older brother made it to him out of red wood once they started noticing Morpheus had a gift for fortune telling. Morpheus used those runes to read the fortune to some people in his home-town, earning a few extra coins for his family. Nowadays he uses another set, made of tourmaline stones, but every time he needs guidance to himself, he runs back to his old redwood runes. 17. Do they collect anything?
Yes, he collects cactuses, heartbreaks, and untrustworthy friendships.
18. What sort of first impression do they make?
Looks wise most people mistake him for a woman. Not that he minds, he’s fine with it. Morpheus has a very androgynous face, wears quite feminine clothes and a lot of make-up, so it’s easy to get confused. Now, about his personality, people often think he is cocky, they think Morpheus thinks he is better than anyone else. This is totally not the case. Morpheus is quite shy, so sometimes his answers may sound a bit cocky due to being short. I mean, he can be sassy sometimes and talk without thinking but he usually tries to be nice with strangers and costumers.
19. How do they deal with conflict?
He throws bottles at them. Morpheus is extremely impulsive, he acts before he thinks, and it applies to conflict as well. When it’s a physical conflict, he’ll attack even if the odds of him winning the fight are very unlikely. I mean, he did throw a bottle at Julian even though the doctor is like 17cm/3inches taller than him. In verbal conflict, he says everything that comes to his mind without paying much attention to what he’s actually saying, which may ended up being more harmful than he intended or, sometimes, he may accidentally let information slip. 20. What are their principal goals?
Morpheus believes that everyone comes to the world for a reason; everyone has one meaning in life. He just doesn’t know what his reason and meaning are. He wants to figure out what is his role in the world.  
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ostermahaus · 7 years
It’s Morphin’ Time!  Eventually... Power Rangers Review
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Saban’s Power Rangers opens darkly.  You see a blasted torn up landscape of prehistoric Earth with the Red Ranger dragging himself across it, obviously injured.  He crawls to the Yellow Ranger, also lying prone who morphs into an alien and hands her coin to him, telling him to hide it before dying in his arms.  Yikes.  He morphs into Zordon (Bryan Cranston) and puts his coin with the others he’s carrying, instructing Alpha via communicator to fire a meteorite at his current location.  He turns to find himself face to face with a female Green Ranger named Rita (Elizabeth Banks) who he accuses of being a traitor and killing his team.  She boasts that she’s won when Zordon informs her it’s too late and a meteor comes crashing down on them sending her to the bottom of the sea.  Also wiping out the dinosaurs, I presume.  I guess nuking from orbit was the only way to be sure. Smash cut to a bunch of jocks leading a bull into a locker room as a prank and we meet Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) who informs us that he calmed the cow down by milking it.  Womp womp.  Your protagonist can’t tell an udder from a dong, not a great start.  The cops show up and after the most nausea inducing go-pro car chase I’ve ever encountered (Seriously, I saw Gravity on the UltraScreen in 3D and this almost made me vomit) he gets in a horrific wreck and we have a title screen. Go go Power Rangers?  If you never watched the show this may seem exciting.  If you did, well here’s why it might not be what you were expecting.
 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers hit children in 1993 with a blast of popularity that overpowered the Ninja Turtles and kept kids riveted until Pokemon came along at the end of the decade!  A Japanese import, it was cheesy, silly, campy and formulaic and pre-teens ate it up!  As well as some teens.  I was just hitting the age where I felt like I was outgrowing Saturday morning/after school shows (Thank God that phase didn’t last) so I was never a die hard fan, but I knew enough people that were that I kept abreast of the original shows run.  I watched a fair number of episodes with my friends more due to our love of riffing it a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 than anything else…  Although I will admit that Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson)  kept me on board a bit as well.  The premise was simple.  Five teenagers from Angel Grove are given magic coins that allow them to morph into Power Rangers.  Spandex clad ninjas with full coverage helmets who can summon robot dinosaurs called Zords and merge them Voltron style into a giant Mega Zord to win the day.  They answer to Zordon, a giant holographic head, and fight the monsters that Rita Repulsa repeatedly sends down from the moon.  Ninjas, dinosaurs and giant robots.  It was famous for the obvious cut between the American actors doing their day to day thing and the original Japanese footage being used once they were in costume.  Ever wonder why Kimberly was the only Ranger wearing a skirt?  Because the Yellow Ranger in that Japanese footage is a dude.  (The more you know!)  That’s all you needed and it’s still on the air in some iteration to this day!  Why mess with a good thing?  If it’s not broke, right?
 Unfortunately Hollywood is following a current and overused trend of trying to make things dark and gritty when they reboot them right now.  That’s not to say it can’t work, but it really feels like a forced excutive decision by the movie companies some times.  This new Power Rangers update has a lot of things that work really well for it as they try to make a serious and less campy approach to one of the most popular cheese fests ever.  They also make some big missteps.  I know that Zordon famously asked for “teenagers with attitude” in the original and wound up with the nicest kids in town, but this version makes an over correction by having three of them meet in detention and one of them just not go to school at all.  Turns out Jason has to wear an ankle bracelet now and report to detention for the rest of the year and lost all sorts of football scholarships.  As soon as he walks in he sees Billy (RJ Cyler) being bullied for OCD behavior arranging things on his desk.  Jason puts a stop to it and Billy immediately declares him his new best friend for sticking up for him!  I really liked Billy in this movie, but they make a very clear point early on to have him state that he’s on the autism spectrum and they play it pretty well until he becomes a Ranger.  Then it just seems to disappear and he’s merely giddy all the time.  He’s adorkable, sure, and probably the most likeable character but it would have been nice to see them stick to his spectrum tendencies.  Jason is fairly dismissive until he offers to use his skills to hack Jason’s ankle bracelet in order for them to hang out.  How all true friendships begin!
 Next we meet Kimberly Heart (Naomi Scott) who was set up by her cheerleader ‘friends’ for an incriminating picture that’s been circulating around school and they show up to inform her that she no longer gets to be a plastic.  It makes her so angry that she gives herself a kicky new haircut in the bathroom that Jason is immediately smitten by when she returns from the restroom!  After Billy hacks the ankle device, he and Jason go into a restricted area of the gold mine outside Angel Grove because apparently Billy likes to blast there.  Even though it’s an active mine with security.  Shrug  While Billy is setting his charges, Jason goes off to hike around and spies Kimberly cliff diving while We get Zack (Ludi Lin) and Trini (Becky G.) dropped in as just random kids who are also hanging out in an active work zone after dark.  Her to practice her Karate Kid poses and him to watch her through binoculars.  Like you do.  Anyway, Billy’s blast draws them all and they discover 5 glowing coins embedded in the rock.  After cutting them out, they each grab one and then alarms go off, summoning security and another slightly less vomit inducing chase that AGAIN ends in a horrific crash, this time with a train.  The next morning they all wake up at home with no injuries and no knowledge of how they survived the wreck, plus sick abs and super strength!  Wanna know how they managed that without being seen?  Or what Billy’s mom’s reaction is to the destruction of HER van?  (You see the wreck later on being pulled off the tracks)  You’re out of luck!  Anyway, they get together and decide to go back to try to find answers about the coins and discover a buried spaceship manned by Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) and Zordon’s memory in the ship’s computer.  He informs them that they’re the Power Rangers and they need to learn to defend the universe once they can learn to morph!  Eventually…
 I don’t know if it came with the casting of Bryan Cranston but the biggest drawback of this film is that at 2 hours almost every minute of the Rangers suited up has been shown in the trailers because it only happens in the films final action scene, similar to my beef with Godzilla not having enough Godzilla.  There are training montages aplenty and I really did appreciate the effort it made to give the core cast some substance behind there characters that wasn’t there before, but it’s pace could best be described as deliberate.  The film seems to work the best when it’s trying to have some fun and not brooding so much, which is all too often.  The scene of all the nerd kids idolizing Billy after he knocks out a bully without trying and then being in awe when he gets pulled from the table by Kimberly?  Great!  Fun little scene, use more moments like that as opposed to repeated instances of people mispronouncing Trini as DeeDee.  ???  I assume it’s a joke but I just don’t get it and boy do they keep pushing it.  I wish they had done more with Zack as he had a lot of potential in his backstory.  He doesn’t attend school any more because you find out he’s caring for his terminally ill mother but aside from that reveal he just gets all the “I’m gonna shout quips!” style lines.  Don’t try taking a drink every time he calls Trini “Crazy Girl”, it won’t end well.  Jason is fine in his role as the leader, but as is the curse of the leader role (Cyclops, Leonardo), is pretty bland.  Kimberly and Trini are both solid female role models although I wish they would have come right out with Trini’s sexuality/crush on Kimberly rather than just heavily alluding to it.  Although I was disappointed by him dropping the autism traits halfway through, I thought Billy in the second half was the most relatable character.  He’s just so giddy every time they bring up the fact they get to be Rangers!
 I was not a fan of the design choices for Alpha and the Zords.  Alpha was thankfully less obnoxious than the original, but his super long arms on the tiny body just looked weird and creepy.  Props to Hader for making me not hate him!  The Zords…  I couldn’t tell what I was looking at.  I’ll be honest, aside from the T-Rex and the Pterodactyl they could have been anything.  I had to go online after the movie because I couldn’t remember if the Triceratops was Blue or Black because I couldn’t tell them apart.  Turns out it’s Blue.  For as many montages as we were dealt and given the movies run time, I’d have preferred to see them learning their suits and Zords right off the bat as opposed to trying and failing to Morph a half dozen times and then finally getting it right just in time for the final battle where they go in operating things they’ve never used before.  I know I’m overthinking it, but I hate when people just innately know how to use things like that.
 Lastly we come to the villains.  I’ve got really mixed feelings on this part.  I appreciate they wanted to take it more seriously, and I like what they did with Rita but DAMN.  They may have made her a bit too intense for the audience that’s generally associated with Power Rangers!  Banks is great and and she is wonderfully creepy and terrifying but there is a scene where she’s killed some police officers and you see that she’s ripped the teeth out of one and has dismembered/is CANNIBALIZING the other.  This is while she’s still in her slightly mummified state after a fishing boat pulls up her body and it’s horror movie levels of creepy as she gets her power back to create Goldar.  Because he’s made of gold, see?  I don’t quite get her power set because at first she’s brutally murdering people for their gold, then eating it (WTF?) then just pointing at it and drawing it to her in liquid form.  At least she gets to say “Make my monster grow.”
 Overall, it’s not bad.  It’s not as action packed as you’d expect, but what references do show up are all well placed and fun.  You get some cameos and throwback lines.  Ay-yi-yi and what not.  My favorite reference was when two boys were arguing who got to be the Red Ranger while they’re playing and Trini tells them, “Why not Yellow?”  “That’s a girl!”  “How do you know?”  lol  Love the message and the nod to the original Yellow I mentioned earlier, but unfortunately undercut by the obvious sculpted boob armor on Pink and Yellow…  Best moment, bar none, was when they played the original theme.  Unfortunately it’s just one refrain then back to generic orchestration, but the theater I was in was electrified when it came on!  I’m not made of stone, that riff is freaking amazing.  You could tell everyone was a bit bummed when it didn’t continue throughout the fight.  As usual anymore, stay through the credits.  There’s a mid credit scene that I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to call before it happens but it’s there.  LOL at the guys behind me talking loudly throughout the film complaining about the very thing the scene was about and leaving before it happened.  That’s what you get for being terrible movie attendants!  If you were a fan of the show as a kid, I think you’ll have a great time!  If you’re bringing your kids because of how much YOU loved it…  Just be aware it gets really dark and creepy in places and might move a bit slow if they have to wait over 90 minutes to see any Morphin’ Time.
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