#also found a fabric store where I can buy fabric that's actually affordable and now I want to see if they have anything I could use for sive
sso-montana · 2 months
Part 2 Act II: Blooming Petals And Morning Dew
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Pinning paper wings on problems Hoping that they'll fly away Turn our backs, ignore the truth If they can't support the weight Destiny is overrated So I think I'll write my own I don't believe it's complicated
We Are the In Crowd: Reflections
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astriiformes · 1 year
@squidaresquishy replied to your post: My wool for Andreas got here today and it's so
where do u buy actual nice quality historically appropriate fibers (wool, linen)??? all i can find on the obvious sites like joann's or craft stores are like… weird polyester faux-flannel or cotton
So I have a fancier answer, a slightly less-fancy answer, and significantly less-fancy answer, both because it's good to spread your net wide regardless and also because as a cosplayer/costume-maker without much money, I've found that sometimes you have to get creative.
I bought my wool for my Andreas costume from Pendleton Woolen Mill because a friend who lives near them and is working on the same costume tipped me off to a clearance sale they were having. They're an example of a nice, high-quality seller that I usually couldn't afford to buy from where timing made all the difference (and I will absolutely be watching their site for sales in the future). Other stores I've heard friends recommend that sell natural fabrics, some of them specifically catered to historical costuming, include Burnley & Trowbridge and Silk Baron, and the other day while doing research for Andreas, I was poking around on the Historical Costuming subreddit and came across this list, which looks solid. On the whole I don't have a ton of recommendations though, since I rarely have the money to buy fabrics from more specialty retailers.
(Oh, and it's not fabric, but if you're ever looking for leather, Tandy Leather is another great place to get historical costume materials)
The slightly-less fancy answer is that I buy most of my cosplay fabrics, historical costuming ones included, from a local fabric outlet, which is not something every city has but has been an absolute treasure trove for me. They sell everything at 50% off and have some very weird finds (like the metallic linen I used for my Golden Guard tunic), but it's also been a good place to look for natural fabrics. I found nice silk and wool there for my sister's Cassandra de Rolo costume, and it's where I'm hoping I'll find another wool for Andreas' jacket. Even if your city doesn't have a fabric outlet, it may have local, non-chain fabric stores that are worth investigating (though the affordability may vary). I found out about the place near me through other cosplay friends, so asking around in local crafting and cosplay communities may lead you somewhere. If you're looking for historical fabrics specifically, I'd consider bothering the local SCA chapter about local recommendations!
Last though -- nice fabrics can be found in weird places. As a poor cosplayer who is usually trying to figure out the best way to hit the "nice materials" and "affordability" sweet spot, I've made a habit of checking out local thrift stores and yard sales for fabric whenever I can. Sometimes that looks like nabbing a $2 sheet to sew a cloak mock-up out of, but if you're persistent you can sometimes make pretty incredible finds. A few months ago I found a plain white linen curtain set that I nabbed knowing I would want for a costume at some point, and sure enough now my current plan is to use it for Andreas' shirt. It cost me maybe $8, which is insane for that amount of linen -- but not for thrift store curtains. The biggest challenge with this method is knowing what you've found. In that case I lucked out and the curtain tag was still attached, telling me they were a 100% linen blend, but sometimes you have to get more creative. We're big fans of the "If something looks and feels suspiciously like wool or linen, buy it, bring it home, and set a small piece of it on fire to test it" method in my household (natural fibers burn, manufactured ones melt; it's a legit test and you can read up on it!) but that does require a certain familiarity with wool/linen/etc to be able to pick out likely culprits. If you can make it work though, this is absolutely the cheapest way to get natural fabrics, and I've found it to be very worth my time.
I hope some of that helps! In general a "leave no stone unturned" method where you nab fabrics from a few different places works well, as does being willing to employ a little creativity. Best of luck with your own projects!
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hallowxiu · 3 years
Mammon’s Valentine
pairing: mammon x gn!mc
word count: 2.4k
summary: You decide to get a Valentine's gift for each of the brothers, starting with Mammon. 
a/n: i know this is late but i wanted to do it anyway lol also, let me know if you want any for the undateables. i’m going to write one for each brother, but was unsure for the side characters. 
part one of the valentine’s day series
“Have you ever heard of Valentine’s Day?” It was an innocent question, one that had been lingering on your mind for a while. As you slowly spin around in circles on your desk chair, you wait for Mammon’s answer. The holiday was just around the corner, and you were hoping you could do something special for the boys, something to show them how much they meant to you. Of course, you wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of them knew about the holiday, but you’d like it to be a surprise. You wanted to give all of them something unique, something that you thought would fit each of their personalities. While you had plenty of ideas for some of the brothers, others, well… 
“Never heard of it.” 
A smile formed on your lips from the demon’s response. That’s what you were ideally hoping for; you thought he’d have the cutest reaction to being surprised. Plus, if he was unaware of the holiday, he wouldn’t be suspicious or expecting anything from you. It was perfect for the most part. However… Mammon was one of the brothers you struggled with when thinking up ideas. Not only did Mammon own just about anything he’d ever want, but he also had the money to buy whatever he wanted. 
You could work with this, at least. “Say, Mammon, are you prepared for the exam tomorrow?” You decided to change the topic before he had the chance to ask you about it. “I can help you study if you want. Since it’s all about human history, I’m pretty much considered an expert at this.” You send him a cheeky wink, to which the white-haired demon finds himself blushing over. 
“I’ll have ya know that I’m plenty prepared!” His cheeks puff out as his eyebrows furrowed together. “But if you’re that desperate to spend time with me, then I won’t tell ya no…” 
It’s been nearly a full day since you last spent time with Mammon. The two of you have already taken your exams, and now you were left to focus on a gift you could give the demon. A few ideas have popped into your head since then, but none of them seemed good enough in your opinion. Buying him something was out of the question; anything nice that he would like you could hardly afford. And while you did want to spoil him, you just didn’t have the means to do so. 
It was when you were lounging across Asmodeus’ bed, the two of you having your usual gossip session that you came up with an idea. You were scrolling through your D.D.D and landed on an ad for stuffed animals. They were cute and small, and something Mammon would probably enjoy. However, you could do one better. Why not try to make it yourself? “Hey, Asmodeus,” you glance over at the demon who’s applying makeup in front of his mirror, “do you have any thread or fabric I could use? I want to try making a stuffed animal.” 
Asmodeus glances back at you, a thoughtful expression on his face. “A stuffed animal? That’s cute! However, I don’t think I have any fabric that would be good for something like that.” You frown at his words, though nod your head. You supposed you could always just go out and buy some yourself. “Oh!” Asmodeus snaps his fingers as a sudden thought comes to him. “Why don’t you ask Leviathan? He’s always making clothes for cosplay, and I know he can make plushies. I’ve even seen him make a pillow for Belphie once.” 
“That’s a great idea!” You beam at the thought and hop off his bed. “Thanks, Asmo!” You place a quick kiss on his cheek before darting out of his room. 
You weren’t completely hopeless when it came to the art of making plushies. You had made a panda once, and you even gave it to Mammon afterward when he seemed to like it. That being said, you were hoping that Leviathan would lend you the items you needed. However, it was always hard to tell with Leviathan depending on his mood. You’re sitting on one of his bean bags as you watch the blue-haired demon play one of his games. He had invited you in some time ago, though he told you to keep your business to yourself until he finished the current level he was on. That was… five levels ago. 
“Levi?” You fiddle with your fingers as you watch the character on the screen fight a dragon. You weren’t sure if he was winning or not. “I actually dropped by to ask you a question.” 
“Can it wait?” The demon asks between the sounds of buttons being smashed. “I’m trying to beat this level and talking to you distracts me. I need the utmost amount of focus to get past this level. I want to be the first one to clear this level,” he glances over at you briefly before bringing his attention back to the screen, “it shouldn’t be too much longer.” It had already been thirty minutes. 
A sigh leaves you as you settle into the bag. “I just wanted to borrow some items from you so I could make you and Mammon a Valentine’s gift.” You watch with a concealed smile as Leviathan immediately freezes. While this was supposed to be a gift for Mammon, you did need ideas for Leviathan as well, and you figured that plushies would also be in the realm of things he liked. Plus, you knew this would speed things up for you. After all, you only had a few days before Valentine’s Day and you needed gifts for all the brothers. That would be no small feat. 
“Y-You…” He’s looking at you with wide eyes, the controller now on the floor. You watch as the screen flashes a “GAME OVER” message. “You wanted to make me a Valentine’s gift? Someone as socially awkward as me? Me and Mammon? Sure, I understand the appeal of making a gift for someone as cool as Mammon, but me? A yucky otaku?” You stifle a laugh behind your hand. 
“Yes, Leviathan. I wanted to make you a Valentine’s Day gift.” You left out the part where you’d be making everyone a Valentine’s gift; you figured he didn’t need to know that. 
With a bright red face, he gets up from where he was sitting and brings you over to one of his drawers. “Everything I have to make crafts with is in here. Take whatever you want.” He has an arm covering his face before hurrying out of the room. You watch with a smile before returning to the task at hand. 
“Wow,” you look up from where you’re sitting on your bedroom floor to see Asmodeus leaning on your doorframe. You were in the middle of putting together the first plush for Mammon. You were surrounded by pieces of fabric and sewing string, and you may or may not have pricked yourself a couple of times in the process. Bandaids littered your fingers and Asmodeus found himself chuckling. “You are a disaster with a needle, my love.” 
“So I’m finding out.” You respond, your attention still on the plush in your hands. “But it’s coming together nicely, don’t you think? It’s definitely better than the panda I made.” 
“It was very homemade.” Asmodeus agrees. “But that was the charm.” 
“So I’ve heard.” You hum while working on the plush. “I figured a golden-colored cat would be good for Mammon. I know he isn’t Satan, but he also has a soft spot for cats.” You can hear Asmodeus hum in approval while he sits across from you. “This is leagues above the panda plush.” You’re looking down at the cat in approval, holding it up so you can check it out from every angle. “Do you think he’ll like it?” 
Asmodeus stares at you with a quirked brow. “Darling, he’ll like anything you give him. You could gift him a rock with a bow tied around it and he’d get all red in the face while swearing up and down that it’s the nicest gift anyone’s given him.” You laugh at Asmodeus’ honesty. You weren’t sure that was quite true, but you were happy to hear it nonetheless. “I’m assuming this is for Valentine’s Day?”
“I figured you’d know about the holiday.” It didn’t come as a surprise that the Avatar of Lust knew about a human holiday centered around love. “Yes, I plan on giving a gift to each of you.” Secrets were always out the window when Asmodeus was involved. “I figured I’d get a head start with Mammon’s.”
“Smart. He’d become the next Avatar of Envy if he saw you giving a gift to anyone else before him.” Asmodeus chuckles as he gets back up. “I’ll leave you to it then. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for me.” There’s a cheeky smile on his lips and you can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Easy tiger.” 
You nervously linger by Mammon’s bedroom door. You’d been standing outside his room for the last five minutes, unsure if you should make yourself known or not. You didn’t know why you were suddenly nervous to give him his gift; maybe he wouldn’t like it? Then again, Asmodeus was confident that Mammon would like anything you gave him. Clearing your throat, you bring up your hand to knock on his door. 
Within seconds it swings open, revealing a red-faced Mammon. You tilt your head to the side, confused as to why he’s so red. “What’s up?” You asked with a small smile.
“You’re askin’ me what’s up? Shouldn’t I be askin’ you that?” Fair point. With that, you find yourself stepping around the other and walking into his room. 
“I brought you something.” 
“I brought ya somethin’.” 
The two of you stare at each other in silence before Mammon awkwardly clears his throat. “Uh, y-you go first.” His face has become redder since you first walked in. 
“Okay,” You eye him cautiously before holding out the bag in front of you. “I brought you something for Valentine’s Day. I know you don’t know much about it, but in the human realm, it’s a day where you show the people you love how much you care about them. It can be for family, friends, or partners.” There's a smile on your lips as you explain the holiday to Mammon. “I thought it would be fun, so I made you a gift!” Shyly, you hold the bag out for Mammon to take. The demon, who looks as if he might faint from the slightest bit of movement, takes the bag from you. He carefully opens it, a dopey smile blooming across his lips as he pulls out the stuffed cat. “What… what do you think?” This time it’s you who’s feeling shy. 
“I love it.” He responds in a dreamy voice. “It’s goin’ right with the panda. They’ll be best friends.” A relieved laugh leaves you, and you feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. 
“That makes me happy to hear, Mammon!” You pause when remembering that the other also had something to say when you came in. “But what was it you were saying earlier?” 
“O-Oh, right.” And just like that, the second eldest is fumbling with his words again, nearly dropping the bag and the plush in the process. Quickly, he puts the gift down on his shelf and dashes toward his bed. “I, uh, well-- when ya asked me about Valentine’s Day the other day, I ended up doin’ some research. I wanted to know what you were talkin’ about, and then I saw it was a holiday that ya celebrated with those closest to ya.” He’s finding it hard to speak as he grabs something, hiding it behind his back before you could see it. “And, and so I decided I should get ya somethin’ since we’re close and all.” You think he might pass out if he keeps going. “But don’t get the wrong idea! I’m only doin’ this so ya don’t feel left out and all. Ya should feel honored that The Great Mammon would even spend time on ya.” 
You laugh quietly as you watch Mammon fumble around with whatever he’s holding. There’s a lightness in your chest, and you can’t help but feel happy. “You’re saying that you got me something for Valentine’s Day?” 
“Yes!” Before you can process what’s happening, Mammon’s shoving something into your arms. You look down to see a box of chocolates and a small white card. “Just-- just don’t let Beel around the chocolates. The second he catches wind about it they’ll be devoured.” He’s looking at his door as he talks to you, trying to find anything else to keep his eyes on. “So… I just hope ya like it. I know it’s not much but…” 
“I love it.” There’s a bright smile on your lips as you stare down at the chocolate. “And the card, did you make that yourself? It’s beautiful.” His cheeks are redder now. 
“Yeah, I had some time to myself and when I researched it, I was told that Valentine’s Day gifts are better homemade. It uh, the card,” he takes a deep breath, “it says how much I cherish our friendship.” He blows air into his cheeks, his eyebrows furrowing in embarrassment. 
“It’s perfect.” With this, he finally looks at you. “I really do love it. It’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Your cheeks are becoming warm and you’re sure you’re sporting a similar look to Mammon now. “If you want, do you maybe want to share the chocolates with me? And we can spend the rest of the day watching movies.” 
“Just the two of us?” He’s trying not to sound too hopeful, though the look on his face is hard to miss. 
“Just the two of us.” 
A wide smile forms on his lips and he tugs at his jacket. “Well, I suppose if the human wants to spend their day with The Great Mammon, who am I to tell them no?”
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inkxplashes · 2 years
For some reason Tumblr won’t let me like this one post. Not just reblog, but like. So I’m copying it, making my own post, and liking that.
Note: this is not the original post. I didn’t expect anyone to find this, this was just for my personal archive of likes. Because Tumblr wouldn’t let me like the original.
Here’s the original post. If you find this post, don’t reblog this, reblog that. I don’t want to take credit from the creator.
I hear people talk about how punk clothing is expensive, how you don’t have enough money to buy docs so obv you aren’t a real punk, how you can’t buy pins anywhere, how punk jewelry is sooo expensive BULLSHIT
The backbone of punk is diy. Punk is messy, punk is making the best of what you have. Nothing is more punk than making your own beauty with the shit you find scattered about
Wanna have docs? Buy some knock offs for 20 bucks and add some spikes no one will care
Want patches? Embroider on some old fabric. Use paint, bleach, markers, whatever you have. If that’s not good enough, buy from small businesses when you can
Want pins? Make em. Use safety pins and a bottle cap and you got a pin. Just paint something on, if you don’t have paint, I’ve used white out and pens just do whatever. Also fr just um borrow from any big shitty chain store, not from small businesses tho
Want jewelry? Pliers are your best friend. Fix broken jewelry with em, use chains u found to make something. I’ve used a hanging plant wire to make a barbed wire bracelet with nothing but pliers. Just fuck around. Buy from small businesses and again, big shitty chains are fair game
Want spikes and cool metal shit? Literally just take any metal like literally anything and stick it to your clothes. Safety pins, can tabs (esp monster ones bc fun colors) lighter caps, make spikes out of cans, take chains outta the recycle bin
Punk is the most accessible subculture. Punk was made by people with no money, and anyone who tells you you need fancy shit to be punk ain’t a real punk. Punk is about fucking around with the idea of what you should be, so just have fun! There are literally no rules!
1) anything can be punk -> like cottagecore? it can be punk. like y2k? punk. have no set style?punk!
2) the reason for this is because of how punk comes out of poverty. punk's origins are in black + queer communities -> punk actually is to be a slur that was used in prisons against effeminate men. the materials we associate with punk today, like denim and leather, are materials we associate with punk because at one time they were undesirable materials -> cheap materials.
punk goes hand in hand with Camp, you make the thing nobody else wants desirable. so if you want punk stuff, ethically + consciously upcycle, buy cheap undesirable fabrics and make them something cool, trade clothes with other people, turn 3 pairs of shorts that are a bit too small into a pair of paints, turn socks into gloves and leg warmers
punk is intended to be affordable and accessible, that's its intention -> anyone can be punk because punk can look like anything. that old pair of jeans from 2007? punk! sustainable fashion? pun! fashion that uses recycled materials? punk! affordable fashion? punk!
literally hardly anyone wears khaki anymore, if punk were to start now people would wear khaki over denim because it's cheaper, etc. what is affordable can also change regionally as well, what is easy to find and cheap where you live might de different than somewhere else so buy local -> help local + small business out.
can't find a material you need or it's too expensive? use floss instead of thread, don't buy spikes roll old aluminum cans from pop/energy drinks/etc, don't like some jewelry then try to find a way to combine them that's new that you will like!
punk, and it's "aestheticification" didn't ruin punk necessarily, but it did ruin what it "means" to be punk. the aestheticification of poverty made it trendy, expensive, and "rule bound". but the intention of punk at its core is to help out the little guy, turn things nobody else wants into things everyone wants, and to reclaim and redefine fashion and beauty. punk at its core is Camp + anarchy, and while the original message of punk succeeded in getting people to see denim + leather + etc as desirable, the message on why people wanted to make leather and denim desirable in the first place got lost. so, in the spirit of punk, reclaim what punk means.
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Ch 17
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi
Chapter Summary: Part one of the photoshoot
Previous Chapter here
The work week proceeded as normal. Well, what had become normal. Delivering coffee and reminding Yoongi to eat, answering emails, trying to figure out which meetings Yoongi actually needed to go to and which ones were a waste of time. Of course you always went to the meetings, and holy shit you couldn’t believe the topics couldn’t have been discussed via email. You were looking forward to this particular day because you got to go visit Hoseok in the style department and Jimin had decided he was tagging along “for funsies.”
Yoongi was supposed to go and get measured and try on clothes for his photoshoot. When you reminded him that morning he laughed at you, “Uh no. Hoseok knows what size I wear. He can figure it out. Go look at the clothes and I might try some of them on tonight.”
You and Jimin met up for lunch and then headed up to the styling department.
“I’m excited. I’ve never been to a photoshoot before.” You said bouncing up and down in the elevator. 
“Yeah, they’re pretty boring actually. Like if it’s with some of the hotter models it’s a little fun for the eye candy, but then you feel bad for them because they have to sit for so long  making awkward faces. They are constantly getting their make-up and hair touched up. Touch base with craft services to make sure there’s plenty of water. The lights are bright.”
You took out your phone, “Oh thanks. I wouldn’t have even thought about that. Any other tips?”
“It’s Yoongi. It won’t take as long as it does with the other people. He’ll show up, do it, and leave. JK and Tae, especially Tae, want to chat with everyone on set and if they are together it takes foreeeeevvvveeeeeerrrrr.” 
“Huh, ok. Thanks.” The two of you arrived at JHOPE Fashion and walked through the rainbow vomit doors. 
Hoseok was wearing glasses with yellow lenses today, which made his dramatic facial expressions stand out even more. He immediately rolled his eyes. He pointed to you. “You are not Yoongi.” He pointed to Jimin. “And you are not Yoongi.” He put his hands on his hips. “So why are the two of you here?” 
“I’m sure you can guess why.” You responded dryly.
“Ugh. That ungrateful man. I had lovingly hand stitched these pieces. For him. These patches...” Hoseok pressed his fingers together as though he was praying. “Fine. Fine. You. Y/N. Come. You. Jimin. Wait right there.”
Jimin’s eyes went wide. “Me? Why do I have to wait here?” 
Hoseok turned from where he had started to walk towards the back. “You will thank me in a minute. A certain someone is coming to get his fitting in a few minutes.” He raised an eyebrow and then turned around, his heels clacking against the red tile floor.
Jimin started to blush profusely and before you could ask, Hobi interrupted, “Come new girl. We have work to do especially if that boss of yours refuses to come here and experience these magnificent beauties for himself.”
You followed him through the large door, which led to lime green hallways and then to a quiet, more muted workspace. The walls were lined with fabric bolsters, the middle tables with ribbon, thread, patches, paint. Paint? 
Hoseok sat down. “From what I understand, this album will have an acoustic feel to it versus his previous albums. For that reason I have chosen these natural materials such as cotton, linen, and denim.” He spread out several pieces onto the large table. “I have also opted for a more neutral pallet, as much as it hurts my soul. I have chosen colors found in nature. I have chosen brightly colored accessories such as these silks to stand in contrast with the stiff fabric and more neutral colors he will be wearing. Additionally, I avoided black. We’ll see if he notices.” 
You watched as he draped the red and purple silks over the top of the clothes. For whatever reason, you found it mesmerizing watching the fabric juxtapositioned in such a way.  “It’s so cool to hear you tell a story just using clothes.” You said, somewhat enchanted.
Hoseok flicked his eyes up to you, “Thank you. That is what I try to do with my collections. Everyone’s outfit tells a story, even if they don’t mean for it to. May I?” He asked, stepping back and gesturing at you.
“Oh man. You know I don’t dresses fancy--”
“Shhhh you don’t tell me.” He looked at your outfit. You had opted for an Aline skirt and blouse with a casual blazer.  “You had meetings this morning, that’s obvious by the jacket. You usually dress cuter. Which means you are either sick or not feeling great. You look fine. So I’m guessing...you are on your period. Sorry, this just comes out, I can’t stop it,” he paused for a moment as your jaw dropped open slightly. He stepped closer, inspecting the shoulders of your jacket. “The blazer is at least ten years old but you shouldn’t have had a blazer ten years ago unless it was for your school uniform and that isn’t a school jacket. Which means it probably belonged to an older sister or aunt. You are very responsible and well organized otherwise you wouldn't be Yoongi’s assistant. Therefore you are most likely the oldest or only child so that is your aunt’s jacket. Your blouse is nice. You actually like it, you’ve worn it twice in the week you’ve been working here. You bought it at a thrift store. You don’t spend a lot of money on yourself, but you are very confident. Therefore, it’s not that you don’t think you deserve nice things, it’s just that you can’t afford them so you likely grew up poor and it has continued into your adulthood.”
“Holy shit. You should be a detective.” You said to him.
“The shoes, I gave you last week. They don’t have a story yet, other than a very good -looking man in a suit helped you out because Jimin said you were a nice girl. You wear zero accessories which shows a lack of both funds and sentimentality. Most people have at least one piece of jewelry that means something to them, but if you have one, you don’t wear it.” He smiled at you, his white teeth gleaming. “ Now, how much am I right about?” He crossed his hands in front of his chest.
You clapped your hands as though you were in an audience. “All of it. Although I am still weirded out that you know I’m on my period. Next time I’m going to wear something skin tight to throw you off.” You joked.
“Well,” he started, “At least now that you work here you don’t have to worry as much right?”
Given the shitshow you went through this weekend you weren’t sure about that, but you shrugged, “It definitely pays better. And money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure helps make some things less hard.” You gestured to the pile of fabric on the table, “So...what do I do? Take these clothes with me for Yoongi to try on or will they be at the photoshoot tomorrow? Do I need to bring them to the photoshoot?”
Hoseok sighed dramatically, “I could dress Yoongi drunk, in my sleep. He can just show up tomorrow and I will dress him then. My staff will make sure the clothes and accessories are at the photoshoot. Here,” He walked over to one of the garment racks. “More clothes for you. I know you have a big closet. And if you run out of space, just take Yoongi’s, he only wears like three things despite my best efforts.”
You laughed, “Yeah, you’re not kidding. Ok thanks,” You took the clothing. “I appreciate it.”
“It’s no trouble. Feel free to see yourself out, I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh and please make sure the catering has strawberries.”
“Strawberries? Got it.” You were learning so much today. 
You exited the backroom and saw Jimin over near one of the pedestals. He was chatting with JK who was getting fitted with a corset. What an itty bitty waist, you admired. The two of them seemed to be having a good time and you had a new list of things to do so you waved at Jimin and headed to 1802 to drop off your new clothes. You had forgotten Hoseok knew you lived with Yoongi. The week had flown by.  
You sent a text message to Jiwoo asking if you could stop by her desk and ask her a few questions to make sure everything was set up for tomorrow and then stopped by the apartment.
You conferred with her and learned how to navigate catering requests via the company website; apparently it wasn’t available on the app, good to know. you felt much better about the shoot tomorrow but still nervous and excited.
You knocked on the door to Genius Lab. No answer. Never any answer. You typed the code in and saw Yoongi wearing his headphones, lost in his own world. He had told you to just wait on the sofa when this was the case and that he would eventually notice you. Normally the smell of coffee was what alerted him to your presence, but you had come empty handed today. You sat down on the couch and took out your phone.
YN: I don’t mean to alarm you. But there’s something behind you.
You saw his phone light up. He ignored it for a minute, presumably to finish listening to a song, and then picked it up. You heard him laugh and take off his headphones.  “You are the worst.” He spun around.
“So mean. Hey. Tomorrow is my first photoshoot. I checked on the outfits for you. By the way, Hoseok is like Sherlock Holmes with clothing. I learned I’m supposed to contact catering, I have hair and make-up requests in. Do I need to do anything else?”
Yoongi thought for a minute. He never really participated in that side of the photoshoot, now that he reflected on it. He walked his way through a day on set.  “No. The changing rooms and photography are handled by other departments. Check with Jiwoo or Jimin, they’ve both set up a shoot before.”
“I did. I’m getting ready to send in the last food request. Any requests?”
“Mandarins. I don’t like to eat a lot on set because I don’t want stuff getting stuck in my teeth.”
“That makes sense. Ok. I’ll let you get back to it then.” You got up and stretched.
“Tomorrow will go fine. If you forgot anything, it will be somewhere in this building.” He reassured you.
“That makes me feel a lot better.” You said honestly. “Alright, I’ll see you around.”
The next day arrived with Yoongi heading off to the hair and make-up department and you heading to the 11th floor to see what the photo set up looked like. You exited the elevator. Man your hands were sweaty, you followed the sounds of voices and made your way to the shooting location. The lighting crew was checking their overheads, a stand-in was posing on the various props they had set out. It looked as though there were three separate “areas” for shooting photos. One area had a large white couch, complete with coffee table, rubber plant, magazines. The whole set up designed to look like a living room. A second space was a blue sheet with a white background. The third space was a kitchen, complete with an island, stovetop, and refrigerator. Holy moly this space was huge. You marveled at it.
“Hello, can I help you?” An older man walked over.
“Oh hi, I’m YLN. Yoongi’s assistant. I was stopping by to check the set up. It looks incredible.”
“Thank you. Yes. Here, let me walk you through it.”
You received a tour of the set and also an overview of the order of shooting. You also found out that next week, weather permitting, there would be a second shooting at the park across the street. You got catering checked in, or at least pointed to the table and felt like you did a thing. The same happened when the clothing team showed up. You pointed to dressing rooms and the vanity where the accessories trunk should go. You were thankful no one had asked you any questions so far. This was a steep learning curve. You had hoped someone you knew might be here today to help ease your nerves, but so far, it was all new faces.
Finally, you saw one familiar face. Alice walked in, carrying a small case with her. You waved.
“Hey! It’s nice to see you again.” She said. “I had no idea you were Yoongi’s assistant until today.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess I didn’t mention that. I was so overwhelmed that first day,” you smiled.
“No worries. He was just telling me and Bongcha that he had an assistant now. He’s almost done. His make-up is setting. I’m on hair today which isn’t my strong suit, but it’s not like he’s needing a fancy up-do or anything and it’s good for me to practice.”
“Ok great. This is my first time at a photoshoot, so if there’s something I’m supposed to be doing but I’m not, can you let me know?” You confided in her. 
“Absolutely. It looks like most of the stuff is set up how it usually is. Just remember,” she got closer to you and spoke quieter, “You are Yoongi’s assistant. Some of these people, especially these older guys will try to get you to do stuff like get their coffee, grab them snacks. That is not your job. It’s not by job. If they have an assistant, it’s their job.” 
“I knew I liked you when we first met,” you smiled at her. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“Anytime Unnie.”
She walked over and took out her hair tools and placed them on the table reserved for hair and make-up. A few minutes later you saw Yoongi walk in wearing a black shirt and grey sweats. His face looked even more beautiful than normal. Next to him was a petite girl with long black hair pulled up into a ponytail, dragging a make-up train behind her.  Yoongi looked around for a second, and then locked eyes with you. You saw the tiniest smile threaten to come out as he walked over.
“Hey. Everything here looks good.” He gestured to the room.
“Thanks. I didn’t do most of it, I just pointed and people seemed to know what to do already. Your face looks good.” 
Yoongi chuckled, “You can thank Bongcha for that. Bongcha, this is YN.”
Bongcha stuck out her hand, “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Nice to meet you as well. You do good work. I give his face a 10/10. Highly recommend.” 
“Well, it’s easy when you have such a great model to start with,” She smiled while looking up at Yoongi.
Yoongi had started to blush between the pair of compliments. “Is Hoseok here yet?”
“No not yet.” You took out your phone to see if you had any messages from Hoseok. Nope. You looked back up, “Bongcha, I’m sure you already know, but the make-up table is over there.  Alice is setting up right now.”
“Great, thanks!” She headed over, her shiny hair swishing behind her. 
Speak of the devil in blue himself, Hoseok strutted in at that exact moment wearing an electric blue suit. His crisp white shirt underneath popped beneath the jacket, and his pocket square had little sunshines on it.
“Wow. You look like the sky.” You said before you could help it.
“Thank you. Indeed. It was my inspiration today. It’s a crime to be indoors beneath these artificial lights on such a beautiful day. Oh well. It can’t be helped.” He laid eyes on Yoongi, like a predator gazing on its prey, “Yoongi. Baby. Come.”
Yoongi scrunched his face. “Don’t call me baby. If you miss the sunlight so much, leave. I know how to dress myself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you don't know which pieces go together.” Hoseok grabbed Yoongi by the shoulders and started leading him over to the clothing section, leaving you to laugh at the pair of them. You went over to the table you had set up for yourself between make-up and the food. You had printed off several lists that morning to help you stay focused. You checked off several action items. Satisfied, you sat your clipboard down and looked around. It was a well-oiled machine for sure. You walked over to the hair and make-up table. “Hey ladies.”
“Hey! Have you two met yet?” Alice asked, referring to Bongcha.
“Yep, we just did.” Bongcha confirmed, putting on her make-up apron and filling it with various powders and brushes.
“Ooooo we should do a make-up party sometime.” Alice squealed. “We try to do it with all the new girls. And since Yoongi is” she hushed her voice again “One of our favorites. We have to take care of his assistant.”
You smiled, “Sure. That sounds nice. Excuse me.” You decided to go see how the clothes were going.
“Yes. Yoongi’s assistant. So glad you’re here.” Hoseok turned to you.
“She has a name, it’s YN.” You heard Yoongi say from behind the curtain.
“Yes yes. I know. We talked yesterday, remember? At that meeting I scheduled for me and you that you did not come to. Anyways, here. The outfits are now coordinated. They have tags on them corresponding to their accessory in the accessory trunk. Some pieces have more than one option that the Director of Photography and Yoongi will decide on. Got it?”
You looked over the set up. It seemed simple enough since Hoseok had organized it so well .”Yep. You going out to enjoy the sunshine?” 
“Honey, I am the sunshine. I’m off to get laid after having to deal with this cloudy baby.” He gestured to the changing room.
“Don’t call me baby.” Yoongi shouted from behind the curtain. You just laughed as Hoseok turned around and left. You waited for a few minutes. 
“You ok in there? Need me to come help you put your pants on?” You teased.
“Not necessary.” Yoongi slid open the curtain. Why was everyone teasing him today? He pouted without thinking about it.
You walked over, straightening the collar of his shirt “Hey now, you can’t go around pouting like a baby and not expect people to call you one. Here,” you handed him a mandarin. He scowled at you as he took it. “Such a pretty face” You laughed. 
“Yeah whatever. I can eat this while they set up the white meter. You should be fine to just hang around at this point.”
“Alright. Sounds good.” The two of you walked over to the main part of the set where the Director gave Yoongi instructions about where to sit as they practiced the blocking and softbox placement.
“Oh my god he looks so good eating that tangerine.” You overheard. Your eyes bugged out slightly and you turned around. A group of women from the photography team were looking at the images to check the saturation and focus, as well as apparently the model. Damn. NEXT CHAPTER
@lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan   @firefairy1  @cuteipat​  @sugaslittlekookies​  @janeelizabeth1216​ @deeepvibes​ @gxldenhunny​ @livelyjay​ @niniita-ah​ @bobbyboops​ @honeysunandsoil​ @deathkat657​
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jasmine-the-fox · 4 years
Lose the model but win a hero
Here’s another update... Were getting somewhere now I promise!
Chapter 3: Jonathan Kent
Previous  First
Mari had only been here for a week and she was already drowned in ideas for new outfits, she knew Chloe being her friend and Adrien also being rich would buy her every piece of fabric, every pearl and anything else to make them, it was how they were... She loved them so very much and couldn’t wait to tell them how her summer was in the end, she looked around while enjoying this time here for the summer... It was obvious she wouldn’t be able to come back for the next summer.
Right now, she was working on her list of things to do... Getting gifts for her friends, she had so much more to do but this was something she wanted to take care of right off the bat, she took pictures here and there of buildings and even at times of statues around the place “I need to get a new sketchbook” she said to herself knowing she no longer had any space to sketch anything out now... Hence why she was taking pictures, so to keep in memory her ideas until she could draw them out.
At one point, she notices a fabric store... And her loving to go buying some goes inside to take a look around, the cashier smiles towards her wondering if she was going to buy something... And she does, Mari loved some of the fabrics and ends up getting a roll of each and takes note of the name and the store so if she wants more, she can see if she can order it online, making her smile as she walks out with her purchase as she thinks up so many outfits and dresses for herself and her friends to wear when they go back to school together... She would enjoy taking pictures of them together and talking about Lila and her stupid lies going around the school.
It was all of a sudden, but she bumped into someone... Well... More like someone ran into her without even looking where he was going, she fell down and to her luck the fabric wasn’t damaged or stained, so she slowly stood up as the boy-yes a boy bumped into her, began to panic and worried she was hurt “I’m really sorry about that! I was just running from a friend I pranked!” he explained quickly as she smiled at him “It’s fine, it was just an accident. Even I bump into people because i’m not looking” she explained and the boy looked to have calmed down thanks to her words making him smile.
He presented himself as Jonathan Samuel Kent, to her surprise he was the son of Clark Kent and his wife Lois making her smile and present herself at that moment as he then invited her to walk around Metropolis to say sorry... While also hiding from his friend, of course as they walk around and talk about anything and everything... It wouldn’t be a full tour without visiting the Daily Planet? So yeah, he takes her there and she watches his parents working together for a moment before they leave... While not knowing Clark heard them and told Lois making her need to talk to there son when they get back home later on that day “This was amazing! I never thought Metropolis would be so amazing!” she claimed making Jon smile to her words as he then looks at the time on his phone.
“Shit! I gotta go join my friends!” he said making her giggle at him as she then gives him her number so he can text her or even call her “I’m here for the whole summer so it’s fine” she said making Jon smile at her and then headed off to join his friends while she headed back to her hotel to relax from her day of walking and everything else happening to her... While thinking back to everything that could happen at school when summer was over “Lila will make them think I never left Paris... Unless I post stuff” she said as she then looked at the pictures Jon took of her with her phone... And began posting them little by little.
The first to comment and like was Chloe and Adrien... Sabrina did so later since she was relaxing for a moment when she began posting, Kagami and Luka were next to comment and like making Mari smile, then Jagged, Clara, her Nona and her parents began to like at their own pace making her smile at what they wrote to her... But the class never looked making her know they didn’t follow her page anymore so they would believe Lila instead, she sighed and decided to now focus on her website MDC Designs and post about how she was taking a summer break on commissions but would be returning after so no one was able to make a request.
Of course does who have her number could text her for a commission... She really didn’t mind since only her friends had that number and no one else did so that was a good thing for her... Then there was her classmates who still expected her to make them free things without caring how long it takes her or even how she can’t do it at times... Making them whine to miss Bustier to make her do it... And she would always refuse and repeat her reasons... Making the class ignore her for a while until they ask her again... Or get mad at her for not making them what they asked for and the results of it (because they asked for it on last minute)
At that moment, Jagged texted her so she knew he understood and would have her enjoy her summer, Clara did the same of course so with that she smiled... But then she was notified of a complaint, confused she looked at it and found Alya making the complaint... Claiming she should be taking there commissions no matter what... And her doing this will make her lose profits... But Mari didn’t care and simply posted the complaint on her site and told everyone that for the WHOLE summer she wasn’t taking commissions... Those who bought from her destroyed Alya’s complaint and suggested the girl be blocked.
Mari did nothing and simply left it to them, she knew that at one point someone might report Alya and end up having her blocked from her site themselves but for now she would watch this happen as she also brings up the fact that during Jagged Stone’s concert in Paris with Clara Nightingale she would be revealing herself once and for all so everyone knows who she really is (she never even said her gender making Lila claim that MDC is actually a guy she knows) she knew the moment she would reveal herself... Lila will fall to her lies and will be hated because Adrien asked her to say nothing so to let Lila lie until she reveals herself.
She was sketching in one of the five new sketchbooks she got herself when she got a text from Jon, he wanted to know if she was doing something tonight making her think about it for a moment and then smiled as she denied having any plans making Jon explain his parents want to meet her... She really didn’t mind since Jon is a good friend now and would soon need to tell her friends about him, she ended up agreeing to the invitation with a smile making Jon ask if he can visit her later and then pick her up to bring her to his place making her accept the whole plan as he explains he should be coming over to her hotel in a little bit making her smile.
Meanwhile, with Jon...
Jonathan was excited! Marinette was going to eat diner with them and he just couldn’t wait to see her again, sure his parents worry he might reveal himself as Superboy to her but he promised to be careful and he was as he headed to the hotel she was staying at for the whole summer... Making him wonder how she was even able to afford that long of a stay, he walked inside and found no one at the desk to tell him which room she was in... Making him need to ask her for it, it wasn’t long before she came down to get him as they talked while getting to her room “How can you even afford to stay here for the summer?” he asked making her giggle “A friend of mine is paying for it, she’s the mayor’s daughter so money isn’t a problem” she explained making him nod in understanding.
They got into her room and he was surprised at how clean it looked... Like she wasn’t even staying and was just about to leave, but from seeing her laptop out with a sketchbook open... She wasn’t really leaving in the end, she smiled to him and explained she would see in the dining room if there was anything to eat left for them to snack on “If not i’ll go out for a bit to get us something” she said making him nod as she took her purse and left with a smile making Jon begin looking around the room... And then got his eyes landed on her laptop.
He got curious and took a look, it showed a website she was working on to add outfits... Making him understand this was her website she had spoken about to him he looked it over until he noticed people getting mad at a girl named Alya, for some reason the girl was angry due to Mari wanting a break for the summer from commissions he could tell Alya was insane to claim such a thing making him feel anger growing within him for a moment before he looked away and focused on her sketchbook making him smile at her designs... And then laughed at the ones for the Justice League members with little notes saying she would get them to change looks.
“I’m back! I found some good muffins for us to enjoy” she said as she came inside to find Jon turning the pages of her sketchbook, she could have tried to take it back or tell him to not look further... But he looked to enjoy checking it making her simply set the muffins down and watch him for a moment in silence “I see your looking through my stuff” she said making him then jump in surprise to her voice now being heard by him making her giggle at his reaction “Sorry! I got curious” he explained making her nod in understanding as she then took it back and put it next to her laptop “I saw what that Alya wrote” he said making her turn to him in surprise “She... She’s bullied me with my other classmates because a girl lies about me” she explained making him nod “I did nothing wrong, I was always helping them... But Lila told them things I did to her and they just forgot everything I did for them... I only have Chloe, Sabrina, Adrien, Kagami, Luka and my parents who believe me” she explained as she looked down in pain.
If he could, Jon would have gone to Paris as Superboy and given the class a piece of his mind for what they did to Marinette... She was just a ray of sunshine and for them to treat her like that made no sense “How about we forget about it and focus on what will be happening” he suggested making her smile and nod to him as they there muffin and chatted a bit together before it was time for them to head to meet the Kent’s making Mari smile as they walked inside to meet Lois and Clark who were more than happy to meet her, the meal was amazing and Mari just enjoyed every second of it as slowly it came time for her to head home it with her refusing Jon walking her back.
Once she left he told his parents everything that was happening in Paris “I’ll need to speak to the others during our next meeting... Which is tomorrow” Clark said making Jon nod as they cleaned up while Jon worried about Mari and her situation “Why would the Mayor of Paris not ask us for help?” Clark asked making Jon look at his dad with worry “Why didn’t anyone try to stop the bullying situation at Mari’s school?” he asked back making his father sigh with even more worry as Lois began to work on a few scoops that would put Paris to shame once she got more info from Marinette.
It won’t be long before people in Paris are punished for their actions.
Back in Paris with Kagami and Luka...
With Kagami practicing her fencing, Luka was playing a few notes on his guitar. Jagged had allowed him to take a break and enjoy his summer... Making the boy begin packing to head for Hawaii making Kagami help him... While ignoring Juleka asking her brother to join her classmates for something they were doing with Lila... Each time he refused and claimed something about the Italian, his sister would look sad and walked away without another word, he didn’t like that but until she realized what the girl was doing... He wouldn’t hang out with his sister or her class.
Kagami still had to wait before joining them, but from her friends texted them... It would be fun when she arrives making her smile at the pictures Adrien sent her each time “Your sister needs to open her eyes to the lies Rossi speaks” she said making Luka stop playing for a moment to sigh and then get back to playing “She thinks I have something against Lila because Mari and I talk... She tried having Mom force me to hang out with them... I actually wanted to call the police for sexual assault with the number of times Lila humped me” he explained making Kagami growl in anger.
“I will stab her one day” she said making Luka not say a word as he then looked over to find Juleka walking over to him and Kagami with Lila and Alya “Hey, the girls and I came over to get something of mine before going to a picnic and wanted to know if you would join us?” she asked making Luka sigh and point to his bags “I’m going to Hawaii later” he stated making Lila spew a lie about going there and asking if she could join him as he then noticed his ride and simply took his things to the car while ignoring Lila’s words as he was driven to the airport.
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nthngbxtfanfics · 4 years
Not her - Jooheon scenario
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | FINAL
“Oppa~ What do you think of this dress?” Kihyun lifted his head after you called out to him. You stepped out of the changing space and revealed one of many outfits you collected together in the store. Kihyuns eyes widened at your sight, his face became hot, his mouth became dry.
“You look gorgeous Y/N-ssi!” he gave you his most beautiful smile. Your smile mirrored the one from the person in front of you. Kihyuns eyes scanned your attire as you spinned around to show off your body. The dress hugged your curves perfectly, the fabric kissed your skin, the neckline rounded your chest into a beautiful heart. The vibrant red enhanced your beauty. 
“Do you think it’s good enough for the event?” Your eyes searched for Kihyuns answer. The male was invaded by you, he didn’t even realized how you flicked your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention.
“Earth to Yoo Kihyun!” a small chuckle escaped your chest and Kihyun came back from his dreamworld.
“Oh Sorry, I got carried away. I didn’t knew that the workout with Hoseok-hyung and Changkyun would improve your body that much.” He was clearly surprised his expression showed no lie. You couldn’t hold back your laugh and took his statement as a compliment.
“Thanks Kihyun. I’ll take that as a compliment. So back to my original question: Do you think I could wear that to the wedding?” 
“Even though you look good in it! It is kinda unfortunate, it’s too revealing and too sexy to be worn at a wedding.” Kihyun was honest, he loved the dress on you, but he knew it was too inappropriate for such event. Your lips formed a small poud, giving in to Kiyhuns words. You loved the dress but it is really too much.
“I wish I could buy it, but I can afford only one dress.”
Kihyun noticed the sad tone in your voice and tried to cheer you up.
“Come on Y/N~ We’ll find another dress. This dress can wait, you can buy it later. But now you need a dress where you don’t look like the hottest woman in the world. Who tries to steal the groom and his men of honors!” 
Those words made you giggle and comfortable again. The past months were too frustrating, you had to deal with so much hate towards yourself. It was exhausting and sad. You were happy that Kihyun suggested to go shopping with you. Because of him you were able to love yourself again and boost your self esteem. His words made your body hot, your chest was vibrating. No coldness in your body was left behind, he melted it away.
At this point you must’ve fallen for him, but that wasn’t the case. Your heart belonged to someone else and it wouldn’t let him go so easily.
“Go try my dress on!” Kihyun pushed you into the changing room. He don’t wanted you to see what kind of effect you had on him. He’s a man, a man with needs and you were not helping him. Kihyun would never lay a finger on you, he knew how much your heart was crying for his friend and those thought kept him away from falling into your spell. He wished for your happiness and the greatest things in life. He wanted to support you in any way he could.
You walked out of the changing room again, a dark blue gown falling down from your hips. Another beautiful fitting dress, a dress so elegant and perfectly made for you and only. 
“Well that looks like a dress for a wedding. Now turn around a little.” Kihyun was satisfied, especially since he chose the dress. He approached you and reached his hands to your shoulders, signaling you to turn around. He took a closer look, he knew it was perfect, he choose it by the way.
Kihyun was right, it was the perfect dress. You smiled at your own reflection, the male stood behind you sharing this moment with you. You liked it, but the other dress wouldn’t leave your mind. Your friend noticed your gaze towards the other gown, his heart clenched. Love towards the dress was visible. But you decided against it, you needed to look presentable on this event and the other dress wasn’t helping. 
You both finished and decided for the last dress, paid it and exit the store.
“What time is it?” Kihyun looked at his watch.
“We should head to the cafe, the others might be there now”
“Ok” you both walked your way towards the cafe, it wasn’t really far away and you reached it within 20 minutes.
As you entered through the two giant glass doors, your eyes wandered through the new place. It was a pretty minimalistc cafe. Your eyes landed onto a strong back of a man, those shoulders were too familiar, Kihyun noticed him too and both of you made their way towards the said man.
“Hey!” You greeted and sat down the opposite of Hoseok, while Kihyun sat down next to him.
“Where’s the Maknae?” asked Kihyun.
“He’s at the restroom and will come back soon. We haven’t ordered yet, since we arrived not long ago.” Hoseok looked through the menu and laid it down after he finished his sentence.
His met eyes yours, a smile appeared on his face.
“You look so happy! Found something?” Hoseok was curious about your bright face.
“I found two really nice dresses and bought one for the wedding! I’m so excited to wear it! But I could only afford one.” sadness overtook you as you remembered the red dress and pouted playfully towards the man. A low chuckle escaped his chest and his smile grew.
“Oh, don’t worry maybe later!” his smile washed away the sad emotion.
“Hi there! -” Changkyun came back from his visit to the restroom, greeted you with a smirk and sat down next to you.
“So how was your little shopping trip with Kihyun?”
“It was really good and we found a dress! Wanna see? Kihyun actually found it first.” You took the bag onto your lap, revealing the top of the dress.
“That looks really good, I bet you look really good in it. I can’t imagine, Kihyun having some sense of style!” The Maknae teased his older friend.
“Yah, be careful with your words!” Kihyun got a bit mad at the spoken words from the younger one, but they didn’t stayed for long. They vanished after he heard your small giggle. He couldn’t help himself and chuckle at your reaction, you were trying hard not to laugh and failed after both of you met each others eyes.
The four of you erupted in laughter, amused by that small awkward interaction. Until you ordered and tried many tasteful things on the menu, the time went fast and you didn’t realized that you’ve been sitting for 4 hours at the same spot. Realization hit Hoseok after receiving a message from their Leader, asking where they are.
“Hyunwoo-hyung texted me, asking where we are.”
“What time is it actually?” Kihyun suddenly seemed to be in a rush, fiddling with his phone to check up the time.
“Let me get something real quick. I forgot to pick something up. Give me a few minutes ok?”
“We can go together and than head straight to the dorm.” Hoseok suggested to join the younger one.
“No! I’ll be fast, don’t worry. Take your time and finish the meal, we can meet up at the car.” Kihyun declined Hoseoks offer and walked straight out of the cafe and ran off as he slipped through the doors.
“Strange, he never mentioned to pick something up.” you were confused and wiped off the thought. Sipping on your drink, you noticed how the Maknae was staring intensely on his phone screen. Changkyun noticed your lingering gaze and turned his head to you.
“Is something? Did something happen? You were so quite today. Is something bothering you?” the words slipped through your lips as the feeling of concern washed over your shoulders.
“I’m fine, it’s just -” Changkyun hesitated to answer your questions, but as he saw the worry in your eyes, he gave in. Something has been bothering him for a while now and he couldn’t talk about it, with no one. It slowly started to frustrate him and he knew he had to talk about it.
“I don’t know how to say it or which words to use correctly. I’m just really worried.”
“Changkyun, what’s wrong? You can talk to us about it.” now your worries started to increase and curiosity flashed in your mind.
What is bothering him?
“You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. And-” He started and your thoughts were going wild, your eyes went wide, Hoseok was like a reflection in a mirror of you.
Is he trying to confess?
You and Hoseok shared the same thought, your heart started to race and you became nervous, scared of the outcome. You don’t want to hurt his feelings, but you couldn’t return them.
“Please don’t take it the wrong way, but this whole situation is so messed up! Between you and Jooheon. I mean he’s hurting you and not like a small pinch on your arm kind of pain, but I mean emotional pain. Pain that brought you into depression, pain that drove you so crazy, that you couldn’t even work for weeks. I can’t imagine how much it must’ve hurt to be next to him, yesterday. I feel so sorry, I insisted that Minhyuk should invite you over. I thought you could heal a little and be normal again with Jooheon, especially since his girlfriend wasn’t around.”
You were shocked at Changkyuns confession, he wouldn’t normally talk about his feelings, especially not that open. You also couldn’t understand why he was sorry. The evening went great, you had a lot of fun. Especially with Jooheon, there was no tension at the end. It was as if you went back in time, the time before the relationship with his girlfriend started. Jooheon was you best friend that night, he was back. No mood swings, no jealousy only his cheery and happy self that you fell in love with in the first place. Guilt built up in your guts as you saw Changkyuns sad expression, your arm framed the man automatically.
“Oh Changkyun, don’t be sorry. Last night went great don’t you think? We all had so much fun together.”
“But Y/N, you were so heartbroken, I felt like I was forcing you to hang out with him and I feel so damn guilty. “ he continued.
“First - It was a really amazing night and I had a lot of fun! Second: It was my decision to come over! Minhyuk texted me that I don’t have to come if I’m still to uncomfortable. But I went anyway, cuz I knew there will be people who love me and take good care of me. So please don’t be sorry, all you wanted was the best for me.” you tried your best to push away the guilty feeling within the Maknae and cheer him up with your words. He formed a small smile, staring down onto the table.
“Now, tell me why you’ve been sticking with your phone the whole time.”
“You really started to hate phones don’t you?” Hoseok was amused by your dislike towards phones.
“I don’t hate them, I just don’t like it when I’m in a conversation with someone and we get interrupted by that damn thing.” you reasoned yourself, your dislike towards the device started after Jooheon started to date, what a coincidence, right?
“Jooheon texted me.” Changkyun sighed, should he tell you about Jooheons recent struggles? Changkyun knew both sides, not only about your emotional state, but also the one of his best friend and co rapper. He knew Jooheon has been struggling with his own emotions, they were everywhere. Changkyun knew about his undying love for you and was even more frustrated with the whole situation. The Maknae wanted to scream at both of you, for being too stupid to see through this stupid one sided see-through mirror wall between you. You loved Jooheon and Jooheon loved you. All you both saw were illusions of one another. Too scared to break the surface and to reach out.
Nervousness overtook your system, did something happen? Worry was visible on your face. Changkyun debated with himself, whether to tell you about his friends emotions and concerns or to lie to you. You seemed heald, but he knew you were far away from that state.
“Jooheon asked me if I could help him with his new song, he’s been struggling with it a lot lately.” He choose to lie, Jooheon had to confess to you himself and not through him. Hoseok catched the Maknae lying and he let him, he knew you might get hurt, so he just played along. A small signal from Hoseoks phone broke the conversation, he received a text from Kihyun.
“Let’s head out, Kihyun is waiting for us at the car.”
The three of you stood up and left the place, as you arrived, you spotted Kihyun within the car, sitting in the backseat.
“Why in the back? You had the perfect opportunity to sit in the passenger seat.” Hoseok made fun of the man.
“I wanted to sit in the back, is that bad?”
“Guys let’s hop into the car, or else someone will notice you!” Their Manager made himself visible as Hoseok opened the car door. Your way back to the dorm was fast, you joined the three men, Hoseok suggested a movie night. As you entered the dorm, you noticed two more figures in the living room. Shownu and Hyungwon sat on the couch, watching a show on the TV. They clearly waited for the four of you. Hyungwon noticed your figure and greeted you, Shownu followed his gesture.
“Come here Y/N sit down next to me.” Hyungwon patted the spot next to him signaling you to fill up the space between him and Shownu. Without hesitation, your legs moved towards the couch and sat down, placing a pillow onto your lap and hugging it. In the corner of your eye, you noticed how Kihyun went cautious into one of the rooms, with a questioning bag in his hand. You didn’t paid more attention to it and enjoyed your rest on the couch. You were walking the whole day and now happy to be able to relax your legs.
By the time, the other members arrived to the dorm and planned on joining you  to round this resting day, prepared for the upcoming hard schedule, they have to face in a few hours. Jooheon joined the group gathering, after his isolation in the bedroom.
You noticed how Jooheon was relaxed but also tensed. As if he was able to release himself from something, but was scared of what would come next. He was more open around you, like nothing happened the past months. You thought it was odd, but didn’t mind it at all. The first 15 minutes, his phone would non stop ring, message after message. We all grew annoyed by his phone, until he turned it off himself. He seemed pissed off at the constant spamming.
Kihyun sat next to you, you both were cuddled up in a blanket. You both interacted a lot, giggling, smiling and discussing certain things that happened in the movie. Jooheon noticed the intimacy between you two. His insides started to boil slowly.
The second movie ended and all eight of you decided to take a small break and grab some snacks and drinks.
“Y/N-ssi! I got something for you. Wait here ok?” Kihyun stood up, your source for warmth, now gone. Impatiently waiting, you leaned your head towards the direction he was leaving. He returned, the bag you saw earlier, in his hands.
“Here. I couldn’t help it, but you were so sad about it. I decided to just buy it.”
“No you didn’t -” You were shocked, you’d never expected something like this to happen. The attention went straight to the both of you.
“Is it what I think it is?”
“Open up and you’ll see” Your excitement made Kihyun smile. You took the red gown out of the bag, revealing it to the others.
“Wow Y/N-ssi! Is that the dress you’ve been talking about? I didn’t knew that the dress would be that good!” Changkyun was amazed at the gown and went straight to you, touching the fabric, Minhyuk followed him and did the same.
“Go try it on! I wanna see it on you!” Hoseok was as excited as a small child, eager to see you in the gown.
“Thank you Kihyun!” You stood up immediately, gave Kihyun a big tight hug and rushed into Hoseoks room, since it was the closest. Jealousy took over Jooheons actions, he stood up with full force. The members gazes followed Jooheons figure, eyes wide open. Scared and shocked at the same time, they didn’t knew - follow and stop him or let his emotions be spilled in front of you that would lead to a confession.
Jooheon threw the door open, you got startled. You were about to strip out of the first item that has been on your body. The energy radiating from Jooheon was scaring you, he was extremely mad. He couldn’t hide his emotions anymore, he needed all his thoughts out or he’ll go mad crazy.
“Why?” his word were harsh and strong.
“Why what? Jooheon you’re scaring me!” he paid no attention to your last sentence, stepping closer to your now small figure.
“Why are you with him? I am your best friend! I am!” He hit his chest hard, emphasizing his words that are directed towards him.
“Jooheon! What are you talking about?” Now you fired back, not understanding this whole situation. The others were listening, the wall was too thin. They heard every word, but they didn’t interfere. They knew you both needed to be clear towards each other. You needed him and he needed you.
“What I’m talking about? Stop fucking around with Kihyun in front of my fucking eyes!” he got louder after every word, his voice becoming stronger.
“I’m not fucking around with Kihyun, what makes you think like that?” you were lost, everything seems like a sick joke to you, some kind of prank, that was clearly not funny.
“You are acting with him all lovey dovey! Flirting with him! Touching around! Smiling, laughing! And then tell me you don’t have a thing with him? Do you think I’m too stupid to see that?”
“Am I not allowed to be around others? He’s my friend just like you! I don’t prevent you from touching your stupid girlfriend! I don’t whine like a baby like you do. Do you know why? Because I have no damn business in your relationship and I respect everything! But you make my days even worse! Why can’t I be around people who care about me! Do I have to ask for permission to meet up with other who are not you?” Your fears were now replaced with anger, you wouldn’t hold back anymore, not caring about the outcome of this mess.
“I just want you to stop playing around with him! I repeat I am your best friend! No one should be as close to you as I do!”
“I am not your possession Jooheon! I’m my own person! I can decide for myself!”
“No you can’t!”
“Why not?”
“Because I am here to protect you!” You couldn’t believe your ears how Jooheon was able to become even louder as before. You tried to keep your voice steady, it’s too hard to reach his level.
“Where’s the need to protect me from Kihyun? He’s your Friend you know him for so many years. Don’t you trust your own brother?”
“I’m not protecting you from him. I’m protecting him from you!” Now you were confused. Why does Kihyun need to be protected from you. The frown got deeper as you got more lost in the circle of confusion.
“What are you talking about? Jooheon you are making no sense!”
“Stop acting like a brat! You know what what I’m talking about!”
Frustration mixed with confusion made your body hot, your limbs started to tremble a little. Your mind is flooded with so many questions, but you couldn’t phrase one. You avoided his gaze for a short time, to avoid his dark eyes and clean up your mind, just a little. Looking back at him, for the first time, you noticed how deep his eyes became. You saw how many words, they wanted to say, but couldn’t. Locked away behind a window. But reading his true emotions was too difficult.
“Jooheon I don’t know what you’re talking about, seriously! -” you tried to calm him down, as you lowered your voice. “Explain it to me, please!”
A frustrated groan escaped out of the male, turning around and returning back in front of you. You both were frustrated and Jooheon wouldn’t calm down.
“How do you not know? You are playing with everyones feelings, because of you everyone gets hurt! And you always play innocent!” He pointed his index finger towards your face, coming extremly close. The tears in your eyes screamed for release. Your sight became blurry, your lips trembled.
“Why are you saying those things? I’m playing with no ones feelings! The only person who’s playing with feelings is you! You Jooheon! You’ve been playing with everyones feelings and not me! -” The tears were free, there was no reason to hold them back anymore.
His eyes became more fierce and dark, not believing your words. He chuckled at your remark and took a step back.
“You are the reason everyone is extremely tensed up. No one knows how to approach you. Especially since you’ve been dating your stupid girlfriend that no one can stand! Everyone is worried about you, your mood swings make us go crazy. They make me go crazy!” you tried to catch your breath as the sobbing became stronger. You felt so much smaller. At this point you couldn’t hold back anymore, you wanted to spill everything out of you, out of every cell in your body. You were broken, it hurt, you wanted to leave but couldn’t. It was now or never.
“You have no idea how much you effect the people around you!” You interrupted him, you wanted him to know everything and he’ll not stop you.
“Since the day you introduced this woman to us, you’ve been so mean to me. Scolding me non-stop for no reason. For things you normally would never get mad at. You weren’t talking to me for a while until yesterday, when we all gathered together. Do you know how much it hurt, when you ignored me? The worst thing about it was, that I didn’t even knew what I did wrong! Changkyun and Hoseok had to calm me down, they were there to comfort me. You were supposed to be there for me and catch my tears. You were supposed to be my best friend. And all you did was turn your back on me.” You took a small break, catching your breath. Jooheon kept silent, still looking straight at your figure and waited until you continued.
“I needed you, especially after your girlfriend came to the cafe and spilled her whole coffee onto me! She insulted me and your members, laughing into my face, calling me stupid. Telling me I wasn‘t worth it to be called your friend!” those words hit him, his heart shredded, his eyes widened.
“What?” this small question was the only thing that left his lips.
“It hurt Jooheon, I felt so worthless. I thought there was no point in living. But you know what brought back my living force? You! -” You let your last words settle into his mind and continued. “I couldn’t let go of our friendship, because of some woman who doesn’t even love you! I saw her real face, we all knew her real face many times. She was playing with you, she used you so she could become famous and then ditch you! I tried to talk to you about it, but you brushed me off, like some kind of dirt. I should’ve left your side, but I stayed and endured the pain - seeing her playing with you! Playing with your feelings! I endured the pain seeing you happy with her. I endured every f*cking second seeing you giving her loving eyes. I endured every time you gave her your love and her throwing it into trash.” more tears escaped your eyes, not stopping soon. Jooheon now looked at the floor, not lifting his eyes.
“Jooheon.-” said man lifted his eyes, looking at your fragile body. Even if your sight was blurry, you noticed how glassy his eyes have become. “You can be with anyone, but not her! I’ll endure the pain. Because I love you. You derserve so much better and I want you to be happy.“ a heavy silence filled the room. The air became thick, to hard to breath. Tears ran down his cheeks, a small sob escaped his lips together with these words, you never imagined to hear.
“And what if I wanna be with you?”
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Survey #324
“i'll sharpen my knife upon the stone made from the ruin of a dead god's throne  /  listen to these words as my seeds are sown: it's time to amputate the infected zone”
What is the last game you played on your phone? Pokemon GO. Do you give people personalized ringtones? No. Does your phone screen have any cracks? No. What makeup products are you wearing, if any? None. How would you describe your skin tone? Very pale. Do you have your full birth name on Facebook? Yes. What is your least favorite fruit? Probably cherries. How often do you walk around barefoot? Whenever I'm in my house or another person's who prefers shoes off inside. Would you need to sleep with someone before considering marrying them? Nah. Do you think people look up to you? No. How often do you have trouble sleeping at night? Every night. Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? YEP. In my head, at least. Can you name five current world leaders? No, haha... When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? Cabs aren't really a thing here. I've never been in one. Do you always read the book before you see a movie based on a book? No. What is your favorite urban legend? The Jersey Devil. Mothman is dope and super creepy, too. I love cryptids, period. Are you an elitist (even a little bit) when it comes to anything? What? No, because I hate people like that so much. What type of fabric is most comfortable for clothing? I dunno, I don't pay attention to this. If you wear one – bras with or without a wire? With, so long as they're not poking out and stabbing you... If you wear one – are you able to find cute bras in your size? Definitely not. What length do you like your shorts to be? You'd have to pay me some big bucks to see me in shorts, period. Have you ever cut off jeans or other pants and made them into shorts? No. Have you cut the sleeves out of T-shirts to make tank tops? I don't think so, no. What was the last disappointing movie you saw? *shrug* What was the last disappointing book you read? Even bigger *shrug*. Do you ever watch compilation videos? Of what? Rarely, but if I do, they're generally old Vines and stuff. What was the last thing you rolled your eyes about? Probably something stupid on Facebook. Do you like Hellboy? If so, do you prefer the old movies or the new one? I have no thoughts on this. Favorite Disney character who isn’t royalty? Dory! Do you have a lot of people whom you don’t talk to all the time or see all the time, but still consider to be your friends? Yeah, like friends from high school and online childhood ones. Do you typically do your make up the same each time? Or do you like to change it up often? It's just about always the same. Do you enjoy making surveys as well as taking them or do you just prefer to copy, paste, fill out, post? The latter. I don't make surveys. Have you got a significant other? How are things between the two of you? If not, what was your most meaningful/long term relationship and how did that come to an end? I don't. My longest and deepest relationship was with Jason, and he ended it when my depression became too much for him to handle. Have you spent much time in a vehicle lately? What for and where have you gone most this past month? No. I've barely left the house lately for obvious reasons. Has it rained yet this year where you live? How about hailed? It's been raining like crazy lately. A few mornings ago, it also hailed very heavily for a few minutes. What is your favorite thing about Mac computers? I like the sleek, clean look of them. What is your favorite thing about PCs? They have more power for playing games. What are some errands you need to run soon? None. Well, we have a Wal-Mart order to pick up I think tomorrow, and I'll probably ride with Mom. What color was your high school graduation gown? Red. It was between that and navy, and I was really hoping for the latter, but it lost the vote. The red was so obnoxious. How many graduation gowns have you worn? One. Are your parents’ dreams for your life different than your own? I don't think they have their own specific "dreams" for my life. They both want me to create my own future that makes me happy. Have your dreams for your life changed? Definitely, over all the years. Would you ever want to learn sign language? Not especially, but it'd be cool I suppose. What’s the last thing you had for dinner? Chicken tenders, I think? Or was that the night before? Have you ever performed a solo dance in front of a crowd? No, but I almost did. At my old dance studio, the high school seniors had the option to a solo, and I was working on one to "Coma White" by Marilyn Manson, because it was and still is a song I really feel in regards to my mental health and many medications I "have" to be on. I was doing fine, but I stopped when I realized I just really was too nervous as a dance competition approached. Have you ever sung a solo? No. What was the last job you had? Deli worker. For two hours. What was your first job? Sales associate at GameStop. Who was/were your favorite coworker(s)? I never really had one. At what age did you start experiencing sexual attraction, if any? I don't know. Probably my freshman year of high school is when my levels of attraction to people reached a sexual and not just romantic level. Have you ever split open a rock with a hammer, to see a geode inside? UGH no, but I so wanna find one of those one day. What states have you lived in? Only North Carolina. S.O.S., get me outta here. What is your favorite thing about the month in which it is now? You start to see some flowers blooming. Who were your best friends in high school? I had a decent group of close friends, but I was closest to Hannia. I wish I still had contact with her. ^Are they still your best friends now? No. She deleted me off Facebook at some point. Do you live near the mountains? No; they're on the western end of the state, and I live on the opposite side. Do you live near a beach? It's about two hours away. What is your favorite beach that you’ve been to? I don't have a fave. Do you collect seashells? Nah, but I like picking them up and looking at them. My sisters and I used to collect them, though. We have a plastic container of them somewhere. If you were to start a new collection, what would it be? I desperately want a cornucopia of Markiplier merch, sobs. Is there a certain place or store you especially hate going to? I don't like going to most stores, really. I'm an online shopper. When was the last time you made plans with someone? October of last year. How long do leftovers usually sit in your fridge? Depends on the food. They tend to stay in there a bit too long, though. What is something you do for other people that shows you care for them? Offer to listen to them and always be a source of support and love. What was the last animal/pet that you met? Kinda recently, someone in our neighborhood was walking their German shepherd, and Mom chatted with the lady for a bit while I listened. Is there anyone in your life with whom your opinion changes on frequently? No. Have you ever kept a journal? Do you currently keep one? Yes, on-and-off during multiple periods of my life. These surveys are like my journals now. Is there a certain song or band who remind you of specific people? Yep. Motionless In White and Black Veil Brides, Jason. Pink Floyd and Evanescence, Sara. Metallica, Mom. Van Halen, Dad. Etc., etc. How often do you style your hair differently from how you normally style it? Never. Have you ever found out that you have been sleep walking? No, I never have. What’s the last thing you promised yourself? I don't know about promised. I take those so seriously, even to myself, that I hesitate to make them. Have you ever tried making something from one of those short cooking videos? How did it turn out? No, but my friend once tried making that "muffin in a cup" thing and it was absolutely horrid. Very eggy. When was the last time you had to wait in line for longer than a few minutes? Good question. Going into places is so rare nowadays, so it's hard to encounter this issue. Well wait, maybe at a fast food place? Idr. Have you ever written a review for a product you bought online? No, but I should do that once I actually use my own money to buy from small businesses in particular... if I had something good to say, anyway. I'd feel bad trash-talking a product. Do you ever interact with any brands/companies online? No. Is there anything you seem especially sensitive to, such as sounds, smells, etc? Smells, yes. What was the last thing you had the urge to do? Read, even though I didn't do it. .-. Is there anyone you feel that takes you for granted? No. Do you ever read the comments on social media posts? Sometimes, particularly if I have strong feelings about something. What was the last “good” thing to happen to you? My PHP therapist felt confident enough in my progress to step me down to three sessions a week versus every weekday. Last awkward situation you were in? Thankfully it was a one-on-one session, but the same aforementioned therapist was asking me questions that really stumped me, so I kept going very quiet as I thought and felt awkward and dumb. He's brilliant at his job. Think of the last time you were sick – what were you sick with? I think the last issue I had that qualifies as "sick" was a double ear infection from Hell itself. That was like two years ago. How do you think your life would change without social media? I'd be incredibly bored, but I, among I think most others, would be more positive and have a more realistic outlook on life. Social media highlights the best times in our life, and I do feel that that has had a negative effect on pretty much everyone. I don't at all believe social media is bad in essence, though. It's a wonderful way to stay connected. What was the last thing you wanted to buy, but couldn’t afford? I can't afford a new terrarium for Venus for probably a while, being without a job and all... How do you get your news? Facebook, haha. How often do you drive? Never, right now. My permit is long expired, and my vision isn't up to par to renew it. If you had to go (back) to school and completely change your career path, what would you choose to study/pursue? I guess biology? Are there any TV shows you constantly quote or know almost every line to? No. What do you think about lizards? I adore lizards; they're all so cute, big or small, and truly little dinosaurs. They're beautiful and so vast in appearances and behavior. Is there anything that people assume about you that isn’t true, and that you find very irritating? Not that I find irritating, no. How would you rate your “detective” skills? Uh, what am I "detecting?" I'm pretty good at digging online if I'm really hunting something down, I guess. Have you ever done consumer testing (testing products before they come out on the market)? If not, would you ever want to? No; I wouldn't be opposed, depending on the product. Have you ever received anesthesia or morphine? Both. The one time (I'm aware of) where I had morphine oddly enough did jack-all, though. If you had to choose which video game to be in, which would it be? Hmmm. Maybe like, Shadow of the Colossus, living in the beautiful garden on the top of the shrine? With the deer, the birds, fruit, just its general beauty... That would be awesome, especially with one other person, especially an s/o. Just the two of us in a gorgeous land. Between the two, would you rather live in a place where it’s only night or where it’s only day? Only day, I suppose. Vitamin D is very important, for one thing, and it always being dark would definitely affect my depression. And what about the flowers blooming and being able to take pictures? :( Sleep would still be possible by just closing your shades and stuff. Is there anyone that makes your skin crawl? Maggots, bot flies, parasites, patterns of small holes, etc. Do you like it when people are affectionate with you? Yes. If we're at least friends, anyway. I'm a very affectionate person. Have the past few days been bad, good, or neutral? They've been pretty all right. If you had to be an actor/actress in a movie, what genre of the movie would you be best at? Probably as an insane villain in a superhero movie or something. Are people more likely to tell you to tone it down or to speak up? Speak up. I'm a mumbler. I can be too loud sometimes too, though, particularly when I'm excited. What’s the last thing that you procrastinated? Now. Emerson's birthday was last month and I still haven't touched her pictures... Out of fire, earth, water, wind, light, and dark, which element appeals the most to you? Dark. What’s your favorite color on a vehicle? Burnt orange, pink. The last pain that you experienced, was it physical or emotional? Physical. What was one of your favorite songs as kid? I liked lots of pop songs. When’s the last time you tried to get revenge, if ever? Never. It's not something I chase after. Do you like Taylor Swift? No. What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? The Haunted Mansion, I think. That's a Disney movie, isn't it? If you met your favorite celebrity, would you be calm or star struck? I'd be a deer in headlights, stuttering and stammering over ways to thank him and crying like a bitch. I'd be super embarrassed, but I absolutely hope I get to meet him one day. Do you ever have to do yard work? No. Is your school close to your house? I'm no longer in school. Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? Yes. Did/do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Yeah, I like her. What shorthand do you use the most? Probably "lmao." What album is the current song you’re listening to off of? METAWAR. In your opinion, what song is the most overplayed right now? I wouldn't know; I don't listen to the radio. Are you in a band? No. When I started high school though, I wished I could be a guitarist in one. That's one reason I started taking lessons, haha. Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? Male. Have you ever been to a Broadway show? No. Do you prefer group or individual work? Individual, by a long shot. I work much better alone. Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I think I have before. I used to love puzzles. When was the last time you rode in a limo? Damn son, never; what could possibly give you the idea I could afford to ever do THAT????? Do you take naps daily? Almost every day, yes. Do you still make Christmas lists? Yeah, because I'm asked to. Do you watch the show Dexter? Never seen it, no. Are you currently using a blanket? Yes. My feet are cold. How long is the song you’re listening to? 4:06. Is your mom or dad the older parent? Mom, but only by a year. Did you ever listen to Avril Lavigne when you were younger? Who didn't? I still listen to a couple songs. When was the last time you changed a light bulb? Not all that long ago when Venus' lamp bulb died. How often do you clean your car out? I don't have my own car. Did you ever buy NOW ("Now That’s What I Call Music") CDs? My older sister did, yes. What color (mainly) is your computer? It's black. What is in the back seat of your car right now? In Mom's car, idk. But there's usually some stuff back there. What is your favorite episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.? Never watched it. Last person’s house you were in? Besides my own, my older sister's. Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? My friend Chelsea. We were catching up. Were you an honor roll student in school? Yes. Do you have a tan? HA. Are you someone’s best friend? Yes. <3 What do you think of when you think of Australia? Huntsmen spiders. *shudders* Favorite gemstone? Of the basic ones, rubies. If we're talking of all of them, even the obscure, then dragon's breath opal. I'd LOVE to have a ring of one of those. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Almost always the drive-thru. What color is your mom’s hair? It's all gray now. Does your first memory involve your dad? No. Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? My social anxiety. Do you like watching a bonfire? Yeah. Fire is mesmerizing. Do you ever get flu shots? No, but I really should. Once the Covid vaccine is accessible to all though, I'm getting it for the protection of my immunocompromised mother.
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fiesta-freddie · 4 years
Love in Disguise- Part 3
lmao when I say this chapter was a bitch to finish because of my writers block...anyways here it is (finally). Good ol’ Chapter Three!
Words: 3.6k
Summary: You’re out for a day on the town with Archie to get some essential shopping done. You worry immensely about everything that could possibly go wrong, which, unbeknownst to you, might end up being a jinx for you. Archie manages to save the day with his optimism, but also ends up confessing something you wish you would've heard
The next morning had come quicker than you anticipated. As you got yourself ready, your mind and stomach couldn't seem to stay at ease. Various thoughts ran through your head about what could possibly go wrong. All you could seem to focus on were the negative outcomes like what if and what might. Nevertheless you managed to talk enough sense into yourself to step foot out your front door.
As you locked your door, you looked around you to see if anyone had a look of suspicion on their faces. Although no one did (and you knew deep inside no one had any idea what you were about to do), a little part of you still kept alert. The night before you had stayed up late coming up with different excuses in case you were questioned. 
“It’s for a costume party.”
“I was out shopping and I wanted to buy something for my husband.”
“It was a foolish dare.”
“My brother's birthday is just around the corner and I wanted to get him something nice.”
Someone would have to be downright dumb to believe those lies, but at least you had something in your back pocket in case you needed it.
Archie had suggested The Woseley for a quick breakfast and pep talk. Although you really didn't want to, he was doing you a huge favor so you really couldn't turn him down without him thinking you were ungrateful. (Not like he would ever think that anyway)
A slow, awkward and cigarette-odor-filled cab drive later, you arrived in front of a large building which seemed a little run down on the outside but looking through the window, you could tell it was an upper class establishment. You now knew why Archie had told you to come dressed somewhat nice.
 Thanking the cab driver, you hoped out onto the sidewalk, which had a surprising number of people walking along it for nine in the morning. 
“Deep breaths, Y/N, you can do this. Nobody knows, so...so just don't make the situation more awkward then it already is,” you whispered to yourself as you began to walk into the doors.
Instantly you were greeted with the smell of coffee and an assortment of hot breakfast foods. God, you thought to yourself, I hope Arch brought some cash. From the looks of it I won't be able to afford a damn thing here. 
“Good morning, miss. Table for one?” a friendly hostess who couldn't have been much older than you greeted. She had a delicate glow among her face that made her seem so innocent and lively. 
“Oh no- I uhm- I’m actually supposed to be meeting someone. Last name Corcoran?” you said stumbling over your words. Pull yourself together Y/N.
You watched as she skimmed through her list, her finger gliding down the paper. “Ah, yes here it is. Archie Corcoran?” You nodded. “Right this way then.” She beamed, grabbing a menu on her way to the table. 
“Here you are miss, your server should be here momentarily, enjoy.” 
You watched as she walked away, before Archie got your attention 
“Ah, so you decided to come!” Archie said, in a teasing tone. You, however, were too anxious to notice it. 
“Well yes, I would have felt bad if I didn't, considering all you’ve done for me this far.”
He let out a small chuckle. “Yes, and with more to come.”
You had no idea what that entailed, but Archie was your best friend (maybe even your only real one) and you trusted more than anyone else you knew.
“Y/N, are you feeling okay? You barely touched your food in there.” It was true, you had spent most of the time poking at your food instead of eating. Although the obvious topic never came up, it was floating around in the back of your mind, causing an uneasy feeling in your stomach. 
“Oh yeah,” you lied “I’m okay, just a little tired I guess.” You hoped that Archie wouldn't catch on to your lie and to your advantage he didn’t. He was preoccupied with trying to wave down a cab for the both of you.
Once Archie had finally succeeded, he opened the door for you and followed you inside. “Ah thank you sir, to the mens shop please.” You saw the cab driver nod through the rear view mirror. 
He had a fair amount of stubble and wore an old newsboy hat which was patched in many different places. 
“Okay,” Archie began, nudging your shoulder to grab your attention. Your eyes skimmed the list of stops he had written down “so our first stop will be the mens shop because clothes are an obvious must, then to the hairdresser. I have a friend there who agreed to help us out. After those two places its teaching time. What’dya say? Sound good?” 
For the first time that day you smiled “Sounds great Arch, thank you so much for helping me out.” The rest of the cab ride was silent, except for when the driver mumbled under his breath out of annoyance. 
“Right, then here we are. Thank you sir,” Archie said, thanking the cab driver.
You stood on the sidewalk and looked through the window of the shop. There was expensive looking suits everywhere, with expensive looking people too.
Archie looked at the front doors and then back at you, he could obviously see that you were nervous. He had a soft and comforting smile on his face, taking your hand in his. “Take a deep breath Y/N.” You did. “Walking in there will be a piece of cake, just stay with me, okay?” You nodded. As you two walked through the french doors, Archie still held onto your hand squeezing it a few times for reassurance. 
“Now, I think we should get a few different things. It doesn't just have to be suits, but we should get at least one, maybe two, tops.”
“Why not just get one? Especially if they’re...uhm...a bit pricey.” You said looking at the tag on a nearby suit. 
“Well because if you get that job, which you most definitely will,” Archie whispered in your ear “then you’ll need to be prepared. And besides I can lend you a few things too.”
You nodded and began to look around. The shop wasn't as fancy as you had imagined in your head, but the price of their clothing wasn't surprising. 
You walked around, taking things off the racks and putting them back on. Every now and then you found yourself walking away from a section after taking one look at the highly priced piece of fabric. You could see people in the far back of the store getting their clothing tailored. “My god, how on Earth do people afford these things.”
While you were still searching for something that wouldn't put you in debt, Archie came over with a handful of clothes. “Y/N look what I’ve picked out for you!” he said, handing you a yellow turtleneck sweater.
“My god, where did you get all these?” You questioned him with a laugh.
“That's not important, but here, go and try these on. I've already got a dressing room for you.” He said handing the pile of clothes to you and pointing to a dressing room with a 3 on it. “I’ll be waiting outside the dressing room, so after you put on a pair of clothes, come out and show me so I can give you my expert advice!” 
“Sure thing” You said with a giggle. 
You followed his orders and put on a white button down shirt paired with blue slacks. “You ready?” you asked from behind the curtain.
“Show me what you’ve got!” 
You slid open the curtain, making a dramatic entrance “Here she comes, with the first set of clothes!”
You began to pose like a model, facing in all different directions and using your hands for added effect. “That looks splendid on you Y/N.” Archie said, clapping proudly “Absolutely wonderful! Next set.”
You spent the next twenty minutes taking off and putting on an assortment of different clothes. You had to admit that Archie was quite an expert when it came to mens fashion.
“Alright this is the last set. You ready?” you questioned, poking your head out from behind the curtain. 
“Mhm, lets see the style!”
“Ta-da!” you exclaimed, making one final entrance. 
Archie paused for a moment and looked you up and down. “I like it, but its missing something.”
“Like what?” you asked, looking down at the outfit. “I think it looks pretty good.”
Archie's eyes quickly lightened, “I’ve got it! Just wait here a second, I’ll be right back.”
You gave him a quick salute as he wandered away, then turned to the mirror to look yourself over. You liked how the green sweater fit snugly on you and how it was on the lighter side. As you examined different angles of the clothing, it was a given that you would need some sort of chest bind.
You heard a noise from behind you. Assuming it was Archie you turned around to see what he had brought back. “Alright what did you-” As soon as you realized that the man in front of you was not who you expected, you didn’t know what to do except freeze  
“Excuse me ma’am, but what is it exactly that you’re doing?” He asked. It was evident that he was some sort of manager based off his appearance. He was older and didn’t look amused in any way at all. Had it not been for your hair, which was a dead giveaway you were a girl, he might not have even approached you in the first place.
“Well- I uhm, you see I was just. I was shopping for my husband!” You said a little too quickly, it was the dumbest lie you could have used, but there was no way you could retract it now.
“Your husband?” He questioned again, looking down at your hand. You quickly realized why he looked, and you hid it behind your back. “Your husband? Whom you’re not wearing a ring for?” Shit, there was no way you would get yourself out of this one. 
“Y/N, I think I’ve found-” Archie stopped as soon as he realized what was going on.
“Excuse me sir, are you with this young woman here?” the manager asked 
“Yes, yes I am. May I help you with something?” Archie was never short tempered with anyone, but when it came to people he cared about, his entire demeanor changed.
“Well, it would appear that she’s trying on clothes that aren't exactly suitable for her. Now, she said that she was shopping for her husband, which I’m assuming would be you.” 
Just like you, Archie had gone speechless for a brief moment. You two quickly exchanged worried glances before he began to speak.
“Well, yes I am her husband,” he said, “And I’ll have you know sir, that I find it very rude that someone of your corporation status is asking such pressing questions. It’s absolutely none of your business what me and my wife are doing. I don’t see that it should be a bother to you, considering the fact that we are paying customers. But if it truly does bother you, then I have no problem stepping onto the street outside your shop and telling everyone how we we’re harassed inside this store.”
The manager had an expression of shock among his face. He didn’t expect Archie to rant the way that he did, and quite frankly, neither did you. 
“Now,” Archie continued, taking the pile of clothes from the dressing room and handing them to the once intimidating man “We would like to purchase these items. If you would be so kind to take them up to the register for us, that would be wonderful. Good day to you.” Archie didn’t even let the other man get in another word. He turned around, grabbed you by the arm and walked away.
You had a hard time processing what had just happened, but you went along with it anyways. Getting nervous when you were confronted was something you absolutely hated. It always caused you to tense up and to top it off, you weren't the smoothest liar in the world either. Had it not been for Archie, you might as well had said goodbye to the interview, because you probably would’ve been kicked out of the store.
You were silent while Archie payed for the clothes, avoiding eye contact with anyone and looking directly at the floor. The damage wasn’t too bad and thanks to Archie's complaints to the manager, the price was knocked down a considerable amount.
Archie may have seemed tough in the heat of the moment, but once you were outside of the store and back onto the street, he dropped the act and took a deep breath. “Shit, I’m sorry for that fiasco Y/N. I shouldn't have left you by yourself.” Archie said, apologetically.
“It’s okay Arch, I figured that something like that was bound to happen sooner or later. I’m just glad it didn’t get too carried away. But you were great!” You said. It wasn’t Archie's fault and it wasn’t necessarily yours either. You were well aware that most people wouldn’t be open to the idea of you cross-dressing, just like most people weren’t too keen on the idea of queers either. It wasn’t anything you could change, but you wished that people were more opened-minded
“Yeah, maybe it was bound to happen, but it was still scary. I mean, my heart dropped.” Archie paused for a moment. “Y/N, maybe we should rethink all this. I know I pushed you to do it, but its not to late to call it quits now. I mean-”
You cut him off. “Archie, no,” now it was your turn to be the stern one “We’ve already done so much and I’m excited about this whole thing. You were the one who pushed me to do this, yes. But I needed that push otherwise I’d probably never get myself out there. So were going to finish this journey. And were going to finish it together. Got it?” You weren't trying to be rude, but somewhere from deep inside you had a sudden burst of fire. You didn’t know where it had come from, but you sure as hell liked it a lot.
“Woah there chief, didn’t know you had that much fire in ya’.” Archie said with a grin “if you really want to do this, then I’ll be with you the whole way.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand in yours, holding it up between the two of you. You gave it three quick squeezes, before you began to make your way down the street.
“Alright Y/N, this is the next part of your transformation, and quite possibly the most exciting part, if you ask me.” Archie looked at you through the mirror. You were sitting in a barbers chair, with a drape across the front of you. You were glad the shop only had one other customer in it at that time.
“Alright Corcoran, I trust you. But I swear, if you shave my hair down to a buzz, you’ll be sorry.” You warned. He only chuckled and patted your head.
Archie turned to the hairdresser, who he claimed he was good friends with. “Alright Caroline, give her the ol’ mop top hair do. Oh and Y/N, close your eyes until she’s finished, I want you to be surprised.” You gave him a sigh and reluctantly closed your eyes, uncertain of how you would feel once your hair was gone.
“Don’t, worry sweetie,” Caroline said, running a comb through your hair and parting it “You’ll be satisfied once I’m done.” She had a soft spoken tone which made you feel at ease. You relaxed your body and let her get to work.
With your eyes closed you were unsure of what was happening around you and you had absolutely no idea what was being cut. All you knew was that Archie and Caroline were having a conversation on how to cut your hair.
“Thats good, its good,” you heard Archie say. You could imagine him standing next to Caroline with his arms crossed, watching her work “Maybe make it a little shorter on that side- perfect just like that!”
“Archie I’m a hair dresser not a magician.”
“Right, I know, I just want it to look convincing enough.”
You heard Caroline sigh. She didn’t seem annoyed, but you could understand her frustration with Archie. You even got frustrated with him sometimes, but you knew he only had peoples best interest at heart, no matter how much he got on your nerves sometimes. “Well I can’t cut it as short as those Beatle boys have it, because then it might throw off the whole look, but I can make it more of a shaggy mop top that way its short enough for her to pass as a guy.”
“Of course, do what you need to Caroline.” Archie said, backing off a little. “Thanks a ton for doing this too.”
“Mhm, of course.”
You giggled as hair fell onto your face. It was itchy as hell, that's for sure. You moved your nose attempting to get some of the hair from your face to the floor, but you were unsuccessful. You decided to finally give up after many failed attempts. 
Finally, you heard the scissors being put down and you knew that she had finished. “Arch,” You heard Caroline say as she turned the chair “What’d do you think of this?” You didn’t realize though, just how much of your hair was gone until you felt Archie run a hand through it.
“This is really nice Cara, it looks really good!”
“Am I allowed to see now?” You asked to no one in particular. Apart from wanting to see what your hair looked like, you were waiting to get the hair off your eyelids.
“Sure doll,” Caroline said in her soft voice. She turned the chair again, this time to face the mirror. You impatiently opened your eyes the first chance you got.
“So wudd’ya think Y/N? Do you like it?” You didn’t bother to answer Archie's question.
You had to admit that you weren't to crazy about it at first, given the fact that it was much different from the head of hair you had forty-five minutes ago. You examined your new look at different angles in the mirror. Even if you didn’t like it, you weren't going to be rude about it. Maybe it’ll grow on me
You turned around to Archie and Caroline, with a smile “I love it, thank you so much.” Caroline nodded at you.
“What do I owe you?” Archie asked Caroline, pulling his wallet from his back pocket.
She waved her hand dismissively “Don’t worry about it, no charge. Its a pleasure for me to help you out Arch. Besides your one of my best customers.” He smiled and thanked her a million, as did you.
It had been hours since your shopping adventures had ended, and both you and Archie were completely worn out. “Man, that was quite a day wasn’t it?” Archie said more thank asked. You two were sitting in the living room of his small apartment, shopping bags surrounding the both of you. He was spread out across the floor and you were spread out across the couch.
“Yeah,” you chuckled “It was fun, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to do something like that ever again.”
“Well, Y/N what do you think The Beatles do all day? They probably run around for press conferences and I bet they’re in and out of the studio all the time too. You might want to get to used to living off of coffee for a while.” he joked. You giggled at his words once again, trying to process what he said. It was hard though, because you had began to doze off, your eyelids shut every now and then, but tried hard to keep them open.
“God, I hope not. I mean, I can handle a few cups but not that much. Hopefully I won’t be worked to death. That is if I get the job.”
Archie paused for a moment. “Well, I’ve got faith in you Y/N. You certainly look like a convincing man. I mean, if I didn’t know you, I’d assume your a man at first glance. Maybe a bit of an odd looking one in some ways, but I wouldn’t question it. I’ve taught you everything that I can only imagine you’ll need to know. You’ve got the voice down perfectly, and your mannerisms aren’t half bad either. Plus, thanks to me, you can now successfully tell each of the Beatles apart from each other. Trust me that’ll save you in the long run.” He paused again, assuming you were still listening, but you had already fallen asleep “I have no doubt you’ll get the job. You know what you’re doing, you’re smart...and beautiful too, even if your hair is now a mop top. Just don’t forget me when you become part of the fame.” Archie chuckled, propping himself up onto his elbows and looked over at you, sound asleep. A smile spread across his face when he saw how peaceful you looked. Even when you were sleeping you still managed to make him smile. 
Archie walked over to where you were on the couch, and grabbed the blanket that was on the end. He carefully draped it over you, trying to cover you up as much as possible. “Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered, even though you couldn’t hear him “I...I love you.” Archie said, planting a light kiss onto your head before walking off to his own room.
Beatles Taglist: @beatlevmania @givemequeen @my-dumbshit @john-lemonade @ineedyoubygeorgeharrison @princesof-theuniverse @geostarr @katiekitty261 @killerqueenisthebest @yeehaw-city @asphalt-cocktail @chloe-on-cloud9
Love in Disguise Taglist: @motley-queen @littledarlingwellaway @thetimelordmeeps @killerqueenisthebest @lizvxx @edsloveshisrichie @beatlesdotcom @thiccjelly17 @viralwolf02 @givemequeen @bowiescocaine @julessworldd @sapphic-cupid @thegreat-annamaria @yeehaw-city @asphalt-cocktail @myukulelegentlyweeps @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair @doctorwhatwhenandwhere
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what you wish for
this is the first fic i’ve ever posted anywhere!! i hadn’t had the desire to write fanfic in years, but go/od om/ens has taken over my life.  
enjoy some sick cr0wl3y a few months after armageddon’t  
(note: adam is present for plot reasons at the beginning. skip 1/4 of the way down [past the break] if you just want that good good in/effable h/usbands content)
After the world didn't end, summer faded into autumn faded into winter, and a biting chill now hung in the air, driving animals into their dens and the family members of climate change deniers up a wall. ("It's in the negatives! So much for 'global warming,' eh?" "That's not how it... climate and weather aren't... never mind.")
The cold had also driven Crowley, who was wont to bask, given his serpentine nature, to locate the most substantial heat source in London. He found himself in a bustling shopping mall sauntering aimlessly between shops, and with no purpose to his visit other than "be warm," he was drawn to the coat racks of an affordable clothing store. He had no intention of buying any of the jackets, but if something struck his fancy, he might miracle himself a copy later. 
As he was feeling the fabric of a rather fetching black peacoat, a voice off to his left said, "Hey, I know you."
Crowley spun around, not sure who, exactly, he was expecting to see, but it certainly wasn't...
The eleven-year-old nodded and gave a curious look to the demon whom he had met exactly once at the Tadfield airbase. (Twice, if you count the bit where Crowley delivered Adam to the Sisters of the Chattering Order of St. Beryl, but Adam didn't remember that one.)
"How've you been?" Crowley asked, poorly faking nonchalance. He had frankly never considered the possibility that he might run into the Antichrist again, and certainly not at an English shopping center. 
"Alright, 'spose. But this week's been so boring."
"Mm, I agree. Not a big fan of the cold weather myself."
"Oh, no. That's alright. The pond nearby's frozen over and you can skate and slip around and it's loads of fun. But I haven't been able to 'cause my friends are sick and mum says I can't hang out with them. That's why she dragged me out shopping." Adam huffed and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
"Yeah, well, probably beats being sick."
"Being sick's not so bad." Adam brightened. "You don't have to go to school and you can watch movies all day and no one tells you what to do."
"Hm," Crowley said, considering this. "Might have to try it some time."
"You mean you've never been sick?" 
"Nah. Not sure I can get sick, actually."
"That's rubbish. Everyone can get sick."
"Guess I just haven't been lucky enough to catch a cold yet. Here's hoping this'll be my year."
A thin woman who Crowley didn't recognize but inferred was Mrs. Young placed a hand on Adam's shoulder. "Adam, there you are! Come here, I have some clothes for you to try on." Adam started 
to roll his eyes, but a stern look from his mother stopped his pupils from making a full circuit. She ushered him away, and Crowley was left alone at the coat rack once again.
"Well," he said. "That was a thing."
Crowley awoke the next morning with the overwhelming sensation that something had gone terribly wrong.
He peeled open heavy eyes, somehow more tired than he'd been when he collapsed into bed the night before, and tried to ignore the hammering in his head and the dull ache residing in his limbs. He hadn’t gone out drinking and forgotten to sober up, had he? 
Upon attempting to purge his body of any alcohol and finding none, he pushed himself into a seated position and he swallowed. The small gesture aggravated his tender, burning throat, and a rattling coughing fit tore through him, leaving the demon hunched over and panting, head in his hands. 
"Ghk," Crowley grumbled. "Fuck."
Grabbing the mobile phone from his nightstand, he stood on uncertain legs and stumbled to the bathroom, catching himself on the sink. He hesitated to make eye contact with the mirror, not knowing what state he would find himself in. Bracing for the worst, he lifted his eyes and was met by a pale, disheveled reflection, a rosy flush across his nose and cheeks, and glassy yellow eyes. Another coughing fit overtook him, and his knuckles tightened around the basin of the sink.
Crowley was fairly certain he was about to discorporate. 
He hadn't done it before, but he couldn't think of any other explanation as to why he felt so positively awful. Though he wished he had some more time to set his affairs in order and find a good home for all his plants, he did, at the very least, have time for goodbyes.
He dialed the only number in his phone which he called with any regularity. After a few rings, Aziraphale picked up. "Hello?"
"Hey, Aziraphale. It's me." 
"Oh, Crowley!" Crowley could hear his smile through the phone. "What a pleasant surprise."
"Yeah, not quite. Something's happened."
Aziraphale's voice dropped to a concerned whisper. "What do you mean 'something's happened'?"
"I mean, I... I think I'm dying, angel."
"You're what? What happened?"
"Dunno. Just woke up feeling sorta...not good."
"Well... 'Not good' is good for you, isn't it?"
"Yeah, but... no. Felt liked I'd been poisoned or something. My head feels like it's full of cement and my throat's on fire a-and..." He paused and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to massage away the building pressure in his sinuses. "...and my nose ihh-is... hih!" In vain, he scrubbed a fist beneath his nostrils, failing to fight off the spidering itch. The phone slipped from his hand and clattered in the sink as he snapped forward, sneezing against the back of his palm. "Huh'ATSHhuu! h'RSHHuh! Nng..."
He sniffled and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror again. Was this what death looked like? Clammy skin and a sore throat and a dripping nose? Frankly, those sounded like the symptoms of... 
Clearing his throat, he held the phone back up to his ear.
"Crowley? Crowley, are you still there?" came Aziraphale's worried voice. 
"Yeah, 'm still here. Sorry about that."
"What was that? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it. Uh, actually, on second thought, I'm... fine. I'm not discorporating. Just... forget I called, yeah?"
"I most certainly will not!" Aziraphale huffed. "You can't tell me you're dying then expect me to forget about it. Shall I come over?"
Having never been sick before, Crowley wasn't entirely sure how these things worked, but he'd lived through enough plagues to know diseases could be contagious, and he didn't want to risk dragging the angel into misery with him. "No, no. I'm fine, really. Was just overreacting a bit." He turned away from the receiver and muffled a wet cough into his shoulder.  
"I'm coming over," Aziraphale decided.
"Listen to me, you really d-don't-!" Hissing at his own rebellious body, he tossed his phone down again and tented both hands over his face.  "h-hih-EKSHHHiuu! AKSHHUUh! ihihih...? h'EkSHHHUH!" He groaned, sniffling back the mess before lowering his hands and blearily opening his eyes to see Aziraphale. 
"Christ, Aziraphale!" Crowley cried, staggering backward. "Are you trying  to discorporate me? Could've knocked, at least, 'stead of materializing in the middle of my bathroom."
Eyebrows knitted together in sympathy, Aziraphale frowned and wrung his hands. "I do apologize for intruding, but... Oh, you sounded so dreadful, and I thought you might've been hurt, or, or..." His eyes flicked up and down as he took in Crowley's appearance. "Are those pajamas?"
"Just woke up."
"But it's nearly four in the afternoon!"
With a slight panic, Crowley glanced at his phone to double check the date, and his anxiety settled when he determined he'd only been out for 16 hours, and not 16 days or months or decades. He shrugged. "I've slept longer."
Aziraphale sighed. "Will you please just tell me what's going on?"
"I told you, it's nothing to worry about. I've just got a bit of a cold."
"A cold?" Aziraphale replied incredulously. "What ever do you mean?"
"I mean my throat's scrachy and my nose is all stuffed up and...you know. A cold."
"Right, yes, but how on Earth did you catch it?"
Crowley rolled his neck, produced a half-sigh-half-cough, and exited the bathroom, saying, "Does it matter?"
Not relenting, Aziraphale followed him to the living room where Crowley slumped back into the couch and propped his feet on the coffee table. "Of course it matters. We aren't supposed to get sick, Crowley. Comes with the whole 'angelic healing' business, I suppose."
"Right, angelic healing. Maybe your lot can't get sick, but it seems mine can. We might not be playing for Heaven and Hell any more, but I'm a still a demon, er, biologically, or whatever."
Aziraphale took a seat beside Crowley at that, confusion sketched across his brow as he mouthed 'biologically.' After another second of contemplation, he turned to Crowley and said, "Now, you know that can't be right. You've never gotten sick before."
Crowley rubbed a knuckle under the tip of his nose and sniffed. "Sure I have. Loads of times."
"You most certainly have not." Aziraphale didn't even attempt to conceal his eyeroll. 
"Maybe you just haven't been paying close enough a...atten... ahKSHHHUh! ATSHHiu!!" He held a cupped hand over his face until he was confident the itch was gone. "Attention." 
"Goodness! God bl- ah, gesundheit, dear." He miracled a red silk handkerchief for the demon which Crowley was grateful to accept, though he would never admit that. 
After a productive nose blow, Crowley let his head fall back against the couch. A cough clawed its way from his throat and he belatedly raised the handkerchief to his mouth before sighing and turning his head towards Aziraphale. "Angel?"
"I may have done something very stupid."
Aziraphale looked wary. "What did you do?"
"So. Right. I ran into Adam Young yesterday."
"The Antichrist?"
"No, the singer behind Owl City. Yes, the Antichrist!” Crowley knew Aziraphale wouldn't understand the reference but was too tired to care. "Anyway, he mentioned something about being sick, and I said I'd like to try it some time..."
"Oh, Crowley. You didn't."
"I did. And apparently Adam can still bend the universe to his whims, so." He gestured broadly at himself.  “Be careful what you wish for, I guess.”
"Should we be...concerned? About Adam, I mean. I didn't realize he still had full access to his powers."
"Well, if he's only using them to give demons head colds, I'd say it's nothing to worry about." Crowley's eyebrows quirked up and his breath hitched one, two, three times before- "heh’EKSHHiu! IKSHhuuh! AKSHhiuu!" He shook his head. "Nguh. Sure is annoying, though."
Aziraphale offered a soft smile and cupped Crowley's cheek with a gentle hand. "Poor dear. I don't suppose we could miracle it away?"
"Probably not a great idea to try and undo the wishes of the Antichrist."
"No, probably not. We could always ask Adam to undo it, though."
Crowley scoffed. "If you want to try driving us up to Tadfield, be my guest, but I think if I drive, I'll sneeze us off the road."
Aziraphale pondered this for a moment, then stood up. "Right then." With the snap of his fingers, a thick white blanket appeared and draped itself over Crowley. "We'll deal with this the human way."
"Aziraphale, what're you-?"
"Hush," he said, tucking the blanket snug around Crowley. "You just rest. Let me take care of you."
"Oh, you don't have to-"
"I want to." Aziraphale brushed a strand of hair out of Crowley's face. "You're always so kind to me." Crowley started to hiss, but Aziraphale continued. "You are. You're so kind and you do so much for me, and, well... I'd like to return the favor." He placed a light kiss on Crowley's forehead. "Is that alright?"
"Mm," Crowley hummed. "Very alright. Thank you."
"Of course, my dear. Now rest and I'll put some tea on, hm?"
Letting his eyes slip shut, Crowley did as he was instructed for perhaps the first time in his immortal life.  
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isaacdoesart · 4 years
Basic Guide to Binders
What’re Binders?
Chest binders are designed to flatten your chest, giving it a more masculine appearance
The full effect depends on the size of your chest and quality of your binder
They can be used by anyone with breast tissue, including people who’re AMAB (e.g. those who have Gynecomastia for example) or cis women for aesthetic reasons!
They’re almost always made of a swimsuit like material, with a compression panel at the front (that material is hard to describe)
Different kinds of binders:
Half binders:
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(Photo from gc2b’s RGBP collection)
Half binders are great for when it’s hot, and are usually cheaper too
Can accidentally give you a muffin top!
Tank top/full binders:
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Look more like tank tops, less like a sports bra!
Definitely keeps you warm, but made of sports material so its ok
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(Photo from FLAVNT’s website)
Lots of people find this style more practical and comfortable!
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Usually too tight or poorly made, I really don’t recommend!
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Some binders come with zips down the front, making them easier to take on and off, just make sure the company makes quality binders though
Nude colours:
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(Photo from gc2b)
Like a lot of things in life, it’s hard to find nude binders in a variety of darker shades, but Flavnt and gc2b both offer reasonably good options, and Shapeshifter Inc offers custom material if you’re willing to splash out (£80)
These are great for going swimming if you don’t want to wear a t-shirt, but are harder to pass off as tank-tops if seen (although they look great under white t-shirts, if you get the right shade)
The classic white/black:
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Every binder company besides Flavnt offers these
White looks great under all t-shirts, but half binders will look a bit like sports bras if you have a white t-shirt
Black will DEFINITELY show through non-black shirts, but is great for all my emos out there. GC2B’s are great because they don’t tend to fade to grey, and even offer grey as a colour
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(Screen shot of Shapeshifter Inc’s colourful binder collection! Honestly you can find anything you want on there)
These binders are great for events like pride! (Look at gc2b’s pride binders!)
Colour block ones like gc2b offers look awesome if you’re going for a bold statement or matching an outfit (look at their RGBP collection)
Where can I get one?
DO NOT buy from Amazon or similar ‘market place’ style websites, they’re often made of the wrong fabrics (so can’t stretch enough) and come in the wrong sizes—they can cause permanent rib damage
That being said: gc2b is probably the only brand i really recommend, they’re safe, well made and well known, and have a lot of discount codes, they also have a European store now, meaning their deliveries come more quickly than other brands a lot of the time—$37 or £30 for half binders and $41 or £33 for tank top binders
Other options include Underworks, Flavnt, Shapeshifters Inc, or Heroine
Underworks is good for longer binders that don’t have compression on the stomach too, they have a website but can also be found on Amazon (just make sure you’re buying from them)—around $44 or £35
Flavnt has slightly odd necklines, but a good range of nude colours, have razor backs—around $50 or £40.50
Shapeshifters Inc has handmade, very funky binders. Importantly, they offer custom sizing and can alter the width of straps for you, etc. Don’t offer as much compression as others, but are good binders overall!—around $50 or £40.50
Heroine’s binders (I know, the name is a bit of a turn off) are actually pretty good from what I hear, but tend to be marketed to masculine women rather than trans masc people, and the often sports-bra like cuts reflect this, but are by no means bad! They also come with a zip down the side usually, but are almost entirely in black and grey. Shipping may take a while.—$45
What if I can’t afford it?
There’s lots of discount codes! I recommend going on youtube and looking at recent reviews, they’re often sponsored and have discount codes
This website has second hand binders for $10
Point of Pride does binder giveaways
This Tumblr reblogs giveaway posts
Reach out to trans people online, often they’ll know good places to get cheaper binders, or be willing to give you an old one
Make sure that you’ve got some spare change if you’re shipping internationally, because sometimes things get stuck in customs
DIY Binders:
I really don’t recommend sewing your own, and for health reasons you should never try bandages or tape
BUT: good alternatives to binders (if you’re more small chested) are sports bras (obviously this mostly applies to AFAB folks but it’s definitely relevant), any non-paded one you can find should be ok, and are good if you want a flatter chest but are stuck in the closet.
If you need to then layering sports bras is an option, but you shouldn’t do that for more than a few hours, and should immediately stop if you find yourself out of breath (I’ll talk about this more in a sec)
Also, tight-ish tank tops/vests (sorry for my UK English idk the American word!) can be folded in half and have a flattening effect (but they do look a bit lumpy, and don’t have any support)
I’m in the Closet/can’t let my parents know:
Binder companies tend to ship discreetly, with their parcels looking like your regular Amazon package
If you’re out to a friend, you can always get it shipped to their’s
If you called them up in advance, getting it shipped to an LGBT centre is also an option
Half binders can be passed off as sports bras, especially if they’re razor back
Binding with Health Problems:
If you have asthma, it’s not too much of an issue, but take it slow (you can always take it off in a toilet cubicle and have a breather?), don’t bind for too long (six hours or so) and pay attention to how you feel.
Safe Binding:
I’m an idiot, so I haven’t always used a binder safely, especially when my dysphoria is bad—but this advice is probably the most important thing on here:
Do not bind for more than 7 or 8 hours
Avoid strapless binders, however practical they look
Never sleep in a binder
PLEASE never wear more than one binder at a time
If you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe—take a break and listen to your body
If you’re in between sizes, size UP not down! Binder’s usually come smaller than you expect
You can swim in (some) binders (e.g. gc2b, i know i’ve mentioned them a lot), but will likely find that it really really hurts your ribs if you go too far under
But ‘Why?’ you might ask!
Complications from improper binder use include rib damage (fractures, breakages, permanent rib bending) and tissue damage (this can seriously impact your chances and results for top surgery!)
Excess binding usually leads to your chest muscles weakening (AKA you will get a saggy chest) but this can be avoided by working out your chest and taking breaks :)
Binding can also lead to breathing difficulties and impact growth! (Just look at me, oof)
Thank you for reading! In conclusion, don’t cut corners, bind safely and have a great day!
Feel free to add to the post if there’s anything i forgot/got wrong.
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betsynagler · 5 years
I steal pens.
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I steal pens.
I'm not entirely sure when I started doing it, but I'm pretty sure it happened at a hotel. Of course, the pens in hotels are kind of meant to be taken, so it’s not really “stealing,” they're free advertising because they have the name of the hotel on them. Plus, they're never very good pens to begin with, they are always your most basic ballpoint, plus they obviously come from some place that uses the cheapest plastic and smallest inkwells, because, again, they're not so much meant to be writing implements as tiny, disposable billboards. So I have never really felt that bad about taking them home and using them as long as they last, which, considering how seldom I need to hand-write anything these days, can be quite a while. But this is why, if you ever meet me, and you ask to borrow a pen, there’s an excellent chance you’ll get one from a Hampton Inn.
But I will occasionally also take pens from other places. Like if I'm at work on a commercial, and they have a box of pens there for us to fill out our timecards, and I recently lost the one I keep in my bag, maybe I just won’t…give this one back. Why does this seem okay to me? Well, they have a whole box, I know they’re not going to need them all. I also know that the people out of whose pocket the pen money has come are not the people I’m working with on the day, nearly all of whom are freelancers of one sort or another — so basically, nobody I meet on job is going to be hurt if I take the pen. The only entity you could say is being “hurt” is the production company that hired us all for that job, but they can generally afford to lose a 50¢, or 30¢, or 8¢ pen, depending how large the bulk office supply box they bought is — and it’s always a bulk office supply box, which also shows the scale of spending on what we do, that they will just buy a whole box of pens for one two-day job. Money is not really an object for these companies the way it is for me, because even when they plead poverty and beg us to work for lower rates and nickel-and-dime us on rentals and understaff the camera department, they nearly always can somehow afford to buy rafts of Starbucks coffees and gourmet donuts for the clients. On top of that, I see the people who do own these companies on set sometimes, when they show up for half an hour to shake hands and then drive off in their Porsches or Lexi (yes, they’re always midlife-crisis-aged men), and there definitely seems to be something disproportionate there in terms of how much they make and how much my crew colleagues and I make, and who’s doing all the work. So in some small way, I feel like I’m redressing a huge imbalance between me and the 1%; I’m not taking pens from people, I’m taking them from The Man. And when I take pens from other places — I’m at a store and someone asks me to do a survey and I need a pen so I just don’t give it back, or I find one someone dropped on set and I don’t try to figure out who dropped it and return it, I just pocket the thing — I have a similar list of justifications for why it’s okay to just take them. And if those don’t work, I can always tell myself, It’s just a pen.
When I was younger, and I had less stuff, I took more stuff, to the point that some might say it crossed a line into actual theft. In my 20s, when I worked in an office part-time, I would take home office supplies, not just pens but Post-It notes, sometimes even entire legal pads. Again, I knew the people who owned these companies, and they had cars with drivers and private bathrooms with phones built in their offices (something in the pre-cell phone era that said you thought your time was so valuable you couldn’t even stop working to take a shit), so I was pretty sure they wouldn’t care about me taking this stuff, and if they were the kind of stingy assholes who would, they deserved to lose office supplies. Plus, everyone else who worked there did it, as has everyone else who’s ever worked in an office. And this last was also the reasoning behind why I felt it was okay to take glasses from bars as “souvenirs,” especially when my roommates and I needed glasses: it was just something that we all did back then, when we weren’t enough money to buy the things we needed. Our other “stemware” was cups that came free with drinks at sports or holiday events, and our furniture was stuff we found on the street and milk crates covered in fabric, as if that made them look less like milk crates. Once you’re taking things from somewhere that’s not your place of work, though, you can't pretend they're some sort of salary bonus as justification. Like, why did we consider it okay to steal from service establishments, but not okay to shoplift the same items from stores? Was it a calculation that lost or broken glasses are just a cost of doing business at a bar? Was it just because we thought we wouldn't get caught, or because if we did, we thought they’d let us off the hook because we were young women drunk on their alcohol? And was it just the souvenir factor that made it more likely that I’d take something from a bar in another state or country than at home, or was it because I was less likely to identify with the owners of a place so far away that I knew I’d probably never visit again, even though they were still human beings for whom that business was their livelihood? Basically, did we just think it was okay to do these things because we thought we could get away with it and not feel guilty?
I guess what I’m wondering is, how do we decide what’s wrong, and who we think it’s okay to hurt when we do it? And I believe the answer, unfortunate as it is, is that so much of this stuff is social. I stole what I stole when I was younger because other people did the same thing, and I took their justifications as my own (possibly adding on a few for good measure because I think too much). Now, when I take pens, there’s some part of my brain that considers not just how taking the pens will affect the party from whom I’m taking them, but how other people would react to it. On some level, knowing that I can sit here and tell you that I sometimes take pens that don’t belong to me, and that you probably won’t condemn or even think less of me for it, makes it okay for me to keep doing it. Is my conscience that flexible? Apparently so, and in case you haven’t noticed, yours probably is too. Humans are rationalization machines. Even if someone’s religion or spirituality or ethical code makes them “adhere” to some inflexible collection of words they believe someone (like God or the founding fathers or a group of likeminded pirates) gave them, they still seem to find the means to be extremely interpretive of those words when it comes to their own actions — perhaps even more than the rest of us. Because once it becomes about obeying words rather than policing one’s own actions through truly considering for yourself what’s right and wrong, then it’s just a question of creatively manipulating the words, or overwriting them with other words from the same source, or just deciding that the fact your group has the words makes you better than everyone else, and therefore justified in doing whatever the hell you want. Which is called “exceptionalism,” and also, “hypocrisy.”
Often, what you think is good for you is going to hurt someone else, so at some point we all have to consider the line between our own personal priorities and theirs. In the United States, where we often prize individual liberty higher than anything — sometimes, indeed, in a very inflexible code type way (I’m looking at you conservative bloc of Supreme Court justices) — there are many instances where the “them” we think we’re more important than is our community, or country, or basically the rest of world, and that calculation that can lead to some pretty wackadoo results. Somehow, many Americans seem to think someone's individual right to own an AR-15 outweighs the right of everyone else not to be murdered with one. Others seem to think it's more important that individuals get to choose not to vaccinate their kids rather than ensuring dangerous diseases don't spread to everyone else’s kids. And overall, it seems like we don't see it as the responsibility of American society to reform people who commit crimes, or fix the problems that led to those crimes, for our collective betterment, instead choosing to place that responsibility on the shoulders of one person — as if they exist in a vacuum. Is America greater because of school shootings, measles outbreaks, and mass incarceration? Because I would say those are among the defining characteristics of our culture right now.
And if anything, it feels like the line is moving in the wrong direction. Having a president who can be counted upon to always put his needs and wants above everyone else’s is frightening, because his lack of giving a shit about anyone else and the lack of giving a shit of everyone in government who follows his lead has devastating consequences for policy. Add to that the social animal bit, so that their behavior and language sets the example for huge swaths of this country and the world about what is considered okay to do to other people, and the ramifications become even more horrifying. I see it so often in what their supporters say on Facebook and Twitter — matching each other so exactly it’s like one voice bouncing straight out of the Fox News echo chamber — that what Trump says isn’t nice but it’s honest; that what he’s doing is helping “America”; that we need to put “us” first and stop caring about “them.” But once you start to build the list of who the Right seem to consider a “them” that it’s okay to hurt for your own sake -- immigrants, muslims, prisoners, addicts, poor people, people of color, LGBTQ folks, women who want control of their bodies, Jews, “libtards” — you might start to realize how many of “us” are included in their “them,” because basically everyone’s “them” is somebody else’s “us.” I guess the question is, at what point does “us” just basically mean “me”? And what kind of a sad, selfish fucking person do you have to be to think that’s the way you want to live?
Look, I’m not perfect. I steal pens. If there’s a free seat on the subway, I’m going to go for it as long as I don’t have to push an elderly person or a child out of the way — I mean come on, caring about the world doesn’t mean I stop being a New Yorker! But I try to help people who are lost, I always tip at least 20%, and I don’t cut into the exit lane line off the BQE. I actually used to do that, until I realized I was being an asshole, and so I stopped — because even if we are great at justifying the bad things we do, doesn’t mean we have to keep doing them. We can do better. In the past couple of years, I’ve donated more money and time to good causes, made videos and podcasts to promote change or get people to think, and I really try to help and listen whenever I can, because I know that it’s more necessary. If the world is getting more selfish, then those of us who want to make it better have to work harder to be less so. I’m not a saint, or a buddhist, or even a vegan, but I pay attention to where I draw my lines. And I find it hard not to wonder how many people in this country right now simply keep telling themselves, It’s just a pen.
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btsiguess · 6 years
Choices (m) - 1
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Summary: You didn’t think that when you woke up this morning you were going to go out and buy a hybrid. But really, ending up with this stupid cat might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Much to both you and Yoongi’s chagrin. 
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Genre: Fluff, eventual smut
Word Count: 2859, so just a drabble series guys.
Warnings: Reckless driving!!!
A/Ns: Oh look, another Yoongi fic. Are we surprised? No. And I’m also NOT sorry. Anyway, this idea has been bouncing around my brain for a while and so I just decided to go for it. It’ll just be a drabble series though, so shorter chapters! Because I’m an impatient bitch!!!!
Chapters: 1 2 3
“Honey, I just really don’t like the idea of you living in your own in such a big city!” Your mother chastises you over the phone. “You didn’t even leave home for college, and now this? Moving to Seoul on your own? I understand that this job is important to you but still… I wish you’d be realistic.”
Hard as it was, you try your best to be understanding of your mother’s concerns. It’s true that you’ve never been away from home before, but you aren’t incompetent. It had merely been a matter of money, and nothing more. And now, freshly out of college, you’ve been lucky enough to land a job with one of Seoul’s top marketing firms. You have your parents to thank for giving you the tools you needed to succeed - helping pay for school and even supporting you through unpaid summer internships and grant opportunities - you’re nothing but grateful for that. That’s why you always keep your mouth shut as your mother frets over your well-being, that’s why you bit back your protestations and sighs. It’s all in an effort to spare her feelings.
“Mama,” you finally renege, “you and dad have taught me so well. I’m old enough now, to be on my own. Besides, this is my dream job! I’m making way more money than a recent college graduate ought to be.”
The deep resigned sigh from the other end of the line tells you your mother is out of steam for today.
“What about getting one of those pets?” She suggests finally. “One of those hybrids you know? I’m sure your father and I would feel much more secure if you had a watchdog. And hybrid’s can even phone the police if something happens!”
You laugh quietly at your mother’s words. You suppose you were lucky, at least, that she wasn’t insisting on you finding a boyfriend.
“Mama, you know I don’t have the time for a hybrid. They’re a lot of work…”
“Oh I know sweetie but still it would just make us feel so much better, you’re so far away.”
Biting your lip, you glance at your watch. If you don’t wrap up this conversation soon, you are absolutely going to be late for work. And at only a few weeks into this new job, that’s something you simply can’t afford.
“Aish, alright mom, I’ll at least consider it.” You placate her. “But as of right now, I’ll have to let you go. I don’t want to be late for work!”
You bid your mother farewell and agree to talk at the same time the next day. She seems pacified by your promise to think over her request, and thus the end of the conversation goes quickly and smoothly. Soon you find yourself stepping out of your car, and striding inside the large building that houses your corporate offices.
You like your job, you truly do, but Monday’s are always the hardest. Not because it’s the start of a new week or anything, but just because every Monday your floor had a little team building meeting. One where you had to participate and talk to your fellow coworkers. It was mostly fine, but there were one or two people you could do without. Namely…
“I just didn’t know what else to do!” ahh, yes. Soojung.
Your absolute least favorite human being in this entire fucking office.
“He was a monster, I swear.” She’s seated at the large conference room table, a large gaggle of girls standing around her, listening to her speak.
“All he did was bite me and scratch me up whenever I went near him! I feel bad, you know? I’m apparently the third person to give him up! The shelter says they have no option but to put him down.” The girls around her nod in understanding.
“I know there are some hybrid shelters that are no-kill, but I just couldn’t stand to have him around for one second more!”
Holy shit, did she just say that the hybrid shelter was going to put someone down? Like… a genuine living, speaking, near-human hybrid?
What the fuck.
“Soojung,” you interrupt, and the entire group of girls looks at you in surprise. “Where did you say you dropped your hybrid off?”
And that’s how you found yourself standing at the front of a hybrid shelter as soon as your shift had come to a close. There was no way in fucking hell that you could just let some hybrid be murdered. Seriously. What the fuck? Still though, you eye the door somewhat apprehensively. You know you don’t exactly have what it takes to be the owner of a hybrid, but still… anything has to be better than being dead right? Right?
You draw a deep sigh and make your way inside. A small, plump woman greets you as you walk in and you do your best to swallow your nerves and smile at her.
“What can I do for you today, sweetie?” She coos, and you instantly feel uncomfortable. This is definitely a mistake, but you can’t bring yourself to leave. A literal life is on the line here.
“Actually, I just overheard some of my coworkers talking today. About how much they love their hybrids. I’m thinking about adopting one?”
“Well, you’ve absolutely come to the right place! Let me show you our--”
“Actually, I was wondering if you… well I read online that you guys are a, you know, a kill shelter,” the woman winces at your words, “and I was just wondering if you have any… I mean, like any hopeless cases. I just really would hate to see a hybrid put down you know? When I could provide them a good home.”
The woman’s face pinches up in a wholly unattractive way. As if your claims had personally offended her.
“There’s one, but you don’t want him.” she says.
“I mean, I think I can decide that for myself, no?” Is your curt reply.
The woman shrugs angrily, and steps out from behind her desk.
“Fine then. Follow me.”
She leads you through the showroom of animals, and you do your best not to look at anything but your feet. You don’t want to be persuaded into getting more than one hybrid, you’re a sucker for puppy dog eyes, and here they have them, well… literally.
Soon enough you’re brought into a back room, it seems to be for employees only, and your stomach quickly turns by what you see there.
A dark hybrid cat. Locked in a cage much too small for him. His hands are bruised and bloodied, as if he had tried - unsuccessfully - to fight his way out of his current predicament. He’s curled up in what looks like restless sleep, but as soon as you enter his eyes shoot open.
“This is him.” The woman tells you simply.
“Great,” you gesture to the cat before you, “I would like this hybrid, please and thank you.”
The woman gapes at you.
“You don’t even want to speak with him first?”
Your eyes shift briefly to the caged man, watching the way he follows your every move. There’s a small flicker of hope in the cat’s eyes, and so you shake your head.
“No, I don’t think that will be necessary. He seems perfect. Exactly what I’m looking for.”
She gives you a scowl before motioning for you to follow her back to the front. There’s way more paperwork than you thought there would be. And it’s over an hour later when another employee finally brings out the hybrid to you.
“No one likes a girl with a saviour complex you know.” The woman mutters towards you and you flinch slightly when another worker cheerily tells you to enjoy ‘your’ new hybrid. Your discomfort only grows when you see the cats eyes flash with anger.
It’s only later, when you and the cat are finally sitting in your car, that you realize what you’ve done.
“Oh my fucking god. What the fuck.” You mutter, glancing at the literal cat person next to you.
He gazes back, a look of uninterested confusion on his face.
“Why are you acting like this, human?” He says finally, and the low timbre of his voice takes you by surprise.
“What?” is the only thing you can think to say.
“You’re being annoying. Why are you being annoying?”
“Sorry.” You snap at him, sarcasm dripping from your voice. “When I woke up this morning I didn’t realize I was going to become responsible for another person’s wellbeing, thanks. Color me a little overwhelmed.”
The cat before you pauses slightly for a moment, his head tilting to the side, ears twitching. He says nothing for a while, and you grow more and more antsy with every passing second. What was this cat playing at, seriously?
“What?!” You finally lose your temper, but the cat merely smirks at you slightly, as if your outburst was exactly what he had wanted.
“You called me ‘person’ you know.” He says.
“Well aren’t you?” You try to collect yourself as you pull out of the parking lot.
“Not in the eyes of the law.”
Oh shit.
“Seem like a person to me.” You mutter under your breath. “Bitchy like a person.”
The cat scoffs.
“You passed the pet store.” He says, in lieu of replying.
“Why would I need to go to the pet store?”
The cat looks at you, incredulous before starting off.
“A collar? A leash? Fucking food? You aren’t put together in the slightest, there’s no way you have all that shit at home.”
You’re offended, but only because he’s right. You screech your car around in a dangerous U-turn while the cat beside you hisses and digs his claws into the fabric of your seat, tearing up some of the padding.
“What the FUCK are you doing?” The hybrid yells. “Are you trying to kill us?”
You pull calmly into the pet store, satisfied by the way you’ve worked the cat up.
“Mmm, not today. Let’s go.” You say, opening the car door. Again you’re greeted with a dubious look from your new companion.
“I can’t go in there without a leash and a collar.” He says finally.
“Oh geez.” You mumble. “I’m so not prepared for this and I’m going to kill us both.”
“Shut up, cat.” You snipe. “If I leave you here for like, two seconds will you be okay? I’ll run in and get a leash and collar so you can come in too and pick out what you want.”
The cat looks surprised but nods.
You crank the window down and motion for him to do the same. He doesn’t.
You roll your eyes and begin to walk away from the car anyway. Whatever. Let him suffocate. Whatever.
Suddenly a thought occurs to you and you spin quickly on your heels, leaning down to peer through the window of the car.
“What color?” You ask, and the cat tilts his head, his dark feline ears twitching once more.
“Like, what color leash and collar do you want? Any requests?”
The cat ponders for a moment, and you’re unsure whether he’s mulling over the question or the fact you’ve bothered to get his opinion in the first place.
“Black.” He says finally. “Leather, if they have it. Oh, and I’m a medium.”
You nod and give the cat a small thumbs up before hurrying inside. You’re not sure you trust your new companion in the car by himself, and so you try to work quickly. You locate the collars and leashes with relative ease, and try your best to pick out one that the cat waiting for you would like.
It’s no more than five minutes before you’re outside the shop again, and the cat merely shrugs at your choices for him. You’re a bit disheartened, but you try not to let it show too much. He’s supposed to be a problem cat or whatever. It is what it is.
He gets out of the car and stands before you. You’re a bit surprised at how tall the hybrid is. And it would take a fool not to notice how handsome, as well. You hope your cheeks don’t go as red as they feel, but when the cat raises his eyebrow at you, you know you’ve been caught.
“Here.” You say, holding out his collar and hoping he will accept the change of subject.
He takes it and quickly fastens it around his neck. It fits perfectly, and you notice that the cat gives a satisfied hum as he glances at his reflection in your car’s side mirror.
“S-Sorry.” You mutter as you hold out the leash to clip it onto his collar. Something about this feels so incredibly wrong, and it twists your gut. Your hands shake slightly as you try and attach the leash, your fingers coming in contact with the skin of the cat’s throat. The touch alarms the both of you, but neither of you elect to mention it directly.
“It’s fine. Rules are rules.” The hybrid tells you, gazing down at you. It’s an oddly intimate moment, and suddenly you step back, hoping to distance yourself from the man - the hybrid in front of you.
“Right.” You say, too loudly. “Let’s go.”
Despite you being the one with the leash, the cat is definitely leading. You let him. He knows more about this than you do.
“Here.” He says, stopping in front of a bright yellow machine. “You need to make me a dog tag.”
“A cat tag.” You mumble, earning a disinterested glance from the cat.
“Just hurry and make one. I’m not supposed to be going around without it.”
“Okay well… What type do you like? Just pick whatever.”
The cat hesitates once more, eyes trailing over the rack. He eventually selects a simple silver circle, and you nod your head in agreement. It would look absolutely gorgeous against the cat’s beautifully tan skin.
You place the tag into the machine, jumping slightly as it whirs to life, your action making the hybrid shake his head.
You dutifully follow the directions, typing in your address and apartment number and your telephone, lest the cat get lost and needs to be returned. You pause however when the final question appears:
What’s your companion’s name?
Oh fuck. You didn’t even know his name. You fucking suck.
“I’m sorry,” you start, glancing at him, “but I don’t know your name.”
The cat looks surprised, but not angry like you were expecting.
“What do you mean?” He questions. “You pick it.”
Your face must betray how horrified you are because his ears twitch at you, something you’re beginning to learn means he thinks you’re acting in an unexpected way.
“No, that’s too much.” You say finally. “You’re like, a whole adult man. You can pick your fucking name.”
The cat is still for a moment, as if he’s expecting you to laugh and take the opportunity away.
“I’m serious.” You reassure. “If you don’t pick, I’ll write something embarrassing. You look like a ‘Fuzzball’ to me.”
The cat moves faster than you’ve ever seen him.
You peek over his shoulder as he types in his name and then hits the ‘print’ button before you can change your mind. It’s with utter fascination that the two of you watch the laser etch out a beautiful looking ‘Yoongi’ onto the dainty tag.
“Yoongi?” you say, rolling the name over your tongue. “That’s a really beautiful name.  It really suits you.”
“Thanks.” Is his only response, as he scuffs his shoe along the ground.
You clip the little tag to his collar with some difficulty, but Yoongi doesn’t complain. He simply watches you there before him, eyeing interestedly the way your tongue peeks out of the corner of your mouth in concentration.
After that, Yoongi seems to be in higher spirits, carefully piling his wants and needs into your cart. You feel a little desperate, watching the price tag increase in your mind’s eye, but you know you have enough saved away, and seeing Yoongi look… well, as close to happy as you imagine he can get is enough of a reward for the hit your wallet is about to receive.
When you push you your carriage into the bedding section you watch Yoongi shrug and shake his head.
“I don’t need one of these.” He says to you, firmly.
“Oh? Why not? Do you prefer sleeping on the floor or something?” You puzzle.
The cat laughs for the first time since you’ve gotten him. A wide genuine laugh that pulls at the edge of his lips and makes him smile - really smile - for the first time. Your heart skips a beat in your chest.
“No.” He says, eyeing you. “I want to sleep in your bed. With you.”
You think you might pass out.
“Excuse me?” you choke out, weakly.
“Oh you know me,” he says, practically reveling in your surprise, “I’m a real big cuddler.”
With that, Yoongi winks and walks away. Leaving you to pick up your broken pieces all alone.
A/N: And there you go, have more garbage. Whatevs. @gimmesumsuga!!! You haven’t read this one yet because I wrote it in 20 minutes before I went to bed lol.
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okaywowcool · 6 years
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 hey guys! back again for another monthly favorites post, this time for july! read below the cut to hear some of my favorite clothing pieces, new shops, trends, and makeup and skincare items that i’ve used in this past month! 
you can also check out this link to read through my past faves! 
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Plus Size Grid Print Overall Mini Dress - $24.90, available in 0X - 3XL
Not too long ago I picked up a few pieces from F21 (mostly out of a Strong fear that they would be going out of stock in the near future, lol) and this was one of them. The zipper feels sturdy with the metal they used (I was worried, since this runs slightly bodycon on a non-padded, average curvy body (if you’ve not read about how plus-sized models are commonly padded out to get the “ideal” shape or “ideal” fat distribution, check out this article here by Refinery29.) and the zipper is the functional closure of the dress. The dress has zero stretch, so I was a little concerned about something flimsy that I felt like would break eventually, but so far so good. I’ve worn it with a super cute beatnik type get up out to lunch and errands with my girlfriend (black turtleneck sweater, beret, and chunky black sandals) and felt super cute, but still a little self conscious just since the more bodycon silhouette is something I’m still not super confident in wearing, which is something I’m trying to get better about. So a big recommend! I’m a size 22/24 and got a size 3XL and thought that was perfect, not too tight, but still hugging my curves in a cute way. 
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Plus Size Grid Print Tie-front Shirt - $19.90, available in 0X - 3XL
I have a serious problem finding button ups that are cute on me...I have a fairly large bust but smaller shoulders and it’s hard to find something plus-sized that isn’t either totally oversized and weird looking on me fit wise, or so tight there’s massive gapping between the buttons at the biggest part of my bust. But this button up really works for me. I’m not sure if it’s the slightly relaxed cut or the fact that it’s a crop, but it’s absolutely perfect...it’s rare you buy something online and it fits exactly the same on you as it does on the model, but this did and I was so impressed! This is definitely going to be a new staple in my wardrobe, as soon as it’s not too hot to commit to long sleeves.
I ordered a few more things that I haven’t had much of a chance to style/wear yet, but everything worked this go round which is pretty rare...this was very much me that day:
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Surgeon General’s Dress - $35, available in XS - 5XL
I’ve been wearing a lot of my own stuff here lately, mainly because it’s so easy to throw on and and still be bold enough for it to feel like a Look, while totally keeping me cool. This dress’s print looks super bold from a distance, but y’all would be surprised to see how long it takes people in an office setting to actually find out what the print is of, since it’s so blown up it can read as abstract. The fabrication is also really good at keeping you out of the hot hot hot hell zone, and is super cute with a breezy sheer cardigan thrown on over it! 
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Avocado Bag, $40
I want to own pretty much everything in this entire store since I found out it existed just a few weeks ago, and if I didn’t have some self restraint I would have preordered at least 3 bags from here so far. Miju Miju is a cute shop full of bags that were originally intended for use as cute, unique ita bags, but they’re also totally cute to use to display your pin collection, or even just leave plain with the empty clear window showing the cute pop of lining color. The fact that they’re convertible from a crossbody purse to a backpack also makes them a literal dream for me, since that’s pretty much the only kind of bag I like to carry. They also have a discount code running right now for the preorder, you can use BOW7 to get $7 off one of these bad boys! I know I want the avocado, egg, and pink coffin ones all sooooo bad. 
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Pastel Rainbow Shooting Star Necklace - $60
Petey Hana is an etsy shop with a lot of super cute hand painted jewelry, perfect for all kinds of kawaii fashion styles and also just bold statement pieces. I’m so in love with the obviously hand made look, especially with ceramic and polymer clay jewelry, because it just feels like there’s extra love put into it. Combine that with all the bright colors and I’m just in love with this whole shop! 
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Strawberry Milk Cocktail Knit Sweater - $31
I’m not sure why it took me so long to realize that the Ester Loves You collab “Ester loves Chuu” was referring to a shop’s name and not just the cute Japanese kissing sound effect....but it took me until doing that cute request for rabbit purses recently for me to figure out that Chuu was indeed, a store. This shop is adorable and has lots of unique styles in it for super affordable prices. I can’t fit into any of it myself really BUT it’s still been a big inspiration to look at their photography and see how they’re styling their pieces! 
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Walk the Line Striped Dress - $78, available in US size 10 - 30
I wanted to use this cute image from Fat Girl Flow, since it was Corissa’s IG where I first saw this shop as well AND because it’s so helpful to see products on non-models. Soncy is a really cute really incredible shop. Y’all know I’m not the biggest fan of the whole Fashion Nova curve look, it just never has felt very “me,” even though it’s a staple for many other plus-sized bloggers/influencers. Soncy feels like Fashion Nova’s classy older sister who has her own very successful etsy business selling fancy leather goods--which is not at all a bad vibe...one part hippie, one part mature, and one part sexy. Still a similar style, but there’s not as much emphasis on the whole Kylie Jenner booty body-con everywhere look, and things just look higher quality...they’re more expensive, but everything in the shop is available in sizes 10 - 30 and everything is miraculously under $100, which is just awesome. 
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Pier Pursuits Cropped Jumpsuit - $64.99, available in XXS - 4XL
Right now, one of the silhouettes I’m obsessed with is super wide leg jumpsuits. This one was really the first one that sparked the intense love for me, the proportions are so unique and perfect and I love that these jumpsuits are starting to show more traditional dress like necklines...this one from ASOS curve does a similar thing which I really adore. 
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Front Twist Flutter Sleeve Tee - $9, 0X - 3XL
Twist front crop tees (even the ones that are just from twisting a not in a normal tee!) are just such a look for me right now. There’s something very nostalgic about them, almost like how when tying jackets around the waist was coming back as a styling choice when 90s nostalgia started going strong, that makes me just super happy and it’s a natural type of ruching that is really attractive without looking kind of dated and old. It just looks good on everyone, truly. 
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Fluted Sleeve Mini Dress in Ditsy Floral - $51 // Infusion Cut Out Bralette in Vintage Floral - $52 // Ditsy Floral Ruffle Jumpsuit - $40
There’s something so nice and vintage feeling about a ditsy floral print, and I’ve been wanting to create some of my own patterns that mimic this feel for a while but still haven’t quite gotten around to it. It’s just such a nice subtle way to wear florals, a print that I tend to be really picky about since they can go ugly fairly easily or run the risk of looking dated or matronly depending (and I mean dated like...2008 versus a nice vintage feel) but ditsy florals just always look so cute and nice, too subtle to ever really be offensive and easy to transition from season to season. 
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Daisy Street Cami with Peplum - $24 // True Stripes A-Line Skirt - $38 // Miss Selfridge Pinafore Dress - $56
i’m also just really feeling chambray this month, especially with a subtle white pinstripe. aside from chambray just feeling really lovely to the touch (bc i’m all about those textures y’all) it’s such a lovely soft approach to denim that feels so airy and perfect for summer. 
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LIPHOP Ombre Lip Balm - $2.59 
I bought this little lip balm for real cheap off of aliexpress a while ago, in quite a few shades since it was so cheap. I’ve found that the darker shades are by far my favorite, though they don’t look quite as dark on me as they do in the photos. It’s very similar to just putting on a little chapstick--these just add a natural little pop of color for a fresh bitten look to the center of your lips while hydrating them overall. I like that it gives that popsicle stain look without the matte feel of some similar products, like Glossier’s Generation G and Colourpop’s Blotted Lip, or the actual commitment of doing a proper ombre lip look. 
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Bliss Makeup Melt Jelly Cleanser - $12
This one is actually not one I’ve gotten to try yet (it’s sitting in my cart to be purchased as soon as my current cleanser runs out) but I wanted to include it on this list anyway because I’ve been wanting to try it for a while now. It’s supposed to be a really good dupe for Glossier’s Milky Jelly Cleanser, but has a smaller price tag ($12, vs Glossier’s $18) as well as coming with more product (6.4oz vs Glossier’s 6oz). Last winter I was looking for a good cleanser that wouldn’t dry me out quite as much as my current one does. I’m currently using Tony Moly’s Peach Foam Cleanser, which I think is really lovely in a lot of ways--the foaming is fun, the smell is amazing, and it does really make you feel clean, but it dries my skin out sooooo much right now, even in the summer where I have a little more oil. It claimed to be moisturizing and gentle but I guess my skin is still just too wimpy to take it, and I’ve been looking for a change. This dupe is also rose scented, which I’m super excited about--I’ll be sure to tell you all how it is! 
so that’s it for july! look forward to seeing some of my highlights for august next month and feel free to let me know if there are any other categories you’d like me to add each month! <3 
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its-love-u-asshole · 6 years
Rags or Riches [fic]
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei/Kuroo Tetsurou
Summary: Kuroo’s idea to celebrate his anniversary with Tsukishima at Bokuto’s speakeasy sounds good in theory, with the lively atmosphere and excitement spread through glass upon glass of liquor. Surely, it’s an improvement from their usual yearly plans, but it still manages to bring every old worry surging to the forefront of his mind as he tries his best to keep Tsukishima by his side. 
Rating: E
Tags: 1920s au, speakeasies, alcohol, fluff and smut, established relationship, insecure Kuroo being dumb
Note: I said I was done writing smut but I’m here again so (also this is barely smut, it’s mostly just cheese), but this time I did a collab series with @emeraldwaves for this speakeasy AU! So please read her iwaoi counterpart ;) She and I are thinking of doing more parts to this same verse where they all connect, so I’m super excited to share this first installment! Enjoy <3
Read on AO3!
Iwaoi fic here! 
Contrary to what his appearance might make people believe, Kuroo didn't crave alcohol all that much. Back when the stuff littered the shelves of supermarkets and liquor stores were still open and thriving, he'd buy some beers here or there, indulge after a tough day at the office.
However, he hadn't panicked when the laws were passed, they were more of an inconvenience than something he'd have to worry about. He didn't hoard what little bottles he had left, didn't smuggle or open shifty secret bars in the backs of corner shops.
Not that there was anything wrong with that. The only time Kuroo did drink these days happened to be at Bokuto's speakeasy, and he couldn't be happier that his friend's business thrived the way it did.
Still, he rarely found himself yearning for the stuff, for the relaxed limbs and blurry vision which came with it. So why he suddenly wished for a glass of scotch was beyond him.
His biggest worry in that moment concerned something else entirely, and maybe that was the root of all his problems.
"What do you want to do for our anniversary?" Kuroo raised his head from the pillow on their shitty couch, his legs cramped and barely comfortable. He was used to it. The musty pink cushions were secondhand, and clashed so horribly with the peeling white wallpaper, but it had been a gift from his mother, so it stayed.
Plus, who was he to complain?
The carpet was scratchy, the apartment was small, and the roof sometimes leaked when it rained, but sore back or not, he got to see Tsukishima everyday, sleep next to him, be with him. This was their home, crappy couch and all.
The water from the roof dripped into the bucket they'd set up in the dining room, grating on Kuroo's nerves as he waited in the silence. He watched the blond's back muscles stretch as Tsukishima turned to him, pausing in his laundry folding to genuinely consider the question. So cute. Tsukishima's brow furrowed then, confused, and Kuroo mimicked the face back at him, not minding the white work shirt which came flying at his head.
Worth it. At least it was clean. When it was his turn to do laundry next week, he'd have to return the favor.
"Don't we always get dinner?" Tsukishima said, throwing the last of his own shirts into the basket haphazardly. He never cared much about whether his own clothes got wrinkled, but he knew Kuroo had to look presentable every day at corporate. The small acts of care made Kuroo swoon every time.
Considering Tsukishima's upbringing though, it perplexed him. The fancy clothes he'd worn when they'd first met had always been in pristine condition...
"Kuroo?" Tsukishima called again, leaning against their one lumpy armchair. Even against something so ugly, the blond managed to be graceful. Refined.
Kuroo shook his head. Dinner. Right.
He laughed, thinking back to the somewhat pricey Italian spot he took Tsukishima to every single year. Pricey for him anyways. It was a place which probably made truly wealthy people scoff.
It probably made Tsukishima scoff.
If only Kuroo could do more, could show how much he loved Tsukishima in every way he could. More than just with the over frosted tiramisu cake Tsukishima devoured every time they their anniversary rolled around.
"Kei, love, you don't have to eat all of it."
"I don't want to waste it."
Because Kuroo splurged for that dinner, it was true, but he wished he didn't have to. How much longer until Tsukishima saw he could do better?
He bit his lip.
Those insecurities couldn't surface, mostly because Kuroo thought if he voiced them, they'd turn out to be true.
"Aren't you bored of that?" he asked instead, smirking.
Ah. And yet, they shone through a little. His tone was joking, but something in his stomach twisted, waiting for Tsukishima to reply with any of the proper responses Kuroo had imagined when he couldn't sleep.
"Yes, but it's not like we can afford anything else."
"It isn't like I have a choice."
"Maybe if you had a different job, things would be different."
But Tsukishima just squinted at him, like Kuroo had grown a third eye, and shook his head. "No, are you?"
It made Kuroo's heart jump, the slight disappointment in those words. Was Tsukishima lying to make him feel better, or had Kuroo managed to actually convince him things were the same as they'd been in Tsukishima's huge mansion, the one his parents owned with the sprawling grasses and butlers.
He didn't know, didn't want to know. His answer wouldn't be a lie though.
He rose up from the couch, and Tsukishima mirrored him, meeting him halfway in the middle of the old rug they'd found at a yard sale. Tsukishima felt the same in his arms as he did the very first time they kissed, slotting together just right. One day, Kuroo would get them a better couch, so they could cuddle properly.
He purred as Tsukishima scratched the back of his head, and the blond snorted at the neediness. "I'll take that as a...no?"
Ah, if only he knew.
"Bored of doing anything with you?" Kuroo said, pulling Tsukishima further into his embrace. There was no resistance, like he feared there would be, and he leaned into his boyfriend, worries fading for the time being. "Never."
Tsukishima just laughed, pulling Kuroo into a kiss, and like that, Kuroo's life was as picturesque as he'd always wanted.
Momentarily, anyways.
Kuroo sat in his cubicle, twirling aimlessly in his desk chair as the seconds ticked by. He had another hour or so on the clock before he could go home to Tsukishima, but always the efficient worker, he'd finished all his paperwork early.
"You're too good for that job," Tsukishima would tell him, not in a critical way, but with a concern Kuroo ate right up. And he was right. Kuroo wasn't the happiest here, but it kept them afloat, and he'd climb the ladder in due time. His skills were beyond these meaningless meetings and tasks though.
Looking for a new job just seemed too risky right then, and he knew Tsukishima understood. Or, that's what he told Kuroo. The blond was probably getting sick of waiting.
And thus, with nothing much better to do, Kuroo let those negative thoughts run away from him, the memories replaying all too clearly.
He looked to his wrist, where a gold encrusted charm bracelet sat. The most expensive thing he owned. It had been Tsukishima's since the blond was a toddler, a family symbol so to speak. It sparkled and gleamed in the piss colored light of Kuroo's office, and he gazed at it fondly, moving the charms one by one. It almost hadn't been able to squeeze around Kuroo's wrist, with how delicate and fitted it had been for Tsukishima, but the blond had insisted he wear it.
He did, naturally, and he rarely took it off, if only to bathe and try and force it back onto Tsukishima's wrist. It seemed too beautiful to stay with Kuroo.
Tsukishima had looked so much better in it, that day at the beach...
Though, he hadn't exactly been happy to be there.
Kuroo had noticed him for his height, above anything else, the billowing beige shirt just sheer enough to let Kuroo see the muscle underneath.
"Excuse me sir, you look like you're burning a....little...." Kuroo's voice trailed off as the blond turned to him, collarbones exposed to the harsh heat of the summer. The pale skin was colored red, and would surely get worse, but all that advice and more died on Kuroo's tongue.
The golden eyes which landed on him struck him speechless; he'd never seen ones so intense, or felt such power in a gaze. The red at the tops of his cheeks told Kuroo the blond was more of a homebody, wealthy too. The fabric of his shirt was soft, and the rest of his clothes looked fresh out the box. Kuroo knew a rich person when he saw one, but it was by far the least interesting thing about this man.
The other wasn't even trying to be intimidating though, there was just something about him, a light in the dark.
The blond tilted his head, hand flying up to touch at his already sensitive skin; he winced. "It's fine. I'm not...I won't be out long, I'm just taking some pictures with my family."
The blond didn't gesture to anywhere particular, but Kuroo could only guess the family on the nearby dock, laughing and drinking, was the subject of the statement. The blond scrunched up his nose then.
"I don't like the beach," the blond said, quickly, like he'd be insulted if Kuroo thought otherwise. The way his face twisted in disgust made Kuroo laugh, and he put two fingers against the other's skin, watching the flesh lighten and fade back to red.
If the blond was put off by the contact (which he'd later tell Kuroo he most certainly was), he didn't say, but regarded Kuroo warily.
Later Kuroo would ask, teasingly, if Tsukishima minded the touch now. Tsukishima only claimed to want more of it.
"Whatever you say, wouldn't want you to get cooked," Kuroo had said, watching Tsukishima fingers dance over where his own had just been. It would've been a shame, to ruin such beautiful skin.
Tsukishima clicked his tongue, but he pulled his shirt tighter around himself anyways. He didn't seem to think tan lines were cute.
"Better than another boring business dinner with my parents," he said, kicking at the sand with a grimace. It only grew when some of it blew forward, onto his shoes.
"Business dinner?" Kuroo asked, repressing a smile. He knew all about the dinner, being an overseer of the project, but he wasn't going to tell Tsukishima. Something about hearing Tsukishima talk at the time had amused him, intrigued him even. He often wondered if that natural gravitation to him was mutual, and the reason Tsukishima had spoken with him at all. Months later, it would be confirmed.
"Some boring businessmen want to buy our beach house, I don't know, don't super care..."
"Ah, so you're a Tsukishima then?"
And at Tsukishima's surprise, Kuroo raised his hand, triumphant as ever.
"Kuroo Tetsurou, boring businessman, nice to meet you."
And later, Tsukishima would tell him he’d been reluctantly charmed, torn between wanting to punch him and stay in that moment forever.
But of course, family introductions and business negotiations were Kuroo's main game then. If he wanted to effectively get this house bought for his company, he needed to be professional.
(Around Tsukishima's parents anyways).
However, the fascination had not stopped.
The tour of Tsukishima's house was enough to make Kuroo feel like he lived in a dumpster. The dinner was held at the main family estate, the large stone steps leading up to double doors with traditional columns on either side. The grass looked pristine, and a sign for 'best garden' sat stuck in the dirt around plots of different roses. Kuroo's one bedroom was about the size of the front yard.
Inside was another story, the frames of priceless art and shining silver catching the light of the sun through the skylight.
But all that luxury and glamor, and still Kuroo's eyes followed Tsukishima the most. He looked like someone out of the fairytales Kuroo's mother used to read to him. The loose clothes, the fine bone structure, soft skin...
Sensing the attention, Tsukishima caught Kuroo's eye for the second time, and quickly covered his blush with his hand. The bracelet around his wrist twinkled in mirth.
("I did not blush.")
("Love, you're a terrible liar.")
It carried on like that the rest of the evening, with Kuroo stealing glances and whispering jokes over the boring corporate jargon which dominated the table.
Tsukishima appreciated it, and it was easy for Kuroo to see how often he was disregarded by his parents, talked over. His brother was just as powerless, but he seemed to approve of the harmless flirting going on with Tsukishima. Kuroo liked him.
Tsukishima looked like he wanted to take Kuroo somewhere else, to be anywhere but there, and Kuroo silently wondered if he always felt that way in such a grand home. He could see how it would feel empty.
He didn't want to leave Tsukishima here by himself. So, when one of his colleagues suggested:
"We'll have someone come by frequently to inspect and oversee the construction, just to make sure you're not changing anything we'd like to keep."
Kuroo volunteered in a hot second.
("Were you excited?")
For the next few months, Kuroo took every opportunity he could to visit the Tsukishima residence, and with each time, he took back more and more knowledge about their youngest son.
Favorite foods. Hobbies. Studies. What languages he spoke...
Tsukishima never made Kuroo feel dumb or less than because of his ignorance about etiquette or fine cuisine, if anything, Tsukishima loved teaching him. Sometimes he cooked for him too, and Kuroo would bring him his poorly shaped wacky cake, made in his barely functioning oven at home.
"There's no milk in this?" Tsukishima would ask, already ten bites in.
"Or butter, or sugar," Kuroo proclaimed proudly, only slightly worried about how Tsukishima would receive that.
But no, the blond's eyes just widened, and he took another obscenely huge chunk into his mouth. "Damn..."
And while Tsukishima learned about milk cake and grape pie, Kuroo got to try things like stuffed mushrooms and biscotti.
Kuroo would pronounce things wrong on purpose, just to see Tsukishima laugh.
"Whore doers," Kuroo sighed wistfully, holding up the small appetizer just in time to avoid being sprayed by Tsukishima's spit-take of seltzer.
Things were fairly perfect.
But Kuroo got greedy. He began to take and take Tsukishima's time, and the blond willingly gave it. Late night meetups, sneaking into the mansion, walks on the beach when it wasn't too sunny, fooling around when Tsukishima's parents were traveling. What ended up being a year felt like too little, too short. Not enough.
"You're not going to use Shakespeare quotes on me, are you?" Tsukishima asked once, as Kuroo scaled the side of his house to get to the blond's window.
Kuroo's shock would've put many actors to shame. "You know who Shakespeare is? I'm impressed."
Tsukishima tried to look unamused, but keyword: tried. Didn't matter, Kuroo leaned up, stealing his lips in a kiss.
In the beginning, he used to count how many they'd had, but now the numbers were so high he could only be sure they were in the hundreds. He hoped to double that.
("And I did.")
Those had been some of their last happy moments. But the off-roading began when Tsukishima's parents found out about their little affair, and the rest was history.
"Mother and father said if I stay with you, I'll be disinherited," Tsukishima sighed, swinging his legs where he sat on his canopied bed. Kuroo stared somberly at the soft sheets, the dozens of pillows. There was no way Tsukishima could give that up, not for him.
Before Kuroo could worry about sneaking out of the house, about never seeing Tsukishima's parents again, or nursing his broken heart, Tsukishima threw a suitcase on the bed.
It probably could've fit the world inside of it.
Looking back over his shoulder, Kuroo's suit jacket slipping down his thin frame, Tsukishima smiled, the most hopeful Kuroo had ever seen him look.
"Are you going to help me pack, or not?"
And despite all the reasons Kuroo could've brought up, none of his protests were genuine, and they faded into oblivion. He knew how much Tsukishima would be giving up, and yet, he'd decided to be selfish.
The first thing he packed was Tsukishima's beach outfit.
("We don't even go to the beach.")
("Doesn't matter.")
It was a memory.
Kuroo hadn't known whether to smile or cry, and he'd probably done both, now that he revisited the moment. Tsukishima's parents had been shocked as Tsukishima descended the stairs in all his usual grace, two suitcases in tow with the last of the wealth he'd ever see.
Thus, one year turned into five.
Kuroo had kept waiting for Tsukishima to tell him he regretted it all, to say he was leaving. But it had never happened, and the fear made Kuroo restless.
He wanted to make this anniversary nice, to remind his boyfriend of how much he was trying for the both of them, but he had no idea what to do. His budget would only allow so much...
But when he remembered Tsukishima, standing on that beach, he had to think of something. Something exciting, something where Tsukishima could dress up the way he used to, not just shrug on wares from the thrift shop Kuroo frequented.
And yet, he had nothing in his head.
By the time he'd completely bummed himself out with his own thoughts, Kuroo's shift was over, and he was no closer to solving his predicament than before.
But of course, Kuroo's solution came in the form of Iwaizumi's problems.
What were friends for?
"You look pretty stressed these days man," Kuroo said to him, while they enjoyed a cigarette break. The stress pent up in Iwaizumi's posture was hard to miss, as were his deep inhales and restless fidgeting.
Dude needed to get laid, or at least needed a--
"Oh," Kuroo whispered to himself, almost missing Iwaizumi's useless excuse.
"I've just been tired is all, and there's been non-stop meetings all month," the other grumbled, flicking his cigarette butt onto the pavement.
All too quickly, a plan formed in Kuroo's mind.
"Sounds to me like you need a drink," Kuroo said, perhaps too victoriously, but hey, this was a win for him too. What better place for an after dinner date than Bokuto's? It was classy enough, if not a little crowded. It would be fine. If he had Bokuto reserve him a table, Tsukishima would be comfortable. Some gambling, some drinks...
"I don't know..." Iwaizumi said, but Kuroo could see the way his eyes lit up, the way he licked his lips at the prospect of liquor.
Kuroo had this in the bag. And hey, maybe he'd even get Iwaizumi laid.
"C'mon out this Friday," Kuroo said. "I know a place."
Sure enough, Iwaizumi agreed, proving he needed little convincing.
"A speakeasy?" Tsukishima asked as Kuroo kissed him on the cheek on the day of reckoning. The flowers Kuroo had sent him were sitting in an old bottle of seltzer which Tsukishima had fashioned into a vase, and he grinned, tightening his hold around his boyfriend. Someday, they'd get a real garden, where Tsukishima's green thumb could be put to good use.
"Mm, Bokuto's," Kuroo said, watching the recognition and ease flow back into Tsukishima's features. He knew the blond had always secretly been fond of Bokuto, and this was proof. Bokuto would be overjoyed. "We'll go after dinner, it'll be fun."
And not boring.
And maybe it would even feel like the old parties Tsukishima would have at his mansion, enough to keep him satisfied.
Or enough to remind him of what he's missing....
Kuroo silenced his thoughts, peppering kisses against Tsukishima's jaw. None of those before they even left the house, no way.
"Is it safe?" Tsukishima asked, suspicion dancing in his honey eyes.
Kuroo smirked, nudging him. "I wouldn't take you anywhere that wasn't safe love. Who do you think I am?"
"Someone whose friend owns an illegal bar?"
Kuroo pushed his boyfriend away in mock offense, shooing Tsukishima towards the bedroom. It wasn't a long walk. "Alright smarty pants, just go get changed why don't you? I laid out your clothes."
Another surprise, but a more selfish one.
Tsukishima's steps faltered as he stepped into the tiny bedroom, looking at the two sets of clothes sprawled out on the sheets. "You....these are..."
They were Tsukishima's finest clothes, ones he'd taken with him from his family's house. The oxford bags were gray, so soft Kuroo hadn't wanted to put them down. They accentuated Tsukishima's legs perfectly, Kuroo knew. He'd worn them at a dinner once. Along with the plain white button up and suspenders, it was perfect for a night out. As an afterthought, Kuroo had also grabbed one of his own panama hats, another gift from his mother. It had never been able to contain his hair, so he figured Tsukishima should at least get some use out of it.
Tsukishima's face was neutral as walked over to them, not exactly what Kuroo had been expecting (although, unconcealed joy wasn't an expression Tsukishima showed often). Kuroo took it as a good sign.
"What are you going to wear?" Tsukishima asked, tracing the seam of the pants slowly.
"Huh?" Kuroo didn't see why that was relevant. "Just...work clothes." They were formal enough.
Tsukishima seemed to disagree. The blond's look was like a scold, playful but not to be taken lightly. "If I have to dress up to go eat cake and drink, so do you."
And well, Kuroo couldn't argue with that. All he could do was readjust his work suit to be a bit more fashionable, foregoing his usual jacket for a darker, somewhat trendier one (something Tsukishima had borrowed from his brother). Kuroo also ditched the tie, and Tsukishima's gaze was so hot it could burn him. He'd let it.
Later, Kuroo had to tell himself, later. No point in jumping each other on empty stomachs. Regardless, Kuroo's hands had quite a bit of difficulty keeping to themselves as they walked out into the city.
Tsukishima always relaxed into the hold, pliant in his arms, and Kuroo could only imagine how much needier alcohol might make his blond. The excitement and tension were palpable, even through their meal, and Kuroo watched as Tsukishima licked the frosting of the cake a little too slowly to be accidental at the end of their dinner.
"Tease," he whispered across the table, and Tsukishima only shrugged.
But amidst the perfect atmosphere, like always, the doubts came surging back as Tsukishima finished his last bite of tiramisu. To think cake could cause so many issues.
It wasn't fancy cake, probably not even legitimate tiramisu. A cheap knock-off, and Tsukishima had surely had the real thing before. And with that single thought, he wondered what else might strike Tsukishima as unrefined, poor.
Kuroo's mind was filled suddenly with memories of Bokuto's bar; sweaty bodies, people gambling their lives away, sticky surfaces where drinks had sloshed...
Not to mention the blatant disregard for privacy as people pressed against each other freely, kissing and touching.
Would Tsukishima be disgusted? Shocked by the indecency? Such a place had to be unheard of for an aristocrat...
This was a terrible idea. Tsukishima was going to realize how uncultured and rugged Kuroo truly was. He'd pack up and leave, back to poshness and civility and--
Tsukishima's voice had Kuroo blinking, reorienting himself in reality. When had they left the restaurant? He'd barely noticed they'd stopped walking, and he looked to Tsukishima, apologetic. Fuck, he'd been ignoring him. Awesome, perfect.
"Uh, we're here, right?" Tsukishima asked, and Kuroo glanced up, puzzled to find a classy bookstore sign, the lights inside dimmed after a busy day. That way, no one would know what went on beyond its walls.
Oh. They were here. Shit.
No going back now...
"U-uh, yeah, just gotta wait for Iwaizumi," he said, reaching shakily for the front door handle. His coworker and his problems were Kuroo's only saving grace. If nothing else, maybe one of their night's would turn out okay.
Tsukishima's hand stopped him from plowing onward, and Kuroo sensed the doubt before he heard it. The same tone Tsukishima had to use when Kuroo denied being sick.
"Tetsu, are you feeling okay? You've been acting weird." Tsukishima's eyes narrowed, and Kuroo couldn't help it, he felt a rush. So perceptive, always so aware. Tsukishima paid so much attention to him...
He couldn't let his weird mood ruin their night together, especially if it'd be their last anniversary...
Kuroo shook his head. No. No, it'll be fine...
But honestly, he couldn't tell rational worry from delusion anymore.
"I'm just tired, but I wanted to do something special for you so--"
"Staying at home would've been just as special," Tsukishima reassured, grip tightening in a form of concern he only afforded to Kuroo. "We can--"
"Kei, please," Kuroo insisted, smile painted on. "I want to have some fun tonight, it's important to me."
But then again...
Kuroo tried not to sound so desperate. "Would you prefer some place quieter, we can go to a music lounge instead, no drinks needed."
And then you won't have to see the debauchery in here and ditch me.
Tsukishima shook his head though, such was Kuroo's luck. Why hadn't he planned a music lounge instead? He blamed Iwaizumi.
"Didn't you want to be here for Iwaizumi? It would be nice to see Akaashi and Bokuto too..."
Not even Tsukishima's begrudging tone at having to admit he missed those two losers made Kuroo's nerves calm.
Who was he to deny Tsukishima though? Not on a night like tonight. Any insistence otherwise would surely tip the blond off anyways.
Damn it all.
Not much else to it. So, he nodded and smiled as best he could, covering it's falseness with a kiss to Tsukishima's cheek, and opened the bookshop door.
Iwaizumi ended up not being much help.
Kuroo pouted to himself, determined to make Iwaizumi pay for his nonexistent crimes at some point in the near future.
As soon as he showed up, Iwaizumi had looked totally out of place, but intrigued nonetheless. Lost in his own little world, he seemed completely fine with doing things on his own, without Kuroo's help. At the beginning of the night, such a thing would've been ideal, but now Kuroo full on panicked.
The speakeasy was in full swing, loose ties and loud laughs, indecent affections and even more indecent squandering of money...
What had Kuroo been thinking?
"Are you going to gamble Iwaizumi?" Tsukishima said, completely unaffected, cranking up that taught politeness he tended to forgo. Probably because Iwaizumi was Kuroo's friend.
Fuck, he's so sweet. Why did I bring him here?
"Uh, probably? Yes, sure," Iwaizumi responded, not even glancing their way as he took in the scenes in front of him.
Like a lost lamb, a buff one.
Kuroo's hand came on his shoulder, since despite his own panic, he knew his friend needed this. Perhaps with some encouragement...
"Enjoy yourself, Iwaizumi," he said, his voice a soft purr. He saw Tsukishima glance towards the blackjack tables at the other end of the bar, and no doubt about it, the acceptance of a challenge lit a fire in him. Tsukishima did hate the prospect of losing...
"Right," Iwaizumi replied, adjusting his tie against his neck. Kuroo could already see him sweat.
No can do.
Slowly, Kuroo pulled out his pack of cigarettes at the same time Iwaizumi did. Guess they both needed it.
"Take your hat off, loosen your tie, enjoy. You don't have to worry about getting caught," he said, because maybe that's what had Iwaizumi so uptight. Kuroo didn't have time to find out. He flicked a finger against Iwaizumi's hat before placing a cigarette between his lips, trusting him to take care of himself if Kuroo steered him in the right direction. "Tsukki and I are going to play at the blackjack table. Get a drink and join us."
The blond nodded silently beside him, no doubt also noting Iwaizumi's starstruck behavior. Kuroo had expected such a thing from his boyfriend, but the blond was as calm as ever, if not more so. He scrunched his nose at the loud thuds and laughs every now and again, but he still pulled Kuroo farther into the bar, towards the blackjack table.
Kuroo took another shaky drag before his arm found Tsukishima's waist, following him towards the unknown.
Please have a good time...
To Kuroo's shock, Tsukishima had lucky genes. Must've been a rich people thing.
"Play again?" The dealer said, shuffling the cards in one of his large hands, fingers expertly cradling the stack with practiced ease. His sleepy eyes stayed trained on Tsukishima's face, trying to tempt him, but the blond refused.
He'd won enough, but the observation was left unsaid. The dealer, a new face named Tendou, nodded respectfully as Tsukishima took his winnings. Kuroo felt like he'd been transported five years back in time, swooning over his boyfriend's fierce and often scary determination. Not only that, Tsukishima stayed his rational, if not intimidating self. From all the rounds he'd played, he'd only lost once, and the small amount he'd allowed himself to gamble was doubled in less than an hour.
Apart from that, the mood was high for them both. Kuroo's hands cradled Tsukishima's hips, and the blond didn't move away from the public display, but leaned into the touch, tracing Kuroo's hands with featherlight motions. Kuroo had lost track of the amount of victory kisses he'd received.
It almost made him forget his previous concerns, but not enough to stop him from drinking more.
Kuroo expected Tsukishima to keep playing, some weird fantasy going on in his head of them making loads of coin in one night. Of course, it was that attitude which the house preyed upon, and Tsukishima realized it before Kuroo could shake off his own alcohol fueled imaginations.
He'd already had a few glasses, but he was stressed, alright?
"Now we can get new sheets," Tsukishima said triumphantly, tucking the money safely away before leaving the huddle of blackjack tables altogether.
Kuroo followed, beyond impressed, as Tsukishima sat elegantly at the bar. Like it was some fancy steak house instead of a seedy, stuffy underground establishment.
It was another reminder of how much he didn't belong here, and Kuroo plopped onto the barstool next to him, cradling his half spent glass. If only he'd realized how much alcohol could lead to more harm than good when he felt like this...
"Tsukki!" Bokuto's thunderous voice made them both move back as his large hands slammed onto the bar, eyes widening, like Tsukishima was a ghost. "What are you doing here?"
Ah right, Kuroo hadn't warned Bokuto beforehand. He loved the guy, but keeping secrets was not his strength. He needed to stick to weights, it obviously worked for him.
Kuroo would've said so, if his mouth worked. It might've been time to stop drinking...
"Anniversary," Tsukishima said, the amusement barely concealed in his smile. He knew Bokuto didn't need a lot of words to get the point. The other looked between the two of them twice before a sly smirk wormed its way onto his features, and Kuroo was quite prepared to throw his drink at him.
"Ohoho, I see," Bokuto said, raising a hand to cup his mouth. If anything, it made him louder. "Well, you know, if you guys want I can clear a room and--hey!"
The dish rag which hit Bokuto in the face made Kuroo beyond thankful.
Akaashi walked up from where he'd been cleaning some of the glasses, easily reclaiming the dish towel as if he'd never even thrown it in the first place. "Don't be gross, Koutarou." Then, glancing up, "Happy Anniversary. I'll get you a drink on the house."
But Akaashi, ever the bastard, looked Kuroo up and down with open criticism. "Only Tsukishima though, you've had enough."
Unapologetic, Akaashi shared a smirk with Tsukishima, setting down one glass in front of him, chipped at the side and everything. Something about it made Kuroo upset.
"Ha! He told you Kuroo!"
"Better watch it man," Kuroo smiled, his laugh dry. "Wouldn't want another towel to the face."
And the reminder was enough to refresh Bokuto's memory, and Akaashi quickly scurried away, followed by Bokuto's pout infused words. "Keiji! How could you?!"
They left silence in their wake, mostly due to Tsukishima's preoccupation with his drink, bringing it gently to his lips, like fine wine or tea.
It made Kuroo lose his sense of control, and the things he'd worked so well to hide all night came rushing out as he grabbed Tsukishima's wrist, stopping him. The jerkiness of the motion made Tsukishima jump.
"What?" he asked, peering at Kuroo with concern. He looked hot, and not in the usual attractive way. Flushed skin, sweat, with blond bangs pressed against his forehead since he'd neglected a haircut in favor of getting new baking sheets from some dining catalogue.
The exertion present didn't match with the fine fabrics he sported, or the aura he gave off. Poised, polished.
"Don't drink that," Kuroo said, putting his own drink down with too much force. "You s-shouldn't."
And then, the floodgates opened.
Tsukishima squinted, eyeing the glass curiously. He must've found nothing out of the ordinary, because he looked unconvinced. "Is something wrong with--"
"Yeah, yeah there's lots wrong with it, lots wrong with--" Kuroo gestured to the walls, the area around them, swaying on his stool. "Everything."
Tsukishima's grip on the counter tightened. "Oh?"
And curse Tsukishima for not stopping him, but the blond knew him far too well. Knew if Kuroo was even a bit tipsy his mouth ran a mile a minute.
"Yeah, it's-it's just cheap alcohol, it's too hot down here and rowdy and...and your clothes are getting dirty," Kuroo rambled, not yet hitting the point he feared to bring into the world, their world.
God, shut up.
He was being the real brat here he knew, and still...
"Well, it's kind of illegal so I wouldn't expect much less," Tsukishima replied, like it was so simple, and he regarded Kuroo warily. "Bokuto has done a decent job with it and--"
"No Kei, it's wrong for you."
The pause might've been more significant had someone nearby not dropped a glass, sending the shards out onto the damp floor.
Kuroo's point exactly.
Tsukishima finally set his own glass down, but Kuroo didn't feel much relief as it sat there in front of him. "Excuse me?"
Too much, way too much to hold back.
"Look at you," Kuroo said with a laugh, raising his hand to cup Tsukishima's face, the tenderness contradicting his frustration. He'd never been upset with Tsukishima, only himself. I love you so much. "You don't deserve this. You--you should be at some high end restaurant with butlers and gardens and hors d'oeuvres, and all that stuff your parents had!"
That you should've kept receiving. Where you should've stayed.
Even as he thought it, it was like a butcher knife to the gut.
Tsukishima's expression, guarded and upset, slipped quietly into understanding. "Tetsu..."
"You shouldn't have just one nice outfit, you shouldn't live in a tiny apartment where you have to gamble for new sheets or budget, or do anything like that!"
"And I'm sorry you have to shop at thrift stores, and eat cheap cake, and go to the same place every year for our anniversary," Kuroo sighed, and he leaned over, lying his head against the unclean counter. He didn't care. The anger in his tone began to die off, leaving exhaustion and regret in its wake. He simply didn't have the energy anymore. The insecurities he'd kept festering inside for so long had finally drained him.
"I'm sorry I can't give you...anything. Everything. I don't know." The last words came in a whisper, and Kuroo reached for his glass, finding it empty.
How appropriate.
The rowdiness of the bar filled the space between them, and Kuroo could feel Tsukishima's stare burning into the side of his face. He expected a lot of things to happen. For Tsukishima to storm out, maybe chalk it up to Kuroo inebriation and ignore it all.
Although, Kuroo had to know better deep down, past all his anxiety. He had to know Tsukishima never swept things under the rug when it came to him. This Tsukishima, the real one, not the wealthy prince in Kuroo head. This Tsukishima took care of Kuroo when he was sick and waited for him to come home after late nights, who offered to egg his boss's house and help with job searches. It was an insult really, to consider those things as done out of pity, and not love.
So it shouldn't have come as any surprise when Tsukishima lifted Kuroo's head gently, turning it towards him in what Kuroo would call the most loving way possible, and fixed him with the most unimpressed stare he'd ever seen.
And oof, that sobered Kuroo up real quick.
Tsukishima's tone made him wince. Or, maybe it was how hard Tsukishima was squeezing his cheeks. "Yes?"
A long, fond sigh. "What have you gotten all worked up over this time?"
Those words alone put the first needle in Kuroo's poorly constructed, entirely imagined argument.
If Tsukishima sighed any more, he'd be worried. "Tetsu, can I ask you something?"
Kuroo couldn't nod because of the grip, but he hoped Tsukishima could sense he was trying.
"Do I make you happy?"
The hesitance locked in Tsukishima's tone had Kuroo snapping his head up and right out of his hold, the answer quick and firm on his lips. "Yes, absolutely! You're my whole world."
Tsukishima knew that right? He made Kuroo happier every single day, even a minute in his presence made the days a little easier. Kuroo wouldn't trade that feeling for anything.
Tsukishima arched a brow. "Really? So, you don't care that you don't live in a big house or have nice clothes?"
And ah, Kuroo could feel the point surfacing, slowly but surely. But in all honesty, he'd never thought about those things. Sure they struggled sometimes, but they could afford food, and electricity, and a roof over their heads. As long as he had Tsukishima and a home, he was content.
Kuroo shook his head slowly. "Well...no. As long as I have you I don't care about any of that. It would be nice but it's not a necessity to me."
Tsukishima's smile was fond and soft, if not just a tad amazed at how thick headed Kuroo could be at times.
And then the kicker came, effectively sending Kuroo to his metaphorical knees. "Then why can't you believe it’s the same for me?"
Kuroo fixated on the high blush on his boyfriend's face, and suddenly the lighting of the bar seemed perfect for him, less grainy and less discolored.
Kuroo ducked his head despite the warmth rushing through him, the last vestiges of doubt creeping into his words. "But, don't you ever want more? Or--or think about what you used to have?"
The questions Kuroo feared the most had to be answered, he knew, but it didn't make it more tolerable.
Tsukishima laughed softly, poking Kuroo's forehead with a firmness which didn't match. "I didn't pack up and leave my life for fun you know, I knew what I was doing."
"You were young though..."
"So were you. And no offense," Tsukishima scoffed, finally taking a sip from his drink. It must've burned going down, but the blond didn't seem bothered. "I'm way more reliable than you. I should be the one asking if you regret anything."
"Of course I don't!" Kuroo may have said it a little too loud, because Akaashi turned around from the other end of the bar, but he didn't care. "I love you, if I had it my way I'd be with you forever."
"Then let me be with you forever, you dingus," Tsukishima said, laughing at Kuroo's stunned expression. "We want the same thing."
Tsukishima's confession was quieter than his, but it was all Kuroo heard. Reassurance, affection, things Tsukishima had been giving him all along. Kuroo was a real idiot.
But then Tsukishima glanced down at his glass, his smile fading in uncertainty. "If I didn't show that enough, I'm--"
"No!" Kuroo grabbed his hands, jolting him for the second time that night. Not exactly how he'd wanted things to go, but he supposed this was needed. "Don't blame yourself, this is my fault. Completely. Like wow...I really dropped the ball. Please don't be sad."
"I'm not," Tsukishima said, shoulders shaking with mirth, and Kuroo nudged him playfully.
"Hey I have to be sure, communication is key."
"I don't want to hear that from you."
Yeah, but he'd work on it.
Kuroo smiled, taking Tsukishima's hand in his own, mapping out every inch of skin. "So...you don't regret it?"
And bless Tsukishima for his fast answers. "No, and before you ask, not even a little."
Tsukishima's hand wrapped around his when Kuroo reached his palm, sweaty from the heat, but Kuroo wouldn't pull away from the warmth for anything right then.
Tsukishima shook his head, like he could read Kuroo's mind, knew every corny thought crossing it. "I swear, I can't leave you alone, can I?"
For once, Kuroo was completely aware of the love laced in those words, the knowledge that Tsukishima had no problem staying by his side.
Kuroo grinned, bright and obnoxious. "Nope, so please don't ever."
And with one last squeeze of his hand, they made it a promise.
While the back room had been tempting after such an emotional exchange, Kuroo found he missed his own bed.
Plus with the way Tsukishima had begun to look at him, suggestive and not at all subtle, Kuroo wasn't too keen on letting others hear his boyfriend's moans through the walls.
They'd relocated to one of the few booths in the place (Bokuto's treat), Tsukishima's legs draped across Kuroo's lap while he sipped leisurely at his third drink, licking the rim to savor the taste as it was drained empty.
Kuroo didn't take his eyes off him the rest of the night, and that was probably Tsukishima's plan anyways. It was uncanny really, how easily Kuroo's thoughts could flip from wholesome to filthy in the span of an hour, but well...it was their anniversary, and Tsukishima looked damn good in those clothes. Kuroo's hand dipped lower, caressing Tsukishima's inner thigh as he felt the blond struggle not to spread his legs.
Guess he wasn't that drunk.
By the time people began to stumble and bump into their table, the crowd growing as the night went on, the heat burning between them neared the realm of unbearable.
Tsukishima's hands were a lot more carefree when tipsy, roaming down Kuroo's chest, gliding over each ridge of toned muscle.
Oh, if Bokuto could see them then, totally fitting in with the lecherous crowd as they shared open mouthed kisses, tongues dancing along the seams of each other's lips.
Alcohol or not, Kuroo loved the taste, and he surged up, capturing Tsukishima's lips possessively.
It paired so well with love, didn't it?
It didn't take long for Tsukishima to drag Kuroo out the door and into the fresh air, once they'd managed to somewhat look presentable again (and once Kuroo smuggled a bottle out along with them).
Not like it mattered much to Kuroo whether or not Tsukishima's collar looked neat and tidy, it'd be irrelevant soon.
They moved quickly down the sidewalk, Tsukishima doing his best not to sway. Kuroo pulled him close by the waist, trying to help...mainly. It gave him a good chance to prod and rub against his boyfriend more, to make them both yearn for the contact.
He must've said one of his comments about Tsukishima's clothes aloud, because the blond was giggling, striding out of Kuroo's grasp and out ahead of him.
Ah damn.
Right, now he remembered what he'd said.
"Your legs look amazing, fuck I love those pants..."
"I can tell," Tsukishima teased, and his gaze should've been downright illegal. They were in public. "You made me wear them. But I'll have you know, I quite like my other clothes."
Tsukishima huffed, and the reminder of thrift stores made Kuroo smile for once, a nice change. It made the warm and fuzzies surge back, but Tsukishima always had a way of joining that atmosphere with something sensual, demanding.
The blond loosened the buttons around his collar. Kuroo watched, fixated at each delicate, deliberate movement until he found himself aching to mark up the clean skin exposed to him. Tsukishima smirked as he touched his collarbone, a hunter who'd caught his prey. "Although, right now I'll admit, any kind of clothing feels a little constricting."
A lot of things could've explained that. The heat of the bar, the alcohol still flowing through their veins, but Kuroo knew his boyfriend too well to miss the hidden message there, and he smirked, promising to fix Tsukishima's little 'problem' as soon as they got home.
Or he would've, if Kuroo had any real control over the situation. And truthfully, he didn't mind one bit as Tsukishima pulled him through the front door and into their bedroom, pushing Kuroo against the bed in a whirlwind of movements.
No, no way he'd ever argue with having Tsukishima above him, straddling him and clawing at his clothes.
Their lips met, and Kuroo growled into it, grinding Tsukishima's hips down onto his half-hard cock. They both gasped, and Kuroo rewarded Tsukishima's little whimper with a repeat performance, rocking the blond's body against his like a couple of horny teenagers. It reminded Kuroo of their first time actually, in the back of one of Tsukishima's more...expensive family cars.
As reckless and fun as that had been, Kuroo much preferred this, where Tsukishima's voice could bounce off the walls freely.
Kuroo kicked off his undergarments from where Tsukishima had already pulled them down, his hands tracing Tsukishima's bare abdomen. He'd probably ripped a button with how forcefully he'd pulled Tsukishima's shirt open, but whatever, Kuroo liked sewing.
"Mm, yes," Tsukishima moaned as Kuroo tugged at one of his nipples, his hips rutting from the pleasure. "More..."
"Yeah, me too," Kuroo sighed, sitting up to kiss Tsukishima's neck. "Touch me more."
He made sure to leave darker marks this time around, ones that wouldn't fade so easily. It was probably just Kuroo feeling sentimental, but he wanted a physical representation of that promise, a promise of forever.
Tsukishima reached down as he angled his neck for better access, pumping both his and Kuroo's cocks with slow, firm movements. Kuroo groaned, bucking into the touch. Tsukishima's hands worked wonders, and Kuroo would never be tired of them.
The blond smeared the shared precum at the tips of their cocks, moaning to himself. His other hand pulled Kuroo's head back sharply, massaging his scalp in a way so satisfying it made Kuroo dizzy. With a smile, Tsukishima brought his wet fingertips up to Kuroo's lips, prodding until Kuroo opened his mouth.
As if Kuroo would refuse.
He kept eye contact the whole time as he sucked on Tsukishima's fingers, and he continued to rub at the blond's nipples, fully determined to have those in his mouth next.
Or his neck again. Or his thighs. So many options...
Tsukishima was so sensitive right then too, back bending at the smallest pressure from Kuroo's mouth. Raising his hips, Tsukishima's pants fell farther down, and Kuroo greedily reached to spread the blond's ass apart.
Foreplay was one of his favorite parts of sex with Tsukishima, working him up and messing around together until they just couldn't take it anymore. But Kuroo was impatient. All the loving and desirous emotions from the bar were still burning in his heart, and he wanted to take, no more waiting.
However, the glint of something in the corner of his eye stalled him a bit longer.
The bottle Kuroo had smuggled had slipped out onto the bed sheets when Tsukishima had unfastened Kuroo's suit jacket, sending it flying to the other end of the room. Seeing the liquid sloshing around in the glass, Kuroo smirked around Tsukishima's fingers, reaching to pull them out of his mouth.
"Hang on baby," Kuroo said, tone rough enough to make Tsukishima jolt. He chuckled, reaching for the bottle and undoing the stopper on top. He knew he'd grabbed this for a reason...
He balanced the bottle gently, or as gently as he could (his mind was a bit fuzzy), and poured a small line starting from Tsukishima's collarbone, watching it trickle down his skin.
"Hey, what are you--ah," Tsukishima gasped as Kuroo followed the trail with his tongue, and his mouth wrapped around a nipple, sucking none too gently.
Tsukishima arched in his hold, and the friction was more than Kuroo could take. He pulled back, taking a swig before offering the bottle to his boyfriend.
With mischief dancing in his eyes, the blond took it, pushing Kuroo onto his back once again.
The chill of the liquid on Kuroo's abs felt refreshing, but not as much as Tsukishima's tongue as he lapped it up eagerly, taking his sweet time. Every time Kuroo thought Tsukishima would dip lower and take his cock in his mouth, he moved back up, sucking love bites into Kuroo's abdomen.
"Fuck..." Kuroo shuttered at the thought of Tsukishima's marks on him, it had really been too long. His hands threaded through soft blond locks, scratching just the right way to make Tsukishima hum in approval. "Kei...c'mon, lemme do you."
Tsukishima snorted as he rose back up, reaching across the bed to set down the bottle and find the jar hidden in their nightstand, slicking up his fingers. "So polite..."
"Hey, I've said worse." Kuroo licked his lips as Tsukishima swatted his hand away, clearly set on giving Kuroo a show. Shit...
Tsukishima reached behind himself, and Kuroo could picture it, Tsukishima's hole slowly becoming more wet and stretched out to accommodate Kuroo's cock. He couldn't wait.
"I know," Tsukishima breathed out shakily, pushing in one of his fingers with a delighted gasp. "I like when you do."
Kuroo restrained himself, a challenge, by digging his hands into Tsukishima's thighs, squeezing and kneading the soft skin until it bloomed red from his hand prints. All the while, he stayed fixed on Tsukishima's expression as it shifted from mild discomfort, to full blown ecstasy as he stretched himself out.
His pants came out loudly, sharp sounds punctuating by little whines as Tsukishima found all his favorite spots, and all Kuroo wanted was to reach them all with his cock, make Tsukishima scream.
"Oh shit," the blond cried out, and his entire body spasmed, rocking back onto his fingers. Kuroo couldn't take it any longer. "Tetsu..."
Kuroo grabbed the lube, reaching down to slick up his cock and pull Tsukishima's hand away. The blond moaned at the suddenness, but he seemed all too eager as Kuroo lined himself up, hot and stiff against Tsukishima's ass.
The blond raised his hips, sinking down, and Kuroo's vision blacked out for a few seconds.
"Holy fuck," he breathed out, and tried his best to watch as Tsukishima fully sat down on his cock, the heat and tightness making his mind swim way more than alcohol ever could. "You feel so good, wait until--ah--wait until I put every last drop in you."
Tsukishima keened, leaning down to capture Kuroo's lips in a quick, messy kiss before his hips started to move, bouncing with no trace of the elegance Tsukishima usually held.
Right then and there, it was purely animalistic, chasing their end together.
Kuroo grinned as he tightened his hands against Tsukishima's hips, ramming up at just the right angle to make Tsukishima cry out.
While usually such rough treatment was reserved for taking Tsukishima from behind, Kuroo's thumbs digging into his lower back, Kuroo had to admit there was something extra rewarding about seeing Tsukishima's face as his jaw dropped, the most pathetic sounds leaking out.
“It’s right here right?” Kuroo asked innocently, repeating the movement without giving time for Tsukishima to adjust. "Feel good?"
"I--ha--yes, fuck yes," Tsukishima grit out, meeting each of Kuroo's thrusts as best he could before his legs started to tire, and Kuroo was actually grateful.
Now he could take some of that control back, take care of Tsukishima for a while, the way the blond always did for him in everyday life.
"Then let me be with you forever."
Kuroo groaned as he sat up, kissing Tsukishima with all the adoration he could, and used all his strength to bounce the blond in his lap, feeling his walls tighten around his cock.
They were both close, Kuroo could tell from the twitching of Tsukishima's legs, the way his toes curled.
"I love you," he whispered against Tsukishima's lips as he felt heat coil in his abdomen, his hips jerking in less precise moves as he neared his own end. "So much...love you...so come for me, come all over yourself for me."
Just me, always.
Kuroo reached for Tsukishima's cock, hard and leaking against his stomach, and it didn't take many pumps before Tsukishima was tipping over the edge. The blond tried to mutter an ‘I love you’ back, but the pleasure swallowed the words up as Tsukishima's body stiffened, his nails digging into Kuroo shoulders deliciously as he came onto his stomach.
The blond sagged in Kuroo's arms, whimpering as each new thrust bordered on the edge of too sensitive, but he egged Kuroo on, leaning back and showing off the mess on him, the marks Kuroo had left.
"You too, come in me," he whispered, totally fucked out, and seeing Tsukishima like that, cum dribbling down from his chest, was enough to make Kuroo lose it.
Kuroo pushed himself to the hilt inside of Tsukishima as he came, making sure to give Tsukishima everything he had as the sweat already began to cool against his skin.
His vision blurred, in and out, but he could still see Tsukishima in all his glory, smiling at him in that completely relaxed, spent way.
Kuroo moaned as he pulled out, lifting Tsukishima up and off of him onto the bed. The blond seemed in no rush to get the cum out of him, that or he was too tired, because he flopped back onto their sheets, sighing happily.
They'd both needed that apparently.
Grossness be damned for a minute, Kuroo pushed his bangs back, crawling up to Tsukishima's side. Kissing him would never get old, not even when they were slow, innocent ones like this.
Tsukishima laughed into the kiss as Kuroo pulled away, shaking his head. "Feel better?"
Blushing, Kuroo ducked his head into his boyfriend's shoulder, groaning. Ugh. Maybe he had gone a bit overboard with all his overthinking this time around, and looking back it was sort of humiliating. There was no doubt in his mind that Tsukishima didn't care though, wouldn't judge him for it. Reassuring Kuroo wasn't a chore for him, and the realization made Kuroo look up again, kissing his boyfriend's forehead. No matter how many times he got too in his own head about things, Tsukishima would be there to set him down the right path, and he'd do the same in return.
"Good, because I won't tolerate any more lies," Tsukishima said, tapping Kuroo's nose.
"Technically I didn't lie--"
"Or fudging the truth, or pretending you're okay when you're really not." Tsukishima's victory grin was not something to dismiss lightly, and Kuroo didn't want to anyways. "Promise?"
After all, from here on out, he didn't think it would be that hard. Sharing with Tsukishima had never been hard, no matter what it concerned. Kisses, secrets, fears, joys, the lot.
Kuroo would give him everything.
Smiling, Kuroo nodded, and with one last breathless kiss, he knew all their promises would stand the test of time.
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your-iron-lung · 6 years
No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross 9
aka ‘Buried in Water’; available to read on A03 HERE
Story Synopsis:  Some weird low-key occult parties start popping up that Steve can’t in good conscience ignore and takes it upon himself to investigate. Billy gets caught up in the consequences of his meddling, and isn’t it funny? For all the strange things the Upside Down has thrown his way, it’s werewolves that Steve has trouble accepting exist.
Chapter Word Count: 5197
Pairings: Eventual Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington
Genre: Supernatural/Drama/Horror-ish
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Next Chapter: 10
Notes: bit of a shorter chapter here lads, but i want the next chapppie to be ENTIRELY FOCUSED on whats gonna happen next  bc buddies. pals. friends and amigos. its gonna be real gud. 
i hope none of u reading have that fear of looking out of a window in the dead of night only to find something standing there staring back in at you :^) youll see ;)
'Liminal' was not a word that existed within Steve's lexicon, but even so, it was the word that best fit how he felt sitting there in Billy Hargrove's curiously empty home, watching him pace the floor in front of him. He was talking, speaking energetically, but Steve wasn't listening; he was finding it hard to focus, too distracted by the revelation of werewolves to actually comprehend what he was being told. It was like his brain had gone numb, blanketing his mind in indifference as he studied the bandages covering the invisible wounds over his hand.
"-I don't know anyone in this hick town, so I'm going to need you to-"
A monster, Billy had said. Another goddamned monster running around loose in Hawkins, terrorizing the youth because why the hell not? They might as well change the slogan of the towns 'now entering' sign to read, 'Welcome to Hawkins: Monster Capital of the U-nited States'.
Billy kept talking, but his words continued to fall on selectively deafened ears as Steve wondered about who he ought to tell. Who the hell would even believe him? The kids, probably; Dustin definitely. But would they be enough to help him? And then, what were they meant to help him with? Exterminating Billy Hargrove? While he was certain they'd jump to arms for a chance to eradicate him, this wasn't a monster problem he felt could be solved by bludgeoning it to death like the last two had.
"-I don't know anything about this shit, but, I think that'll be enough."
"What-" Steve spoke slowly, brow furrowed as he tried to bring himself out of the introspective daze he'd worked himself into. He shook his head a little bit and ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry, what'd you say?"
Billy had stopped pacing and was waiting to hear the feedback on whatever idea he'd come up with in the time that Steve had been spacing out. A cigarette was hanging limply out of his mouth, smoke filtering through his lips. "Have you not been listening to a goddamned thing I've been saying?" he growled, frowning sharply when he realized Steve really hadn't. "Before we do anything, I said we need proof."
"Proof…? Proof of what?"
"Holy shit, what the hell are you being so damn spacey for?
"I said I don't know anything about werewolves except for what that b-movie showed me, and even then, how much of that is based on fact? It's just a fucking movie. Maybe this healing of my arm is enough proof that it was something supernatural, but what if that's just like, I don't know, a side-effect of being bitten?" He began pacing again, rambling as he walked back and forth in front of the small couch Steve was sitting uncomfortably on. He smoked the cigarette down to the filter but kept sucking on the butt end, focused entirely on finishing his thought. "Maybe it ends there, and I'm not actually infected or cursed or whatever. Maybe this is all that'll happen with me, but maybe there'll be more. I don't know anything about this, and from the look on your face you know about as much as I do, which is jack shit."
"So, research," Steve said. The idea that he was sitting in on a lecture made him want to laugh; no wonder he'd spaced out so hard earlier. "You want to do research? Go down to the library and have ourselves a good old fashioned study session?"
"Fuck research," Billy said decisively, snarling at Steve's retort. "You can do all the research in the world and still have people who don't buy into it. Fuck that. I don't want research, I want proof. Hard proof. Evidence that can't be refuted."
"Your arm-"
"-isn't proof enough for me," Billy finished, coming to a standstill and glowering at Steve. "And won't be for anyone else who didn't see it before, Jesus, Harrington, you really aren't a good learner, are you?"
"For a guy who was trying so damn hard to get me to believe in all this, you're being awful stubborn when it comes to your own convictions," Steve snapped. "So what, then? What'll be enough?"
Billy studied him quietly, a smoldering expression of pent up exasperation clouding his features. He didn't speak right away, causing Steve to want to fidget under the scrutiny, but he remained still.
"That," Billy finally said, pointing to the TV behind him where they'd paused the movie again on the transformation scene to study and compare the beast. "That'll be enough. When the next full moon comes, then I'll be satisfied."
Of course he was right. There was only one definitive way to settle the question of whether or not Billy actually was a werewolf now, and that meant waiting to see if he transformed under the influence of a full moon. Initially the idea of that seemed ridiculous to Steve, but when he thought about it, he wasn't sure why that notion should be ridiculous to him at all- he'd definitely seen stranger things. If horrific flower-faced monsters that were born out of the depths of some alternate universe could exist and somehow crawl their way into a universe they didn't belong in, then why couldn't werewolves be real? By comparison, werewolves had more rights to exist than the demo-whatevers; at least they belonged in their world.
The digital watch strapped to Billy's wrist began to beep, loud and insistent. Glancing at the display, Billy's face hardened imperceptibly. His eyes flickered to Steve momentarily before he shifted his view to the front door.
"So you're content to wait it out till then?" Steve asked, standing up as Billy walked by him and to the door, glancing out one of the street-facing windows briefly.
"No, but I fucking have to," Billy muttered, eyes scanning the street before he looked back at the readout on his watch. "It's not like we can force the moon to come early. We need a damn plan. Well, I had a fucking plan, but you tuned that right out, didn't ya?"
"A plan for what?"
Turning away from the window, Billy appeared both excited and apprehensive. He was smiling, baring his teeth and running his tongue along their edges, but it seemed to stem more from nervousness than anything else. Steve's first thought was that he looked like a caged animal ready to defend itself, and an uneasy feeling settled into his gut.
"For if I'm right, Christ, why don't you listen? Now get the fuck out of my house, we'll talk about this later."
Billy's dad came home a mere ten minutes after Steve left, angry and without reason for it. He never seemed to need a reason to be angry these days though, and as he felt his father's rage strike him, Billy imagined that Neil must have somehow known all along about Billy's secret meeting with 'that Harrington boy'. The assault was deserved, one way or another, in his father's eyes.
Later that night, Billy came down with another fever. The cause of it wasn't clear to him, as it could've been a myriad of different things, but regardless, he felt its exhausting effects and had to turn in early.
A great heat consumed him, troubling him when he found he couldn't stop sweating; repenting for the sin of having brought another boy into to the house by perspiring to death. The fever was so terrible that when he finally tried to lie down to sleep, wearing only his underwear and lying overtop of the bedcovers in a home that couldn't afford to run the heat in the winter, he opened his bedroom window so that the chilling breeze might offer him some respite.
It was soothing enough to allow him to rest, but his skin remained sticky and sheen when he finally did close his eyes. His sleep was light, due in part to the fever he couldn't stop sweating out and owing also to the nightmares that had begun to plague him recently, offering him horrific visions of what his future might hold in store for him if he didn't figure this 'werewolf' thing out.
It was two hours after he first fell asleep that Billy woke from one of the nightmares with a deep, shuddering gasp, and for a moment as he lay there panting, he thought it likely that he had woken himself up.
He was cold now, the fever abated as he lay shivering in the freezing breeze that flooded in from his window. Some snowfall had accumulated on the sill, leaving small little puddles as they melted down. He was disgusted to note how sticky he'd become as his bedcover stuck to his back when he sat up. When he reached back to peel the fabric from his back, he heard a noise like someone walking- no, running- through the snow outside, a dark blur against the blackness rushing by his window.
Billy froze in place, slowly turning his head to look out the window. His heart rate slowly began to pick up as he heard the shuffling footsteps of something creeping around out there, running in circles. He took in a deep breath to calm himself and realized, suddenly, that he could smell it- a rotting, fetid scent was wafting in on the winter air as the beast outside ran laps around his home.
His blood ran cold in an instant, and for a moment, he didn't know what to do.
'Let's say it is real,' he could hear himself telling Steve all those nights ago. 'What's to stop it from just following you home?'
It had tracked him down, using the pheromones or whatever hormones his fever sweat had exuded to find him at home with the window open, practically inviting it inside to kill him in his sleep.
The darkness of his room was unsettling as he listened to it snuffling around, taking in huge breaths as it skulked around in the night. Carefully and as quietly as he could, Billy slowly began to swivel his legs off the mattress, unsure of what he was going to do but knowing instinctively that he couldn't sit still for it to just find him. His feet touched the cold, hardwood of the floor and he almost recoiled at the freezing touch, and as childish as the thought was, he couldn't help but fear that something was going to reach out from underneath his bed and grab his ankles before he could do anything to combat the monster that was now hunting him.
The noises outside stopped for a moment, as though the creature could sense that Billy was on the move. He himself stopped moving, heart pounding in his chest even as he tried to convince himself that whatever was outside was just a large dog or something; a sick deer just trying to find a bite to eat underneath his window. He couldn't move his eyes away from that deep, dark square of night that was framed by the window as he sat paralyzed on the edge of his bed, and distantly he realized he'd begun to sweat again.
Just as he started to think that perhaps whatever it was had left, threatened by the thought of pretty that could fight back, he heard it again, but instead of an animals feet padding softly through the snow, foraging for sustenance that could not be found, the sound of something hard and sharp clacking against the sideboard of his house began to make his hair stand on end.
It was climbing; scraping its claws alongside the house as it tried to make its way into the open window.
Coming for him.
As strong as he knew he was, Billy felt terribly weak in that moment, unable to contain his panic. He shot up from the bed, disregarding the instinct that told him to just fucking run out of there as fast as he could and instead found himself lunging forward for the window, slamming it down hard enough to shake the frame as thought it would be enough to protect him.
With his heart pounding he stared out into the darkness, face mere inches away from the glass pane he knew wouldn't be enough of an effective barrier to keep it out.
There was no movement from the other side. The night was utterly and completely still; a void of darkness kept at bay by thin glass. It was stupid of him to sit there and keep watch, he knew, but he had to be sure it was gone. Being as scared as he was made him feel like a powerless child, and if he could write this incident off as just another vivid dream, then he'd be far better off for it. Still, nothing moved as he sat there, though the glass had begun to fog up, making it hard for him to see anything. Billy wiped at it with his hand, mistakenly thinking his own heavy breathing had caused the condensation, and found himself rendered immobile yet again when the beady red eyes of the beast surged into focus.
Billy stared transfixed as dread consumed him, rooting him in place, his hand pressed to the cold glass. He couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but watch as the werewolf grinned, spreading its lips in a wide snarl to show off all its teeth, taunting him, challenging him.
I will see your flesh torn asunder, boy; ripped to pieces, chunks in my jaw, your bone between my teeth, down my throat, your blood boiling in my belly.
With a scream rising up in the back of his throat, Billy did bolt then, shooting himself off his bed and launching himself away from the window that the creature was perched at, waiting to bust in and fulfill its promise. He collided against his closed door with a thud, and he fumbled with the handle, trying to open it without taking his eyes away from where he could see it, opening its wide mouth, exposing more, so much more as it pressed its gnarled hand against the glass to finally break through-
His door came open suddenly, spilling him out into the darkness of the hallway to land on the cold floor, chest heaving as he scrambled, trying to get to his feet but unable to find enough traction to set him straight.
He almost let out a shout when he heard Max say his name.
"What're you doing on the floor?" Her voice was tired and her eyes were heavily lidded with exhaustion as she stepped out of their shared bathroom, the sound of the toilet's weak flush gurgling behind her. She yawned and rubbed her face, waiting for a response to justify his weird behaviour.
He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice was gone. Instead he swallowed, and turned away from her to look back at his window, afraid of what dark, horrible shape would be crawling through it.
But there was nothing to be seen; the monster was gone, if it had truly ever been there at all.
"What're you looking at?"
Max stood behind him, peering into his dark room curiously when he didn't answer her question.
"Go back to your room," he finally said, though his voice was hoarse and he had to repeat himself.
"What are you, the hall monitor? I had to piss," she said, using the snarky tone of voice she reserved only for him. "What are you doing on the floor?"
"I'm not," he replied, finally finding the strength required to get to his feet.
"Well, you were."
"I'm not now, am I?" Billy snapped irritably, turning a mean look on her. Despite his fright, he was careful to keep his voice low. The last thing he wanted to do now was to wake up his father in the middle of the night. "Get the fuck back in your room and go the fuck to sleep."
Max rolled her eyes and didn't move, lingering in the hall. She looked away from Billy's room and back towards her own, biting at her lip.
"I heard something outside," she said at last, speaking quietly. "Something was running around outside the house. It woke me up, but I couldn't see anything when I looked. Too dark."
"Just a dog," Billy replied, swallowing hard, hoping she didn't hear the waver in his voice. He wasn't able to meet her eye as he said it. "It was just a dog. I yelled at it and it ran off, okay?"
"A dog?" Max had an alarmed look in her eye. "What kind of dog? Did you get a good look at it? How big was it?"
"I don't know, what does it matter? It was just some stray," he said. "I told it to fuck off and it did; it's gone now, so go back to sleep you little shit before you wake someone up."
"You're the one shouting at animals in the middle of the night," Max bit back, but despite her attitude, she still looked worried. "You're sure it was a…? Nevermind, whatever, I'm going back to sleep," she grumbled, and turned away to go back to her room, shutting the door just hard enough to let Billy know she didn't value his authority.
Alone in the darkness of the hall, Billy's eye was drawn back to the window. He wondered where the thing had crawled off to, and if it would be coming back. More timidly than he would have liked to admit, he stepped back into the cold enclosure of his room and quietly closed the door behind him.
"Hey, Steve, man, I really just wanna thank you again for offering me a ride home," Dustin said, already breathing hard. In his arms was a box full of the things he'd used for his final presentation in whatever science class he'd taken that semester, the weight of which was cumbersome enough to have him struggling to carry it. Ordinarily, Steve would have offered to help him carry it, but he wasn't thinking straight.
'Later', as Billy had said at the start of the weekend, had ended up being earlier that morning on the first day of finals. Cornered in the bathroom (the fucking bathroom, of all places), Billy had locked the door and sequestered them in the math halls men's room during the downtime between finals. He'd lit a cigarette and leaned against the stained porcelain sink, his shirt unbuttoned and open to accommodate his sling, and told him about his plan. It had been a simple one, but they wouldn't be able to see it through alone.
They needed a private place; somewhere they could quarantine Billy in case something really did happen with him, and the closer it got to the next full moon, the more Billy seemed convinced that something would happen.
"My teeth're starting to come loose," he'd admitted reluctantly, averting his eyes as he ran his tongue along them, prodding at the loose ones in agitation.
"Y'sure that's not just bad dental hygiene?" Steve had joked, but his remark had only been met with scorn.
"Just because I live in a hick town doesn't mean I'm going to become a toothless hick," Billy had snapped, but even through all his bravado, Steve felt he could sense his fear. "I brush my damn teeth Harrington. I take care of my appearance. And it's not just one tooth," he'd said as he rinsed the cigarette butt under a stream of water, putting out the cherry before flicking it into the can, "it's all of them."
On top of that, Billy had seemed haggard when they'd spoken; there was an overall dullness to him that suggested he hadn't been sleeping well lately, but they weren't at the point in their fucked up relationship where he felt he should ask about it. Instead he'd simply agreed to Billy's plan; it wasn't like he'd come up with a better one, but it meant he'd have to drag someone else into their mess. For as large and private as his home was, it didn't offer what Billy felt they needed.
But he knew Dustin's did. He'd been there before; seen with his own eyes what it could contain.
"I really owe you one," Dustin wheezed, his voice sounding strained and distant, and Steve was surprised at how far he'd managed to fall behind him in their trek through the parking lot. Coming out of his ruminations, he turned in time to watch as Dustin nearly stumbled through the gravel, trying to reclaim his balance quickly before he spilled the contents of his science project into the soggy earth.
"Whoa, hey, let me get that," Steve said, backstepping to relieve Dustin of his burden. The box was heavier than it looked, and nearly fell through his unprepared arms as he took it from him. "Geeze, man, you bring your whole damn chem set in or what?"
Dustin whistled in relief before replying.
"Had to, turns out students aren't allowed to use any of the school's equipment on the last day of class because no one wants to stay late to clean it. Myself included, obviously."
"Well that's bogus," Steve absently said, to which Dustin agreed.
"Tell me about it," he bemoaned, cracking his back as they approached Steve's car.
Setting the box of Dustin's things on the rear of his car, Steve dug his keys out of his coat pocket and unlocked the doors. He set the box carefully in the back seat, making sure it was stable enough not to tilt and spill if he took a turn too fast, and stepped back to see Dustin staring curiously at the ugly seat cover stretched over the front passenger seat.
"What's with that? Having some work done?"
"Something like that," Steve replied dismissively. He'd tell Dustin about it later, but for now he didn't want the kid worrying about anything he didn't have to. "But uh, speaking of owing me one, I need to talk to you about cashing that in."
"What, already?" Dustin looked a little surprised, but Steve could only shrug lackadaisically. "When I said that, you know, I kinda figured that you'd be cashing it in waaaay off in the very distant future. Or you'd forget I said anything at all, so I wouldn't have to actually do anything."
Steve laughed, but it sounded forced, and Dustin frowned a little bit at the harsh sound of it.
"I promise I wouldn't actually ask you to do something for me unless it was important. Get in so I can turn the heater on and we can talk about it."
A look of contemplation crossed Dustin's face briefly before he got in the car, preemptively putting his seat belt on as Steve started the engine and cranked the heater on to its highest setting, the airflow tousling his hair. Dustin didn't like the way Steve's brow kept creasing, or the way Steve had seemed so distant during the walk from the school building to the car. And now he wanted to talk.
"So, talking?" Dustin prompted.
"I need to borrow your basement," Steve said, coming right out with the request instead of wasting both of their time by trying to make it not sound weird. There was no easy way to say it.
Dustin blinked; an owlish and slow movement that, for a moment, made Steve feel like Dustin suddenly knew everything.
"I don't have a basement," he said instead. Steve balked.
"Bullshit," he said. "You dragged me back there to kill that lizard pet thing of yours that one time."
"Cellar," Dustin corrected, enunciating the word slowly and precisely. "I don't have a basement, I have a cellar. Mike is the one with the basement, dingus."
Taken back momentarily, it was Steve's turn to blink dumbly.
"Well what the hell's the difference? Nevermind, don't answer," Steve said, speaking quickly as Dustin opened his mouth and took in a breath to begin explaining. "Fine, cellar, whatever; I need to use it."
"What for?" Dustin asked suspiciously. "Wait. Are you planning on throwing an end of semester party? Why not just use your house? Or is it themed?"
"No, man, it's not a party; like I said, this is important," Steve stressed, growing impatient with the way the conversation was developing.
"Parties are important, Steve; you taught me that."
Groaning loudly, Steve tossed his head back and stared up at the roof for a moment.
"Okay, yeah, they are, but this is a different kind of important, okay? Like, it's for something serious," he continued, hoping Dustin would understand without telling him too much. "Trust me, if I was trying to throw a party, the whole school would have known about it by now. Just, loan me your basement."
"Cellar," Dustin corrected again, but without any of his usual haughtiness.
While Dustin wouldn't say Steve was dumb, per se, he would have to say that he wasn't exactly… subtle. Analyzing Steve's behaviour, and knowing what he'd used his own cellar for in the past, it was easy to come to the conclusion that Steve wanted to utilize the space in much the same way he himself had done when he realized Dart was growing up to be something of a problem child. Steve didn't want it for recreational use, but instead wanted it so he could contain something. Even before they'd gotten into the car, Steve had seemed tense, as though he'd been steeling himself to have this conversation, further justifying his line of thought.
"Steve," Dustin asked slowly, turning in his seat a little bit and scrunching up the fabric of the seat-cover to face his friend, "is this a code red?"
Meeting Dustin's eye, Steve saw that he was finally taking their conversation seriously. A graveness had overtaken his usually carefree expression, and he hated the way it made his young face seem to age.
"I don't know yet," he answered honestly, sighing and adjusting the air vent so it wasn't blowing heat directly on him anymore. "It might not be, but it potentially could be."
"Oh, Christ," Dustin groaned, slouching back in his seat and staring out forlornly through the windshield. "I thought we solved all this when El- Jane- closed the rift. What is it this time? More dogs? An Upside Down puppy? Shit, is it a cat?"
"No, no, it's nothing like… nothing like those things from before," Steve was quick to say, but wasn't sure how much information he should divulge. After all, like Billy said, it might not be anything, except… Except he had symptoms now. "If it was, I definitely would've said something about it before now."
Mulling the answer over in his head, Dustin then asked: "Does it have to do with the bear attack?"
Sitting back in his seat, Steve sighed and glanced up into his rearview mirror. Billy was there, a distant, lone figure, but he was there, and he was watching, waiting for him to secure a spot where they would be safe to test their theory.
"I can't tell you right now, but I promise it's nothing I can't handle."
"Alright," Dustin said after a moment, though he sounded dubious. He was frowning deeply, lost in his own thoughts before he said, "When will you know for sure? After you use the cellar? If we need to assemble the rest of the party, I can-"
"No, no, don't uh, 'assemble the party' just yet," Steve said. "I don't want to alarm everyone only for it to be a false alarm, you know?"
"Christ," Dustin mumbled again, looking miserable as he slowly began to slouch in his seat. "Okay, fine, you can use my cellar for whatever fucked up containment bay you need it for, but you have to tell me what the hell's going on afterwards, okay?"
"I will, man, I swear."
"Shit." Dustin heaved a sigh and sat up, rising out of his slump. His seat belt clicked noisily, locked into place as it refused to let out anymore slack.
Steve watched him undo the belt and re-buckle it with a hint of amusement. He hated that he had to give Dustin reason to worry, but at least school would be over soon, and they wouldn't have to split their focus and try to decide which was more important.
"Think I can take the loan out on your cellar this Friday?" he asked after Dustin had resituated himself. "And look man, you and your mom? You guys can't be there. Think you can arrange to get out of the house for the night?"
Groaning loudly, Dustin eventually nodded.
"My mom's been telling me over and over we need to go visit her sister," he said. "Aunt Connie hasn't seen my teeth since they came in and wants to see them; the only girl alive who wants to see them and it's my aunt."
Steve laughed earnestly at his comment, and when Dustin caught the look of honest amusement on his face, he cracked a grin too.
"But the worst part? You wanna know what the worst part is, Steve? She pinches, man! I'm gonna look like I have blisters on my face when I get back!"
Steve cackled with delight, picturing Dustin's face pinched so hard his cheeks would be naturally rosy for days afterwards.
"Hey, I'm real sorry about that; I'll take you out to lunch or something when you get back, alright?" he said, feeling the burden of having to put Billy's plan into motion lift from his shoulders. They had their spot secured; now they only had to wait for the weekend to use, and then, if they were lucky, they would be able to move on.
"Oh, you'll be owing me much more than that if I survive," Dustin muttered, grinning cheekily as Steve finally put the car into gear and began to drive them out of the lot.
"Here's hoping," Steve said with a wink.
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