#also Marcos would have been a little different too haha
just-a-tiny-goldfish · 4 months
How do u think Oro's relationship with Ortega (as friends or something else) would go if instead of Julia was Ric? What would be the differences? 👀
Licuadora I’m stealing your question 🙋🏽‍♀️ I really like it and now I must go ask it haha
I won’t lie—I’m a sap for tropes, so I like to think chargestep is a little soulmate situation so Oro and Ric would have eventually ended up together. But it def would have been a secret crush in the younger years rather then a past fling.
Gosh? The difference…Ric would have intimidated Orellia a lot. I always had the idea that Julia saw a young Orellia as a brat—it took a while for her to warm up to her. But I think Ricardo would have just seen it as Orellia playing hard to get 💀
Julia annoyed Oro but only rarely scared her.
However, I truly think Orellia would have actually been scared of Ric. Her punches wouldn’t have been quiet a warning for him but a real ‘I’m trying to cause damage’ so you leave me alone…because of her fear I think Ricardo would have played ‘nicer’ with her.
Pre HB Julia and Orellia were always posturing. I don’t think either one of them wants the other to think they’re weak, Oro herself isn’t very intimidating, and i see people underestimating her, she’s already defensive from the start. And well, Julia is a woman in power who already had enough people probably looking down on her…having some little runt running around and saying things probably rubbed her the wrong kind of way…the girls are sandpaper and they have to smooth each other out first haha
If Orellia wasn’t going to be civil I doubt Julia was gunna lay on her back and take it💀
With Ric however, I mean? I think he would have to take the initiative and bow down first. Otherwise Orellia would have just kept running. Plus the reason this would be a secret crush rather than a past fling is actually a little ironic? Orellia wouldn’t have been expecting to end up making out with Julia…which made her put her guard down…but she probably was thinking that Ricardo wanted that—and maybe? Only wanted that from her. Ortega isn’t stupid, he would see Orellia become uncomfortable and lay off the advances, Ric and Oro would have a ‘softer’ friendship that eventually would turn romantic post HB. I also don’t see her having that big of a hatred for Ric for not saving her from the farm. Julia and oro just had such a messy relationship with their little fling, it really effected her. Ric and oro would have been sweeter pre HB but oro and Julia were more intense.
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lorata · 3 months
I’m loving the “outsider/insider perspective” fic that’s going on re: the Games. Your Rowan and Blake, @cloversworldsblog’s bit about the outlier Victors and Alec, it’s so good and it helps add so many layers to the worldbuilding! The idea of the people who “know” (or think they do) the Games, and yet, they really don’t know everything.
For Rowan, the thing that caught me was the whole attitude about the 74th being a love story-how clearly the Centre sees that it’s just that, a story, how the rules change wasn’t ever going to last, even how Katniss was fully prepared to shoot Peeta in the end (a kind of ruthlessness Two would begrudgingly approve of). But even though they *know* it’s just an angle, the word comes down from the Capitol, and Two falls in line, parrots the storyline even though they don’t believe it.
Also, I’d love to see a story with Two’s Mentors (it would have to be Two, One is too resentful and Four is in that odd space) dealing with the outlier Districts, and just flat out telling them, “You would have done the exact same thing if you had the chance. To save your children, you would make the same choice we did, and if you deny it you’re lying.”
"You would have done the exact same thing if you had the chance" is exactly the undercurrent and the tension that plays in a lot of the mentor interactions, and I swore I wrote that precise line in a Ronan scene somewhere but I can't find it so maybe I imagined it? or maybe it's just like ............ so steeped in all the unsaid even though he's never actually said it aloud, haha
I'm really loving the discussions and interplay that's coming out of things lately as well! Chaff's "I'm nothing like him" (Alec) is incredibly damning but it IS the mystique that the Capitol -- and the Centre machine itself -- work so very hard to maintain on many different levels. D2 kids die, yes, but choose to be there. D2 victor prostitution is "different" because they choose their targets; they aren't sold, they're selling themselves. D2 victors might be disfigured or traumatized but they wanted this so they can't complain.
as someone who was around in the early 2010s and saw how the prevailing fandom attitudes were basically ... well, the above, it's really gratifying to see such rich, nuanced conversations happening around all the districts and the propaganda that goes into keeping the people divided. partly due to people growing up but even new & young fans are having these discussions, partly, i think, due to like ... world events that have happened since. a 14yo in 2012 has had a very, very different life experience than a 14yo in 2022
also just as an aside since you mentioned it, Katniss and Peeta have very different skillsets as far as the Centre is concerned and it makes for fascinating watching. Peeta has the crowd work while Katniss does not -- they point this out, that he's the one who's been giving her audience appeal, he's the one who (if he weren't bleeding to death) could have walked out with sympathy by throwing the knife away at the same time Katniss pointed the arrow, but he lacks survival skills. Katniss has a singleminded ruthlessness (in the Marco Animorphs sense, where she can see the bright, clear line from A to B) that makes survival possible, but the audience doesn't like her and she makes very little effort to do so until forced. they need each other and it was a fascinating game to analyze, from a strategy standpoint.
the trainers always assumed the rule change would be revoked at an appropriately dramatic point, but they also thought that whoever won would be a disappointment without the other as complement. a weird game to play and no clear resolution, until the kids blew the whole thing up
not one that would work for any of you, indeed
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suffarustuffaru · 5 months
What do you think would’ve happened if Heinkel had been the one to fall into a coma instead of Louanna? I just think the potential of that is very juicy because like that completely changes the Astrea family dynamics!
oh i ADORE this idea so much!!! arghhh i love astrea family dynamics so much and i really really like each member - though of course i hope we learn more about louanna soon!!! im so curious about her and everyone in the family BUT her is at least decently fleshed out already!! but yes okay this idea is great and also Everyone in these reddit threads have brainstormed all kinds of ideas for Other Astrea Members Falling Comatose (heinkel, reinhard, theresia, or wilhelm) far far better than i could so if anyone seeing this hasnt seen those i highly recommend reading!! super fun ideas going on <3
but yeah my quick two cents on heinkel specifically going comatose is that, like people have mentioned in those threads that stuff would happen differently. marcos doesnt rejoin the royal guard, reinhard probably doesnt get the dp of mind changing, wilhelm might die to the whale instead since heinkel isnt around to get sent on a suicide mission and wilhelm Would Not Back Down from that, etc etc. or did theresia get sent to kill the whale right away while wilhelm like in canon went to deal with the royal family?? that sort of thing.
i think ultimately we dont 100% know what would happen on the louanna side of things just because. we dont know anything about how she was as a person hah so hard to predict!! but i think things would probablyy turn out a little better given everything i just mentioned. and also the bar for how canon went is super low anyway aljsdfl. but yeah i mean louanna seems like she might cope a little better (i mean. shes Probablyy not the type to fall into alcoholism right haha). or she might Also Cope Badly, depending on how you wanna interpret this. and depending on how louanna turns out to be as a person. and Someone is still gonna die to the whale probably. so things are Not That Great and also heinkel being comatose means he wont be head of the house. louanna in this situation either way would need to take charge - both in the sense that uh, in the end it'll just be her and one of reinhard's grandparents left around, and also in the sense that she is reinhards only parent left now. and also reinhard Might get a bit more pressure to hurry into the royal guard sooner. he'll get compared to his comatose MIA dad im sure :(( esp since heinkel is. frozen in time.
theres Always something chilling about how in canon, long term sleeping beauty syndrome victims are just. Stuck. in time. forever frozen. never aging a single day from the moment they were gone. thats Haunting. thats like living with a ghost thats still there. and in this au itd be heinkel!! heinkel whos still at his prime and hasnt truly had a permanent failure yet (losing his mom to the whale, losing louanna to a coma, etc etc), and of course like canon heinkel, louannas left to pick up the pieces which is always really sad to me :(( she and heinkel were young too when all of this started to go wrong T^T like Still Adults, of course, but still young!! like shes 21 and hes 22 T^TT wild stuff.
also i do agree with people who said that louanna might just wack reinhard over the head for kidnapping felt like that. 1000%.
anyway!!! astrea family drama still goes Wrong i think somehow, in another font, if heinkel or anyone else is the one that gets put into a coma :(( it might be better or worse depending on what happens!! and depending on who gets comatose and who Dies!! but yes i think everything goes a bit wrong either way :(( they can never win T^T but itd shift dynamics around every time which is the fun part!!
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abeinginsand · 1 year
^_^ Hi Countless! How about Glenn/Morgan and…. Hmmmm…. *squints* Grant/Nicky for the ship ask!
Hi Baba! :] Ohh, thank you for the ask! Will start with Grant/Nicky:
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I tend to think of them as close friends most often! Especially in s1 context--they both like gaming and, even if in a dangerous situation, still found some fun in the places they were stuck in. Easily imagining them playing co-op games often--with the boys or 1-on-1. For a more family centric thought, I do think its pretty fun and silly when Grant and Nick(y) are friends/step siblings in a Glenn/Darryl scenario especially if they seem annoyed with their respective step-dads haha. I love family bonding shenanigans!
In a romantic sense, I feel like Grant and Nicky could have had a relationship--to explore stuff and then for various reasons, things fizzled out. A big part of it could be the communication issues they both struggle with? I do think about the "its like having an ex number" line sometimes haha (not sure if thats the exact wording, can't remember). Also...well regarding the betrayal, I often consider that either Lark or Grant was the one to actually shoot Nicky too. He's great with guns and would know great spots to hit that don't kill yet still...send a message. Or maybe he aimed to kill, saw his friend's terror and slipped up? In the end, it could have been any of them who attacked...but there's something deeply saddening to me about Grant doing it. Feeling yet again forced to commit violence for some urgent issue and having to break off a friendship on top of that :[ To add to the 'bitter ex vibes'--there's Grant being rather mean to any of the teens who aren't his son--especially Taylor? Doesn't seem like a stretch for me to think maybe Taylor reminds him of Nicky and that's part of why he seems not to want to deal with him whatsoever lol
I think the pairing could be interesting though and open to reading about them and perhaps Grant/Marco/Nicky too! Mostly conflicted since lovesong (Sparrow/Nicky) and Grant/Marco are my fav pairings for these characters so I tend to have more thoughts about those :0 ----- Now for Glenn/Morgan:
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Canon-wise we really didn't get much about Morgan...but the little bits of the relationship seemed pretty sweet. Definitely got the feeling that Glenn loved her very much and missed her dearly. I think, at least in my hcs, even if he and Morgan get together in hell like in canon--he still misses his Morgan. She lives on in his heart and memories About the "I like them platonically", one of my fav scenes in s1 is during the finale when Glenn accepts that this isn't his Morgan and that he just wants to see her (and Nicky) living happily. So I do like the alternate reality of them remaining family friends of sorts as well. Its heart-warming that even if there are different versions of them--they still end up drawn to each other platonically or romantically. Overall, I think the ship has a great mix of angst, sweetness, and goofiness! Gives me the butterfly flutter type feeling when thinking about them getting to spend time together I put "send to hell" for both of these since hell is Nicky, Glenn, and Morgan's home of course ;)
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moonelnone · 1 year
-Hiken here!
I just wanted to ask you about your thoughts on the previous ask. The one with Ace's narcolepsy. I feel like I made it too gruesome robin would love it(I have a feeling it was because I said it was supposed to be private).
I've been thinking about sabo's color scheme, since he's "basil" would that give him a different colour scheme than the others? Yamato would have either a blue or green color scheme as for uta, hers would be a strong red (psychologically proven to be the most stressful color) law would probably be blue or something along those lines. (Is it possible for you to make a small sketch of them?)
Back to Coby! I feel like Coby would appear in a single cutscene that would provoke the "chase" mini game. After that Coby would appear every now and then just like a wild card! His role is to make HIKEN stray away from Luffy only to kidnap him momentarily (in reality it's just something Ace's mind creates for ace to somewhat recover from a stressful shut down from his narcolepsy and yes I actually had to do a research to make sure that stress does indeed have an effect on narcolepsy so please dear newly appointed friend of mine take care of yourself )
Also you said that last time ace had a phobia of heights and like the good brain mine is he made a scenario that goes like this:
Since Ace kept trying to get whitebeard's head (which felt more like a chore at this point for it was but a promise to Luffy to prove his existence to the world ) he would still get plummeted to the ocean but what if Marco caught him? What if he tried to fly up with Ace between his talons?
I'm gonna leave the rest to you to imagine and feel free to share what you come up with! I wanna know how Ace would react in this case.
-Hiken out!
Sorry I fell asleep before I could answer the other ask, i just got home from a stressful walk that time and just plopped down on the sofa 😭 Anyways,
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I'm a little woozy but here! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to not turn it into an rgkg haha.. Though I'd think of Yamato as yellow, since happiness and the three emotion thing. You did say Yamato is a chill boss so i'd like to think he'd be the type of boss to be ecstatic in fighting Hiken like a friendly rival. (Also that bit about Headspace Yamato's shadow 👁) I really do like the bit about Uta representing the anger Ace had, I just think if Hiken and Uta were to fight in the designated island, Sabo would be constantly trying to calm him down like how you spam items in Omori 😭 Law's an interesting case ngl, despite being in a place full of snow that could melt from fire, I feel like he'd get overpowered easily by how strong the winter in Kori Labs are, in a way it would represent how he can't get pass the guilt despite being able to burn it off.
Also The thing about Coby kidnapping Luffy is funny, I think it would be really funny if he genuinely means no harm but Ace's dream keeps making things go awry. The bit about the narcolepsy--yeah stress does factor in, I found myself suddenly falling asleep during a meeting and it was kind of silly ^^; The last bit about Ace almost plummeting into the ocean, I'd think that he'd be angry at Marco at catching him with his talons for a bit because he'd feel that he doesn't need help. But then he'd gaze into the deep water and suddenly finding himself staring at his Something, Obviously I think he'd panic and just climb back up feeling frustrated.
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h-worksrambles · 1 year
A certain 3h video essay made me sit down and read Adastra in like a day and I loved it of course! (This is therefore long and rambly haha). One of the characters that really intrigued me from the start was Alex. While I understand and 100% agree that he's a selfish calculating little shit to put lightly and his cowardice is disgusting, the way the fandom treats any discourse about him seems way too harsh and dismissive for me.
Isn't Marco in a similar boat by the end? He's on a mission, desperately trying to convince himself it's the right thing and that he's not just being used, while the "choice" given to him is not even a choice. We've surely seen that the parents don't give a single shit what happens to any living creature, what horrific spectacles occur, as long as the thing they want happens, cause it's all totally "pre-destined"; all threats and fearmongering coming almost overtly from the parents.
I find it a little similar to the way Alex speaks of certain things in particular to justifying his people trying to isolate the wolves and his actions on Adastra. It's like he's reading a script he learned from memory and I think it's even noted by Marco somewhere near the beginning of the story. I think they're way more similar in how both of their broader situations are sort of decided for them, even if we don't really delve deep into Alex's story or motivations to say for sure. Still, I find the similarities interesting, Marco would never step down to Alex's level per say, but what if he was pushed down?
Of course, it doesn't help that Alex almost immediately falls back to his old ways (planning to steal the ship to leave Adastra) and showing no acknowledgement of seeing Marco again after being basically dead is ice cold (I really think they could've been good friends in different circumstances), but boy does he have a lot right about wolf society and their treatment of others. Amicus is not at fault for what he was born into, but even he has to admit change will be slow. Alex and Marco agree on a whole lot more that Marco and Amicus butt heads on, which I think is an interesting way to have the two couples mirror each other, so it'd be only fair to explore their relationship next.
I really can't help but wonder how much of Cassius' feelings are based on something unknown to us, not just the few tender scenes Marco saw, and how much it's him trying to brush off Alex's actions and spinelessness to avoid being hurt. Even if it's the latter, the quality of Alex's writing to render such feelings is insane. But also them still choosing each other with all the shit they both got into is sweet? Alex is really the perfect poor little meow meow.
Oh sweet! Welcome to the fandom! I do wonder how many newcomers got into this game through that video essay? It certainly pulled me back in.
I think it’s partly a consequence that Adastra is a game that’s very good at playing to people’s feelings and giving them a very emotional response. People are invested in this story. They utterly fell in love with Amicus. And they cried buckets over the ending. And so I think it’s very easy to take a similar response to all the characters, especially the antagonists. As I’ve said Alexios’ betrayal seems to hit very close to home for a lot of people. And, it’s funny that you mentioned Keith Ballard’s essay because I think he made another very good point as to why this gets people when he was examining Adastra through a queer theory lens.
Thing is, there’s a good chance you know someone like Alexios. Maybe they’re not a spy who tears down a government resulting in dozens of deaths in riots. But you may know someone who plays up a sweet facade, puts on a different face to everyone around them and always plays the victim when they’re called out. Alex’s breed of toxic friendship hits a very familiar sweet spot, especially for queer audiences, that prompts an aggressive negative reaction from players. And he’s absolutely supposed to. Which I think is where ghat immediate dismissal comes from.
That being said, I still find him really interesting, and like you, I really like that this character is the one who makes a lot of very accurate criticisms of how awful the wolves’ society is. I definitely also get the feeling that Alex is parroting the Omorfan ‘party line’ so to do speak. It’s how he convinces himself that the consequences of his actions don’t affect him and aren’t his problem. His hands may not be quite as tied as Cassius wants to believe, but he also doesn’t entirely have full freedom of choice either. It’s complicated. And yes, I really enjoy that he voices the same criticisms that Marco and Neferu are also thinking. It makes the parallels between him and Marco kind of fascinating. Your point by the end that Marco’s servitude to the Parents puts him in a very similar situation is a really intriguing point that I haven’t considered before.
As for him and Cass, I definitely think there’s a lot more to their relationship than we actually see. Do I think their bond is healthy? No. Do I ship it anyway? Yes. A major theme in Adastra is that everyone is putting on a facade. Everyone is playing the political game and they all have something to hide and that theme of hiding identity also plays into the queer subtext. The reason Marco and Amicus’ relationship hits so hard is because it’s a rare moment of sincerity. In a setting filled with masks and deception, they’re each the one person the other can be themselves with. But even if we don’t see it as much, I do think that applies to Cass and Alex too. It’s a lot less healthy because they’re both deeply screwed up people. But that doesn’t mean it’s not sincere and I find that really compelling.
So yeah, Alexios is a despicable character, but I think it’s worth briefly putting that immediate emotional reaction aside and digging a little deeper because he’s honestly a really intriguing and well written character. Thank you for your ask. And I’m glad you loved the game too!
I do want to come back to your point about the Parents. But I don’t know if you’re following the ongoing updates of Interea so I’ll hide them in a ‘read more’ to avoid spoilers.
Thing is, Interea has already started to dig into the ramifications of Alex’s actions and to into Omorfa as a whole. He’s still immediately trying to send info back to his superiors back there, suggesting further that he’s learned nothing. And Amicus and especially Virginia are both pretty strongly in favour of having him killed for what he’s done. But what makes this especially interesting is that Omorfa is apparently making steps to isolate themselves from the Parents. And there’s movements on Adastra pushing for the same thing. I have pretty much all the same thoughts about the Parents you do. So once again, we have a character who does deplorable things the cause real harm, but who’s justifications are all things with an uncomfortable grain of truth. As someone who thinks the Parents are giving every sus vibe imaginable (I’ve played enough JRPGs to know a self-involved manipulative god figure when I see one), then I’m curious to see what role Omorfa’s distance from the Parents will play in the story and where that leaves Alex in the middle of it. Again, his role is really fascinating to me.
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Hi Valval,
Could you do a modern AU scenario about the first meeting between Marco/Shanks/Benn Beckman and an introvert female reader, please (separately) ?
Thank you 😘
A/N: hey babe hey :D How exciting Shanks and Benn enter in a request yaya along with the love of my life <3! You know have you seen the South Park episode where carmen's his hand impersonates as Jennifer lopez and every time the hand would say "oh ben" and now every time I seen Benn on the screen I have to say "oh ben" haha so now when I see the gif I think of Benn. gif <--- there's the gif haha i'm dying I'm getting off topic hahah :)
There are different types of introverts shy, nervous, reserved, passive, calm the list goes on there are just some of us that like to be alone and love out quiet time. I love my quiet time. I hope you enjoy this babes <3
Marco Shanks and Benn meeting fem reader for the first time who is an introvert
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Your coffee shop was pretty packed today. You placed in your usual order waiting for the barista to make it. You seen the new guy working behind the counter he seemed a little flustered making multiple orders at once. poor guy you thought first day and he looks overwhelmed. I have a vanilla cold brew with extra cream." the barista called out as you walk to the counter ready to grabbed it you seen another hand reaching for it. Both of your retracted your hands back. Turning to see a taller gentlemen next to you.
"o..oh im sorry I thought I heard my order." you said in a soft voice.
"we must have ordered the same thing yoi." he smiled. "you can take it."
"oh no it's okay. you can you seem like you're in a rush."
" I insist Miss." he picked the coffee up hand it to you. Hesitant to take it at first .
"Thank you." you bow slightly " I must go." you said.
"Enjoy your day." his smiling face looking at you
"you too." you walked away quickly.
Later that day your friend has been nagging at you to go on a date with one of her guy friends who just moved back to the area. She avoided to show us pictures of one another because she wanted us to be surprised when we meet. You were bad at dates you were always quiet and over shy some of the guys didn't like a girl who didn't show confidence. You tried to reschedule the date and she refused every excuse you gave her. You made your way to the restaurant feeling your palm sweaty a bit as you entered the restaurant. She texted you the guys name and the time he was going to be there at 8pm at the restaurant. You were at the check in desk "Hello ummm.. I'm looking for a reservation under the name Marco." you said softly.
The hosts nodded. "right this way Miss." you followed the man closely behind. The music of the piano was planning the chatter among the others in the restaurant the smell of different aromas hitting your nostril. Your eyes caught the man you saw earlier this morning. He was dressed in a nice suit you weren't paying attention when you ran into the host as he stop at his table." oh miss please be careful." he said. This caught Marco attention seeing you behind the host.
"Who would have guess yoi." his charming smile appeared on his face. The host pulled your seat out for you. "vanilla cold brew with extra cream was our first encounter."
"Yes it was." tucking you hair behind your ear.
"You know when Whitey said she has a cute friend she wasn't kidding." he folded his hands together as he looked at you. He must have noticed your shyness right away. "she also told me you were shy as well... I thought she was joking but from the coffee parlor she wasn't kidding yoi." He pondered on the thought how Whitey who was outgoing befriend a polar opposite of her. But something about you made Marco curious. He thought it was cute to see a woman this shy.
Nervous blushing at his remark. "She wasn't wrong. people don't like when someone is extremely shy on a date. " You heard it and times from former dates. It did blew your confidence down the toilet.
"I don't find nothing wrong with it.Being shy and nervous is nothing to be ashamed about it's something everyone goes through of course some people are more shy and more nervous that's perfectly normal. Us people have to understand that but when you get to know the person making them feel more comfortable that's when they open up more. You start to see the true them. And if I do say so its rather adorable seeing a beautiful girl likes yourself _______ to be so shy." Marco smiled.
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Being dragged to the bar by your friend for a "girls night" as she called it . You rather just be at home wrapped in a burrito blanket. You were a home body and when going out you wanted to go home. Sitting at a booth in the bar. "you need to start loosening up." your friend said.
"I'm okay." you said adjusting your posture as you sat in the booth. "your buying my drink since you brought me out here right?"
"I knew you were going to say that." your friend sighed
You heard people at the bar counter laughing loud. More of obnoxious laughing you notice a person stand out and the only reason he was standing of because of his hair bright red color . "another round!" he shouted
You watched him for a moment chugging the beer. You noticed his eyes making contact with you. Flipping you hair to the side then returning your gaze to your friends. Mins pass before you see a man come up to the table. "can I help you?" asking him in a monotone voice.
"Well saw you lookin for a moment I thought I introduce myself to ya." he had this flirtatious smile.
"No that not necessary" you smile politely "you have friends over there you shouldn't keep them company." you said.
"Nah this is much better may I?" he asked to sit down. Your friend looked at you excusing herself from the table leaving you with a complete stranger. He seen your demeanor you looked more reserved not the talkative type. Shanks is a social butterfly and liked breaking people out of their comfort zone. "Soooo what's you name? I'm Shanks."
"It's ______." you said a bit nervous.
"I'm guessing you were force out of your home to enjoy some socialization hmm... Let me guess you're friend. dragged you out." Shanks responded then seen your friend talking someone on the other side of the bar.
"Yup she drags me out ever so often so I can unwind that's what she says. "
"Since you know my name we aren't strangers." he laughed. "I can keep you company till she comes back. And judging by the looks of it she will take her time...I promise no funny business ." he crossed his heart with his index finger. "I wouldn't ruin my chances with a pretty girl acting like a idiot now."
"really now shanks? how sure are you about that?" you raised your brow at him. your forearms rested on the table you had a small smile.
"Because if I made you so uncomfortable you would have left already." he raised his glass to you . "cheers to meeting new friends." both of your glasses clinked .
"too new friends." you said.
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The library was your quiet place. Everyone did there own thing not disturbing one another. You were writing some notes down in your note book. Everything was going so easy and smooth until a lady was on her phone. She was rather louder than someone is supposed to be. Jesus woman your in a library what is the number one rule in the library be uiet! She was about 5ft away from you talking about things you shouldn't have heard. "Excuse me.." you said to her.
She completely ignored you as she continued her conversation. Of course no one listen to you. You avoid confrontations with people because hearing them become loud and opinionated wasn't worth the trouble. You huffed deciding she was not going to stop anytime time quickly grabbing your stuff and putting it in your bag. I guess I can go home and work. You were lost in your thought figuring out some ideas for work. Felt a hand on your shoulder as you were walking. turning on around you seen a man with gray hair. "how can I help you?" you asked him.
"I'm not sure you could hear me back there. But I seen you drop this in the library." It was your wallet.
"I'm sorry I was in a rush." you reached for the wallet your finger tips brushed the tips of his fingers.
"The lady got to you huh." his arms crossed his broad chest.
"I really don't like confrontation it just best for me to leave the situation." you sighed.
"I can see that now... I'm Benn Beckman."
"______ pleasure." you said.
"So you often are in your own world when in the library." he asked.
"Oh well yes...wait...." you looked at him.
"I've seen you in there every time I went in. In all honest I admire that you seemed so focused in your work. I can see the concentration you put into your work."
"Thank you." you began fidgeting with your fingers.
"I should get going sorry to disturb you ______." he said as he began to leave.
"Wait a min Benn. oh Benn" you said a bit louder than your comfort.
"Wouldn't expect you to be that loud." he turned.
Dammit get it out "Me either."
"what's up?" he asked.
"I haven't eaten since you know since this morning and it 1 and I hope you haven't eaten and I was." you were trying to get the words out but they kept fumbling out of your mouth you sounded like a complete mess.
"I'll join you if that's what you're asking. I would would also like to know what you're working on as well." Benn said.
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minamotoz · 2 years
my hbo degrassi wishlist bc i have a Lot of thoughts about it
• i want them to bring back fictional bands like gourmet scum or dead hand, maybe even release a song like they did with paisley jacket
• better neurodiverse rep, especially autism. no offense to my boy connor, i love him and hes one of my favorites, but he definitely feels like a stereotype more than anything and in his later seasons they treat him like a child and characters have to explain concepts like suicide and racism to him, despite him being 16-18 . i hope if they introduce an autistic character, they dont talk down to them like they did with connor.
• idk how possible this will be, but i want them to bring back major characters acting as background characters like they do in degrassi classic. also, but likely even less possible, it would be cool if the child actors could give feedback on the scripts to make things more realistic like they did with DJH/DH. idk i just think everything about the way degrassi classic incorporated the actors into almost every aspect of production is so cool
• i want characters with more relatable interests. i want characters who are into music without being musicians, or characters into drawing or anime or something. idk maybe this is just bc im a terminally online loser with no real life, but its kinda embarrassing when the character whos interests are the most relatable to me is the bigoted, almost a school shooter incel.
• look, im a NC apologist until i die, but i hope the way they go about writing social issues into the show is less... idk.. on the nose than NC was??? like yeah cool lets talk about feminism and how the internet dogpiles women for having harmless opinions, but the entire thing with maya and the feminist club vs the gamers was so over the top and all the characters, especially goldi, felt like caricatures. later parts of NC got back on the right track with more nuanced topics in a less cheesy way (saads story arc in NC4 my beloved <3) but it was a bit too little too late.
• i want the show to incorporate the cultures of the characters into their stories more. like, im somali and hazel is literally the only explicit somali rep ive ever seen that isnt a stereotype, and her culture and background is only mentioned ONCE (she isnt even played by a somali actor which Sucks but also isnt andrea lewis' fault) and degrassi is a pretty diverse show, so it really sucks that very few characters of color have had their cultures explored.
• hottest take of all time: I DO NOT WANT THE OLD CHARACTERS TO HAVE MAJOR ROLES. the amount of people who say that this new show should be a reunion for the earliest TNG cast do not understand the purpose of degrassi as a franchise at all and its baffling to me. it would be cool to have maybe a couple of characters show up but i dont want the show to have storylines about adult characters bc 1. thats not what degrassi is about and 2. it was boring 80% of the time TNG did it. i dont want a spemma divorce storyline, i dont want any character that isnt snake and maybe marco to come back (and i single out marco bc hes one of the only characters that would make sense for them to come back as a teacher). let the show be about a new generation of kids like degrassi has always been about.
• now this may come off as contradictory to what i just said, but i want references to past seasons and characters. i want someone to be like 'isnt it so weird that this school has so many famous alumni like craig manning or manny santos haha' or 'this school is cursed didnt you hear like 5 students have died here' or 'my cousin went here like 10 years ago did you know degrassi had uniforms at one point' idk it would be funny. hell it doesnt have to be dialogue it could be easter eggs in the background like the jt yorke memorial garden or how NC had posters for romeo and jules and captain who in the background
• a trans character who explores multiple different identities before settling on one. no offence to adam and yael, theyre both great, but adam came into the show with his identity already figured out and it took yael one episode of exploring their gender to find an identity they feel comfortable in, and thats fine! but i think it would be cool if we had a trans character who tried different labels and pronouns before settling on one they thought was right, maybe in a multiple episode arc. mainly just bc i know that not every trans person instantly knows what they are. on the topic of trans characters, maybe cast trans actors this time ????
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pepperonitimeline · 4 years
There is an interesting emphasis on timelines in Steven Universe
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but like. Why?
Hypothesis: Steven Universe is made up of multiple timelines, but shown in an order that makes the events seem linear. read part 2 here!
I'm not the first person to speculate this at all. A lot of this stuff has been pointed out by @dogcopter​ @arrozbrillante​ @stevenutheories and many others on various platforms!
I just gathered the most conspicuous "evidence" into 1 post. If you’re interested in SU theory and analysis you should check out their blogs. :o) This was as short as I could make it..
And a big thank you to @love-takes-work for her podcast summaries!!! 
So, most ostensibly there’s Garnet, who can see multiple futures. In Pool Hopping she begins to call her visions timelines specifically.
Garnet: In this timeline, we do the opposite of that. Hey, you! Have a pizza!
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Steven: Hey, Vidalia's house is around here. Let's bring her the last pie.
Garnet: Now, that would be nice. She must be upset that her son was taken into space by those Homeworld Gems. (referring to the events of I Am My Mom)
Steven: You mean Onion? He isn't in space. He's right over there. *points*
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Garnet: Sorry, I-I must be thinking of a different timeline.
Garnet: My bad. I was sure we were in the pepperoni timeline.
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Garnet: It's important to keep in mind that all these horrible things did happen to you in alternate timelines. Safety is fun.
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In Steven and The Stevens:
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It was confirmed on the podcast that the Steven we see from that episode on is a different Steven than the one from episodes 1-21. In “The Fantasy of Steven Universe” Sugar explains:
"I think, early on, we knew for sure what we wanted to do was to create episodes that feel self-contained but give you a new piece of information or change the characters fundamentally. So, Steven and the Stevens, is tight but Steven does change fundamentally after having that experience. He's not the same- in THAT case he's LITERALLY not the same character..."
It’s muffled because they're all laughing but right after they say this Matt Burnett goes “He died.” 
Link to the episode
Love-takes-work also has a text summary of the episode
But something I haven't seen discussed very much is the time travel chase scene. Granted it’s very blink-and-you’ll miss it, there are some Stevens who witness the other Steven’s fighting but that don’t end up in the Sea Shrine at the end.
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Way back in 2015 @stevenutheories already did the math as to how many alternate timelines may have stemmed from the time shenanigans: 3 to 5. Not counting the original one who is definitively gone. 
Technically quantum mechanics don’t work like that and those Stevens should have been Thanos’d too. I’m not going to pretend I understand physics, that is just what I’ve been told by someone who does. But then again the magic time thingy wasn’t bound by rules of real-life physics in the first place… so ??
Let’s cross-examine SATS’ accompanying KBCW post.
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“At any given moment, if you asked me what I was thinking about, the answer would be one of two things: katana swords, or THE POSSIBILITY OF ALTERNATE TIMELINES RUNNING PARALLEL TO OUR OWN!
Proving the existence of these timelines can be pretty tricky, even for a seasoned paranormal investigator such as myself.  An inter-temporal incursion caused by the momentary weakening of the time-space continuum doesn’t really photograph well.  And all the cross dimensional time travelers I know don’t want to go on the record about their experiences.  Frankly, the only thing I can submit as evidence of alternate timelines is the fact that THEY ARE PROBABLY JUST SO COOL AND AWESOME THAT THEY HAVE TO BE REAL.
Think about it!  What about a universe where that asteroid missed Earth and we had DINOSAURS for pets instead of dogs?  Or a universe where someone was like “Hey, zeppelins are way cooler than planes, let’s just do that!”  Or a universe where AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF ME CAN GROW A FULL BEARD?!  What an amazing life that Ronaldo must have… in THIS stupid reality I have a really hard time getting my moustache to connect to the rest of my facial hair and it’s incredibly frustrating.”
KBCW and Ronaldo’s commentary in general are usually half-right. Like the “Polymorphic Sentient Rocks are aliens who want to hollow out the earth… to make it lighter so they can transport it back to their star system” thing.
I can't help but think the "Dinosaurs for pets instead of dogs" is a reference to the live action Super Mario Bros. movie- where the meteor that killed the dinosaurs sent them to a parallel universe instead, causing mammals to go instinct in said universe. (Don’t know about the zeppelins.)
And then, and THEN there’s Keep Beach City Safe, KBCW’s more obscure rival blog run by (most likely) Onion under the pseudonym "The Observer". Apparently he’s planted cameras all over town to record Steven’s adventures. There's also a "Recruiter" and second mystery narrator calling themselves "Marco Díez", it's a whole thing,
Assuming it’s real, here’s one of the posts I think are the most relevant.
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“I have been on zero gem hunts over the years, and what i have learned over the years is: always be prepared for anything, and everything. Connie’s already knows that and this her first mission. I, wasn’t so fortunate on my first mission. It was a crisp Autumn morning, - with notes of cinnamon in the air. I was the mountains, the air temperature, humidity and level elevation levels, were perfect.
Then, I noticed the creature, it was charging me. I tried to evade the gem monster, but it just kept on coming, and coming! There was no escape! And then- Wait! I just remembered. I never been on a gem hunt! So where did I get that story from?”
This was posted on August 1st alongside Gem Hunt… and the day after the Greg The Babysitter post, which was deleted earlier this year, right after people started interacting with it again.
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Being a Babysitter is hard, especially if your Greg Universe. This guy, in the picture above me. Wait did I just become self aware? Hey, I did! Haha, I always knew I was more to me than just a narrator. Actually this is the first time I thought about, Because I'm self aware baby! Woohoo, yeah! Wait, what was I talking about? Ah yes, Gregory. So this Greg guy,Has to Babysit this cool baby, because he owes her for letting him mooch off her. And Greg, is like totally irresponsible, he some how lets the baby climb a Ferris Wheel. How does that even happen? This dude is so not getting payed. And what's up with his hair!?!
So here it is, another story, told by Greg, about his past self. I wonder how many times I started a paragraph with the word so. And when he was telling this story, we got some clues that could finally tell use when all of this started. We know about the gems and what happened  thousands of years ago, but we don't know about the hems and  what happened thousands of years ago. They wee being very vague about the whole thing. Almost intentionally, well it was obsessively intentional.
There are subtle inconsistencies in Beach City's layout. ("The Observer" points this out, too.)
Remember Danny’s? In Bubble Buddies and Joking Victim, there’s a shop named Danny’s Salt Water Taffy.
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Then in Watermelon Steven it’s gone.
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As for a prop: Chaaaaps used to just be Chips
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That’s from Monster Buddies, the episode right after Steven and The Stevens.
It's just as likely someone on the show simply thought the background/chips looked a little too busy or whatever. But re-doing stuff costs a lot of time and money, yknow? Neither of which is the animation industry very generous about. Did you know even props have model sheets?
Of course it could just be another brand of chips. Maybe Utz got involved somehow.
Lastly I want to highlight a quote from a Rebecca Sugar interview regarding SU ending.
“The story is continuing off screen and I do know what happens next, at least in certain timelines, for the characters,” Sugar says. “But I would have to decide how and when I’d want to dig into that, or if it’s best to give them their privacy.”
yeah so like what the fuck
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Chapter 16
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Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: implied mentions of sex, reader confused about her feelings (again), eren gazing at reader, (smut 18+!!), minor fingering, unprotected sex
Word Count: 2650
A/N: Haha, like one more chapter, and then angst will really come in :)
Tags: @iwascrybaby​, @styxtm​, @germinvasion​, @bigdaddyzawa​, @prxttyguardian​, @erensblackgirlfriend​, @kbbvbz​, @tomsadversary​, @kqtsukisgf, @pettyluxury​, @protectpancakes​​​
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Chapter Summary: Should he let those words slip out?
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You both came back from your mini-vacation right before Jean got back, and you thought the soreness would disappear even a little, but that wasn't the case, so when Jean came back, you tried to hide the limping, but it made it difficult whenever you would sit down, grimacing heavily. "Are you okay?" Jean asks with a slight laugh, and you return it with a nervous chuckle as you nod your head.
"Yeah, my parents were making me move stuff around the house," you respond, rubbing your thighs trying to relieve at least some of the tension as you turn your attention to your phone.
You hear Eren walk into the room, but you don't look up. "Jeez, Eren, you get scratched by a fucking cat?" Your eyes widen as your eyebrows raise to your hairline. You look up, your mouth dropping at the sight of Eren's back covered in angry, red marks.
You hear him chuckle as he walks into the kitchen. "Nah, man, I'm just that good."
You roll your eyes as Jean scoffs, and you glance at Jean but do a double-take. "What?" Jean asks, his face scrunching as you stare at him, and you squint your eyes before you stand, wincing when you do as you walk closer to him. "What is wrong with you?" he asks, leaning back against the couch as you get closer. You reach your hand out to move the collar of his shirt when he grabs your wrist.
You chuckle in disbelief as you try to fight your way out of his grip. "Get off of me!" Jean yells, and you find yourself laughing, not giving up until you're on top of him, and your eyes widen when you see that he has way more than one hickey.
"Holy shit!" you laugh. "What'd you get up to Jean?"
"Get the fuck off me," he groans, literally throwing you onto the floor.
"Ow. Damn," you grunt, but you sit up anyway as Jean looks anywhere but at you. "So, you lied? You didn't have something for school?"
"I did! But..."
"You slept with Marco," you add and he bristles making you chuckle.
"I didn't tell you who it was." You give him a dumb look before you scoff.
"And why didn't you tell me?" you press, and he raises an eyebrow at you.
"You didn't tell me about your guy." You nod as you tilt your head to the side.
"I guess that's fair," you say, briefly making eye contact with Eren who's walking back to his room. "But I basically did. And this is different, you've liked Marco for a long time."
"We had sex. There are you happy?" You shake your head as you hold your hands out.
"Well, I knew that. That was pretty obvious," you say, catching the pillow he throws at you. "You gotta give me more. What are you guys?" He groans as he puts his face into his hands. You move off the floor, moving to sit next to him on the couch. "You wanna milkshake?" you ask him quietly, and he lets out another groan as his head falls onto your shoulder.
"I don't know what I want," he whines, and you pat his face softly. "I don't even know what he wants."
"You'll never know until you ask, Jean," you tell him firmly, repeating something that you've constantly told him.
"But what if it ends badly?"
You shrug. "You don't go to the same school, so it shouldn't be that bad, right?" He sighs heavily again, and you roll your eyes. You grab your phone, and Jean can feel you typing against his face, and he looks up.
"What're you doing?" You don't answer as you shoot off the text before standing up and walking towards the door.
"Marco's gonna be here in ten minutes, and when he gets here, you're gonna talk about your feelings," you tell him, raising your eyebrows when his eyes widen as he makes his way over to you.
"Are you fucking crazy?!" You shrug as you rest your hands on your hips.
"So, I've been told multiple times," you reply sarcastically, and he gives you a wry look. "Jean, I promise you, it will not be that bad. You're the one always telling me to go after what I want, now it's my turn to encourage you."
You see his expression soften before patting his shoulders and shaking them lightly. "You got this. And if he doesn't let you down nicely, then I will gladly egg his car."
He chuckles quietly and you check your phone, turning around to open the front door. "You got five minutes," you start. "Let me know if the sex is as good as the first time," you add, and you slide out the door before he gets to you as you laugh loudly before walking the short distance to your house.
When you walk into your room, your eyes roll before you kick the door closed with your foot. "You know this is breaking and entering," you say, laying next to Eren on the bed, and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Only if I get caught," he counters, and you roll your eyes as you lay your upper half on top of him, putting your hand on his chest and putting your chin on top of it.
"What're you doing here?" you ask as he rubs up and down your back.
"I heard you talking to Jean, something about Marco?" You nod your head softly. "Figured I should give him the house to himself," he smirks which makes you chuckle softly. "You told him about me?" he brings up after a moment of silence, and you sigh as you tilt your head to the side.
"He had me cornered. I didn't know what else to do," you admit. "But I didn't mention that it was specifically you."
"What'd you tell him?"
"That you're the most annoying person I've ever met," and you move to the side with a soft giggle when he digs his fingers lightly into your side.
"What else?" You open your mouth slightly as you try to think of something else you could tell him besides the truth. The truth that you're not sure how you really feel, that you're scared that you're going to end up hurt again.
"Nothing," you say after a beat too long, and he raises his eyebrows.
"Scared to tell me something?"
"Are you scared to tell me something?" you counter quickly, and your face falls a little when you see his fall. You're about to question it, but he cuts you off by pulling you closer to him to kiss you.
He manages to set himself up against the headboard, pulling you with him, maneuvering you so that you're straddling his lap. Your hands make their way into his hair as his brush down your sides slowly and over your ass before they move back up, his hands going under your shirt.
And his intentions aren't even sexual, he just wants to be close to you, pulling you into him until there's no space left. If he could spend the rest of his life kissing you, he would. He pulls away suddenly, and you open your eyes, a confused look in them as he stares at you.
"What?" you ask, and he doesn't respond, only giving you a small smile, making you huff softly. "Is there something on my face?" He shakes his head, and he opens his mouth to say something but closes it, opting to kiss you soundly instead.
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There's about two and a half weeks left until you're supposed to leave home and go back to college, but there's a weird feeling sitting in your stomach. You never told Eren that this was supposed to be a summer fling kind of thing, it was kind of assumed, but even if you did, you're not so sure that that's your thinking now.
You were already thrown for a loop when you find out that he was going to be home at the same time you were, and for the whole summer when you were so confident that it would be different. Being with Eren, even though there's no exact label of you two dating, was something that you always wondered about, but the moment where he truly stomped on your heart made you push all those memories away, thinking you had them buried deep and locked away inside your head.
You didn't know what to expect, but you should've known that those feelings for him from high school would come back and make everything complicated for you. You don't even want to try and guess if Eren could have feelings for you because that went so well for you the last time you were optimistic. So, you push through it, knowing that you'll never have to see him again after this summer.
But that also makes you feel weird. You spent almost every waking moment with Eren, and there's no way you'd just be able to walk away from it all and not have any repercussions. Sometimes you wished you were better at separating your feelings, and this especially was one of those times. Why couldn't you be like a lot of people and not get attached?
And it doesn't help that Eren is always next to you, being there when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Isn't this the time where you start to distance yourself so that it's a lot easier to get over it? You're not really sure, you've never done this before especially not with someone you have so much baggage with.
You're laying down on your side, your eyes closed, but you're going in and out of sleep, tired but not tired enough, your mind still racing. You sigh heavily before you open your eyes, and then they're meeting green ones. "Are you watching me sleep?" you ask with a frown, and he gives you a shrug. Even though the room is dark and the only light coming in is the moonlight, you can still see that stupid smirk on his face.
"You're staring at me again," you note, noticing that he's been doing it a lot lately, but every time you ask him about it, he brushes you off.
"That's 'cause you're pretty," he whispers, and you roll your eyes as you try and fight the heat rising to your cheeks. "Guess what?"
You give him an unimpressed look. "You want to go somewhere." You shake your head when he smiles at you before he sits up to get dressed, you following suit.
You skip the ice cream this time, mostly because it's nearly three AM, and head straight for the clearing. You both had been back here at least a few more times, and you still can't get over the view. You don't even realize that you've become completely wrapped up in it until Eren's pulling you to the bed of his truck.
It's colder than usual, the only thing you're wearing is a thin t-shirt, his sweatshirt, and some shorts. He pulls you into his lap to straddle him before wrapping the two of you in one of the thicker blankets he brought.
He clenches his jaw as he grips your hips tightly. "Stop moving," he grits through his teeth, and you chuckle into his chest.
"Sorry," you say, even though you both know you're really not. You weren't moving on purpose, you were cold, but to say your intentions now changed wouldn't be a lie.
Your movements start to become more calculated, going from simple shifts to full-out grinding against him, and he grips your hips tighter before he roughly calls your name. You look up at him, feigning innocence, trying to hide your smile. "What's up?"
His eyes are dark, and you feel your thighs clench lightly around his just from the look in his eyes. Before you can say anything else, he's slamming his lips down on yours, making you moan in surprise, but you melt into it as his hands find their way to your ass, your arms wrapping around his neck.
He pulls you down onto him, and you roll your hips against his hardening erection, making both of you moan at the contact. You pull away from the kiss, both of you panting into each other's mouth as you roll your hips frantically against him. He moves his hands under your shirt, his cold skin making you shiver and causing goosebumps to break out on your skin as he thumbs at your nipples.
He starts marking at your neck, the blanket falling off of you, making you shudder again, but the cold doesn't bother you so much anymore because of how much you're starting to sweat. He moves to the juncture of your neck, sucking and pulling roughly at the skin there that makes you keen softly, your hand pulling at his hair.
He moves one hand from the assault on your nipple down to your shorts, wedging his way through the waistband, and you jolt forward when he instantly presses on your clit, making you release a low moan as your head falls to rest against his neck. He nudges your head back up, wanting to watch every twist and twitch of your face as he works your shorts down.
You quickly stand up to take your shorts off as he makes quick works of shoving his pants down his thighs, his dick standing straight up as you lower yourself, lining yourself up. He lightly grips your hips as you dig your nails into his shoulder as you sink down onto him, your mouth falling open at the sudden stretch.
He groans as he goes from watching your face to watching you sink down on him. He tries to wait for you to adjust once you sink all the way, but he can't help but buck up into you at how snug your walls feel around him. You don't have to tell him twice to move, grabbing your hips and fucking up into you, your body going limp almost immediately when he finds that spot inside of you that has you gasping for air.
"God, Eren," you breathe, and you don't even register that your world is spinning until you feel the dulled cold of the truck bed underneath you. Eren's on top of you now, his hands grabbing yours, lacing your fingers together, and bringing them to rest above your head.
"Fuck," he whispers, his voice strangled as he starts moving again, his body slapping against yours at an adamant pace that has you arching your back as you see stars. "God, Y/N, I--" He cuts himself off, leaning down to kiss you but it doesn't last long, both of you so close to having that knot snap as your breathing picks up.
Those words are right on the tip of Eren's tongue, he's so close to letting them slip out, and he's trying his hardest not to let them slip. He moves his head down, resting it in the crook of your neck hoping that he can't prevent himself from potentially ruining everything, but it's getting harder to think straight with how you're clamping around him.
"Close, Eren," you gasp, and he releases a stuttering breath as he squeezes his eyes shut.
"Me, too, baby, fuck," he whines, and it only takes a few more aimed thrusts for both of you to cum together, both of you tensing before you relax, Eren falling on top of you. He rolls the both of you over, keeping himself inside of you as he grabs another blanket to drape it over you both. And until he falls asleep, he holds you like you're going to slip away from him any second.
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|Chapter 15|Masterlist|Chapter 17|
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just-a-tiny-goldfish · 4 months
You can't just mention "Marcos would have been a little different".🙃 I'm too curious. What would be the difference for him between Ricardo and Julia for his connection to them?👀
Hahaha, I’m not all too surprised your asking wonda 🤭 it’s always a pleasure answering you 💕 I hope I can satisfy your curiosity!
He would have been just as sweet but definitely grown up to be a little more defensive and maybe just not as expressive of this feelings.
He would have been a little more cocky and dismissive of his sentimental side. He still has an outsider scar and trying to fit in with the ‘ranger boys’ would def had been a thing haha
Plus, I’ve mentioned in passing—Marcos does think he’s prettier than his puppet lol, he’s always been a little vain and having the Julia Ortega into him as sidestep did something to his psyche (I mean? Who wouldn’t get an ego boost tho?). But, having Ricardo instead? I actually think Marcos would have been a little humbled lol.
(Marcos looking in the mirror: I’m gunna be the prettiest boy at the party 😌
Marcos: *remembers Ricardo exist*🙂
Marcos: I’m gunna be a boy at this party...)
I believe I’ve said it before but he and Ricardo would have eventually had the little ‘relationship’ he and Julia had (their cannon event and all that) but…it would also crash and burn it would just happen post HB. I’m not sure if that would make it better or worse. (This however does not imply that Marcos ever felt any romantic attraction towards Ric pre HB/he would view him with the same love he views Julia)
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tsukidrama · 2 years
I'd like to start this message off by saying: Happy Birthday! I realize I am a day late, sorry about that, but I was busy because yesterday was also my mom's birthday! Funny, huh? You're one of my favorite writers, not just on this platform but in general, and I really hope you had a wonderful birthday, Tsuki. I'm also glad you're feeling better and that you tested negative! And yes, "housewife-ing" it is probably the best choice for now.
Please, don't apologize for the angst! I really enjoy it despite the pain, and all of it really just makes me love Annie's character more. Like, all the things she's gone through to get to TRNT, and all of the things she'll have to overcome to get her happy ending, it just makes it that much more sweet, y'know?
Yes, it does comfort me a bit to know that the first bit is the saddest, but I know the others are probably going to make me cry, too. I feel like it's kind of expected for there to be lying and betrayal in the next parts, but I'm still excited! I just recently re-watched some of the first season and I completely agree. Pure titans still terrify me, just the way they run around and catch people... just gross. One of my younger cousins went through my copy of the first manga and literally started crying at the sight of the smiling titan! Terrible.
omg happy birthday to your mom! we're birthday twins, that's so cute. does that make me also your mom? eeeeeeee thank you so much 💕💕 i really did have a good birthday and i've been having a good trip visiting my family too! i've been rewatching attack on titan with my aunt actually. i'm very happy about being covid free! thanks for the validation too lmao i'll work when i'm ready.
well Annie is a very painful character to love anyway, so i'm glad that the angst is worth it. i've always loved angst / hurt in fanfic and Annie has so much untapped potential. i never wrote any fanfic for aot/snk as a teenager because i used to say that i wouldn't ever be satisfied with just one fic. and here we are a year and a half after i started, casually making an entire universe 😂
exactly 😩 literally all Annie fic that's set before the reader knows about her identity is soul crushing angst by default. oh yeah... the third part is going to be rough. the middle one will be the only one that doesn't cover seriously f'ed up topics. but even still it leaves me a little sad and nostalgic. kslklksdlkslskd oh no.... they really are so scary.. your poor little cousin haha i bet they slept with the lights on for weeks! (and same tbh)
I still can't get over the Trost arc just in general, the whole event is just so heartbreaking to me. The deaths of characters like Mina, Franz, Thomas, and even other nameless victims really hit me hard. They were all kids that thought it'd be easy, and found out differently in the worst way possible. Along with that, Annie's participation in the whole event really depresses me. Like you said I hate to think that she went through it all alone in canon, "I would have been there for u babygirl." A very true statement. I guess that's probably why "Please be... a coward" made me cry.
the worst part about it is that a lot of people fighting in Trost were literal kids with NO combat experience at all. those characters are all super minor but they were classmates with the ones we know and love and it's so traumatic for them. i probably wouldn't remember any of them if i hadn't literally JUST rewatched the whole series. i guess the same way that we have to watch eren's mom die to understand his hate for the titans, we have to watch Trost traumatize everyone enough to justify the 104th kids wanting to fight these terrifying monsters.
girl 😣 i know right. she really didn't want to go through with their mission but she would do whatever it took to get home. and she REALLY didn't want to be responsible for any of the deaths of her friends. i had to transcribe Marco's death scene for Please Be and it hurt soooooo much. every time i watch the anime i conveniently look at my phone during that scene because it hurts so fuckin bad. it obviously ate her up inside and it hurts me so bad. my poor poor baby. if you have a love for her so deep that you think it might be irrational, then you've sure as hell found the right author to follow.
Thank you so much for your message in the tags, honestly it was really nice to hear. I've actually been struggling with tying too closely my worth as a person and how much I write or work. These past few weeks, I've actually been working on my own Annie fic (among about a billion other things), and there have been days where I can't bring myself to write. I always end up feeling like crap when I can't, starting a rather vicious cycle all over again. Again, thank you for your comforting words, they really helped.I noticed, even if it was a while ago, that you said you'd like some Annie fics for your birthday? I actually managed to finish the one that I mentioned before and, though it is far from my best, I figured I'd share it with you! It's pretty short, but I tried to make it sweet. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37177549. I have a few other fics posted, with four of them featuring AOT characters. I really hope you like it, I might edit it and add on if I can!
aw my baby... i'm so sorry to hear that. it doesn't sound like you're being fair to yourself! people say all the time that your worth as a person/writer isn't determined by how much you can crank out, and i know how that just feels like words sometimes. but there's a lot going on in the world right now and in everyone's lives. go easy on yourself. if you can create something then great! be proud of yourself for what you are able to achieve -- whenever you don't have the time/focus/inspiration/whatever the reason may be, then you can be an audience for other people and read. that's an important part of writing anyway and it gives you the chance to explore topics or scenarios you aren't familiar with. it's been great to have you as a reader for as long as you've been around and i certainly appreciate you! give yourself patience and give your situation time to change [heart]
oh my goddd yes, thank you so much! i didn't actually expect anybody to do this but eeee thank youuu! i wanted to wait to respond to this message when i actually had time to read the fic so it didn't seem like i was ignoring you on purpose. i'll post a more in-depth review on ao3 too but OH MY GOODDDDD im so emotional now because i really wish that's what actually happened... my first instinct is to be liike AAAAAHHHHH because Please Be part 3 that same scenario but sooooo much worse like my jaw actually dropped a couple of times because we had such similar ideas - it'll still be a minute before i post PB3 but i got so excited reading yours because i feel like we exist on the same wavelength! some details are really similar for ideas i was going to put in Please Be, so i think you'll really enjoy the way that shakes out (even if it follows the canon plot and will be far angstier than this sweet fic)
I hope you had a happy birthday,
Pink Anon
thank you so much for taking the time to send a message! i'm sorry that it took me a little bit to get back to you. wishing you the best as always and i'll talk to you soon, have a great week!
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quartermera · 3 years
Match Up
Hey there Nico! It’s finally your turn haha!
Alright, lemme start as per usual with who first came to mind as I read through your description: Ace. Probably because you started by saying you are hot tempered and passionate? 🤔 But as you will see, he wasn’t my pick for you. 
Aside from our favourite freckleface, there was also the very obvious thought of Kaku! But that would’ve been too easy and, honestly, mostly biased because we all know how much you love mister Evilman haha!
In the end, the person I shipped you with most is X Drake. Honestly not the first person I would’ve thought of shipping you with, but let me explain a little ^^
First a note on the size difference so it’s out of the way: this man is 2m 33. No need to get a chair to grab something off high shelves anymore, just ask him lol. Or even better, ask him to lift you up. He’ll love it.
Drake is a fucking nerd. He might not have a hot temper like you, but your loud nature won’t bother him, quite the opposite. I think he’d find it rather endearing. Plus he can be pretty loud too depending on the conversation topic, so he would find it rather unfair to blame you for it.
He loves your humour and goofiness! You think it’s bad? He doesn’t. And he won’t let you say so.
Your loyal and strong willed nature are definitely traits he admires and appreciates a lot.
Just like you, Drake can be shy, but I feel like it’d be in different circumstances. You tend to be shy around new people, which isn’t a problem for Drake. He’s pretty easy-going and will help you feel comfortable around him easily. On the other hand, this man gets shy when he starts catching feelings for you or when he starts telling you about his hobbies.
Talking of hobbies. Again, this man is a fucking nerd. He loves reading. Probably more comics than anything else, but he’s read his fair share of novels. He doesn’t know much about poetry though, but he’d love listening to you read some out loud. He tends to find it very relaxing. When you tell him they’re poems you wrote yourself, get ready to be showered in compliments. He’s genuinely admirative and loves your writing.
Aside from that, well videogames don’t exist in canon, but in a modern!AU? Of course Drake is a gamer. But he’s not an asshole about it. Some dudes don’t like gaming with their partners (yes, apparently those people exist), Drake is the complete opposite. He loves playing with you, no matter both of your levels in the game. The most important to him is for you to have fun together.
I think Drake has a very domestic™ side to him, so cooking and baking together is heaven for him. Even more so from a canon point of view, where he rarely has the chance to settle down and spend quality time with you like that.
Considering this, simply getting to hang out with you at home, maybe with some music in the background, is something Drake loves and treasures. He has a very soft side to him after all.
All in all, Drake would be a very cool and laid-back lover, the kind who cherishes simple moments and the domestic life™. He’s also a nerd and very passionate about his hobbies though, but he tries his best to not leave you aside. He wants to spend quality time with you, no matter what you do ^^
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! Artist: mygiorni on Pixiv
Other characters I shipped you with: Katakuri, Marco, Rosinante ^^
That’s it! I hope you liked this ^^ Thank you for your patience @kaku-lover​ <3 Huggies for you :p 
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subdee · 3 years
The Expanse s5e4
There’s some kind of rule of complex narratives, I don’t know what it’s called (or even if it has a name), where the longer the story goes on, the more all of the evil in the story tends to be consolidated into 1-2 characters, who can be defeated.... and with them, all the rest of the (localized) evil is also defeated, the head has been removed from the snake, we are all saved, hallelujah etc etc :P 
Yoon Ha Lee’s Machineries of Empires does this with Kujen, FF7 does this with Sephiroth, in The Expanse season 4 they even lampshade it when they do this... and yet, it still happens XD. 
More speculation for how the rest of the season will go (and spoilers, obviously).  
Bless you Avrasarala, for pointing out how *convenient* it is that the fight on Illus / New Terra between the Belter Setlers and the Earth Corp could be localized to just the one group of OPA extremists who conveniently all died, and the one ‘crazed’ (actually: just greedy) Security officer running around like, I don’t know, some kind of Lawrence Olivier character who stayed a murderous colonialist and didn’t switch sides. 
I really like, I don’t know, this kind of genre of British colonialist exploration so it was fun to watch a season with a “villain” who so clearly was coming out of that mold - probably the clearest villain we’ve ever had on this show - and hitting a lot of standard genre notes about first contact and murderous alien worlds besides, and this show stays *so* good and consistent in its anti-colonialist, anti-military messaging... you know, for a show where the main good guys drive around in their stolen warship occasionally operating outside the law :P And we know they’re righteous because we just trust that they *want* to do the right thing.
I’m poking fun, it is good though.  But it was different enough from the tone of the first 3 seasons, with their refusal to have any clear villains, that it did stand out though LMAO and so thanks, show, for the lampshading.
Now we’re in season 5 and there’s an even clearer villain this time... kill Marco Inaros, and the war also ends, right?  Except it might be too late for that... someone else might take his place... and he makes a lot of sense in his speeches, but we know from the previous seasons that people who volunteer a lot of other people to die for their ideals are always bad (got to kill those protomolecule scientists conducting their experiments, right?) 
Anyway, what I really wonder about Marco Inaros is where is he getting the *money* to buy all these ships, etc, from?  It’s so much money, he bought basically a new Navy and the most exclusive, highest-tech weapons Mars possesses, the stealth tech. 
So I think actually Marco can’t be the final villain, and there must be much more than just him - not just all the grunts motivated by greed, fear, revenge, a genuine desire for independence, etc but someone else powerful must be funding this rebellion.  Maybe it’s someone on Mars, we know their Parliament was also destroyed but there’s been very little news coverage on it, maybe it was a pro forma attack with minimum casualties.  . 
I also think Anderson Dawes is probably in on it, he’s been suspiciously quiet this whole time and he benefits if Fred Johnson is gone.  But does Anderson Dawes really have that ridiculous amount of money??? Doubtful.  RJ says it might really be Jules Pierre Mao, working with the Martians from prison again.  I think that would be lame, I’d rather see a new villain than just bring the old one back again, but Clarrisa (his daughter) is back in the credits for this season so we’ll see.    
On another note, this show is so unsexy... while watching I’m continually reminded of this... shipper stuff ahead!
It’s the same author who started the recent twitter brou haha by saying that fanfic has no value, this essay is excellent though, I’ve been thinking about it lately...
Especially, I’ve been thinking about it WRT The Expanse, and especially the Holden/Naomi relationship, you know that scene where they were taking the suits off and suddenly jumped each other as if overcome by lust... I was talking with a friend about this but it’s like there can’t be any like, flirtation anymore, maybe bc of the potential for it to read as workplace harassment, it all has to be this kind of sudden, overpowering lust and for me it felt so rote, like just following the romance formula, you know?   I think the only character with much sex appeal on this show is the female reporter, and maybe also Drummer.... it is a nerd show for nerds though so perhaps this makes sense...
But anyway, speaking of Drummer, I was hoping hard for some like Drummer/Naomi side ship, sadly I was disappointed :(  But the scene where Naomi goes to find Holden in the brig on the Behemoth and he like breaks down to her bc he can’t save anyone, this scene was actually very good and I’ve been thinking about it a bunch, so good job finally sailing the ship I guess XD. 
And since I’m just talking shipping stuff here... I really enjoyed how just after this scene, when Drummer leads them both out of the brig and into the reactor core to execute the crazy plan, and it seems (for a hot minute) like like she is going to heroically sacrifice herself to save the straight couple now that she can’t be with Naomi anymore, and it will all be very sad and tragic etc etc... man, I’m so glad the show didn’t do that.  XD. 
It’s not as good as a f/f ship onscreen, but hey, I’ll take it.  (Please show gay people on screen who aren’t already married for like 10 years and mostly talking about their kid together, thank u Expanse writers.) 
This is all just incidental to the main appeal of the show BTW, but I felt like discussing.  Actually I started watching because I heard the space physics were accurate and they are SO accurate it makes my physics major, sci fi nerd self cry <3 <3 <3.
ANyway the show is good, end transmission. 
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atopearth · 3 years
Piofiore: Fated Memories Part 6 - Finale
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It's kinda funny how when it came to defaming the Mafia bosses, Dante's one was the most ridiculous with him handling brothels hahaha. Was he so "clean" that they had to make stuff up?🤣 On the other hand, loll at Fei thinking the newspaper wasn't lying about the stuff Yang did hahaha, not sure if we should rejoice that he doesn't actually abuse women daily, but that he does kill his own men lol. Anyway, the mystery guy seems adamant on hating on the Mafia. He's not as verbal about it as Roberto, but his hatred for them seems to run deep. Personally, I'm on Lili's side. She understands that crime is wrong but she also understands the limits of her powers and what she can do by herself, so instead of completely disregarding the Mafia as evil, she instead hopes that she can do her own little part to support this town she loves because she believes that in the current circumstances, helping the Mafia right now means helping Burlone. I wonder what is his importance though~
Is Henri the previous Key Maiden's brother or something and that's why he hates the Mafia and doesn't think Lili will be safe with them? Oooh, or is the Direttore the brother? Chloe sounds... interestingly crazy lol. Anyway, Dante is so cute to insist on drinking espresso even though it's too bitter for him🤣 Gotta salute Lili for eating Lan and Fei's jian dui lmao, it does look pretty bad even though it apparently tastes good. Tbh, it's kinda funny how even though they say they're pretty good at it, they still can't make the shape right lol. Anyway, it's kinda funny how much of a 180 Rosberg does after kinda realising his position I guess. It's like as if he's become the nice and wise church guy lol. I still find it so random how Orlok is his son though, like I legit thought it was a lie back in Orlok's route because he knew saying it would make him go crazier and kill Gil etc so he could at least get his revenge on them that way but apparently it's true haha. I mean, regardless, it doesn't really change the fact that he's literally raised his child to become a killer with no emotions and never really cared about that all these years so I don't know how I'm supposed to view him when he's obviously trash but the story wants him redeemed? Honestly though, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the Direttore and Henri are the same person. Anyway, Henri being Riton was expected after seeing the flashbacks for a while, especially with all the stuff he says but yeah, it's kinda sad to see him obstinate on seeking revenge influenced by all the rumours surrounding Chloe's death and how the Falzone might have killed her etc, but I guess even without the rumours he would eventually blame them, since if they never went to the Falzone, maybe she wouldn't have died like that. I wonder if there's a reason why Chloe went kinda insane though, like a Key Maiden thing, or was it just her? I guess she was just so consumed with the Key Maiden thing and didn’t realise that she could have her own life too. Honestly, I'm pretty disappointed with the finale, other than hearing the story of Henri/Direttore, everything ended not much differently from Gil's happy ending, hopefully the after story pieces the rest better. Like, why didn't we get to interact more with Henri/Direttore if this is supposed to revolve around him? Anyway, it is kinda fitting to welcome the new year with them though because I'm playing this on the last day of 2020 haha! 
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Anyway, it's kinda saddening to know that Roberto and Nicola were actually kinda friendly when Roberto first came to Burlone and they didn't know each other's identities. I guess it kinda shows why Roberto is so obsessed with Nicola and hates him so much in Nicola's route, since Nicola was also the first one to push Roberto away after realising he was a part of the police. Nicola's attitude also doesn't help to pacify things. I think it would have been nice to know this in Nicola's route though, since Roberto is the villain for it. I thought it was really nice that Roberto was the one to remind Marco (when he was doubting the Mafia system because he couldn't save Chloe back then) that the most important thing as the police will always be to protect the people, so yeah even though the Mafia may not be the best way to run this place, there are things outside their control, but protecting the people will always be something they can do. Anyway, I find it funny how in the Henri ending, the guys blame Nicola for leaving the heroine and coming back himself, but when she runs back into the burning casino to find Henri, no one stopped her?! Like, I know it's for story romantic purposes but really, Orlok who is the quickest could have definitely stopped her. It's pretty terrible that Henri got treated badly because his sister tried to kill Beatrice when she was pregnant😔 Even the girl who "saved" him from the parents beating him played him like a toy... It would be hard for him to let go of his hatred when all these things happened after Chloe died, and essentially it's all because of the Falzone even if Silvio and Dante didn't want that. I feel so sorry for the real Sebastiano Gallier... Henri befriended him, killed him and his whole family just to get his identity..that's pretty cruel. Lili's right that Henri dying won't resolve anything, and living is technically a punishment for him in a sense, so I think it would be nice if they could both find a reason for him to live together. Anyway, Henri probably needs a therapist but I guess they aren't in a good situation to look for one. It's kinda funny how in every kind of happy ending where the heroine runs away or disappears, she ends up taking care of kids lol but I guess that's what she can do. Although I don't really care for Henri personally (he is cute though), I do think it's nice to live in a countryside in peace. One thing that really annoys me is Emilio's existence, he never really does anything, causes more trouble than he does providing "important information" because a lot of the time he gives that info, I'm not sure if it's even useful anymore and he only makes some kind of move when chaos has erupted to a point that there's not much point anymore. And the finale after the finale didn't really do much, but I guess I'll look forward to the fandisk if it gets translated!
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Overall, I definitely enjoyed Piofiore. I'll say the overarching plot is definitely a miss for me because every time they mentioned stuff about the Key Maiden and everything, I honestly thought it was boring and the relic was silly too imo, and I also think Henri/Direttore's story lacked the impact it could have created. Even though there was a Henri ending, I don't feel like Lili got to interact with him to the extent that could have made me care more for him, so it was saddening in that aspect. Yang was definitely my favourite character-wise and VA-wise because he was everything I wanted in this Mafia game - dangerous, sexy and ruthless. But I did also enjoy the other guys, it's just that Yang outshined them imo (if you can get over how "evil" he is I guess). The individual routes weren't bad, but I don't think they were particularly interesting since I felt like counterfeit money and other stuff like Lee going against Yang weren't very appealing plot points, so the characters are definitely the highlight for me in this game. If I had to choose my favourite Mafia family, I'd probably choose the Falzone for the overall warmth from Giulia and Leo, but honestly the twins and Yang in the Lao-Shu wins over everyone in the end hahaha. Oh and the art is absolutely beautiful in this game, definitely 10/10 for that. Otherwise, I'd say I would give the game a 7.5/10, good and I liked it but I don't think it had anything or anyone in it to make it memorable for me (aside from Yang). I would recommend it though because it was fun and Lili was an okay heroine, I loved how beautiful she was in all the CGs hahaha.
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pixie88 · 4 years
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A/N: Another talented writer asked me to do a Dominic Wright FF so here it is. I’m matched with his counterpart so I based him on Adam I just hope it have done it well. This might be a one shot piece or I might continue I’m not sure yet. Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!
Find my other Lovelink FF HERE on my masterlist under Lovelink - One shots. Along with my Rory Bear & Shopping Trip (Rory O’Brien), My Science Buff & The Naughty Teacher (Marco Bottazzi) & Tattoo Artist to Businessman (Blake Bailey) FF.
Comments always welcome!
Word count: 2542
WARNINGS: ⚠️ NSFW & Fluffy fluff
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lovelink.
Pairings: Dominic x MC - Leona
It's been 3 weeks since Dominic left for Paris. We have been texting every day, but it just not the same I miss him, he sends me pictures of places he's shooting which makes it hurt more. He's in the most romantic city in the world and I'm stuck here in the states!
"Leona, what do you think?" Kelly snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry, what?" I ask.
"I said do you think Carter will like this bracelet for his birthday? I had it engraved it cost the earth, but he's worth it!" (I zoned put after bracelet)
"Leona!!! You aren't still pining over that boy are you?" She asks again snapping me back to reality.
"You mean Dominic!" I tell her. 
"Yes, him! I don't know why you didn't dump him as soon as he told you he was leaving the country! No way would I let Carter travel to a different country without telling me how long he's going to be. Especially to Paris! Are you sure he's not been with his ex and taken her there?!" Kelly chimes.
Kelly is one of my oldest friends, but she's also the vainest and most materialistic person I know. She never thinks before opening her mouth, which has got me in trouble over the years.
"No, Kelly he hasn't run off to Paris with his crazy ex! You might not let your boyfriend off his leash, but some of us have more trusting relationships!" I snap back at her.
Nikki tries to hide her smile and Kelly gives her an un-approving look. I get up from the table gather my stuff and leave the coffee shop.
When I walk out into the cold air I pull my phone out and text Dominic but just as I'm typing my text as a notification pops up on my screen.
*1 New Message from Dominic*
I smile as I open the text.
[Hey gorgeous girl, I don't know why, but I just had a feeling I needed to text you! So here it is I miss you, baby girl! How's your day going with the girls? I hope Kelly isn't getting on your nerves too much? I got some great shots today. ILY XX]
[We are too in sync it's scary! I literally pulled out my phone to text you when your text popped up! I miss you too! I could do with a Dom hug right now...! Argh I just walked out on Kelly and Nikki. Kelly droning on as usual. It got to me so I'll probably have to leave it a few days before I speak to her again. Have you got any shots from the Eiffel Tower yet? Glad your day is going better than mine. ILY2 xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Leona, I don't get why your friends with someone that makes you so miserable!? See we might be in different countries, but I still know when my girl needs me. What has she said this time? I told you I wasn't going up the Eiffel Tower unless it's with you! ILYM XX]
[I know, but she used to be fun then her grandparents died and left her all that money it changed her now she's just a snob! Your girl needs you stateside! Have they told you when you're coming home? She said the same old rubbish how I should've dumped you when you told me that you were going to Paris. She also thinks you've taken Holly to Paris with you haha. I know neither of us have been up it, but you could go up and take pictures, so I can experience it through your photos! ILYSMM xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Money does bring out the worse in people. You have no idea how much I want to be back home with you. There is a meeting later, so hopefully, I get an idea then. I'm glad you haven't listened to her. Definitely haven't brought Holly with me, she's in court next month. No! I will only go up there with you so we can experience our first trip up the tower together ;) I have to go now. What's ILYSMM? ILY xx]
[Oh, I do! I have everything crossed for some kinda date! I stopped listening to her in the 5th grade! Haha. Wow, that's quick do you need to be back here for that? Secretly hoping you do! OK, we'll have to go one day to do it together! I love you so much more duh! :P ILY xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[I text you as soon as I find out. I'm not sure yet. I might need to be stateside. We will soon I promise. Speak soon. Haha OK ILYSMM xx]
I grab a taxi and make my way home.
Later I'm watching The Notebook when I hear my phone.
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Hey hot stuff, I have news you are really going to love. You know I did that small art show and that if it all went well, I would be offered to take part in the huge exhibition? Well, I got a place at the exhibition they loved my work! That's not the best bit they want me to enter a piece that includes the local sights! But I may have told them a little white lie...I told them I need my "assistant" and they are willing to pay for my assistant to fly to Paris, but they will have to share my hotel suite with me. But that's not all we also get to take a plus one to the exhibition ;) ILY XX]
[Dominic, that's great! Congratulations I'm so proud of you! Your assistant? I didn't know you had one? Lucky assistant :( Looks like you and your assistant will have fun. ILY x]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Leona!!! You don't get it, I told them you are my assistant they are booking you a flight as we speak! LEONA YOU ARE COMING TO PARIS! I WANT YOU TO BE MY PLUS ONE!!!! ILY XXX]
[WHAT?! No! I don't believe you! Why would they do that? DOMINIC YOU BETTER NOT BE MESSING WITH ME!!!! ILY XX]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[I swear on my life they are booking you a flight I will get all the details in a bit. I'm not messing with you! I'm serious. I guess it's a way to keep me sweet? Either way, I don't care I'm just so happy you're going to be here. ILY xx]
[But I have work I'm not sure I can just drop it like that! When will you know? ILY xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Crap, I didn't think about that I just got excited when they said they would fly you over. Please say you'll come? Please? I should know in 5 Minutes. ILY xx]
[I'll see what I can do once you've found out when the flight is. ILY x]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Thank you, thank you, thank you! So, they have sent the ticket to your email apparently. ILY xx]
[I'll have a look now. ILY xx]
I quickly check through my emails there it is at the top my ticket to Paris. It leaves tomorrow morning at 8amand I return in 7 days. (How am I going to sort work out with just over 12 hours before my flight leaves?!)
I text my dad.
[Hey Dad, short notice, but I only got the invite about 20 minutes ago. So Dominic invited me to Paris to see him. I'd be gone for 7 days from tomorrow, but if you can't get cover don't worry I'll tell him I can come.]
*1 New Message from Dad*
[Leona, that sounds like too much of an opportunity to miss out on. Plus, I know how much you've missed that boy. Go! Leave it to me, I'll get cover. You go have fun, but I want to see loads of photos when you come back.]
[Dad, you are one in a million you know that right? Thank you! I will take loads or get Dominic to take some! Thanks again!]
*1 New Message from Dad*
[I do as you always remind me. Have fun, I'll see you when you get back.]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Did you get the email? ILY xx]
I decide to play a prank on him.
[I did, but I've spoken to my dad, and he said it's just not possible to get cover at this short notice. It was a nice thought while it lasted. ILY x]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Oh, what? That's a shame, but like you said it was a nice idea. I'm bummed now I was so excited about being able to see you. ILY xx]
[Lucky for you, I fly out tomorrow! I was joking my dad was fine with it haha. I love you xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[Leona, that was mean! But I'm too excited to be mad. What time do you fly out? I love you more xx]
[I'm sorry, but I'll make it up to you! 8 am so I should be with you about 5 pm US time. ILY xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[How exactly? So, about 11 am here. I will be working so I can't meet you until after I'm done. There will be a driver waiting at the airport for you. ILY xx]
[I'm thinking it's been a long time, so with fewer clothes between us. Oh ok, I guess I'll just go back to your suite and wait on the bed naked for you ;) ]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[God, now all I can think about is you naked on my sheets and finally being able to hold you. I need to sit down or have a cold shower! ILY XX]
[You better hurry back or I'll entertain myself. I better start packing. See you tomorrow. I love you xx]
*1 New Message from Dominic*
[I will be as quick as I can. I can't wait to see you. I love you xx]
After a long 9 hour flight, I'm here! I'm in Paris!! I walk through looking for a driver with my name but I'm greeted with his gorgeous smile, his eyes light up when he spots me. I drop my bags I don't want to not be in his arms a moment longer I run over to him. Dominic picks me up and spins me around "Leona, you're here! You're really here!" he puts me down.
His lips crash to mine, I don't want to stop kissing him, but I pull away. "Dominic, what are you doing here? I thought you had work?"
"I managed to move it all so I could be here to meet you," he smiles.
"I'm so happy you're here to meet me! So are you free for the whole day?" I wink.
"A matter of fact I am! Why don't we get your bags and head back to the hotel so I can show you how much I've missed you"
I blush.
We walk over to get my abandoned bags and there is a car waiting for us out front. We pull up to the hotel it's beautiful.
We make our way up to Dominic's room as soon as he opens the door the view is stunning! I hear the door click shut, his arms come around my waist, his lips brush my pulse line before they reach my ear "God I've missed you!" he nips my ear which sends my body into overdrive.
I turn to claim his lips with mine. His tongue invades my mouth we're in a rush our clothes fall to the floor as he backs me against the wall. His lips move from mine to my neck kissing my sensitive spot just above my collarbone, he continues to move south, his tongue lightly sweeps over my nipple leaving my body tingling and anticipating his next move.
He nips my belly before he throws one of my legs over his shoulder, his mouth finds my centre, he parts my folds and works on my clit, making me arch off the wall.
"Dom....inic crap that feels..." 
He pulls away "Like I need to try harder to make you speechless" He doubles his efforts.
I look down, he's set himself free working his hand up and down his hard member. I pull him up to me "I need you! All of you!"
He doesn't waste another second he wraps my legs around his waist. He thrust hard into me, filling me. He slowly draws out each thrust before forcefully thrusting back in. This pushes me so close to the edge I'm looking over it.
I drag my nails down his back, he hisses at the sensation. His lips claim mine again with the taste of me still on them. He groans against them, he's close. I can't hold back anymore, it's been 3 long weeks "Yes! Dominic!" I fall over the edge.
Dominic hits his own climax "Fuck! God! Leona!" We are barely catching our breath, he's still inside me "Let's take this to the bedroom" He pulls us away from the wall and carries me to bed.
We don't leave his hotel room until the next day.
A few days later we are in the car all dressed up for this exhibition. Dominic is nervous I can see it all over his face.
I take his hand and he looks at me and smiles. "It's going to be fine! Stop looking so nervous!"
"It's not the exhibition I'm worried about" He points out the window.
I turn we're have pulled up to the Eiffel Tower.
"Dominic, what are we doing here?"
He smiles "I thought we could go up it together as we planned," he says.
"Now? What about the exhibition?"
"We can be five minutes late," he takes my hand and leads me out of the car.
"So, this is what you're so nervous about? I thought you didn't mind heights?"
"It's not the heights. Come one, let's go" we get to the 3rd floor as we step out of the lift there is a guy holding a bouquet of roses.
He hands them to me "I hope you like them" Dominic says.
"They're beautiful. Did you plan this?" I ask.
He blushes "I did. The day you told me you were coming to Paris" He takes my hand and leads me to the railing.
The view is beautiful Paris is lit up! "Wow, it's beautiful! I'm glad we have done this together!"
"Me too! Leona, there was another reason why I brought you here. I've wanted to ask you for a while, but face to face"
He takes a breath, "I love you with all my heart, I can't imagine my life without you. I'm done looking for the one as I have found it in you. So, will you be my girlfriend?"
I feel like I'm going to burst "Dominic, I would love to be your girlfriend!"
His lips crash to mine and I wrap my arms around him.
I am his girlfriend and he is my boyfriend!
Here it is lovely especially for you @khoicesbyk​
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