#along with those west coast vibes
knickknacksandallthat · 4 months
will part 4 start off with jean's pov in france? or the first time he meets kevin? or is it jeremy we're starting with?
i literally cannon wait to read this, ive been dying to know what their thoughts have been for the past three fics
Aww, ty anon!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the series! I'm super excited to get their thoughts out there as well! It's funny b/c as I've been writing Kev's POV I've literally had to make little notes to myself on what they're thinking or doing at the moment so I could get here. But now I've got a wall of moments and scenes and little bits that I want to incorporate 😅 So...suffice to say it's def a work in progress making it all cohesive.
Getting back to your question though - we are starting with Jean in the Nest. Not quite the first time he meets Kevin but close to that timeframe. I did try searching through that chapter to see if I could give you a snippet, but alas, anon - everything I've written would be kind of spoilery right now. (There are a few surprises I still have hidden up my sleeve, waiting for y'all when you go to read this.) I don't want to bore anyone by repeating content, and there's a lot to delve into on jerejean's side before Kevin's even in the picture so...yeah. I think y'all will enjoy this next installment. It's been a blast writing so far and I can't wait to share it with you. 😁
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wizard-on-whales · 5 months
Modern AU! for rdr2 characters
These are my headcannons for each character and what I think they would do in modern times.
Characters included: Arthur, Micah, Dutch, John, Abigail, Mary-Beth, Karen, Tilly, Sadie, Strauss, Charles, Susan, Bill, Lenny, Hosea, Sean, Molly, Javier, Swanson
Arthur Morgan: 
He works a blue-collar job. He would most likely be a ranch hand, but for some reason, I can also imagine him being a plumber or welder. In his free time, he does art and sells prints on Etsy. He is still an old-fashioned gentleman (In a good way), and all of the ladies he meets swoon for him, but he is a himbo and doesn't realize they are practically in love with him. They will give him the most obvious hints, but he will think the women are just being nice. 
Micah Bell:
He's the creepy uncle that you avoid at every family gathering. He hasn't had a job in like 15 years, and no one knows how he can still pay his bills. And he also always smells like lingering alcohol and cigarettes. He will lean too close to his nieces and say extremely concerning things everyone would choose to ignore. Im also getting the vibes that he went to prison for several years, but no one knows what for.
Dutch Van Der Linde:
He sells people scams or owns a pyramid scheme business. Similar to Scentsy products, he somehow convinces all of these people to buy his products to sell to other people, telling them they will get rich by selling these products, but, in reality, he's screwing them over and making most of the money himself. 
John Marston: 
If we are talking about early Red Dead 2 Marston, he still lives in his parent's basement and plays video games on his PC all day. He also watches Andrew Tate and would try to boss Abigail around and tell her he's an alpha male. (She'd slap him and tell him to get over himself) Late rdr2 and rdr1, he's grown out of that mindset and has become a working family man. Potentially also a welder, like I said for Arthur. But any high-paying physical job works.  
I feel like Abigail, Mary-Beth, Karen, and Tilly would all have a mom group they host every week to discuss their child's newest achievements. Their husbands think that is all they do at the meetings, but they also have in-depth conversations about women's suffrage and how the world caters to men. They think of ways to better the world and bring more women together to discuss these topics and bring light to issues regarding women. The girls would run a pretty popular Facebook group where they let other women express their opinions on those topics. (Arthur is a part of the Facebook group and likes every post he sees and comments shit like, “You're doing great, ladies! Keep up the good work! 😁🥰👍”) 
Sadie would probably occasionally attend these meetings (Although I dont see her having children, she would go for the cheap wine and to hang with her friends). Sadie would also go for the in-depth conversations and bring new thoughts to the table because she is a CEO or manager for a very successful company. She would share her experiences of what it's like to be on top of the men who work for her but still be looked down upon by them simply because of her gender. She would also probably share tips on that Facebook page on how to create a successful business without having to attend years of college and give tips for all stay-at-home moms who want to be more than just moms and wives. (She would also be the cool rich aunt)
Leopold Strauss: 
He would do the same thing. He gives loans to people who he knows won't be able to pay back the money, and then when the bill comes, he'd ruin their lives and probably end up breaking up families/ relationships and send people to jail for not paying back the money in time. 
Charles Smith:
I can see him being a park ranger or working in any conservation field. Potentially even a firefighter who deals with all of the forest fires that happen in places along the West Coast. He’d also be one to do something similar to what he did in the game, but he would work with the local native tribes against companies to try to win back their lands before it gets plowed over for an Amazon factory or something. 
Susan Grimshaw:
I can see her being the mean substitute teacher who yells at everyone to get to work, and then when someone does something slightly wrong, she would yell at the whole class and be like, “In all of my years of teaching, I have never seen a class behave this badly.” Either that or she would work at the front desk of the business Sadie runs. Miss Grimshaw would NOT play with anyone who would try to be rude towards her. 
Bill Williamson: 
Ehem…a police officer. I feel like this one is self-explanatory. But he would mostly sit in his car and do nothing his entire shift. Occasionally pulling someone over for speeding. If they are a white dude, he'd would let them off with just a warning. Poor Lenny would probably get the ticket. 
Lenny Summers: 
I feel like he would be the one to graduate high school early and go to college as soon as possible. I dont know exactly what he would choose for his degree, but I feel like it would be something involving politics. Maybe that wouldn't be his major, but he would take a government class. Or Potentially going into journaling. 
Hosea Matthews:
He's the retired grandpa who used to work in a factory where he made a surprising amount of money and was able to retire early. He spends most of his days walking up at 5 in the morning to watch the sunrise and read the morning paper. And he’ll spend every opportunity he gets to take his kids or grandkids fishing. And if you stay at his house overnight or for the weekend, he gives you a bowl of ice cream every night before bed and recounts every story he could think of that happened from the last time you saw him. (Some of them are surprisingly concerning, but he is one of those badass grandpas)
Sean Macguire:
Similar to John, Sean would spend most of his time gaming on his PC and arguing with children on COD or Fortnite. But he also works at a local bar as the bartender and won't hesitate to argue with the drunk assholes and would slap a bitch if needed. But he also embarrasses himself by flirting with women who will give him dirty looks or tell him that they are gay. (I feel like Karen would also work late-night shifts at the bar with him, but shes also taking online college classes because she wants to be a social worker) 
Molly O’Shea:
Instagram and TikTok influencer 100%, and lots of brands like to sponsor her and send her free stuff (Mostly because of Dutch’s business.) and she posts videos of her and Dutch, and everyone in the comments freaks out about how he is grooming her because of their age difference but she denies it all and says that they are actually in love.  But then she would post a video to that one sound, “My god this reminds me of when we were young.” And Molly be like 8, and Dutch be in his mid-to-late 20s. 
Javier Escuella: 
He’d be a musician. He would have started out in a shitty garage band with Sean and John or something, but then he’d realize he actually wants to be a serious musician while the other guys were just messing around. So he’d leave and make solo music that blows up, and he ends up going on tour, and making a lot of money and becoming hugely successful. 
Reverend Swanson:
The preacher you always see in the corner of the bar Sean works at. And if you went up to him and started talking to him, he’d tell you the most profound things. He would tell you about his life when he was younger and what happened that made him lose hope, but he would motivate you to never give up. He’d be that person you meet by chance for a few seconds that you would never forget. Hosea probably invites him to go fishing with him from time to time. But instead of fishing, Swanson stares at the water ripples in silence. Hosea would let him sit in silence and let Swanson enjoy the company and the time to think while being sober. 
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vee-beeee · 7 months
(Part one) Robo Road Trip
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This is PART ONE BABY (edit I FINISHED COOKING right here)
Okay the last dbh post was KINDAA giving depression so heres a FLUFFY fluffy one thats been bouncing around my brain for a couple days, part one as im going to make a continuation that shows what camping is like with the boys.
Premise: Road Trip to the West coast with Conner, Nines and Sixty
Imagine those roads with trees surrounding them, thats the vibe
Also first time writing for SIXTY whoooo hope im not trash, he acts like a smug dramatic guy so idk
Conner, Nines and Sixty x reader
I believeee this is around 3k lol i went ham
Warnings: maybe a bad word because sixty, fluff with a capitol F, part one
I also recommended listening to ANY Lord Huron song while reading this, that is basically the road trip music
(Hey sidenote, I know some of the ecosystem is TRASHED in dbh but lets pretend thats not happening LOL)
You were so happy to get out of the city.
And into the car for a 35 hour drive.
You really wanted to show your boys the mountain you would always camp at when you were on the West Coast. They all hadn't been outside of Detroit, being made to do one job IN Detroit, but now they were all deviant.
And you wanted to show them a taste of the outside world.
It took a while for you all to get packed, the droids really wanted to try experimenting with their wardrobes on this trip. They sought to explore their inner human as much as possible.
You all needed the appropriate gear, so you guys went on a little shopping spree to find a tent and basic camping stuff. Hank had actually tagged along to coach you guys on what to get, having gone camping a couple times himself. (he mostly talked with you and Conner while sending glares to Sixty and Nines)
You ended up getting a pretty fancy tent that was big enough for all of you, and some essential equipment for cooking and cleaning. You also snuck in some board and card games, even though you knew they would beat you. But you could probably win ONE time...
After buying the gear, you guys got planning. You could only stay camping for 5 days, as the station didn't necessarily enjoy losing 4 cops. Especially 3 of the 4 being advanced detective androids. But it had worked out, (the boys having saved an astronomical amount of sick days) and you planned on going sometime in the fall. You decided on a week and you remember hurriedly running to your calendar and circling the date and also drawing a bunch of small doodles around it. The boys had all watched you fondly, getting excited themselves.
It all lead up to this moment, where Conner sitting next to you in the driver seat and was setting the location in his new GPS, Nines and Sixty where packing the car, and you were making a road trip playlist. (Hey that's very important!)
"Hey Conner?" He hummed in response and didn't look at you, too busy trying to figure out a new gadget he got for his car.
"Do you like Lord Huron?" You were trying to decide what the perfect music to play was and realized that Lord Huron existed. You weren't really sure how androids experienced music so you thought of asking. He huffed out a sigh directed at the troublesome device and turned to look at your phone, where you also had your eyes glued.
"I don't really listen to music as such, but Hank has introduced me to heavy metal. Is it like that?" You giggled remembering Hanks music taste
"No its more gentle, relaxing. It reminds me of walking in the woods." Out of the corner of your eye Conner looked away, LED blinking amber and blue. He looked back at you with a soft smile and this time you met his gaze.
"That sounds delightful, my dear. Perfect for this occasion" You flushed at the nickname, and he chuckled seeing your reaction. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before exiting the car, hearing Sixty's call that they were almost done. You sat in the vehicle, skin heating, and raising a hand to graze the place he kissed you. You loved when he did that. A steady knock at the window startled you and you whipped around to see a familiar face (sixty) smirking at you, seeing that you were flushed. You stuck your tongue out at him and he reciprocated, sticking his tongue back at you.
"If you two would stop behaving like children, we would be done much sooner." A booming voice cut through your contest with sixty, and you watched him roll his eyes and face an annoyed Nines. You got out of the car to go help the RK900 with what he was carrying. He was still grumpy so you smiled softly at him and mouthed an apology. He relaxed slightly, but still shot a glare at sixty, who chuckled and went back into the apartment and get more bags. You then took the time to appreciate Conner's awesome Bat Mobile car. It had a huge trunk that managed to fit all of your stuff, tent included. It was truly a miracle machine.
You walked over to the car and gave the suitcase to Conner who situated it nicely in a perfect space. You were also lucky to have android boyfriends who were amazing at managing tight spaces and fitting things into them.
After a couple of minutes, Sixty emerged with the last of the bags. He informed you all that he locked the house up and engaged the security systems. The final step. You were really going.
You all piled into the car, both Nines and Sixty insisting you take the front seat. You accepted, but promised to swap with them when you got to the next stop. Most rest stops would be for you, needing to get food or use a restroom. The droids didn't need anything but told you they needed to get up and stretch their legs once in a while ( but you think that was just their excuse so they could follow you around and make sure you were safe at suspicious gas stations.)
After a while of driving through the city, Conner was getting on the highway when you announced that you would be playing a Lord Huron song and see how everyone liked it. You turned on "Meet Me in the Woods" and leaned back to look out the window.
"I took a little journey to the unknown,
And I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones
I messed with the forces our eyes cant see
Now the darkness got a hold on me
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me"
You had closed your eyes and started to quietly sing along, and realized you should see what the others thought about it. You turned your head slightly to Conner staring out at the road ahead, his LED blinking yellow and blue. He had a soft, lingering smile on his face and his posture was relaxed.
Sixty had his eyes closed, leaning his head all the way back on the seat and seemed to be absorbing the music.
Nines was also leaning back, arms crossed. He was staring out the window with his LED a soft, stable amber. He turned slightly to just catch the end of your gaze and his lips twitched in a cute, endearing way. It was a Nines smile. You smiled back at him and turned around to look out the front windshield. It was raining slightly, and you were just leaving the city and into the unknown. It was perfect.
After the song had finished, you tore your eyes away from the road
"Did you all like it?" you hopefully gazed at each individual and noticed they all looked at peace. Conner spoke first
"Do you have more music of that energy? I think I enjoyed it."
"I agree. More please"
You looked around to see everyone nodding their heads and you beamed. And so, your playlist made it past the android enjoyment test. You settled in as it started the next song, feeling content. You could totally do 35 hours.
(4 hours in)
Update: why would you do this to yourself. 35 hours? Were you crazy? You loved road trips as much as the next guy, but you were dying. You guys were currently stuck in traffic, and the boys had gotten involved in a pretty intense "dad stuck in traffic" fight.
"Nines, going on I90 would have taken us to the heart of Chicago, do you want more traffic?"
"No it wouldn't if we took the round about. Whose the more advanced android here Conner."
"Woah, low blow"
"Be quiet Sixty"
This started as Nines getting mad at Conner for taking them down a road that had high traffic at that hour, and Conner defending himself. Sixty had no argument, he just liked being included.
"I took 294 because I knew it would keep us out of the worst of the traffic. No matter what, traffic is inevitable."
"It could have been avoidable had you followed my instructions"
You were sitting in the passenger seat, eyes squeezed shut listening to them argue. It was infuriating.
So you did something.
"Guys I'm going to jump out of the car and sprint down the street like a crazy person if you don't stop arguing. I'm dead serious" You snapped and stared them down. Or a least you tried, because your face betrayed you and you broke out into a smile giggle.
Conner looked guilty at first, but saw your grin and started chuckling, envisioning you running down the street like a madman. Nines bristled, still annoyed. Even if your giggle made his lips quirk. You made eye contact with Sixty and he was smirking at you, taking out his coin to mess around with.
You eventually sighed, a couple minutes having passed. You turned around to address Nines.
"Traffic was inevitable" then you turned to Conner "No arguing". You took Conner's hand in yours and held it. Another smile broke out onto his face and he turned to look out on the road. You felt a hand graze your neck and you twisted around to see Nines reaching out. He moved forward to peck your temple and then quietly apologized to Conner.
Mission Successful.
But that was mission one. Mission two was figuring out how to go to use the bathroom. Because you were currently stuck in traffic. That wasn't great. After a couple minutes of fidgeting your legs, Conner took his hand away from holding yours and looked toward you. His gaze was steady, as his LED blinked and you knew in the back of your head that he was scanning you.
"Do you have to use the lavatory?" You gasped and shoved his shoulder, watching him bite back a laugh, and then started sinking in to your seat.
"Conner! That's so embarrassing."
"Did maybe someone tell you to go before we left? Oh wait, that sounds like something I would say" Sixty spoke up from the back of the car. You turned around to gape at him, and he just sat there looking smug. You could hear Conner and Nines subdued chuckling behind the music that was playing.
You ended up holding out, absolutely refusing to go in the woods by the road, insisting that someone would see you. Conner pulled over at a gas station and you all but flew out of the car and bolted through the store until skidding to a stop right outside the bathroom.
When you got out, Sixty was buying your favorite snack and you saw Conner and Nines fueling up the car out the window. They were seriously so thoughtful.
After Sixty was done paying, you came up behind him and hugged his middle. He laughed and held your hands still on his middle, and spun you. You squeaked and he laughed harder. He stopped and unwrapped you to kiss your head and hand you your prized snack. You pecked his lips and left, both of you saying good day to the amused employee working there.
(17 hours in)
It started getting really late so you guys stayed at a motel for the night. You guys all relaxed on a fluffy bed, all party's included were happy to stretch their legs. You and Nines had been switching front seat and back seat, and Sixty had repeatedly old you he was fine where he was. Nines had revealed to you later that Sixty just wanted to sit next to you.
You got up from the bed first, eager to get ready and sleep. When you came out 30 minutes later, Conner was laying still under the blankets, staring at the celling. Nines was also under, and had rolled over to face the window. And Sixty had apparently, at some point while you were in the bathroom, been knocked off the bed. He was currently face down on the floor. You giggled and nudged his side. He rolled over, clutching his heart.
"They, (fake coughing) their so mean. They shoved me off the bed" you shook your head and leaned down on your knees to kiss his cheek. He accepted and rolled back over on his face. Conner then spoke up from the bed
"I wouldn't kiss his face, this floor is filthy." You stood up and laughed, making your way to the bed and crawling over him to slip between him and Nines. Nines stiffened until he got comfortable, and Conner wrapped his arms around you to spoon you.
"Just say your jealous she kissed me Conny" came a voice from the floor. Conner scoffed and replied with another rhetorical comment hidden in a nice tone. Nines joined in just when you started slipping into sleep, and the last thing you heard before you left to dream world was Conner whispering goodnight into your ear.
In the morning you woke up covered in androids. Very snugly droids. You all then got packed up and set off. During the drive, You found out Sixty had crawled into bed after you and shoved Nines off when he was in rest mode. Nines woke up very alarmed, and decided to continue his rest in one the the chairs in the room the motel provided. You had felt so bad afterwards, but he insisted it was fine.
You guys were driving through North Dakota today, and you were currently knitting. The boys were discussing a case that was giving them a hard time. You would have joined in but you believed in not talking about work on your precious vacation time. You were sitting in the back seat now, Sixty at your side, and it was very domestic. You felt a hand wrap itself around your knee and you smiled, continuing your stitch.
(30 hours in)
You were totally knocked out. The boys wanted to continue driving to beat traffic, and were currently talking through their android Verizon service (using their minds) as to not wake you up.
But you still accidently woke up with a start when Sixty had rolled his shoulder, unintentionally dropping your head off him. You had apparently drifted off resting your face on his soft puffy jacket.
To which he did NOT mind.
You squeaked awake, being surprisingly shoved off your pillow. Sixty immediately said a quiet apology, but it was too late. 2 angry droids turned there seats around to glare down the accused RK800.
"We told you to stay still" they said that almost in synch
"I was reaching for a blanket! I didn't know a small movement would wake her!"
You sleepily giggled at their little argument and passed out against him once again.
When you woke up for real, you were informed that you guys were almost three hours away. You breathed a sigh of relief, but still begged to pull over so you could get some air. You were in a beautiful parts of the woods and you desperately needed a stretch after sleeping on Sixty. No offence, but snuggling with androids is like snuggling with a very sturdy pillow. Your happy for it, but its not very squishy.
Nines had chuckled at how desperate you looked and obliged. You popped out and basically ran halfway down the road and back. You were huffing when you came back to the car. Conner rolled his window down, eyebrow raised. You wheezed
"Sorry, needed to run" He nodded in understanding, and actually got out himself to stretch his android joints and put on his cute little beanie. Sixty got out and straightened his tie, and Nines choose to stay in the car and work on coordinates. Sixty walked around the car to join you and Conner, and looped his arms around your waist. You yelped as he picked you up slightly to sling you back in forth.
"How are you enjoying the road trip?" He punctuated each word with a swing of your body. You were laughing when you responded "Good, but I'm excited to get there" Conner had been watching you fondly when he stated
"Nines says its 3 more hours, but we might get delayed depending on traffic." you nodded and Sixty set you down. You then went up to go hug Conner, making sure he wasn't missing any affection.
After more standing and stretching, you got in the front seat with Nines next to you, setting the car to auto drive. Conner and Sixty were sitting in the back, playing one of the card games you brought and starting to get very competitive with each other. You beamed and turned back to look at Nines. His eyes weren't on the road, however. He was staring at you with an expression of absolute love. You both sat and stared at each other until he leaned over and grabbed the back of your head, threaded his fingers into your hair, and kissed your temple. You shivered as his fingers rubbed your scalp and he grinned against your temple.
(5 minutes away from campsite)
You were bouncing off the walls excited. It had been years since you visited this spot, having been to far away after moving to Detroit. The boys had been enjoying the scenery outside the city, but now the were enthralled. The woods were huge, and the air was fresh. Moss hung from the arms of the trees and you could see your mountain peeking over the top of the forest. You guys were waiting in line at the entrance of the campsite to check in, and you were gushing about how pretty your spot was. It was nestled in the corner of the campsite, leading into a trail into your own personal forest. Complete with a little stream.
The androids were amused watching you talk about the park, but they were almost as excited as you. When you were sleeping, all they talked about was this new experience, and how happy they were to share it with you. It was interesting seeing all the new environments and experiencing what its like outside of the city. Detroit was so advanced, and they had never really been deep in the woods.
After patiently waiting, you finally got all checked in and remembered to buy some firewood.
Then, you were off.
Starting your very first camping trip with your wonderful android boyfriends
Hope its okay, had to really crack at this one to fit all my ideas in. Its also hard to write the dynamic between 4 people LOL
Hope I managed to capture their personalities okay
Part 2 is all about them camping so stay tuned
It might take a bit so hang on and let me cook 🔥
Sorry for plot holes or if this has been done beforee
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lilcatdraws · 3 months
Okay😅 not to be that person, but could you answer ALL of the questions for the music ask game questions for J?💜❤️ I’m honestly really curious🤭👀
Thank you for the ask! 🥰💜💚
💿 - Give us a song that fits your f/o's vibe! 
I’ve done this plenty of times lmao so I’ll give name some songs I haven’t really mentioned before:
War Pigs by Black Sabbath, Breathe by Pink Floyd, Blow Up the Outside World by Soundgarden, Bulls On Parade by Rage Against the Machine, Until It Sleeps by Metallica, Break on Through by The Doors, West Coast & Shades of Cool by Lana Del Ray, and Rotten Apple by Alice In Chains (okay this one is self indulgent but I feel like he’d listen to it and the rest of Jar of Flies when he’s in his feels)
I’ve said even more in this headcanon post.
🎙 - What song would you like to sing to your f/o?
Even though I’m not very confident with singing, I’d still sing to him. Probably Sunshower by Chris Cornell since it’s one of my all time favorite songs. 
🎧 - Your f/o just found your music player! What song do they find playing on it? 
I have a CD player but I don’t use it very often. The only cds I have are the 1994 and 2019 lion king soundtracks, other Disney cds, and Mad Season’s album Above. I want more cds so bad. I know nobody uses them anymore but they’re so cool! And no ads 😅
If J was to catch me using it, Mad Season or the 1994 lion king soundtrack would be playing. Those are the two I play the most. 
🎤 - Your f/o caught you singing! What song would you be singing and how would you react? How would they react? 
When I’m in the mood, I sing along to almost everything I listen to. So it would just depend on what J walked in on. It might range from P!nk to Korn lmao. 
If he likes the song he’ll join me. If he doesn’t really care for it or doesn’t know it, he’ll just watch me and fixate on my voice. He doesn’t care what the song is, he just likes hearing me sing. 
🎼 - Give us a song that matches your s/i's vibe! 
Yes I’m A Mess by AJR. I was vibing so hard when this song came out. It’s totally me. I’m an utter mess all the time lmao. 
Another one that fits me is Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morisette. It’s about uncertainty and imo just making through life. I have no clue what I’m doing. I don’t have everything figured out just yet and deep down it scares me but I don’t care. I’m just living life until I figure everything out. I feel like a lot of people my age are the same way.
🎹 - Can your f/o play any instruments? 
No…not officially. But I have like a little what if headcanon where J can play guitar. It just fits.
🎵 - What song would you recommend to your f/o?
Drumming Song and Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine. I love those so much. I know it’s not really his thing but I’d like to see what he thinks. He’d probably like Drumming Song.
🎶 - If you could assign your f/o a musical artist, who would it be? 
Um, probably Nirvana. Unique, weird, rock vibes is what I’m going for. J is all of those things.
🔊- Does your f/o like loud music? 
Yes and no. J is a metal head. Loud music usually doesn’t bother him. But if he’s had a really hard day or he doesn’t feel well and the headache is splitting, he won’t listen to the loud stuff. It tends to make it worse. Instead he listens to acoustic rock, which has the same vibe but it’s calmer and easier on his ears.
💜 - Give us a song that describes you and f/o's relationship! 
I don’t think this is very creative but And I Love Her fits us well. I really love Kurt’s version because that’s just my kind of music but the Beatles version works too. Can’t beat the original.
📀 - Does your f/o have a theme song? Show it to us! (Or give us one you think would be their theme song!) 
Not a song but he has theme music. It’s Why So Serious? from the incredible genius Hans Zimmer. He wrote the soundtrack for a lot of my favorite movies and I love his work so much. 
🕺- What song would you and your f/o dance to? 
Dancing Queen by ABBA. I love this song! It gets both me and J moving 🤭
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randomvarious · 8 months
California Hip Hop Playlist (YouTube)
Got a small update for this Cali hip hop playlist that I've been slowly building up, which sees it diversifying a little bit, thanks to a much-needed infusion of the g-funk style that would end up largely defining the whole west coast rap sound throughout the early-to-mid-90s. But rather than selecting well-known tracks from the two foremost guys who would really end up helming that whole movement—Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg—I went with a few lesser-known cuts instead.
And two of them are straight-up, laid-back party jams that were both made by Compton natives: DJ Quik's "Summer Breeze," a 1995 tune that goes for the same exact summery and nostalgic vibe that DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince's "Summertime" went for, but is better in every way; and duo 2nd II None's 1991 clap-along joint, "Ain't Nothin' Wrong." Both of these are Compton classics that were released on the New York-based Profile Records, and they've both managed to rack up hundreds of thousands of YouTube plays each, but "Summer Breeze" only ever ended up reaching #110 on the Billboard R&B chart, and "Ain't Nothin' Wrong" was never released as a single in the first place. So, a whole lot of people probably slept on these two songs entirely.
And then for something way more obscure than both of those, I've got a song from a quartet out of the Bay Area called Potna Deuce, whose 1994 track, "Can U Dig It," which pairs whining, high-pitched g-funk synths with a light piano melody on its chorus, only has about 2,400 YouTube plays in total. And this one was released on Profile as well.
2nd II None - "Ain't Nothin' Wrong" Potna Deuce - "Can U Dig It" DJ Quik - "Summer Breeze"
And this playlist is also on YouTube Music.
So, with these three new adds here, we're now nearing the 90-minute mark with this playlist, which now has an added bit of g-funk to go along with a grip of dope late 90s underground stuff too 😋.
And if you want something shorter, I have California hip hop playlists that are narrowed down to just the 1990s and also 1998, specifically.
1990s California Hip Hop: YouTube // YouTube Music 1998 California Hip Hop: YouTube // YouTube Music
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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CW for some (underage) sexual references but nothing too explicit. Basically just acknowledging it's a thing that occurs XD
I know a place Where the grass is really greener Warm, wet, and wild There must be something in the water
Sipping gin and juice Laying underneath the palm trees (Undone) The boys break their necks Tryna to creep a little sneak peek (At us)
You could travel the world But nothing comes close to the Golden Coast Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love
California girls, we're unforgettable Daisy dukes, bikinis on top Sun-kissed skin so hot we'll melt your popsicle
California girls, we're undeniable Fine, fresh, fierce, we've got it on lock West Coast represent, now put your hands up!
Sex on the beach We don't mind sand in our stilettos We freak in my jeep Snoop doggy-dog on the stereo
You could travel the world But nothing comes close to the Golden Coast Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love
California girls, we're unforgettable Daisy dukes, bikinis on top Sun-kissed skin so hot we'll melt your popsicle
California girls, we're undeniable Fine, fresh, fierce, we've got it on lock West Coast represent, now put your hands up!
@karatecaulfield gotta pspsps you again
Fun fact: Even though this is obviously the most YasMoon song to ever YasMoon, I only really started associating it with them when I wrote a scene for my ongoing fic where they were jamming out to it and singing along in the Range Rover. Because by god!!! They WOULD jam out to California Gurls like the preppy-yet-uninhibited valley girls they are!!! Like when I think of girls singing too loud in the car and dancing around with the convertible roof down and generally being the most obnoxious young women you've ever seen in your entire life, YasMoon is the first thing that comes to mind. It's their Vibe!!!
This semi goes with this ficlet I wrote, which was loosely based on California Gurls. I think I said it best in the tags there: There's a certain peach, orange, and cranberry cocktail that I think these two beautiful lesbians deserve to model their life after >:3
I fr love the idea of these girls trying to walk around the beach in heels XD And somehow they don't stumble at all (at least not visibly!) and it confuses the crap out of all their friends. This is just what happens when you were born and raised within driving distance of the beach and Constantly Pressured To Be Hyperfemme-Style Pretty XD
No but imagine being friends with Yasmine and Moon and going to a big Fancy Beach Bash that half the grade and kids from several other rich kid schools are invited to. And then halfway through, the cohosts completely vanish and you're like ???? So you follow a trail of high heel prints someone left in the sand (who DOES that, by the way?) until you eventually come across two pairs of casual-but-still-very-pricey stilettos half-buried in the sand like some weird modern art installation. And you're like "Oh??? Who are the lucky guys? ;3" but brother, all those interesting noises coming from that nearby beach tent are definitely female.
Another fun fact: I have been meaning to submit this moodboard literally all summer. I made it in like May??? But I'm glad I saved it for the event because...yannow...golden??? Golden Coast??? XD ...too on-the-nose?
(Also decided to include the snippet of said fanfiction with the California Gurls jamming-out scene as a separate prompt for this week! Hilariously, it happens to have a bunch of gold color motifs in it that are completely unrelated to this submission. Lucky coincidence? Anyways, it'll be up in a couple days!)
I also have something planned for Heatwave, btw!!! But unfortunately I'm going on a trip soon and definitely won't finish it by the end of week 1 :( It's in the works, though, and I defs want to post at least some of it later on!!!
Idk I just think they deserve to lie on beach towels holding hands and eating popsicles and sipping fancy cocktails and also going on Santa Monica Pier dates and taking long coastline joyrides with the windows down, all while very openly in gay love with each other <3 <3 <3 They'll get there someday, I know it!!! Yasmine, you can do it!!! You can stop repressing your sexuality, I promise!!! Godspeed, girl!!! ;_____;
Also, cannot tell you how much I would LOVE to see Moon tie her hair up in a loose ponytail with a patterned ribbon like in the top left pic :O Like it is no longer a mere want, it is a DESPERATE YEARN. And Yas would look cute af in that pink-and-white bikini and the light pink towel in the bottom right, don't @ me!!!
...the irony of me absolutely despising fashion and clothes growing up because I was a girl and girls were "expected" to be into that sort of thing, and now I joyously dress my gay little blorbos up in cute outfits with nary a care in the world XD Character development, I guess?
Anyways, I didn't get into clothes to appease men by presenting "feminine" enough for them. I got into clothes to impress all the hyperfemmes I wish to kiss under the moonlight akjnsauldkbhks I no longer perform femininity for men because most I've met actually kind of hate it and the only people who have ever fully embraced my girly girl side are in large majority other women lmao. You only get to see my girly side if you embrace it unironically!!! If you only like it as a means of boxing me in and secretly hate/make fun of me being girly, you will simply never get to see it :3
As always, pic credits available upon request! Keep an eye out for my fic preview coming soon! :D
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canadiancryptid · 11 months
i like west coats avengers! i think its pretty good sad it got cancelled. as for whether its a good iteration of gwnepool? id say its pretty alright. ofc nothing will ever be the og unbelievable but id rate her like second best tbh. she comes off a little different i think because wca is a team book and they cant give monologues to each individual character which gwenpool readers kind of live off. still shes pretty good id say!! + JEFFF
Loved West Coast Avengers. Wish it was longer than 10 issues. The whole team is just great.
Gwen's powers were just gone, which may have been more concerning if it was ever fully explained how they work. Overall a solid iteration. Felt more like her than some other appearances*cough cough rocket and groot-* so I certainly enjoyed it. None of them have quite recaptured the vibe of Unbelievable, but I don’t think that's gonna be happening anytime soon.
Seeing her reaction to B.R.O.D.O.K. was just gold. I mean, yeah, she's not wrong, but given her history with him, you'd think there would be a little more concern.
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Best execution of the "remember who you are" trope. No competition. Solid gold right here.
Honestly, I strive to be this petty.
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Seeing Jeff's first appearance compared to what he looks like now... those legs give me the heebie-jeebies. He's a lot cuter with the stubby legs, but he's always been a precious baby.
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Still have Strikes Back and Love Unlimited to go, along with a bunch more comics I want to check out. Can I read it all before my free trial runs out, or will I have to pay up? Guess I'll find out soon!
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adriankennedy · 1 year
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if you’re hearing TANGERINE by GLASS ANIMALS playing, you have to know ADRIAN KENNEDY (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the TWENTY-EIGHT year old SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER has been in denver for, like, THREE YEARS. they’re known to be quite UNCERTAIN, but being CREATIVE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble JOE KEERY. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those SCROLLING THROUGH TIKTOK AT 3AM, FOLLOWING YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH ON INSTAGRAM, CALLING IT A DAY AFTER TWO DRINKS, and LAUGHING ALONG AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
NAME: Adrian Joseph Kennedy
AGE: Twenty-eight
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Queer, undefined
EYE COLOR: Dark brown
HAIR COLOR: Medium brown
HEIGHT: 5'10"
EDUCATION: High school graduate
OCCUPATION: Social media manager, youtuber
HOMETOWN: Sacramento, California
QUICK BACKSTORY tw: Parental neglect, sexuality confusion
He was born in Sacramento, California to two parents who couldn’t care less about himself and his two other siblings. A harsh start? Maybe, but that’s exactly how it was for him too. The kids pretty much had to fend for themselves, and any time the parents were surprisingly home, it was nothing but arguments and complaints. So, early on, Adrian was determined to get out. And he did, at just eighteen.
Once he was out, he used up the rest of his meager savings from working two jobs to buy a camera and quickly went on documenting his California adventures with his siblings whenever they visited. It didn’t take long for a following to amass, for him to turn to vlogging instead as well as skits, and soon he was a popular YouTube figure before it could even be called a career.
Eventually being a YouTuber brought sponsorships and actual money, and he was able to make the move to Los Angeles where he’d be closer to Hollywood and the hub of all things entertainment on the west coast. He moved his little sister in with him to be his camera woman and things were all good from there... for a long time. He even recently had a brief stint as a talk show host before he quit and went on a year-long hiatus from the world. 
The reason? His personal life was a mess. Romantic attention from women made him a mess, and attention from men made him an even bigger, more confused mess. He took to shunning everyone and the eventual lying to himself took an internal toll that left him running off and disappearing for said year.
When he came back, he’d of course lost some following, but the core of his audience remained. Adrian took to making videos like before but this time made a side series about interviewing people within the city for fun. He’d moved to Denver for a change in scenery and has now settled with a day job of being a social media manager for a local news station.
Has a cat named Tuna that likes to bolt whenever he opens his apartment door. So, chances are he's asked his neighbors if they've seen him
Has a stupid recurring joke that he can be called Ri-ri too sorry Rihanna
His little sister is a wc i’ll be putting in later!
General friends honestly just give him people to go to brunch with
Maybe an ex-but-not-really he nearly got serious with but he freaked out at the last second and kind of just... dipped?? Cue the old angst
Neighbors would be cool and I love those plots
Fans of his YouTube channel? Or even non-fans who think he's cringe
Hinge dates! Let's throw our muses together and plan nothing
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
eregyrn-falls replied to your post: "the roommate is finally making me watch Grease for..."
Oh, i imagine you’re gonna really enjoy it! i could have sworn you already kind of had a Stangie AU that had that same flavor? we’ll see!
oh yeah I enjoyed Grease! I never stopped thinking "that's just my boy Clark Kent" when John Travolta made an expression that was eerily like one Tom Welling might make, but that didn't reduce my enjoyment. if anything, it increased my enjoyment. also, I finally heard the entirety of "You're the One That I Want" instead of just the beginning.
(and I've determined that song goes on the list of Stangie songs, bc damn if it doesn't work. Angie being like "I want you to be my man but you gotta grow the fuck up first" is v accurate.)
you might be thinking of my West Coast Trio AU, which I believe I first called the Greaser Angie AU or something along those lines. Angie's a badass punk type lady in that AU and Stan's a nerd (bc of getting a severe illness as a child) and they meet at West Coast Tech. so it's got similar vibes but reversed.
a proper Grease AU, tho, no, I don't believe I have suggested before. I mean a lot of Stangie AUs have similar-ish vibes just bc Angie's a sweetheart and Stan's a rapscallion. but it's not "sweet Angie meets literal leader of a greaser gang Stan and also this is the 1950s".
we may or may not already be deep in discussion of that sort of AU on the Discord and may or may not have already come to the conclusion that it's a musical AU but Angie and Stan don't actually sing. like, they've got lines in songs but a different person sings for them off-screen and they just lip synch. bc Stan...can't sing. and Angie refuses to sing in front of people.
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idahofallshq · 1 year
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oh, g, it is so exciting to see the jo concept back, but with these fresh wild tweaks! it is also incredibly exciting to see the expansion of the world through the ships, and how despite the glaring issues, idaho falls can still be seen by some as rescue, even if an incomplete one. as jo has had time to settle in for a few years now, will she fully find purpose within the prospect of community in idaho? or will she tighten ship and think with her head alone?
welcome to idaho falls, johana herrera! please make sure to complete the accepted checklist so we can invite you to our servers. we can’t wait to start writing with you!
name: G Age: 27 Pronouns: She/her Timezone: gmt - 5 previous roleplay blog: redacted triggers: redacted wanted connection?: n/a – not an official connection but I did speak to Yen before applying since Orion and Jo will be pseudo family vibes!
Name: Johana “Jo” Lucilla Herrera gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her faceclaim: Adria Arjona age & birthdate: 34 & July 31, 2009 occupation: Soldier immunity: N/A
skill one: technology.
Jo’s mother was a computer engineer before the outbreak and when their family ended up on the Galatea, she offered her skills aboard the ship. She spent much of her childhood at her mother’s side, watching and learning how to do what she did as, over the years, she’d repair and reconstruct old systems to keep them working. It’s come in handy more times than she can think, added to it Orian’s mentorship with small mechanical lessons, her grasp of technology grew exponentially in her youth and has become a valuable skill these days.
skill two: linguistically gifted.
Jo grows up around a multitude of languages. Spanish and English dominate her early years before French and Mandarin and Czech and Russian and Arabic permeate her days. Her ears are trained to pick up change in ton, in phrasing and words and eventually she picks up on more than that, learning to read and write. It’s one of the few things that brings her genuine joy. Few things beat the thrill of finding someone with a shared tongue, one of a home they may never see again. She bridges the gap for them, giving them a place to land. Not to mention it’s helpful when people want to keep secrets, using languages they think no one can understand. She’s picked up more along her travels and finds it an easy and useful past-time to have, collecting books from various stops over the years and teaching herself different languages.
skill three: navigation.
Life at sea meant using the stars as guides. She learned from her father and the ship’s first mate how to read the night sky and her innate sense of direction translated from sea to land when they finally docked on the West Coast. She’s hard pressed to get lost. If she goes anywhere once or has reference points, it becomes intuitive for her to get to where she needs to go. Over the years, she’s used this skill and begun to record different trails and paths and journeys she’s taken, having a few notebooks of meticulously drawn maps for her record.
positive traits.
trait one: lionhearted.
Jo isn’t sure if she was born brave or if it’s just something she learned. She takes whatever glimmers of courage comes her way by the firstful, determined to hold on as life throws everything her way. She squeezes her eyes shut against the dark before facing it head on, chin lifted in challenge. She’s lost so much and she’s still standing. It fuels her. It makes her feel like a wild thing, unafraid of those who might harm her. What more can they do?
trait two: determined.
Ever headstrong, she’s an unmovable mountain in the face of a storm. Few things can sway Jo from her convictions, unable to change her mind if she’s fully convinced of something. Luca was one of those things but he’s long gone and all that’s left is a memory. So she stands her ground, solid as a weathered oak, a bit bent and bowed but not broken. Never broken.
trait three: astute.
Very little escapes Jo’s notice, a glance, a smirk, a whisper – keen eyes catch onto all of it. Being observant has served her well, her shrewd nature not only keeping her on her toes but keeping her alive when she needs it most.
negative traits.
trait one: impatient.
Jo’s never been one to wait for the perfect opportunity and when she’s forced to, it goes against everything she is. She feels trapped, caged, when she can’t take action, when she’s told to wait, to seek the opportune moment. While her impatience has saved her when quick decisions are necessary, it’s also gotten her in trouble more than once.
trait two: arrogant.
From the time she’s a little girl, she’s told to keep her chin up, head unbowed, and will unbroken. She fixes her gaze in the face of those who seek to make her feel like less than she is. Her pride keeps her from asking for help, closed fists and suspicion creates distance from others. It also prevents her from relying on them too much. She thinks she’s invincible. Sometimes, she feel like it too. But Jo’s arrogance builds a wall around her, protecting her from anything that might cause harm while simultaneously keeping her from anyone who might offer help.
trait three: stubborn.
Her determination wins her as many admirers as her stubbornness does adversaries. What might be a virtue in one instance quickly becomes a vice in the next. Her bullheaded ways can hinder her, it can isolate others but she finds it hard to see it as a bad thing. After all, there’s a reason she’s stayed alive for so long and it’s not because she’s agreeable.
tw for trauma, illness, cancer, death, violence
2009 – 2012: When you’re born, life is simple. Chicago is a cold city but you’d never know it, the way your parents wrap their arms around you, keeping you safe and warm. Your mother, Elena, is a professor of computer engineering at Northwestern and your father, Victor, is an Air Force pilot. There are a dozen photos of you crawling around your mother’s office, surrounded by computer parts, and others of you wearing one of your father’s aviators, a laughing smile on your small face. And when your father receives a new assignment, stationed in Honduras at the Soto Cano Air Base, your mother takes sabbatical for the year: both of your parents are strong believers in spending your early years together. So you pack up your life and make your way down to Central America. Your mom says a year will pass in the blink of an eye. No one knows that it’ll be decades before you return.
2013:  When all hell breaks loose, you’re at the market with your mom. You remember the screams. The crush of people. You remember clinging to your mom as, by some miracle, you make it home. It’s not long before your dad returns, frantically ushering you both into the car, still in uniform from the base. There’s a flight that will take your family to Panama, to the boats there. Sea is safest, they’re saying. It won’t belong before everything is shut down and closed off and this is your chance. You’re still too young to understand the way they throw supplies in a bag, or the way you barely make it out of Honduras, the small town you called home for a time burning in the rearview mirror.
2015: You make it to the base and the plane that takes you to the carrier. It's one of the last ones to pass through the Panama Canal. And, before you know it, it’s been two years at sea. You’re six years old now, one of the few children who’ve made it aboard with other military officials and their families. You’re a bit of a leader in the makeshift school that’s established, all knobby knees and sharp elbows. You’ve got a sharp wit and a sharper mouth, all jagged edges in a world now made of them. Your mother chides you to be kind, your father tells you to be wise. They both teach you how to survive. How to stretch rations. How to read. How to protect yourself. They don’t know what’s waiting for you all out there but they’re determined that you’ll be prepared.
2016: Illness creeps aboard and claims the life of more than thirty on board, including the longstanding captain of the ship. Power shifts. Your parents are unwilling to let you out of their sight as violence becomes commonplace. They whisper into the late hours of the morning, concern etched on their features as your mother holds her stomach. With the change in power, your father’s position as an officer is less secure as resources dwindle and tensions rise. Already complaints have circulated about small rations. Announcing there’ll be another mouth to feed isn’t an option.
2016: You’re roused from your sleep in the middle of the night, your father keeping a hand over your mouth to silence your questions as he and your mother pack your bags. Your Uncle Alex, your father’s closest friend aboard, gestures that the coast is clear. You’re shuffled from your quarters, to one of the tender boat bays. You’ll later understand why your father had tears in his eyes as he said goodbye to Alex. You’ll hear the story eventually, how he’d heard a freighter ship on the radio, one of the first ships you’ve encountered in years, and promised to help your family escape, knowing what would happen to your mother if they found out she was pregnant. You’ve never seen your father beg but when you finally encounter the Galatea, you see the desperation in his face. And so does its captain.
2016: Your brother is born aboard the Galatea. Luca is everything to you and more. You watch over him as he sleeps and you make those promises all over again. That you’ll snap and snarl and do whatever it takes to keep him safe.
2017 – 2025: The Galatea is home now. Your family pulls their weight. Your mother keeps systems running, and your father works on machinery. You learn by doing and you become your mothers shadow most days, watching her work. The ship is a kaleidoscope of people from all over and you pick up on languages you’ve never heard. You and Luca are thick as thieves, your little brother your favorite companion and student all in one. You learn from your father how to throw a punch, and you practice playfully on Luca. You learn from anyone who will teach you, be it maps or navigating by moonlight, you pick up skills and remember your parents’ words: we don’t know what’s out there.
Still, the monsters on land are different from the one that claims your father’s life. Cancer is incredibly fast moving when you’ve little to treat it with. Your eyes burn as his body, wrapped in a faded flag, is lowered into the ocean.
2026 – 2029: You become restless after that. You’re angry.  You’re hurting. You throw yourself into whatever task you’ve been assigned, itching for more. A wild thing starts to take hold of your heart and you find yourself looking towards the horizon, wondering if you’ll ever see land again.
2030: All things come to an end, and your time at sea is curtailed by lack of rations and concerns over the engines. When the decision is made, your heart races with anticipation and apprehension. You draw close to your small family as you dock on the west coast and embark on the next chapter of your life. Your feet are unsteady but you keep your head up, determined to keep those you love safe.
2032: Some people go their own way but most of the Galatea stays together, trekking along the old Pacific Crest Trail. The world doesn't seem so bad there and life falls into a routine until you cross into Oregon and your journey becomes that much more treacherous. It’s no one's fault but you blame yourself when it happens. Your mother comes to your aid as you help an injured crew member and everything after happens too fast. You hear her scream as she tells you to run, as you and Luca are dragged away by others. It’s too late. You’re too late. And it costs you.
2033 – 2037: The years blur together after that. You stick close to the crew as the promise of Jackson keeps you going. You’re skeptical of how real the place is but you need something to believe in. As you trek along the west coast, you keep track of where you’ve been and make note of where you’re trying to go. It gradually becomes clear that the infected aren’t the only thing to worry about in the wild. Raiders and thieves are rampant outside of QZs and one such raid leaves you at the gates of Idaho Falls. Luca’s been injured and you’re determined to get him care. You lie and tell them that he’s a surgeon in training. That he’s got skills worth saving. It’s the only reason they agree. But when infection settles into his wounds, his supposed skills aren’t enough to expend more resources on. When Luca dies, so does a part of you.
2038 – 2044: Why stay? Because there’s nowhere else to go. You blame Alexei for Luca’s death even if you know no one could’ve saved him. You want revenge but you also need purpose. Something to push you forward. Survival isn’t enough on its own anymore. And as life in Idaho Falls continues, your losses weigh heavy on your heart but each day you take another step forward. After all, who amongst you has not suffered? You’re not sure what the point of it all might be, but you’ve always been scrappy and determined. Despite everything, you can’t give up. You’ve always been a fighter, claiming each day that comes your way.
arc one. no man is an island
I’d like to see Jo rely on others. She has a few close trusted friends from the Galatea, but I think that as things continue to escalate, Jo will need to reevaluate her relationships and start making ones that last within Idaho Falls. There’s a storm coming and it’s threatening to blow everything away. Like anyone else, she needs people to ground her and keep her steady so I’d love to develop that.
arc two. what are you fighting for
Jo is a soldier who’d previously had sights set on becoming an enforcer. For so long she wanted some sort of revenge on Alexei but in recent years, I think she’s lost that thread a bit, consumed by the day to day. With the uprising beginning, I wonder if she’ll want to get in on it now after so long, or if she’ll think more about what benefits her. When you’ve wanted something for so long and finally get it, sometimes you forget why you wanted it in the first place.
Fluent in: Spanish, English, French, Russian, Korean, Arabic (through practice with various people & self taught) Speaks / Comprehends but is not fluent in: German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Tagalog Physicality: is quite athletic / strong for her size but what she lacks in pure strength, she makes up for in speed. Relationships: probably comes off abrasive to some but is likely to step in if someone is being mistreated (albeit, a bit aggressively – ie: leave them the fuck alone!). Orion Lum is something of an older brother figure in her life, keeping her grounded over the years, especially in light of losses. Other Traits: Lionhearted, Mercurial, Argumentative, Arrogant, Passionate, Observant, Fickle
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bunnyinatree · 2 years
Dream rambles under the cut!
Man, a lot happened in my sub-conscious last night... But there are two snippets of those dreams that stand out the most!
The first was a bit where I was heading home somewhere with my childhood best friend, though in the dream we were both our current ages. We passed by an open volleyball court with some balls still lying out. (I think we had just come from some sports game at a school, and this was another section of the athletic facilities.) She’s always been more athletic than me, but I enjoy playing sports, too, even if I have terrible hand-eye coordination. So that part of the dream was just my childhood best friend playing volleyball with me in the dark, lit by a few street lamps, being very patient when I was obviously below her skill level and giving me some pointers. It was very fun, because I know I would benefit from the extra physical activity, and I was happy to reconnect with that friend after so many years 🥰
The second part of my dream that I really enjoyed was a phone call with another former best friend, this one from high school rather than elementary school. (And this person and I still talk every so often!) We were having one of our regular phone calls to catch up with one another, and they told me that they had started reading a webcomic. It was called something like, “Four Corners, Four Couples,” and the name took a moment to ring a bell, but apparently, in the dream, I had read it in high school. I looked it up online and was having fun skimming through the first chapter and being all nostalgic (for a series I’ve never read in real life because it doesn’t exist). It was hand-drawn then scanned into a computer, but the artist used such vibrant colors and mixed media—like watercolor for the background but something sharper for the characters. Each character had their own designated color to help the motifs along, and the first chapter was this neat montage of all eight protagonists sharing a dream that was less plot and mostly vibing in the sky with beautiful colors. They were introduced to one another, but they had no reason to think any of the other seven existed outside of their dream. Still, they tried to ask about each other’s names/identities/etc, but they all spoke different languages and didn’t come away with much information. I guess the rest of the webcomic was about the eight characters returning to their lives (which were less appealing than the dream) and reuniting with one another over the course of the story, couple by couple. I told my friend that I enjoyed this webcomic at the time, but since I’m not super enthusiastic about soul mates as a trope, it’s not one of my lasting favorites, and I understood why they were also a bit dubious about it.
Also about the fictional webcomic: I remember that the author was Canadian, and it was obvious because of the languages that they chose to use in the opening chapter. Like, they knew French and English very well, and two of the eight characters were from Canada (one on the East Coast and one on the West Coast). Even the character who spoke French lived not in France but in somewhere like Ontario or Quebec. There was also a character from New York or New Jersey (who was either Italian or Jewish or maybe both), which isn’t quite the four corners of the Earth that the title advertises. But maybe the other five protagonists were spread out in different countries. I genuinely wonder how the author was planning on having all eight characters cross paths at some point and come together from so far away 🤔 The webcomic was from 2013-2014, so there would’ve been no pandemic to restrict travel. But I also think that it had gone on permanent hiatus, so even if I were still in the dream, I don’t think I would have any more answers than I do now 😭😭
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smokeybrand · 1 month
I’m a Black kid who grew up in the ghetto during the Eighties and Nineties. Rap and Hip Hop culture informed the bulk of my musical taste. My horizons were broader than most in my neighborhood, my grandma made sure I understood the value of Classical, Grand Ole Opery, and other genres frowned upon by the more street of my peers, but. Ultimately, I was inundated with Gangster Rap. I’m from California so of course I was. It was weird watching my experiences being sold to white suburbia and seeing how violent their reactions were toward it. Straight Outta Compton was my life. To Live and Die in LA was lived experience. Brenda Got a Baby happened to my next door neighbor. Those stories weren’t just thug lyrics on a record for people who looked like me, lived like I did. That was life for us, so Rap music, and Hip Hop at large, is intrinsically Black but it’s not exclusively so. White people have been tied to Hip Hop since its inception. Rick Rubin was the in-house Producer for Def Jam, way back when. That White boy crafted the sound of LL Cool J, The Beastie Boys, and Run DMC; pioneers of the genre. To this day, he is an honored member of the community, even if he works with artists from other genres. Mans produced Hurt by Johnny Cash. Rubin took that record to Cash and pleaded for him to make it. The Man in Black obliged and delivered one of the most powerful records ever pressed to wax. Decades later, Rubin was still making classics and consulting on others. You can’t f*ck with that guy because he is authentic in how he does his thing and that’s what makes Rap music so unique, its authenticity. So when a White boy boy like Vanilla Ice comes along, the community shows you what happens when you are not.
Rob van Winkle is a joke. A punchline. He saw what MC Hammer was doing and just copied his whole vibe. He was very successful at it. He made tons of loot doing just that. Vanilla Ice was everything Rap to a lot of Nineties Boomer Karens who wanted the edges softened on the music. Mr. Winkle played a character, went Hollywood, and got upset when Black people turned on him. Rob was a fan who knew nothing about the life he heard on wax, but wanted to know that world from a safe distance. Vanilla Ice is a culture Vulture who stole the aesthetic of Hip Hop, bleached it of all its Blackness, and repacked that sh*t in the most white bread way possible. Dude was Kids Bop before Kids Bop and made millions. Vanilla Ice is a phony. The life and experiences he rapped about, were never his own. It was something he heard or made up because it sounded dope. Studio Gangster but with none of the Gangster. MC Hammer was definitely about that life. His entourage was about that life. Hammer chose not to portray that sh*t in his rhymes too often because of marketing but Hammer will bust your ass if you press him. Genie pants be damned, he was authentic as f*ck. Vanilla Ice was not. It took damn near a decade before another White boy was taken seriously in Rap and, in my opinion, he’s one of the greatest to ever do it.
Eminem is a beast. He came into this game having the burden of proving White people deserve a place in Hip Hop. Vanilla Ice ruined it for and entire race of people but Marshall was able to re-open those doors. Cats heard Em for the first time and immediately gave him the pass. It helped tremendously he had the West Coast co-sign. I’m talking Dre, Snoop, and the entirety of Interscope had his back. He didn’t disappoint. The Slim Shady LP wasn’t my flavor but the Marshall Mathers LP definitely was. The first time I heard Till I Collapse, I knew the White Boy was The One. The flow, wordplay, passion, and vulnerability spoke true to HIS story. Em wasn’t on that record trying to convince me he was this drug kingpin or that he was going to beat your ass in the street. He spoke of his insecurities, his life in the trailer park on 8 Mile, and the struggle to be recognized as more than a novelty. He spilled his guts about his abusive mom, promiscuous ex-wife, and love of family. Em gave you exactly who he was, for better or worse, on those first two records and it hit hard. That authenticity. The respect for Hip Hop. The love of Rap. He never tried to be more than who he was and I respected the f*ck out of that. It’s why I loved Big. That’s why I loved Pac. That’s why we loved the rise of those Louisiana boys from Cash Money and the ST. Lunatics. Authenticity. Game recognize game. Struggle sees struggle, even if it looks different. Black Rap accepted Eminem because of how real that cat was, is, and that lack of realness is why we stopped f*cking with Aubrey Drake Graham.
K. Dot has made it his life’s mission to destroy Drake and i am here for all of it. I’ve never liked Wheelchair Jimmy. I’ve always thought he’s corny. Just so goddamn fake. The first record of his I ever heard was Best I Ever Had. It was the softest, most simp sh*t I had ever heard in my life and yet, somehow, that sh*t as hot in the streets? See, by the time that h*t dropped, I was a grown ass man. I had moved passed, matured away from, most of the gangster sh*t. I didn’t care about Lil Wayne or whatever the f*ck was going on in Rap back then. I vibe hard with College Trilogy Kanye and Kid Cudi. Drake was mad Lightskin energy and I couldn’t f*ck with it, so imagine my surprise when Weezy F. Baby decided to sign that goofy ass Degrassi Alum to Young Money. The second Drake record I remember? F*cking Bedrock. That is who Drake was to me. As time went on and more stories came out about dude, there was no way I could respect that Canadian. Ghostwriters, stealing entire albums from his label artists, chasing after girls of questionable age; Drake was gross. He doesn’t have his own sound or identity, just kind of stealing whatever is hot at the time. Mans came in sounding like Lil Wayne. Now, he sounds like Young Thug. What Kendrick say? He’s not a colleague, he’s a colonizer. Which is exactly how I’ve felt since I found out Take Care was a whole ass Weeknd album!
Take Care was supposed to be Abel’s major studio debut but Drake just stole the record, recorded his vocals over the Weeknd’s, and dropped that sh*t. He got beat up by Puff Daddy for doing that same sh*t to him. Kendrick is exposing everything Drake has been accused of over the years, putting it in one place so we can all hear it, and letting us make our own decisions about dude. It’s insane because, that bar about A-Minor, is some sh*t I’ve been screaming about at the top of my lungs for years. He f*cking and a dinner date with a teenage Millie Bobby Brown in Australia, where the age of consent is a soft sixteen years old! How about the time he was on stage and kissed a seventeen year old, on stage, at one of his concerts? After saying, out loud, he could go to jail for doing that exact sh*t? What about that time Billie Eilish openly admitted to having a texting relationship with Mr. Graham, long before she was anywhere near of legal consenting age? K. Dot referenced at least two cats in his inner circle who have a penchant for the little kiddies, one of which is convicted, so why does this creep Drake get a pass? This is more about a rap beef, it’s about the measure of your character. Drake is a mixed race kid, raised by his white mother and grandmother, in upper middle class Toronto. He listened to the same records I did growing up and fell in love with the image of Hip Hop. He wanted that for himself, to be legitimized by the Black culture with which he held a tenuous bond. Rap was his way of being Black but he had nary a one true Back experience. So he faked it. He faked it until he made it. And for the last decade, he’s built this house of cards which afforded him millions, access to real Blackness but never the respect of Blackness, and an open buffet of questionable relationship with questionably aged girls, while absolutely ruining Rap music along the way. Mans is Vanilla Ice Returned. I hate Drake, bro. He’s the phoniest mother*cker to ever make it in Hip Hop and I’m glad Kendrick has decided to knock over that house cards. It’s well overdue.
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southcoastdeli · 3 months
Santa Barbara's Culinary Delights: Exploring the Best Lunch Places
Nestled along the breathtaking coastline of California, Santa Barbara is not only a haven for beach lovers and outdoor enthusiasts but also a paradise for foodies. The city's vibrant culinary scene boasts an array of lunch spots that showcase the region's diverse flavors and culinary traditions. From fresh seafood to farm-to-table delights and global cuisine, Santa Barbara offers something to tantalize every palate. In this guide, we'll embark on a culinary adventure to explore some of the best lunch places in Santa Barbara, where delectable dishes and memorable dining experiences await.
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Coastal Eateries
Santa Barbara's proximity to the Pacific Ocean influences its culinary landscape, with an abundance of coastal eateries offering fresh seafood and stunning ocean views. These lunch spots feature a variety of seafood dishes, from classic fish tacos and clam chowder to grilled shrimp salads and lobster rolls. With ingredients sourced directly from local fishermen and markets, these coastal eateries ensure that each dish is bursting with flavor and freshness. Whether you're craving a casual beachside bite or a gourmet seafood feast, Santa Barbara's coastal eateries offer a memorable dining experience that celebrates the city's seaside charm.
Farm-to-Table Fare
For those seeking a taste of Santa Barbara's agricultural bounty, farm-to-table lunch spots provide an opportunity to indulge in fresh, locally sourced ingredients. These establishments prioritize sustainability and community engagement, partnering with nearby farms and producers to showcase the region's seasonal offerings. Diners can enjoy vibrant salads, hearty sandwiches, and creative entrees made with farm-fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and humanely raised meats. With a commitment to quality and sustainability, Santa Barbara's farm-to-table lunch spots offer a wholesome dining experience that highlights the best of California's Central Coast.
Global Cuisine
Santa Barbara's cultural diversity is reflected in its lunch scene, with an array of international eateries offering flavors from around the globe. From Italian trattorias and Mexican taquerias to Thai noodle houses and Japanese sushi bars, there's no shortage of global cuisine to explore. Diners can indulge in fragrant curries, savory tacos, flavorful pasta dishes, and more, all expertly prepared with authentic ingredients and traditional techniques. Whether you're craving a taste of home or eager to embark on a culinary adventure, Santa Barbara's global lunch spots offer a delicious journey for the taste buds.
Quintessential Californian Fare
Santa Barbara's laid-back vibe and sunny climate make it the perfect destination for enjoying quintessential Californian cuisine. Lunch spots throughout the city serve up classic dishes with a West Coast twist, featuring fresh, locally sourced ingredients and innovative flavor combinations. Diners can enjoy gourmet burgers made with grass-fed beef, artisanal pizzas topped with seasonal produce, and refreshing salads featuring California's signature avocados. Whether you're dining al fresco on a sunny patio or grabbing a quick bite on the go, Santa Barbara's quintessential Californian fare embodies the relaxed and flavorful spirit of the Golden State.
Hidden Gems and Local Favorites
In addition to its well-known dining establishments, Santa Barbara is home to a variety of hidden gems and local favorites that offer unique lunch experiences. From cozy cafes tucked away in charming neighborhoods to hole-in-the-wall eateries serving up authentic ethnic cuisine, these hidden gems often fly under the radar but are cherished by locals and visitors alike. Exploring off-the-beaten-path lunch spots can lead to delightful discoveries and memorable dining adventures, showcasing the diversity and creativity of Santa Barbara's food scene.
Santa Barbara's culinary delights are as diverse and vibrant as the city itself, offering a plethora of lunch spots to satisfy every craving and culinary desire. From fresh seafood and farm-to-table fare to global cuisine and quintessential Californian dishes, the city's lunch places showcase the best of local flavors and culinary traditions. Whether you're a visitor exploring the city's culinary scene or a local seeking out new dining experiences, Santa Barbara's lunch spots offer a delicious array of options to discover and enjoy. So, embark on a culinary adventure and savor the flavors of Santa Barbara's best lunch places for a dining experience that's sure to delight the senses.
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menzone · 4 months
Trimming Traditions: Navigating Barbershop Excellence in Canada with a Spotlight on Oakville's Finest
January 19, 2024
1: "Canada's Grooming Tapestry: Exploring the Diverse Landscape of Barbershops"
In the vast expanse of Canada, where cultures collide and traditions thrive, the barbershop experience is a cultural tapestry woven with skillful scissors and the hum of clippers. This exploration takes us through the diverse landscape of barbershops across the country, with a special focus on the grooming enclave nestled in the charming town of Oakville.
2: "Crafting Perfection: The Essence of a Barbershop in Canada"
Choosing a barbershop in Canada involves navigating through a myriad of options, each boasting its own unique charm. Canadians seek more than just a haircut; they yearn for an experience that echoes craftsmanship, attention to detail, and a touch of tradition. Let's delve into the essence of what makes a barbershop in Canada a haven for grooming enthusiasts.
3: "A Symphony of Styles: Diverse Barbershops Across Canada"
1. **MapleMajesty Barbers - Toronto, ON**
   Located in the heart of Toronto, MapleMajesty Barbers blends modern styling with classic techniques. With skilled barbers, it caters to the diverse preferences of the city's cosmopolitan population.
2. **RockyMountain Shears - Calgary, AB**
   In the foothills of the Rockies, RockyMountain Shears offers a rugged and refined experience. Specializing in traditional cuts and beard grooming, it embraces the spirit of the West.
3. **Poutine & Pomade - Montreal, QC**
   In the vibrant streets of Montreal, Poutine & Pomade adds a touch of French flair to grooming. This barbershop is a cultural hub, where clients enjoy expert cuts while soaking in the city's artistic vibes.
4. **EastCoast Clippers - Halifax, NS**
   Along the Atlantic shores, EastCoast Clippers provides a maritime touch to grooming. With a focus on friendly service and expert trims, it embodies the welcoming spirit of the East Coast.
5. **PrairiePrecision Styles - Winnipeg, MB**
   Nestled in the prairies, PrairiePrecision Styles brings meticulous grooming to the heart of Canada. Known for precision cuts and a friendly atmosphere, it stands out in the central provinces.
4: "Oakville's Grooming Gem: Unveiling the Barbershop Essence"
In the town of Oakville, where heritage meets modern living, the barbershop experience takes on a distinctive charm. Oakville's barbershops go beyond the ordinary, offering a blend of tradition and contemporary styling that resonates with the town's discerning residents. Let's shine a spotlight on Oakville's grooming gem.
5: "Oakville's Barbershop Experience: Tradition with a Modern Twist"
1. **HeritageHaven Barbershop**
   HeritageHaven Barbershop stands as a testament to Oakville's rich history. With a commitment to preserving grooming traditions, it offers services that evoke a sense of heritage and timeless elegance.
2. **UrbanEdge Styles**
   UrbanEdge Styles brings a modern edge to Oakville's grooming scene. Known for contemporary cuts and styling, it caters to residents seeking the latest trends in the world of grooming.
3. **QuaintCut Studios**
   Tucked away in Oakville's picturesque corners, QuaintCut Studios offers a personalized and intimate grooming experience. With attention to detail, it has become a local favorite for those seeking a tranquil escape.
4. **OakvilleGentleman's Quarters**
   OakvilleGentleman's Quarters exudes sophistication. With a focus on refined grooming services, it caters to the town's professionals and those who appreciate the finer things in life.
6: "Trimming through Cultures: Barbershops in Canada and Oakville's Distinctive Flair"
In the vast landscape of barbershops across Canada, each establishment becomes a cultural hub, weaving stories through scissors and razors. Oakville's grooming gem adds a distinctive flair to this narrative, representing a fusion of tradition and modernity. As Canadians seek more than just a haircut, these barbershops, both across the country and in Oakville, embody an experience that goes beyond grooming—a cultural journey etched in each precise cut and styled contour.
To know more about the barbershop in Canada or  barbershop in Oakville we recommend you to visit the Men Zone Barbershop, as it is the best barber shop to get barbering services in Canada.
#barbershopinCanada #barbershopinOakville
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luzsellhomespalmbeach · 4 months
Real Estate House for Sale in West Palm Beach and Pompano Beach, FL
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Homebuyers have long sought for South Florida's tropical paradise, and West Palm Beach and Pompano Beach are favorites. This blog article explores the real estate offers in these dynamic towns, highlighting each locale's particular beauty and the numerous choices offered by West Palm Beach and Pompano Beach, FL real estate for sale.
West Palm Beach House for Sale:
West Palm Beach mixes tropical beauty and cultural energy on Florida's eastern coast. Pompano Beach Fl Real Estate for Sale are invitations to a lifestyle of sunny days, waterfront living, and a vibrant culture.
Waterfront Elegance: West Palm Beach offers a variety of waterfront residences, including luxurious mansions and condominiums with ocean views. Boating, water activities, and stunning sunsets are common in West Palm Beach houses for sale.
The city has varied communities that reflect its population. West Palm Beach homes for sale span from Old Northwood's historic beauty to South End's opulence. Potential buyers need West Palm Beach Realtors to help them select the right community for their lifestyle.
In West Palm Beach, residents enjoy a vibrant cultural and entertainment scene. From the Norton Museum of Art to Clematis Street, West Palm Beach houses for sale are close to theaters, galleries, and restaurants.
Sale of Real Estate Pompano Beach, FL
Along the South Florida coast, Pompano Beach is a hidden treasure. Pompano Beach, FL real estate for sale provides coastal lifestyle and community charm with its fine beaches, abundant marine life, and laid-back vibe.
Enjoy beachfront bliss at Pompano Beach, known for its sandy coastlines and ocean clarity. Pompano Beach houses for sale generally have immediate beach access, letting occupants enjoy the sun, waves, and sea wind. For those seeking peace, this beach lifestyle is appealing.
Enjoy boating and fishing at Pompano Beach, a paradise for water aficionados. Real estate generally has private docks or is near marinas, making it convenient to explore the Atlantic. Whether sailing, fishing, or exploring the Intracoastal, Pompano Beach embodies Florida's aquatic appeal.
Growing Community Appeal: Pompano Beach's renovation drives increased community appeal. Pompano Beach Fl Real Estate for Sale is desirable because the city promotes local companies, cultural events, and public areas. A close-knit, laid-back neighborhood awaits homebuyers.
Discover a unique Florida lifestyle by buying a property in West Palm Beach or Pompano Beach, whether you're attracted to its affluent appeal or coastal charm. In West Palm Beach and Pompano Beach, FL, real estate ranges from riverfront luxury to beachside happiness. Partnership with knowledgeable real estate agents in these locations helps you make the best selections and locate the right Sunshine State house.
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thxnews · 5 months
Love by the Sea: Most Romantic Beach Getaways in America!
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Hey there, lovely readers! Let's be honest, we all need that perfect romantic escape from our daily routines. Imagine walking hand-in-hand along a picturesque beach, the sun setting in hues of orange and pink, and the sound of waves softly playing in the background. That's the kind of magic I want to share with you today. So, pack your bags (and maybe a bit of sunscreen), as we embark on a journey to discover the most romantic beach getaways across the USA. These are places where love flourishes and memories are made.  
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Cape Cod lighthouse with cove. Photo by Feliks Tsadkin. Flickr.  
East Coast Charms
Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Classic New England Romance Ah, Cape Cod! It's like stepping into a romantic novel. Quaint villages, historic lighthouses, and beaches that stretch for miles - it's the perfect setting for love. My wife and I had our second honeymoon here, and it was dreamy. We spent our evenings sailing at sunset and our mornings enjoying the cozy comfort of a charming bed and breakfast. Highly recommend it for couples seeking that old-school romantic vibe.   Outer Banks, North Carolina: Secluded Beach Serenity The Outer Banks offers a different kind of romance – one of solitude and natural beauty. It's the kind of place where you can forget the world and just be with each other. Horseback riding along the shore was our highlight, especially during sunset. It's peaceful, it's beautiful, and it's undeniably romantic.   Miami Beach, Florida: Vibrant and Lively Romance Miami Beach is for those who love a bit of zest in their romance. The city's vibrant energy is contagious, and the beach views are spectacular. Imagine dancing the night away in an Art Deco nightclub, then walking hand-in-hand along the beach under the stars. It's a blend of excitement and serenity that's hard to beat.  
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Melancholic beach in Malibu. Photo by Paolog Gamba. Flickr.  
West Coast Wonders
Malibu, California: Celebrity-Style Getaway If you're after a taste of luxury and perhaps a celebrity sighting or two, Malibu is the place. With its exclusive beaches and upscale vibe, it makes for a glamorous romantic getaway. My partner and I felt like stars as we picnicked on a private beach. It was a splurge, but oh so worth it!   Cannon Beach, Oregon: Nature’s Romance For couples who find romance in nature's majesty, Cannon Beach is a must-visit. The sight of Haystack Rock looming over the beach at sunset is nothing short of magical. Beach bonfires here are a thing – cuddling up by the fire as the waves crash nearby... it's a memory you'll cherish forever.   Maui, Hawaii: Tropical Paradise Maui isn’t just a honeymoon staple for no reason. It's a tropical paradise that screams romance. Watching the sunrise at Haleakalā is an experience of a lifetime – it's like watching the world wake up with your loved one. And the luaus? A fun and festive way to experience local culture together.  
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Key West Sunrise. Photo by Max and Dee. Flickr.  
Gulf Coast Gems
Key West, Florida: Island Charm Key West is the epitome of laid-back island charm. Its colorful streets and beautiful sunsets create the perfect backdrop for romance. The sunset cruises here are phenomenal, offering stunning views and a serene environment to express your love.   Galveston, Texas: Historic Beach Romance Galveston's blend of history and beachside charm makes it unique. Walking through the historic district felt like a step back in time. And the live music on the pier adds a lively touch to a romantic evening stroll.  
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Amazing aerial of Makena Big Beach, Maui Hawaii. Photo by Drone Picture. Flickr.  
Hidden Beaches for Ultimate Privacy
Looking for something more secluded? There are plenty of hidden gems along the coast where you can enjoy ultimate privacy. These spots are perfect for when you want to escape the crowds and focus on each other.   Final Roundup So, there you have it – a little something for every kind of couple. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or just a change of scenery, these romantic beach getaways in the USA are sure to rekindle the flames of love. Start planning, pack those bags, and get ready to create some beautiful memories with your significant other. After all, every love story deserves a beautiful setting, and what's better than a beach getaway?   An Extra Tips Remember, the key to a stress-free romantic trip is planning. Look for couple-focused amenities and services. And don't forget to leave some room for spontaneity – sometimes the best moments are the ones you don't plan for!   Sources: THX News & USAGOV. Read the full article
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