#allan goldman
onlylonelylatino · 1 month
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Blue Beetle, Animal Man, Starfire and the Teen Titans by Allan Goldman
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Passages  -  M*A*S*H 
Johnny Haymer  (January 19, 1920 – November 18, 1989)
McLean Stevenson   (November 14, 1927 – February 15, 1996) 
John Orchard   (November 15, 1928 - November 3, 1995)
Larry Linville (September 29, 1939 – April 10, 2000) 
Roy Goldman  (March 3, 1932 - September 1, 2009)
Wayne Rogers   (April 7, 1933 – December 31, 2015)
Edward Winter   (June 3, 1937 – March 8, 2001)
Allan Arbus   (February 15, 1918 – April 19, 2013)
Harry Morgan   (April 10, 1915 – December 7, 2011) 
Marcia Strassman   (April 28, 1948 – October 24, 2014)
David Ogden Stiers   (October 31, 1942 – March 3, 2018)
William Christopher   (October 20, 1932 – December 31, 2016)
Kellye Nakahara    (1948 – February 16, 2020)
Soon-Tek Oh  (June 29, 1932 – April 4, 2018)
Judy Farrell (May 11, 1938 – April 2, 2023)
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bobjackets · 1 year
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Wolverine by Allan Goldman.
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abysscronica · 1 year
I know this is different from your usual asks but could you tell us what fantasy books or series you read and which ones would you recommend? I'm intrigued.
Sure! I think I mentioned before that I mostly read classics, so I haven't read a tremendous amount of fantasy books, but I can quickly go through them. I'll start from my loves and dislikes, and I include a complete list of what I read at the end, so you can see what I left out from both categories.
My all-time favs!
A Song of Ice and Fire by Martin. All the books, including spin-offs. I rarely came across a writer that kept me enthralled so much I literally never wanted to put the book down and couldn't wait to get back to it afterwards. It's heartbreaking to think that the series will likely remain unfinished.
The Neverending Story by Ende. In my opinion, this is a book that every kid should read, and the adults too. It's a truly magic book, if you can get your hands on the old edition written in red and green, the experience is even more magical.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by Klune. A recent read, I strongly recommend this book if you need a soft, comforting stress-release from your everyday life. It's also LGBTQ+ friendly.
Other good reads.
The Princess Bride by Goldman and The Witches by Dahl will always be two untimely classics to enjoy.
No, I'm not forgetting The Lord of the Rings, but you have to like Tolkien's style. It was an enjoyable read for me but also daunting at times, sorry. If you're looking for something on those epic fantasy lines but much less demanding, I'll suggest to glance at the Dragonlance series by Weis (& other writers). It's developed from DnD campaigns and has all the elements of Tolkien's world except it flows like the wind and you can just turn off your brain and enjoy the ride.
Personally, I'm a sucker for myths and epics itself, so I cannot leave out the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer. In particular the Iliad shaped my conception of how an epic war should be structured (and yes, Tolkien doesn't fall too far off some of Homer's standards - AND YES, Oda's Marineford has something to do with it as well). If you like Greek mythology, throw in Metamorphoses by Ovid for good measure. And Paradise Lost by Milton! It's Christian lore but one cannot forget Paradise Lost, although you'll have to be ready for the ride, like for Tolkien's.
If you like goth/dark stuff, Edgar Allan Poe is my go to.
What I didn't enjoy
[please remember this is solely my opinion and it's perfectly fine if you disagree]
I only liked the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia by Lewis, then whatever attempt I made to continue the series was cut short. It's not just the indoctrination purpose that rubbed me the wrong way, I found the other books boring.
His Dark Materials series by Pullman, once again, I only enjoyed the first book (The Golden Compass). I liked it a lot, so I was quite disappointed by the rest of the trilogy, I felt like nothing made sense and the author had not really thought it through, but maybe that's just me.
The House of Earth and Blood by Maas. I hope people won't burn me at the stake for this but... what the actual fuck? I picked up this book recently because there was so much praise over it, even from famous reading sites, and I thought "Yeah, I'm really in the mood for a good fantasy, it's been ages since I got one, hand it over!". And. How is this book so praised is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, the worldbulding is great and it has a big cast of characters, which is something I always like, but. But. I better shut up on what I think of this book. Bye.
Here below is the list of most of the fantasy I read, I'm sure I forgot something along the way.
Beowulf, Odyssey, Iliad, Aeneid, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Metamorphoses (by Ovid), The Divine Comedy by Dante, Paradise Lost by Milton
Popular/big series
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, A Song of Ice and Fire by Martin (all available books including Fire & Blood and The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms), the Harry Potter series by Rowling, the Twilight series by Meyer, the Hunger Games series by Collins (although it counts as sci-fi more than fantasy), a shitton of Dragonlance books by Weis & co., His Dark Materials series by Pullman, the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia by Lewis
Dracula by Stocker, Carmilla by Le Fanu, The Castle of Otranto by Walpole, all Edgar Allan Poe, Coraline by Gaiman, Bestiario by Cortazar, The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, Marina by Ruiz Zafon, Frankenstein by Shelley, Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde by Stevenson, a lot of Lovecraft
The Neverending Story by Ende, The Princess Bride by Goldman, some of Martin's short stories, the Eagle and Jaguar trilogy by Allende, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Twain, some Shakespeare that also counts as fantasy I guess, Gulliver's Travels by Swift, Peter Pan by Barrie, The Witches by Dahl, The House in the Cerulean Sea by Klune, Sirene by Pugno, The House of Earth and Blood by Maas, A Christmas Carol by Dickens, some of Banana Yoshimoto
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various characters' favorite books
These are just my headcanons and also I'm kinda going by memory of what the books were about (because I'm not about to go read a bunch of books because that would take forever. Especially since I disliked a fair number of them)
Jack Kelly - Call of the Wild by Jack London
Davey - The Iliad, The Odyssey, Beowulf (any of the classics, really)
Romeo - Romeo and Juliet (i think that's pretty obvious)
Crutchie - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Race - The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Albert - Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
Specs - those textbooks you only read a few passages from in high school, except he reads the whole thing
Katherine Plumber - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Barbara Maitland - Stuart Little by E.B. White
Adam Maitland - Matilda by Roald Dahl
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo - anything by Edgar Allan Poe
Juliet - Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (im sorry)
Benvolio - Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Mercutio - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Back to the Future
Lorraine Baines - The Princess Bride by William Goldman
George McFly - anything sci-fi (I wish I could be more original, but alas. also i don't read much sci-fi)
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lilias42 · 2 years
Apprendre à me connaitre
Merci de m'avoir tagué @ladyniniane ! C'est gentil ! :D
Règles : répondez aux questions et taguez neuf personnes que vous souhaitez mieux connaître.
[Mise en garde : Mode fangirl totale activée à plusieurs endroits de ce billet]
Couleur préférée : rouge de très loin ! Mais aussi le blanc et le noir pour les vêtements
Livres en cours : Je viens de finir "La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu" que m'avais conseillé une collègue et même si la fin m'a bien dégouté, je comprend où voulait en venir le type qui l'a écrit en... 1935... gloups... ouais, je vois où il voulait en venir le mec... j'ai commencé un recueil de nouvelles d'Edgard Allan Poe mais bon, c'est assez morbide avec cette histoire de Chat Noir qui n'a rien demandé et qui se fait éborgner alors, à voir si je continue ou je lie autre chose. Et sinon, je lis tout doucement "Les Scythes" d'Iaroslav Lebedynsky qui semble être la référence sur ce peuple étant donné qu'il y a littéralement tout dedans ! Après, je lirais le livre d'Adrienne Mayor "Les Amazones" histoire de bien faire le tour du sujet pour mon billet sur un des Braves (Gautier) dont le peuple très inspiré des Scythes (et comme on est pas GoT et un Martin ici, on planche le sujet avant d'écrire des énormités ! N'est-ce pas les Dothraki qui sont une énorme caricature raciste de ce que pensait les bourges blancs du XIXe siècle des anciens peuples nomades ! Voir les grecs de l'époque classique qui étaient persuadés que les scythes étaient stériles car ils portaient des pantalons et montaient trop à cheval ! On est à ce niveau-là d'ignorance ! [Déesse, que ces livres sont à vomir niveau racisme ! Entre autres !])
Dernière série : ça devait être Le Prince Dragon que j'ai commencé mais, à chaque fois que je commence une série, je regarde le début puis, j'y pense plus et j'oublie de poursuivre ^^' Il faudrait que je continue car, elle était vraiment très bien cette série et j'aimais bien les thèmes et les personnages !
Dernier film : faut que je me dégage du temps ce week-end pour regarder Avatar de James Cameron ! Après avoir vu MJ le défendre à ce point dans son émission Fermez-là, je suis curieuse de voir le film par moi-même ! (c'est juste comme les séries, faut que j'oublie pas ^^') Sinon, ça devait être Promare. J'adore Lio (un de mes persos préférés tout oeuvre confondu honnêtement !), sa dynamique avec Galo et ce film est juste très généreux en tout au point de me réconcilier avec le studio Trigger qui était noté "meh... gênant... t'es sûr pour l'héroïne à moitié à poil dans Kill la Kill et la méchante avec les fesses à l'air ? [tampon certifié fait par des mecs incrustés dans la face de leurs productions !]" Il y avait du fanservice dans Promare mais, je ne l'ai pas trouvé trop gênant ou présents (même si on ne voie que ça quand il est là), et j'aime vraiment le thème du film. Bon, je chipote mais, [Alert Spoiler massive ici ! Et si vous n'avez pas vu ce film, foncez ! On le trouve facilement à bord d'un trois mats qui sent le whiskey et le perroquet !] j'aurais préféré que les Burnish gardent leur pouvoir à la fin pour montrer que les humains "normaux" et les """anormaux""" peuvent vivre ensemble mais, c'est de l'ordre du chipotage [fin de l'alerte spoiler massive]
Dernière chanson : la reprise de "Sleeping in the Cold Below" par Gingertail (et toute sa chaîne au passage, foncez l'écouter ou la suivre sur insta !) Sinon, vu qu'on était crevé au boulot avec mon collègue, "Encore un matin" de Goldman ^^'
Sucré / salé / épicé : bec sucré en force ici !
Travaille actuellement sur: et bien, il y a déjà le billet d'Atta Gautier Loquax, dit le Protecteur Sauvage ou le Bavard, que je prépare en me renseignant sur les scythes histoire de ne pas dire trop d'énormité (ne pas rager à nouveau sur GoT), mais aussi le billet de Sylvain dans l'UA "bye !" vu qu'il a eu le droit à un gros ravalement de façade à cause de l'entrée en scène de sa mère Fregn qui est sreng (qui a la gentillesse d'envoyer les papiers du divorce et de la garde exclusive de Sylvain dans la figure du margrave Gautier, plutôt que de lui lancer une hache avec ses soeurs... même s'il se la prendra dans les dents s'il refuse) + je relis les finalement quatre chapitres de pré-Duscur pour les poster sur mon blog (c'est la version développée de ce bout de chapitre et Déesse il y en avait besoin !) mais bon, c'est quand même 75 pages en taille 14 de Times News Roman donc, ça fait long à relire ^^' Je vais essayer de finir ça ce week-end sinon, on verra bien comment ça se goupille !
Pour les tags... je sais pas trop honnêtement, j'ai pas envie de forcer ou exposer les gens, même si j'aimerais bien poser ses questions à ceux qui lisent mon blog. sinon, si quelqu'un passe par-là et a envie de parler un peu de lui, l'occasion de ce billet peut faire le larron ! ^^ N'hésitez pas à parler des choses que vous aimez au passage ! :D
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raybizzle · 8 months
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"The Black Gestapo [a.k.a. Ghetto Warriors]" (1975) is a blaxploitation crime thriller directed by Lee Frost and stars Rod Perry and Charles Robinson as leaders of the People's Army. Like many blaxploitation movies during the 70s, "The Black Gestapo" consisted of all the elements that made the genre famous: violence, sex, nudity, and 'sticking it to the man.'
The film starts with respectable intentions, with Gen. Ahmed (Rod Perry) assisting Col. Kojah (Charles Robinson) in creating a militia to protect black people from the white mafia terrorizing the Watts community. However, Kojah becomes rouge and makes a larger army, now doing what the white mafia was doing to the community before they ran them off.
The movie isn't for everyone, but if you're a fan of the blaxploitation genre, then this movie is worth checking out. Allan Alper is responsible for the funky soundtrack. However, much of the soundtrack consists of dialog, which is excellent for the producers looking for soundbites.
Director: Lee Frost Writers: Lee Frost, Wes Bishop, Ronald Goldman
Starring Rod Perry, Charles Robinson, Phil Hoover, Edward Cross, Angela Brent, Wes Bishop, Lee Frost, Donna Young, Charles Howerton, Rai Tasco, David Bryant
Storyline General Ahmed (Rod Perry, TV's S.W.A.T.) has started an inner-city People's Army to try and relieve the misery of the citizens of Watts. When the locals are put under increasing pressure by Mafia thugs, Ahmed's second-in-command, Colonel Kojah (Charlie Robinson, TV's Night Court, Sugar Hill), asks for permission to start a protection squad to take more direct action. Ahmed fears this protection squad will become a vigilante mob, and his prediction soon proves correct. Will Ahmed be able to wrest control back from the power-mad Kojah, or will he be the mob's next victim?
Available on 4k and streaming services.
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gepetordi1 · 8 months
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 Teen Titans (2003) #69 by Allan Goldman, Julio Ferreira, J.D. Smith, Sean McKeever and Sal Cipriano
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sunattacksthemoon · 9 months
5, 6, 10, 11, 20, 22 and 25
ask game
5. what would you be a god/goddess of and what would people sacrifice to you?
So I tried asking my my sister and mum bc I had no idea what to answer and that was the most excruciating conversation I have ever had with two people. So I’m on my own for this one. Honestly I’ve got no clue, I’ve thought about this for a good bit and I’ve come up with nothing. I keep coming back to something nature related, idk what but something to do with the forest and trees. For sacrifices or like things to put on my alter ig, I’d say willow tree branches and honeysuckle. Maybe fruits? Plums specifically, anddddd idk play me some music and I’ll be peachy.
6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.
I’ve actually got a list of these
“I am very interested and fascinated how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other.” The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” - The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
“Loneliness flays the soul, doesn't it? Strips it piece-by-piece until it feels like there's nothing left to lose, and in a way, reaching that point can seem relieving.” - Best Friends Brother by bizarrestars
“As you wish” - The Princess Bride by William Goldman
“You are beautiful, but you are empty,” he went on. “One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you—the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or ever sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.” - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
10. describe yourself as if you were a storm.
I’d be a thunderstorm, no lightning and lots of rain. Lotsss of thunder tho. It would last for a good while but would eventually turn into just some light rain. I think I’d be a summer storm, like the ones in the middle of July, where it’s super hot and it’s misty.
11. what type of flower (other than a rose) would you offer someone you were trying to court?
Their favorite flower, idk I’ve never given anyone flowers before, like romantically. Every person I’ve been interested always said they didn’t like flowers. But I’m the type of person that wants people to like their gifts so I’ll just listen to people when they talk and if they mention liking something I’ll take note and get them gifts based off that. I want people to get use out of the things I get them. So gifts are always tailored to the people I give them too. That goes with flowers and other things like playlists.
20. tying your hair up using ribbon, yay or nay?
I wish, I have super thick hair but it’s pin fucking straight so every time I try to but a lil bow or clippy in my hair it falls out. Literal bane of my existence. But ideally in another life I’ll be able to have ribbons in my hair.
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.
Hmmmm idk I think it would be based on my fears or faults ig. So I’m thinking they would take my ability to speak. Idk what I did to deserve a curse but y’know shit happens.
25. favorite childhood story? (doesn’t have to be a fairy tale)
Alice in wonderland, I’ve got the white rabbit as a lil charm on my necklace. On the same chain as my moonstone. Both very sentimental things for me. I’d also say Calvin and Hobbes or Pooh bear. Goodnight moon but that was when I was really little, I also remember liking Shel Silverstein as well. Idk I know that a lot of little kids books made me unbelievably anxious. Or overall upset. Like when my mum read me the ugly duckling I was so sad. And Dr. Seuss was my enemy.
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onlylonelylatino · 9 days
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Blue Beetle and the Teen Titans by Allan Goldman and Yıldıray Çınar
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nerdby · 9 months
So I'm trans and I was on T for about three years from 2019-2023.
The reason I went off of T is because of bullying I faced from other members of the transmasc community because of the toxic masculinity that led to the strict policing of gender roles.
I was also unhappy with my appearance. But it's like people would invalidate me over the stupidest shit. Like because I like pastel colors. Or because I like to read. Or because I like.
Um, guys, Gordon Ramsay would like a fucking word. So would Anthony Bourdain. Buddy from Cake Boss. Jeremy Allan White -- oh, he only plays a male chef? Well, then let's add Matty Matheson to the list. Along with Adam Richman, Guy Fieri, Daym Drops, and the guys from Jolly on YouTube.
And correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure all those dudes are cisgender. But, yeah, I get it -- I'm fem.
And y'all are a bunch of self-hating queers that are responsible for perpetuating the same homophobia that you experienced at the hands of your father or the school football team or whoever because you're too afraid to go therapy. It's not attractive or masculine. It's just pathetic -- you're so big and brave and strong that you bench 1200lbs but you won't date a fem guy or go to therapy cause you don't wanna be laughed at?
Fuck off🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
What encouraged me to write this post, though, is that I've been consuming a lot of media about queer men and/or queer-coded men this summer. Its like whenever I think about like Albert from The Birdcage or Ken from the Barbie movie or 1970s era Freddy Mercury I can't help but think, "This is who I am -- this is my spirit animal." And yet I feel like I have to hide cause insecure assholes, both trans and otherwise, are the embodiment of Val Goldman.
That was meant to be derogatory fyi.
Here are some videos about misogyny and the concept known as femphobia in the queer community-
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kynndr3dd-synn3 · 10 months
Abhay Vakil ($6.2 billion)
Arne Wilhelmsen ($2 billion)
Aloysio de Andrade Faria ($3 billion)
Alberto Bailleres ($8.6 billion)
Alberto Roemmers ($2.4 billion)
Allan Goldman ($2.8 billion)
B. Wayne Hughes ($3.3 billion)
Benjamin de Rothschild ($1.4 billion)
Billy Joe “Red” McCombs ($1.7 billion)
Clement Fayat (1.2 billion)
Carol Jenkins Barnett ($2.3 billion)
Carlos Ardila Lülle ($2.3 billion)
Chuck Bundrant ($1.7 billion)
David Gottesman ($2.9 billion)
Donald Foss ($1.7 billion)
Dmitry Bosov ($1.1 billion)
Dietrich Mateschitz ($20 billion)
Edward "Ned" Johnson III $10 billion)
Edmund Ansin ($1.4 billion)
Eduardo Cojunangco ($1 billion)
Eli Broad ($6.9 billion)
Ennio Doris ($3.4 billion)
Evelyn de Rothschild ($20 billion)
Fayez Sarofim ($1.5 billion)
Fong Yun Wah ($2.2 billion)
Gordon Moore ($6.8 billion)
Herbert Kohler Jr. ($8.8 billion)
Heinz Hermann Thiele ($12.9 billion)
Hiedi Horten ($2.9 billion)
John Martin ($1.2 billion)
Julian Robertson Jr. ($4.8 billion)
Jose Luis Cutrale ($1.9 billion)
Joseph Safra ($25 billion)
Juan Lopez-Belmonte Lopez ($1.8 billion)
John Arrillaga ($2.6 billion)
James Crown ($10 billion)
Kim Jung-ju ($10 billion)
Lily Safra ($1.3 billion)
Lo Siu-tong ($1.3 billion)
Leonardo Del Vecchio ($24 billion)
Lee Man Tat ($17.5 billion)
Lee Kun-hee ($20 billion)
Masatoshi Ito ($4+billion)
Mahendra Prasad ($2.2 billion)
Majid Al Futtaim ($4.2 billion)
Manuel Moroun ($1.7 billion)
Manuel Jove ($2.5 billion)
M.G. George Muthoot ($3.2 billion)
Michael Price ($1.2 billion)
Montri Jiaravanont ($4.7 billion)
Nari Genomal ($1.2 billion)
Olivier Dassault ($4.7 billion)
Onsi Sawiris ($1.1 billion)
Park Yeon-cha ($3 billion)
Pallonji Mistry ($15 billion)
Peter Buck ($1.7 billion)
Petr Kellner ($17.5 billion)
Pierre Bellon ($4.2 billion)
Queen Elizabeth II (Notable $500 million, so they say)
Roberto Ongpin ($1.1 billion)
Robert Brockman ($4.7 billion)
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala ($5.8 billion)
Rudy Ma ($2.5 billion)
Robert Toll ($1.1 billion)
Rahul Bajaj ($8.2 billion)
Randall Rollins ($5 billion)
Sumner Redstone ($2.6 billion)
Suna Kirac ($2.2 billion)
Sir David Barclay ($3.7 billion)
Sheldon Adelson ($35 billion)
Sheldon Solow
Stephen Bechtel Jr. ($1.9 billion)
Tang Shing-bor ($4.7 billion)
Trail Engelhorn (4.2 billion)
Ted Lerner ($6.6 billion)
Teh Hong Piow
Tom Love ($5.5+ billion)
Thomas Lee ($2+ billion)
Teh Hong Piow ($5.7 billion)
Vito Rodriguez Rodriguez ($1.3 billion)
Valentin Gapontsev ($2.8 billion)
Walter Scott Jr. ($4 billion)
Winarko Sulistyo ($1.1 billion)
Whitney MacMillan ($4.3 billion)
W. Galen Weston ($7 billion)
Zuo Hui ($15 billion)
I’m sure I missed a few… this isn’t even counting the millionaires..such as the ones who just died on the submersible that visited the titantic.
(2 were Billionairs.)
Shahzada Dawood & Son ($360 million)
Stockton Rush ($25 million)
Hamish Harding (1.1 billion)
Paul-Henri Nargeolet ($1.5 billion)
You’re telling me these very wealthy people went down on a toy sub controlled by a game controller?
Again I ask….
Atlas Shrugged or Soprano’d?
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Birthdays 6.30
Beer Birthdays
Louis J. Hauck (1866)
Larry Berlin (1961)
Nick Funnell
Hildegard Van Ostaden (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Bo Carter; blues musician (1892)
Stanley Clarke; jazz bassist (1951)
Susan Hayward; actor (1917)
Lena Horne; singer, actor (1917)
Brendan Perry; rock musician (1959)
Famous Birthdays
Florence Ballard; pop/soul singer (1943)
Robert Ballard; oceanographer (1942)
Fantasia Barrino; singer-songwriter and actress (1984)
Thomas Lovell Beddoes; English poet (1803)
Madge Bellamy; actress (1899)
Paul Berg; biologist (1926)
Harry Blackstone Jr.; magician (1934)
Brian Bloom; actor (1970)
Lizzy Caplan; actress (1982)
Murray Cook; singer, "Wiggles" (1960)
Man Mountain Dean; wrestler (1891)
Vincent D'Onofrio; actor (1959)
Georges Duhamel; French author (1884)
Nancy Dussault; actress and singer (1936)
John Gay; English writer (1685)
Alicia Fox; wrestler, model, and actress (1986)
Archibald Frazer-Nash; English car designer (1889)
David Garrison; actor (1952)
James Goldman; screenwriter and playwright (1927)
Winston Graham; English author (1908)
Rupert Graves; actor (1963)
David Alan Grier; actor (1955)
Larry Henley; singer-songwriter (1937)
Barry Hines; English author (1939)
Joseph Dalton Hooker; English botanist and explorer (1817)
Allan Houser; sculptor and painter (1914)
Mario Lanfranchi; Italian film director (1927)
Hal Lindes; American-English guitarist (1953)
Czesław Miłosz; Lithuanian writer (1911)
Kelsi Monroe; adult actress (1992)
Raymond Moody; parapsychologist (1944)
Tony Musante; actor (1936)
Clive Nolan; English musician (1961)
José Emilio Pacheco; Mexican poet (1939)
Brendan Perry; English singer-songwriter and guitarist (1959)
Michael Phelps; swimmer (1985)
Monica Potter; actor (1971)
Julianne Regan; English singer-songwriter and guitarist (1962)
Andy Scott; rock guitarist, singer (1949)
Harry Shields; jazz clarinetist (1899)
Glenn Shorrock; English-Australian singer-songwriter (1944)
Thomas Sowell; economist (1930)
Stanley Spencer; English artist (1891)
Mark Spoelstra; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1940)
Ron Swoboda; New York Mets OF (1944)
Eleanor Ross Taylor; poet (1920)
Mike Tyson; boxer (1966)
Dave Van Ronk; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1936)
Horace Vernet; French painter (1789)
Friedrich Theodor Vischer; German author, poet (1807)
Brian Vollmer; Canadian singer (1955)
Rich Vos; comedian (1957)
Heinz Warneke; German-American sculptor (1895)
Mark Waters; film director (1964)
Philip Adrian Wright; rock keyboardist (1956)
Ed Yost; hot-air balloon inventor (1919)
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craytoncomicblog · 11 months
Review: Wonder Woman - Odyssee, Teil 1
AutorJ. Michael Straczynski & Phil Hester ZeichnerDon Kramer, Eduardo Pansica, Allan Goldman & Daniel HDR VerlagEaglemoss Collections ErscheinungsdatumNovember 2017 Seitenanzahl160 Preis12,99 € Continue reading Untitled
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attud-com · 1 year
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vtgbooks · 1 year
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MAX ALLAN COLLINS Maverick Movie Book 1994 William Goldman Maverick Film Book
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