#all my alters like my girlfriend in a queer platonic way just like i do and would never be attracted to anyone else in a non qpr way
caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Heyyy we just wanted to say we love your blog, as a fellow Ace, traumatised, system! ❤️
Aww thank you!! Also that's so cool! Hell yeah ace systems units :D
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Do you have any qpr Karolsen headcanons? Also ever since you posted that webweave I’ve been thinking about them
HOORAY !!! [web weave xe's talking abt btw]
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okay, so. the way they even get together in this way in the polycule au is something i haven't worked into a fic yet. but, when barry and kara first meet, barry is reeling after learning iris, eddie, caitlin and cisco are in a polycule and have been hiding it from him until caitlin drunkenly spills the beans on their summer lovin' night out. and barry vents this to kara as they munch on donuts, and basically introduces her to not only polyamory but queerplatonic relationships as well via caitco.
at that point, kara and lucy and james are still in their love triangle, and kara thinks this is the big solution she's been looking for- james doesn't have to choose between them, she and lucy don't have to resent each other, they can all just be together!
so, eventually, she actually works up the courage to bring up polyamory to them. and lucy knows that james loves kara, so she agrees to see how it plays out. she wants james to be happy, even if it means that once james gets a taste of what a relationship with kara is like, he'll decide he only wants that and not lucy…
[i should mention: lucy never disappears in the polycule au. she stays in national city as the director of the desert facility, and is a superfriend throughout everything. so, she's in s2, obviously, when karolsen begin to actually date, lucy and james never broke up.]
so karolsen try the romantic thing. and, like in canon, something doesn't feel quite right. something has changed in kara's heart. she still loves him, but she knows they're "best as friends." and james knows they'll always be friends.
so he's relaying the kinda-sorta-breakup to lucy, and she gets stuck on the "friends" bit of it all. hey, didn't kara mention a queer kind of friends when she was explaining polyamory…?
and they bring it up to kara together, flashbacking to when kara first came up with the poly idea. and wow, yeah, that's exactly the type of thing kara wants out of her relationship with james. and while this wasn't what james was initially expecting, he just wants to be with kara in any way she'll let him.
so [to spare a moment on my superlane bullshit] that leads them to asking, like, does that count as polyamorous? james having a romantic partner and a queerplatonic one? according to caitco, it's really up to them if they wanna label it that way, there's no rules to qprs. and something still doesn't quite feel right between them. james and kara are happy together, james and lucy are happy together. watching kara fall in love with james has made lucy appreciate him, too, just like how watching james with lucy makes kara's face hot.
and soon kara starts to notice that she's not just falling in love with the way lucy sees james, she's falling for the way james sees lucy and lucy is doing the same, and that's what doesn't feel quite right. and bc kara's never been with a girl before, they try to brush it off as the same alterous feelings and be platonic with their queerness, but. james knows what it's like to love lucy romantically, and he can see that's how kara loves her, and he says so. until, finally, the girls switch to being romantic-style girlfriends all because james loves them and they love james~
considering they've canonically kissed, i think their qpr has some physicality. they're sexually attracted to each other. karolsen cuddle, make-out, have sex… kara feels a bit subconscious about banging it out with someone that she's not romantically dating, but james likes to joke that besties with benefits is feminist, and distracts her from her internalized issues by daring her to day that five times fast.
to straight-up copy what i said in another ask: "the writers admitted that they basically wrote themselves into a corner with karolsen, saying they're both too "noble" for tv-worthy relationship drama post-canonization. they're too noble, you say? okay, make that the drama. make them repress their emotions for the sake of their relationship, make them start to resent each other because of it, make them passive-aggressive and secretive and feel like they have to walk on eggshells together."
so, on that point: queerplatonic relationship drama. bc they're both so caring and yes, noble. they've argued before, but never in this context, they were trying so hard to be what society considers 'normal' friends back then. but now they're together, queerly, while james is with lucy and kara is trying to work through realizing she likes girls and everything is confusing enough.
i think, at the start, everything would be so rocky. they don't know how to do anything anymore. they don't even come out to their friends. they're this secret thing, which is as comforting as it is stress-inducing, because right now it's just theirs which also means if anyone was to leave there wouldn't be any fallout for a bit. sometimes that seems enticing.
but it's all a learning curve. luckily, even if they're not out to anyone in national city, they have friends like team flash that are determined to keep them from crumbling altogether. and considering how noble the three are, they're always there for when someone begins to falter. so. again: learning curve. the longer they let themselves be, the more normal it feels.
this is all happening in s2 before alex comes out to kara, btw. so, like, in five episodes? so, about, the span of about five or so weeks. i mean, alex didn't immediately tell kara when she was questioning, so, ha, kara doesn't either. by then, she and lucy have just started dating and james really does feel like he'll always be her platonic boyfriend. it's not until alex and kara are on that couch talking, when canon kara talks abt keeping a part of herself turned off… that she finally tells her sister that she's not just talking about being an alien.
alex is. hm. suspicious. she doesn't really get the platonic dating thing. i mean, according to maggie, platonic dating is a part of queer history, she just didn't know aspecs gave it a real name. so. idk, i don't think alex would get it right away, similar to how awkward kara was canon-wise during alex's coming out, but that only lasts, like, a week (what would be an episode) for alex. she can see how happy karolsen are in this way, and her whole life has been about keeping kara happy, so if this is the way she's happy, well, fuck it. alex doesn't need to perfectly understand it to support them.
james says in a flashback that he has 16 scars from being tortured by lex luthor. now, we've seen our dear jimmy james shirtless, and i love shirtless men, so you know i've put a lot of hours into staring at him. it seems none of those scars were particularly lasting. i feel this doesn't make sense canonically, as i don't believe lex would go soft on him enough for every scar to heal within a few years. i think the scars would be with him for a long fucking time, both mentally and physically. how does this relate to karolsen, you ask?
well, kara likes to trace his scars with her fingertips in such a sickeningly soft way. extra careful, forcing her superpowered touch to be as light as a feather. it makes james choke up. she's so determined not to hurt him- so determined to be tender- so different from how he got the scars. he doesn't realize how much pain he's been hiding in those parts of his body until kara's caressing him all lovingly. she holds him when he starts to cry- he doesn't even understand why he's crying until later- but he assures her that he likes it. he needs it.
they love calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend. sometimes they add "platonic" but, to them, it being platonic is just always so implied that they forget how deeply those words have romantic connotations. which leads to them getting confused and being shocked.png when someone assumes they're in a romantic relationship.
james: been there-
kara: done that!
*holds hands so fiercely that there's a queerplatonic beam of destruction like in carebears*
that's all i got rn, i hope this satiates ur brainrot<3
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cassahina · 3 years
Headcanons for my favorite queer Danganronpa ships (+AroAce Chihiro): Dr1 & Udg~
- They are the two who start dating after consistent events of being done with everyone else’s shit together. It was probably the fifth time Leon got his good throwing hand stuck in a pickles jar where they decided to say fuck these people and make out in the closest that night, ditching their friends game night in the middle of charades.
- When Celestia first saw Kyoko’s hands without her gloves on, she was shocked. Not so much because of the scars, but because of the look of shame and discomfort that was blatant in Kyoko’s features. That night they had a talk and Celestia repeatedly told Kyoko that she was beautiful and reassured her that Celestia adored her. That would be the same night where they shared their first “I love you”s.
- Kyoko is one of the very few people who know about Celestia’s vampire fetish and always teases her about it. For Halloween she decided to surprise her by dressing up as one, and Kyoko swears she has never seen Celestia blush so much.
- Celestia loves to teasingly flirt with Kyoko whenever Kyoko is busy. She definitely looked up pick up lines and fancy French terms of endearment to use before Kyoko starts her work. Kyoko always rolls her eyes at Celestia’s antics, but deep down inside they both know they are the highlight of Kyoko’s day.
- Sayaka loves to kiss the few scars Mukuro has and has only shown her. It’s always a very intimate and vulnerable moment for the two, and Mukuro always gets a bit worried and insecure when she shows them so Sayaka happily reassures Mukuro that she is beautiful before showering her in kisses.
- Mukuro has definitely beaten up a few guys who have stared at Sayaka for too long in a certain way before. Having an idol for a girlfriend is rough, but thankfully it allows her to flex her amazing strength and muscles, which Sayaka always finds hella attractive and will thank her with a kiss, regardless of whether the paparazzi is there or not.
- Mukuro sometimes has nightmares about Junko. During these nights Sayaka will come in, spoon her, and quietly sing Mukuro back to sleep until she is snoozing again while snuggled up in Sayaka’s arms.
- Mukuro has a wolf onesie while Sayaka has a koala bear onesie and they always have cuddly dates in them at least once a month (once it was every night of the week for two months). Mukuro always gets bashful wearing her onesie, meanwhile Sayaka is just gushing over how cute her girlfriend is.
- They always share a bed ever since the udg events. Even when Toko got over her worry about ghosts, they still share a bed and stay up late talking to each other until they both pass out. It’s really helpful for times when one of them has a nightmare as sometimes Toko doesn’t wake up, so Komaru just quietly holds her and soothes Toko as she calms down in her sleep.
- Jill loves to gush on Komaru and show off. She’s actually decently strong, so they will carry Komaru around and bench press her at times to show how strong they are and how they can protect her like how they protect Toko. (Jill is a protector alter for Toko’s DID system, and that protective nature rubs off onto Komaru after they start dating and as Jill grows more and more fond of Komaru)
- Komaru and her girlfriends love to take baths together. It started off when Toko was in a depressive swing and Komaru helped her get through the necessities (cooking Toko meals, brushing her hair, etc.) and it ended up making Toko very happy, so they continued to do it. Toko likes bubble baths and Jill loves bath bombs, and Komaru always brings scented candles so it’s always just a nice relaxing moment between the girlfriends.
- Toko is a little spoon who will never admit that fact out loud, while Jill is a big spoon. Komaru loves it because she constantly gets to be both the big spoon and the little spoon, and cuddle times with her girlfriends always leaves her in a state of pure bliss.
- Mondo was probably Taka’s last straw before he accepted the fact that he liked guys. Like he is chill with gay people but he never fully saw himself as one, constantly questioning it but thanks to heteronormativity he repressed those thoughts a bit, and then he looks at Mondo and went “ah, so this is what it means to ‘gay panic’”.
- Mondo likes to follow Taka to help him keep the others in line with school rules. Whenever someone seems to question Taka or is about to berate Taka for being so stringent, they get a death glare from Mondo that reads “you better listen to my boyfriend”. Taka always thinks it’s his authority that makes the others listen out of respect, and Mondo doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
- Bro is their casual tough guy way of a cute pet name for each other. This is mainly because Mondo called Taka babes once, and Taka gay panicked so much that he passed out. Poor baby couldn’t handle how soft it made him. It was both very concerning and very cute to Mondo who ended up watching over Taka until he regained his composure.
-they are like so supportive of everyone else, either being the big gay brothers or the dads of everyone else. They have a mlm-wlw solidity with Sakuraoi where they take care of everyone and all the baby gays. They also have monthly game nights where they playfully compete against each other in a joke battle between the gays and the lesbians. Just lots of lgbtq+ jokes and fluff and support, all in good fun and never any hard feelings towards who wins and who loses. Really they are just a badass yet very considerate and soft couple with one another.
- Aoi definitely asked Sakura out first, and knowing her it was either to get something to eat with her or to work out together. They both really admire each other so they would be down for whatever, but neither is big on PDA in public besides hugging and hand-holding and the occasional kiss on the cheek or pet name. It took the others about a month to realize the two were dating because they were so casual about it and both forgot to tell the others, figuring the other had already done so.
- So much body positivity from both of these girls. For real, imagine comments like Ishimaru accidentally calling Sakura a guy happens all the time, so it probably means the world when Aoi just love spams a million gender neutral and feminine compliments telling Sakura how beautiful she is and how Aoi can’t believe she is dating the most gorgeous woman in the world.
- Meanwhile, Aoi sometimes worries about her weight as she is not only an athlete but also from constantly being judged for eating doughnuts so much and her other comfort foods. But Sakura tells her that those things make her happy and when she is happy she is beautiful because Aoi has the most captivating smile. They both in a way just remind each other that they are both beautiful and loved every day, but both know that the other genuinely means it.
- Sakura is amazing at baking and Aoi melts over the wife material her girlfriend is. Whenever she is stressed, Sakura bakes something with one of the other girls to cheer Aoi up, and they end up having a cuddly sleepover. Aoi in return always makes sure to comfort Sakura whenever she is stressed, with Sakura not being the type to let things get to her often so Aoi is always the worried, accepting, and loving girlfriend when Sakura needs it.
- They are AroAce, but they are open to QPPs. I see Taka and Mondo being the most likely candidates, but they are more like Chihiro’s gay dads though.
- Chihiro has said sexuality can fuck itself. Taka passed out from both the sheer shock and horror of that moment.
- They probs have the worst anxiety when trying to explain the Aro spectrum and how QPRs work, so they are extremely appreciative for their friends who accept them and love them for who they are.
- They are the softest thing, I would imagine them being an amazing snuggler platonically cause they still love cuddle time, they just ain’t into romance. They are also super supportive and great at being a hype person. They are generally just precious and deserve the world and all the validation it has to offer to them.
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
the three wingmen of thh; Leon (chaotic), Kyoto (lawful), and Hina (neutral)
Kyoto was 100% the reason Celeste is dating Junko, it’s canon now. She is extremely involved in seating for extracurricular activities (i.e. the tea parties), and commonly puts them together. She finds putting Taka and Mondo apart...helps them?? She has no idea why but if they’re seated far from each other, they are immediately cuddling once they leave the room.
Grey-hair and Blue-hair girls are dating, no I do not take criticism (grey hair has braids I think and protects a mob guy?? and blue hair is the mastermind ig, she has black glasses apparently) - queer eye anon
oh my god yes???
Leon and Chihiro were some very powerful masterminds behind ishimondo ngl 👀 like chihiro’s brainpower combined with kuwata’s sheer strength of will?? UNSTOPPABLE those gay bitches never stood a CHANCE
although to be fair, most of their plans DID involve using a digital lock and/or utilizing alter ego to somehow force them into an empty room and keep them locked in there until they finally confessed 💛
Leon ALSO wingmans for sayaka because they’re besties who hate each other ❤️ he’s constantly cracking jokes with her about how she should just text Mukuro that she wants to fuck, or jokingly advises her to use raunchy pick-up lines on Sakura. He’s come very close once or twice to just. Blurting out “HEY MUKURO! SAKURA! SAYAKA’S GOT A HUGE FUCKING CRUSH ON Y-” only to have the idol clamp a hand over his stupid dumbass mouth <3
it’s okay because sayaka absolutely gets her revenge when she has to wingman for him and makoto (the only reason she doesn’t completely fuck up kuwata’s chances and embarrass him is because she’s besties with Makoto, too, and knows the poor guy’s ALSO got it bad. There’s a lot of Sayaka (and literally everyone else too) having to deal with some gross oblivious loveydovey pining from these fucking dorks, so she gets her fill of teasing)
And Hina wingmanning for Sakura???? Bruh okay u have no IDEA how much serotonin platonic sakuraoi gives me simply because????? Them?????? They????? Love???????? I love them???
And basically Hina’s just the right amount of empathy/sympathy and logic!! Her main, go-to piece of advice is “just talk to them!” And - surprise - trusting her on this usually leads to having fun and making good memories with the object(s) of affection !!
She’s such a sweetheart??? And like yes ofc she doesn’t have an answer for everything, because her heart is just a lil bit bigger than her brain sometimes (ok but mood tho like no shame this is both kin and projecting) but she’s trying her best!!! As she always listens to whoever needs her at that moment and gives the best advice she can - which isn’t even limited to romantic situations!!! She’s one of the go-to students for when someone’s having, like, an everyday problem or feeling stressed because she’s so non-judgemental and soothing to be around!!!
It’s Hina appreciation hours 💛
Anyway, Kyoko-
she also (unfortunately) is forced to wingman for Makoto and Leon, which means a lot of listening to naegi ramble on about how cool and nice and interesting and pretty and blah blah blah kuwata is (don’t get Kirigiri wrong, she adores Leon, but a girl can only take so much, y’know?)
and requests for Makoto to simply......TELL LEON are almost ALWAYS refused because nope no way in hell absolutely not and so she’s like great I’m gonna go bang my head against a desk because I seriously cannot take the two of you anymore
eventually she (secretly) goes and talks to Leon, without betraying Makoto’s trust or disclosing any information she feels he would not be comfortable with, does her best to subtly hint at the fact that hey. koto’s got a crush. you should fucking ask him about it before I go completely insane. Leon doesn’t fully get the hint but does go talk to Makoto, which FINALLY prompts some goddamn CONVERSATION about it thank GOD
also sorry sorry not to ramble but I just????? an idea hit me like a gd truck and I need to talk about it because I love???? I love????? I love
sometime after all this, Kyoko gets inadvertently wrapped up in co-wingmanning with Makoto for Komaru and Toko/Jill. Except. Those three have no clue about the fact that there is any wingmanning going on.
so kyoko’s like “why are we doing this”
and makoto’s like “because she’s my sister and she’s in love and I want her to be happy!!!”
“Okay but shouldn’t they work this out on their own”
“Not if I have anything to say about it!!!”
“*Sigh.* Goddamnit.”
And then Leon eventually hears about it, as well, because of course makoto’s gonna talk abt it with his boyfriend, why wouldn’t he, and anyway kuwata’s like OH?? POG??? because he and Toko and he and Jill are friends!!!! So he’s like I’ll totally help omg Fukawa and Syo are gonna STOKED
(Makoto does not comment on the fact that Toko most likely will not, in fact, be stoked by the idea of kuwata meddling in her love life, but does at least advise his dear 0-braincell partner to be careful ❤️)
okay okay sorry I’m a simp for tokomaru and syomaru on main but anyway back to kyoko and seating charts-
And poor Kirigiri already has trouble comprehending how social interaction works that this kinda shit just???? Completely breaks her?????
“Why.....do people.....react different.......like I will accommodate for it but.....I do not.....understand......”
does not fucking compute
(Also shhhhh don’t let Korekiyo know that there was something about human behavior Kirigiri didn’t understand because somehow they will materialize from the shadows to go on a softly excited special interest infodump ramble/lecture that lasts hours and hours)
But yeah???? Ironically enough, she’s honestly the only person from her class who’s able to, for the most part, figure out how Celestia’s mind works, and so she’s able to use that to her advantage when setting her up with Junko!!! (The thing with Celeste was that it sort of became a case to Kyoko!! Celeste was so Obviously different in her behavior and mannerisms than everyone else that Kirigiri basically ended up treating learning about her the same way she would treat trying to solve a crime or something similar!!)
For ishimondo she chalks it up to “absence makes the heart grow fonder???” she guesses????? seriously she has No Clue
also she doesn’t pick up on it but they DO give each other pining puppy dog eyes from across the room the whole goddamn time like they’re just [y e a r n]
I. how is it possible to not know the games and yet,,,,,,,conjure up a concept so incredible????? Pekomugi,,,,,,,,,my g o d
Ok ok ok ok ok hold on hold on lemme gather my thoughts because holy fuck
FIRST OF ALL, Tsumugi is a GIANT nerd, so the thought of having a SWORD GF???? A GIRLFRIEND WHO IS A SWORDSMAN???? HOLY FUCK?????? she can live out her wildest samurai anime fantasies,,,,,,,because she quite literally has a swordswoman girlfriend who would protect her with her sword oh my g o d
SECOND OF ALL, Tsumugi also????? fucking loves sitting in on Peko’s training sessions to watch her beautiful incredible wonderful darling partner spar??? and use badass techniques and strategies???? Literally Tsumugi is always blown away??
and she ALWAYS comes and barrels into Peko to give her a gigantic hug and shower her with kisses once training’s over!!!! And Peko doesn’t understand because
“I am hot and sweaty. I am currently very gross, why are you kissing me,”
“No!!! You’re stunning and perfect and charming!!!! You make me swoon!!! Oh, dear knight, hold me in your sweet embrace....”
meanwhile peko’s just like babe pls let me go take a shower
and okay final thing I promise, but....Peko is absolutely astonished by Tsumugi’s cosplay abilities???? Like with a lot of her works, Peko can hardly even believe that that’s her gd girlfriend????? Like sweet JESUS her datemate is damn good at makeup and disguising herself and whatnot
“cosplay is an art and you have perfected it,” like catch tsumugi fuckinf crying
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old1ddude · 7 years
As a person who can be consider as GP (I liked Harry's album and I did a bit of research, but I am not and I never was part of the fandom) I can tell you how the Larry thing looks for me. I don't think "antis" are blind or "Larries" are crazy. I think all this was a hoax their management did, when they saw in the early years of 1D that "Larry Stylinson" was something a lot of fans liked, in order to keep fans talking about 1D and "obsessed" with the band. And, yes, I think H&L were into it. (1)
It's very simple: all that we saw (flirts, singing to each other, DENIALS, girlfriends that really looked as beards, people being shady, M!M fails...) was something we were supposed to see. Everything was part of the game. And because fans, in general, are never gonna tend to think that their idols are lying like this, or laughing of them, then you'll get 2 opinions in base of what the person prefers to believe, "antis" think Larries're conspirators, and "Larries" believe antis're blind. (2).
The tattoos could mean any other thing, or even H&L were paid or obligated by contract to get them (I haven't seen more "couple" tattoos since long long time ago, Harry's bee is the Gucci bee). My opinion is based in: a. The actual situation: even if they didn't want to come out because personal reasons, all the situation with the "fake baby" makes no sense. No sense that there isn't a single fan picture of them hanging out together in 18 months. b. The bears, I know you all love them, (3)
It's impossible that a management who is really trying to hide gay rumors, allows to have these bears in all the shows they were, and no way if you're having troubles with the closet you're gonna do this, which looks as a joke. I think the boys and their management put the bears there, in order to go on with the hoax/ My opinion doesn't mean I believe that things like Haylor were real, or that El is Louis gf. Even H&L could have a thing in the early years and they just finished it in good terms.
Thank you for your polite, reasoned points anon.
In regard to parts 1 and 2:  It’s not the really big things that convince us Harry and Louis are romantically involved, but very subtle looks and touches - things the camera barely caught and can very easily go unnoticed, if your’e not paying close attention.  Harry’s acting in Dunkirk was impressive, but it’s hard to imagine the whole band being in character, every moment they were on camera, with subtle gestures, expressions, slips of the tongue, always pointing out the couple.  While we don’t really know the lads, we have observed them so much that we do know them in a way.  We recognize when they’re uncomfortable, sarcastic, playing to the camera, truly happy, putting on a fake smile, angry, sad, etc..  I have no doubt that 1DHQ played into Larry to some extent, at different times.  The Larry fandom spent a LOT of money on the band.  Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of push-pull.  Sometimes Harry and Louis seemed to be on the cusp of coming out - at other times their interactions were almost non-existent.  Yet, still we would observe how they were always subtly watching and very aware of each other.  1DHQ capitalizing, to some extent, on Larry has no bearing on whether they were, or are an actual couple.  With Larry being quite popular in the fandom, as you noted, why not encourage lot’s of interaction between H and L?  HQ could have had their cake and eaten it too by encouraging Larry interaction, but playing it off as “best friends” in interviews.  The separation of Harry and Louis always seemed unnatural.  What little interaction we got was often very subtle, but laced with a fondness unmistakable to careful  observers.  
I think there are many reasonable people who don’t think Harry and Louis are together.  As for the anti’s, however, they have an obsession with proving they are not a couple and we are deluded.  Maybe we’re obsessed with our favorite band and the idea of two members being in love, but at least we don’t spend our energy on other fans who disagree with us!
As for the bears:  The only people who believe (or believed) they had anything to do with Harry and Louis is the Larry fandom.  One could argue that HQ wouldn’t care about elaborate stuffed animal tableaus when it was only those “crazy larries” who paid them any mind.  
Touring benefits album sales and an act’s brand, but  the spoils are largely for the band - not the label.  It’s difficult to know how much control the lads had over staging, etc.  We do know that Louis led the boys in rebellion against the sugary pop (I enjoy some of those early songs, by the way) from their first two albums.  Against all odds, they were able to gain creative control over their music - who is to say they didn’t gain some control over their concerts as well?  Of course, image clauses, which exist in virtually all entertainment contracts, are enforceable everywhere.  (Louis and Harry had to be careful how far their behavior challenged the official narrative.  The bears are just stuffed animals.)  There is also a plausible theory that Louis has paid a price for the bears as his reflection was captured in those bear sunglasses and we saw a photo of them in a room that looked exactly like Louis’ game room.  All of the lads have been very good directing subtle shade at official narratives at times.  Nothing in their observed behavior would suggest the bears were queer-baiting, or that they would be okay with that.
Each set of tattoos, on their own, can be very easily explained away.  When you look at all of them together, platonic explanations become implausible.  No one has ever provided and example of an entertainment contract (to my knowledge) witch would require a person to get a tattoo, or otherwise, permanently alter their body.  Harry and Louis have repeatedly proven they are aware of what goes on in this fandom.  You can not tell me that Harry didn’t know the implications of the bee tattoo, or wearing bee shirts, etc..  
I don’t believe that gay men get drunk and impregnate random women.  However, if Louis were a father there would not be so many inconsistencies and striking evidence the “mother” was never in fact pregnant.  Most often, celebrity “love children” are kept hidden from the public until many years after their birth.  Nothing about the story adds up.  I could go on, and on.  I was reluctant to believe Liam fathered a child with Cheryl, but now it does seem to add up and I do believe it.
I can easily see why a casual observer would see thing the way you do.  Harry is an incredible artist and performer - I hope you continue to enjoy his work.  I don’t think it matters whether you believe in “Larry” or not in the lease.  Especially, now where Harry, in particular, is maintaining very strict privacy over his personal life.  I hope that my answer demonstrates to you, in part, why I see things as I do.
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