#all for show series
neilgaimanlover123 · 5 months
The Percy Jackson renaissance and The Hunger Games renaissance happening in the same year is something so special to me
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callme-l · 5 months
I saw a lot of people happy with the 4 pearls, I decided to give a tip to non-readers
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mo-mode · 5 months
The Biblically Accurate Trio in TLT
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the-swift-tricker · 8 months
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this episode aired in 1992
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
It is completely in character for Percy to say he has some dumb questions, then ask incredibly valid questions that no one has brought up till now
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People talk about how “overpowered” and freaky some of the physical feats in PJO and HOO are but I think people forget that all demigods inherently have enhanced, speed, agility, and strength. So at lot of these physical feats actually make a lot of sense in their “power scaling.”
And I know a lot of people like talk about the Lois Arc jump because that is insane but there are a lot of other feats that show off the enhanced attributes some of the other demigods have.
Like, Hazel ran after a Arion, the fastest horse alive for a WHOLE day. Hours upon hours on end. And even if Arion WASN’T the fastest horse he’s still. A horse. That Hazel was able to keep up with. And then run all the way home.
Reyna EASILY knocks away giant werewolves with a knife and used her javelin like a pole vault. Annabeth managed to fight Kronos, a whole ass Titan, to a standstill. And she’s been shown to perform moves only professional acrobatic and gymnast can do. Piper threw a fifty pound shield at Medea and was described to move fast as a viper.
Jason had dodged arrows that have appeared out of no where, no warning, and Percy has side stepped bullets. BULLETS.
Not to mention that with the Lycaon and werewolves they were all out running and keeping up with WOLVES.
So, yeah, demigods have freaky physical feats.
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muppetfreak · 5 months
Mr. Riordan, it is truly a pleasure getting to experience your second draft.
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Actually I really like that Percy is Thalia's look-alike in the books with their matching black hair and green eyes and the ichor of such powerful gods running through their veins and their mirrored personalities. I like that Annabeth and Luke both looked at Percy and saw Thalia and I love thinking about what a sucker punch Percy must have felt like to the both of them.
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themandilorian · 7 months
I was wholly unprepared for the experience of watching the untamed in 2023. I’ve seen the gifs! I’ve read some character analysis! I vaguely knew the plot but I did not expect a.) the show to be a lot more tragic and nuanced and funny than what I thought possible and I cannot stress this enough b.) for Wen Ning to also be there on that damn boat
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caitlyn-kirammans · 2 months
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FALLOUT: 1x01 - "The End" ↳ "War... war never changes."
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
“So do we have a deal or am I killing all 3 of you so I. Can eat. In peace?!”
Walker is the absolute king of micro-expressions.
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This is how Percy reacts to Ares’ threat. Up to this point, he’d actually been giving the god some pushback (in typical Percy fashion). But the second Ares’ tone changed, the second that he gets angry, leaning forward, forceful and red-faced, Percy’s demeanor changes. His eyes widen, eyebrows draw together, his mouth falls open before he intentionally presses it closed, and he looks away.
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He’s completely avoiding eye contact.
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When he does look back at Ares, he has this slightly disdainful look in his face. The way that one side of his face is kind of scrunched up.
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You wanna know what Percy still doesn’t do? He doesn’t hold eye contact. He looks at Ares, sure, but for less than a second at a time. When he finally says they’ll do it, he’s looking away and his eyes very quickly move to Ares’ face before looking away so quickly that it’s easily missed, almost like he’s trying to see how Ares reacts to his “surrender.”
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And what does Ares do? He backs off. Sits back in his chair and smiles like he didn’t just coerce a kid. And while he’s talking, after that, we see Percy briefly again and he’s the only one of the 3 not looking at Ares.
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The sudden fear in Percy’s eyes at Ares’ tone and inflection? Lowering his gaze? Giving in despite clearly not wanting to and the moment of processing after the interaction is over?
Just because we didn’t see Gabe being overtly abusive onscreen, doesn’t mean the abuse isn’t still there in subtle ways.
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begaycommittreason · 4 months
only percy “professional little shit” jackson would actively call kronos, the lord of time and his main ancient evil antagonist, grandpa
that is my disrespectful and violently out of pocket king right there!!
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lutheban · 5 months
one thing i CANNOT forgive that they took away in the new pjo series is the very small moment when percy and annabeth are squinting trying to read the sign on Aunty Em's Emporium
Percy asking what does it say and annabeth being like "i have no idea" and Grover having to translate to them bc they’re both dyslexic and cant read in red cursive neon english
like is such a small moment but is such a core memory to me
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beif0ngs · 7 months
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I never said I was a samurai, you did. I’m on the path of revenge. There’s no place on it for love or friendship or weakness.
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mo-mode · 5 months
Okay, but has anyone mentioned yet that Grover is also a vegetarian so when he says “Thanks for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers,” he’s like doubling down on Ares’ shittiness?? Ares even mentions how practically all satyrs are vegetarian or vegan when he said all they do is eat tofu. I bet when Grover said that at the end, he was cursing him out so thoroughly on his head, Ares could hear it. “Thanks for the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers you @&!$ing $!@? and you didn’t even get a %£#!ing salad. Oooo you got a big &$%! plate of fries? Whoop-dee &!#@ing doo!! What kind of #&*!ing god are you? A piss poor @#!$ing !%@$ one. Athena’s owl my €@%#.” That’s probably why Ares didn’t bother with the paper towels.
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ruporas · 9 months
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captain's warm hugs! (id in alt)
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