#all I’ve been able to think abt lately is the good food I miss
hagravenholm · 4 months
Would give anything for mochi ice cream rn and beer floats
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elysianslove · 3 years
hey sal im back!! ive been wanting to talk to u but uni assignments kept on taking the time i usually spend on this app >:( but anw!! how is ur ramadan going so far? i hope ur doing amazing bc in my case my brain barely works without food so with the amount of assignments + my brain’s lack of productivity + nsfw content restriction (bye bye my go to stress reliever) my life has been pretty challenging ,, but overall ramadan has been beautiful as always <3
i also have this random thoughts lately that id really want to share with u so pls do tell me ur opinion 😙 so i was thinking abt how haikyuu boys would join u fasting for a day — i imagine the msby 4 would ask u to wake them too so they could accompany u while ur preparing ur suhoor meal but they ended up eating along and asking if they could join u fasting since they dont have any practice for that day. bokuto hinata & omi would do it out of curiosity but tsumu, being cocky a gentleman he is, says that he’s doing it so u wouldnt starve alone. i think bokuto would be super whiny the whole day like he would keep asking what time is it and being super dramatic saying his patience has never been tested this much ; hinata would keep on forgetting that he’s not allowed to consume anything — u literally caught him unconsciously open the fridge multiple times and he would went from 😮 to ☹️ ; omi bb wouldnt complain even a bit he would say ‘dont worry’ while furrowing his eyebrows followed by the loud scream coming from his dying tummy ; and tsumu — sigh — this man would (not so) secretly eat which ofc u caught him and he would most likely say something like ‘babe i needed a time out 🥺’ he b rlly making his own rules.
honestly just thinking abt these scenarios makes me rlly happy and i’d be delighted to hear ur thoughts abt them!!
ig thats all ,, sorry for the long rambles 😣 dont forget to always take a proper care of ur beautiful well-being during ramadan && since being happy is p hard sometimes so im hoping ur doing okay and that u would find joy by taking pleasure in the little things u do everyday <33 *give a long warm hug and a kith*
- 🐬
hi lovely!!! i’ve missed you so much omg!! ramadan is going pretty well! i haven’t been able to properly enjoy it because of the amount of work i always have, but i’m trying my best to yk!! 
also oh my god,,, i was actually just thinking about what is the seijoh boys joined you in with fasting for a day, and then i see this in my inbox. on god i manifest some of the asks i get. 
but the msby fasting with you is sososo cute omg <3 like they’d probably see you wake up a while before fajr to go have suhoor and they’re so confused like ??? you woke up just so you can eat? and while you’re preparing some food for yourself you explain it to them and each of them like take a minute before they nod so determinedly and go, “we’ll do it,” like you’d just assigned some life threatening mission to them. you warn them and tell them to eat a lot but not too much, and not to eat anything too salty — bokuto chooses chips because :( he was craving them :(. you urge them to drink so much water and atsumu gets so bloated. ends up saying something like, “i’d look so good with a dad bod,” smh. kiyoomi is the only one that follows everything you’re saying but after fajr you catch him reaching for the bottle and he just winces like, “sorry, forgot,” like already!!! hinata lays in bed that night still so hungry even though he’d just eaten because now he’s stuck w the knowledge that he can’t eat, and goes and pokes you awake like, “can i have a small snack? that’s okay right?” 
and oh my god you know what’s even sweeter? if atsumu texts his brother about what they’re doing and osamu joins in too. at iftar when you go to break your fast, atsumu suggests his brother’s restaurant and then osamu has dates and soup made, as well as so much food ready for the six of you. he says a broken, practiced, “ramadan kareem,” when he’s giving a date to break your fast i :(
they eat. so much. and as soon as they’re done they’re like, “so what are we having for dessert?” and omg!!! getting them to try traditional ramadan desserts like kunafa with different things like kunafa with chocolate and kunafa with mangoes and basboosa and atayef and they eat it all. they better not have practice the next day because god they are all so bloated after. 
i love this so much :( i was thinking about the seijoh boys doing it w you too, but i’ve rambled on too long about the msby so maybe another time hehe
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artificialqueens · 3 years
By Your Side (Biadore) - Candy Cane
A/N: just a oneshot based off of a prompt sent in that asked for bianca finding out abt adore’s onlyfans! its not quite that tbh but the words take me where they want to go lol please enjoy!! <3 theres some other things ive been trying to work on but its slow going rn as my cat is very sick and a lot of my time and energy has been dedicated to him, but i hope to get more out soon!
It’s only been a few months into quarantine when Adore finds herself on the phone with one of her oldest friends. Like, old physically not old as in how long they’ve known each other. But to be fair, there aren’t a ton of people she’s been friends with longer than she’s been friends with Bianca. Courtney and Darienne too for that matter.
She loves Bianca. Their friendship is something precious to her, and surprisingly this is only the second phone call they’ve had since quarantine has started. They talk basically every day through texts, and that’s on top of the hours they spend going back and forth in the ABCD group chat with Courtney and Darienne. The four of them have something special, all of them realize that. There’s just something specifically between her and Bianca that Adore’s never really been able to place her finger on.
Out of the blue this morning Bianca simply… called her. Adore spends a full moment staring at the CallerID trying to figure out where the fuck this is coming from. With an uncertain frown, she answers the phone, hanging upside down off the side of her bed of course.
“So… OnlyFans? Seriously?” Bianca asks incredulously, her voice crackling over the phone speaker.
What a way to start a conversation after not hearing each other’s voices for like a month! Even though Adore can’t see her face, she can practically hear the raised eyebrow.
“Fuck you,” Adore laughs, unable to help smiling at Bianca’s playful accusations.
“Not that I’m mad, but why fucking OnlyFans? Aren’t bitches doing podcasts now?”
“I’m bored, okay? There’s not a lot to do but drink and masturbate, and drinking hasn’t really been doing it for me lately. Plus, I gotta make money somehow,” Adore grumbles through an explanation, lifting herself up and sprawling out on her bed awkwardly.
“Do I need to set up an intervention? You know I will,” Bianca says with faux seriousness, “Seriously though, if you need some help…”
Adore frowns down at her phone. She hates pity, she hates unnecessary worry, and she definitely hates burdening people with her bullshit.
“B, I’m fine, I promise,” she says earnestly, “I guess I just… I miss you. A lot. And we can’t see each other right now and it fucking sucks and I’m really lonely-”
“Come over.”
“What? I can’t, B, we’re quarantined…”
“When’s the last time you left your apartment?”
“Uhh, I dunno, maybe a month ago?’ Adore answers, unsure of where Bianca is going with this.
“Okay, that’s well over two weeks. Come hang out with me for a few days, get some human interaction, I’ve been needing it myself. I haven’t gone out or seen anyone for a few weeks now,” Bianca admits, and Adore feels suddenly giddy.
It’s been so long since she’s seen someone, since she’s even gotten a hug, and she really wants to see Bianca…
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning,” Adore agrees, not even thinking twice about it.
Bianca is everything to her. This person was one of the first to really take her seriously, to really see something in her, and Adore doesn’t know where she’d be without her. Every time something goes wrong, her first instinct is to call Bianca. Everytime something amazing happens, her first instinct is to call Bianca. They’ll spend hours talking or texting just because and Adore wouldn’t have it any other way.
They are as good together as PB&J, or peanut butter and celery, or peanut butter and pretzels… And Adore realizes she is feeling very snacky, specifically for peanut butter. With a sigh she rolls off her bed to get a snack before she starts packing for the next week.
The point is Adore loves Bianca, and Danny loves Roy. Sure maybe it’s in a different way than they should, or even once did, but it can’t be helped. It can be hidden, though. And Danny is more than fine with hiding this secret, as long as they get to have Roy in their life at all. He’s more than what Danny should ever even hope for, and yet a part of them can’t help but hope.
After spending so much time apart, Danny knows it’ll be harder now than ever to hide these feelings they’ve been harboring for Roy. They’ll try though, because sometimes the thought of this man loving them back is all that keeps them going.
Danny arrives at Roy’s beautiful new house in Palm Springs at nearly noon the next day. Which, to be fair, is very much the morning for Danny. They even woke up early to make the trip! …If ten a.m. counts as early in any book except their own.
Roy is already standing out in the driveway waiting for Danny when they get there, his arms spread wide for a hug the second Danny gets out of their car. The younger practically rocket launches themself into his arms, clinging tight to him as they savor the first hug they’ve gotten in such a long fucking time. Danny can’t help the tears that fall at finally having such warm, loving human contact, especially from this person.
They hold onto each other as tight as they can, each beyond glad to have each other’s trust in such unreliable times. Being alone for so long had hit Roy hard too. Alcohol and binge watching can really only do so much, and he’s genuinely been feeling lonely being stuck in one spot for so long. The dogs help some, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t replace human interaction, no matter how hard he wishes it did.
“I missed you, baby girl,” Roy says, and Danny can almost hear his voice waver.
“I missed you too,” Danny whispers, trying and failing to hold back a sob.
They leave Danny’s bag in the car for now, much more eager to go sit down and enjoy each other’s company. The dogs bombard the two of them the second Danny crosses the threshold, the enby leaning instantly down to kiss and coo at the babies and Roy can’t help grinning widely at the sight. He loves his babies, and he loves his baby girl.
They spend the afternoon talking and laughing and playing with the dogs. Danny clearly gets some ideas about the golf cart, and Roy is suddenly excited about the upcoming few days. It’s been a while since either of them have really had something to look forward to.
“Alright, I still need you to explain this OnlyFans thing to me,” Roy says with a smirk a few hours later, after they’ve gotten properly settled in on the couch together with the dogs.
Danny’s eyes go wide with slight panic, “Okay, grandpa, it’s like uhhh, Patreon but-”
“No, no, no!” Roy laughs, “I know what it is, I mean why that? Why not literally anything else?”
“First of all, I am sexy. Second of all, I spent a lot of time not making money masturbating, which is a fucking shame because as I said before I am sexy.”
They both crack up at that, giggling like idiots on Roy’s couch, the puppies quickly joining in, yipping at them to be a part of the excitement.
“Awww, do you two think I’m funny?” Danny coos, picking Dede up and cuddling the pup close, “Your daddy doesn’t think I’m funny!”
Roy snorts, “You’ve certainly picked up a thing or two from me.”
“Like how to be a bitter old hermit!” Danny grins sweetly.
“Exactly,” Roy laughs.
“So if I ask really nicely will this bitter old hermit make me food?” Danny asks, batting their eyelashes pleadingly.
“My original plan was to let you starve to death while you were here, but since you’re asking nicely…” Roy says teasingly, feeling an odd sense of satisfaction at the way the younger throws their head back with laughter.
Late that night, after a long night of talking and watching TV and a decent dinner, they curl up into bed together. At one point they both needed to at least be tipsy to do that, but nowadays that’s just overkill. They have progressed well beyond that point of friendship, though Roy sometimes still likes to put on a show of being annoyed, if only because of the way Danny pouts and rolls their eyes.
Tonight he just holds the thick comforter up so Danny can slide in easily with him, he’s not really interested in making either of them wait longer than they already have for cuddles. In seconds the two are holding each other tight, savoring the touch. As Roy lays there, holding Danny like the younger is his lifeline, he starts to think about the time they’ve known each other. All the ups, downs, and side-to-sides… Danny has grown up a lot over the years they’ve been friends, and it’s hard to deny that it’s changed Roy’s feelings for them.
Once his feelings to the younger were almost motherly, but now it’s closer to attraction. It’s kind of weird, at the least it’s very fucked up. Roy wants to just give in to the feelings, but he can’t. Not when he has no way of gaging Danny’s feelings for him. He can live with this secret, he’s not sure he can live without Danny’s friendship.
Danny interrupts his thoughts, their voice small and curious, “Why were you so invested in my OnlyFans?”
“Bitch, I’m trying to sleep here,” Roy groans.
“No, seriously,” Danny pouts, sitting up in bed and looking down at Roy. The moonlight streaming in from the window highlights the enby perfectly, and Roy curses his luck.
“I don’t want you renting yourself out on the corner like Bunny, now get back to sleep you dumb slut,” Roy says with all of his usual teasing heat.
Danny pouts though, clearly not satisfied, “But…”
“Sleep. Now.” Roy demands, reaching up to tug them back under the covers. Danny reluctantly gives in, and snuggles close to Roy.
Just as Roy is about to fall asleep, Danny’s voice has his eyes flying open.
“I love you,” Danny whispers.
Roy’s heart melts a little at that, “I love you too, Danny.”
Danny bites their lip nervously, “I mean like… I think…”
Roy’s heart starts to beat faster in his chest. Surely they couldn’t mean…
“You think…?” Roy asks, hoping that despite it all this person is about to say what he thinks they are.
“I think I might be… in love,” Danny says, their voice quiet and timid in a way Roy hasn’t heard in a very long time, “With you.”
This time Roy is the one to sit up in bed, staring down at Danny with pure infatuation. Those words echo around his ears, his chest, his very soul, and before he even realizes what he’s doing he’s leaning down to capture Danny’s lips in a kiss.
His lips against theirs feels so undeniably right. Their lips move slowly against each other, Danny brings a hand around to cup the back of Roy’s neck and in that moment nothing is wrong in their own little world. In that moment it’s just them and the moonlight. He thinks that he could live forever in this moment and never need anything else.
They break apart much too soon for either of their tastes, and Roy stares into those pretty eyes and murmurs, “I think I love you too.”
Danny surges forward for another kiss, this one much more desperate than the last. It’s a hot, heavy kiss that ends with Roy flat against the bed and both of Danny’s hands cupping his face as they explore each other. It’s like no kiss either of them have had before, with so many years of emotion and uncertainty between them it’s intense. Bianca and Adore have drunkenly kissed before, but this absolutely cannot compare. Danny whimpers pathetically against Roy, their hips grinding down against Roy’s thigh.
Roy lets out a shaky breath and grips at the enby’s barely covered ass. From the way Danny is squirming and moaning after only a little contact, Roy knows it’s been a while since Danny has been with someone like this. Roy hasn’t been able to get laid in a while either, rendering them both more than eager for this. Neither of them have a sexual partner in their circles right now, except maybe each other. Just this morning that would’ve been an absurd thought, and now it’s simply what makes sense.
Both of them need sexual fulfillment as much as they need emotional fulfillment, and even the thought of providing it for each other is thrilling. Roy grabs Danny’s bottom lip roughly between his teeth, sucking on it as he rubs his hands underneath Danny’s oversized tank top and over their skin. Danny whines and whimpers so deliciously in response, and Roy loves it.
Roy and Danny pull the little clothing that is off one another, each soaking in the familiar sight of the other being completely exposed. It’s nowhere near the first time they’ve seen each other like this, but it’s another one of those things where it’s simply different this time around. Because now it’s been established they love each other as much more than just friends.
Danny sucks hickeys along Roy’s collarbone, moaning roughly as Roy twists their nipples harshly, their bodies so close and warm wrapped up tight together.
“Think… Think I’m gonna get my nipples pierced,” Danny giggles breathlessly before it’s cut off in a moan of sheer pleasure when Roy pinches them even harder.
“Oh really? You’ve done a lot of slutty things, baby girl, but that is definitely up there,” Roy smirks.
Danny smiles innocently, “It would only make your job easier.”
“What? This job?” Roy asks teasingly, then trails his fingers down Danny’s stomach so they ghost over the enby’s half-hard cock.
Danny gasps, and Roy takes the opportunity to press his lips against theirs all over again, sucking their tongue into his mouth as he teases their cock. They moan and whine and squirm, their fingers gripping and squeezing at the flesh of Roy’s back frantically in response. Roy knows that that’s going to leave a mark, despite the fact that their nails are usually kept short. He doesn’t mind though, in fact it makes him harder knowing that he’s the reason Danny is reacting like this.
Danny’s head falls back against the pillow, feeling heat rush to their cheeks upon seeing the smouldering look in Roy’s eyes as they stare up at him. He’s so fucking gorgeous, all his sharpness and softness in just the right places.
“Tell me what you want,” Roy whispers roughly.
Danny inhales shakily, “Want- Wanna feel you-”
“What do you want me to do to you, Danny? Use your words…”
“Fuck me, oh God please just fuck me, holy shit,” Danny begs, squeezing their eyes shut tight and squirming underneath Roy’s tight hold.
“Shh, that’s so good, thank you,” Roy murmurs, caressing Danny’s cheek, “I’m going to fuck you so hard.”
And Danny just moans. They’ve wanted this from Roy for so long, and so many years were wasted convincing themself otherwise that this really feels like a fucking dream come true. It’s their own little fairytale, just for the two of them. Danny gets to live this fantasy with Roy, and that thought alone is almost more mind blowing than the idea of getting rammed until they can’t remember their own name.
Roy leans across to riffle through the nightstand, and turns back to Danny with lube, a condom, and a devious grin on his face. Minutes later, Danny is a whimpering, begging mess just from two of Roy’s fingers stretching them open. Roy is clearly enjoying it, whispering dirty things in their ear as he slowly tortures them with his fingers. When he slides in a third finger, Danny lets out the filthiest, most inhuman sound Roy has ever heard.
“You are just so fucking needy,” Roy says lowly, pulling out his fingers and quickly rolling the condom on.
Danny nods feverently, their eager words of agreement being almost incomprehensible. Roy grabs their tiny hips in his large hands and slides himself in. That moment is almost pure magic, the connection that had been simmering for so many years finally coming to a boil. Danny sobs from the mix of emotion and sheer pleasure, throwing their head back and forth, panting and begging for more while Roy closes his eyes and takes it all in.
Danny is incredibly warm and tight around him, and after a minute he begins to thrust shallowly, making Danny’s mindless babbling slur together. His thrusts quickly become harsher, aiming specifically for Danny’s spot, his grip on them tightens and he grabs the enby’s cock and starts to lavish it with some much needed attention.
“OhGodohGodohGodoh-” Danny rambles, pressing their face into the juncture of Roy’s neck and collarbone, inhaling his comforting, familiar scent, “So good, feels so good, don’t stop please don’t stop.”
“I’m not going to stop, shh, I’ve got you, fuck you’re so good,” Roy groans in response, his thrusts speeding up and his fingers around Danny’s cock tightening, “Are you about to cum for me? Huh?”
“Yes, fuck,” Danny rasps, “Yes yes gonna cum Roy please let me cum I’m gonna- gonna-”
Roy pumps his hand a few more times and whispers right in Danny’s ear, “Cum for me like a good girl.”
And Danny is a gonner. They moan high and long, their hips twitch rapidly and their whole body shakes with the force of their orgasm, ropes of cum covering Roy’s hand and both of their abdomens.
Danny practically goes limp in Roy’s hold, and just a few thrusts later Roy is undone as well, unable to help thrusting even harder and deeper into Danny’s body as he does. He falls on top of Danny, breathing heavy and ragged, and they hold each other tight. Danny’s arms still wrapped around Roy’s back when he carefully rolls them onto their sides so that they’re facing each other, nearly nose to nose. He gingerly pulls out of Danny, ties the condom, and throws it into the bin that he knows is next to the bed.
Roy cups their chin with his clean hand and stares into their dazed, half-lidded eyes. Danny blinks slowly, the afterglow beginning to wear off.
“I can’t believe it took us seven years,” Danny murmurs, reaching up to thread their fingers through Roy’s currently long hair.
“It was worth the wait,” Roy smiles softly, “And now we have the rest of our lives.”
“Yeah,” Danny whispers, “I get the rest of my life with you.”
Because for Roy and Danny it’s nowhere near over. For them it’s all only just begun.
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
The Taste of Blood
So here’s that vampire AU for Sledgefu I talked abt a while back. It falls into the two other AUs I’ve created thus far, Horror Movie and NOLA. This specific vampire one is going under the Demolition Lovers AU tag (because yes, this was inspired by the first MCR album in part.) Title is taken from one of my fave tracks on the Only Lovers Left Alive soundtrack (another inspiration for this AU.)
This is another one that might have some sequels, I’m still playing with the idea based on some other sources of inspiration! In any case I don’t think I can leave it with just this one piece.
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“I think we should call my dad,” Eugene touched the mirror he was looking into, waiting for his reflection to appear, but it didn’t. “We’re both obviously sick. I mean...I can’t even see my reflection, and I know it’s there. It has to be.” 
Snafu moved behind him and peered into the mirror. “Where? I don’t see mine either.” 
“We’re both losin’ it,” Eugene muttered miserably. He didn’t want to call his dad, hadn’t even tried since he’d left to find Snafu in New Orleans. But he also didn’t want to go to any of the local doctors, and as it was they’d both started to develop an intense sensitivity to sunlight. Even if they’d wanted to see a doctor in town, they’d have to somehow convince one to make a house call at night. 
He moved back to the couch, where they’d both been sleeping for the past week since the trouble had all started, and picked up his glass of water. Neither of them could keep anything down, but they kept trying water in the hopes of at least being slightly hydrated. 
He sipped, and immediately gagged and brought it back up, nearly choking as his stomach contracted violently at the water inside of it. 
“Baby,” Snafu whimpered softly, pulling him gently back onto the couch. “No more water. Just gonna make yourself more sick.” 
“That isn’t possible,” Eugene protested. “We’re sick, so we need fluids. Give me your wrist, we can at least do a pulse check.” 
“Alright Florence,” Snafu sighed and held out his wrist. They’d been doing these checks all week, with their pulses getting fainter and fainter with each passing day. Eugene was worried, but he didn’t know what he could possibly do to try and fix it. Nothing was working, and they both looked worse with every hour. 
“What the fuck,” Eugene spat, and moved up Snafu’s arm, then to his neck, searching for a pulse anywhere. Nothing. 
“Check me,” Eugene said, his hands shaking at the thought of what Snafu was (or rather wasn’t) going to find. 
Snafu did the same, moving from pressure point to pressure point, anywhere, searching for a pulse. “Uh. Eugene.” 
“I know, I know, I know,” he felt like he couldn’t breathe, and suddenly noticed how stiff the air felt in his lungs. The air went in and out, and he was still breathing, but it felt...off. “This isn’t possible. We’re dreaming. Or dead. Or something.” 
“I think we are dead,” Snafu said quietly. “I think I know what’s wrong.” 
“I gotta call my dad, now. Before we pass out and-” 
“Eugene,” Snafu interrupted, and grabbed a hold of his hands, just tight enough to keep him sitting on the couch. “You aren’t gonna wanna believe me. And that’s fine, cause I don’t wanna believe me either. But...you remember how we brought Hugo home late last week?” 
Eugene did. It had been a bit spur of the moment, but they’d been talking to Hugo for the past few months, meeting up with him most nights to hang out. It had always edged up near wanting to bring him back to their bed, but it had taken them until Friday of that last week to finally feel brave enough to ask him to come back home with them. 
“What do you remember from that night?” 
Eugene blushed. There was a lot he remembered, a lot of fun and good things. But he couldn’t remember much after. 
“I know I found a weird rash on my neck. Figured Hugo and you were just overly enthusiastic about the hickeys.” 
Snafu shook his head. “Still got the rash?” 
Eugene moved his collar to show it off. Two small red dots, evenly spaced. 
Snafu undid the first few buttons of his shirt and showed off the same. 
“Okay, so Hugo was a little rough. What’re you gettin’ at, sweetheart?” Eugene laughed. 
“We’ve never seen Hugo during the day. He bar tends some nights, but otherwise he doesn’t work. He dresses like he’s at least five years behind everyone else, and his teeth are...well, you’ve seen them,” Snafu continued. “I...this is everything my family made fun of growing up. All the ‘spooky’ parts of the city that the tourists fall for. But...” 
“But what?” 
“Some folks always used to warn about vampires. The city’s old, and you can melt right into it. Where else would you go if you couldn’t die and wanted somewhere you could just be and party or hide away or do whatever else you wanted?” Snafu asked. 
“Are you saying you think Hugo’s a vampire?” 
Snafu looked at the floor, and Eugene sighed internally over how pale he looked. How pale they both looked. Whatever this was, it was eating them alive. 
“And you think he turned us, but it’s just now...taking full effect or something?” 
“Don’t say it like that,” Snafu protested. “You think I like thinking that this is what it is, what we’ve got? This wasn’t my first option for a diagnosis.” 
“Okay, I’m sorry I just...you know how it sounds. I know you do.” 
Snafu nodded, sighed, and dropped his head into his hands. “There’s ways to find out. I mean...it’ll feel silly, but if we do some of these tests, and then it turns out it isn’t this, then we can move past it.” 
“Fair enough,” Eugene agreed. “What tests do you know of?” 
“Well, we failed the first one. No reflection. Failed the second one. Can’t keep any food or water down. Failed the third one. Don’t have a pulse anymore. I’ve got one more, but you aren’t gonna like it,” Snafu replied. He went to the fridge and pulled out the meat they’d picked up from the butcher on Monday. 
It slowly dawned on Eugene what the test was, and his stomach turned. “Oh no.” 
“Oh yes,” Snafu said, slicing into the meat with a knife from one of the kitchen drawers and draining the little bit of blood that came out into two glasses. “C’mere.” 
“I don’t think I can...” Eugene said. It looked repulsive, thickly settled at the bottom of the glass. 
“It’s old blood, but nothin’ we can do about that,” Snafu said, and handed over one of the glasses. “Bottoms up, darlin’.” 
He tossed it back like a shot after Snafu tossed back his, grimacing at the sensation of the blood as it slid down his throat. 
“Now what?” 
“We haven’t been able to keep anything down, so this should come up too,” Snafu replied. 
They stood at the kitchen counter and waited. And waited. And waited. 
“Jesus,” Eugene whimpered, and dropped to his knees, hiding his head against them as he wrapped his arms around himself. “Snaf-” 
“I know,” Snafu interrupted softly, and pulled him up to standing again. “Come on. Back to the couch we go. We’re gonna be alright.” 
“No, we aren’t,” Eugene heard himself whisper, horrified. “What the fuck, what the fuck what the-” 
“Shhh,” Snafu interrupted. “Can’t do nothin’ about this if we panic.” 
“We’re dead,” Eugene hissed. There was no other way around it. He was walking, talking, feeling the panic but with none of the usual heart-pounding. Because his heart no longer beat. Because they’d fucked a vampire, and now they were dead. 
“I know,” Snafu was alarmingly calm, and it made Eugene itchy to watch. As much as he valued Snafu being able to be cool and collected, he also couldn’t bear to be the only one freaking out. 
“We have to find Hugo,” Snafu continued. “May as well go straight to the source. I know going out sounds like shit right now, but we can do this.” 
They dressed, just barely presentable to be out of the house, and wandered down to the nearest bar. The sun had just recently gone down, but Eugene missed it. If this was all real, and he really had already had his last moment in the sun, then he wished he could have somehow known. He would have enjoyed it more. 
Hugo was behind the counter, working. But he looked like he wanted to jump the counter as he caught sight of them. 
Eugene let Snafu take charge of the situation. He was too weak, too tired to do much more than stand by Snafu and lean against him. 
“Hugo. We gotta talk,” Snafu called across the bar. 
Hugo winced as they stepped up to the bar counter. “You guys look like shit.” 
“Yeah. Feel like you might know somethin’ about that,” Snafu said. “Wanna take a moment in the back room with us so we can sort this out?” 
Hugo sighed. “Fine.” 
He led them to the back room, and Eugene let himself collapse onto the couch in the room with a groan. He’d felt better after the glass of disgusting, sludgy blood, but whatever effect it had given him had worn off. 
“I thought I had drained you both completely. You should be dead,” Hugo said, staring at them in amazement and confusion. 
“We are dead, asshole,” Eugene barked. 
“I mean...not dead like me. Completely dead. Not getting up and looking for blood to drink dead. Speaking of, have you guys been feeding? Because you look awful,” Hugo said. 
“Wow, thank you for again tellin’ us we look horrible after doin’ this to us,” Snafu spat as he dropped into a wooden chair near the couch. 
“I didn’t mean to,” Hugo protested. “I was going to just kill you both. I hadn’t fed in weeks...it was nothing personal, I swear.” 
“Hugo...this is is why you’re still single. I swear to fuckin’ god...” Snafu muttered. “Nothin’ personal. Jesus.” 
“I’m sorry, I really am,” Hugo continued. “Look, I can help you adjust to this. It’s the least I can do, and it’s what my maker did for me. Granted, he was also well off and not bar-tending to pay rent, but-” 
“Boo-fucking-hoo for you,” Eugene scoffed. “I’d say this is the least you can do.” 
Hugo sighed. “Clearly, whatever we had is gone. So I’ll do this. I’ll give you a list of places folks like us-” 
“Vampires,” Snafu interrupted. “I wanna hear you fucking say it.” 
“Vampires,” Hugo said. “Places where vampires like us can meet up for resources, help when you’re new and learning how to feed and how much to feed, things like that. I’ll give you my phone number, but you call me; I won’t call you. You only call if you’re comfortable with doing so or really need immediate help, okay?” 
Hugo grabbed a piece of stationary from a desk near one wall of the back room, and started to jot down the various places and people they could use as resources, and as he listened to the pen scratch Eugene’s heart sank. 
No more sunny walks in the park, or sunsets watched in between making out with Snafu. No more dinners they cooked together, learning new recipes. They’d have to quit their jobs, and find new ones with only night shifts, or they’d lose the house. No traveling, unless they were willing to drive all night while knowing they for sure had somewhere to hide during the day. 
And more killing. If they wanted to survive, there would have to be more killing. 
“For now...give me five,” Hugo said and handed Snafu the paper before ducking out of the room. He returned with one of the other bartenders, who calmly bared his neck to Snafu as he knelt down near him. 
“What the fuck is this?” Snafu scoffed. 
“Dinner,” Hugo spat. “Unless you wanna keep looking and feeling like death.” 
“We are dead!” Eugene screamed, forcing himself up off the couch even though every limb protested the effort. He strode towards Hugo faster than he intended to, unsure if it was his new state of being or his anger carrying him forward. He pushed him up against the nearest wall, and hissed. “We’re dead and it’s your fucking fault and-” 
He was suddenly incredibly aware of blood in Hugo’s veins, and before he could stop himself he latched onto Hugo’s neck, effectively stealing his dinner from within him. 
“Get him fucking off of me!” Hugo was screeching, caterwauling, but Eugene held tight onto him, hating how much he enjoyed the feeling of his now much sharper eyeteeth sinking into Hugo’s flesh, emptying his dead veins of his last meal. 
“Eugene! Enough!” Snafu pulled him away, and Hugo dropped to the floor, whimpering. 
“He deserved it,” he huffed. 
“I know,” Snafu said. “But what good is killin’ him gonna do us, huh? None. Let him live with the knowledge. I guarantee that’s worse than bein’ all the way dead.” 
“Neither of you are even up to my usual standard,” Hugo scoffed, still on the floor. The other bartender was staring at him, but made no move to retrieve him. “That’s what I get for fucking ugly goddamn-” 
It was his turn to hold Snafu back as he tried to race towards Hugo, shouting abuse right back at him, how he was a shitty fuck, how he was lucky they’d even allowed him near them to begin with. 
He dragged Snafu outside, regretting that he’d lost his cool. 
But he did feel better, with the blood he’d taken from Hugo. 
“Here,” he offered Snafu his wrist. “You’ll feel better. If we both feel a little healthier, then findin’ all of these people and places’ll be easier.” 
Snafu pulled him into a dark corner near an alley, and kissed him hard before moving his wrist up to his mouth. The feeling of Snafu’s teeth slipping into his wrist was something else, painful but not so much to make him do more than wince. It was almost erotic, especially when Snafu looked up at him, still drinking, his lips locked against the skin of his wrist. 
Which at least confirmed one thing he’d been mildly worried about, regarding blood flow. He didn’t know how it could still work, but he wasn’t going to question it when he had Snafu with blood on his lips, pulling him close and rutting against his hard cock. 
“Let’s go home,” Snafu murmured into his neck. “We can check out everything Hugo gave us tomorrow night.” 
Eugene nodded, but used a hand to carefully pull Snafu’s face back up towards his, and gently, with just the tip of his tongue, licked the drying blood from the corners of Snafu’s mouth before kissing him. 
He had figured it wouldn’t be a jubilant walk home, but he had expected to at least feel better, having gotten confirmation of it all. But he didn’t. He was tired and hungry despite having fed off of Hugo, and wanted nothing more than to fuck until the morning or until they were both too tired and sore to move, whatever came first. 
By the time they got inside, however, he was only half-hard and he could tell Snafu was just plain exhausted. They dropped onto the couch after making sure the door was locked and the windows were all still tightly covered with blinds and newspapers they’d taped over them, and Eugene knew they’d both be asleep soon. There would be no calling into work; he couldn’t keep his eyelids open let alone get up to go to the phone and call them both in. 
What he could manage was to wrap his arms around Snafu, and try not to cry when he didn’t have the familiar sound of Snafu’s heartbeat to lull him to sleep. But he still had Snafu’s hand squeezing his, and it was just enough to work in place of the heartbeat. 
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gray-warden · 5 years
What is the problem with white people traveling to asia without money? Like how are you going to brand calling the cops on someone without a visa as justice, then try and spin them pretending that the native language (which they speak fluently enough to at least pretend is their only language) is reminiscent of colonialism? Also you made it seem like American propaganda is effective in china with your tags which is weird. Just seems like y'all got galaxy brain with racism so hard it got harmful.
when did i say i’d call the cops? i wouldn’t do anything about it besides getting pissed internally lmao. and when did i say anything abut languages? i have genuinely no clue what you mean about american propaganda in china, like, i mean it when i say i don’t get what you’re saying there. i didn’t even mention china in my tags at all, and i only mentioned the US specifically when i mentioned the case of that american woman who wanted to “play doctor” and caused deaths. still, white privilege and racism are not an “american propaganda” thing, it’s something that affects the whole world, white people will pretty much always have an easier time with lots of stuff, including being automatically seen as more qualified and trustworthy, and with law enforcement everywhere, since colonialism affected the entire world, very few countries were never invaded by europeans.what i’m saying is: - it’s bad when people from rich countries that often got rich through colonialism, by harming other countries, complain abt immigrants coming from the countries they harmed because those countries were harmed in that way. even if those people now weren’t responsible for it, they still benefit from how their country developed while it had colonies, and the people in ex-colonies still suffer because of their past as colonies. - an american woman going to africa to make herself feel good about helping others when she ended up killing people bc she wasn’t a doctor like she claimed to be? that’s bad. i hope it’s obvious enough to understand why that’s bad. (also, i looked it up again, i had briefly read abt it at some point, but it was a while back so i didn’t remember all the details, but here: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/08/09/749005287/american-with-no-medical-training-ran-center-for-malnourished-ugandan-kids-105-d she clearly wanted to help, but setting up a health clinic when you have zero qualifications for that is not the way to do it at all, that’s just obvious. if she really wanted to help for the sake of helping, she could’ve donated to groups that can actually help instead. - travelling is great, but it’s not a basic human necessity like food or housing. going on a trip to a place that you /know/ has lots of inequality and then relying on the locals to keep travelling more is just stupid. would i call the cops or whatever on them? no. but i still think it’s stupid. i know that at least here in brazil, if we got begpackers, those people would get a lot more money than people who are begging for money to actually survive, because the tourists would most likely be white people from richer countries, and i know how people would be a lot more likely to give money to those people, who don’t need it to survive (bc they’re white and from “first world countries”, and just wanna travel, unlike the homeless and usually black people in poverty you see every day who get treated as lesser than human by way too many people here - i know that homelessness won’t be solved by people giving homeless people money, but it might still help them survive, get a meal, catch a bus/train so they can go somewhere they may have family or to a shelter). i’m not saying you gotta have a ton of money if you wanna travel, but travelling somewhere with the intention of relying on others when you could just, idk, not do that? it’s a stupid thing to do. what if they don’t help you? are you gonna be stuck then? then you made a bad, irresponsible decision. or do you have enough money to go back in case that happens? then you shouldn’t be begging random people on the street for money. i got nothing against people who travel with little money by hitchhiking, doing odd jobs here and there for it, who sell some stuff they might have, but deciding to travel and, since the beginning of your plans, intending on having to beg strangers for money is just a very irresponsible decision at best. people doing that shit are usually just doing it for the “enlightening experience” or whatever, which is how many western people approach asia, there’s a big stereotype of “exotic enlightenment”, especially when it comes to the southern and southeastern parts of the continent (based on what i’ve heard from both ppl who go there and people who live there - i, as mentioned in the post, am from brazil).People who do that kind of thing are usually extremely condescending and stereotyping about their trips to “exotic places” where they “seek enlightenment and truth” or whatever othre stuff they may say.No, i wouldn’t call the cops on them or anything like that, that was /one/ picture out of lots in the post, it wasn’t the point of it, and if you thought so, you really missed it. and to be honest, i was kinda tired, so i did just scroll kinda fast at some point and might not have looked that closely at a couple of pics because they were just more examples of the same phenomenon. and i didn’t really pay attention to the one with police, tbh. i’d never call the police on anyone begging for money, even if it’s a case like that. i don’t support that, but i still support the general message of the post.if you’re travelling and then get robbed or something like that, or a medical emergency happens, or anything else that might need a lot of money, and then you do end up needing more money than you had in your plans for the trip, then that kind of situation would be more understandable (but also, that’s why you should have some way to have access to money in an emergency situation, even if through a friend or family member, because those things can happen in trips). but if you don’t have an emergency plan, i’d understand actually needing the money, but that’s not the case for most begpackers. there’s a reason why many people in parts of asia, especially SE asia afaik, have been complaining about them a lot, there have been lots lately, based on what people >who actually live thereseeing certain parts of the world as “my place to explore so i can finally be enlightened” or “a place where we, the Good White People™, have to intervene so we can save the Poor Starving Kids™” or “a place where i can become one with nature in the wild, savage, mysterious jungles” or any other thing that ignores that it’s just a place with normal people who have their own lives and culture and all that (as much as where you’re from is a place with normal people who have their own lives and culture and all that) just reduces those places and their people to stereotypes that are often harmful. of course there are gonna be differences between where you’re from and where you’re going to, if there weren’t then there wouldn’t be a point in travelling, but it shouldn’t be hard to just not be stereotyping and ignorant about it all, you can enjoy travelling without being Like That.(and the post also talked about how much easier it is to get jobs or just to generally be seen as more trustworthy and qualified when you’re white and everyone else around you isn’t, and that’s def also a true and important thing to acknowledge)anyway, you sent this message to me specifically and mentioned my tags as well, so i answered, but if you wanna complain more about people who point out that begpackers are annoying and often full of entitlement and stereotypical views of certain places, then maybe ask a person who lives somewhere with lots of begpackers, someone who isn’t white. they might be able to tell you more about the whole phenomenon and the people who do it, how annoying they can be, etc, since they’ve experienced it firsthand rather than just heard a lot about it.
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boyfriem-moved · 5 years
pl ea se info dump about your ocs
oh boy ok you,,, don’t want this but u already asked and it’s too late to go back so im just gonna start talking
ok so i have like 2 separate oc worlds and 3 seperate groups of ocs within those (these are just the main ones, there’s ones i don’t think abt anymore and ones i’ve abandoned and fan characters and stuff but if i went over all of that i’d be here all day so i’ll just stick with these)
so the first world is just our world, modern day, but with magic. there’s this one town, barnsley, georgia, that’s cut off from the rest of the world. most ppl drive by without ever noticing it, and if someone tries to go in who’s not wanted the town will disappear or try to kill them or just do something to keep them out. it’s a vaguely sentient town. in barnsley there’s a big forest and no one’s ever gone in and come out the other side. there’s ambiguous danger in the forest, mostly faeries who will make you fall in love with them and then kill you and harvest your bones and stuff.
so there’s like 4-6 characters depending on where we’re looking at in terms of what storyline i’m following (this is the one that i did nanowrimo for three (3) times and have over 100,000 words of thrown out content for and obsess over constantly so it has the most solid plot and there’s a lot of it) so anyways i’ll just go over all 6 and try to make it as simple as possible without talking about converging storylines and alternate drafts and stuff
ok! so! vi larson-park is the daughter of one of barnsley’s 3 great magicians! her mom could do all sorts of crazy magic and i can’t get into the parents’ backstory here bc they have a whole OTHER story and that’s just. too much (maybe i’ll do that later? we’ll see) so yeah her mom did magic and also made some bad deals and stole some stuff from the woods and indirectly caused some ppls deaths but it’s like fine probably. so vi grew up with her mom, natalie, her mom’s witch girlfriend, erica, and erica’s twin brother, simon (who i’ll get into later and also who doesn’t exist in half the scrapped drafts) in this big empty DEFINITELY HAUNTED house on the edge of town where erica grew up and they were good and happy. then like a year ago natalie was killed by nick, who i’ll also get into later, and that’s kinda the end of her story, vi and erica are obviously devastated and they have a funeral and vi starts having the occasional odd dream here and there, but things go back to normal after awhile. vi has absolutely no aptitude for magic, and because of that she often feels alienated by erica and simon who are VERY magical and always talking about things she doesn’t understand. she’s fiercely loyal and protective and not really scared of anything. she’s always wanted to know what’s in the woods but knows better than to go looking
tyler is vi’s best friend and also 50% whole entire Not Human. he either came from the woods or was found outside a random gas station in like arizona or something depending on which draft i’m going by, but either way he was found around two years ago and has been clinging to vi ever since. his backstory is a big unknown to the human characters and no one really knows anything about him. he’s a faerie prince, the son of the erlking, who’s sort of the ambiguous villain of the story but i’ll get into him later. he has 3 brothers, sorrel, dain, and kell. sorrel is the oldest and known as the winter prince, then there’s kell for spring, dain for summer, and tyler himself for autumn. (btw his name isn’t actually tyler technically it’s robin but i'm not gonna get into that rn.) sorrel is cool and collected and stone cold bitch, and all he wants is to be king so he roped tyler into helping him try and kill their dad, which failed, so then he lost his position in the royal court and now he’s doing tons of morally gray stuff in an attempt to get back in his dad’s favor so he can kill him for real this time. dain and kell are sort of nothing at all and you don’t need to know anything except dain is really mean and violent and kell is an ally(?). after the whole failed killing debacle tyler ran away to barnsley in hopes that he could find something in common with the humans, since he’d been a faerie all his life and couldn’t stand it. he’s quiet and doesn’t like doing or saying things unless he absolutely has to, is generally unhelpful unless something benefits him, scared of being alone, hates being indoors, runs around barefoot and only eats food from the woods. he’s kinda like an outdoor cat.
nick and marcus jacobs are brothers and general hooligans. nick is the older one (he’s 19) and marcus is 15 and they grew up in barnsley for the first 14 years of marcus’ life until marcus accidentally killed their dad and they left town. which the dad killing subplot is really a lot to get into but basically their dad was the second magician, along with vi’s mom, except the effects of magic on a person can kinda drive a person insane and the others managed to keep it together but he slowly went crazy until he was paranoid and in pain all the time and ended up taking a lot of it out on his sons which ended in him threatening marcus and marcus in an act of self defense unleashing raw magic power he didn’t know he had and accidentally killing him and also taking out all the power in the entire town and causing a minor earthquake. it was a Big Deal. so yeah they buried their dad in the backyard and skipped town. after their dad died all his magic went down to nick so nick has newfound power (marcus btw has never been able to use magic since then and has no idea how he did it) but he also has voices in his head and weird dreams, and with all the voices yelling at him all the time he realizes that the only way to get rid of them is to get rid of the magicians. his dad did some magic bullshit that made him the vessel for the magic once he died but the other magicians didn’t so he doesn’t have to kill anyone besides them and it makes sense bc i say it does shut up. so for like a year they drive around aimlessly, meet with and kill vi’s mom, meet with and kill aidan’s dad (i’ll get to aidan once i’m done here), pick up a hitchhiker depending on which version of the story i’m telling, then go back home where they’re not really welcome anymore but that won’t stop them. nick is cold and mean and. y’know. a murderer, but he also loves marcus greatly and gets attached to people more easily than he would like to admit. he’s sort of closed himself off and resigned himself to killing “for the greater good”, but it’s hard for him, and there’s definitely people he wouldn’t kill. he fully planned to, once he got rid of the magicians, never kill again, and he keeps that promise. marcus is soft spoken and anxiety ridden and a bit of a crybaby and he hates death and doesn’t fully trust nick and doesn’t trust himself either. on the outside he appears bitter and angry constantly.
aidan mulligan is a HOOLIGAN! a whole entire rowdy boy! he’s also the son of the third magician and marcus’ ex(?) boyfriend? more like boyfriend on standby. it’s complicated. there’s nothing special to him, he’s rowdy bc his parents never gave him enough attention so he runs around with people he doesn’t really like and is always getting into trouble. his favorite activities are skipping church and running the local cryptid watch am radio station, which no one listens to and which he used to run with marcus. he misses marcus dearly and keeps waiting for him to come back. he’s loud and talkative and his mood changes drastically but is always on the highest setting. he’s either screaming-and-throwing-things angry or unable to shut up and bouncing all over the place. not to pick favorites but he’s my favorite i really love him. his life moto is “fuck you dad” basically. oh yeah nick killed his dad and stuff and it’s hit him hard but he’s not as torn up by it as he probably should be, which he feels terrible about. his mom lives on the other side of the country and doesn’t currently know his dad is dead, which isn’t really something you’re supposed to keep secret generally but the mulligan family said fuck the rules. he has two brothers, connor and seamus (connor older, seamus younger) and loves both of them though he would never admit it.
simon diederich is the secret special bonus magician!! also i think i gotta talk abt parent backstory for him so,,,, here goes: basically, simon and vi’s mom and marcus and aidan’s dads all stole magic from the forest in a way that doesn’t super make sense but it’s my story i can do what i want. and in the process simon died and they had to leave him behind in the woods, but then since the magic in the forest was weak it couldn’t continue being formless or else it would turn into nothing since so much of it had been damaged by the humans or w/e. so it took simon’s body as a vessel and resurrected him with all his old memories but also 100% more magic power. so he took that power and went back home and has been just straight chillin, unaging, for 30-ish years. he got like. immense wisdom when he was resurrected and is also possessed by a sentient forest so he does what the forest wants which is protect the town and fistfight anyone he doesn’t like. he’s obnoxious and immature and thinks he’s hot shit and loves these trees more than he loves other people probably
bonus character: lila is the ghost who lives in vi’s attic. she’s like 7. i love her
next, still in the same universe, are the residents of greywell, washington. greywell is what’s on the other side of those woods no one can cross in barnsley. how does that work? magic obviously. greywell is a lot like barnsley but more sinister, it’s a lot newer so the characters aren’t as fleshed out (with one exception) and there’s really only 3 i actually care abt so this ones gonna be a lot shorter. i’ve thought abt plot but nothing solid so there’s some...stuff but mostly this one will be short
zoe hammond: amateur teen witch who’s also cursed. she has an eye on her left hand which is always watching her and she wants off desperately. u know how i said in some versions of the story nick and marcus pick up a hitchiker? that’s her, going to barnsley bc she knows its magic and hopes someone there will know how to fix her. she respects authority and stays in line for the most part, but she also takes shit from no one. she’ll talk to nearly anyone but doesn’t particularly like anyone in town, also she sells witch shit out of the trunk of her car in the school parking lot
wesley: short rowdy trans boy with absolutely no self control who’s stoned all the time and does crazy things for the adrenaline rush and doesn’t bind safely and falls in love with every boy he meets. he skateboards bc of course he does. he’s always ready to fight and punches ppl a lot but usually ends up losing fights bc he’s tiny. i love him
noa: ok this dude went into the woods one (1) time and now there’s this magic glove stuck on their hand? and a ghost in their phone?? and they’re literally so confused and they’ve never had any friends in their entire life but all of a sudden that weird lesbian witch and her crazy skateboarder friend are talking to them all the time and they died? except they woke back up like nothing had happened even though their head basically blew up? and there’s like faeries and stuff coming after them because they want the glove and they can’t get the stupid thing off their hand and they have no idea what’s going on noa is an absolute nervous wreck who’s really fun to draw and they have no idea what’s happening to them and tbh i don’t rly know what i’m doing either but i’m having a good time
ada: the phone ghost.
last set!! i have them all done already from this thing i did with @dogstoes so i’ll just paste them in but first background:
this is a completely separate world, it’s like this 1910s era fictional city with magic and shit. the magic system is kinda complicated but basically there’s elemental magicians who are heavily tied to religion, they’re believed to be sacred and god sent by p much every organized religion. they do elements, it’s pretty simple. then there’s blood magicians who can basically transmute but they have to use their own blood to do it. anyone can learn to be a blood magician but most ppl don’t want to bc. blood ow. blood magicians are an ABOMINATION AGAINST GOD and there’s a stigma against them in religious communities so they tend to populate big cities and less religious places. there’s also healers who are born like elementals and can’t be trained, they’re isolated from both schools of magic bc unlike elementals they’re not pure (well, depending on which religion you ask) and unlike blood magicians they’re not common. born magicians are born with pure black eyes (irises? the colored part. not just all black) that differentiate them from nonmagic ppl. there’s also super intense mary sue magicians who r rare and born with red eyes (i started this world when i was 13 don’t judge me bitch) and they can shapeshift kinda? but in cool ways, it’s not just shapeshifting they could also make their skin tough or nails pointy or w/e. one of them specifically likes to harden his own blood in weapons it’s kinda metal. anyways here’s the character profiles from the google doc pasted in word for word
Characters (bc i suddenly decided this is Sharin With Rivers material If You Shall Take It):
So basically there's these 2 gangs, run by this woman Lyra Frey and this dude Lucas Sweeney, and they Do Not Like Each Other At All. Neither of them are good bc yknow...gangs….but lyra’s is like...better anyways here's characters
Lyra's dudes:
Emil Finch: 21, any and all pronouns, ace, lyra’s right hand man/ veteran of a bloody civil war (TECHNICALLY a war criminal but yknow…it's whatever). Likes cats and Arya, dislikes cigarettes and being short. Their birth name is Emilee, which they  shortened to their liking when they moved to The Big City, and they used their father's name (Finn O'Malley) to join the war. They're a healer magician but ssshhh don't tell anyone. They used their powers to hurt people when they were in The War and now don't trust themselves, so they stick to traditional medicine thank you very much. (Also knives. They’re a big fan of knives.)
Arya Frey: 21, she/her, Lyra’s adopted daughter and mechanic. She has METAL LEGS and has to walk with a cane so she doesn't go outside much, mostly makes machines and strategizes for her mom. Likes drawing, Emil, making things/taking them apart, dislikes cold weather (it makes her joints hurt), magic, Drunk Emil. She has two cats named vriska and karkat. Everyone is suspicious of these names even though it's like 1910 and an alternate universe and homestuck doesn't exist.
Jaz Anaheim: 18, he/him, big gay disaster, a pickpocket who came to the Big City with his brother when he was 16 to work and send money to his mom, stole from a kingpin, joined a gang, watched his brother die in front of him, and lied to his mom for 2 years about his job and his brothers aliveness while he sent her blood money. He's a humble farm boy, no magic, tall and uncoordinated, basically all he can do is steal and flirt badly and he's very aware. Also where he came from magicians were rare because they were all drafted for the war so when he sees magic he's way too impressed. Likes loud music, people being interested in him, his family (just his mom now :’)), his hometown, dislikes the city, feeling disliked, himself, swimming
Sweeney’s band of assholes:
Elliott Sweeney: 24, he/him, Sweeney’s son and certified dad hater. He's a blood magician which are common and not that impressive but he’s good at what he does bc he did nothing but practice for like 6 years. His dad basically controls him and makes him work for him because he's useful. He resents his dad with every ounce of his being but doesn't have the spine to do anything about it. After accidentally burning down part of their house and killing his mom his dad sent him away to the summer house in the country, where he lived for the past 6 years, obediently doing his dad’s bidding and learning how to control his magic until he got fed up and burned that house down (on purpose this time), making his dad move him back to the family house in the city so that he could keep an eye on him. he’s one of those badass mega magicians who does blood swords and stuff, he’s also spent so much time reading that he knows a lot about magic theory. Quiet, reserved, extremely petty, but shows a sense of humor around his sister. Never really knew Alise growing up so he’s more of a cool uncle than a brother. Likes his sister, learning things, astronomy, dislikes his dad, Emil, doing magic, fighting, feeling trapped
Alise Sweeney: 14, she/her, her dad named her Alise with an S because he's just that much of an asshole. She's a self trained blood magician and good at what she does. She hates her dad almost as much as Elliott does but she's also not a fucking baby about it. Is DEFINITELY planning on killing him at some point. Was raised to make jokes and do crime and her brother said if she does crime she's grounded. Has never been serious about anything ever, and probably has a screw loose. Has killed people. Is basically a tiny fighting machine. Her dad was rough on her growing up. Likes picking fights, Elliott and Atticus, pissing off her dad, causing trouble. Dislikes her dad, people stronger than her, tense situations, being alone
Atticus Grey: 16, he/him, not Sweeney’s son but hates him enough that he probably could be (in case you were noticing a theme here, sweeney is kinda unlikeable). His mom left soon after he was born and his dad ran up a huge debt and ended up working for Sweeney to pay it off, then died in a gang fight before he could get through it. Sweeney, the merciless motherfucker that he is, decided that Atticus would finish paying it off, and snatched him up as soon as he was 13. His dad used to hang out with Emil’s and so they ended up taking care of parentless Atticus (along with (extremely reluctant) Arya. Atticus is really close with Lyra’s entire crew because he's spent so much time around them. He's a fire magician who knows a bit of blood magic but barely uses it, and he's an angsty bitch. Likes Emil, being alone, dislikes everything else.
oh yeah then there’s those bitches in charge:
Lyra Frey is a [REDACTED] year old woman from [REDACTED] who moved to the city while fleeing from [REDACTED]. She was in the civil war briefly, fighting for the [REDACTED] side. Her real name is not Lyra, but is actually [REDACTED]. She loves Arya more than anything else probably. Sees Jaz as an unofficial son, is skeptical of Atticus, likes Emil but doesn’t trust them.
Lucas Sweeney is one of those rich bastards who also does crime on the side. He’s a politician but everyone and their mother knows he’s an absolute crime lord on the side. Has arguably more power than Lyra but has no idea how to use it, plus Alise has already recruited like half his employees into joining her uprising. He’s a selfish man and a terrible dad. No one likes him.
uh yeah that is. all!! this is over 3000 words jesus do asks have a word limit? i sure hope not
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justonetae · 6 years
How have you been lately love? Xx
AW HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u so much for asking hehehe it’s nice that someone still remembers me on here hahaha.
i’ve been pretty good lately tbh!! i’ve gotten back into exercising and trying to lose weight again and I’ve already lost over 5 pounds in about 3ish weeks so I’m feeling really good!! i’ve been counting all my calories and tracking my exercise and stuff and idk i’ve never counted calories before so it’s been really helpful and motivating for making progress!! i realised that the reason i have failed trying to lose weight in the past (i’d lose some and then gain it back lol) is because i was overly restricting and not eating enough which would just make me crave food way more and then end up gaining my weight back after my “diet” was over so now with calorie counting i can make sure i’m eating enough and still eat the things that i love so i don’t crave anything super hard anymore because nothing is really off limits as long as i can fit it into my calorie goal for the day! 
sorry for that long paragraph LOL i’ve just been watching a lot of weight loss videos on youtube lately and it’s super motivating and interesting to me :D
other than that, work has been going pretty well as well!! performance appraisal season is upon us so hopefully i get positive feedback from that LOL it’s my first time going through it so it should be interesting :P i’m hoping to be able to take on more responsibilities in the near future and maybe get paid a little bit more :D
also living in my own apartment (with my bf of course hehe) has been AMAZING. (it’s also helpful for my weight loss and trying to be healthy since i get to buy and cook all my own food :P) being independent has been a lot easier than i thought it would be and i feel like a real adult now hahaha i even finally have benefits now through work so i can go to the dentist and get new glasses and stuff like that and not have to pay. makes me feel even more adulty. 
ALSO i’m really excited for christmas!!! i’m gonna go buy some decorations soon and decorate the heck outta my apartment and make it look all cute and christmassy and i am very excited about that :D
HOW HAVE U BEEN? how have u all been? i can’t believe it’s been SO long since i’ve been active on here like it literally feels like yesterday when i’d spend hours and hours on here reblogging pics of taehyung... it’s so weird how fast time flies hbhbdjabdjha like it’s so weird to me that my hardcore bangtan phase was from the beginning of 2015 to the beginning(ish) of 2017 and it’s been almost TWO YEARS (holy shit) of me not really following them djhbfsdhjbfhs two yEARS THAT IS SO LONG it’s just so weird to think abt like i remember it so vividly and actually feel like it wasn’t that long ago.... i kinda miss knowing what they are up to hahaha
ANYWAY i still love all of u and feel free to come talk to me whenever and i hope u all have a great weekend!!!!
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funfactory-moved · 6 years
i lov a long story!
also congrats on freeing urself
klfjsd thank u ALRIGHT HERE WE GO (in case other ppl didn’t see: i quit my job today and was gonna talk abt why the whole thing sucked)
so for some background, i worked at bagel place in the union building on my campus and i worked every sunday from 7am to noon doing food prep (which is chopping vegetables and preparing things for the upcoming week), every thursday from 2pm to 6:30pm (closing shift), and every monday/wednesday form 6am-11am (an opening shift). so my hours were pretty consistently early which i knew would be hard for me but i was willing to try.
so my first two shifts were ok. i was tired for both of them and the monday shift was busy as hell but there were a sufficient amount of people around to help and people were helping me out with what to do. then wednesday comes around. i show up at 6am and absolutely no one shows up until i’ve been there for an hour. no one called or texted me to tell me i was going to be alone and no one gave me any sort of instruction for what to do despite it only being my second time working at 6am like that. i called and texted my boss so many times and she didn’t respond until hours after my shift had ended. not to mention when someone finally did show up, we were the only two people there until 9 because several other people who were supposed to work at that hour just didn’t show up without giving any notice and we had to call in people who technically didn’t even work with us because we were so understaffed and we couldn’t handle the breakfast rush.
so basically i had only been trained on one thing (taking orders) at this point and i had never made any of our bagel sandwiches before and suddenly i was expected to learn how to make all of them while on a time crunch because there’s so many people in line waiting for food and i have to try and do that while also taking orders because we didn’t have enough people so i had to take on multiple things. so it was my third day and i knew nothing and yet i was thrown into doing half of the tasks required to handle the breakfast rush. 
and then my next sunday shift comes and my boss doesn’t show up yet again with no word. and this is the food prep shift and the first time me and the only other person who works that day had done it was the week before and my boss just gave us little tasks to do at the time and did a lot of the things for herself. so basically we’re left trying to guess what the fuck we need to do to prepare for week since the two of us only learned a portion of what needed to be done and my boss didn’t answer her phone and didn’t tell us she wasn’t going to be there and didn’t tell us anything.
and the next day was pretty similar to the first wednesday i mentioned where no one showed up and we were left rushing to get things done and while i was a little more familiar with how to do things, our breakfast rush was worse since it was a monday and i ended up accidentally burning and nicking myself multiple times because i was in such a rush to get things done that i was being careless with things that were hot/sharp. bc you know.. getting things done on time is more important than my physical safety. and then wednesday wasn’t as bad because the required amount of people actually showed up but ever since sunday, i had started getting so stressed and anxious about this job that the night before my shifts i wouldn’t be able to sleep and i would lie awake crying because i was so nervous about being left to do things on my own with hardly any idea of what i was supposed to do.
i should also mention that at this point, even though i had only been working there for slightly over a week, my parents and all of my friends were already telling me to reconsider employment there because i was so stressed and lacking so much sleep. during shifts, especially busy ones, i was having to work and try to hide the fact that i was on the verge of a panic attack because i needed to get so many things done.
so then we get to this sunday, and my boss doesn’t show up yet again with no fucking word about why and we’re told by someone that we “should know what we’re supposed to do” despite it being our third time working that type of shift, and the last time we had worked that shift we guessed on everything we needed to do.
and then today is when i finally cracked. i was going to wait until the end of the week to see how i felt, but today pushed me over the edge. i thought it was going to be a good day because someone actually showed up at the same time as me. but then the only other person besides him that showed up was a guy who was literally working there for the first time because someone who was supposed to show up didn’t show up without notifying anyone she was going to be gone. so it’s me, who barely knows what i’m doing because everything i’ve been doing is a wild guess and i’m still learning things, a completely new guy, and another guy who knows more.
so the guy who knows more is being a fucking asshole because he’s acting like he’s doing all the work since he’s more experienced than we are and he’s making it seem like he’s taking the majority of the workload when i was busting my ass trying to make sandwiches and i was being given so much and rushing so much that i kept dropping fully made sandwiches on the ground and would have to remake them. we also had implemented a new system where instead of taking orders on paper, we would take them on the register and the order would be printed out on the receipt. but orders kept getting lost so we would have customers sitting off to the side angrily wondering why their food isn’t ready when literally we don’t even have any record of the order.
we were in such a rush to complete things that the new guy sliced a bagel pretty badly to the point where it got stuck inside the toaster and literally fucking caught on fire. it wasn’t big enough to endanger anyone but it smoked up the kitchen and made it smell for the rest of the day. and then the worst part was when i was trying to get sauce out of a squeezy bottle but couldn’t get any out because there was a tomato chunk stuck in the nozzle. i was in a rush so i started squeezing it more forcefully, thinking that the bagel would just get covered in a large glob of sauce once the tomato got unstuck, but the sauce literally exploded. 
i had sauce on my shirt, jeans, shoes, and face and it was in my hair and it splattered onto the bagels in the bagel case behind me and it got on the floor and on the screen of one of the registers behind me. and since i was so overwhelmed with the amount of orders i still had to do and how behind i was and how this was a rather prominent inconvenience, i wasn’t able to stop myself from sobbing in the middle of the kitchen in the view of all my coworkers and customers. and like.. the customers just looked super displeased because they had already been waiting ages and now they had to wait longer bc i couldn’t stop crying.thankfully my coworker let me go calm down in the back for a moment but i was still embarrassed and still covered in sauce with no change of clothes and still had 10+ orders to complete. i was so fed up after today that i decided i really need to quit my job.
so basically this job is managed unprofessionally. there was a lack of communication and proper training that often left me working by myself trying to figure out the things i needed to do and would often leave my coworkers needing to pick up what i missed because i was clueless. even when i was working with someone, i would have to stop my coworkers in their tasks every two second to ask what to do because i didn’t know and they were the only people i could ask. this job was also shitty because there was absolutely no backlash for people who didn’t show up to work without warning, meaning that people started doing it all the fucking time. it fucked over everyone else because we always had disastrous mornings with 2 people doing jobs meant for 6 people.
my anxiety was just through the roof with this job and i couldn’t sleep at night thinking about it. i quit because of the shitty managing and because the way it was managed was extremely damaging to my mental health, which was already faring pretty badly due to homesickness, school stress, and my depression just generally being worse lately.
sorry this was so long but fjklsdj i warned u it was a long story. if u read this then yeehaw
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hobslobster-remade · 6 years
Positivity Tag 🌻 
i was tagged by @megjin to do this tag! (listen bby u tagged me like 872 months ago alksdjfd im so so sorry for doing this so late i dont hate you i sweAr <33)
tagging: @religion-agustd​ @mintjjk @aesthetic-myeon @suganochu @stardoges @girl-meets-disrespect @cloudyandhopeful @hosseokss @yoongiscookie @hobibout-that @adore-jhope @ixmyg  !!! (don’t feel pressured to do this!)
Rules: Write 10 positive things that happened in 2017, then tag several people that you hope have an amazing 2018!!
1. i started high school! albeit, a bit shakily and i’ve definitely been more stressed out these past months than all my other years of school combined but still!! it’s one more step into the future and i’m growing up! that’s basically all i have to say for this topic lmao it’s kind of a double edged sword.
2. i met a lot of people here!!! until the last year, i wasn’t really putting myself out there a lot (i mean, i still don’t but let’s igNORE that) but once i did start trying to talk to people i made a lot of great friends! these friends really just brightened up my 2017, without them it probably would’ve been hard to get through 2017, so thank you <3 3. it really sucks that i can only think of a few things but let me see. last year, i had two teachers that completely changed me as a person and made me reflect on things a lot harder than i previously would have. they were both incredibly supportive and helped me out tons! i was put into a variety of leadership roles throughout the school so my last year in middle school was definitely made memorable as i was the head of many clubs and got to be known around the school. 
4. i got my first drawing tablet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alkjdshflkjasdfk i was so happy because i’d been wanting one forever and i’m absolutely in love with it!!!!
5. i had an amazing graduation night :(( usually, knowing my school, it would’ve been terrible. but for my year, they booked an actual hall and made reservations for dinner and it was just amazing. i got to recieve awards in front of the people i love the most, i ate decent food that didn’t taste like plastic and i danced all night with my friends who i really really really love (and some of which i miss very much). it was just a great night overall and i felt really full, you know? it might not make sense but i felt really amazing :((
6. i went to my friends birthday party (where many crazy things happened). this probably doesn’t seem like an achievement but i usually chicken out of events like that last second and make up excuses because of how anxious i get alkjdsf. so i decided to actually go this one time and it was really fun!
7. oH I GOT INTO BTS WOWOOWWO it was around the beginning of September last year when i got into this fandom and uhM best thing that’s ever happened to me tbh
8. i made an entire yearbook from nothing in the two last weeks of school for the graduating classes. lisTEN the yb committee didn’t do any preparation beforehand and we basically weren’t going to have a yearbook but i stepped up with a few of my friends and in the last 2 weeks of school, we all took pictures and actively tried getting more from teachers, begged the principal for the principal’s address (which he gave in like 2 days before we had to submit it to get printed >:(((( ) and designed all the pages/put in all the text. it was only a group of 4/5 ppl so it was tough but we did it!!! one of my friends and i were basically in charge so we put in a lot of work and we were working on it the day before grad until 6 at school so yh we were rlly hard, there were tears shed and just so much joy after everything was over omfg. i needed to rant abt that wtf. lksadf anyways yh im proud!!
9. umm i did secret santa with a close group of friends (although i wasn’t able to actually attend since i had the stomach flu) but idk it was rlly meaningful to me and i just love them all a lot :((
10. i stayed to see 2018! im alive, and mostly happy, and i’ve got a lot ahead of me so i’m glad! i’m glad that i worked my ass off in 2017 to get to a good highschool in a great program full of overachievers alksdjf idk i didn’t really like 2017, so ig it’s a good thing that i made it through the year! 
that’s all folks thanks for reading and i dont blame u if u skipped through most of it alkjshfdlkjfjdks <3333
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authenticaussie · 7 years
Maybe MarcoSabo for send a ship????
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Marco again as the werewolf bc like…………….wb fammmmmm wb fam are Totally this rock’n’roiling pack of messy & dumb werewolves and he’s long-suffering but in an endlessly fond and adoring way, and like?? Imagine Sabo being raised by hunter!parents and knowing that what they tell him is wrong but also like they’re his parents, who is he to question them, how can he question them when he’s never known any different, when the werewolves he’s seen have been vicious and angry and cruel and tried to kill his best friend-
Marco who protects Haruta, who’s the smallest and the newest shift and they’re all so proud of her and he’s the one that’s closest to a goddamn dire wolf, what sort of beast of legend would he be if the only tale to his name was  I let my younger sister die? But Also Sabo’s never seen one of them protect anyone before and he’s like whaaat the Heck is this even a werewofl (and then sudden half-clothed man and sabo’s like ashjdfg yep he is very much a werewolf) and like!! Haruta growling and trying to get sabo to stay away but sabo has a gun and marco’s telling her to run and then because he knows she won’t run telling her to get help, and she whines but?? Does so?? And Sabo is just. What the Fuckity is going On Here and demanding to know wtf marco was doing and also jfc he keeps forgetting—(well, repressing,) that…the werewolves aren’t just wolves. They’re human under there, too….and it’s awkward talking to a wolf you just shot but he can’t shoot it(him) again. And so they talk and marco’s growling at him and being like if you go after haruta I’ll rip your throat out and sabo’s like look you’re gonna have some problems w/ that????
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Sabo’s a marine biologist studying the effect of pollution on coral and marine life coughcoughhe’s also totally a really aggressive protester who does a Lot of shit like exposing corruption and infractions of environmental law and Marco’s the mermaid!! Sabo, while diving, accidentally snaps a picture of his tail and is like woah I’ve never seen that before…And then he’s like!!! RARE FISH MEANS WE CAN GET THIS CORAL PATCH DECLARED A PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT AND THEY CAN’T BUILD AN OIL SITE HERE. And so he goes diving heaps to try and catch sight of this fish again. And like?? random stuff also keeps happening around him?? Like, some of his notes are put in the wrong spot, and he’s sure he put them down by the table why are they now near the stern?? Why’s his sunglasses/cap missing??? where’s his left flipper??? And it all comes to a head when he looses his camera overboard while they’re sailing to a new patch to dive and he’s like !!! no!!!! Bc they can’t really get another out here and like?? Koala’s got one, but it’s hers, and it’s also technically the spare, and even if he could use it his was…It was his, and it was one of the first things he bought for himself and it’s…Sentimental
Anyway when they go diving he finds it perched on the reef and in the camera memory there’s a picture of this guy looking super shocked and heavily illuminated by the flash and holy shitting fuck the dude has a tail.
Following those photos are also really gorgeous ones of fish and coral and stuff, but Sabo’s more preoccupied with THE UNDERWATER DUDE WITH A TAIL  
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Again shapeshifting birb!marco as the familiar but Sabo is much better than ace at magic/practicing and is much more fascinated than ace is by the concept of magic so a lot of marco/sabo witch/famillair is sabo blowing stuff up/doing stuff he isn’t meant to and Marco being like whY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS THING I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO??
“It looked fun!!!/I was curious!!!” 
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
They’re both coffee addicts but Marco would Totally be a barista and like no-one knows how much coffee he drinks every day bc well who knows if he’s filled up the cup again or if it’s the same cup from this morning?? (it’s totally been filled up at least 7-10 times) and Sabo is this Perpetually Exhausted young man who is like?? doing a ridiculous amount of work, people are like how have you not keeled over and d i e d yet and sabo’s like *raises coffee, looking at it vaguely like it is his god, absolutely exhausted,* “how can I die when there is still such beauty in this world??” and everyone think he’s being pretentious/talking about something actually beautiful but marco’s seen him confusedly mumbling to his laptop/coffee cup when it’s empty and bemoaning his loneliness bc how could coffee, coffee!!! of all things, leave him. Marco just gets into the habit of making sure Sabo gets a new coffee before his runs out, and also that sabo leaves the cafe rather than staying there for 24 hours in a state of absolute exhausted delirium.   
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
Sabo would be TA!!! Like I can see him being a professor but I can also see him just like, angrily colour-coding marco’s schedule and organising so much shit and marco’s vaguely annoyed because he knew what was going on and now it’s this fucking rainbow riot in his notebook and oh god sabo’s following him around and taking notes on how marco interacts w/ others and teaches and offers hints and has little stars next to things he thinks are Good and—-
sabo’s bringing him coffee at 4am Sabo is a God
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Marco’s the knight and Sabo’s the prince!! Kind of. He’s a noble and he’s set to marry the princess but he sure as fuck doesn’t want too and he totally sneaks off and disguises himself as a pauper/doesn’t introduce himself to marco properly and marco’s like oh are you one of the new guards from the Outlooks’ place?? don’t worry abt being late I know some of the other knights are dickheads and like making sure the newbies get lost. And sabo’s just like uhhhhhh yeeeep that’s me, guard in training, t o t a l l y
Accidentally introduces himself as sabo as is like SURE DOES GET CONFUSING AT THE OUTLOOK HOME, BEING THE SECOND SABO. HAHA. HAH. Marco totally ends up figuring it out, mainly because when Sabo is confronted with things that look interesting but he knows nothing about he is curious and inquisitive to a degree that he cannot hide, and he gets curious/confused about so many things that don’t make sense, like sword smithing and break times/shifts and training regimens and what you need to study to be a knight, but like?? I don’t think Marco would make a big deal out of it. Like….he’d be shocked, and confused, and be like hooooly shit and maybe act a little weirder/stiffer around Sabo because he’s like this dude is going to be my boss some day I should really really really not find him adorable and funny and clever but also?? He totally figures out why Sabo hid it from him and why he did what he did- because there was so much freedom in curiosity, in being able to see something new, in being somewhere where people didn’t know you. And like, Sabo’s parents totally discouraged him asking questions, so like?? Marco not only permitting it but encouraging it??? Sabo loves that. 
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Marco is the eternally tired and utterly adored/adoring single parent that dotes on his kids and also has several thousand siblings who also get referred to as various mom/dad/uncle/auntie/sister/brother titles and Sabo-the-only-child is like oh my god I’m So confused. He later finds out that Marco is basically just helicopter mom to all of these orphan/abandoned kids and that the wb fam is the Best foster home/orphanage system in town and all the adults are trained to deal w/ the different issues the kids might have, and support tf out of them, and Marco usually gets??? problem kids??? Or ones who need a lot of attention and to be the only kid?? Bc Marco can handle one kid, and can honestly be kind of suffocating in his affection/worry later on in the kid’s life, but he’s still?? Dude he’s raised for 40 other siblings he Knows how to Control the House. And sab’s just…super impressed and they talk about what marco’s current kid needs and sabo works harder at his job bc like!!! damn,,,marco’s inspiring w/ how much he cares……  
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Either Sabo or Marco would make good editors!!! Sabo can be a perfectionist and is very stubborn when it comes to learning things he’s interested in (sometimes I’d like to see like….or I mean, something I’d like to see more of??? Is like, his dream was to write a book or every place he’d ever been and all the people and have a great adventure, and just?? I wish I could see more of how that would affect him in aus where he doesn’t loose his memory, BUT. DIGRESSION.) I think that while both would write, Sabo would write to a vicarious, excessive degree. Fantasy novels, travel books, food reviews, short stories, poems! Everything, and constantly. Marco is his harried and amazed editor who’s always like sabo before you start your 29873th novel what about novel 29872 and Sabo’s like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#sweats
I can see him primarily writing travel books and huge adventure novels. Massive and intricate and delightful and !! they’re just super good. They can be a bit hard to read, bc they get a bit dense and complicated, but he’s a super smart and captivating writer, and though he errs too far into description (Marco one time sent him back a manuscript with two chapters circled and only the comment ‘sigh’ because they’d been two chapters on the history of some people who lived on a mountain who only came up once) he’s enjoyable and clever and his books are so interesting. 
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teamnouis · 7 years
ok and because i’m on a roll and been really awful with doing these tagging games lately, we’ll get on with the next one: @loveloveolivia, @florelikeaflower, @kingsbesideyou tagged me to answer the following questions:
age: 24 (sirens going off) biggest fear: since i’ve once found a spider in the toilet roll, it’s spiders hiding in toilet rolls, being alone alone, like really alone, not being able to have children current time: 19:55 drink you last had: sparkling water every day starts with: scrolling through twitter, reading all the whatsapp chats i’ve missed because i go to bed so early, hitting the snooze button up to six times favorite song atm: slow hands (and on the loose), is anyone surprised ghosts, are they real?: no hometown: a very small village (around 500 people) in the middle of germany but i also think of frankfurt am main as my hometown in love with: j, my family, the 1d boys, all my favourite people from here  jealous of: people who don’t overthink every thing they do and just do it killed someone: no last time you cried: hahahah FUNNY YOU ASK. just this morning, because.. i had extreme chest pain and was like? great, this is how i die. heart attack at the age of 24. and then i panicked, cried, went to the doctors, got my heart monitored, it’s all fine guys. it’s coming from my asshole back. sdhfsdjfklsdf, drama? me? never. i got six massages out of it, so who’s the real winner here middle name: nope number of siblings: one older brother, who i love with all my heart one wish: i was abt to put something really deep in here but, fuck it, i’ll take 100.000€ and a new kitchen for my mum, thank person you last called/texted: both called and texted: j, can someone text me please so i’m not that boring  questions you are always being asked: ‘aren’t long-distance relationships just horrible? only when you’re really living with each other you can actually know if this relationship is working out! what if you hate each other then? you can’t even know him that good yet???’ listen... don’t get me started, guys reasons to smile: the last weekend i spent with some of my favourite people, seeing one of my favourite bands, coming over a lot of my fears song last sung: lena - satellite, a true classic time you woke up: 5:15 am underwear color:  black  verse from a song you like: “ey, ich genieß' das tamtam, ich nehm' das volle programm, doch fühl mich verlor'n, wird's mal still dann und wann, und wenn man glaubt, mich zu kenn', dann bin ich einfach gegang'” worst habit: procrastinating, not facing my responsibilities, also washing my hair every single day and ruining my skin with that x-rays you’ve had: my teeth, my arm, my back your favorite food: pizza, spaghetti with pesto and veggies, grandmas dumplings zodiac sign: pisces
this took me god damn forever. i’ll tag @fuckinghatekissingyou, @floralfeast, @istealifly, @sunshineloueeh, @harrysgaytour and @wereamanbandnow. no pressure, as always. <3
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protectmarkjin · 7 years
How would you describe each of the got7 ships to someone that is new to the fandom?
jjp = mom and dad of the group, grown up from teenagers to young men together, have a mysterious deep history that gets vagued at sometimes, sometimes I feel like this is the ship w the most conspiracies jfdkslfj, “there’s a difference between being friendly and having a deep relationship”, WHY DID THEY CLOSE THEIR EYES
markjin = soulmates like…. actually bonded thru their souls, trainee best friends who went on ice cream dates, lots of kisses and serenading, always confessing to each other, constantly making the other jealous, “shadow I love you”, even their parents ship each other,  the shoulder/waist theory, no subtlety, choreography partners, kabedon
jackbum = the strongest sexual tension in history, but turn into the Softest Marshmallows w each other, daddy kink confirmed??, “so chic and sexy!”, jaebum is the best leader to jackson, jackson the number one jaebum impersonator, “if you don’t find anyone to marry, come find me”
jinson = bffs for life forever nd ever, bicker like a married couple, Jackson is jinyoung’s number 1 hypeman, the meat saga, wang puppy park puppy, re-enacted DOTS and titanic so perfect romantic leads, “the relationship between jinyoungie and I is a deep one”
2jae = jaebum took youngjae under his wing, were roommates and jaebum misses him a lot, jaebum even gave his cat away for Youngjae, “jaebum is mine”, han river hand holding date, do i even need to mention,,,, the heartbreaking saga of 1:31am,,,, oh my god,,,
yugbam = sweet lil boyfriends, done everything together since trainee days, “he’ll always be my best friend”, constantly dabbing and whipping and nae naeing together, mischievous maknaes who team up against their hyungs, dance naked together in the dorm, “i really can’t live without you, yugyeom-ah”
markson = mario and luigi but also pikachu and squirtle, “markson or never!”, seem like opposites but actually r similar in lots of ways, have this cute habit of talking to each other in a mix of languages, gaga and markiepooh, “when I met mark we fell in love with each other”
jingyeom = dance line nd tom and jerry couple, always picking fights w each other nd threatening to kill each other, “don’t say nonsense like that” “I’m the hyung! I’m the hyung!”, fdjsklfj but rlly they adore each other, yugyeom was like a hyung to jinyoung during trainee days, “yugyeom, life is acting”
jackbam = big bro/lil bro relationship, always teasing each other nd acting like dorks, jackson dotes on him nd buys him food nd  clothes, went to the army together nd also went to Thailand together, the iconic who’s your mama cover performance fjkdlsjf, “forever my lil bro even though you’re taller than me”, literally bought matching tshirts w jackbam on the back
markjae = coco’s loving parents, mark always supporting and encouraging youngjae’s English, “mark hyung, isn’t there a place you’d like to visit?” “youngjae’s heart”, flirt a lot on ig and twitter, did a whole vlive of just giving coco a bath, “when you get off the plane, look at this and gain strength oppa”
jaebam = like a dad and son, r just general memes together, when bambam was at his lowest during trainee days he went to jaebum, bambam has nearly died several times doing the jaebum chin impression, he just rlly tries jaebum’s patience jfkdlsjf but jaebum lets him bc he’s so fond of him nd loves him, “you like to touch my neck” “I only do this to you”
jackyeom = jackson is incredibly supportive of yugyeom nd showers him w affection, “i told you before (that u would win hit the stage.) I’ve always said it” “you always believed in me”, yugyeom rlly looks up to nd admires him, jackson couldn’t stop talking abt the hit the stage win he was so proud, “if there was no jackson in our team, our team wouldn’t have been this happy… because of you I have self confidence”
2young = youngjae is literally jinyoung’s baby like he always cuddles him nd helps him whether its when he hurts himself or has indigestion or needs food or cutlery, “jy: rmr that got7 was able to b complete bc of u. to us, youngjae is that special”
jackjae = pure sunshines, jackson likes to pretend youngjae gets on his nerves nd teases him but is actually rlly protective of him nd worries abt him a lot, jackson keeps a pic of an otter on his phone to show ppl the comparison between an otter nd youngjae, “that expression… why do u make my heart race…”,  they do sappy shit like draw hearts on each others’ hands at a fansign, they r in general just rlly soft nd affectionate w each other
markgyeom = tuan yugyeom and kim mark, adopted brothers, went to LA together nd met up w mark’s parents just the 2 of them, “even mark hyung’s parents think of me as their son. my mom thinks the same way”, mukbang partners, just seeing eldest but tiny bb mark cuddled up next to giant maknae yugyeom i cry
youngbam = they literally met w bambam greeting youngjae, who was moving into the dorm as a new trainee, completely naked like… u cannot get better than that, r incredibly silly nd make each other laugh a lot its precious, “even when i say something lame, he still laughs at it” bambam always feel comforted coming back to the dorm late bc he knows youngjae is awake playing computer games
markbam = mark has known bambam since bambam was 12 like,, bambam has known mark for basically all of his teen/young adult life, they switch between being adorable w each other nd being utterly savage to each other lmao, “fan: do you love bambam? mark: yes!”
yugjae = cute nd precious dorks always laughing together, yj made gyeom kiss him on the cheek nd also kissed his hand, backhug each other a lot, went wild at karaoke it was amazing, “i know he will win [hit the stage]. yugyeomie is my number one” “hyung, you’re good too. for me, you’re number one”,
jinbam = bambam is also jinyoung’s baby, jinyoung always brings up how young bambam kissed him on the cheek during trainee days, the epic got7 MC duo, they hold hands a lot, always do aegyo to/with each other,  “we fill up each other’s empty parts”
markbum = the eldest but act like lil nerds like they hi-five their chicken pieces nd shit fjdkslfj, r best friends like ppl literally forget they’ve called each other their best friend??, acted out a bf/gf scenario and jaebum destroyed mark, mark LITERALLY grabbed a handful of jaebum’s ass in the middle of a fansign, jaebum always goes to mark for advice on decisions, “mark, you’re the beauty and spirit of the team. That’s why you’re always the beginning and the end”
yugbum = also like father nd son fjdkslfj, during trainee days yugyeom phoned jaebum when jaebum was working and cried to him bc things were hard, jaebum stuck up for him in front of other trainees, gyeom pranked jaebum like 3 times in a row it was the funniest shit ever but jaebum also “lost his temper” in 2 hidden camera pranks on yugyeom nd yugyeom believed it fjkdslf
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taesthetes · 6 years
hi petal, it’s vn army anon here ♡ I’m sorry again for my late reply! omg cat it’s here. it’s coming. this friday is the D day; my prom’s on that day! and not gonna lie, I’m pretty hella nervous, it’s just rly intense with the choreo and all, hope I won’t embarrass myself that much in front of a hundred of ppl who’ll be there._. I actually went to a makeup&hair try last weekend to see how it’ll look like. and I’m still not sure abt the hairstyle, I’mma ask a few friends but maybe I’ll leave it–
–like that. and how was thanksgiving?? I saw all those pics of food my friends who celebrate it shared and I wanted to be there so bad! yes, at least our class does have matching outfits for our prom bc we ordered them at the tailor’s. we have two skirts, a short one got dancing&long one for later, and an overall body (top). I personally like the long one more but it’s not that bad overall. and yea, over here each class has their own prom where they choose their theme&we all have to do a little–
–opening dance. but tbh I only hope for it to end asap, it’s just too much work around it. ohh that’s great u got a scholarship tho! it rly does help u a lot with ur studies! government sucks. I never got the point of students paying tuition, they just thirsty for $$ lol. “as long as u pay tuition” ouch, but what else can we do, that’s the sad reality. abt the playlist, ur welcome, it rly was nothing, I enjoyed creating it! since I don’t have data, I downloaded the vid&converted it into mp3 so–
–I’ve been listening to it quite often lately as well! another thing I found out was that the sound quality of that vid playlist is way much better than on spotify—like idk if it’s just my case but the sound quality on spotify is rly low, and I have premium! I had to turn up the volume to red mark warning to truly enjoy the music. I even changed my earphones but it was same, when I tried out another music app or listened to my playlist posted on YT, the sound was HQ.–
–I had in mind to make more but as you can see, I barely have time to even make any original content on here so I was just putting it all on hold for now. taeyang’s vocals are truly amazing tho! how are you doing these days? any news? what about the cute guy behind the gym desk? (yea, I read your fic ;D) have a pretty day/night, petal ♡♡
hello, raindrop!! i’m sorry for the super late reply; it’s finals week, so i’ve been cram studying and i took my last exam today, and i’m finally done! my holiday break has officially started aksldjhflas but i missed talking to you!! and HOW WAS PROM? did you have fun? how was the dance? was there good food? i hope you enjoyed it!! and i know you did amazing with the dance! :D did you find a hairstyle you liked for prom?
and thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful!! i had so so much good food, and thanksgiving leftovers are my absolute favorite. I packed some to bring to my dorm for the week, and it was glorious. oooh wow, well, at least the stress of finding a prom dress is nonexistent for you akjsldfhdlas i remember being too impatient with dress shopping, and i tried on like three dresses and just bought one of them right then and there ahah. and your prom  sounds like so much fun!! it seems much more organized than my prom :’) 
and yes!! i’m so grateful for the scholarship because tuition is just unbelievably expensive, but education is so important, so it’s a struggle D: i wish the government didn’t take away all our money like this, but unfortunately, i don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon ): omg did it take a long time to download and convert all those files? i’m still listening to your playlist everyday, too!! it was nice to listen to as I studied for finals :D and really?? i use spotify all the time, but i’ve never noticed that before; maybe i’m just so used to the spotify quality after listening from it for so long ahah for me, youtube has been doing weird interruptions/bufferings after i get three seconds in for any video, and i have to manually press the play button for it to continue playing /:
askdjhfalksh you’re so busy, please don’t overwork yourself!! make sure to take breaks and relax a little bit in between! and yes, i agree!!! i love love love taehyung’s vocals the most, but maybe i’m also just a teeny bit biased haha :’) and i’m doing good! i have a full month off for xmas break, so i’m so so happy to finally be able to go home and catch up on sleep and do absolutely nothing ahhh and the cute gym guy and i are friends!! we like to tell each other pick up lines whenever we see each other at the gym now :D asdlfkajsdf thank you so much for reading my writing ♡ and i hope you’re doing well!! have a wonderful day and night, raindrop!! 💙
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