#alice knows everything
terrorofthetrident · 6 months
despite the driftmark scene being so tragic, i love the greens family dynamic in this scene. you have alicent, woken out of her sleep, comforting her baby boy, who’s just been maimed, while she fights for him when it’s just her in a room full of people looking at her like she lost her mind. you have aemond, in immense pain, missing an eye, and with fresh stitches on his face, being interrogated by viserys but he refuses to snitch on his mother and instead puts the blame on aegon, maybe knowing/trusting that he’d be able to get them out of that situation. then, you have aegon, taken by surprise and probably still hungover, who won’t out his mother either, he protects her and aemond by bravely stating the plain truth to viserys’ face and viserys can’t even say anything back. in the end, when alicent loses it and cuts rhaenyra, aemond decides it’s more important to act as if he’s fine in order to calm his mother and mediate the situation, preventing it from going any further than that and then going over to hug alicent in efforts to comfort her and likely to seek comfort as well…all they really have is each other
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pessimisticgh0st · 8 months
Tori Spring would hate the word 'slay'.
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b-rainlet · 1 year
The Green family dynamics are so interesting because like, Viserys is the father but due to his decay he seems more like the grandfather, whereas Otto is the Grandsire but seems to fill out the role of a father more, not only to his daughter but also her children, so he and his daughter are a mother/father unit but in some situations Alicent is treated like a sibling to her children (by Otto) and then you have the obvious Helaena/Aegon happening (siblings who are also husband/wife and mother/father to their children), but at the same time it seems like Aemond is the one trying to be the family's protector and attempting to step up as patriarch, with some of the scenes between him and Alicent giving off the vibes of equals rather than Mother and Son (like when they discuss Aemond finding Aegon) and his relationship with Aegon seeming like he's the big brother and not the other way around, in this essay I will-
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kurtsascot · 3 months
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Ugh, As If!
read klueless, a klaine!clueless au, on ao3!!!!
HQ Version of Cover Art ; Art Ref Image
Summary: It’s 1995. Kurt’s a senior at McKinley High, and he’s looking to lose his virginity and get his love life in order before he goes off to college.
Unfortunately, Blaine, the pretentious son of Burt’s ex-wife, is in Lima to intern for Burt’s congressional reelection campaign, and Kurt is stuck dealing with him until the election is over.
Art: alice / @warblercore @mistyintherivers
Rating: M*
Key Tags: enemies to lovers, but its more like, oblivious idiots to lovers, kurt’s more oblivious than blaine, romcom shenanigans, 90s slang, humor, virginity, falling in love, forced proximity, first time*, pining, hurt/comfort, fluff, slowburn, kind of ?, internalized homophobia, period appropriate homophobia but like…as little as possible, klaine endgame
Soundtrack (updated as chapters go live)
closeups under the
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raine-drop-arts · 4 months
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doodle of an Alice design
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cult-of-the-eye · 2 months
Ok listen, Gwen being killed off would be interesting because the rest of the OIAR would have to grapple with the grief and the underlying feeling of suspicion in the way she died. Like she'd be a warning that would be ignored and I think it would switch up the dynamics in a really cool way.
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sernhuh · 4 months
See, on the topic of samicolin and dyhard: I think once Sam and Colin realised their feelings, they wasted no time and just got together. Like Sam was crushing hard but once he realized Colin was the same, he just was like "ok!! bf time!!".
insane lesbian yearning
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And so, the prequel begins...
next / previous / first
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atlas-five · 3 months
either Alice is absolutely fucking done for or she's about to tgirl swag her way through The Horrors (As Yet To Be Seen™) and I'm honestly terrified to find out
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witchinatree · 4 months
"you can just claim ignorance" alice taunting sam's ignorance and that hes new and doesn't know things
oh god he's going to sacrifice so much for the sake of knowledge
he's going to be like jon but he is (more) in control of his fate
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ishbdudi · 3 months
No because I just saw a post of someone saying we should support alice more and ignore shubble because alice has more proof that wilbur abused her
Guys. You can't pick and choose which victim to support. Alice said she went through the same biting that shubble talked about. They both went through the same thing.
Stop acting like y'all were there and y'all know what happened, stop acting like you know them personally and you know "their true colors", Stop supporting wilbur he isn't gonna let you suck his dick.
Just admit y'all have a parasocial relationship with wilbur and leave. Cause the way you guys still try so hard with all your soul to say shubble isn't a victim, the way y'all try so hard to start a "support wilbur soot" tag, the way yall say what wilbur did "isn't even that bad" is ridiculous. Y'ALL WEREN'T THERE LMAO 😭😭
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dirtytransmasc · 8 months
Alicent, exhausted, being forced to present her son to Viserys, panic in her eyes, hoping he is good enough for her husband:
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theodimasbabygirl · 8 months
Gonna be so honest in saying that it was kind of a let down to NOT have Tobert involved in the murder
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acciofandomlove · 10 months
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The heartless book in the background? Crush culture and people watching in the playlist? Isaac's yellow, blue and white coded wardrobe? The ACE book as foreshadowing in E3 and then coming back full circle? The pining without pining? The angst? The fluff of Isaac not wanting to get into the prom photo but then being dragged in by Tao, Charlie and Elle? The misdirect? (which to most aspec people was a very obvious not misdirect?)
Alice Oseman you make me feral and that is all I'll say about that
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ihateornithologists · 9 months
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demonholdingalillie · 3 months
Guys guys, Sam and Celia will be Fine. Alice will be Fine. Gwen will be Fine.
Colin's a bit too far gone, but he'll probably Survive. It's okay, they'll all be Fine, I mean, this is the MAGNUS PROTOCAL we're talking about. A series that came after the Magnus Archives and written/edited by the same two dudes, everything's going to be Fine.
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