#alan x ian x ellie
Alan: All my shirts are disappearing. How odd.
Ian and Ellie, wearing Alan's shirts: Spooky.
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garlic-the-gnome · 2 years
Does anyone have any good dinot3 fic recs?
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kilibaggins · 3 months
ian malcolm: so you two dig up... dig up dinosaurs? ellie: alan. alan: ellie no. ellie: alan can we keep him. alan: ELLIE NO. ellie: i need him. alan: UGH FINE. he's.... kinda cute. i guess. we can keep him.
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19thcenturylover · 5 months
Hii hiii hello hii :D!!
have I been missing? Yes, an apology for that. Is there a specific reason? Tbh, a few but aja
But hey, I've been jumping between some movies, series, etc, and I came back to my favorite ship ever, so yippie :DD
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I watched Dominion again a few days ago and I had to draw them again, I decided to redraw my first drawing of the ship and I'm happy with how it turned out. I really love those 3 :"3
(maybe I'll post more things here, it depends on my mood srry xd)
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atrxides · 2 years
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Ellie Sattler & Alan Grant // Jurassic World Dominion [2022]
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marvelspn-bishes · 1 year
Could I get a reader who worked on like enrichment for jurassic park and how the characters would react to that? if not thats okay to
Hi anon, I didn't quite understand the ask at first, I think you mean someone who makes the park look better, like a decorator. If not, come back and let me know. Also lemme know if u want more characters.
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So ya'll most likely met at the park
He's a little standoffish about you at first
He doesn't like new people that much
He compliments your work when they're in the visitor center
He doesn't like it if you try to redecorate or rearrange his stuff
Its his stuff
He may let you redecorate the kitchen
That's it.
But he's secretly your biggest fan.
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I have a feeling with Ellie that you met her in college
then you guys reunite on the island
This girl
She loves all you do and or did
She scolds you about your pick on the flowers of course
But she's happy to see you
She decorates with you 100%
Takes pictures
LOTS of pictures
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Like Alan, you two probably met on the island
Flirted with you immediately
Once he found out you're the one who made everything so pretty he was done for
Will let you decorate anything and everything how you want it
Spoils you regardless of anything and everything
Not like Alan AT ALL
Boats about you to anyone and everyone he knows
10/10 takes photos of all your work.
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
jurassic park headcanon request where they've been pining for a while and finally ask them out!
i hope this is what you imagined anon lol
Warnings: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE GIFS, Explicit language i guess, oblivious peoples lol,, kissing, in Kayla’s portion there’s a dude being a jerk so beware of that, alcohol consumption, not beta read or edited
Tags: @druigswh0ree
❖ Alan Grant
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- Let’s just say the both of you were completely clueless of the feelings being harbored but everyone you guys encountered automatically picked up on it  - He can’t quite remember when he had developed feelings. It was a subtle thing that crept in slowly and then snuck up on him like a robber in the night (needless to say he was not the first to have feelings in the relationship)  - You on the other hand remember the moment you had feelings and it was not subtle it was a brick to your face. He had been at a convention for his book, talking to all sorts of people, and yet he always kept an eye on you making sure to glance up from what he was doing to find you. When the day was done he drove you home opening and closing your door for you  - Alan subconsciously noticed the change in your demeanor but thought it didn’t have to do with him. Anytime he tried asking about it you have him a short answer and changed the topic  - Something he didn’t even think about is the way he is always besides you practically attached at the hip and this just absolutely made you fall even harder for him - Then you just had to follow him to that god forsaken island (a/n you can choose which movie first, third, or even the latest one)he loved the way you had that survivors instinct. Now you were always and forever amazing in his eyes but seeing  this other part of you that was totally badass, taking charge he knew he was in for the ride of his life - And yet he didn’t confess to you during a life or death situation like those movies, hell he didn’t even confess on the island. No he decided that a helicopter ride back to the mainland was the perfect time, I mean you can’t run away right  - “So I uhh think drinks are an order, you and me?” It was whispered his confidence a little  rocky after everything that happened  - “You and me ?” You whispered back wind sucked out of your lungs  - He out right smiled and brought you close to his side, resting his head on top of yours, “You and me.”  - Yeahhh lets just say it took him YEARS literal years
❖ Ellie Sattler
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- She fell first but just thought you deserved a life free of the limits of a relationship despite her being aware of your feelings, you were being very obvious - little touches no matter where you are (unless you are uncomfortable with it) she rests a hand on your back, between your shoulder blades, you shoulder, you elbow. She likes to show you she is physically and mentally there for you - her favorite past time with you is going museum hopping loving to travel through time and around the world with you - will willingly let you rant or vent to her as long as she can do the same thing - you will have to enable her behavior of taking down crazy ceos - Even while you guys were “just friends” she loves to cuddle especially if you guys are pulling all nighters - Both of you go to protests for climate change and anything else and y’all can’t change my mind - but it’s not on one of your chaotic days that you both confess it’s actually on a lazy day of watching true crime and she asks you to be her plus one to her cousins wedding - you kiss her on a whim which leads to a more intense cuddle session and her whispering how long she’s been waiting to do that
❖ Ian Malcolm
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- I’d say you both fell at the same time - At first the flirting between you two was just games and for fun((( well it was for him because at first you would just shake  your head and blush or shooting him down but soon you gained confidence and started flirting right back with him which stumped him - This man is gobsmacked but recovers quickly - He likes to place his hand on the small of your back that small intimacy drives the both of you crazy - Of course the two of you are way too stubborn to confess both wanting the other to say something first - You always find yourself floating back to him physical in social settings - Long phone calls in which he will talk and talk and eventually it’s a silent call where you guys are just indulging in the presence of one another - Expect him to bring you coffee, tea, or any other drink ever few days just cause   - You give him little Knick knacks and such or books that you enjoyed that is the best way to his heart - He’d be the first one to break, asking you to a cheesy karaoke bar  - The two of get so drunk and song as many outrageous songs together <333
❖ Claire Dearing
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-(This girl gave me so much trouble ) - she is a businesswoman who doesn’t understand why society makes her feel like she can’t have a good job AND a nice relationship so as the person she is she goes out of her way to find a good partner who can fit with her lifestyle - so her friends take her out for a girls night which then leads to seeing some high school friends that’s where you come in - Claire had a crush on you all of high school never brave enough to talk to you just admiring from the distance - Now it’s still the same, she can face billionaires and dinosaurs but not a stunning person - It’s up to you to go say hi to her in the line for the club - turns out you had the fattest crush on her too - the night was full of banter and buying each other drinks - at the end of the with slurred speech you tell each that you need to get to get her soon and talk - days pass before you follow her on social media then send her a text - it’s weeks before you meet up just talking to each other on FaceTime and text - She’ll send you flowers saying that she just thought they were pretty - When the time finally comes she convinces you to come to the island to see the park (you force her to let you pay for plane tickets but she insists that everything else is on her since she couldn’t come to the mainland to you - Cue a beautiful day at the park where you make her see the magic of the park once more 
❖ Owen Grady
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- After the stuff he’s been through I think it’ll take a while for him to even realize he likes you - between you and me you guys probably met at a rag tag bar and he was probably showing off his dart skills - PLEASE You would definitely show him up so like the gentleman he buys you a round of whatever you want - next thing you know your friends are pulling you away to go to the next bar (little did you know that he had slipped a napkin with his number on it into your pocket - come Monday you get to your new job and guess who’s one of your coworkers? Mr handsome from the bar - after a few awkward days he invites you to a different bar - “Not like as a date date just like a drinking buddy thing.” He told you - but soon he’s checking up on you during work make sure your not working yourself to death - Those drinking buddy dates turned to hikes turned to stargazing and soon enough you were the one who had to get the confidence and ask him what you guys are - his stomach drops and that is the precise moment he realizes ‘oh shit’ he absolutely adores you- “Why don’t we find out ? Let’s go to that that fancy Thai restaurant at 7 I’ll pick you up.” - Expect him to appear at your door at 6:50 with a big bundle of flowers looking the best he can
❖ Zach Mitchell
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- This Romeo was in love before he even knew you - He will try to act cool maybe play a little hard to get - of course he will slip up a whole bunch  XD - expect study get togethers for college mostly at the library but one particular time you guys go over to his house. Let’s just say his mom absolutely loves you for your manners/helping Zach get more involved in school, his dad finds the dynamic between you and his son adorable almost reminding him of the young love him and his wife used to have, and the most important person Gray at first he’s not quite sure but when you actually listen to him ramble about Dinos he decides that you are the perfect one for Zach - now we all know that our guy Zach when not in a relationship can get distracted easily by…. Others but this surprising rapidly changes for him after getting close to you - After meeting his family that’s when you fell for him, watching how he’s interacted with his brother and played around with his dad and even helping his mom with dinner preparations -You knew he was a player to say the least so you tried to push feelings aside even distancing yourself from him - But Zach wasn’t really having any of it texting you good morning and good night everyday and even making sure to hand you an energy drink or coffee during the shared class of yours so eventually you gave in allowing yourself to be swallowed by the love you felt for the man - in the end it’s his brother who asks you to a date for Zach plain out calls you one day saying - “The local pizza arcade with Zach 6:30 don’t be late.” - the little weasel was something else because he then called Zach saying something similar and surprisingly you both went arriving at 6:30 sharp - it was the best day of your life
❖ Franklin Webb
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- I personally believe that this man is a helpless romantic at heart and I will die on this hill  - You care about Dinos and will do anything for them ? In love.  - You will talk to him about government conspiracy theories ? In love.  - You help him with work or ask him what he wants at a cafe you are heading to during break ? In love. - But he will keep all of this to himself. Attempt to flirt ( unsuccessfully)  - He will buy you things and try to play it off as ‘Oh I thought of you when I saw it. It’s really nothing at all. Don’t worry about.’  - After work life is pretty domestic with him borrowing sugar from each other, watching tv shows together, having a makeshift book club with each other. There was always something between you two that was a little more than friends  - Hell you guys even had sleepover in either his or your living room. You were always the first one to fall asleep and during those nights he would look at you seeing how peaceful you are in the tv light  - Takes you to his home on holidays to see his family because they all love you  - These events can go two different way  1. You being absolutely oblivious to his attempts and you both end up slipping into a situationship until one day you introduce him to someone as your boyfriend  2. You grow some balls and ask him on some dates yourself and then eventually ask him to be your boyfriend
❖ Zia Rodriguez
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- She will refuse to admit that she kinda likes you almost seeing as a relationship with how the world is as a distraction but she has such a soft spot for you - the two of you look after each other because I feel like you two started out as friends and the two of you have similar work ethics so every once an a while one of you will send a little text to the other - you buy her cute little stickers for her laptop because she liked the look of your sticker covered computer - while she buys you cute stuffed animals that she finds Dino’s in particular but if you have a thing for squishmallows you can bet she’ll try buy everyone she sees (sometimes she gets you duplicates but you know it’s the thought - You two love to watch tv shows together and rant to each other about them this happens every other week - one of these times she falls asleep in the middle of the episode so you pause the tv and glance to her - “god you’re so pretty.” - to your surprise her eyes crack open -“you really think so babe?” Her voice was gravely and tired -“I absolutely do baby.” - and she smiled eyes closing again, you feel asleep too not long after 
❖ Kayla Watts
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- She falls so goddamn hard  - Literally doesn’t even have to talk to you. She sees you once and is in love with your hair your face your body language. When she finally talks to you ? She is head over heels.  - Will try her hardest to impress you in anyway Loves just,,… talking to you  - For you, it takes you longer but you definitely think it’s cute how she’s acting. After a while she gets comfortable with you and then one day she takes you to the Dino black market (after instructing you to stay by her side the whole time) - Some random person shoved you out of the way while you were looking at one of the cute baby dinosaurs and then said person decide to be an absolute pig  - Cue Kayla pummeling this person and then taking you to the bathroom barricading the door and cleaning you up  - That’s when you knew. Your heart tugs while in that bathroom and it wasn’t just because of your busted lip - “Kay ?” She was washing her face now in the sink and whipped around to you, drying her face with her sleeve quickly  - “No, honey your gonna make that cut worse.” And then she was fussing over you once more bringing a towel to your mouth. Kayla always wished to be this close to you but now in this situation it was like a nightmare. This was all her fault she should never have brought you here - You caught her wrist and looked into her eyes seeking comfort. “Can we just go back to the hotel you please. I just want to watch a movie and rest” - “Yeah yeah I can do that.” Just like that reality came crashing down on her. Her own mind telling her you would never want to see her again after this“ - And will you….. can you….. can you stay with me?” Kayla knows she shouldn’t have but she beamed at your question, chest inflating about five sizes  - “Of course I can honey.”  Just like that her arm was around you leading you out of the underground market and up to the hotel you two were staying at
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Thinking about the Ian/Ellie/Ian reunion through a romantic lens. Spending decades trying to convince themselves that they didn’t miss each other and then they meet up and it’s like?? Alan and Ellie are already gazing at each other like long-lost lovers. When they walk into Ian’s lecture, he pauses and looks like his world has just shifted on its axis. Ellie and Ian always had something going on between them but now Alan’s realizing that his own feelings for Ian are maybe less platonic than he thought. And then later they’re all bickering lovingly like they’ve been married for years. I’m unwell
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cariad1701xxx · 2 years
Another fantastic photo! The smiles! Perfect selfie!! xXx
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stop asking who’s the man and who’s the woman in a relationship and start asking who has adhd who has autism and who has the brain cell
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lovelyships · 2 years
The OG Jurassic Trio. In case anyone hasn't seen this video, it's a must watch!
They are literally so precious ♥
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Masterlist: Jurassic Franchise
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All my Jurassic writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots of all your favourite Jurassic characters
Ian Malcolm Burden (Gender Neutral Reader) Love Finds A Way (Gender Neutral Reader)
Ian Malcolm First Choice (Gender Neutral Reader) Weak (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Headcanons Headcanons related to Jurassic Franchise and characters
Owen Grady and Dinosaur! Reader (Gender Neutral)
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kilibaggins · 3 months
someone talk to me about Ian Malcolm or about Jurassic park in general or about ian x ellie x alan I'm begging
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19thcenturylover · 1 year
Hello again Jurassic Park people :D
Even though my hyper fixation is still on Transformers, I wanted to redraw the first illustration I did of the Dinot3 (which I think was February of last year), It was interesting to try again with these 3 but I love the idea
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To be honest... I'm embarrassed to put the original drawing so look at the idea of this one :D (mis abuelitos)
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atrxides · 2 years
Ellie: Alan and I-
Maisie: Are getting married?
Ellie: No, we-
*Maisie hands Ian a binder*
Ian: Sit down, we've planned out the entire thing.
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redcrowz · 2 years
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dino lovers
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