#akaashi x Yamaguchi
hykuluv512 · 2 years
Love Amidst the War AU Akaashi/Yamaguchi by hykuluv512 - Haikyuu!! archiveofourown.org/works/41675217
Tadashi and Keiji are thrown into a place that could only be described as a kill room. Everything about it screamed abandon hope.
Love Admist the War ch 16 posted
Tadashi had been dragged down a set of concrete steps to a place that could only be described as a kill room. Various weapons of torture hung on hooks, wood slabs stained a rusty red, the stench making them gag -a mixture of bleach and piss-greeted them as Keiji was shoved onto
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kitasgloves · 6 months
hq characters realizing they're stupidly in love with you
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They stare endearingly while you're focused on cooking instant ramen for them because you don't know how to cook:
Yamaguchi, Daichi, Iwaizumi, Ushijima, Semi, Kita, Osamu
When they find you drooling in your sleep absolutely adorable:
Kageyama, Asahi, Kenma, Yaku, Akaashi, Konoha, Suna, Hirugami, Sakusa
They laugh so hard when you say the corniest and dumbest joke:
Yachi, Sugawara, Hanamaki, Bokuto, Tendou, Hoshiumi, Komori
They sigh lovingly when you're picking your nose while scrolling through your phone:
Hinata, Nishinoya, Oikawa, Atsumu
They make fun of you for being clumsy:
Tsukishima, Kuroo, Matsukawa, Shirabu
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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forusomimiya · 1 year
"Honey, not now! I'm in the middle of a game!" he whispers, pulling the microphone away from his mouth, careful not to be overheard by the others as he watches you there, under his desk table between his legs, like a hungry little puppy.
He keeps his eyes on the screen, and the movement of the mouse under his hand is slippery when his hand starts to sweat as he feels his trousers unravelling. His heart beats fast. You can hear the guys on the other side of the headphones groaning as their team dies. All your fault.
"Why?" you vocalised softly, letting go of his cock. "They won't know."
"But you know I can't cont- BABE!" But it's too late for complaints. Your mouth is already full and your hands help you take him deeper. You can't forget about his balls either, his weak spot.
"Aggh, you piece of sh-" You watch as he quickly take off his helmets and settles into the chair, but not before helping you to remove the tracksuit shorts that blocked him from opening up more for you. "You know what you have to do”.
You give him a smile before lowering yourself back down to his balls as you watch how fast he pumps his cock, cursing and moaning your name with each lick and suck on them.
"Do you like when I take such good care of ya?"
"Shit yeah... always being so good to me. What a good girl"
"What would your friends think if they heard how you cum on my mouth? Wouldn't they be jealous?" Your tone grows more arrogant with every word, but you drive him crazy just thinking about his friends on the other side of the line hearing the mess you're making. Your tongue runs from base to tip. Both of you in contact.
"They should... you d- don’t get a sweet girl like you between your legs every day" His other free hand has moved to cup the back of your neck to cling tighter to you.
“Enjoy the show then”
They would, they fucking would, ‘cause your bastard boyfriend forgot to mute the microphone.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
Which one of the JJK men/boys would grab your hand, wait for a bit and then raise it up to press a kiss to your knuckles?
this is very cute. it also got very out of control. and the haikyuu boys joined. i apologize.
How would/would he kiss your hand??
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Bows with a dramatic flourish and takes your hand like he's going to kiss it. Instead he started chewing on your knuckles, ignoring your swatting and screeching in favor of gnawing and drooling all over your hand
GOJO, inumaki, toji (if he's in a playful mood), ATSUMU
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The two of you are cuddling, your intertwined hands resting on his chest as he leans against your front. You're using your free hand to scroll through social media when he picks up your hand and presses your palm to his lips, lingering there for a moment. When you look down at him curiously, he just gives you a sappy grin and tells you he loves you.
geto, OSAMU, SUGAWARA, asahi, akaashi, YAMAGUCHI, YUUJI
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Kisses your hands when you dance in the kitchen, or on romantic dates. Not an everyday occurrence, but when it happens it's always very sweet and tender. He's a gentleman through and through.
NANAMI, daichi, AKAASHI, megumi, kuroo (he tries)
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Why would he kiss your hands when he can kiss all over your adorable face and lips???
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That's really cheesy and embarrassing. Why would he ever do that?
megumi, TSUKISHIMA, sukuna, SAKUSA
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Maybe during quiet moments at home. He doesn't like pda, but he supposes it's fine if you're not in public.
MEGUMI, sakusa (if he knows your hands are clean), iwaizumi, kenma
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Wants to, but he's too shy </3
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Too dense to consider kissing your hand.
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luvring · 1 year
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gn!reader | bokuto, akaashi, atsumu, osamu, iwaizumi, matsukawa, kageyama, yamaguchi, sakusa
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BOKUTO can't stop grinning and kissing you. his hands are stuck either cupping your face or holding your hips. he plants quick pecks to your lips and feels his heart rate pick up at your laugh. "i'm really your boyfriend," he repeats, convincing himself he isn't dreaming.
AKAASHI's entire body relaxes as he says "thank god." he leans forward to rest his head against your shoulder and huffs a laugh at himself. you bring your hand up to run your fingers through his hair. “did you think i’d say no?” “i was scared you would,” he murmurs. “and i don’t think i could bring myself to try returning the gifts.”
ATSUMU excitedly changes your contact where he already put a heart next to your name to be your new title: "MY PARNTNR/BOYFIRND/GIRLFJEND" (awful spelling included and vital). he adds emojis like 😁🫂💯🔥 before taking a screenshot to send to his group chat. he won't talk about how he almost sent it to you and nearly had a heart attack.
OSAMU texts to ask “when did you know you liked me?” later that night. he bites his lip and his eyes shoot lasers into the dots that show you’re typing. an embarrassed smile appears on his face when you say “when u apologized over and over after almost hitting me with a ball the first time we met :) u were cute” because it really was a cringe-worthy introduction, but at least you both liked each other since the beginning.
IWAIZUMI can’t stop thinking of getting you a gift. thinking of giving you a gift every once in a while wasn’t unusual, but he tries really hard to get a hold of himself when he realizes he's scanning every store he walks past for something you might like. he fails, obviously, when you end up getting a gift every time you meet up for the next few weeks.
MATSUKAWA blurts out "seriously?" after you say yes. he tries to ignore how his face heats up when you tilt your head and laugh. you’re still laughing when he pulls you into him as if to hug you, only to start tickling you. he jokingly threatens, “don’t laugh at me, i’m your boyfriend,” when you yelp and hit his side.
KAGEYAMA can’t stop replaying the moment you guys officially start dating in his head, even and especially while practicing. he’s setting the ball when he thinks about how you smiled and suddenly forgets what he's doing. his face is red from being flustered and the volleyball smacking him on the forehead.
YAMAGUCHI, when he has the time, marks down the date in his calendar. butterflies flutter in his stomach as he types out "WE’RE DATING !!!!!! :)) " in the notes. it's been less than a day and he's already (over)thinking of what to do to celebrate the closest, reasonable anniversary, whenever that is. in a month, probably, he thinks.
SAKUSA’s glad he has a privacy screen protector because if anyone noticed how often he opened your chat to reread your texts he’d never live it down. there’s a small smile under his mask at your silly flirting memes, and just the thought of how your “take care of yourself!” messages are with him as your boyfriend in mind.
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @sakusasdirtyragdoll @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @dimslover @kuroaka @vampyrkookie @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @spooky1magazine1bread @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @scill-a @tooruchiiscribs @curiouslilbeast @fiona782 @cvhenia
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cloeis · 1 year
hq men and their pet names for their gf
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babe - matsukawa, SUNA, atsumu, oikawa, tsukishima, noya, SEMI, aran, konoha & yaku
baby - kuroo, iwaizumi, suna, ATSUMU, kenma, sugawara, oikawa, meian, OSAMU, bokuto & romero
sweetheart/sweetie - USHIJIMA <3, sakusa, KUROO, osamu, daichi, romero, kita & AKAAASHI
love/my love (my fave) - osamu, akaashi, SAKUSA !!, KAGEYAMA, iwaizumi, ushijima, sugawara & tsukishima
angel - suna, ATSUMU, kuroo, meian, OIKAWA, iwaizumi, daichi, aran & sugawara
honey - osamu <3, KUROO, akaashi, ushijima, suna, sakusa, OIKAWA, tendou, asahi, hinata & yaku
my girl/my pretty girl (cries) - atsumu, SUNA (hello), matsukawa, osamu, OIKAWA, SAKUSA, kageyama & iwaizumi !!!
doll - atsumu, suna suna suna !!, MATSUKAWA, kuroo, meian, IWAIZUMI, tsukishima & osamu
all of this tbh coz he doesn't have a permanent pet name for u - BOKUTO, kuroo, atsumu, romero, LEV, hinata, sugawara, suna, yamaguchi & aran
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educatedsimps · 2 months
— a kiss on the shoulder
≪ back to fics masterlist
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HQ headcanons when you kiss his shoulder for the first time :)
multiple haikyuu x gn!reader, reader is average height and shorter than hq men for the sake of this hc HAHA
a/n: just some fluffy thoughts i had inspired by my bf
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holding hands with him was the usual whenever you hung out or went out together and the feeling of your hand in his always felt really nice
maybe it was a nice evening out and you two decided to take a walk down the street or run some errands together
inevitably you felt the urge to give him a peck on the cheek or the lips every once in a while, but if you’re conservative and shy you might not want to in public (or if he’s shy abt pda)
on top of that he’s taller than you, so there’s physically no way to kiss him without tip toeing and/or pulling him down towards you
so in a moment of ingenious thinking, you decided to kiss his shoulder instead
i mean it's the most convenient place to kiss him while you're walking so why not
anyway, then you watched as his eyes widened a little and his cheeks flushed an adorable pink
asahi, KAGEYAMA, tsukki, yamaguchi, oikawa, IWAIZUMI, kuroo, bokuto, AKAASHI, USHIJIMA, tendo, osamu, suna, kita, aran
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the ones who would reach over, grab your chin and kiss the top of your head in response then give your hand a lil squeeze as you keep walking ↳ IWAIZUMI, OSAMU, kita, aran
the ones who would stop and go "...what are you doing." but are inwardly freaking out because your lips left a tingly feeling on his skin (he secretly loves it) ↳ TSUKKI, kageyama, akaashi (would def give you a bunch of kisses once you get home tho)
the ones who would tease tf outta you cuz "don't you want the real thing? hm?" ↳ KUROO, SUNA, tendo
and the ones who would start stuttering and blushing even more ↳ BOKUTO, yamaguchi, asahi probably he's a softie
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. but likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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215-luv · 2 years
KUROO: “who’s the best person in the world?” your boyfriend teases with a smirk on his face, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair as he stares at you adoringly—and it’s so obvious—the way he looks at you will never go unnoticed by anyone as he gazes at you as if you’re the only precious thing in the world. he tucks a strand behind your ear and his eyes seem to glimmer even more, “look at you, i can’t believe you’re actually mine.”
OIKAWA: “my sweetheart,” he coos, mumbling out his compliments to you against your neck that’s followed by soft pecks of lingering kisses, and he breathily chuckles everytime he does so, as if he’s been struck by cupid’s bow each second he’s in your presence. “my sweet angel.”
SAKUSA: “you know,” his words come out in a low murmur as one of his hands find place on the side of your head, letting his thumb gently rub itself against the softness of your skin. “you’re the best thing that has happened to me.” he admits, and a rare smile forms on his face as he lets his eyes find art upon your features.
AKAASHI: “i’ll tell you a secret.” he whispers on the side of your ear as you lay on him with your back pressed against his chest. you sense his lips nearing your ear, his warm breath sending shivers through your spine. “i think, i’m inlove with you. too inlove. but maybe not just too inlove, maybe i’m actually head over heels for you, knees weakened, heart beating rapidly, fingers itching to hold yours—or maybe it’s just that i love you too much that words couldn’t measure how much i love you to the bottom of my heart. and i think i could never stop myself from adoring you even more.” he whispers with a smile gracing upon his features, teasingly blowing on your ear with softness. “that’s my secret.”
ATSUMU: everytime he looks at you, he couldn’t stop the lovesick grin forming upon his face. you watch as he bites back the obvious smile, his upper teeth fighting its’ place as it digs itself on his bottom lip, and he could only apologize half heartedly as he buries his face onto the pillows while his hand remains on your cheek. his chuckles come out in a muffle and he feels his heart beating rapidly while you just lay there bewildered upon his questionable state. he takes a peek of you on one eye as half of his face remains buried against the pillow, and now, he couldn’t stop the grin on his face that has his teeth showing as he laughs, “god, sorry baby. you’re just so adorable it’s unbelievable. it’s actually unbelievable how someone like you is laying on my arms right now.”
BOKUTO: “you’re mine right?” he asks with a smile on his face as his arms tighten its’ hold around you. he’s being extremely giddy and clingy with you while he places playful pecks all over your face. “yes, you’re mine!” he unashamedly answers his own question in a cheer, nuzzling his cheek against yours as he pulls you against his body impossibly closer that leaves no gap between you two.
YAMAGUCHI: “you know, you make me feel scared sometimes,” he admits solemnly, his eyes drifting to look at anything but you as a sad smile appears upon his face. “i’m scared that you’ll leave me someday, in which everyday i pray that i’m good enough for you so you’ll only have to look at me and not anyone else.” he says, and after a moment, he finally has the courage to let his eyes drift to gaze upon you, eyeing you with so much affection yet sadness while his hold on your hand tightens even more as if he’s afraid to let you go. he leans closer to you and he gives you a soft peck on your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a while as his next words come out in a murmur, “that’s how much you mean to me honey.”
IWAIZUMI: he stares at your sleeping state in silence, finding comfort in the way you’re under his arms in the middle of the night as he couldn’t seem to have any plans of sleeping when you’re this beautiful under his gaze. a tiny smile graces upon his face while he intakes every feature of you. and soon enough, he couldn’t stop the chuckle escaping from his lips that leaves him to lean down to land a soft peck on the side of your head with a smile, “god, you’re the only person to make me feel this way. what the hell are you doing to me?”
USHIJIMA: couldn’t help but keep staring at you with eyes that speak more than words. his gaze never leaves you when you move at one place to another. and when you question him of his actions, he blinks at you for a moment, keeping silent. and then he finally, stoically reveals with a rare blush on his face, “i just think you’re very alluring that i couldn’t find myself to take my eyes off of you. i apologize, was i perhaps making you uncomfortable?”
KENMA: he comes to a point where he couldn’t hold himself back from being clingy for you. constantly, when he’s initiating physical contact with you he’ll tell out trivial statements such as “you’re so warm, i don’t mind using your lap as my own pillow” or “your hands. they’re nice. i should keep holding them so people can avoid touching it.” and whenever you try to contradict to his statements, he’ll only shoot back with a “but they’re mine. i thought you already knew i don’t like sharing what’s mine?”
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wake-uptoreality · 1 year
He is that type of boyfriend who would be begging you with his raspy voice to come to bed with him. When you would finally gave in and come into bed with him, he would wrap his arms around you. You would feel the warmth of his breath and the softness of his lips on your neck while he would faintly whisper in your ear "I love you, now go to sleep sweetheart" you would mumble that you aren't sleepy. he'd begin to sing into your ear and make circles on your back until you slowly fall asleep.
-> ushijima, IWAIZUMI, OSAMU, matsukawa, KITA, DAICHI, yamaguchi, HINATA, akaashi, KUROO.
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sugawarem · 4 days
OH, YOUR lover had such pretty hands! you haven't even held them before, but you already knew, without having to - your hand would fit his like a perfect puzzle piece. so, why not? why would you be embarrassed about how suddenly your right hand shot out to hold his left one tightly? you didn't even see what the big deal was, until you noticed how red his face was and it hit you that, maybe, you were a bit forward. and yet, before you could apologize with a nervous chuckle, a bright smile accompanied his flustered face. phew, he liked it after all.
— ASAHI AZUMANE , yamaguchi tadashi , takanobu aone , kaveh , NEUVILETTE , gepard , dan heng , MAMMON , leviathan , choso kamo
LITHE FINGERS, soft-looking palm, overall looking so, so holdable. well -- that's what you thought. barely any courage in your heart, you simply resigned yourself to the sad fate of just staring at his hands. little did you know, he saw right through you, and he saw how you stared at his hands, your fingers tapping against your thigh. he smiled with adoration, and carefully interlinked his fingers with yours, relishing in how your eyes darted up to stare at him in embarrassed surprise.
— koshi sugawara , kuroo tetsuro , tooru oikawa , AKAASHI KEIJI , tendou satori , baizhu , kamisato ayato , KAEYA , kaedehara kazuha , lyney , HEIZOU , argenti , AVENTURINE , JING YUAN , lucifer , satan , SOLOMON , NANAMI KENTO , gojo satoru
AS YOU two walked side by side, you had a fleeting thought of holding his hand. except, ah, it wasn't really fleeting, as before your head could even snuff out such a thought, your hand shot out by itself. its path, however, was unfortunately broken by the feeling of smashing against his own. had he..? "sorry" you both muttered, both trying to hold hands with each other and failing. in a second though, your hands finally found their way to each other, fingers interlinking. you were blushing so profusely that you failed to notice how red his own face was. oh -- you were so cute...
— kei tsukishima , KENMA KOZUME , iwaizumi hajime , cyno , XIAO , veritas ratio , caelus , welt yang , BEELZEBUB , simeon , geto suguru
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moon1833 · 7 days
Haikyuu! Boyfriend headcannons! Part 2
Seijoh, Nekoma, and Fukurōdani
Unrequited/requited love/miscommunication (sorry)!
Had class together.
Thought you were one of Oikawa’s fan girls trying to get closer to him for his best friend at first since Oikawa was right next to him.
You genuinely just didn’t know what the homework was.
Had no idea he was even on the volleyball team until you heard him talking to his friend in class.
He always thought you were beautiful, but he didn’t bother attempting anything.
You started talking to him in class a little, but he was still unsure about your intentions.
You thought it was funny how he was always yelling at his friend.
The first time you laughed at Iwaizumi calling him “Shitty-kawa” he completely froze up from shock.
Knew he was in too deep at that point.
He told Oikawa about his feelings for you and he took at as an opportunity to get to know you, too.
You thought he was nice, but you were interested in Iwaizumi.
Asked Oikawa to help set you up
He took match making very seriously.
However, Iwaizumi saw you two talking and texting more and just assumed he was right all along.
Started a rift between him and Oikawa, Iwaizumi confronted him eventually.
Oikawa came clean about everything.
Iwaizumi told him he wanted to get to know you at your own pace but he appreciates the effort.
He starts talking to you more.
Knowing you liked him made him insanely nervous he could barely string a sentence together.
Oikawa didn’t tell you that he knew you liked him.
He invites you to a game.
You’re cheering for him as loud as you can since everyone else was cheering for Oikawa.
“He’s overrated.” You told him after the game. “I thought you were much more interesting to watch.”
He almost kissed you right there in the middle of the gym, ignoring Oikawa complaining about how ‘mean’ you were to him.
Asked you if you wanted to grab ice cream after the game.
You say yes obviously.
You spent at least 15 consecutive minutes telling him how awesome the game was.
He was bright red the whole time.
Slyly bought your ice cream before you could even think about getting your wallet.
“There’s a little ice cream on your face.”
“Oh,” you wipe your face, embarrassed. “did I get it?”
“Can I?” you nod.
He takes his thumb and wipes the bottom of your lips (there was no ice cream on your face).
You closed the distance, unable to handle how he was looking at you
Ice cream was suddenly his favorite dessert.
Favorite past time as a couple was making fun of Oikawa (who insisted on third wheeling both of you).
Light PDA as much as he can.
Hand on your thigh whenever you’re sitting next to each other, or around your shoulder.
He loves showing you off.
He’s very gentle with you.
Kisses your face all the time whenever you’re cuddling.
Fake dating/drunk confessions (very slight grumpy x sunshine if you squint)!
You were team manager for Seijoh.
You had no problem with Oikawa, but it did annoy you that you had to deal with the swarm of fangirls almost every day.
You had an intimidating aura, so they backed off when you were around.
He wouldn’t admit it, but the girls approaching him daily bothered him too more than it flattered him.
He also felt bad constantly rejecting girl after girl because he wanted to focus on volleyball.
He proposed the idea of a fake relationship to you.
You were opposed to it at first, you didn’t want to get killed by a crazy fangirl.
He said he “wouldn’t let that happen.”
You told him if it was up to him to protect you, you were screwed.
He asked you to think it over.
You weighed your options, you were constantly hit on from other teams and decided it’d be a good idea.
He hugged you and lifted you up when you told him.
Decided the only people who would know it was fake was Iwaizumi.
Which meant even in practice you had to pretend.
Oikawa was a good actor, he was constantly wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head.
It was hard to stay unbothered by it and make it seem like it was normal.
Iwaizumi almost forgot it was fake.
Oikawa had just gotten used to kissing your cheek goodbye, he kept doing it even when no one was around.
He started realizing he was developing real feelings for you after you showed up to practice in his jacket with his name on it.
Even though it was planned, it was impossible for him to think about anything but you in his clothes for a few nights.
You realized you were falling for him when he fell asleep on your head while sitting next to you on the bus after a game.
He smelled good.
At a house party celebrating another win for Seijoh, you both showed up together.
You both drank a little too much, and the casual arm around your shoulder as you both spoke to the group on the couch had you leaning into him.
As more people sat down around you both you ended up on his lap.
He sneakily kept kissing your neck.
Got to a point where you were dragging him somewhere deeper into the house.
Momentarily thought you were about to chew him out or that he overstepped.
Last thing he was expecting was for you to use his collar to bring his face to your level and kiss him, backing him against a wall.
“I wish this was real.” He mumbled practically into your mouth.
“Look around.” You replied, running your hands through his hair. “Who am I faking this for?”
Neither of you forgot the next morning.
However, you were too scared to talk about it with him.
Regardless, Oikawa showed up at your door at 10 in the morning (as soon as he woke up) with breakfast and coffee.
You had just finished throwing up and wanted to again at the sight of him in your kitchen with his glasses.
He admitted he was starting to want a real relationship with you, but understood if you didn’t mean anything by your actions last night.
“If I didn’t feel like I was dying right now I’d kick you.”
Started dating for real after that.
He is always tickling you.
If you thought it was bad before it’s even worse now.
His fangirls cannot stand you so he’s always with you.
Always a hickey on his neck.
He purposely wears shirts that reveal it.
Opposites/tutor x student!
You had Trig together.
You sat in the back of the room and never really spoke.
Bokuto would ask questions so frequently the teacher would call on him even if he didn’t raise his hand.
Class would laugh at him but he genuinely didn’t understand the work.
Your teacher offered you (who was at the top of the class) to tutor him for extra credit.
You agreed.
The first time he came to the library for your first session he loudly declared how pretty you were.
You were caught off guard, flushing red as Bokuto apologized.
Found out that he just had a short attention span but he could focus if he really tried.
Constantly changing the subject to talk to you.
Started walking you to class (he was late to his own classes)
Begged you to come to his matches.
Out of curiosity you did (you wanted to see him play).
He shouted your name and waved at you the moment you walked in, telling his entire team you were here.
He was on 1000% the whole time, showing off as much as he could.
Ran up to you as soon as the game was done to ask you if you thought he played well.
Akaashi came to pull him back, apologizing.
You called him that night to tell him he played well.
Ended up on the phone with him until 4am.
Continued to tutor him, even though he eventually got kicked out of the library for being too loud.
Now studied at his house or yours.
He did not get any work done when he was in your room for the first time (he hadn’t seen you in comfy clothes before, either).
Purposefully left his hoodie at your house so you’d have to visit him at practice and give it back to him.
Partially wanted you to keep it.
When he passed his trig test for the first time, you hugged him from excitement.
He was so excited he picked you up and spun you around.
You volunteered for the summer training camp as a nurse (Bokuto asked you to with puppy eyes).
He would purposely get hurt so you’d have to help him.
Would get dramatically jealous if you were tending to another guy.
Kuroo flirted with you in an attempt to get Bokuto to admit that he liked you.
Bokuto just scooped you up and walked away.
When wrapping his fingers for the third time even though he didn’t need it, he asked you to “kiss it better”.
You rolled your eyes at him before kissing his cheek.
“If this will stop you from jamming your fingers intentionally, then sure.”
Ran back into the gym yelling to Kuroo that you kissed him.
You fell asleep on his shoulder on the way home.
It was the longest anyone on the team had seen him be quiet.
At your next study session, you’d rearward him for each question answered correctly with another kiss on the cheek.
Suddenly was an academic weapon.
Would giggle after each one.
Gently kissed him on the lips that day at the end of the worksheet you made for him.
Ended up on your bed.
He talks about you to everyone.
Asked you if he could be your boyfriend.
Loves to lay on top of you.
You’re the only person who could get him out of “emo mode”.
He loves picking you up.
Childhood friends to lovers/young love!
You met Akaashi when you were in elementary school, you were seat buddies.
You were both on the quieter side, he was overall introverted while you were just nervous.
Bonded over a box of crayons.
You came out of your shell more as you got older.
Were inseparable.
Always holding his hand.
Everyone always teased you two.
We’re each other’s first kisses at the age of 10 because you wanted to know what it felt like.
Supported him more than anyone else through volleyball.
He knew he always liked you, but didn’t want to compromise the friendship.
Bokuto convinces him to confess.
You return his feelings to his surprise.
You were both young (in middle school) when you told each other you had feelings for each other, so you didn’t really seriously date for a few years.
Maybe argued once in your whole relationship.
He’s very understanding.
Knows you better than you do.
He proposes right after graduation.
Long engagement because you’ve “waited this long”.
We’re practically married before you were married.
Bokuto’s your practice kid.
Fated lovers!
Met him by ‘accident’.
Your cat had run out your front door, you were looking for him.
You find him nuzzled into some guys arms at the park he usually ran off to.
You’re so happy you found him you almost forget to thank Kuroo, who found your cat.
He thought that was cute.
You’re walking away, still talking to your cat before you noticed his presence.
You bowed, thanking him repeatedly.
He wanted to ask for your number right then and there but you were already running off.
Went to the same school, but Nekoma was so big you never saw him before.
Ran into him one morning on the train.
He gave up his seat for you to sit, and you spent the rest of the trip talking to each other.
Gives you the nickname “Kitty”.
You hate it (you love it).
Introduces you to Kenma, who takes a liking to you.
Kuroo gets jealous of how much nicer he is to you than him.
Started walking to the train station together every morning.
You fall asleep on him almost every time.
He’s worried you’re not sleeping well now (you will not hear the end of it).
One morning, there was no room to sit so you were both forced to stand, using the pole for balance.
Someone knocks into you, sending you roughly into Kuroo.
He snaps at the person who shoved you to watch it before holding you by the waist protectively.
You couldn’t string a thought together for a few moments.
The SMOOTHEST in asking you out.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t.” You tilt your head at him in confusion. “It’s Friday.”
“I know, I’ll pick you up at 3. Dress cute.”
Took you to a cat cafe because he just “had to”.
Holds your hands through crowds or has a hand on the small of your back.
Very gentlemanly.
You kiss his cheek when telling him goodnight.
Thinks about it all weekend.
The next time he sees you he kisses you as soon as he gets close enough to “even the score”.
Shows you off whenever he possibly can.
Always standing behind you with a hand on your waist.
Extremely ticklish.
Like all you have to do is poke his side and he’s squealing.
You use that to your advantage.
Absolutely showers you in gifts.
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hykuluv512 · 2 years
Love Amidst the War AU Akaashi & Yamaguchi
Yamaguchi Tadashi is the elusive Redback Spider, an assassin who kills strictly on the command of Sawamura Daichi the leader of the Miyagi Crows. The recent death of the Fukurodani Owls' leader, Bokuto Koutarou, left a power vacuum in the Japanese Mafia that Daichi aims to exploit. Bokuto's predicted successor, Akaashi Keiji has become Daichi and the Redback's latest target. When Miyagi's Redback and Fukurodani's Akaashi cross paths their encounter is explosive.
Chapter 1 - Party Like There's No Tomorrow
It was a hot night in July when Akaashi first noticed Tadashi. It was a rooftop party. They had just finished a big job and the Owls were celebrating. He was telling war-stories with his buddies when he went to get a drink and passed by a man who glanced up at him, held eye contact for a long moment and flashed the cutest dimples Akaashi had ever seen. He did not smile in return and that seemed to make Dimples smile even bigger. With drink in hand, he returned to Kuroo who was an ally, a member of a friendly faction and a trusted compa. "Who's that guy?" He asked when he realized that he was still being watched. "He's a Crow." Kuroo raised his eyebrows and looked at the smiling, smaller man. "What's he doing here?" Keiji couldn't keep his eyes from sweeping across the room back to where this Crow was standing, talking to several other soldiers. "He's here for you." Kuroo said with mischief in his eyes. Clearly unworried as the much larger and highly skilled Akaashi could handle himself. "Really?" He smirked and looked down at the ground. "Well, there are worse ways to go," he thought. He stared hard, waiting for his would-be assassin to turn around. When the other man did, Akaashi was not disappointed to see those dimples crater inwards. Akaashi lifted his drink from the oak table and sauntered towards the Crow. Without stopping or bothering to turn around he gave a quiet affirmative when Kuroo asked if he knew what to do. Oh hell yes, he knew exactly what to do and couldn't fight the smile that broke out across his face when the smiling assassin grinned at him. Immediately intercepted by Suna, one of his most eager and ambitious
guards, he bit back an exasperated sigh when he heard, "Sir, that man is a Crow." Suna's voice lifted barely above a whisper and Akaashi patted him on the back. "Don't worry, I know." Suna risked a side glance to his boss's face, "Then you know why he's here. Who he's here for."
Akaashi, "Yes, of course I do." His guard had identified the Crow emblem tattooed on the assassin's left wrist. This emblem, filled in with a violent red, indicated he was a not only a Crow but a reaper which alarmed Suna who had heard chatter that the Crows had sought to exploit the lapse in leadership the Owls were currently experiencing after the devastating loss of their leader, Bokuto Koutarou. As the distance between the Owl and the Crow grew shorter with each long stride Akaashi took, Suna became increasingly desperate to intervene and protect his leader.
"Let me handle this for you, Sir," Suna practically begged, but Akaashi wouldn't hear it. "It's gonna be okay. Go on, Suna-san, have a good night."
"But sir..." Suna blocked his leader by slightly angling his body directly into Akaashi's path.
"You're dismissed." With that Suna walked past the smiling assassin and flashed his own silver as he passed him by. The assassin merely raised an eyebrow as though he was insulted but Suna didn't care, he wanted that man to be aware that he was keeping a close eye on things and he would be on him the moment he attempted to harm his boss.
The man with the dimples crossed the last few yards and stood face to face with Akaashi, "Your friend is not very hospitable." Smirking at the beautiful killer, Akaashi apologized for the hostility and offered a drink to make it up to him. He gestured at one of the cocktails servers who caught his eye when his guest accepted.
While they waited for the drinks, he asked, “Do you know who I am?”
Dimples cratered in amusement. "Ay ay, captain."
Akaashi chuckled, "I'm not the captain...yet."
The assassin casually sipped on his straw and said, "But you're gonna be. Do you know why I'm here?" He flashed playful eyes at Akaashi.
"You're here to stop me." Akaashi said, plainly as he casually sipped his cocktail, then asking, "Who's your boss?" under the assumption that he must work for Asahi Azumane if he was given this high-profile of a mark.
“Daichi Sawamura,” The dimples exploded as he watched Akaashi’s pupils blown for just a moment while he was outwardly calm. He found that extremely impressive, while most others would have signaled for help, not Akaashi. He took this information in stride, which the assassin found extremely sexy.
“It’s you..." Akaashi said referring to the infamous hitman, The Redback Spider. Momentarily meeting the worried eyes of Suna, who was standing fifteen feet from him, while giving nothing away.
Watching Akaashi intently with only a satisfied grin to confirm his identity, his eyes sparkled at being recognized for the danger that he presented, for the reputation that precedes him and for the fact that he was doing this in the Nesuto. Akaashi was convinced this small man had the biggest balls ever to come into Owl HQ and threaten the de facto leader of Fukurodani.
"I’m honored.” Akaashi said with a huge smile to match, while a cold shiver went through his spine. He’d never concerned himself much with his death. It was inevitable. Still knowing when and being able to anticipate his demise was a little uncomfortable.
The Redback Spider, an assassin who was up til now unknown, chuckled feeling high from revealing himself to his target, assured him, “The honor is mine, Akaashi Keiji." He bowed honorably but when he straightened up, the gleeful smile was back. He laid a hand on Akaashi's wrist and said, "But first, I have a question.”
“Are you gonna ask me how I wanna go?” Akaashi said playfully as he finished the last of his drink.
“Uh uh. I was gonna ask if you care to dance." The Redback drew a finger down the center of Akaashi's chest and pulled on his tie as he moved towards the packed rooftop dance floor.
A loud and surprised laugh burst from Akaashi's belly and he said, "What the hell," as he followed the Redback under Suna's anxious and Kuroo's amused eyes.
After an hour of dancing, the two took a break tucked into a table in the back where they could talk in private. He couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun. He usually just sat and drank at these parties but now his shirt was damp with perspiration and he felt loose and relaxed. Which was the complete opposite of what he should be feeling with this predator knocking at his door.
"Mmm they didn't exaggerate, you Owls do know how to party." The Redback wiped his neck with a damp towel.
"I was just thinking... I never do this. I haven't danced in so long, I think my moves are lame." Akaashi sighed watching all the writhing bodies moving to the reggaeton beat that the DJ was playing.
"Uh uh. Your moves are sexy." Yamaguchi said, leaning in and pressing a palm to Akaashi's thigh, inching up toward the bulge in his pants. "I like you, Akaashi. Tu as envie de coucher avec moi?" Tadashi said, lowering his lashes to reveal the gold shimmery liner that dotted the black along his lids. Akaashi was mesmerized, swallowing hard he lifted Tadashi's hand and rose from his chair.
"Come with me," said Akaashi.
"Lead the way,"said the Redback.
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stawbeemilk · 1 month
⤷ their s/o has anxiety – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: mentions of panic attacks
✩ a/n: i know anxiety is different for everyone but this is just based on my own personal experience ◡̈
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⭑ kenma is very observant and can always sense when you're feeling overwhelmed in public places— it isn't long before he's asking if you want to leave, and if you say you feel guilty for cutting your day out together short he'll tell you it's fine because he prefers being at home with you anyway.
⭑ hinata isn't afraid to deliberately embarrass himself in front of others whenever you do the same, he knows you hate being the centre of attention and so he hopes that he can draw everyone’s eyes away from you and onto him instead.
⭑ yaku is so good at reassuring you when you have a panic attack, he’ll stay with you the entire time and hold your hand, refusing to leave your side as he tells you that everything will be okay and that you'll get through it just like you always do.
⭑ akaashi is always happy to listen if you ever need to vent to someone about your struggles, he can empathise with how you feel since he experiences a lot of the same things you do and is therefore very understanding of what you're going through.
⭑ sugawara has no problem with being the one who talks to the cashier when the two of you are at a checkout, and while he does try to encourage you to face things that make you anxious, he appreciates that it's not always easy for you and is happy to help you out when you need it.
⭑ kuroo likes to remind you to take your medication on time, especially if you're someone who is prone to forgetting— he even buys you one of those pill organisers and will leave various post-it notes around the house to help you remember.
⭑ yamaguchi does his best to learn all of your triggers so that he knows when you might be likely to have a panic attack, and whenever he notices that you're feeling anxious he'll walk you through breathing exercises to try and help you ground yourself.
⭑ bokuto will always order your food for you if you ask him to, he does it for you so often that he practically has all of your go-to orders for different restaurants fully memorised— he never judges you for not being able to do it yourself, but any time you do find the courage to order without his help he'll be so proud of you.
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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forusomimiya · 10 months
He is able to cum in less than 3 minutes for one simple reason:
‘Cause he hears his own moans.
atsumu, akaashi, oikawa, yamaguchi, kita, kuroo, sakusa, konoha, mattsun, kageyama
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noirflms · 2 months
haikyuu men as househusbands. or haikyuu men who’d be good househusbands in general.
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— ୨୧ ˖ ˚ AKAASHI KEIJI !
he is the one who keeps track of finance in the house , keeps track of how much you should spend even if you get a six-sum salary and love spending it on him even if he doesn't like it because he wants you to save for the future.
he also pretty much cooks all sorts of dishes and morning tea made by him is served to you in bed , he is just the best. buys groceries when you're out to work , keeps the house neat and clean — it's a penthouse so it's not much work as it's not that dirty all the time — keeps track of your health and if you're pretty much not skipping breakfast or lunch cuz he's there to spoon feed you at dinner.
he's not much fan of laundry just knows he has to fold it and keep it neatly in your shared closet and is pretty much a the best husband of all ( according to your mother ).
he is that type of house-husband who actually takes care of the loundry more than cooking and cleaning but still cleans the house just the way you like it — organized and neatly done. he doesn't step in the kitchen for he knows he might burn whatever he cooks so you don't let him step in there , it's either you come home and cook but if your tired , it's take out time!
whenever he does laundry he has a habit of smelling the clothes before folding for he like the smell of the detergent you use and the clothing softener should be if the best company because that is kinda professional when you go to work wearing soft and clean clothes.
dusts around the house with music playing in the background and does all the cleaning while blasting Oliva Rodrigo on the amazon echo you brought so he won't have to go on connecting his phone to the Bluetooth other than that he is just the best husband you could ask for.
— ୨୧ ˖ ˚ KITA SHINSUKE !
he is the package , can cook , cleans , does laundry , keeps track of all budgets and savings , knows every nook and cranny of the house and is happy being a house-husband for you. kita buys the best clothing softener and detergent , is a man of his words for if he promises breakfast in bed for you then you get it.
he sets up the house according to a taste that suits him and you like almsot all the time after seeing it on pinterest — yes HE HAS PINTEREST and you can't change my mind — cooks the best meals like you're in heaven to be eating such delicious meals , laundry is done and the house smells like lavander and you don't know how he does that and he keep it a secret ( it's just him using scented house cleaning stuff ).
grocery shopping is done with you because it's to lonely for him to go out so it's shopping time on the weekends , he is like a stay at home mum but you love him and for god sake who wouldn't want a man like KITA SHINSUKE.
you enter the house with the smell of the most delicious food being cooked and when I say delicious , it's over the top delicious. he loves cooking so much that he forgets he has to clean as well and do laundry. yamaguchi almost does everything before stepping into the kitchen and prepare a bento for you in the early morning with starting to think for dinner — even though lunch is not even thought out yet — and what to be baked when your home.
it may not seem like but he has a passion for baking good for you.
he blasts playlist made for him by you and tsukki , and does the cleaning and laundry because sometimes it's to lonely in the house , he keeps track of time and when you're gonna come so he could prepare a bubble bath and then start with the cooking so you could have been relaxed and come eat with him.
when it's a weekend , he wakes up late but the breakfast is in his hands to be cooked , and in the evening it's time for him and you to have a baking session and you cherish this baby more than anything.
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NOIRFLMS 2024 ! all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime , do not translate my works without permission.
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alexx013 · 1 year
🌼Giving Haikyuu boys flowers🌼
When you were walking back from school, and passed the flower shop you saw pretty flowers that catched your attention. You decided to buy them for your bf. Which flower it is and how will they react?
Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi
A/N: Hi everyone, hope you have a nice day. I legit got a hand cramp when I was posting this ;---; But oh well, hope you enjoy
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Hinata ☀️
You'd give him: Sunflowers
This sunshine absolutely loves them
When you give them to him, you can see his eyes shining (shine bright like a diamond~)
Will immediately pull you into a hug and thank you over and over again
Would send you a pic of the flowers in a vase in his room when he gets home
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Kageyama 🥛
You'd give him: Lilies
Also would like them, but tbh I think he'd be a bit confused on why you're buying him flowers
But you'd get his soft smile, and a bit of ear reddening as a reaction
Listen, he might not be verbal with his response but he for sure appreciates the gesture and will treasure the flowers
Might not send you a photo of the flowers, but would take one for himself
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Tsukishima 🌙
You'd give him: Evening primrose
Also doesn't know why you want to buy him flowers
Also isn't very responsive after getting the flower, nod of thanks and a tiny blush appearing on his face
But after you visit him few days later you can see that the flowers are being well cared for and are placed in the best vase in his house (according to his mum)
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Yamaguchi 🌱
You'd give him: Daisies
Instant bit of a red hue appearing on his ears & freckled face, just looks so adorable
Offers to pay, but upon losing to you in the fight over the payment accepts the gift, loves the flowers
He will forever be grateful for this sweet moment and will try to gift you something in return
He might give a name to the flower bouquet, but that's a secret 🤫 You'll only get the pictures of the flowers with sunset in background
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Kenma 🐱
You'd give him: Lavender
Would also get shy, but deep down you know he appreciates the gift
I mean, you can guess that from his ears and neck turning a warm shade of pink
He would mutter a thanks, but when you try to jokingly steal the flowers he'd be like "Give that back, it's mine :("
Even if you don't know it, the plant would get a honorable place in his room (probably far away from his desk tho cause who knows how much sunlight get there)
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You'd give him: Pink roses
Would kinda be shocked by the sudden gesture but I don't think he'd show it
Listen, definitely the 4th season smirk and saying "Prettiest flowers for the prettiest boyfriend"
Would still love the flowers very much, and give you a head pat along with a thanks
He would research on when to water the flowers so it doesn't die and they stand in a vase in a sunny spot
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Bokuto 🦉
You'd give him: Gerbera daisies
He would absolutely love them, and fall head over heels for you in this moment
Happy jumps & hugs, also would protect the flowers with all his might
He would definitely name each flower, and treat them like children... or try at least
And then at 23:05 you'd get a text "Your children miss you", and you'd be like what 👁️👄👁️
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Akaashi ✨
You'd give him: Calla Lilies
Would definitely offer to pay, but would accept the gift after convincing
Would smile softly at you and then while gently "petting" the flowers along with saying a thank you
A little kiss on the forehead cause a hug could ruin the flowers
You know damn well that the flowers will be taken care of well
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