#aizawa wallpaper
decarbry · 6 months
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le-ootaku · 2 months
Hi! I realy love your account so much!♡♡♡
Can I request a wallpaper with Shirakumo,Hizashi and Aizawa please?♡
Sure thing!!
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Hope you like them! Quality is kinda shit tho :/
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xia0ming56 · 2 years
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twsthoodstar · 2 years
🌸 Fun Wallpapers 🌸
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⚠️ PLEASE do not repost or steal these edits ⚠️
Feel free to reblog or save! — 🍰
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kiyaedits · 2 years
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🌟 SET 2
🌟 SET 3
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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Piratecore Shota Aizawa Wallpapers (1080 x 2160)
anon requested: hihi!! may i request an Aizawa piratecore wallpaper (1080 x 2160)??
transparents 1 2 3 | feel free to use with credit! like or reblog if you save!
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strawbystroobs · 1 year
shouta aizawa wallpapers
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very colorful and saturated! i used these a while back :)
like or reblog if you save/use ★彡
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aizawaaddict · 1 month
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Free wallpaper for anyone addicted like me :)
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gluttonyedits · 10 months
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requested by anon: Shota Aizawa wallpapers
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decarbry · 8 months
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the hunt
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kisshu97 · 2 years
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wallpaper-for-now · 2 years
time for a new wallpaper whi h one should I use
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dioriya · 2 months
late night disaster, hitoshi shinsou.
1.03k. fluff. more sappiness. secret relationship things. denki being a gossip. you know.
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a gentle buzz against his arm stirs him from sweet dreams and an even sweeter state of slumber. soft sceneries of gentle hands and picnics in the grass evaporate into thin air as the buzzing becomes persistent, brows furrowing above a dark violet gaze.
patting around the sheets for his phone, he squints at the offendingly bright screen for a moment to let his eyes adjust, wondering who the hell would be so cruel to bother him at…
squinting harder at his screen, he frowns once he checks the time. 2:06 AM blares back at him almost mockingly. christ.
lingering on his wallpaper for a bit—matching ones, something he’d openly say is cheesy but secretly smile at when he’s sure no one’s looking—he unlocks his phone singlehanded and scrolls until he finds who the hell decided to bother him. unopened messages from ‘annoying people’ (monoma, countless 3-B group chats, and people who wanted his number to get closer to others once he’d made the switch to class A) and other people he ‘somewhat tolerated’ (kaminari, the band gc, and so on) illuminate his features until he catches a notification pop up from an active chat.
against his better judgment, he opens it. and immediately regrets it.
kaminari’s excited texting alerts the entire chat of his presence, and soon enough, half of his classmates bombard him with prying questions and sly remarks (and the occasional keyboard smash, but that didn’t count).
hitoshi shifts slightly and exhales, briefly closing his eyes for a moment. less than ten seconds in the chat and he’s already exhausted.
‘soooo,’ kaminari types for a while, gaining his attention once more. ‘i saw two people sneak off to a certain someone’s dorm earlier…’
his heart slowly begins to hammer in his chest as the chat explodes, too many texts for him to account for filtering in before he can register any of them. worst of all, a weight on top of him begins to stir, and hitoshi can officially say his soul has left this plane of existence.
he watches, silent as you lift your head up to bear your surroundings with half lidded eyes, and wills his heart to kindly shut the fuck up. he’s almost certain you can even hear it, gaze knowing when it lands on him and causes a lazy smile to spread across your lips.
“hi, you,” your voice filters out to a tired sigh, sitting up on your knees to stretch your arms above your head, and it’s enough to almost make him forget about the dm disaster occurring in real time.
“we have a problem,” he says in greeting, and only offers his screen to show when your brows furrow in response. slowly, your eyes widen, and you slump against his shoulder with a quiet groan.
“curse you, kami. he’s so nosy.” your words are muffled into his hair and it tickles against his neck just barely. he makes no effort to move. “you should really do something about that.”
“me?” hitoshi pulls back incredulously, and narrows his eyes at the grin spreading across your lips again. “i’m the one who told you i swore i heard something back there earlier!”
“that could have been anything! everyone knows ua’s like, haunted. past mistakes and ghosts of students aizawa’s expelled.”
he snorts despite himself, and refuses to psychically react to the way you light up at the sound of his laugh. annoying, honestly, how you managed to be so—
a faint ding! breaks his mental stupor, glancing down briefly at his own screen while you pat around for yours. a few of his classmates are still pressing the blond for answers, but surprisingly, he hasn’t relented.
‘it’s totally not my place to say,’ kami wrote. ‘but just know that when everyone eventually finds out, i told you so!’
hitoshi pleasantly resists the urge to bury himself fifty feet below ground level.
“should we tell them?”
he looks up when your voice turns sheepish, teeth sinking into your lower lip nervously. “i mean—unless you really don’t want to. kami probably already knows, and it won’t be long until kirishima knows, and then he’ll probably tell mina, and then mina will tell everyone—”
your hands reach for his and squeeze, strangely reminiscent of the dream he’d been having not too long ago. comforting, reassuring. it makes him sick to his stomach in a completely positive and normal way.
“i just don’t want you to be, y’know. rushed into things. i know you like your privacy, so if this is too much, tell me.”
you smile faintly, epitome of all things good in the wretched and deceiving world, and his heart falls to his knees in defeat. or… whatever.
“we’ll tell everyone tomorrow,” he agrees slowly, and can’t help the small smile that spreads across his lips as well. “during homeroom. hopefully before aizawa comes to class.”
you both wince at the memory of a previous confession falling flat just as your homeroom teacher crawled into the classroom in a neon pink sleeping bag, scaring the shit out kaminari and effectively blasting out the lights on the entire floor.
shaking his head, he puts his phone on do not disturb and wordlessly beckons you closer, settling into the comfortable position the two of you had donned before and tries to relax. you melt into his arms almost instantly, but poke his side when you feel him tense.
“don’t think about it too much, okay?” arms wrapped around his middle, you squeeze him tight and the gesture is oddly comforting. “actually—think about it this way: you no longer have to kill anyone with your eyes when they talk to me for longer than socially equired.”
once again, his heart falls to his knees… and dies. he had no idea you’d be watching him the whole time. fucking what—
trying to compose himself and the remaining dregs of his dignity, he scoffs and rolls his eyes. “you’re hallucinating.”
“midoriya told me he felt like someone was watching him, toshi.”
well. it’s not like he’d be wrong.
“go to sleep,” he says instead, and hopes you can’t hear the smile in his voice when you laugh and quietly bid him goodnight.
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nyxistyxi · 6 days
• what's your phone wallpaper:
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• last song you listened to: something from my staticmoth playlist, either No Children by Mountain Goats or Get Hooked by PARANOiD DJ
• currently reading: been focused on writing not reading, sadly.
• last movie: nobody.
• what are you wearing right now?: a floor length nightgown. listen, I saw crimson peak at an impressionable age and decided I was that girl.
• how tall are you? 5'7"
• piercings / tattoos?: 2 nose piercings, 4 ear piercings. I want snake bites really bad but my husband would divorce me.
• glasses / contacts: contacts, glasses rarely.
• last thing you ate?: coffee for breakfast. don't lecture me.
• favorite color: teal, hot pink and cyan
• current obsession: Valentino and Vox. they live in my head rent free, destroying my synapses. I've also been watching a lot of true crime and nailed it.
• do you have a crush right now?: nah. at least, not any non-fictional ones.
• favorite fictional characters: Ghostface, Hannibal Lecter, Clear (from DMMD), Mordin Solus, Karl Heisenberg, Ellen Ripley, Blanche Devereaux, Dean Winchester, Aizawa Shouta, Sun, Moon, Deliah Hawthorne, Lutece Twins, Geralt, Kaname Date, Dani Clayton, Fluttershy, Valentino, Vox.
• last place you traveled: Iowa.
tagged by: stolen from @mothvalentino
tagging: @eatmyfandoms @brokenaroacecode @soyhasmcaamp @bittyfromquotev @caius-hhhhhh (literally anyone who wants to do it.)
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boytouya · 1 year
wc: 2.01k
pairing: aizawa shouta x male reader
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Love is in the air, a thickening aroma that’s much too sweet for your liking. It sticks to the peeling wallpaper within your room, it clings to your goosebump ridden skin, it’s plastered to every screen you turn to. It’s excruciating. It’s exhausting. There’s something wary, deeply injected into your bloodstream, that dims your eyes and dampens your expression when you catch another enamored by the undeniable paradox of love.
Still, there’s a twinge in your chest that you can’t quite place. Of something forlorn, something distant. Your jaw aches as you unclench your teeth and search for the remote tangled in your bedsheets. You assume your neighbors face the same tiresome debacle, with the sound of a creaky headboard smacking into the wall that separates your apartments. You’re not jealous, the thought of brushing your fingertips against warm, bare skin is almost nauseating. Of that, you are sure.
Valentine’s day, you deduct, is equal parts Heaven and Hell. Sweets are discounted, customers of your average, 9-5 job are a tad bit more relaxed— it’s the personal conquests you have to battle. Even the little things, like remembering how you left the remote in your living room.
You sigh, practically sinking into the floor as you drag yourself past the safety of your bedroom.
Quietly placing your feet on the ground, cold floorboards moan in protest with every painstakingly slow step you take. Your feet drag behind, making a humiliating mural out of your already pathetic appearance. The doorknob feels heavy as you twist it, sliding into the dimly lit living room with strained ease.
The impenetrable force of gravity pulls at your limbs as you search plush cushions, stress racking your body as a blanket of sudden tremors. The loud knocking at your front door startles you awake, your hunched back suddenly straightened uncomfortably. The idea of your friends (or maybe, lack thereof?) prepared to bother you into the night slows your stride, but something about the persistent knocking is unfamiliar. Not nearly as annoying.
Swinging the door open, you stretch the collar of your shirt with your pointer finger. The fabric doesn’t protest, loose enough to distort your silhouette to your liking. Leaning against the doorframe, you take in the piercing eyes staring back at you. The man, whoever he is, looks excruciatingly tired, with dark circles that cast shadows down the entirety of his chiseled face. Though, surprisingly enough, his stubble is cleanly shaved, not a hair out of place. Long, dark hair frames his face in two symmetrical strands, though they seem to have come loose from his low ponytail. Despite the styling he looks disgruntled, as if the crisp white button up is too tight at the collar, and his slacks are clinging to his strong thighs. Suspiciously your type.
“If you’re here to ask about how often I pray—“
“I’m not,” He blinks, slow as his eyes open and close. They look rather dry, heavy lidded and sleepy. His voice catches you by surprise, deep and smooth— but nonetheless warm and comforting. Still, he shifts in the doorframe, crinkling the gift wrapped bouquet of flowers in one hand, and nearly smacking the heart-shaped tin of chocolates in the other. Then, almost hesitant, he holds them forward, pressing them against your warm chest. “I’m your boyfriend… For the day.”
Suspicious rises in your throat, and your eyebrows furrow. Whatever that means, you don’t like it, even if he does wear the uniform to the overwhelmingly busy and overbooked ‘boyfriend-experience’ café downtown. He sure doesn’t look the type.
Plus he seemed much too eager to add in that last part.
You grunt, ready to slam the door in his flawless face before he opens his mouth to speak again and uses his foot to catch the slamming door. He doesn’t flinch, instead sighing as if this isn’t the first time he’s had his toes (and shoes) crushed beneath the weight of wood, “I was hired as a gift. From your….friend.”
Something tells you his lack of enthusiasm is highly against protocol.
You can’t help but discreetly laugh at his dryness, slowly opening the door to stare him down. Friendly enough, considering he’s being paid to be here, and you have to admit— the chocolate was a nice touch. Maybe your friend paid for that too. He lets you take the gifts from his hands, finally, with warm fingers brushing his knuckles. Admittedly, the contact is nice. Maybe even more than that. “You can keep your shoes on, I don’t care.”
You allow him to step into your apartment, disregarding the lack of emotion in his face as he takes in the sight of your house. Homely, clearly lived in— but bone chillingly lonely. His posture straightens at that, eyes settling on your back as you disappear into your bedroom. To change, he presumes, as you’d opened the front door in just boxers and a t-shirt. Cute.
He watches you waddle back out, socks padding against the floor as you scratch the nape of your neck nervously. What were you supposed to say? What do boyfriends who aren’t-really-boyfriends… do?
“Shouta Aizawa,” He— Shouta introduces himself, bowing his head in your direction. He clears his throat, listening to your voice chime in his ears as you introduce yourself in return. He lets you speak, though he was already told your name. While it’s a bit chilly outside, he considers the sight of you on a ferris wheel, watching as the Sun sets below the horizon, yellow light dancing on your face and across your eyelids. He remembers your interest in reading, and how you have an embarrassing passion for romance storylines. “Where do you want to go today? My treat.”
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It really was his treat, the books you’d shyly bought despite assuring him time and time again that you didn’t need anything, resting in a cutely designed plastic bag that he held for you. Sure, it came out of his paycheck, but your shell was cracking. The previously hard and standoffish demeanor from your initial meeting was melting away. And, really, you just seemed very lonely. Aizawa falls into the boyfriend role much faster than he’d like to admit, sometimes clasping his hand around yours to get your attention— he’s a man of very few words. Each and every time, without fail, your face would brighten, as if the missing pieces of your puzzle were found and completed.
You get a few comments from strangers with genuine smiles, very polite and quiet responses of how cute you are together, how well you compliment each other. There’s a twinge in your chest that you can’t quite place whenever you hear it. Something forlorn, something distant.
Finally, Shouta lets you pay for the freshly made, heart-shaped meat-buns that happen to be twenty five percent off for the holiday, your cold hands curling around the warmth of the treat. He opts for a cat-shaped one, absentmindedly trailing his fingertip across the scored whiskers as he takes a bite. Your heart catches in your throat, beating loudly in your ears as you take note of the endearing habit. Your gaze must linger, because the same dark eyes from before are staring back into yours, almost looking right through you.
You laugh nervously, sinking your teeth into the warm dough before he can comment.
Selfishly, you don’t want the day to end.
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He listens to you talk about your hobbies, interjecting more often than not with grunts of engagement. Your voice was nice, a smooth tone that made his heavy eyelids even heavier, and had it not been for the high pitched meow that interrupted your train of thought, he’d surely end up asleep in the middle of the sidewalk.
The two of you swivel around, sharing a silent glance as a stray cat scurries across the street. You’ve seen it before, a black and white tuxedo cat with lime eyes and a flat attitude. Its walking is tired and sluggish today, as if it’s had a particularly long one, and you quirk your head to the side, “He kinda looks like you.”
He tilts his head in the opposite direction, narrowing his eyes at the cat. He settles by the grass, sleepy and disgruntled eyes closing quickly after curling in on himself. The pattern of his front legs make a poorly drawn heart, and he wonders if you got him to look so closely solely because of that. Heat rises in his cheeks, but he buries his face into his sleeve, clearing his throat. Warmth floods the man’s stomach, planting sunflower seeds and blue skies. He turns his face away from your survey, clearing his throat as the air suddenly becomes much too humid. It seems you take his silence for an answer in itself. Very funny.
“No, really! I feed him sometimes, his posture’s crazy and he’s always tired.”
Ignoring the potential dig at his posture, Shouta takes a moment to imagine you feeding stray cats, snaking your fingers at them and running your hands through their soft fur. Your presence must be so comforting, so kind. You remind him of a prince, with warm features and a soft smile, albeit a little awkward.
Heart fluttering in his rib cage, Aizawa starts to feel like maybe he was the one who rented a boyfriend.
Continuing down the streets of Musutafu, Shouta doesn’t mind the way your shoulders brush. The way your cold hands brush against his, or the way your pinkies find themselves locked together. Comfortable warmth blooms from your body, and he wants nothing more than to hold it in his hands, cherish the comfortable silence and bathe in your body heat, hidden away from the chilly air that signifies winter’s overstayed welcome.
And, like clockwork, his deep eyes make contact with the bright star occupying the setting sky. Difficult to see through the trees and amalgamation of branches and leaves, but it shines through the cracks and into your hair. The smell of your skin lingers in the air, Aizawa’s mind empties, and his thoughts simultaneously erode whilst coalescing into a serene hum stuck in the far back of his head. The bittersweet tranquility floats above him for just a moment, descending as soon as sunlight leaks out of the trees. It stares back into his chestnut eyes, taunting him.
With a makeshift, golden halo, you speak. Unknowingly shining brighter than the brightest star in the sky. He can’t afford to fall in love on the job.
Shouta breathes, ragged and rushed and oh, so rocky as his heart hammers in his chest.
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“I’ve always wanted to adopt a cat,” You start, nervous embers igniting in your lungs and smothering you from the inside out. It shouldn’t matter, maybe you’re crossing a boundary. This was his job, to make you feel cared for.. loved. Just for the day, he’d said it himself. Just for the day, which was nearing a close with every step closer toward your apartment. “A stray, I mean. I think the one we saw earlier has a partner, though.”
Aizawa raises an amused eyebrow at that, briefly thinking about his cat at home, “And?”
“Do you think on their first… date… That probably, honestly, wasn’t really even a date and happened on, uh, circumstance…was really a date? Like, did he ask his partner for a second one—could there be a second one? But… Without the…circumstances?”
“I think he speaks in circles,” You wince at his flat tone, nodding deprecatingly as you wait for him to continue. Your keys feel much heavier in your pocket, and your teeth dig into your bottom lip. “Did he think his partner would say no?”
“Would he?” You ask, carrying yourself up the steps to your front door.
“No,” Aizawa stays where he is, watching as the gray stone sits unbothered beneath your feet. When you look back, it’s the first time you’ve seen him smile with teeth, pink lips quirked upward, and a bit wobbly from lack of use. “He’d agree to a second one. Free of charge.”
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want more? —
TAGLIST: @zawadni @indigowren21 @cannedfoodisbestfood @junkwhoore @dilfchoso @sanderssidesangsttrash @i-dOg @kaito-asmr @jream-23 @mhasimp666 @princejasno @onehellotasimp @corporeal-terrestrial @angelaturservice @shadows-of-nightmares @double-homicide @rintarosaku @saturnsbend @trailsnix @luckduckanon @oddball215 @toodeepintofandoms @devilgirlcrybaby @playbOysuna @uwiuwi @yuzukeni *if you've changed your username pls let me know!
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