#air bison
fentrashcat · 11 months
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So this was my first ever embroidery and the idea that started it all, completed sometime around Aug 2022. While I didn't know the terms at the time, it was done with backstitch and satin stitch. I took this photo before washing the pattern off, so you can see where I wanted to add some turtleducks as well but they were very small and thus very intimidating.
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jeremyfuscaldo · 1 year
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Here's my drawing of Appa that I made two years ago.
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thewickedjenny · 2 years
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Yip yip! 🧡
I made the cutest sleeping baby air bison earlier this year. 🥺 I love his little ears… He’s still available in my shop if anyone would like to check him out! - If you repost anywhere, please credit me wherever you do so. I put a lot of work into my pieces. ✨💀🎨
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thursdaythunder · 1 year
hi ATLA tumblr,
i know that my blog is about something completely different but i just wanted to show of my Appa tattoo
i am very much in love
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sporadic-icons · 2 months
Avatar: The Last Airbender Appa RP Icons
Free to use. Likes or reblogs are cool.  Icons are from Avatar: The Last Airbender - Relics.  There are 3 of them.
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abdoshaljale · 1 year
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(via I Just Really Like Bison Bulls Ok /angry bison bulls Active T-Shirt by Abdosh Aljale)
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tigertoramaru · 2 years
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Kai day: Baby bisons!
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undead-knick-knack · 4 months
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How to Get Gored 101
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aangarchy · 4 months
You seem to know a lot about atla and what has been confirmed and fan theories and stuff! We know that flying bison shed quite a bit, but do you know if there's anything out there (canon, fanon, anything) about air nomad textiles from flying bison fur?
I'm pretty sure it's canon that airnomads use sky bison fur for their clothing, especially since it can get quite cold up on the mountains and the smallest benders can't quite control their own body temperature yet. They probably also sold garb made from bison fur on their travels. In Sozin and Roku's time a lot of fire nation nobles got very involved in the airnomad lifestyle and culture (which fuelled Sozin's hatred for the airnomads and ultimately resulted in his decision to commit genocide), i imagine they bought a bunch of fabrics and garments to really immerse themselves. I'm sure citizens from other nations that lived near the temples would often trade for bison fur fabric. I don't know if maybe there were specific breeds of bison, one with a more streamlined coat and one with a more woolly coat? Maybe they could have created wool out of it who knows!
One thing i do think is that bison fur is always harvested without harming the sky bison, probably an influx in bison clothing after spring, when they shed their winter coats. I don't see the airbenders slaughtering the bison for their materials, especially since they don't eat meat.
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die-auster · 2 months
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It was an interesting challenge to draw Appa fluffy in vector.
The background is a vectorized screenshot.
If you feel like it you can support me on Ko-fi. And your feedback will make the artist really happy!
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randomthunk · 8 months
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I got an act Bison Billie, look what I can do!!!
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tellhulla · 3 months
It's an admittedly minor thing but something that bothers me a lot about the atla comics (and LoK) is the air acolytes
Why are they all new characters?
Where is Theo, the guy Aang himself said carries the spirit of the air nomads? Where are the hippie nomads from season 2 who were already living a very similar lifestyle to Aang's people?
Are the acolytes even nomads? They seem to just live in the temples by the time of LoK, How is that passing on the air nomad's legacy? How is it keeping the culture alive when they aren't practicing half of the culture?
Why didn't Aang ask the mechanic to make gliders like Theo's for the acolytes so they could fly too? If they have re-domesticated the ski bisons by the time of Korra why don't the acolytes seem to have any? It's not like you need to be an air bender to fly on them so why it's only Tenzin who has one and not the acolytes or even Aang's other children?
It's such a poorly written mess
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heartnosekid · 2 years
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🏔 air nomads ☁️
for anon!
☁️-🏔-☁️ / 🏔-☁️-🏔 / ☁️-🏔-☁️
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Air Nomad Culture Headcanons
Because if Bryke refuses to actually develop Aang’s culture I will do it my fucking self.
Not all Air Nomads were benders, or lived in the temples. Most of them lived in nomadic villages that migrated around different continents depending on the season, which is why they’re ‘Air Nomads’. The ones in the temples were either the children of former monks who had chosen to give up that lifestyle, orphans or abandoned kids, or the children of spiritual or intellectual leaders who had decided they wanted their kids educated in a more focused environment.
Everyone in the Air Temples was a bender due to how close the teachings got them to the Spirit World.
It was possible for Monks in the temples to give up that lifestyle and return to living in the villages, but it was a permanent decision, one they couldn’t come back from, so most didn’t ever do that.
The only time of the year all Air Nomads would be at one of the four temples was during a festival which coincided with the date that Sozin’s Comet would be appearing in the year Sozin chose to time his genocide. 
Not all Air Nomad’s were vegan. They did eat meat, but they used every part of the animal and had rituals they performed after animals were killed to ensure their safety in the Spirit realm after death. Aang is just vegan because he’s Like That.
Flying Bison shed a lot of their fur, like Appa did in that one episode, so they used it to weave clothing, blankets, and baskets a lot. The fur is really thick and sturdy and the cloth they spun was very valuable. After the genocide, upper elites in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation still kept old Air Bison cloth as a status symbol.
Most Air Nomad kids, both in the temples and in the villages, were taught to spin wool practically from birth. Making their own toys to play with was very common among Air Nomad kids.
Along those lines, Air Nomads were big traders and merchants due to how much they moved around. They would take goods from one area and distribute it across huge swathes of land. They didn’t use money as a concept; their entire economy was based on trade of goods.
They also kept aside a certain amount of whatever they got and sent it back to the temples regularly.
As a result, a lot of their culture developed around give and exchange. Exchanges of gifts, like a bison fur shawl for a reed basket, were shows of respect, and a favor taken was always expected to be given back. they had a dislike of owing people in general within the villages. In the temples, as they were monks, it was generally assumed that between Air Nomads what they were given would be exchanged for the Monks’s spiritual guidance, education for some children, and direction during global issues or conflicts.
Within the temples, it was considered impolite to accept gifts from non-Air Nomads, especially if you didn’t return it. In the villages, it was just a general trade.
As long as you lived in the villages, Air Nomads did not care who you fucked. Sexuality was fluid as hell and no one gave a damn. In the temples you fucked no one because monks took an oath of celibacy.
They also had a very fluid concept of gender with blurred lines and few gender norms. Literally no one cared aside from ‘ooo when you do this with this person it makes a baby’.
The Air Nomads in the villages had a much more relaxed and free culture than was there in the temples, where things were a lot more regimented. The villages were a lot more focused on arts as well - as well as weaving, all sorts of handcrafting was common, and oral arts, like storytelling and folk songs, were very popular as well.
In the temples things were a lot more focused on the spiritual side, but they still told a lot of folk tales and used weaving as a method of concentration.
A lot of those folk tales had heroic trickster characters who used their intelligence to outwit stronger opponents. As opposed to moral absolutes, a lot of the folk tales focused on making the best out of bad situations or on the value of being friendly and welcoming.
The Air Nomads believed in reincarnation, for everyone and not just the avatar, kind of like how Hinduism or Buddhism do, but without Moksha or Nirvana. They believed it was just a cycle of being reborn into either better or worse circumstances depending on how you had behaved in your previous life.
Karma was also a thing. If you gave bad to the world you would get bad back, and if you were generally helpful and kind you would get good things back as well.
Their food dishes had a lot of variations depending on where you learned to make it from. In the Western Air Temple for example there was more influence from Fire Nation spices, so the food was spicier. They used more fish in the Northern and Southern Air Temples + surrounding villages.
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aero-sense · 4 months
I've been thinking about how the Air Temples aren't barred by ability, but by bonds. In the game, the door to the Air Temple couldn't be opened by Air Bending, so Aang had Momo open it going through the pipes. You don't need to be an airbender yourself to get into the temples, but prove that you're trustworthy enough to one, like how Aang was willing to show the rooms to Katara, Sokka, and Teo after he gained his trust. And if not them, then you can at least befriend one of their furry companions, the flying lemurs. There were plenty of them residing around the temple's grounds if you needed help, at least back in the day…
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The game also proves people weren't barred from visiting the temples. People used to visit, implying that the Air Nomads would help them up with their bison, and the visitors would drop by the village on the way. Along with Aang's eagerness to show Katara and Sokka the temple, there's nothing to suggest the Air Nomads didn't enjoy housing guests and letting them tour the temple.
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ifeelalot · 1 year
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