elirastudio · 1 year
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Leaving for heaven
I think this is gonna be the little comic that will end the first arc of our story
I will do the Q&A now and commissions
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vesora · 4 months
original post by bumlehri on instagram
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Q: I am convinced that I am, but I am not convinced of what I am. Intellectually I know I am the Self but I don’t experience this. I have to make a lot of effort.
Annamalai Swami: To experience the Self you have to dive deep into the consciousness ‘I am’.
Q: You mean I should keep the mind there?
Annamalai Swami: Yes. When you see the rope as a rope there is no snake. You also know that there was never a snake. When you cease to imagine that you are a mere body and a mind, reality shines of its own accord. If you stabilize in this state you can see that the mind didn’t go anywhere; you understand that it never really existed. ‘Keeping the mind in its source’ is just another way of saying: ‘Understanding that it never existed.’
Q: But how is one to awaken from perpetual body-consciousness? For consciousness to manifest one must have a body.
Annamalai Swami: If there is constant meditation that consciousness is your own reality in which all phenomena are appearing and disappearing, that meditation is the activity of the sattvic (pure, clean) mind. It is this activity which erases and dissolves the tamas (e.g. inertia or dullness, inactivity) and rajas (selfish desires e.g. sexual lust) which cover the reality.
The human body is the only vehicle in which it is very convenient to realize the unmanifest Self. With the body and the mind we can investigate and discover the Reality that remains unaffected by the body and the mind.
We should regard the body in the same way we regard a car. …
Q: No matter how quiet I get or how still my mind is, I never get to see the world as an indivisible whole. Even when my mind is completely still, if I open my eyes I still see a world of separate objects.
Annamalai Swami: When the one who sees vanishes, the world of multiplicity goes with it. You don’t see the unity and indivisibility, you are it. You can never see the Self or Brahman, you can only be it.
The Guru may tell his disciples a thousand times, ‘You are the Self, you are not what you imagine yourself to be’, but none of them ever believes him. They all keep asking the Guru for methods and routes to reach the place where they already are.
Q: Why don’t we give up our false ideas as soon as we are told that they are false?
Annamalai Swami: We have identified with our false ideas for many previous lifetimes. The habit is very strong. But not so strong that it cannot be dissolved through constant meditation.
Q: The seeker has many ideas: ‘I am a jiva (personality), I am bound and have to do sadhana ("methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal) to attain liberation’. Should we forget all these ideas?
Annamalai Swami: Yes, forget them all! ‘I am the Self, I am all’. Hold onto this awareness. All other paths are roundabouts.
Q: Bhagavan said that repeating, ‘I am the Self’ or ‘I am not this body’ is an aid to enquiry but does not constitute the enquiry itself.
Annamalai Swami: The meditation, ‘I am not the body or the mind, I am the immanent Self’ is a great aid for as long as one is not able to do self-enquiry properly or constantly. Bhagavan said, ‘Keeping the mind in the Heart is self-enquiry’. If you cannot do this by asking ‘Who am I?’ or by taking the I-thought back to its source, then meditation on the awareness ‘I am the all-pervasive Self’ is a great aid.
Bhagavan often said that we should read and study the Ribhu Gita regularly.
In the Ribhu Gita it is said: ‘That bhavana (mental attitude) ‘I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am Brahman, I am everything,’ is to be repeated again and again until this becomes the natural state.’ Bhagavan sat with us every day while we chanted extracts from the Ribhu Gita which affirm the reality of the Self. It is true that he said that these repetitions are only an aid to self-enquiry, but they are a very powerful aid.
By practicing this way the mind becomes more and more attuned with the reality. When the mind has become purified by this practice, it is easier to take it back to its source and keep it there. When one is able to abide in the Self directly, one doesn’t need aids like this. But if this is not possible these practices can definitely help one.
- Living by the Words of Bhagawan.
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naveensarohasblog · 8 months
संत रामपाल जी महाराज कौन हैं?
संत रामपाल जी महाराज विश्व के एकमात्र सतगुरु हैं जिनको सत्संग करने तथा नाम दीक्षा देने का अधिकार है। (एक समय में पूर्ण गुरु पूरे विश्व में एक ही होता है।) इनके अतिरिक्त किसी भी धर्मगुरु या कथावाचक को सत्संग का अधिकार नहीं है।
संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान का डंका सारे विश्व में बज रहा है। समाज सुधार और मानव कल्याण के अद्भुत काम करने वाले ऐसे महान संत की महिमा के चर्चे घर-घर में हो रहे हैं। उन्हीं परम संत रामपाल जी महाराज का 8 सितंबर को अवतरण दिवस है।
संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ने तत्वज्ञान द्वारा समझाया है कि यदि आज हम किसी से रिश्वत लेते हैं तो अगले जन्म में पशु बनकर उसका ऋण उतारना पड़ेगा। व इस जन्म में भी कष्ट पर कष्ट सहन करने पड़ेंगे।
इस कारण उनके ज्ञान से परिचित होकर लाखों लोगों ने इस कुरीति से तौबा कर ली है।
समाज सुधारक संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी दहेज जैसी कुरीति को जड़ से खत्म करने के साथ-साथ कन्या भ्रूण हत्याएं, छुआ छूत, तेरहवीं, मृत्यु भोज व नशे जैसी अन्य बुराइयों को भी समाज से दूर कर रहे हैं।
जहां आज़ दहेज के कारण न जाने कितनी ही बहन बेटियों को समाज में जिंदा जला दिया जाता है, या फिर बहुत से कष्ट दिए जाते हैं। वहीं दूसरी ओर समाज सुधारक परम संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी अपने अनुयायियों को दहेज मुक्त विवाह करने की शिक्षा देकर दहेज मुक्त समाज का निर्माण कर रहे हैं। बहन बेटियों को समाज में सम्मान के साथ जीने का अधिकार दे रहे हैं।
समाज में फैली कुरीतियों और पाखंडवाद को जड़ से समाप्त करके स्वच्छ समाज का निर्माण करने वाले महान संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ही है ।
प्रेत बाधाओं से पीड़ित लोग जहां जगह-जगह लुट पिट कर भी समस्याओं से ग्रस्त रहते थे, वहीं संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ने ऐसी सतभक्ति दी कि सिर्फ नाम का जाप करने से सदा के लिए ऐसी प्रेत बाधा दूर हो जाती है।
नशा मुक्त समाज का निर्माण अपने आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान से संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी कर रहे हैं ।
एक तरफ जहां नि:संतान को समाज में हेयदृष्टि से देखा जाता था। वहीं संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ने इस गलत धारणा को अपने अद्वितीय तत्वज्ञान से नष्ट कर दिया और बताया कि नि:संतान तो बहुत ही पुण्यकर्मी प्राणी होता है। क्योंकि उसका किसी से कोई लेना देना बकाया नहीं है। सतगुरु शरण में आकर उसका सहज मोक्ष हो सकता है।
आम समाज में बेटे व बेटियों में बहुत फर्क समझा जाता रहा है।  इसी सोच का शिकार होकर कुछ लोग कन्या भूर्ण हत्या जैसा भयंकर अपराध भी कर बैठते हैं।  संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ने ये लिंग भेद स्थाई रूप से समाप्त किया है व उनके शिष्य लड़के व लड़की में किसी प्रकार का भेद नहीं समझते।
अश्लील फ़िल्मों से समाज में बढ़ती अश्लीलता, छोटे कपड़ों का चलन आम हो गया है।
वहीं संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के अनुयायी उनके बताए सतमार्ग पर चलकर फिल्में, सिरियल, अश्लील गाने आदि पूर्ण रूप से त्याग चुके हैं। जो कि समाज सुधार की अद्भुत पहल है।
जिस संत के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान से आज लाखों लोग सामाजिक बुराइयों को छोड़ शास्त्रानुकूल सतभक्ति कर रहे हैं। 8 सितंबर को उन परम संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी का अवतरण दिवस है।
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soul-spills · 1 year
suffering exists in our resistance to change. our attachment to impermanence. our desire to hold onto what has already been let go of.
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The Gifts of Houses 2, 6 and 10 are strictly physical. The Gifts of Houses 4, 8 and 12 are strictly non-physical.
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Moksha houses come before action oriented houses 1, 5 and 9, because they are our internal motivators. They are the reason, why we are able to receive blessings and take action in consecutive dharma houses. The true blessing of Moksha is not as commonly believed detachment from the physical, but understanding.
There is a reason why 2 out of 3 Moksha houses are produced for by Saturn, the planet so strongly tied to our spirituality. Their goal is not to take away your happiness, but gift you with a deeper perception. Material Results will come after but they're a result, not the goal.
As human beings, we have a tendency towards wishful thinking and a desire towards immediate gratification. "Give me this know or I won't be happy!". But the Moksha houses will grant you the wisdom, of whether that desire is actually right for you. As a result, you develop a philosophy of really understanding what is actually right for you.
That is observed particularly, when one has benefic planets positioned in Moksha houses. On the surface, you might think they create less abundance, as these people have less of a tendency for immediate acquisition of material possessions, but benefics in Moksha houses create a unique understanding, that the Universe delivers us precisely what we need, exactly when we need it.
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daily-utsu-p · 5 months
Daily Utsu-P #138:
ダルマさんが転んだ気がする (Daruma-san ga Koronda Ki ga Suru) / I Think Daruma-san Fell / Red light, Green light? feat. GUMI | Original from MOKSHA
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know-the-self · 1 year
"'Nothing is me,' is the first step. 'Everything is me' is the next. Both hang on the idea: 'there is a world'.
When this too is given up, you remain what you are -- the non-dual Self (Awareness). You are it here and now, but your vision is obstructed by your false ideas about your self."
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
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moonastrogirl · 5 months
Rahu and Ketu 2 POV
Credit @moonastrogirl 
I feel tired of this narrative of Rahu being harmful and ketu being the only way to moksha. Both Rahu and Ketu are shadows planets. They are both harmful. They can do good and bad both.
We have a physical body and we live in the physical world.
-> Rahu excels in the physical world.
We are spirits and we are energetic beings.
-> Ketu excels in the spiritual world.
Both the mastery of our physical body and our spiritual/energetic body are useful to attain moksha. Why fasting exists ? Why monks practice martial arts ? Because we have to master our physical body to attain liberation (moksha).
Plus everyone has a specific way to moksha. It’s different for each one of us and only your own birth chart will tell what is the way for you. And also your life and experiences will help you figure it out.
This take comes from a blogger who has her ketu in her 12th house the so called moksha house for ketu. Ketu had brought me obstacles and challenges too on my spiritual journey. It gives me anxiety and to lose a lot of sleep for spiritual travels (many dangerous ones) in my dreams to gain a little to advance my soul. Each time it’s a painful process. Waking up sweating and all. Ketu makes me see the illusions of my reality in my dreams through the worse ways sometimes.
I am thankful for my Rahu in my 6th house which makes me obsessed about my health and body because otherwise if I do not take proper care of my physical body, I will be mentally and physically too weak to handle such dreams and their aftermath on my body.
That’s why I always says Rahu and Ketu work together in a chart. It’s a system.
In my opinion there is not need to put all the blame of this world on Rahu. Rahu is also useful to attain spiritual enlightenment through its services to the physical world.
Part of cleansing our karma is through selflessness and acts of services but with good intentions only. Rahu ruled people are naturally helpful with no malicious intent (exceptions can be made of course based on the intentions of an individual) and by doing so they gather people easily and get opportunities. But this attracts also haters who paint them in the worse ways possible. A recent example is Keith Lee with the Atlanta drama.
You know who else was Rahu Ruled ? Ghandi. He had his moon conjunct his Rahu. He utilised this energy for the greater good of his nation.
So please let’s stop the hate on Rahu. Rahu can be an exceptional ally in a spiritual journey. Rahu can make someone go from zero to hero when utilised correctly.
Credit @moonastrogirl
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desicinema · 1 year
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elirastudio · 1 year
Was there a time when he was ashamed to expel his glamours and show his scarred eye to Xiaotian? And how’s Nezha like in this au?
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Macaque was more afraid of questions you know-
When Xiaotian asked he simply said “I will tell you when u are older” or “i just trusted the wrong person”
Macaque tends to drop all glamour when he’s home and relaxed and he is with Xiaotian
About nezha?
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He’s picking fights with macaque and his brother
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brothernick · 28 days
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naveensarohasblog · 9 months
🪷Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji Is Incarnated On Earth 🌍 🪷
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To End The Outcry From The Whole World .
To Establish Peace , Brotherhood , And Unity And To Conquer Unrighteousness .
For more information ℹ️ please 🙏🏻 must watch
YouTube Channel
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj .
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exotic-indians · 6 months
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Lagnesh in Various Houses in Astrology - Part 1
Lagnesh in the houses of the horoscope
Lord of the 1st house in the houses of the horoscope
The first house's ruler is known as Lagnesha since the first house is sometimes called Lagna (Lagna lord). The position of Lagnesh will reveal the person's natural area of interest and the location where they are investing the most energy. The native's primary area of interest, Paka-lagna, indicates the subjects on which he centres his life and through which he comes to understand himself.
The effects of Lagnesh's (the lord of Lagna or first house's) placement in the horoscope's houses
Lord Of the 1st house in the 1st house
Lagnesh is at home, where he feels at ease. This indicates that a person closely monitors his or her body and health and places a special wager on it. The indicators of the first house are strong (health, self-confidence).
He is his own master, self-centered, loves fame and a good name, erratic, fearless, and triumphs over challenges. A position like that ensures good health, admirable character traits, and a long, prosperous life. Sons are typically born first, planet in swakshetra (one's own home). A happy upbringing, a successful start to life, being born into a wealthy or noble family, strength, health, respect, a strong sense of duty, happiness, the capacity for leadership, and longevity.
Strong, attractive, and independent in spirit; most likely married twice. These individuals could be egotistical or overly self-conscious. Physical strength and widespread appeal are provided by this combination. The local will get good health and physical courage if the lagna's ruler immediately occupies the lagna. He will have two marriages and have intercourse with other women. He will be thoughtful, intelligent, and inconsistent in ideas. (From Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, verse 26.1)
The native has a majestic appearance, a healthy body, and strong strength to resist illnesses if the lagna's king is in the lagna itself. Yet, these characteristics of the native will surprise you if there are negative influences.
Lord of the 1st house in the 2nd house:
Crossing the signs of the first and second houses indicates a desire to hoard (knowledge or money), clear vision, express oneself verbally, and deep ties to family.
educated, learned, a missionary, good, fair, wealthy, distinguished by lofty character traits and incredible foresight, concerned about the welfare of his family, but with somewhat petty-bourgeois interests. adversaries causing suffering. Wealth, good education, interest in and potential career in education, a pleasant family life, integrity, good speech, public speaking, and an interest in financial matters are all present in the first kid, a boy. The individual will be adept at producing money and have a strong attachment to family life. Expectable traits include a lack of children, charity, and restlessness.A solid education and the capacity for prediction are evident. When the lagna's ruler is in the second bhava, the native will want wealth, be knowledgeable, joyful, kind, spiritual or religious, noble, have a lot of wives, and have other admirable traits. (From Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, verse 26.2)Comments: If the Lagna ruler is in the second bhava [house], the native is likely to be thrifty, practical, and economical. He possesses incredible foresight or forethought, and his commercial endeavours frequently result in financial success. The native is endowed with great powers of observation and investigation thanks to the fact that the lagna's ruler is in the vision bhava in this combination. His conclusions have the potential to have significant effects, and his strategies work.
Because the second bhava is the bhava of the right eye, his eyes have the capacity to see and comprehend the laws.
Lord of the 1st house in the 3rd house:
A person who is determined and entrepreneurial emerges when the indicators of the first and third houses are combined (particularly if the lagnesh is a negative planet) (Saturn, Mars). The native can discover who they are through manual labour, art, interaction, and literary pursuits.
brave, powerful, wise, kind, considerate, wealthy, well-respected, surrounded by nice friends and family, charitable, worldly, self-centered.
Gains from brothers and sisters, bravery, initiative, and self-effort are crowned with success, a strong will, perseverance, and a nature filled with strong desires. a passion for and potential profession in music, dance, or theatre. .. a person of courage, independence of thought, and generosity, with dexterous hands and a commanding voice. They will have a large number of marriage partners and hold a respected position in society. .. The native will be brave like a lion, have a variety of wealth, be noble, have two wives, and be intelligent and content if the lagna's ruler is in the third bhava. (From Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, verse 26.3)
Comments:The third bhava, or "house," represents one's physical prowess, bravery, and strength. The native would be exceedingly entrepreneurial and have the courage to deal with any scenario if the lagna ruler is in the third bhava. The third bhava, where the lagna and its lord symbolise the body, will show the body's physical prowess to its fullest extent. The native will require more food and have a more balanced diet if the lagna's ruler is in the third bhava. The native will begin to make less money around the age of 40 or 45 if the Lagna is Mithuna [Gemini] and the ruler of the Lagna is in the third bhava.
His vigour and strength are dwindling. When Shani [Saturn] is in the Rashi [sign] of debilitation in the Kumbha [Aquarius] Lagna, which occurs when the lord of the Lagna is in the third bhava, opposite outcomes will be observed.
1st lord in 4th house
The owner of the first in the fourth is a native who values a comfortable living, a good environment, and a love of learning. Perhaps connected to the themes of real estate, construction, renovation, transportation, psychology, and education.
Gorgeous, descended from a noble family, sensual, sensuous, ambitious, joyful, does good deeds, owns land and family property, prospers via his own efforts, and works in accordance with his heart, not his mind. He also conducts good deeds. The man's parents are contented people. Inheritance property, a college degree, longevity, good health, a spiritual nature, or an interest in moksha (ultimate liberation) will all be given to the person, along with their own home, land, cars, yachts, and other real estate, good status or fame, respect, happiness from their mother, and inheritance property. a person of good birth, a landowner, friendly, and well-liked. These folks are well-educated, have a lot of cars, and care deeply about their homes and properties.
If the ruler of the lagna is in the 4th bhava, then the native will be blessed with paternal and maternal happiness, a large number of brothers and will be voluptuous, virtuous and charming. (Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra 26.4)
Comments: When the ruler of the lagna occupies the house in the 4th bhava, the native will not only be voluptuous, he will also become very sensitive mentally. The 4th bhava is associated with the mind and psychological results. Lagna itself is the body. The psychology of sexual relations is very close to the body. Therefore, a native can be voluptuous or lustful. Such a person takes special care of his body. He is always preoccupied with decorating his body and improving his appearance.
When the lagna is Mesha (Aries) and Makara (Capricorn), the beneficial effects of this sloka will not be observed. Because the lord of the lagna will be in the rashi [sign] of debilitation if he is situated in the fourth bhava, the results in these lagnas will be the opposite.
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daily-utsu-p · 4 months
Daily Utsu-P #162:
ディス・イズ・ラブソング / This Is Lovesong feat. Megpoid GUMI | Rework from MOKSHA
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know-the-self · 1 year
"The entire universe of my experience, including mind, body and world, is presented to I the Awareness all at once. Either I am all of it, or I am none of it."
~Swami Sarvapriyananda
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