#ahsoka critical
padmestrilogy · 4 months
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has it ever been more over
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fonmythenmetz · 1 month
Gentle reminder that these guys are rebuilding the Jedi Order together while Sabine and Ahsoka are busy staring at each other.
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Thrawn asking the nightsisters for advice like “How do I get back to my galaxy?” And they be like “??? Don’t. Man. Just hide.”
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nateofgreat · 12 days
The Jedi were completely justified in in the Wrong Jedi Arc (Part 3)
Part 1 here and part 2 here if you want to review the charges.
Now we're onto the Wrong Jedi episode proper. First off, the Jedi Council are in a tough spot but aren't rushing to judgment. All they say concerning Ahsoka is that there's evidence she was behind it.
Because you know, there is. Thanks to her.
Anyways the questioning begins! Ahsoka pleads "not guilty" and says that "I'd never innocent lives. The values of the Jedi are sacred to her."
Ki-Adi-Mundi: "There is evidence to the contrary. You were alone with Leeta when she died, can you explain this?" This is a completely reasonable question to ask. There is evidence against her, so he wants her to explain what happened to the woman she's accused of murdering.
Ahsoka Tano: "Someone used the Force against her." Technically true but also useless, they already knew the Force killed her. The question is who was responsible. Ahsoka's got nothing.
Plo Koon: "Which leads us to Ventress, can you explain your association with her." Again, an entirely reasonable request. Ventress is only the other Force user who appears to be wrapped up in the case, one known for violence. So Plo Koon asks what her connection to the case is and why Ahsoka was working with her.
Ahsoka Tano: "We... Had a mutual understanding. I thought she was helping me." Wow, even in court she can't stop making herself sound suspicious. Being vague and dodgy is the worst thing she could possibly do right now. If she was upfront about being frightened and acting irrationally they'd be way more likely to believe her.
Mace Windu: "Did she help you acquire the nano-droid weaponry found with you when you were apprehended? The same devices used in the bombing of the Temple." An entirely fair question to ask. She was found with bombs after being seen working with a Sith Assassin, of course they're going to wonder about that. Not to mention that the question itself accuses Ventress more than Ahsoka, and doesn't even call Ahsoka's intentions into question yet. It's just Mace trying to establish the facts.
Ahsoka Tano: "No! I was set up, someone deceived me as you are being deceived now!" ??? Ahsoka you idiot! You're not explaining ANY of your actions, all you're doing is throwing out broad claims about being framed without giving them any reason to believe or trust you after all the crimes you just committed.
Mace Windu: "The question is, Padawan Tano. Who is deceiving us? Ventress, you, or someone else." This question cuts to the heart of it and shows that the Council ISN'T throwing Ahsoka under the bus. They KNOW someone's messing with them and are attempting to figure out who it is. They haven't decided Ahsoka's guilt and are open to the idea that either Ventress or a third party is playing them.
This would be the perfect opportunity to Ahsoka to take a deep breath and try to explain her actions. If she did she might've convinced them. Instead?
Ahsoka Tano: *Angrily* "I am not deceiving you! I would assume Ventress is, but I can't know for sure. My sense is, clouded." She has an emotional outburst to being suspected of a crime, after committing multiple to even get there. She still doesn't explain her actions and her brilliant detective work failed to turn up anything at all that the Council could use. If only she'd stayed in her cell.
Yoda: "Clouded by the dark side, these things are, Padawan Tano. Dangerously clouded. But not just surrounding you, surrounding many things in these times." Here Yoda straight-up sounds like he's trying to encourage her. He assuring her that the dark side is obscuring things for everyone, not just her. If he was wanted to accuse her of being guilty he'd jump at the chance to say she'd fallen to the dark side here. Instead of trying to coax her into a state of calm so she could give clearer answers.
Anakin Skywalker: "You've already made your decision haven't you! This meeting is just a formality!" I don't know where Anakin got that impression but he's known for irrational, anger induced outbursts so I guess it's in-character for him.
Yoda: *Sighs* "Reached a decision, we have. Though not in total agreement are we." So the Council wasn't even unanimous on this.
Mace Windu: "It's the council's decision, that Padawan Tano has committed sedition against the Republic and thus will be expelled from the Jedi Order." An entirely logical outcome given her prior actions and silly behavior at the meeting itself.
She gave the Jedi nothing to work with, dodged all their questions, didn't discover anything while she was on the run, and basically left them with no excuse whatsoever not to turn her over to the Republic authorities. Great job Ahsoka!
Oh and Dave Filoni's bizarre mutation of Barriss Offee was actually so sloppy that Anakin almost immediately solved the entire case once he wasn't distracted by Ahsoka's nonsense. So again, if she'd stayed in her darn cell he'd have resolved the entire problem in the course of a single episode.
That right there, was apparently so terrible it justifies Ahsoka holding a grudge for thirty years and saying the entire order deserved to be slaughtered.
Honestly, instead of having Ahsoka be offered knighthood they should've had the Council stand by their decision to expel her at the end for her dark side behavior while on the run.
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antianakin · 7 months
Perhaps one of the most unintentionally hilarious parts of the Ahsoka show being SO FUCKING Pro-Anakin to the point of excusing genocide is that it really shows that all of the people who thought Ahsoka was the "normal" person about Anakin who would actually try to kill him while Obi-Wan was too attached to do it were probably always dead wrong about her characterization. This girl will literally just excuse anything he ever does, no matter how heinous, and just pretend it never even happened.
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short-wooloo · 8 months
Oh my fucking God
Chirrut does not prove that a non force sensitive can be trained as a Jedi
1. He's not a Jedi, he's a guardian of the whills
2. He still cannot use the Force, he doesn't use it in the movie, Chirrut trusts in the Force believes that it will guide him, but he cannot consciously feel or use it
The whole point of Chirrut's character is about faith
He is the believer to Baze's jaded doubter
Chirrut puts his faith in the Force, that it will lead him to his destiny and the forces of good to victory, and in turn his faith inspires Baze to regain his
And we never know with certainty that Chirrut was guided by the Force
But that's the point of faith, we don't know, we can't know, it's a matter of belief
Maybe the Force did help him, maybe he did it all by himself, or maybe because the Force exists in everything, Chirrut's action was the Force intervening
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garden-bug · 5 months
Is being critical of Sabine’s force sensitivity ‘gatekeeping’ the force or it is about how it undermines the established magic system and was not well written?
I’ll give you a clue it’s the second one.
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itsonlymyecho · 7 months
I'm sorry but it's textbook Star Wars that putting one person above the entire galaxy is a dark side move.
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kanansdume · 9 months
So this is twice now that Ahsoka has avoided placing any blame on Anakin for his own choices. She claims the reason that she didn't finish her training was because she walked away from Anakin, and while that's sort-of true, it's by no means the WHOLE truth because it conveniently leaves out that Anakin allowed her to be a victim of Order 66, destroyed the entire Jedi Order, became a Sith, and then tried to kill her AGAIN on Malachor. So while she DID walk away from Anakin and her Jedi training, she also never gets the chance to come BACK because Anakin decides to completely abandon being a Jedi at all and decides Ahsoka's life is totally worthless.
And of course this episode she decides to blame the JEDI for their own destruction rather than acknowledging that they were completely and utterly betrayed BY ANAKIN.
This girl needs to sit up and recognize that Anakin was a piece of shit SO MUCH, I am OVER her pretending like he wasn't, I really am. Someone shake her until the sense finally comes loose.
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oatm1lkdr1nker · 10 months
reject modernity (live action sw) embrace tradition (animated sw)
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jedimasterbailey · 7 months
Furthermore, I’m going to be completely honest in this review so if you’re someone who truly enjoyed the show, you’re a Rebels stan, etc. then this post isn’t for you. Haters will be blocked immediately so take your negative energy elsewhere. You have been warned!
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For everyone else, buckle up because I’ve got a lot to say and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this as well. All comments are welcome so long as they are respectful to everyone.
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Okay, so now that the show is done for now. I’m going to be listing some major talking points. We’re there some aspects of the show that I enjoyed/appreciated? Absolutely! But overall, I’m leaving this show very disappointed, confused, and frustrated. The finale left me feeling empty and never have I personally been more silent after a Star Wars show. Now mind you I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I love Ahsoka’s character dearly as well as the Clone Wars and the prequels so there is bias here. Furthermore I am pretty indifferent with Rebels so going in knowing that the Ahsoka show wasn’t going to be…well about Ahsoka but rather a Rebels sequel, that already put a bad taste in my mouth and I was very nervous how this show was going to go and well…it was exactly what I expected from a Filoni/cheap Disney production. Without further ado, here’s a list of all my beef.
1.) Lack of a Coherent and Cohesive Story
So I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but my main issue with Dave Feloni productions is that the story seems to be going all over the place and there’s a lot of moving parts that don’t necessarily meld well together. I often think to myself that Ahsoka is an example of a poorly written fanfiction brought to the screen. So the plot of the show initally was focused on Ahsoka bringing Ezra home. Okay, that’s simple, there’s many different ways we can make that cool and interesting but that’s not what happened here. We’re just filled with a ton of confusing information and we’re in for a very boring journey heading for a very anticlimactic and unsatisfying ending.
For starters, we the audience are informed that Ahsoka and Sabine had started an apprenticeship (which I have ALOT of issues with but that’s for another talking point) but they got into a tiff (which we never find out about and/or see) and now things are just depressing and weird between them. First of all, anyone who has seen Rebels KNOWS that Ahsoka and Sabine literally had very little to do with each other; I can’t recall a single conversation those two have had in the past, nor was it ever eluded to us that Sabine is Force sensitive.
Second we see that Hera and Sabine don’t have anything to do with each other for some reason? Which is weird considering all that’s happened and their history but okay suddenly Sabine, a grown ass 30+ year old woman is Ahsoka’s responsibility, which again why? We don’t get any background information, we’re just expected to accept and go with it.
Third, Ahsoka and Hyuang are reunited and working together immediately but again do we know how that became to be? No. We see none of that.
Fourth we are told that Morgan Elsbeth, a one off antagonist from the Mandalorian that Ahsoka fought is suddenly a Dathormirian woman even though she looks nothing like one besides her outfits in the show nor was that eluded to previously.
Fifth, we are introduced to these two new…I don’t even know what to call them “dark siders” “non Jedi” Shin and Baylan (who is apparently a former Jedi from the Clone Wars but did we see that or see how he knew Ahsoka and Anakin? No.) but we aren’t given any reason to care about them other than they’re in Ahsoka’s way of completing her mission. They end up being more like time fillers that anything else and end up walking away from the big conclusion. Like…why are they even in this show and why should we care?
Perhaps Dave Feloni has this big grand story in his mind but he’s so far up his own ass that none of us get to see this story. It’s like seeing a little kid play with their action figures and they’re super passionate about it but as a outsider you have no idea what’s going on. Now this isn’t good not only for the sake of good storytelling but it’s bad for business too.
Disney wants to make as much money off of Star Wars as they can. That’s extremely obvious. However here you have a show that isn’t going to pull in a casual Star Wars viewers (they would have to watch so much content to catch up on whose who and what is going on) nor is it really going to pull in fans of Clone Wars and Rebels because while they overlap, the fandoms are different and Feloni hasn’t done a good job melding those worlds together thus the divisive opinions on this show. This leaves for an incredibly small niche of people and honestly I think whatever toy sells they make from this show will do better than the actual ratings. I would be shocked if they greenlit for another season because I’m pretty done with this story as is many of the people who would be willing to watch.
All in all this is embarrassing how Feloni and the gang with all the money and resources can’t pull off a simple and epic show when there are thousands of unpaid fanfic writers that could pull off a much better story and build these beloved up characters, which leads into my next point.
2. The Characterizations of Ahsoka, Sabine, and Hera Are Bad
Now I have mentioned previously how much I love Ahsoka but damn it upon watching this show, she may as well be dead. Ahsoka has been given the Luke Skywalker treatment in that Ahsoka has been stripped of everything that made her lovable in Clone Wars and Rebels and is left as a sorry shell of who she once was. Her dialouge is hollow and lifeless not like the lively Ashley counterpart that made us all love Ahsoka in the first place. And no don’t give this “well she’s older now” bullshti excuse because Obi Wan Kenobi never lost his cheekiness and charisma as an old man, neither did Yoda, or Leia, etc. Just because you age doesn’t mean you have to be lifeless. Maturity does not equate to emotionless. Secondly for a woman whose well into her fifties and still acts very much like a Jedi Ahsoka’s views on the Jedi and their philosophy seem very warped and the audience is again left confused as to where she stands on the Jedi. I mentioned in a previous post how I couldn’t stand Ahsoka’s negativity towards the Jedi and how nobody seems to matter but Anakin (even though he’s put her through a ton of trauma and has tried to kill her as Vader) because it’s just so distasteful to the people who raised her and loved her that died by genocide no thanks to Anakin. Ahsoka has zero character development other than she seems to forgive Anakin for his wrongdoings despite the nonexistent apology. For a show that has her name on it, she sure is boring. Makes me miss Ashley and old Ahsoka even more.
As for Sabine I probably could write a whole thesis on how unlikeable she is but I’ll keep it short. One, I find it sick on Feloni’s part that he’s having a grown 30+ year old woman act like a teenager and be snarky with just about everyone. Ezra, who annoyed me immensely in Rebels, was WAY more mature and grounded. And again I’m sick and tired of the Mandalorian excuse of you getting to be an asshole because youre Mandalorian. Shut up. No one is above manners and decency. Sabine’s actions in this show have been far from Jedi like and thanks to her immaturity, she left Ahsoka for dead once and is indirectly responsible for the death of New Republic officers who were trying to stop this very dangerous mission that could possibly bring Thrawn and the Empire back ensuing more death and destruction of innocents. Ahsoka deserves to be angry with her for her words and actions, but of course Sabine gets a free pass and her bad behavior will continue to be enabled.
As for Hera…when did she become such a Karen? Just because you’re an officer doesn’t mean you get to abuse your power for your own personal agenda. That Senator was right about her. Finding Thrawn is a threat to the galaxy and using resources and putting lives at risk for it is a big deal. Hera was depicted as honorable and responsible in the Rebels series and I swear I was watching a different person on screen. Also she is a major Sabine enabler and that needs to stop. Sabine is grown and needs to grow up and fix her attitude.
3.) Anakin’s Role In the Show
Now don’t get me wrong, I love Hayden and I love Anakin, I have the dude tattooed on me for Force sake so don’t come at me for that, but I had some issues on how his character was used here. First, I’m tired of Ahsoka’s relevance to Anakin being the only defining trait about her. Second, I’m continuously annoyed by Anakin’s lack of accountability in these shows; he never once apologizes to Ahsoka for all that’s happened, he never once’s has a meaningful conversation with her; he just basically beats her down until she finally lets go of her past. Did I love the Clone Wars flashbacks! YES! They were my favorite part of the entire show and I want MORE of that; but I so wish Anakin could have been reflecting on his own actions with Ahsoka instead of being like “Is ThAt WhAt ThIs Is AbOuT?” Like come on 🙄
4.) Ahsoka’s “It’s Time To Move On” Line
Are you kidding me Ahsoka? There is still so much more to unpack with her past such as all the other relationships she’s had that completely changed her trajectory like BARRISS and REX and she could also be a mentor figure to Luke and Leia, etc. But nope the only thing that matters is getting over Anakin and all is well despite being stranded in another galaxy and Thrawn being unleashed back home. Like THIS IS NOT OKAY!
5.) The Cheap Ass Production of this Show
I’m not normally one to comment on production but it was so obvious in this show how many corners were cut. For one characters like Thrawn look god awful. Dude looking like a blue Elon Musk instead of an intimidating villain. The use of fog and the volume were very obvious and the places we went to were so boring minus the red leaves forest. The worlds of Star Wars used to be so cool and otherworldly but that’s not the case nowadays and it’s sad. Also why does Force ghost Anakin look better in the 2000’s than it does now? I prefer quality over quantity so I really wish Disney would quit churning out these cheaply made productions and have the audacity to rise their Disney plus subscriptions and not pay their people well.
I’m so fucking tired of this y’all! 🤬 of course make the Jewish actor in the shipyard be greedy and power hungry. Of course make the Asian Senator the asshole and not any of the white protagonists. The antisemitism and racism against POC is unacceptable to me and it should be unacceptable to you too.
I’m sure I’m missing some talking points but these are my biggest grips and as an Ahsoka fan I’m disappointed. Being a miserable Jedi not Jedi responsible for bringing a new evil into the galaxy but being content being stranded in another galaxy is not the future I believe Ahsoka deserves and I sincerely hope they don’t continue this story. It’s just bad all around. Except for the Loth cats… the Loth cats can stay. And Clone Wars flashbacks.
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padmestrilogy · 6 months
please watch this video
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bluntblade · 27 days
Realised that this never posted, but I stand by it:
It's really weird that Rogue One's aesthetic, which was specifically developed for a Star Wars film which had minimal space wizards and was instead about much more subdued characters and murkier moral themes, has now become the aesthetic which gets slathered over all new live-action Star Wars whether it fits or not.
Mando mostly works with that look because while there are some big personalities, they're almost all side characters, while the mains are stoic and reserved except for Grogu. Andor looks downright great, not least as much of it is shot on actual locations and on full sets.
But apply this to Ahsoka and Kenobi, and it rather cuts against the vibe they're going for. Space wizards, with their operatic cosmic conflicts and connection to a mystic energy, tend to want something a bit more heightened (which I think is an under-discussed problem in the PT which is very muted much of the time, and a major strength in the more stylised Empire and TLJ). The colours are muted, the angles mostly flat, and it ends up being at odds with the story being told.
To extend Kenobi some goodwill, lots of the latter seems to have come from the Volume. You keep seeing where the cinematographer wanted to crank a shot of Vader to be sharper and more impactful, but couldn't because the Volume doesn't permit that. Although I do think there are some baffling bits of blocking like in the chase and the first duel, the floaty shaky-cam is a generally poor look and really, Lucasfilm shouldn't lean so hard on the Volume (I mean, seriously guys, look at Monarch. That looks miles better than anything you've done on TV except for Andor.) But point is, they tried and ran into constraints.
Meanwhile Ahsoka seems exceedingly comfortable with both feet in Gordon Willis' metaphorical bucket of cement. The characters' energy levels are tamped way down from Rebels to match the muted presentation, and things often feel low-energy even just within the context of these shows. Even when the show steps into the World Between Worlds, an explicitly supernatural plane (or goes into Ahsoka's coma dream) there's no real change in look. Contrast the way that Empire employs that low shutter speed in the dark cave, while TLJ steps into something surreal complete with voiceover and an impossible CG camera move. In Ahsoka, though, there's little attempt to make the place feel otherworldly beyond how the scenery looks.
And these are largely missing a vital part of Rogue One's look, which is scale. Both Gareth Edwards and cinematographer Greig Fraser are great at portraying large-scale things in interesting ways, and that's something which will tend to get lost with a move to the small screen and the massive use of the Volume, without shots from locations or physical sets to balance it out and make spaces feel more real.
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nateofgreat · 12 days
The Jedi were completely justified in in the Wrong Jedi Arc (Part 2)
Part 1 here.
We move on to The case against Ahsoka continues to build in this episode.
-Ahsoka continues fleeing the authorities and beats several police officers up on the train, note that none of the ones she beat up on the train were attempting to harm her. The only time they used weapons was when she fled into an elevator and that to disable it so she couldn't flee. The elevator falling was likely an accident.
-She teams up with Ventress the Separatist war criminal as she flees from authorities, after falsely promising her a pardon. This is never followed up on or attempted by Ahsoka.
-She slices a communication terminal while Ventress wryly comments that she's just committed yet another crime.
-A squad of Clone troopers catches up to them and say they need to bring her in. Ahsoka claims they won't hurt them then proceeds to beat the living snot out of them, even after they were disarmed, which would allow them to use their Force user agility to escape.
-Ahsoka's attempts to investigate the crime just make her look even guiltier because she finds a hideout stacked with the same explosives used on the Jedi Temple without ever thinking; "Wait, won't this make me look even worse?" She's finally found and subdued by Wolffe before she can do anymore damage.
After ALL THIS, even Anakin himself seems a bit skeptical of her. So when they contact the Jedi Council and Anakin says there's more going on, Mace Windu logically asks the question: "By Ahsoka, or against her?"
If fans weren't too busy frothing over Mace asking the question they might and consider that this means the Jedi are STILL open the idea that Ahsoka's being framed. Even after all she'd done.
So contrary to what fans think they weren't blindly throwing her under the bus. She just genuinely acted so suspicious that they had no idea what was going on.
Next we've got the interrogation to cover. We'll see how Ahsoka brilliantly defends her crazy choices.
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antianakin · 5 months
Honestly, I WISH Ahsoka was the kind of character people think she is, who could/would get so angry at Anakin that she'd just straight-up murder him. I WISH that's the way she was portrayed, I WISH she was written as someone who is so broken and so far from being a Jedi anymore that she can be pushed to a murderous rage against someone she used to love who betrayed her. I WISH they cared enough about Ahsoka to make her the character fans seem to think she is, she'd be a lot more interesting.
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short-wooloo · 8 months
I kinda feel like the concept of "a new galaxy" in ahsoka is wasted
We don't do anything with it, we don't go the Voyager route, we haven't spent a season exploring, searching, and learning about this new different never seen before part of the universe, we are immediately on exactly the right planet where Ezra and thrawn are (this show is kinda rushed), we didn't even stop somewhere to find our bearings or discover a clue to lead us in the right direction, we just go in a straight line from the gffa to precisely the place we need to be to find Ezra and thrawn
Like, at this point, why did it have to be a new galaxy? Why couldn't it be a planet in the unknown regions or the most far out reaches of the gffa?
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just-prime · 8 months
Ahsoka is so slow I could cry. She was trained by Anakin and presumably Obi-wan and several other Jedi, and Rosario can hardly do an actual lightsaber twirl, let alone make me believe she could survive Ventress, Maul, Grievous, or Vader, survive order 66, or run in a way that looks fast. Bo-Katan moves faster, Shin moves faster, Sabine moves faster, Ezra moves faster, even Ewan's lazy twirls while walking around and not actively engaged in battle in the prequels were roughly as fast as Rosario's in an actual duel.
It's also canon that in this era, in a less prequels flashy version of standard Jedi abilities, a Jedi can leap SEVERAL feet. Luke in ROTJ- even GROGU can jump higher, while Rosario's feet are consistently glued to the ground. Her choreography and speed are so inconsistent with this established era and people keep writing it off and praising it as her fighting like a samurai now, even though it makes NO sense for her to, given who trained her. She isn't A New Hope Obi-wan, nor sad cave dwelling Obi-wan who hasn't stretched or lifted a weapon in a decade, and a 44 year old Jedi is still supposed to be in their prime.
I truly wonder if part of it is that they can't keep her lekku on properly if she does a flip, and they are shorter because they were meant to be more practical, but I'm really not seeing a character agile enough to need stunt modified lekku.
If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated and each passing week demonstrates this more and more.
I'm sorry to anon into your inbox like this, but your post about the last episode has been so refreshing, and I've felt like I've been watching a completely different show than other people and don't know how they considered any of the actors ready. (Rosario has said she was training during filming). Thank you for your brutally honest take, you're spot on on all counts.
Couple of things.
A) I agree with everything you just said. Always feel free to come and rant into my asks.
B) I HAVE BEEN ANTI TINY LEKKU SINCE MANDO S2. It's laughable that we've seen cosplayers with more Rebels accurate headpieces. And of course everyone defends it with the 'it wouldn't be fair to the stunt person to have them try and do flips in that' and it's like NEWSFLASH Ahsoka isn't doing flips anyway!!! And sure, they probably stuck Rosario in a 5 week sword training class, but she's clearly not had to do any serious combat training given how clunky her fights are. And again, this was also a problem back in Mando s2, only she was in the middle of a foggy woods, so it was easier to hide the fact that she is incompetent when it comes to fight choreography.
C) "If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated" Exactly. This is why every passing day I am increasingly pissed that this show killed and ate the animated Rebels sequel series that was in fucking development. Everything about this show, from Ahsoka, to Hera (hell, even TBoBF cameos like Cad Banes) prove that Disney is not willing to shell out for a decent makeup and/or CG designer. No shade to the artists that are currently working on it, they are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. What I mean is they didn't have anyone on set that was in a high enough positions to say 'Hey, have any of you heard of contouring?' Like, just looking at the alien makeup of the OT...which somehow holds up better than state of the art Disney budget makeup. It's just fucking embarrassing at this point. There is no reason everyone should look as flat as they do, but it's no surprise that they do when mary elizabeth winstead is celebrating that her makeup only took an hour. Sure, it's understandable that you don't want to be sitting in the makeup chair every morning of hours on end, but in the end you are an actor who signed up to play an alien...Suck it up buttercup.
D) I totally understand how hard it is to be not liking this show right now. The amount of people who've told me that "well, clearly it's just not made for you" after I point out a simple fact that a character is out of character is painful. Looking at twitter after each episode as everyone seems to think Filoni is creating the second coming is painful. Because it really does feel like we're watching a different show than them.
Okay, I think I covered everything. Thank you again for your kind words and your wonderful rant!!!
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