#again I probably am misremembering things
I haven't played Awakening in a few years, so forgive me if I misremember something, but I still have the strong (unpopular? I don't actually know) opinion that Emmeryn should have stayed dead.
I like Emmeryn. I love altruistic, kind, but strong characters. I like how connected she is with her siblings, and I still think she's a good unit to use in terms of combat. But I hate the implications that come with her paralogue.
Emmeryn being alive after all makes the events of chapter 9 really lose their impact. Her sacrifice was supposed to be a statement to show the consequences of war and senseless violence. She did it to protect Chrom from having to choose between the lives of thousands and the life of his sister. Her death was supposed to mean something. Having her turn out to be alive later just makes the whole thing seem pointless. She could have just as easily faked her own death and gone into hiding or something, and the result would have been the same…probably.
The part that bothers me the most is the state you find her in. She's alive, but barely remembers a thing and clearly struggles to function, even the village elder says that she speaks with the words of a child… but she's somehow fully capable of fighting? Bits of her personality still remain - she's still kind and tries to console people - but she doesn't really get enough dialogue in this state to show any sort of real recovery, so at this point it just feels like Chrom and Lissa are just taking care of an adult child. How hard must that be for them? Watching their sister kill herself would be traumatizing enough, imagine then finding her alive only to constantly see her in this terribly regressive state. She looks like their sister and sounds like their sister, and small pieces of her still show, but it's not really her anymore. It's this broken shell of their sister who unfortunately doesn't seem to get any better after she comes home. Even Chrom himself says in her recruitment paralogue that "it's not enough for her to be alive like...this." So if anything, it would likely be easier on Chrom and Lissa emotionally and mentally if Emmeryn was just…gone entirely. Which, sure, I guess that makes for some interesting drama and all, but it's just so unsatisfying and sad. It almost feels wrong to use her in battles.
Again, I really like Emmeryn. I just think this was a really bad way to justify having her be playable. I'd love to see fan works where she ends up recovering, or at least something that addresses the problems with this.
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lesbiten · 2 years
you know what. even though fiddleford referring to ford as "a visiting researcher" is heartbreaking. he DOES at least give him "i've helped him build a machine which he believed had the potential to benefit all mankind" which i just dont think is true
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teethcore · 9 days
she thinks i'm stupid.
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WIBTA if I were to report my ex friend's antisemitism to their university?
So I 20nb have been friends with most my current friend group since we were 11. Two years ago I stopped being friends with a guy in my friend group due to toxic behavior on his part (not antisemitic yet, just giving background info) He would constantly say things like "don't make fun of neurodivergent people's special interests and hyperfixations as they can't help it" and then would go and make fun of my special interests (note: said ex friend has ADHD). Over our friendship he had a lot of double standards like that and one day I had enough. The first time I brought it up he dismissed it as someone else in the friend group did the behaviors I'm accusing him of. I kinda dropped it as I didn't want to deal with that level of denial and thought that if I waited a few days he would have had some time to reflect. So I brought it up again and he continued to blame it being one of our other friends doing it and that I was simply "misremembering". I gave specific examples and rough time frames yet he continued to deny it. All I wanted was a simple "I'm sorry and I will work on that" yet he refused to do that. So I ended our friendship.
Since then we have been on rocky terms. We are still in the same friend group since the issue was between me and him, I didn't want to involve my friends and make people pick sides. He was moving away soon at the time of the end of our friendship so it wasn't like I was going to see him when the friend group all hung our together.
Since we are still in the same friend group, he is in the discord server our friend group has which is just like a massive group chat with things categorized into topics.
Recently there is the current conflict going on in Israel and Palenstine. I am Jewish and vented to the vent section of that discord server about how I have seen people I know irl post online antisemitic things. I am very much against Israels actions and made sure to include that in my vent so no one coukd twist my words. I didn't initially say exactly what I was seeing as I was still processing the fact that I was going to have to cut some people off.
He then replied to my vent saying that he has never seen anything antisemitic online and that if he has, he has seen Jewish people saying that it isnt. I replied that his reply to my vent was weird and that i was talking about people saying that all jews should die. I felt hurt as yet again he was being hypocritical towards me as he has said before that you should say that (what he said) when people complain about seeing hateful things towards a group (eg racism, homophobia, etc).
He then responded that I was only calling him antisemitic because he was arab. The thing is, I never called him antisemitic and I myself am also arab. (Yes I know, most people have never met an arab jew but we do exist).
I pointed out that I never called him antisemitic and I am also arab which he seems to have forgotten. I said that his response was still weird considering what he has said in the past about people who say what he said. I then invited him to dm me privately to discuss things further if he wants to as it's not fair to do this in front of all of our friends.
He did not respond and ended up blocking me on discord.
This irked me quite a bit but in the end I decided that him blocking me was for the better if he stands by his original response. I was talking to my partner about it who is not Jewish and he said that my ex friend's response was definitely weird and the fact that he was so quick to defend himself about being called an antisemite without even being called it was indicative that he probably is. I decided to look at my ex friends tumblr to see if there was anything to suggest that and there was. I saw a few posts which he has recently reblogged which used anti Semitic dog whistles like the echo, example: (((insert text you which doesnt say jew but you are implying jewish people are))).
I was quite appalled to see that and am debating if I should send it to his university. The university he attends has spoken out about antisemitism before and has kicked out people in the past for using racist dog whistles due to a potential danger to POC students so it is likely that he would get kicked out for using antisemitic dog whistles.
In my mind, he fucked around and therefore should find out aka face natural consequences for his actions.
WIBTA if I contacted his University about his antisemitism?
What are these acronyms?
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sprnklersplashes · 5 months
I can't find the original post and am probably misremembering some of its meaning but I found a post about RTD companions vs Moffat companions and how "relatable" they are and it got me thinking again about that one post about how its more important that characters are resonant rather than relatable. This is a mindset I think could go a long way in how DW fandom perceives and compares companions.
To illustrate my point, let's talk about Rose and Amy.
Rose is consistently praised for being, above most things, relatable. Because she Has A Job and A Family and Went To School and hey, we have jobs and families and go to school, so we can relate to that, right? In a sense, Rose could be us. Now, I'm not going to sit and claim none of this praise is warranted, I think one of the biggest strengths of RTD's era is how it melded the sci-fi wonders of the show with companion's families who feel like characters from a completely different genre, a soap or a sitcom. To quote full-fat videos, Davies achieved a perfect balance between the domestic and the fantastical. However, I also think its worth noting that, after Moffat started leaning more into the fantastical elements of the show, there was a bigger cry from the fandom of "Rose has family, family makes character relatable" which served to erase a lot of the complexities of the Moffat-era companions.
Take Amy for example. Amy was constantly accused of being 'unrelatable', the biggest crime a character can commit apparently because she was "too special" and "we don't know about her family". Ergo, we don't know about her. And yes, you can tell a lot about a character through their family life, RTD did it beautifully, it's not the only way we can learn about a character. We learn about them through how they interact with the world they are in and through their arc.
You can claim Amy isn't relatable, in that she isn't The Everyman like Rose, because she was The Girl Who Waited and grew up with a crack in her wall and we can't relate to that. But... Amy also spends the entire first season running away from adulthood, its her reason for leaving with the Doctor in the first place. Essentially, series five, hell you could argue the entire Pond run, is her coming-of-age story where she finally grows up and accepts that she's an adult now. And that, my friends, is resonant. Only speaking for myself, I find this resonates with me even more at 25 than at 12. Amy's lack of a stable job was criticised again for not being 'relatable', but holy hell does it resonate as a confused millennial in the job market trying to find who I am that Amy spends seasons 6 and 7 constantly switching careers because she can't settle on one that feels like her.
I've made this post longer than it needs to be but my point in a nutshell is that although Amy, Clara and Bill were criticised for not being relatable because they didn't have things like schools and jobs and families, I'd argue they were never meant to be relatable. They were meant to be resonant; you were meant to connect with them, not their circumstances.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Okay, let's see what this village has to offer. NO I AM NOT SHIRKING MY RESPONSIBILITIES SHUT UP
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Some of which are moving. Are these things alive?
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Awww, they're adorable. I want to take one with me. On a scale from 1 to 10, how big of a blasphemy would it be for me to take one? Are we talking "occasional passive-aggressive remarks from the local priest" or "struck down by a bolt of divine justice from the heavens" here?
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Is that "change" as in the transformative process of one thing becoming another? I don't know why but for some reason I was thinking like "spare change". Like this was the god of pocket currency.
I realize now. How stupid. That probably is. But that is what I thought.
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Wow, there is a lot going on with this guy. Showed up out of nowhere one day and spread a global curse in order to motivate people to come beat the shit out of him. This reeks of barely knowing the important details of a complicated situation.
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So this is really her quest, and we're just along for the ride. Got it. Kinda makes me wonder why she isn't the main character but I digress.
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Wow okay so I really am just along for the ride. I'm here for shits and giggles. An optional companion picked up along the road with no actual stake in anything going on. Alright. Good to know.
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So that's the place, huh? I like how everything that's frozen in time turns pitch black. It's a neat visual effect given the stylistically limited color-scale.
Not sure how this is gonna work. If the place is frozen in time then are we going to become frozen in time when we step inside of it?
No, I don't think that's how the metaphysics work out. There's a frozen woman in town whose wife made a pretty necklace to put around her neck, and she was able to touch her frozen wife without being frozen herself. So it's not, like, contagious or anything.
We should be fine.
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To be fair, it's the House of Change. The from-what-I-can-tell central religious authority on a belief system modeled entirely around change.
Not all change is good. If the purpose of our faith is a reverence for change itself as a principle then we must understand that both kinds of change, both for the better and for the worse, are nonetheless forms of change. In a sense, by becoming twisted into the structure we see before us, the House is itself continuing to fulfill its central purpose.
Of course, the time freeze is itself anathema to the House's main function. By definition, something that is frozen in time can never change, and therefore the House can no longer demonstrate its purpose.
Then again... would it not be demonstrative of the House's purpose if the House's purpose itself were to change? Thus, by ceasing to be the House of Change and instead becoming the palace from which all time will freeze, the House of Change could be argued to be embodying its own principles to the most extreme degree.
Of course, by the same token that lets us argue that the King is acting as arbiter of Change, it remains true that we will be acting as arbiters of Change when we kick his teeth in tomorrow and undo the time freeze. Change as a concept carries no moral component.
I'm sorry, I should probably be having this conversation with Mira. Have a good day, ma'am.
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Oh, this must be the shop. Alright, I have a job to do in here.
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There she is. Ahem.
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Odile. A very respectful "How do you do this afternoon, Madame Odile?" to you or whatever.
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More than that, I am here on a very important mission:
Explain to me how you came by the title of Madame and what I need to do to have a cool title like that. I'm super jealous.
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Yeah, I've been thinking on that. A bit rude. If the King's goal is to freeze all of time then it seems hypocritical for the Sadnesses not to be frozen in time.
Then again, I may just be misremembering some details of how Sadnesses work. I'm still groggy.
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Right! Right. That's my job in the group. I'm the trap guy. It's my job to step in the trap because my reflexes are the sharpest. Plus I have no stake in this so I'm super-expendable. Got it.
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Okay, so I'm the Trap Pincushion and you're on Bestiary duty. That makes sense. My Pocket Notes said you're a researcher, so this is all clicking.
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Is your field of research vagueness itself? Are you studying the psychological effects of an unexplained curiosity among a test body of people? Posing your field of research as a riddle for the sake of examining the behaviors that the riddle manifests in the rest of us?
Or is this just really funny to you? Because I can see either being plausible.
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That'll be fine. I found a killer patch of grass for snoozing. I can probably just sleep there and let the rest of you bicker about the beds.
I mean. Worse comes to worse, we can always play Rock Paper Scissors over it.
Alright. One down. Back to pokin' stuff.
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( 'O' )
I will store this with my Pocket Notes so I never forget what my team looks like. That sounds like sarcasm but it is in fact a valid concern. Thank you so much, you brilliant and talented child!
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I know this is only marginally related, but the anon post about dating your boss in the military raising eyebrows and people's prioritization in shipping wars made me immediately think of "In The Navy" by Village People and of "YMCA" (because my brain thinks since YMCA has cheeky subtext and is considered a gay anthem if I'm not misremembering, In The Navy might have some cheeky subtext, too), and it reminded me of the musical Hair and within it of the song "Hair" in which Berger is asked if he's gay (supposedly because of his long hair and homophobic stereotypes IIRC?), which I thought was a reference to fraternization regulations (due to working with a lot of other guys I guess?) and to homophobic regulations (if I haven't misunderstood it, specifically the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy?), and it reminded me of the songs "Black Boys/White Boys" which always seemed a little tongue-in-cheek about attraction between military personnel to me (and only partially subtext, some of it seems to downright be text with no subtlety found, now that I'm rewatching the scene from the film lol). It's been years since I've been to the musical though, so my memory probably forgot 99% of the musical. Gotta watch the film some time.
(BTW I'm not from the USA or an English-speaking country, so I'm not very familiar with US American laws and military culture stuff or with US American LGBT+ history and culture, though I am even more unfamiliar with it in my country apart from a few things because I'm from germany and I know for example that gay people were also targeted and murdered by the nazis - one thing that comes to mind immediately is "Aimée & Jaguar", which is a film based on a book that's about the actual lives of two real people and which I recommend watching very much, though you might want to prepare yourself for seeing horrifying violence and for crying a lot - but I don't know much more about other things in german LGBT+ history, which now makes me pretty sad... Then again, I only realized I was bi less than 10 years ago when I learned about the existence of the term bisexuality, so it's possible that I've just somehow managed to overlook tons of things I've heard and read and that they never registered in my brain, which is very likely TBH.)
Sorry for babbling in your inbox, I shall be off to research more queer history.^^
I guess YMCA doesn't literally say "Stay there to suck cock", but it's still sung by a bunch of dudes in intentional camp stereotype outfits. There's subtext and then there's those pieces of art that are like 99% subtext with one tiny fig leaf of text as cover.
Germany had such an interesting history immediately prior to all that death, Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft being particularly obvious examples. Most of the research materials and art from that era were destroyed, but a few things escaped, including a copy of Anders als die Andern. Good luck researching, nonnie. Germany actually has a lot that was once recorded compared to many countries/societies even if it was systematically purged. It was the birthplace of modern sexology, after all.
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trashpandacraft · 4 months
last night i was carding up some rolags to play with on the supported spindle--some of the unwanted the superwash bfl that the vendor who shall not be named pushed on me, some sari silk, and some angelina. it's an ok enough blend, but reminded me:
fibre i like: firestar
fibre i hate: angelina
but i've ended up with a bunch of angelina because that's what was available and i convinced myself that i was misremembering, because plenty of people spin with it all the time.
i am not one of those people.
so, people who spin with angelina in your blends all the time: how??? mine always seems to end up only half in the yarn, with at least one gross, prickly end sticking out. it agyain drafts like a nightmare. i'm using tiny, tiny bits--like separating the stands one by one and using probably twenty of them in the rolag. quantity isn't the problem. it happens regardless of prep--rolags, batts, and even commercial top blends have all ended up the same way. same for spinning apparatus--drop spindle, supported spindle, wheel, it all end up prickly.
does it only work with short draws where you're micromanaging the draft? (because i draw the line there, i'm not about that life.) am i just inept? (possible.) is this something where you just need ten thousand metres of yarn before you get it? (possible, but somehow worse.)
my next order will have a bunch of firestar in it, so this isn't a forever problem, but i'd love to be able to use what i have. if anyone has advice or tips, i'd love to hear them!
(if your advice is basically 'don't use angelica' or 'manufactured fibres are all garbage', you can skip this one! i'm perfectly capable of not using things i don't like, but sometimes i want the effect, and--again--this is what i have right now, so i'd like to see it used.)
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talokanda-forever · 10 months
Folks, please, please, PLEASE take the time to read through this AMAZING post by @scoobydooisadetective.
This part below had me LIVID!!
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I mean, what the fuck....no rush?!?! Why, because whatever army of imps she's working with are still locked in a smoke-filled back room composing sus emails that she will eventually present as "evidence?" But only when the mood hits, apparently. SHE struck the match calling him a sexual predator and then treats it like some fucking game, or reality television. She floated her trial balloon in January December by hinting at these allegations and nobody bit. They (MER and her backers) probably thought she would get the reaction that we are witnessing now, but it wasn't picked up by media (at least not widely). Tenoch getting swept up in the rebozo incident felt orchestrated to me as well. Just a hunch and nothing I can point to as "proof." But I'm honestly to the point that I don't think ANY of the shit storms that have popped up over this period of time are coincidences. The doxxing came to light in T's statement alluding to the rebozo fiasco. (Granted, he didn't specify when it happened, but there go those coincidences again.🤨) And who is an excellent source of personal information about everyone? Bureaucrats who can be pressured by shitty gov't officials into revealing private info. Didn't Luz also post a video after things had quieted down a bit or am I misremembering that timeline? MER and her political overlords are using the same tactic. Release something, gauge the response, and react accordingly to keep the fire going. Except this time the tactic is on fucking steroids and exhibiting 'roid rage.
I have had my fucking fill of attention-starved, non-gender-specific hoes who are jealous of the recognition a brown man is receiving--specifically for calling them out on their shit!
@cutelatinagirl @cantstayawaycani @observers-journal @sarahivi @luzsp9-1981 @aolechan @oakzap425 @love-too-believe @soledadmiranda
Please tag others I have missed who may be interested.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
This Is How I Can Still Win: How The Penroses Are Related to House Targaryen
SO. In case you don’t remember - you probably don’t, it’s a throwaway line and likely just George retconning and not doing it on purpose - Jeor Mormont misremembers Aelinor Penrose as being Aerys I’s sister instead of her cousin. Here’s the quote, from Jon I in A Clash of Kings:
"No, this was Aerys the First. The one Robert deposed was the second of that name.” “How long ago was this?” “Eighty years or close enough,” the Old Bear said, “and no, I still hadn’t been born, though Aemon had forged half a dozen links of his maester’s chain by then. Aerys wed his own sister, as the Targaryens were wont to do, and reigned for ten or twelve years."
Potentially, this means that Aelinor has ~the Valyrian look~ and that’s why Jeor got them mixed up. But when you look at the information surrounding the Penroses that existed in this era, it looks a little wonky because of this line from The Mystery Knight:
"At the crossing of the Mandel, he cut down the sons of Lady Penrose one by one. They say he spared the life of the youngest one as a kindness to his mother."
So how can Elaena marry Ronnel, Lord of the Parchments, only have one son, yet Quentyn Ball slew all of “Lady Penrose’s” sons? How is Aelinor related to the Penroses and the Targaryens? What woman of Targaryen blood would marry into this random ass house in the middle of Stormlands? Why was it so important to retcon Aelinor from a sister into a cousin? Well - let’s have a think about what other houses have recent Valyrian blood…we have some female lines after all…perhaps even Targaryen women that married into politically active houses, who would love to marry back into the main branch again…I wonder who that could be…..Oh what’s that? Is that-
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Allow me to spin two family trees for you, one where Rhaena’s daughter marries into the Penroses, and one where Baela’s daughter marries into the Penroses:
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(pls applaud me for the amount of math i did for this very unserious post!) green is a romantic/marriage line, black is a parental relationship.
I am noting that this would mean Alyssa (I made her name up btw, mostly because I thought it would piss Daemon off to have a Hightower named after his beloved mother) gives birth at around 34, which is a perfectly reasonable age to have a child at, and Laena gives birth at like 40, which is definitely a lil risky! BUT there’s plenty of time for Laena to have other children, and for a second born son to have had a child at that same age, so if you think it’s a stretch for Laena to have a kid at 40 (perfectly fair) just pretend there’s a son there named “Roland” or something as Aelinor’s dad and Laena’s second born.
Now, FIRST OF ALL, this makes the cousin thing make sense, but also it makes it deeply funny - Aelinor is Aerys’ great aunt’s granddaughter. That’s a close enough relationship that you would consider them a cousin but it’s also the exact relationship Robert has to Rhaegar (because Rhaegar is Robert’s great uncle’s grandson). Both Aerys and Robert avoiding incest/kinslaying on a technicality lol.
But SECOND OF ALL. Do you know what makes me absolutely fucjing feral about this. Alyn Velaryon is messing around with a woman so much younger than him. That she marries his GRANDSON. because SHE IS THE SAME AGE AS HIS GRANDSON. i feel like george is weird enough to do the Baela scenario too.
And LASTLY OF ALL. Notice there’s plenty of time for Alyssa/Laena aka Lady Penrose after she’s married, to have several sons for Quentyn Ball to slay on the Redgrass Field, including Elaena’s husband, Ronnel himself, and for Elaena’s son, Robin Penrose, to inherit the seat afterwards. It also means, since it’s mentioned that Elaena married Michael Manwoody soon after her second husband died, that the two of them got a long time together. Why is this important? Because Michael Manwoody was her marriage for love and I want Elaena to have been with him for a long time.
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This scenario gives her like 9 years with Ronnel (kinda sad, their kids don’t get to know their dad very long) and a minimum of 15 years with Michael Manwoody, who is apparently not the step dad but the dad that stepped up.
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somuchyoudontknow · 9 months
Didn’t you predict that something like this was coming?? Or am I misremembering??
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Okay, I am going to post everything that I have been getting past few months. I will post the links to my original posts too.
So I had two visions in May of some kind of PR content being filmed. In one I saw Chris and Alba, Chris looking grumpy and the other I didn't get what it was. I believe the other one could be Scott's podcast.
"I had two visions of some kind of a video being filmed last week. I am not sure about this because when I had these visions I was not feeling well so I am not sure if they would come true or not. But just to give a head up, a video might be coming. One thing. Chris might act very grumpy in the said video. It is highly possible it might drop on his birthday. Again, I could be wrong about this."
Also, there was a dream where Chris seemed adamant about having photos with Alba. I had it on May 10th. Both of these are in this post.
Then in the last week of May, I had another dream about a possible engagement and wedding push coming from their teams. I saw many fans leaving, but only a few remained. I saw Chris being locked up in his house (he deactivated). I also saw Alba but in a different space. The main thing is there was a distance between them. I saw all things happening up in the air like they were creating all the rumors out of nothing but nothing was happening in reality. I got a possible timeline also. I saw in the end the wedding didn't happen. You can all read about it here.
Then last week I got a new vision and the message was he had one last hurdle to deal with but he would manage to go around it. That's why I am doubtful if we would get any pics of Chris with her. he might have decided to let his friends do the work and not show up because he knows how bad the backlash always is. Something embarrassing for Alba is coming up and I felt it could be related to this PR. I feel in August something will surface that will probably confirm it was PR all along and Alba might face a little embarrassment. I still feel August is going to be good although the start has been rocky. Let's see what happens.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
What Is Probably the Worst Pep Talk Ever
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Request: hi! could i request for a scenario with jay park where his girlf teases him and denies him of skinship (doesn’t hug back or give him kisses) i love the way u write sm, thank u if u choose to write it. also while ure at it im curious whether ur username is inspired by him.
To answer your question, my username is actually inspired by Jay B from Got7! Got7 was actually one of the first groups I stanned :)
Pairing: Jay Park x Reader
Genre: Fluff (Warning: 18+ for language and steamy commentary)
"Are you nervous?" you asked, stepping into the elevator.
"Nervous?" Jay chuckled. "Not even once in my life."
"Am I misremembering?" you hummed, tapping your chin. "Or didn't you say you were nervous the day you asked if we could be exclusive?"
"Well, I mean," he cringed.
"And what about the time when we had first started dating and you said I made you nervous?" you continued.
"You must have dreamed it," he said, fighting the corners of his mouth from turning upward. "Jay Park is never nervous."
"Says the man talking about himself in third person," you laughed. "You still haven't pressed the elevator button by the way."
"Shit," he muttered, stepping forward and furrowing his eyebrows. "What floor did I say we needed to be on again?"
"11 maybe?" you tried. "Maybe if you weren't so nervous, you'd remember."
Shooting you a glare over his shoulder, he stabbed at the appropriate button, and stepped back to stand beside you.
You couldn't help but chuckle as you tucked yourself into Jay's side. He was easily the most self-assured person to ever suffer from self-esteem issues. While the two traits sounded like they shouldn't intermingle, they somehow did. He liked to play at being cocky and keep his image intact, but you were the one who saw him lose sleep over some of his daily decisions. It had become one of your sole missions in life to make sure that he knew a healthy amount of worry was okay. He didn't have to conquer the world every time he stepped foot out of his door.
"Who all is supposed to be at this thing?" you sighed, adjusting your outfit.
"A lot of industry people," Jay grumbled. "A lot of people I need to impress."
"Is it a need or a want?" you asked, looking at him from your periphery. Judging by the little wrinkle in between his brows, you weren't sure if he was even listening. "Jay?"
Shaking off his trance, he turned to you with wide eyes. "Yeah?"
"You didn't hear me, did you?" you grinned.
As you spoke, the elevator finally stopped at your desired floor and started to slide open. Wrapping his fingers around yours, Jay took a deep breath. You could immediately feel the sweat coating his palms.
"I say this with love," you whispered as you moved forward into the hallway. "Please, please, wipe your hands on your jeans."
"Y/N," he hissed. Taking his hand from yours, he wiped helplessly at his thighs. "My palms don't sweat."
"Then they're crying."
Taking another deep breath through his nose, Jay placed his hand on the small of your back and leaned in. "Have I ever told you that you are the cutest, most fucking impossible person I have ever met?"
Spinning away from him, you grinned. "Have I ever told you that when you're worried about something, you clench your jaw? It's kind of hot but can't be great for your teeth."
"For the love of God," he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Could you please just support me here?"
"Why?" you asked, fake confusion coating your features. "Are you nervous?"
If looks could kill, you would be dead on the floor. Finally conceding, you reached forward to weave your fingers through his. "Baby, being nervous isn't a bad thing. It just means that something important is happening."
"Fine!" he gasped. "You caught me! Jay Park is actually stressed the fuck out!"
"Third person-"
"Y/N," he deadpanned.
"Okay, okay," you cooed, patting him carefully on the chest. "What has you stressed out?"
Glancing over his shoulder and toward the sounds of the party you were supposed to attend, he looked back at you. "Do we really have to do this right now?"
"No one is going to hear you admitting your weaknesses," you chuckled. "Just tell me what's going on in your head."
"Okay, for one, I don't have weaknesses, so let's establish that right here and fucking now."
"Of course, baby."
He rolled his eyes and began to pout. "I just...don't want to look stupid."
"You know you're the best at what you do," you nodded in what you hoped was encouragement. "Even if you do make yourself look stupid, you always save it somehow."
"But these people, Y/N," he clucked, shaking his head. "They're next level. Investors I need, executives that could have a lot to say about my next moves-"
"And so what?" you asked. "You may not be the tallest in the room, or the most well-spoken, but-"
"Ay! Ay! Ay!" he grunted. "You are shit at pep talks, you know that?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, which in turn made him give you a reluctant smile. "You have you're short-"
"Watch it."
"Shortcomings," you asserted. "But everyone does. You overcome yours every time."
"Yeah, I do, don't I?"
"You do," you smiled. "I know you're your own biggest fan and I'm likely the second biggest. Let me step into that number one spot and have your back tonight."
"Pfft, unnecessary," he chuckled. "Even if I'm struggling, I still got me."
"Of course!" you huffed. "So silly of me to even suggest otherwise!"
Pulling you into him, Jay wrapped his arms around your waist, and nuzzled his face into your neck. "Look at you with that big, sexy brain. Making all of the sense in the world."
"More like stroking your ego in the precisely correct locations," you laughed, scrubbing your fingers across the back of his scalp.
"You can stroke me in other ways tonight," he whispered, biting playfully at your ear.
Moving to face you, he leaned forward to attempt a kiss. Naturally, you turned away. His lips met your cheek, causing him to groan.
Laughing, you turned toward him again, and pulled him in by the shoulders. Smiling up until the moment your lips met, you allowed yourself to get caught up in the man that drove you crazy. In true Jay fashion, he slid his hand down to give a tight squeeze to your butt, causing you to squeak in alarm.
"I think I'm ready now," he hummed. "You?"
"I've been ready," you said quietly. "I was just waiting for you to be too."
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scoonsalicious · 7 days
I think my asks are getting into your inbox late somehow. maybe that's my internet or it's probably just tumblr being tumblr BUT ANYWAY. yeah...this is going to be so so bad. And I get Pocket got triggered hearing his voice and lo and behold Joana is still following him like a puppy because I truly do think there's no interaction between those two anymore apart from her trying to get his attention and him just always trying to get away (or maybe i'm putting too much fate on Brenan). And I usually don't mind Pocket fucking her feelings away, like I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to cope but go and do your thing. But, and correct me if i'm misremembering this, isn't he just a tad bit too young for her? I mean, he's legal and everything and it won't really matter if it's just a quick fuck if you really think about it. But why do I have a bad feeling about it? Like is this guy to be trusted or is there something fishy going on here? Or could that just be me being paranoid? LMAO. I can't explain it but I just really have a baaddd feeling about it.
I stated in my previous ask about Hydra being connected to the strip club somehow and well, I was right again. Though, my theory on them experimenting on these women could still be wrong tho and i really hope I am. But, again this is a theory, if Juniper is actually a Hydra agent, Pocket just put so many people in danger by blurting out that they now know Hydra is connected to the strip club. Like so many things could've gone wrong with that IF she is in cahoots with them. But, she also could just be an annoying bitch all on her own lmao.
But ah, Beatrice calling in. I mean there's really not much for me to say about that small cameo. The part were he still calls her "my girl" though is both sweet and a little annoying sometimes lmao. Like, i don't think he's still understanding the weight of what's he's done thinking that he still has a chance with Pocket. Maybe he's just highly optimistic, which does reinforce the fact that there's really more to what happened. OR it could also mean that no matter what, even if they're never getting back other, she's still going to be his girl in his eyes. It's bittersweet in it's own right.
I can already feel the slope declining, like things are going to go downnn and Pocket is going to spiral so bad. I really don't want it to happen but all odds are against her favor right now on top of her not thinking with a clear mind and is running high on strong emotions so there's not much we can do. That's all I have to say for now, you're amazing as always! Lots of Love!
— Jnon 🤍
Another Jnon! My day is good!
There is definitely no interaction between Bucket and Cunthage right now. She's pursuing, he's fleeing. He knows he's probably too late to salvage things with Pocket, but he's staying away, anyhow. And Bad Decision is DEFINITELY too young for her. By, like, 14 years. Granted, she's about 70 years too young for Bucky, but still, lol. Nothing fishy going on with him; he just looks enough like Bucky if she squints (while wasted) for her to fuck her feelings out. I confess that I did consider bringing him back for an altercation at the club, but it ended up not making it into the final draft. Too bad, though-- it would have involved him encountering her with his friends while she was performing, and him trying to take some form of revenge, but who's in AC by that time? Bucket! And he beats the shit out of poor Brandon. But, it ended up not fitting, so it got cut :( Regrets. And the whole "my girl" thing? It's definitely the second one. He's pretty sure at this point that 🎵they are never, ever, ever... getting back together 🎵 But she's always going to be "his girl," the one that got away, in his eyes. Granted, without that little bit of insight into his mind, it just comes off as cocky and possessive. He'll explain himself later.
Love you oodles!
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marshmallowloves · 1 month
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Day 1: Arrival/Meeting A discarded envelope lays just inside the entrance of the Treacherous Mansion, an invitation dropped from anxious hands. It seems the elusive Evershade Valley houses more than just partygoers...
I may have momentarily blacked out upon seeing the phrase "anyone who has Luigi's Mansion OCs" in the intro post kdjfg. I...also do not remember what the Treacherous Mansion looks like inside so I just made something up, it's been so long since I've played this game I'm sorry kdjfgf (also I hope you can tell she's looking in a mirror) ANYWAY--
I figured this was still a good opportunity to share a relatively old OC of mine that I made after playing Dark Moon: Mona! I haven't used her for anything in a very long time, and I don't know if I will actually end up doing more stuff with her for this event, but I am still very fond of her~
(this is also a relatively old drawing but I still like it c: except the doodles in the top-right which I did earlier today kdfjg)
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Some more about her under the cut~
From what I remember (it really has been a long time dkfhg), Mona is a kind and timid little ghost that lives...somewhere in the Evershade Valley. When she first saw Luigi walking around in one of the mansions (probably the first one), looking lost and afraid himself, she wanted to help him...but while she was watching and debating how to approach, she accidentally fell through a wall and scared him away! D:
To make up for it, she started subtly helping him without showing herself - things like moving objects that let him reach new places, causing distractions for the other ghosts that tried to hurt him, or using objects to point him in the right direction. However, Luigi eventually caught on that someone was following him because the flower in her hair was always visible, even when she vanished.
When she finally showed herself (or...maybe he made her show herself, I don't remember which dkfg), she admitted that she was the one helping him the whole time. After he thanks her, and after seeing that he's much less nervous about her now, she starts helping him more openly - doing things like scouting the floors or rooms, telling him where he can find treasure and gems, and even helping him when he gets into scraps with other ghosts! (though it's very minimal and usually just involves her throwing small objects every now and again dfjgh)
She also ends up crushing on Luigi at some point (because I mean...of course) but is never able to work up the courage to tell him. I might be misremembering this part but I think E. Gadd tries to be her wingman sometimes as well kdfgf
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lucent-nargacuga · 4 months
been thinking a lot about utdr today and I felt the need to debunk/provide alternate explanations some popular theories/interpretations surrounding gaster. I'll probably accidentally misquote/misremember things since I don't have screenshots on hand at the moment, but I'll update this post once I have them
ok. first one. "beware the man who speaks in hands" is about gaster
I can see where y'all are coming from! the wingdings text includes hands. this extremely popular theory does have some evidence supporting it.
deltarune chapter 2 introduced a character we all know and love- spamton. if the player fights him as a secret boss, you'll notice that somewhere in the fight he turns his hands into phones. he even announces that he has this ability.
while it's still possible that gaster is the "man who speaks in hands", it's most likely spamton that the riverperson is talking about!
second one. "beware the man from another world" is gaster
this one could be about pretty much anyone... some people think it could be about sans or papyrus, but it could be about so sorry, or even toby fox himself. it's certainly about someone from outside of the world of undertale.
so why am I including it here? we don't really know where gaster came from, but as far as I'm aware, there's nothing that states he came from outside the world of undertale. he did shatter across space and time, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's from "another world". safe to say, it's impossible to determine who the "man from another world" the riverperson mentions is.
third one! somewhere, there's this quote that I can't quite recall, but it mentions a crack under or by someone's eye, and the crack making them appear like they are crying. many believe it's about gaster too.
the mysteryman sprite (which is commonly believed to be gaster, but again, it's not confirmed) does indeed have a facial marking that looks like either a crack or a stream of tears... but then there's asriel dreemurr.
in at least one of asriel's forms when you fight him as a boss at the end of the true pacifist route, he has two lines under his eyes that look a lot like tears. hell, he even actually cries! it's hard to say whether that line about the crack under or by someone's eye making them look like they're crying is about the mysteryman or asriel, but given what happens in the true pacifist route, I personally believe it's actually about asriel.
this one isn't about gaster, but I figured I'd put it here anyway. this is the theory that annoys me the most- mettaton created the neo body in deltarune.
first of all... as far as I'm aware, there's no evidence for this. at all. yes, we know that in undertale, alphys created mettaton neo, but in deltarune, alphys likely doesn't even know who mettaton is! while it is possible that mettaton may have designed a neo body, it's never even hinted at in the game (correct me if I'm wrong).
however, in asriel and kris' shared bedroom, interacting with asriel's computer reveals that he designed a final boss for a video game. the boss is described as a "giant creature with rainbow wings". this, of course, is an obvious reference of the absolute god of hyperdeath, but the boss is also apparently poorly drawn (like in mspaint) and... "it never saw the light of day". sounds familiar?
there's much more evidence pointing to asriel being the neo body's creator than mettaton.
(I read most of these theories somewhere on tumblr about two years ago but have since forgotten who wrote them, if someone can link the original posts to me I'd appreciate it!)
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woosh-floosh · 1 year
IDW Sonic issue 57 loose thoughts...
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Lanolin finally gets to be a character, yippee!!
For those that don't know, Lanolin was first a background character designed by Adam Bryce Thomas for the second issue! Adam Bryce Thomas got attached to the design and fit her into more backgrounds, and later so did other artists! Seeing how Lanolin already had a character sheet long before her proper introduction, a name, and a general acceptance by the other artists (Evan Stanley drew her for one of her winter outfit sets one year) I wonder if her proper introduction got pushed back. I believe Sega asked some for some characters to have their introductions pushed back, but I can't think any evidence right now so I could be misremembering! Lanolin also got a bit of a redesign, now with a cool bell styled wispon to replace her cowbell, a curly tail, and a new magenta wisp friend named Maggie. Compare her old model sheet to the photo above!
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Bonus trivia: Lanolin is a type wax sheep secrete that protects their wool. It's used by us in almost everything that uses wax, but mainly moisturizers!
Casual readers not investing in the background process may be surprised at just how often Lanolin shows up before this issue!
Lanolin as a character in this issue, kinda seems like a substitute for Sally Acorn. She's kind of a generic animal, has no real special skills or abilities (besides her cool bell wispon), but despite that has a rounded skill set (maybe a reference to many applications of lanolin wax?), and seems to excel at leading field work. Lanolin is to Sally Acorn as Surge is to Scourge. I know the writers are trying very hard to bring the freedom fighters back, but I'm not sure it's going to happen at this point. But I like the new characters and so far Surge has been proven to be very much more than just a Scourge clone.
I think I could see Lanolin and Jewel being co-directors like how Amy and Knuckles were in the resistance. Jewel does the paperwork, logistics, and humanitarian efforts and Lanolin leads the proactive, offensive, field efforts.
Okay enough about Lanolin, the other thing I wanted to talk about is the Eggperial city, which in this issue is revealed to be using the same tech as Eggman's vr tower in Test Run. I always though Test Run was one of the weaker arcs and felt like it had no real purpose or payoff (besides the Belle side stuff) but now it does! I'll have to revisit that arc now with a different perspective.
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Also I don't know how I didn't pick up on this in Test Run but the portals Eggman is using is probably the warp topaz! Tails and him supercharged it during the Metal Virus and now it seems Eggman's found it and is supercharging it again (or maybe a convincing fake?) Having another magic rock might make the magic rock department a little bloated but I like the warp topaz, and not just because I am God's chosen Starline warrior. It will be neat to find out exactly how he is using it in the coming issues!
Adam Bryce Thomas and Matt Herms also did a wonderful job on the interior artwork as usually. I particularly like the page were Lanolin and Tangle descend into the mine, excellent paneling and excellent use of space!
My favorite cover this issue was cover A by Min Ho Kim, but unfortunately my local comic book store did not have it! Oh well! Until Next Month!!
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