#afw ocs
voidyyzz · 15 days
I'm so normal
Normalest I've ever normaled
I'm normalpilled frfr
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fvaleraye · 11 months
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Look at him... look at how happy he is ;w; For those of you who are new- Alex is an AFW OC of ours, and AFW belongs to our beloved @artnerd1123 <3
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artnerd1123 · 3 years
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new book who dis 
my part of an art trade with @vaaloirr of their oc alex!!! wonder what’s in the book :0
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hollyisanonymous · 4 years
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Matilda and her familiar Tucker (Tuck for short)!
they’re ocs in @artnerd1123‘s universe/story AFW. go check out their work it’s wonderful
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captainshyguy · 3 years
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i’ve been reading belle’s ( @artnerd1123 ) story, and seraph is a delight, i love her :’)
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nintendork135 · 3 years
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@artnerd1123 here are your kids
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carnation-damnation · 4 years
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Some beautiful boys in rose-themed attire!!! <3
Roo (The cat) - @artnerd1123
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seners-art · 5 years
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Art trade with @artnerd1123
This is their OC, Mara
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rhydwing-arts · 5 years
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a few patreon requests from december
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omg-ratty · 6 years
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I am Open for commissions! ($5 for shipping ) commissions starting @ $30 And up depending on commission type. Free delivery to these cons Mobicon- May 25-27 Anime festival wichita- June 29-1 AntroCon- July 5-8 Tokyo in Tulsa- July 13-15 MechaCon- July 27-29 Megaplex- August 3-5 #rattycreations #myart #commissions #FWA #artistally #mobicon #mobicon2018 #2018 #animefestivalwichita #AFW #antrocon #antro #antrocon2018 #tokyointulsa #tokyointulsa2018 #mechacon #Megaplex #MECHACON2018 #Megaplex2018 #anime #oc #fanart #OCs #copic #ink #inkpainting #copicmarkers #badges #furrybadge #games #videogames #opencommission
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arospecfanworksweek · 2 years
AFW Round Three Masterpost
Assuming I counted right, we had thirty-three entries this week by fourteen participants. Huge thanks to all who contributed! If anything is missing or miscategorized or otherwise incorrrect, please don't hesitate to let me know. (Note: these are all linked to the AFW reblogs rather than the original posts for purposes of cw/tw tags.)
No Theme Aromantic ACD Sherlock Holmes art by @221-beehives Aromantic Noragami edits by @kyanitedragon Assassin's Creed fic by @cooldadmondmiles QPR Undertale art by @coffin-liqueart "I Believe in Horizons Now" Danganronpa fic by @coffin-ficqueur Aspec Jo March icons, set 1 by @artsying-ifer Aspec Jo March icons, set 2 by @artsying-ifer
Free Days Aromantic Carrie Wilson giftset by @catoptrific Aromantic BOTW Link art by @transzeldas Dean Winchester arospec edit by @weirdchesters "what it is to love" Silmarillion moodboard and fic by @arofili Aroace headcanon edits by @corelliaxdreaming "dance this new step with me" Silmarillion fic by @arofili QPR JATP gifset by @catoptrific Original work moodboard by @corelliaxdreaming
Forms of Aromanticism Arospec Mirabel Madrigal icons by @corelliaxdreaming Yelena Belova art by @avoyagetoarcturus
Community and History Jo March art by @avoyagetoarcturus "Valid" Silmarllion moodboard and fic by @arofili "In her shadow" LOTR fic by @thedaughterofshadows Arospec Encanto edit and headcanons by @corelliaxdreaming
Diversity of Experiences "Absence as an Art Form" Silmarillion moodboard and fic by @arofili Aro OC headcanons by @the-official-account "It's the Aro in Your Heart" JATP fic by @catoptrific "Children of Twilight" Simarillion fic by @thedaughterofshadows Zoya Nazyalensky edit by @corelliaxdreaming
Aromanticism as Its Own Identity Non-SAM aro Luke Patterson giftset by @catoptrific "A Peaceful Moment" Silmarillion moodboard and fic by @arofili "i care more to be loved (that is not the same as loving" The Flash fic by @shrinkthisviolet Supernatural Academy edit and fic by @corelliaxdreaming
Pride and Acceptance "Enough" Silmarillion fic by @thedaughterofshadows "For Want of a Queen" Silmarillion moodboard and fic by @arofili Supernatural Academy Jae moodboard by @corelliaxdreaming
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peapod20001 · 4 years
hmmmm,,, 🍓 strawbebby,,,
You are sweet, like stawbebby
Your art pleases me in a way I cannot explain like the way you draw your ocs makes them look like plushies and I love it sm
AND YOUR OCS I remember Roo and Journal and those are the only names I remember hHI
And I have never actually read any of your writing because short attention span but I bet your an amazing writer!!!! Like your story afw? WACK I COULD NOT DO THAT
Just- take my love ❤️
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fvaleraye · 1 year
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The boi... I meant to post this a few days ago when i drew it but I got distracted byyyyy a lot of things. He is here now tho Not too much is different, just some extra details(especially on the glasses) and a little touch up. You know how it is And yes I misspelled his middle name, SAI doesn't have fucking spell check okay asdlfkjnasdf
Reblogs are appreciated btw <3
And reminder for everyone that might not know/remember, AFW is a story by @artnerd1123 and Alex is a character of mine in that <3
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artnerd1123 · 3 years
A Familiar World
Pen Pals (pt 1) ——————————————
Just a bit of book exchange and small talk between a couple sorcerers. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
whattup belle n @vaaloirr are back at it again with another joint chapter, ft alex n journ!!! vaal wrote the letters by alex, and i wrote the ones by journ! these were rlly fun to write, so y’all will prolly see more in the future :>
hope y’all enjoy!!! 
Dear Journal
I hope you’re having a good week, over there, hope life’s treating you well. I’m here with my book recommendation, as usual. I hope you like this one. It’s an intriguing little piece called “Forgotten Shoals”, a story about a small group of people, mostly mercenaries I think, getting shipwrecked and separated on a very strange island. I was a little lost? About halfway through? The story’s kind of too vague for its own good at certain points, but overall it was pretty good. It’s in a pretty old time period, when there were still kings and stuff, so that’s pretty interesting, how they handle that. It’s only two books, but they’re long ones. They make for fun animated book nights, especially if you’re watching in a dark room. It really helps the atmosphere, so there’s that to keep in mind.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Thanks so much for the rec! It came at a great time, I’d just finished with the last series. I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of this one. I’ll work them into my schedule sometime. Probably at midnight. That’s the best time to read, haha. Maybe we’ll both get confused, and we can compare notes. Life’s ok over here. I finally decided to get better acquainted with my roommate. My book rec for you comes from him, actually. It’s a book of really old questor legends- maybe you’ve read it before? Sorry if you have! He called it “Legenday legacies.” There’s a whole series of them. They don’t really go in any order, but the oldest are marked first. I’ve only read a couple, but they’re really cool. It’s best to have them animated, too. My roommate said they were old oral stories that someone finally decided to write down, so the animation has some really neat extra details. This letter got a little long, haha. Hope you’re doing ok over in your town!
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, midnight’s the best time for a spooky book, haha. And thank you for the rec! I actually had the first book when I was a kid, but I forgot it when I left home. I would love to read it again, and to read the other books too… I’ll definitely try to snag them the next time I’m over there. I always meant to go back to them, so thanks for the reminder. And I’m glad you’re getting along with your roommate, it wouldn’t be very fun if you weren’t, haha. I couldn’t really picture myself with a roommate, me and Lucy is just fine. And I’m doing fine, though things are a little hectic over here right now. Someone says they saw a monster nearby recently, which… I’m pretty certain was just a random wolf they got spooked by? It was late. But you know. Rumors are a hard snowball to stop once they get rolling. Hopefully it’ll all get sorted out. Anyway, I’m running out of room on the paper, so I gotta call it here, haha. Have a good one.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Oh, nice! Hopefully the next ones are a good read. And I get leaving books at home on accident. I had to leave a bunch of mine when I left home, too. I got the important stuff! But you can’t quite replace a lifetime of books overnight, haha. At least we have libraries and book merchants, right? Roommate life isn’t for everyone. I’m glad you and Lucy are getting along well at your place. Though the rumors sound rough. It’s hard when a whole town is going off about something. Sorry you’re dealing with those. Hopefully they’ll quit when they catch whatever the critter is, haha. Could make for a town legend, right? I’ve heard plenty of those. They’re certainly something. Before I run out of paper, I actually have one somewhat unrelated question. Does Lucy ever run around the apartment at 3am for no reason? My roommate’s familiar is a cat, and he does that. I’m not sure if it’s a familiar thing or a cat thing. We didn’t have any cats in the house growing up. Hope this letter finds you well.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, a lifetime of books is not the easiest thing to replace, haha. And the rumors aren’t really rough, so much as annoying. It’s a merchant town, so once monster rumors start, everybody’s gotta hold up while some people go out and find whatever it was. They’re very on edge when the topic of monsters is brought up. But hey, what can you do. Hopefully it’ll be a boring town legend at the end of the day, haha. And as far as the 3am thing, yes. All the damn time, every night. Without fail. My mom had a few cats when I was growing up, and I can confirm that it’s a cat thing. They just do that. I don’t know why, you can have the laziest cat in the world and they’ll still sprint around at full speed at 3am. It’s actually kind of hilarious. Also, if we’re gonna be trading questions, I actually had one… Your roommate is a questor, right? I was wondering if you could maybe ask for a few questor tips from him for me, if that's alright. Have a good one.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
I mean, a legend’s a legend, right? But I do hope whatever it is doesn’t bother the townsfolk much. We used to have some problems with woodsy critters back at home. I don’t know if they’re still having issues now, but sometimes wolves can get pretty bold, haha. And that’s good to know. It is pretty funny to just hear my roommate’s familiar sprinting around outside my door at Revaew awful hours of the night. I just have to make sure he doesn’t wiggle his way into my room. He’ll go curl up on my bed to claim it and not move until 6am. Usually that’s not a problem because I stay up late, but it means I crash later during the day. Not so great when I'm in the middle of magic training, haha. I went and asked my roommate about questor tips for you. I didn’t know questors were actually a separate class of sorcerer, so that made for an interesting conversation! He told me that you should keep an eye on the questing board- you have one in town, right?- and to keep some sort of compass/map on you among your supplies. Make sure to pack a snack and water if you don’t already. If it’s a fetch quest, make sure to find the quest giver beforehand to check for any special conditions. He said a bunch of other stuff, too, but half of it sounded like he was trying to be a mother hen. The guy’s a bit of a softie. I could send you my notes with my next letter if you’d like to see all of them.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, yeah… I still think it’s just a wolf. Or maybe a bear. Who knows. Honestly, I would be more shocked if people weren’t bothered by this, merchants are just such uppity people. At least the ones around here. You definitely don’t wanna crash during magic training, yeah. I remember when I was training with my uncle, when I used to live with him, I was not good at keeping myself in check at all. Most of the time not spent practicing was spent napping because I would use all my energy trying to get this one spell, and then just pass out. I was young and excited, to be fair. He got me out of that habit. And maybe you should let the little familiar claim your bed sometime, there’s probably room for both of you, haha. Y’know, the more you talk about him, the more I think he and Lucy would get along great. You didn’t know questors were another class of sorcerers? I mean, I guess the distinction isn’t exactly obvious, now that I think about it. And we do actually have a questing board! Though it’s a little bare lately. Mostly just odd jobs, not much else. Any nearby dungeons have apparently decided to be quite shy, haha. Be sure to tell your roommate that the advice is appreciated, he sounds like a nice guy. And I would love to see your notes! If you’re good with it, that is.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
Haha, maybe I will. It’s sort of weird sleeping in a room by myself right now. I have had a lot of siblings. Maybe the company will do me some good. And maybe we can have them meet up the next time you’re in town. I’m sure my roommate would let me take his familiar out. His name is Roo. He’s a shy little guy, but the library is quiet enough that he’d do ok. Just have to find him a fairy tale book and he’s all set, haha. As for magic training, that sounds so cool! Having your uncle train you sounds so exciting. My old mentor sort of took me under her wing because I was trespassing on her woods. She’s a strict teacher, but I’m really grateful to her. She taught me a lot, and gave me an amplifier a while ago. We still exchange letters and I still try my best to stick to what she told me. Learning magic is hard work, but I’m willing to reach for it. Guy’s got a dream, you know? And, for the record, I didn’t grow up in a very magical place. I think my magic mentor was the only sorceress in the entire area of my hometown, haha. Totally different story in this town. There’s lots of sorcerers- my roommate included. He’s pretty cool. Buys me coffee and gives me training tips sometimes. Anyways, all this to say I’ve attached a copy of the notes. Sorry if the ink is a little faded. I wanted to try out a duplication spell I’ve been practicing, and I don’t know if it took all the way. Simple spells can be hard for me, but I’m working on it, haha. Hope you and Lucy are doing well.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Yeah, I bet the change from “a lot of siblings” to “one roommate and his familiar” is a bit jarring. I wouldn’t really know? I was an only child. To be honest, I always wondered what having siblings was like, maybe you could tell me sometime? If that’s good with you? Maybe when we introduce Roo and Lucy to each other. Roo is such a cute name by the way, I hope the little guy knows that, haha. As far as my uncle goes, he was a very good teacher! He knew a whole lot of spells, and still tried to learn even more. He was a show sorcerer, so he knew so much neat stuff… I kinda miss him, but you know. He’s got his career, and I wanted to be a questor. At least it helped me get used to travelling a lot, haha. Your teacher sounds super cool too, like? Meeting a sorcerer in the middle of the woods and getting taken under their wing? That’s some legend stuff, man. Awesome. My town wasn’t very magical either, but it wasn’t super unmagical? There were sorcerers here and there. Not enough to really call the town magical, though. It wasn’t a hotspot, I guess is what I’m trying to say. I heard it’s become even less so since I left, but I digress. Oh! And the notes were really great by the way! Thank you so much! And don’t worry about the faded ink, I’ve read more illegible, haha. I think you did a fine job. You’ll get better with practice! I believe in you! And we’re doing fine, though Lucy is getting a bit claustrophobic. I hope you guys are doing well too.
Sincerely, Alex
Dear Alex,
I apologize in advance if my handwriting gets messy. I’ve rewritten this letter at least three times now. My hand just tends to make absolute chicken scratch if I get too excited. That being said, you mentioned your uncle being a show sorcerer? How long has he been performing? How did he start? What category is he? Are all his shows the same or does he switch it up every time? What does he travel in? Sorry for all the questions, I’ll stop myself there. Show sorcerers are sort of an interest of mine. An aspiration, if you will, haha. Hearing that you worked with one sent my mind into overdrive. That’s so cool! Maybe we could practice spells together sometime. And a legend? Maybe. My mentor tells a lot of those. Sometimes I swear she’s telling an actual story that happened to her. She never confirms, though. I don’t know how much of legend material I am yet. I have to work on my magic some more. One day, though. It’ll happen. Especially if the notes weren’t as bad as I thought, haha. It’s progress! Also, we’ve got solidarity on non magic towns, haha. Glad we’ve both got somewhere that has more pizazz. Just a couple magic guys trying to make their way in the world, ammirite? Anyways, sorry about Lucy. Maybe taking her on a walk would help? We’re doing ok over here. My roommate has been painting scenes from the books we’ve animated. It’s pretty cool. And Roo seemed to like the idea of meeting Lucy! He was a tad nervous, but that’s the norm for him. I think he’d like having another cat friend. Maybe we can get together soon? I might have some sibling stories. Depends how much I remember that day, haha.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Dear Journal
Your handwriting’s fine, don’t worry. I’ve read worse. As for all your questions, uh… since he was a teenager, I never asked, I can’t remember the categories but he does a lot of stuff with legends, dragons, and dragon legends, they have the same themes, but he has a bunch of different shows, if that makes sense, and he travels in a little caravan with his familiar and a couple of his friends. I get being excited, it’s all good. Maybe we could have a Q&A the next time we see each other, haha. And I’m sure uncle Leo would love to meet and practice magic with you, but he’s really busy nowadays, so you might have to hold that thought for a bit. He’d have to find a gap in his schedule. You really need to introduce me to your mentor eventually, she sounds awesome. And I’m sure you’ll get a legend or two for yourself one day. I mean, nobody was born the star of one, am I right? And I wouldn’t really say my current town has more “pizazz”, but it’s definitely more tolerable than my old town, I guess. Some people were very opinionated there. Especi Yeah I took her on a quick walk through town before writing this letter, actually, and she’s feeling a lot better! Sometimes she just needs a little bit of fresh air like everybody else. I bet your roommate's paintings look great, I can’t paint to save my life, haha. Lucy’s a little nervous too about the meeting too, so I guess the feeling’s mutual. Hopefully we can all get together soon!
Sincerely, Alex
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hollyisanonymous · 4 years
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Scribble to test out a feral form for Tucker! He’s very protective of his momma.
Characters are Tucker and Matilda Mayerie, from AFW, a story by @artnerd1123
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I got a universe assigned familiar
His name is Sodapop, and he's made of pop (obviously lol). He's pretty lazy and apathetic, because when he gets jostled or moves around too much, his ears, toes, and the tip of his tail fizzes up. Usually those appendages look "cut off", but they're not, they're just softly bubbling. The only thing that gets him like this is if someone leaves a ribbon laying around.
Since the universe assigned me Sodapop, I decided it was time to make a self-insert oc for afw. Say hi to Renee!
((@artnerd1123 ))
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