#aemond in love arc yeah
isefyres · 22 days
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i'm so ready for the sisters in tension arc.
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presidenthades · 5 months
Once again, I am doing a series of my behind-the-scenes thoughts for The Golds while I do light edits for formatting, typos, and continuity. Here’s Chapter 10!
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For this chapter’s title, I chose the final lyric of “The Song of the Seven”: they see you, little children. The lyric is supposed to mean that the gods are always watching over you. In this fic, Jace and Aegon (and all the Targkids) are constantly being watched by their family, the court, and the realm because they are royal heirs. Although Jace and Aegon are adults by Westerosi standards, they’re still quite young—and now they have a child of their own to protect and watch over.
Aegon mentions in Chapter 6 that Jace hasn’t ugly-cried since she was 7, and now here’s the story! I discussed in previous commentaries how Rhaenyra and Laenor were trying for a son but after Joff was born, they called it quits. Since Joff was born sickly, Rhaenyra was distracted with that for several months. Once Joff was healthy, Rhaenyra decided to tell Jace on her seventh nameday—since seven is a special number in Westeros—about officially being her heir.
Prior to that, Jace is a normal, girly-girl child who’s only worried about games and such. She’s still well-behaved and responsible, but just in the “I need to make sure Luce brushes her teeth” sense rather than the “I have the weight of the realm on my shoulders” sense.
Laenor was like a Disney dad to Jace and Luce. He loved them but was often away living his own life, and when he came back he lavished them with presents to try to make up for it. Jace is careful with the dolls he gives her not only because she’s naturally a careful person, but also because they remind her of her father while he’s away. And to Laenor’s credit, he knows his daughters well enough that he can pick good presents for them. He notices that the dolls never last long in Luce’s hands so he gets less fragile stuff, while for Jace he buys delicate and expensive dolls because he knows she’ll appreciate them. I imagine he picks dolls wearing the clothes and hairstyles of whatever place he’s visiting, so Jace can use the dolls to learn what gowns are fashionable in Lorath or wherever.
Aegon is the eldest Targkid and he’s very important to Jace, so she gives a lot of weight to what he says. And Aegon has said a lot about how it sucks to be the heir and he’s glad he doesn’t have to do it. Now he’s regretting his big mouth 🥲.
Aegon was bad about carrying around handkerchiefs when he was younger, but he was always willing to sacrifice his sleeve if Jace needed it.
Aegon did indeed steal back Jace’s dolls from a 5-year-old, and I’m sure Luce bit him at least once (and yelled for Aemond to come hit Aegon). But once Luce realized how distraught Jace was about the dolls, she was willing to give them up. And Jace is very good about sharing, so Luce knows she can play with them whenever she wants.
Aegon doesn’t understand magic but he fully appreciates Joff’s help during the birth. If she hadn’t gone berserk in the middle of the night, she would have become his new favorite person after Jace and Cheeseball.
Is there symbolism in Aegon undoing his son’s swaddling and telling him “be free”?? Yeah probably.
Aegon was so worried about his influence being bad on the baby, but now he’s so proud and daydreaming about Cheeseball being a troublemaker like himself!
“I won’t be like my father. I’ll be better than him.” Foreshadowing for the rest of the chapter and Aegon’s arc in future fics? Yes it is! Also me pulling in some themes from Greek mythology, where sons becoming more powerful than their fathers is a common trope (Kronos vs his father Ouranos, Zeus vs his father Kronos, Zeus taking great pains to thwart his hypothetical son by his first wife Metis from being born so that son can never overthrow him).
Aegon’s little speech to Cheeseball is basically what Aegon wishes somebody had told him growing up. People called Aegon the future king and had high expectations for him. Aegon can’t stop other people from thinking and saying what they want to think and say, but he can make sure his son knows he has more value than his status as heir.
I’m not 100% sure but I think Aemond was voluntold to transport the egg, and Aemond is secretly pleased by the responsibility. Even though Aemond is awkward around his nephew, he does care about Elenar and he doesn’t want his nephew to grow up dragonless like himself. Aemond is concerned by the seeming imperfection of the egg (just as how he thinks his missing eye is an imperfection), but in the end, that “flaw” is a unique feature that makes the hatchling very special.
I enjoyed writing the juxtaposition of a serious conversation about politics and battle while Aegon is trying to help a baby pass gas 😂. Babies operate on their own timeline, they’re not waiting for the adults to finish speaking. If they need to fart, they need to fart.
Aegon would have been bloodthirsty toward the Tyroshi and Tyrosh in general, but he’s been busy taking care of Jace and then the baby. He prioritized giving attention to his family, and now that he has bandwidth to think about other things, a lot of that initial bloodthirst has died down because…well, Aegon is pretty happy with life right now. Jace is safe and happy, Elenar is safe and happy, so Aegon is content (and it helps that he’s seen what Daemon is doing in the Black Cells). But when Viserys disrupts that happiness, it kickstarts Aegon into action.
Aemond has been thinking a lot about how to avoid marrying Cassandra. His preference would be eloping with Luce, but she has hesitations because she knows his pride will likely lead to the marriage souring. Since he can’t talk her into that right now, he has to think of alternatives. If he remains in Westeros, Viserys could order lords and knights to send Aemond back to KL, which means Aemond would basically have to go rogue with Vhagar. Aemond could go traveling around Essos like many second sons, but that would make him look irresponsible. So he lands on the Stepstones option, which takes him physically far from Viserys’s reach and still allows him to fulfill his duties as a prince and dragonrider. Also, Aegon and Aemond left the Stepstones rather hastily so they could attend Jace and Aegon’s wedding. They arranged a deal with Racallio to make peace, but it ended up being a bandaid solution because Racallio is having trouble now. Aemond likes finishing what he started, so he also has that incentive to return to the Stepstones.
Aegon and Aemond aren’t the kind of guys to have a lot of heart-to-hearts, but Aegon still knows him really well. They aren’t friends, but they’re definitely brothers.
Luce fending off suitors from her island palace while Aemond is away = Penelope and Odysseus vibes, except our Penelope is NOT waiting for 20 years and she has a dragon that can take her places.
In Episode 9, Aemond stopped Aegon from running away from his duty. Here, Aegon is helping Aemond run away from his. Who would’ve thought Aemond would be the one shunning his duty? 🤪
Aegon has learned from his past mistakes. In Chapters 3 and 4, he forgot to communicate with Jace what he was doing, but now he makes sure to keep her apprised of his shenanigans.
Cheeseball being happiest while naked is another trait he shares with his father 😂. Both times when we’re introduced to Aegon (Ep 6 and Ep 8), he’s butt naked. He just seems really chill about casual nudity.
Aegon has been projecting dialogue and thoughts unto Cheeseball ever since he was in the womb, but honestly Aegon is probably accurate 99% of the time what his son is thinking and feeling.
Several months ago I saw a guy waiting in line at a fast-casual restaurant with a newborn, and he just started doing squats to soothe the baby. Hence, Aegon doing squats with Cheeseball and totally not caring that the entire court is watching him.
The Baratheons might be power-hungry, but they are genuinely mourning Floris. Most of them, at least. Cassandra is kinda heartless in F&B, so I could see her excitement about marrying a prince outweighing her grief. She’s done her homework about what (or whom) Aemond likes in the hopes that’ll make him like her better. Unfortunately, her efforts to evoke Luce spur him to flee the country instead 🥲.
Cregan is like twice Aegon’s size, but Aegon is still willing to fight him for hurting Jace’s feelings.
Deep down Viserys knew Jace and Aegon would NOT be happy about the fostering arrangement, and that’s why he didn’t say anything about it until they were at a public event where they can’t make a scene. But Aegon did make a scene, and that’ll be a cue for a lot of courtiers that there might be a schism among the Targs.
Viserys’s dragon dream is different than his show canon one (seeing his son wear the Conqueror’s crown), and what he sees gives him a greater sense of urgency re: the prophecy of the PTWP. He thinks it’s really important that the Targs forge a stronger bond with the Starks ASAP, so he’s speeding up the timeline for a fostering. Ironically, if Viserys set the fostering for age 7 like most, Jace and Aegon probably would’ve been unhappy but more accepting since it’s a normal arrangement. But yeah, this was really bad news for two new parents who just experienced a harrowing birth, and Jace’s emotions especially are still all over the place.
Viserys invoking being Aegon’s father when he’s done a shitty job of it 🫠.
To be fair to Cregan, he doesn’t really want to take Elenar as a ward at all, but like he said, it’s hard to say no to the king. And fostering a future king is supposed to be a huge honor.
In F&B, Baela gets dealt a crappy hand after the Dance. She marries Alyn Velaryon to avoid a worse marriage, but Alyn ends up being a serial cheater 😑. In this verse, with so many other Targ girls ahead of her in the succession for the throne and Driftmark, Baela has the option to not marry at all, especially if she goes the Queensguard route (Daemon would let her, and everyone is still thinking about Jace’s abduction so a sworn shield seems like an excellent idea to most people). But Jace knows Baela is reacting very emotionally right now and she didn’t want to entrap Baela in a lifelong oath she might regret later. For now though, it’s a good path for Baela so she can maintain her independence and stay near her family. Girl just needs to make sure not to enter any rebound relationships…
BTW if Daemon had an enemies list, he probably took the Targbros off but put Cregan on it instead because of the Baela situation.
Now we have a mirror scene of Aegon’s convo with Otto in Chapter 2! In Chapter 2, Aegon leaves the convo determined not to be involved in anything political because he wants to just focus on Jace. Now, Aegon realizes he has to be involved in politics if he wants to achieve what he and Jace want.
Otto truly isn’t happy with the fostering arrangement. The Starks aren’t happy with the Targs right now, and someone cynical might worry how Elenar is treated while he’s far away (he probably can’t even write a letter at age 4 to tell anyone what’s happening). As a prince and heir, Elenar would be accompanied by a household full of trusted servants and caretakers, but it isn’t the same as his own family keeping an eye on him. The North also isn’t a bastion of learning and diplomacy, so Otto is probably worried about what Elenar’s education will be like.
Since there’s so much genderbending in this verse, Targ princes are a hot commodity because there are only three of them in the current generation. Otto likes the Baratheon arrangement, but because Viserys offered Aemond as reparations, it affected how much the Crown could negotiate from the betrothal contract. And like Otto said, bad precedent: “Did the Targs wrong you? That’s ok, you’ll get a royal marriage or ward in exchange.”
I originally wanted another scene with Bethany in this fic but there wasn’t room for it. Her face is scarred very badly, and this hampers her marriage prospects (which is a lot of the value of a highborn girl in Westeros). Remaining as Jace’s LIW sends a message that Bethany is being honored rather than sent away where nobody can see her scars, and if Bethany is unable to marry, she still has a position of status and privilege at court. Bethany’s family isn’t happy about the attack at the Sept, but they’re grateful she at least survived. And since they have close ties to Alicent and Otto, they’re willing to be less grumbly than the Baratheons and Starks.
Otto gives zero credence to things like prophecy, so he is worried Viserys might be suffering a mental decline/break. This especially concerns him after Viserys has publicly declared that as king, his word is law (re: the fostering, but Otto is also thinking about Viserys keeping Rhaenyra as heir).
Otto might not care personally about the smallfolk, but he definitely appreciates the power of popular appeal, which Jace and Aegon have in spades. Otto sees that Aegon has a natural instinct for certain aspects of politics, and he’s frustrated that Aegon refuses to engage unless it’s by accident or at Jace’s behest. Otto knows what Aegon is like, so he pushes all the right buttons to trigger Aegon and motivate him to act.
A lot of Jace’s hangups about food are because of her fear of moon tea. But she wants to overcome that mental roadblock so she can continue with her life, and now moon tea is beneficial rather than harmful. She’ll probably still have some trouble with drinking it, but Aegon will be there to help her, and they’ll probably learn about/invent other contraceptive methods to double up on protection.
Aegon is willing to commit war crimes for Jace and she knows it, but she’s too lawful good to take advantage.
So many commenters were rooting for future Alyssa x Elenar! And at least one person suggested Elenar having a polygamous marriage with both Alyssa and Viserra (Daemon would love that lol). We shall see what happens! The kids are still developing their personalities.
Daemon resigned himself to Jace/Aegon a while ago, and now he’s spying a new opportunity to potentially get his blood on the throne one day 👀. Which means it behooves him to play nice with Aegon, who is understandably suspicious of Daemon being nice to him. I also think Daemon, after his growth arc in the Handbook, would like for his daughters/stepdaughters to have some semblance of happiness. And now that he’s begrudgingly admitted to himself that the Targbros aren’t so bad, he’s kind of insulted that Viserys is just handing out royal princes to any house willy-nilly.
“Much sorrow, many tears.” I haven’t seen Queen Charlotte but I have seen the memes of Charlotte going “sorrows, prayers” constantly. If you’re wondering whether there’s a connection…yes.
Viserys was 100% a snitch when he was growing up.
Joff didn’t have a real first meeting with Elenar. She passed out in the birthing room, and then she had her Exorcist moment that night. She just wants to meet her nephew without any drama 🥺.
Aegon isn’t particularly interested in magic in the first place, and he knows that way lies madness, so he decides the possible benefits of digging for more info aren’t worth the trouble. He’s had two months to let his anger settle and mull over the events. If the candle is the reason for Joff’s behavior, and if Joff is willing to put the candle aside, then he’s willing to move forward and carefully allow her interaction with Elenar as she regains his trust that she won’t act like that again.
Joff can be really sneaky about her words and actions, but she has a pretty strong personal code of conduct. If she did something wrong, she’ll own it, and if she makes a promise, she’s keeping it—which is why she’s so sneaky about it in the first place.
Viserys is not a good father, but generally it IS a father’s duty to arrange a good marriage for his daughter, which is arguably what he did for Helaena. But anyone who knows Helaena’s preferences (so definitely not Viserys) knows that she would hate a marriage taking her away from her family (and Rhaena) and forcing her to have a bunch of children.
It could be argued that it’s unwise for Viserys to wed a female dragonrider outside of the house, and this is true. But options for Helaena’s husband are limited. There are very few Targ princes in this universe. As for the other Valyrian families, the Celtigars are still kinda in disgrace from the Clement incident, and the only Velaryon men are from cadet branches like Vaemond’s sons, who have no inheritance worthy of a king’s daughter. The other option is for Helaena to remain unwed, which is her preference, but Viserys is trying to play politics 😒. At least he could address the dragon issue by declaring that none of Helaena’s children are permitted to have eggs or claim dragons—if he thinks of doing so.
Joff and Daeron are the little siblings trying desperately to keep up with their older siblings, and Aegon is NOT having it.
Before Joff and Daeron were born, Luce was the baby of the royal nursery, so she spent a lot of her early years running after the others. Then after the Driftmark funerals, Aemond and his siblings left with their parents for KL while Rhaenyra and her daughters stayed longer—only for Luce and her sisters to realize they weren’t returning home to KL but moving to Dragonstone. Then of course there was Aemond’s first trip to the Stepstones (I don’t think Luce even had a chance to say goodbye that time). Then when she was fostering at Driftmark, Aemond visited often but had to leave at the end of every visit. So Luce has developed a bit of a complex where she feels like Aemond is always going somewhere and she can’t go with him.
I realized that Aemond ended up being a very important secondary relationship for Aegon in this fic, so I wanted to make sure they got one last scene together. Daeron is also Aegon’s brother but he’s much younger, whereas Aemond has been his partner in crime for most of his life 🥲.
Aegon is actually pretty decent at planning logistics for his schemes. There’s this scene with the council, and earlier in the fic there was the raid on the warehouse, and in the Handbook I feel like he had a strong role in plotting the elopement.
“I am, as ever, your obedient son.” Aegon is so damn sassy in that moment 😭.
Viserys had put all of his children where he thought they belonged in his masterplan (kinda like how he puts all the pieces in his model of Valyria exactly where he thinks they belong), but Aegon (whom Viserys is quick to blame) has upended the board. Now Viserys is wondering if he needs to be worried about what Aegon will be up to in the future…
Is the white raven announcing the end of summer a symbol? 👀👀👀 Honestly this day is probably one for the history books. End of summer, Prince Aemond departs for the Stepstones, Aegon’s nameday, and a new dragon hatches.
The hatchling mostly resembles Sunfyre (like how Elenar mostly resembles Aegon), but with some sunrise coloring as the culmination of all the sun/morning symbolism throughout the fic. The blue eye is like a sign from the universe that even though Aemond is away, he’s still with his family in spirit 🥲.
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bohemian-nights · 2 months
The double standards within this fandom even in fanon actually is hilariously sad to be honest. Because the same people who rant and who rave about Nettles and about how unimportant she is to the Dance, to the narrative but as well as to Daemon, are in fact the very same people whom write reader insert stories about the reader having a rags to riches relationship with Daemon. Some even have the reader very clearly using Daemon to further their position in society and the fandom loves it. Matter of fact there are even some stories with the same premise surrounding Aemond, Aegon, and Jace (speaking of Jace it is telling how whenever it is x Velaryon!Reader it’s actually a strong!reader and you know what that pisses me off). The only difference is that in these stories the readers are ALWAYS described not as Velaryon or even Valyrian looking but as Targaryen looking. Or even when they try and make it ambiguous they always slip up and add in a detail or two that obviously makes you know the “reader” is white. So no I’m not bring race or color into everything but it’s very telling that when black characters especially black women are presented in a way that shows their importance, or are seen as capable of being desired in BOTH a sexual and romantic way, especially if it’s by a white man people all of a sudden seem to becomes “uncomfortable” with the ship or think it’s “problematic.” It’s also why none of the fandom has a problem with Missendei because of how “loyal” she was to Daenerys. And when I say “loyal” I mean she poses no threat to Daenerys politically or personally (she wasn’t a contestant for the throne nor did any of Daenerys’s “love” interests ever interest in Missendei) and essentially existed to serve Daenerys and Daenerys’s character, and therefore it was okay for the fandom to like her.
You said a word and yeah no one is trying to make it about race, but they brought race into it. Honestly they are just a very unserious group of people who have chip on their shoulder when it comes to the Black(ish) characters.
Imagine being so upset about a fictional character that you want her cut from a TV show cause she doesn’t look like you and she gets with a guy who you think is hot(that’s really what this about) so you use the excuse there are too many Black people on said show and say that any Black character can replace her.
And for the life of me I don’t understand why they think that excuse makes them look totally not racist. They talk about people only liking her cause she’s Black well it’s clear that they only hate her because she’s Black.
I mean it’s already pathetic that you have people being racist to actual people in real life, but imagine being anti-Black towards fictional characters.
This is literally just a show/book about fictional people with dragons in it, but the thing they can’t accept is Black characters with their own story arcs.
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ceoofhelaegon · 11 months
I like Aemond but damn he was so inept like it's soo funny . He ends smooshing his brother with his Godzilla dragon, maiming his King and one of their few dragons. If he had killed Aegon or sunfyre , he would had cost the Greens the war.
Manages to LOSE THE FUCKING CAPITAL and if not for Larys smuggling out Aegon would had cost the Greens the war again.
Decides to genocide a entire noble House which was TEAM GREEN because they were related to the Velaryon boys, possibly getting Aegon poisoned down the line(Larys wanting revenge for the doom of his House is what makes sense about him killing Aegon)
Spending his time committing war crimes that will come back to bite his brother and his mother´s asses after Rhaenyra´s death.
Let Daeron and Criston die because.......reasons? Yeah but don't forget he study the blade and the philosophy lmaaooo he is so unserious
Nonnie, I honestly never thought of this way...Aemond messes up so badly during the war. But it's more the character or the contrived plot since GRRM wanted Daemon to die in the battle of gods eye? But you're right, he messed up way too much, can't take him seriously.
aemonds whitewashing makes me want to rip my hair out cause of them planning to erase daeron and probably give his arc to aemond and the absolute destruction of argon’s character… don’t get me started
Oh trust me, I've ranted about this way too much as well.
i hope aegon doesnt build aemond thst statue after how he treated him when he wanted to run away lmao
me seeing that happening because Ryan loves Aemond for some reason:
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Of course they had to make Aemond involved somehow 🙄 as if these are not Aegon's children that Aegon will torture Blood and then get revenge for them later. At this point Aemond is Ryan's self-insert it's so ridiculous how he needs to involved him in every plot.
Ryan is literally self-inserting himself into Aemond so don't be surprised if he made the entire story about him
It makes A LOT of sense if that's what he's doing and explains so much of the writing choices. 💀
Don't be surprised if Ryan made b&c about Aemond (there is a reason why he made Aemond's intentional kill an accident) he will made rock's rest about Aemond as well, not mention that Aemond will become prince regent and Ryan will force Aemond in every scene even when there is no need to that, I like Aemond but let's be real other characters deserves to shine not just Aemond
Nonnie, you're making me a doomer ngl:
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Greenis who think that Aemond of all people would be a good ruler are delusional. Only Jace and Daeron are capable of becoming good rulers
I mean, can we blame them? They believed what Ryan made Aemond say in ep. 9...the fucking CRINGE
I love how lazy Ryan and co were to the point they couldn't write anything for Aegon ii so they decided to copy the personality of Aegon iv (one of the most boring targaryen ever) and start pretending that they have created a complex and grey character who rapes maiden in the morning and watch wwe kids in the night, extremely unserious. If they wanted to copy the personality of a bad/tyrannical targ at least they should have picked someone interesting like Maegor or Visenya
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But you're so right, Aegon IV is just so boring and copying his personality is so dumb...if the Blackfyre Rebellions ever get adapted how are they're gonna make Aegon IV?! A guy good who's misunderstood? So unserious.
Aemond's line was probably a lazy set up for the plot of Aemond becoming prince regent
We shouldn't be surprised, the writers have the subtlety of a bull in a china shop.
I love Aemond but there is no denying that he is extremely dark and he will get darker in future seasons, why can't his hardcore stans accept that and stop assaulting anyone who dislikes him or admits that he is a dark character? Like where is the fun liking wholesome uwu characters all the time? Aemond is interesting in this way and there is no fun in pretending that he something he is not (that he's some uwu kindhearted soul)
I think it comes from the fact that people don't want to like a dark character, they might think that somehow it reflects badly on them.
It doesn't btw!!!!!
should’ve had the baratheon girl tell aemond that luke cut his balls off instead of his eye which she humbled his ass ngl but that would make aemond seem like a crybaby for a statement like that and we can’t have mr. i should be king doing dumb shit like that
I'd love to see Maris (I think that it was her) being bitchy, I love bitchy characters!!!!!!
I honestly think it would make him look the impulsive character that he is.
aemond is a massive dick in the books idk why they portrayed him in such a positive light if anything that’s daeron and lord knows were never getting him at this point and aegon is an ass but nevertheless a smart one and a strong one with a decent relationship but no anyways i’ll shout it from the rooftops #justiceforphiaandtom
Same, Nonnie. I kinda liked him before the war, he was just the kind of friend that all of us have, and need sometimes, that says what everyone is thinking.
Sorry to Ryan but Aemond talks,walks, and looks as an anime villain so it's really hard for me to take him seriously especially after his oopsie daisy in ep10 after he chased luke while laughing maniacally
I think it's something like: It doesn't matter if it was an accident it's done kind of thing BUT having him lose control of Vhagar made him look very goofy.
But yeah, he didn't need to laugh like an anime villain.
You are so right, Helaena is barely a character and if the rumors are true she will only be there to be a catalyst for Aemond arc.
Hopefully is not true, but I'm not hopeful at all, Nonnie.
Idc how unpopular this opinion is, but Helaena deserves much more than to be a mere plot device to give some development to Aemond, i don't want her to die early on and for her death to be the beginning of Aemond's man pain arc, it's the fault of the showrunners who whitewashed him too much and tried to merge Daeron's personality with him, if they want him to catch up with his book counterpart there are plenty of ways to do that WITHOUT sacrificing a female character for him. If they did that they have no right to claim they're progressive and feminists
I'll riot if they make Helaena's character about Aemond, THIS ISN'T ABOUT AEMOND!!!!!!!
But Nonnie, they're not feminists nor progressives...we need to realise that, they only say that to avoid criticism and it works.
I love how the mass genocider Aemond who enslaved a woman and most likely raped her is a feminist Marxist and his mommy's little criminal while Rhaenyra and Daenerys are mad queens who deserve to die horribly. We love when misogyny prevail <3
I mean, making excuses for disgusting men and hating teenage girls for being kids is VERY on brand for the ASOIAF fandom.
I love how in the book Aemond was the worst of all of his siblings, now the show is pretending that he is Jaeherys reborn again after they cut Daeron, made Aegon a mustache-twirling villain and never give Helaena any personality whatsoever
Every time I think about the butchering of helaegon and my baby Daeron:
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the merging of characters was the dumbest thing ever like daeron and aemond? who was gonna burn bitterbridge ? aemond?? while he’s making stupid decisions in the riverlands ?? god where is daeron they refuse to announce his casting
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Imagine the incompetent showrunners Thinking that the lunatic mass murder who killed small children just because they have strong blood in them and enslaved a woman and possibly raped her as he has taken her as his *war prize* and who is a disgusting misogynistic as well would be a better grey&complex character than Aegon who took the crown only to protect his family and Daeron who was the most popular kindest son of Alicent lmao sheer stupidity
Nonnie, the Daeron is erasure was PERSONAL!!!!! I hate it here and HotD was a mistake.
It's so hilarious that every male character needs to be either get assassinated or get cut (applied to both teams) just to make Aemond shine.... (even Daemon get the worse interpretation of his character lmao) I wonder what this says about the quality of Aemond's character and the Showrunners's confidence in making him a "relatable" character. It's a curios decision especially when you consider what Aemond will do in the future
Makes you wonder how they'll handle his arc moving forward...maybe change it completely, he won't commit any war crimes 💀
The most unserious scene will be that Battle above God’s Eye scene and the leading up to it and knowing the two fan favorites go out at the same time and I know they are waiting until the damn series finale for that and are going to rush Rhaenyra’s death cause they hate Aegon or have Alicent poison Aegon cause she loves Rhaenyra so much or even sacrifice herself for Rhaenyra. They’ll probably have Aemond’s head be cut of cause it’s Daemon like where’s my stupid Aemond who literally was the second worst decision maker in the dance behind daemyra who deserve to be together at the number one spot.
The erasure of Aegon as a character is my villain origin story!!! Can't wait for the most unserious scene in TV history.
Fun fact: the majority (especially non book readers) hate Aemond, so obviously they're not shipping him with anyone and the majority of who want Helaemond to become canon are wanting that out of hatred for Alicent since Helaena's children being bastards will make Alicent super hypocrite. So they don't care about Helaena's "happiness" (yeah she will be happy with the brother who caused the death of her children and her ultimate suffering and death lmao) they only care about Rhaenyra being on the absolute right and Alicent being nothing but a raging misogynistic and a hypocrite so they don't care about any nuance
The amount of Tik Tok comments and creators wanting the kids to be Aemond's just make Alicent look dumb is huge, and as a helaegon is sad to see.
So according to GRRM logic aemond is bastardphobic but takes a bastard to bed and gets her pregnant? Not ONE person says this could be because of magic but out of true love like y’all saw Melisandre in season 2 with how strange she was at Harrenhal? I’d assume she would be more like her because Ryan needs the constant comparisons 💁‍♀️
Since Ryan is trying to be GoT 2.0, it wouldn't surprise me if we get Melisandre 2.0 in HotD.
Cant wait for the battle above Gods Eye to be so unserious while pregnant alys is right there 😭
It's going to be so fucking unserious, I laughed the first time I read a 50 year old man jumping from his dragon and killing his 20 year old nephew. 💀
Never forget Aemond is bastardphobic but sleeps with a bastard GRRM is so unserious 😭
Especially a bastard from the SAME FAMILY of the bastards he hates!!!!!
Of course only Aemond is going to get his Daenerys Targaryen moment in the Riverlands and not Daeron and what happened at Bitterbridge because the writers hate Daeron and instead gave every character trait to Aemond probably making him regret what happened in the Riverlands after he burns it instead of giving that humanizing moment to Aemond. The worst part is he probably would’ve been a fan favorite had the included him in the first season. This is all coming from an show!aemond girlie
It was probably the dumbest thing HotD has ever made, ngl.
Team black here, and I got to say I've seen your and your anons criticism about Ryan's favoritism and to be honest I agree but it's not just about how Aegon is written compared to how Aemond is written, it's also about how all the young characters are written compares to Aemond Jace,luke,baela and rhaena all have been vilified by Ryan for the sake of giving a poor me sob story for Aemond. Rhaena and Baela weren't in the fight in the book, and Jace and luke have been turned into bullies and not only that, Jace canonical talents and skills with the sword, being studious and worthy of being the next ruler (after rhaenyra) the maesters said something similar to Jace proved himself to be worthy of being the prince of the iron throne all of it have been taken away and given to Aemond in show. Jace and luke could care less about Aemond's stupid toast in the book and the fight was between Aegon and Jace because of Helaena. Ryan made them instead get angry because of Aemond's speech not to mention he made Jace who has been described as tall and strong just like Harwin to gets pushed down into the ground by Aemond whose greatest achievement as a fighter is killing some random 80yr man. Luke whose mother is a valeryian supremacist can't even speak valeryian properly while Aemond can lmaoo. Not to mention that Laena used to have a scene while she claims Vhaegar as a brave 12yr girl but Ryan cut that out because he wants Aemond's scene to be more impressive? Rhaena who grown up dragonless doesn't has any backstory and the show doesn't even focus on her pain while Aemond had given a fully made up bullying story? There is no mention of the impressive fact that helaena as 11/12 was able to claim one of the largest/oldest dragons of that time? There is nothing wrong for a writer to like a certain character but not to the point of literally stealing and destroying other characters just to make their fave the only likable character. And I wonder what trying to woobify a mass murder and a rapist whose greatest achievement is about killing innocents and children while destroying and subjecting female characters truly says about Ryan?
I've seen team black talking about the same thing before, making the son of Breakbones this weak and pathetic boy was certainly a choice.
I agree with you, we should've seen Laena and Helaena claiming their HUGE dragons at such a young age. I honestly think that it wouldn't make Aemond's scene less impactful, we would get way more attached to Vhagar and see that Laena was her own woman and worthy of the biggest dragon in the known world.
As I said before, the feminist angle is just to stop criticism of bad writing.
Something all Helaegon and Daemyra stans can agree on is Aemond fans are bloody wild! I post about shipping both them couples and somehow my inbox is filled with hate from Aemond supporters🤣 like bru, nobody is mentioning him
LMAO, Nonnie...I'll get so much hate asks after this...but you're so right lol.
what are the aemond stan’s crying about? he’s fictional ya’ll but seriously what do they complain about
Mainly about how Aemond isn't my favourite, because god forbid Aemond isn't my fave.
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navree · 1 year
I never cared before about Alys when I've read F&B but the way some of those shippers hate her so much , in Twitter i see alot of them call her ugly hag , gro**mer and so many misgonystic/ ageism names and even hope for her to get cut from the show.. What for ? She is very important to the narrative and especially to Aemond's arc...
Yeah, shippers of other things and antis have been getting weirrrrrrrrrd about Alys. And that's not just a thing specific to her, I've seen some people on my side say weird shit about Helaena (which is fucked up she's the number one girlie y'all are fake fucking Green fans if you're gonna shit on Helaena for no reason), and I'm really not looking forward to anything the Daemon/Rhaenyra shippers are going to have to say once Nettles shows up. Chillest shippers I've seen in this fandom thus far are the Rhaenicents, God bless. And it'd be one thing on its own if I could trust that this was just confined to dislike of a character, but considering the track record people have when it comes to ASOIAF related media (the people who made fun of Emilia Clarke's appearance and her brain injuries and bullied Emily Carey off of social media are never going to see Heaven), I do not trust these people not be utterly vitriolic to whichever actress they ultimately cast as Alys.
People can have their criticisms of the ship, they can point out what they want about the age difference (even though it's not grooming because words have meanings Jesus Christ, not to mention Aemond has significantly more power in the relationship than Alys does) or just not enjoy it, that's all fair and valid. But it's really weird to demand that Alys be cut entirely when she's a unique part of her story and offers a unique perspective that no other character can offer, as well as her place in the stories and arcs not just for Aemond but for Daemon and Larys and honestly even Criston cuz he was at Harrenhal too. Alys can't be replaced with another character, no one occupies the part of the story she's a part of in the way that she does, that's why she as a character exists. Nor is it necessarily "out of character" for Aemond to fall for her or prioritize her once he does, and it's not him "abandoning his family for some chick" as I've seen some people actually say. For one, sorry that Aemond's recorded actions as written down in one book aren't fitting into what you want to happen, but that's on you, not the writing. If, over the course of a single story, a character's canon actions and canon thoughts and canon feelings and canon words feel "out of character" to you, then you simply do not have an accurate read on that character, I'm sorry. For two, it's not even him abandoning his family or being out of character. Nothing about their relationship is out of bounds for the kind of person that Aemond is, and as I mentioned in a prior ask, Aemond is not in a position to help his family. Even beyond the fact that Aemond considers Daemon their biggest threat at the moment and his primary goal was to get rid of him before thinking of any way to depose Rhaenyra, his family's either dead or prisoners to a hostile faction, and any attempt to try and free the ones he knows are alive just aren't feasible at that time (if you think Aemond's going to gamble the lives of his mother and his sister on the off chance that an assault on Rhaenyra might succeed, then you're stupid, no two ways about it). With that backdrop, it makes perfect sense that Aemond is at least going to fight tooth and nail for the one person he does have and does love, that he can save, because he can't do anything for Alicent or Helaena or Aegon who at this point might even be dead, but he can do something to keep Alys safe and well by his side. And even if you want to be incredibly cynical about it, then at this point in time Alys could potentially be carrying a future claimant for the Greens. No one knows where Aegon is, Jaehaera is ineligible for the throne under Westerosi customs and laws, Jaehaerys and Maelor are both dead, and Aemond and Daeron are both actively participating in deadly combat that could (and does) kill them. For pragmatism alone, Aemond wanting to ensure that, if Alys is carrying a son, that this son survives to continue pressing the claims set forth by their side, or Hell even just to make it so Rhaenyra doesn't win, makes sense.
Even if you want to ignore the importance Alys brings to the narrative, what she furthers in Aemond's arc, what his love for her can reveal to us about the kind of character that he is, that still doesn't make anything about the romance or the actions it spurs "out of character" or an indictment on Aemond, nor does it justify being weird and vile about a fictional character or people who enjoy her relationship with another fictional character. Ya fucking freaks.
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ladymorghul · 5 months
Aemond can truly be called a villain after he'll execute the Strongs at Harrenhal and burns the Riverlands…until then, I definitely agree that it's way too soon to assign him this label. Maybe so far he would deserve it for killing Luke, but like you said, TB stans refuse to condemn Daemon and call him a villain for his bad deeds and will keep doing so even after B&C, yet we're supposed to do it with Aemond?
I also agree with the other anon that it's some Aegon stans who are often starting this whole Aegon vs Aemond discourse and I also think it's mostly because they are frustrated with how Aegon was treated by the writers vs how Aemond was (I think they did it to prop up Rhaenyra though, not Aemond, so everyone watching the show sides with her claim) but frankly they should direct their complaints at them instead of beefing with Aemond fans and lowkey hoping that Aemond also gets villainized next season by having him act like a psycho who cares about nothing except himself instead of receiving a proper arc with him slowly descending into madness.
That's not to say Aemond stans are innocent in all this. We all know how the Aemondwives act about him, claiming he's this very loyal, dutiful prince, who truly cares about the women in his lives and would never SA a woman (vs Aegon who's a rapist and Daemon who's a pedo -- just pointing out some of them say when they compare the men) and generally someone who'll never do anything, intentionally or not, that puts Aegon's claim or his family into danger…which we know is false and I'm sure they will change their tune once he hooks up with Alys ("hey we never said he's dutiful", "doing his duty did him no good, he still became a kinslayer, now he has every right to choose love this time since Alys is the only one who can love him for himself", etc.) and effectively loses the war for the Greens by abandoning King's Landing and then separating with Criston.
agree with much of this. but also... the more i think of what follows, the more depressed i get lmao
yeah neither aegon nor aemond have completely innocent stans who didn't feed in some way into the discourse. and with aemond stans it's tricky because many of them are not fans of tg characters, just aemond, so i've seen some say they don't care if he leaves them all for alys because they would too. some jokingly some not, it's the same narrative as parentified aemond narrative.
but yeah, i wish everyone would calm down and see the real villains (the writers!)
i'm joking i'm joking... but am i. my baby alicent </3
anyway we'll see what happens next season in the actual show but i'm sure that the great aemond vs aegon fandom war, 2024 ac will come
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
That being said, I'd like to add that Aegon agreed to send Rhaenyra those generous peace terms after he was crowned + the debacle with Meleys. So he may have liked how the crowd responded to him, but he wasn't so high on power that he refused to do what his mother advised.
That whole Meleys scene should be a monumental beat for all characters facing her! And for King's Landing as a backdrop (and greek chorus, one would hope?) but I doubt they will since they boldfaced stated they did that all for an epic MCU moment which is such a shame.. like that's major??? Guess just another Tuesday in King's Landing huh?
Like I really wonder do the writers understand the major implications for, at least, the main cast of characters? Background characters and settings such as the peasants aside for now. Like I believe you're absolutely right in your reading of Aegon by the end of EP10 as at least cooperative to a certain extent, but are the writers? IDK what it looks like inside a writing room and what it's like having to share a narrative with so many people but IDK Scoobs it's not looking that bright.......
I totally follow prev. Anon's line of thinking and I really hope for something nuanced that won't clock you over the head.
I actually don't think we will stay with Aegon a lot... everyone working on HOTD seem to agree that Alicent and Rhaenyra are the MCs and heart of the show which I have nothing against but by nature of it Aegon is secondary to tertiary character. And I say tertiary because they made a bigger effort to put us in, for example, Aemond's POV and I expect them to keep it up going forward. I see no reason why they wouldn't, tho, If I remember correctly, Condal did say he's very interested in the reign of Aegon II so maybe they're saving Aegon-focus for his Hysterical King Arc. Additionally, Aegon will be down post-RR while Aemond is doing fuck all as Prince Regent and Local Terror of Riverland, then Aegon disappears from the face of the earth and the narrative until Sunfyre hits him up again. OFC this is all speculation on my side and depending on the narrative they decide to shoot for, focus and POV can shift. Yet, once again, I see no reason why they would.
I fully expect to see Fight over Dragonstone focalized thru Baela's POV (tho there's much more wiggle room in visual mediums), which I don't mind; she barely gets anything to do in the war as it is.
Rhaenyra being chosen as a POV for her own death march to Dragonstone is a no-brainer.
His return to KL in F&B is already super gloomy and cursed. Hell, his reign is called The Sad Short Reign LMAO so I expect the tone to be kept as oppressive and gloomy as the coronation, if not worse. Like this man is not gonna have a "facing the white stag" fairytale moment. Maybe a dove will anoint him by shitting on him IDK!
Hope the vibes of this ask aren't too bad; I'm in fact rather cheery since I'll be entertained either way!
That whole Meleys scene should be a monumental beat for all characters facing her!
Agreed! Aegon finally has his confirmation that Mother loves him. He should be obsessed with that, instead of towering over her (IDK??) Isn't that more interesting, at least? Trailing behind her like a puppy? King Chihuahua?
Like I really wonder do the writers understand the major implications for, at least, the main cast of characters? Background characters and settings such as the peasants aside for now. Like I believe you're absolutely right in your reading of Aegon by the end of EP10 as at least cooperative to a certain extent, but are the writers? IDK what it looks like inside a writing room and what it's like having to share a narrative with so many people but IDK Scoobs it's not looking that bright.......
Yeah, I expect there are going to be inconsistencies when you have many different writers, each with their different take on the characters (that's inevitable), but there should be someone in charge to even things out and keep track of them thematically. Maybe that's why we had Alicent bitchy @ Rhaenyra in one episode and then wanting to reconcile in the next, with little context/explanation in between?
If I remember correctly, Condal did say he's very interested in the reign of Aegon II so maybe they're saving Aegon-focus for his Hysterical King Arc.
I hope you're right and I hope it means he'll get something to work with.
Aegon disappears from the face of the earth and the narrative until Sunfyre hits him up again.
They could do a lot with this actually. He has to convince some Dragonstone people to take him in and care for him, defect for Rhaenyra and fight for his cause instead. That's no easy feat and could constitute for some meaty, compelling characterization. I hope they're not going to show him in a coma for 3/5s of the show. 💀
His return to KL in F&B is already super gloomy and cursed. Hell, his reign is called The Sad Short Reign LMAO so I expect the tone to be kept as oppressive and gloomy as the coronation, if not worse. Like this man is not gonna have a "facing the white stag" fairytale moment. Maybe a dove will anoint him by shitting on him IDK!
This is the perfect time to go full-Commodus!!! But there has to be some sort of progression to get there, otherwise what's the point of his arc? If he's just a flat character.
Hope the vibes of this ask aren't too bad; I'm in fact rather cheery since I'll be entertained either way!
No worries, I also aimed to be entertained. I just hope we get the best possible story. 😭
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 11 months
💕 Self-love time! Talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics or a fanfic chapter or a scene or an arc) you enjoy the most, for whatever reason. Send to other creators to do the same if you wish. 💕
💕 Thank you so much for sending this Liz!!!
I already talked about The Silver Dragon in Ange's ask, so I'll talk about Studious here!
I don't know if I've ever said this on tumblr before, but I 100% intended the first Studious as a jokey one-shot. Like I thought the reactions were gonna be just a couple people going "ahaha yeah Aemond doesn't know how to fuck lol"
It absolutely blew up and people (more people than I ever expected) were so invested in this relationship? And practically clamoring for more? Talk about an ego boost, holy shit!
So I got to write more of it, and explore that relationship more in depth. And get into Aemond's head to write his diary entries! It's been such a joy to write and I can't wait for y'all to see the rest of what I have planned.
And to anyone who has read and enjoyed Studious: I love you so much and I wish that you always have at least a little joy in your day!!!
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reginarubie · 1 year
A trilogy just feels right because there are too many questions and many things unresolved, I prefer the trilogy that can give us a satisfying ending for everyone(Aemond and Sansa, the greens and also for the black children) instead of a rushed one(season 8*cough cough*)
This fic has become one of my favorites! The dynamics, the plot, THE CHARACTERS(can I say that I love Symon with all my heart and I hope that he and Sansa can reunite)
Aemond and Sansa supremacy baby—my favorite rare pair that is so different from the classic forbidden love story between Aemond and an oc!niece
Sansa and Aemond feels so natural together that my heart may burst for happiness🤗😚
Helaena, Alicent, the children and Aegon!
Also Luke👀—I have feeling the boy is going through a phase as "Sansa's in KL"
I may be wrong, eh and honestly can't wait for more🥰😉
Ciao nonny, sorry for the delay!
Well, I've updated this morning the Mysaria' side-story which I had immense fun writing, and I'm about to update the new chapter!
Yeah it's going to be a trilogy and as I was considering today, I feel I should cut the first installment of it short because the additive chapters I had planned fit best with next installment of the story.
I have no intention to rush whatsoever which is why I have decided to cut part I (kissed by fire ~ kissed by steel mainstory I) because I don't wanna rush the arcs that I had planned at the end of it, and would rather explore more throughoutly those same arcs in the next installment where they are due as they remain on the same topic (as I have divided the story between Sansa getting pushed back in time, gathering her bearings and gaining agency of her own with her falling in love in the first installment and the Dance in the second installment, while the third will be about the consequences of the changes Sansa has made to the Dance).
You'll see much more of Symon — and of Sansa's trusted stewardess as well — in the coming second installment. As well as you'll see more of the Greens (I am a bit bummed out you haven't mentioned Daeron my sweetheart :( how could you?, nonny?) and of the Blacks as well. This story is far from over, though the first installment is at its end (with just the last chapter + epilogue).
No s8 shenanigans for me, thank you very much!, and I am happy we're on the same book about it too ;)
Stay tuned for the new chapter in a bit!
As always sending all my love ~G.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
I really hate how they took Aemond a villain who is in the level of ramsay-joffery vileness and cruelty . Then , decided to turn him into a helpless victim . villainizing rhaenyra and luke so Aemond's arc as poor victim could work, you have people thinking that luke deserved to die in that horrible way because he dared to oppose Aemond to defend his siblings when Aemond was clearly the first one who started the conflict..
Also they've cut off daeron and give his personality to Aemond so he became "the dutiful- respectful son" and it's funny because of this , Aemond's hareem act as if they're morally superior to others because they like Aemond and hate Daemon lol
I still haven't found a single part of F&B where it says that Daeron was devoted and more "dutiful" to Alicent more than other people he could be dutiful towards (being "mannerly" was his thing) or that he was her favorite, that they had some sort of special bond. So I'm not sure where people are getting this information to even say that they gave this to Aemond. However, I dislike that they gave the trait and behavior to Aemond regardless, who prioritized his own wins against Daemon over Alicent and Helaena's capture.
Yeah, people do love to shit on this young boy (Lucerys) because they think of him as an undeserving bastard in Aemond and the greens' way and/or a bad person because he slashed out Aemond's eye while Aemond yelled about how he and his brother would die screaming just as their father did (these are the words in the episode).
Love that we're supporting a raping, genocidal maniac. Can't cope with dumbassesry, anon.
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
What do you think about Aegon’s characterization thus far? Do you think he had the potential to be interesting? Likable? Or was he (and to a lesser extent all Team Green kids) doomed from the start? What about his relationship with Helaena? I remember someone saying that the writers intended for the fan base to be split 50/50. Personably I don’t think this was ever going to be achievable for a few reasons 1. Team Black had an objectively more sympathetic cause 2. HOTD set Rhaneyra up as not only a main character but a protagonist and 3. they made Aegon a rapist.
His characterization is a mess which isn’t surprising considering how they’ve framed Rhaenyra’s arc in the show. I agree with you that for that reason Aegon was never going to be portrayed in a sympathetic light.
Honestly book!Aegon isn’t very likable to me (although he does have his moments after he’s crippled) and he isn’t a “good guy,” but then again none of them are.
Book!Rhaenyra is an awful human being. She’s who’s a self-centered racist* who believes she and only she should be the exception to the rules. She won’t even uplift other highborn women(see her passing over the ladies Rosby and Stokeworth to make their younger brothers lords which bit her in the butt in the end).
I will keep bringing up Missy Anne’s racism because as a Black woman, I hate how fans try to act like it’s not a big deal or dismiss it and say she isn’t a racist when she justifies murdering a young possibly pregnant woman using racist language. She’s the only one in the Dance who tries to commit a racially motivated hate crime in addition to her saying “f*ck all women except me.” Acknowledge that.
However, the show has so far given her more grace and the latter half has tried to force down our throats how she’s a woman “wronged by the patriarchy.”(See Ser Vaemond calling her a whore to delegitimize the case for wanting House Velaryon to stay in Velaryon hands or even Daemon choking her out).
Show!Aegon on the other hand has been portrayed in the worst light possible. I.e. going with the tale that he’s a rapist/child predator when the only source who calls him that is Rhaenyra’s #1 fan Mushroom:
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Ignoring Mushroom cause he’s not a legitimate source if his clown behind is the only one saying it, Aegon’s worst crime is being a drunken cheater. Which sucks for Helaena. I do think he cared about/loved her because she was his sister and I don’t think he abused her, but with the way their relationship is described, it wasn’t like they were a “loving” couple.
Moving on, Aegon has legitimate reasons to “usurp” Rhaenyra(which is something that he originally didn’t want to do) because even if he pledges his loyalty and support to her he(his sons, Aemond, and Daeron) will always be a threat to her and her sons(especially the Strong boys) reign.
If the lords ever felt she “got out of line” they’d want to replace her with Aegon. A civil war was inevitable with the choices that Viserys made. So in the books when Criston tells him that if he doesn’t accept his crown they’ll all die, yeah, he was right to have himself crowned as king.
If the show writers truly wanted to spilt the fanbase right down the middle they would’ve shown that instead of the drunken rapist who likes to watch his bastard children fight each other like dogs. That tall tale by Mushroom would’ve been scrapped altogether.
(And while I do like show!Alicent, her being aged down is another reason why Aegon’s characterization is so messed up. She’s the main frontman for Team Green because they are going for a more “feminist” approach. The show in actuality is anything, but feminist since they won’t let the women have any agency whatsoever, but that’s another conversation. Plus it's clear Ryan has a hard-on for Aemond so that's also spilling over to Aegon’s characterization).
Show!Aegon would’ve/should’ve been portrayed as the reluctant king who pulls himself together to protect his family. That’s an interesting story. That’s the sympathetic angle. The show writers failed him(and I think they know they screwed up since Sara Hess tried to say that he was still likable despite them choosing to make him into a child predator 🤦🏽‍♀️).
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fkevin073 · 1 year
Firstly my obligatory love message
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!!
And now! Girl.... That last chapter both in ikylao and in the alternate universe one.
Ikylao just hits everytime. She is in such a horrible possition. getting spread thin having to deal with everything and most importantly being unable to handle her grief over Jace..well.. over everyone really! Amd her grief keeps her from her brothers who could so easily unburden her with a kind word or an easy hug. But -again- she cannot handle them and has to be distant and dismissive and send them away which in turn make her feel even more grief and guilt.
And you know how paranoia works. Losing her shit over Jace's death while also convincing herself one panicked thought at a time that she may have killed Viserys??
I- girl... Your writing just hits!
Im LIVING for the day when they'll get word that he is alive. And i pray she'll give his kidnappers the Maegor Deluxe treatment. They were proposing marriage but they may get a funeral.
And Aemond with Luke????? I-. It makes me feel too much and thus cannot speak of it.
Cant you see im speechless? If you are worried about this arc of Alysanne let me tell you you're hitting all the story beats (or the things i perceive to be story beats) perfectly! And the characterization is on point too
The Au! .... Dude... The first chapter was 🤤😩🥵 the second was just as deadly. In this alternate universe (and this is coming from sb who is triggered and very offput by cheating thanks for the CW btw) Alysanne had a point. In this extreme situation that they were all put in, this extreme act just makes sense. Not only as a subconscious revenge or as a result of hurt or what have you. But under all this pressure her love and affection and just intimacy with Jace is natural to have been expressed in such a manner. I loved it!
AHH omg this is so kind!!
writing IKYLAO has definitely been a lot because alysanne is going through it so so hard rn. she really is losing her sanity. I think some people are built to have a lot of anger inside them, or can handle it in larger doses. I'm not sure Alysanne can. Whenever we've seen her get really really angry, she always becomes destructive to herself or other people. but yeah, def no happy vibes there for the moment.
I'm so glad people are liking the AU series stuff! I know the second part was due to be very controversial, with good reason. I'm alysanne's #1 defender tho, so I'm trying not to pick up my pitchfork lol. anyway, this is so so lovely, and I wish you the best xx
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dulcewrites · 2 years
writers had helaenond in their mind, didn't you see the leak about aemon/naerys/aegon IV from 2021? seems like you're afraid that helaena will replace alys. that's why you're trying to push heleana into a r*pist
Ok… so if the writers had them in mind (which yeah you can’t convince me they did), I’ll just leave it at they did a piss poor job at setting that up 🫶🏽. Also when did I say I wanted Helaena and Aegon together? I said I wanted their complicated relationship (whatever that may be) explored. Reading is fundamental.
And second, yeah I think it makes no sense to have Aemond in love with his sister… when he has a romantic arc that they can do what they like with? to ME that is lazy writing
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atopvisenyashill · 15 days
hi! i'm the anon who asked for ur aegon and carl analysis. carl's one of my favs in the show and i find aegon an interesting character and most of that has to do with his relationship with alicent! basically thank u sm for taking the time to share ur thoughts! there's actually this one scene between carl and lori in early s2 that i found was similar (or will likely be in s2 of hotd) to aemond and alicent. it's lori being terrified of carl becoming cold (saying he'd also shoot sophia instead of having a normal response to what he's just had to see) i think alicent becomes scared of aemond once she sees he has no remorse for what he's done (killing luke, hurting rhaenyra, starting the full blown-out war) and it'll especially hurt her to reconcile who he is now with the child she loved and defended years before.
thank you for your thoughts!!
and YEAH i was actually thinking of that specific scene between lori & carl in season 2 as well - you can tell lori is disturbed and unsure of what to do but then the entire problem clearly slips from her mind as she’s got shane’s increasingly unhinged behavior to deal with, rick’s own behavior to deal with, and then the issue of not having food or shelter for most of her pregnancy. it’s possible she even thinks maybe carl is feeling better - we see in the opening of season 3 where carl finds dog food and brings it first to his mother to eat. he’s still a sweet, conscientious child who knows his mother needs nutrients and dog food IS packed full of the proteins and vegetables she needs - only for rick to angrily slap it out of their hands and carl to retreat from the situation. i think lori figures that this means carl is “fixed” but a) you can’t fix problems with empathy that easy b) carl not wanting to confront his father makes complete sense c) we don’t know how much (if anything) she’s been told of carl’s involvement with shane’s death OR with dale’s death, which are both weighing on carl heavily. it’s also like,,,, how do you even broach this topic when you never have privacy and you are NOT a child psychologist and have no access to anyone who would understand or help?
then, before lori can ever really figure out how to deal with the problem, her water is breaking and judith is coming out the wrong way and lori has no control over whether carl is the one to kill her or not. i get why maggie lets him do it but i don’t think it was the right decision here (not that maggie even knows what carl is struggling with, and maggie has her own mental health problems going on too) because it clearly has a negative effect on carl’s psyche. i mean this is a trauma he brings up after the prison burns, several seasons and like a full year later.
what’s great about carl is he seems to realize that he has been emotionally neglected by the adults around him - when he’s screaming at rick during season 4 i believe it is (honestly that entire arc post prison but pre terminus where everyone is just missing each other is the best stretch of the series to me, and carl/rick/michonne’s two parter is fantastic, best episodes in the series) he says that rick can’t do anything, rick failed to protect everyone, all of this is rick’s fault. and while there’s a lot of factors carl is purposefully glossing over, i think rick going from his level headed, soft spoken, gentle father to this monster of a man who gets physical with his family & murders uncle shane to the complete insane ghost hearing things makes carl feel god awful. it’s not to say hershel isn’t an excellent guardian but carl doesn’t want an excellent guardian he wants his father. so when all that resentment finally bubbles over when rick is injured and potentially dying, it allows carl the space he needs to a) relearn some fucking boundaries & empathy & emotional maturity and b) explain & understand the problems he and his father have been having connecting.
whereas with aemond, with aegon….they don’t have that clear eyed sight that the people responsible for their emotional dysfunction isn’t rhaenyra, or jace, it’s viserys, it’s otto, it’s (unfortunately, accidentally) alicent. and alicent….like okay i get SO MAD when people say lori wasn’t a good mom or a good wife because i think lori is handed just the worst hand of cards imaginable, and reacts imperfectly, but is trying at the end of the day and then dies before she can fix the problem. i don’t think she’s a bad wife or mother anymore than i think rick is a bad husband or father, they are just imperfect people in a horrific & violent world trying their best to survive it. i think they were ill suited as a couple, and in a normal world they could have just gotten a divorce and been excellent co parents but then rick gets shot and an apocalypse happens and there’s bigger issues than their failing marriage going on lmao. So i don’t want to come in hot being like “ALICENT IS A BAD MOTHER AND WIFE” because a) idc that she’s a bad wife lmao, viserys is a shit husband in both canons too and b) i mean….idk she IS a bad mother in many respects but some of it isn’t her fault and some of it is stuff that is a societal problem and some of it - like lori’s faults - are a human and overblown fear response to a scary situation, or irrational but internally consistent reactions to unique situations. not all or even most of it is her fault.
HOWEVER. i mean it’s right there - lori’s horror at carl saying he would shoot sophia vs alicent telling aegon he can slap aemond around at home if he likes. lori, as a woman in the modern day, recognizes that carl is having a very worrying trauma response to the unending hell of horror he’s been living through and tries, on her deathbed, to remind carl that there is goodness and sweetness inside of him but that it could disappear if he doesn’t nurture it. carl takes this advice to heart, despite his initial backslide. alicent, in a wildly different situation born into a culture that excuses and celebrates the strong harming the weak, just waves off the dangerous warning signs of her children until they’ve escalated in a way she doesn’t understand and can’t rationalize. i think if aegon throws a big party for aemond’s murder of lucerys - seems likely from the snippets we’ve gotten - THIS is her lori moment, her realization that her children don’t value life the way they should. but this realization is coming a decade too late. so while carl’s problems can be fixed much easier, aemond’s and aegon’s can’t and now she’s stuck with these two monsters for children that she just handed unlimited power to and has no idea how she fixes this unfixable situation. it would be like if hershel didn’t say anything about carl killing that kid, so carl got worse and worse until alexandria when someone FINALLY realizes what’s going on. but at that point, it’s all been learned again and again and it’s a lot harder to break the habit.
anyways YEAH i do expect alicent to have a similar story to lori’s motherhood story in season 2 - realizing you’ve done something wrong when it comes to the mental health of your child but not having the tools or language or time to fix the issue. the thing is for alicent, she doesn’t get to die and eject herself from the story, from the consequences; she is stuck watching this cycle repeat itself, watching her children eat themselves alive, until their memory swallows her whole.
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ellrond · 10 months
"instead, we see aemond especially as the skilled warrior" That's literally book canon: "Prince Aemond, despite the loss of his eye, had become a proficient and dangerous swordsman under the tutelage of Ser Criston Cole". Jace will have his arc of becoming cool (and he is super bland in the book, he is literally more interesting in the show), it's better than what Aemond got because his development and struggles with training with only one eye were left off-screen during the second big timejump.
Rhaenys has black Baratheon hair in the book, that's very specific Baratheon's color and it's not brown, the Strongs have brown hair, brown eyes, and look like Harwin Strong, who was Rhaenyra's champion: "Born in the waning days of 114 AC, the boy was a large, strapping lad, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a pug nose. (Ser Laenor had the aquiline nose, silver-white hair, and purple eyes that bespoke his Valyrian blood.)"
"they make aegon a more sympathetic character to a certain extent. in F&B, he's a rapist (just like the show) and has paramours as young as 12." You are quoting the testimony of the most untrustworthy source who wasn't even there and lived with Rhaenyra at Dragonstone, and if you want to go by his account, then Daemon is also a pedophile and groomer who was taking advantage of Rhaenyra when she was a child. There are several sources about Daemon though, so they whitewashed him a lot in the show and gave him more good qualities/interactions that weren't in the book. He was never described as a good father, but in the show he is close to Baela), he is an expert of dragons and loves his brother, in the book their relationships are much worse. And they made Rhaenyra more likeable, she doesn't want the throne, she is burdened by the prophecy, she is a rebel against traditions. She has a good relationship with Laenor in the show, in the book it implied Daemon and Rhaenyra could have killed him to get married, in the show they "free" him. So no, they whitewashed both parties to some extent, and it's not so simple, but team black gets much better framing and heroic portrayal and the greens are rapists, kinslayers, hypocrites, etc. Even Rhaenys bombing the coronation was supposed to be a heroic moment for her according to the showrunners.
oh you're absolutely right on most accounts, for sure!
"they make aegon a more sympathetic character to a certain extent. in F&B, he's a rapist (just like the show) and has paramours as young as 12." You are quoting the testimony of the most untrustworthy source who wasn't even there
Maester Gyldayn confirms the story of Aegon being found with his 12 year old paramour/victim (or he doesn't dispute it like he does other outlandish claims? I can't remember which, but either way he doesn't say that never happened which is enough for most readers to accept that it's true)
But yeah, the rest you're right about! I think both sides have been softened and stuff has been re-written.
I really don't mind the differences tbh. I'm personally not too het up on the book vs the show. I just think that saying the show runners hate Team Green or whatever doesn't really match up with the softening they've received? Especially the writing Aemond received
Even Rhaenys bombing the coronation was supposed to be a heroic moment for her according to the showrunners.
the showrunners r insane if they think this is a good thing that she did.............. ms milf unleashed a weapon of mass destruction on a civilian population, she committed the first war crime........ good for her because god forbid women do anything but STILL.........
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Well Allicent’s hate resulted in Aegon as well. If Rhae or even Daemon had raised him he wouldn’t have turned into say a rapist. People can try and say otherwise, but she’s not a good mom. Her children never had a chance being born from her. I think most of the fandom hating her and really all the greens is justified. I feel bad for Helena and love the stories she ends up safe w the blacks. She never had a chance either 😢
Hey, that's fair! I'm not really interested in spreading anti talk on most of the major characters, but I get having some characters or actions you just cannot accept even in a rewrite. I know I have a lot of hang-ups on her actions around Joff's birth plus telling Aegon he could "cuff [Aemond] around as much as he liked in private" as long as he kept up appearances of solidarity in public, never mind what she's enabling after the last time skip. But it's just generally easier where I'm sitting to focus on the characters I love & to salvage the others I can, since yeah. There are few stones you can really throw in the glass house of The Dance without getting cut yourself.
And much like certain controversial character in GoT, there's always a Ramsay or Joffrey Baratheon around for us to go 'okay, but they're not THEM' in peaceful solidarity.
(It's Otto. Otto's the 'them' here. Larys and Cole are fighting him hard for the spot, but Otto and most of the green council can meet the unanimously agreed  upon business end of a dragon, thank you. Though, I will say I'm curious to see if HotD will extend long enough/bother to give Ser Tyland his interesting character arc a la Fire & Blood. GRRM does love his complicated Lannisters.)
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