#adhd stuggles
cathalbravecog · 7 months
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normalbirb · 1 year
honestly, as the one labeled as the stupid kid growing up, its a bit insulting watching the gifted kids complain over how worthless they feel for not being labeled as gifted anymore. im not gatekeeping trauma cus i understand your situation comes with it too, but its not the end of the world if you arent gifted. i should know, i never was.
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gardengobbo · 1 month
April 30th 2024
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Not much of a garden update here, but I assure you there has actually been some progress. So here's a photo of one of my dove frens I took one the 28th.
Keep readin' if you wanna hear me blab on about the video posts and ADHD. You've been warned, it's long 😂
So I've been enjoying doing the video-style posts instead of typing 90 paragraphs of nonsense, but I don't want to keep recording with my phone since the videos take up a bunch of space. (As well as me having to take off my dirt-coated gardening gloves every time I want to record.) I could just delete the clips after editing into one video, or just all of them after uploading, but I prefer having things backed up instead of just uploaded online.
I know I could back them up to my computer too, but part of the reason I enjoy the quick clips of nonsense slapped together with minimal editing is because it's simple and I can do it all on my phone. Either plugging it into my computer or even uploading them to Google Drive on my phone then downloading them onto the computer adds extra steps.
Extra steps that seem inconsequential, but something I know about myself is I'm very all or nothing. It's very hard for me to only do half of a thing. In this example that'd be editing the videos together and then hitting the block that I've finished that part and uploaded, but now I need to plug in my phone to the computer to transfer the video files. Or if I back them up to drive, it only has so much space before it yells at me to upgrade lol
Drive seems like the most logical option though as it would give me the freedom to at least have more time before I have to download the backups, however I know for a fact that when that point comes I won't record any more videos even if I want to because I need the space to back them up, but I dont want to sit down on the computer to download the Drive backups because I'm doing other things and will get distracted if I do.
This is a struggle for me in a lot of aspects, can't do Z because I need to do X but I can't do X until I do Y, and I need to finish ABC before I can do Y, but all I really want to finish is Z. And worse is that most times to do Z, there isn't any need for the other stuff. It's just me wanting Z done in a certain way that to do it that certain way, it requires all those other steps. This happens in the garden a lot too, so this rant is kinda still relevant 😅
Thankfully all of that hasn't caused an issue with me just not doing garden things because I want to record it, because trust me when I say that's happened a lot in the past too. (That being me wanting to make a little video of something but not being able to figure out how I want to set up the cameras so I don't do the craft or whatever because I want to record it so it just never happens but sticks in my brain as the thing I want to do but can't till I figure the recording process out.) Depression is the reason why I haven't been gardening 🤣
All this to say I have like, 2 days worth of clips I want to edit into a post to show the progress so far. One day is clips on my phone, the other I recorded with a little action camera and I'm not sure how that's turned out yet since that requires me to upload to the computer to see better. (See computer related snag above as to why thats not done!) Today I might go even further and just bring out my small digital camera I got years ago to do vlogs with, that I never vlogged with.
Which leads me to my last point, and Ima make a poll for thoughts on the idea after this post cause I know this is a lot to read and most folks won't care, and that's fine! I think maybe I will use that camera for vlogging finally. I'd have to learn how to use an actual video editing software, and it'd have to be lightweight cause my once-top-of-the-line-parts-now-10-years-outofdate computer struggles hard to play Helldivers 2 right now, I can't imagine trying to run something like Premier Pro. But to be honest all I want to do is add auto-captions like Ive already done previously so I'm sure I can fine some free or cheap program to do so. I'm just not sure if like, amateur gardening vlog style videos where I mutter to myself as I pour dirt is really a genre of content lmfao. And if it is, it's probs better off on here or tiktok but I'm going insane trying to not film landscape everytime I go to record something.
So like, I dunno, I guess youtube? I can probs figure out how to sorta make it acceptable for portrait orientation viewing after the fact? I have no idea but if there's a gap in video updates for today, that's why 🤣
Alright that's all for now. I gotta get up, get sunscreen'd, and get out there! As long as it's not raining still... it was last night 😅
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indig0trolls · 4 months
If i can just get through two more..... two more...
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eldritch-araneae · 2 years
You know, I'm always surprised when ppl talk about any long living aliens and imagining how centuries and thousands of years would be a blink for them. There are two things that always confuse me.
I imagine if you always had a good grip on the passage of time, it won't really change for you. The only thing would be different, that you won't have to rush thing, bc technically you have a LOT of time in the world to achieve your dreams.
Ppl often think it's specifically about characters who lived very long. But the things is - some human do it too. For example: you have ADHD. For me, time concepts often are so abstract and untouchable I legit don't feel it at all. It can be 5 minutes, it can be an hour - it's all the same. For me, it feels like standing still, only day/night cycle indicating it. But the feeling also constantly shifts.
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zerogravityinq · 5 months
I have another cover but then I don't like it so I am going to fix it (and completely invalidate the video I made of the process ffs) and work on some other fict covers and watch solo leveling (!!!!!!) And some other stuff I am working on. I am like several feet in multiple rabbit holes and I am only 5ft6 so send help
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littledragondork · 9 months
Shout out to me reblogging the same post twice within a 20 minute time frame because I forgot I had already reblogged it
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bellewannabe · 1 year
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bravepony · 2 years
Mental Health Failboat
Undiagnosed something. Being bored, or not having anything productive (and active) to do when not at work for 10hrs, gives me so much anxiety I get to the point of feeling ill. Like, initially being bored is just painful. But I can deal for a day. A three-day weekend is a horror. By day two I’m a wreck that can’t sit still, has run out of doom-scrolling, can’t watch a show, can’t play a video game for more than five minutes, and am crawling out of my skin. I’ve previously been diagnosed with anxiety/depression as a child, more so depression as a young adult, but this is...new. Lots of stress with new job, new city, not helping. How do people be bored. And relax.
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box-dwelling · 9 months
While I enjoy headcanons of characters stating they're a certain form of neurodivergant, it really frustrates me when in fics the voice of said character is replaced by a kind of generic said disorder voice rather than maintaining the original characters voice. It's neither a big deal but it's a big pet peeve
I see this the most with AA stuff but it really bugs me when for example Edgeworth just becomes generic autistic voice and Phoenix becomes generic ADHD voice. Especially because I have both and headcanon them both as such. Because it's not needed. Edgeworth's canon narrative voice is autistic as fuck. It's just not a stereotype. He struggles to read people, he misses social cues, he can't express himself well, he relays anything he can back to his hyperfixation. He's also grumpy and funny and witty and intimidating and smart and understands social ques only if theyre incredibly formal and archaic and none of that takes away from him being autistic. It upsets me when that gets flattened.
Phoenix's canon voice is also adhd as hell. He's constantly thinking on his feet. He doesn't think ahead. He's impulsive. His mind runs way too quickly for him. He feels things in a very big way. But he also won't discuss his feeling unless there's a knife at his throat.
It's that old adage that if you meet one neurodivergant person you've met one neurodivergant person. These characters have neurodivergant traits but it's not the entirety of their character.
Honestly my tip for writing them as those things is just write their canon voice and those traits will come out. You can give more explicit references. Maybe Edgeworth gets uncomfortable with a texture. Maybe he stuggles to have his routine broken. Maybe Phoenix talks about taking meds.
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mote-of-ash · 20 days
im the stuggler, im stuggling. the magic adhd medicine is not a foolproof measure
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fr0gc4t · 6 months
a ramble/confession, and some non-dualism tips
if u seem to already consciously know that ur god AND also think in limiting beliefs, ur not alone. i do it too. it’s way more common than u think.
sometimes we understand a concept and think it’s true, but our egos don’t think in the way that would actually comply with that concept, and that stops us from fully shifting into belief and freeing ourselves from ego. “belief” and “knowing” aren’t always the same thing.
prime example: YOU knowing that ur “desires” r already urs, and then ur ego switching the process completely and being like “so where is it?”. we all know that happens to a lot of ppl in the loa/non-dualism community. the ego is tricky bc its nature is to try and intimidate us. then we slip back into ego-based thinking. happened to me, and is still happening atm. and also i wanna remind ppl that, like healing, awakening to ur true self is often not linear. and that’s totally ok as long as u don’t give up. i was pretty much almost fully realized but then i let my ego get to me again and since then i’ve been trying to get back into that state but just haven’t succeeded at changing my thoughts/improving my self-concept (adhd is making it very difficult).
look. ik it’s kinda weird to have someone post a ramble abt FALTERING at living non-dualism. most of the time, we talk abt the opposite to remind ourselves if our power. but i think it’s important to be open and vulnerable when ur struggling, especially when other ppl could learn from ur struggle.
like i said. not getting i right the first time is OK AND NORMAL. ik ppl say “changing ur self-concept is effortless” but LET’S BE REAL FOR A SEC: that’s not true for everyone, especially neurodivergent/mentally ill ppl, and ppl with intrusive thoughts (i’m all of those, btw), bc our egos r EXTRA spicy.
awakening to ur true self as the god of ur reality is healing, and healing is HARD. in this case, since whatever we are aware of is true, it doesn’t rly have to be, but when u have inner demons, MY GOODNESS IS THIS SHIT DIFFICULT (but still sooo worth it, i promise u).
so good for u if it’s not difficult. really, i’m happy for u. i just also want to bring to light my situation, which is: hearing ppl say “changing ur self-concept is effortless!!” just made it harder to change mine.
i see ppl say things like “i don’t want any limiting beliefs near this page!!!” when limiting beliefs and learning to overcome them r a normal part of this process and should not be shunned, and should rather be met with compassion and understanding. AND SOME PPL DO MEET IT WITH THAT!!! but there r also many who don’t. i understand not wanting to hear ppl’s limiting beliefs in some situations, but not being open to hearing them at all just creates more stigma around being vulnerable abt faltering in this journey and needing some further encouragement or advice. positivity is only good until it becomes toxic positivity. (AGAIN, NOT POINTING FINGERS AT ANY ONE PERSON. I’M TALKING ABT ALL OF US, INCLUDING ME)
my adhd makes it so hard to stick to a new habit long enough to get used to it. and as a result, i have faltered a bit. okay, maybe a little more than a bit. AND THAT IS OKAY. THAT IS NORMAL. THAT IS SOMETHING WE NEED TO TALK ABT MORE.
maybe these stuggles r an “illusion,” but that doesn’t mean we should pretend like we don’t have them. we don’t always have to put on a happy face and go onto tumblr and vaunt to try and fight the intrusive thoughts. if u know anything abt the psychology of intrusive thoughts, FIGHTING THEM DOES NO GOOD. we should accept them and let them be there, knowing that THEY CAN’T HURT US.
even then, they might stress us out. and that’s when we might need to vent. and venting is NOT a bad thing. sometimes it’s the only way i can cool off. but instead of venting into ppl’s inboxes, we should make our own posts, like this one, in constructive language (i suggest writing the angry/anxious stuff first in ur notes, then, when ur calm, rewriting it in a constructive sense and posting it on tumblr). we need more openness to sharing our struggles. mental health struggles r sooo real (even if our human minds r illusions), and we need to make the non-dualism/loa community a safe place to talk abt those struggles and see if anyone can relate, or maybe used to relate and has adivice.
being gentle and open to this conversation is just as important as affirming that we have what we desire. bc, well, if u have the struggle i have, or something similar, u know how difficult it is. hell, i even thought abt going back to loa and trying to get into the void instead of keeping on my non-dualism path bc i thought it would be easier(???) and now i realize that that doesn’t even make sense bc both of these things require improving ur self-concept, which is what i was trying to avoid.
THAT IS LITERALLY AN EXAMPLE OF THE THING I EXPLAINED AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS POST (which was supposed to be the main topic… i rambled a lot. oops.). i knew that i had to change my self-concept no matter what, yet i thought that getting into the void wouldn’t require that. sometimes the thoughts just don’t add up. and it’s bc of the ego! i actually only became aware of that now actually.
THE EGO JUST WANTS TO CONFUSE U AND TAKE CONTROL OF U. i’m just still letting mine have power over me… but now that i’m aware of it, i can try again, this time with a different perspective.
faltering is normal. not being able to change ur thoughts the first time is normal. having this kind of weird cognitive dissonance is NORMAL. THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO NOT GIVE UP, AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER.
you failed to change ur mindset and ended up spiraling? needing a break from trying to change it? i don’t blame u, this stuff is hard. it’s okay tho! what u need to do now (or when ur ready) is: FORGIVE URSELF AND TRY AGAIN. and don’t be afraid to start the conversation of “can anyone relate to this?” or whatever helps u.
we can do this. we can change our thoughts, even with any obstacles we may face, bc we are stronger than our egos. WE’RE GOD, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! we can do ANYTHING.
the first step is knowing that faltering is okay. next is realizing that our knowledge of who we are doesn’t always match our thoughts, and that that is the nature of our brains. the next step is forgiving ourselves and moving on.
hopefully this rant wasn’t too jumbled or confusing, i kinda just wrote it here without any planning lolz. i need to figure out a format.
and i hope some of u could relate to my struggle. be as open as u want in the replies. i will not judge. if u need to make ur own little rant, it’s fine by me.
also, sorry for being gone for a while. i don’t use tumblr very much anymore. i’m slowly falling away from all apps except pinterest, amazon and depop 😅 but dw, i won’t let myself fall too far. i luv tumblr and the non-dualism and loa community has changed my life and opened my mind in so many ways. even if i haven’t succeeded at getting all my desires quite yet, it’s okay. i will succeed. maybe not right away, but i will. and so will u. (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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sim3on · 1 year
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WARNINGS : mentioned fighting, but nothing too severe :)
NOTE FROM THE POST OFFICE : my first work for the twst fandom !! hopes he's not ooc. every person with ADHD acts differently!! this is mostly based on my own experience as a person with ADHD
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Stuggles in the beginning with accommodation but get a lot better !!
Grew up sheltered and just assumed that ADHD made people “troublemakers” and didn’t realise the other things that weren’t just hyperactivity could happen
Knew you struggled with sitting still (constantly bouncing with a leg, needing to keep your hands occupied) and focusing on a singular thing (talking with the people around, reading about your hyperfixations instead of doing your classwork, doing two separate assignments at the same time, yes it did unnerve him when he realised you were doing insanely well on the assignments that you did at the same time)
Didn’t realise how easily you burnt out or how hard it was for you to retain information
Pre-overblot he did blow up on you often for forgetting one of the rules because you struggled with remembering all of them
Has apologised about that several times after overblot :(
Helps you study and created a specific study regiment for you !!
If you learn better through visuals, he will demonstrate everything, and i mean everything. Uses coloured rocks to demonstrate different potion ingredients, will stand in front of you and demonstrate the form for different spells etc
If you learn better through reading and absorbing the information that way, he will write multiple documents in a way that makes you interested. Will use your hyperfixations and special interests as comparisons and examples
If you learn better through speech he will literally have a conversation about it with you during random times of the day
Knew from before that different people learn in different ways so he’s really good at adapting to the way you learn and doesn’t mind doing it
He wants you to get good grades !!
Struggles a bit more with how to deal with when you are burnt out simply because that’s not something he’s ever really encountered before
Reads a lot of books about it, and realises it’s not something that just disappears over night
Helps you throughout it all !!
Will always listen if you want to talk about how you feel when burned out, and sits next to you and helps you with all of your school work
Not that he wasn’t before, but if you’re in the same grade he will hint a lot more to what the right answer is then if you weren’t burnt out
Realizes that you need rest to properly recuperate but doesn't want you to fall too far behind :(
Will invite you to private teaparties just so you can talk about your hyperfixations and special interests and actively engages in a conversation about yhem
If you get easily overwhelmed by loud noises or bright lights he will always be there to get you somewhere quieter and darker !!
Definitely scolds people quieter if he knows you're in the room
If you have specific stims for specific situations or emotions (ex. tapping your fingers together when stressed, making certain sounds when bored or overwhelmed), he learns and memorizes them all.
Your health, both mental and physical, is the most important thing to him !!
Overall 8/10, had a shaky start but gets a lot better
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Artist asks: 8, 17, 23!
8. What's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process?
Most Fun: getting into the super-repetitive, unnecessarily detailed "fiddly bits" and seeing what textures I can make.
Least Fun: Drawing's hard on the body! ADHD means art can really mess up my sleep schedule, carpal tunnel's always an issue and since moving to digital I've been stuggling with eyestrain problems too.
17. What do you love getting compliments about?
I love seeing people have an emotional reaction to my work, like "this really cheered me up!" or "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" in the case of 3AM Discord Eye Crimes.
If I've included a joke or a reference to a meme or something it's nice when someone else sees it.
The absolute best was when I was doing scientific work and a bat Scientist went feral about my getting what pollen on bat fur looks like right. That was SUCH a bitch to do but hearing the guy go off about YOU'RE RIGHT IT'S ONLY ON THE GUARD HAIRS THE POLLEN HAS SPECIAL STRUCTURES TO GRAB THE KERATIN SHEATHS- made going insane for 52 hours straight on that piece worth it.
23. What's something you hope people notice when looking at your art?
The modern internet has really conditioned us to look at images only very briefly so what I really want is for them to really notice it lol.
...This does require me finishing and posting stuff though, doesn't it?
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
I can really collect your brain vomit for a story? I would've thought you had wanted to write it yourself
Dude I am working 2 jobs and I have adhd I am stuggling with writing just 1 if there is anything that I want to write specifically I will label it as such but other wise I am begging you to write them and if you need more brain vomit I am happy to provide the only story I am writing right now is my not fated but meant to be series
So to be clear if it is labeled brain vomit it is an invitation for other people to write it
I just suck At writing prompts
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charmixpower · 2 years
Still thinking about @/4kidstv's power swap post, so I wanted to make a post about how every power swap combination would work in my personal headcanons!!
Here we gooo
With Stella's powers: Bloom would at first stuggle because while you can see light it's not something you can easily wrap your head around as a physical object, one demonstration of magnifying glasses from Tecna and she's got it. Honestly she does the best with Stella's powers because "beam of concentrated light" is fairly simple to her, and generating her own light is a lot like making fire. Bloom is thriving
With Flora's powers: A lot of Flora's magic powers spreading out her magic to connect with all near by nature, which is passive magic. Bloom fucking sucks at passive magic. Flora was raised in a environment where she was able to cultivate the skills to be at one with nature, and Bloom learned she had powers like three years ago. Bloom doesn't struggle at all to create magic vines, but all the being able to hear the past from plants and being intrinsically connected to the nature around her is utterly lost. Bloom is really good at manipulating trees and stuff to do her bidding (like Diana does) which is something that Flora rarely does, preferring to make her own plants for her attacks but....that requires a deep knowledge of plant biology that Bloom doesn't have
With Tecna's powers: Bloom is not doing ok, this combines the passive magic problem with the biology problem. Bloom knows about plants, her mom is a florist, Bloom knows fucking nothing about Tecnomagic. She just got here. I think electricity magic (that's apart of Tecnomagic) would come very easily to Bloom, but literally anything else is completely lost on her. Tecna tends to construct shields/barriers out of nets, because Tecnomagic isn't super friendly to the pure energy shields that Bloom is used to and she has no clue how to do anything with Tecna's powers unless it's shooting lighting at someone's face
With Musa's powers: Bloom does not get along well with magic she can't see due to the fact that she doesn't know how to feel her way though her element. She needs to see it or feel it to be able to interact with it. This would make Bloom fucking suffer with Musa's powers. She'd be find amplifying noises but it would be hard for her to control the area of effect of the attacks (leading her to accidentally hurt people around her), and she wouldn't know how to bend music magic because she'd keep trying to bend it physically first. She'd be able to do sound waves attacks, but wouldn't understand how to construct a shield or barrier, and she definitely wouldn't understand how to make "back up singers", or use spells like healing frequencies, and absolutely would be unable to use support magic like "power ballad" which increases the strength of desired people, She's suffering essentially
With Aisha's powers: Bloom would be pretty good with Aisha powers, all things considered. She'd only be able to create water to attack with, which feels harder than pulling out her inner dragon's flame, but she'd eventually get the hang of it. She'd be able to attack with jets of water, create Shields, the works. She can absolutely work with Aisha's powers
With Bloom's powers: she's doing v good. Stella has always preferred using internal light, instead of manipulating external light. This is because during her childhood the first spell she taught herself was how to literally glow. Yes she's always been like this. No she isn't ashamed. But making fire isn't that hard and she's vibin
With Flora's powers: Stella is used to connecting and controlling her element outside of creating it, see Stella regaining her power by going outside in s2, but this level is um, difficult for her. Stella has ADHD, Stella does not have the ability to be able to pay attention to that many plants at once. Flora's magic works well for field control, and Stella has never been good at that. Plants don't like to exactly be brute forced nor are they predictable, and while Stella is one of the best at going with the flow, being unable to make something that will be able to be used the same bothers her. Not to mention she doesn't like dirt, or mud, or nature all that much, so any spell that requires connecting to nature squicks her out
With Tecna's powers: it's about the same problem as with Flora's magic, except less bad. Technology doesn't require the careful patience that nature does and it won't attack you if you brute force it. Much like how the internet is like....listen, Stella is already impulsive. The internet doesn't make that any better. Tecnomagic spells that are quick and snappy, and based around things like cameras and phones is what Stella ends up using and Tecna is not angry at her magic being used like....that. She isn't (she is). Stella however is doing surprisingly well...but like she has completely gotten lost in the sauce with technomagic multiple times
With Musa's powers: A lot of Musa's powers function like Stella's "solar wind" spell, so it doesn't take her long to get the hang of Musa's magic. On top of that sound waves and light waves, Stella usually defaults to light as particles when using magic, but she has used light as waves. She very quickly translates this to sound waves and sound magic. Unsurprisingly most of her attacks revolve around her voice, compared to Musa who usually used interments to attack. Yes Stella knows about Wave–particle duality, yes she wishes she didn't
With Aisha's powers: Stella's doing fine. Manipulating and creating water (Aisha is the fairy of all liquids but Water is the best that most of the girls can create) is a little odd of her, but it isn't much different than her "sea of light" spell and her moon powers allowed her to make waves in the past, so she has a bit of a head start. It's just more,,,physical than she's used to, which takes time to adapt to
With Bloom's powers: yeah no this ain't working. The dragon flame is exclusively internal and that fucks with Flora who's usually tuned into the external version of her magic at all times. Being only able to truly connect to the fire inside her....bothers Flora. A lot. Not to mention that fire powers are like the exact opposite of what's she's used to. Flora attacks buy summoning a perticualr flower in a perticualr place with careful consideration, now she has to hit shit with fire balls. It's a bit change. Flora doesn't have a problem summoning the flame, but it is more connected to emotion than most forms of magic so if Flora starts feeling her low confidence...the fire will just sputter out. Flora is not vibing
With Stella's powers: the sun is very important to nature so I feel like Flora would be able to wrap her head around it easily, so the only thing she'd be able to do with the moon Powers is healing. Most likely being unable to like actually use them outside of that. Sun light being everywhere all the time gives Flora something very interesting to harmonize with. I think she'd use the sunlight more as a physical object to essentially make barriers where ever she wants, smushing her opponents. Or making light whips like her vines. I can also see her using light beams but not very often
With Tecna's powers: Flora does NOT fucking vibe with Tecna's powers. It's all the interconnectedness and constant awareness of her usual powers but it's connected to something completely lifeless. There's no way to communicate or take the path of least resistance, you have to make it work by commanding it and it drives Flora crazy with the uncanny valley feeling
With Musa's powers: music magic having natural harmony powers is a fucking BOON for Flora as she can harmonize with nature in some small way. It isn't a lot but it brings her a lot of comfort (voice of the forest anyone?). I think Flora's musical attacks would function a bit like beat saber. Like their have a very perticualr rhythm, and if you can't harmonize you get hit. Flora would take much better to the support aspects of music magic better tho. Being able to constantly heal her friends just by continuously playing a healing song????? She has become ultimate mom friend
With Aisha's powers: Water is calming and meditative. Flora's control over liquids would very quickly lead into weather magic and water healing. I think she'd use control over liquids to make rain attacks or giant water creations like chains, instead of pressurized water jets like most of the girls would
With Bloom's powers: um bad. The dragon flame thrives on emotion, perticualr passion. So the stronger someone feels the more powerful. Tecna is not equipped for this. Her magic requires a very level head, or else she'll fuck up the code of the carefully crafted spells she uses and now she has to do the opposite. Lovely. Tenca at this point is more in touch with her emotions, and she's happy with how much she expresses herself now. This however makes her uncomfortable, as getting angry in the heat of battle causes her a lot of problems and now she has to do it. Hates this
With Stella's powers: Tecna would connect more with the calm coolness of the moon powers over the vitality and heat of the sun powers. She ends up using them in weird geometric ways, using the rays with precise magnifying. There's a lot of science to predict exactly how light will react to things, and that makes it so much easier for Tecna to use these powers. Plus, sun. Magnetism. Tecna has never used much magnetic magic before, but she's willing to learn for the sake of having something familiar
With Flora's powers: oh that's the voice of nature. She wants it to shut up now. This is all very uncomfortable because her powers are essentially talking back to her and that's now how this is supposed to work, that's not know any of this is supposed to work. Ends up fighting with mother nature a bit before connecting slightly better. Ends up using a lot of mushrooms in her magic because of the mycorrhizal network, and the sheer amount of information it gives her about her environment. That and something something Sophix, superior order is probably a spell she can use. Tenca is not doing well with using these powers at all, except with her little network, which isn't super useful in the grand scheme of things. She can't even use a simple vine spell, save her
With Musa's powers: electric music. That is all. Tecna has the easiest time with this music magic. Once she gets her hands on a keyboard it's all over for you hoes
With Aisha's powers: Water is so....fluid. it moves around and is hard to control as it's constantly moving and Tecna hates it. She leans the hardest on pressurized water, but she also uses ice (by putting the water in the correct hexagonal sequence) and boiling water (by exciting the molecules), Aisha is very impressed by this and tries to teach her how to make morphix. Tecna is suffering at the hands of liquids....she appreciates the morphix tho
With Bloom's powers: you'd think that it would be easy for Musa to make fire, but you'd be wrong. The dragon flame is slightly more...sentient than most forms of magic, and out of all the girls this one is affected by emotions the most. Musa is hyper emotional. Musa is going to accidentally commit arson. Not only would Musa not be good at like externalizing an purely internal magic source (Music is both, and Musa is good at making music only lol), but she's also just bad at controlling it
With Stella's powers: Light waves baybee. Musa already used her sound waves to shoot blade attacks (not in canon, but come on, imagine a sound wave slice. I'm objectively correct) so it wouldn't be hard to use sun light instead. I think Musa would be one of the few people who'd use both her sun and moon powers equally (Bloom, Flora erring towards sun, Aisha and Tecna erring towards moon), so that would be interesting. Musa is also very good at barriers and she'd be the best at working with solid light and solid light platforms, because she's used to using something nonphysical to make something physical. Also music magic is naturally aoe damage, and light magic while usually used precisely can be used this way as well (sea of light), and Musa is amazing at this
With Flora's powers: being connected to nature is a lot like being connected to music, it's more stiff, ridge, and alive than Musa is used to, but Harmony is her whole thing (only in her magic, girl is so confrontational) so being in harmony with nature comes pretty easily to Musa. She less thinks about attacks and more let's nature guide her on what the best decision she can make is. Flora couldn't be prouder, I think she started crying at some point
With Tecna's powers: this would be similar to Flora's except that Tecnomagic isn't alive the way that nature is so it can't guide Musa, there's nothing to really harmonize with. She is pretty good with technology tho so she has an easier time than most girls
With Aisha's powers: Sound waves (supremacy). Musa starts with the push and pull of the tides to get used to her new powers, as that's the closet to her magic as she can get. Then works up to more complicated spells, getting used to manipulating something so physical. Stella is very happy about the amount of respect Musa is giving the moon by taking cue's from the way it manipulates water in all this. Eventually Musa figures out how to make pressurized jets and vortexs and goes crazy goes stupid
With Bloom's powers: it's fine. Really it's fine. It's serviceable. Creating pure energy to attack with gives her a little pause, but it's less intensive than her mophix. It's like fine. It bothers Aisha tho. Aisha's pride as a fairy is based on how creative she is. She doesn't use water, she's the fairy of liquids, and she made her own pink glue substance to attack with. Out of everyone she's the one who would do the most weird shit with their powers, stuff they would never think of because Aisha loves thinking outside of the box with magic and it's application. This is just fire. Fire with weird vitality and passion related effects as it's connected to the great dragon who represents enegry in it's purest form. But like it's still fire, and those effects only relate to people with the same magic and the user themself. Aisha would probably start making fire that explodes and shit simply because she's that fucking bored of fire balls. Aisha goes crazy goes stupid making and summoning dragons, because she's bored, more at 7
With Stella's powers: manipulating light comes pretty easily to Aisha, once shes able to make her own. She's used to stuff heavier than that but, she can weave it around herself pretty easily like water. Sending it out in jets (magnified light) , or using it like a wave (waves of light), but obviously her real strength would with Stella's moon powers specifically. Aisha has the power of the moon, the moon has illusion magic which lines up with her refraction magic, and controls the mother fucking tides. Aisha has found a cheat code to use something she's more used to. "Moonlight bath" would be a moon focused spell she'd create, but once she's near a body of water it's all over for you hoes. She's back in her element and she can still control a liquid again, prepare to die
With Flora's powers: manipulating plant life is like fighting over the ocean and not creating her morphix. There's a bit of a struggle because Plants are a solid, but Aisha starts treating them like preformed morphix attacks and it works pretty well
With Tecna's powers: this one is weird, but Tecna's magic is weird in general so that translates here. Aisha isn't very well versed in Tecnomagic, but she makes it work. I think Tenca's shields and barriers being made of nets/grids would be the most interesting interesting to her. Along with tractor beams, and other stuff Tecna usually doesn't think about all too much as she's usually focused on precise attacks based on logic and information rather than all of technology. Tecnomagic whips, that is all
With Musa's powers: Uh. Aisha has the same problem as Bloom, which is that she can't fucking see it how is she supposed to manipulate this?! She also has no connection to music much like Bloom. The only thing she does have is the fact that sounds travels in waves, which she could absolutely tie back into her magic tho Aisha prefers to use her Morphix over water, Aisha isn't actually a huge fan of outright water attacks and shys away from using water in her magic which makes it slightly harder for her to catch on to using waves as attacks (fuck you rebranding, she is the fairy of all liquids). After catching on to the wave thing she has a much easier time, and controls sound waves much like tides, making like plusing sound waves that push people in and out. Not even to mention when she remembers that Musa can do rain dances and such with her music magic.....now we're talkin
Miscellaneous notes:
Stella and especially Aisha adapt to having their powers switched the best as Aisha is used to thinking outside of the box with magic, and Stella having two different kinds of magic is used to a learning curve
Tecna and Bloom have the worst time adapting to other people's powers, as Bloom has little experience with other magic and Tecna's magic is very specific and doesn't translate over well
Tecna's magic is the hardest to adapt to in general as it doesn't function like most other forms of magic
Stella's magic is one of the easiest to adapt to, as it has two different parts that each person can adapt to
I think it would be kick ass of the Sword ring could become any weapon, Stella just prefers a secptor and this only gets revealed after the fucker actually turns into a sword and Stella is like "What? You didn't know?"
Flora, Tenca and Musa use support magic primarily. Musa using her music to buff people (power ballad increasing attack spells), Flora doing field control (essentially commanding the battle ground with her plants), and Tecna being the battle monitor (keeping track of everything, and forcing things where they need to be with barriers or just yelling over the ear pieces she gave to everyone). Musa's secondary specialization is attack magic, so out of everyone she'd stuggle the least with being given powers that are oops all attack power, then Tecna who would suffer with not being able to control the flow of battle, and finally Flora who is the most uncomfortable with oops all attack
Bloom, Stella, and Aisha are the main fighters. Bloom being the heaviest hitter, Stella being the best at getting the most hits in, and Aisha being the best at keeping dangerous opponents distracted. Stella's secondary specialization is in internal magic so she wouldn't chafe too much becoming a support fairy (aside from her ego), Aisha the second most as she already is mostly defensive but still uncomfortable, and Bloom doesn't fucking get it at ALL
Most of the girls default to using water with Aisha's powers, while Aisha defaults to her mophix. Everyone's attacks would be blue instead of Aisha's pink as their not the same stuff
Flora and Aisha are the ones who tap into the dragon aspect the most of Bloom's powers. Aisha bc she's like that, and Flora bc dragons are an animal and that's nature and she wants a connection with SOMETHING PLEASE
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