#actually they haven't changed recently which is good because i don't i can handle not having my perfect comforting and loving combo again
fktauromain · 2 years
big fan of eating the same snack over and over again and everyday
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#23: “The Miraculous Ladybug Movie May Give You What You Want, but My Show Gives You What You Actually Need! You Don’t Work in Television, so You Wouldn’t Understand.”
I've been running this blog for almost three years at this point, and I've seen Astruc talk trash about various things while claiming his show is better, like Winx Club, Paw Patrol, Pokemon, and Pixar as a whole. I never thought I'd see Astruc act like his show was better than a movie based on his show though.
For those who don't know (and you'd be forgiven, seeing how Astruc has barely talked about it on his Twitter), there was recently a movie that hit theaters based on Miraculous Ladybug called Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie. Supposedly, it's meant to be a retelling of how Marinette and Adrien met as civilians and as heroes. While I haven't seen it, it seems to be getting good reception, with some saying it's better than the show it's based on.
Of course, Astruc had something to say about this.
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Okay, I sort of get what he's trying to say here. It's hard to compare the experience of watching an hour and a half long movie and a TV show with five seasons under its belt, but at the same time, the way Astruc phrased it still made it seem like he was trying to say the show was the better option because it “gives you what you need”. Nobody was expecting the Love Square to be resolved in a few episodes. Most people at least wanted more stories about the two to be told that don't involve constant padding. Astruc also acts like the Love Square is the only draw for the series instead of, oh, I don't know, the superhero action? You're really telling me they couldn't have tried focusing more on that after resolving the Love Square? I'm just saying, if The Office can continue after Jim and Pam got together, you can at least try to actually write other stories after the Love Square becomes canon.
One user in particular had some things to say in response to Astruc's claims, and you can guess how well Astruc took that.
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Again, nobody is saying that working in television is all sunshine and rainbows, Astruc, but just because someone isn't familiar with dealing with network constraints and test audiences, it doesn't mean that they're unable to provide any meaningful criticism.
Also, Astruc is once again using a psychology term, in this case, the Dunning-Kruger Effect, to act like he's smarter than the critics. This man took psychology as an elective in college, didn't he?
But then again, this is coming from someone who doesn't think constructive criticism is a real thing.
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Funny how he once again acts like anything that isn't positive feedback of his show is delusional, isn't it?
Eventually, this devolved into Astruc posting a little tangent about how fandoms have only gotten more toxic, which would have been a decent point... it if didn't come after all the things he said about fans not being able to criticize his show.
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Again, there's nothing wrong with what he's trying to say here, but it feels less like a critique of how fans have become more toxic with the advent of the internet, and more like he's complaining about how mean people have been to him lately.
And, of course, this led to the usual fare of people calling out Astruc for his close mindedness, and Astruc once again saying how people aren't allowed to criticize his show in any way that isn't blind praise.
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And here's the thing. We're still not done yet. This little tangent only warranted more comments about how Astruc handles criticism, only this time, it's also about calling out the people who think they can do a better job handling the show.
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First, do you mind giving us an example of what kind of constraints you have to deal with, Astruc? We all know that TV executives suck, but I think we'd have more of a reason to understand your struggles if you actually explained some things that needed to be changed because of executive meddling.
Second, nobody wants a beach episode, Astruc, especially after that one issue of the comic you're choosing to ignore. We just want a more consistent story that doesn't rely on endlessly padding out the Love Square.
And finally, did you just say you have to be French if you want to rewrite Miraculous Ladybug? What does being French have to do with any of this? I remember seeing a little tweet a few years ago suggesting you would be a good choice to write a Superman story, but last time I checked, you aren't American.
Let's review in case you got lost. Someone tweeted that they thought the Miraculous Ladybug movie did a better job at the story it set out to tell than the Miraculous Ladybug TV show, Astruc tried to explain how his show is still good in its own way while justifying how long it's been going on for, he ranted and raved at fans for daring to criticize his team's writing before going on a tangent about how the internet has made people more hostile over the years, and when people still weren't happy with him, he claimed that you could only criticize or rewrite the show if you're an experienced French TV writer like him.
So just keep that in mind, fanfic writers. Unless you're French and have experience writing for television, you don't have a chance in hell to successfully write your own version of Miraculous Ladybug.
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roaenexists · 3 months
Pick-A-Pairing Tarot and Oracle readings for the collective.
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From left to right we have Pairing One: Leather. Pairing Two: Starburst. Pairing Three: Cerebral.
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Pairing One: Leather.
You have been getting a little too big for your britches, as my grandma would say. You have been communicating and behaving in a way that has showed those around you a haughtier side of yourself than I know you'd prefer. In other words, you've been coming off as a bit of a bitch and we both know you're capable of better than that. You need to do some inner child work and tap back in to a learner's mindset. You don't have to fundamentally change who you are, just walk it back a bit. Did you ever love learning? Did you ever used to value the input of those around you? Tap back into that energy and you'll be surprised at how naturally it comes. Past You is here to support Present You. Stop trying to rush to your future self because right now you're missing the mark. Open yourself up to the lessons your friends and mentors and colleagues have for you, and embrace the youthful spirit you've been neglecting. Come home to yourself.
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Pairing Two: Starburst
Recently you've ended something and then immediately begun something new that, quite frankly, you are ill-equipped to handle. I'm inclined to think it's a relationship, though for some of you it's a new job, or a personal project. But y'all all got one thing in common: You are going about this all wrong. You had your head in the clouds about what was going to be required of you, and how quickly you were capable of providing it, but the reality of the situation is that you have all the wrong tools, most of the wrong perspective, and none of the energy. You aren't seeing the situation clearly, most likely because you haven't been doing the necessary work on yourself to make sure you were ready for this new journey. If it's too late now to walk it back, don't panic. Set aside some time to really refill your emotional, spiritual, and physical cups. Make your own health and well-being the priority, at least for long enough to recenter and reassess. You cannot expect a battery to work when empty, and you cannot care for others without first tending to your own needs.
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Pairing Three: Cerebral
Shit sucks right now. You're in a situation where you are powerless and/or unhappy, with the caveat being that there's no fucking reason you shouldn't be seeing and, more importantly, feeling progress already. You feel you've learned all you can from where you are, you've made all the moves, and all that's left is to move on. The good news is that it's only a matter of time. If you can bear down and get through time then you will be able to pursue your own idealistic future, which includes physically moving location in some way, and probably also mental health support services. Will you actually make it there is up to you, but overall this draw is giving big Trevor Project, "It gets better," vibes. It's corny but it is literally in the cards. You are moving forward. Time and space are not separate, so the longer you press on, the farther you are from where you want to leave. Things are changing. This is inevitable. If you can ride the tumultuous waters, they will eventually calm down, and you will be able to take control of your vessel in the way you know you need to. You know you are meant for different; you just need to believe it until your experienced reality is reflecting that truth back to you. Take this energetic hug from me and Spirit and know that your future is full of potential. If you need to vent you can DM me. Just keep going.
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sailor-cerise · 4 months
Since I don't see exhaustive examples of what types of support low support needs might entail, I've put mine below. The vast majority of my struggles are from my autism, but my physical disabilities and ADHD also contribute.
The reason I share this is to help people think more deeply about what "supports" means, and understand the different support levels.
Examples of tasks I need significant help with:
Handling any maintenance or repair tasks. I can and have done things like called a plumber, but I cry afterwards and am shaky and on edge the entire time they are on the phone or in my room/house. I have the capacity to do this a few times a year, spread far apart, which is typically much lower than the number of times I need this done. This includes car maintenance, which my partner helps me with.
Doing my taxes. I literally cry while downloading my W2 for my partner to do our taxes, and have had a panic attack because I needed to find an email receipt for tax purposes.
Paying a bill. Best case scenario it's something I can pay online, but I still cannot do more than one at a time and greatly benefit from emotional and logistical support.
Any other financial stuff: transferring money between accounts, managing investments, etc. I log into my accounts and my partner does things for me. I recently gave them access to most accounts now so they can do this without the first step and this one is scary to me but has been so so beneficial. We've been together about 15 years and they always ask permission and tell me specifics. Be careful who you trust with this if you have any choice.
House cleaning. I can do more than my severely physically disabled mother could when I was growing up, but not much. My partner also struggles here but we help each other.
Making decisions. I can decide what to eat and things related to my special interests (e.g. what book to read) for myself, but I really struggle deciding what color of sheets to get, alternatives to grocery brands when one is out of stock, how to cut my hair, which route to take while driving, which parking space to use, etc. and truly cannot do anything bigger (color to paint the kitchen, replacement water heater brand). I will completely shut down.
Examples of things I can do mostly independently (after having put in lasting supports with help from my partner and/or with significant effort). This is what makes me low support needs rather than medium: I can do these things.
Buy groceries (I order online and pickup curbside)
Make food for myself (I cannot reliably prepare food for anyone else)
Shower (I have a blue tooth speaker that I have a hard time showering without, and am able to shower 1-3 times a week)
Driving (sometimes I cannot drive due to physical issues)
Make and attend doctor's appointments (this one is mostly practice and saving up energy for it. I haven't been able to get support for this)
Take my medications (I have set up various systems that work well for me)
Renewing my prescriptions and picking them up (this is super hard and draining and I wish I had more supports for it, but it's something my partner struggles with too)
Working. I have so many accomodations here it's a separate long post. This includes work-related communication (often quite complex)
Ambulating. Sometimes I cannot walk more than a few steps. This is not from my autism.
Changing clothes. I hate doing this and would do it way less often than is appropriate if I did not have a partner that would be bothered by that
Brush my teeth. Oohhh boy this one took me most of my 33 years to sort out, and needed help from one of my best friends. Children's unsweetened toothpaste and ultra soft brushes are essential.
Flossing my teeth. Specific brand and type of floss, one in every room, and I'm actually good at it then. Really really proud of this one.
Brushing my hair. It's a whole Thing for me and I don't do it as often as I should but I can do it.
Making plans with friends or family. This is really hard and my mother helped me with it until she died and now I have some friends who are able to support me in this and I so appreciate them. My partner handles family plans mostly because most of my family is dead or lives very far away.
Speaking on the phone or in writing outside of work contexts. This is very very hard for me. I can do in person okay.
Socializing. This is very very hard for me but I do like it sometimes and have worked hard my whole life to be good at it. I tend to get along with people in a shallow manner.
Going into a crowded space. I need hearing protection (earplugs or headphones), and cannot do it for long periods. I handle it much better when I have a person with me, but hit my limit quickly.
Things I can do most days with no supports (most bADLs):
Basic in-person verbal communication, including limited quantities of small talk
Small purchases (cup of coffee, new book, etc.)
Toileting and continence
Going to bed and waking up
Remembering to eat and the act of eating
Drinking water
Get some gentle exercise of some sort, even just stretching in bed
Participate in one of my special interests. Any limitations here are usually from my physical disabilities, though I've lost this ability during autistic burnout before.
I am also fortunate to be capable of dealing well with emergencies (car accidents, injuries, de-escalation of a dangerous situation, pet emergencies, flooding), though like most people I break down if there are too many in a row. This isn't on any of the IADL lists I've seen, but I personally think it should be.
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pinespittinink · 1 month
Hi! I'm a novice writer who is looking to improve. I recently saw your post about how writers need to read published books to hone their writing skills, and I was just wondering if you had any recommendations for books/authors that are very strong in their craftsmanship to read and study? 
I know I should be reading books similar to the stories I want to write, but I haven't finished a published book in years because of work and school. I'm not even sure I know what I like anymore, and I think that's evident in my writing because I can't commit to a single story idea. At this point, I don't know where to start but I know I want to get back into reading by starting with a book I can learn from.
Sorry if this seems like a silly ask, please don't feel obligated to respond. Have a good day!
Hi there! Welcome, this isn’t a silly question at all. If anything I was musing on it because everyone has different taste, so I wasn’t sure how to answer exactly, but I’ll just list some examples I can think of that I’ve really enjoyed! These all fall under the sff genre for the most part, as that’s my jam. Though I will say, for a craft perspective, Stephen King’s On Writing is really excellent.
Insofar as authors i can think of immediately who really have their craft and voice down pat, ones who come to mind are Katherine Arden, Ava Reid, Madeline Miller, Erin Morgenstern, Tamsyn Muir, and RF Kuang. All of these authors really decidedly know what they’re doing with the craft, at least in my opinion, and the results are extraordinary. I’m currently reading The Warm Hands of Ghosts, Katherine Arden’s most recent adult book since the Winternight Trilogy, and the research she put into the setting of WW1 is so evident throughout it, especially in the voice and colloquialisms. She also did a ton of research for the Winternight books, which is historical fantasy at its finest, while creating an authentic old fairytale feeling
Madeline Miller is another with excellent command of voice, the queen of Greek retellings with Circe and The Song of Achilles, which are really tremendous character studies. Ava Reid I personally adore for the nuance of her characters—Juniper & Thorn and The Wolf & the Woodsman feature tremendously human and flawed protagonists—their language seeps through their settings, their metaphors are divine, and A Study in Drowning, her YA debut, is thoroughly saturated with all its core themes.
Erin Morgenstern, of The Night Circus and The Starless Sea, is known for her prose and atmosphere, a prime Vibes™️ writer. The Starless Sea is a more experimental novel, though both of her books play with disjointed timelines and perspectives, which is fascinating; The Starless Sea concerning itself with storytelling specifically.
Tamsyn Muir, the author of The Locked Tomb series, has such a handle on her characters and plot that it’s actually insane. Talk about a masterclass in writing a large cast with defined personalities. The difference in voice between Gideon, Harrow, and Nona, is unbelievably fascinating, just for how starkly different the headspaces of these characters are compared to each other. The layering and reread value is immense.
RF Kuang is a chameleon writer, who changes her style to match the genre she’s writing (grimdark historical fantasy, dark academia historical fantasy, contemporary satire-turned-thriller). Babel feels like her magnum opus, a modern day classic that I cannot praise highly enough. A slow start, but halfway through shit hits the fan, and it does not stop from there.
Shout outs also to: Simon Jimenez with The Spear Cuts Through Water, epic fantasy that uses first, second, and third person, and is a miracle for it. A masterclass of storytelling. Roshani Chokshi with The Last Tale of the Flower Bride, which might as well be evil toxic sapphic adult Bridge to Terebithia, dripping with decadence. Emily Habeck with Shark Heart, a contemporary spec fic novel that studies grief and caring for loved ones through a lens of terminal illness in the guise of a genetic disorder that turns people into animals; it plays around with script structure sometimes, and made me sob. Cormac McCarthy with The Road; bleak and dismal and post-apocalyptic, and nameless man and boy, nearly poetic. Camilla Andrew @aninkwellofnectar with When the Stars Alight, a romantic fantasy that positively teems with lush intentional language and is also a fascinating look at third person omniscient.
For classics: A Wrinkle in Time, the Lord of the Rings, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies, The Great Gatsby, Lolita.
I don’t think you can go wrong with any of these books or authors, though at the end of the day, there’s something to be learned from any book you read, whether it’s a good lesson or something to be avoided. I’m also down to try to give other recs, if you’re looking for anything specific!
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andmaybegayer · 4 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-01-22
Snowing again
Listening: Went looking for some very funky guitar and came across the album Parallels by Evan Marien and Dana Hawkins. Here's "Forever"
Reading: Not The End of the World by Hannah Ritchie, a book focussed on taking a realistic eye to sustainability.
This book largely rehashes stuff you'll already have seen if you read Ritchie, albeit in a nice compact form factor and with a lot of your generic pop-sci book flourishes. Better than median pop-sci because it has sources cited.
I do think that knowing these kinds of things is important. It helps you recognize what is worth worrying about and where you really don't need to obsess so much. Much of this book is about agriculture and food, since food is the easiest part of most peoples' lifestyles to change and this is squarely focussed on individuals, but it does also cover other pollution, general habitat loss, disease, disasters, and plastic pollution. A lot of this still ends up linking back to food, because agriculture is a huge user of land, and land use drives a lot of those things.
There's also a lot of debunking of bad stats that get quoted, which is useful. You see a lot of these On Line and even if you avoid propagating sensationalist headlines, you still read them and they can be sticky. In general this book doesn't as much assuage anxieties as try to shift them to more productive terrain.
Even if you disagree with the philosophy of the solutions proposed here, the data are mostly pretty good and well covered, it's solidly grounded more often than its not. Having relative comparative values for things like land use from meat vs plant foods, relative proportions of plastic landfilled vs recycled vs dumped in different parts of the world.
Watching: Porco Rosso, because like three years ago someone told me to watch it and I finally did it. Perhaps the lowest time to fantastical flying machine possible in a Miyazaki movie, although I haven't watched Nausicaa.
It is so funny that he's just some guy who got cursed! The human hands and pig head form a perfect comedic item. Killer one liners. It's tricky to make a movie simultaneously about fascism in Mussolini's Italy and also about a big cartoon pig who outsmarts a bunch of goofy pirates.
Playing: Still on Dark Souls, made it into The Depths, video on that just went up.
Making: Did some microscopy over the weekend, on a random snow sample. Not as interesting as algal samples or pond scum, but the pond is frozen over at the moment. I'll go back once it's melted with a stick.
Tools and Equipment: If you keep on dealing with shit-ass audio from your computer, a dedicated audio handling device is probably going to solve your issues.
I've spent years dealing with crap audio from devices plugged directly into my motherboard but I recently got a Zoom H1n portable recorder and I'm using it as a basic USB mic interface plugged into my old Video Mic for the Video Games Recordings seen above and my audio is SO clean. I can finally actually do proper audio stuff like recording with headroom and gaining in post without destroying my noisefloor, I did not know just how much goddamn noise my motherboard was dumping into audio signals.
I like doing video and audio to complement my photography but unlike with photography, I've never really used good quality tools to do that, so I'm in the process of changing that.
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tagalongifyoudare · 1 year
The Fear of Repeated Disappointment
As I once again fall into my semi regular 911 spiral, I feel my anxiety continuing to rise, which sucks.
I am so scared that a similar thing will happen with 911, at least to some degree, that happened with Supernatural. Supernatural was my comfort show, my underlying obsession, a reassuring constant as new fixations came and went. I used to watch at least my favorite episodes every few months for almost 15 years. I have not watched it since watching the final episode. The way they ended it, invalidating so much love, resilience and struggle in the process hurt so much, I just don't know how to love it again.
I don't think this will happen 100% with 911 because it consistently has WAY fewer problems, and I have WAY more confidence in the writers/producers/etc. There are also so many more areas in which I trust they will end the stories well. AND I know myself well enough to know that if Buddie does not go cannon by the final episode of the show, a part of me will always be sad, disappointed, and upset when I rewatch it.
To me, it has always felt and looked as if Eddie was intended, since his first introduction to be the eventual and final love interest of Buck. (I have endless things to say about this, so hit me up if you are interested!) That being said, I think that up until the last few seasons, there is a strong argument for this just being "seeing what I want to see". NOW however, this no longer feels applicable.
I can no longer see a justification for them loving each other as only friends. I have friends who are more like family, as in, I would not be 100% surprised to be named as the responsible party for their child in the event of their death. I know what this kind of love is, what it looks like and it is NOT how they relate to each other, at least not any more. Both Oliver and Ryan are amazing actors, and have made these changes by choice. From what I know of them they are both good people, and would not knowingly lead on their fans...
It makes me feel torn constantly between optimism and pessimism, between hope and the realities of my experiences, between thinking the world can change, and feeling as if hate and ignorance will always win out.
Because for me, that is what it now comes down to. If one of them was female OR a bi or gay side character instead the two 'straight' leading males THEY WOULD BE END GAME. Without question. Without a doubt. No matter what. So, to me, it has now become a question of if a show on Fox will truly be the first show (at least in my knowledge) to have both of its leading "straight" characters actually fall for each other? I just don't know, and that is what scares me.
Based on my experience, they won't. And yet....they have handled so many stories that I thought they would do a poor job with, and they have done well. They haven't forgot about plot lines that I assumed they would.... I find myself trusting them more then I have with most previous shows, but still.... It just makes me wish I could trust that this world was filled with a little more love, acceptance and freedom...
I really really hope that 911 can do what Supernatural, Merlin, Sherlock and countless others have failed to do. I want it to give me validation, hope, joy. To say I will cry if it actually happens in an understatement. With so many heroes being revealed to be villains recently, it would be something quite spectacular to have 911 actually validate love coming in all different forms, at different times, and in unexpected ways.
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soulsam · 8 days
gimme all the multiples of 3!!
HIIII LIV!!! <3333 thank you for indulging me akjdfhdfkdg
3. most recent horror movie you watched and loved
can i have two? because i really liked get out but before that i watched martyrs and LOVED. IT. like holy shit. it's not for everyone but DAMN. i love when horror movies are actual cinematic masterpieces
6. a horror movie you liked but wouldnt recommend to most people
see my above answer...martyrs is really really good but like. HEAVY. and it gets kinda gross at the end, too. definitely not for the faint of heart. i think most of the saw movies also fall under the "wouldn't recommend to most people" umbrella on account of. you know. the nasties.
9. a horror movie that you turned off before it was fully over
i actually don't think i've ever done this either?? i haven't really met a film i couldn't get through. even one as bad as...
12. a horror movie that stuck with you for weeks after you watched it
...a serbian film. no, it hasn't been weeks since i saw it, but jesus christ, it's definitely sticking with me. i actually kind of liked what it was going for at first so i let my fucking guard down. and then. well. if you know, you know. no, not even that part, i handled that. the OTHER part. jesus fucking christ. even if i met someone exactly like me who i knew craved the same mental self destruction as me, i would not recommend that goddamn movie. it's just. i can't.
15. a horror movie/horror movies you wish you had in your collection
i don't really have a collection...but if i did, i'd want mama (the del toro movie) in it for sure. that one's a huge, HUGE favorite of mine, and one i have a giant soft spot for. del toro is an absolute genius, you cannot change my mind
18. a decade you want to watch more horror movies from
ummm...all of them? 😭 i really haven't seen an adequate number of horror movies from ANY decade, nor do i know the years of release for anything, which doesn't help. my sense of time is just nonexistent
21. a horror movie you like that a lot of people dislike
24. a horror movie that you love to/would love to watch with other people to see their reactions/etc
any saw movie, really. i made my dear friend wil watch the original one with me and it was great, i'd do it again 😂
27. an upcoming horror movie youre looking forward to watching
well you already know the answer to this one. but for everyone else out there, liv and i are gonna go see the watchers while i'm visiting them for our spn con (!!!!!!) and i am very excited for it :3
30. favorite 80s horror movie
cannibal holocaust. JUST KIDDING CAN YOU IMAGINE. actually this is an insane thing to say but i don't think i've seen a single 80s horror movie that i actually genuinely enjoyed. like i haven't seen that many of them but the ones i have seen, i haven't really loved. like the original nightmare on elm street. wow this is my most embarrassing answer for sure, i'm ashamed JKDFNKSJHDKSJD
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master-jarrus · 2 months
So about the bikes separate from the poll just so that post doesn't become all jumbled with photos and I can make sure I am completely up front because I want to be genuine
So bikes are cheaper and cars keep being extremely problematic for my husband and I
We don't have kids and it's just the two of us so two motorcycles are actually a really convenient  and viable option for us
(They are also more eco friendly if you take care of them right but that's for another day)
So no matter what way the vote goes I am getting a bike
However, bikes are still more than a grand and while we can afford it, we can't afford it.
It's one of those weird spots of like yes we can. But everything else will be tight
That's where the vote idea came in from
I am unable to find jobs that are actually hiring
AND my career field of costuming, sewing, etc is dying. No one has these skills anymore unless they are really old or weird gremlins like me. So sewing shops that would hire me are impossible to find
So I thought hey I know how to cosplay and I'm professionally trained (it was actually a certificate I was pursuing they just refused to offer the last 2 classes) in it
Maybe other people would like to see me actually cosplay and watch and learn how to make good quality costumes and props from scratch/as scratch as possible
This happened to coincide with us looking at bikes and an tiny event on tiktok where I got yelled at by cosplayers for saying I wasn't a professional so I decided to ask if people would be interested in a cosplay that combines everything together
The vote isn't over yet but so far (I voted just to see the votes but it doesn't skew the results I promise) everyone seems in favor so unless a bunch of people suddenly vote no I am going to start setting stuff up
In the meantime here are the update bikes we are looking at
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2008 Suzuki, owner already responded. They are active duty military and is on a training thing so when they come back we be looking at the bike
The silhouette is already pretty close to Lloyd's main thing I would need to do is paint. And then I would probably change the tires to handle touring (long distances). I may also make the mirrors bigger. This will make my ability to see better and also aids in the cartoonish look
Older bike that might make it harder to find parts if it ever needs a repair
Clean title
*my husband is also active duty and this may give us good negotiating leverage
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2018 Suzuki, owner has not responded and some of the pictures appear to be stock photos which makes me a little wary because that's unusual for a non dealership seller
Same cosmetics as the above bike
Newer bike if it needs to repaired we can probably find the parts. But it may require more premium gas
Clean title
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2005 Kawasaki Ninja, only recently found it. I will be showing it to my husband when he gets back from work. I haven't contacted the owner yet because my husband is not in the loop yet
Would just need paint, bigger mirrors and the touring tires
Older bike might make repairs difficult
No titled mentioned
Those are the 3 bikes, because the title isn't mentioned on the ninja it will likely get removed.
Unfortunately theft is common in my area and my husband and I have even had a vehicle stolen from us so anything that doesn't have a title is sketchy
Anyways I hope this was informative and not just me rambling and I will be working on that youtube video today if my internet likes me enough
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martilyongabo · 4 months
may or may not have been apparent, but i've been replaying fe13 for the past two weeks during my uh, very limited free time. originally played it around 2013-2014, and so i don't recall much other than a very specific incident in the first act (which will be under the cut for spoilers!)
one thing that i've been doing differently is playing with all of the first gen units as much as i could! it was very much unlike EO where there's a wider space for player interpretation, since these characters are like, prepackaged with their own personalities! and given to us to play around with. admittedly it's taking a lot of effort + i'm going through the game much slower than i would with only one party (i.e. how i first played it & how i play EO), but a part of me feels a bit happier seeing these guys run around and interact with one another. [for context, i turned off the 3d sections so i mostly see them as little pixel children]
another thing that's influenced by my personal life is that i found myself loving the first gen a lot?! they remind me of my friends very much, especially given that my two main friend groups are currently merging while slowly absorbing other friends of friends into the circle. even though i feel really disconnected and often disagree with the game's main plot, i'm kind of happy that the shepherds kept me going.
[the drawback of this is that i'm reluctant to pair them even with the gay awakening mod. and even then, i don't feel as excited to start getting the children units anyway <:") in my head, they're like other guilds encountered in EO]
i get into spoilers now, and it's a lot more disjointed and ranty from here on out.
I have mentioned it in a past post but EMMERYN, I NEED TO TALK ABOUT EMMERYN.
this lady has been haunting me for the past near-decade. i recall playing chapters 9-11 in quick succession before, but i don't really understand why i kept remembering her when i literally forgot most of the conflict save for the very last chapter of the game. is it trauma? is it something else? i don't know!
tbh apart from feeling as though stp kind of felt a bit similar to the themes of fe13's last arc, i started replaying because I wanted to see what was up with my brain holding onto Emm. and after ch9, i feel a lot more upset at the direction the story took than i feel closure. sure, i understand where she was coming from. her pacifism is admirable AND she managed to protect both ylisse and her siblings, but man. it doesn't feel right that they killed her.
maybe it's just my stance as a writer coloring my view, but personally i don't like killing off characters because that writes them off of the plot. like real life, they can't do much anymore cuz they're dead (unless they're a ghostie, but to me that doesn't count as real death since they can still be an active force in the story). emm could have still survived; the writers could still proceed with the rest of the story with minor tweaks.
another thing that bothers me is her final speech toward the plegians. my wife noted that the "freeing from the cycle of pain" could have been strengthened if she denounced her father's war, especially since ylisse and plegia haven't explicitly made amends in the past 15 years. her country was the one that harmed theirs, and while it wasn't her who did that, it's like taking accountability as a ruler and recognising the harm done by her predecessor. and "see now that one selfless act has the power to change the world" is just... there's something about it but for me it's not hitting good. maybe i'll think about it more and return to it when i have the words, but for now it's up there in my mind.
the way emmeryn is handled also kind of extends my feelings toward the main conflict as a whole. maybe it's because of recent events too, but ooooh it doesn't feel like it's handled all that well. my wife knows how much i've complained about the dissonance between the actual political and human conflict and uh, the writing. like the ylisse-plegia conflict is so interesting but then it isn't as reflected or as utilised effectively in the way that the chapter scripts are written ToT one funny thing i could think of would be enemies saying "screw u, ur king screwed us over 15 years ago" and chrom could be like "?!?!? that was 15 years ago!" and he would get the response of "STILL." which isn't a very well-written exchange but it does kinda reflect the conflict a bit better imo.
idk! i'm trying to cope with "this is very camp" but it does not feel very camp. it's melodramatic yes but it's not camp ToT
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survey--s · 10 months
Tumblr media
What would you say is the worst part of high school, period? The social aspect of it. I actually didn't mind lessons - in fact, I actually quite enjoyed that part of it, but I had un-diagnosed autism and really struggled with the social part.
What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? Red ones, but I only eat apples chopped into slices and dipped in something. I don't like them by themselves.
How old will you be on your mother’s 68th birthday? Is that ‘old’ to you? 37, and no, it's only a few years away.
Ever thought you were dying of something you weren’t even close to having? Not quite, but I did have symptoms of cervical cancer about a decade ago which really terrified me. It turned out to just be hormonal changes but I was really freaked out as I had to have all sorts of tests to make sure.
Ever want to be a doctor? Is it because of all the hospital shows? Nope. My dad was a doctor and honestly I can't think of much worse. The money is good but it's really stressful.
What do you think of all these reality shows that try to alter personality? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Where are your favorite pair of shoes in the whole world right now? In the porch area.
Do you live anywhere near a mall? Which one exactly? Not really - our nearest mall is probably in Workington which is an hour away from here, but it's pretty crap in all honesty.
If you were dying who would you say goodbye to first out of everyone? Whoever I saw first <--- well, exactly.
Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? No. I didn't mind it when I was younger though - I think I had more tolerance back then lol.
Do you ever have those ‘ah ha!’ moments? Do those annoy you? Sometimes and no, not really.
When is the next time you’ll eat a cupcake, if you know when? I have no idea, I'm not really a fan of cupcakes.
Does your family go on a lot of vacations? Are they more boring or exciting? We did when I was growing up - we went all over and they were great. Nowadays though, not so much. The dog is a bit more limiting plus prices have shot up recently. We're also both self-employed so need to factor in holiday pay etc.
Where did you last buy socks from? What do those socks look like? They were just plain white ankle socks from Amazon.
Do you ever lay in the grass and look up at the sky, just because? Nah, my back can't handle lying on the hard ground anymore, hahah.
When do you normally go to sleep on the weekends? I go to sleep anytime between 10am-midnight, no matter what day of the week it is. I don't really sleep in at weekends as it messes with my body too much.
Have you ever met someone with the same ‘biggest fear’ as you? I'm sure I have, yeah.
Do you ever have movie nights with your significant other? Yeah, though we haven't had one in a while. We have quite different tastes in movies.
Would you rather write with a pen or a pencil? Why is this? Pen - they're just more comfortable to hold and easier to write with.
Who was the last person to call you fat, if anyone at all? No one calls me that.
What color skin does the last person you danced with have? White.
Are you afraid of being kidnapped if you go outside at night time? No, it's not really something I ever think about. I do live in a ridiculously safe area though.
Has your mother ever called your school because of your grades? No. I never struggled with my grades.
The best field trip you’ve ever been on; where was it to anyway? Paris.
In the next twenty minutes, what will you be doing and where will you be? I'm waiting in for two parcels so until they arrive I can't go anywhere lol. They could be here at any point within the next three hours.
Do you work? If so, have you ever been fired, then rehired from the place? I do work but I have never been fired from anywhere before.
Can you tell when people are lying or telling the truth? That depends on the person. Some are good liars and some aren’t.
What would you say your average word per minute time is on the keyboard? I have no idea but it's pretty fast. I can touch type.
What is your least favorite class in school? Why is this? Maths and chemistry as they're the ones I struggled with the most.
Do you bite your fingernails or tap them on desks? I don't do either of those things.
Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? Not really.
Do you ever call your cousins just to talk to them randomly? No. I haven't spoken to my cousins in years. We're really not a close family as they all live overseas.
When did you last spend the night at someone’s house? Last month when I was doing a house-sit.
Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? I don't really know my friends parents.
Do you ever have to wash your clothes at someone else’s house? I have done before when our washing machine broke.
When is the next time you’ll go to the library? Why is this? I have no plans to go to the library any time soon.
Do you know how to play pool? Are you any good at it? I can play but I'm rubbish at it.
Are you someone who likes to get in arguments or fights a lot? Nope. That said, if someone starts an argument with me I'll argue back lol.
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johnaeryns · 2 years
hi i hope you don't mind me asking but i saw on twitter that you're watching bcs and i wondered what your thoughts were on watching it without having finished breaking bad. is it similar to watching angel without watching buffy?
hi! that's a really interesting question. i actually don't think it's very similar. i have seen breaking bad, but it was a very long time ago so my memory of it isn't super great and i don't think that's impacted my understanding of bcs at all. there have been a couple moments when i thought they were probably referencing characters/events from breaking bad that i didn't remember super well but they were pretty minor and unimportant. i think if you've seen some of the show you'd probably get the biggest references (though i don't think it's super important if you don't).
i also think it is different than btvs and ats for a couple reasons. bcs is a prequel, so within the show the events of breaking bad haven't happened yet, meaning that knowing about what will happen in the future really doesn't matter a ton. i think it might be good to know the role characters like jimmy and mike eventually have in the show in relation to themes like fate, choice, and identity but other than that you're probably fine. i also truthfully prefer bcs to breaking bad, whereas i obviously prefer btvs to ats. for me, the quality discrepancy between ats and btvs is pretty big. i guess to put it bluntly, i don't really find ats to be a good show, at least objectively. i don't think it's nearly as well made as btvs. so even though bcs is the spinoff, i wouldn't think of it as the ats to breaking bad's btvs. at the same time, i also don't think the same quality discrepancy exists between the two shows, because i do still think breaking bad is objectively a very well made series even though it wasn't as interesting to me personally.
ironically, i actually think both breaking bad and bcs do really well what ats failed at which is to look at the ideas of choice, freedom, and fate through a main character who makes bad choices (much more sympathetically in jimmy's case and much less sympathetically in walt's, depending on how you view angel). just having seen bcs more recently, i can say it does a really excellent job going into the same themes ats talks about but doesn't really express well thematically or sub-textually (are people capable of change? if you change does it matter what you've done in the past, and if so in what way? what is the existential weight of choice and action? does the reason behind why you act change the meaning of your action? what does it mean to make authentic choices? what is the meaning of right and wrong? etc). one of my biggest problems with ats is that they repeatedly bring up these ideas in dialogue but don't adequately explore them in any other narrative elements of the show, which makes me find it to be pretty superficial and not a great example of quality storytelling. bcs, on the other hand, i feel handles all of these themes brilliantly on many different levels along with being extremely well written and well made. because i've been liking bcs so much i've been thinking that i might go back and rewatch some of breaking bad, because i think that it likely adds more to bcs than ats does to btvs, but i think for the most part that meaning is auxiliary and there's no reason to worry about it unless you end up really liking bcs and want to get more into the thematic elements.
so i guess to sum up:
i definitely think you can watch bcs without being super familiar with all the events of breaking bad. i also think you can enjoy bcs even if breaking bad wasn't your type of show.
i don't think you're missing out on a ton by not watching breaking bad in the way i think you would be if you didn't watch btvs, simply because i found both bcs and btvs to be the better shows. at the same time i think the bcs is very thematically consistent with breaking bad, so that you could have a very similar takeaway (not exactly the same, but similar) from only watching one show.
i feel like bcs is a little more complicated than breaking bad in that walter white is pretty unambiguously the villain, even as he's the protagonist, whereas the questions of whether or not jimmy is a good person and what his choices mean are much more difficult to answer in simple terms. therefore, i think it would be much easier to grasp the concepts of breaking bad from having seen bcs and knowing the basic plot, than it would to understand the nuances of bcs from only having seen breaking bad.
you could definitely watch bcs only having seen half of bb and it works fine as a standalone show
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Feeling a weird kind of sick today & got to do livestream prep in 20 mins but before that I've got a little time for FUGUE POSTING
I made a new playlist today, called "desire, without obligation." It's named that because I needed something to be listening to while I wrote a draft of my grad school application statement of purpose, which I've been badly struggling with because I don't know how to communicate the idea of wanting to do a thing in a manner other than explaining why it would be good for other people were that thing to happen. And the problem is, I don't really want to go to grad school to help people. I want to go to grad school to have fun being a faerie academic nerd doing theory about how the internet is magic, and I want to make things that other, more practical, people will be able to use to help people. So focusing on the other people was railroading me towards a statement of purpose that was gonna put me in the wrong kind of program.
In my early 20s, I started going to therapy, because I wanted to have kids some day, & I felt like I owed it to them to deal with some of the trauma I picked up from my parents, so I can at least minimize the extent to which I'm passing on the same problems. It took me more than 2 years of sessions with the best therapist I'd ever had to get to the point where I was willing to say that, actually, I don't want kids, I've never wanted kids, every part of every aspect of setting up a life to have children is deeply unappealing to me—but it was okay for me to be in therapy anyway, because it's not wrong to go to therapy for your own well-being.
In our last in-depth conversation, my as-of-recently-ex friend told me that he felt like he could finally start figuring out what he wanted from his life because he'd done all the things he was supposed to do. Got a degree, got a job, got married, had two children, bought a house, paid off the mortgage. After all that, that's when he was allowed to ask, "What do I want?"
I don't want to think about helping other people. I've spent the past decade wrangling and soldering and sanding my personality to care about other people, and at this point I do it by reflex. I don't have to think about it, and I'm better at it when I don't—metacognition takes up the same brain space that would otherwise be going to cognition, so to whatever extent I'm monitoring my behaviors to make sure I'm happy with them, those behaviors are being made less competently, with fewer cognitive resources.
The thing I haven't figured out is how to hack and sculpt and wire myself to take care of me. Which is philosophically inconsistent: I'm a person, right? I go out of my way to help people. More or less by reflex. I ought to be willing to go out of my way, to put in effort, to make changes, sacrifice, lose out on things I wanted, to make things better for me.
But there are two kinds of people: the one experiencing this consciousness, and all the other consciousnesses that this one doesn't directly experience. the habits I've developed for how to act with regard to other consciousnesses are not the habits to care for this consciousness. I never witness myself struggling in a way that I know I'm currently secure in; I can never lend myself the strength I have in areas where I'm seeing weakness. Whatever it is I'm failing at, it's always the thing that I'm currently doing an awful job of handling.
So I shall need to get more creative with my interventions into myself.
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spinningbuster98 · 2 years
1, 6, 7, 15 :)
Why did you become interested in Sonic?
Well when I was around 6 years old Sonic X used to always be on TV and I just...happened to watch a lot of its episodes, being particularily hyped about Super Saiyan hedgehogs because I was into my DBZ phase like many others my age.
One day my dad took me to a game shop and I just happened to notice a game that had one of the characters from the show depicted on its cover, that being Shadow
Yes Shadow the Hedgehog of all games was my first Sonic game, soon followed by Heroes, Mega Collection Plus and Gems Collection, though I can't remember the order
2) Favourite game(s)?
My opinions (on anything really) tend to always change but in general:
Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a game I hold dear, although ever since Mania came out I've been put off by it because the Retro Engine's renewed physics have made me notice all the little imperfections in S3K's own physics, plus all the little bugs and stuff like randomly stopping while spindashing up a slope in IceCap act 2
Sonic Adventure 1 is a game I have many nostalgic memories of, but as time passed I've begun to really dislike its repetitive structure and undercooked campaigns
Sonic Adventure 2 on the other hand is a game that I used to not like very much, however in recent years I've begun to appreciate it way more than SA1 for its more compact and streamlined structure, and I've also grown to like its other gameplay styles by mostly judging them on their merits rather than how they may or may not fit into a Sonic game....which is still a valid criticism though, and I in no way will I ever declare SA2 the "best Sonic experience ever"
Sonic Unleashed is a game I haven't played in a long while (alongside Generations) mainly because I haven't been able to use my XBOX 360 in a long while. I have many good memories of this one, and I still really like the Daytime stages despite their linearity,as I really like their length and difficulty level...but the Werehog brings it all down, as while I may appreciate alien gameplay styles in Sonic to some extent like I now do for SA2, the Werehog's stages simply drag on for far too long
Sonic Colors is a game I still quite enjoy when trying to collect everything. Going through these stages like normal is not very fulfilling because of their length and relative simplicity, but when you're going after those Red Rings it really makes the levels much better to me, as it forces you to actually explore them, do extra platforming and use the Wisps in particular ways. True its platforming is often not very Sonic-like, but for the most part I still enjoy it as I don't think it overtakes the speedy portions too much (hell I still like Sonic 1, which is worse in this aspect)
Sonic Generations is another game I haven't played in a while, and I really wish it were longer (and actually did something with its story) because it's got some of the best levels in the series, Seaside Hill act 2 in particular. Ironically I feel that Modern Sonic steals the show completely, to the point that you could take Classic out and the game wouldn't get worse, though he's still enjoyable, albeit not 100% faithful with how he handles in the Classics (and City Escape act 1 is just fun, alongside Speed Highway act 1)
Sonic Mania, which would have been my absolute number 1 had it had way more OG stages and given Knuckles more unique alt paths
7) Favourite vocal themes?
It Doesn't Matter for being a great way of describing Sonic's character in a nutshell (I used to prefer SA2's version, but now I've swung the other way)
Open Your Heart for obvious reasons, although I've noticed just how cheesy some of the lyrics can get (GOTTA OPEN YOUR HEART DUUUUUDE)
Live and Learn, which for the longest time I actually didn't like nearly as much as Open Your Heart for being shorter, but now I REALLY like how much it fits the final battle of the game....if only it were a longer and harder fight (that guitar solo followed by the lyrics with the quiet guitars in the background at the halfway point is the best)
What I'm made of, I just love how the song and especially the lyrics pump you up for a big fight against such a big slithering cowerd as Metal was in Heroes
Endless Possibilities, for reasons more or less similar to It Doesn't Matter, though I guess it's not as descriptive of Sonic's character, but it sure is adventurous! (I'm not the biggest fan of the part about the Werehog, as it kinda...feels out of place with the rest of the song? As if they absolutely had to represent the werehog in some way)
With Me, I just LOVE the back and forth between the two singing voices representing the clashing ideologies of Sonic and Merlina...though I kinda wished the voices were a bit more similar to theirs (I also like the Crush 40 version, but the original is the best)
Infinite's Theme: Which I got cut by just typing about it
I am all of me: OUCH I'M BLEEDING!!
15) Favourite Sonic levels?
Chemical Plant in Sonic 2 because yes
Hydrocity and Icecap from Sonic 3 because you all should know why
Red Mountain in SA1 because I actually really like the aesthetic, and I find it's got a better balance between speed and platforming than Speed Highway (which is still really good, but a bit on the short side I feel). Plus Emerald Coast for being fun and iconic, Windy Valley (though I wished its first act was longer), Speed Highway, Lost World for its great atmosphere, and Final Egg for how...dirty it looks, favourite Eggman base to this day
City Escape, Metal Harbor, Radical Highway, Final Chase, Meteor Herd and Security Hall (yes you read correctly) for SA2
I wanna say Mystic Mansion for Heroes but mainly because I adore the Halloween aesthetic and OST and I wish more games did something like it
Rooftop Run for Unleashed because....c'mon
Green Hill act 2, Chemical Plant act 1, Sky Sanctuary act 2, City Escape (both acts), Speed Highway (both acts), Seaside Hill act 2, Crisis City act 2 and Rooftop Run act 2 (though not as much as the original) from Generations
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jaythelay · 8 days
the problem with characters becoming too strong in Media is they never peak. They're always going higher and higher, never settling. That's every mentality of an optimist and most characters in media.
Problem is? That's not realistic. You're always going to hit a wall eventually and make very mild improvements from there. Otherwise what would keep pushing you is knowledge, not finding yet another peak. That's an addiction, not good for people.
Goku's hair can change into a rainbow, he's still just Goku.
What's better, is either build up to that wall, work with that in the story, or start them off at their peak, and show them struggling, not to bypass limits, but to learn. If they can't beat something in a straight 1v1, then have them being smarter.
JoJo is the perfect example of this mentality, even god's can't outsmart a baseball child and some clouds n strings. Hell, Jotaro couldn't win because he was outsmarted before stopping time. Literally timestop, outsmarted. That's the shit I love.
Your muscles eventually can't get stronger or bigger. You have alot of assets in a body, quitting at punches is a bit silly when creating something. To specify, again, when ya hit a wall, the most you can make is more mild improvements.
It also has a side-problem where the character(s) seemingly never age despite hundreds of lifetimes worth of effort. If DBZ didn't have Gohan then honestly the whole plot could've been assumed to take place within a single year ignoring certain plot points.
None of this is framed towards anything specific. I'm not upset at power creeps in anime, but watching GT recently got me thinking what the hell happened in production, this topic is a veeery small piece of that topic of thought, but still worth considering.
Goku in GT could simply have never gone super saiyan 4, and the story wouldn't be any different honestly. He was always going to win no matter what, like yes that's media in general, but GT was set up like a saturday morning cartoon where the hero is tied up, the villain looks away and back and there's just rope. For every encounter.
One Punch Man (anime, haven't read) has an issue where he's at his peak so you can't have him actually being involved til basically the end. There's no "Oh my god they outsmarted my timestop move" it's "I'm late" or "i don't care" while everyone else works within their limits. It's pretty cool honestly, but I really think Saitama felt like the worst of GT's Goku sometimes in the anime. He's not here because he would win. And he """doesn't win""" here because he needs to win later. His whole thing is that his peak is more than a wall, it's a box.
Feels too plot devicey with him being a stupid superman sometimes is all, but it's not a mark against it for me, just something that later in the story could be handled. It's taking what I said, have them at their peak already, and then just kinda doing nothing with it. Which isn't the point of Saitama or the show to be clear, but another ping to pong in discussions of. He is on the furthest possible end of the power spectrum after all.
Anyways this was a ramble.
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A Relationship Is Formed When You Share An Object Both Focus On. If That Object Is The Other Person You Will Be Toxic To Eachother. This Can Cause Abuse. Therefore That Object Can't Be Something Bad. Only Recently That Was Trauma And Other Things And Things Went Bad Even If She Was Also An Abuser. There Is A Chance A Person Can't Meet Your High Standard At All And That Isn't Necessarry At All. But You Believe That Is Because That Way This Person Wouldn't Have A Reason To Dislike And Abandon You. Maybe You Shouldn't Bury Someone With All Of Them. Then There Is A Chance We Are Poly Afterall. Because A Relationship Is Supposed To Be Very Small And Simple...
Idk. That Depends If There Is A Giant Standard Or Multiple Distant Relationships.
Silence Bigot. Check This Out. Aspd Szpd. Put Your Gun Away.
Besides We Still Haven't Transitioned. That Could've Messed Something Up.
After Quitting Those Abuserkind I Find Myself Enjoying Having A Million People That We Don't Say Anything To.
Maybe That Is What A Normal Relationship Is Supposed To Look Like. Afterall We Aren't Supposed To Get Excited By Anything. So To Be Trapped Under That Druggy Feeling While Knowing There Isn't A Reason To Will Make You Break Down. If Every Conversation Is Very Short That Might Actually Be How Things Are Supposed To Be.
Instead Of Trying To Bury A Favorite Under Everything There Is Until They Give You A Reason To Get Upset. And Abuse You. But Recently We Were Abused ON PURPOSE BY AN CONSERVATIVE NAZI ABUSER BIGOT... ON PURPOSE...
Idk Tbh. I Can't Point What Made Everything Else Fail.
Everything Closer Always Broke. Only Distant Ones Still Exist.
But If You Live Together You Can't Be Distant Either Right...?
What If You Just Didn't Live Together... Like That Was Possible...
Or Maybe... Everything Is Actually So Much Easier... Dependent On The Person We Will Meet...
But How Can 1 Person Handle Absolutely Everything There Is Including The Fact That You Don't Want To Talk To Absolutely Anyone Else Than Isn't Them And Get Badly Upset For Having To...
In Such A Status There Is No Poly... There Is Only 1 Person... Your Life...
Our Abusers Are Toxic And Fight All The Time. We Have Only Gotten Abused. Noone Has Saved Us. Is That Even Possible...
Or Am I Supposed To Be A Piece Of Shit Because I Am All These Crazy Things That Are That Way...
Or Is That Just A Lie The Society Created To Villain Us In Order To Pill Us Which Is True Either Way...
But I Don't Want To Be Like Any Of Those Bad People...
But Am I Supposed To Have A Choice... If All I Am Is A Diagnosis...
I Am Human... But At The Same Time... I Don't Work Like Machines Of Capitalism That Create This Standard...
Then I Am Supposed To Be What They Tell Me I Am... Since There Is No Other Place For Me...
I Already Decided What I Am And That Didn't Matter To Anyone.
Everything Was Decided Already And Only A Miracle That Can Break Reality Will Do Anything...
Therefore This Miracle Will Tell Us Our Place... Because If We Are Supposed To... We Are All The Things We Have Said... And Our Purpose Is To DESTROY ALL SOCIETY UNTIL ONLY WE ARE LEFT...
And I Don't Know How To Do Something So Huge... I Believe We Would Die In Such A Situation... And I Don't Want To Die... I Don't Want Any Bad Things... Only An Abuser Bigot Would Try To Kill Us. Go Away Shadow Demon...
Or Maybe... Someone Will Come Who Will Fix Everything 😇... That Wouldn't Change All Bigoted Things Must Be Destroyed :o... But Then We Wouldn't Be The Only People Who Know How To Do That 🥰...
Maybe We Must Do That... Perhaps That Is The Point... Perhaps This Is Our Purpose...
Words Are Meaningless... We Need Something Like A Massive Wipe That Will Wipe All The Bad Things Away 😇... Then... Only Angel Will Be Left... And Everyone Will Always Feel Good 🥰...
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