#actually tbh I get confuse all the time like his hair is pass shoulder length
miusato · 24 days
I just realized I tend to draw Shinji with longer hair lmao I'm sorry its just the bitch in my ears yelling at me to make it longer //dies
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ko-riacchi · 3 years
Pairing: Dabi x F!Reader (x Shouto) Genre: Smut Length: 3.8k Tags: Cuckolding, Creampie, Rough Sex, no prep Warnings: Non-Con, Netorare
Synopsis: It was a normal day on patrol for you and your fiancé Shouto. It was about to take a turn for the worse however.
I created the Word file for this fic in September of 2019, so if that tells you anything about how long it takes me to actually sit down and write...
Feedback/Concrit/etc. is appreciated. I’m not confident in my writing at all tbh
Your workday had been boring so far. You and Shouto had been patrolling the outskirts of town for the better part of five hours, conversing quietly while letting your gaze wander around to check for anything unusual or sketchy.
So far, nothing had happened and your feet guided you towards the industrial part of the city, the last part of your route before you would head back and report to the hero agency before doing some paperwork and finally being able to leave for the day.
“So, what would you like me to cook today,” you asked Shouto, your hands playing around with the skirt that made up the bottom part of your hero outfit.
“Hmm…,” Shouto began and fell silent for a moment. He lifted his right hand to his face stroking his chin while looking at you.
You gave him a look. “Shouto, we had Soba yesterday, we can’t eat Soba every day,” you chided him.
“Why?” He looked you in the eyes, appearing to honestly be curious about why it wouldn’t be possible to eat soba daily.
“Because…,” you started to explain, then huffed, looked at Shouto and smiled a little. “Let me just pick it out then.”
Shouto answered your smile with one of his own. “Okay.”
You continued your patrol through the industrial area, making sure to pass all the spots where drug dealer, small-time villains and shady people in general liked to conduct their business. Although, since it was barely ten past five and the weather was nice and sunny without any clouds in sight, you didn’t have high hopes to actually find something or someone out of the ordinary.
Stopping and stretching your arms up to the sky, you let out a little sigh, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and closed your eyes for a second before jogging up to Shouto and taking his right hand into your left.
“By the way, my mum called the other day and asked if we still needed anything for the wedding. I told her we would be fine but if you can think of something, let me know, so I can call her.”
Giddily, you swung your arm that was connected to Shouto’s, who let you do as you wanted, smiling softly as he saw your anticipation every time you two talked about the upcoming wedding.
“I will,” he told you and gripped your hand a bit more tightly. His way of showing love and anticipation was subtler than yours but over the years you had become quite good in deciphering the stoic man.
In that fashion, you continued to make your way through the industrial area, sometimes conversing about interesting things that had happened at work or with your friends, sometimes just silently enjoying patrol together.
 You had almost completed your last stop of the day when you noticed a figure in the corner of your eye, standing in the shadows of an alley way and grinning at you. It took you a second to process exactly who was standing there but when you did, you started sprinting towards him. You left behind a confused Shouto, who had just been looking in the opposite direction, but he immediately collected himself and started running after you. If you had started sprinting, you had to have a good reason for that; a villain or something equally sinister must have caught your eye.
You had a head start of around 15 meters and Shouto ran behind you, watching your figure as you exited the alleyway. Your feet came to a halt in an open space, an area which at one point must’ve been a truck loading area, judging from the surrounding buildings. In front of you, a figure stood, a good 5 meters between them and you, and Shouto could see you changing your stance, ready to react should the figure attack.
As he was nearing you two, he finally managed to make out who exactly it was standing before you. The black clothing and hair had been pretty non-descriptive but as soon as Shouto saw the burn scars that covered almost all of his body, his eyes widened and he started running faster, hoping to catch up with you before the fight that surely was about to break out had begun.
 Only 5 meters separated you from Shouto now and another second and he would’ve been at your side, when suddenly he crashed head-first into… nothing? He ricocheted off something and fell to the floor but when he lifted his head, he couldn’t see anything. He got up and tried to walk forward, only to feel an invisible wall in his way. Both hands collided with the barrier and he frantically moved them to the left and right to find a way out. In the end, Shouto realized that he had been trapped from all sides. From his positions, he could now see that Dabi was walking leisurely towards you, you stepping back every time he took one step forward but not taking the chance to turn around to see where Shouto was and give Dabi an opening to attack.
Shouto stepped back from the wall and positioned himself sideways, a stomp creating a wave of ice that rushed towards the barrier in hopes of destroying it. It collided with the wall and crushed into bits and pieces, proving to be futile. He just HAD to get through this wall and to you! So he started to barrage his prison with spear after spear of ice, in hope to weaken it enough for it to break down.
You were still cautiously monitoring Dabi’s movement, keeping as much distance as possible, in case he suddenly decided to attack. He had not said anything so far, only sent a lopsided grin your way as he continued his leisure pace towards you. That was about to change though.
“What a pleasant surprise meeting you two here!” he spoke, his tone that of a person meeting friends after a long time.
“Too bad I can’t say the same!” you snarled back and took another step backwards. You had heard Shouto behind you when he had sent out attacks against something, but you hadn’t seen what occupied him exactly and only knew that he had to be not too far behind you.
For now, you needed to get closer to Shoto so you could come up with a plan on how to take on Dabi and any possible allies that were lurking in the dark. You continued stepping backwards. The sounds of Shoto in the background got louder and louder but you could not hear the telltale sounds of a fight taking place. What was occupying him?
Dabi had taken a step forward each time you stepped back but it didn’t seem like he was trying to close the distance just yet. You knew very well that he was capable of sending his flames towards you, so you figured that he just didn’t see the need. Another step backwards had you crashing into something solid and in instinct your head flew around to see what was blocking your path. You couldn’t remember there being a wall behind you, surely you would’ve registered that.
But when you turned around you found… nothing? Only Shouto, standing a meter away from you, panting like he had just run a marathon. Your body was still angled towards Dabi, so you quickly turned back to face him, a soft sigh of relief leaving your lips when you saw that he was still standing away a few meters. Your hand extended backwards, and sure enough, you felt a barrier just behind you.
“Is that a quirk?” you asked Shoto, hoping that he would be able to hear you through whatever that thing was.
“Seems like it,” he answered, his voice strained. “I can’t break through it with my ice. You have to get the person who’s doing this… I can’t help you like this.”
Dabi let out a chuckle. “Oh, I don’t think I’ll let you do that,” she said, coming closer now.
You weren’t sure what to do, step aside and around the invisible wall? If that was even possible. Or stay and let Dabi come dangerously close to you. You eventually made your mind up, taking a step to the side and feeling around the wall, trying to see where it would lead.
The only warning you got was a “I don’t think so” from Dabi and suddenly he was standing right in front of you, blocking your way off. Your eyes widened and your heart rate picked up. How had he managed to come close this quickly?
You ducked and tried to slip away sideways, but Dabi grabbed your arm and pulled you back, slamming you against the barrier. You heard Shoto shouting from behind you, telling Dabi to let you go but he only grinned in answer and lifted his free arm, a blue flame igniting in his palm. “I don’t think you’re in the position to make any demands right now,” he chuckled, bringing the flame dangerously close to your face. You leaned back as much as you could, your entire body pressed up against the wall, the heat of the flames uncomfortably licking over your skin.
“What do you want?” you asked, and you hated your voice for sounding so weak in this moment.
“Me?” Dabi said, extinguishing the flame and grabbing you face with his hand instead. “I just wanna have some fun,” he grinned. “Work’s been pretty boring lately, you know…” His fingers pressed harder down on your cheeks, making your lips pucker and your jaw ache. “And I think I just found just the perfect plaything.”
Shouto banged on the walls. “Leave her alone!” he shouted, another barrage of ice banging against the barrier. You could feel the vibrations on you back where it was pressed against it, but the barrier itself didn’t move, didn’t break or shatter. It was solid.
Dabi let go of your face and leered at Shouto over your shoulder. “I don’t think I will,” he said, his hand now moving down to trail along your thighs. Your hero costume consisted of a bodysuit, a short skirt covering your hips and waist, but your legs were bare, so when Dabi touched you, you could feel it on your skin and it erupted into goosebumps immediately. Was he about to do what you were thinking? No, surely this was just to make you nervous, fuck with your head a bit. Sadly though, it was working and in a split-second decision, you felt like you needed to get away from the villain and pulled at the arm he was holding harshly, hoping that he would lose his balance and you could get away. You ducked under his arms and tried to flee but his grip on your arm had not faltered and he pulled you back, this time slamming you against the wall with your chest, stepping close behind you to hold you there with his body.
“I told you not to do that,” he growled, his hand heating up and singing your arm, the smell of burning flesh beginning to waft from it. Pain shot through your body and tears sprung up into your eyes as you cried out. “I get it! I get it!” you told him, sobbing at the pain. Dabi hummed in response and he reeled back the flames, his grip still iron-like on your arm however and pressing into the charred flesh. “Let’s hope I won’t have to do this again. Would be a shame to burn a cute face like yours.”
Shouto had once more banged against the walls, furiously trying to get them to shatter. How could he just… stand there while his fiancée was being tortured by Dabi. His hands curled into fists, tiny specs of blood trailing from where his nails had dug into his skin.
Dabi simply chuckled at Shouto’s desperate face, his free hand lifting up to your face, turning it towards him. “Really would be a shame,” he said with a grin, before leaning closer and pressing his lips to yours.
Your eyes widened and you tried to move away but when you felt the hand on your face heat up again, you stilled, tears leaking from your mouth while Dabi kissed you and pulled at you lower lip with his teeth. “Open up,” he growled when you didn’t move and you obeyed, feeling like there was no way for you to get out of this situation. Your quirk simply wasn’t made for close-range combat.
As soon as you had opened your mouth, Dabi’s tongue snaked inside, exploring every little nook and cranny that before had exclusively belong to Shouto. More tears rolled down your cheeks as Dabi made a slurping sound, pulling your upper lip into his mouth slightly before he parted from you, looking back at Shouto with a grin. “Delicious,” he commented, loving the way that Shouto looked at him with rage in his eyes.
“But this is not what I’m here for,” he eventually said, letting go of your face. You wanted to spit out the disgusting taste Dabi had left in your mouth, but you feared that this would only lead to him burning you again, so you held the desire back, hoping that he had simply done this to rile Shouto up a bit and this was it. He had said that this was not his goal after all, right?
While you were lost in your thoughts, trying to calculate the next step Dabi would take, he had sent Shouto another grin, making sure that the man’s eyes were on Dabi’s hands as they laid on your thigh again.
You shot up, turning your head to face Dabi with wide eyes.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of time,” Dabi lamented as he let his hand trail upwards and under your skirt. “So, I’m just gonna have get to the main part.”
You heard Shouto shouting but you couldn’t see him, your eyes still fixed on Dabi as he pulled at the bottom the bottom of your body suit to the side, uncovering your pussy for his fingers to explore.
“Don’t!” you shouted instinctively, trying to get him to stop but a slap to your pussy had you lurching forward and against the barrier. Dabi laughed and two of his fingers dipped inside you, prodding against your walls as your teeth clenched at the painful intrusion.
“Yeah, should work,” you heard Dabi mumbled behind you and the next second, his fingers left you and he popped them into his mouth, humming at the taste.
“Gotta say, this one really IS delicious,” he commented, his eyes looking at Shouto, who was watching the situation unfold in front of him with a painful look in his eyes.
Once Dabi had cleaned his fingers, he moved his hand towards his belt, expertly unbuckling it with one hand and shoving his pants down, just enough so he could pull out his cock from his pants.
“Relax or this is gonna hurt,” he whispered into your ear, his hand pushing against your back so your ass would stick out more.
Your wide eyes were looking at Shouto now, knowing what was about to happen. “Don’t, please,” you whispered, a sob leaving your lips. You were going to be violated in front of your fiancé. You were going to get fucked by a villain in front of the love of your life. “Shouto, please, close your eyes,” you begged him as he stood in front of you, both of his hands pressed against the barrier and his face directly in front of you. He shook his head. “I don’t want you to see me like this,” you begged and eventually, Shouto nodded and closed his eyes, a tear running down his cheek just as Dabi prodded your entrance with the tip of his dick.
“You better watch what I’m about to do,” Dabi warned him, not liking that he was not looking at them anymore. “Or your little bitch is gonna be a burnt little bitch by the time I’m done with her.”
At those words, Shoto’s eyes immediately opened again, looking at Dabi with fear in his eyes.
“Don’t watch me, watch her,” Dabi ordered with a grin and as soon as Shouto’s eyes had moved to your crying face again, Dabi pushed into you.
You let out a howl, your face contorting in pain as Dabi buried inch after inch inside your tight little cunt. Your eyes looked up, to the side, anywhere beside Shouto’s face with was still in front of you. You couldn’t bare looking at him.
Dabi let out a small groan. “Damn, you’re tight,” he said, pulling back a little before pushing in again, this time further. “You’re boytoy that small?” He laughed at his own joke and grabbed your hips to hold you still, slamming himself into your cunt to the hilt. Your body was jolted forward and against the wall, a pained cry leaving your lips as your eyes closed. Dabi was big, too big for you and it felt like he was splitting you open in the middle.
You didn’t have time to get used to him however, as Dabi immediately began to thrust into you. He was hunched over you, his head laying on your shoulder and his mouth directly next to your ear, so you could hear every little groan he made. It disgusted you and only made you sob harder.
It must’ve made you clench down on him however, as he let out a small hiss of pleasure and in turn made him only pick up his pace, your body now getting repeatedly slammed against the barrier with Shouto having no choice but to watch the horrifying things Dabi did to you.
After a while the initial pain had subsided, and your sobbing calmed down. All you tried to do now, was to dissociate from everything that was happening, hoping to get lost in your own world while Dabi used you for his pleasure.
Unfortunately for you, Dabi noticed the empty look on your face and he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. “That won’t do,” he growled into your ear and the hand that had been holding onto your arm up until now let go so he could beginning rubbing at your clit.
As soon as you felt his fingers rubbing you, you were brought back to reality and a pained whine left your lips.
“Say, how would you like to cum in front of your boyfriend?” Dabi whispered into your ear, his fingers picking up in speed and flicking at your clit in the same rhythm as his thrust. “I’m sure he would like to see you come undone at the hands of a villain.”
He laughed when he felt you clench around him and his eyes moved towards Shouto. “She likes the idea, I felt her squeeze my dick,” he told him.
“Fucking die and rot in hell,” Shouto simply replied, his brows furrowed and his eyes full of tears he refused to shed. You had it much worse than him, there was no way he could allow himself to cry.
Dabi let out a bellowing laugh. “Sorry, can’t die just yet. Still got some unfinished business, you see…”
He soon turned his attention back to you however and began pounding into you like a man possessed, his fingers bringing you closer and closer to an orgasm you desperately tried to hold back. He could hear you breathing hitch and felt your pussy trying to squeeze him dry; he knew it wouldn’t take much longer for you to cream on his dick.
A few more thrusts and he knew that he had reached his goal when you cried out, your muscles clenching around him and your entire body twitching as you came all over his dick.
“Fuck, you’re sucking me dry,” Dabi groaned, trying to continue his thrusts but finding it hard with how hard you were gripping his dick. “That desperate for my cum, huh?”
You were panting and crying and trying to calm down again, but those words made you perk up. “No! Don’t” you exclaimed, looking back at him with a horrified gaze.
“Don’t what?” Dabi asked with a snicker, although his breathing had picked up as well as he got closer and closer to his own peak.
“Please, don’t cum inside!” you begged. “Anything else but that!”
Dabi thrust once, twice, and felt his dick twitch as his orgasm crashed over him.
“Oops,” he said with a laugh as his dick spurted his thick cum deep into your cunt. “Too late.” He groaned, pressing inside you as far as he could, lazily thrusting into you a few more times before he pulled out and let go of you, watching as you crumbled down to the floor.
“That was fun and all,” he told you in a conversational tone as he stuffed his dick back inside his pants. “But I got places to be, you know.”
His attention shifted back to Shouto, who was looking at you sitting on the ground, a small pool of cum dripping from your pussy and onto the floor.
“Hope you have a great day, Todoroki Shouto,” Dabi said to him with a wave and a malicious grin and in an instant he was gone, as if he had never been there in the first place.
It was eerily silent now, and Shouto simply pressed against the barrier, wanting nothing more than to go to your side, comfort you and make sure you got to an hospital to look over your wounds.
It took a minute before the barrier vanished, and Shouto had been pressing against it so hard that he stumbled forward a step once it was gone.
He immediately rushed to your side, embracing you and whispering into your ear how sorry he was, that you needed to go to a hospital, get your wounds checked and maybe talk to someone.
You had been silent up until now, your gaze on the floor but when Shouto rambled on and on about how he would take you to people, TELL people what had just happened, your head shot up and you looked at him, shaking it with wide eyes.
“No,” you whispered, pushing his hands away from your body so you could get up. “No, I’m fine.”
You grimaced at the feeling of your sore cunt but ignored it, simply pushing your body suit back into place and dusting off your clothes. “I’m fine,” you repeated. “Let’s just go home…”
With those words, you began walking off, heading into the direction of your shared apartment. Shouto followed your movements with wide eyes, getting up again and trying to get you to reconsider but you ignored his words, simply continuing to walk back home.
Eventually, Shouto gave up trying to talk some sense into you. It would do neither him nor you any good if he forced you to go to the hospital, and so he could only make sure that no one paid any special attention to you until you had reached the safety of your apartment.
Hopefully, you would listen to him eventually.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | cherry? popped. | xavier plympton {m}
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First time + permeate + “I need you. Now!” + rock in place + the steady creaking of the bed + supernatural being / human
Obviously, I am so so fucking awful at naming anything. And I tried my best to fuse ‘pre death’ Xavier’s personality with what he started to become before getting murdered and stuck in Camp Redwood. This is just my take. It’s probably not even remotely accurate, tbh. But.. It’s out here. I wrote the damn thing. I suppose I gotta own whatever consequence comes my way. 
Fun fact... this is a small peek at a sort of story idea I have in mind that knowing me, I won’t ever write... So... yeah. Maybe if enough people bother me, I’ll think about writing the actual fic I have in mind. Hints of a soulmate au if you squint. Virgin sex. FYI, this is set in 2019. And the concept as I imagine it and would write it if I were to do a fic is a little... weird... twisty... idk mannnn...
unprotected sex - with a ghost, body fluids, heavy emphasis on biting and marking, oral / hints of orgasm denial, probably waay too fluffy / sappy Xavier, virgin ! human oc x ghost ! xavier... I think that’s it.
Xavier Plympton x OFC, Cherie. American Horror Story 1984
Oddly enough, there’s no one on my American Horror Story taglist. If you would like to be on my tag lists please go [ here ] and put yourself where you wish to be. Or dm me and tell me where you wanna be tagged and I’ll add you.
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“You’re not down at the bonfire with your boytoy?” Xavier didn’t even look up from the magazine he was flipping through. He knew she’d be standing there, watching him. The air between them lingered heavily with words unspoken. Since earlier, when she’d seen the soulmate marking on his arm that matched her own, she’d been scarce. If they had run into each other, she’d been distant.
Montana was right. In a few weeks, they’d all be gone and things would go back to the way they’d been before. He’d been an idiot to think that he could just get close to Cherie and be fine with having to let go at the end of the summer. So when Cherie started to avoid him earlier, he hadn’t tried to fight it. He hadn’t gone out of his way to seek her out.
They were literally two ships passing at night, after all. He was dead, doomed to remain in the camp for the rest of time. She was alive and she had so much ahead to live for. Things he couldn’t give her, even though he realized now that he really wanted to.
If he were as selfish as he’d been on occasion in life, he’d be stopping at nothing to keep her by his side. But he wasn’t entirely that guy anymore, so maybe it was better this way.
In the time it took him to come to this conclusion, she’d wandered into the cabin, shutting the door behind her softly. Sinking down onto the edge of his bed, she sat there, staring down at worn floorboards.
“I was. But then I…” Cherie trailed off, going quiet. “Look, before I came here, everything was planned. I was fine with it. Then earlier tonight, Jake got drunk and high and he started acting like an ass like usual…” she trailed off again, taking a deep breath. “I broke up with him.”
Xavier sat up, letting the magazine fall to the mattress. Even though he knew it wasn’t a good idea, he found himself slipping an arm around her. “You alright, doll?”
“Yeah, no… I don’t know. Everything is changing. I wish I could just freeze time. Or rewind it. I shouldn’t have come here, this was dumb, what am I even doing?” Cherie went to stand, but Xavier’s arms snaked around her hips and he pulled her back down to sit on his bed. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he leaned against her from behind.
This went against everything. He kept telling himself that he could handle the fact that the one thing he didn’t even realize he wanted having an actual for good expiration date attached, but today, her seeing their matching marks at last and distancing… It had shown him that he was wrong and he’d been trying to distance.
“No, no.. Freezing time or going back is the last thing you wanna do, doll. Believe me.” Xavier’s voice was warm and breathy against the shell of her ear and as he started to massage her shoulders, her eyes fluttered open and shut. Her head fell back and Xavier’s eyes locked on her neck as he licked his lips. He pressed closer.
“What’s that got to do with you comin in here, doll?”
“Because everything just became crystal clear… Maybe everything I had all planned out was wrong. Maybe Winona’s right. Shit happens for a reason. Coming out here, meeting you, I… I can’t fight the inevitable, not when I want it so bad it’s all I can see when I close my eyes… Do you know how hard it is, being around him, trying to pretend nothing’s changed and wishing it were you?”
Xavier’s breath caught and he gripped her body, pulling her into his lap before he could stop himself. “You don’t know what you’re saying. Trust me.”
“No, I know exactly what I’m saying.” Cherie’s tone was firm and she settled in his lap so that she was closer, pressing against him. As usual, he was almost icy cold. She gritted her teeth but smiled a little, taking his face in her hands. “You won’t make me change my mind. Look… I’m not saying that when the summer ends, I’m not gonna just…. Go off and do everything.. I’m not saying I give up, I just… I’m saying that I can’t keep going through the motions now. I just wanna be free. I want to enjoy things.”
“Babe, you can’t…” Xavier trailed off. She rocked herself against him and he swallowed hard, trying to shift the way she sat in his lap so she didn’t feel him about to burst through the jeans he was wearing.  His hands slipped down her sides, squeezing her hips to try and stop her from doing it again. 
“Why not? Don’t you want me? I mean we’ve been…Flirting for a while now and I thought that...Nevermind.” Cherie trailed off, confused and shaking her head. Her stomach was churning and she was starting to feel the embarrassment of potentially being wrong. She went to wiggle out of his lap and she made it to the door.
Xavier swore under his breath because the last thing he wanted to do was let her walk out that door. Goddamn it, he thought to himself, don’t I deserve something after all this bullshit?
“Wait, doll. Don’t go.” Xavier pressed himself against her from behind, his hand covering her hand on the doorknob, removing it. He slowly circled the shell of her ear with his tongue as he muttered lazily, “You’re not wrong, okay? I want you. So fucking much.” he thrust his hips against her backside, rubbing the bulge straining against his jeans against her backside and growling when the littlest bit of friction just wasn’t enough.
Just feeling how hard he was already through thin bike shorts had Cherie hissing and taking a ragged breath as she turned to face him and stared up. Her arms slipped up, wrapping around his neck, fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck as she clung to him and pulled him down just slightly. Enough that her mouth brushed right against his and Xavier growled quietly again, his hands gripping her hips tighter. Up into his arms she went and he stepped back over to the bed, dropping her gently against the lumpy mattress. He leaned down, pressing himself into her, his hands pinning her hands at either side of her head. “I need you. Now. We just… we won’t think about anything but tonight, okay?” the question came breathy and warm against her neck as his lips latched on and he rocked himself into her, drawing out a needy whine and a few ragged breaths as she nodded. “Agreed.” grinding against his lap, her breath hitching all over again as she felt the bulge in his jeans getting even harder. Her cunt was throbbing. Every single time he bucked into her, she could feel herself dripping a little more. 
Xavier’s forehead pressed into hers, his mouth latching onto her lips, drawing her into a slow and lazy kiss. Her tongue slipped out, trailing lazily over the outline of his lips and one of his hands left her hand, drifting down between them and tugging the baggy crop top she was wearing up and out of the way, letting it settle on the cabin floor.
Cherie tugged his shirt over his head, throwing it next to her own and Xavier’s hands drifted up and down her body, lingering on her breasts, pushing them together, his tongue slipping over her teeth, tracing them and then slipping between them to tangle with her own tongue. She rocked herself up into him, a quiet series of urgent whimpers and begging moans making him chuckle and reach for the pull to the lamp on the table next to the bed, cloaking the room in total darkness. His mouth broke from her mouth, working down her neck after he’d pushed her hair out of his way. 
The warmth of his breath against her ear sent a shiver racing through her body and when he muttered quietly “Gonna be a long night, doll.” smirking down at her when he felt her legs squeeze into his hips a little more. Her fingertips walked down his chest, toying with the button on his jeans as she stared up at him and bit her lip, giving a soft giggle when she responded quietly, “I hope so.”
Every part of him wanted to follow up with how he’d think of her as belonging to him after tonight, after they crossed this line, but he had to stop himself. He had to hold back. It was bad enough he was going this far. To delude himself -and most importantly, her, about a future they couldn’t ever logically have would be insane. Rather than do that, his hands caught in the waistband of her shorts and he started to pull them down her legs. She got his button undone, then the zip to his pants and Xavier rose a little too quickly, bumping the top of his head on the bunk above him and scowling while swearing about it, kicking his pants and boxers free at the ankle. Cherie’s eyes wandered over him slowly, lingering and even widening a little at the sight of his cock, standing at attention.
The thickness of his length had her swallowing hard and biting her lip as her heart raced erratically. Xavier knew exactly what she was staring at and it made him give a quiet chuckle as he lowered himself down all over again. Only her undergarments remained and those were quickly done away with, falling to the floor and settling on the edge of the nightstand and as soon as she was pinned beneath him, completely naked, Xavier’s eyes roamed over her body slowly and hungrily. 
He licked his lips and centered himself above her, his body spreading her legs. Lowering his face to her face, he muttered smoothly, “Last chance to back out, pretty girl.” 
“If I were going to back out, handsome… I never would’ve come in here to you.” Cherie admitted, going quiet when he stared at her a second or two as what she said clicked into place for him. He smirked, his mouth conquering her neck and throat, marking her up and not bothering to be careful or discreet about it at all.
Oh no, not him. He wanted tonight to be seared into her mind. If he was going to be stuck here, not able to forget her and knowing she was out there, away from him and living… If he were going to endure that torture, she was not going to forget tonight if he could help it. He wanted her to look back years from now and miss him. Wonder what might have been.
Maybe it was selfish. At the moment, he didn’t particularly care. It was already enough that he was going to do the right thing at the end of the summer and just let her go. That was already killing him. That was going to be enough selfless for him, right there. Knowing he had to let her go and that he’d never see her again, he’d never get to know what might have been.
“Fucking right you did, doll. You came to me.” Xavier’s voice was husky and low as he muttered into soft skin. Cherie took a shaky breath and gripped hold of his biceps, making him stop his mouth’s venture down her body and stare at her. “Just a heads up… I’m not exactly experienced at this.. Any of it… at all.” 
Her words had him gaping a little but leaning down, capturing her mouth in a needy and bruising kiss as he muttered lazily into the kiss, “This is going to be fun, then.” as her fingers caught in his hair, threading through. 
He reached down between them, wrapping his hand around his length, raising up to guide it along her folds, staring down at her with that devilish smirk as he licked his lips. When he teased the tip between them, he shivered and gave a quiet groan at the way she dripped already. “ Tell me something, doll..” he muttered , leaning down, pressing into her as his mouth moved across her collarbones, nipping and sucking. He stopped to look at her.
“Yeah?” Cherie breathed out, squirming, trying anything she could to get him inside her.  She gripped his jaw, guiding his mouth back to hers, her lips clenching his bottom one almost greedily as she bucked herself against him, splitting her folds as her cunt dragged down the length of his cock. Xavier growled and gripped her hip tight enough to leave a handprint behind and chuckling, he finished his question, “Are you ready to get your cherry popped, doll?”
“Yes.” gasping, she gave her answer as she tried again to buck against the grip he had on her hip. She couldn’t, and just knowing that had Xavier smirking, his tongue dragging lazily over his lip as he rose up and then crawled down her body, settling himself between her thighs, holding them spread with his hands. His tongue rolled up the insides, lapping greedily at every drop as she dripped for him. He felt her hand drifting down, tangling in the top of his hair and tugging. “That’s it, pretty girl. Pull my hair. Move those fucking hips.” Xavier drawled against her cunt as his tongue trailed right between it, a broad stripe moving upward to circle her clit one, two, three times. When he sank his teeth into the edge of the bundled nerves, she cried out, her other hand gripping the faded blanket on his bed. Her hips rocked upward against his mouth and his nose bumped against her dripping heat as he inhaled and groaned at the scent of her. He could feel his cock getting harder at just the thought of burying inside, having her walls clench around it. Feeling her drip and coat it. Making her scream his name over and over and over again. When she whimpered and whined and begged him to go faster with his tongue after he’d buried it deep in her cunt, he chuckled and smirked against her. “Does this feel good? Because fuck… You taste so sweet.” 
Cherie’s head fell back and she gripped the blanket and his hair tighter, angling her hips upward, rocking against his mouth like he told her to, harder and faster. The faster her hips moved, the more his tongue swirled. Xavier growled against dripping folds as the taste of her absolutely flooded his tongue and wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, he made his way back up her body, pulling her up, crushing her against him as he pulled her into a rough and bruising kiss. 
He felt her tense beneath him as he started to sink into her and she whimpered, biting her lip as she looked up at him, tears glistening in her eyes. “It’s not gonna hurt long, okay? I promise.” Xavier’s voice was almost a growl when he muttered the words against the shell of her ear. His hands drifted down, gripping her hips as he sank into her a little deeper, staring down at her the whole time.
“Fuck.” Cherie gasped, “So big.” 
The words drew a pleased smirk and Xavier pressed his hips into her hips firmly, going still after he’d buried himself in a little deeper. She tried to move her hips but he squeezed them, holding her still and shaking his head. “You good?”
“Mhm.” Cherie muttered and Xavier buried his cock completely inside, slow and deep thrusts, his hips smacking against hers so hard that he knew there would be bruises. She met every single one of his deep and hard thrusts with her hips, moaning his name and whimpering, clinging to him from below. “C’mon, faster, please?” she managed to gasp, but Xavier continued at his preferred pace, hell bent on fucking her deep into the mattresses beneath them. She pouted up at him, frustrated tears stinging at her eyes because she could feel herself tensing and tightening, just like she’d been when he had his head buried between her thighs and he kept stopping then.
She wanted another orgasm.
He seemed to be hell bent on taking his time. As his cock struck against her throbbing g spot over and over, slowly and steadily, she moaned louder, her voice drowning out the soft smack of their bodies colliding and the slow and steady creak of the old iron bed frame. “C’mon, doll.. Scream my name. Let everyone know who’s got their cock buried deep in that dripping pussy.” Xavier urged, smirking when he started to go a little faster and Cherie seemed to get louder, her moans bouncing off the walls and drowning out all the other little background noises around them. “You’re so fucking tight, so wet. Fuck.” Xavier managed to gasp as he went still inside her, holding his finger to her lips, leaning in to steal a few kisses. 
It felt so fucking good he knew if he kept going, he’d explode. Stopping was better than doing that. But he knew he couldn’t hold off much longer, either. And he could feel her tensing all over, practically shaking now, whimpering and begging him to be able to come.
“I’m gonna fucking fill you up, pretty girl. Do you wanna feel?” he asked as he drove into her deeper and harder, his hips snapping erratically as his mouth latched onto her neck, leaving a line of bites and bruises in his wake. Cherie moaned as her orgasm rushed through her, leaving her shaking and whimpering, rocking her hips against his thrusts greedily, gasping for air as she clung to him. Xavier fucked her through her orgasm and right into his own, the tightness of her cunt as it encased his length driving him right over the edge before he could stop. “Fuck… Fuck… here it comes.” he groaned as his cock throbbed, rope after rope of his sticky hot seed seeping into her deep, their juices puddling beneath them on the bed. He flopped down behind her, pulling her partially on top of him, raking his hand through her hair to push it back out of her eyes as he pulled her into a lazy yawn filled kiss. 
“Sun’s comin up.” he muttered quietly, chuckling when she swore under her breath but then cuddled against him completely and muttered through a yawn, “Fuck it. I’m too lazy to give a damn what that overbearing woman could possibly have to say when she realizes I’m not in my bed.”
“That’s the spirit, doll. Just stay here with me a little longer.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ♥
Hiya, hon! ♥ I love your match-ups and honestly, I’ve been meaning to request one for a loooong time, but I haven’t had the chance to do so till now cause I’ve been drowning in lots and lots of homework TwT
I’m female, 25 years old, dark chocolate, shoulder-length hair, brown eyes. I’m a small potato 157 cm (5'1 ft) and I’m curvy.
I’m a Gemini, INFP-A. I love and need my alone time, though I enjoy spending time with my friends and loved ones. I use my free time to write fics, read books (Though I haven’t read a book out of sheer pleasure in a long while thanks to college lol,) draw my stickemen and play League of Legends.
Being surrounded by too many people is draining af and it can quickly become overwhelming tbh. I prefer to be surrounded by a couple of calm people and be my yahoo self with them. Even though I’m a mature person, I can be very childish and stubborn at times. I’m the Mom Friend™, a worrywart cause I care, I have a strong personality.  I’m caring, kind, friendly, funny, assertive, strong-willed. I’m usually the one people goes to when they need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. I will stand for my friends without giving it a second thought. I definitely won’t tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. And due to the way I express myself, people who don’t know me at all tend to find me intimidating which is kinda funny! 😂
When I’m with my friends, I try to come up with jokes or puns to make them laugh. I don’t take myself too seriously…I laugh at my own dumb-ass 😂😂 cause it’s okay to make mistakes, nobody’s perfect after all. And this is probably why it pisses me off when people make fun of my friends. Binch, fite me! So I just go and stand for them as politely and civilized as I possibly can. I’m usually talkative but every once in a while I just feel like isolating for a bit and be there exclusively for myself.
Hmm… I’m corny af and a hopeless romantic, I’m weak for smooth flirts and I like being teased cause I LOVE teasing back. I have a sweet tooth, I love tea. I love eating…in general.
I’m afraid I’m rambling at this point so Imma stop it here 😂
Thank you so much for doing these awesome match ups! ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi, there love! Thanx so much for the kind words, and can I just say I absolutely love your writing!  ♥ ♥ ♥ Hehehe also I feel you with the school work! I hope you enjoy it love, and I hope you have a good day! @venulus
So I match you with………………………. Hideyoshi
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So for me honestly it was between Hideyoshi and Mitsunari lol
Classic Hideyoshi did not trust you one bit. The moment you arrived, he saw you as a threat to his lord and was watching you like a hawk. You were quiet, stubborn and assertive and to him, that meant just one thing…. SPY. 
You worked super hard and quickly started adapted to the castle life. Everyone that has worked with you absolutely adored you. Although Hideyoshi was still not buying it. He legit thought that sweet kind friendliness was all an act, to get the people around you to trust you. You kept mostly to yourself in any case, as you found loud people to be overbearing and exhausting, and unfortunately for you that would be most of the castle residents. Although in saying that you had started to form some good friendships among the Oda forces.
One day Nobunaga announced that they were going to war and that you and Mitsunari were to stay behind and guard the castle. You were super happy about that- well not happy that your new friends could die, but happy to get some alone time and not have Hideyoshi continually looking over your shoulder. Plus Mitsunari was one of your close friends so you were super happy he was staying behind with you! 
You honestly never realized just how bad Mitsunari’s habits were until he passed out in front of you one day, while informing you of the state of the war. You knew the warlords cared for him, but you never realized to what extent. Your mama bear instincts instantly kicked in. You semi moved into Hideyoshi manor while he was away, so that it would be easier for you to take care of the resident angel. You made sure he was well-fed, room was clean and he got a decent amount of sleep. Hell, you even helped him work out an eating, training and sleeping schedule which you stuck on his wall to remind him to eat and sleep. After a while Mitsunari fell into a good routine with the schedule and was now almost capable of caring for himself
Mitsunari had one day informed you that the Oda forces had won the war and were now on their way back. The two of you cuties excitingly waited at the gate for your friends to return only for your faces to go from joyful to concerned in 0,2 seconds flat. Hideyoshi was passed out and heavily bandaged. Seem like the idiot went a bit over the top with protecting Nobunaga.
That night as you and Mitsunari gave your reports regarding the castle affairs in his absence, Nobunaga couldn’t help but noticed how healthy and good Mitsunari looked. You told him that you helped him organize his time and made sure that he all the basics were taken care of, i.e. sleeping, training and eating. Nobunaga thought for a moment and then broke out into the biggest grin “I commend you for your work with the castle and Mitusnari fireball, and I now assign you to care for my right-hand man”. You had no complaints, even though Hideyoshi hated you, the inner mom friend in you could never refuse someone in need of assistance.
You moved into Hideyoshi’s manor full time now. While you were there, you cared for both men. You changed Hide’s dressing, cleaned his wounds and made sure that he got plenty of food. Most nights, you would actually sleep in Hideyoshi’s room, caring for his high fevers and low key doing some of the easy paperwork just so that the man wouldn’t be overloaded with work when he was healed. Hideyoshi would shift in and out of consciousness, and boy was he confused to see you sleeping at his writing desk one night. Sometimes when he opened his eyes, he would see you place a cool soothing cloth on his head, other times he would listen to you talk about anything and everything. He would smile a little thinking that your presence in his room was a fever-induced dream.
After a week, his fever finally broke, and the wounds were now slowly, starting to close up and heal. He woke up that morning to you passed out at his writing desk. He had to do a double-take. He thought you caring for him had all been a big dream. He watched your beautiful sleeping face for a moment or two, draped his blankie over your shoulders and went to Nobunaga to receive work. His mind couldn’t help but wander back to you sleeping in his room, how many nights had he woken up to see you there by his side, and then the thoughts got dark, how many time had he accused you of being a spy of calling your kindness an act. HE felt his stomach drop, he honestly needed to make it up to you. But first he needed to check in with Nobunaga.
Nobunaga basically chased him away, saying he would only receive work once you reported that he was completely healthy and ready to come back to work. He walked back to his manor deflated, only to be met with you at the front door “where have you been young man, last time I check you just barely escaped death and are in no state to be walking about”. Hideyshi’s eyes widened he had never been scolded before. You stood there hands on your hips with the biggest frown, eyes filled with worry and concern. It made Hideyoshi’s heart melt that even though he had treated you like an enemy you still cared for him and spent countless days and nights by his side. You led him back to his futon and tucked him in. You brought him lunch and filled him in on everything that had happened since his been unconscious. 
TBH as the days went by Hideyoshi was falling more and more in love with you, he could kick himself for treating you so horribly. And spending countless days with you, gently and sweetly caring for him, makes him realizes more and more what a gigantic fool he was. Yes, you were stubborn and assertive, but you were also the kindest, sweetest, gentlest, friendliest girl in the whole world. 
He made a vow to himself, to make it up to you once he was all better. It took two months, but finally, this boy was back to his full health and absolutely smitten with you and you with him. 
You had come to realize during your time with him what a naturally flirty charmer he truly was, and the mountain of letters he received from women no longer surprised you. Honestly his smooth flirting even had your knees going weak. You had come to enjoy the light teasing and banter the two of you engaged in as you cared for him. He loved that you weren’t afraid to give him the hard solid facts and be a friendly shoulder for him to cry on, especially during times when he felt so weak and worthless for being injured and unable to serve his lord. You would tell him what he needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. 
The time had finally come that you had to move out of his manor and back into the palace, and TBH Hideyoshi was actually a little sad. He was definitely going to miss your vibrant energy, and hours and hours spent together, talking each other’s ears off. 
Now that he was healed it was time to make up for the ill way he treated you in the past, and low key thank you for taking such good care of him. He would take you out for tea every moment he could get. He knew you had a sweet tooth like Nobunaga, so he would ensure that there was always something delicious to eat at the little tea date the two of you went on. You of course never complained cause the three things you loved most in the world would be right infornt of you, tea, sweet and Hideyoshi. 
You discovered that Hideyoshi actually had a hilarious sense of humour. The two of you would laugh and tease each other all throughout the dates. Ooh boy, did he love your puns and honestly you couldn’t help but laugh at his hilariously unfunny dad jokes.
Hideyoshi is very much like you, a hopeless romantic, so during his free time, he is always planning some or other fun activity for the two of you to do. Whether it’s holding your hand as the two of you, stroll on the beach or taking you up a mountain to watch the sunset together. He has always got something cute up his sleeve 
Your favourite moment was one day when the two of you were out for tea, the sky started getting dark. The two of you were having such a good time you didn’t even notice it was about to rain. As the two of you were walking back to the castle the cloud burst and the light drizzle turned into a full-blown downpour. Even though you were super mature, you did have your childish moments. You looked up at Hideyoshi with the biggest grin on your face and started dancing in the rain, while he took cover at a nearby shop. With outstretched arms, you started twirling in the rain and splashing in the puddle “Hey you’re going to catch a cold”, at that you simply took Hideyoshi’s hand in yours and dragged him into the rain to dance with you. He shook his head at you, but couldn’t help but dance along with you. 
You stared up into his amber eyes, and this was when Hideyoshi decided to make his feeling for you known. He cupped your wet cheeks in his warm hands and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. 
After he pulled away and saw your sunshine smile, he picked you up and twired you around in the rain. He was so happy. The two of you played in the rain together without a care in the world until sunset.
Hideyoshi staying true to his doting self, of course, ran the two of you a warm bubble bath to fight off the chill from spending the afternoon in the rain. He pampered you from the moment you walked into his manor door. After your relaxing bath, he dried your hair and gave you a foot massage followed by a cheesy candlelit dinner for the two of you. He had been waiting so long to confess his feeling for you that he couldn’t help but want to pamper the shit out of his love
This man definitely respected your alone time and knew that everyone needed some time to themselves every now and then. 
He loved it when you worked in his room and kept him company as he worked. Hideyoshi is definitely the type to drop a few kisses on your forehead, cheek and lips whenever the two of you bump into each other in the hallway. 
He loves to spoil you any chance he can get. The two of you honestly turn into the castle mom and dad caring for everyone in the castle. Often the two of you cuties can be found nestled in each other’s arms or sharing sweets at your favourite tea house.
Other potential matches……… Mitsunari 
 I hope you liked it, dear! <3<3
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
9 and 10, shiro ship or voltron ship of your choice :D
trope mash-up prompts
this is pure silliness tbh
9 & 10 — Dance AU + Airport/Travel AU with Shallureith
A twelve-hour layover on paper didn’t seem that bad. They were all together so they could take turns taking naps, and there was a nice reprieve in being stuck in an airport. It was like a break from reality, an excuse to eat doughnuts cross-legged on the floor and watch Netflix at 3 PM. Or at least that’s what Allura kept telling herself. By hour nine, though, it was becoming apparent that her theory didn’t work so well off paper. 
Shiro was working through his series of physical therapy stretches, less because he actually needed to and more because he’d finished the book he was reading. Keith, meanwhile, had been pacing for the last fifteen minutes because he’d sat still for a grand total of thirty. Propping herself up from where she’d been laying back on the floor, Allura huffed out an exhale and eyed the both of them. As if following some unspoken cue, Keith paused in his pacing to meet her eye, and Shiro lifted an eyebrow in question.
“We could play a card game,” she offered. Canting his head, Shiro seemed to consider it, but Keith’s nose wrinkled in distaste. Despite being the one to offer it, Allura sympathized; her legs itched with restless energy, a need to move, and not just sit and occupy her mind. “I have an idea,” Shiro said, “but uh…it’s dumb.” Naturally, that seemed to pique Keith’s curiosity, and he inched closer. Allura stifled her laughter but inclined her head. “I’m okay with dumb,” she said. “It’s midnight and we’ve run out of snacks.” Their backpacks got stashed under the seats, and within five minutes, they were on the moving sidewalk. Shiro, as the one with the idea, got to lead, and Allura had to fight back giggles as he directed them into plies. It was the same combination he always fell into when he was warming up or teaching a class on the fly, and they were synchronized as they sunk into a grand plié in fifth. At the end of the track, Keith took over and they move onto fondus on the one rolling the opposite way.The airport was quiet by now, but the few people who passed by paused and squinted at them a moment before hurrying on their way. A couple of the younger ones stopped long enough to take a picture or video, grinning as they turned away to carry on to their gate.They skipped some steps, trading tendus and degages for pas de cheval and piqués. Anything that didn’t work well on moving rubber tracks while they were wearing tennis shoes was thrown off; this was just for fun, after all, not a real class. They stretched with ankles resting on the railing, and developped on an angle to keep from blocking the one or two other passengers trying to get one way or the other.Jumps were skipped for safety reasons, as well as turns, but that didn’t stop them from going into lifts like they’d had a whole class to warm up. Shiro pressed her up over his head like they were standing on steady ground, and she couldn’t help a grin breaking over her lips that was half nerves and half delight. There was always something exhilarating about big lifts, about soaring through the air with the floor eight feet below. She could hear the announcement as a plane deboarded, and a new rush of passengers started trickling through the terminal. Oh no, she thought, holding in some cross between a giggle and groan as she held up her arabesque. They’d started this as a silly distraction while the terminal was occupied only by sleeping passengers, but now they were getting something like a crowd. People stopped, first just a couple, then a whole cluster along the railing.As Shiro stepped carefully from the track and settled her on her feet, there was a round of muted applause — not too loud, as if mindful of those still sleeping on the floor and across the bench seats. “Maybe we should call that enough,” she said.Before Shiro could answer, though, there was a burst of startled laughter and applause, more raucous than before, and looking over, she covered her mouth with her hand. Keith had unfolded into a handstand, body perfectly perpendicular as he trundled down the moving walkway. Shiro bleated out a strangled laugh as Keith shifted to full splits, still inverted, completely ignoring the couple who now rode behind him and stared blearily at his antics.“Shall we?” Shiro asked, grinning, and offering out his hand.“Will you be my Romeo?” she replied.It had been their last performance this season, and the pas de deux was still fresh in her mind and body. Shiro broke into a grin at the challenge and accepted immediately. Onstage, the process of getting into the lift was simple, graceful; on the walkway, it was a little more utilitarian. Shiro knelt, reaching up his arm, and Allura laid out on his shoulders in the same motion. He took a step onto the walkway as he rose, in time for her to extend her leg to the ceiling and let her arm drape down across his chest.“Holy shit,” someone gasped in their little audience, and Allura grinned. Shiro turned in a tight circle rather than the usual steps and swung her legs down so that she hovered as if en pointe in thin air, chest arched to the sky. Lifting her back up, he braced himself for the second developpe, higher this time so she nearly unfurled into the splits still draped over his shoulders. He stepped onto firm ground, settling her lightly on her feet, and the crowd broke into a round of true applause. Laughing, Allura dipped in a curtsy, extending the hoodie around her waist like a skirt.“Now that’s just cheating,” Keith laughed, coming up behind them. “How’m I supposed to top it?”“Well, you could always lift me,” Shiro replied, jostling Keith’s elbow with his.Catching the light in Keith’s eyes, Allura laughed.“You two figure that out, I’ll buy some time with our audience,” she said.Trading classical for modern, she stepped onto the walkway to toss her leg up into a full tilt, fingers placed delicately under her chin. She’d been hired for a music video over the summer, her first big commercial contract, and as she pivoted into an illusion, leg fanning in a great circle behind her, she heard a murmur of recognition.“Hey, wait,” someone started as popped a hip and flicked her long white braid over her shoulder, “she was in Leon!”She shot a wink in the general direction of the speaker and, as the walkway rolled to an end, dropped into an inverted cabriole before springing up and into a messy pirouette. Carpet and sneakers didn’t make for a good turning combination, but she got a whistle as she stepped out of it, laughing.On the other end of the walkway, Keith and Shiro were already starting, and she stole glances as she hurried down the length back to their starting point. It wasn’t that different from peeking from the wings during a crossover, only she was usually in a skirt and stage makeup for that rather than her worn-in leggings and airport-bathroom face wash.The prep into this one was deceptively simple: Keith crouched as Shiro tossed his weight onto his shoulder, flopping like a particularly bulky sack. There was a smattering of confused laughter, as if the audience thought they’d traded dance for a farce, and Allura grinned. She knew this step, remembered this piece. It was an older one — a pas de deux about the homoeroticism of trench warfare created by a guest artist on Keith and Shiro back when they were still students. The lift was, admittedly, a little more effective with the achingly intimate cello solo that normally accompanied it, but she could already feel anticipation tingling under her skin at what came next.From his limp drape over Keith’s shoulder, Shiro straightened up into a handstand, arms tight around Keith’s waist and feet pointed to the ceiling. The laughter shifted into quiet gasps. Keith’s hands hooked around the back of Shiro’s thighs, guiding them in a motion almost like an upside-down cartwheel. As his legs came around, though, Shiro didn’t neatly step off but froze, body perpendicular to the ground. Keith’s wiry arms shifted, lean muscle straining under his t-shirt. A few steps from the end of the walkway, Allura froze. That lift was supposed to swing around, Shiro rotating across Keith’s waist — but there were glass walls cutting their path off. Swinging him forward was bound to leave Shiro with a concussion and knock both of them on their asses on the walkway. Her hands tightened, involuntary, with worry.As she watched, Keith bent, shifting so that Shiro was nearly diagonal to the ground as his legs came around, slicing a breath above the rail. She gasped, startled despite herself by the fluidity as the two of them shifted, reoriented the choreography and brought Shiro neatly into an inversion before stepping off to a chorus of whooping and claps from their transient audience. Looking out over the little crowd, she could spot half a dozen cellphones lifted up, filming, and she held back a laugh. Coran was going to have a fit.A boarding call came over the PA as Keith and Shiro reached her, both breathing a little hard, and the crowd started to disband. Drawing her bottom lip in under her teeth, Allura rested her hands on her hips.“I think it’s time for our finale,” she declared.“That didn’t count?” Shiro breathed out, laughing.“Nah,” she said. “Hey, remember that character class we took with Nikola Kaminski?”Shiro’s eyebrows rose, but Keith’s lips turned up in a grin, and he started nodding before he even replied.“Oh hell yes.”She wouldn’t have been able to do it with Shiro, not with their height difference, but Keith was the same height as her if she didn’t wax down her hair. They took the walkway grinning, two steps apart and bouncing slightly in rhythm with each other. The dispersing crowd paused, lingering to see what was going on, and Shiro stalled with the first steps of Nutcracker’s Russian. Allura laughed, shoulders shaking, but gave Keith a firm nod as they approached the center of the walkway. He took one chasse, throwing himself up into her arms. She heaved, pushing off with her thighs, and flipped him up so one leg extended to the sky. Suspended there for a moment, he flicked one hand up to salute the audience before she swung him back down and they pranced off their impromptu stage. Despite the hour, their tiny crowd burst into cheers and applause. They’d accumulated more than she’d realized during the mini performance, and Allura laughed as they took bows from either end of the walkway. Drawn away at last either by boarding calls or by the sense of the performance ending, the crowd trickled away and Keith and Allura wandered down to where Shiro waited for them. Her heart raced under her t-shirt, cheeks flushed with adrenaline and endorphins. Keith’s cheeks were as pink as hers felt, and Shiro’s bangs stuck to his forehead. Reaching up, she combed them back, and he laughed.“Well, that is a new stage for me,” he remarked.“Your dumb idea was pretty great,” Keith said, looping an arm around Shiro’s waist. Shiro grinned, and Allura pressed a kiss to his cheek before tangling her fingers with Keith’s. “I honestly thought you two were going to get concussions doing that Huntsman lift,” she admitted as they turned back to their waiting bags. Keith shrugged his near shoulder, as if unbothered. “Keith had me,” Shiro said. “I wasn’t worried. Did you hear them during your Leon solo?” Laughing, Allura dropped into her seat, twisting around to drape her legs over Keith’s lap. Now that the adrenaline was starting to fade, she was finally almost sleepy. “I wondered if anyone would recognize it,” she admitted, leaning her head against her hand. “Too bad you didn’t have the costume,” Keith remarked, dropping his arm over her shins. Shiro snorted and Allura reached over to pinch his arm. The costume in question had been little more than a white bralette and shorts — and an entire bucket of red and black paint. Keith only grinned, unrepentant. “Next time I do a bikini dance, you guys are doing it shirtless,” she declared.
Glancing over to meet Shiro’s eye, Keith lifted his eyebrows and shrugged. “Deal,” he said. “I assume that’s our first summer layoff project,” Shiro agreed. Allura laughed, settling more fully into her seat. The metal arm rest pressed into her back persistently, but if she leaned in toward Keith and shifted most her weight into the pleather back, it wasn’t so bad. “Perfect,” she said, eyes slipping shut. “You two come up with some choreography and I’ll run final edits.” Already sleepiness curled around her, lulling her off. Distantly, she could hear a quiet chuckle and feel the gentle warmth of Keith giving her leg a light squeeze. The last thing she heard as she drifted off was Shiro: “Sweet dreams, Princess.”
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Pairing: Michael Langdon x Original Character
Word Count: 4.2k~
Warnings: A bit of gore tbh....
Chapter 9: Desperation
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Emily trembled as Ms. Mead stood in front of Timothy, her inquiry still in the air. They both knew this was the worst possible scenario in the case that they got caught. She would take them to Venable, or worse, take her to Langdon, where he would no doubt kill them. Emily nervously shot her eyes to the open laptop, wanting to reach over and close it.
“I’ll ask again; what are you two doing in here?”
Both of them scrambled for excuses, but Emily was first to answer. “We were waiting for Langdon, we wanted to talk to him about the Sanctuary.” Mead seemed skeptical with squinted eyes but let her continue.
“We’re just as concerned as everyone else about getting out of here- if not more. We want to be saved- it may look dumb but we saw no harm in trying. We just wanted to talk to him.”
“And yet, he isn’t here and you were fiddling around with Mr. Langdon’s things.” Ms. Mead took a step forward and Emily took one back, “Plots against this Outpost are strictly forbidden, punishable by death. Now, you two-“ Her eyes darted between them, “wouldn’t do something like that, would you?”
They eagerly shook their heads and denied her jest, to which she quirked a dark colored brow. It was simple for her to turn and take a peek at the laptop that Emily had been hovering over when she’d arrived, and gasped at the image displayed. Her hand slammed it shut and turned dark eyes to Emily.
“Keep your mouth shut about what you saw girl, else I’ll put a bullet between your brows. Clear?” Emily nodded and tried not to let her lip quiver.
“Get out. And don’t let me find you doing any of this shit again.” They were gone with their tails between their legs, scampering off down the hall, away from Mead. Timothy shut the door to his room and watched Emily sit on his bed, gasping for breath.
“What the hell did you see?” She gave him a look. “Oh, c’mon, she can’t hear us in here.”
“You don’t know that. Venable and Mead are crazy and I-I-I don’t wanna die over this.” He ran to her and held her shaking face in his hands, “I won’t let her touch you Em. We’re in this together.”
She nodded while tears slid down her cheeks, eventually leaning forward and stuffing her face in his chest while letting harsh sobs and he simply held her close, tightening his grip at the thought of Mead or Venable actually killing them for snooping around. Timothy loved her and they needed to survive, doing stupid shit like this couldn’t happen again.
Her sobs stopped and red-rimmed eyes stared into his, “I trusted her, and she’s been lying to us.” He was confused. “Who?”
And Emily growled, “Julie. I saw her. With him.” Timothy barely had an understanding of what Emily was saying; had there been pictures of Julie and Langdon? Together? “You mean like before the blast?”
She nodded and “what should we do?”
“Tonight, after dinner, we’ll confront her and see what she knows. If that picture was anything to go by, than she should have more than enough information on who Langdon really is.”
“What do you want from me?”
His nose skimmed her neck, dragging across the soft rose smelling flesh he’d come to know and crave like the desperate fiend he was. She could feel his hardening cock pressing against her clothed hip, yearning to feel her closer. He opened his mouth with a smirk and those black eyes watched her with a desperation she’d grown to crave. He whispered the same answer like the serpent he was,
Those nimble fingers skimmed her clothed thighs, wishing they were touching her smooth flesh, feeling the soft skin that belonged to him.
The last time Julie had slept this good was way before the blast, years before. If she really thought about it, it had to have been the night of a birthday- she’d gone out and done something fun, with someone she couldn’t remember, but the memory of sleeping that night felt just like now.
It was a stretch that had her back cracking, moan echoing when she flopped back onto the bed with a huff. Last night was fresh in her mind; she was- by some magical force- herself again, and she’d had a visitor that had fucked her in a way that had her biting her lip. He’d taken her like he’d owned her, like she was his to fuck and use as he pleased- just thinking about his strong hands and thrusting cock had her wet.
But the severity of the situation stopped any lewd thoughts; how was she supposed to explain to the other people how she’d gone from looking like a mummy that had lost its wrapping to herself? Oh god, what would Venable say? And what if…?
She scrambled off the bed and started pacing like a madman; what if someone had heard her? She’d been executed on the spot under Venable’s bullshit rule of no fucking on the premises. She stopped- then again, no one had come for her.
The clock read 9:45, and seeing as there was no more breakfast the day was hers until supper. She was making her way to get dressed when a distressing thought popped up, looking at her stomach and wondering how long it would last. Would she grow frail sooner or later- none of it made any sense but when the world is over, nothing really ever does.
Today was a day for a simpler purple dress, brown curls left down the rest of her covered shoulders. In her house, shoes were an option, not a necessity, but at Outpost 3, shoes were required, which always made her groan. This place would never feel like home.
The door slid open with ease, and no one was out; there wasn’t a Grey in sight, or a single Purple lurking about. She listened and couldn’t even hear Venable’s cane stopming about. This was a bit odd, but she still slid the door closed behind her, shoes clacking as she walks about.
No one was in the parlor, which once again, was really strange seeing as Evie, Gallant and Coco like to sit in there and drink all the water while spiting everyone here. Julie never really hung around there and don’t ask her if she thought they deserved to be saved, cause they sure as hell did not. And seeing as Evie was ancient, Gallant was gay, and Coco was… well she was Coco, none of them would be very productive in furthering the human existence. But then again, she still barely understood how she’d been chosen.
It was a quick walk upstairs that had her gazing at closed doors that were usually kept open. This was starting to feel like a horror movie.
She knocked on the first door, waiting for a response. A minute or two must have passed before the door was pulled open hard and fast, a pissed of looking Coco glaring at her, the glare morphing from hatred to shock, and then almost disgust?
“What in the fuck happened to you? Yesterday you looked like a goddam coke addict and now you look like -“ Her hand motioned to the entire length of Julie, who in turned shrugged. But Coco wasn’t having it and tugged her in, pushing her against the door.
Her red lips looked chapped up close, and the large hair styled on her pale head was all out of place. Coco was as strong as Julie, but Coco was also angry and anger was a strong emotion. “You’re gonna tell me what the fuck you did you fucking freak or I will rat you out to Venable for sneaking food.”
“You’re a liar-“
“Am I? How else are suddenly fatter than fucking Kirstie Alley after Christmas dinner? Tell me, or I go to Venable and get your ass shot in the brain.” This was bad, this was really fucking bad because she didn’t have an answer and even though Coco was lying out of her ass, Venable loathed Julie and would take any opportunity to shoot her in the head. Why couldn’t she just have a good thing and not have shit like this always bite her in the ass.
“Coco, please, I swear to you-“
“You’re fucking dead-“
A knock at the door, on the slab of wood that Julie was up against was jarring to Coco, who grinned like a snake and threw Julie from the door, puling it open with ease and a smile, fully expecting Gallant, Mead or luckily Venable.
Langdon stood in front of Coco will a small smirk, hands tucked behind his blazer covered back, rings clinking lightly as his fingers tapped against one another. Coco was shocked to say the least, “Is it time for my interview?” Any thought of blackmail at Julie flew from the room.
But Langdon simply chuckled and took one large step into her space. Julie was still hiding off to the side of the room, but she was the interaction and felt jealousy swell in her gut. He was so close to Coco, whispering something in her ear that she wished she could hear.
His mouth moved away and Coco was off running in a flash. Julie stared as the door shut on its own, leaving just her and Langdon.
He was a vague memory from last night- it felt like longer than that, it wasn’t just last night was it- and it was hard to pull it up. Emily had gotten her and she’d sat on the couch as his words flowed into one ear and right out of the other, only a small understanding present in her mind.
His eyes searched her like he wanted an answer that she didn’t know, and he looked just as good as he had the night before. She wondered if his hair was as smooth as silk, or as soft as cotton. Her finger twitched at her side as his gaze met hers.
It was three striking steps and he was directly in front of her, eyes staring into hers in a way that made her heart want to beat out of it’s entire cavity and flop away. The silence was killing her, but what did she say?
He gave a smile and waited a beat before mimicking her, “Hello.”
It was a pulsing in her skull that made the pain start, her hand reaching up and clutching her temple. He simply continued to stare, watching her eyes scrunch up in pain as the pressure grew to a point of being unbearable and her knees started to give out. And at that point, Langdon swopped forward and held her up with his arms.
Her breathed into her ear, “Acceptance is always simpler than resistance Ms. March.”
Her eyes turned blurry as he held her gaze, it was a gaze she knew, she knew him-
The trees were waving in the wind and the sun was going down, but the day was far from over. Their day at the carnival had been just absolute perfection; there had been cotton candy and hot dogs that tasted worse than the ones from 7-11.
The best part was when he’d won her a blue teddy bear, and kept it clutched close to her chest. The Ferris Wheel had gone out of service just as they’d been at the front of the line, and even when he’d offered to ‘fix it’, she waved him off with a smile. There would always be more fairs. They’d made sure to go into the Hall of Mirrors, and the little zoo had four goats that seemed to take a liking to him more than her.
It was nearing dark and they were running out of things to do, so then they left, walking to find a recluse park to collapse in the grass; the sky was clear above them and no one was around. Julie turned on her side and so did he, his blue eyes watching her youthful face with a smile.
They wished it would always be like this; Julie and Michael, together forever. It was written in the stars that they were meant to be. He’d told her before that there was no other on the face of this hellish world that could replace her, and she knew there was no one else she’d rather hold than him.
“I love you Michael. No matter what happens, you’ll always have my heart.” It was simple as maneuvering his hand to lie flat over her chest, his hand feeling her heartbeat in his palm.
“I love you Julie, and I promise, I’ll never leave y-
Reality was jolting to the human mind, and a tear slid down her cheek as she looked at Michael. No this was Langdon, Representative of the Cooperative, the one who was their Salvation. The memories made no sense, if she tried she couldn’t remember them, they only came out to give her the same as a hammer to the skull.
And Langdon simply held her close, desperation bleeding in his gaze. But the film reel that had played in her mind was gone and she was alone with a stranger. And as if he could tell, he righted her straight up and released her with a sigh.
“Come to my room tonight. Do not be late.”
He was gone with a gentle close of Coco’s door, and for some reason, Julie wished he wasn’t.
Supper was truly an affair that would’ve been better spent with the cannibals outside than in here with the inhabitants of Outpost 3. What once was one cube had become 1/4 of the whole, and for once, their eyes weren’t on the food.
All eyes were on Julie- except Coco, who refused to even look her way, and Gallant looked like he couldn’t care less. But Evie, Andre, Dinah, Emily and Timothy were nearly gaping at her like she was a new act in the circus. She didn’t let it irritate her, and simply refused to meet eyes with Venable or Mead. It was like the piercing glare from Venable was a harpoon ready to launch, and she couldn’t say she was ready.
But it came all too soon, “So, it seems one of us has had a miraculous recovery seemingly overnight.” A loud gulp from her pristine mineral water filled glass. “I would say this is lucky news but then again, one less person would have given the rest of you a few more days worth of food. But nonetheless, this is truly a miracle. Don’t you think Ms. Mead?”
Mead grunted and shot a dark look at Julie, to which she simply turned away. The only noise was the clattering of forks as each person took miniature bites of their cubes. Julie noticed there was an extra seat to the left of Venable- Stu would’ve sat there, but it was still set.
It was then she realized Langdon wasn’t there. It made sense that he didn’t want to eat with them, they were basically peasants compared to him. He was the current king of this domain, even if they all knew that Venable would rather die than not be in control. She wondered if their fearless leader was like this before the blast.
Surprisingly, Coco tried to start the conversation, “So, has anyone met with Langdon yet?” Gallant made an affirmative noise. “And how was it? C’mon, give us a heads up so we’re ready.”
But he shook his head and nibbled on another piece of cube, “I mean like, there isn’t really a point to tell you cause you can’t cheat the system so you may as well go in blind like I had to.” Most of them nodded but Evie sneered, “You just don’t want to help your fellow man. How cruel of you.”
Julie watched his fork drop to hit the plate with a loud twang and turn his head sickeningly slow to shoot daggers at his grandmother. “Oh you’d know all about cruelty grandma.”
Had something happened between Gallant and Evie that no one had clued her in on? The animosity inside this Outpost was hard to keep up with sometimes. But then again, maybe it was better off staying in the dark about some things. And it wasn’t like she didn’t already have enough on her own plate.
The biggest factor was as simple as a name: Langdon. He was something strange and new, yet being around him brought forth memories she didn’t know she had. It brought forth a feeling in her gut that either made her sick or giddy- it was hard to tell. His arrival had simply brought along chaos; both good and bad.
She felt Emily prod her dangling hand, the not perched on the table holding the fork, and shoot her tight smile. But it was a slight pain in her gut that had a look of distraught covering her face. It was like knives piercing her inner gut and sliding into the lower abdomen.
“Is something wrong?” Venable asked this as if it was an inquiry about the weather and not a concern that bothered her in any way. So she simply grit her teeth and shook her head, staring down at the last bite of cube.
A thin sheen of sweat started to drip down her temple, a slight shake in her right leg alerting Timothy to her shaking, but he didn’t know how to help. Maybe he could cause a distraction so everyone would have to leave, but what could he do…
“Hey Coco,” Timothy made a show of pointing to his head, “Is that a spider in your hair?”
The commotion that ensued was enough for Emily and Coco to rush Julie out of the room and away from Venable’s sight. The coughing had subsided but a steady stream of blood was leaving her nose.
Julie was so confused; what the hell was happening to her? This couldn’t be real, she’d been healed- it wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was a quick sweep above her mouth and the blood was gone, but the pain was still there. This wasn’t just hunger, she knew hunger, this was something else.
Except the only thing she’d eaten were the cubes; The gelatin cubes that were filled with enough nutrients to keep her alive and not die or starvation. But this wasn’t starvation; it just didn’t hit you this fast. This was something more.
It was a harsh knock at the door that had Emily and Timothy turning to each other, knowing there was no were to hide, and they didn’t even have a chance as the door harshly slid open, revealing Venable with a darkly colored sneer.
“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.” Julie had been in the bathroom washing up and vomiting the very little waste in her stomach, and stumbled back at the sight of Venable in her room, cane in one hand, and the other- a plate with one cube.
“Get out.” And the two teens fled, Emily shooting a sorry look at the girl Julie, knowing that Timothy and her couldn’t get the information they needed tonight, and while they were mildly disappointed, no one deserved to be left alone with their masochistic ruler. Timothy shot her one last look as he slid the door closed.
It was tense inside the fairly large room, shadows from the fire reflecting on the walls; Venable near the door and Julie near the bathroom, facing off against one another. Except it was an unfair fight and Julie would undoubtedly lose.
Venable let out a breathy laugh, “You know, I was a receptionist before all this. And I was just like you; so pathetic.”
A fire burned in Julie’s gut- she couldn’t tell between the pain and rage. “I’m not pathetic.” And Venable started a low chuckle, covering her mouth like a schoolgirl before it turned into a vile loud chortle that echoed on the walls. It was minutes before she stopped and Julie had yet to move from her standing position by the bathroom, even as Venable moved forward to sit on the edge of the bed.
She sat so gracefully; “Open your eyes Ms. March.”
Open my eyes!
“The difference between us is I earned my place here. In fact, Outpost 3 would be overrun and barely standing if I had never stepped foot in this decrepit underground chamber and saved you all from yourselves.”
“Why are you even here? Is it because you just want to hear yourself talk?” Venable snorted and slid a hand into her dress pocket, pulling out a small pistol and pointing it straight at Julie.
“I’d watch how you speak to me, I can still very much kill you and have no blood on my hands.” But Julie had a feeling she wasn’t going to kill her, at least not now or with a gun.
“But there isn’t a point to shooting me is there, not when you’ve been poisoning my food this entire time.” Now that had Venable turning and meeting her hard gaze.
“Now that is a strong assumption Ms. March. One that could get you in trouble.” It was no damn assumption and Julie knew it; the reason she’d become sick was Venable or maybe even Mead had been tampering with her food, making her sick enough to bleed.
It was a gamble and a stretch to throw such a heavy accusation at a woman who was holding a gun directly at her, but there was little doubt in Julie’s mind that Venable was behind her bloody nose and shaking skin. “And if I was? What could you possibly do to me?”
“I could tell everyone and we both know exactly what they’d do to you.” Julie had the upper hand now. “They’d throw you outside, let the canker puss monsters tear you apart. And even if you managed you get away, you wouldn’t survive.”
Venable’s face grew red with rage and Julie knew her trigger finger was itching to take the shot, but she dropped the gun with a smirk. “I would like to see you try and take me down.”
Venable used her cane to stand tall and tap it twice on the ground, the noise echoing through the room, before a few hard steps brought them nose to step.
Venable’s voice was a whisper; “I’d like to see the whore who shares Langdon’s bed rat me out as a traitor.”
What? “What?”
Venable chuckled, as if there was a joke she was missing. “Ms. Mead came across some interesting photos of you Langdon.” Julie grunted when the cane smashed against her bare foot, “I would think twice about threatening me Ms. March. I don’t need a gun to kill you.”
The two women glared at each other for a moment longer before Venable swiftly moved away, cane tapping against the ground as she walked to the door, turning back with a smile. “See you tomorrow at supper. Don’t be late.”
Her knees gave out at the same time the door shut. Wetness welled up and spilled down her cheeks; Life was just unbearable at this point. She just wished she were back home with her mom, laughing in Chloe’s car as they listened to horrible early 2000’s rock that they knew every word too. She wanted things to go back to normal.
It would be a complete and utter lie to say the thought of slitting her own throat, or wrists, hell, just smashing her head in the glass of the shower stall until it rained blood. It would end the pain, and she could see her mom again.
Her legs felt like iron weights that wanted to hold her down, but she lifted herself up and stumbled to the bathroom, nearly glassy eyes searching the large cream-colored room. The few steps to the sink were easy, and she gripped the edges of the sink, nails digging into the porcelain. In the mirror, she saw herself; her brown curls and glassy eyes made her let out a cheap laugh.
No one would miss this. She was rearing her body back when a hand landed on her forearm, stopping her for a moment. The mirror showed Julie and the man in black, his hand stopping her from a desperate act of desperation that made him want to scream.
She mumbled a solemn “I’m sorry” before continuing her previous act, smashing her face into the glass of the mirror- once, twice- , blood and shards raining down on the bathroom floor. Red ran into her eyes and pain was all she felt, a smile gracing her lips. It would be over soon.
Langdon watched through the eyes of the rubber man as his Julie, the Jewel of his heart bled on the bathroom floor. It was painful to see her like this; it made him want to burn the world all over again. But none of that mattered; he would never allow the one woman in his life that was destined to be with him simply die.
Happy Halloween and I hope you enjoyed!
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dgmagines · 7 years
hope you're having a great holiday! can i request a scenario where tyki sees his (future) s/o for the first time, and he is just in awe on how pretty she is? she doesn't need to be a beauty, tbh- it's just that in his eyes, she is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and the boy is stunned
this is either going to be the cutest thing i write for or the sappiest– thank you for sending it in nonny!! ;; 7 ;; I’m going to murder all of y’all huehuehue-/kicked
She/her pronouns are used!
Being in a noble family wasn’t always great; sure the glitter and gold of the high life was something everyone begged for - the pleasure of not working a dead-end job, the privilege to travel to beautiful places, the leisure of having so many people at the simple flick of your wrist- but it just wasn’t the life that suited Tyki.
The name Tyki Kamelot was discarded for a much simpler and unknown surname- Mikk. He’d taken the liberty of changing much of his appearance and personality from the face he put up against the noble families, befriending people who had never wished for anything more than to have food at the end of the day to fill their stomachs- even a slice of bread would have made them happy.
All he ever ate was gold, gold, gold- the substance that made people insane. The element in the periodic table that got people to fall to their knees and discard their honor just to be in the luxury of its glow.
It was why he hated the limelight; it was why he hated being a noble.
But alas, hate or no hate, Tyki still had to fulfill his duty to his “father”; attending the annual ball where all the nobles gather to expand their network and, in Tyki’s older brother’s case, to find a partner for Tyki. How annoying.
Tyki went around the room, trying not to catch the wrath of his annoyingly doting older brother and stopping to talk once in a while; he knew that most of the girls in the room was smitten with him but he was far too tired to do anything to catch their affections. It was far more simple to keep them at arm’s length.
“I wish he’d just stop,” Tyki muttered under his breath, leaning against the wall far away from the crowd as he watched his brother conversing with the others. Tyki knew what he was trying to do; talking to such a powerful family that, conveniently, has a single, unmarried daughter.
“There’s a batch of cake waiting in the kitchen. Ten minutes, then you can set it on the table. Got it?” Tyki turned his head to the side, watching as a shorter (h/c) woman talked to the two attendants at the banquet table. She was fixing the cuff of her button-down shirt, observing the food laid out on the table and nodding in satisfaction.
The (h/c) woman turned her head to talk to the second attendant and that was when Tyki actually got a clear good look on her face. His breath caught in throat as his eyes became glued to her appearance; he had seen thousands of women before and he had thought that he had seen it all - from plastics to beauties - but he was wrong.
Oh so very wrong.
“Ms. _______, are you going somewhere?” the name sounded familiar to Tyki but he couldn’t place a face on it; he leaned back and tried to quickly sift through his memories to where he had heard the name before. ‘________’ lifted her head, a hand on her coat as she sighed.
“I have to meet with the family before going home. Emergencies and what not,” Tyki closed his eyes, sighing silently as he hoped that none of them would point him out; he tried to compose himself just in case. From the way they talked, it was clear to Tyki that she was one of the many employees Sheryl hired from god knows how long ago.
“Excuse me, Mikk-san?” Tyki’s eyes snapped open, hearing the secret surname he had taken up being spoken by the woman’s voice. He was about to retaliate in order to hide his double life; but he bit his tongue when he saw the girl a couple steps in front of him, staring up at him with expectant (e/c) orbs - eyes that would’ve sparkled with far more life if she had gotten enough sleep and rest. He wondered if she was even familiar with the word “rest” judging by the dark circles under her eyes.
“Who are you? How do you know that name?” Tyki’s voice was merely a whisper, loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough to not be heard by the prying nobles around them. There was also another reason why he kept his voice quiet; he didn’t want her to notice the tremble in his voice as his heart rate picked up.
He hoped to god that his kid brother, Wisely, was nowhere to be found.
“I’m nothing more than one of your many chefs. I’ve seen you around, Mikk-san,” the (h/c) shrugged, pushing her hair back with her free hand as she shifted from one foot to another. “I tried to find Kamelot-san but judging by the crowd, it’d probably take forever and I need to be quick. Mikk-san, may I request an emergency leave?”
Tyki blinked, surprised at her blunt yet polite demeanor. He was sure that if Sheryl had heard that, she’d be fired on the spot. He swallowed, trying to get her explanation to stick to his brain but all he could hear was static noise and all he could see was her; she who looked like she had battled a thousand akumas to get here.
Her hair was sticking up in all sorts of direction, her clothes pulled on in a haste and her face evident of the wear and tear of the day; Tyki knew that ball days were when the staff suffered most- from cleaning to decorating to cooking. Both household and kitchen staffs were spent by the evening and the ball hadn’t even started.
“-it wouldn’t be long and I’ll come back at the time promised,” Tyki blinked, trying to hide his confused expression but failing to do so.
“Ah? What?” her brows furrowed, her lips pulling downwards in a slight pout, carefully hidden by many years of practice he assumed.
“May I have two days off to tend to an emergency back home?” she spoke once more, carefully choosing her words and her tone of voice so that it wouldn’t reflect her annoyance.
“Family emergency?” She nodded; Tyki leaning back against the wall to contemplate his answer. He didn’t really have any authority over the staff at the mansion but he was a Kamelot still- even if it wasn’t by blood.
“What happened?” ________ furrowed her brows again, confusion written on her face. Tyki found that he loved seeing all her different expressions and he greedily tried to etch her face into the crevices of his brain; who knows when he would meet them again given his constant absence at home.
“My brother fell ill,” she mumbled, averting her eyes to the ground as her face reflected the hesitation she had to share the information; it was rare for a noble to even bother with their staff’s business- let alone one that they never talked to.
Tyki’s heart softened when he saw the worry in her eyes when she mentioned her brother, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He straightened himself, clearing his throat and pulling their attention from the floor and back to him.
“I’ll give you as long as you want; make sure you brother is healthy before you come back here,” ______ blinked at him, a breath of relief passing her lips as her shoulder dropped. Her lips widened into a smile and, at the expanse of her own relief and emotions, she reached out and took his hands in hers.
Tyki jumped, feeling the coarseness of bandages around her fingers and the callouses of her palm. He looked down at their entwined hands, noting the alarming amount of fresh bandages on her fingers- he swore if his brother was overworking the kitchen to death, he was going to give them all a break and make his brother cook his own food.
He barely heard her gratitude before her hands left him and she left the ballroom. Tyki couldn’t help but stare at her until she was swallowed by the crowd, the smile on her face etched into his memory.
Maybe Tyki should stay at home more; drop by the kitchen and take a look at their working environment and what not.
“Oooohhh brother- are you falling for someone? I see a wedding in your head~”
and here comes the annoying one that he needed to kill.
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