#accept this trash
eyeballsoup7310 · 7 months
“We need more morally grey female characters” we absolutely do but some of y’all can’t even handle Vanessa afton
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Apex predator, my ass. I’m going to pet the dog 🐻🐻‍❄️🐼
perhaps now is a good time for some responsible bear programming to remind everyone that as cute and cuddly as they may seem, bears are lethal apex predators and should absolutely be treated accordingly if ever encountered.
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melkinpump · 1 year
I love starch
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misakisakuya · 7 months
It did show up!
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calethescammer · 7 months
Thinking about the soos currently.
Thinking about how seemingly selfish it was of lsh and cjs to leave krs alone; how selfish it was of cjs when he said that he wanted krs to live; and yet, that was the best they could do for him–to protect him and let him live the life they wouldn't be able to.
Thinking about how, even in the face of a destroyed world, they believed that surviving, living was the best, and how all of them wished for the other to live.
Thinking about how utterly betrayed Krs must have felt, not by his hyungs, but by his own inability to do anything, and to just stare at the lifeless corpses of lsh and cjs.
Thinking about how it must have been for krs—the betrayal of his own abilities, and the burden of the new life he never asked for.
Thinking about how krs knew he would've done the same, if he were in their position, and how that was the fact that hurt the most. That their selfishness, that their betrayal was only wanting Cale to live, and the fact that their selfishness was nothing but their love for him.
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aachria · 3 months
Marauders fandom I’m dropping this at your feet and sprinting away.
Presenting, from the depths of my sleep deprived psyche, Would You Fuck Around And Die In A Hotdog Costume Or Are You A Coward.
If you’re asking yourself why I’m posting a Halloween fic in the middle of March, you’re asking the wrong question.
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doingsfine · 4 months
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hilary knight's first pwhl goal ☆ january 27, 2024 pwhl boston vs pwhl minnesota
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stubz · 2 months
What I love about the Mauler Twins from Invincible is that they straight up said you can buy them with food
Like, slight spoilers, that's why they only did what was necessary with Pete! They even said it! "We like you. That means your a friend. . . So long as you bring us good food."
I make a damn good chocolate cake and average pancakes. I can make a delicious egg-in-the-hole (bread with hole in it, ya crack an egg in it and cook it on the pan, obviously butter pan)
I hate cooking but I will learn to love it to befriend (and maybe more...) these two genius blue giants
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Every time I see advertisements for the third season of Bridgerton I'm forever thankful I gave up that liberal covid escapism show after season 2 when I realized that we were actually supposed to be rooting for the main character who exposed a black pregnant teenager and a feminist activist, and that there would be no lasting consequence for that because this show is really all about preserving social order and maintaining the nuclear family. why look at class segregation when you can look at these shirtless colonizers.
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comediakaidanovsky · 1 year
people saying that this is the first time tumblr has found daniel craig hot clearly weren’t around for 2012 skyfall tumblr when both the bond/silva and bond/q ships burst onto the scene in all their psychosexual glory and this place was full of gif sets studying every single eye movement and tiny smile craig has made in his entire bond career
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dustteller · 3 months
I think modern au Zhu SHOULD be the lesbian best friend trope to Ouyang except that its because this man is her pet project and gODDDAMIT she's gonna FIX him she's gonna MAKE him be BETTER she's going to SOLVE EVERYTHING and he will RESPECT HER (she is actively making him worse). She has a whole complex about it and everything. She has based a part of her identity on dragging this man up from his toxic funk and is fully convinced that if she tries hard enough he will eventually come to his senses and be an equal participant in this relationship. They have a terrible wonderful toxic loving codependent relationship that's neither a romance nor a friendship nor a rivalry but a secret fourth thing.
Predictably, this does not go well. The character arcs would be Zhu learning she can't fix a sinking ship and letting Ouyang fail by himself, and Ouyang learning to not be a shit person, actually, and coming out of his bubble of self-centeredness and working on himself instead of unloading his emotional labor onto the people around him. And they should both get to develop a healthier relationship with each other than what they had in canon bc queer solidarity is great and its even better when it's in the shape of some weird bullshit some gay people built out of the corpse parts of heteronormative romance (affectionate and completely unironic)
#brought to you by me thinking about the last half of HWDtW and how Zhu interacts with Ouyang post-betrayal#well. interacts with the concept of Ouyang. he kinda (spoilers).#she was unhealthily attached to Ouyang and honestly I think she deserves an universe where her whole deal is reciprocated.#but only AFTER i put them in a fully self sustaining terrarium jar and sic the emotional isopods on them.#that part comes first bc my personal entertainment is CLEARLY the most important thing here guys#the radiant emperor#my thoughts#zhu yuanzhang#OHHH AND ALSO i think Zhu and Ouyang should get to have their weird little gay relationship#while their partners stare in accepting horror.#ma would be supportive bc she knows how important this impressively awful man is to her girlfriend#but rest assured she DOES NOT like him. she will (very politely) bitch about him to Baoxiang and then feel bad about it#she shouldn't feel bad tho bc Ouyang deserves it and Baoxiang repeatedly reminds her of this fact#eventually ouyang grows on her.#kinda like the bowl of mold in the back of the fridge you've developed an emotional attachment to.#he shouldn't be there but now she feels bad about evicting him into the trash!#(she feels significantly less bad about evicting him into Esen's appartment)#Esen has even less of a clue what's happening with Zhu and Ouyang.#he just knows that Zhu is important to Ouyang and also is 90% sure that they fucked at some point.#30% sure that they are still fucking but he grew up around Baoxiang and Ouyang#he has learned Not to Ask! he does Not Want to Know!#and anyways it's none of his bussiness who his bestie/person that he wants to adopt a horse and grow old with/hot roomate is fucking!#its not his problem! he is not invested! he is not going to think about it! there is no reason to think about whos in Ouyang's pants!#he is not thinking about anything involving Ouyang's pants at all! much less about the inside of Ouyang's pants!#and since hes not thinking about it bc theres no reason to think about it then he cant have a problem with it :)#so he wont ask!
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garbashedump · 5 months
...white guy Scrabby phrases
I GOT THE LIST bunch of things of mildly zesty phrases Scrabby would probably say
"don't get your panties in a twist" (ofc ofc)
"shiver me timbers! I'm freezing like a popsicle out here"
"hey guys let's split up to cover more ground"
"working hard or hardly working?"
"hi hungry I'm dad."
"the early bird catches the worm!
"wow were sure in a pickle here!" (Prism fav phrase ofc)
"that's it no more Mr. Nice auditor! that's the last straw buckeroo."
"you're on thin ice pal."
"I'm keeping my eye on you."
"you catch more scrabbys with sugar than smoke "
"Ahh, a good ol' cup of Jake Joe!"
"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"
"Time to dig in!" / "Time to get my grub on!"
"Oh look the suns out while its raining! guess the devil is beating his wife"
"Uh oh looks like we got company..."
"See you on the flip side!"
"You're looking a little tipsy-tury my friend."
"Looks like someone's buzzed as a bee."
"Looks like someone is decks below the ship."
"Oh how the tables have turned."
"Its the heart of the cards!"
Lifting heavy stuff: "Man anymore lifting and I'll blow my back hip out."
"Well slap my ass and call me Sally."
"Well butter my bugs and call me a Biscuit"
"Better safe than sorry!"
"Oh crumbs."
"Let's not dilly-dally too long guys."
"Aw quit being a negative Nancy!"
"Oooooh..... Right in the bread basket."
"Jeeze Louise lemon squeeze!"
" Holy moly guacamole!"
"Stop all of this tomfoolery this instant!"
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"
"Oopsie daisy!"
"Guess whoo✨" (Covers Prism's eyes)
"Beggars aren't choosers."
"Ahh I see, the apple never falls far from the tree."
"Looks like ya got ants in your pants."
"All bark but no bite huh?"
"Man that really ruffles my feathers."
"Ah! It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack!!"
"I'm losing my marbles over here!"
.....ok.... i may or many not have more but the- they're Scrizzers..
damn are you zombie fungi? cause you got me under your spell
are you a spider? cause you woven me in your web of love
are you the summer sun? cause you got my cheeks sunburnt red
Prism: damn you a cigarette? cause you got me addicted to you (Scrabby would then die after hearing this)
btw these are directed towards lawful joke au by @chaosaliien
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thekimspoblog · 2 months
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"Better Call Saul" Season 2 Episode 4: "Gloves Off"
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bitegore · 1 month
fucking hate it when people who are hateful little bigots make posts that are completely irrelevant to the thing that they are hateful cunts about and those posts are actually really good but i know they want me personally actually dead and in the ground so i cant be like Yeah
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Trans Diluc anyone?
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Decided to do some art meme with my BBG , I’m sorry if I caused eye or brain cancer with my trash taste
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