blue-scribbl3s · 1 year
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Please ask before using my scribbles and do not repost.
A quick drawing of Thana, our human cleric in the Aborea campaign. I did a little redesign of her for the comic page, even though you can barely see her. I really like how the design turned out though cause she looks like an absolute mess of a person.
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paperadventures · 1 year
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An alle spontanen Rollenspielfans, Heute Abend wird auf unserem Discord wieder gespielt. Kommt einfach in einem Sprachraum vorbei und spielt mit! Ihr müsst nichts mitbringen und das ganze ist noch #einsteigerfreundlich . Gespielt wird das Setting #aborea mit dem Abenteuer "Nicht ohne meine Schwester". Charaktere werden ab 17.30 Uhr verteilt und um 18.00 Uhr geht es dann los. Wir freuen uns auf die Runde und auf Euch! Eure Paper Adventures #paperadventures #penandpaper #würfel #mittwoch #discord #spieletreff #spielrunde #angebot https://www.instagram.com/p/CorOKKPNPVl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ducklyght · 1 year
I lack creativity today, so I just wanna share a (not top) list of ttrpg systems I gmed. With some extra notes just for the GMs:
Pathfinder 1e - many options, many rules, many items. Don't get a rules lawyer at your table, trust me...
D&D 5e - the DMG is just a bunch of ideas rather than a toolbox for the DM. No beautiful list of magic items. Hard to determine loot, because prices suck and here is why
Tiny Dungeon - one half of the book are rules, the other one are micro-settings for inspiration. Neat to have, I liked it. Rather than that: Prepare for spontaneous coming up with stuff. Works good for me.
Cairn - lists of many stuff. Easy to handle and easy to hack system. Lacks pregen monsters, therefore can be unbalanced sometimes. Perfect for sandbox style, when you have some extra OSR splatbooks.
Starfinder - pretty much like Pathfinder, but in spaaaace!!
Aborea - a good start into ttrpg. Rules can be confusing at first glance, but the "ahhh!"-effect hits hard afterwards. Some good tools and optional stuff to suit a tables style.
Symbaroum - no rolling dice is advertised, you will still roll dice, IF you want to roll some dice (of course you want to roll some dice, cmon). Good atmospheric books with an atmospheric setting. Easy rules, yet more complex than OSR.
Fallout 2d20 - lists. Lists. LISTS. SO MANY LISTS AND THEY ARE USEFUL! You will never run out of loot for your players. Your players will never run out of fancy options. Dice pool of the players can deny some unbalancing you accidentally put on the table
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Needs & Relations of the peoples of Gaialon
The Kingdom of Alarai is primarily an agrarian land settled by agrarian peoples. Ever since its unification, the woodland species of the country have seen an unprecedented bounty of food, the sharing of their cultural knowledge with each other has eliminated famine and produced some of the highest quality grown goods in the continent, bolstered by Alarai's large population of non-sapient animals such as sheep, swine, and horses. Many countries on the content of Aborea trade for Alarai's grains, wool, and livestock.  The Úlfskaran regime is currently subject to a trade embargo with Alarai, which has made trade with other, more willing nations difficult due to Alarai's position between Thranheim and the rest of Aborea. Being primarily a nation of non-aligned clans, some more self-sufficient than others, exporting and importing is a sparse, risky affair. Rich in timber, minerals, and coal, they have seen the most interest from the Victauri Republic, which balances its relations with Alarai in order to trade foodstuffs and textiles for Thranheim's raw materials. Úlfskaran-made items are also generally considered high quality.  The weaselfolk and ratfolk of the Victauri Republic are both industrious and decadent, having settled in a romantic way of life of refining pre-existing innovations rather than inventing new things. They are some of the heaviest importers of dyes, spices, raw textiles, and lumber, while exporting their highly sought after refined goods such as wine, jewelry, musical instruments, and finely-crafted metal wares. Alarai and Narravar both trade their raw wools and silks which are in turn treated with secretly-kept weaving methods by Victaurian clothiers to transform into some of the most lavish and well-made garments on the continent. The Republic also facilitates some of the only viable trading routes between many nations.  The Empire of Narravar is reasonably self sufficient in many regions in all areas but food, as most of the nation is nearly exclusively comprised of carnivorous felines. They trade heavily for Alarian livestock, which is produced in abundance since Alarai is majority herbivorous. They are also open to import Victaurian wines and art, and have a flourishing relationship with the Lutranoa of the Malu'ahi sea for their fish trade. Trade with Narravar can be tricky at times since each province is considered an independent nation beholden to the emperor. A common export is their surplus of spices, silks, teas, gemstones, as well as gold and other precious metals.  The Lutranoa as a single people trade less often than most. But what tribes do trade with the more land-based nations have found themselves uniquely enriched. Many larger tribes make their home on a "mother island" deep within the territories of the Malu'ahi sea, inter-trading on a subsistence economy with the more nomadic outer tribes until their main exports of fish, pearls, molasses, fruits, and whale oil reach the continent of Aborea. Other than tools, food, and items of convenience, many of the Lutranoa find little value in the heavier weapons, armor, and clothings of the continental peoples, needing to keep their sailing vessels light and unburdened for travel between their islands.
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parttime-creative · 3 years
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Asarea Dylan. My current Pen-and-paper character. She’s a thief from the south and actually quite tall. I didn’t mean to, but she kinda became a little bit of a bitch. She was trained as an assassin, but prefers it to safe life with her medical skills instead of taking it with weapons. Still she is quite handy with her bow and super sneaky, which brought one or two valuable things to the party :D I really enjoy playing her and I hope I succeded to portray her poc hertiage acceptable
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dailydenne · 5 years
If Narcis played Dungeons and Dragons, what class do you think would fit him best? I was thinking a sneaky Rogue? Or maybe a powerful Wizard? Perhaps his adorableness could win the affection of super powerful, otherworldly being who would give him powers and make him a Warlock? I think these are all valid possibilities.
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He plays Aborea, it’s similar to DnD
He’s a bard, and the most useless member ever because he always eats all the gear cutest member you can have in your party
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dicecast · 6 years
The Core Realms of the Outer Planes
-Introduction of the Planes, as written by Sigil Scholar “First Dawn” as punishment for a great crime she committed against nature itself.  She can be found in Sigil University giving extremely grumpy lectures about the multiverse until her community service is entirely over.  
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Part 1: The Core Planes
The most famous Planes are of course, the Outer Planes, so much so that they are quite frankly, over done, and I find this assignment to be entirely beneath my time and dignity to have to explain.  The popularity of these monuments to limited imagination isn’t surprising, after all each of them represent a facade of a simplistic, reductive, and all together uninspired morality that shackles this world to the corpse of absolutes.  Each of them is dramatic and superficially excited, and for the average prime I imagine it must be quite exciting to discover that not only is Hell real, but that it is build upon metaphorical representations of Lawful Sins. But for those of us wordly enough not only see the larger framework but also to challenge base assumption, the unimpatnative nature of these 9 planes isn’t just uninteresting, it is actively detrimental to true planar study. These 9 planes are so overly studied so that all other fields of Planar examination are left woefully understaffed, with more and more time and effort being dedicated to 9 realms which frankly weren’t very interesting to begin with.  This is similar to how the four “Classical” Elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water) have become popular that there are more scholars dedicated to the Plane of Water than their are to all of the other 17 elemental planes combined.  This planar brain drain is not just frustrating and tedious, it’s also dangerous as the denizens of say, the Middle Planes are actually just as threatening as Demons but lack the symbolic residence to have people make the proper preparations.  There are more paladin demon hunting orders than I can caught, but the designs of the PLane of Dreams can evidently walk freely, as their machinations are not laced in the mask of objective morality.  Even within the Outer Planes, the vast majority of scholarship goes to the Lower Planes, the realms of Evil, likely because of how ultimately simplistic they are.  Discarding cultists, nobody likes demons, and so there are book upon tedious book written about their evil, their depravity, and their lack of complexity, all of which boil down to “Demons are bad, we should kill them.”  The Upper Planes, far more challenging in their conceptions, have little in the way of scholar, because defining what is evil is easy, defining what is good is challenging.  Seriously can I write about anything other than this, I mean god, this is child’s play stuff?  
Ok Fine
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   There are 9 “Core” Planes, which embody, as you might imagine, personify one of the Night Alignments.  I might as well mention now, the Outer Planes have a creepy obsessive fetish with symmetry, which will get tiring very very quickly I assure you.  These nine planes can be subdivided into the “Upper” “Lower” and “Central”  Planes, personifying Good, Evil, and Neutrality respectively, and it’s all very nice and neat and infantile.  Let’s do the Lower Planes First, which as the personification of evil, are utterly overdone in terms of the popular imagination.  There is nothing more tedious than the many many texts on the Lower PLanes, so I will try to sum them up as quickly as possible. One thing first, these planes are the largest infinite planes in the multiverse ,because evil is the most powerful force in the multiverse, luckily they are always fighting each other in The Blood War so we don’t have to deal with it, and I’m sure you know this already.  
   The most overrated of them all are The Nine Hells of Baator, Home of the Devils, Beings of Law and Evil, and every layer of it has been so particularly scrutinized that I suspect many of the scholars (such as those who wrote the Gates of Hell manuals) are actually in the pay of the Nine.  Hell is a land of rigid unyielding law, but I want it duly noted it is not in fact, fascist.  It isn’t absolute, mindless dehumanizing law, instead it is the most evil aspect law can possibly have, namely Feudalism.  The Law of Baator is strict, unyielding, and inhuman, but above all it is unfair and arbitrary.  The laws are contradictory, inconsistent, and utterly self destructive but they are literal law, even if they make no sense.  This is law to such a demented degree that they don’t make any sense, a hypocritical system which is absolute in its incompetence and inhumanity and yet stills frustrate continues to exist.  The Hells are not realms of absolute obedience and conformity to an absolute law, they are an incomprehensible set of rules and obligations that pretends to be a realm of absolute obedience and conformity, which is even worse.  The Hells are ruled by the “Lords of the Nine”, 9 freakishly powerful Devils who serve as Feudal Lords, lead by the “Lord of the Nine” the enigmatic and entirely overplayed Asmodeus, who if you read his news briefs, is the most clever, intelligent, funny and sexy entity in the world, but everybody else sees him as a prat.  
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        The opposition to the Nine Hells is the realm of Chaos and Evil, The 666 Infinite Layers of the Abyss, is a realm of absolute paradox, staying with the fact that it supposedly has infinite layers but in fact has 666 (scholars have counted 667).  Populated by the Demons, this realm is crawling with every horrific evil imaginable and is the largest plane in existence, for every one Devil, there are at least a million demon, likely more.  A single Lawful Evil Mortal soul can create 9 devils, while a single Chaotic Evil soul can create a huge amounts of demons.  This is fundamentally and explicitly unfair...and that’s the point.  The Abyss is a realm where rules don’t work, in fact any attempt to even conceive of rules are folly, and trying to put it into a box is futile in itself.  All generalizations are proven wrong and all trends fail because the Abyss actively rejects it, and the plane itself almost seems to delight in thumbing its nose at conventional understanding, occasionally producing good demons just to confuse everybody else.  As a rule demons are sadistic, cruel, and anarchistic but of course...that’s a rule.  The Abyss is forever in a war against themselves, each layer has a Demon Lord who wishes to claim the title of “Demon Prince” but only three really have a shot and they have fought for millenia, Grazz’t Lord of Lust and the Triple Realms, Orcus the master of Undeath and Divnity, and of course Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons.  However combat is tedious and so is the Abyss, so let’s move one.
   The least appreciate Lower Plane is Abaddon, the realm of the Daemons, who are in many ways the more moderate evils and thus less focus is paid to them, which I think is largely unfair, because that makes them the most human.  Daemons are oriented around 4 principles of evil, Hypocrisy, Bigotry, Vindictiveness, and Ignorance, and individual Daemons will drift between these as if they were wearing hats. It is very hard to sum up Daemons because they are evil in a very relatable way, they are most famous for their vast corporations of soulless bureaucracy, but Daemons also can have a great deal of personality individually, though almost always in as needlessly dickish a way that they can.  Daemons are all hypocrites who lack any core or foundation other than circumstances, and so what type of viciousness they represent varies from moment to moment, and unlike their extreme counterparts, it’s never ideological.  Daemons are at their core nihilists, and are evil without justification, logic, intention, or even knowledge, they are the random everyday evil of your average man.  Which is why I find them superfluous and am going to move one.  
Editor's Note: I have to also mention they are ruled by The Four Horsemen. There, moving on.  
Moving on to the perpetually overlooked “Central Planes”, these are the realms of neutrality and really don’t have the scholarship they deserve.  They are not in constant war, while Law and Chaos disagree, each mostly acknowledges the necessity of the other, but instead try to find a balance, which is of course, extremely difficult.  
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    First are The Outlands, the great patchwork that connects the Outer Plane, and at the center of this infinite plane is the Spire, on top which lies Sigil.  Every square mile of the Outlands is different, almost a patchwork of aspects of other planes, and you could walk through a forest into a desert into a great mechanical wasteland in the span of three minutes.  This plane has the largest mortal population, and is responsible for many of the fundamental rules of reality, and keeping the Balance of the Planes intated.  Ruling over this are The Aeons, mysterious cosmic entities who keep the illusion of the world intact, or possible weave a new one, enematic and unknown.  Their ruler the Monad has as far as I can tell, never been seen and likely doesn’t exist.   
   Next to the Outlands is The Maelstrom, supposedly the origin of life, and an ever shifting realm in its own right, but this is a realm of creativity, language, and the senses, things that fundamentally reject any limitations placed upon them.  The realm is one of potential good and bad, independence and free will, and the native Proteans, strange snake like creatures who seem to wish to push against all restrictions, and offer up radical visions of what could yet be.
      Next one is Mechanus, the realm of Gears, which maintains the universe itself.  This gigantic endless system of  gears and systems is the realm of math, shapes, physics, and systems, consistency and understanding. It has little interest in societal rules, which it finds all together too inconsistent and self serving, but instead cosmic rules, like the notion that 1+1=2 unless you can prove otherwise mathematically.  The natives are known as Modrons, and each resemble different forms of law, most look like shapes (Cubes, Pyramids, squares) but other are equations, and the greatest resemble strangely enough different forms of dice.  
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Next are the Upper Planes, where the forces of good dwell, and are some of the smallest realms in the world, for here dwell the forces of absolute good.  And as much as the edgelords out there like to claim otherwise, they aren’t well intended extremists, they cannot be anything other than absolutely good, they are defined by their very good nature on a fundamental level incomprehensible to a mortal.  These planes are on the verge of destruction, barely holding their own against the vast hordes of evil, but despite this, they stayed strong and part of that is through their unity, these planes have difference but they work together and help each other, their differences make them stronger and allow them to prevail over the forces of evil.  Also i want to make this clear, they are not ruled by Gods, Gods are entirely different things, these are secular realms.  Just assholes.  
The most famous are the Seven Heavens, where Law and Good come together as one, ruled by the Archons.  Built around a Celestial Mountain, the seven layers are all built around the theme of betterment of the self, souls come here and improve steadily, ascending the layers.  The natives here believe strongly in goodness as the result of governance, and hope to build institutions, orders, and structures to allow good to flourish.  Militarily, they are armies, which is why they get the most attention, the Archons go forth in hoards to try to stymie the forces of evil where they can, and when they do show up, it is indeed magnificent.  
Next is the Realm is the Blessed Fields of Elysium, ruled by the kind Aasimons, creatures of love, relationships, and community.  This realm is idealism, understanding, and goodness as the result of personal happiness.  The souls here try to find joy in themselves and those around them, for those who are happy will turn away from cruelty.  The Aasimons are the least known of the Good Exemplars, for they focus not on dramatic heroism whenever possible, but instead on the smaller acts to try to make good have a chance.  Childcare, helping broken homes, providing medical aid or psychological care, first responders to disasters, grief counselors, or simply a mysterious women in a bar who is willing to lend a sympathetic ear, Aasimons go often in secret the Material Plane to help keep the spark of hope alive in what little way they can.  To them, depression is where evil emerges, and joy is what allows the goodness within you to come forth.  
The Transcendent Glades of Arborea is where Chaos and Goodness come together, with the Azatas serving as its manifestation.  Aborea is a vast wilderland except more wonderful and magical than any that exists, colors, sensations, and pleasures exist as no mortal co comprehend them, and seriously they throw the best fucking parties you have no idea.  This is a realm where man’s base nature is good, and without limitations and restrictions placed upon it, they can come forth and enjoy the morality that lies within us, and Azatas hope to tear down the institutions and systems to force mortals to choose selfishness rather than compassion.  Azatas, like Archons, go forth and fight evil ,but they do so as individuals or small bands, of scouts and infiltrators.  Many times a force of evil has suddenly fallen apart due to the secret machinations of the Azatas, and more than a few times villians have found they prefer getting really high in Arborea than taking over the world.  
Once these 9 realms were balanced equally but ever since the actions of mortals have determined their power, evil has been winning, and so much so that Good as a force is no longer a factor.  If the legends are to be believed, this new circumstances was created by the Upper Planes themselves as the price to give mortals true choice of their actions, thus condemning themselves to their own destructions.  The Upper Planes by all right should have been wiped out long ago, destroyed by the forces of evil, and yet they prevail, because in a world seemingly resigned to darkness, there is just enough kindness that the light stubbornly refuses to go out.  
There you go, 9 overdone, over analyzed, over handled bullshit system which isn’t worth any respect, and I think that the whole thing is a colossal waste of time.  
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byunbaekby · 4 years
my url in songs tag—
tagged by @lucas-wongs (thank you for the tag! i didn’t realize i had so many b’s and y’s in my user until i struggled to find songs lol)
b - baby don’t like it (nct 127)
y - yellow (coldplay)
u - un village (baekhyun my love)
n - not ur friend (jeremy zucker)
b - best friend (nct dream)
a - all too well (taylor swift)
e - evening sky (ailee)
k - knock (nasty nasty)
b - beautiful creatures (illenium ft. max)
y - yestoday (nct u)
tagging @yayhei @neolights @jnctzen @yongiefilms @lovelyjsuh @the32ndbeat
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quarkmaster · 7 years
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Forest Village
an illustration that I did some months ago for ABOREA open for freelance work: [email protected]
Nele Diel
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casukaga · 3 years
Oh were talking about PnP-Characters?
Please lemme join, I've recently lost a very dear character of mine, because the campaign ended early (after 1.5 years of playing) because two players didn't want to anymore...
She were a super sweet shaman (we were playing Aborea not D&D, but that's basically a druid)
Her name was Ziranessa Valeris, but everyone called her Ziri. She got her powers from a water spirit when she was little. Her goal in life was to find the god that the spirt belonged to and learn about him (he's basically forgotten in this world) because she want to thank him for her gift of magic. She was super sweet and kind and was very peaceful. Great moments of hers where the one where she shifted into a wolf and befriended a wild group of wolfs which later protected a group of refugees who where camping in the wild, the party originally planned to kill the group of wolfs. Once she shifted into a cat and not only spent the night cuddling in the bed of the guard she was supposed to spy on but also later manipulated a tree to look like something else so she and the others could flee from that said guard. She also wanted to give away the gold of the whole group just to by some clothes for the refugese and later shifted into a huge ant/lobster like monster to build them a better camp.
She also got me into playing with accents.... I'll miss Ziri... 😔
She was my second character for that campaign as my previous one died unfortunately... And therefore I couldn't play Ziri very long.
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This was her.
Thanks for letting me tell you about her :)
damn sorry your campaign ended early!! ziri sounds fun and really sweet! love that she went out of her way to help people and used her magic for that. also the fact that her goal was just to thank a god for her powers. that’s cute.
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nephilimcreations · 2 years
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One of my favorite characters of all time - Maive Aborea. 
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blue-scribbl3s · 1 year
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Please ask before using my scribbles and do not repost.
First page of the little comic I did based on our Aborea campaign. For context our party had been trying to sneak around a group of bandits until one of our players got caught. And then my character got pushed into the camp too to make up for our bad stealth roll. >:(
It may not look like it but it took a lot of time to finish these two pages because I fully coloured it traditionally with markers first and then adjusted the lighting digitally. I'm satisfied with the end-result though.
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apawcalyptic · 2 years
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Her name is Aborea and she is a chaos gremlin. I'd say fear her but she would have to reach past your knees. /j
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therealvagabird · 4 years
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ABOREA – by J.C. Park
“Why did the elven king decree
That his land no foreign eyes should see?
The hidden city, when last revealed,
Did lose its most enduring shield.”
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Species and Cultures of Gaialon Pt. 5
The Lutranoa The Lutranoa are an ethnolinguistic group of sea otters native to the Hundred-Isle Sea, also known as the Malu'ahi region in their native tongue. The Malu'ahi is a vast expanse of shallow sea made possible by the the uncharacteristically high and far-reaching continental shelf on the southeastern side of Aborea. It is dotted with an innumerable number of archipelagos, atolls, islands, reefs, and cays, which the Lutranoa expertly navigate with their catamaran and outrigger vessels. Lacking any form of central government, they are a confederation of independent tribes, only gathering on the rare occasion that a council of tribe leaders is needed to settle large disputes and avoid open war. The Lutranoa share an uneasy peace with a collective of pirates who operate in some portions of the Hundred-eye Sea. Some tribes are hostile to their trespasses, and will willingly guide Victaurian and Alaraian trade ships through their waters to avoid them, while other tribes provide the pirates shelter and food in exchange for a part of their plunder.
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short-aktien · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oI0-tQi7nU)
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