#abeille legacy
sunflowerik · 3 days
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I love sunny mornings☀️
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goddessofspunk · 3 years
Thanks to {•.•} on Ao3 we have a title for part 2 of Paris meets Selina Kyle!
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-So Selina now has her 2 wonderful children she adopted
- She decides to stay in Paris for a bit and teach them how to fight because honestly these were kids
- Of course she insisted on the whole you need to support each other as civilians to be a better team so identity reveal!
- That kind of killed their crushes on another because Adrien is Chat and Ladybug was Marinette
- So know that they know they have fully embraced their chaos child personalities and are living life well
- Of course then Lila decides to start her whole smear campaign of Marinette and Adrien is like nope not my sister
- Selina also gets another Kitten when Chloe joins in the Catfamily (because Chloe deserves a redemption arc)
- Queen Bee is also back in commission after heroes day due to a lot of miraculous magic and using the name Abeille
-Luka and Kagami are inducted to the Cat family shortly after
- The Catfamily is also considering Nino, Alix, Kim, and Max for possible membership due to them having seen the light
- And part time miraculous users Kagami and Luka are also being considered
- All in all the heroes of Paris are now Selina's kids and she now has a magical artifact that turns her into a cat hero
-She loves being the holder of the Tiger miraculous!
- Selina decides it's time for Bruce to meet his new step children
Selina- Brucie guess what? I took in a couple of strays!
Bruce- That's nice Selina, what type of cat are they?
Selina- Only one of them is a cat. A nice black cat to be precise.
A bewildered Bruce- Wait did you adopt a dog?
A delighted Selina who is acting like she is an offended Victorian maiden- Heavens no! I adopted children Bruce! To think you thought I would adopt a dog of all things! I thought you knew me!
Dick who just fell out of the celling- You adopted what!
Jason and Tim who fell out of the clock- She what!
Barbra, Stephanie, and Duke who are in the now open doorway- Children!
Cass signing- Congratulations!
Damian as he steps over Jason and Tim who are on the floor- Honestly Father you really thought she would adopt a dog?
-Cue a bunch of shenanigans as Adrien, Marinette, and Chloe meet their step-bat-family
-Marinette and Chloe totally drag their fashion choices with Adrien adding in occassionaly
-Bruce is appalled to find out Selina know has a magical cat artifact along with a hero identity that is protected by magic! And apparently she has magical powers now? Who thought that was a good idea? And why is she a magic cat hero!?!
-As you can see Bruce is not taking this new development well but his children are exited about the whole magical powers bit
-Damian likes all three of his new step siblings since they have their own city and hero legacies and won't take his
-Also Marinette makes amazing pastries and appreciates his drawings, he and Chloe have a mutual respect, and he can appreciate Agreste's fondness for felines and can you talk to them?
-The rest of the Batfamily  love their new French step siblings too
Anyway I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. Everything has been so crazy since Covid started, but now it has calmed down a lot soo. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed part 2 of Selina in Paris! Happy Valentine’s Day guys!
Aella <3
Edit I totally forgot to add the tag list when I first posted this
Tag List
@g-arya @maribat-is-lifeblood @trashystar420 @novicevoice @dreamykitty25 @loveswifi @zotinha456
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kaleiyasims · 6 years
Blogs à voir
Ca fait un moment que ça me démange mais là, c’est décidé, je fais de la pub aux copains/copines. 
Blog d’Eaplouf : Bien que je ne la connaisse que depuis peu, je dois reconnaitre qu’Eaplouf nous offre toujours des screens fabuleux chargés en émotions. N’hésitez donc à à aller y jeter un œil ainsi qu’à son histoire “le miel et les abeilles”.
Blue8white : Côté histoires surnaturelles, Blue et sa meute des héritières nous propose un legacy autour des loups-garous qui est passionnant à suivre. Blue est aussi une créatrice de superbes CC et vous pouvez les trouver ici.
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Legacy Challenge : Camping
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Ils ont profité du week-end pour aller camper tous ensemble.
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Je suis si amoureuse de lui, regardez-le, il est trop pur !
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Aayla chasse les abeilles, c’est vraiment une idée géniale.
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Elle s’est faite piquer, qu’est-ce que je disais !
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Il a voulu allumer un feu de camp, j’aimerais qu’il fasse un peu attention quand même.
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Aayla stop !
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thebigpapilio · 6 years
The Legend of Phalène: My Prompt For “Hero/Villain”
Hi again!
This is once again for Chloé Appreciation Week. For Prompt #2, I decided to consider the idea of Chloé being the (NOT THE BEE) wielder, and (SOMEONE IMPORTANT TO HER) being the (NOT THE CAT) wielder. What I thought was my best idea here, however, was the idea of two Miraculous wielders using one Miraculous. 
Curious? Find out for yourself!
Phalène wasn’t sure if it was a good day or not for it to be raining. The water always weighed on Paonne’s wings, so she expected this to be a tough battle. That said, it weighed down on Mauvaise Abeille’s too, so the battle was mostly on the ground for the Bee and Peacock wielders. Despite the new factor, Abeille was especially powerful this time, and Phalène had barely been able to save the depowered Marinette from becoming the victim of a particularly nasty bee’s sting. Paonne wasn’t faring much better. Phalène had to do something. She’d always wanted to stay out of the visual fight since the fateful day she and Nooroo met. This time, nothing could be done - Paonne was going to fall very soon, if she wasn’t already done; heaven knows what Abeille would do to her. Transforming back into Chloé, she fed Nooroo quickly. Once they were ready to go, Nooroo gave her a heart-melting smile, (Nooroo was such a ray of sunshine - the only one she knew who was more sunshiney was Adrien), and for what could be the last time, she became Phalène. She jumped out, wings immediately unfolding so that she could fly to where she needed to go. Alas, just when she had finally arrived at the battlefield to deal with Abeille, she saw the newly monikered Bee-tch (Phalène had always been able to think up multiple insulting names for anyone based on their name alone, which impressed Paonne and other temporary wielders) take a defeated Paonne’s brooch. In a burst of light, Paonne was gone, and Sabrina freaking Raincomprix, her best friend (and apparently, her girlfriend too when as a superheroine) was left there, unconscious and in severe danger. With a traditional evil grin, Abeille’s spiked gauntlets raised up, preparing to strike the Peacock (Peahen? Chloé wasn’t entirely sure, and from previous conversations, neither was Pao-Sabrina. Right, vengeance). Phalène saw red. Raising her staff, she shot a small energy beam at Abeille. Enough to distract her and do damage (hopefully), but not enough to wear Phalène out early. This definitely got Abeille’s attention. An interested face turned to Phalène, and the ginger supervillainess lit up like a criminal being practically given what she wanted on a golden platter. Actually, that was almost exactly what it was, wasn’t it? Only problem was for Abeille, she was not going to succeed. Not if Phalène could help the matter. “So you must be the famous Phalène.” The tension broke and reformed at once. “I thought children were supposed to be seen, not heard. Sweetheart, how about you yield? Hand over that Miraculous and you won’t end up like your formerly flashy friend here.” Of course the last bit was a threat - her theory on Abeille’s identity had always been Sabrina’s stepmom Sarah, a harsh woman who left M. Raincomprix a few years back in order to rejoin the theatre crowd, her longtime passion. Regathering her thoughts, Phalène spat her words like they would burn her tongue should she keep them in her mouth. “I should ask you to hand over yours, Sarah Raincomprix.” Before Sarah could even register the fact she’d been called the heck out, Phalène used her second power. “SWARM!” All wielders had more than one accessible power - some just were part of the package, some were there and not there depending on the user. All Moths could make Champions, varying from 2-3 per day (it also depended on the user) Phalène wasn’t able to use Hall of Fame, which was a Moth’s strongest ability, but she could use Swarm. With a snap of her fingers, what seemed to be thousands of chunks of Sociae-shaped pure energy teleported in, forming a humongous ball of energy around the tip of her staff. Phalène had to make a command, or they would just sit there. Kill was not a viable option, but Phalène still had her plan. “Distract, dear Sociae.” With that, hell descended upon Abeille in the form of a storm of moths. They seemed to explode like energy balloons around the striped evildoer. They were not enough to be lethal, but enough to distract her. Speaking of which… Phalène swooped in, and in movement smoother than silk, the hair comb that 100% belonged to the Big Bad Bee Boss was swiped right off her head. Phalène was ready to celebrate now. Early as it seemed, she was done fighting a bee-themed supervillain who was more decisive on her decision to do evil than her own hai- Dear mothman, that’s Mom. Audrey Bourgeois, who had divorced her Papa around the time Sarah Raincomprix divorced Sabrina’s, stood there in the distance. An evil smirk was on her face, and the way it looked fitting for her scared Phalène. A now-depowered Sarah managed to snatch the Bee Miraculous in Phalène’s moment of shock, and just before the police (Roger wasn’t with them, Phalène barely noticed, but she wasn’t surprised) could grab her, she chucked the hair comb with surprising strength. It landed right in the hands of blonde-haired Audrey. OH. OH, NO. “Pollen, do the sting!” With that, Mauvaise Abeille became a threat once more; the only thing changing was the holder. Things did look bad; a still unconscious Sabrina, who Chloé would later learn was taken somewhere safe, was clearly unable to fight. It was all on the generally weakest Miraculous wielder (who would depower in… about 7-ish minutes now) to protect her city. The odds were bad, weren’t they? Well, years later, Chloé would tell anyone who knew she was Phalène that miracles happen, don’t they? As if she’d known how to do it all along, her Miraculous’ power was concentrated in her hands. Abeille - no, Mom - was charging at her, without a care in the world for her daughter’s safety (whether she knew or not) and while she knew, she just knew that she should dodge, any major movement would break her focus. 3 she’s getting closer 2 that spiked gauntlet is NOT looking friendly 1 aaaaand… A humongous shockwave of energy blew Audrey away. The light ball of energy in Phalène’s hands was thrown to the sky like a volleyball (except it didn’t come down). When it died down, an entire army seemed to be on their way, Phalène could feel it. This… THIS was the HALL OF FAME. Clearly, though, her mother could not. A second try from Chloé’s pitiful excuse for a mother was stopped in their tracks by the sabre & giant dual needles of the Adrinette duo (Chloé had moved on after she and Paonne started dating); a third was wrapped up due to Alya’s electrical whip and electrokinesis; a fourth attempt was stopped because Nino’s water cannon blew her into a wall. More and more Champions joined, but while Phalène was touched, she also silently wanted Sabrina to help too. Phalène and Paonne had been together since the beginning, and considering she was Sabrina, it was even longer chronologically (Chloé had not counted Brat-Chloé’s time with Sabrina as real time spent together). So she took out her phone and went to the recording function, watching André’s psychokinetic powers twirl his ex-wife around like a drumstick in a musician’s hand. Chloé was unsure how much of Paris had joined, but she knew that there were outsiders alongside what was probably the majority of Paris - Marinette’s grandma and uncle, Jagged Stone, and others had joined in too. It was a miracle (heh) that the comb wasn’t broken to pieces by the time Chloé ordered the transformed civilians to stop. It wasn’t even the slightest bit cracked.
That’s magic for you, I suppose…
Her powers ran out just in time for her to hide after sending her Mom in a holding cell. It was simple and complicated from there, really. The resolutions for Sarah and Audrey were simple - they weren’t escaping their punishment if anyone could help it, and if they could get out of jail, they would be doing service or something like that for life. All their possessions went to Chloé and Sabrina - most of that, however, went to people that needed it - kids in bad situations, the poor, and whatnot. That was more complicated. Sabrina recovered very quickly - the Miraculous helped a lot, Chloé imagined. That too was simple. What wasn’t simple was the dealing of leaving their Miraculi with Alya Dupain-Cheng-Agreste-Lahiffe-Cesaire, who had been chosen as the new Guardian after some old man had passed the Turtle Miraculous to her. Her want for information about the Miraculi made her a good choice for the position, and her skill with patience and phrasing information was good as well. Chloé had not cried for too long with Nooroo before saying goodbye, but Duusu (apparently that was Sabrina’s peaHEN-themed kwami) and the aforementioned ginger had needed to dry the others’ tears for a while. Chloé knew she would have to do what Duusu could no longer do. Chloé and Sabrina had known each other since about the end of école, worked with each other as superheroines since the middle of lycée, and so help them if they wouldn’t stay together for as long as they could help it. After Chloé and Sabrina passed on, both stories would become practically immortalized; the legacies of Chloé and Sabrina Bourgeois-Raincomprix were more popular for adults in that time period, but the more popular story (and longest lasting) were the ones of Paonne and Phalène.
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miracufic · 7 years
June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Gift or: Wherein Juleka’s Patience Runs Out
“Okay, that’s it.”
Rose finds herself hauled unceremoniously from their bed by Juleka, hoisted over a shoulder with a grunt of effort, and taken out to the little kitchenette in their apartment.
“I am sick and tired of you moping around like this, Rose,” Juleka continues as she plops Rose down into a chair and pulls up her laptop.  She taps rapidly, clicks twice, and turns the screen towards Rose.
Rose squints at the screen from within her blanket cocoon, then up at Juleka.  “What’s this about, Jules?”
“I talked to Adrien and Chloe,” Juleka said, “about how weird you’ve been on patrol recently.  Chloe told me everything.  Now, before you say anything ridiculous, read.”
Rose squints at Juleka for another second, then back at the screen.
“Dear Ladybug,” she reads, “Thank you for coming to our school on Tuesday.  It really meant a lot to me when you said that you thought that my drawing of you and Chat Noir and Abeille and Rena was—what is this, Jules?”
“Keep reading,” Juleka says, implacably.
Rose frowns at her, then scrolls a little further down the screen.
“Dear Ladybug,” she reads.  “Thank you for staying to talk to me about my bullies and for talking to my school about them.  They don’t bother me much anymore.  Also, I am sorry for trying to blow up you and your friends and also for burning down the school.”
“They’re thank-you letters,” Juleka says as Rose scrolls further down.  “Six hundred and twenty-eight of them.  Alya collects them on the Ladyblog, which you haven’t been reading.”
Juleka sits down next to Rose at their dining table.  “Look, I get that you’re worried that you’re not going to live up to Marinette’s legacy.  But I think that you’re missing the point.  You’re a gift to Paris and the world, Rose, just like Marinette before you and every Ladybug before you.”
She reaches out and wipes away some of the tears that had begun sliding silently down Rose’s cheeks.  “You’re good enough, Rose.  That’s all that matters.  That’s all that’s important.”
“Are you sure?” Rose croaks.
“I’m sure,” Juleka says.  She gestures at the laptop.  “And six hundred and twenty-eight other people are sure.”
Rose looks down, biting at her lip.
“Thank you,” she says finally.
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sunflowerik · 4 months
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new beginnings✨️🌧
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sunflowerik · 7 days
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sunflowerik · 2 months
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rainy autumn days🍂
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sunflowerik · 1 month
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"dear diary, I want to be his girlfriend"🌊
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sunflowerik · 3 months
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she lost her job so she returned home to her parents to work at their bookstore
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sunflowerik · 12 days
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a new life with you
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sunflowerik · 3 months
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they're just friends..👀
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sunflowerik · 4 months
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evening in tomarang🛶🌅
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sunflowerik · 23 days
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"why can't we be together..?"
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sunflowerik · 29 days
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"so are we together now?"🫂☁️
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